anbmii American. SCXBUKY, MAKCJI 18, 18T0. Itntlroad Time TAbics. tr. o. r. w.-Tiniii. I p; (it. r.. n. K.-wrt. Puiraloe l: I've 1 15 a ml Erie Alnll l'vo t.:i a m ril ' " 6 Sea ai Klnilr t " " 8:4u p in Mall "IMS am Brie Ex " 'Mpn KrlaMall, "lliTjpnil Kinljfrant Train West arrlvct t 11:00 a. n. STIAMOKIN DIVISIOX N. O 15. W. beii vh . rrir Sunbury nt 12 00 m At Sunbury 1016 m ' " 4:U0pm . " S:3upin US71U.E, HAZLE?jfT WILKEI-MRE B. I. Lmvt Sunhuru ft 55 A. M -,S:W Slid t F. M. iliTiw a SioiJury 11:35 A. M., li:20 mid 11 ns P. M. .-net D.invilte 10:16 A. M. ft:30 nml 10 P. M. .Ii-i-iee or DahviUt e:10 A.M., 4:40 and 7:15 l'l M. Br.iivicEH nt St. Matthews' Church during Lent. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday ot V. M. Friday at 10 A. M. Wediieiidny nt V,4 V. M., with a lecture. Scwlug bcuoo1 on Saturday nt a p. M. . Lh;ti.i;f.. Olive I.og.m, the great female lec turer, i!l deliver liCr popular lecture on "Girls," in SuuUjry, under tlio auplcc of the Sunbury Lyceum, Jn Saturday evculiig, March 13th. A protruded meeting bus been lu successful progress In the Lutheran Church, this place, for about two weckt past. Wo learn thut a goodly number buTo been converted. Wr have Just recieved a large lot of Blank Heeds, printed ou parchment paper of diflereut siziR, fiiusUtiiifj of Warranter, Bingle iintl dou ble Acknowledgment, Administrator, Trustee, (Juardian Deeds, Mortgage, S.C-, w hick will be sold ut reasonable rates. To ol's Sir.Si;iiii!KH3. Those of our subscri bers who intend changing then- plaau of residence on the coming first of April, will oblige us by Bending in timely notice where I hey wa'nt their paper directed to. Please Mute whore you move from as well ad 'where you move to. A little. care in thU reaped will prevent mistakes and save trouble. Mim Ot.ivi: Lon.vN Is to Lecture In this place on this .Saturday eve nib' , lini'.cr the ulisj le. e of of the Lyceum. She U one of our most popular ; '' tiireri. The Ward have made every clfort to j procure a tun nouseaiiiu we n.ive no uou'.i i nc ntir lcct irer will b au li-nce. ireeta.t bv a large an I latelligeut A m.' of the Aug-.i ta Agiieultiiral an 1 ; "'del, Ac. i:.jitie.:'.t-,.ral Assixduti-.-n of Nortlmmberluiut j Elizabeth R-ed, by her hext f, lend, Geo. Har viuty, will be held in the Law oiiiee of Solomon i ri-'on, vs Jno. Reed. Subpiaua in divorce award Mallcl;. Esq.', oil the llr.-t Tucvday in Apiil next, '-.1. Jno. Reed was a gilliint eoldler iu the .18th ut 1 o'eke-';,' V. M. '1 ha nu -nib. rs, and all mla rs j It-.-glmcnt, Pa. Vols., but was recently So ungal'- l-.:.,!ro'i i of co'i'.icrtlus Ih.-un.elve-- with the A3- I lalit us to Ivat his wife. t .t , r..!.i t, f!..-, V Shin- For. ni:l h. Cntlta. u:u: ;. .--: i 1.K--T! i;::.-Tli" : Li --au lectures thi.. This is a subject . coiivcrsiit, and as u;-'..l:v aw 1 piquant Olive latiir.luy, -'(i'.ils." j i which Olive Is thoroughly i she Is not for plain speech; an I e illuig thing) by t'u'r "blond.-:," uu 1 the brun.-tt ovi-rhauline; as ;':i y th-.-m e'v ;cli as their cutl.'.u.iii iVieu. to !:.-:ir uial learn. The s ul In lie girl, the ensiling giil. right n e.ii-, the will g :t such nn s seldom g t, uud i wll! he dei-ghl. d inpi r'.i:;; girl liie tho iin'ovlii;, and unloved i;irl, and the uiarryiug girl, will have to p-is- i:i r,-v';.-w b-'ire Olive I.ogju's caustieti.pi-.-ch. We learn that ln.-r h e! lire embrae.s her well known icws of th" "lee; u'r.'.uia." "riiNiTi.-its. A i.rire lot of all kin Is .:f farnl-tnr.- has ju-t l.c'-a r. ec.'.vcd from the c'.iy, at the. furniture, store of U. 1.. r.:ui l'-ulu.'.i, in Mu.'.iuic Hall l.ii:.l':iir. Kiinliury. ally l achc 1 with the late i-halrs, Ir.-lU'.-e-,, wiiVli ihe p.:h:ic is ia it.-Tlio-e v '. hiu r a ;r"0.1 will do c'i to call ie r!y. t. .ot ;: ! t i th- un l.-it..!-. Tliis'slore is now til i--st -ivies of b-Jte:u:.-. 1 '.hies, bureiui, lie., 1 to call and examine, and fashionable iirti- le Mr. R. i.-. al.-o pr . i .le I in:; di-pai tu;e::l, and ail Icr.i iii reciive ruiiiit alteiniui; ; la-t, i -hi-.-, !::.'-. ov -1I..W fell ! ..! Tr.- I., .lay i.. i.-t:t.-.-l Mi. )i',-lin ..inid.iy an 1 .sum!:: to lb i'c t ! of about live I h-r . 1 v :!c-:- dei!.. - Moil lay an.l Tm ) ii,.--1 r.-''!.i'iy. On Tuesday - v. . c.'. -iu vi: ll'-.l by a now 1 ; :v :-.vcn-.; of li-.j sear.-u, ;li: i. !...-.i J o'c'odi oil Wcd i - i.-'.l t i t!io d. .ih of a h-vi-l. I.i many p'ae..s il i ! 1 .. ids travel was en- T!i" railroad trains were all nn, a'i I ia.- :-.y I' d:i.t tr - I an 1 in 1 ii n in -y ai r; I, ha ! from two to i-s ati.i-1 1.1 ,. !: -u i-l, ami thi.n found it 'i ho t.i!ll ii I pears tlits Noith and We-t, s rap road trains w-re i ; Lie- tw 1..I U IV iCi.l I. . n ge r..l iu f l.'::c .::ii iu a i.un.b. r i.u.;l-c'y f.:.ii. i-s.-t.-i a i 1 Wi ne -u.v.- is f:wi till mi . wing. i '::, !. A-c. unts from M'm--..ii;, lui tli.'t.llli, siale that two t- three fiat in ih iih an.l Ol MMI ' mi: Nru Vi.tiii.ii'i-t Cm nru.-- ! 'f Hie L-itu.v r-.oui, In the has..' :1m li-t Ch'.iivh, took place oiii'uu-' la-p Ami , of IbiHiiii.e-c, it. v. Mr. ' ."ps-tsW.K.-l, of Wi'liiini.piiil, Rev. I :il. I ol.i r Well huo-.ll ililim-s ii 111- The i woia. though ' The o..a.h,..-iiflhi- u. w M day 'a 1. Li Mel'ah' , Jr. 1. II. Torre:, v 1 1-- prc-et.t desviie.l in -;..y M-1......1 i,;-.-t c.i.i: .. --:ilit i.i : linn of ew JO. 1.1 A. M rely a.s u 1. . lur- room, ami lor hem- , p-ii(si.s u i,:,c ,.f i!,e l.i-g'ct un l ' it ib e, as wl us one of the mint ; re. .iu i i. a! a p.aiance, in this see- i ui:y. 'lie- s-rii-ci: ;'f'iuineuccd ut ' , i u i the house was well tilled with a ! id au II uce. The sermon on th , ei I it Was I i : on ei was delivered by Li. hop Ames. 1M . : I'ail'rt, lit pe and ( h.uity.' Th" sub- ! that has olt. n engaged the iiuacra of , iiiw-t indue:, l and elqte:.t dhine.-, mil vn ; i i-iii h-ard it mote ably diseiit. ed f-r lu-av ' tif'.ll.v iiltistr.iteil. 