Aiii;iuirii.MJ. i : w oFXiiiA5iEKicAXrrr,,,,wrTr 1 .JtRM.5p MlUK A !irm VtSTJrf " e- in ! I find it enveoiont hir,Tfft-itco : . annum. , II le U at fUi tHAtn IhOwf papet dlseoriUnrdTi'll all srfragei Ans-)aM .Ties terms will be strictly JWtt to kereafter. 'stfttsurlhers nsleUs fefm r take htrt 'r from the office t which Use are deel,th( responsible ulitiUheyJiaya KttM Mil pad 1 fiuhra ! it)rf W' on tlll'l 1 tMIMllJ-fi 4 f-fiirrin, Unlf Cul. 1 Column. .i'.i,' J 1 111. 1 'J iill . VII 11 400' irti'is (;. mi 112 l!0 l MU 2l Mt.'i 05. "j 00 f.c ju :!ii( :! vti.ri, w im u mom ananntHmw thorn dinvmlitrnw . i 'i w 0 .' i r 'ostmarteri, ttill fifeae set M oar AfWW nil. ,7 Lr. ta. fv.:i:i: if.rf" I ' V 1 5 "J'' j n f 1m linn of ttiia ftzeJ tj- c (wil.tunii in ictrors aontasning aueenpiiini jsimuij. aormltted to do thii under the i'vat vuf ini.t VUBliISl'lEb EVERY SATURDAY MOBNl&a," BY E ' WirVElrf.aWRteSfsUNiBUrvY,' KORTllUMfiliRLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. qunro. Amlilor.', AJu.inilr:or' HtJ i;r'p!vr n ' I1.0O. Obltunric (exocjt Hie urn uuiicii. wl.iuh if Tret.) to It Ji J f'T t iiertltn rjlffi Looul 'etiiii, Swiotjr llonolutioi, -0 -eenta tier line. Adf rlifmntn (V.r BoH-To-if. fluerUMWrt ontinHl (itjacU, oiibJi.U llio lAuvo ruti . Ttflii'Uiit ilvotlie?ti'Cii1 bo imiili.licd tin otdet4 to , JscoBt'mii, end barged iMordicf , . .--.-,.-.. - " a i T. . . eat' ' jOO PBINTIH O'. , ft hire eonneetei with odr esbtMi-bment a well stcd JOD OFI'lCtS, whioh will enable ai to ' . . .. .... .J.J f 1 : J ,:ute, in ini Doaio ,wi tivi tquvj of NEWlSERIESrVOIiM; NO. G.. :' SATURDAY-MORNING, APRIL 3, 18G0. OLD SERIES,- VOL.-29, NO. 22. cT:t." -ai- iki Z 1 jlL 1 :'o': p ...)(. i n- .- r - - . . . .; . ... ... - rv-iiTc BUSINESS CAIID3. ng. . BKriiKn. 1. ?! (oi'iit'3 mid t'oniiwollov nt, mut Ptro.t, wrl of th N. C. nd P. ?; ?' tod Kcput, in tho building IMoly bjT F. Lmarus, Eq.,' .' SXTNBUBy, -?3NNA.. Jrotioin nd nil rrofenioei4 IniiHicsi pruwplly nded to lu Northumberland nd adjoiniug Cun- oh; ,. , " . KIT K&HS0N S XA.ST TRAIL m:i 1 Aftllotl OV "TflK" WAViON TltAlN, -ViriH FIndhu,'' 'Tint watuii woi.1'," KTt'., Kit'. .1 B0YER & W0LVERT05T, , AITOUHVN AT LAW'i Co Second Floor In Lright'i New Building, 6UNBUKY, PENN'A. "5. T)or-n an W. J. WoLvunTo. rtpwtflly ounce that tbty bnre entered into eo-pnrtnerjlup he irelii-eof thulr prufeoeion in Xurthumher d and adjoining counlici. Consulttttioti ean be . in the Uickmak. priU, !. ly 1 fforncT at rXBl"RT, k Collcotions atutuded to in tbe eeuntpen of or niVierland, l'ukn, tn)Ucr, Muntnur, Columbia '. Lycoming. nKTRKKNCIttf. Inn. John M. Rood, rhilndclfhin, .. O. Cnttcll A Co., " Ion: Wm. A. Porter. " .loru.n McMiohnol, fcwi.. " C. Ketehaia 4 C., Z'V J'eitrl Htreot, lohn W. Aflunead, Attorney at l.nw, .utthewi A Cux. Athinioye ol Law, inbury. Mareh 2H, lfii2. . M. rt"CK"i'Ki.LKn. ' IiLotd T. Uon..n ROCKEFELLER & ROHREACIir hi .M!i i:v, i::vva. Iiidinp plare with a cry of relief, nni1 ' nl- vitnced iwlllly towrili Uio lutlaT nuU tlsiifjlitcr, ' He vg it mno of middle oe, of the or tiinary tyi)o of a bnckwoodjmnn, itrong and "Tits ' ''"own and itnlwnrt, of the rude, tongli typo I that wem in hciong to tna I'order. Jii Into was lingurd nnd wbitR, filtuoiigrt cov" eri'd with prcfjiirntiitn. His lirenth cume llirottgh lii parted lir in qnictc, uneven cnii9.' lie had run tor nnd swiftly, nnd i lookt-d as if about tn drop froni fatipue. I 'What him happcni'd, Thnrnjison ?' asked ! Dane, with Iti'en nnxiety, tho man's alngnlur j nppi'iiiancu -giving him a .sudden shock of i alarm. I 'The Indians !' tra'pod Thompson, scarca' ; "cu aj't j;n i. ' . a. J.n- i: umiuioum.v btagd I Toward the dole, of. a beautiful (lay in June, 1867 a man nnd woman, mnuuted tip cm licet horses, cuuio galloping over one of tho great plnjn of tl:u Vtnt, nnd drew ruin in the shade tf i clump of cottou-woods upon the bank of a beautiful river. They had ridden fur and rapidly. Their Heeds j c-aming t -u,i Knifu nnd his bnnd riivideil At the moment of his introduction tn the reader, he was riding in the rear (if the little tfain, busy with his own reflections, which were evidently as bright tA the morn ing itself tho forenoon preceding thcovints we liave recorricd. ' His thoughts wera wfapt 'in tho sweet nieinorjf ol'iliriam, who hail wept so bitter ly nt Ins departure, and who. he expected, would smile so joyously at his return. 'The dear little soul !' he murmured aloud. 'Where she now ?' UU eyes darkened with tender sweetness, his lips quivered, with the ineffuhln love that Hooded hishein with 11 happiness nkin to pain. He pictured their hitctms, tho pretty iinmc they would sharo together, the IV able to commumi bis voicu. 'J'hcy ore years tliey would spend in each other'! ily and luipMii'Mly. 'Whut can keep Uioso men ? Kino; has been ponu ten minutes. Hero, Sergeant Hal.iey, hury those mo; up!" Tho ncrgeanf, n brown, strnnj; man pf mid dle sr, hesitated, and ventured to stammer : 'I bejj your pardon, Lietttannht, but 1 think there's something wrnnft rnide the cave. There's three men in llrete all hun gry and knowing thr.t dinner's ready, ffuroi ly they'd come bncl if tlley could. , I'ethnps there's wild beasts, or some strange kind of rjs that sniotbers 'em, or ' 'Nonsense, Sergeant !' interrupted the Non tenant, I'rowninrr. 'I give you live minuter tn bring those men buck.' do !' MISLINjjX) Inly Paper. ttom tho Toledo Blade,) THU LAST CABINKT MKKTINO Tpp WHO OP 1IIR JOIINSll.N A DKStKlIIKU JIT Mlt.NAKIlV. . Wasiiinotok, 1). C March 0, 1869. . The agony is over I A. Johnson, spurn ed by an ungrateful people, w icir didn't d scrvu so sweet a boon, ia wanst more a pri vate citi.en, and ui no more arcotittt than I u 111 lull f7 Illllctl T.i T n m elitl nuilinnl. l-r ' y J J!. I w ii z in nt the birth uv the Johnson Onrl.' rO it. Vl, mv nuinfiil rlntv til I id in nt I ll... ll, t . ... .1 .. II..... nil n quit . vuo iiiv:ii M v1 lilo inc. null were uautitiL. and covered with sweat and foam. . . 