THE SUtfBURY AMERICAN, IS rUDLTSIIED EYEftY SATTRDAY BY EJTL WILVEHT, Proprietor, huscs'i BriLtno, .MAHRKT IO,T.'ARE, At ftL50 In Advance. Hub$erjption (often for lot than tix ITantht. CevsNWTRn with this establishment I an exten alvcNFAV JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of plain nnd fiiuoY type equal to nny establishment In tho Inl-rior "of tho State, for which the pats on nngc of the public l respectfully solicited. . GS f roff5sionitl. rso. A. I ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 144 FoCUTIl Avemcr, ritteburg, Pa. Notary Public, an.J51W0. ly -flEO. II I I.E. Attorney nt Ltw, 8UNBU "r HY, l'A. Will attend to nil professional ' in tliis mid nnd Adjoining coiintten, tail stiPcd-ln the English nr German lun- I. WOI.VFRTOX. Attorney nt Law. . Mark.-t Square, tlNUUfiY,PA. Proression ourIiics" VL'i's mid adjoiniur counties prompt ly attended to. WM. 11. AUMSTHONr). SsNlEt. I.1NH. A KJISTKOX I I- iV. ATTOKSEYS-AT-LAW, TTIM.I.lMSl'OnT, PBS' A. July St, lsny. fi mos. - St. A. R. SAVIIMiE, respectfully sn- XJ nuances himself as Physician and Minjcon to t;ic citizens of Suiiburynnd vicinity, liaviuu lo cated himself permanently on Market street, near ly nmwislto the Kttiriiiount Hotel, where ho can . i eoiiMilted at all hours when not professionally eugag:.!. npl24-ly M AMEEICAIN 9- EtatllsHol In lH-l-O. ( PRICE 1 SO IX AUVAXCE. ) SUNBURYPA., SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1870. Xow Net-ie, Vol. 2, No. 2. Old ftcrle, Vol. SO, Xo. I S. AIM lilXTlsiXG SCHEDULE. 10 Lines, or aboirt 100 Wrl-i,oiak a Square One week '1.00 tf.OO le.50 8.0O 4.00 T.w'in.oii Two weeks 1.60 8.W 4.00 6.50 lUXi 14.00 Three " ia.lHI CM). 4.ft 5.00 7.00 10.00 Ifi.tiO Four " li.?) 4.50 6.60 6.00 7..W 11.00 11.0U Five " a.75 6.00 0.50 7.00 H.5O12.Ocv;0.00 Hix " 18.00 6.7 7.fXI 8.00 9.00 i:i.oO'-V.(H) Twotno's 18.25 7.W)i 8.50 U.IK) 10.00 1 5.0O,'.r.0O i Three" . U.SO: 8.00 u.M) 10.00 l'J.On 18.00 ;!l.00 i six Iri.tKii u.oo'ii.iKiri.ooift.oou'o.worKi.tio Nine li.ouiO.OO 1.1.H lS.tKao.U0 25.tK) ,r.:ou One. Year 18.00 12.00 15.00a0.0tr3).0050.tK);$lo0 ffio.fls ab lc$titnrans. "ri.. --- - --TT. CABJIKli IIOESR, M.. Cnrmcl, iJL Pa. CHARLES C'lLP, Ptoprlctor. A Pleasant Summer Kesort. This well-known House, is retlttcd and repaired, will furnish the best of accommodations to travelers and perma nent boarders. On account ofits locution it pos tew peculiar attractions us a summer resort. Julv , 1 HiiO. ly. . pf to lb'bf rtiscincnt.' . riEETII ! TEETH I J. t. ( KCfMNHKK, X irtjeon UentUt, SL'NBUUY, PA. All work curefiilly attended to mid warrauied. Am thank ful to all for the kindness extended toward me bv tsiviivi me their patronaire in the. past, an I lm;ie a continuance and increase of tlw same. Olllix-, (list door cast of Adams' Express OlUco. . apllO-CO GW. ZIEfiI.ER. Attorney nt Law. north side of PuMic Siil:ire, one door cast of tin: old Bank buildini;, i-i:NBl"RY, PA. Collec tions and ull professional business promptly at tended to in the courts of Northumberland and adjoining comities. scptl5-6G AIJISJ" i. MARK. Attorney nt Law, M1AMOKIN, PA. All business attemled to with promptness and diligence. nti(jl0-07 iSAC'IFIC IIOTEE. 1 ,5 uxb m r,. rsxiTA., WM. T. tNGLEMAN, Proprietor. A pleasant Suiumcr Resort, being on the bank of tits Susquehanna river. This stand having been newly built by the Proprietor, offers excellent ac commodation's to the traveling community. Choice wines, liquors nnd cigars at the bar. Tho table supplied with best the market affords. An ample and well stocked stablclu connection with this house. RESTAIRANT A EATING IIOISE. CnARLES ITZEL, Pitopnir.TOB. ' Chestnut Strcst, a few doors from the Depot. Bi-KBi-nr, Pa., HAS open a Restaurant and F.ating House, for the accommodation ofthc public. Warm meals can be had all hours. Allkindsof game, llsh, Ac, sensed up nt short notice. His bar U supplied with the bcstliquor In market. No pains spared to please, mid terms moderate. Suiibiiry, September, 4iu IStiO. ly. SAT I OX A E EA G ER REER SALOON, OS TUIKD STIIEST, NEAR THE DErOT, SUNP-l'IlY, pa. JOSEPH PACHERlnformsthc citizens of Sun tiurv and tho public, genernllv, that liu has opensi a LAtiER BEER SALOON nt the nbovo place. Tlie bc?t of Lager Beer, and Malt Liquors ill be kept. Also Oysters, &c, constantly Bcrv td up to customers. NATION A 1." IIOTE I.; Wvsf lv8 WALl), Proprietor, (ieoigatown North'd County, Pa., at the Statlun of the N. C. R. W. Clioiec wines and cigars nt t lie bar. The. table if supplied with the best the market ullprds. Good htuh'.intf nnd attentive, ostlers. Afl nil a SHS XJNDD SSAS7-HASS CI0Tm9 TBI JEIGHT of the StYLE. j3u PEBBLY flIgHED. READY TO PUT RIGHT ON. r . I5EIMI".N"SN'YIEK, Attorney nt '. Law. Sl'NBl P.Y, l'A. All business en- tnited to his dilig.-iv care Htteuded to promptly an ) with aprJ7-li7 (HAS. KIXl'KNKIt. I' HAS. TAWI.IT. J.0. KAY ,'I.EaEN'T, Attorney at Law, SL'NurilY. PA. Collections and all pro f. .--einal le.i-iness promptly attended to. niehjMjiti c. i. in;! Ni:::. 