Simbnrg : American. TSITNlJURT,-piTAUGUSf &7Tsg9. For Sals. The large frame, dwelling house ntid lot, situate, on tht south-west corner of Voarth aud Venn streets, In Sunbury, I offered lor sale on reasonable terms. For particulars inquire nt this office. TnK Board ufDlrector of the Northern Central Hallway Company, hare declared ft quarterly dividend of two per cent. Mb. D. W. Babhhabt, of Upper Augusta twp., lias our thanks for a fine lot of peaches left, at th!i 'office lust week. ric-Nic The Reformed Sunday School of this place, held a pic-nlc on nans' Island, back of the town mill, on Wednesday last. It was well attended, nnd Is pronounced on of the most pleasant of the season. (J Aram. We notice that Mr. Isaiah Gussler, of this place, has received the appointment of ganger fur this district. Mr. Oossler Is a good man and will make an efficient officer. Second Hano Piakos. A second hand six hundred dollar piano, of modern style, and In good condition, forsnle for $350. Also, a second piano, in good order, for 1150. Masser fc Hill. Buamefvl. We noticed on Saturday evening last, a woman on one of our streets in such a Mate of Intoxication that the officers were com pelled to take her to Becklcy's stone castle, on a wheelbarrow. We learn that she came here on one of the even In? trains. Pat Up. Those who know themselves Indebted 'to this office previous to the change of proprie tors, are requested to settle tip If they wish to save posts, as the hooks containing the old accounts must be settled. We are also hard np for our Just dues and as we do not expect to realize any from Asa's fund, we would be much obliged to all who owe us to come and pay np. Our friend John Shisslcr Is now putting up a line house on From strect,ln Frlilng's Row. The building is made of'plauk laid up and spiked, making it equal to solid timber. We have no doubt but what It will make a comfortable dwell ing. The house Is well planned nnd will be one of the most convenient residences In the town. Isaac KixiKSHn, of West Bufluloe, Union Co., Killed a monster bear,on the Ctn inst.,along Stonv Creek, in that township. When Bruin discover ed Mr. K he made for hi in, seeking a quarrel, lie got what he wanted, with interest. A rifle ball through; tha upper part of the nose, and thence through the bruiu, "conquered the peace." lie weighed over 500 lbs. Bt reference to the following section of the registry law, it will be observed that considerable cbmge has been made In the time of opening the polls : Section 10. At nil elections hereafter held, un der the luws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened between the hours of six nnd .seven o'clock, A. M., and closed at seven o'clock, r. m. Domestic Makkkt. Fiackm. This fruit has b en more abundant this week. Box-s from Bull! timore and Philadelphia, have been selling at rates running from $1.50 to 12.00, according to" quality. Domestic peaches, of -good quality and condition from the orchard of Mr. Yonngman and others, have been selling at li.00 to $3.75 per bushel. At Carlisle, excellent peaches grown in that vicinity, was selling on Tuesday at $1 per bushel and were a drug at that. Melons are plenty and bring from 25 to 50 cents. Cuntrlopes from 5 to SO cent. Sweet potatoes are still high, aud common (3 per bushel. The running of the passenger train between this place and Shamokln has been resumed and are now running regularly making closer connec tion with the N. C. and P. & E. roads than for merly. The traiu leaves Suubury at 10.00 a. in., arrives at Shamokln at 11. SO a.m. Returning, leaves Shauiokin at 2.45 p. ui., arrives at Sunbury 4.00 p. m. Jisr Tuimk. Frank Weirick, Esq., the dread ful editor of the SeHntgrove Time; has at last, with all his rebel proclivities, Joined the I'niou forces, and led to the altar Miss Clara Rohrback, .of Sellusgrove. That he will prove a kind aud worthy husband, we have no doubt, and we would not beat all surprised to see him take another advance stip, that of advocating Republican prin ciples. IIavk Yon TnocoitT Aboit It 1 Have you given any thought to insnranee. Over $12,000, (100 are paid annually to widows and orphans, secured to them by provident fathers. Go at ones to L. M. Yoder and make application for a policy on your life. You may not llv another year to provide for your family. IssrilE your property against loss by Are in surance, Kirccted in none but reliable compa ny b7 L. M. Yoder, Office 1 door east of Frlilng's store Sunbury, Pa. Col. Aves' New Orleans Circus and Menagerie gave two exhibitions on last Friday In this place, lu the evening the tent was crowded to its ut most. The performance were of the best ever given iu this place. The performances of Millie Tournour, the "Maid of the Air," and Ella Eu genie, tho Lion Queen, and Hcrr I.engcl, the Lion King, were received with applause. Taken altogether, the artists of this combination are 'iss. Johnuy Lawtoo, tho