Jas THE NATIONAL-' . INSURANCE. COMPANY, LIFE UNITED STATES b? AMERICA, WAsmirqToiJ, n. o, Chartered' brSpeoiiit Aot'V Congress, Approved T eJly.2J,lr. TT . I'ush Capita lti4lei, braStcii oJricEiyiit'AiELftil,' FlKSTlfiTlfclCAliAKE BuiT.Dixd, Where tho general business of the Company It trans nated, and to which all' general correspondence should lit addrossud. ' . , - .p'SBWRa, - , Jay Cooke, 5b.ilad. . , K. A. Iuilllni, Washington. Uli.tl.itk, " " Henrv F H'U, i John W. Ellis, Cin'tt. Win. K, CBHWr, ' Wni. 11. Moorhead,Phil. JohssD.JUefreoe,, Oeo. F. Tjler, Edward IuSge, Ken York. J. Hinckley Clark, - 1 , r Faidestoek,"'. Y. . . -J liVOFflCliMt ' O. H CLARK, Philadelphia', President. HENRY J). COOKE, JVnshington, Viue President. JAT COOKE, tTi:run riiitnc ud Executive ' Committee. BMEMS'JN W. PEET. tkilad'a, Seoiand Aetnnry. K. 8. TURNER. Washington, Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS O. SMITH. M: D., Medical IMreetnr. J.EWiNtl AIEAUS.M.D., AsaistaoUiiedikaltDl rector. Med lost! ,lli! J. K. Earue,,8ur;oon-UonoralU'. S. A., Washing- T. J.lIorwit; Chief Jtedtoii JJepii"tMi'08. K., Washington. solicitors and 4.Krnej-!t. Wm. K. ObkMlW Wwshinetoti, D. C. George llardiiig,rriilldotytrial'a. Thin Company, National in its oharactor, offers, by roason oflts Largo Capital, Low Rates of Premi um and Now Tables, the most desirable incuns of insuring life yet presented to tho public Tho rates of premium, buing largely redueed, are made ns favorable to the Insurors as those of the best Mutunl Companies, and avoid all the complication nnd uncertainties of Notes, Dividends an ! Tho mis understandings which the latter aro so opt to oause the Policy-Holders. Several new and atYraoflve tables arc now present ed which need enly to bo understood to prove accep table to the public, such as tho Incouio-Prolucing "Policy and Keturo Pietnimu Policy. In the former the policy-holder cot only secures a life insurance, payable at death, but v. ill receive, if living, after a period of a few yoars, nrj kntiual iucomo oqn.il .to ten percent. (10 per cent.) of the par of bii policy. In the lutter, the Company Agrees to return to the assured the total amount of money ho hal paid in, in addition Jo tho amount of his policy. The attention of persona contemplating insuring Ihcir lives or increasing tho amount of insurance they alreay have, is called to the spceial advantages offefed by the National Life Insurance Company. Circular, Pamphlets and full particulars given en application te the liranch OEoe of the Company in Philadelphia, or to its Cencrul Agents. jjGr"-LooaI Agents are Wanted in every Cily and Town; and applications from competent parties for Cuch agencies, with suitublo endorsement, thould he addrctved to the CniDpany's (icneral Agents enly, lu their rwpoolive district. OtuSKlU L AGENTS : E. W. CLAKK A CO , Philadelphia, For Pemylvni and Southern Kcw Jersey. JAY C0OKE"3C0.,Vashington,D. C. For Maryland, 4L:Uiwan, Virginia, Dittriot of Columbia and West Virginia. B. ti, RUBSEL, Managei-. WJI. II. HO.JLK, Agent, Milton, Ta., L. M. YODKK, A sent for Sunbury and vicinity. Septomber 6. ly - ( iTm v i. uii'iuriui, or any oilier man, Ims diseovered.a rem edy that euros Consumption, when tho lunps aro hnlt ooiiiumcd, in thort, will euro all di.-oa-ca wh-thor of Kiind, body ur estate, niake men live forever, and leave death to piny for want of work, and is designed to make our sublunary sphere a blissful puradbw, to which Heaven itself rlndl bbnt a eido.-how. "You havo heard enouBf Unit kind of huiubnggery, and o do not wonder tbut you have by this tiiiifvco!t!o djguated with it. ,Uut when we toll you that r. Sh.-c's Catarrh lleuiejv wul, foritily fus w.i.' V04SI rises of L'tUrrH, we only os.-ert that which thousfinds viu tesflfy tn. 'Try it aud you will ba cou vinoed. We will pay ?50U ItEWlnu-for a ease cf .'attu'rk-that -we saslnot cqro. Full SALii iX M'tST DHL'ti OUSTS EYfTUY- , . . WHERE. Price oyt,y pfl CkSts. Sent by Hail, lost paid, for xty Cciiurr Fouf Packaej for'J2.un ;'or 1 iJoi a for f 5.MI. wSnJ a stamp for lr. ctnge's pamphlut eu Catarrh. AdJrew the Proprietor, t. V. i'ifciiCii, 11. O., Builalo, S. Y. . 1 :. ' No irfMiiit. II is nrn'itttl to eura Uni m iin-' paired T!Uto,-'nio1f flr Hearing, WjiWring or Weak lives, nOuns-re liieath, I'lc'ratoJ Thtoat or Jiouih, Pain and Pressure yiju Doud. aod lo of M.muui v when enured, as j'U.of thou IrtnuKUily are, by ibj ravages of Cattrrny It is plca.unt and paiajess In use, contains ncstrorg poisonous or caustit) drug.-, but ourn by i's m'lJiuoUiiug aotiiir. y i - We t ill p ry jiOii Ileward lor a cut of Catarrh that we eauiiot euro. FOK SA.LK bX MOST f)It I'GtllSTS EYEItY WHKKi:. Paics clv 50 Cunts. If yum Itrusk'ibj hasnotyetgut iron tilt, don't bo put ntf with some wonu ihu jiurihltjs sttung uuff, 'fuinigator " or-p6ionou caostic snluthjn, which will drive the dUttute so tbe lungs instead of curium it. but sond sixty ouiiU to us and the remedy will reaeh you by return mail, boud. lump for ir. Sage's pamphlet en Cularih.' ' il. V. PIERCK. M. P., , : :: ' i k- I tuAto, NvY. -. : .: : i - ThisTf r.w.LiHLaRcMKr.1 doaaituMietlic poison ous irritating snutfs and rtrnrrg cniistle solutions with whioh the people hure longfcseu himbiigged, simply f filiate for a short time, or drive the disease to the ungs, as lbTo(ie tten;er,s;f doing in the use of suck oalrums, but it produces perfect and permanent euies of the worst ewes of ehronio catarrh, as thous ands oad testify. "Cold in the Head" is cured with a few a'ppliertlon... Catarrhal Headache is re lieved and cured as if by magic. It removes ulf n sive Breath, Lodsur Impairuiorl of .the sense of tn-le, smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Kyea, and Im paired Memory, when saueed by the vielenoe of Ca tairh, as they all freojuonll v kror We ofler In gnod faith a elan linj reward ufS-ouU fjr a tuse of Cuintrb that we eanuot eura. F"K SALli II Y H05T riRVr.GIST.S