'We must give the horses a breathing spell,' said tho former, Blipping to tho ground i and his companion nodded a grace ful assent, as she followed bis example. Thii couplo were evidently : father and -daughter. The man was in Ihe prima of life, halo nnd hearty, with a large frame, which was fcinewy and athletic, without ceaing to be rcfineu and prepossetsina. He had the keen. Help me I In spite i Knife was killed yesterday ! 'Ho was only wounded,' interrupted (Thompson. 'He is comitii; to tako lii i yenweunce on us settler, lie 1ms divided j his band into two. They were up at the j Deer Vork Ihis morning, and are now Com' j ing this way. 'i'he points to be Btruck arc your tiad mine.' Tlio sergeiint'a fnco paled, but, without another word, lie took tin a torch nnd enter- tli death. I wus prencnt at society, the tender mutual Invi nnd earn I ed the cave. disni)i)enrini from the iaze uf , the hut UV its Cabinet iiuetins. Help that would bless all their comini davs. i hi frieii.ln. ' , wu a rggnileratin scene the bint lfn bad li ft. Iir' n nnnr art vi i,iiir..r i , c.V i 1'hn minute liAased tVin lietitonnnt nn.l : mournful I ever WltninL. At the first wi tvil! ! e . k .' . '. . . ,: . , ..... . 1 - - ... : .1. 1. : ..1. I. . c l ! ... . . ... . . , A " V . me men ate mtii innncr mi-cnanicaiiy, nwnjt- ,'ni" um. wnn uij;ii nie uen mur) .-1 m a rooinecl man, conltnynorj isanoaii, ing anxi.mslv the expected rutuni! yet none . ""isi.t, with a Trenmny to draw . on wich i "hut I'm cz much to. blame ex voo krt. I my wile my children I me 1 What talk is this ?' cried Dane, agitated his fortune anionr? the mints of Idaho, llo : t of bis etf.uts at self control. 'lied wna returning to her a more than moderately ' i itnns'ien that thcr wuz to m change hut to no piipns. He coodent pit It thru lil m. 1 undertook to impress rt CTMrt his inttlleck, but my efforts wuz utilo. Huggirt to his buzzirn a model uv a Erie connl lioat which ho hed determined to re-model i ut ! a revenoo cutter, he keji "c.'q isyi-n-'-" Why w liy stio.iu J go out ? l wuz umtcr L.IU kin, and ttsen 3ohrrsofl."""TtrrTB Hintnw more difference between I.lnkin and Johnson than there Is between Johnson and (trant, is there f I agreed with l.inklu ud Vith .'oiuijon, and I fhcl affree with UTsnt, doubt less. Why shood 1 differ, with tirjint ?" - ltnndall smiled n ssrdouicta smile nt the aged irifunt,nnd remarkin that he (.Raudull) bed hed a goiid time itr it ttuyhow, thu rccnlleckshen whereof tlio d A Abulishnists The. first ! condeut rob liim uv, ntiooU hands, with, A. the most J HKl;n that U'J Oi'Ja't bear liinj oy ill yew Yotk. hrewd look peculiar to he advance guards i ,jjv (j(i ,.iaculuted Dane, as his inform i tecouj t'KT FFICIi In Iliinpfi new Building, r l.ntraiice on Jlnrket Niunre, '-iinlmry, Jnnunry 4. tSfln." Tcelii ! ' Teelii I ' r. tc. ;:rss.;a:te, ETJRGEOII DENTIST, jrmi'rly of ASHLAND, O., announces to the eiti. luc f Northumberland ituunty. that he ha lucated Sl'XUL'KY. for the prantico of Uentisuv, and pui'tlully eoliciu your iiitroniigo. tfjvrial ntten- t v.i r..'ua to ftiiitig iitul rfmtfuix tectli. ieftliex tcd wtthuut mm in, by nfing Nurcotio spray itch I hijve iiietl for thruo yo;ni with perjrti sac n I .a itij itrtc it rciulls. 'tfice in Uoouis foruirrly occupird hy Iir.'J. P. jziv. in Pleanunt's iSuiidiiijt, iUrlut Hiiiuru mburv. 1'a. mar. 7, tW. :cnE JIlLL, KlMOX V. H'oi.VSHTU.f. ITILLi & WOLVEnTOH. 1 1 (orne) h and 4'onnxe'pi'N nt l.uU, ITU, ultuud to the oolloclion of all kinds cf ? V cliiirui, iucluding B.iok Pay, Bounty and I'n iib. ajl. I, 'M. f.i ' nf civilization, and there was an iionct, , ftnt muted iranK expression cu :us sou oron neii mec j raijlt. lliul proclaimed iiib integrity auu couin'e. I In her v?av, his dnuchtvr was equally pic- j turi'sque nnd aTTraiitivs.' j . In the early Hush tifj womanhood, with a j, pure, sweet, and teuder lace, witn eyes darkly- silnwiug, with - coral tinted lips, nnd I cheeks softly flushed with the hue of the . rose, with amber curls floating behind her, ' bUc Wlls griictful as a gazelle, as light heart t ed ns a bird, as lovely as a tiovver, bikI ns i spirited as an untamed antelope. Tho stream bv w hich the couple had halt ed was Wood river, a brunch of the Tlatte, in Nebraska, at a point fifty miles north west of i'ort KcamjN 'Are ymt tired, Miriam !' asked the hunt er, Ccorc Daue, with fatherly solicitude. 'Tired, father (' rejoined the inaiilen, with j n happy laugh. 'Oh no. How could 1 tie ; tireil uftcr n tlay like this ? Every tuiuutc I baa been filled with, pleasure and excite- j nirnt. I fuel as fresh us yonder bird.' j The father biniled undevstandiiigly, with j n look full of the fondest affection. I 'I can "uchs tho cause of your lightness I cf licait.' said he,, sm'ilingly, 'Tho return, i now tl.dly exi)tctail, of a certain Hubert Kr'e, Iroiu toe, mines (f Idaho, may account, I supet:t, tor your pre.-cnt gladness.' A heightened polof appeared on Miriam's face, for" thu namo menthnifd was that of her lover. Shu uuswered the glances of her tUtil iu Uis excited, breathless iiar . . .. 1 rt-, . 1. - 'A liorsc 1 a norse : cneu i nompson, reer inr w ith fatiuue. '1 can co no lurtuer on ' rtfti n,nn u ill, l.tll.. ..r I.. 1.:'. ..1' ll... numn l.m.b i .w.. 