rs I " r " " I fcrSttflYi'tY mAtrraMm I N ' ? flU.njirotY, pa. SATURDAY, M.VRCU 87, Ilocal Affairs. Snow Ann Cold. W kav bid another told nap. Band; night waa unusually oold for th aoa, aod M Moaday Bight anew Ml to th depth of foat inohe, which disappeared tut day. I Tata Citt Soma of our merehaat, are bow la lh City, purchasing good for th spring trad. W litri that goodi ere rolling at resaonehle prices. ara aader obligation to Haw J. B. Packer fur pamphlet opjof Iho itaading committee of Ui Home of Rspresentatitee. Jeair-a K. Bttnr, tba jrorthy and efficient iraia anaster, of tht Northern Caatral Rati Way. war the reolpleat of aa elegaal gold watch presented by the employee ef the road. Tba preieatatton waa made through Mr. K.JL. DaRarry, at llarrltburg. Sjevsral horses hare been itolan io the lower end of thli eoualy lately. Our Farmer cannot la too aarefull In nouring thalratoek at night. There ia o douU bat what a regular gang of ttiierei exist iu thit vicinity. Fairmocrt Ilosaa, la the name of the new hotel jutt opened to the public, la Purdytawn. Mr. Aa drew Shade of F recburg, haa taken charge of it and It conducting It In a rery oreditable manner. Eirria Thla asnnal feetlval will eeeur to-morrow, (Sunday) at which time the forty daya faetlng, known ai Lent will ocaae, and the fatting multitude be again privileged te Indulge ia the gavel thlugi without rettraint. Colored eggs will be la demand among the jurenilot. Kt Coops. Our neighbor Philip Clark hat juit returned from the eity with a large usortmant of dry goods, groeerlot, notions, Ac., which he will tell at tbe old prioea. Prlutt at 12 cento per yard Car pelt twenty five pereeat. Uh than before, and tngara at rate aa low aa before the late rite. Coll and aeo him. Biao Oira. The attention of farmer- it directed to the adrertitement of J. U. Uarkle i Co. ia an other eelamn, who bare oa head a lot of Black eata from Prinoe Edward laland, British iinorioa, which they offer for teed oate. Tbutc who -detiro to giro it a trial will girt them a rail. A Bia Ilicr. The largest haul of nab, caught in a net, we have toen en record, Wat made by C. F. Speaker, of Chilliquiique, thia coanty, on tbe 15th iiitt. lie tet hie net uear tbe mouth of tbe Cliili-qua-que creek, aad when he raired It he bad ia it toren hundred and aixty-nlno (7Mj fi.h. It had been raited the day before. Wbo can beat it ?- 54-y Guiett. rnoagTBD. We notice that our friend A A fbiatlcr, Etq., formerly chief ef the ladiet' diritioa of the Third Auditor 'a oHice, hat been promoted to be chief of tho law and collodion brnnch of that of oe. Mr. Shiftier will no doubt fill hit new position with honor to tho gorcrnmeut at well aa to hiuuelf. Thif appointment baa certainly fallen upon the right Individual aad hit many fiiemlt may eipect a still higher position for hit exemplary conduct. iusqr Blitz The ilaiouic Hall waa crowded, n Weduotday night, by a large and approeiatire audienee to witnett the wonderful aad amusing per formaaeea of Bignor Bllti perhaps not more than half the audienee wero able te f nd seat, and stood up patiently two boura, while themagieiaa waa per forming hit wonderful trieke and entertaining them Mith hie nowere of Tontriloouitin. Hit irir bae, and lis production of half dollars, at pleature, caused 1 roara of laughter. Tho tplrit drum which placed , without any visible agency, was alto a great feature of the exhibition. Blitt will be here again io May, ; when be will exhibit bit Sphinx. Kxieuia or PrraiAa A Lodge of Iho order of Knights of Pythias was instituted at this place on Wednesday evening last, by tbe Urand officer af thla State. The following person! officiating : V. tl. P., A. R. Paxtoa; VT. O. O., Woi. Blauehoit; W. V. U.C.Thoe A. Roberts ; W. O. Scribe: P. II. llempcrly ; W. U.,G. Thoa. II. Bpringer; W O. I 8., Jot. U. MoCall ; V. Q O B , 1'avid Neabit ; VT a. B , Joa. B. Norton. After being instituted Fort Augu.Ha Lodge Ho. 143 organlzod by electing the lollowio officers for the ensuing term who were duly Installed by the Grand Officers: W. V. P.-, B. B. Boyor, Vf. C, tieo. M. Reno ; W. V. C. Towntcnd Uime: W. R. Thad. H Sbanne ; W T. B , Em'l M'ilverl ; W. U , Vi m Fetter ; VT. I. 8 , J. M. Bostlan ; W.O. S , Iavid P. Attrg; W. B., John Clark. Tna YcLocirxoa Thit novel mode o" locomo tion which has within the last year attracted much attention III Europe as well as tbia country, waa wit netted by many of our eitttent at tbe Masonic Hall, the past week. The velocipede rider it seated astride of a polo, supported by a email eited buggy wheel ia front, and one behind, the front wheel being-propelled by a crank oa each tide of tbe hub, by the proature ef the feet. It waa amuting to witnett the progroii ef the novicet ia learning to ride, running into each other and often coming to the fcWr. nag aad rider. Pome of tbe beginnert learn rapi-Uy while other improve alowly. Meant. MeCall A Melville, the proprietors, ahow every attention to visitors and those taking lessons. Hl-mobbd ArraitrrT Bvbal Itcaa Tovvtaip. It is rumored that ear rcpretaatetlre, Wm. II Kasa, favcra the schema entertained by certain par tiea in Montour eounty, to annex Itueb township in this eounty, to Montcur, and that he will spring a bill te that effect la the Legislature before lis adjourn ment. It is further rumored that Mr. Kate, kciag a retident of Rash township, will be returned te the l egislature from Montonr, in return (or this service. We hope that these ramors arc unfounded. Suniun Gaxttte. Caicitains A Eoxa were awarded act only the gold medal for their Piano, but received the trees of th legiea af Honor at the Par it Ezpotition, given ta nf ether eihibiter. Maaaer A HiM, Sunbury, are th aatherised ageat far the tele of tbeae Piano. iZ3 tat Baa' superior Piano, Mason A Ham lin's Cabinet Organs, Ilopfa celebrated Violins, lta ported chroma piotaraa, A mer iota chrouo pictures. Picture Frame cut to