EVERY- WHtRK. .I'mmiTn- 50 CtNTS.' , . Ask your Druggist AJ tho JUujsav, ut If he hits not yet got it un sale, jjun t be put off by acceptiug any inferable, worse than worthless subslitutu, but enolosesixt eentato as. and the Remedy iill be wnt you post paid, four packagos il 00, ur oue duzuu fr 06. jid tUoip for ur- bags's pamphlet eu Otaxrh. R. Y.l'il.iM.K. Mt j., This Is NO PATENT MEriCIXKIIUMbru, got. ten up to dupe thu iguoraM yt Jw!ttidulous. nor i it reprnsonied as being oouir.Qstd-uf rarf n-J rucions subatauuos brought from the four, Corners u: ttui eisi di, carried eevto times aerou tht Ureal Ueieitci Sahar. hou the bucks .if fourteen camels, and brouihtasross the Allantjii Uoeauon two sihfps. It is a suniJe. mild, soothing muedv, a perfect Speeilio for I'a taiibb and "CoLn i tu Hkaii," also lr oilonsive Breath, Lots or Impairmsut of the onoof .Su.ell, lasie e Itearinr, Watering or Weak Tyrs. Paiu or rsure in the Head, when eanied(as fhey all Dot unlrequenilT are, by the violence ef t'afiirrh; tVeoRer, to goorttWth, antunding Jlewaidof fiflO .... VMV vi vaian o mas weosnnot ottTO; AP1'15 M MOhTTMtLtiams EVERY- WIltKJi. PktOSlMCKKTS.' I. .ut If wait, pest pairf.on receipt otKT Ctstt iut pack4os fur .'J(n,or 1 iioian for S.0O. eeiidsAuisp (oi lJidgo's psuiplvtsl on t'atarrh. . ... il.V. rililt!K, M.t).. Oa1i, t-tf0 Vjj- iiuaalo, N Y. f"fiiuiiWffiisiiiiin,iiiii ii inirffTTTirtTwrrtim" iro(miiiji.stsaa, llu; e'ut, Saii'oury. :sy 1. FALL OPENING. v . A 1 r .QRTSAT REDUCTION IN TIlICES'! You can Buy Hdre Goods e-; -.i t- tf 'i-j f-flie I t j 4- BEST GiTTXjIT"" mimic For. -if' I "r MOITE at Ik HAMHOTH STOEE, II. Y. market SQtAKK, Fitii.oa, Than any otbr jAin. HAS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED . The Best Selected and FINEST ASSOKTJIEJir,of DM G OODS IN TOWN FItEXCn MERINOS, PMXTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CASSIMERE3, &. Dolaines and Ai mures. Pemestie Cottons, Brown and Bleached.' NOTIONS of all kinds. Hosiery, Cloves, Men's and Ladies Vntlorgnnnents. V7HSTH GOODS. A full assortment of TKHIiUUS. - J Eiuess .will W c of iurJ il--r, &'uiivl, Oil, (alii Ac, ('niiletc, DRUG AliD ilKDIClXES-- "WILLOW AND CEDAK WARE, liUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE t CROCKERY, SALT, LOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in fact eveiy thing ujuaily kept Id a large Sterj r-., . i , . V . Call and be eonvlnce'd that tho Cheapest riat''.W. 15u all Your Goods i's'Ti't'"".'' ."'"' . . - - s Til EMAMMOTIt' STOIIE IX. "V. PRILINO, 'I'crniu fnn,-SO V, A .... ., .i ' ,.Klr .M i . t ea wy Ouods are bougitt fur C,h and Sold Pkeap for the KKALY UOJIltY. I givetha Uade tlMwI rantage of all reductions u fast as they art made by MaBfaetura. t l .b.. . .. . ii.Y. ruiiiso, Suubury, Sept. 5, 16us. nOLIDA78 IfiOIIBAS ITIOLIDAYS ! " itAkbs'bMk J t'SEBVL'plUJSfiJSTI sia bsiduriag and Pleasing Morccnto to those need Irg Aids to flight. fir Aff.at. H. ,8. SHANNON. Watclnnsker and Jcwclur, bujbury, Pefin'a., has k splondid stock of our T i - V T r ' ' ' and . 1 EYE OLASSiS, etwflh h ' t CKLEBnATSDrERITeTED LBHrtS - Manufactured by ' " LAZARUS k MORRIS, ; HARTFORD, CONN. , . ., w Xhe Best in the World for Ptrenglhcnieg and Preserving the Sight. Ko more acceptable present t yeusj farenti, Brand Parents orFriunda. or those needing Hpeotaolea, oan be found. 'I'heT are handsome, asefal aad last nnnv rPHTl Call and examine fhemal tke sfofobKour Agent, , b T. S. SHANNON, DoaUi in Jewelry, Watchea and Plated Ware :0 PEDW-KK8 EMPLOYED. Inn O IKflO -.ti(rl ' 1. 1 I', u. stoore. V. C. DISBIKeEH. NEW ARRIVAL . ilHIOKI. .V IISSIUU'. W are Bow opening a large Taried assortment oi FALL AND WINTER., GOODS, ' ; ytich -ne offer at the lowert CASH Prlaes, In ' IIaiiliJ'e)v.(lIrii Front, . MARKET STREET, SBNBURV.PENN'A r i Consisting of t ;.2 DUY GOODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES. QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, and a fullHue of G-ENTtEltfiN S .FTJRNISfitJra GOODS . T ..... j !.' .ntllcts Irci CJoodsi, Calisoes, Muslins. Flannels, Tublo Linep.voweliug, Checks. Ticking. Counterpanes, Cassiruerei, Vesting,, Yarn,.r1kirU, Neck Tics, . Culls, Collars Handkerchiefs,' , , , liote, Oil Cloth, Carpets, ,. ,!' Wood and WilloW-Varc. We Invite eVeoial attention to the quality of our ' - Stoclt'off cinorF.Riim AHO SPICES, IUO anfl- JAVA tOPFEE, TEAS. SIOAUS, MOLASSES, SYKUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEOAU, Ac, Ao. Carapball'i (Cjlcbratcd FLOVR, always on hand.. We feel oonfldent that cash buyers will find it to their udvantaga te give us a oull,nd cusumicrs generally aro invited to cull and examine our goods and get posted on our prices. Bv strict attention to the wants of our customess and'fair dealing we hope to merit a full share of the public- patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds-taken in ex change lor goods, far which the highest price will be paid. N00RE A DISSINQER. Suubury, Sept. 10, 'CSV - i)KLU UAKISKK SALOOA. The Oldest and mo3t Doted Iaatitution the Kind in Bunbury. 3- W. WAEHIKOTOW, . HaVINO remoroJ to his now building on Tbird Aureet, bolween Market aad tbe Dopot, is now prepared to serve his customers better than ever. Having secured lb,' services of first elass Burbers, SHAYlNtl AND 11AIR-DUESS1NU will be executed in the latent style.- The building having been ereotcd. especially for the purpose of a First Class liarber baloon, and having fitted it up ia the latest style, he hepea te rcoiv, a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a Brst olnss Confectionery lisa been opened for the sale of . : . ( Icol'i-t-Hiit. Cnndiesi, Cakes, Ilerr, and numerous other Tamperanoe Drinks in eotumon u.'o. Uraugos, and other delicious fruits and eatables of home and foreign growth iu fiek protasion and elegant variety. , ni.. . bunbury, bepteraber 5, 18dS. LUMBER AMD PLANINli Third Street, adjoining Phila- A Erie Railroad, two Squares North ef the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PEXN'A. ist v i. ci.isffin.ii r, IS prepnred to furnish every defcriptiou jf lumber required by the deu.unds of the publie. Having nil the latest improved machinery tor manufactur ing Lumber, he U now ready to till orders of all kinds floorinV; siding, boons,' AJjll E11LTTKKS," IILJNDS, ' MOULDINGS, . . BRACKETS, VERANDAS, as4 all kinds of DflMuicntaj SurowlVutlCi. 