Clown, was Im ud kept the an'-- e In a continued roar ''is comic nu- 'n his e jTjiaryu up. -its or the soen-t. uctuiU relative to the l ) addressing the Bccrctarv nt If 1 ' How to Ki lfii. .... n.., rraiTt of olb Town Tli ir... . Y - -.'" i ii amu x ac itrowth nf ...... ,...".: , riu uiuiniy owing to the dUCemeUtS and nen.,- . . ... Iter, to settle amoug ,Uem. Encourag active and worthy , vhethcr they have money or not. There labor aloue is worth money. SUmu. lau every l. gltlm.u cul,,rUe b he friendly aid lu your power. Vupport you home newspaper liU,r.lly wUh vrtUlng pat ronage and giv, th.m . wW, eIrcnUUoDK they ,nay feci eneournjly ,0 h, Sil t ,7 T,C1"J1 1 ,iMj h"' Talk well und i ueourugeiugly of the town, of iu groHth. it. prospects, i,s advantages, . ln hoit, r.f-tlong U1..K ,0 adva,,,,.,,, ,f Sao Case or Rrioma. Makti Btu.nrrita, tub Victim Dcstiuts hlmsmu wii-n a Ksira. On Friday morning about 8 o'clock, Mr. 3. K. Hays, of this city, while looking among the shrubbery In the rear end of his garden for kitten that bad been mining, suddenly entne upon the mntilnted and decaying remains of a dead man, which proved to be the body of Mar tin Bllliuyer, late an Inmate of the county Jail. Mr. Billmyer, It will be remembered, was senten ced at the Inst term of the U. 8. Circuit Court to six months' Imprisonment, beside paying a line of $1,000, for violation of tho Internal revenue law In the manufacture of whisky. For some time past It had beon apparent to all who observed him that his mind was more or less under the Influence of despondency bordering on Insanity, and the sheriff had Tery kindly given him a number of unusnal liberties nndcr the cir cumstances. . Ills mind seemed to be more ex ercised on last Tuesday than It bad previously been, and he expressed a very strong desire to sec his family. Iu the evening It was fonnd that he had disappeared, and all search for him prov ing fruitless, the sheriff started for the place of his residence In order, if possible, to learn some thing concerning his whereabouts. No trace of him could be found until he was stumbled upon by Mr. Hays ns already stated. Justice Hepbnrn summoned a coroner's Jury, who, after visiting the scene of the sad occur rence, adjourned until the afternoon, when the following verdict was rendered Commometalth of J'enntylranui, Lycoming Co., City of H'illiamtport t An Inquisition Inducted nnd taken at William sport. In the county of Lycoming, this aoth day of August, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, before John Hep hum, J. P., of the enmity aforesaid, upon the View of the body of Martin Billmyer, then nnd there, lvlng dead, upon the oath of Charles E. Miller, W. H. Philips, David Robinson. James Rothrock, Charles Schcflel and U. 8. Ransom, good and lawful citizens of the county aforesaid, who, being sworn nnd affirmed to Inquire on the part of the Commonwealth, when, where, how nnd after what manner the said Martin Billmyer came to his death, do say that the said Martin Billmyer did, while laboring under n mentnl aber rations, stab" himself nnd cut his own throat with a common iocket knife, and that the same Martin Billmyer came to ills death ns aforesaid and not otherwise. John Hrrnrnw, .1. P. Charles E. Miller, Foreman, W. li. Phillips, David Robinson, Charles Schcllel, G. S. Ransom, Jas. Rothrock. Williamtporl Oattttt, August 21t.' From the Lykens Register of the 13th iust., wo extract the following t Jucob Haln, nn account of whose being bit by a rattlcMiukc we published lai-t week, removed to his home, about four miles west of Pincgrovc, on Monday lust. When last heard from, it was thought he would recover with the loss of his arm. A band of Irish gypsies, numbering seven or eight, including men, women and children, with two large wagons and six or eight horses, en camped over Sunday a short distance above Wiconisco. They were visited by a large num ber of people, nnd affected several horse-trades. We hear of snakes being more numerous than usual this year hereabouts, especially rattlesnakes aud copperheads. They arc seen ulong the rail road aud In the fields dally, and large black snake and rattlers are frequently encountered on the byways and mountains near this place. A few days since, several women were berrying iu Powell's Valley, Jefferson township, when one of the number, feeling u movement under tier foot, was horrified ; upon examination, to 11 ml that she had stepped oil live rattlesnakes! She gave a scream and fainted but tier companions hustened to the rescue, and soou restored her and succeeded in killing the entire brood of reptiles, without any harm being done to the participants. Mr. Benjamin BulUngton of Washington town ship, well known to old citizens in this section, died on Saturday afternoon last, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. Mr. Bufllimrton willed his estate, which will probably amount to $00,000, to Ills wife and