'I'll.- Bisl-.wo hi-My com- ; h.lN- " - i I' ::... nt - I the "a! and energy of the congnga- j thai, not f.ii-u.-lth-g the pop-ilcr pastor of the . 11 - li, Rev. Mr. Evans, un l. r whose ministralious 1 ul. I I I.-, mis i!; iicciii.iplli hed. After j the ici-.i. 'ii, Il y..,i, lulu,, i:, vd I'.e.l a balance of ; about u.t.l l were y. t due s i the ebur-h, and tlui ' ..tje t was I:, e.-il, ! I Hi it aiao-nil. Few pTesent, i Iboll-bt it c.ei'd ue a .li-pli-l,. , but befiim the j e.iii.-ieuuthm .i.s il'..:.iiss,-, j.; Mj had l-.-.-i M-.-ai.-.I. la the all. rnw.ei s.ene exercises ' ii I'.uiiii-' li'i'i with ici,l sou;., .j ..y, Mr.' M'l :,!"-, .i th- iad. i-- f'i'Kl more was' c 1.1. Ii ,t'-l. 1 111 Il ..I ; I'. M. gu. in i v. .. !ug . ernion by K, i .i.wil.. r . :; it service com. , Mr. Mi-C-.L i w-s lua.l - I.i ' f il t aw. I. After tl is'.i , .li d ill il if J's '.i mere wa I i, II ..!.!' I I-l .1 it i-l I II . f it. 1 - - d I-l ;iy t" r.i id III..-1. .11. 1 1 1 1-, (Mr. E. T. I .1,1 1 ,lu the inuulu . i the -I. ir.d 0,tMJ. c.i l id I bl l.llporUI t I i in- k.uit.'.i il .a I ) I. I II.., I .l . s I'll a.--. -in , 1-hlii. ol id a iH-.llt llial f-it oi.l I I. -s, al l.-isl, I lne aiitiilpate 1. Yt.m l.r Die eliie'i h is r ul ntu.M I IJ,'AJO. II kill l ii .-j y I ubo'.l ."',' vd tJ loin) ,.li Ih tu la, li . Iln.r. "1 . , le'? w- d-'l. NIr. Cha. I) rk, i 1 . is it t!'il4 I Mi . ik. lb, . p'rfiii i in. I- l. ,.u t.. I j i i ' i. I i j .1- i l i. . "i u," ti . Mr. J do. V.'. sl Ibj tt. ll l'i i t'.i tt.l . Court rroelljic-j-ch Trn, 1870. SltfOie& tt A. K. BBICtt, MQ. SmwntT, MafcU 141610. Court met and Cpencd H 10 o'clock, A. M. Jndgcf Jordan. Bhlpmnn and Nicely present. A largo turnout of people from different parts of tho country and clfewhere. Co:i6tuble from dufercnt borotight, ward and townships made their regular rcturu, from their several jurisdictions, reporting cufcs of Violation of law lu sale of iutuxleutibir liquors, bawjy Louses, and other nulnncos coming to their notice or knowle Ige. These returns are made at the beginning of every term of Court. At 13 o'clock soon, tho Grand Jury was culled and sworn, tils Honor, Judfre Jordan, then charged thein lu his usual vary oluir aud able manner, defining their dntios tu point of law and fact, tu the finding of Uiiin of Indictment, aud the reporting of criminal practices either coming through the District Attorney or their own breads. Tho District Attorney, itr. 8 n yd or, la always on hand, and hU emlllng furs is ubiqui tous, ready cheerfully to do hU duty. A goodly number of lawyers are In attendance. What a goo3-looklng, whole souled set of fellows they nil are. There Is nothing Bullish about them. They are entirely nullke preachers, doc tors, mechanics and ull other men. Court aajouiued nt Viy, o'clock for dtnner, met again nt half-past oue o'clock, according to ad journment. Tho first case cUled for trial us fol lows I Com. vs Frank Rebucl:. For. and has. Lucy Bhoot, prosecutrix. Hound over lu the fdai of $300 till next term. Com. vs Joseph A- Gasa. For. and has. Emma Hunt, prosecutrix, llouud over lu tho sum of ?S00 till ucxt tcrjn. This Is one of those unfor tunate cased which deserves the sympathy of tho community.. It Is immaterial whether the de fendant Gass is guilty or uot. Some one U guil ty, bat the girl Is a poor orphan, nnd partly an Idiot. She was taken from a poor house w.hen quite young, and before she wu of age thrown out into the cold word, fricudleis nn 1 alone, the object of itJ poor charity, and subject, too, of Its mean cruelty. Society U to blame fjr the out rages and the wrongs Indicted upon poor and un fortunate females to a vary larjje extent. David Shapple was appointed Conttab'.o for j J.ickson township. , Anthony Buttingor vs J. Fharp, T. M. ShlniW, inn J others. Rule granted to show cause win- j ,.!;;llll.v sll0:iM not ba opened, and all other 1 1t nout ctin set aside. To bu heard on Monday I ucxt. Hauiiah Shoomr.n by her next friend, Moies Kuht' r, vs Win. SU oouiun. Subpiena iu divorce . ; :: .",;.:',::, the sum of ?CJ0 for his appearance at m-xt term. I Com. vs J. I). Iloyer. For, uud has. L:iina Lahr, prosecutrix. Hound over hi the, sum of $3U3 for the ai-pearauee st next tain. Coin, vs Malco-.n Evert. For. mid Ellz j, holh Clolfclter, pioseeutrix. Bound over in the sum of fl'.ua for his appearance ut next term. J Amos Kilter was appoint'-.! Co-.i:tnble rD.-la- ' w.ire to-.viiililp. , Com. vs Hleh .r.l Eh.enh -it. i-urdy .;f the j peace. Case co:.lluu-d till neM l .-nn, ui.d dc- j fend. Hit bo-.iwu oer in the sum of 3'.V3. Go. Hakcrvs Win. K S--auia:i. On motion of attorney f.r HaKi-r, who i.- the first linn crcd.-.i- i and purchaser of the rcmisi iu puivja-ica of w rit of i-c.-i. tx., and who claims the purchate ! money, the Coait tix -1 Wednesday, the ltth of j March at 1 o'clock, p. in., for reading heiid"s ' return. iK-is. 1 it Barret vs ilainu.-l Jarr .-t, Jr. n-.l'.e 1 sranlcd to slio.v caiisc why jujg-.ueut thould not ! be i-ct ii il uu I rea on- Ule l.' Com. va illi.iitt II. -nn. PusMu.y e.. unt -rfelt I Thouins. P. II ulfuuin, pro lei liter ; trui ' till! verdict, not irmlty. Com. vs Jel.u '.V. Ciarl.. Robbery uu l larceny of money. J. ii. Wie-t, j-rnHeculor. No Bill pri. - on - r tils! I,ar',-'i, Com. is Jolm Mi:, phy .and John R.isk. Bur glary an I larceny. John Fugleman, prosecutor. Tru- bill. Verdi'-t g-.:iit. is.-l.teneed each two years in pe'i'ieutiaiy. Com. s .Samuel .'.1;. lick. ".r. and has. Les ina ih. I -ii.-e, prosecutrix. Defi udant bound over In tile sum of cll'io for uppearauec at next term. Cwiu. vs i.'iiz.itieih Williams, Iieurv Stroup, Catlieriue stroup and Jacob Htn-up. Keeping a di -cr.'.cr'.y house, trubllht Eh.-rl'.ng, prosecutor, j True bill. Vcrdli-t. not guilty. Pioaceutor to pay COSt:-,. Com. vs Eii; ih Williams. For. aud ba. Sahilla Etierling, .