1 Xuruing of every desoripliun.prumptly executed Also, a large assortmcnt of 33ILL LUMBER UkUUlUK ant PINjUi AlOv-bhingliay.PUkstf , , Lutb, 4o. .- ! Ordan prainiJtly filled, and shipped by Ksllroad r otherwise. -J ' IRA T.'CLEMBNT. Suubury, Dee. 19, ISf,. ly J " ' ". . Lime I-Lime i-- THE Subscriber having ehai ue of tbe Mine Kiln of 11. R. .Mafser.near Selmsgrpvc, is now furnishing, to farmers and other. Litnewf Hie best quality iu large iuanlitiei. The lime is burnt and seleoted wiita the uttaosk i4,sWd Us quality, guaranteed. JaJSfln, 'Wi-j , ,CiU& J0MitLBRik.t. Iu,'IUc liuitrouil fMts ly Viui)ivt. J550 MILE3 PT7ILT( THE UNION TACIHC R. R. CO. , . . I ' ' "and the ' r ) CKNTBAL PACIFIC R, 11. CO.j Have added Eight, Hundred (H(j) Miles to their lines during tho current year. wEilij i(uiog a largo local passongci aud-freighl. businessU-lbe through oon neotiuu w ill undoubtedly be eanpleted uuxt summer, when the through tiutlpj ) i!l be very great, 'urly thousand men are now employed by the two power ful companies in pressing forwand the great national highway to a speedy completion. . Vl J miles reiuain to be built, which uioitly ttxe giuJvd aad, ready fbr tho tirtls. ' T , . V First "Mortgage Gotd jnhdibf tbe ITnlud.' Paoiflg Railroad C'ouipany for sale' at par ami interest, au4 First Mnrlgnee Oold linnds of the Central l'ucida Kail road aFlM.ind interest. ... .TJio priueijialand lutereit of both bondj ire f ny' '? k!',d; i - eI)H HAVEN A BRO f colors in Guvcniu.ouLSeojriiies, Q.dd.tsvt No. 4o South Third iicel, Pb4aorliAi Jan, iOvif !l, jljB,r-Ji - - ' . T :,"TT J--"r - - 7Pali',H(Lste Miller's) ll'lnter aiirU'ii, 7J0. 7l'J. 74 ami 72.1 V1NK Street, rtailatlbl. THE UKAND OllCHEs'i KH'N. formerly life property ef the tiRASiD lt rtJlf'B'ADH, pur uhasetfwt great e.Aen by - w ' T . ' J AC'Oll V ALER, of rhiladelpnii, " In eombination with ! ' ' . t'.,-FLAMK!t'86RCllKTRA and CT Miss NkLLIE siNDERSON, J I Will iesfiru sr-sVUerneen, auekijyenhir sit tke abov uieritioned ltlaee. ; ' AH.Mli4oN FUEU, . , i " janMr8ui. t - BHOKMAKEKSj '. HE boattiualitisa of ttole Letther,' Vrench flalf- sksn ' sMssrtvootis, daiuusga,.. LeeuisMailsn Poga, -A luui ytu kiucs, ana. every wiug skmsi vheude, ta-Hi. low by ..i i i J4 U. CONLkY A CO 4 LARGE supply oT WhII filler uisd J. V norucr, just- reeeivosi ana ror taiercheu at the Mnmaiotk Store ef ! ..'( 1' ' t ' ii! Y Fnrr lvtf4 Arril 4. Mm. s : :rzz Manufacturers pf and WboJsjtJ afVf .tBl .urnftTtifw ivn WTTT.nwWA-ripi H ". - ; :7t ? i'rrew. Oil QHhj, )Yis)dow Etaadis, Carpet Chain, Cotton Yarns,- Batting, HoperTeiuof and Cordage, ItruuiMsi,: Us.Udlae), JsUstsVct, TAPER, I'AlMiR RAGS, SxH Jut. . w . No. 51 Korth .Third sitreet.' above Market 'PHItADELrUIA. " 1 Jaauary JO, 16oD ' ' 'IN SUNBUHXi.'.;:,: -SALOpNy- ; TUV 1V171V TsI)fTf CTTlTyt? ' On Thirl Street, near the bepot, Sunbury, Pa. . Lllli iJ!sH liliLu OlUKli JOSEPH I1ACUER informs ttiecitisens of Stinburys t t i sjf -i .i , andahe publie generally, that ba baa opened a .1? . On Marke street Raltroafl, mI, cppotitaultieHatsj 4are Store eWoiile, A Co., ' wv SU'KB'tMtY', T UjsK'Jl, , VtrW-WouteT tdifeotfully triVltf fJis Tlftbnflg-n q TT the eitisens of Sunbury kn 'Trbinlti ja our' entire hew Stock 6f - . 1 Issr 'rck Irus(S and 9Iellcfns T rt " Points, Uils and Varnishes. . , . Is Palty and Dya SthflV .'.. " Perfumeries, Combs and Brusho s J Ut )atent-M(rlctrrei nf mil kinds. . LIQUORS by the Bottk', iOSllon,-Quart and Tint. SCOTCH ALE, LOlfDON PORTER an -. CONURESS WATER, -r-Tobaccb, Cigars and Snuff. v "' Looking-filait i'iiitescutio irnit Tramcs. . NOTIONS MB- ALV KINDS AN! VAREETTES Trusses, Supporters, Saadates,'ita. Wo havo sclaated our strnk with care and ean war rant it fresh, and of the bcstjmatcrkU in the market. Having had several yoars' experience in the business we Sailor ousilves that we can glvt entire satisfac tion to all who snay fu.ve a with, tMl pmtruMHgc. Special tiUantion givon to oomptmuUing i'hykiisiis' Prescriptions at all hours of the day Cr night aiicj on Suudays. tiivc us acnll. J. O. MAUKLE A CO Bunbury, Oot. 17,1847. W. A ENNET'J DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, SJnrKr Mqunro, SI .MH ItY, In. ' Hasjust opened a fresh end full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, end kept eqn stantly on hand. My stock will always bo found Complete in every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness und attonlkvn to orders. - F ANCY-ARTICLES ! My stock is fcnviUnally large and embraces every thing ttall lid b found-on a eirst eUhw 1'oilet Table, including Ameiioan -ajid genuine French and Eng lish - i j- " - PBRFUMERYt Pomades, JTair Oil, .Ivory, Qutts? Terrha Wood aa ilorn'tCotfibs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Naif, Cloth arid Paint Brushes, 4e. Ikatcot .MotlUiiicsi. Embracing all the most popular Proiiaralions of the day, at manufacturers' price. " rure Havana SEQAK3 and CHEWIN4 TOBACCO . . .. t' r. I tif the beat Brands. H Inlnt, Oils, Otae, JIawM, rutty, lUl'UlfilirS, At'. All my Tinctures, iSyrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations aio tuauufaeturod by myself, and from the best matorial 1 can procure iu Market. Having had quite a number of years' oxpertenco in the Drug and Prfevijition Butine, keth 'in Philadelphia and the eountry, and also the advantage of tbe t'ollego of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All lny preparations as I havo wioyc asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of oUioial sU-ongth. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that Lean procure: ;i I Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, May 18, 1868. FALL &' WINTER GOODS. VillEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. iit - L- Lazarus. ..5 i wcild call the attention of the publie, and her customers generally, te her large and new assort ment of . ' ' DRESS GOODS, sonsisting of Poplins, De Laincs, Reps, As., at reduced prions. CALICOES OF EVERY VARIETY. WHITK UOODS, iactudinir a suuerior nrtiolo of Marseilles. Extra fjfinlity of Sfuslins, Drillings. Fino Flannels, 1 Canton rianob'ls.Ue.linoral Skirtsr tthawls, Hoods,) Wigan, Hemp Mkirtsof allsises aud qualities, tiloves of all deserintions. including a verv .unerior aualitv 1 of Ladies' und lientlieu's iSilk Flcoco, Lined and ! Cloth U loves. Ladies', Misses and tjbUdrcn's Merino Yosls, Children's ' Wrtits nnd Hoods, Ladies' ZepMyr Jackets. Blanket Shawls of thu latest styles and patterns Hosiery, lUbbons, Tiiutciings and blowers. Laces, Stamped Oo'ids, Zephyre aud Yams, -Toweling. Napkttis. Quills, Table Linen, iiciil's and Ladies' Handkerchiefs, hearts, Muff Xascels, Fanoy Soaps, Perfumery, and Toilet articles generally, and a iojkc varieiy oi -uuops una x ajieyjpriicies, Tbe above unods urie Jiehl at tno lowest priooe. Call and see Sicin before going elsewhere M. L. LAZARUS. Snbry, Nnr. 2-t, 1R0S. EL0UR&-FEED" STORE WHOLESALE JXD RKTAlm V. rnilE subscriber respectfully infvrms tho publio I that he keeps onnsttintlv on hntnl at bis new WAUailOtifek, war-tun tfaKawkia4'stktsy Railroad Atpot,'iii tt'iN UL 11 X, Flour by the barrel and saoka of all kinds of Feed by the ton f The ii)uve is all muiinfnelured at bis own Mills, and will b aujd at thu lowest cash isiees. J M. CAUAXLAPEIi.-. Bunbury, April 1, rifiS NEW MAtHINE SII0P7 f ; ,:- -r . . A4l I IBON FOXJisrxn-s". - ' ::. KO'iatiiAcia so., J'NFPRM ttie L-ublie That they have t.taUiihei a . MAt'ttrSrTSIlOP,. in ciiuii.iB with their OfJNlRY, They have midiej thcintoU'es with New Lathe,, Pltiinn'and Buj lug Machines, wilb, tUp latest iuiprnvetnehts. V (th tho aid uf skillful lun ch autes, they arc enabled to execute all ordui t of " " .Yew Hork'er Kfix-lriny:, thatTrntj'' be given them. In a satisfactory manner. , ilrvvitig cnlurgcd and rebuilt their Foundry, they aietiadlto execute ull kinds of CASTIXUS.. A ISritHM t irwilBR.- Ace. Tbe PLOWS, alrcnd'y eelubratud ft their superi ority, havo beer, slill further improved, and will ul-wnr-uu kept on hand, fcuubury, June lit, 1668. ' 1 - ' Mjllfnery G oods, li.is,2!I. ly tUtsMjleia, beg leave to an nounce to me bwtiesof Sntibury and vicinity, that mm k jut opened u large aad varied stock of ' -IX Us L f 1 'Si K U V O U O I) 6 , Tho latest New York and .Philadelphia slvlea or LADIES'JttATS AND EOtfllW '"Also; id eswelfent assortment of Fashionable Em-' broideiiesi.K.lgitg5, J.afes, iWooloti Caps, Butdkur chiefs, Hvaifs, UleveSj jlosierjes, and all kipds of Fancy Noliswa. Wiuo4..Mw.Jlius, -Corsets, Perfume ries, S'dkps, LUIyttbUj, Aaaaulaf America, .Via liunety, A.4uv .' w . . ., . ,t t p T i-l Coll and ejyunjuo fur youisuh'gs. io- ueuble. U show goodt ; . .. , -f . , .i, . , ! bunbury, ScW 21, lp58. . ; .i.u ' l m. v. dai;.titii.ii:l"N GonfecJiorp:y,YT9yj and j JFjpiTPI , store, TOY8 Or KVBnY DlftCHll'TION MtSSM', rcvtr.iAc,- .. " ' ('iii WA-KTLY wl hssid sal far sale aeee above j esUibiistiwant 4twssalsBstie and leuui, at Msssusn. aUWricsteSi l 1 t(u.v.. 'is ... . lie is manufacturing all kin. Is or t uul slionaslea ie kcop p a lull assraeail wasek.aee aol-waiaew l Tobacco, Begars. Stationery, NuU if all kinds, aad a varioi.aia;'srtAcles, all of whuh axe olluiod wholesalii and retail. . ,r a, . a ids liiiinaskkssi Ihe nsnieaaJ nlaee, r, U liAj E A R 11 A RT, llarket street, J doorXjsAkilvJ- Hr'gbt A don's "!TnInTjKwri8W.i.W MWMI' -J.t . jut4jti'J.JL BIRtr.ACR,)l dttferont kinds. If you waul good uul cheap Eird taVes tu Aq c cInIiyicos 02 v?tATipNAL LAG ER BEER . tf Vf" P Veer, and Ae., eon- tahtlyeerfWeSlUpteoustotneYs1 ' in ii smw mst'ii . SSjs V bankers;: 'NO. 3 5S OUTffTH l RL) STR EtT, PHILADELPHIA. . UENERAiT inNTs;. r v roftv 7 ' 1 , PENNSYLVANIA mm ur inc. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The kiTioAi Lira larsraaxow Compact Is a cqrporatwi ciar'ereil bv ;.tcUI Aci ut Congress, an proved July i5. tsi. wuli a CASH CAPITAL, 61,000,000. FULL PAID. Ubi-rkl terms offered to Airi-nts ud Solicitors, who ' aieiavlte,! io orr-lyatonroitlr.e. 1 1 Aft ea m nflira located in tlie nfcan l siory of our Unnkinft lloitfl., where t.'licuiara arnl Pamptilers, fuitj flpji ptilusj tbe Liimnfti'V . nine be hi i. XV, IblliK A- M h it. uoy rmrd si. Applications for Central and Western PonBsylvB; nin to be made to . B. S. RUSSELL. Maa.ukh. August IS, ISrtS. ly. Harrisburg. Pa. J. H. Conley Co., f nrUol Ntrret , I'nst o'l'tlio ECailroiul, BUNBUn"tf, PENN'A. DEALERS IS roiiv.uix fc aii:i:h'a, Hardware & Cultery, fllHE attention of Moohatnes, Farmers, Bui Ider, I and Buyers 2nernllv is invited to tho faot that we are now offering a better seleoted assortment of .HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, tbnn ever was olTered in this marked at prices much below thoso heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mute rials used by UAKPKNT'ERK, BLACKSMITHS, , CAKKIACiM AND WAOHNMAKLRS, JOTNERS, AC, "SC.,' together w ith a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes. 