brothers nnd sisters. William Walter, Jr., a lxy nged about eleven years, only child of William Walter of this place, was almost instantly killed nt the breaker of the Lykens Valley Coal Company's new operation, three miles east of this place on Tuesday lust. A young man by the name Henry Bartow, at work near by, in uttcmping to rescue young Wal ter, came very near meeting with a rimilar fate ; slipping ns he neured the pulled, in ills haste, he fell forward, his hand being caught In the belt, carrying it over the pulley, but not getting his clothes raught, he extricated himself without serious injury. Capti-be or House Tiiievks. From the Ma hauoyCity Uatrlte of Saturday Inst we extrac t the following : Iu November last a horse belonging to Charles Scaiicr, and buggy owned by Mr. Allebach was was stolen from this Borough, since which time search has been made In nil directions, but with no success. About a week since Mr. Seader learned that a man named Moothart had been arrested in Delaware County, nnd had said lis knew where the horse nnd buggy eould be found. Mr. Stauirerand Capt. Reed, special police, pro ceeded to Medi'i, where Moothart was conlincd m Jail, and had an interview with him. Moor thart says they traded the horse In Butler Valley, and the officers sire now on the truck. A portion of the buggy was fouud in Hazcltou. Moorthnrt served n term in the Schuylkill County Prison for stealing a mule from Michael Krelis In Cutuwissa Vallley ubont two years since. Jake Rhodes, his accomplice, is now in prison nt East on, for steal ing a horse from Mr. Wltuier, Roaring Creek, Columbia Comity. There is no doubt that these men lire members of an organized baud of horse thieves, who re side iu dllfcreut parts of the State, nnd iu Jersey. Horses stoleu in the interior of the e r ' shipped to Jersey, uud those stoleu 1" ' sent to tho interior. Seve have been recovered '' ;;) by the ' h. at 13 , mui bitten .vlug with him lie made a poul iinmedlally to the n, but the swelling wi. serious effects, and he is . Journal, . following Items from the Sham.v of this week I .nt on tub R. R. On Wednesday of .eek, Wm. A. Culp, an employee of the uokiu Div. N. C. Ii, W., hud bis Jaw brokeu three places while coupliug to a car loaded . lib lumber. The lumber projected further lhau ue had calculated ou, and bis head was jammed I between it aud the other car, with the result 1 bIuivm SLutil. xvi , . -- - , ThoiasCahlll, a young mnn employed at the " fkRUl i Colliery, had his bend aud shoulders In- jr bruised and his back sprained, in ulleuipt- thJu,"P fronl COH ' nif Mouutnin, leaD lay morning. He had gu ou to ride to braces ai lu f-'ettinB ln PO'tlo to make the of hi. hibetween one of the corier jiobts aud nnabla to car' 1,U elsul CBIkJ ,ue hetl h...l ,n i 'tfcome so wedged lu that he was urn he wle "' be feU '". "' h l of bUb fctrlkln tuo Iu heel of hU boot W. d MverB ft .fore the His .Injuries, ullUoft MnA Uewui '' '' ere, are not tbught to Fatal Acoidsnt. O was caught betwohn two',, , Wm.Frlts -. "t Trnvori. th. mines rz Such KB exttfllt that I,. .IU.I . . ...... -J v.- ... , 11 mi iniui to I 1V. 4 "J? 1C"I" LU "'",' but V follow.'" leaves vlfe acd t-erdd thildrtn. Vrsisud , Perched In the shade, on swinging spray, The red-breast, bappy, blithe and gay, Far from dnngnr, Told of fear, Warbles to the llst'nlng ear, Notes of pleasnre, nlrv, wild Softly plaintive, sweetly mild Whispering to the shady grove Tender strains of artless love. Of notes and protests, hopes and fears, ' It nothing knowsj and nothing; cares, ..' " o Nor of the real or funded Ilia . - - That bu mart Hps Incessant tills. .. -TUe burthen of her marry song, To All who that way pass along, ' Is, but your clothes from Tj U. Nott i Yon'll find him always on the spot, ' " Ready to sell yon cheup, for rash. All sterling (roods, not worthless tmsh But smrments fitted Tor a Klngi In stvle and finish, just the thing. The latest fashions for t'ic spring. ' Fabrics of varied sorts nnd shade, Clothing; more tasteful Is not inaile.' Call at T. U. Nott, in Miller's stone block, 3d street, Sunbury, Pa. Tub Atlantic Monthly for August, contains among other articles of Interest, the '"True Story of Lady Byron's Life," by Mrs.'Horrlet Bcecher Stowe. Tills article, w hich charges Lord Byron with.crlminai;iutlnmcy with Ills half sister, Lady Augusta Leigh, bus exrilcj great Interest in lit erary circle,.Hiid has been severly criticised by the Press ns uncalled nnd improper. The secret of tho cause which scperutcd Lady Byrou and her husband, hnd.ucvcr.hcen revealed until Lady Byron coulldcd it to'our country womun,".Mrs. Stowe, when in EuroH', some 10ycais Kince, whlchls nowjpublished. liidcfcnceof Lady By ron's couduct. Watson's Art Joi:hkai. Is tho title of anew weekly publication devoted to muslc,art literature uud fashion. Each number is accompanied with n pattorn wlileh can be used, nnd will lit, besides itjgircs'n