'in I'llin ,r K AUIIilllLU III ills ; l till" twin iuiii. ; chamois money belt of rufiicient value to ; support them bolli iu luxury as lorjir as they ! deep impression on the minds rf his hearer j might live. j A general gloom fell upun the camp, and It was not to bo wondered nt that his ! the men cn't frequent nnd fearful glances in ; thoughts were pleasant. the direction of the tavern, liven the lien- ) Suddenly he was aroused from histrnnrc- tenant and Hubert felt a strange depression like silence, by cries of dulight frorn bU ' crrrpipg fiver them, w hich neither coild re companions, nnd by thu fact that they had 1 sist. checked their fpeed. '! 'What caw hn the matter V ot length de- Looking around him quickly, he beheld : mantled the officer. 'The sergeant's in trou i the cause of the unusual excitement. To the I blc, I should judge, by his long absence. I seemed to u to bev no bottom, and with . hel en Into bistrr counted w itii tim mv The words of thB scrgrant hai made a , s'c" men oz Ilaymond, Weed, ct si. to give ! bloomin boys, when they rrie-l inao's ea- us, ana t lie-voices uv tno inou- j tte, nill npply to the I.egrslnchert n thcif satuis uv patriots wicu wnnmi "IH8 uiuttin ) rsopective Plaits tohev tnetrnamescuangeit i us Gyd f peed at the hist there wuz left to iithiu else. I'm fo.ig, and yaiv't die in ; only those who hed become so fixed that ' a few yters, cz Wcllja ' Viu, and must there. southward, at no prout. rli-rtunrp a mull loot. MS wile, my cmit.itn uou puy bthi i herdol bullaloes was grazing lazi!y,sceming. M O I I.. & - . 1 1 . l , . ., snve them 1 He looked from tho hunter to his (laugh ter in agonized and mute supplication. Dane snatched the glass from Miriam's hands and placed it to his eyes. ty nor nt an niarmeri by tuu near presence nt a lorniutahle enemy. Tho wind was blowing from them, the horses were Iresh, and, as he looked at the tempting game, Hubert lelt the spirit of the Ho lookeit to tho northward saw his j ,unlel grow strong within him. nrettv cottace. his wile busy at tier neeute under tho trees and glauced ut the dim line of the horizon stretching away eastw ard und westward from his home. Suddenly the glass dropped from his hands Ins face blanche! to the hue of enow, r rum tno west, seeming to emerge horse, he galloped (jiving rein to his along the line to speak but was met half wav by th.t officer, whose sparkling eyes and eager demeanor a'.tcstcd to h kindling of Nimrodlikc zeal. 'What do yon say to an hour's sport, Mr. F.arle ?' shouted tho lieutenant, ns ho bore There can't be gas in the cave, or it so, he would probably have had time to cry out. There can't be w ild beasts, for those four mon were all well armed, nnd would at least have fired. Whioh of all you men will-go into the cave and learn hut the matter is V There was n general shrinking back.' in uistry ez tlio' moist Administrashen tliey coukln t get sway, suit every -one UV em rnni.1llia IUI Itm niivl ilntr ill II l llinu . w uz forever lost. The liarlct conunencin j her career with youth, beauty, strength-, and store clothes, is one thing the same beiu ho'.lcr eyed, sunken cIiccks, dirty and drab- bled, turned out to die on a dunghill, a'nt : so ik'iiitmt to look at. . j .Tbe meetin was held in the same ld room, in wich I hey seen more wecpin than ever fill to the lot uv one man. Tho ad ' ministrashen of A. Johnson will lie known It Every soldier was brave in an Indian fight, tit not one to face a mysteiinlis nod from the clouds ol scarlet and goiti, lie una j ,own upon his fr'rend, for Hubert was a beheld a band of mounted Indians riding i decided favorite with cvtrv member of the ATTnu-MtiV at T. A lather. However, witn a iraiiKneM tutu i:t- rth .Sido of Public Kouoro. nno door emt of lbs tested his entire sympathy wi;h her nnd Old Rank Building. jd , B U K I! V It Y , l'KXN'A, 'Trne, father, mv heart has Iteen Bnusttally Collections nnd all Piofeimnnnl business promptly : li rli t for several rlava past. How could it ii n jlj. I'lm'K vounuw. tndcd to iu toe (unliui-y,Sept. 15, lHflB. f. II. 1'KBIIV, Courts of horthumbiiirlsiid atd i otlierw ise. sineis I know that Hubert is I c.)iiiiui 2' i ! Mr Diiiih rlirl nnt renlr lo wa lonkillS. K TTUKNEYS AT DAW, J. J). Jamkb. 'AMES, run nun y, 'A. yioec in tho tci-ond fUwy of llcwnrt's builHin?. nd juinm. the T'rmuciat utliec, ou the uoith side lf .birkct iioire. 'Vill attend promptly tn the fnllcctirn of rlnlon .nl other profumuonal huvinrss intniiled lo bit care, n Nurthutnlierlund aud adjoining counties. Ncrfinhcr 0, !Sii7. ADDISON 0. MARE, A T T O It N E Y A T 1. A W, H AMOTCIN, Northumberland County, l.ufiiif.'i nttuiJud to with riuuititnot A i.i dili ra. Utid enue. dii, Ant. 10, lRfiT 1y J. R.-HZXiBUSH, SURVEYGR AND C0NVEYAIICR AM) JUSTICE 01'' TllK PEA VE. Malinnoti, Kortlinmlitrland Connti, Pratt'a OfTice in Jaokfon toiviifhlp. Cnnpeinnnls ciin bn infulo by letter, diroctt-d te the iilort addrcs. All businwi entrusted tu his care, will les promptly attended to, April 22. 18B3. ly . JJa O 13 O. 3EC ji, MERCHANT TAILOH, , Aiii Dtiiler iu OTI13, CASrilMEPiKS, VE8TIN(3, &c. nvu li-ec, mo ii Hi of ticaiii- TT 1ST cr X "V. r A.. Murch 31 1'1'1 GK "W- HA TJJPT, . Itoriiey nnd 'oiinnellor sit l.nw, Oi'i'ICE in'IIuupl's new Hiuldinh-, ou second tloor . to I ranee en Market 'ipinre, STJIETJIXTr, PA. Will ait end promptly to all profehfionnl business entrusted to his euro, tho enlleetion of claims in Korthumuerlasd and the adjoining canntiii. finbury, January 4, 1SU8. C. A. KEIMEN SNYDER," " ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBUHY, YX. AH huiinort entrusted to his ear ctleuded Us i innsatly and with diligence. A J7 WiAT bunbury, April 'il, IS'iT. JN0- KAY CLEMENT, euslneas in this and adjoining oountius carefully f ed promptly atltended to iit&c in Market Street, Third door west of Smith t, Uonther's Store aud linwuie Store, Kii. mi i rrv n:..".. ".unbury, Marih 31, ItinS -.y WHOLESALE AND HETAIL LiiALEll In every foii.ty of ANTHRACITE CO A L, Upper Wharf, SUNBURY, Fenn'a. OrduTSioUoit4 and. filled with proruptoaet sad desrutri. Kunhnry, May 11 1880.- COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GrBANT Se BKOTHBK, tUi ! & -WlsoleBiiU &tetall s a Icaler in WHITE & UVA AU Oil., iu svory variety. . Ff,l AkoUU, westirard, of the Calibrated Ueitry Clay Coal vKt lt.,rir,-PA. Riinturr. J"- . " , f r r, tt w v- una A I JOHN -a Solaria all klodJf "ANTIIRACITE: COAL; ' .r.ii ta aural w all kmds BfAnUiracUS Coal I f foui lis Bbamokln Coal Kiou at eheap rales J ,p full, SolieiUd ... iM ?. fBuoburv, JnlT IS, IW. - .Mr. liana did not renlr. rwith kindling eyes, over the fair flower j dotted plain ; and his next remark showed how- widely his thoughts hat! strayed. . wonder what nuithir has been doing ; w ithout lis all day, Miriam. She must be ; lonely, with no one tospcid: to or share, her : meals. I shouldn't w onder if we could fcie ; our borne from this (mint,' and hu face ! 'lighted up with nsoullal fclnw, 'tlur cut ! tuge is not more than seven (idles distant; , .Itt me see ?' i. . ' . ' i ; He drew from his coat a pocket glass, ' iidi'isted it lo.liis eiiiht. pointing it iu n northerly direction, and ga.eil through it i long and eai nc'stly, to'.vardo Uis ruitsuo ttpou ; . Carrey's Fork- I I 'Yes, I sen it,' he tsid, nt lust, with n long, deep, ami joyful inspiration, as it' thu; : sight refreshed liim in every nerve. 'There : ; is our cottage, as plain as day. I can even : seethe vines yui pluntea lie-lore me whkioivs, SHriiiiu. .' And there, .on the grape-vine . bench, under tho big tlai, sits your mother, i busy at her tewinj;. liless ber ! She does ; not imagine ivc aio luoklr.g at her. Look, Miriam.' I . He yielded the instrument to his (laugh- ' tcr, who obeyed his injunction, her lovely , lace glr.w ing with smiles us ahe regarded: the distunt scene. ) "Dear mothe r !' she murmured. "It is a j treat -to her to be able to sit out under the j trees without fear or molestation. There1 are no hostile Indiuns hereabouts now are , there, father (' ! 'N ' ltr-d Knife, its you have already 1 heard, w as killed ycsUlday by a settler, and his bund has retreated towards the mouti- tuins. 1 will confess, .Miriam, that during all the time we have been in the West, I j have not lelt so light hearted and care free 'as sinto we received news of Hed lynil'c'a ! death. You have just seen how this joy bubbles over iu me. Hed lyuifv was a de- mon, rather than a savage.' j . Miriairi shuddered, and her features even j pnlcd at the memory cf the Indian mculicu i ed. 'Ho never spared a pale face,' sho said, 1 striving to speak calmly. 'Desolation ' rrui'lty marked bis path. For more than I three yearslie las raged to and fro upon the plains like a ravening wolf. He was the terror ut the border.' 'Yu have named him appropriately, Miriam,' said the hunter. 'He hat! a fiend ish hatred of the white race, aud his vic tims have beeu many. Mr. Daue held out his band for the glass, and Miriam was iu the act of restoring it, w lieu a strange, jfaspiug, panting sound startled them both, and sect them quickly tp their saddles. ..The huu'.tr w hauled his horse 'and looked dowu upon the - fiver bank, from which directjnu the sound had come, his manner seTTporsc-fMd,' but his countenance indi cative of alarm. .Tt jiiuidca followed his example.'- . , - iler tea-were tho first to discover the cause of tho sound that had startled them, detecting niah'i '""figure, weeping along ttu-ouglijU' uudwrgrutstU of bushes liniug the ahorn. At the eame moment, their presence In turn -was detected, for the marl dropped gtidileuly ainocg. tho protecting bushes, as if La had luts that, t.- . i 'An Indian r whisperea JX;riam. drawing from tier boaoffl revolver The liflntcr suooli Ills Tina, continuing ta iAslchliia.AIiuLsWlhiijh lUa in a a had fallen, -iiis lited on bis rtfta, hi mabner that of on read boldly towards that unprotected home, to wards that unconscious und helpless woman. With n frenzied cry, he put spurs to his horse, and dashed away like a madman shouting to his daughter to follow him ; at the same instant Thompson staggered for ward and fell in the maideu's path, balding up bis bunds in anguish. My wife ! my children !' he groanrd. There was no hesitation in the soul of the brave Milium. 'Mine is but a single life i he has seven depending on him,' she said, aloud. As she spoke, she leaped from her snddle, ...!, "ii-h a gesture, commanded him to take her place. U5ut your danger J' faltered Thompson. 'The Indians ' Miriam again pointed to the saddle. 'Uo,' shu commanded. 'Think only of your family, and be gone I' tUill Thompson hesitated, sweeping the horizon with eager glances, to asstiio him self that no iiiiincliute (lunger threatened. A change come over his face us he looked, nnd he uttered n wild cry, catching up the lass Sir. Dane had let fall, aud looking through it. The sijdit he beheld convulsed hira w ith terror. Not a mile away, to the west, bn saw com ing overa.ridgt! in the plain, and approach ing rapidly, a considerable body of mounted savages. Tl.ey'ro ci.uiing n bund of red skins i'i:vctly towards us !' he gasped. Tui lost! Fly, Milium, while you have the time J' The maiden took thu glass and gazed through it an instant at the approaching foe. A strange light appeared in her eye alight possessed only by those upon whom Goj) has bestowed n cotistiournccS of His great protection tho light of a heroism which dentil itself cannot master. ! 'riuru enough,' she murmured. 