i American. ven-VERT. s suyiTulMAKctilin, is7o. .Vohan's KiuT9. Tbe names of the ladies nk Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, "who 1inve been tho first in the history of 'the wotlJ to sit tapon ft jury, doecrvo to be put upon record. On the grand jury there were fivo women; in a total of fifteen per sons, viz: Mrs, Amelia Uatchcr, Mrs. Dr. Hilton, Miss Eliza Stewart, Mrs. J. Muekel. and Mrs Amies 13iker. Twenty petit jurors were drawn nt the same timo, of whom six were women, ns follows : Miss .Nettle Jlazen, Mrs. Jeniilu Lancaster, Mrs. Jennie Irvinson, Mi&s Mary Flynn, mid 1. X. Hartsough. 1 A jury was summoned, whereof the bet ter half were ladies, and after fotr days of deliberation upon a eiuiplo case of homi cide, have actually returned a verdict to the astonished Court. To be sure, it was only reached by the process of exhaustion; but, the alleged impossibility of feminine Agreement being achieved, what does it matter that the ladies of the jury were very much fatigued, and doubtless retired to their homes thoroughly disgusted with Iho csercisa of at least ono of the rights they had wrested from tyrannical man. Ve hoK! their hardships will not be fatal to the great cause, but that the noisy few 'will persevere uiitll they are convinced, like ihtir sisters of "Wyoming, by actual experience, that our rights include duties, th performing of which is not the sort.of Fpnrt tiioy had imagined. What happy fv.'i!i.iw; those husbauds iu Wyoming must liw uo.v,- that their wives have actually been "exhausted" by one of the most trivial of the labors and responsibilities they so much coy, let!. Tii;: Condition of Tennessee. Such is the outhwry existiug in many parts of Tui.uuKf ec tiiat it is seriously contemplated in Congress t -'reconstruct" the State. The aVaoluto re-cens'ity of this, however, is generally but not entirely conceded ; but iuat tiw diiuii nun ui liiu li.ninl Government must be used to restore sll .-idmlt that tho strong arm of the Na- lnv.- riiu dcr. or rather tranauilitv and fc;iLt;; L;!;lte. . -t a .. " to me law-aoiuiug peopio 01 (m! One .if the high officers of tho Sta'e wa.'i afiaut ithout an escort to leave Nash- le threats a -ains , and in 'IVnueS- vi!i i.st week lor r.is Lome . ..Q .1- I'.iii.ii; k.iii iii.iiv.. .iiii-i ju Ji.u.ii.a- ' .. .., n.......K.l.. ...1..,. 11. I' nor 1: 1 y fcuyna 11 nut mi'si; iiuuuia . . . . . . . . lb-sin. Jiiiieed, such lias Ix.fcii tho actual c-mditiui of utlhirs there, and such the I ivssure niada upon the Government, that t'l" President and Secretary of .War have had an interview ou tho subject, the result being that tho Secretary issued orders for traops to be scut at once to Murireesboro' a:it; Jackson, and lrom thence to other j sections of tho State, If needed. About i 1500 infamry aud cavalry is tin. number Ordered. An important railroad biil wis intro-j o, entitled "An; ilm.i.il o. f'ui Klof.i act to lacunae railroad communication : , , . ., , .. . .. . . K.ii LiKcs iu t.anaua." it aiunorizes tho lersey Shore, Piue Creek, and Kufl'alo j Pailroad Company to deposit 80,000,000 of i thoir bonds in the Stats Treasury, nnd to : o u. o. ua equal amount oi retin- , sylvania R.iuroad bouds. The ueiv bonds I are to bear tho samo interest and bo pay- ' ubie the same time as the old bonds n,jj i tho completion of tho railroad from the ' i.,.. . i ..i... .i . n ..ci ,) noie io me ..uy oi liui.a.o is guar- : antccd within three years by the Pciiiisyl- vania Railroad, who n.'.so guarantee the ; iutLM'st per annum until the ro id Is i'l ruiiniu.' order The mnie u-hn ,n I" "" U , ' """" "rK" .ng the construction ot this road, be.ieve they will bo able, on its completion, to at - tract a largo portion of the "rai;i trade from lJunalu to l'Ml nl. -Pd i.i Bu,i,i, noin lunalo to 1 buadcplua, Ktltmiore, iXC The House, rassed a bill prohibiting the tivction of any briil 'o across the Ohio hiver iu this Smte' wiili ,.,. nr,.h,.. imu, iu iiue rwip, Mini spansor arches ot less than oW foot span, or less fXi lect i above low- v. Ator mark, undor aa neii- alty of f 5,000. ! ' - - .... . . i ftCNATOR SnoiTi.... ii.t e.nt a W-M ' -the U. .S. Senate, on Moedav, to provide for the RfiimHi.w of.pcoifl payments. It ,,.. r . ,, , i .. . . proMdcs for the gradual subsutution ofcoiu : as their legal res-ervc by the National Bank .: at tue r.ito of one per c nt. a month; di- , ........v.t.tt, tj.ii ... r.cts tno ivsumiitii n ..''siieeln iiu. n.ei.tcl... . I- - - i the Eiiitcd .Stiles Trea-m v on liic ' " .. . ' first of .Linuary nc'Ml, provision beiig made for that purprtse by the retention of auqihis vu'.u, uuvJ putvhas.i of more, if iicc. .ary ; IcpeijlH a!i actH of makiiv; anything but coiu a 1 g.il tendor ; suapeuds the further oi'l'iiiad state iioKsanilcut'Uiicy, .1 r..ti,.. e im:!, u.ti.1 ui.'id curn ncy. l ''l. ! lY -.1" i'. ' -t !.a- CoOtiS MarkKT A desp, hi ellgoil.;; i u betr.Oell S'ewi i. i i. .all..., tue kings of the New Yot'.i dry ooda iVLiket. Slewart Kt.iUevl i mm . ! ' (.-,wii . l .vv fl.ti:. ,i .... -i .,i- . v,. "V ' created reatcNehoment there. This 1L..1.U I ..K.V..J vUu. v,w.(rt t.ut ll.)Wli wlil Jo in,rot;.j tiw,.(. n KV kiu.. uauoi ; V.-.-i Ch!;,u ; tl.m StcA-irt ; then tLin anything ti.ie. II j was Lately slall-XM.iviii'i:,-;;! tin it S'cwnii oticj,mori- ruioo ; l'c;vt by Ue 'ioiiibou, .vho is a inciiiN of vur liuagonemi f raweik. Dtvro.Ki.0 thu 'l'','' '"'"-'" 'iough, avpi.bli- m .'l. M-; t! i y never saw the market so ex- -.ted as it is by this war between the two 1 ' 'lil I ..IIjI O rm -. i: '' in lUs-t i Joy ...im r.r :.i, um-j 1 ... 1 .1 I heso lliahlk hi V III oUt t,i) pif cel. t d e mi ko Ii .va la.i Ml- I" 0 IUm ll ,, .- li"ll. t'lhdt 1. e. 1'le.l w. il .llll' lle ll ilv. r - ob- e Lis b,.,.. . . , ! ..t Ibnr l -l.i, nf it 'I'm in h i iii 1 t A...'., .1 :, M t'u- It, ,:,. 