new fashion plate,; which will enable dress-makers, the most recherche fashions aud practical. Published by Watsou it Co., No. 740 Broadway New York. Price, $7.50 per annum. KOR TUB AVEIIICAN. Mr.' r.MTOH : I observed lnrthe Drnwerat, last week, nmom; other ribald Jests, relating to the arrival of lieu. Grant, thal somci."nigger" had prevented you entering the ear. Permit me to say that I was pnwnt and saw but one individual who;iulght Iks properly called a nlgcr, and upon inquiry, was told that he was the represen tative of "Purdy's famous nigger," sometimes culled the Junior editor of the Jtemocntt. (. Business tiocs. Ice Ciiram Freezers. A new supply of Free zer's, Just received frsm New York by H. B. MASSER. Masskk & Hi!.!., have Ju4 received a new lot of musical Instruments, nnd other goods at their music store iu Market Square. Seconii-HanI) Pianos for sale or rent. Two Sccoud-llund Pianos In good order and condition at the music store of Masser & Hill. Of it next door neighbor, Mr. S. Faust, has nn extraordinary streak of luck iu selling his new styles of hats. A general assortment always on hand to select from, which are sold nt such low prices that every on:! can afford to keep up with the latest style. i Now is your time to procure your winter Boots and Shoes aud leave them lay by to season well. John Wllver has procured extra stock which Is being made up, and those wishing nn article to wear well besides having a good fit, bhould go to him at once uud leave their orders. We never hear of n death but what some one does not wish to retain a likeue-s of the departed. There should be no delay In having every mem ber of the family have their likeness taken, and some regard should he paid to having it made life like. For nil such wc recommend them to go to S. Byerly, on Market Square. He will take them in every style and iu such a manner that they never fade. A New Style. Wc noticed a nice young man a few days ago with a very stylish suit of clothes walking towards the depot. The new suit drew the attention of every one, uud he was repeatedly stopped aud asked who made it. He readily re plied that it was made at J. O. Beck's Tailor Shop, on Fourth street. Since then Mr. Beck Is taking measures daily for suits of the same style. There nre still some who do not know of J. F. Schaffer'stnilo ring establishment, on the comer of Market Square and Third street. To such wc advise them to go nnd sec his extra line goods which are made up dally. They will find him always ready to accommodate all and introduce the latest style. His customers never leave him after the first trial as they arc always satisfied. Music and Paintings. Masser A: Hill have rcccivvd more new Pianos and Organs, from New York. These instruments from celebrated makers, uru warranted, and lire sold ut less than city prices. They have also received a new lot of beautiful chromo pictures, stationery, photo graphs, and other works of art. Also a new and beautiful stylo of moulding Just introduced. Chroinos ut $5, superior to paintings costing $100 cm bo h id at their store. Call and see. MASS Ell & HILL'S Xew Munie Store, MA11KKT SIJUAIIK, SUNIIL'ItY, T.. Ciik kkiiiso'h Pianos. Masser Jc Hill are the authorized sole agents fur the sale of these cele brated Pianos in this place. Bahnes' Sci'Kiiiou i'UMis.-These excellent in strunients ure sold by Masser A: Hill, sole agents. They are the cheapest tirst class Pianos iu thu market. Mason V Hamlin's Ohoans. Several new ones Just received by Masser Hill, sole ageuts, Suu bury, Pu. ( ' All Pianos nmllTlrgnus sold by Masser & Hill, nre warranted for 6 years, and arc sold ut New York prices. .ry Urwiu V I'rvtluee .llurkct. COKKECTLY WEEKLY BY GKKIMiElt lillO. Guain Choice White Wheat M 50 best Amber, Winter 1 4(1 Coru 1 10 Rye i ao Oats, (o3 lbs.) 45 Best Amber, Winter, per suck 3 00 " " " barrel H 00 New Oats 50 Com Meal, per cwt., ii 00 BlTTEK New York :io Peuusylvuuia Roll 35 Eoc.8 Per dozen 25 Meats Dried Beef, .:r lb UKfooO Smoked Mutton Hif.Ll'J " Venison 40(ii.48 Labd per lb 35 FlbU bull While Fish, jier lb 15 ' Trout " 15 Cod " 8 Fresh Shad . .. Vegetables Turnips, per bushel 00 Polutoes " " 50 Ouious " " 1 50 Beans, " bitart 15(a.l Hcmiuy, 44 " 13 Dbibd Fkuits Dried Apples, Iier tb 13(a.l4 " Peuchos, " 20(u,ad " Cberrius, 10(J.35 Blackberries 30 " lbupbenics 20 Gkkkn Ari-LEi perbunul 5 75(0 00 Nil AMOK IN COAL, TRADE. EAST AND WEST. &UAMOSIN, August Si, IbO'.l. roas.Cirt. Seutfor week ending Aug. liUt l.'i.HH 04 Per lust Report 2,41 1? 244.f,:;s oi To same time last year ik),WV IS Ptercaff 1 ... 