1.. ii. kase. JTRl'VER it "iASE. Attorneys and Coun- selloisat Law. ir-L'NUL'ltY. PA. O'.llee on ( li t in: t street, west of the '. C. an I P. t E. Railroad IVpot. I i the building lately oebupied bv 1'. I.azinis. Esq. ("olleetious and all profes ji".nal business promptly alien. led to ill Noithum-Ii"-!mi I and adjoining connli-s. npllO-0'J p. n. I'.ierru. w. .i. woi.vukths TOVKEt & WOEYEItTOW Attorneys 1 3 at l.-iw. on seeon 1 tloor in Uright't new i.ui'ding, s-UNBl'UY. PA. S. U. B i.ver ar, 1 V. .1. Wniveit i r -p -ft fully announce that they have entered intoeo-partiiersliip in the practice of their profession in Itorthiimberland and ndjilfn foatitles. CiMisuItatioiu can be had in the ti eriiian language. r.p'4-tiS 'f r . MASKER, Attorney at Law, PCN rl. lil'UY. PA. Cidleelions atluniieil to in V, ' counties (if Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, t'oluuibia-and Lycomhig. e.pll'i-ii'.l l.I.ovo T. noiiuuicii. & UOilKKAt'il. s-L'NBCRY, PA. ;f ng, M..-.C. I lloo;-. l'-:i-Ian4-I-. A EEEG1 V KM. Market Street, above eighth, PHILA DELPHIA. Terms, $: per day. Yc respect ful lv solicit vour patronaL'e. KLECKNF.R A CAWLEY. W INTE .Yes. .1. V A L K K ' S r: garden: ami iiotee riO, 72'.', 7:i4 & 727 Vim St., PHILADELPHIA. WM. M. MM Ki:i'I".l.l.KH. g 4 fil'.i -EEEER L Attnrnevs at Law. lev- in H 1 rue, r ilipl s new tn , V i i k. T f- i". Y INT r, 11 G A 11 DEN II OT EL, (on the EritnrEA ri.AS) Centrally located, connecting with all the City Passenger Railway Cars, from nil the Depots in tho City. Excrllcut Afcoiiimodntioita for Trn- Grand VooaJ and Inst runicutal Concerts every evening in the Summer and Winter, tgyOnhcstriun Convert l'A-jnj Afternoon. Jtlf riSB t.Aiiir.s' nr.STtvnANT the hest or ItEPIIESllMUNTIt HKKVEII. OflleeofYalerot Lawaer't fountain Park Brewery April 10, lSil'.l. llltercHancoits. ' t EliUEE EI G ilTX ER," , KEi'Ei, .M EILCllANT T.'.li.Olt, AM. ii:.t.i::t IN r .1', .11!! fe c:.'.: iiMi.rir.s, South of Weaver"! ano vrsiix:r,s, Hotel, S.i'ibui-y, Pa id Ke- Ths oljMt of tb. ChMtnut Strut Clothing llslim.iit Ii to fnrnUh clsu of ItJy-nid Clothing superior to soytblug tbnt biu borvtofors Lmq offered to tbejpnbllo. Ouljr Hie flner fabrics sre mad, nd the but trlmmlnga, sad tbne re cut by the most skillful snd trtlttlc cutters, aud mule up In elaborate sud tasteful etjrlee. A full stock of each clutblng Is now la itors, and being sold at moderate prices. Cosnsoted with the eitabllebineot, afforda rare airontaa. jmporitct ootts, . Ko Oner work If dona ia nj Marchut TailorliTf ITonM In the land, h'u ttlor itjles, no richer goodi, no inor renowned cutter. n mora rtcrftet DU cu tUti jJoctrn. THE EITTEE niIPEE. The little Clipnlc passed along The quiet viilnuu street, The. clothes she wore were patched nud old, Yet Very clean and neat. Though she, vus sickly and deformed, Her face was swecv ru.d fair And the glossy curls around her brow, Proclaimed a mother's cure. Ere lout; she passed the village school As from the open door A train of boys came shouting forth, Glad that their t i-k.n were o'er, A few, more boiMervtis than tbc rest, Thmtiselvcs erect and strong. Begau to mock the hump backed girl Who quietly walked along. Once Jenny uttered sharp Tetoru When jests like their' File heard ; But now that, pnw hud changed her heart, She answered not u word. Only the blush that dyed h. r clic k, And the tcjir than down it stole. Showed that the c use, unfeeling taunts Had sunk into her soul. Arrived at Lome, poor Jenny sought Her chamber small and bare ; Mctliinks thir-e thoughtless boys had wept If they had seen li T there. Beside lier lowly bed she knelt, And scut this prayer to heaven i "O Father, help me lo forgive. As I have beeu forgiven !"' Dear children, 'tis from God above Health strength and beauty come j And He,.in wisdom, hi'th withheld These precious gilts from some, lie kind to such aiid learn to ke.cp The Golden Rule In view ; Nor ever let n cripple hear A cruel Jauut from you. Stiscflfoncou!!. REMARKS OF JIJV. JOIINr J4COTT JDrauiiful end $orvlccblb Kannoni, JIT LABOS8T VABISTT. o 3 It XUfitt liurtBiat of GENT'S rUENISHING Q00P3, r .i.r.vriE 1iet.,wiio-i1i tail dealer in every varn-iy oi ANTI'.RACiir. COAL, SPNBIT.Y, PENN'A. (i !; WHAI'.K.) ".'"Order- f Hlic'.te.l and lille.! with promptness n "l (i.-spateh. liiavl-J-UII i tl.! COAL! 'OAE! GRANT BROS., V, M.irp-rs and Wliid-sale and Retail Dealers in Wm i E AND RED AMI COAL, ..CNLURY.PA. ( wiuur.) J -f?f'ide Ag-iits, wcitvrard, at the ceUbrated Vea i v clay t o;,:. .''"'A'-Li'6 r S. KIlOAOVi, W 1;1T1I. l: Al.nt OK ANTHRACITE COAL, fcCNbUKY, TENN'A. Orru'E wfru Haas, Fk.i:i.v t Co., (iclers b 't at Seasholtz it Bio's ., office Market Mre t, will receive prompt attention. Country -a tola re-peet fully so.ieite I. Jan. , li;o. ti'. JilOi: MSI I I'M AX. -lIKK LIVE HSCRANCE AGENT. H'S 1? lil'RY, PENN'A, U" r-iet.!: Faruu rs' M.itual Pile liiiUiume Yolk, Pa. i Cunibcr- 1 ii, I Valb Mutual l'loieetive Co. ; Nen-. Y ! k Mutual Liie ; Guard J.ileof Pliila.,aud Hartford, I'oun., ti-m-ral Aceiile.nt. irEXTivrnY. GEOlMiT. M. UK.N.N, i'n i'.'ini .-oii'ti UuilVtjt Market hiMiriiv, Pa., IS prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining In 1). i,t, -try. lie kei ps coii-tai.lly on baud u large nn-ort incut ol teem, iinu oiner uvuini iii.iteTial, from which Ik will be utile lo elect, aiid meet the wants of his customers. All work wairui te.l t j givi futi.l'actUu, or else 'lie mo'.e v l- d. 