-ro.sccut'r'.x: True bill. Com. vs Daniel Williams. For. und bus. Eliza Williauii, piosotutiix. Tiue bill. Two iudict-i.i- nl,s by same prosecutrix. Verdict guilty in b th c.tscs. Defendant fentenecd to pay a flue of? 3 to Overseers of Pqor to Jordau towns hip, costs of prosecution, and pay Eiizabelh Williuuis for lying iu expenses, uud maintenance of child to ibis time, uud pay lid cents per week till the chiid reaches the nge of 7 years. Coin, vj Win. l Snyder. heduitlon. Eliza, b-lli To llini unl, prosecutiix. Bound o'. er in the '.lnl of flli'H lor ills a pcarancu ut next term. Court adjourned till T.'-j o'clock, p. in., to hear a plieailoii for iie.'nseo met at the lime appoint ed i.ud leciivcd Mich applications, but deferred their consideration to another lime.. 'l'l imuv, March Mlh. f'ouit Met at t1 o'clock, a. in., according to aujiiirniiieut. Cl-url-s A. CournJ. lb-por: of Auditors con lllll.e 1. Com. s Anu Sweeny. AtMiult and battery. Mary CoX, iOi,eeulrix. True bill. Verdict not gailiy atil county for costs. Coin vs Ellrii Mouagau. Assault and battery. Ellen Maloy, pmsecutiix ; true bill; vcrdkt guilty j scut -need to pay 0 cents damages, i Jays in Jail, au l co.-t... Com v (' K Gingih h. Pcriury. John De walt, j roscculoi- j ignored roteeutor lor C-'r'.s. ('.uu vti Alfred M Moutelius. Larccnj. W Cavender, proi-ceu'.or ; bill ignored. This suit was brought for uha urtvt uf j-. covciiug a bug J'.r. Moutelius ;uichaed iioiy J. I. Mine iilout two )eai ago. rilueo the death of ' " i dives, ruiue t-i Ml. funnel uud laid claim ui-oli borfM, b'.icglo, Ac., which bud been sold by hl-nr. Ml- Muutilius iiluoed to lil0 up hi l"'l;'J.T hin ho wus 1 for luiceuy aud . ifavv ball for his uppcaruuee ut comt,luce which ; lliuu tho would be dUaillvc hai liel beta lieu J livm. tlo. AMrau. 1 CVuit u.tjouiueil lo l p. m. uit at houi up- , pwl.lti i. ! (' t r.'-.-.r M ludr, J'atrlik Keaiucy, J..ha ! Aetuti, aud 1'uliUk Ura ly. Contliey. A M i Fubtuicli, pioiieiilor. lictn.luut dlscbuik4 luwlion ia ihili uUurbtr, 0 W Itywu, Et. pro.icOior for fU. W II Abt4 swoiu a41duilli! a is altoiury l-i lAtHea la lbs couila ul Nouliuu.UiiUtta coau i . ' I . ,i it Mary Mm i At y ; diss Q 4.L1, I ... vuiwi j i.i.! !;u -c., ttui ii-(-4tr to j-y i- t I i. . M , ti ..;. -Iui . ti J. '.1.1 i I i. i ill I i.ii.. u K .i ., -I it. ..i. kn, .i. I J II I i u: I, u ..lib ji , .i il.t . . lu i. . ilUi, -i I a p ... .i u l Oi i.ii i .i i .v -.'t' ( tl l'. Itskttf lbs U,kiilH ttt U U- ed (DM, Thorn a Edward, at I be Donty House, hi thamokhi, on.ths E7th of list November, Gal lagher was arrcBtod for the offence,, but was dls Oharged for want of evidence Imforo tho Justice. Further evidence being developed, ho was re-ar-ruMed on last Saturday, and brongfit down to Jail at Sunbury.l ' . Com vs James Martian Assault ( Fred Dlbner, prosecutor bill Ignore! proscautor topnycotf, WunNrSJJAT, March 10. Old Tttrtut Hurse Vrotcctlrc Company Court decreed charter of Incorporation. Com vs Samuel Pyers Bawdy ho'.:o. ' V.'m. rnraol, couetablc, prosecutor ; truu bill. This houee Is located lu the lower end of Sunbury, aud Iibb been for bonis tlmn known oss tho ''Grcelan Bcud" House. Tho evldeue.) liefurj the GvunJ Jury was to the eficct that a bawdy house was kept thorn, that liquor-ami beer Wciu sold, that minors frequented llio place, nnd all this In viola tion of law. U a pitta rA that the proprietors and Inmates of the housu scattered, und eitlu r l.ld therjiseives) or departed, upon the nows of their arrekt. The Cuo caniiot therefor bu tried until Samuel Fecrs la arrested and brought before court. If ha Is not arrested in timo fur trial at this Court, he can be, when arrested, lodged ii Jail and kept thore till August t -rui, unless bull ed. Com vs Geo Browu Breaking Into a church ; Dow ning Heckert, prosecutor j bill Ignored. Com vs EMIs Bnthvon j Jacob Heckert, prose cutor j bill ignored. Cftii vs LMJa Dcwuld continue t'U next term. J A Cake sworn snj ndmltteJ us un attorney lu tho courts of North'jinbeiluud county. Tho Mahanoy und Broad Mountain It. It. Co. vs The Locust Gup Improvement Co Appeal withdrawn la this case, unl report of viewers couuruieJ absolutely. Tm riPDAT, March 17lh, 1ST0. M M Mnrple vs A U BtoiPj Validity of an hb- I sigumenl, made by Hainaliuan to Stout for the ; Ii i in of Hunselmau & WoVolt, in the uljsnice of I Wo'.cott, who ran away. Verdict in favor of lie- j fen lu'it. ' j Tin Sunhv.ry Orchestra Decree o'f lueorja-ra- ! tion ille.l. Mm v Myi is vs Sylvc tor M;-jr Supitna ia divorce awarded. Court niijourued till P.; o'clock. Not many in attcndmicc on account of ttorm, The balance of the proceedings will be given next week. S"OUTULMf..lUI ANO (A I' NTT A0!l lUft.Tl 1IA I. MritTiNQ. The members of the Northumberland I county Agrieultural Hoclety met lu the Court i Houic, Sunbury, March 1-tth, pursuant to notice. The President being absent, on motion, John Mo 1'arland, K-q., was sailed to the clulr. ' Ou motion, tho meeting adjourn" J fioiu the Court room to the Arbitration rocu.i. j Ilill'creut modes were suggested as to th - nmii I ner of loting for the selection of the place to u-m t-. wst county Fair. The places named being V:.t ;oiilown aud Turbut ille. On motion of Jos. Bird, Esq. I!cf l '., That each member voting, shall e.n.lors hi monitor fhip ticket with the name of place tu hi choice for holding the Fair ut. Isaac Vi::ctiit and Win. Savl.lge w ere appointed t'll-.-rs of the election, wl.lcU resulted i;s follows : Tiiibutville received 1 Votes, Watsoi-tow-.i " M " Turbutvlile was the.i ih.v'.urei the plute fa Uo'..r.!i;r the next County Fair. The following olli.-er were then c'.c-.-tcl fur the i coming y.-ar : 1 Presi lent John McAuinnd, of Wat- o ' Vice Prtsldiiil :.;. II. ii ivi ie. i i.;ccret.i:y Thos. B.ii r, ol'Tnibuttlllo. j Cor. rcilary (i. W. Arnirtrui.j. j Tieai uicr Will. Suvidgr. Executive Conimitteo It. II. Barto, jeorge ) Wvltoil'. John F. Denth r, James Heun, C. I'.jm ; Loy, Wm. Hoo.1, IJenj. Mengis, K.iuc Vinc.