17 MANHOOD. In thbTouro and RisinoUenr RATtoN, the vegntatlre powers of life are strong, hut In a few ynnra how often the (mi I Id hue, the lack-lxstre eye and emaciated form, and the Im possibility of application to mnnt it effort, show Its baneful influence. It soon becomes evident to the observer that sonic depressing Inllueucn Is checking the 'development of Mm body. Con sumption Is talked of, nnd perhaps the youth Is removed from school and sent Into the country. This Is one of the Worst movements. Removed froti: the ordinary diversions of the I'ver-ehamrlng scenes of the city, the powers of the body too much enfeebled to eive zest to healthful and ru ral exeiciso, thoughts are turned inwurds upon themselves. If the patient be a female, the approach of the menses Is looked for with mixietr. as thu llrst Hvtnntnm In wlilen Nutnri Is tn nhmv her artvlmr power In diffusing the circulation and visltlnirtha I cheek with the bloom of health. Alas I increase I of appetite has irrown by what It fed oni tho en ergies of the system nre prostrated, nnd the wholo economy Is deranged. The beautiful nnd won derful ieriod In which body nnd mind under Is so fascinating a change from child to Minna u its looked for In vnlnt the parent's licnit bleed. Is anxiety, and fancies thu gmve but waiting for go victim. llKi.Mnoi.n's Extract Brcni', for Weakness arising from excesses orj early indiscretion, at tended wlfh the following symptoms: Indisposi tion to Exertloii,'l.oss of Power, Loss of Memo ry, Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakness, Horror of Disease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, H'nkefulncss. Dimness of Vision. Langotir, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. Op tn Enormous Appetite with Dy)eplic Symf toms. Hot Hands. Flushing of the" Body, Dryness of the Skin, Pallid Countenance nnd Eruptions on the Face, Paiirln the Back, Heaviness nf the Eyelids, Frequently Black Sots Elying before the Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion nnd Loss of Sight," Want of Attention". Great .Mobility, Rest lesi'iiess, with Horror of Society. Nothing Is more desirable to such piitlcnts"than Solitude, and nothing they more dread, for Fear of Them selves! no Repose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a hurried Transition from one q nest ion to Knot her. Theso symptoms, If allowed to go on which this Medicine invariably remove soon follow loss of Power, Fatuity, mid Epileptic pits, In one of which the patient limy expire. During the suierlntendenee of Dr. Wilson at the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result occur red to two patients; reason had for a time left them, and both died of epilepsy. Thry were of both sexes, nnd about twenty years of age. Who can say that these excesses are not fre quently followed by those direful diseases Insani ty nnd Consumption l The records of the Insane Asylums, and the melancholy deaths by Con sumption, bear ample witness' to the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic Asylums the most nudum holy exhibition appears. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute neither Mirth uor Grief ever visits it. Should a souud of the voice occur, It Is articulate. "With woeful measures wan Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst we regret the existence of the above dis eases and symptoms, we are prepared to offer an invaluable gilt of Chemistry for the Removal of the consequences. ilKi.Miioi.n's llioin.T Concen trate!! Extract of Bcciu:. There Is notiinic like it. It is an anchor of hope to the surgeon and patient, nnd this Is the testimony of all who have used or prescribed It. Sold by Druggists nnd Dealers cvervwhere. Price tl."a5 per bottle, or six bottles of f 0.50. De livered to any address. Describe symptoms lu all commuuiiatious. Ad.lrcs H. T. HELM BOLD, Drug and Chemical Wnrchorse, 5V4 Broadway, New York. 5-ffNone are Genuine unless done up In Slecl engraved wrapper, with I'ae-slmilie of my Chemi cal Wurchousr, aud signed H. T. HELM BOLD. TERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who 2J suffered for years from Nervous Debility Premature decay, and the effects of youthful in, discretion, will, for the sake of'sufl'ering humani ty, send free to all who need, the rccie and di rection for making thu simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser's experience can do so bv addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN OGDEN, MayVll!!-!yJ No. 42 Cedar rtrcct, N. Y. ANEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who had Consumption for sev eral years, wit li frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the profession, when Ids case up wired hopeless, lie is the only physician who lias used it in bis own person, or who has any knowlecgo of Its virtues; and heenn describe the degree of health be now enjoys to nothing but the use of his me dicine i and nothing but utter despairand entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with n want of confidence in all others, Induced him to hazard the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of tho Lungs he proffers a treat ment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 per bottle or S a half dozen, sent by express. Bend