1 .i ''I !.') , r.u i .,, i t x i... 1 1 iii ,; , n i.., lln. Pi. ! in iv tot . i.t in I I. oil 1.: . lvf t V.I-. iCUi .itti J u- ll, I M i.i 'IH JVuuUu.iul I ' U'-'lss. it- ll I h.ii-e. a nu... I. -OH IS 111 IV leenlle.l. 1 lio follow llllf Ull, iiiwwi utill Mo ollu-r. kllllll Utlleliiuiletl ' t ... i. .. .. :.. i . ' .. i .. ..,.. r.- ... i ' I ti it. ... r. r- i . ... i e e in 1 - .v o.i.in ul i I .7., . . m .i'.,,' ..Ill llil .1, 1 11. II .111 Ol i; l!,l.ei liail'l Ol IVUklO V ."''' uwii mvj. . . . '. eo.-, i ... i ve, j , , .i .o a I ri a ... a" i ,, in,', nr.. ..l.j.1,,1 r.. . ' additl 'in iiarl. ciitara : 1 Hi ini;ctuig t-.ok "illiiu 1 1 asiuir ot llie L'micd .st..l. ua i.i. :.. .. ., . ll. W, 1 1, ( nr.. i :.i i o i in... i r j . 1 h,i i li.e ii r-,.it,. i v.i,. i :.,..iin ii .ir--r... i, v.e l : t oae ,ar i.ii. r I :.aC7 I v iM:hJ j J'lucc -"v.u it::i,s, tVotu ,:MTU.ef.MaariU. v-tMrity l'.r ll,, .,.,., iuyu lu ll miU,ml S vi 3 S i T. ' ' ru. baud i'aia, Hn. eve. ' 11..- m-.-.e i, . .- o ... ii , a n t,t, ir leruii.,--,. lhal tLe 're .i .... .-.i.. ;.... i.oLn, . t..t: i i...: , lion iiing oi i.ie .m, u.i.i itduiucm i tlm1 ' ....'.r.!ivri;c, ' v.-.. ............ .. ... . . ... .f.. j-,. - , .. " ,1'iu .,ui,ii-,i imii'n mu ui". n..... iiiiiwim e. . iivumin'ii, ..uu. i a, kev-a lid ui her Ii vi ii i-.-m .l..i i 1. i-.j . I ! . . ' ,r IV11..I .'iri'iviAja. , s .. ' "..-u .1 1:1 uc r.-.i' . ' u, ! ri'1'1 l- a ....Ming ; ami ivi.Kv.' Jbnry won. TLc ndu is.uies n aei eiui.l. d. "Au act to provided a na-1 , i, .r d ce' " liZnw$. Z??Z u. iu Z.fc r "Z'? I i""! ' M u,- .nr.. ,iaf v, y,,.M. , f the red. ., ,... ,.f .. 1( , , ol..,e..... ,,,t, t, nu..oU, t hanged their th si lire t Ml puces. U;.u. .nuiey Retired by u t.wiai.i',,,, ... K:,.Ul .:,,.., L i . 'I i i - r.. 'i !. -.1 nri. i w''l result, 'iluy then ud.uic.d on I m..d Male, luU, nud to luovido 1. I .... ,',...... ...u.t...i ;,...... " : am ..ih..r ..... !,..., .....u. r..i,,,...i ' ki ..l Vtt lf.i... eme itol CUU Ti,i,.,.,,,f!i., , , , s ... ;: . :.eUoihir s.veu p.cas, hi ii IKiiry lavd I.il- circiiuiio., and ledeuipiioi, thi reol," ; h H vuU ( , al',,',. . i A. i..h di Jte. t.M b..o i.. j ,,, ' ;. ' .., il.M.U HlAN..;tIa , w.York ll.,. :id mi'-si d , ihe l-o!.., rel'.irii.d Ins lire, lipp-..vd Jui. il. tcol ; uml ull national i ..: . . ..V, "... .im. J.V. W h'd. .ak ...d K iuloi.e IMc, onlv- ! I'uliiU. OIN. (.bm. :i... . ' " ' '--a iraa r,.,ie ,-v,.., ivl..,. ..: ! WUU-. I.iiu tlif.ti ;U lie. Lend. Thci.it- l.n!.in uwuut u ur;u,ue. un.l. r .aid T, ... V.iT.'i .,. il . .;.l ... i' . I- 1 ' ' . .'j . i I t4'1 or ,r''' d'.e. ij.iivr (ii-enim. I VrMUIu. At. '4' l" "" eeie .,,.-:, . ' 'I ' t( r v 11 lo tlm LM'.lll, I nil t lX'il' d III U b w ttet. ... ally IllliUldlUelll lll.leof. ll, Uu.U .i.i. .7. .. .A .''""! I H M. T. IHl'klN, All m? Tir.M III-, hviu,,.. Oil lier-nf. C.-i ,i... I ll.tr, pule. I ujut III. n.'ro.wi mt bf nc.i.-,,t.. Mout'-.-iiM. ,-should -ho Mii.in.t ol v I.i. I, ,-., ihu, r. d. . ...able, bv th, .o , ' : . , ' ! .'.i.T .VV-. .. t ...,T . 'V ?' "r""1 Nf,rt 1 u " i..ui iut,M(:tmll h V... -I-"'. '- " Ull I, If I I'l.lU. ill i I. l.-I.. .. ' o.l 1 ' . I 1 . I ......... .... 1 I... ....... I .... I t II . I t 1IK -.I'M? MI"M.'I IIM IUIH.II l H.tr I ..' t, ll". tJHI- f ... A . I .k. t . " I I ..!...,. ""' "ol eve...,,!, irum ,.0 'ab.iled Mlall l.,f..,...,d.'f U result. A ! ii I loahiu lire hereby HUlhoiUeJ to de- tj 1 m ill I li." I i ' Vi i'lilv ii I I'ttr'AlTiitlr V m! J I 1 ' -r VJl-tWV' " lA.;'-., . . , , , . Jli.p.MMpr.eol.t... M '.,. 1.1. ... s . ,.. le:,... , 1... li,,t 1 .... i. I i :.. , . .1 ... 1 . -. ... IIUI Ua iinii'iiiiiiini n Jliaury UU lo .vtl I H W I klnLDi I Ami ul;,. y. ,r' nniWuf, 1 ,. rmrin-i uf ............. - .... o 11.01 i v- 1 , .1,,. ,. . 1 .. '.- . '' 14- . ii -I.--.V w..- 1 i, i" .'"in. ia.u .1 uooi.i 11... u. . u .ecu 1 iivi,........ii,.. 1., .. ..... 1 tyvi - v rr m . ... .... . - . . i-u,.u ... im r.i Trm Keftjplicans TRrtrMTTTANT nt Nkw llAMrHfliiiE. The New Hampshire election hnving taken place, soino of our Democratic contemporaries arc, ns usual, endeavoring to claim a- victory. Lot, us look at the figures, and then if they can glean any grains of comfort from them they are welcome. In lfG9, the Republican vote was 35,777 ; Democratic, 32,004. Republican majority, 3,773. In 1870,. tho Republican vote is 34,814 5 Democratic, 2.",123. Republican majority, 8,C9L Here we have a falling off in the Repub lican vote of 003, and in the Democratic vote of 0,881. This year two other candidates were in the field, who were induced to run, hoping thereby to prevent an election by the people. These were the Labor Reform candidate who polled ,"'M votes, and the Temper ance candidate, 1,0'7 votes. Nevertheless the Republican candidate has plurality of 1,270 votes. The Legislature, which last year had 9 Republicans and 3 Democrats in the Senate aud a Republican majority of 53 in the House, this year will stand 11 Republicans to 1 Democrat in the Senate, and about CO Republican majority in the House. Our Democratic friends are enti tled to all the consolation they can gather from the result. The Pennsylvania legislature has now before it a bill which provides that auy person contracting for the sale of milk and reducing the same with water, or in any way rendering it less valuable, shall be bar red from any right to recover pay for the same; that any person kuowinglj selling or offering for sale impure, ndulteiited or unwholesome milk shall be deemed si'iiilty of miscemcauor and liable to a fine of fifty dollars for each offence, or thirty days im- pris'onmcnt, or both ; a'tid that any person keeping cows fur the production of milk for market in a crowded or unhealthy con dition, feeding on food that produces un wholesome milk, shall be subject to- a like p.uaity. Tu new grain depot, on tho west bank of the Schuylkill, Philadelphia, erected by the Pennsylvania Railraod Com pan v. is at w j - - ? length competed, at a cost- of S400.000. i i he new depot 19 oj. leel long, YZ) leef l .... . . K 1 i ..TfiTr.. 