T UccHitttcMt. I HKTOn anl the Chin 'T.1 t ! wrlllnrr lot Negroea untl the Chine. Ttmuwll . who is wrltlnff letters to the ton Traveller from the Isattle Fields of a South, furnishes tho following intelli tit view of negro sentiment toward the tiling Chinese, lie says .' fW hen wc were nt Corinth, Miss., the cation of introducing Chinese labor nnd c-ving out the negroes, was ngitated by letilantcrs. One old darkey w itli whom t 111 into conversation seemed to take it i at heart, and inquired of us if we lnposed that "dem Chincsenicns would tine, nohow." Wo told him we thought 4i t sonic of them might come, but did not tink that their work would till tho place (negro labor. ."It'sjis here, mntisn," said he, throwing is long'arms about in a v.-ild way, "I hain't jon nary Chinese mens .in oil (lis life. 15ut hecrd dat cloy has tails like tie nlliga ?rs on do top ob de back side ob dar heads, hd dat dey jist says to (lis tin be thou bucd and it" am dim, and Ise ob dc pin n dat de Chinese niens.de.se seccsh utter hi de berry debil hisself what am ter lib on dearth mor'n a thousand year, lie can't 'onie nigh unto dis chile, no how. I'll Hrlit him. I'll scratch him, I'll -shoot him, "11 fro ebcrytliinjy l'llhabin his face,J'll rod on his tail, I'll hab my mill'wid liiin f ho turns to brimstone aiid bums cbery wrfroni off my ole head, .dat I will. (I'll ike dig var ole hoe an I'll iiil) him nfoe od nliind, and so dorter do' de whole ob buinaue lanulynu expostulate him from Us yar land. A liat kin dc Chinese man Jwid dis hard pile. IS'uffiu whatever, corn w ill curl up, de cotton will singe c him as dough he was n coal of libbiu, nin fire !"' But how do your neighbors feel about t ?" inquired we. "Lor, lor I Dey hab jist tarniined ter cet at dcr ole nicetin house an darorgan j a cullud urmy. And we'te gewiu to Jioosc dc preacher capn, and den wa'll go jter 'cm prain and preaehin." "But what if praying and preaching will .,t do the work "r"" said we. "Why den we take dc whole subject inter ur own bans, an' we'll bump 'em up an' bwn till de day of doom if dey don't lebe in peace on de laud of our forefadder. r)ey is imps of the debil, an' our parson -lows it, and de sooner dey be tarminated I belter fur all pussonsob color. De Lord nb nierev on all dat come inter dis county! y'll be "busted, no how. JiIatitustiSsQ Bi'CKwiiKAT.-Buck wheat j the moet peculiar of the grain family in lie manner of its ripening a considerable fcrtion being its tin milk stoic when another kill be fully matured. The point is to cut A in that stage which will save the most, Ind this is when about half of the grain pas turned brown. If the straw were les Snsitivo to cold than it is, harvesting -light be delayed longer, but when stricken (v frost the growth is entirely arrested and le straw disposed to an early decay, pre nting any further maturing of the grain. But, cut when a portion is in the milk and xt up in bunches hi the field, the juice of lie straw, in w-hieh it k peculiarly rich, till cause the immature portion to ripen and little will be lost by over ripeness or a vckofit. The common grain cradle will A round the best implement for harvesting : s grain as it leaves the straw in a condi ' a t o be easily gathered in bunches for set U ; up for drying. J low to Make Musn. One of the iest literary productions of this country . L attracted attention was the poem of iofel Barlow, entitled "The hasty pudding." In it he sings the praises of this old New England dih, and takes exemptions to its -cuing called mush, samp, or any one except the name our fathers gave it. Mush, or hasty puddiug, as he would have us call it, is an American dish, and until lately, has never been met with over tho water. He dates its existence to a timo long anterior to the landing of tho great Italian ou our tihores. But, notwithstanding its antiquity, ts wonderful cheapness and its undisputed excellence, very few people know how to make this dish as it should be. The in . gredients for a dish of mush are water, salt, and corn meal. The water should bu soft, the salt fiuc, and the meal of the first quali ty ; yellow meal trives the best color, but , white meal is the more easily cooked. The watcrshould be boiling hot nuhr commence ment, middle, and end of the operation. ' The meal should be added veiy slowly, so as to prevent any lumps being formed, and should never be in such quantities as to rc- ' duce the temperature of the water. Herein , lies tho secret of making good mush, such as is eaten by the prairie farmer liimilv, and is pronounced by all who eat at its frugal board as truly excellent. The reason j that it requires a liigh degree of heat to cook Indian corn is, that the starch globu- ' les are very hard and compact, and require more heat to expand tlnm than do the (starch particles contained in rice. y NEW MACHINE SHOP ASD IRON I'OIKDRY, (Jeo. Rolirbitrh Hon, BUN BURT, FA., INFORM thrpubllrthnt thee have cntabltclied a MACHINE SllOl', In connection with their FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathe, I'lnnlni; nnd boring Machine, with tin) latest Improvements. Wit ii the aid of skillful mechanics, J hey are enabled to cSecutc all order of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, thnt may be given thcin, lu a satisfactory man ner. llavlnir enlarged and rebuilt thelrFonnrtry. thoy are ready to execute all kind of CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. The PLOWS, already eelrhruted for their supr rlority, have, tieen tiil further -Improved, ami w ill always bo kept on baud. Buuburv, June 13. 