order. . Sheet music, Aeoordcant, and all kind ef tanii- eel initrumcnt, for sale by Muster A Hill, Market Square, Sunbury. Pasvillb Irani. Mr William Mowery of Dan ville, had hi leg badly lacerated on Eaturdsy ef last week by hcvieg it caught between two car a the Furnace of Meters. Orova Brothers. Sad AceiDiat Mr Thorns Heigh, formerly of Harris Larg hat lately acting as foreman ia Mr. Bar gar a Plaining Mill, ia the rear ef car , office, met with a aad aaeldcat oa Baturday last resulting ia tbe lots cf his hud. He era walking between on of the oircalar sawt la th mill aad a pile of boards, nrbca the latter tipped over apos him, throwing bit arm against the saw, whleheevered it completely at . the wrist. Baooianntly th) ana waa aaputated. VV'cacdarvUadthahekaatagaawellMcaabcei- peeled from th nature a hii wound. Th! la the eond man mutilated la this mill. Tba ajorkmca liiare thoald he) fnltA "IiUllifnur. Ta young ladle af aertala town aasath an Car- rUburg tovaturmedaaeciety $m th rWeeaptteeia' young ma fieaj bad baaiia. Xach of tbe membera hat aolamaly pledged karaalf not ta roeatr th aV taatloa af aa yeaag aa trh Indulge ta the asset lijacr. ttkaica, frcran at abac eat iaagasga. W wish the anaiaty aacttaa, hot Tin thai if each a. oiesy we farmed iuabury, tkt) ajahs a old tea la hsraabost IS ar I yeara kattea weu.i t-t tigktfiil to Kt.ttrf Utt w Ti twt txTi.m tJbc o O'tCoBaBPAUtM.-ntyMriw -! ... u c..rf. iW.r erhiub ut!6ft Coaxh. Coida. Croup. VWIm OmiVwI' General Conforcnee at Chlongo, It teat a part of - . - - : ... . . . " 1 the old Baltimore Conference, but we divided twelve yeart ago, aad tbla prceent Conference In eluded In what waa known aa theEatt Baltimore Conference. The following boundary waa fixed by Ike 0 eneral Ceafereace : Central Pennsylvania Conference (ball be bound ed att followa : Oa the Soath, by the attata liae from tba eewjeehanna river U the weet boas (Jar af Bed tori teanty, excepting to eaaab of the State of Peaa y Vraaia aa ia taeladed in Baltimore Confureaee ; aa tk Veal by the) waatlineof Bedford, Blair and Clear eld eonntiee, eioept to saueh of Cleatteld county at le embraced In the Erie Conference ; thenee to Saint Mary'a ; oa the north, by the line extending from Saint Mary'a eastward to Emporium; thenoe by the aoathora boaadary of Potter and Tioga, ex aeptingtuoh portion of Tioga aa it in Liberty Valley Circuit; thence through Sullivan eounty north of Lapo.e to the weal line of Wyoming eoanty ; on the att, by Wyoming Conference to the aurth line of the Philadelphia Conference; thenoe on the northern lino of Carbon, Schuylkill and Dauphin eonntiee to the Susquehanna river, including Aehland, Beavor Meadow and White Haven Circuit! ; thenoe by the Susquehanna river to the place ef beginning. The following are the appoinlmeata made for the PaovUle Dietrtet: a. cRttTtn, t. DaavUle ; Mahoalng street F. Uodgtoa ; Mon tour Chapel J. II. MoCord. Xorthamberland J. V. Oekerman. WaahingtoBTllIe It. Wilaon, T. 0. Cleeto. Blooinsburg J. A. Mellok, O. C. John, tupply. Etpy nnd Light Street W . M. Meumingur. Orengeville J. T. Brown, liaiah Edwards. Berwiok-F. B. Riddle, U. Vay.tup. '"Berwick Circuit P. T. Eyer, II. B. Fertner. Bleomlngdale-n. T. King, A. 0. Crosthwaito. Muhlenbarg E. II. Yocum. White Uaven-W. N. Heater. i Weatherly-T. J Wileon. Uatloton D. Shaffer. I Jeaneavillo J. B. Cuddy, oae to be supplied. Catawisaa U. I. bill. Eljiburg II 8 Mrndenhall, A L. Bwmaa. , Phamokia H. 3. Buckingham. Ccntralia To be tuppliod. Mount Carmel-E. T. Swartt. r Aahlaad A. M. Creighton. Trevorton J. P. Craig. Soydurtown D-. B. Me'Jletkey. j Sunbury W. W. Evant. Selintgrave 0. W. Miller. Irwin II. Torrence, Seo'y of the Penn'a Bible So eioty member of the Montour Chapel Quarterly Conference. TuTit IVLtrta or Tax 8r. On the. 7th of Au gust next there will oacurono of the most interesting ecllpsot of thetua that has or will occur Id the United States for many years, aad will be a total blotting out for a time ef that luminary. Ia the parlance of astronomera, "thla earn eclipse," that is au eollpso oaused by the tame means, occurred a little loss tbaa eighteen yeara ago In 1SI1 aad though not total ia this latitude, was truly intcreatlng, and caused much speculation ataong the teamed. On this ooca aTva the collp.e begina at aunrise In the PacUc Ocean, east of Japan, and becomet total first npon the earth in Siberia. It It total at noon in Alaska, and eodt in tho ocean at sunset just aorta ef Aeaufort, N' C. The line ef the total cclipn it as followa : Running southeasterly, U grar.vs the coast near Sitka, thence rune off Into British America, and enters the foiled States near tho origin of Milk river ; thence It runs through the southwest oornor ef Minnesota diagonally through Iowa, crosing tho Mississippi river near Burlington, Iowa, thenoe throngli Illinois just north of Springfield, and crossing the Ohio river near I.ouIfvlUe, Ky , tbenee through the scat h weet eoroerof Weat Virginia, thenee to New Borne and the ocoao. Thus It will be teen that the eolipte will not be total In this section, but will be nearly ao or cloven digits In tito. It will begin at 4 .11 and cad nl M lu the afternoon. Wo were in error in saying In our Saturday's edition that thorc would le an celtptc of the tun on tho 23J of July. Itthould have read an eclipse of the moon oa thit date llarrif bnrg Ttlt graph. Valcaol Fuorxnrr run Bali. Tbe under signed offer for sale a valuable House and Lot, ia east Market street, Bunbury . The house is a new two story frame building, and tho lot 60 by 230 feel. 1 itle perfect, and terms easy. Lot will be divided if desired by purchaser. Also, a good two-story frame dwelling houao, on Walnut street, near Second. Lot 30 feet by 230. Tbia la a vary desirable property aad will be told cheap. Apply to Slatmakeb t EnaLC, 41 Real Estate Agent. BUSINESS NOTICES. tyJob Printing;. riavlng received a large supply af NEW JOB TYPE, of