1 ri-i. ...... mlV'"'.""' : down six tracks suilicieni to accommuuate 1 ; COO cars t one time. 1 Hero are six rows ! of platform bins, each holding 450 bushels, j or one car load. Kunning across the buil- . I , , . . .linrr nnd 11 llln rnpn f ll 11m llind. II Yf. wnvB j b' ,..,........ j ! 1. . ... . - 1 1 . nn 1 1.1. lor wagons. wagon can loau ioy uusneis ! in three minutes. Wheat and oats are already iu the bins, and are being daily received and discharged. Besides all these facilities for transferring grain, there is ! room within the building for tiering 2.",000 , barrels oflloui Thk new Metropolitan Policj bill came un in tiie St-nntp at Harrisbursr on Tuesdav ! ,.lst) auJ ..ls jassClltoits third reading. i n. ,,1v niolnriul i.lmn.m in 1 ln l.i'l nu compared. with the one vetoed by the Gov- j ernor, is ihat it leaves the selection ofj' Cuuuu;bauucrjs to.tue yytn l J t.ll'll. u Jl ICnnt-R. lictween 9 and 1(1 nVliielc on tin- ni.ri.t of Hi., rili incf o cowardly attempt was made to take the lilu of John F.dward:, a citizen of this . . ro1.1-"' lvs ' fm uewart M. ileal mi; ion oig sifueui. ami su pnosmg mac t lev had n,)t b;4,u hc wolit tt tUVS pen, which is at the rear ot tbe lot, and while throw- i"g some corn, a pistol shot was tired at him fiom the upper side of the pen, the ball ground and called for help, when another shot was tired by the party, who then ran Jiuiin Uliui V Vil "I I in. II LU 1 III ,nt0 f'1R Wl.'"''s- Th? second shot was "H"";" in "lc "". although had . ht' remnuiea Ktandinir it w.nil.l have done - so Vt h,lu running, one of the party shou- j ted-: 'This is your warning." Edwards ! uid n0.1 recognize the voice, and has no 1 6Usl,K;l0U tno parties were. ANOl'JlEft. On Friday night last, be- . twt-n 5 and Do'clock, J. J. hloom. residing I n Market St. was tired at while on his way - ' bocio, when within about 100 yards ofhis i 'V 'll5, t,ic Ual1 entering his ea-it on the left J ,',k',ll.,hl,.lo;ket, and passing mt through H h n n.r m fWinf v, ....... i.i i. m tho direction fiom which the shot came, i 'ftud it is not known who tired it. ! Tlictc men are both quiet, peaceable i citizens, and no cause can be assigned whv their lives should lu. .i.ni.,,.i...l ..it..... --- -...- VI, .j.iv,., j i.v lUUli ! tll:U ri'n(lired themselves obuoximw w "n 'vl'iT 1?L',li " ' tl! ' 1j- a Juujirds by amtinuin-to work afier tho order for nispensiuii h.Z taken clfock and Ulooin, who is a boss, for some fil,li;icd wron;; done to one ofthcir numl.'cr. long win me law-abiding citizens oi nun coiiinuiinty toU ratc these acts of ; Mim-TOir.-Mi oeioro inaKingit united and dc- liiiiiu men liscni joar shall Ijo applied to termined cll'ort to fv rrct our ami brim; to i the paymciiwof the interest and to 'the re .lUMtiuo iho prepelrators '( UnleM some- dilution ol' tin; principal of the public debt ; thing be done soon, a perfect reign of terror and the I 'liited States bonds now held in - ..wn .-ij'iii,;i fieneci .eigu oi icri will he inaugurated in our once peacca region. .S7((, not Jlrrtld of thin iceck: able I A IJfLl. IX llT.TL"Ki:.'7v'duel be-1 twe. 11 thu Duke i u Monti,.!, si.rn.id IVine.i i j;nri'j'tu.du RourLon, occurred at -Madrid, ... . : ."i am. on .Niturday luennng last, tbe latter being kihvjd. Tiie feconds of Monlpelihier we.-o lieiii rals Cordova and Alainin u-, and those of the J'lim wfie Seuor Rubin anil ii'iother, i .nine unknow n, both Ei publicau u - .mies iu uie (..r.elitui-ui Voiles, aim; . . .in. 'iiiii in M. i r i-;i I i ii iiin.ii I'ln. in i . ..ii. t. - act. ...... m . Madrid to d lUih iviuaed ainl he tame to leuae :liid light him, and the I I luviile . i' hn, v i, iw and 1 hil.lreii. 1 pi t' i 1 Wis , ihimiI ly H latikll l-ll.,- i. 1 j. iiliikt ihe Jl ike, which the I'llilee ..,. .. diess. d t tin! j"ulp pj-ieii.'. iL lif , I Itioiteii Ma. 4 lr--l!erol' I bo p.. in. p. i A;, i' ii 'ii i'f i!ie i; .' 11 I I..:.,, 4ild Ai ll Cf Uf..ll of Ihu l4 li.-. dg ! M Jiitj-t iikiv r. J .'. ( il .ri-1 w is 1'iv.ieii iv -r n ', n 111. e. 11 Ik . lid, (llllll ihu i -Hlel, 1 A 'IO 1 b III .li Ol , me M I r 1-1 I,, i o llie I ' .. e Mild r.'l. Ill" . Ii. 1,1. I 111. .1 l.l.l IIH..I 1 1, it 1 1. , ureal Ukvllol UlU ll boy I ' f t lU8 !. ix'xnwt mi.i.. It Iasei tlic Semite. Secretary of the (Tit'imrn Authorized to Iasue livr lfimdred Million Dollar . of ltcqinUfed JlondsThey arc lic&emable in Coin. Exemption of them from Taxation Xa tionnl lianln to be Compelled to Ex change their Securities for the ."Veto Honda Wasiunotov, March 11. Tho follow ing is the fuuding bill as passed by the Senate : That for the purpose of funding the debt of the United States, and reducing the in terest thereon, the Secretary of the "t rea sury be aud ho is hereby authorized to issue, on the credit of the United States, minimis or registered bonds of such de nominations, not less than lifly dollars, as he mav think proper, to au amount not exceeding 400,000,000, redeemable in com, at the pleasure of tho Government of tho United States at any time after ten years, and payable in coin at forty years Irotn date, nfid bearing interest at the rate of live per centum per annum, payable semi annually in coin, and llio bonds thus au thorized may bo disposed of at the discre tion of the Secretary, under such regula tions as ho shall prescribe, either in the United States or elsewhere, at not U4&8 than their par value for coiu ; or they may be exchanged forany of the outstanding bunds of on equal aggregate par value neretoiore issued, and known as the live-twenty bonds, and for no other purpose ; and the proceeds of so "much thereof as may be J disposed of for coin shall be placed in the) Treasury, to be used for the redemption of such six per centum bonds at par as may I not be otlered in exchange, or to replace j such amouuls of coin as may have been used for that purpose. I Si:c. . And be it turiiier cmutul, mat the Secretary of the -Treasury be and is hereby authorized to issue oil the credit of the United