1S0S. 1.1 MItF.lt AM) PLAMXtJ MILLS. Third Street, adjoining l'hlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares Nort h of the Central Hotel, BINUIRY, PA. IRA T. TTeML'XT, IS prepared to furnlcli every ttcecrlpt Ion of lum-l-r requited by the. demands of the public llavlnir all the latent Improved machinery Tor niumifautiirlnit Limber, he Is now ready to fill or ders of nil kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental Serow l Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also A 1.A1U1E ASSORTMENT OF HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. A No, Shingles, Picket , Lathe. te. Oriler promjitly filled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise IRA X. CLEMENT. ttecllMS:lv IT WATER' NEW BCALE rtANOB, with Iron Frame, OrerstrnnK Bne and Agraffe Bridge, MELODEON8 and CABINET ORG AN 9, the best Manufactured Warranted for 0 years. Fifty Pianos, Melodeoni and Organs of ft flrst clas makers, at low price for Cah, or one quarter canh and the balance In Monthly Instnl incnts. Second-hand Instrument at preat bar gain. Illustrated Catalogue mailed. Warcroonit 481 Broadway, New York. HORACE WATERS. SEW (MRKIAtiE t TIVUUX MANUFACTORY. fTVIE subscriber respect fully Informs the eitl JL zona of Snnbury and vicinity, that he has opened a shop in Sol. Sfoh's Biacksinitlis'hop Building, on Chestnut etn- ',,Sunbnry, Pa., where he keeps constantly on hand, nnd manufactures to order, CARRIAGES, BUGOYS, SUI.KY8, Ac., of the latest style itiul the best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, Ac, done at the shortest notice. Persons In w ant of line Buggies and Carriages, arc requested to cull before purchasing elsewhere. II. C. ROUS11. Ruufiury, July li, 118 ly. THE BISHOP PILL1 THE BISHOP PILL I THE BISHOP PILL 1 A purely Vegetable Pill (Sngar Coated.) "fONTAR'S" BISHOP PILL, 'Sis of ejtraordiuary efficacy for Costlvcnete, Judigcstion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervoue Ie bilitv, Liver Complaint." "The best Fill in'tue World." JfcUeoiVOTiriMl, StU. 8. TRY THEM ! TRY THEM ! All the Druei'ltu In 8U.VBURY tell tbem. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ! BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! BEAUTIFUL WOMEN! "COSTAR'S" ULOOM OF VOIIU1 TUB ltlttcr Sweet and OrangclHoHitomm Contains the True Secret of Beauty Removes all Blntchcs, Pimples, and Freckles Renders the 8hiBofx, Fresh, and Dolieate Gives a Rosy Glow to'the'Chccks, a Ruby Tinge to the Lips Is now used a . iReautillor in all the Cities and Towns of the V. 8. LADIES, TRY IT ! LADIES, TRY IT ! One Bottle, $1.00 Three for 13.00. AUDnigi In SUNUURY sell K. No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. General JgENT3, , PENNSYLVANIA 5&L ,orT,HE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". The Katiqal Utm Issttsakoi Cor-AT Is a e.irporstm.i c'mr'rrmi br in;ll Act of C'ouKrew.sp CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal trrmi nffcrrd tn Accntl tui Solicltori. wlio st iuvlt(i ii ftpntyatuuroillce. Fuilp-i iicuUi'.t'it-etiad ouappllratlnn at our office, lilrii In ihr woood aliry ot inr n.inkinK lioo-e. hrrr Circulars aud Pmplil(, fQili d- ntiti.i tlie ailvimtagci uilsrcl br the (:ompanr.my or Ind. '.. . (LAKH A CO. A'-i. ,! St.uilt 'fund St. 'CONTAR'S" I NtnelarI PrcnarntlB are "COSTAR'S" Rat, Roach, Ac, Exterminators. "COSTAK'S" Bed Bug Exteruiluators. "CUSTAR'S"only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." "18 years established in New York." "2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured duilv." " ! ! ! Beware ! ! I of spurious imitations." All PruggUts In SUNBURY sell them. Fur tl, (2, f5 Sizes, ADDRESS "COSTAU" COHPAXY, No. 13 HOWARD St., N. Y. Sold by II. Y. FRILING, Suubury, Pa. January HO, ISfiU ly. CHOICE FRUIT 4k. ORX.4JIEXTAL TREES. B e ii J . It It n c r , DEALER In Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furnish from the iuot responsible Nurse ries In this and other States, tirst-class TREE8 of all kinds. Also, bliruljUcry, lues aud Plants. Garden seeds of all kinds. SEED POTATOES. New White Peach Blows, Early Goodrich, Chili and Harrison Potatoes, lujarge and smull qunuiiucs, arc