'I lie M-iv ben Mouth Wash and Tooth-PoW.Krs Vrpt on hand. iiis lef reiiee arc the numerous patrons for ,li. in l.c has worked the last twelve years. c, Ajnil -.1, W'". GRtXO IRItER KAEOON. ',,:,,( a.LiI .Mf A'.t.. lii.t luti in f V't h'i tJ v .s r.vy; . Y, J A. W As, II N'GT' h i i lg riinoved to his hi luiiel.hg "ii i i.u i mi a 1 the I. l l"' I r' II ! ti. Hi -t I . (.1 in.. I s 1 ! Halls l, Ml V ISG AND II VHt !)RISINfi in, no-I 1,1 the late I 1 le. 'Ihe build. I,. ... I... mi. 1,1'.y f-r Ih't fiir- .. . ., j., i , i..:l. r .l!lsl, ii, I lu'w; i ll- I 11 i. l i lb. l .ie.t lye, lie hopie lo ie..a 4 ' 1., iliji '" ol I. ilio.l I pe.iixh js LOOKS, STATlOXEltr, WALL PA- I'KR, Ylxnov SHADES, Ac, has largelv added to his stoik and facilities for up'iUiiijf his tiauo. Ilis stock consists of a full line of SCHOOL. BLANli A MISCELLANEOUS DOdlts, CAP. RILL. lr.. I.I UAI, AND OTHER PAPERS, Bl'EK, WHITE. CANARY. AND OTHER ENVELOPES. it. so PAPER A OILCLOTH. SHAPE FIX 'IT RES, PERFUMES, FANCY Alt I JCl.t'.ft, tve WAEE I'AI'ER AXI BOUDKltS made specially.. Aa imuicuso new aud cheap stock. SUNDAY sni.OOLS supplied from stock nr by order prompt')', at the lowest Sunday School discounts, W illi books and other supplies. MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS INcturo Frame mid Moulding, I'll AMES MADE OF ALL SIZES, AT riUCESOF MOULDING. All dallv, weekly and monthly Periodicals and Newspapers supplied by No., month or year, ( not on hand promptly ordered, tingle or lU-.llllt v. I'Y.-s.jiis in want of (roods in his line, especially cash l.nwrs. will find it to their interest to call at N. Fcrree Lighlner's Book Store, sign of the Big Gold Pen. PL E AS A NT'S BUILDING, 11 A It K FT SQ U ARE, Sept. !J.-.tli lSi.'.l. iv. Sl.NBURY, PA. ?:5 ft 820 CZKSTKtH1 rBIXADSLPHIA. fiFieuL Nots. lljr our et.m of Self-measurement, gentlemen at a dietarce cau order with certainty of baring a good fit. V alee for 8o!f-meaeuremeut and samples eent by mail when requested. Dec. lSth.lH!','.). ly. M . O O O O It r, i i mil AI AXI FANC Y DAVID rUY, AKES. T F.Sl'Ef TFULLY informs the citizens of Sun XV bury and vicinity, that Spmrc, H H E K U R Li Senate, Fibrmtni 2'i, on the qucation f j (ulmittimj to xcal Hon. Hiram It. I Hurl.", Senator elect f.n the StJ.'.c of I Miininn!jiii. j Mr. .Scott. Mr. I'lvsiJi-nt, I will occupy tho attention ol tho Scnate-lur a very I w moments, and Ihut U'nin !!ic direct fines- tim. 1 ilo not jiroiH.iri', sir, lo discuss the j past ht.stoi-v ot'tlio coiiti e! :il),mt tho ni'grii, j nor prfbnbh! futurt! coiiHcii'.iencrs of iluit I c.intcst : but t'i look simply at tlic qiution which this has dcvclnpod, in the , lmpo that In a few moments wo may bo ! ablu to dispose of that (pu-stioti. j Tliis dubato litis tlcvciopul two l'atlinr j facts. The lirst is that tho person who is j pr.iposi'.il as a Senator from the Slate of i Misbissippi is now a citizen of tho United Slates; and the s.'cond is that he never, been an alien or Lireijincr. Now, sir, in view of these two facts. I propose to maUe the point that even if ll e propobi'.ini, that ; has been contended for by the gcnUeiiirn on the other side of the Chamber were I file, j namely, that .lie was a citizen before t lie enactment fit the civil ri ihls bill or before i to the' Constitution, mil! lie is eligible a Senator of the United States, and ouht to be sworn in. The proposal to refer his credentials to the Judiciary Cotniniiiee for the pttrpo-e of i makinej inquiry as to whelher he has been : a citizen of the." United Slates for nine years, j It is admitted that he is a citizen now, and therefore he ia admissible m a Senator tin- I less tliere Ikj snmo disiptaiilication. vVhal I is that disqualification V It is alleged that he is n, man of color, and that therefore ho j was not a citizen prior to the enactment of j thu civil rights bill. Now, sir, no one stands here to question that his citizenship was au open question ticiore ine adoption oi the civil rights bill. The history of the litigation that had occurred in various States, nnd that linallv got into the Su preme Court of the United Slates in the Dred Scott case, the universal discussion of thia oueotiun nt one period ill our history n i these arc enough io show that the public mind was not settled upon the question. Hut if it was not settled then, could it be more effectively settled than it has hern, .... .... . -i -a.... i . : 1 1 lirst by tlio passage oi ine civil rigius um, tnd tlten, if that was not sullicient as a mero net of Congress to determine the status of citizenship in the face of a deci sion of tho Supreme Court, surely it will not lie contended that the. fourteenth con stitutional amendment, declaring; that all nei-sous born within the United States are ' citizens, is not sullicicnt to settle it. I The civil rights bill, if iU text be turned 'to, and the fourteenth amendment, if its I text be turned to, will be found to Jk; both ' , ( . . 'n..... .1.. ...a ......,.i (liri ..('....