States coupon or registered bonds to the amount of four hundred mil lion dollars, of sueh denominations, lfot 1 'ess than liliv dollars, as lie may think proper, reueemaoie 11 com iu 1110 pleasure ol the Goverumvntoi the L luted States at any lime after fifteen years, and payable in coin at forty years from date, and bearing iutercsl not exceeding 4 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually in coin ; and the bonds a'ulhorizcd by this section may be disposed of under sueli regulations as "the Secretary shall prescribe, iu tiie United States or elsewhere, at not less than par for coin ; or they may be exchanged, at plu1, fir any of tiie outstanding obliga tions of tho Government, hearing a higher rate of interest in coin, and the proceeds of Kllf'II IN ' I II such bonds ns may be sold for coin shall he -. .... i - deposited iu the Treasury, to be used for r.ilenmtion of such obl'iL'alioi.s. bt-nrimr interest 111 c )iu, as uy me terms 01 issm ! aro. or may become, redeemable or payable, U'C" ii,,.. I'WI H lOL lll.lL Oil! oust. I f I . 1 . ... .1 1-1,, . ' , .-M-;t:. o. snl uc u fU) liter 0((-"(tr, 11UIL ., . , ... n. . 2 . uie creiary 01 mo i icasurv Oe ami he is hereby authorized to issue oii tho credit of thu United States, from time to time, eon- pon or registered bonds ot such denomina tions not. less than lifty dollars as he may think proper, to the amount of four hun dred million dollars, lvdeemble iu coin at the pleasure of the Goveripnenl at any time after twenty years und payable in coin at forty years from date, and bearing inter est at the rate ol lour per centum per annum, payanas semi-annually in com, find such bonds may be disposed ot cither ; be disregarded. This is proved by the re in the United Slates or elsewhere at not suits iu the Anostolic Soe. and tlie'iminacu- less than their par va! discretion of the Sei ilue for coin, or at the crelarv, for I nileil .Males notes, or may ue excliaii: ill iioi; i l''e L linen Mates, outstanding :.l the. date the L imed Mates, outstaudin: ! ol the issue Of such bonds : and if in (lie "pinion of the S eret.uy of the Treasury it I is thought advisable to issue a larger . " ; "uul Vuuu' ' u"'.ms, lur :l"J ' k'1' tll;l would be otherwise amhorieil by j ,llis section of this act, such further issues al' bircby authorized: J'rocidiil. That i tlu'fe -M be '" increase in the aggregate j f" 1' l11" l"',i 3 innum ui nnniiuin reei- t " " J Sec. 4. And be itjuiVur enacted, That j the bonds authorized by this act shall be exempt from all taxation by or under Nu- j i uonai, Male, municipal, or local authority. , Sue. 5. And be it further outdid. That I the Secretary of the Treasury be, and ho j is hereby authorized to appoint such agents i in the United States and in Luropo a he j j may deem neccss.iiy to add in the negoti-! j aliou of said bonds, and he may advertise j , the loan herein authorized, and the condi- ; lions thereof, iu such newspapers and ijournitls in this country and in Europe, as ! : he may belect for the purpose, and a sum ! j not exceeding one-half of one per centum ,.r ii... i i i, i S . .. .. .... appointed to lylhe expenses ofjuvpatiuL- ! issuing and disriosin of the i:ini.. ! Ski;'. 0. And U it junker tiuo-ted, That in order to canv into! execution the m-ovi- c;,a r.l... Iil'ili c...tl..., ..e.i ... .r.i. ...v ...... -il(;u ,.n im; ilCL llllll CU An act to uuthonze the ihslic of. I 'nited ! Males notes, and lor the resumption ir i funding thereof, and for funding l he rl at ! ing debt of tint I'uited States," approved ; February "Jo, l-ii-'. relating to the .linking i fund, there ia hereby appropriated out of , the duties derived from imiiorted ''oikIkiIii; hum ot Sl.AUi.ivJ.0UU uuiiutillv. which imi tho MUiung lmnl, and the I nited States bonds now held iu the Treasure, shall lie T' .'"'tltr..y.d, a detailed iveor.l . .. ""c IU llivi ix.oks ol Uie liiiisj Department ; mid tin) bomls hirealor purchased under this Ki-etioll hhail, iii like manner, bo cancelled cud de- strovivi : and a full and detailed account ol the llpplleillidii ih(! IlliCev llereill 111.- propri ii, J cU il! ,,. by tin; .Secretary 1 i!ed Cloud thinks. Ihat the conduct of tho of tin; Ti. asm v to Cougies.4 with his uu- Indians will depend upon what Mr. ltieh ituu! reMirl, and lln; aggregate amount of n"'d reports. Itnl Cloud lus two huudrfd the bonds e.muUcd and ' destroyed id in 11 be ; :4,-, ill ''im. imh'i'c!i,,tl,U U'"UtUly ilU",lt' "'' j.Tlir liUuu.1 HsOUUorU la MM I VUIiil;t uml ieniies,e. on mi.lo ; i ''V'"' '(', That j Wm.,.-llXli) W. Va., M.ut( iv iv I h i u i'" . tJ 'lolH r, l iai. U Staiv .Mn.oal Slack wriusf vin. k 's 1 1 i V m h H i ' '".'y aV" .'",t Chai l.Mon, Kanawha couu.y, iho r.avntly k s i I.au ..-1, iii el i.,mh d under iho lnvn isioni t ,i .. . ,o..i ..i ii... -.i .... .... i i . ?.. - . I i id Hit iiiiM.i'tV! i4 thlk act, ! l bill. I ol u liu u ttieir ll;:l.l Iu l.'.ue ll .le. 1 I r i i.eii' iii .u i i. ill Le i' .iii il. .1, iin.l ih.ll lie: '1 ie:..in - ii(,,Jtl,e I olnel I -.lil I l tbe I n r. it I I l l'.e V b:.U I .- nn boi iz- d nnd h ooii- d e u in. ai - ii .1. mu ) i- to . i ii . i l'.i. oi in,, n . uj ,ii ii oiii-i.tiiuni l ife l! .