ouerca lor sine. Address BENJ. BOnNER, Paxiuos, North'd. Co, I3fN. B. Insurances tuken in several of the most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse De tective Companies in the btutc. Oct. 17, IsOS. v June 12, 1SC9- 5m SHOEMAKERS. The host qualities ot Bole Leather, French Calfskins, Morroccos, Lin ings, Lusts, Nail, Peg. Toolh of all kind;;, and everything used bv the trade, for sale low bv i. II. CONLEY - CO. ! i VIXEYAHD3 ON THK KlIINE. For more than a hundred miles, the Kliine to use the words of Longfellow "riiels on through vineyards in a triumphal inarch, like Bac chus crowned and drunken." Nearly all of them are oa the hillsides or ut their immediate bases. In some places so eleeo are the mountain sIoih s ; so Halo soil re ) mains on the oft-washed ancient rock., mm, uunKet-woi-K is employed to keep it together. Fresh soil is ni'ii-n l,,-,,n,,i,i c,., a distauce to cover these bare rocks. In some cases, even, each vine has a basket of earth to itself. In nmnv n slopes are not too steep, or where the con i liKuratiou of the hill favors the plan the f terraces are made in tho soil itscll, but are much more commonly well built torraces I bta-res, or gigantic steps on the hillhidc, with walls tif roujjli but excellent ninsonrr, four to twelve or mora fret IiiIi. Tln-ie nre filled in with soil, and each tier of vims 1 t?row on a level, or but very slightly slop- mg space. On the outsM; of these walls irude fctairs aud stc,d uro built, aud to climb some ot them is something of a feat. When we consider that the vine-tlressers have often to carry in baskets on their backs, soil and manure to a height of nine hundred or onn thousand feet. nUul prune, cultivate, aud strip tha graiie-viius at this gid.ly height, we shall perhaps be able to uuderotand why the ieasant ot' the lthinc does not inin-li nj presented on tho stage in opera or drama, lie is not neni'lv. in rul i - - - v 1 " v i.iaiiiT-iiLiii AS lie is UM-tlll. Tim lianla ,.t . I. T)l.1 ' -'..-&a ui iw IfclllltU ot Kidershem ore two hundred and llfiy feot above the level of the sea, aud as the vine is there cultivated at a height of ei-ht hundred feet, it follows that some of their wine is produced from grapes eultivaUHi at a height of ouo thousand an! fifty fi et above ih sea level In many places a couple of dozen walled fences rise one above the Other. In one pot (hue are thirty-twu tier of this kind, and iu cxoentioual caws doubtless more. 1 Moi-mouiiin, at Salt Ike, is threatened from a new quaiUr. Two suns of Joheph Smith, the tiist "prophet" of the sett, have wade their ftpjieorance In Utah, boldly preaching tho true doctrine to the SaiuU. ,.J'hJ vraa -echurch, niubterin ome j,oXKJ tueinUw lahe western 5uic, repu- iHji.vgamy anovciscards the leader eV vjehttm Youn. This advent of civattvj fen-ut mtf-r- LUd 7a jpniggists. SOMETHING NEW IX SUXUL'KV. THE XEIV IMlKri STOKL or J. G. Marltlc Co., Ou Market street, Eat of the Rallroail. ucarlv oppoiitc the Hardware Store of Conley o: Co., SUNBURY, l'F.NN'A. "YTE would re.-peetfully lnvita thenttentiun of ?T the citizens of Suabury and vicinity to our entire new Stock of PURE KXtDslI DUUG3 AND MEDICINES. " " Faints, Oils and Varii'n-hes. " " Glaw. Putty nnd Dye fcitulis. " " Perfunieries, CoiiiIih un.l iirushes. " " Patent Mollclues of all kinds. LIQUORS by the Bottle, Gallon, Quart and Pint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER and CONGRESS WATER. Tobacco, Cigar ami Snuff. Lookinir-Glas Plates cut to suit Frame. NOTIONS OK ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES. Triirses, Supporters, Bandages, oic. We have selected our tck with care and can warrant it fresh, und of the be.-t material iu the tnurkct. ll.ivlng had several years expeiieuce iu Ibe busiuees we, Halter ourselves that we can give entire satisfaction to ull who may favor us with tiieir patronage. Special attention given to compounding physicians' Preseriniions at ull hour.- of the day or night and on s in lavs. Give 116 " call. J. G. MARKLE & CO. Suubury, Oct. 17, lb08. VROYLll t It Alii:U'S FIRST rilFMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES TOISTS OF EXCELLENCE. TEAUTY and elasticity of Stitch. Using both JL-F tnreuus uircetiy from the spools. No fas tening of seum by hand and nowustiui; of thread Besides doing ull kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines. These machines exee'utu the most beautiful uud pennaucut Embroidery aud oruumcuiai worK. The Highest Premiums at all the fairs and ex hibitions of the United States nnd Eursipe have ueeu nwnrueu ine urover ds liaKer feewlni' Ma chines, and the work done by them, wherever c.xniinieu in competition. Mi Caroline I)allu, Ageut, Market Street, near the Railroad, Sunbury, J'eim'a., has Just received a lurge lot of Elastle Stitch and Lock Stitch Machines, which nre ullcrrd for sale ou reasonable terms. Embroidery and any or namental sewing can be executed on these Ma- cumcs. .No laniiiy should bo without oue, as tucy will save tiuiu and money. t-f Persons residing in the Coal Region can obtaiu these excellent Machines of Mrs. lienj. Lake, Shamokiu, Pa., who is authorized to make saie lor tueiii. npU0-la:ly 1115 IIUUI KKIRTK. 