for a circular or call on Dr. E. Uoylston Jacksom, No. 2.'s3 North Tenth, Street, Phila. For sale by II. Y Frlling, Market Square, Sun bury, Ph., und Druggitts generally. flO CONSUMPTIVES. The Advertiser, hav- j A. ing been restored to health In a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. ! To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of tho prescription used (tree of charge), with the direc tions lor preparing and using the same, which they will find a st he Ci iik koii Conui mi'tion, UtIIUI IlirilVflllTIJ ..I.. Tl... ..1.1..... ..r.l 1 vcrtiscr in sending the Prcseriplion is to benefit the utlicted, and spread informal ion which he conceives to be invaluable j aud be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, us il will cost thciii uothiug, und prove blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, Kv.v. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Countv, New York. M:iy8,'ti0.-ly. DEAFNESS, Hllnducfs and Catarrh treated with the utmost success, by J. Isaacs, M. D., nnd Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Far ; (his scciality) in the Medical College of Penn sylvania, 12 years experience, (forinerlv of Lev den, Holland,) No. K05 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials call be seen ut tills ntllce. The med ical faculty uru invited to accompany their pa tients, us he hat no secrets iu his practice. Arti ficial eyes inserted without paiu. No charge for examination. febl3-tVJ:ly td a c c M T PJ e a o e x a 2 Q tn r o aX 1 K I H N W 3 H H a tr. GO m a. 9 n t 9 X l to GJ.UIDK TO MARRIAGE. Voung Mens' A Guido to Marriage und Coujugnl Felicity. Thu humane views of beuevoleut Physicians, ou the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter' envelopes, Irwtof eluirgu. - AdJrvfc HOWARD ASSOC! A- i iiv., io i., i-oiianeijMiiii, ra. , June 1U, 1006 ly. 1 TI. .V 1,... 1, .11.11 . . .. . y- XOKTIIERX CXNTItAiL RAILWAY com ANY. t HKAsiiHxu's orrirK, Bai.timoiir, June 1st, 13GU. This C mptny Is now receiving Subscriptions, nf pnr tttcruetl tofr'rmsj in eifmovy, for a limited ntnouut of Its ronstolldsUeil Nix er ( enl nnmlsi, 1'rinrljtal und liitrrrnt I'nynhlc In oltl, Fro from State and National Tux cm. Theso Bonds arc iu sums of $1000, dated July 1, liK, nnd due Jnlyl, 1UIK), with Coupons pay able 1st January and Julyi and nre secured bv'n General Mortgage for 0,KKl.000 whieh inWw'rs fAt pmrtnu .ouiu, and v 111 become n first i.ikn of the. Company, except nn annuity iff $10,000 payable to the State of Maryland. Subscriptions will be received, nnd further In formation furnished nt the First National Bank, in Suubury. Pa. J. 8. LEIB, Treasurer. June 19, 1800. 3m. v uiv vpiiuiiiTHus ui .ivniiauiuen land comity. Fellow Citizens: I hereby offer mvselfto your consideration as a candidate for ASSEMBLY, nt the npronching October Election, subject to tho decision of the Union Republican County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of the office, to tho best of my abilities, nnd faithfully guard the Interests of mv constituents; DANIEL W. BAMPSEL. Point twp., July 17th, lSHU. County Treasurer. To tht li(nMkans vf Xurth'd County. n'AVING been solicited by ninny of my . friends I hereby announce myself as a euu didate for the officii of County Trcasurer,of Nor thumberland county Bubject to thcdecisiou of the County Convention. llavluclost a leg in the service of my country, thereby depriving mo of physical strength to fol low any occupation, I solicit your votes for the above office, and if elected, 1 promise to perform thu duties impartiallv and to the best of my abil ity. Sunbury, June 19, li9. JOHN J. SMITH. 1'rof lionotnry. To the I'epublican Votr$ of A 'orthmnbt rlond County. AT the solicitation of my friends I have con sented to be a candidate for the office of PROTHONOTARY, subject to the decision ofthe I Republican Convention, llaviug tt knowledge of ! the dutiesof the office, andean s)ciik both the ' English and German languages. I shall, if elected, fulfill the duties to the liesl of my ability, and : render general satisfaction to uiv constituents. ' JOHN CALDWELL, i Sli.imoktn, July 24th, 1WJ. T II V. 1IOKT N I' C C I!NNF V L LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK THE WORLD, THE NATIONAL LIFE 1NMTUANCK COM PANT, IMTtlt STAT KM OF AJIKRICA, CHARTERED BY SPECIAL ACT OF CON GRESS. C(ikIi Cupltnl, - - - - "l.OOO. OOO. HitANCH Office, PHILADELPHIA. OFFICER t CLARENCE H. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi dent. JAY COOKE, Pblladslphln, Chairman Finauce aud Executive Committee. HENRY I). COOKE, Washiugtou, Vice-President. EMERSON W. PEET, Philadelphia, Secretary and Actuarv. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. I)., Philadelphia, Median! Director. Tills Compnnr issued, in the first TEN 1IONTI1S of its exlsteuee, 5,396 POLICIES, LN'Sl'RVa gis.iati.Noo. The Company offers to its Policy-Holdcri PERFECT BECURITY by Its Cash paid up Capital of One Million Dol lars, and guarantees to the Insured, by its LOW HATES OF Pit EMI UM LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, Or a Reversionury Dividend of 100 per cent, by its It E T U It N PREMIUM PLAN. .i:.f.kai. A;r..TS. E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers, No. 38 South Third Street, Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania nnd Southern New Jersey. B. 8. KcssEl.I., Manager. L. M. YODER, Local Ag't., Suubury, Pa. April 10. Sept. f, 5S y OIK XKW Family Sewing Machine. The SuiH-rlor Merits of THE "S1XGEH" MACIIIXES Over ull others, for cither Family or Mauufac turiug purposes, are so well established and so generally admitted, that an enumeration of their relative excellences is no lougcr considered ueccs- b"r Otlt NEW FAMILY MACHINE, Which has beeu brought to perfection, regardless of time, labor or expense. Is now conildcuily pre sented to tho public us iucouipuribly tit 6cl .Stie ini Miu hiue in tiisttnee. The uiuchiue iu quebtion is Simple, ComjHiet, Durable and Ikautiful. It is quier, light running nnd enmblt of jht forming a rawjt and variety nevtr befori alttmptttt itHM a linylt machine, using either Silk, Twit, Linen or Cotton Thrcud, uud sewiug with cpial facility the very !iue4t and coarsest materials, aud aiiytliing betwecu the two extremes, In the most beautiful uud substantial manner. Its at tachments for JJnmnitiij, JlrnUtinij, Cwtlituj, Tucking, Quilting, telling. Trimming, liituling, ttc, ure novel und practical, and have beeu iu vcuted aud adjusted especially for this machine. New design!! of the Unique, I'seful, and PopuJ lar Folding Tops and Cabinet Cuses, peculiar to the machines manufactured by tkis Company, have been prepared for enclosing the uew Mu cbiuo. A faiu Idea, however, can at best be conveyed through the medium of a necessarily limited ad vertisement i aud we therefore urge every person iu quest of a Sewing Machine by all uieous to examine and test, if they can possibly do so, all tho leading rival machines before making a pur chase. A selection can theu be made understand ing!)'. Bruuchcs or agencies for supplying thu "Singer" machines will be found In nearly every city or town throughout the civilised world, where Machines will be cheerfully exhibited, und uny information promptly furnished. Or coin muuleulleatloiis may be uddressed to THE SINO Ell MANUFACTURING CO j.'iH RttoAnwAV, Nkw Yohk. PIIILAD'A OFFICE 610 Chestnut St. MKS. IIKXJ. LAl'F., 81IAMOKIX, SOLE AGENT FOR NORTH'D. CO. f-f Persons who desire tho above Muchtues, at Suuburv uud vlciully, cau obtaiu them from Miss CAROLINA DAL1US, Murket St., Suu bury, Pa., who is authorized to make sale fur them. April 10, 18C, ly. FAKH FOK MALE. ONE ofthe best bottom farms on the Susque hanna river, lyiug 7 miles from Williams- port, all lu llrst rate order with new Dwell ing, aud good fences. 104 acres for t'.'.OtX). Less thau real alue. Terms c-usv, Kiiquimof A. T. May 18CI'. -3ia IViUisiutiuil, fa, jltfth) bbcrthcmcnlo. JET EVERYBODY KNOW THAT ON AND AFTER il i;j ,1TIU, r n 1 1. 1 ts u , at the MAMMOTH H T O U K , WILL SELL EXCLUSIVELY EOll CJS1T. Everything will then be reduced to thu vury tO WENT ntlCEN FOR CASH I ONR PUICK aud that the LOWEST. BRAR THM IN MKSD. IT. Y. FRILINO. Sunbury, May 22, iVf.H. m:w drv oois AND v it E s II a n o c E 11 i e s I On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Chuieh, BUNBUKV, PENN'A. TIENKY PETE US HAS just opened s lurgc assortment of DRY GOODS, such ns Calicoes, Muslins, Ac, which nre sold cheaper than ever. Also, n variety of Notions, Undershirts, Drawers, Hats and Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS, Ac. GltOCEIUES AXU MO V1SIOXX of all kinds, such as BLGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES. COAL Oil, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, l.urd.Hams, Nuts, Dried and canned Emits, Prumvi, Raisins, Cheese, aud Crackers, and iu fuel everything usually kept in the Groceiv line Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queens wu re, Glass-ware, Willow-ware, rtc.. The best FLOUR and MEAL In tho Tobacco, Cigars, and and a variety of NOTIONS. ALSO ; All kinds of Canned Fruit, si tho lowest prices. Country I'roduco token in rxehange for Goods. I-yCall uud exutuinc my Stoch, nnd satisfy vourstlvcs. HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, April 10,'IRCO. I860. CASH ! CAM! ! t 1869. Mar,!e Word secures Magic Bargnins nt t!.o MAMMOTH CASH STOHK OF II. Y. FltJI.IXU, Market Nqnnre, Nuultury, Fonii'a., HIIEKE MAT BB FOl'Nll TUB BEST SELECTED AND CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT of Goods ln the county. 