(i l tilel lo r. llllll Ibe h le. I., Id ,i ll IblJ. I tf I I ill .1 , I I. ' lb y M le d ,..i il. I ill I. II ., I ,' I .M.I ; , i , Y,, , ,-k .. -.I'; .. ,1 ,W . I . It. e loll h.l Ol .1 !,) III. e .no ,1 I . I l.o v ' v 1 1 4 i:. ,i I( i tu Hid t:..il. Jn. u le e t i ii. t'vaiv, ty rt-'lutp-u a i' L ine ". .10 11 1 111 viaii.ng 1101, viiinni one liar I ..... .. tiluVAlUlIUM LZt f lV board of directors, deposit Jeffal tender ! notes .with the Treasurer of tho United Slates to the amount of its outstanding circulation, and take up tbe bonds pledged for its redemption ; and provided further, that not more than one-third of tho bonds' deposited by any bank ns such security shall tie of either of tho classes of bonds hereby authorized 011 which the maximum rato of interest is fixed at 41 or 5 per cen tum per annum. Sec. 8. Ami be it further enwied, That the amount of circulating notes which any bank may receive from tho Comptroller nf the Currency under the provisionsof section 21 of said act, may equal but not exceed eighty pet centum f tho par value of tho bonus uetiosited, but shall not execeu 111 tho aggregate tins amount of whth such bank may be entitled under said section. SEC. 1). And be it further ewtclcd, That any banking association organized under the national currency act,1" and the acts amendatory thereof, may, upon depositing with tho treasurer United States notes to an amount not less than SoO.000, receive on equal amount of reuislered bonds of tho United States of tho kiud and description philosophers arc honest enough, for a won provided for by section 3 of this act, and dcr to admit, that they leant Ml." may deposit tho same as the security for An absconding wife is thus pathetically circulating notes, ami thereupon such j rmpenliid to jn a personal column: "Jane, banking association shall be entitled to and j your auscuce win j llin nu. Think of your shall receive eireulat nig notes upon terms , iliMc , vour parents, your husband, and conditions and to the extent pro- , 1IcUmi( uIi-,llfty yet be well. At any rate vided in the said national currency tic s, , enci0!rtj Uu! ju.y 0f the cupboard where-tho and without respect to the limitation ol the aggregate circulation of national currency b T . ', .,, . . . ' ,. prescribed by said acts : provided, how- ! Jcfl w' b" recollected for his ,..... !,..! 1 .,!,i.o a,....i somewhat prominent connection with ono V , VI , klliltjin tllCUIilllUn ll'V. O fllU lOllVU under ti.i. i,.n .11 T ..mini nmonnt f 1 tTi.,.,i sim... t,.e Bl,..ll l'n ,npi.ll.l nnd destroyed J ' Ur u.,xo X11K Otheii Sihk General sheridan 'has writ ton to'Washiii'gton, that tue dispatch of Vincent Collycr in refer - jl ,nee t j,la oxpoilitioii amiinst lliu l'iegans was imiust to Colonel Raker, and that, so 1;.... .1,' ...:i,i i,lti;.,na mv roiwpropil tlm problem which ihegood people of tho eoun- ii-v mm.! iu ulio kIi.iII in. kill,.,! whites or Indians V Geii. Sheridan asserts that since at least 800 men. women and children have been murdered in the most fiendish manner within the limits of t,K. ,)U.SL,nt ,;omm!in,i, nnd he gives details . ,.r , , ,... s 0,llm!tt,.d imon women which are loo terrible tor publication. Hi says, in another letter addressed to Sena tor Woss, on the subject of the farther pro tection of tho Kansas frontier from Iho Indians, ''lien. choficld has made the necessary arrangements. Ho has n. ported to me that he considers a war inevitable, ami wn.11 me very nwians mat we nave been Reding for the last year. Wo are much embarrassed by tho apparent sym pathy of members of Congress," and huma nitarians generally, who seem to forget that all was required of the Indians is, that they shall not murder our people. There will bn no Indians killed by my orders if they will comply with this very "reason ible j condition." " j IT.tlUY j London. March 11 3:30 p.. e vening's edition of the Time M. This L'iven the j following from' the Koman frontier n j Monday the scheme orinlallibilit v was dis- tributed to the members ot the Council. It asserts that the Church possesses supreme and complete primacy, and that the prin cipality over the Universal Church was re ceived with pli ntitude of power from the. I Lord Himself by St. Peter, of whom the I Poiitill' is successor. All questions of Faith ..,..i i... .i. i .... i - .... i L.lo tlm words. of the Lord to Peter would I ntuii i m ti iiii.iu (i muni iiiiii pu.ttl, ol ' kite doctrine has alwavs been fully main- ; tabled : and eonsjouciulv we inculcate with Uii!.ytUWWU.PU ll"ni-il..WVii ,1 elm.. :lssisi:.iii the ll.mnn l,,niiir ,..i.'. ;,, h, , ... ..i i.i'... i .....:.. ' 'i h;ive priiyed f-n-:tl!." 1 cannot err when aciing'as the supreme teacher of all Cinis- i Haua. i ho s.:hcmc delines what the Church must hold iu faith and morals, aud that the prerogatives of Papal iiifalhhilil v extend over the same matters to which the inliiliibilily of the ( hiiroh isiipplieablo. If any should dare, which God forbid, to con trovert the present di linilion, let him know thai he deparU from the iru f.iith. liniiNK, March Id. via Paris, March 11. I lie reply ol the Poniincal Court to Hie last dispatch of Count Darn has ken for- warded to Puns. It contests, in implicit1 terms, the demand of (ho French Govern-. ment to be represented in the (Fcumenical i Council. The Anostolic Xuucio to the j French Court is charged at the same time, to give assurances that the repreentative j of France Will bo received with all tho con- j sideration ,lue to that Government. P.iiULi.v, March 11. Tho North tier-: man Gi:re says, tln.t the cialm that is ' made bv the Pope to infallibility only shows i how liable he is to error, ... 9'roin EinnsuH j Lawueniio Marcli It. The immigr.t ' tion to Kansas this season is unircccdeuted iu the history of the Stale. The railroad company has' been obliged to oideraddlion- al rolling block to meet tho of freight and pass ngers. i'i tnuremeuts 1 : The lirs! shipment ol'C'olorado cattle over the road has .just taken place, and there aro lO.Ouo.head at Kit Carson's station await ing shipment. A fast night express train is to bo put on the road, to mak? the time from Kansas Ciiy to l)v liver in si hours. Several of our business men have given notice that they will resume specie pay ments next Week. ...... I'roui ISio I'liili.N. (lil-VI AN K. March 1 !. The latest news from Fort Fetterin in is that un Indian who came in yesterday from l!ed Cloud's camp, on tho Tongue rier, report that tiie Indians are friendly and doire. peace. Mr. ltichai'vU left the camp twenty-three days ago to coini'iunicate with tho whites. ..... .,.... ... ..... ...... , u .1.1 V.' ill Na-iivii.i.k, Maip m IL A. .1. Fletcher 's-lit.liy of hl.ile, h.l.u.i eill.il Up--ll ti.llel.il I.e.. 11, e.illllii. indium ! shI, 1. Ioio .il hull Willi lo, lil ll y low .fi liliv .r , l. -. I i Ml it 'till.l loe u, Ion c. lU"n ..i x.i.liiliii'li.ii. . . 