1113 Ii IV. A. BEXXKTT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, tfurkrt Kquare, Nun bury, Ia., As juot op. ncd a fresh and full assortment DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Unsurpassed lu purity aud freshness, nnd kert eonatantly ou Imud. My slock will nlwavs be found complete W every article of merit in Medl clr. . Physician and Custonurs m.,y rely uion ici.ilut.-s and nttcntiou to orders. FANCY ARTK'LKS! My i k Is unasual.y hug,- and -.iii,racce every thing licit can by fonnl on a iiii-i la-j Toilet 'lal.le, iuclndinj; AaivrU-aa uaj fccutiiuc J'reueii nul i-h I'KHIl Ml.JiV, Pomade, Ila'r OH, ivory, G utta T 'n !i:i. Wo..d and Horn Combs, Toin l s?o.ii s. Hair. T.,,.1, Nail, Cloth and Pi.lnl Um.-he., Vc. ' I 1 EM IA JMX Embiadng nil the ino.,t popular I'rcp.lf Huns of the day, al luauulucturcia' prices. Pure Havuna SEGARS &CHEWIVU VoR U'CO of I lie best Brands. JV.INTS,Ull.,G:.CE,omS, I't TTV, VACMSIIIS All my Tinctures, Sjru, Oinituenis, t ,.',,' und other prcuiratiou ure iiinnur.ici aivd bv M-i'ik t"' lh! L"'" ' "'ill' liul 1 cal' P'ueuie iu Having luid (juilc a number of vears' tKi.erl. e:ielnilia ' I8I 0 ASD rHESCIlIPTlOil BCsINES', Both l.i PhlluUehdiU and the eonniry, ana also the alvuulage of the 4 ! ;,... 0f pUuiuiaev. I eimneleut to COMPut'.SD ALL PRt'bCKiP. me(wi?h,"lttt rh'"k'"u and public muy faior All my preparation, ai I bar bov. asserted, jrn made lrom tUe best material, and uoou bouor laxwit, theyaroroulclltreugth. For uiedleiual yurpoM j ku ou h4 th Ttry b-,t. WINES, BBASDLE8 AND UQCOIU. that J uu prooma. liufura purehuiniljher.4nJl tn1 ennli, your uwu ai Ind. W. A, v.rvvtTT Buatary, xj 16, 1568. WM. T. HOPKIXS TTAS Removed his Mnilllfnctnrv ami Knl I 1 s.iin. ... V. lltd rilcJTVl'"r 1.-1-- PHILADELPHIA, where his "Own Make" of I 'l.-m..l.. ir. c 1. 1 . t ii ..... . . '""'"r"" civins, esjieeiaiij- auai'teii to rirsi-ciass nolesale and Retail 'fxde, will be tnllnd tf, ninhsiA. n.n t - " "-. ...w "iu.. ia.cu.iii; Itssorillicill I in the Union, and all the latest and most desira ble Styles, Shapes, Length and Sizes. 9. 2W. "H 'i yards round, of plain and Gored Paniers Walking Skirts, Reception Trails, &e.. ie.. to- ... J k... h-I.I. l i:ir .. . . ., .uu iiiuorv aim-rein varieties ol Misses' and Children's Skirls, all of which for hi in ei i y oi sijie, nuisu, iigmness, elasticity durability aud real Cheapness, are uneiiuulleil by any oilier goods lu the market, and ure war ranted lu every respect. Skirts made to order, Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and Retal. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, IS Rnrinfra n.nl. M C. 11 ... Springs, 55 Cents , SO Springs, C5 Ceuts : 40 Snrlllira 7.f'..ta CORSETS ! CORSETS ! I CORSETS ! ! ! 57 different styles uud prices, from 75 Cents to S.0O, embracing K. Worthy, " Beekel," ' Glove Kit ting," Madam Foy'a Corset Skirt Bupiiortcia, Mnj. Moody's Patent "Self-adjusting Abdomi nal" Corsets, French, English and Domestic Haud-mndu Corsets, aud ii)erior Frrneh Pat t run of Condi CorKcts, "Our Own Make." to Ulll.-h U-A lit.-ila a. I ' " - i..l.v .(l Ull uiieuiiou. L. iJSiL ACiEN'T fr the BARTRAM & j FANTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, suiw- ilor to any other before the public. Fifty-two of I-!- xj io. i .nucuiues, I'rice eucu, are being given away to our customers, iu order to get them introduced. Every person lu want of arti cles iu our Hue, should exumlue our good before j'liiehuslug elsewhere. Cull or ttcud Tor circu lars, at our Manufactory aud Salesrooms, No. 1IH Chestnut St., Phlludeljdiiu. WM. T. HOPKINS. March 27, lUf.fl S 111.. UltEAU Al l-'AKCY CAHIIN. DAVID FRY, 1J ESPECTFULLY Informs Ihecltliensnf 8nu V burr and vklulty, luat ba will bake to order all kinds of CAKES FOR BALLS, PARTIES, A. Fsmlles art supplied who FRESH BREAD, TwUt, Rolls, Rusk, Tea ttuus, Jet., and also kept un baud and manufactured out of I bo best unuerUls. All order left at but Shop In Market Siiuara. oue door aunt of Mlas Anna Falul-r's M miner J Htore, or at kit Bkery oo boritea Mrwt. brtwoi B rout aud Bocoud slieeU, aiU Lieu UU uroaiiaj kttentlon. . HALLS AND IVENING PARTIES aunplled U6 1 takta, ic-Crsam; tB4 vu HOI Oflu ara rtapactfully taUdud. BAl'UIIH RAW IIOJIi: SUPER-niOSrilATE OF LIMI? OX EVERY PACK AUK. BAVUII at SOUR, BOLE MANUFACTURERS A PROPRIETORS, OOlce, No. 90 South Delaware Avcnar, PHILADELPHIA. THE above Manure ha been before the Agricul tural public for fifteen years past, under one name and proprietorship, and now has an estab lished and largv annual sale throughout the coun try. And nt a tierfect substitute for Peruvian Guano (alforded at oue half the CoM) It ha been adopted by agriculturalist of known intelligence aud aMiw-riuiiuiiliou. it is warranted not to ex haust the soil, but on the contrary to permanent ly improve it. The sales now amount to many thousand tons annually, aud the facilities for its mnnufaature are extensive and complete. 