'They are .'coming! The leader is 1 ted Kuife. llo, neighbor Thompson on the instant 1' 'Wecnu ride together I' cried Thompson. ; 'No 1 The hort.0 is tirtd. We have been i to Willow Island. We should be overtaken ; before we hud gone two miles '.' 1 'Then we'll die together 1' 'No ! no ! Y'oti must mount 1' With a grasp so suddcu and firm that it startled him, tho maiden pushed bin: to wards the horse, and in another instant he fouud himself, uioro by instinct than by thought, seated in the saddle. 'Away, Selini !' cried .Miriam to her steed, with an imperative gesture. 'Away 1' The hoi-su broke furiously over the plain, giving Thompson only time enough to Mush a look of gratitude towards tho maiden, as he ihuhcd away to the northeast, towards his mcuaced luitue. A moment later, Mr. Dine looked over his shoulder took in at a glance the situation 'of affairs, recognizing the peril as well es j the heroism of bis child bowed his head solemnly, as one submits to tho inevitable, j in approbation of the conduct, and theu ho j swept on to the rescue of his wife, his snul j torn by Etich emotions as ore seldom brought to battle together. ! And Miriam, throwing herself flat upon ! the ground, remained aluuo upon the plaiu, i iu the verv l;Uu of a score of mounted In dians, who were galloping towards her with the swilluess of the wind I to the lieutenant, ! unknown danger. Not one wished to risk the complete nnd totul msappearancc irom cnTth lend human knowledge that had be- fallen his comrades. 'Whoever will venture in search of the missing men shall receive from me a bun- . dred dollars in gold !' exclaimed Hubert, in his clear, ringing tones. 'Who speaks first , tor the money V The offer was tempting ; but it was not accepted, Not a word of reply wts made to it. i Hubert hesitated, giving a brief thought J to Miriam, his loved and waiting liiriani ! nsrty. 'I think it would be a downright shame tn turn our backs ou such splendid gsipe,' was the quick response. 'Who could cat a dinner of salt pork, w ith those fut buffaloes so near us ?' The lieutenant smiled, glanced tip nnd Hi9 face then down the line, reading eaiier longing in the : and he suit!, i faces of bis men, nnd resolved to carry out his own und the general desire. At a word of command from, him, tho party set rut Rt a quick galloy fur the scene tif sction. The buM'.ilocs allowed the enemy to ap proach quite near, the hunteis ; but ut length nir uneasily, to shake' their heads, and to look for the cause of their apprehensions. A moment later they had beheld the enemy, and, with frightful bellow ingg nnd mighty tramp, had begun their w ild, mad (light to the southward. idowcd with a heroic licht. in tones that did not falter wuz in this room that wo deeded to veto the I-'reedinen's Duro and. Civil liites IHls. and all thu other acts uv the o'Jth and 40th Congresses it wuz in this room that we re ceived the news of the eleckshens uv 1SCG, "(IT, nnd 'Ct ; it wuz in this room that the Philadelphia convenshen wuz determined upon, find the tetchen march uv Couch and Otr, arui in arm, up the nislo wuz arranged, the President writen at the same timn his little speech in which he uienshuiid the fact ' that cz he read tho account thurcof be ' couldn't restrane his emushen, but bustid j into a flood uv tccrs ; it wuz iu this room that the spontaneous triboots uv respeck 1 towaVd His Kggslency at various times and 'places wuz arranged, nnd the details thereof fixed up; in short, tt wuz in trus room-that fore drag out'a lorircr eggsistetice, but I don't blame yoo.? I went Into it, taking tho chances, and I stand foe hnlfrd i'V the die. I she! servo thu anihis'ius Too-,'; uf this coun try ez an Awfurtgsampic:" ' But little rumaincd to be done. Ilandsll and Johnson arranged tr he Welles absent from Washington for. the- week following tho inaugurashen, kuowiu that ctherwua he'd hev to be carried out of the Depart ment by rmdn forre. They nppinted a com jnittce uv Connecticut men to keep him busy till alter bis successor was installed, ami shakin hnmta all around, each sheddiu a manly tear, the last Cabinet meetiu uv A. Johnson's AdminUtrashcn passed into hist tory. t'v the i.iangiirsshen uv firant' the next day J htiv not the heart to write. Suffice it to say that niggers participated iu it I Nig gers wuz on the sidewalks, not ez in the olden time, humble and meek, but in chair?, waitin to sec the proct-ssiou pass, amoosing theirselvps the while and reading the poos papers. . Duekin Pog'rnm.wlio'wiiz with rue, called my attenshen to this, askuief it wuz possi ble for a Kentuckinn whose eyes beheld licit a site to have any faith in republikin insti tooshciis. The old "saiut shuddered visibly ez a ntgger in a dress coat, pa:g hat, and 1 all ths acts wich gild the incinry uv the late t shiny boots passed us, nwly ';nne,U':n us in- ' administrashea was deciiTed upog aud eve-i'to the gut;rt- in their hsst.e, I will to in search of -the men. Lieuten ant r.mlir,.. Only vnnr nart v is now smnil. I Tl.. ,t .!tr., in lirnntn tnintiti-o clinoill I V TVCDt O VCf, 1IIIU tl 1 lilt 1IVI III. .iu ,., 1 you tnav resume vour journey.' ! , . Ez J -'Dtered lt- l,,c ,,ast ,timf )rol' Hut Earl,' expostulated the- lieutenant, : bly-I bust into tc?rs on the threshold and i.i.:' : n,.,i.,.c. v.n mvt nnt .lined the other weepers who bed lu-cn Un wind favoring tho ' risk your lite. e will watt a while, and it begun to snub the i tho men do not return, we will move on ! 'They may need help,' replied Hubert, steadily. 'They may have encountered well, God knows what, I can't imagine. If I fire my titU'i Coma to me. If I fail to re turn within the time appointed, move on !' He went tip to tho nearest fire, picked up rrj,A l.nen - t.,H.. ...... . .u .-.- n i. !.,;., i;..lf nrmnrrriii l-.