'Rope, Chains, tirindstonos, Mill and X Cat Saws, Ao., Ae. ,v, Suubury, March 30, 1807. T rlHK undersigned having bongn't tire t JL entire stock of Dissinjior A Taylor, intorm the publio tlmt ne is now reudv to do all kinds of marble work ; bus on band, and makes to order at short notice, Jlonunii'iits nnd Head-Slouen, of evory stvlo to suit purchasers. Door and window sills. Also, Cemetery Tests with Uulvonizcd pipo and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John' A. Taylor will continue ia thro emf lormcnt, at the old stand in Murket Suuaro, Sunhtiry, Pa. -May 2, '6. ly.J W. M. DAUUHLKTY. NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY " MANUFACTORY, aHK subscriber respectfully luforis tfr.e eitisens o( Sunbury and vicinity, that ho bas opened a shop in Sol. ftroh's lilaeksmithshop-Iluilding on Chestnut street, Kunhury, Pa., whero ho keeps con stantly on hand, and maiicfauturos to order, d'lirrlnpoM, lliiKgys WnlKjt M, AlC, of tho latest style aud of Ilia best material. rtepalrmg ot vt agons, carnacjes, i-u-, uone ai me shortest noliee. A'creeusiB wantof fine Bonifies and Carriages, are .requested to call before purcUaainr elsewhere. i ton s - s i . 11. C. UOt'SH. tr'uiibsiry, July 11, 188,--ly THE OR EAT; CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST. STJISTBTm-Y, is on street, oppo-Uo 'tho MAiOXJC HALL, at BERGSTJIESSER'8 -l NEW, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, i:ut I.iHrly It.iblUIiotl, Mills all the ."ISoilorn liiiprort'itit'iits 1' tlse Art 1 ' rilltE snbbOriLor, having lailt the room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having dtivatnd luwhv rlsn la iba husini.. ia i.m,tl,l,il ,,r ; his ability to assure bis patrons that the work pro- dueed shall be seoond tA none in country or city ( Die wdrk allowed to leave tho gallery unless en i tirely satisfactory." Having tho best sky light in tko I rounty, be is prepared to make Photographs in ull 1 kinds of weather, W f tiuld prefer a aluaa day lor small ohildren. , v. I IU is also prupnred to take new lice, er cabinot i eurd l'liuusgfiipbs.- . . 1 Alt kinds ot p'.ctures copied ana magnified to any required eise and colored Sa?autitully in, Oil or Water colors er India ink. Wo pay special attention to nil kinds of out door work, uch as Landscape views uf Monuments, Machinery, County Sals, do., a large lot f Photograph fiuruus uouslauUy on hand. Thoiublia,rus r.espoct:ully invited te call and see our specimens andttHsr complete arrangements for iiiukiug Photographs, special terms te taiuilies and cituVs.' . s . ... -..,.-:, ' DER0STRES3ER. "TnnbtSry.' tltiryn, ' t t -rry-i -- f- -r- - ': A T A A. XI AiUULUXC t " x0"cr3sro men. Just PubltsheJ, vi a Srairt EihiIom. Pi ict tlx A IiCrtnre' ea Ihe ."tjnlssro, Trritt in en talid Radisal Cure of Spernaatorrho?a, or Seminal Weakness, inveluntar? Xiaisstons( SexuSI Debility, aadt lmpedisaente te Marriage ejenerally ; Nervous esa,sJonsesapsiesi, Epilepsy, aad Wis Mentul and Physical Incapacity, resulting from fclf-Abuse, Ac -Dy ltvaKKT Ji CiiLVBKwati,, M..,Auth4f,of the vtireen Jtuak,)' dec. . . iv i . ' 'ihe world-renowaed aathor, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experienedthar the awful consequenecof 8 If-Asms uay he offee tually rssneved without twedioine. and without dan gcrueie . sivfrioai o)rerattons, bougies, itistrutnents, ssuge,r nowrlials, painting out a suede of cur, nt once oerlain utu estef Uial, by whisk every sufferer, no matter what his eonditiun may bo, may cure himself cheaaly. priwawle, andmaioa'lly. This Lecture will prove a boon leT tfieusaadeanil iboueauds. Sent undue seal, to ainyaddrcsavrn a plain sealed env4eie, on the reeoiptof six oents, or two postage stamps. Also, lr. Culverwsll's" Marriage Uuide, price 25 cents. Address the Publishers. CJJAS.yj;. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, No,Xta't.i,Mt-04noa ilox 4,5:3. July 4, lf 4Ty ; ' J u, 'I J ! NAIVRE pREAT iESTOItSiy ' CELEBRATED i B'i t.t orCordial. - i ...I ' a.ti i - , ti it i - This medical, prep ration dt awvensTored' te tke publie as a reliable substitute fur the many worte Ittsa eeutpeAUsds arhiek now flood the market. Jtis purely vegetable, aosnsaised A r inus beH, fatker ed from lb gtiSjoi,sXtlty sntus;f, and fsleolod :l. 1t acts tJS as a rcen urc for many pf Hie tJisek4J uf -wbUTI hnn se organs are4)tji,'Ct" It ft It s i felihbie Fmily Modioine, and nkfrf by either Infant or adult with the onrbo ts sutiT'e telle cflelalfcsulbyr It rs i certain, prompt mil Sl iced V rained v . for . I'lari haa. dy . f"r , I'lajri bout, Dysentery, sone loiupinuu, U'rioH, bu.no. yi CJLinia, imiiiib, Srck lfeaJtu.'her'a-J for Chill ' Snd. FeVeia td" ij ll... rv i - ff .. . . .(... .1 . V.. : ... ... . . mem pi opiriw, ear kinds, it nrfar besser enJ safer than -autnlne.'with- out any of its pernicious etTeU.f I'creates an appe- J lite, pro(sat 1 f)enrful digeales'.sir soed, knd will aouuieraot tee classes eruieaevia a saw sniaates. I I'xeiisaausl kf. .. ar is: Mk't JACOB ECHKBTie, Bole Proprietor, V. TV Cor. Fifth and Race Sit., PkUedelrVw, Pa, SlWIiUKY MARBLE unit me utii'ou eare. av is uol xecuwiueuuea as CiiiB Alt. But bvlls iircot and salutary juKu St AnTlio TesjtT Hvcr, 'KlJufys, jLuuil, Plo nitoh BlfBowels. It acts tJS as a rc enli v e and bold by all Inugjitie. tjov it, oe. y t'oVr nosp il a vr BfeTAtnsnED A3 A REFCUE FROM 'QUACK TUS OfrLf PLACE mftiRB A CURE CAN HE QBtAlN-ED." DR. JOIIN?ON has dimovereittlie mo,l Cetain,Seedy and only btreclual IteinM, in Ike World for all Pri vate Disenun, Weuknus of the Utck. oi limka,rirtures, Atleetlons t tlie'KldnevSaild Ulaituer, Jnvolilntary Wle eimrsjea, IntshteMey, Ueneral Dntnllly, Mftmtntitnis, Iiys- eepufc Mniaudr, iy Spirits, l!uiilaau. MS-eil-uttiuif ef tba Heart, Timidity, '1 reiiilihueS, Oiiuneas of Plvtlt 0r (tiiMiness, Bisntse ef tlid llenil, Throat, Nose or skin, AtTectlotn ol the Liver, Lauge, Kloraeok e Uuwels --these Terfibte Uisoideis arising lLolii tliiittolidtrv IIas of Youtnth'iss seeret and solitaiy piwetic, more fatal to their victim, than the eoast ml tJersae m the Manners uf Ulyntts,litiKlitiiig their moM brilliant huuee us aiUisieaiiuns, L """""I -.,'.l..,IINl,l".t. ' - ' ouster fllest 1 F.specially, who have keenest ihemHWias Basliary Vies, tliat dreuJtul ami destruelive baliit whieli annually sweeps in an antimely ejprnve thousands of Yosnif tim of the rami raalted Uilsilts and brilliant Snielleet, vrho might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thun ders of eloquence or wnked W