'The above manure are furnished in bags and barrels, whichever castomars prefer. The bugs are uniform iu weight 1C0 pounds. The attention of Farmers ia especially directed to the fact thrtt the sources of the Raw Material of which the above manure are composed, are so well under the control that we can furnish them of strictly uniform quality aud condition, and thnt they contain a larger percentage of ammo nia tuau any other cluss or. mnnulnctnred ma nure In the market. BAUGH A SONS, 90 South Delaware avenue, Philadelphia. tiT'The highest cash price paid for ull kinds of bone. novS-GS HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS I HOLI DAYS! Proaeuta! IVexrutft ! Prcaents! A 7IAKDSGME USEFUL PRESENT. AN Enduring and Pleasing Memento to those needing Aids to Sight. Our Agent, T. S. SHANNON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Suubury, Penu'n., has a splendid mock vf our DEXt'TirUL OOLB SPECTACLES aud EYE GLASSES, set with the CKLEBHATED PEItEECTEn LENSES ' Manufactured by LAZARUS AND MORRIS, nARTTOIW, TOSS. The Best in the orld for Strengthening and Preserving the Sight. No more acceptable present to your Parent, Grand Parents or Friends, or those needing Spectacles, can be found. They are hembjine, useful, nud last muuy years. Call and examine them at the store of our Agent, T. S. SHANNON, Dealer in Jcwelrv, Watches and Plated Ware. NO PEDDLERS EMPLOYED. Jan. fl, lSC'J. Aug.1,'08 ly. .. j ,i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, for rcnirYiie the blood, The reputation this ex cellent meiticino enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly niarveiloas. Inveterate com of scrofulous dis ease, where the system seemed saturated wxh corruption, have been lunucd and cured by it. Scrofulous atTt-tiona uml ilisonlers, which were ag. Kravuted by the srroiu- loin rniitjiniiiiiilinti mini they wTe painfully alllicting, have Uvd radically cured in such preut niiinliei-s in almost every sec tion of the eonniry, that the public scarcely need to be iiiloimed ot lU virtues or uses. Serciulous poison is one of the most destructive enen.ies of our race. Often, this unseen und unfelt tentiiitofUieoriraiiism undermines Iheron.-liluiion, anil invites the altackol' enfeebling or I'aUil diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It seems to breed infection throuirhnut Ihe Imdv.nnd then, on some fhvnrnbln nccasinn, nii.i.llv develop Into one or oilier of its hideous lurin, cither on the curfuee er omoDfr the vital. In lire I j Iter, tuber cles may t enddvnly deposited in Die lunxs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or il shows it presence by eruption on the skin, or foul ulcer ation on some pan of Ihe bodv. Hence the occa sional use of a bottle of this Surtapnrilln is ad visable, even when no active svniptomaof disease api'fnr. Persons afllii ted Willi the following com plaints generally llnil immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use ol thin & A Its AI'A It 1 1. l.Al St. AntliiiKfi'M t'irr, Jfiwe or J ryairM-fn. Wier, Suit lihrum. Scald limit, Htutfuwm, tiore Kjirt, Smf M art, and other eruptions or visible lorin of SrrnfutuuM disease. Also in th more com-calcd fonus, as Iwrwln, Jtmpm, Hrnrt iHtmmr, fit,, .,, Srurnlftin , ami Ure vanous t Irrrous aQexOous of tlie muscu lar and nervous system. S(AiJi or rrurrrnl and .Verruga niM,rt are eure.1 by it, though a long time is required for subduing these obstinate mnlailics bv any mcilieiae. Hut loug continued use or this medicine will cur the complaint. I.rurvrrka n or II Ai'rrs, l lrrist I Irirolio.n, and I rmnlr ltitentn, are com. nionly soon relieved and ulliinalelv eureil bv its purilying and iuvigorniing i-d-. 'Minute Direc lions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Itkt-MmittintH nnd tiout, whea caused by accumulations or extraneous matter in the blood, yield ipiiekly to il, as also J.irrr Camplulntn, lorylilitu. fYuifrsffuN or Inlmm matuiH of the l.lrrr.siniiffioiilfrf, when arising, a they often do, from the rankling jioisons in mo blood. This SAUSA fAltll.L.i is a great re storer for the strength and vigor of the svatem. 