-nt j a-iJ i-.l. Gold. On molh-ii, udjouriied. Kiv::i:.-:r::. Riverside, the new town opposite ' . Danville, bids fair for a lively nex;t sum- i ! mer. It i.i by ull odds the moil inviting spot fur il subiiiban reside-ice, that could be found ia I ' this region. Not only .-o, but it will soon acquiro ' I uu Importance us a husiaess place, provided that ' : greedy, grasping aud soulless monopolist keep i j their hands oil'. Dauvi'.lo has beeu crippled und j i retarded by this blighting inCuence which has j i .n cl the curse of many a promising commit- ; j nity. Knowing this, we hope that KivciviTc may i grev.' ii like Vinelaii I, New Jersey, w here the i i charier the cxi'tence of a controlling ', 1 monopoly of any kind, or any department of i ! businets. This was laid with its foundation, as : i being essential to general prosperity. And so it i i ; inutiuil trade is the key to success, and the j guuruutco of commou prosji-jrlly aiiuirf any ! people. But when a controlling monopoly lays ' its iron haud on u growing community, it is ' I doomed. It Is the i'ucbti. that consumes its : substance and sap; its vitality. The railroad and j business facilities, the beamy of its location uud ! the fertility cf its soil, give to Riverside itdvun- ' taifes seldom sut passed. Jhmeilli American. MiPfiiij'MAN Cnoftgi! K. l!on:u, bou nf Tho- ' mas Bower, Esq., or Snydur county, is suppose-J : to have lost his life in the oecah disaster on the ' Sid tilt., In the collision cf the British mail steamer Bombi-y, nnd the V. S. Corvett, Otieid.u lie was an exemplary youu r.iau aud full of , proinise. Mr. Bower was appointed a cadi t to, the Naval Ai adcniy at Aiiuapoila, Md., lu 1S01, ; and graduated 111 due course of time, wilh honor and Ul tiuetiou. After a briif vacation he was I assigned to duly in the Asiatic Squadron. In j September last he left Yokohama, Japun, fur homo to bo promoted, but ou his voyage was j shipwrecked and was icscuej after great difficul ty. After getting Into port again, he was order- -e l cu the Oneida, iu older that he might return home to receive his Ja.-tly merited honor by pro- motion, and on bis way to meet fiiends und loved one-, be met v. l;h this sad fate. Foi-Ei. The Snyder County Tribum say : j Ou bsturduy night of last week Walter Keiilir, ! confined lu our county j ill to uwuit u ucw trial, made uu uusUcccsMul utteiapl to escape, tioine ' person tucctedeil iu gelling a smali saw capable i of tawing lion lulo his cell, ami with It would have sailed through Ik-; irou Luis In tj.e window In the hall tad lit not been discovered In lilt c, William Kcsslcr, a brother -lu law uf the prlsomr, i wa. in rest c I, ilmrgcd wilh luiulslilug BehUr ' with the taw. He gsvc ball lu the iuui of (J5J , lot his ! 1'iai jtice ul court. A couvibtkiu of coal opeitor, leprc s.-iitlng over four uili luut of ton, ut helj ut Poll.ville, ou Tuetday latl. 1 h conviulloii ugreed ou tho (s-iluaiu; baoltl Willi coal ut l.'.bJ per toil ul I f-ot Cuib .il, o.llil lo WHus, tJ; ill -lie Wages I I lv), miners' a:, 1J per wctkj couiiucl uik j it luei-4 ibliljr ptr t-aul.i al! advance twoi-lj per ctul. at bttdofoit. W leara that Jut. 1. T omlr, Lat vaal4 tUt puthioti of tout ui lor, on Hit fitsstiifer Iiu'.bco iba khaui-'kln P.iltUn of lb . I. I'.i.l.w.-.y, runidu,; bdattn Ihlt mj Vi. C-fUitl, IUum 6o lratl tht ruul ufuu, kill b tony lu It.. I a of Ihlt, kt i.i w ou ul I butt uvrub aud oblliuu eoudU' lujt wa somcUmu i bjn t in unit uh,bo ait lwyt o4c4oiUi( li,. .it lb. I -i.i4 i tiitifoiuta. Ml. b. S. in, u wob lu-i-r t ull.- S. L. iUdra), u t il. : uit t, Li. 1 1 w a a p4 -lid lu It Jlatt uf Mi i .(..nil. Mr N.iiu m 1 Ui fon b i a ktu I i: j ;t.Jlt4fu lljatiAhi Our I.orftI Carpot-I5ng. Nrw Fashlooed bonnets ahow no Increnift In but conaidornble In prise. It U Bald that an cfl'oit wlil bo tnado to build a free bridge acrms tho tivor at Dauillc. Tub "Shoo Flt," a new nijd "Nobl.y" Hat, and the Spring Myie of Slik Huts now ready at 8. Faust's Emporium, Market Solium. Tub robins and i,had flies have put I.i an ap pearand at Hairlr btir. A KILL Is now befom ll.e Lcgl.-Uiture to la -or porute the fins Company. irnn inn im worthless chancter (w those who uro to Wxy to earn n decent llve.1l. hood), were to die at oueu, It would be illllicult to Hud room cnmmh t- li -.r.- them. Wn learn from the r.,tt.svlllc .Vintre' Journal that there Is gool renson to believo that the par ties who murdered Buchanan, the Watrnmnu at Kastwiek colliery, near Shamnkin, week befo lust, will lie. upprtlieiide.l ,.u.l brought to justieo. Tim "Girl of the Period" looks as If she wero all hea l. Tiring out her ennven ational powers you discover that the has more hair than head. , D. R. Cim.i'S has served out bis sentence by the eouit for th.l'.outi'igof U. Moid joinery, Esq., at the coanty Fair lust lull, aud wua releused last week. We arcln lebted to A. N. IJviw, Esq., fr tho able manner In which he ivported thj Court ;ro ccedings for this paper. n '.ilo open SfW HAKicnv. .r. . H.1!is lat .,ri,,l:,.iT..Hir.i5ui;l i!. .I,.,..,' " "v , - - "l"ii, in this place, ins s:i;e room win be on E l street, below Market, wl.Ve he will ko,., u jjj,,,, - . f .. .1.1... , l...: ' ut oft!,!! Mexican war, i.i he Volunteered At a special m etnnr or t'ct Grand Lodge of ; his services as Snrjeon mid l'hy d. Ian, an 1 I.O. ofO. F. held l:i l'hilalelpliiaon Monday cee. led to Philadoliih'a to loin the IWnvlr ml i evening last, a chaster was printed fir a Lodge 1 nt Muu land on this county to be called Montaii-! douI.odgoNo. 701. huiteis ai-rc. gi-uii.od fur; the other Lodges In the date. ! Tit Fort Augusta Building and Loan Asm- i elation will meet on Thursday evening, nnd tlie ' Sunbury Loan nnd Building A: sijeiatiua ou Fri day evening next. Wm. T. H.MTiVfl, No. lil.1 Chestnut "l., F!,i;:i. delpliia, whuse .'