(i, liccn naturalized as a foreigner, until nine years had elapsed nfter his" naturalization. And has not our history Veen nn illus tration ol it We admitted Texas fts n Stale, nnd although I have not taken the trouble to inquire into the nativity of the two gentlemen who came liens ns Senators. I believe they were both born in the United States, yet they were not cilineiva of the United states nt the time of the admission of Texas ; they had lost their citizenship as eitiaens of the United States. Hut (lid any body doubt that when they presented thet'n selves here they were eligible ns Senators of tho United S't-.tes, although they had not been citizens of the United States for one year '( When we required Lousisiana, did not every man who was a resident of 1 lie Territory nt once' become a citizen of the United States t I know it was so held in- my own State. There the question came up in this way : A man born in Saxony who emigrated to Louisiana-ln-fore the Ac quisition of that Territory by the United States, nnd had never bccii naturalized in the United States at all, afterward removed to l'ennsylvania, and there olTcred to vote. And. the question was there raised whether he was a citizen of the United States ; and our courts held Hint by the acquisition of Territory all its inhabitants at once became citizens of the United Slates. So we 'see that there nre circumstances, nnd have been circumstances in the history of the United States, where men would lie nd mitled a.i Senators in this Chamber el though they were not citizens of the United Stales, for one year, or inure than lwo,three, or four years. This I cite in illustration of tl.e iiieaoiiig. the intent, the- spirit of that clause of the Constitution which is invoked i i for the purpose of delmrring this man from tlieseatto winch he has been chosen hy the State of Mississippi. Ho is not within , the meaning and and spirit of that el;at.?e ! of the (.'.institution, lie is a native born j j !idi:ibil:;:it of the United States, and made' j a citizen by the civil rights bill o'r by the'1 ooi.s'imti.uial amendment, if he had not j i b, cur., (ore. 'J'Ih-mj were, ns I have already I said, both ry acts, n. d enaetnietiis I ' simply to l.aLn e!U-rt in the future, but de- . I claring what va.- the oetie ol oagressand ; of the people at the date of their enact- ; ! men!. not within the meaning of that clause of , houses of Congress. . There was no treaty ; the Constitution which requires a man to but the Senator agrees that it was by virtue be a citi7en for nine years. Tho meaning ; of the resolution which brought Texas into of that clause of the Constitution which re- j the Union UU they became citizens of the quires a man to bo citizen for nine years. United States, thus virtually agreeing that The meaning, tho spirit of that was, that j in that ease those geDtlcmriu were admitted no man should occupy t'.w nxi wno nan : as Senators ol the L mtod States, although incir citizenship ot the Limed States did not date, back nine years. That was tho point I was making. Mr. Davis. The joint resolution was admitted to lie equivalent to a treaty, in the nature of a treaty. Mr. Scott. Very well, sir ; that was the point I was making. I say the clause of the Constitution applies only to foreign ers who have liccn naturalized under the terms of the Constitution. The whole his tory of tho clause 1 have the history hero, ns I have said, but I have not undertaken to rend it the discussion when it was un der debate in the Convention which formed the Constitution, shows that the purpose was to gttat'd against the danger of permit ting foreigners to come into our councils before they hint nc en here long enough to make them really Americans.' That is the reason, as I have said,' and the spirit of the law. Tho reason ceasing the law ceases. Here is a native-born citizen of the United States presenting; hinrclf, "native and to the manor born,"' not a foreigner ; no naturalization papers are i necessary for him, nnd- 1hc fundamental law of the land declares this man to be a citizen of the United States, aiid always to have been a citizen of tlio United Slates, for that is the meaning of that fundamen tal declaration. ' And yet this rule is in voked for the purpose of .excluding him from a seat in this Senate, a seal which (if we could permit such conditions to enter into ouiejiudgment) he ought to be permitted, to occupy, simply upon the ground of il lustrating by a in ,.st noted example one ot the most noted that will ever occur in the history of the world the assurance of that retributive justice which a just God brings around in the administration of human events. Mi. Uayarfl. 1 thoul.I like to ask the! Senator fium Pennsylvania a question, whether he is aware w hat persons were the lirst two Senators from the Suite of Texas ? Mr. Scott. I am ; I am aware that General Houston and Mr. i!ii:k were the ' first two Senators from the Mate of Texas. Mr. IVtyard. Is the Senator also aware i i, at they were citizens oi' the State of Ten ! nessee, and had Ki.t. for more thai; tytie I years, Mr. Scott. "Will the Senator answer me I whether both of them, having accepted cilices under the independent republic of! Texas, they could stiil retain their eharae-! thev"wrYe. ciuz.Pt:'oi life iVpfnidc ot lexaVr i Mr. Havard. 