1 hose who are ImhuuIJ and lAntlcm. Itrapnn dent, SlrriArtt, ami troubled w ith Arrroxa A r tnrrliruminnm or frmn, or any of the affections syniiiloiiialie of Hnilni. will Ami i nimniliiilA relief and convincing evidence of It restorative power upon trial. rnsPASKD b r Dr. JT. C. AVER CO., Iwoll, naa., frarttcal und Annlyticml Ckrmittt. BOLD 1IY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. nov7-08:ly ManhotNl i How I.oat, How Itratorrd, TUST published, a new edition of 1)11. CI'L. U VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on me raoicui rwri! (withsut iiuhIii ine) of M'KliMA- touikea, or Seiuiiiul Weakness, Involiiiitary Scmluul Losses. IMPOTENI V. Mental Iucupucity, IinprdimeutS to Marriage, etc., also, CoNsi MPTioM, Fi-ilepsy, and Fit. Indun-d by self-iiidulgeueu or sveuuI extravagance. i Pricu, In a sealed cuvelo', onlv 6 ceuts. The celebrated author, lu this admirable essay, clearly demonstrate from a thirty years sue cessl'nl lirucliee. that the a larmlntr 'oiisi-iiiHiif..a of self-abuse may be radically cured w ithout tho dungciouB use of internal medicine or Ihe appli cation of tho knife t pointing our u mode of cure ul once simple, certain, uud elleetual, by iiieuu of which cilery sutli-rcr, no matter what his oou dltion may be. may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and r.uhcally. J-riT 'l lus l.i-ei ura should lx In the baud of every youth und every luuu lu the bind. bcllt Under Seal. Ill a Vluill L-llVelinu.. In unv address, ),t,iul, ou recei4 of sis cent., or two pot slauii. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," price 'ii rents. Addles, the Publishers, I IIA. J. C. KI.I.NK A t.. 1ST Bowery, New York, Poal-Ollic Uox 4,io. July , 'oS-ly RATIONAL FAMILY Hi:tVI(J .MACHI-NI' WARRANTED FOR FIVK Y K A R I'rlc-o. 9o.ou Ayor'a Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair lo Us natural Vitality and Color. A dressing irbich is al oora agreabW, haalihj, and eflcctnal prcterriD; tba aoesf or grmy " a . . .4. r. - Jt.tjlronf ALTIOKK for hair. aair ts toon mtortd to iit original cxJor n'lA (Ae atom mnd fiAas jtokA. ia hair ia tkick- voei, -falliog hair checked, and bald ness Often, though not always, cored by its trse. Nothing can restore the hair -where the follicles are destrojed, or the glands atrophied and derared. "But attrih 'a remain can be saved for tiscfuloess j this jrppHcsUicm. Instead of fouling the hair with a P'T sedw "merit, it will keep it dean and Tigoroos. Iu occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling olT, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and jet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich gloss lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Or. i, C Ayer & Co., Practkai. avd Adaxtticai. CmJtrsrs, LOWELL, MASS. no7-f.S:ly SATI RK'S GREAT RI'.STORIU 3 1 i LOCH utabumicp a atrrve rr' WlltKUI. f I -a- rw mm ; rut. vlm raat.a v mm. CURE CAX DC OBTA. X Dm. Jeavtwoa bay Htvrrri Ik tptvatT lHal Utamij tut all THOM tltaaaaww. Sialms or thai a. SarVtsina. AT 1.mm of BlaS)i. Isiw.1 sjry MsrSaarm. timl Urla-Sf. ipnaiii. lf ewnr. Low tvun. Cfrofnw of 1-a in of lb T. Tmatl' r4 S4cM or (iMJiatM. I'umi v r Ncheeta'N Celebrated Bitter Cartliak This medical prepamtion is now ottered to the public as a reliable subst ituteforthe many worth less rompouud.- w hich now flood the mar-Wet. Il is purely vegetable, eomoed of varioua hrrha, Kathereil from the i;rcat Hon housof nature, and elected with preut C;ire. It is not reeointm-nd ed as a or RE klX. but by its direct and salutary influence umii the ilcarl. Liver. Kidney, Luul, hloin.-K'li and Uowels, it nets Ivth nsa preventive and cure for many of Ihe diseases to which thoe orcans arc subject. It is a reluih'.e Family Med icine, and can Ik- t.ikcn by either Infant or adu'.l with the same beariici.il rosnHs. It 1 a cvruin. prompt nnd speedy remedy for Hiarrtr.ra. Iijsea tery, Howel (Vmiplaint, lirsieia. Lnwnn. of Vpirits, Kalutini;s, Sick Headache, Ac. For Chills aud Fevers of all kinds, it is far better and safer tha ii (iiinlue, w ithout any of its prrniehvus effect It creates an appetite, prove a iowerful dicrMcr of fond, and ill-CKHrffrtanthe i-tTert of luvr 111 a lew minute, rreraml bv JACOB SHEET.. Sol Proprhtor. N. W. Cor. Fifth and Race Sts., I'hil.i.l.lphLa. Suld by all lrii(r!:i.-ts. no 1 t-':ly Tkrwt. m or SAa. ASWitoaMofl Mooaarb or Kowet tbeo 'trrrib i arising fro Ike Smavary RiNUof serret d otltry waelc ajaarr i rtrllm thaa toe uot ot ayrM so i ot l lyaor, biarlauoc tlaiir ( or of aaikiUjoo. riakrrj aurap sible. rvporUH, W kaT tmn ih ' Uiy arc, llaal arciadfol ao4 4r: ohwh asLi:y ttnra to aa art touoaoad of yoaos; men of tlse I talent M tariiltaol loaciWct, moo six kav totraoccal lartraaws; IVwi tbaoocr of ckaoewre of wakol to liviwe lvre, but rail with fis'l rvctJ MAKRIAtiE- XarrarJ Pence ev Toit Mn r Burrnpr. bcnf arar of -h.racd w franic dbi hv, dcfi-f a.t -, Ac-, .pro He ho r-Urrs himself anicr the e may rclitrwo:y evoiie la hat hoax Baa, awat ruaaVkuiy rely cpoa has l icB. ORGANIC 'rVt.VKNr Immediately Cared, auad fail Varor R 1 hi lfc-rc-uit Aa.