1. I .. in... ti.. i ii. . i .1 ...... t a ,i ; I. i-i i ,e in. pun ui i it i i.ii, i. Mr. I U i. le i ;i... 1 1, ib , i ii lln. U ii. u ..In :l .- an I I .,U. ,i .,:( b ive It. i ii .I'll I, all 1 ' -I 1 I. . I it i.i ... 1,1 i,e j A ' oi if 104I. ' u. 1 U.i ilii.iM I I . . 1. , . .1 . ..... ...I . , I .... I ... 1,1 U.u d.c j.m, k.iu im, ; NAsIIVII.I.K. MAIf II 11.-A. .1. Fletcher AL$XTt ' - tK nnETITIKN. A vote of censure has been agreed upon by tho Cudethip Investigating Committee, in the case of tlm Representative U. U. Uut Ier. . Mr. Seward says that specio payments will bo resumed iu ninety days. Tho law reducing thu valu of American silver coin in Canada tweuty per cent, went intocflectton Tuesday. A Quebec bank has- three tons of twenty five cent pieces in its vaults. The Dakota Indians report that more snow has fallen iu the. mountaius than for many years. A IXdiatimr club la Worcester lately dis cussed tho Important question, "Whether a rooster's knowledge of day break is tho re sult ot observation or instinct." A Louisami man has a tamo aligutor to decoy others within rilloshot. Josh liillincs writes that-'Philosophcrs all agrvellmt the. milk is put into tljo koker nnt,and then thu hole i.s nearly plugged up; , but who the fellow iz who duz it the . , .11. 1' . party to tho lato civil war, is succeeding. 1 ndmirably as a life insurance canvasser. It ; ! is said he took five hundred risks at Hunts-j i ville, Ala.,iveeiitly, wh ieh is more than ho evrr a,!'nv,,'(1 himscll'to take when l'asident , of thc C-' A- , I ' Tiierc is a new gold excitement in Calilor- nia, leading thousands to San Diegocouiit.v. j This is tho most southern county of the State, bounded east by Arizona and west, : by the Pacific. II10 Arizona goia mines ! are iust across tho Colorado, from San Diego, between the Gila and XI ill 'Williams branch. Our latest mails aro to M irch 4. They sny nothing of the gold discoveries j there, that are reported to be attracting t croat numbers. The distance from San ; Diego is 4-jO miles direct. ! An enterprising New York merchant ; placed a large oyster basket full of silver coins iu his show case, over which was placed the inscription, "specie payments i n sinned." Jii'ing airaut ttic temptation would be too much lor the cupidity of pass- cr.by, lie stationed on the strp a man in i the costume 01 :i zouave, bearing a niiisket togmird the silver. It i doubtful which excited the most attention, tlw soldier or . the silver. j Senator Revels, of Mississippi, appropri- 1 ately commenced his active Senatorial ca- 1 reer'jwith th; presentation of a petition pray-; ing Congress to remove the. political dis-1 abilities .if the disfranchised people' of his ; Stale. This does not look much like, the : beginning of tho war of races, so djiofuliy foretold by Andrew Jousou. General Urockinridge did a brave thing; in Louisville recently when hi denr.ineod : the mon who belong to the Kw-Kiu.t Klan ! as either idiots or villains, and expressed! his roadinss to ivspond t a'sumtu ns from the Mir-rilfus one of his p ss; t ) bring them to i u slice. If all the fo.-mer ! l.lers : ot tho rcliellion were as bold in disotm- tenancing pilitical ass.ispiuaiiou we slem d ! have a letter stato ot ailairs in tho South. A raid is about being made on tho Stat'' treasury by a lot of lawyers from t;i. border count ii's, uirler pretens of paying persons in thosj counties lor losses sustain ed through the rcVel dur'.ng th war. Thu iiir.iTons of iTolhus. A C;se of Deafness of H years stsiuKug the lfsult of Catarrh) cured by the use of 1 r. Sage's Catarrh l'n inedy.- Levi Springer, Esq., of Durban's Corner, William, i'.., writes, under date of January 0. lSli.i, that he has been Using Dr. Sugo'.i Catarrh Remedy, and s-Us it has cured him oi'd. :if m ss of fourteen years staiiiiing. lie was no deaf that ho could not hear a person talk when seated by their side, and can n nv hear the chllivh bells ring two mik s dis tant. It is sold by druggists, o'r scud sixty cents to Dr. U. V. Fierce, UutValn, X. V. ! A nie young man in Xew-Orlcans tan I away with and married the s'liioos.-d dam: ;hter of a highly respectable lad v. and came back tbr the "lady's b!v.s-.in;; which' was freely givv n, togetlier with llie inform-; ation that the girl was not hi r daughter, ; hut a quadroon servant girl, lie s lid it was si swindle, and left for purls unknown. , v-Yii.i: Ciikuuy Balsam. Thn memory oflr. Wislar is ( nihaliiud in the heart j of thousands w hom his JS'dsam if Wild ! Cherrii lias cured of coughs, colds, con-, .sumption, or dome other form of I'ulmonary disease. It is now over forty years since j this preparation was brought" before the i public, and yet the deinaud fr it is con- ; stant'v increasing. ' icerK Iir (iraiie W ine. . , , I his noted and excellent w ine- sani'oli s oi men can no ta: ted at all our druggisis -We believe l be superior ill every r.spect, and in all a desira'ole qiiaiit'us, medicinal no excepted, to pure and genuine imported l'ort, worili ten doilars a jjallou. For sale by I:",iggisis. . . 1 . i . . . .. . . ihb3 bbtrtforum; 13. 1 I 1.1 MtlivIS, "O'AX MAKF. JSCi IiiiPKIN'ti IV ail tbe New Sprhiif Style, for La.1ie, M ;. and I liii.lr.