1 would remark to the ; honorable "rvnator thai the language of the ! Constitution does not require cither a rosi- j deuce of nine consecutive years or any j nine years, but the fact of citizen- shin i'nr the term of nine vears ; and there fore 1 ask whether or not that citizenship of those gentlemen was n. letter of Hie Constitution Mr. Scott. No. sir : there is no refuge for the gentleman to get clear of this pobi- j lion with regard to the two Senators from the .State of Texas, unless he. goes back, with his party and nestles himself upon the j old British doctrine of perpetual allegiance, , that these men never could throw oil' their allegiance. They were citizens of the ! Uuited States ; tiiey went from Tennessee ; they became citizens .of the republic of! Texas ; they both became olUccis in the! republic of Texas, thus re nouueing their ; allegiance as far as nets and declaration or the acceptance of olllee could renounce it ; and alter that time, Texas being admitted as a-State ot tin I uion, miimttcti u treaty, thev were received here us her Senators, althou of Texas was adiuitlc IIitKiiiK " Iliithmut The Davenport (Iowa) Ihnmcrot says ; Hans is good at "pitch." but not snn.cess ful tis a provider, lie won't make money for hiiu.self, and spends what Grelchcti makes. She interviewed a druggist. He promised arsenic, smell a, put Hans on his guard, and gave Gretehen starch instead of poison, Hans threw up his hand anil went home. It was somewhat late, and he could risk ii for an hour or i two hy the side of thu would-be murderess. I The next day everything moved on just i the same. Hans didn't eat a very hearty ' breaklast, and went up town to buy his provender. At dinner time he came home i hungry, and pitched into the victuals with I unspeakably avidity, j lis jaws soon light 1 cd on the the treacherous rtavch. He I gave a yell and doubled himself up liko a I wounded boa constrictor. He fell on the i floor and had spasms. In short, he took j on scollops high. His w ile sat liv, cninv- i ing the spectacle nnd tenderly, inquiiirg, i "Wat is tier mat let- mit Hans: Wber. jie had becrune insensible, site tver.t lit) rone, through an auger hole into toe room ; where Hans lay. Then she came dowu and fastened the rojK.- around his neck, propped lii in up in a sitting position, and 1 again went up stairs. Hut Hans had tin j inkling of her fell intent, and, coming to himself, with remarkable presence of mind it citizenship , jlL. (.uikiy undid the noose from his neck it w ithin the j ftlul it around the leg of tho dinner table : then he ciiniuv sat, uowu m a i imu A IllinoU Endy Elvot Twenty Your Without Noel ng Minister. A Methodist minister was on his travels through the west of Illinois twenty yenrs ago. Illinois was'a wild place then. He traveled twenty miles one day ln-fore coin ing to a farm-house. Hut there ho wns received with hospitality. Chicken pot-pio and corn-dodgers composed his sttpjier; but to a hungry nmu iheso lire as good as a tru filed turkey. A line old grandmother of tho liouso was most profuse iu her hospitality. She press ed the pot-pie on the holy man's plate till he could cat no more. "And then, when the family was gathered around the great log-chimney and its blazing tire, the venera ble d atne opened her mouth, aud thus spako : "Ah, well-a-day 1 it's a grand comfort to have a minister of the Gospel in these purls. It's twenty year agone now. since 1 have seen one ou"'em. I've been a rcadin' o' my Hiblo all that time, awaitin' to see it minister to ax him a question about suthin 1 don't rightly understand." "Madam; "'answered the cautions minis ter, "1 am so tired wiih my long ride that I could not enter into a serious question till I have slept ; but if you will nsk'me to morrow morning, before I set out, I will answer it to u-st ol my nbihty." The old lady expressed herself satisfied, and the cuntVuig minister secured a soft couch for tho night. Tho next morning grandma was up early, nud hard at work frying slapjacks for tho minister's at break fast. This last being dispatched thJ old lady was still iu a nervous lidget about her question, while the holy man's horso was saddled and brought to the door. After adjusting his .saddle-bags nnd shaking hands with all the. family, he mounted his horse, and turning to her, asked : "And now, Madam, what is your ques tion V "Waal, minister." said she, "yer know how it sez in tho 15'tble that arter Ulisha was made a prophet, the heavens opened a Elijah was taken np to heaven in a chariot an horses o' lire. .It's better than twenty year sin' I seed that ere in tho Hible, and 1 have puzzled over it ever since ; an: there ain't a soul nmu' the these uiggins knows any more nor I. Hut you're a n-in-ister o' the Gospel, an' ought to know all them timers. Now. what 1 want to know is this: Did the Lord take up Elijah right slick to heaven, or.did'nt he go kinder slan. leL'diclnr V" History has not recorded the minister's reply. An Irishman who had just landed, went to see his sister, who was married to Yankee. The couple lived very happily i' Chicago, and wliec Tat came, the gentle man took him over his place to show it to him. l'at, at tiro evidence of his prosper ity, said to his brother-in-law : "HegaTra, you are very happy hero with this line property to look on ; my sister had goo..' luck entirely, so hho had, in getting yon for a husband." "Ah, yes," responded the married mail we would be very happy but for ono .i "Ah, l'at'" returned tho gentleman "i am sorry to say that we have uo chil dren." , "'o children I" exclaimed Pat ; "then be 'arra. its not mv Hitter Maggies fault for she had two before she left Ireland and that is the rayson my father sent her to Atncrikv. and awaited developments. 