-rlvi whaca m'uH-raMeaod surmr UapunMbl t paid by tar Twtiian of un -,cxx-r I Youajt prrataare tH m to roaa from a4 Ivinc aware f tbrdrrjidliai that may ea.ac. Now. who that 1 the ubi,ct wi:i prrtrad lo dray tha I t-f prurreatk i bot suamer by thus , iaiptvttTr halm thaa bv Ihr iTaaVBt - t-inc deprived the pkaawmof aeu.l' tbUMBtrn,Maaa4da4nictivcym body ana miad inw. 1 hr virm I ridccJ, the I'hv-K-Al and Mrnta' Weakened, Lim ot I'rucmattvr foa. i Irntabi.ity, l'Tsicjia, V'. tjt-a ' InJ ircMKi. t ii4uttxuil lVU;rty, 1 of the i'miue, t.h. Caiu'va, 1 Unth. I Or r K E.NO. T.SotTII VKUtRlC Left hand aid rxnr IrxMu fiAitm . dour frvm the ceraro. tauavalvo I and aururcr. Lr.r-t i c j(E iatalr The IV-tar' lit baa( in hi 4 A CIKE WAKRANTtO IN Tt. No Marrurr nr Nichm. iix UK. JfHNMON. MemScr of lb, K a. t e'irT of Sur; di-Q, (.rndUAtrtl Irx.ni one ! I'-e mo 1 oiler- in tlie I u'.:, I stales, aud I part of who-c ife ba t-.- a i-.--it ia ti of LonJ.t. 1'iti-, I'UiU.Jr'; hia juJ ha rr.,-cl,l ,tAC of Ihe m,-t ?i-ii. that were cvrr known ; raan trvab.nl iuaf iaae head aiM ai. wl.aa uervouatios, hvta a.jirund bt u-!l-bahiulu. wi;h I'miun-i W.k'h.oc soiut-tituc w Uh dcrr-ruKi; immeduitelv. TAKE FARTK't UlaW Ur. J. ail-lm-M ail tli Iheoiarire rv ip?; habit. 1ih h ruib l h& v Ihcru lt eitlM-r hj., - i rUire. ( 1 cr ; 1iiis are ne of th-4J r rflj.. i-rwlui y carl II W.-akn.rs .1 ll. tCrk AUI I XKira. auq ii.ruutvi euiar I'uwrr. fa'; ijif I Ncrvou Irritability, Ikrr: i I r'uurlion. Geavral lVttu' I tuni4iva, .sr. Mfcvnui 1 ne 1,, a, aaai mm ansa mTlM'1,f,,,rTTl . , - 1 nr fc,!mir. Cuur. Wr do not w Uh to itilorui you, rrailrr. thai Pr. Wonderful, oranymher man, hadicVercd a remedy that circs Cuumption, wben the llln.r. ur. Ii.tl' -..i..liiii...t- in .l...rt ill nrw.ll .li.s.-. u li1ll.. r..fiiiiiiil lUlviirMalr nuLnnu , lice lllduu.cd la when live forever, and leave dcalh to play for want of work, and is ihsipii-d to niak our aubluwary . sphere a blii-Mnl iaiadii-e, to w hich Heaven it- self shall 1m- but a side show. You have uurd 1 enmi'.'h of that kind as tiunilmirrry, and we do not wonder I hat you have by this lime breoiue disgusted with it. bill when we tell youth.-tt lT. Sairr's Catarrh Remedy will positively cure Ibc wool cases of Catarrh, we only -rt that whieh thousands t un miify. Try it and you w ill be convinced. We will pay f .Vnj Rkwamd for a case of Catarrh thai we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DIU 1.1.1b 1 S EVERY WIIERK. I'aire om.t M Cents. Sent by Mail, p paid, for Sixty Cents ; Four Package fur Si-iaj j or 1 Uon-n for f.S.lsi. Send a stamp for Or. Safe's pamphlet on Catarrh. Address ihe Pro prietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. IL, UuOal.ie, N. I. No IIiMiii o. Il is warranted to core Lvt or impalrcil Ta.te, Puiell or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eye, oflcnsive Breath, l'leeratet Throat or Mouth, Paiu aud Prcsaure ia Ibe Head, and loss of Memory wheu rauavd, aa all vf tliciu frciieutly are, by the ravage of Catarrh. Il U pleasant and painltK to rontaiu no ttniti'- ioisnous or cau.tie drugs, but curv by it uild I tbi h wrtd Uiai-u makr thru r.-jtfn!1 are much lw be dr.a.lol I fuivu of .ea. IV-rci' ; ri-Ninr. Awrioa to i; I L.' ol Sunt no.-. T'-ibiaay, 1 tviis i roducrt. ! Tmnm of pio! l i lu.lir whxl L IIm- r.tu.ei.1 II j iwsiuif ih.ir vig.v, b.-cotaiut"! and rmacit,. baviua- a ' ul-ri;t the fu, Cx-uband lion. f I IOUNV. , Who h iv ii.iurcd liveta.;" loU ' Ira rted trvia vi e..iuina:i rlK-t of alHch are nn;bi aahrp, aa l VI B earrd-e. ; aiblr. and diim; l-utb mu . apply iinnie.l-al. iy. V bat a pity that a youtt I country, the liar iu; f hi , suau baal Irom all -or t , life, by the cotiacuruer ' path of hatare and induie. 1 habit. Su.-h rw? w t, I I MARUI.U ' rrCrrl that a scuiiil u.uid aa j neceury rc-,ui.t,- t-t pn-tu ies. ladci-ii with.it lbe-e, iile bee.Mii.-. a wrary -.-n houriy darkriia lolhe a-w : : shadowed with t-pavr and 1 cholv rcAcrtk, that l!e a. , bccouic bU'bl.-d with iri' 1 UlSLASF. OF IMP i j When the ini-i:ui.U I ar.J i I plea. ure Bud that be ba b 1 Ik n- i-oinlul ii.ca-e, it to., fll , ill-tiuM-d KBir v4 ahaiwr, i-f d. tel. lulu Iroiw i i'uj to rdat at'hm and ri-1- , t i'-i.v. him. delairc ti.l lhrcoe-lta 1 rams leave kiai. $ a; At K.SA, .noon, 5.00 and 10.i,S . w-iar irius vn the and arrivii r at N 11.-1. a. at. re-i-. '. 'J., S.ii) a. u. me. e llarrukiirt; 6 . S and ."