.Vi Mli i'i have been sc,V,'i,.ri,t;v j liitroduee.l, and so favorably r'-ccivi-d aiuong the 1 ! fair , makes his iippciuali-.. aL'aiu la Hie at). vertisin.; way 111 this Issue. Lea l b,s a ir. Pi:ti:k Smith, carpenter, full from the roofer' R. M. Erik's Finoke house on Saturday la t, , Milking on his shoulder and bruis-i, hiips.jf severely, but v. Uncut Lrcakiiig any botes J'; I feniua. Mahanoy Criv vs Incorporated a a l.ei-i.ui'n ! In ISC", and now numbers a population of e..v.o, I It has ten gra:b-d public F'-boo' wlih an aver.iL-.. ' attendance of -even liutielic;'. pupils. lis ra'pi.l i growth and Importance Is oi. leg to the fact ib-it ' it Is the gwerrnphicul centre nf the anthracite ( eo-il baiin. ! Tlis Beard of Director of the Pimh.ity a--, I I.cwistown Railroad ni.-t at Selli'si'rove on Tiles. - day. Arrer.gc'r.en's were m.i-1" to pr. pr.rr bonds . fur n.u'.kct ; uiii i'l-'upiiin started tu Phila delphia il.o lic-M duy to secure fund- lo i".unp!e.2 . tho roaJ. It is understood that work on the ; mud will be commenced hi a few days. JIUU'U I bn-j !.t. ' Tl.:! deelelwii of the Cunt In the case of the CattawiiFa Ruilioad Comp:my, against the. P. A : E. r.Ailroad Company, was tiled, on Satiird-iy i la.-t, by Judge G.nnble. The decision is in favor ' of the Ciitawissn Co. ; th: Court n-fiisiug to dis- to'.ve th; preliminary iiijiiuet'ion ohtaiia ,1 by that : cjuiiemy r.-strainin Ihe P. !: K. Co., from iiiuk- lug any alteration l-i the time scheluV us r re-p-irtlon t i:o Mth of November hist. lIVi'i'-vi. tport Standard. I Mi'SH AI.. II. B. Me.sK-r, s-.ece?ser to Masser . i Il'.li, has made arniugciueuts to receive the ; latest and best music. Also tine hromos and j other pictures, picture frames und mouldings, . niusiea! Instruments of all kin-Is. "Ai.wj.ts in TiMi:." New goods at the very laleel reduction. Beautiful r-piing styles. Prims, Dress Goods,, hhiit Fronts, Ac., Ac, Ju-1 arrived at Moore A Disringcr's, and arebein offered at "fp-ei.' basis" prices. Luu't fail tjcall In at Huiipl's Irju Front. Ghhmavtows Ti:i.!:(,uii'n. This old and re liable a gi icult urai and laniily . iiewspaper, com menced its forty-lirst Volume n the nth iu.-t., an ! made Its appearjuice iu handsome suit of tew type. .The JVr.nio'i is one of tho largest, and abiCst paper.-, published in the Stale, und ban, ns It deserves, a wide circulation. Its terms arc i-13,.10 per annum, In advance. , New- Fiftt Cent NoTrs. Mo b is for the new fifty cent notes liavo been completed. The'sijj j is the same as the old ones. A vignette of Ihe late Hon. E. M. tltanton, pronounced a most cx ' ccllcnt likeness, und executed by o:ie of the best engravers In the United islntes, will ornament the left end of the note. The oilier end for tho ! space of uu Inch will remain blank, for the p.u--: pose of showing the locuIUtc.t silk libi-, which will be so introduced as to make it a di'tindhc i feature, of the note. It will be rem inibcn-d this ; paper Is only manufactured by Hie ilovcrnnient, : and that or.his have l.e.-n r -eenlly issue I by gee ' r.-tary Boui-.vell forbidding tli b: iugiiig "I .my pap r in this de-i l llou fnuii uhroa I. li.iviu f..ilcd to prevent count, rfe'uing by engraving, it ; Ii bcli'-vcd tlie plan ado; t-d will be 111 t--t al' ' guard i at least it increases the difficulty cf prj- imf atini-.s. riCitut'sTaWi'. liiiAiN.M-.ii'.s MisiiAi. W.ii:i.:. Th-- March number of '.bis Valuable musical m.iiilh.v is re ceived, lille I lo uvei'liowing wilh l-eai'li'-il new music, t.oih vocal and iu-i rtinn-ntal, and int- r tsliiist reading lin.tler. Tim pic-e-nt I. umber citiluiu --Only 'i l.iii'-," so.i and i-a.-i r , --S, eet l lo, h i, 1-1. nl. Ic:a oj'pariiy, ' a biauiliiil ballad, and the '-Robin 11 I lli.-a-t S-huilbeh," for piano. This music cl'ii- is woith i-l.ini the j rln- of the M I bl.'AI. W..KI.D a year ; and lu ad dition to this amount of i In .ice 'tun-ie ..u h month, a great variety of va'uuhi- and l.i.-t rue live r. : !iu laalier is giv.-n, cousisiing uf mii-ieal eh.-teln-s, stories, tii.u, gossip, hints and liitelli-eiiee liijiii all p.-1 Is of tlie win Id. W e udute ull our reader who arj niiisieady iuclin.-d to scud fl.HJtofi. Bruin il l A: hous, Cleveland, I)., uud lliey will rec -ive llie MisiiAi.WiUil.n o'ie y.'-ar ; u send leu ccnis, ami .eeiui-u c-'ples will li-sci.l by return mall. Ad lr -s tho publisher.-, B. iiiala aid A ri.iiii, ( icveiaii'l, BiinisM Ukv;kw ?.--Tte I'.n-e i.-pil il-. of the reviews for J .nu ry I...R- u-ci i--u. .t Lv the I ciinard rs. .11 Put. -islilny I 01,11 any N, Voik.. ihi . vrtU iir, : contains afl I.i lori. al ai llelc ou "Th. 1 Hi. ... ol A i.n lean M ile Uiiil ," one ill lablon..i. u.ij A-s.:.iii l.ituaii -," Ihreu pol.-.icui )iip. n, nam- !y, ,'llee.-uli,ill.a. lion iu r"i:iii.-e and t'rutia," ' l. ni l 'Icuu tct," mi I "'I lie H. ;s "lliu ei vl I li- 'i .'i .v I'my," Utld l"J lil-laiV mill, o,.e on :i:i, ' llie oilier Oil Alllol.ioj-li, ti,-a." Ihe s'.-l ll-s 1.1 I'lllptilniy I II. 1,. I, lie !l. 1. Il It l. . lie SU. I uii l.iip.iil.tiit leal 111 1 01 lb- r.-.'. s iin.b r il. 1.1 w IllilliUuk.'elltel-t, i. In ,1 tl.isl.UU t'l.iod, and op lis wilh u It loin kab'.'i ut. 1 le .11 " I be II .l ul." aiil.-lt III l.lll.O.rwl II. I V, also h.iil.t'e Ito- 'l.ili- iile-. I n n, ,u,:, Mr. l.c-kv'a Ill-lay "I Eillol.-il Moral.," J l.iit!.i'.',,'"'i'h ml il, ' an I "All.. Mom t in li bit Ii .11 it'll ! tli.i'.li I I I'.e I' ll I oil " 1 1..I.I ll.sll'iU III," 111 l', a of 1 1. - lie i. . .,.l," -S, .ibiii-l .11 1 oi.r I' ilu, .1 V 1.1. 1 ," l .1 Su:Uu unl M.I fold," sk I " I I I.. Ii ('4:1 Iik.i.' Ituiliieta .Ntlltt. Cloiuisa Ot . ki. it J. H Huiiik h .K I114 1. 1. 1 .it hi I tut ti- u 1 ipi I ) d.-t.-win j ol fj, t b luUtl l..l l . am I 11 '(In tit! of tullt .. 