various aew styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cords, Letter Ueadt, Bill Heads, Labels, Aa., can be printed In the latest and best ctylea, aad oa abort notice Orders by mail promptly attended to. BerrtR Tim Cemxa Who can doubt that as spring opens times will get better. When they sec the display of new spring and summer goods, and hear the prices at which they are being bought at MOORS A DISSIXOtR 8. CAnrtr chain and eottea Lata. Wall and hand brushes, for sale cheap at MO011EA DISSIXQEU'S. Ci ina'a celebrated O. Jf . T. machine eottea, all collars, and No, from I to 100, and Coate'a spool cotton, at MOORE A DISSINUlll'S. Mackabil, herring, soap, candlus and camelry neat aad hams, at MORE A DISSINUKR 8. mm sew A. X. Baira, ia IIaupt'2 Building, is selling off his entire variety of Notions, Ivcry Handle Knives, Silver-Tinted Spoon, Book, Stationery, Ac, at tha very lewett passible price Call at ease if yon want to have good Bargain. St. is mir W a beard ef a man wearing eat fuar poire cf boots la two months, all ia trying to collect money to pay for them, fit evidently waa not aware of John VTU vcr, ia Spruce street, tunbury, where Boots and Shoes are manufactured that will lactone year aad keep la as food eoaaitioa a wkeas aew. Wo woald advice all who are an collecting tours, tc give Johu a call, and procure a pair of Boots from him. Taa keantiful style of Spring Hals displayed la the windows of 8. Paust's Hat Store, are attracting much attention. Young uea ar couatantly inquir ing tbe prioea, and when informed of bia low rataa, at enee dispense with their aid tilec and proearc oae of the laect style. Mr. Faust cite keeps a large as sortment for middle aged, old aged men and bachel ors. So aad look at them. " i-paea Jean F. Sceurraa, having resolved hi Spring FasLioa Plate,! aew making up tome splendid gar. meats for gentlemen, sat an th latest ctyl. As b 1 eonstdtrud on of ear beat mechanic aad keep eoottantly oa hand a eplendid assortment of all kind of goodt, aa one wka patrenisee bits will be disap pointed ia gotting a good nit. Bisr IvE2TaiiTS Th safest, mostsscare and moat proatabla Uvsalmant w a pat af Williaai B. Miller 'a Buota or Shot, which b furnishes at red ne ed rate- They arc aubctaatial water-proof, and arc juat th thin; t wear at thi saaaoa to p rev cat sold aad long epelU af ibsas. Mr. Millar' repautioa for keeping a good assortment, af the beat In Market, is tot e sciicd- , A ntisiBOB of ear, aaherl led eart af fellow, aid tba ether day tba bt) woald 'at bay aletbet at 9 O. Bcekv, ktaaanm m ((naiBkM tl kit Ut enoe bought a toat there that dtaVai iat. W Scroti, lor avery att kaa ke aeald anew a wka did'Bt get aitbiahw kirn deacawbodhl yti auited exact!. AA eraald ask af aay tbr wa Baay ka argim hVaata taatati af tk fast that Bsar peep! i bay lotbat at faeck'a tbaa aay other place bt t!uAbi7. far.! nmrif aclfiatastl iAjA &1! esjCilaLlo can. I eaa gat tultel tie.c l...i- L. .it J..! I I A-..-. v. f.-ll. .WW ko .- night without It in the houaa. Coa'a rarrr-sti Coaa-WHl Immediately te Hera and permaaently cure tbe facet aggravated enae of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, flowr Btomaak, Coa atlpaUoa. aad all alaeacet of the Stomaoh and Bow el. Pkyatolana, elorgymen aed all who aae it, Join In unbounded kralec of lta groat virtue 0uld J ! PruggUta every whore, frlo W te- T. Hopkiaa, whose OoopSkirta are to favor- ably received throughout the oountry, has removed from Arch St., tQ 1114 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, as will b seen by advertisement in thla tasae. J HABBIAOG0. Ou the J:td of March, by Rev. J. K. Fecbt, Mr. t -T.trvnaa E Muoaa to Mi Maar R. Malick, both of Fishera' k'erry, Northumberland County, Pa. I ORAI.V AND gBODUCB MARKET CoBRXCTXB WCBCLT V VotKO A ItBAtl.. UaAlx-Choka White Wheat, ' Host Amber, Winter, tiptiog, Cora, Kye. Mutt. i3t lbs i Fi.ccn-PureMioh. White Wheal, persaok. 'i - ' " " barrel, II vO : Beat Amber, Winter, per aaek, t K ! ' barrel, 1 a Bcncca Like, per sack, 1 00 i x barrel, t) 00 Cora Meal, per cwt., . 3 7S Bookwheat Flour, i lit BttttB New York, 0 Pennsylvania Roll, 4S j Ease per doten, ti Mat Dried Boef, per lb , 2S a .111 j Smoked Mutton, loaloj Yeoiaoa, to a 4 1 I.arb per lb., !tS Fmu Salt White Fish, per lb., It " Trout, ' 1 Col. ' 10 Fresh Shad Ti a 100 VxoatAULca- Turnips, per bushel, 6u Pelatoet, " " 1 M Onion, " " I M lieaaa. " quart, IS a It Hominy, " 12 taic Fat'lTS Dried Apple, per lb., It a 14 " Peechea, 20 a S Chcrriuc, " 10 a 35 Blaekberrtea, 20 " Ilatcborriea, 20 Oiiliair Arri.aa per barrel. Mi a I DO Mbaseaoklta Coul Xrsade. CAST AND WEST BmuoKia, Uartb 23. W9. Tout. Ctrl. Bent for week ending Marsh 20, t a il lf Per last Heperl, 5,2So Id 70.73 1 1 7l,VSa 14 1,170 02 To aamc time last year, Pe'rense, Special Notices. A Bff KE.MKOY IN CO.'Sl,'MPTI0N.-A Physioiau who had Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown tc the profession, when his ease appeared hopeless. Uo it the only physician wbo baa utod It iu his own person, or who bat any knowledge of it virtue; aad bo can ascribe tho de gree of hoalth bo now enjoys to nothing but the use of bia midioine; nnd nutbing but attar despair nod entire extinction of ail hope of recovery, to gether with a want of cuiiS Jence in all other, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To thoso sudor ing with any disease of the Lung be proffers a treat ment he confidently bolicves will erudiente the di.easo. l'rioe $l.5U per bottle or ti a halfdoicn, tent by exprtsa. Send for a circular or call on Da. G. Bovi.eTox Jacksux, No. ?50 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by If. Y. Friling, Market bViuare, r-uu. bury, Pa., and Druggists generally. May 30, !o8 ly. uiric to Mnrriiaarc Youag Men'sUuldc to Huppy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane vieweof benevolent Pliysioiant. on the Errors anil Abuses inoident to Youth and Larly Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad drew HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Jo P., Philadel phia, Pa. June 13. 