4 11 1. , e t 1.. . iii iviuus ui ciuiMuiiuy iccciviu. j Call and see and examine for yourselves. CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, CEDAR WARE, WILLOW WARE, HATS AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES SALT, 1'LASTER, Croecrieu of Kvorj- I)fHcrI(ioil ! I ALSO, Drus, Medicines, l'a'mls. Oils, lVlfumi rks Dye Stufis, &c, &c. CASSIMERES AND CLOTHS or AM. KINDS. Call ami bo eunvinoeil tlutt llie ' MAM MOTH" the Stow to lmy iln a!.). II. V. I'ltl i.ivc;. April 10, IStlO. THE i ul" Trc l XIO AMI i: I KAI. PAdl K ! I RAILROADS, j BOUGHT AND SOLD. i IE HAVF.N A ItHO., i BANKERS and dealers iu GOVERNMENTS. i No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. I May 22, ISt'.'J. , M -MII KY NI'KAM - FLOURING MILLS, J M ! I1W A 1.1. II1FII n AVINU known AVINU Uken charge of the above e cstabltshuieut ,is prepared to fur- nish FLOUR of all kinds, MEAL, FEED, SHORTS, Ac., ou the best terms to customers. . The big Lust cush prices paid for all kinds of grain. teefCuslom Work solicited iu j'rtf.rtnc vt M.rcbaiil work, anbury, Match fi, 1H9. UK EAT rA'IFI; nlM:OA! A&H WSMH ,s finished I mhMWimi 1'iitsr mokt;ac.e iiomis j (7& J5ctu blifiilsfinrnls. JOHN ECKMAN. I'. M. ECKMAK. M. A. Ill A K' FIRM I M.Vt OOKN JOHN ECKSIAN & CO. Having taken the old and popnlnr stand W. Bassler, on the corner of Fourth and Mn, street, SCNUCRY, PA. Ilesiect fully announce to the friends of old CHti'bllsbuicnt and all new customers they have Just returned from Philadelphia! a large ussortnu tit of m;w jooivn, j Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTl GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, OLASSWif WOOD and WILLOW WARE. Also, . Huts) huI C'mH, Rootis stntl Klie) in great variety. READY MADE CLOTIIIN'0. Floor und Table Oil Cloth, Carpet und Car Chain. I.AmKS' DRKM GOODS, Calicoes, Muslliis.Dclnucs, Handkerchiefs, No lies. Culls. Collars, Flannels, Table Lltincn, Crash Cheeks, Tickings, Cottou Flannels, a splendid nssorluieul of Hoop Skirts. Spices. Teas, Salt, Fish, Toilet and Fancy Soa Hardware, iron, Nails, Look Glasses, JtU Burners. Also, Weldeiisiiul and Sptgleinyc ci-.i.i;i!it vrrn family ixoi kept constantly ou hand. Call and examine our sto"k and he convlnf llml you can buy cheaper than anywhere else. By fair nnd honest dealings we. hope to tut a full t'mrc of the ).ublic patronage. Countrv prodii'.1 taken in exchange for go JtlllN ECKMAN & CO Sunbury, May i!2, 1 still. ly. M O t O O it It V. n A A I I S N H S I I X U t K R II St I R I It (I O o It (J i R R O C C t: K R I I K i; B S t MARKET STREET, In lfavfVn Imii iVoitt Luildinij, Knnburj, I'm. April 10, 1'.). lu consequence of the disastrous tire, which I January last destroyed their Store nud its co1 contents, J. i:. CAI.inVLlM. A CO., JEWELERS, Have hud made especially to I heir order In I rope and ill Amcrieu, nu entirely NEW STOCK OF CHOICE GOOD WhieU are now opened aud ready lor examination. VERY FINE PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the new improvements.) cw Kitfe Ornaments to Male!. Km irely new HHONZES, OROCI'S AND EIGUItES OIIUIIAM MAM F O GO'S. F I N E E L E C T R O WAKE 8, Best SicrliuL' Silver Ware, New designs, WATCHES, JEWELRV, &e., S.c, A very fuli assort ineul at very MOIIKItATE 1'IllCKS. For the presn.t at HIO t iit-hf nut Street, I'USluUelpIiia April 10, isi in. 1.1 (I V O R NTOUEI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respect fully Invite thoatlcullou of Retailer: aud others, that he has ou baud, and will con slant ly kep all kinds of j FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS', I Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniae, Cherry, I Ginger, lioehelleand Otanl. Whiskies: Pure Uve Copi er-Di'tliled, Monon QUEENSWARE, gahela, Apple i.i.d Nectar. PI KE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wiuo, Shcrrv, Port aud Chi ret. j Crab Ci.ler, Clmuii agne Cider, N. E. Rum. Erown Mloi.t and Soldi Ale. ! t'TOMACH AND BAR LITTERS, An.l uli others Liquors which can be found lu tint city markets, which will be sold ut Whole- I i.iiu ... ...... ...-i, ni I hi." K ii.i I ,t lit eeii it- repjeeiuea. .ttso, a ia.::c ioi. oi ii..Miuit.i5 aud BOTTLES, always on hand. I-?" Orders promptly aliciided to, aud public patronuge rcijctlully bolieited. C. NEFF. Sunbury, July S, 1S00. ly I'ltllliN. OUm, Ac. J A FULL slock of Oils comprising Linseed , Oil. Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubriea'iu-. I Oil tor Engines and Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, ahvavs on hand, at low l , i. at CON LEY A CO'S. faiW I h iTiiarto -ai.TmltiTi il A . n -VisJ HlLADELPHiA. ' I C37"Snmi0c8 fcent y mail wlit written for. Oci;;-e,s:iy Volieo lu Trt'ftUM'r!s. 1 1 i .Til ' L" l l,..uV.u i.:.... tl... . V v " In,.". 1"; persons .)! u uli'i.w. I lu Iietl.. property of the undersigned, In Lower Mahi.. loiiii.bip, Noi'tlniiulic'luad county, for the pur pose of picking Berries, Fruit, t:, or to uiitsr Into any enclosure witno.,. pi-.T.issinr, ws. Vii law will bu euforeed agumst all ohVndcn-. ISAAC II. RESSLPH,-- LowerMhonoy twp., June la, 1 i0o.t f?On Ki.kllers. w. hivs7d vlr!' J1 Ruckle. Gig Trv, Jiau,, '(, lLvtbllie IlUJluilllOlt '