eestaey the hving r re, nuiy sail with lull oonadrnre. I'viiiri'inerf. ,. . .ft . . Marrlefl Persnn, nr Vr.unt Men anntemntntiiiir mamas,. tMlns! asre Of physical wmknns, orgaiile debility ae (iiiinities, A si, speedily rureil. . i tie who (ilaee, himself under the care of Dr. J. rosy . may religiously enubde In his hmaw snr a frchtteinaii, and 1 eoutidently sely epon his skill sa a Physioian. . Os'sxnsiic Veisk linmetliatel Cured, and Full Vigor Itestored. Thrn Dim using Aaeettaiiwhieb renders liife'raisera bin and marriage irnpnsiihin I, tlie .poiuliy pud by t he victims of improper Indulgences. Ynung orR.,ii, nre'?too apt tu cmnniit excesses froin'tiol being aware nf the ttrend tul coiiMtinences Hint may ensue. Now, who that eiuler slamls the subject will pretend to deny that the powi-r of procreation is lost sooner by those faltrng inf unproKr habits than by the pititlerrts t Besides deing deprived lb, pleasures of healthy tnpring,the most scriuusniid destine live symptoms to both body and mind atiper The system becomes Urranaed, the Physical and Meiltnl Puueiions tVeakened, Loss ofl'roei'eative Power, Nervous Irritabili ty, Uvspepsin, Phbiitation of the HiTft, tndivestion, Con stitutional Drbilily, a Wastugof tsie Frame, Cough, Coit.iimplinn, Beeay and Death, i (Ilr', ?io. 7 South I'rolericl Stret Left hand side grtlnij from Kail itnore street, a few" doors roin theeoiuer. Fail not to observe name and number. Letteis must be paid and eonuiiiisniuunp..: The Doctor's Diplomas hang ill Ins office. A 4'sii'o tViti'i-nii tcl in Two Itnyis, A1 Mcreuryor Jrvco'i Drvfft. tit: .loluiM on, Mentker df the Royat ColregerirScrreon,, lnJon, Grad uate from one of Hi, most eminent Colleges iu the I until States, und Hi, greater part ul whose tile jias been Spent in the hospitals ol liudon, Paris, Philadelphia and clss where, has ellectil soma of the mult astonishing cures that weieever known ; many troubled Willi finding in tbe head ami ears when asleep, great nervnEness, being alarm ed at sudden Sounds, baslil illness, with frequent blushing, attended someiiii.es withderingemeiit of ruled, wsiecuied iitillledi:fte!y. XitSts' I'nrllciilar .Xotlco. Dr. J. addresses all thosa who Intve injured themselves by improper imtulgeiiea and solitary habits, which ruin both hotly and mind, unfitting llieiu lor either business, study, S'leiety or luarriuge. . . - r '1'nKsG are some ol tbe sail and melaneholy effect s pro dnVeil by early habits ot ynulh. viz : Weakness of tbe Back and l.unbs, I'ihii in the Head, Dimness ol fight, L" of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the- ft-iurt, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritalnbty, lieiiingrrrtrat of the IJieestive Fune etons, General Debility, SympWms ufCoiisuinpiion, 4c. Msntau.y The feurfnl effects on the mind are much to bedreaded lsss ol Memory, Confusion of Ideis. De pression of Splrfts, Kvil-Koieliodings, AvHrvi.in to Society, Self-Disirust, Luve ol Bolilude, Timidity, tc. are some ol Ihe evils produced. Thousands of pers ns nf all apes ean now judge what is the cause of shell declining hrnllb, l.isiin their vigor, becoming weak, pale, uetvousaud enoetareJ, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms uf eotisaiiipiion. ' ' Voiing Stcis Wild hnve Injured themselves bya certain praetiee indulg ed ill when alone, a habit fleon-ailly leaiurd from evil companions, or al school, the eUiMI, of which are nirbtly felt, even when nslecp, and if not cured renders marriage imporsible, and destroys both mind and bojy, should apply immediately. Want a pity that a ynnng msn, the hope of hisenuuirv, Ae darling ef hi, parents, should be snatched from all pros peels ami enjoyments of life, bylhe consequence of devia ting from the path of naturjvand Indulging in a certain secret habit. uch persons ucsr, befote conteirijflaling Jlni'i-ln-io, rfleet that a sound mind und iMidy are the most necessary reqaisilesto proneite connubial happiness. Indeed withftnt these, the journey through life becomes a weary nllanm agej Ihe pniapeet houilyrlnrkeiis to the view ; the in mil beconies sbatlowed with desnair and filled with the inelaii- I eholy reflection Hint the happiness of another becomes ung'iieu wun uurowil Ihseinsv ol Inipi'HiIeiie. I " - - . ............ M.I ....ll. IV. V .AHUIUHQl I . W . "en the rr.tsgmitea and iniprudeui vtary of plenvire i A. .,' and 6.1u P. M. for Enhraia, Litis, Loncus snnte that Ire has Imbibed the seed, of this painful disease, tur. Columbia, Ae. (i (iM.uiirii iiuppen. iiiui mi iii-inneu sense ot siiame, or dread of discovery, deters loin from applying to those who, ruin euucaumi nun rcapecinDility, can ulnae Peruana linn, tUUvitig till llie cotiiiuiutiiiiui jiflptoMs !' this horiitl ditiuise niukfj ilicir apeiiruet. Ksicti nt ulcrmleU tm throtit, tliBii8t (t im-f. ii fiiu;itni(iH in tlio hi od mid liml'i, tfiium'fa uf tight, dfttlnurt, iii-dc on thetiin Unca nnd , (11 mU, blutCUfl U I lie htltd. flir-sSUhtJ klimnit': t.iiMrrsu. . . . . . , . . ' " I i ! lug will, rnj l.ttul lap y, tm at lost the pahiie ..I tb, moulh or the horn-, ol the nose fall in, and Hie victim of . Ihts awful disease become, a ho, ,id object of eommisera- the,, till death puts a nermd M his dreadful safrering, by sending him I i that Undiscovered Country from whence I no traveller letnins." j It is a melancholy fact that thousands full victims ta ibis i teinble diseaw, owing In lit. ntn,kl!lt nines of igit.iianl pieteudeiB, wrho, by the esenf Hint D.nutly Poiwa, Mil- nuiy," ruiu Uic cuii.tituiHii cud make Ihe residue ot )ife miserable. Trust not vonr fires', or hra"hh. In tlieSnVarrMi. m.,,v ' j tlileuilied mid Worlhltss Pieleiidrrs. destitute f knnwl- I , ede. iiniiie or eli:iniclcr, who ropy Dr Johnston, advert i 1 tisemeiits, nr ,l ylethcmselve, in the neu'Spnp,,,, regnlaiP)' J tufting in mlb alter m inlh lakmc ihcir lillliv m.J u ..un.niru i mmciiius, iiicnrvmie ,ti baling, iney keep ynl i ennirmliads, nr a, long asth, smallest fee can be obtained, and iu despair, leave y,..u with luined heallh to sigh over yotu gailiog disappointment. tr. J.ihnstoi, i, the nnly Physician advertising. Iliseredentiai or ilinfcwiaa always bang in hisVfiice. His renudies or trcatiuent ure unWitowA to all otber , prepared from a lifespmit hi Iheevrai hf.pihilso Knrnpe, the hrsl lu this eountry and a more eit.'uelve "t'nsale '. rraetiee" than any other Phvslclaii in tbe wrld'." ! 