18M -!r. iciio. r rom Diapensotory or th Vimeii autet i a. til AlADtinu L.r.A v rs. PaortaTias. Th. ir)i is stronf, Oilfusive, and eome what aromatic, their lame biitemli, and aiialfguus to mint. M asical Prooertie and Uset.Buehu leaves arc genttf alitnulaiit, with aecttliar lendeury in the Uiluary tfignna. 'I'hejf ere given in complaiula at the I'rtnary llrfjisnc, auell aa Uravel, Chronic Catarrh of tbe Ulaitdev, Morlod IrriUttlll oi the Ul-idder Hud l!lettia lliseaae nf the I'rsa trate Uluild. anC ftettiiuli or liicoutinCMce i.f Uilue, front a l-'BS of tune Ml lite parts conrerued In lis evacnati.MI The remedy has als-i Ihjcii recommended in llvsiiepaia, Chron ic Kheuinalistn, Cutalleous AlftfCUoilc, and Llropsy. lielmlnild's Katract Huchu ia hsmI liy persMua I'rnm the aaes oi' In n ao, end from 33 to &, or in the dee'ine r i-liitnf of life; niter Confinement, or labor Pains; Ileal WettniR in Children. In peculiar to femalec, the llxtraet Buchiiie unequaled by uy other remedy, ea in Chlorncia, or Kc teiiiion, Irreguleri.), Paliilolneec iwlfupiiresttniMtf Cust mary Kvaeualioua, Clcefated or clmroee btale of the t'terut, l.eurorrhea, oi Whitec Diseases r the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Dropsical nweilinc.s.' 'I'his mcdieine inereasrs the power of tiiree lion. and exritea the alicirbenla iuni keullhy aciinn. hy which the Waury or Caleareiiua deposiliuns, and ell Hn nntural Knlargeniciita ara leuueed, ea well aa t'aia and in flammation. lielinbuld'e Extract Bcehu baa eured every esse of Die beiea in which it has been niveu. Iiritattnn of she Neck, of the Milliliter, and lurlaminati.m of the kvidneye, Uleere tj,.nnf the Knl. .eye and Bkaikler, Be lenlion of trine, Di aensee of the Ptoatratc Gland, tttone m the Bladder, Calcu lus, Gravel, Briea-Dust Oepnail, and Mucue or Milky Diaekaigee.iuid fa cufeeliled end delicate cuiistitntiiHia, of both aeaee, attended wit tbe Mkiwing eymptnmv : Innispositi'in ai KxertKM. l.'ies nf rower, iMm nf Menvv ly, Dimealty et BreetkiiMr, VV'eak Nervet Trcmiiiins:, Hrrnr of Disease, Wakefatueaa. Dimness of Vision, Patii in the Bark, H k Hands, Flashinf nf th Hody, Urvneea nf the P in, Kiuptinn at the Kaee, Palisd Coanteuauec, Cat. veraul Lassitude of the Muscular Pyetem, Ac. Heliah,ild's Kxlraet Buchn is Diuretic and lllmd Pmify. Inr, and cuies all Disviiaea arising finm habit nf disslpa iKm, eaeeneea aitd imprndeneea iu lifa, imparitiec of the HUhkI, ha eupcrsedtiif Cipnibe in afteetioiia for arhiVn it ia used, aeeit ne inir(ho?-i,lileetaiMr Iwtg atandinf, nnd tikiliiia Afeeli.nis in these diseases, ased ia eounvetlua with Menntkiid a hm Waah. cVdd ly all Diut eisi and d-alere eveirwbcrc. Beware nf eounierfeite ask for Heltnhnld'c. Take no other Price BI.M per hull Is, or 8 W.tlea for Deli rased tany addrras Dar ihe a mptnme in all enntmnnieatHiHe. AOilrest II. T HKI.M HOI.O, l Hrnedwey. N. Y. KliXK ARE GKNLIINB U.NI.KM PONE I'P IM deal enraved vapa-r, m ith luc simile of my wenouae, um sivned H.T. HELM BOLD. Feb.ovtk, IM9 tm. 1o C'omatanaptlveaw THE advertiter, having been teetered to health la a few weeka by a simple remedy, after beving suffered several yeara with a severe lung affection, and that dread diaecaa, Coneutnptioa t anxious t make known t bia fellew ausTerara the mean of tore. T all wb dec! re it, b will send a copy af tba prescription used (free of charge), with th dsraettesM for preparing and atiag tba eaana, which they will Cod a cure Cure for Consumption, Atthma, Bron chitis. Ac. The only object af the advertiser iu aending the Prescription as ta benefit tha afflicted, and epread Information which bo eoncoivea to he in valuable ; aad be hope every caterer will try bat remedy, aa it will coat thorn nothing, and may prove a bleating. Parties wishing tba preneriptioa will leu ad drcta v. EDWARD A. WILSON. I Hi laath Second St., VYillianitbargb, Jan. , 'd'J ly Kings County. Now York. o NE PKICK CLOTULSa. OLD JtBTABLISHBD U.tB FHIl'II CLOTHING HOUSE, ft Marktl treat. One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For maay year thi KataWiibmeut has dew kncl nana on Lhe fino Price Kve.em. nnd era ImIiavo see are th only Ciethiag Ilea tn tha city that strictly a aae res ta uua principle, are nave earned a repu tatioa which we are nroad of, for good laate in select. good style aad tubelaolial maAcriaia, aa4 But lea Un pec lee I, tor aavmg au ear goeo IIKA kt LL. NAUR. VT employ th beat talent, tor Caster, aad ear Qoodt arc ef both kind laakitamabla aad pleia so that all taste caa a anitetl. lh whs nt tha very sowaat, aa aay ata by a mam ant 's thought mast aea, or ouorsne we eai aea taata tna aaaapoutwa af our acitibbor, for a no dedueusni are ever made. we must put our prUsa dewa ta ik aAvaaiagta we The beoalo msvdcnead. this is tbe true elan naoa wates ta oa ausanesa, aaa mmnjm ainiar caa saved kt Clothing bayar by heeplag la aabaal JONES cut rtici cLoxnixa hocss. 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, y t tka Coraar, bat aa abav suxtk. ?AS2r, l''.tr,xkum.. Atr.: t, .e -; fylCAyB83. BUNt)I.L.J and CATARRH Wen w.tath??jTeeteuew,by J. I.aac,M l, . 1 , ? i i. i.ii.j i fto 0S UrihLstr, .VhilsJoltAl? t .menials e.n I n IDM CHN, Jlia nt'UlCklt lltUVilX BR In vlted to aoooopcav their nntmnta. ho has no , eworeti in hie praoiioo. Artificial etoa inscrtod without pai. , ftharg (braaaaiioatiuai. rci i:tt tflW ly, ajirror-a r Yocatla. AflCmCMATV erbe -anfferanl for yeara from - - t L.--... J ...I the effect ef ywathfui indieorotiua will, for the sake or eunuriiig aumanity, send Tree or all who need It, Use recipe cod direction for maktnt; tho simple reme dy by which he wit cnreil. Sufferer wishing to proflt by la advertiser' eanerivtice uan Ao to by addrewing, iai perfect ooafidi aoc. Jj II M B OdbKX, Tan, t, ty Vn. M fedar ttreet, M. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "WATER'S NEW SCALE PlANOf . With Iron Frame, Oventraag Baas and Agrolfo Bridge, MEI.01fc0M9 and C 4BINKT ORU ASS, The best Manufactured : Warranted for A yeart. tl 80 I rwj 1 lane. Metaaoou ann organs ui u nrsi I ;a I elan maker, at low prieec f..r Cath. or one-qnnrter a Aa I etwk aad the haiaaeeia Monthly Inttalments. See s)5 ! ecvl-baao laatraatento at Rroat bargnint Illnatra 1 ao ' tod Catalwwe ailed. Wan-wnm Broadway, tl ! VorhT UOttACK WAltlta. E0TJSOFS '. HOUSEKEEPERS ! Ieia tVcmen-and ( hlldren t MciA-YVom-m canel Children t "Ccoling to iioaldt aad Burnt," -Toothing to all painful weaad, it " "llculing to all Sores, Cleera, ate. 'Coitarg' Buckthorn Bulvt) la the most extraordinary calve ever known Ite power of Soothing and Healing for all Cuts. Burnt, Bruises, Sores, L leers. Cbupped ltandt aad Skin, for Sore Nipplee, for Pilot, Ac, ate I without a parallel. One per ton saya, ef it, ! would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost 00, or I had to trarol all the way te New York for It." (N. Y livening News, Sept i AH Drujgisls in h'anbury, sell It, ' That Cough wi.l Kill yon," Try "CostarV Cough Remedy. "Colds and Hoarseness lead to death," Try uCstar'" Cough Eemedy. "For Cronpa vThnopltig Coughs, Ac ," Try "Costar'" Cough Remedy 'Costar says it is tho best in tlta wide world and if He savs so its True iit True itt True ; and e tay Try "itTry it Try it. " Morning Papci, Ag 20 J All Druggist in Sunbury, sell it. COSTAR'S . hituntlitrd Hfcpmratiooa arc hi BEAUTIFIER! the TJitter-Bwoet and Orang Bloasonoa. OiioCoUle, II CO Three for S2.00 U13 COSTAR'S ' Rut, Roach, Ac , KxtcrmlBators. "COSTAR'S" Bed Bng EatermlnateT. 'COSTAR'tV' ' nly pure) Intect Powder. HII DraggittsiaSCNBCRTcell tbeso " "'. Beware 1 ! ! of tpuriou imitations." $1 00 siict tent by mail oa receipt of price. 2.01) for any three f 1. 00 titan hy Express. Addret HENRY R. COSTAR, II Crosby St., K. T. Or, JOHN P. HBXRY (?uccsaor to) LEMAS BARNES A CO.. 21 Park Row. X. Y. Sold by II. Y. rRILlNll, Sunbury, Pa. January uJ, IbesJ ly AsalgBCC Notice. In the Pistriat Court of tbe United Slates for the Western District of Peunsylrauu. In tbe nfattet ef I Conrad F. Cares, Uaukrupt, ( la Bankruptcy. To whom it may Caaoera : The undersisned here by givet notice of Lit appoinlwant a Aacignee of Conrad F. Cares, of Tarbut township, in the Connty of Northumberland, nnd State of Pennsylvania, within aaid Ihstrwt, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt upoa bia own petition by the Distnot Court ef Sunbury, Fehraary 27, ISM. .It ' aTtHataittsm of Part net-whip. N0T1CK 1 hereby glvca that tha eo-partnersLIp heretofore exuling hotwaen Henry ragely and Amos Steel, trading under the Arm name of Ftgely t Steel, waa dissolved hy matciai eoweent, ea tbe 23d day of Jaauery, ldC. ' EElflXT FAQBLY, AMOS STEF.L. Bunhnry, Mareh 1, 1869. St Philadelphia, March loin, M9. Wt beg leava te iaform yu that we ar prepared to offer for your inspeeilnn, our usual assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Consisting el the Nttrttl SAaiwsin .Vtraw, Silk and (Jimp Uatc, UoMKcra. A. ; Vol vela, i'ilk Uooda. Kibhom, rtowora, reatnera nuance, urapec, oiooaa, Bratac, OrBamenla, Aa. Ae. We shall be happy to wait on yeoa et yur store or receive year order. fntulow for aa'A. Ymirs Ao, B WARD. cc. lux. 1U ana IU . neeendl, TBHa a. Mareh 13, 18, I aao. ' 1809. s"IKO 1869. Opening ef SFw 5ILsIB. Opoaingcf NEW bllAVLA. OpsmugofKEW CIIIXTZE" Opening of NEW POPLIKS. Full stock of STAPLE and FANCY srnno uoodn. XYRK LAX DELL, Fourth sad Arab Street. PUILADKLBUIA. N. B. Jebt from Adctloa daily received. Maroh 13, 'fiD. Ot. THE FIR3T ARRIVAL OF NEW DRY GOODS Fresh Groceries I Oa Third St., ana door belew the Lather aa Chart k, SUNBURY, PBSK'A. KBNRV PETERS Ua juat opeaod a Urg aaaortmant ef PUT GOOD.?, aaab as Calico. Maalln. Aa . which are sold cheaper than ever. Abw, a variety of tiona, Lnderaairta, Drawer, liat aad Cape. LADIES' WOOLEN WOODS, Ae. OHOOBRIBB PKOYISIONS of all kiada. uh a SVOAItS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Molests, Byrapa, Mackerel, Lard, Ilaant, kfatt, Dried aad Caoaed Traits, Praac, Kaittaa, Cheeco, aad Cracker, and ia fat evorylhiag ataaily kept ta tba ttreaery iitta. llama, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Qaaeawwara, Ulaaa-wara, aVilkiw-war. A. Tbe beat FLOUH and MEAL in the Mark Tehaaaa. Cirara. and a tarlelv of biOTIObiaW Alto : All kiodi ef Canaaaf Fruit, at the kwati CeTV CosMtry )VdJMlaka nt tatobaage for Oods. l7CaU aad aaaaia my Stock, aad mtltfyyeetr. laivoa. BEXtTfBTSM. luabary, Feb H, IM. CASH. T TIG BEST market price to CASH, paid fa .ft XX vopper, ana, tine. Irea. Ae., hv W. o UI':KnX A SON. F-'e c.-ks, Uu.vut.-g, la "wiery f, iH? AltrneeotHe, 11 tfc JWriot ('part of th United State f.s? tl. Tn Ik a niatter of I MsBSea . tan, 111 krupl. I Bankruptcy n II easy Cosjecvn : The undersigned here I V?JTA22rt$ ,.rUnd....J State of Pe?n.vl!.?iaUh.; II WQPTH by g'es n aionnfia KfirthnntttArt in rata oliciriut. wnonae awen anjuugeu uiumipp. upon his own petition by lbi District Court of said IMriot. L. tl. KASE, Aetigaee. . un!ury, Fabraary U, W'i tt t , Btiajiii:!!!