-n ; ih; ,in.iiyau 1 pra-ci. ol u liieli will iveiiniiiieinl llii'in-i'ivci. lo veiy eu ton.ir 1 1 Ki; i S ! CldiSliTS! ! O UlSIlf S ! ! ! J ,-t inaik d dewii to'irei; t i.i ;r j induing oar pie rent piiei i.les than tliej- e.iu bo ul!i K I, inili! void declines lo ill .1 pelr.l, and tid per ie.it. than lie- price one ye ir iign. ' we e r,i Ibeiii. l i.i I'iii a l'lplii.'i lo filver in eiuiifc liioer eui...iiii i, and leovl.iUo I. a 1 iu Muni: ' the:, i fall inivaalac of t'.is return lo a ipic.if baM-i, i'l advance ol Ihe 1 inaikct wha n nl i bi I'ul'y a pu-'.i..tel by a I i i . x.iiuiae onre- i li-' ieiaj !.. pii i... !.,i,, Sklit-, Oar 0-.iii ! Mai. , a :-7, 4 ', .'Jl, fia, it, 7.1, ., ; Uo, y.v iPou Ac to i'i M I. II li l-ni do U lai'i'.m.e l', r l at id, , Tj, ' iV, tl.Cii, Ac. l i1.7a. r,ip. ii r Ir. eeli Woven ' t '..i.nniil 7V. rodue 4 from l.ej; t H.eiiiv- ilil.v.l l'n.in ll iis 1 nt I --f ivd'.ice I loiiii tl.Ti. TUB NMMf H 4, . up l'iK up I 1 feul lauwn.it, " till,. L.i. Uim -- - - 4hJ'4 I ll, uu.i..ku. i u KIHU4 ,V WtlaUHA VI t iutU' H .i--M--k 1 tfk4 tttkti l 11t . - It' OT I Ml. H. A. SIUVE, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FCRNITCRK. WOULD respectfully In Turin tho public ttmt lie ha on hand F URNITUUEof all kind, at hi now Simp, Jut erected at lh Seven Points, hi Lowor Augusta Township. II. A. SHIVE. Lowor Augusta twp , Marcli 5, '70. St. TOWN LOTS FOR SALE IN tbe Fort Aueasta or Col. Cnkt'i ad Jit Ion trt tho Rnroucli of Sunbiiry. Prices from TWO HUNDRED to FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, payable In monthly ln.,tullmnns of Ton Dollars each. AIko, tho liURR HOUSE Iu Northumber land, mitnblo for a llrt-clnis hotel. A1--0, Tim ber bind In Lyroinliu; and (Ynlrc ?oniitir. Apply to JOSEPH O. TRACY, Northumberland, NortVU Co., l'a. Feb. SO, 1870.-am. PATEXT FAMILY C O It It H II E M.ER. This little Corn Shelter in made entirely of cat Iron, put-toiretbcr with (.crewn eo that it can bo easily taken i,p:irt. It weif.j only four and a half (4),j) pounds, Is very ueut and compact, 'nnd not lit all liable to break or pet out of order. It can be fastened to a table, bi'iieh or chair. Largo und Fniall ears are shelled pciieetly clean by it, without breaking or even ieratcliiu the grains, at tba rate of 3..j to .1 bushels per hour j and this call be done bv n boy Vi yeais of ge; It klie'.la green corn (toiled) ns readily n ripe, leaving the iniilim whole, thus seeming one-third more corn than if it were cut oil' the cob. Tbsre are three size manufactured: No. 1, fur "J'op Corn." No. 2, for Northern Corn, Inches. No. 3, for large or Southern Coin, luetics. Apr1)- to DENM. BOITNER, P.ixiuon, Nortb'd Co., l'a. Feb. 2fi, 1670.-3m. m:i:i ro'ATOEN. KARI.Y ROSE. . VANDERVERE SEEDLING, Ac, Ac., Ac, Ac. A largo lot for rale br BEN.T. BOTIXER. Paxinos, North'd County, l'a. Feb. 10, 1370. PC HAtEX Jb ItllO., BANKERS AXD DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES I'nion iiikI Centra! Iuci!!e ll. II FlliST MOItTGAGi: EOXDS, NO. iO SOUTH THIRD STREET, :l Y, SELL AND EXCHANiiU ALL I.-6CI-a Pi- I', ti. I5?.IH. lU'jit reasonable t.;ru:i. Oa ! fiOLD V.nV' iilT AND SOLI) rati:.-. .T JTALKET CO L'l'OXS CA siii:d. Ptnek.i ti.xiulit and sold on co:nini.-i.';;.n ...ily. .i-.'i.nieti ivedve.l and Interest allowed ou d.ii'.v n j -t ti cle'elv at siylit. Tell. "7. 7.1.-1 v. I . . TAX-SMYEKM. rpili: iin.1ei.-U-,i,-,l Asii-t uit Aootir I'crlb .1 liVl-inn. l ltli I.Uilet, Pi., will i:., t 'pie al III,' loiluwhej- l i rs and p!a..,., f,., ivi'.g t i:o (in .ui).-- j; -turn-i f.,:-1 P1 I'Vllieil !..- t.i. ..!-. 'S. I pai ; u . ,,: r Ai.d la', iv. i; -i'.t n:i I 1' at" I Wat I'M I..!!:"-. .i:i:e.l at aaj ti.ver i'.at , fo'H) and upward i, r.-i.i lioia lor liil: At .1. (ialm S-tiilliV, .In At Henry l'. I'iMivi '. . W PL s"u twp., Mu e'l ; t-l:i::tu:i tv. N.aie At John H. (iel-t'f, Vnptr M.deinov, Ma,.-!, 17. At Iletirv U. Vcuv.-r', '1 ivv,,: t.e',, lareli l'.i. "is vu.i.-e. eerie r e, ol Kiel (. ln-.-ro:t ftr I, r i.ii. iry. ironi .M-rvh 1-t to M MaivU Jiik, March -1.--I to March ,M-t, l: !.n.l All pets...; inu-t .n.ikapp ie.ste.tj f,.r L' ea.'a v-.ir, no ui.'.'.!:r le'.v l.i.ig tier ! .v ill bui:;e.-H. " ' l' r utis are r.vp::re.l ti i.t'.oa 1 oa tb davs namia. I'eraiitia eng.iL-. t in a ,y kind of b.isini', air reijuire I to imiKe I .-la.-iis,' (in di-t.ii.;, of i:,. eaii to we, wloilur th-y reci-ivo l.lunli or net I'ttllAV .M. SlllNiiKL. i.-tai.t A.'-i.'.icor, id DivWon. Ufa IVMet. Pa. Sui.biiry, Kvb. Ill, Is? i. A 'oiik;i. Colli or Sore TLi nitl re-.;nirc immediate attention, n nelect often rt.oilti in nn inc ur di'e Luiig Hii'u.'.e. l'.HOWN'.- Hkiim ll'lAL Ttax t'LS .vill inoM biviuiab'v rive intimt ' ivii-l'. Fur HioniOiltis, Asthma, l i t o rb, Censniiiptlvi: u:id 'f broat I;-c,.i., they have a p.mlrv; t-lleet. M S(i i'.I'.S io: I l'l'i;i.i'.' M'E'.KLKSiife tb.-m to clear an 1 su-'nuthei, ihe Vi.i -e. , tlwi.ig to iht- LO"! reputation an I popularity of th.'.Troeie-, eiaev vvei iltle-.-i and . Ivnp iiniiii li.itin are oili i. il, niii.li uie rjijod b'r nolloi:,-. Uemiv triel.t iin th" true ' Ul'.OWr.".': HKUNCHIAL TitOntES. ! S it O F.VKIlVW-lBllE. Nov. in. Isi'.J. tiaios. ! M 3I. H. HOOIIV, (S-.ieecs.or to W. A. Il.-nnvtt,) 1) !trIST AN! CltLMIST, Murkt-t NiTinro, SJAUI HV, !., llat Just opened a fr.-i.Ii and fall asuelm. nt ot Ultt't.N AMI .MI.IIC1M'.4. UiiMlipase.l in p o ity an I fi -sbn, av. I kept eon l.mily on hand. Hi lock ill h.umvs tic f-.and reiapli u- iu evi-iy article of Mviil in .Medi- 1 "!'.',' .. . ,, . , 1 by-I -l.uis and I u toiners mav it'v upou ri.'inpl.uM and atteii-.fc.: t-i orders JaM re- eeiv.d fOI.n AND FLl'ID FXir.Av.rA. I'll lie) Aetleleo I My stui k i Uuiieualiy Urge an! 'br r . .-i t.iloj lli.it cm I, 'loi I 'rhli., inelndiin; Tieach uu t I'.iiokIi f.iand on a lir-l clan All ti lean und ci.iiiiu- y F. It F f M E K Y , to le. l 101 I 1 , i.m I tiMI'dl M'l vi oK All I'lil 1" I.H'l .li.Vff ii,4i H.u Pli. I.1.0 111 ij f i.'-r lo n . ti ii, All in I irp-l ll :.. 1. at I hit. t '" I, , .- 11 . u. 1 .. ., il. I,. 1 0, 1 1,1 , , I, . , I a4 1 ! I I 1. 1 , lh.) .,! nl l ib. ,a 1 tli.-n.i ii. I'' 1 in. la . I 1 01, 4i I k'- p ..a Liu I lb. ,ty o. I Ml !.., till IM'1'1 A 1 LUt ". IU .1 I . t I .-j.. i I ' c , 1 v.. .li i 1 L : . 1" , I e -i.i . '. t 1 it 1.. in 1. ' " IV . Vii..i.'n' - 6 v, ' .. I ' M " 1 . ... .10 V . 