11II'CSII. ol" lll IS'lR. Tbe niiny ilmusund, coi.tlsl tin, insiwutton yea, aftar year, and the minicnnls luiiHirlaiit Siitunil UnciMtinn. jierlomied hy Or. Jnhrittou, wttnesstsl bv the reporter, of , the Sun," "Clipper," aud many other paper,, notice, of ! which have appealed again and ae. nil before lb, publie, i beside, hi, ,tundinc a, a fwnl lemni of Wianierrr and re Sisaisibiliiy, i, a uilioienSXmrauteetsi Ihe ntihotrd. I M.in Ektsv'iiHH M-tily 4'sirtl. Pcrams writing shoti'd le partiealar in diieeting th'eir etters tu his Instilutiiai, in the following manner, f Oil II .11, .JOltllstOM, HI, I. Of th, flaltininie jick llorp.tal, lialtimoie, Md. January SO, JS,n9.ly LI VEUV. STABLE.' rpiIE subscribers having purchased tbe sleek and X fixtures of Mr. Charles liacon's Livery Stable, in Hiinbury, would respectfully announce to the rublio, that they Intend luiuishing it with lirt-elass lorsos. Carriages, Sufgies and Spring-Wagons suitable for the badness, end will enduavor to make it n Livery second to none In this seotienet the S'Jtle. Orders left at th'cCential Hotel, at any hour of ihe dayor night, will receive prompt afUenfion. MntlAW A FARNSWORTH. Sunbury, October 1 7, 8lld. ... Agt Icsiltural liiiisIojiipntM, HOE'8 J rain Rakes, Steel and Iron Oarden Rakes, Lang and 1 IJendU t pedes, 6'herels, Maaure and Hay Forks. Onus and Graiu Soythui, Urain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue aud Log Chains, (trind-atonee, Fanning Mill Seives of all si sos and kiuds, a large assortment of Red Wagon llauics, for Plowing. Farm Hells, Cultivator Teeth, fur sale hy J. u. CONLlikj A CO. STONE WARE. " I THE best and chesspes assortment of Stone Ware in thu Statu, just rweiwei aad feeueale ekesrp at rbe Mammoth t'ush if tme of a , , , r ' ft. T. FRILIXO TRON. A lurge assorlaieut of the best tnanufae tured Ibire. lloon. Rand, Round ami Jiuare Iron, Nail Kede, " . Cast Steel, Uliner .Steel, Drill Steel, . Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, liellowa. Yicos, ., , Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at . ' CONLEY A CO'S JACOB SHIPMAN. . . riBB ANp Hfi JJ,' ttUilAiJCIl AGENT, SUNBURY, FENiMA. RKPHKBCSITS I , Farmers Mutual Fire Iosuruuci Co., York Pa., is,.nl,.,l.na v.n.. xi. ,i.,..i t. ....... i' New York Mutual Life, Oirard Life of Phil a. A IImI- lord Cora, beneral Accident. - - , ' W ii. Finsosi. - Nlso Pitio F U T. N I T U It E - It O 0 M S In... . . . i . r. ... - i . i i swia wmi turn VI asneu m jhib,uivs ueoeu ware- rooms al No. m South l sij-aet, sue Dsmsa, PHILADELPHIA. ' , . . Vhere they keep a full assortment of"9 ' " Wh I'AlU-tJlt, -OtlAl BElli W ITf.O . ROOM andDIXIXO'ttOOM rURM'FDHM.'- 1 Their old customers, and all persons wishrng te purchase, are waeieed eeeail and ear. mine their stock before purebasuis; euwkres.c ' - -Particular aueutiua pui'kjsi jasoklag. . sny ly. fmK8m.iifmt MesWrWrJittst'TBliick. 1 les. tiig Irene, Pad free, atanee, all kinds and evejj W H' mti k VttffiYco' 'Large hteck at - L9 H sellinz itirnv "I" ffinsA-, ww.su....H nL.n.' rr irTm ti . vmcv ir.u - "ri v i I - -r- i. ...... - L'OX LEYA.CO. si. ' Euiibury, Marvk H, lb37. . t ..,..... . . . h ............. , Bim.Htvn. Ai.vus ouiiEuui.iii. "r"i ,lr ioT- iu m" XttiD wiU lsrfe V euMiLitr.tu ioiiows . . IiSATK KORThWAEJO, oa A. 1., DsiW tor Wltltaresprci.. Dally fexoept BnndayiJ ftir Elmira, i.liuiSBilatgna, '" x Rochester, BiiflWoe,, .5 agara Falls, Puspenelon Bridge kad the Canada,. 4.15 P. M , Dally (cwoept Sundays,) fur Elmira, an 1 Buffalo Tirie Railway from Elmira. . P. M., Daily- (azoept Baadays,) tVr Williams. , , . r port,. . . ..' hRky$ SOUTHWARD 2.45 A. ML, Dailj for Bnltimore, anil Washington. It.4 A. H.1, Dally (txoept'Sdiiiays.) for Bnltiuivre, - Thlladelbhla ahd Washiuilon. t.0 P, M.t Dally (except Hanttnys,) tor ITarrisburg, m j, anrmeoting witn uineinrmtt txprres ur BaJQuiore, Philuduluhiaand Woxhiagton. . N. Icbakrv. ln, S. Yoiiso, Uen'l. Sup'f.; "Oon l assen'r Ag't . rtarrusswrg. r. ' ' jsnmrmirc, jij. PlUIadelphin. V lisle Railroud. ThrWgw and direct rpnte between rhilndojfjj.i. iluluuore, lisrrlorg, YYWUanisport, to tbe iror lb wet t and thojlroatoll Region of Pennsylvania. ELEOAST i&lWPIN'J CAftS on all Wayit Trains. On and aTter Monday, N. 2:y ,'lSflft, rk Trains qn the Philadelphia Erie Rail Road will run as follows : . , WaiTWAnrj. Mail Trttln learei Philadelphia, 10.45 p rfl. ii, s. ,. .sjonbury, ' f 00 a m " '" arr. at Krie. e.: a.' t.ttlptu Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 11 sOeai " " " Sunbury 40 p w " ' arr at Erie lo.uo s nt Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, B un a tn 'I " " v tnnbury i.lApm " . " an'ive at Look llavee, , Lit n m . Kastwakd. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 ci a m " Punbtiryr 2 46 a to " arr. at Philadelphia, j not) am Erie Express leaves Krie .. - (I 2 in " " ' Sunbury ,. . 9 40 a m " arr. at Philadelphia, 4 20pm Mail -and Express connect Trith Oil Creek and THRo"bflf K'lllr'1- BA0UAUB CHECKED ALFRED L. TYLER. """ General Superintendent. i:i-ullnr ItMilfoatiu , WIXTKIt AUUANflEilEST. MONDAY, DECEMBE 14, 1303. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North an4 North-W est for Philadelnhht. New York. H- I lng, Pottsvillo. Tnmaejua, Ashland, ihainokii , Leba- anon, itioniown. austnn, i-pUrnta, tills, Laiisustor, 'Columbia, Ac., A.r -j Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 3 50. 