-.a riiti fnt instant hi- i mo-ij ih nil. , II 11, 1 1 1. nn u, i. n iiiiii.nii: onvn, "(,-- - , , till the ntmters had run the huffalnca upon use, approached the mouth of the cave, peer- i" enuessre, my ejes s.iei mu . ...y. a spur of the Hlaelc Hills that they got a ', ed Into it cautiously, and listened intently ; 'o Trcsident wuz terrioly palui and coui- for some sound-ot lile w ilhtn. All was as still ns death tillin briny greef for some hours. Indeed so long hed they bin wcepin that one friend Uv the President, who lied a Kentucky countenance, howled piteously for some : t . u .. .1.... i... liqilKi to irpoiuu iiitii leu his V.itH OUUl ins arsi, tlrcsscd in (lie heigiitn uv lasninn, with a panyer. Hs smiled feebly-nnt! in a bewildered w ay, but sed nothing. Thu site uv a nigger regiment marchin in tha perpcsliun finished the Deekin. lie g'uw Si fair.t Hint I hpd to take him to his ludgins. llo left the same night for the Corners, The members uv the late Adminisfrashen hev not decided wat to do. . Urowuing will ho bed lost. A bottle was handed him and he wept no ! urobablv co inta ft cluioi atreticy in Noo i mere. I tried it tft strengthen mo agin the ' York, llandall remr.rkt that cf Sammy Cot wasto mat i snntru must ensoo. jngrau : tood is not my failure. Till A. Johnson gits good chance nt them. Tbev then brought down tevetal plump young buffaloes, aud dinner speedily became the watchword, 'It is noon, and we'll have dinner,' said the lieutenant, observing that the baggage animals with theirdiivers were approaching. 'Kindle n tire, boys, und we'll have steaks and roasts in abundance.' While this order was being carried into effect, Hubert and several others were tn- g'V'jed in surveying the scene No sound came. within the cavern. ' The next instant Hubert had vauished therein. All was now brenthles9 suspense. Tho lieutenant and his men -gathered cround to listen for the report of the riile. : The mir.Utes passed, but it came not. Five 1 minutes dragged by ten fifteen, nnd still i no sound reached their cars. They could nosed. "tt'wn 1 my friends !'' sed he"weep. A luuely and desolite spot,' said Hubert, : sec a brief space into the cavern, by the light ot their own torcnes. uui r.muing oui iucbj walls nnd floor met their gaze. Twenty minutes were thus passed. The time was up, and Hubert had not returned. TIk! men looked at one another with pal lid faces. As if turned to stone, they stood an awe stricken group about the cavern's mouth, until tho minutes had more tlma made up an hour and still they lingered. Dnririg this time they had cleared away the bushes from the mouth of the cave. They had tried again and again to peer in to the dark depths of the opening, but could not. The lieutenant had called repeatedly to Hubert, but received no answer, At length be oronosed to tie a rone around his waist thoughtfully. 'Jt lwoks as if r.tan had never before visited It.' 'And no wonder,' returned fcrydges, 'since it's five miles off the route. What could any man want here, unless he might be in pursuit of buffaloes V . There being no answer to this question, Hubert proceeded to find an excellent graz ing spot for his horse, tetlierurl him, nnd flung himself on the ground in the shadow of the hill. The lieutenant and a portion of the men followed ids exumplc. Plenty of low bushes were found dry enough tn burn, and several fires were soon kindled. The choicest portions of thu buffaloes were readily prepared for can't blame yon, for yo't are ubirt Vj In di priei'l of me ! iiut in this tryin hour I will be calm. I hev swung around the circle uv ofllehel honor. I hev bin " At this pint his voice trembled cud his eyes was tuffoosed. "Hut no ! I tvi"ll bn myself. SeVrcjary Seward, is there any more acts uv a uncon stitoosbucl Congress to vctul" "No pocketin uv em nnsers the purpose." "Is there anybody to pardon ?" 'No one but stay. Now that I think uv it, two counterfeiters, oue whisky specu lator, a Confedrit otSccr-or two, nud Vats left uv the assassinashen party still languish either in IJasteels or in exile." "I must finish my work. Iland me them blank pardogs." He wrote with a firm hand, a fil'.in uv em and Jack Kogers cood succeed in Noo York, ho t'.wit lis. runil Vra (?olill Tt-1 1 1 CTO to Xnft 1 -' " ------ - w ' - Tl '. I, , , 1 J. I. lorK, and proonoiy me pameu iJ,if.ri wir I byists, and sich will do likewise. A ciezert i or tw o faro banks packed np to nite, and I I others will speedily follow em, In cn6e- kence uv this break in up in the administri, shen and its supporters, the polecce force u,f entire j Washington hez bin already lessened. 1 sliel accompany the latu President to j Tennessee, find take my leave uv him then. He will want some faithful friends to cort j sole him in that dreary pusage, and who sn I fit for the oHis ez thu undeieigned 1 I shel i see him entombed in Greenville, and then sadly turn iny steps to Kentucky, and await i the ishoo uv" evence. 