1 he way that table hi across the tjoor tho next nnuuie was a caution. It was yanked all out of shape, and every dish on it smashed into a thousand pieces, and then the piece of furnittire drawn tight up against the ceiling. Soon after was heard -the voice of his beloved wife from the upper cbrvmber window, calling out in accents of grief that her dear lord had committed suicide, aud the neighbors commenced to, run to wards the house. Coming dowu stairs sho met the irate Hans, who advanced "threat eningly, brandishing ft formidable switch, with which ho proceeded to belabor her most unmercifully. Gretehen could not how it come to was" that llaii3 couu a ts, ( kZltlt li the day belore lite pi.ih. i swunow poison with impunity, and gives lilted they were not citi- i it , i) ui jou Hans-eniovs his c-usto- zensol'the United States.' mary evening game, and has his opinion of Mr. l'onii'ioy. Texas was mlmitttd by j a l)UjU liof.;U('t ovl-iii Lis household, joint n solution, not by treaty. . ! - r Where Iks. ugt'tt uo. SOllUll TH0CUJIT3 rem woukingmun. J la he will baXc to i.r.ler all kliels of CAKES FOIl BALLS, PAIITIES, Ac. Famlles are supplied with FKESli HUE ATI, Twist, Ilolls, Kusk, Tea Huns, te., snd also kept on hand aud manufactured out of the best materials. All in drs left nt his Shop In MarVft Sousre, one door east of Mis Anna Painter's Milliuury t-ture. or at hi llakerv on Sprues Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet ilb prompt ulleiitioii. HALLS AXI) EVENING PARTIES supplied with Cakes, lee-Cream, Ac., nt tho shuitest in .lice. Order are respectfully solicited. DAVID FKY. Kunbury, Dee. 13, 1CS. -EWMEAT KHOI. HIE undersigned respect fully inform Ihe citl- I-!, of Bunburyun l vicliUty, IIihI lin y uuv opciic l a MEAT SHOP, in Iiuil' bulldiii!.',on the north side of Market bo u.i re, two door limn Ilia railroad, wen- lb I H ! It ll U V. I I T d to serve bis llau.,,' ktiuied lb will k.n ii ronsimil supply of Ihe I-1 of Hi t i Mar- i Pork, Million, Ac., at whole-le or retail, t the I, net oners ami n ine urn . a wacon will be run to up'ly eil-l )iners ev.ry Inoinla, e. 4 huud i) ) 'f he be'l of liieal will louud ht lueir elior. l-ivc-.i call and eallety yuiir. .elves. BtrnvWAUliWEU. 1 1, i. 1-vV.i. .f. I,. I!..- ., . , t .. I.. . V Xllll S . a.l.l..., i .. t ..11.. I , I ?'.! :,; '-11 II. OX.III U tlist-el.lsl I .Oil" tl.'ll- , , . I .l ll.e .ale ol It J. I lil-.AM. I A K I f, lil Lit, lllld Ualliel'lUe III hi f I'm, We III l ilillnoil Uc Ilraln(.ii, u. i.. .. ll u,l ui ralaUra nt liuu (i., IU u IU ll I'lutUJtlxS " I H-l'-t . ) i l u a it u o o v v f. r. it u i i E K MAIIKKT STREET, Juiij.1" Iron Front lluihliny, hi Mil Ity M It II I I. MMlr. u 1 .1 - k id tltl. yl.l I tie rl.lUS a- ul. m - lMI.J I 'l I ', i a.y I ik ''l. v-. it I im Hi .1 I r ,. !.,, 1,4,1 V I, I S'l l, ki"de l-t I t tKMIIi. e on tend, Su4 lo older fcl lloill Slim n lWHMMll i llri4 IIuh-s, 1 1 I I S. I ih Ht AND W JM-uW hl I A t ' " ..... I , tt Ml)l U NT Ull El nimsrus neft, -cond Nreet, eppll the Court House, St'V Ul UV. l'A., , Un-clfalljr luvlles lbs Sltsullou l,f IteUllsr and ot li, is, llul lis hue uu baud, ud l4 voa etaiilly kct p nil klude of rOlttlUN AND 0MCTIC UQfOllB, "iiiietMlii( el Puis Uisudl4i Cognue, C'hriry, Oliiiit'. KiU'H n4 (li- WUi.klrei Pui. B(-.ipj lUlll4, Mutton Suttls, Apple d ft KtUOl.USDGIXi A'i..aa: CL.u. uu: u. Wit... sUeriir, Toil suj I I .... 1 ... ... ... kl v b .... I lull I 11. r, U.ll, ! ni( e.. --I )i..S IHtft.l u4 avu.U AU. kliiMAlll AND UU B1TI t, 4, 4 ,l ul.ns .is"ie l.i'dl tmH Im f 'U'il Iu ll., .ii, iuikle, to.l nlt' s-iH Ms- It.un. ""' """';','' , U. -...!. 1- U.. l 'fcVliJlt . I f'U II I", ( "I I.4K.I. I , !,! ,. I i H...JllJ, Se.4l-l.tlU' I ' ' l.', lln.'J M'O.11,4- hiiuburi , I'w it rll Id, l"A. XEWnuiloTEIlV RTOIIE. MVIK undersltfiied rivi trully luloruis the I ..i .....I il, i.iil.lti. ueneral- -((((A" W( DU..I.U,, .- S- ly.lliul ibey Wave upeiud s S w (iroiH-ry Horn, urr the noilli rust inruil ol 4 bird aud Market alM-rta, hl'NUl'HV, PA. I lirv alii rfiuelauiiy seep ou uu (in.T,,., of all kinds. Also, a regular supply ol VUieul, Km k beat, Coru-Mrsl a4 wher Heur of Iho uualllK. All of sulci! lll ts sold si lbs lu,.l,U.. WF.lTZtL A UUOTIIKR. Koj5,i-y. UilUIUAllE kiuitt:. J. II. t wiry. . MARKET HTltr-.KT.t'.NllL'UV, IM.. nAI lel.l S of all kind, f.f, t'MWy, MVUui.. '1 ; i-l sU Wii-.. Aiw ,Nu: ,U1, llyU. Itltt.. !- ll-. "?' ul 1 I -.1 .... ,..-.....ktl' Ski 4Jiirl .. .wr- ISI.1S ti. It ll'di. uss - lousd "JtUlU Hi U 44 s. ui s fas bs svmsbi ol ? imUw i ..lati.UblMU IS IS .uuslfl. tall S4 . SMfcbsifj 1st. M. XHt. j Nil t U i.l Kiei IS ! Hdsmk, ' i.t U.iae.1 M'.'. Ui , - t J..- 1 a" l.i Uisiul t.itiMUI. 11.. U.fc st.'uMul. . .i.i u wu-.4 t ii. u " ' i i I V4...I uas 1 1..'M .1 IS. w4 l.l4 1 If, It , il.