- HTfO.klt . I FLOURING MILLS. J. M. CADWALLADEH, baring taken cbargoof the above well known estab ' liemBt, it prepare to ffrnioh j FL'Jfllofallkitvls. MEAL, FKSD. I PnORTS, Ao., : oa the beat torma l euslomers. lio highest rash prlcea paid for all kiadt of grain. I ar Catteaa work eelteitcdla proforeace of Mer- chant work. I luabary, Mnrob 6, ISb. ! Kcmovat t tlto Tftnple of 1'iiali. lorn." f RAXDUPENlXa of Spring, VI .March 1st. IrtiO F..r the better .i.venlencc . of her pairutis, Mr. M. A. Hinder has reinnvcl I Irt Irimmin. nnd Paper Pattern ..o to the W. Cnrnor af JUevoi.Ui and Chesniit ttreott. i Philwlalubia. I a I'rees and Tloak ilakinf. tretse mai'e to CM with ease and elegance. The Bncst assort ment of i Ladies' brers and Cloak Trimmings in the city, nt i the lowest prices. Order, exocutid nt shurl noiioe. , Kmhroidcrlrs. Hd'fs, l.aces, Mihkoos. Bridal Veils i and Ureatbea, Fine Jewelrv and Kancr Uooda. . l IMnfciK an. I 1 1 . . M" : a j m bu.b " 'us,- .viiix won munir. n j perfeot system nf lire. Cutting laugkt. Priou $1 50. i with Chert. Patterns sent by Malivr Fijirisi to all j terts of the Union. Io not forgot our new loeali'iB, Si. W. Cor. Kleventhaad Cbeaaat atrvets, I'hilad a. ) March fl, 1M9 ,n,u 1 m 4 n.. t- , wr ....... UALUU? it.r aj.u BliXK i UU.V 1'HATE OF LIME. Standard Wear ram ted. Wa offer to Finm-RB aLd DtALtns to Minorca i the present season our Itaw Bone Super Phosphate i or i.ime aa aelpg pigsty tmproTc l. I It I not aeeeesary at thi day.tonrgu the claims i of thit inanoro, at a useful and ceomioal application for COKN, OA'frl, aad all apring crops. The article ' haa a reputation ef over fifteen years standing, and . laetill manufactured by Iheorginal proprietor.. I FaBnxiiI will fleas cead their orders t the Dealer early, aa this only will enaure a aupply. BALDU A BOX, ffelo Msa'ifactnnrrs. OfSee No. 20 South Delawaro Ave. Feb. 20, MS -!Vm PUlLADEI.PUrA. "Hints, Oils, Ac. A full stock ef Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Ce il Oil. Oil. and I.ubriealina Oil for linginea and Mnchinery, VariiUhes, Qluse, elwejt on band, ai low ty.NLKY A CO S ! FLOUR and FEED ! fiHIi UNDERSIdSKIJ i HAVE OPF.SEl1 TnT. THE ! BENEFIT OF THE ITI'LIC i a. flwik A7ti fi:i:ii wnini;, I 3 doors liast of Moore i Dimingcr's, I On Murkrt Pitrfcf, Stiiibury, I Where they will sell and deliver tn the oitiaens of I euabury, each una every day ia the mora inK or ntterueoa, auyUimcia their line of irado. I 111"' It is alan a aultahlu piane for f.iriuurs lo leave ) I thtu- grain for the mill. ! C. HAA8ADRO. i Fuabury.Ftb. !7, Hf.S In the ItiHti-irt Court of ll' I ni tetl piai'B, lor lite TiVcaterm Iia j Irlct of I'tMinNylviisiia. ' R0BKKT HAYES, a Baakrapl under the Act ef ' Ceagrcs of Mareh 2d, IBM, having applied fur 1 a discharge Irons all hie dsbu, and oilier claims ; provable under said Art, hy oid. r of the Court. . Koticr is RBHaar nun, to all persons who hsvo ' prorot liiuir di-his, and other persons intereaiei, to ' appear on tho 20th day of War oh, l(6. at 1st ' . clock, A M , before John 3. i'ctweiler, Ksq , Reg- f ieter in Hankrupli'V, athieoClee. in Sunbury. Pi.,; to show cause, if any tlu'V have, why n ditohnre should not be granted to the raid Bankrupt. Ai.d , further. None ia aaaxsv oivax. that ti.e : nnd third nine I huts of creditors of tlio rnid Hank- , nipt, re'iuircd by tbe 27th and 24th rw turns of said : Act, wilt be held befnro the said Register, at the J same lime and place. i s c Mrc.ixpi.rss. ; Feb. I-Jtlt, :SB Clerk. ! -i FALL & WINTER GOODS i AT Miss Louisa Shis&le's, MARKET SQUARE. Ladies' and Miftcs' HATS nnd BOXbETS, in immense variety. Millinery tQoodci aad Triinimina;. French end American Ribbons. Laces, Handker ehiefs. Sieves. Heetery. and a general aasortmeat id j Ladies' Milliaery (ioodt, which have boeu saUclCtt witb great acre. WOOLEN GOODS, FURS, 4c. fUemtai C liars, !feeU(lra Calorra, Ac. Every variety will b found to leleot from, at MOHBRATB PRICE8. 6uubory, Oct. 17, HWit. XTotiee t Uerchants and Shipper. flMIK uaaraignod. proprietor of Weiaer A Frink's X Line, giro notiucs In ruerohant end shippers that the Depot is still at 81 1 Market street, Pbila dvlphia, and all Moods directed to Sunbury, Danville and Lewjsburir, and all intermediate nations along the railroad, will ba promptly delivered. tV' tan leave Kll Market street. Philadelphia tri atckly Tuenlnys, Thurtdnvs and Suturdaj s. BKOVty A h.LtCK.Nt.11. DcecuberT, 1R8T. CALL and see u.e baaaUful Bird Cagua at the now Hard war stur f J . U. COXXKY A CO. (Licensed by the raited State Government GOOD NEWS for aoaaamere of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS throughout tbe Country iiAimiro v coM Of fifteen year' steading a Jobber and Hetailir of th above good, in Boston aad viaiuly, bavceoa claded to ofar the people of the whole country tha advantage et their nam. mens. i.,por,., aaafnetorica through the aceaciee for American popular y. a. ajuluaw Our Premium Litt to Ageule. aad Exehaage LUl for Agent and Patron, at not equalled by aay Bouse ia tbe country . Beet Kew York and Boetoo referee tea give) whea required. Bead for tree Circular UAKKLNQTON A CO., SO Summer Street, Botloa. Post-OfSc Box 184. December II, lSeS. :iut 7T. 3. AIT & CO , Market hlreet, 5ia door Eaat of Third street, aortn I aide.EUNELItr, PA., RE.SPKCTFL'LLY inform their friends aad th public, that they bav opeaod a AND PROVISION STORE, and will b happy to bav them call and aaamio tbeir stock' waieh ha just bi-rn opened, Aubra mg aryibiagtBihtOroeery Una. aaoh at CoSee. Tea, eager, Syrup. Sptoea, '..nned aad Dtttd Fratla, aieaa. Uawiny, Chose, Creeks, Bftcoa, Hem, FisU.Salt, PoUlees, W., togethor with Simps, Ceadlot, Soda, Ac. and ia mat everything ia lb broccry aad TrovicioB line. FI.OVR AND FEED, Qaeensware, Willow.warc, Oiaanwire, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil A. Vail Bad ao betor purchasing elsewhere. W. FV B.KAN A CO Sunbury, Deo, 13, ISM. CARPENTERS WILL lad la ear establishment a superior stork, af Fieaee. haw, Aug, ilatabata, Hammers, File Cbicaia, A , A ,fur sal by . O. COSLEY A ro 8IIOEMAKERS. 1 HE boot Cjualitie of Pole Loalher, Freoeh Calf akin Mnrrooena, l.iuin, last, Naila, l'-, Tn-J af ell t'.e:! UAd t 'f ihiof i r the I rare La-te t l-.w tj ,' fl r M.i'y 4 - 1 1. I r f 1 I . r .1 .ALDWELL L I .0. ! V JEWEIjERS. Having tupptied theaicaiv.-a with aa tmOrvly i NEW STOCK OF COODS j througheni, will be happy to meet thuir mat y friend aad the public generally at their preaont piece of batineat, I 819 Chestnut Street,! l'lIILADEI.TITIA, ( Fob.lJ, lM -tnhT,ly, ; T. C. Vou.N-a. O. T. laR.iir., SUNBURY MARKET, 31 St. NEXT DOOR TO KIASTO.NE UOCdhi." rnllEeubi'riberl"g lonve to eull tbe atteolinn r,f X the palilln In llio fact t but uiey iicmi at a r led a U..L I... Hll nf Paiinlr, I 'rn.I ii.m W.