'uili bp 1.1 let ' Isb I'll ll-'l.l, til. b l iiul. u III- A UM tu hi I aiiui- b-t it 4 j'i . AB (won IB OoLn. This expression was mado ft few diys ago by one or Win. IT. Miller's c,i l v m'i-s, when 1m whj a;d;d it was as j-.cil i-.s g-.iii, wh"ii lu replied t !n. t Millar soM h! :;.! t and Ldioe. ro lnw tii.-.i ('. d'.l!'. r -nc: lu , othe.r r.l:-.l.:Miii:i.!is was lx-'ow the prfiniutii on irold. . M liter h-.c food stock mi., sells eiieap. To AVOID ta:ics, en to J ici.h O. 1! mid pm- cure a nishn:i-ibln unit of (' -thlmr. Ill, UM nl.ftlb.l r.i..,-ia...l ...oi ,1. . a large amount of t ,x. wiil b curlnsr ynnr eiolliine: of him. found nt hi.- i-hop on Fourth mi "a sal -I iy J sill a'way. "Pown wilh the taxes," s:i;., Um. "Voil ain't I re hielii': my t ixe," says Tom. "How do you do iti" asked 11111. "Well, I tell you," says Tom, "I go to Julin F. f chaffer an 1 procure nil my ch thlng of him and then by save cnontf'i to pny ull my taxes. Why the 'liir.Te'ico ia ona suit will pay all my taSei o:i a l-.o io an i lot." SchaiTcr mil the talloiirg shop cqqu-sitc the Central Hotel. At Kerantnn, nn tuu I iv, th i:,'th la-t., of aii pnplrxy. Dr. (iKO. W. MAfKEll, age I 51 years an 1 l!l .lays. The deee:i;ed was a brother of the S"nior ciltor of this, paper, II. B. Masser, and of Dr. J. B. j Musscr, of this place. lie wu born In Sunb.iry, on the of .February: lsiu. In 1S4J. b- t.i.i.."i. i te f at the Pennsylvania Medical Colleire in Miilu- ! dcii hia. mid short tv ft...- ,.,... i it,. ! ; .. ." - ,,.uiu.-r i, iiidlicine in Lel.i 'h couiitv. In 1 s 11 . he i-ii. novel to Mauch Chunk, und soon acquired a large practice in hii profession. On tlie brcakimr reginienls,hut through ths Influence or his liien Is, was induced to return to his young wife und child. His brother In-law, J. J. Albright, Esq., having taken ihe.iirc, as Supei intcii.lent, of tho extensive coal opci -itioas at Scrantou, he was In duced, In 1S:VJ, to locate in thai in w and growhig place, now a city of SJ.OtJJ Inhabitants. During the lute War bu ag-.Iii offered bis services, mid oeei-plr. the position of Brigade. Surgeon ct For tress Mo:ir.;e, au:( on the battle lields of Tjun'-s-see. As a physician he milked aiuoua the best, and always couiniun Jed a large practice. A3 a ! sur-'.oii, Ids : l.ill an I expere. i (i; plae .-.i l ira at the head of lies roi'es.-ion. Ii.: leaves a wife and ' Circe. hildn u to m ui-u i!s loss, two of the hit- ; t.r, daunhters, grown up into w omanhool. He w.-.s suddenly cut oil' in the prime of life aud in tlie lui.h.t of his Usefulness. i At this pla.-c, on Monday last, at ihe resideniv 1 ol Mr. Samuel Go'. in, Mrs'. SUSAN SIHNDEI., relict; of the late !! v. .!. ). hbimlel, aired V I Veai, i mouth- i'.uq 15 ilnys. " I 1 he deceased was burn at Lebanon, Pa., on the i -I t .f October, K;si. i-heMirvieed I. er . I, i who die 1 in mole than sixteen ycaiv. .hc ' c:i:.:i-j to thi-. j lace iilout tin. year HPJ, at the ' time I'.ev. J. p. L-liin;!. 1 took charge of the Lu- ' lie.-i.ui congregation in Sunbury, bis pastoral ear-: extending to in my other cnnt'rc-at'ions iu t'.i- ai:.! Ue- , couici.-, ; she ; -i-.i.iia;i.,' f;:- thai, i;.;;v years in hi, i:-e!'.:liic.-s una ' c! : i.i.oi, ,ml during that long period enjoying th-.-tuiu and love of this community, and ull ''i.h whom his position a-; a pioinia.-it cltixry inaa lie.- in contact. Sh- o-.-cijiicd liic ol I Miiude! -nej ou Walnut strict .for more ' than I..,lf.i ecntary, but remove 1 to her son-lii- ', 1 1 S Mr. s.imii.-l Gobin, idj.jut eighteen inoi-tl-.s g-S wheif .d;.j received :ho kind atteLt-ou and' care ol hi r il.n'eiiler until her life terminate I in ihe tra-iqtiility of a Christian hope. Mrs. Shln-.1-1 wa- '.! mt'i..r of twelve children, ciht of of vb,:., ;.,., ;z. K, V- j. -l;1- (.i.i,,. .':!,,.npbt,, touuty ,'. ,;, MLI:id..l, l-sq., r iseii,i-e..-o-, , ,7. p. Shliidcl, of Middlibiir" Mrs. lierj. I!ci; l-,i ks, of Sunbury ; Mrs. Samuel C'.obin, f .-.-.nbury; Dr. D. W. Siila.lel. of Sun- . hui i R. v. M. L. Mtii. Ie!; of Sclinsi.i.ive, una P. M. Shiinl.-I, lis,,., ,,f Sunbury. Her grund 'chil'lrcn !iua;'..-ri:-, lu rgi-cat-;raii.l children 7S. Her rcei.iia, vi-rc fulloiied lo the grave ou ' Thursday last, by 1;. r naxs-roinj d..sci n Jants relatives and I ": uiU "X Siinitui a-i;iu A 1'roJiice .1!i:i-Lot. COIilllV Tl.Y 1VI.II!; I v nv .,i:utNoi:!t 4 111!'). CHAIN Choice Vli -;-i II st Amber, Win-., i- Cora K;o.' O it-, (:; b,., : Best Amber, W i.ur, per si " ' " b :.- Corn MciJ, pr cut Bl TTUli New York PemisyU.n.m le.,! Eons Per loz. a 31 cats Dried Ii. if, p'rVi Smoked Matlwa. . . . Vcui,.,:i I. Ann per lb Fimi Salt Whit- I'ish.'V.i-r " Trout- 1 " Cod .. Fre.-h Mia.l Vl'.dl-.TAI-I.ns Turniis','i'('j''t;i','V... Potatoes Onions ' . ! Bf-ins, l,-,1;,..t. 1 1 .-mi ii v, .. Vuim Fitt iTs Drie.i " l'.- ..-..v, ' '' " Ch.-tri.s, i " Blaekbcrrie- . '" K-'-lhcrrics.. . (..UI-.I-S Ai-l4a-.s per barn I... SI E-i I-1 . . I" la) O'l ...111 is l ....I". .. i;- i ii - W HI AM OH IX (tU TUMI I. EAT AND WEST. SlIA.IoKIN, M..Kll l'l. lv '. 7'" cut for week Clidiu Vr !u-l il- pint March PJth To same lime last year. Diw-r.-ase UOItOS OF i IlllliK.' N l"s l-.ri ol 1 ..ui'.ia'ui' ihe I-'f,i,.,( l-f ' k . 01 1..1I.!..-. .. .1.1,11 mv ului ,Soei.,, Willi 11 lueliln.r len.,1 l..i- 1 I ... . . " 1.1. ... : I.. . : K llo, .baiec. Addles, lilVAI:!i Af, Box, P., Pinnule, Via; Pa. 11 ' D.e.liibel II, I. t rpu t nSM Mi'iivis.- it,- a .i 1 1 ii 1. Illib-a .-.-loe I l I..U.H, a , r, b li a ivi V rinipb- i .-iu- !.., tli'T In.i t.-V- lill l-.lls VI it ifc II i i- lllli' - sill!.!,., I .In .id dis. i.-i-, C..i.-lll:..!i'id, UIIX ut li l'l. Il.o 1,1. t.U II lo .1 lel.ul 'tutb lit 1 1, Uu- Hi , I " ' -..!..,,.,. ,., M 11,1 I, ,-,,),V pte. Clip! i.lll U -id ( lie.- of ill ,-e ,, , (i, I. out loi- pi. 'Ui ina and II .li.rf Ihe .in-i I . .. 11 .! 