1 shul uv course b turned out of ofTis, and wt will follow I know not. A. J. may conclook to stump , Tecnessee for the Governorshid, fz lirown- low hez the paralysis., 1 shl po to his rescue I cun't go now to Nort York, i for that city will be overrun. With Brown- intr. Handall, nnd the thousands who go out uv ot!is with em in that city, watcbaoca out, wich only took n seeond, ez Jie he?, j wood there be for me ? cooking, and it was not long before the odor ! hik! deseend into tbe sinister abyss, but his C II A P T E R 1 1. a crmous and stautmnu mystery PHOTO OH AFU ALBUKS BOOKS JLWD BTA-TIONIHY, .. tiv. Uwn Books and Blfttes, rvTTiiw,. Be. Btnk Books, Memorandaia P VZi T6 art, Pookel Boaks. Ink Btands Hers, rot. . vara 1 on redy fof actionA, j k Bnddenlf tl thr-mSnTnoWgal laggard face paeriaj cutiouJlyftoux. kit ouoeal tnent, -Mr. Danef xhilotrt coorJWnance.brok into vniltf, ud b cried cat ; -'-' Hllo tht you Thompson 1 Pa you fake us tor Jndjans, that yo-skulk thefe Ip the bushes V . The individual thus addressed vu silent for!t, Hi H seemetom aheer amaieftitot, tUa Is tpraog 'H lixu bit Skirting the Black Hills, forty milei west of Fort Laramine, a party of liorsetueu were tiding eastward. They had lelt Tort Bridger eight days before, taking tho route of the North I'lutte, and were now following the Oregon emi grant road, among those long ridges, dry beds of rivers, and sterile plains, by which the region of the Black Hills is distin guished, The bulk of tlie party consisted of ten cavalrymen, under a lieutenant, who were returning to iort J.aiaiuie their post pf duty. THiey were well mounted, and had several led horses in their train, loaded with their provisiou aud appurtenances of travel. 1 lie UsVlance ot the party comprised three civilians, who had seized the opportunity of crossing the mountains under military escort. Two ot these were emigrants who had set tled near Fort Bridger, but who had tired of the great solitude, or been frightened by the Indians, and were now returning east ward in search of homes nearer tba haunts of civilization. t Tbe third civilian was Hurbert Ear!, the lover of Miriam Dane, the settler's daughter, whom we have just left iu such deadly peril. II wai rpleutfid specimen cf American manhood, magnificently formed, brod shouldtred, deep-chested, a vigorous as an sthleU, aud rode hit horse, a, fin ry Mexican Steed, with the jfrsco rd eso ef CidUY ot burning was dillused on the nir four or. live hungry soldiers serving as cooks. It was a wild picnic scene on thnso lonely wilds, and every man there enjoyed it with title gipsy test. Suddenly a shout from one ot the men who were strolling around, arrested the at tention of the others. 'Hallo, boys !' ho cried, 'I'm blest if here isn't a cave in the hill ! Come, see thu hole under these bushes. You never saw any thing hidden neater in your lives.' 'Jones thinks nobody ever saw a rave be fore,' said one ot tba loungers, ror my i pait, I think more of something to eat, thau of a hole in the ground.' This sentiment Was echoed by tlio others, but tho inquisitive cavo discoverer, nothing daunted, approached the Are, took from it a torch, returned to the butte, parted the bushes, revealing a dark aperture in tho face of the rock, and disappeared within it, bis light giving back a yellow glare for a sec ond after be bad ceased to be seen. Tho camp revelry went on, the cooking progressed, the minutes passed, and Juues did uot reappear. 'If that fellow had found a gold mine in there ho wouldn't call one of us,' growled the lounger who had just spoken. 'I won der what Jones ha louna. ill jesi taae a look, as dinner isn't ready.' lie arose lazily, abstracted a stick of burn ing wood for a torch, proceeded to the cav ern entrance, and disappeared from Mew. 'Probably,' said llu'jert, "tnere s a large cavern under that bill. Jf ve had time, it might pay to explore it. Under the present circumstances, am like Brown, and prcler my dinner to icientiflc explorations.' The meal seerfied to ba nearly ready, for the rattling of tin pupi and dishes began to be heard ; the lieutenant's small camp chest was unpacked, and tbe cooks shoatcd to tho strollers to come to dinner. 'Have Jonei and Brown fume bat V ask ed the lieutenant, as he rose to a sitting po sition, and glanced towards the cavern. Tbe men replied in the negative. 'Uo after them then, King, and )iurry them up,' ild tbe officer. 'We must resume the march after dinner, and cannot aflord to waste tim liora,' ' . ' Kiutf. a fine vootiff loldier, took a torch, and entered tbe cava. ' The dinner wa dealt out hot aavory steaks and roasti tha coffea measured, and the meal commenced, but none of the men who had entered tha cava mada their appear- "'How .inlar rjtcttiaU4 Bridge., test- men ol iectcd unnnimously. 'Whut's tho use?' asked one. 'There's something here that no mortal man cau cou iiucr.' . . . , 'We can't risk your life, lieutenant,' said another. "Just tli'iuk how few there are of us.' The time continued to drag on. At last, when two full hours had passed, Lieut. Brjdgcs staggered to his feet, and said : 'This is horrible terrible beyonci expres sion ! We have lost four of our comrades and this noble young stranger, w bom 1 lov ed as a brother. This fearful cave must hold the secret of their fate, be jt what it mow I et US L'O.' Without a word, but w ith white faces in a sort of nuito terror, tho mon mounted their horses and resumed their journey. The above is all of this story that will be publish ed in our columns. Tho continuation of it from where it leaves off here can bo found only in the New Y'ork Ledger, which is for sale at all tho bookstores and news depots. Ask for the number dated April 10, 1809, and in it you will find the continuation of this beautiful tale. The Ledger is mailed to subscribers at three dollars a year. The publication of Kav. Dr. Tyng's great story, which bas been vyrjtteo expressly for the is lust conimtfaced in tho Ledger, so that our readers will get the whole of these two stories in it. The Ledger has the best stoiiea of any paper in the world ; and Henry Ward Beecher, Jamea rarion ana Fanny Tern, have article in every number. blanks printed for all the various offenses men kin be guilty uv. 4 Now, then, my dooties is accomplished, nnd I cheerfly resine the power wicli I would hev laid down long ago but for the sake uv inv blecdin ponntry. I wood hev saved my na'tive laud but . Enuff. Admit our friends." Mayor Monro uv Noo