-i.t,, 1 bins, se. . nnd iuivn n1ia made arrtitigethontt () fur ' nith in riensoa all kiada of (lame, Pish, o. Native I"r'gn trtiua, nuu, J., a.wayseu nana, w. ,"" T rn it- v ..i i.. ri.l.i.. All klridt of Cannoil f . "' ! '' '' '' ''V" Sauces, tntsupt. a. tail and t ec .for jourt. vta, wo uciy eonipeuimn eiiner in anoninrin nr prioea. YOL'N'il A ISHAtL. Sunburv. January 9. IhOV. frSmnrlos Bent by mr.W writtcu for. October 3d, IHliS ly WILLIAM N. KELLER. lturlxr nnd Il:ilrrtr si r, I)owart a I'rnmo Ruildinif. riorlh ti l j ef Maiket Square SVNliLIlY. PA. Of all tho arte th'it griee the lfnd, What jrrnce can with the bnrl'.T via; Who takes yuur chin within his hind. V hileilreaniiiij land in prorpect li. Withscdhing touch his ratnr Rli'Iit, Yi ith i ilnlilo clip his fewr slides , And lo ! before his frln yon stun I 'lrnn-.lonned, as in ft l';.iiy Ini.d. i SUEAI) & FAMJY CAKES, j - -y i J ri v -s --s -a- RE6PECTFHLLY lnf.m tho aittaona of Sun- bnrv nnd vicinity, timtlic will bake to ord-r ' all kinder uU for lEuIht, TTrrti, V:-. Fumilies are supplied wi'h PKLSii BKLAI), Twist. Hulls. Hunks. Tea Bunt, Aa , ar;d also kept ou hand ami manufactured out nf the hcsteanlernlt All orders left t his Slioy in Market door east of Miss Anna ramter a Millinery Store, or ut hi; Bi.Uery on Pnrueo Stret. between front nnd Ercnd lri1. will meet wiiti pinmpl atteniinn. BALLS AXl EVENIN'U PARTUS supplied wiUi Cakes. loc-Crenni. Ao.. at lha shortest nvtioo Orders are respectfully tolioitcd. PAVID FRY. Sunbury, Pv. IJ. ISW. MILLINER Y GOODS ! JD NOTIONS, Jdiac ANNA PAINTJ.K, ! Market Square, ! SUNBURY, I1 EX X' A., RESPECTKVLLY informs her frienlsand the I public that aho haa just returned from the oiiv, I where ahe has spent S"m time in making selections I ' and purcbaoa. and hae just opened a lurge stock ol MILLINERY GOOPS AXD KOTION3. , Ribhnnt. Laeea. Presa.Lintngs. rrinolin and I I sana Skirtinz I.minz. Hot .Nkirts. Hucio Irim- mings, Crapa Ttiuimings, UatCrapo, Clak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyr A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen 'a Hosiery. POLLS of all sisea. Alnhabol B'.9.:kt. . f.'be flutter herself in being able lo make a display , of goi'ils that will irive eniirosiihsfuotir.r to v ;t tort, aiid I I. :n ..t.a.:,..i . ..iu....rA f goods will be exhibited with ploaeur. Sunbury, icc. i:, isot Ayer'3 Cathartic Pills, For all tha purpojoa of a liaxativa Jisdioino. Veihaps a1 na mr-.n-cino i j tmiveially m I l.v i:oi imj 1 a A rath 11 ii'-. m-r vr.i I'vri n, v iM-fi'ie so iiuiietal' Iv a'hii'li ml'! use, m evrv rontitrynu'l ainonc ail clan:c., as tlu inilI but eitflent purzutive S'itl. Tno oh IOIM re-v so'i Is. tliafit i 111. ne n- jerCZf? "rry? liulilo mi l far mmo .-. ggP!Str&sw iuni ronwl) man uuj ss. & !.---- ollir. 'Iln wlm h-a tril It, know that it rtirnl ilu ni: ilmsc wli haie not, know thit it mire llmir n. iiclil'ors mid Irifiid , and all know that what 11 ilncs " i' ilo- hIm iv, thnt it never fad thronifti nny ImiiII or ni lrtof itn emuposillon. W ha ih iuwui.U npmi lh hi sand of cililicntei of tlieir roniarka" do eti 1 ' of 1 ho following complaints, but siifhTuu-H oik knn u lit every noigtiborliooil.anil ao uotvl n"t publKii lhiu. Adupt.d to all ajr and Ri-ndilinos 111 all i-llui !-; roniniiiintt neither ralmmd or any ilelelertnu- ilniu-, ' 4h. i,. V, taken wiui s.-uviy 117 suiyiniuv. n,.r ervi'i Ihein iivei Iipk anl ni.ikod them pieaeanl lo tnk, hilo tn-ini puvly vi'ff.-lal.ia) an hiirm can aric from tlu ir um" in nny iii:inuty. Thoy operate by their powerful iuilnc:i. . 11.1 tlm Inuwaal viaoera to puril'y thu tdn' l and ttiinulaic It inlo heallhr a-liou rorunve tho h.iriii lions ol Um tnaiardi. riow !.', liver, and oilw r nrj.ias ol the IMMly, reetortug thtdr Irrognltr ui-tma Ui hnalUi, au.t by corroeUnK. wh.Tvr tin y eil. -i.-U Uoraugo uienU as are the first orijrin nf li-i:ia. . Minute iliiwtion am k'tieii in I1"' "rapper on the box, for the fnllowing complauiis, whi-h i'Ult inpi.lly rure . For lvprsli or (Hilltrratlaw. 1, 1. 1 !-. tsa, Uuiiaer nnd . of teIII a. they should lie tukea imi lemti ly lu Uiu aWn ach anil'rpstnrp its henllhv tone ami anion. For I.lvar 'sssplisst and its vai lout tvmp tnma, lllllaasa llaautMclae. Mick Kt-uilitt lau, Jatsssititco r tUrersa lck , tlillouc t otic and Hillttaut B-.var, Uioy slioul l be ju dtcioualy taken lor ravh rue. to eoiwl t!ie iiistuc4 action or remove lhe oti.-lrueiiona which rauaa il. l o;' IStat-tttcry or lkiarrkae, but uuc otdj doae ! f. iichIIv required. Fur Ittspuiuasu.u, sMw, CJ naval. Plp tatlost of ttt tlnstr, f-tia lu tka Bit, Mark ami kwoiste, they should hu ruiiiiniiourly takoa, a rouiin oil, lo chiiuge the diaoanp,! sy'lion of the svscera. Willi such, ilu niigo tiioxo cuui)ibuutj disn.inii"ie. For Uraisey an l Itropalral Btrelllsstr they elioul I be tnkim in larK ami iK'qtiool dowt to t ro Uin'O lhe niToi-.t of a drastic purjn. For HtspisraHMiaai a lariro Jus thonl.l ha token at it produi'f Alio .Inn id i ileet bv symiiMtl.v. As a IH-Htr Pill, take one or two fills to pro Btole direstinu and relict 0 lha stomach. An OKCAsiiinal doaa alimalasos inn Hi.imah anl bowels into healthy artum, restoma tho npnotii.', and invie'irntos tlui sy.tein. Hence, it i olVen ad vanlairnoua where no eoru.11 ilerniicrciaent CKists. (me leels inli'iahlv well, often An ls tl at a..o af thesn I'ff niakea him fes-i tieoi ledly bfi i-r. IheU' ckanetna aad lanevailiig tOoet on tk dig live apparatus. DR. J. V. AIMK Jt CO., rraetitit Cluutltf, IOWS LI. MASS., V. I. A. Sold by II T. Friling. Saobary. aad all Dragglat ad dealer in Mad wine every Bare. Not ember T. I". ly. OTttltk; KtMl rt I IVr. siluitleon Mai kel rtreat, near Ike lUiln.ed. fruuburv, l a. Ttirns rratuuble. Apply to CAR'LT,1F TA!tPs. 0TiAJ'"ajnmenswniii tj l.Jtjy 1 WJfal IfftWltKiTaSfiKWSaWJ 1 . i TV? ; , W IfAi Wl.! lrsslAaaW7 aV ' TflrSF' sbiAtKd ' I t ; Philadelphia. j Hair Visor, For Vestorlog Cray Hair .. VllfJI'v flTrl CrAr.r it At ofcod i' lit l- , licwllliy, t ilV'i". i i fop rt'atTt '.tm liuir, '(. . nr $ , fuiir ii iutn :?." -I to tV. i .