1. . .1... i , .. i, I. .... I . . . r iin ii. i . li l.r , . i i, i. . u .... i.i.r. (on loS-tlUl'i. I-IIUI Hui.M 1,11.., lie. Ihe.lje.l i U ,, ' " ' '" I i I,, the n .In I I, an I M .. . I oil"! in. .11, i, u),,,. eo:ii'' lie. l'l be 111 t .1 1 11 illie j u h- h.., , ni h. t e,.,) I lb. II, , '.in, i. i mil til nit rem.- ii, ut w 10 i lioll Ull fi I,: p. .in., i ad In tt, W.'t M ..), i U ll I i- I I " I I I .lll Kill ,. I.n. t l-A Mill . WII.m.n -ii, .' urt;, l.-i-.t t ounly, Si y, i' ink. i'.a iOl III v,... f II I l'l Ml II ul,,, li 1,1 1 p 1 . ..lui - 1 on, l' ' '. Ill, Villi ol .i'l , ,n. 1, .in..., bo i. I, llie I., 4 I 1 l' o 1 . 1,,. , , , I, III I.lll... 1., J I' 11, I , ,, t till dw tw I., .,11 Juii Ol.lil S ' I I l.r. I . ii I.--. I Iwi 11. J . li 1. n .. 1 ..I- I. rmi. 4 i 1 I lit. ' t'S I li u U I- I I" I 1 "OIltllMVl, Tt-.n ConfhsKlon fan Envalitt. TJ-j;jI..MIF.n for lh. b.-.:ic!i! r,f youn mci - 1 tli'"'s fUMe,' t nc-jas la unity : ; '.m i'T the me.-m.- .',f ore. tWlttm ne M ho r I hhnn-'l'; an I sent free on r.'-ee-lu.'- -i ih t ' il 1, ilhwt.;.) lv.-h.pi. A 1 iicss ii Nif.i. M A Vl'AIR,, N. Y. ' 5. riOU. Cm s. ' t' (a! j l 'i i L Tit T.r n ' f. ii r i 1 1 t . n r ' v.o 0M no pri-oare m l.i.iitsii rii clasres constant ein- ; plnyill : t 'ic sr. ut tt lvr.ii , the whole of the time or for uctits. H:iinut s in'iv. Ilj-lit andrro- I j:t JH -.hi i. Pcrui ins of cither 'ccs easily cam from f)Je. to 6! i.e.r c.f'iinr:. nnd n t.rnn.,rtl,nnl sum by devoting thiir wi.ola tlrno to tliu bu-Jnasa. lioya and th is r trn n irly -as much ns muu. That all who eoe. tbis nolle!' ti;ny f-hn -I tl.ilr n. dress, aad tei.t thn b ran,". we m ika this m, p ir.illeled I To such us ulu not waif R iiislled, wn will icii I (1 to pay foflho .ti-oub'.e of wrillnu. Full particulars, a luluublo Hyjpl,' which whl (l-i to commence work on, 'umi a c-oy of The l'enlr'i Literary Comj-anitn one of the Inrgett an. I best family newspapers published all sent fice by mail, lieuder, if you want permanent, prolitublu work. Address E.C. ALLEN A CO., Augusta, Maine. December 4th. HC0. 3mon. O .m o E2 0 I ri ' H H 3 tC N " bJ s era tars o . i ara-i ITJ ' pi ! H Ci M H I w K hiiirnjji! Kj-:::ris:i ' NOW READV ibTI EVERYBODY". OATS. .! AJ IOT.IT03:. QOI.OMON MAI.iCK, of 5 -.lihury, Norih'd KJ ei u my, I'.i., olTt-rs, !r -i.i'e at the prices an-u-t.:-I. ;h- f'.llw..;::- see U, r.ilsel in his farm near .;-::-,bi!ry. Itain.:. 5!u'j the:e -ij.ds, he refers i.i t:,.-::i !-.nov-i: rl v : Till: "NEW I.l:UNdTiCK OATSj" is a very early variety of w hile, oats. It yields well even 0:1 poor soil ; is of the heaviest Oiits In cultivation; tstraw large and very ilrm. iu the best soil il will'grow fix fed without lolirlntr. Mr. Newbol.l, the intr.Klucer, suyt . ' 'These oats will show for themselves, au l nee I only to be si eu to convince anv one o!" Uiei!- Vx-celle----, l-.-iv, ; p.;i.n;i with a Ui-l- fulV rain." l-'as! hull Mori Is, of J. -lelpiti.i, says: "Jj exc.-eds in vvei'h-, brlgut-ie-s and general up. peurance tliins. ue have ever sceu of the oat family. ' W. II. Whit", editor of the .S'.iiM-rri CviHiat'.r, i't Alliens, (ia., says: '-The New Brunswick ei.its is a ! -a'ltiiii! cji-nin. Wa have never seen It :-:irj.j' scd, if eiulal-d." .Mr., ;.!' Vol!:, cays i . "f r:t(sct seeu'v slx ba-hcl- to the ncie, wluliuv fortv-ihrei pounds to th- bushel." Tiiis l b. ts is no,- i-elliiis in ditleretit lpealllh 5 I'm- from f ii loc lOrii-r li'i -hel. Piiee m-r l-Us. S't. l-OPiN-I'LANT TIl.KJEjiT'. IT WILL LAV llybn 1 .e;:.iw L.', nt t orn is said to yield more tii th- iiere than any held corn in cultivation. arid urnin very lar---. Il is now si-liin ; at t: p.-r bushel ut the seed stoics. Pii'-c per litisli.-; cars, 7.1 els. Vellov,- i.wurd Seed is known liy ali farmers in this secli-ui of the Lie.iuu e, and M ill need nocoiii inei.t... I-. is veiy -! .-.iuetive uud a stuudard vara ty. Price per bushel cars. 1.1 els. 1 he Twelve rowe-l Early Vclloi.-, Is, I think, one of the i.irtiest .i-liow corn in Ihe eoL'uirv. Yields very we!!, large cat , veiy heavy, iuLu Ihe t'cst meal in ihe world, is cxceileut for stock, very siiui'ar to the Hub: yellow eight rowed coru. Pii'e I'. r bushel ear--, Tl"cts. ftv.-cet u of the bi-.-t variety; lnrgu car, li'.'-as-iring from i ihi to ten inch-s, large grain, email cob, and ) tends llir.-if to live ears to each stall;, l'l ice per half pee!;, 50 cts., or 0 cts per ear. I'..p Corn, very nice common variety, per car, litis. I have pun based these seeds Uoiu relia ble dealers, and are warranted to be gcuuiuc. POTATOES. EARLY POTA't t U.. Early Rose !s the cat'.l est uoi .to in cultivation. I raised from sixtv to si v.-ntv-seveu pounds from a single pound of s, .--I j others have raised as hlirh as two bund red jmiiinls from one pound of seed. This potato is i v-ry luoily. shin thin, tl.-h while, soli 1 und l.rlt- ! Hi-, nnd t.oiis iluouu'h very quickly, ft a sold last sprl-iir at fii" doilar per iutnid. Price per bn-'iei. ii.1. , EARLY GOOniU' lI is nil early variety, . smooth, very til '-nliiig potato, and yields wry til. ui, dam ! y. Mr. Amos rsnyjer, of Gret it Brier. Ibis county, -jwi a few potni.ii.s from me !a-t . I prim;, and says: "I raised iu culinary soil, : from a single eye of tbli pot itwe, seenly-six -potato. thirty-six uf which were of -rood -ize ' II is (le- bc-t potato grown, entirely irec from ' 1 t." Price per lin-b.-!, f I..1'). j LATH Po'lAToES. II. 'ruin-.- Seci'lin-; w.m r i"i-.':ic,l by Win. W. Ilnrnii-g, Es-.. of Lower ', Ai.-a ia. Noi't h'd e iuui y, l a., and i-the ic-ult of bis eX. linn ills il i'iii- tin- last tl.iee yiars. 1.. 1 1 11. w 11 i.iy Ii win .h teid .1 the :. il lll'i lit I o I.H -. I uu. il i- en. iie. y Lew and tu t y.-i li I. -ai.l lo hi v, i v pr, Jui live. The wnili-, with u lew n I', ' roiii ant liiille, is td' gm -1 si.