-i laratorv. They do not enact that "Iroin ! heticefortli all persons born within the ! United Stales shall bo citizens," but the I present tense is used iu both : "all per- f sons'' "are citizens ot the I tilled Males, i If that be sullicicnt lo settle the (pu stion, 1 if that be. enough as a declaratory law to '. declare that all persons born within the 1 limits of tho United States are citizens of tho Utiilcd States, where does thisiati stand who now presents himself as Senator ' elect from Mississippi 1 It is urged by gentlemen on tho other side that he became a citizen only by vit lue lot ono of tho other of these enactments; but if they turn to the history ot mat clause iu the Constitution ol the United States on which they rely tin y will Ibid that it was inserted both iu ivfeivtliv lo Senulors and to Representatives in the other liouso of Comrnss, and also in reference to tho 1'ivsidi'lit. Ivcausc of the , apprchensiou that was felt i f foreign ni I lluetiees ill our (ioveriimet.t. In tho dis .aisiiio which iH-ctirred in the convention ! I have it here but will not take the time of j 1 ii... s,.i. .1,. to ivud it on lixiti " the MU.Uitl- caliona of S -mi tors it w.u i si-clullv dwelt, upon that tho Serial e heiiu Ihu bkly -.hith ; wus to pass upon treaties with loivign (iovertiiiu nts, it wus partii tllaiy lu eessaty that tho period of citizenship should U e-x-tell led Ulld limd.1 lollu'er for II N ii.ilwi- than for K llleinb r of tho House of Itepn s. l:l- tivis. Thodicu.iuiiol'Mr. Muilinoii in the iiiul uf (bi ilaiow, l"' t'bt". thu purpoM-, llai nasoii, thu Intention ol this clause iu thu l'olilHllioll id tin 'li'ted hluUs wus that laraoiis who had Is-cii lnn sbroad should not bo pt i iuiin d lo come Kviiitlois utitil ttlVr tin y had been ii'.i u a iviluill length ol lime. Thul is tin' reii.oii, i thul Is thu spirit l lh law I mid it 104 X III WhUIll lived Hot Iplole, the r.-UMiii ts-uaiurf Ihe hw ciiM with it. Ilrru, tluiu, U nun "oiu in io.- i iho-h SUU'S, Hot SU Shell, ll.d W, luef, wil l OHMS III rv ilcilrd I'V M ilo Uul ilaie. N.I lp4i llolt is Wised us I b'e ipi illli. .llloll in suv "il.i r "i-eil us in m In tin rhe ilitt U rU UllSeU f thu Ull.t. d UU l"r bine )is. N'', mil H bn dUiuo i..ui. n.i U i-r by ilw f. iiU im H "i b oilu r koto il In" that be le d -I lit s ll Ulitll l'-s time '! lb' '.ii.-' "t tl.e lit. I rtlils lull ol Uiilil I'm- -I to il "I I lie ,.,. toviilit Cvtil.tutiuti il l'iM lil. still Im Is Mr. liavard. I would ask Iho honor able Senator, who has talked about Sen ators nestling back upon some original party not their own, how long since he i was a memlicr of tho Deinocratie party, j which he so slanders by terming it a party ' in tiny way connected with that doctrine of ' Ureal llrilain i Air. Scott. I will answer the -retiUc-; man. 1 was a member of ihe Ivmoeratie party until the lime that that rebelled ai.'aiiist the (ioveriiment. From that day forth 1 knew no party in this country bm that which followed the tlag ; and, sir, 1 have never seen any reason to regret turn ing my back upon that parly, far their conduct in this Chamber, ami from that day down to this, lias sati-lled me, aud not only ine but the country, that llicy have goiso used to this docirini of rebellion since t'u-y U'cante atlilialed with it that . they tiro lu re lo-uay ivoi iung ugatnsl tlio 1 decrees of i'royideww themselves. Ap plause 111 Hie naileries, j ! Tlk- ice I'leeidctit. Oide ! Order 1 Mr. Scott. I have stud all I Intended to sav, Mr. l'lvsidcnt, upon this ipiestiou. 'Mr. P.ivis. Will the bouorublcNiiiaor, bcloiv lie hits down, allow a moment to explain a point t Mr. N ott. Certainly. Mr. avli. The aduiissioti of Senators Husk ttu t Houston fioni Tcxjsj 1ms U u si.i.ti-u of ill the course uf this eollmpiy b.. tn. ilu- two Senators. It was my for I I s,natois. it my lor- i.,ki, xi orlol tillie l l Ik- Iieto Wlieli mat iriiis ieuoii ioos u i,j . le.i.u place ; I was a n-a inm i t.i ... .lw , ti,,,,-,,,.,-. nt tho Ume. I bey wviv nuniiueu upon liu- "round that the treaty of annexation nude llienl citizens id the United t one citizen of lie) United States could not have rights and privileges which did ..,,1 in,:, it.iiu to all other citizens, mid that ..iim iiu.-uily the liviity niakin,' power controlled Ibe ea.- und ovci rcli d ihe provi. aioti of llu Constitution which rv.piiivd i beio lo lie nine veals ciliA lis of Iho Uni- i. . I si He. and u'uvu tbeiil ull privi fr-.- .i Le eUi'Ud M I bo ScUllu or lo ls l icet, d lo u ll V other ullii under Iho liov i miiujit thai any other iitis.ii would hltc. ll w U up' U th4t li-dsou lb.ll llu-y M .'le iiduull. A i Mr. Noil. 4 am obliged to thu hi' r l',,.iu K.utuiky f..r sutiuj Iu iu (lni iisus sdonlUd ll.ullhe) Mi4Ulo ilUel'r tlul I nil. .1 Mali b) tilll.e olil 'l ue be Ii I'll. II, Willi '. I I b ihrto lu Is l.n.l.ik.ll I.ll 4l. b Wl ' ' ' i l ium. .1. I I'll, it Ud I I'MM "U's'l ..Im. , but I In" ul.iiitud b ,iiiui.el ' l 'im u.