-iijiu'il r '. fiti fhi: t,7i' if '-. Thin tuir I? ilr. tni'd, foiling Yrir cJiccltxJ, nul lM-1U- oflon, lliothj pnt aluvatys C'-t.i In its use. NotUiu tan roiton tin luiir wkero Ike flliclo rire icsin. .!, or UcO llatiJaj sArfsthlcd ao4 difi Hut TMC UI tYIOain fttn M fiitttti f.t tlRrrTlllfiKSlA D'." ILiH rnttlWeMlCn. Ij: t:V..J of fontiuj lUo luiir vitli a j)fi;-iy ?!. ir.tMit, it will kep it elf an nnd vicoif.'i .. It uivrtriiotittt ih' will prcvttit thu l" " row Itirnittj fftif filling oil", ui 1 conso'iixutl prevent balJuc.-:. 1 r fc'Oru U((Me) rlaielui'ioili auiwIutlCO.e. viii-:'; riinV) aornc pevpiirntioB (iini'H.ii.s m: 1 injurious to tUo , I be Vitr m t oulr buurtlk but uoi karta it. ii' wautt -1 merely for ft HAIR DRESSING, FiciiKia rnn b foiinJ fo rU'truL! . txjatainin noitlicr oil uor dye, it uix.ii moi soil whito ciinilric, and yot iw.t long on ilia Lair, fivln it a rich glo'j' liulro and a gratutul porlume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aktj Asalvxicax. CBEsnT, LOWELL XA$Sfc rnioa r.oo, P. U ly 11. V. Filling. .Sunbury, and all ttaggie. and lftirri In tedicino tver jr.vhere. M.iv.-mber 7, ISftH.-ly sioo nawABD" Ttirn m-u.4.iue t ..t 'A'.'amii INCI.ft.NZt, 'TICKLING in lie filUOAT, wuout so ccvan. c svMpr:vK oocob, 9 COUGH HAL at q.j.)t ss c o r. A M t'Kt fiMl MII.I.IOX BiilTl.tW i h iv V-ii s .ld n 1 n..t n i :' I'laleuee nf lta fai o'e is o'seesi 'ii, wi.7;'ianU .'I l e k rwii. We lnv-. in aur i liftivies, enne nf V:m (p I hJriK.NT I'lIV.Ii.T iN I hav-us.'d it m ih-lr piii' 'i"e. :m l (jiveii it the pru f eihiiieneo nverevety n.I,t-r i ir ik'Us not buy i;p a cocoa, : . 1 it l.tH.l.NJ IT, ! S' as In .rui'clhe iieitriit ut exeoi'irate iree'e Tw or I inru'R rt;.rs. I Win. hvmirit Cm; Tunm is lis innr i ! A rritft.T,V Ms i t'-eii ep.;;'.ely rnred the inf-C' ?ln'- b'rn Ceuch. a.rl yt. lh-! ?i il is s.i ,.'..-e . site-')' Iv t. i "j.prs;ii'ii. II is p-jileirl'v hiinnlesf. -'g ; rTi '' . r" i.--. j i; is vnv KrerftMe I" IHSl ao.l Al;.y ie mill liaste.ii I lu sli.l.ireii nf anv use. ! litvecsa if CltnCr v w;!! trusma'.e-. aeo-", if U4rs '.i i " f "1T,lfJ' T ! It is within the r'-a-li ii!., M".,. t'1. l.j;-e IT 1 QI'J tet ; n;euiin.e rsu.,.1. C - c',-v,',j. UVvkv ' rN- ' UrlI , .,-. tv ' ' " ' , -' ; O O 1 " C I y vr fi t U X K) r I J i:,o , rpiMS GRMAT HKMEDt FOK A I.I, Mali A JE .f t3X OMACIIG ; is the dis"rtveTV of 'lie ii:ve:.t'ir "f f.' s val'l1 r.Mi-.i, ! fi.sitio, wniie i-x.irniif ntini; l ir h ium-:i hnh. It-ar. ; i:rauii in lli St.-ina. h ior wlmh !nd tni',.ie ) tl.IM . to n'.tlitim 1ml hl"ri'l"! :n. j Tlte ilni!) fr."n I'STieas vnns ,( ;l.i I eoontiy einnu'ne.i 'is i isi'e iKere n 11.1 u.'oae ixi'id j ! n disrdereil ,;t'"i:'u ;i it vt :,: act " cwo. ! Phy;eiavt oodorso aad V.- it! Minister give tebUnar.p.y of it T!-wir;-. ' nd .l diret;eiit i'e re-eive tidn ks nf rerei rv- I firmed j DYSrCPSiAl I It i nil to sore HEAR I BURN ! C.ta d.ea wti. core, j fICK HEADACHE' J It his eiired in honflie'ls ;ae. Hf ADACHE ANP DIZ7INL? ! It s is in tln.-'y u.mnts VCIWTY OF TUK STjiM t II ' i v ,. .,,', ' RISF QF TKT. FOUD It sVpt irnmedarie'f . LTRES AFTER KaTIVO' One doaew'tkf'Kve niC4LrrtA i' Hapni:y pielt taa Ict Jea. bad qnrATU WUae ehan(tl with V f V-tf.e r t is rKrJccTi.r ha-imlsu I lu I VI -RtiUtrPNTt 11 UCCCSS 1 awing t.i IS I fax.1 I It Curra hy Aaalatinav Vi-ro to hf. w".iir sivav L um; system y ercey dealer !:i the L'q.uJ kratra sl.s it at un'e rc Li.AR ruA liOTru:. C 0. CLARK & C0-, Proprietors. WBW HAVSij, CON'S. Arr'l 1?. -ly. FANCY DRV COOUS. ALL TUB LAILSI S1TL4: Suitable ("t the TIKTfR 8 K A S O N . M1S3 KATE 33X-A.OBL. Murkvit 5q'ior. two dnnra E'it nf lb old Bank 1... :i i: ul'vtilili r n KuiiuuiK. 01. .cii'ass, r enn 'i.. j 1 1 -V opens I a freb ftuicnt of the a.ost luAtiicuiaUle h'suev Dress (looda firua the lruA 1 esihiinirini in fhilneinhu. I DaLAINbS, ALAPACAS. POPLINS. CALICOS, ! DBESS SILKS. SILK POPLIN'S. .llOClOICt GOOD8, ' Cloths. I-Acque Flannel. Flana.l.-. faceting', Mo. I.ur, Lediesand Children' 11 A in, Feathers. Kibbons, lr-aa Irintmlnca, RcnbroirJ r-rl ph, face Veils Carta's. II and kerchieft. Ii loves, UoUj linop ckirts. lloLkins' hliplic Skirls, and Ladiet' U. Knls of every deaeripltc. Puifli-y's chawlsat bargain, i'laid n w'tn Shawl, CrobkCast Shanis, VI tilea Scaift and tape for Women and Cbildreu. Botvar and Chinohiia Wnter-Proof Clmht. Cenl' Collars, iieok tie, iiall-hu:e, llsjiUks. chii fj and tiovs. Pri fuuierv. Toilet So pi, Hair Prufl ef C'mht, etc. December . SS. KiTK BLu K CllOlCIi rilUIT OKNAMENTAL il? 53eS3S, 2? BENJ, BOHNEA, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Tr, will fani. Iidt from the miat nwpnniihla. Nurseries In ill is anl other Stat, drrt elaas TUBES of ail kinds. Aiar. Sbrnbbarv, Vines and Plant. Uardu sUt of a.1 kiad. I FEW FOTATOI.-t. I New TThit Tsaok Blows. .lrlv OoedrUh. Chile I and Harrison Potato, in large and small (juanuii, j ar lor sal. I Orders are respeulfaltr solicilod Addle iil-.VJ . SHINTR, I I'axiou, Norib'd Co 17 X. B tnsiiraaoat taken in srterai nf tha most reapnnsibln Fir lnuiuuoaitU Uutte V(tvilit I Couipanicc ia tbe Stata. Hot . 17, Ihee y The Arch Street Foundry, TTEBETO FwBE earried cu iu the name of J. IL Touagman. will hsr..ifr le carried ea 1 th hi in uaiucot VULNHMAAi dlllAlt'T. All ktad i f Casiint:t will tM all limed beaiada at the artat uutice, and Ui tka L1.1t utunner. , . 1 "l k'ul kl KW A BAL'PT, unhnrT. F druary IV l".ti t. lit: hii caul get th b.l nomrt ? Why at , tV ltyorlt), ef courtc. Am.r go to Bjti'y u.u ;atge ttr viurswlf. mm