-s, :;..r. i.i. meaii, an.l euliieii lice is a ye.iov :. ... ill. I--.. i;.. . I- i. i'li--n I a. I -b ,:,- b l a f..--. ....I. -'. I II ' , ,. -. ! be: ill I e a V I tiiltle ' .iL,.-.ds Ul I" .liar iu- o-.lsi- c 1 e I lu-v. a- Uu re luarUit. PriJ? per . v.i r vr. r iv. ' i 'i, an i 1 nt ous.y. l'la:- j .r .1 i im.Is ciior.i. ,1.1' ill- ari- l . lie- h w bile, solid ii j inc. i iv, en. Us ihioali lib. ml i. I .is n j ih-w j yields i-ii' -r- -.1 Iv ::l. I lire 1 Is di cut. d'v tlie o!.-i. u.ig lu ) or toil. Puee pi-r '. I I.- . lot '. I. ..i: i- "i 1 M -I I .in and an fli- , : l " ..f tiic rr..c-i ;. i . . . !.., tot, ' p. he i-ir . . i- ;.. ill. LI I. v .imiiiittrnior ;. I ,- I . . i i otWt. I it 1 ti. rs of ad- ' in'.. I lo I In- un- . '. it...)-, -1-. i . .1,1:, on l-i il.t: d .... in 1. -I.- I ! sa:-l iniii ., .1 - ,i on il , I i n l 1!.. in du.y V A N - I un. I li ui -. - II tl l'l', Ad.ti'UIJ. fcind , 1,1. . n. ;'.-uji-i-l) fur Sul:"' .1. .4, V M111 ai , Pa., l'l .. lUl l-'l II. b- Ural l-OIC I! 0 il Kale, Itlli I lU U 1, , II If ) t-t .;it !:r. -- '. r.. l.oa. .Makkkt k.v. TKi: OSI.T i-Oni'AST Til ii" -V ' . PROMPTLY. "-h .l l-mies,) i by tl.f. &c, t e. U l.e ,v', lv. No red te.JH; reCeeJbi ;s ! ILT to U n i rnonnr iu case ol Iims.- i.oon ,n i .-iu . -i cl I. Co.,4 Pid i.:r. t,ix f..S C.I bo of) Vo IO !0 l'l :; cj 111 (Ml f.;i : t M ft i ;,n r.i to sd I.- , iid l . J tij l.'j niout 'ii; by this co.upauy i M. jicumiivTr. &fiiibin-r. D. Hi'u.-rl, IiOilhuu.berinc J, S. B. Dodge, ' Georce I-lckeit, " Ohflrles Hollch.Mt. t'armel. Eusstus isipt.le, " ( alii iriuo Wiinor, Wntiontunji ieo. licit, Non humbei laud, . Jacob Snyder, Sunbury, I. W. Bucsh r, " Minor C-nly, Dewart, Cuthatine Aiatti. Moimol.. hi, Frunti Btiehcc. r uriluirv, Samuel Price, Upper la high, Application enii b-tiiaire t the hon.'i oUice.o to tho dlOxtict i.ceul Acei.r-.. (.. J. BIJUNIIR, Vtrs C. A. llr.i-s- i.i :i, .-'-''v, S-'iuburv. . inivelovs-.j,,,..,,,,, ritiwb.M m. Iim ri;, o, Ch ll. ..liuti'j ttio.-eus IialJy und John A. toceinbcr 11th. lv. WUY XVAI.TU.l.'iJ WAICi'il.'i. IT- TUT. BTST AMI Cl l'.Vf: H I '-r--l"'51'- bciuif Ui.-iiie of tin bet iimler'u's i J nnd eviiy part bei: l' llujsh.,1 In u: n.jt I perfect niimr,ir, they will run wit'a i.Miit'. - ' .ou,and .i!l not' Mop or run in-, -ilar, us ii -f, . thecuse witli other Wateiics. ' 15 I Wu desire to lii.-ieaoo thu feilie uf lh.--e rCl'ab' ) IS tlmc-ple-.ys, and have ltdueeJ the j:ii. uiuefi 'j j 1 iwi i tli-in f.ii tiiei-iy. ii ; .'.J-'fcr JTuuthfj I'i'co.v.cA ' fi ; H ' f lliw'.hnj H1(!.7oi (H-t-nrtf . o.:, ..) j-''l i O'M Hunting U'di-Us Lndks Sue.) ' 7-. v. j tv,:-.T V. wai:,-..a-,ti u uv fsn cial cuni:- rA . r:cA,l;- ' . "S i .ngle Watch, s t,; j,,..v plaei hy express - . wild 1 1-bill to eoUect ou t!.-l!vere, uilj we ciie H : t,lC purchasers t bo prlvil nf op-ilitug the aca j aire end cxanihiiiiL' tin; Watch b--lote paving, nn .t if, after it is taken ifi-1 paid for, it should tu I prove suiitta. -to: v. we wi;i cxr-'i'i.,t (. it or It E F I' ND Til.'. .M'JNKV. i e-i.av,. s,., t.ioaisHiiU.i t tti'-so ,.itch.- ty PTpic-s, und to . ; by or..- iin. ,-TVf-.l ! saf. 'v to unv i crv section of thi .i. ih-U.f :i .--telle... , J l-j -.n-, J- 1 T ,;i: air-, , .;, ea-fr. a:. 1 lislanl. St. iics ai l'l l"0 prr Cent, by buvin.; from i.. Do in.t ui.).; r ii " W-it -a :.l;i ; .-,11 hr.-.; tent, f-r hr.., quill ent. - thu ty of r-'tr l-'e'cii t. ve piic;- Li ,t. It fercnt ki -ids, fives wcii'ht and cane", wi;h t..-I-s of each. Win n yij Willi- f..r 1: pi ice list st-i'.--; that Vou saw this in Tiic f.fhtit;Hr A mi:mcax. Address, l-j fa;!, HO WAR" e"; CO., Jewlersund bilv.Tsii.iibs, No. 1.1 J Bioadwav, New 1'oik. Den. 1'., 1-v.b -me.s. ' ' t o . CASH I ( . EII ! I IO i MukI-j Word steiir.s Magic Bui-al:-S ui tl.-i M A il il O T it CASH STO It F. i Ol ft. Y. FCILIXO, ?Iarkei fifur.rc, .HunlMiry, rcaii's., wcsv.n mat pe rorno 720 BEST SELECTED i A.VO CII C APE-'iT AS.iO H.TVI. EX I t of Goods iu the cour.ty. j AU kinJ. cf Goer's CoP.stuntiy lecoiviiicj. Call it!i'.l sec nml cxauiinc for yourselvos. CAliPETS, OIL CLOTII3, XOTIOXS, DRY GOODS, UAKDW'AltE, QUEEyWAI'.E, CEDAH WAKE, WILLOW WARE, II ATS AS) CAPS, EOOTS AXD SHOES, SALT, l'LASTEH, roi-criC3 of Hvcrj Ui'tfrlr-tioii I ! ALSO, I)ru8. McJiciuc-, I'ltiii's;, Oil;, I-c-rfii'Ticric-s D'j Sttslle. etc., &o. CASSLMI'liES AXD CI.OTUS cr all i;i- rs. Call and Le ccuviiccd that the "MAM MOTH" is lU- Si-.t: to Imy cLcip. 11. v. ?i:v t on. va:;i. '111. uniUrsi- ,, im -i., (,.. ii. ! 1 ihe Coal bl'iiiick w.lii tiisiMc '.sue 11 1" IT. iV liUAlS'i-, is vr-'tlcl ' s. 'I 1 df I.ui::.l "I.U-.L-: cur. vt t on AMI. IV -, f iove and Nl.!, C'..i-'a:'l.y on Laud. Ciaic tak.-u iu cvch.inqe Iji c - il. J. M. CADVi'.LL.'-Lir, fj-.u.b-.ry, .'au. l '.sab Dlt. Al.l'ItliO . i I.if.If. P'y-: .1. and l:, c.e ei,- i . ideal 1 l f d J' . : en 1 o... Il.ii it g to. nt d h 1 tn. hi -..! .v 0 lis t. liner's 1 - ' 1.-11 on V.i ill-1 Nn- .'i-iiy, Pa. 1 :b 1 l.lel t i.ll Vs M.'ie, - hen. lie .111 l'l- I ill- t'.l' a a ' ull ic .-ns iv h -i uu 1 1 .... taioauiiy 1.: i,,J IV". l-i, 1 o-.i.-cu..... A t.l.M I I M V'S VAI(I K!ll. A MAMMOTH Mt k K dKCimiDS, Ml !! !! !M' T Ml URlNfa HoLjll, . 'i until Si., Osr li-j- ii Tw. l ow MA!tAl- ."r., M N VL'). Y, I'A., J. M ZlEuLlIll, Pi:..l-i.!i:,i,4 fki;m.h r.Nt.i.i-u t .v-iMi:iiK Cl.Ol UHOP FVFIlT KIM, t I v I IN'i.', ALI KINDS, 1 INLn b i.RMt S, tM'l ti I ItltU. l.Mnicl. tri r 4 iiillv si I Hi les i la.l il ii -ik mid I' l.i .1; 1 1.- Mi htU ai' -l, it II 'h 0 li' Ul oil II pi -I. -I.ll I I li b. -I ..( ".t- no n, .iii.ii 1 1 1 !i n t i'e t.r tu'..i i.u.'ii. it ..1. MCNS rL'RN'I.IUM. CtKilts. 1 l.r 1 11.. I l. .I-.I.-..I 1.. ! V u- I ..' I Ui,.i '. td' lit i-l mi... 1. 't 11 of Uu I-l l a I . , t l' l -. I l II: tt s . J m t' 1 Ul ' l.ltl.eC! I 1.. I'll 111. a ' i to -. .1. M. .'.I l l I R, ( 1. ei.. 1 I I 1. . ... ii. V u 1 1 .... iti , o , 1 ut' 1. 1 1 ,u . . . !. :