1 1 , .,, t ,1 foMtJ A 1 O . it in ti. Ol m t or 1 1SK A IIAT BANKERS AND DEAT.EP.S IX GOVEUN MEXT 6ECUBITIE8. No. 6 Nassau Stkekt, New Yomk. Fehmnry, 15lh, 1870. Tho rcmnrkahlo success which iittcnilcj our negnthitlonsofthc Loans of the Cknthal Pxcino HAmnoAU Compart and the Wksjeiin Pacifio IUiLnOAn Compant na the poptilnrlty and credit which these I.onna have maintained In tho markets, both lu.thia country and Enropn, havo ehown Unit the First Moitnpo Bonds of wisely located and tionorahly-mnnnifcd Railroads are promptly rcmgnlzed nnd readily tak.ai ni the most suitable, safe, and a-lvaiitugiini? form of In vestment, yilldii! a more liberal liieninn tlmn can hereafter be derived from Government Bund? , nnd available to tal;e their pliice. Assured tint, In the srleetiun nnd negotlntlon of superior Hfdlroad Lonne, wo nre inrrtiiiK great jmbllo want, nud rendeiliifr a Vatitnb'. vice both to the holders of Cupit'a nnd h. prent National works of Internal improve, whose intrinsic merit and subMnutin! eleir enlitla them to tho use of Capital mid tbe o. douce of Investors we now o!Tcr with sruclu contlJcnee und satisfaction .nr.sT Mor.TtJAOH bonds of Till? CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. The Chtsnptnl-c and Ohio I'allroa'1, connectinc the Atlantic coat arid the magnificent baibor of the Chonpeakc tiny with tho Ohio River i:t n point of rellablo naviputtou, and tliup, with the entire Railroad system and water t iihiki rt:it :r.n f the ercat West nnd fc'otith-west, for mi (Jmi uddtttontcl East aii.t Went Trucil: I.llU', so imperatively demanded fur the ntwn;. modntl'in of lb Immense and rapldiv-p-owin-; trnn'port.ition between the At'antic seatioi-d and Europe on thn one hand, and tile ureat rr" dueinn regions of the Ohio and Mississippi Va'I ws on thi oth.ir. The liiiporimico of Hiis Ftond its new outlet from I He to f Imu imignUlrs it into on': of national eon -. -. 1 1 ic 1 1 ' , and iusuris to It nn extrusive tbniui:h trflltie frimi the day of hi crniiplelion j whi: , b :): . development of the CSLii.-ivo uu'i i-u' t m :i! an .1 mineral re-imreis ot VirginLi ami West-Vhgi !:., It posscssen, aluui"; ita own line, the fleint-.its e! larjrii anil profitable loeal h:nlin.'. j Thus the j;reat InlereitH, b'jili gi'ia-ra! Mil ( local, which demand 'tho CLiiipMiun ef tie. ! Ccr.iurnvKn ami Ohio P.vit.noiti tj t!,; ( hi , River, nll'ord the f nret unnrant-e of !t . and vain, and reader it Hie ismi. ir:; -j Iioi-J ;.!!( un.a Mil;sl:iTilial !w.i'r;.i:-5 i oitt"rprie now Id j!ro:;rc.is i: ' Count ry. ! naji.:r;..:!ty us an ! t and V.-:-t t-.tf. : 1 t!.r. proinl-i! wf an hatneiie and pi-oll'-.b.e i i await bur ili e"ii,pl. linn, V.v e dr.i ;vn 1" it i hi .0 '. l.'r.liiia ie:d eu-iperat!r.ii of proiiiiuetit r.,p!t'i.. ; Uaiiie i.l n.en of llil-Cit;. oil sn.-.m-t ju.Ijiiii--:.t !,:.; , known Integrity, wlm-v eeni.eeti, a v.i!', i , 1 . 1 jut her ith that ufembieid eit'r.em an 1 b i , men .if Virginia and West Viri'iia, : , -; i - - .i'i j eiii igetie, lieaoratjle, mu1 :ieec. tt:I S!i.;a..j.t- : uifiit. ' Tii" lun i coni;.!cted and la operr.l'e:. fi-nt i j Kleanmnd to tiie cvli-i.rMc.l Wliitc Snlplnii' ' Spvii.c', of 'ei Virginia, -7 mile", i.ivl theie remain but 200 miles (now paltially oa.-t mete.!) (c. b eii:,ip!n-d, to earsy it to thf prejesi- I o r- niiie.e' on the Ohio riv. r at, or i.e ir, ; be '.'eeu'i ! of tiie P.iy: sliinily river. 10 nii:,- a'.i.ive C'i.e.ln t ii -li. an 1 '"''' mt'es !io'...w I'iu-Uiri:. : i-iitefe are now proj'.ct, t nr i:t pi-'Lie s 1 V 1 1 : -1 1 , Ohio an 1 JOeO'iaWr i.. n,:,, t . .j a. t . ,,.', ; I I 1 ",:'"" tb .Ucii;e:.Ue it:;d tUU v, ML ' tin- oiftire Kaiieon I r.j sivi-.i : ," , i'ei:J i.n.l fie;i!li-,n:,l,nmi v.i: 5s ti.r 2'.ir:i:e Hui!roi!. Its vuhu'.le franebi-e an t :v r : '.. j K"1 I !'" the ( :n f vr:-..K': m, n. ' U"Xtt CovfASV a'iie,,g l'e- i i he-1 :r..l a. i : pow -i fui and truMw.eihy evj.i.v.: :' la, , '"ii.t.'y ; aud tliire e; .ts a pre-. . t ;., I . eo'i.t ', I-.! rea 1 and w.-rk j tire aai eoit nf tl,,. inn: i ! 'J'li d-: ii's of th" L vTn j ..-!. ! reference .i thi ef inve-t..:, and combine ! eo'.ivciaci.e.', ar.tyJ B:, j ,-, u. or I'm'.; 1. l lie Pea ii nr:- la I'.n.vaiaat r?,oc:, tizoo, ' V.i;', be iM.V.l - l'e. r.T, an.l may tie -.; 1 j 1 ' E-: i hi"; to !!. The (. leT Dili l I ; 1 1 v lie rc li iv I I renia p,! 1, r, v. ith t lie cm j ui r iit'iebe I, the p; i I b.-a i. tffsb.o iiry on tin- I. e'As , f il. i",,.Mj roa.-igtu; i to bearer : or Thu v otii o::. eeiy be .let iei...! iu the Ilea t i.i:e!c a p laeoe : I l;.-ei,! ir.insfei'able only e:, t;,,. ,,r n,, nn'i tue int..) est made p: ..!.'e , t.i'v.l "vaer or hi-. . i:..rn- y. Tla- t'.i.v s c' :rsi .;; ( af : 1st. 'Ct-.ijcn E:o5- E? oarer." le .' ma iv; Iiiy; . a-.O to "Iteisl ?rril I'oiti!.s wish i pons; uttuctscil' Bil. It (. !s.ierevl Kou.Iw vfili ' c pom Selaelid," and ft...:,!d la i. le t t y C'urr.-.-piii.!!.l in i-i c. ia.; t'.i e: - , : U 'lids drii.-cl. I They have thirty yrar to run fr-ia u'"-v ,B V'':0 lre,t at ?ix p. r e.-i.t. ''" fr. N..v.n.il-r I. is-'-.. l'i!i,-.-i .,1 1 l,;t ' r'"1 ' i-lbw '" -"M "' N' 'v V 1 1 Ur l"l''r?1 is l'.val.'e in .M .y an ! N.-v-ia j that il may take I':.' place of t'.at ef He-ea A"lu ' of "ivo-T'ri.t i--, au I mil tie-.. eiov,.;, of our fiii-talu Vila, i lrc.oly la 1,1 iVntial ! We-t-; n Paeillc P.. :-!, nil It ! ;:. i e-i j.,.;.' I Jaauarv .ni l July, and vvie. i.a v i. o.-, i,, 1 , , ,, . , , ' :itvllu.MiI l.ne. t.mat-, t.. Ii..e lb r u.t l.i:,- 1 - " an I lreciv..b'e kl iliir-u-llt r -nl'i. ei 1 .. 1 1 1 1 1 : . I'.v. i I.:, lil le. -,t I The Loan in n-ean d le J entire Line of tin- i .,.,.( Idiio Uivcr, v.iiii t l.o i -.p property ant appro t . .... with. A Mabiei: Tn-al of tl-." '.. I I' l:i, be ( r 1 ., in ll..- 1 poor Ine 1 .0 lily i-.j 1 p lb- lei 01 I I, to ', I lii d ilil. II -t It . i I .. I ' V ,.l.o c I, 4nJ i'iii..;n b.in.tt r I 1 'II.. lid M I ie- I . I 'ill Ui.ie:. J I.O u u:L".. 1 1, I .... , .1 It iik'U, tola U1. i uui Ir, b.- 1.1 I'll.'.' J, 'l.' b. Ir I io.d 1 .. . l.;.r 0. . , I .. - . . I , . 1 I 1 r e -u l..v 1. I III pl: 11 1 1 I '4 . ll. , ,0, I t .1 1. 1 I li. 1. l . . I ' l b 1 ..1 1, . . 1.