5.50 and b.lt) A. M. and 12.40 noon, and 2.05 and 10.5ft P". M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penneeleanla' Ratlroad, and nrrlvin" at New York at- II. nil A. M., 12.20 noon,- 8 50. T.HP 10.05 p. ni. and 8.15, a.m. respeotively. Sleeping Cars srecoinpanyrbg tho 3.50 A. M. and 10.50 P. il! trains without ohange. Leave Harrisburg fur Reading, Potlsville, Tama oua, Miuersville, Ashland, ribamokin, Pine tirove, Allentown and Philadelphia nt H.10 A.M. and 2.05 aud 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.10 p in. train making connections f-r rhilnde-lphie, and Columbia only. For Polleville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via .Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad. Icave Harritburg at 8.30 p. hi. rioiurnms; : x.eavsaivew isrs at y.tio a. m., 12. (Ml mv. , w. . ..fiKnb i'.uu n, nr., li.oo i and 510 and 8.00 p. ni., Philadelphia at s.li aud ?.2 p. m.; (Sleeping oars aoenmpanvini; r, oon a. in tno v.uu a. m. and s IU and B.U0 p m. trains from c w sura .imom onange. Way Passenger Jrajji leaves Philadelphia at 7.",t) a. in., connecting with similar train on East Pennn. RailroaS. YrtBruingfrotn Heading at 6.35 p. m. stop ping at all Stations' ; Leave tVtreVille at 7.80, 8 45 a. m.and 2.45 p. m: ahnmokin at 5.25 a m.; Ashlnud ut 7 00a. iu., aud 12.30 p. m.J TainaqeaHt 8.30 a. m. and 2.20 p. n. for Philadelphia. Leave Pottsville via. Scluiylkill and Bus'iut-nanna Ruilroad at 7.10 a m. for Harrlsbnrg, and 11.30 a.m. for Pine (irnve and Tremont. Reading Aeaonunodation Train loaves Reading a 7.30 A. M. returning leave Philadelphia at 4.45 p. in. Potteluwn Aooomujodatton Tra'n : Leaves Porta town at 45 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia pi s.uu r. ill. P.. I ll,,,Mn S!,.;irMnrl Tln. l.a .... J 1 ! . I. A Perkionien Rail Road Trains 1oava Pevkfoaien Juneiitnat .li A. M. and t ail P. M. Returning: Leave Skippaok ato.10 A.M., and 12.45 P. M.,cou neetingwithsioiilar trains i Reading Kail Road. On Sundays : Leave New York at S 00 p m., Phila delphia d.eO A. il., and 3.15 P M. the 8.011 a.m. Imin runnina nnlw laa Is J,- !...., :i i Q i . .. awHHis.b i near j ibjc , i ucwt 11 in O VU m Ul -, Harrisburg. l.0 n ni, and 4.10 and 10.50 p in. and I R..,iin , t tit, X (in .n4 7 ia . Lr II ,7 i tu nil ' 11 . m a ! K. V I , ! " U 8(.! ;3' "?' O" lork, ""'."t 4.25 ; "' m' lur 1 ""adelnhia.. Commutation, Aliluage, Sekaea, School and Ex- . euisum Tickets, at redueed rates tu aud flout all points. I llagi'a-'e oh,eked th reach : 109 rounds Br-aie i aliened eaoh Paseeoier . n . cm,,. Ganeral isuperiutan lent' I.nckcuM auua A. Ulem.sbni'c, kCu.il rend, ON and nftor Monday, Nov. 30th, 1S06, Paaionjer Trains nill run us fnll.wj : rJOt'l H WARD. A. M. P. M. A. M P. M. Leave Sornntnn, 5.25 4 10 10.20 6 Ii Pitlstoti, 5 54 4.47 in sii . J Id " Kingston, I 20 5.55 11 20 7 J " Rupeit, 8 a 7 47 " Ibu.ville, 9 04 S 20 Air. North'd., t.41 V.05 NOUTJIWAltD. A.M. P.M. A.M. r. M. Leave North'd., " lanville, " Rtipers, " Kiiig.ion, " Pittsiim. 7.10 45 t 4 5 23 a 18 ' 6 55 10.57 8.1(1 11 -St OKI H.OJ 0 i3 8 55 0 25 into I K !i.U) Arr. Sci anion, trains leaving Snranton at 5 25 A. M. ni J I. Ill T. (M., eourrbot at Northumberland with trains on P. ,t I iv ii. ii. ior UurtUburg, ilaltunor. Waetiington, j Williamspoit, Lock Havcp, PilUburg aud esl. 1 Trains arriving at Keranton al iO.OO A. M. uon ! wert with ttalns arriving at New Y'oik at 4 4 P. M , ! Philadelphia at t,sr p. M., and Ureal Rend at 1 it) I Trains arrivins; at Fcraiit-m at 3 40 P. M annuel wilh trains for Ureal Bend and West'. II. A. FONDA. Pap't. 3a,a.:ai:jjBi.ea."W"sajtte J. M. I1K.S. liilUt. Wail remove his Offieetesh M- Himrin's Building, , t'-iJ ttoxy, jiakt SitHare, : StJN"J3TJJl.-V. 2? A.. WnF-RE he will he prepared to do ail kinds of Y work pertaining to Dentlstrv. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment ef Toeth. sod other Dental malarial, from which he will be nhle to select, and nieot tbe wants of bis customers. All work warranteJ to givo sutisfusilon, er else the money refunded: - -'" The eery best Month Wash aad Tueth-Pbwdere kept on hand. . .. , ' His references are the nomernns patron: for whom he has worked lor the last twelve yuurs. tfanbury, March HI, lutii. . ...... jWll'BCWlTaTiaBea.SaSa Are espeoiallT invited te oall and examine cur stoak nf BLILDER'3 HARDWARE, eomprisinj Nails aud Spikes ef all earleties.t Butts, Screws, Strap a 1 X lliagei, Leeks and Latehue, Bella !"i tesinr Trowels, Brisk IroWels, Plaa'wt'.. 1 Sieve,, ., Ac , for lule by J. n. OONLKY on. UNION HOTEL. - CHAM. ITKIil.. Proprietor. In Cake'i Additltnto Sl'NBCUY, nsur the Peun'a.' Railroad Company's Shope. TERMAKENT AND TRANSIENT C0ARPEBB, kept wbe will Bud ample aeovaninodaeious. ' fWi oooks and waiters, boarders ean enjoy tbeeulet em A.rls of home with fare equal to Ike bet ssAeiB. kin Liquors are of the ehoUost kind!. , Kusburr, Jane 8, IMr. f v- ' ... j . IK.'' Ll ' LIGHT! LIGHT! ILIGilT!; . H. 1HKHI.Y, . rpiIE popular rbotograper, baa (tied up, iu the . A old Post OtBo, building, three doors west ef the railroad, Market Square, .ne ef tbe very best Sky Blghle lu be found lis the State, and is now prepared to take i-uuiiiy tAj, IM'Jl kiij, lu ali.kiuds ul weather, early and We. CliTlJien taVstj a.Kuo.1 lcwnlly. liiiug along tke biilre-we are now ready fx fbrui. - - tpsuroxEr COSH IlL ! and e- I.ntlff n. set nroer." rmrrgeimg yor picture, assj hsns. eiiaajaaeaed akesssee sjasacae wh we else. Come and see lor. yenrseives, IsVuyuking la tka Sioture j!u jnni'.antlr jnhsud rtordurwl. Citf 'uim j owe fet alMes arrehoswnt enlored es'dedrej. Iaoasa eest aad kdee esswstakssi est skn Tjotic'e -audssn reuuuiOiis toseee.., featieBMUSsj Bwaaraa'rti. i. as our motto Is to lui. . AJ I ,A),taii a sarsaiily. Ereswied; stemewibr th's ptiosuji for fcTBYEli" . T.MwkslassaieW A-s.Ta-f- - ' ' MaJ .tt . '--1 t- 1. , , i .. . . i ,. e . V tbice U,orsMe.t of the railswad, 5iai kel Square kolh great and smaU.sqe.bJsioesijisBsna, amine speoimsnr " i r It A M ES -wnJ T t yTTtWWi) ! J is,..