-Utna o !" m AVhy is it that so many of the families of the laboring men in our towns atul cities live in such a poor, beggarly way, and in so many damp, dark basenieiita, and up in hitch close, confined, rickety 'old attics? Many of the hcadc of these families receive Mod wanes, and get their pay every woes. , ..,1, -....ulailv lint where, ill too I ... ,..,.. do the Witues . t t to the ' f" banker, the grocer, the butcher, the mer- ; chant ; they go for strong drink, ale and j I....,- f. do not sttenuihcn the physical man. Franklin taught the printers ot Kotidon, that water 33 Kller lhaa ale ; and cold water has lost none ol its virtues in 1 10 years. The cost of tippling is in the aggregate I enormous. The impiiiy is ollcti made liov are so many diink"ig houses stistuna-d . Let us see. Twenty men at 'M cents a i d.iv, will pay one of these "tipi-liug shop.," .i'ihiii ven'r. A man who pass Ilu cctils a day for "drinks," pas ' I'l'.i.o') a year. ; This is the interest on i,"iOl at " per cint. ' l simple interest. This sum, M' cent, n , . , day, amounts iu t.-n ear to Jl.lil. All 1 thi is wasted, paid "tit for "ail elieiuy that ' steals uwav ii man's brain," and r"''s hitii and bis lauiilv of evei v . i on;'..,: I. Il.toxi- I..., li, iiini's eie neither sir. ii"'h to the . ....... - -- r - - - , . lo 1 1 io I, mm, rrniiiuiiMi . i. to morals, nor inanity t" Mri'g iliinK iir.iv.' a "'.io down IVoinliis hi;;h i, .o pi nes :.ll in. llppelileb, Ulld U aiS hint in want and liiia r.y, tho lucre w reek unJ seinbluiic-) cl it num. 'l bs fousUiit of iut.ixu iitms luiuor i iiiuWis hii.d Hun for inauv a miu- "us, a family of live i i ...ns v. HI coii.timo J""' : Urn-I of rt air a air. or jw un.U ol i bivud. This is Ileal ly lluvc pound. i a il l). ItMir call Is) U.ubl lio at Ci a nl ; lour iin. v.n in.ik. """J".";". u iits day i... .iiiuw. ; : ;r ........ a. a III. .11 II1U Ullilll .-"-.- olllvJ...,.ii. lul.,'- Iw i a w. i .li ink. a day " ' iy liLANC Mange. One pint of milk and one pint of cream, one oz. of bitter almonds, blandied and pounded ; dissolve the isin glass in halfpiuloY Lot water over night. In pounding the almonds add a little roso or orange tlower water to prevent them oilin". Uut all thece ingredients into a kettle aud boil them tilleeii or twenty min iii... then strain it, thi'oUiih thin lnushn, sweeten to your taste ; it will take about, one-quarter ' of a pound of sugar. Stir it frequently, ana wnen ueiiriy cum imi . tvineolass of rose water ; when it looks like thick'cream dip the moulds in cold wattr and pour in the blanc mange. Stewed Mutton. Stew three pound of a neck of mutton for slock the day before, which will make about two quarts ; take a loin of mutton, cut it into chops, with all tlie fat taken oil', 'put it into the stock aud let it boil gently for two hours-; add onions, turnips, carrots and small potatoes, with i, ...... niiit 'fit' ci-een neas and a head of celery. Six minutes before serving in add inilk'dutnpling. Tomato and Okisa Sot p. A leg of beef put on wilh six quart? of water nt nine o'clock, boiled slowly, skimming otl all the grca-s- as it rises ; at eleven o'clock nut in live dozen okras. leaving out tho I . .a: . .1.. limi.i. IKS iltl'l CUl ill Slices , bi.v iiv"- w. s taking oil the skins ; six onions, otm tabicspooiifull of salt ; tci it boil until lureo o'clock. . ChkoiPif.. Six egos, two teacups or Mi - ir, two and one-half do. of Hour, ono te:woonfuU of cream of Jfirtar stirred in ll... ttotic one kaM10""'"11 ,,f s"lla tlls" solved in two tsblopoonfull of c .Id water, stirred in tl ln' tl'"lr.' Killed rind of one leiiu n.-Dade in a quick eveu ou jelly cake plates. 1 Irvt.t.vN Citi:.VM.-lt":l one runec of 1 in oiv pint of water iintii reduced ti itie-h.i'.l' ; when col stir il into one quart ' of ei cam, tocr wim-hi-".- of .Madeira, olit ' hall' P'H.nd "I the juice . t one lemon j st nun il and pour it in moulds, lhn will i make one largo of to ones. Soda Ui.ii if.-Three pmii 'f lloim ' ,. pint of milk,'ai'.-r pound ot "..utf r. ihr.e ua-poo.i.-Ulls-.t ctvatu I t . tl... ll.eir ollc tc.t. l'OOlilU.l of soda iiiir.ed in ihe nn.k. 1 1 iiiti.u Jit'i r." - t'" e sail, fuUl p '4 oi ialt'kti'--, Ij"t p-'Ulios bn'l tor ono i",llr i.lll liter Mm tail. i", lhc:i liaiii i.iav hi up lit a Vl.ll ClUINO eight I oillids 1 1 '(.'': V. Utel , lour oUliecS I ..,.,1,1.11 brill, li iiUvMI' . .. .. i i . .Haiti. SHU nt" . i . i ii ivuiuiu ii.!. I or I. ii iii ilram. ami mar ISO Wtlk, thea SlU.'ks) 1 ill . ...... . .. . :..,:) u;n.:.u wu puv ir I w i....,-i..-.... ...... 4 Ins siu wuld I'f- I.. Ui. lit. In i, "I Vol" iu Slid Coll' 1 1- la. It., u, l'4t. IOII I 1. 1 I, i. 4 .toil .Ul'.' " ' w alt I114.I, 1. 4 ' 1 ' A. '' iik . " s I ,, I In III a lint lh" , . 4 III.' II I I ' w ho .,y 1.1 li.pi-.l. tp,.l I.I. Uu.ojf S 1 )l4f. uu uallll l.ailil V't U it U dcirvd j',) I'tt Ki ts HrD lvniiAar-..-TsU lu ad i f ihe el red eubUi mid slut- it v. rv thill, shako oil It a lull t.ur' U and 1. 1 U r- t 14. ul v-lour lioiir lodnlii. an ouii.o il bl4. -jir ud uu uuii.j ol i.ll"piee ill a quail ol .UU'tar, and W i.lll l"ld pour il Kur tbo cabbus" lb-tt , ll lb-Mi and ktsp il Wl touud. TuClViV sil.ll.-l'si" l sites (loll Ihi-yo liiii'L'.l p d'tl p -or oil lb III half 4 l int id l o.llo ill. I UU-I I' I ll '" I 1, .1.1. Ml.uil Uu SUi' i' uud ii-'d '.It iqil.l iiii4iiil ol uVvh'd ; s.ii.; Uw nk lM l' ,,,bl .id . au l wl..l dn H '' s. Is .t.iBii" ''xj'.-fK- ( . .l e ... ,. . . i ul-itUlu . - ff IMV - M