Orleans, Mrs. Cobb, a scorn or more nv Coufedfit officers end a flood uv unforchenet men who bed bin no cooseduv tnmperin with an unconslitooshpel currency, and a hundred, mora or less, uv Fcdral ofihholders tiled in and shook the President corjvlly by the bund, droppiu a silent tho elokent teer cz they passed. There wuz, in addisheu to theso, sevral hun dred poor wretches who had bin luyin about Washington for munths waitin for posishens, but who bedu't got cm. .They lied no money to get home with, and they iusistid that the President must and shood furnish em means. One uv cm demanded' uv lUn- dall $500, but that great man dually got rid 1'ETllOLF.lM V. NASllT, P. M., (Wich is Postmaster I. P. S. The press wich is now subsidized is animadvertiti upon ex-President Johnson, for not nppcAiin at tha inaugurashen. Hie Eggsleury preferred to avoid ' the dis play. "Let Prant start fair," lis nobly led, 'I will mortify him by given tha thronjj wich bes flocked here to pay triboots uv re speck to me an opportoouity to hurrah for me ei the procession passes. I hev swung around the entire 'circle uv official honor and kin afford to be magnanimous. Let him hev the entire credit uv wat entboosi aam. is manifested.!' Copd anything ba moro noble I P. . N. A person who purport to be bereft of sight is led by a' dog. tho latter bearing card with the words, ''I am blind." A very benevolent gentleman, who bau been lu tue habit of dropping a penny in tha beggar' bat, passed by rapidly one morning without that little act oi uoeraiity wneo mi sup posed blind party rushed after him, ying. "What I you are not going to pass without giving ma aometUing V The gentlemen, turniug iu surprize aid, "Why, I thought you were blind t" "Oh, no ir" was the cool reply,.", it ia tha dog ihat'a blind !" . A ewain visiting hi girl tha other day, found her nuttinu ud the preserve ad cov eripgthajara with hi love wttora. Those P - ..... ,, ... ... MM beginning '"parting eiuaau, tha peaches, and those wit'u "My OwR Love" oa the apples. lie left In disgust when she asked him to write another of tha latter to make up the xmeiUar La wanted, The CuIliraUoi of norse-Itadlsh There is nothing easier to cultivate than Horse-lladish, and it should be found n every garden. .The elaborate instructiona J drawn out which we have seen in some journals; is all bosh, Or at least only tend . i.... ..! r-,.i r..;.iiiirf All there ia' uv him byloanin hira a dcau shirt aud a J tlo ia't0 dL Up a bed full spade deep, in bp? uv pnpet collara. u , moi3t piacc . mftuie 'heavily The man wu: deprest, though slill hope- A. .CT Qther garden crop. S'.teo a radish ful. "This," sed he, wavin the shirt in the j from tlie CrowU two, or three inches dwn, air, "this is all I hev to start on agin when e4cll ot COUrse with a piece of the crown,' lembaikt into Johnsonism my friends fell i howeTer small, and plant two inches below tha urfnce, oa t- -ct' 'i,ne- 1 or nsny use a bed ten feet square will furnish enough all the time for a generation, without far. titer trouble or replanting. Thi is all. off In remorse I took to llkkcr. and step by step went down till I became the loathsome becK yoo behold, xiui.a suei now reiurin and try to be somebody. Disguised in this shirt I may inspire confidence, and And a helpin band. But don't none uv you specs to me on tho street." Ez I saw him tho uoxt evenin in a state uv hiliarity hangin to a lamp post, repeatin porshens uv the late Piesident'l address to passers-bj without any clean shirt ou,I judged remorse bed overcome hint agin, and that thu cleat shirt hed biu pawned. Poor fel low I Then come tho roost saddest sccr.e uv all. The President bed tu bid aduo to his Cabi net. "My tried and trustid friends," b com menced, when Kandall broke iu w ith the onfeeling remark that he'd belter ssy "trust id friend" without the "tried." "My liege, 'your trid friends' wux in that gang uv counterfeiter which jest left the presence. They wuz not only tried but con victed.' ' . ' , Sekratary Seward wua viiabiy aitectea. That afseruoon be had heard uv an Island for sale, tbe principal volcano ou wich bed mostly stopped gusbin, and be wept te, think lie hadn't time to complete negociashane for it. It wux offered fur $20,000,000, aad be eousidered tbe prip a were bogatslle.. Sekretarj Wel wua the only cheerful one in the party. lie bed no idea tbat be wuz to atop beiq Sekretary uv the navy be expectid to go along ea tho nothin bed hap pened. Seward and Hmdal! hed been tryio (or to lour to wake him cuptfeeud. the Young; Tr lu old Orchard. It is always a bad practice to reset young treein an orchard or in the samo holea from which o!d decayed fruit treea have been taken away. The reason ia this ; tre rotting and decaying of th trunk and root produce a fungus exceedingly jujurious, tainting the soil. If any one will examine wiUflndit full of eet-worlc of decayed wood, and thp only way to plant the cround successfully U to grQb out the old root and burn thaw, appl lime ud cultivate well. YuluS tfeCiW ien 4e( well. ' 4 ' ; m m, a ... ' ; . , A bachelor sea captaiu yvee complainlnp; that he couldn't get a latislaoiory chief officer, when young lady remarked that she, should like a sHuatTea at first uulo, ,"Jbe, captain took the bint and tUeg'ul, . a A toc tuo from the eouutrjrwrjjJ irxta a drug etore the other day,, and seeing peo-, pie freely patronizing the aoda -fountain, stepped up and called for ft drink of 4tba are" for limet After awallorfiog tha foaming contents of the glass, aud Isyiug bit stampe with a satisfied air upon the court ter, "Mister," said luJ.'Vw Lhljdo yea call that tbat bitea ao 1" On beinu told it waa eode. waua, VsVall,''aid he, I 'postid H M sweetened wind.""." - "