., Miuetvi: They cannot cet out of orib-r with fiir n..h, Ever aluehlue tHiiiiplcle iu tlM-lf. Us a nlt lata linproVKiurtils. It will Sllleh. lliu S'.n Tuck, Quill, Rind, Hrald aud Kiubndder iu lb beat aiuuuer. Novel aud Uguul iu slyl aud floUb. HAS TAKEN THE fIRT PRFMIl'M AT EV. KRY FAIR WUKRK EXH1U1TEU. Th Maehlua eaa b twirurai ui th aa. deralifttad. who bat baaa spvututoa a Knral a-aul of th feul Ut til. lot turUiat aartlcalai, apply U1IJ M ILVIR. tnraa 4iai,Attaeat j, fa. 4 L VKOEsapolje' "" rWBotaae kVatdor, . iu loaiJ aal foe aal chaan. a. kiMitliiiii; action. We a ill ny t-'KK) Reward for a ease of Ca'arrh that ae cannot cure. EtR SALE BY MOST rIU'C,r-.lSTS EVERT II KICK. I'lin only AoCIlxt. If your Dru-.'gi.t haa uul vt (u it 00 s;le, dwu'l b put oil with suuie oimIIuii rorthk-s strotii; siiutl, ' rumlirator. or oi4niu rau-tie solution, which will drive Ihe de-ease to the tune im-lcad of curintf it, but send sixty rent to u and tha remedy will reach yoa by rvtura atail. bend stamp for Ir. aagr' pamphlet oa Ca tarrh. R. V. 1'IEKCK, M. U., ButUlo, N. T. This IsrAU.im t ItKMt'tT due not, lik th poi.ououa IrrilutluK auull and airoun eaualie kolutious with which Ih peapla uara Khi( bcea buiubllt'ced, alllii'Iy puipilaft for a short titue, or drive the dlsea.e lo Ihe luuu. t I here i daa fcr of domit In the use nf such ' be a produce crluct and eraiau wor.t ease' of chronic catarrh, a. testify. " Cold lu Ih Head" I cur. application, Cutlutrrhal Headaem. aud cured a If by mafic h remuira. breath, Lo or Iiiitwiniieul of theea ainell or heariiif, Wateriua: or Weak Ey - ---iv, 1 on the bead, tare and j with liixkiivd rapada I ' the iu..th or lu lw 1 Ihe vktllu of Ibl. awf J obleet of rumaiUaral aa uli-eraled turret, ditt ain in the h-ad aud lui.l-.. blotch.- an-Minj; lulalt of lu. aad a borrwl a l-rtod to has ilroadl'ul aui tj -law W .IM. V nwlvtlim . v. . ao traveller rvtwru.' It U a Btetaarholv fact that li linja to this u-rribt die. ow. 1 lulin- ol lpHwaul pmeader , of that IVMdly I'.x-xn, ale roaaltlulioa aad auike Ihe rck ble. STRANGERS Truat sot year Uvea, or health. suit L'alearaedl aad Wttrtk diMllule of kaoaieda, aaiue ot r. Johnston advert aw h a.tt.ci ,-J5 lue I'ht f if ailh siual ar 1: rvluruinv tiom I j vl.;i.'i siV t.i'l Si a. 1 ' -akij-r ' u-lbeaeapaper.re . i' Tork at S.OCp. 1 a.Gn u": nt.X'.ily lJ Readilo l'.enuurf, a. a. ul "e of t aiu , 1 . - . . i 1 -1 lUkltt IUI '1 , ' - t -a- ' Iuiiaired Memory, whea rauaed by Ihe viuleno I ? of Catarrh, as ibey all frequently are. W ooV-r I a - -j inna a -1 . 1111 ni rrwam 01 aov lor a of Catarrh thai w ran not cure. 1 iwrti L'R MI.KHV MOST l'Kl t.iilbTd EVERT ii WHERE. I'.kiomi aiIims. ...:' Ak your DniKBi.1 for Ih Riwiur, but if b I Ko.hIi of : -is' 11 it yet Bot il on sale, dou't b put od by ac- i , " . ptiiiK any miaerable, w.mw than worthlcaa aub- , 5 1 L Ha ct. ottW. 1 111 reaat: other. br. has' celill; at it lite, but ruebae ou eiulalo a, aad lha reiur-lv a ill be aeul )ou ki. paid. I our ekaeea -l or on doaeii lor fViak Saud aiaiuu lor Or. bau' pamphlet ou Catarrh. K. V. PIERCE. M. Ik, stuaukie, N. T. Thl I no PATENT MEUICIN'I lll'MbTtJ. aira up 10 au lav uor I a rcprcaeuli-a aa U lnv eoilil aud l-ntef-xi ubalaaee brouirhl I rota th lour corner, ol lb earth, earrh-d a .-era lime acroa th UrvMl llvaertof aaharahoa the bark of four l ecu caiueia, and broubl aeroaa the Atlantic tloaau oa two bln. Il W a aiiupla, mild, aotdh- Ilia rvuiedy, a perlecl boie for t sraaau aad " l uuu i vi.a Htaii," also for oa a.iv Hrealh, Loa or luilwlrmeul of IheMeaaaof amell. Taat or llariuk-, SVairrln or Weak !', Paia or I'raaaur lu lb Head, whea rauaed. aa Ihev ail Bol UulrevUully are, by b rlulruosof t atanb. W oHvr. lu food fa Ilk. a alau.lin lUauJ of S.Vaj fiar a eaa of Catarrh la.l w eaaa.4 rare. roa ma La ay MoeT I'Kt tana I a kk.a. nnaaa. raui so i . 1 . IMKI a, S j a.. Th. naaay i? i rear alter yejirv f 3 burtfical O1s.ral4.1aa 3 v -a ttucaaed by lb rvpot, ."i last," aad axay ok. r paiwra. a bare apiarared arwta aad acaia ba w- tKiioraal aad rredaloa. 1 "- adu, a a seaiteau 1 of ru," Ulurf eouiioaod of ran ' . ' ' " u"m uai aaiN uisKAbta arrtuiL P,rauaw ruiu( should a parta lag their Wtttral-. kv. iu.iuuikh,, f auawer, Jol M. JullNa Ol la Halltloora La. k Ib.pUai, Jaauaty iak lava I v. IUO. 1 It OS A lartpl aaottea4 of .A luctul 'n-RiA auaau N SM f !- I . -iatS V.' I Bar, llakp. Ik.a.l, I roa. Nail hV.lv 4eai. liillaw-eL lloraa. t fcut b, mull, fv-t aaU, oa r.,-el, of ,. ' k.,,.; o.N LET '' ba heal aad law a- Nt-WAMbaaWar b Ua a. ia, Ja-t aaftlmmaal Wm ml Walaf f aa-.sa roar uaraaa-a fo S tw, or I tVoaa Aa- lAiak MBdamtufUf.aaa'siiaphMaat'aUllB. - ' t-e. 10, -aa-tT. baa.haH M. T, ! O tb4lllma.liJa, 7t r sallla. Riuaa, aa Vaa, Hab... . T Caataaa, Vmm, flioa. a'ea, A Larma4l (Via. If ml t-rlaa. . Co. I h etora. " tilt bl EaLT' a tiavt i !' t)UMlujl o.b lUUaaa ,f. Ik rt l 1 I ttmirMl TTr2Tr,i IVu.. iiua Pteaao la aaat kaoa a having i-s. hia'kual laatiiaouial al la Pari Lxpo.1T.i j1" auvo, auaoa a ta ia' arieiiaua ouaf. PWaa btoo.,ah piuh aad hl e'.n'h a.a. Vtultaa, hlaaara, aaugtav, A'arrddeas, Aa- Pvaaa avaar. atala aad I out aauca.Jdaied. Ikaa. Visa!. Elti Larwswa ihlatlaaa. Eu),rav. tatS ataia aa4 sslania. ftetara aaliira. kioui--m, aw-aal aad tiX A 30, ies fat paura Itajaw. Starch W, IStttJ. ik i. w Km "H-'I i-ar beauia'. f. Wv of . 1 I'tlO 1 rr . : avaoth of tt. T Ckll lMa. aabary, Msra tk laa) r