a aBtm 1 1 mil WIVVKT, lOUlltl, PA. SATURDAY, MAKC1I 2, 18C9. BaHH!H!! - - I KW'DRKae.-e-Uav log procured a general j outfit for this offico daring the P week, I v. .......... w .miu.. i. . ..).. .,,. t dreii oa the lCHh f April, and bo otherwise improved. The jobbing department has lMtrMa furnlihed with the latest Improved material, which will enable us to do work equal to city work and at reasonable rates These improvements will cost us a great deal of money, and we lwpo, tbcrefore, that those ttko have cot yet settled their accounts . lth us, wiU do so without delay. We return ouf sincere thanks to those who hare lent us new subscribers. We bop ethers will follow their eiaraple and eiert themselves In oof behalf, and send us sub' ecribers and Job work. The bill to ropral the Tenure of-offic act was reported in the Senate on Wednes day, from ths Committee on the Judiciary, with an amendment in the nature of a cub' stitute. The amendment is designed to relieve the President from the obligation to give reasons for suspensions from office; thus removing such objections as have been taken to the Tenure of oOlce act on practical grounds. It also relieves the Senate from the impossible duty of considering such reasons. The Senate retains power under it to reinstate officers who bare been remov cd by aonxoncurlrg in t ueh removals. Theie are some of the leading points of the report that was accepted by the Scaatc. It is eteted to le entirely satisfactory to Presi dent Orant, who said that he did not ask a complete repeal, and who chiefly desires to reform the public service by removing unGt men.. The fate of the measure In the Iiouse i problematical. There was an almost un animous rote there in favor of repeal. But it it plain that with so few days rcmalcing fur the session, repeal cannot be accomplish' ed. The House is likely to agree to the Senate bill with the amendment, and leave the question of repeal to another session. Eixrt Z. Moons baa been appointed Collector of the Customs of Philadelphia. Mr. Marks, owing to the stroug opposition to him, resigned before entering upon the dnties of the office. Mr. Moore was former ly Treasurer of the State, and has, from the formation of the party, been an out and out and active Republican. Tni Aoriccltrists. The Harriaburg EtaU Guard, in speaking of the Agricultu rists, says, Uhe assemblage of practical agriculturists which took place in the Iiouse of Representatives on Wednesday, is well worthy of a favorable notice, for the reason that those who composed that body repre nented a class which has to long been neg lected by the press, Congress and State Legislatures. This country is now in a condition to command for the agriculturist the very largest chare of consideration, be cause, to a great extent, from the fruits of bis toil and the improvement of his pursuit the Government must look for its lurgest share of revenues. Titers is no use longer denying this fact, and the sooner, therefore, those lu authority turn their ettcution to seeking ways and mcars whereby and wherewith to encourage thu farmer, tb more reliable will become the public credit aad the general prosperity. Seme of tha most intelligent and liiflucn- ui r.,.,-. i r..i..ni!. r .l.i.rr.t... ! .... .i.u.v.- . -""aJ ..v.- w. to tha convention men who are used to ttolding the handles of a plow, and under stand all about farming as a productive business and a source of wealth. The deli berations of sush a body ut this time arc worth; of all the atteutiou which the public at large can give them as well as all thu space we can spare to set forth their pro ceedings." Tn CoirsTiTrTioNAi, Amicndmi'-kt. The Legislature of Delaware and Kentucky have l course rejected lue, ; Fifth Article of thu Had they done otu National Constitution rrwise we should have beau apprehensive tnat some great evil was auoui to oeiau tue country. The Georgia Legislature whose legality j was nercr ett&bUshed, utter ratifting the Amendment and then reconsidering it, has j finally failed to ratify so far as the Senate is j concerned, while the house has ajjain ratirUd. : As Congress wilt doubtless provide a Pro-. visional government again for that recalcit- j raut State, the present action of thu Legis- : lature is of no effect. j tbe bourn uuroiiua brgtaiuturo us ratiu i ed. Tha Pennsylvania T.rgUUtura has ratified The New York sK4ltJr9 u,l ratified. Tbe Massachusetts Legislature has ratified. These make fourteen in all in the affirma tive against two in the n.g&tire. In all there art thirty seven States, and it witi require twtnty eigbt to ratify to carry tha Amendment. Of thesu the following twenty five will certainly ratify : Alabama, Arkansas. Florida, Illinois, In diana, Iowa.Kaaaaa, Louisiana, Maine, Mas sachusetts, Miciiigao, Minnesota, Missouri, NaUaska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Ten net see, Vermont, Wast Virgicla, and Wisconsin. The three votes necessary Xa carry the Amendment meat be got from Connecticut. Ohio, Vir ginia, Mississippi, Georgia and Texas. Tbe Democracy In Indiana ara generally nominating tbe legislative bolttrs for re slec tion. Laicaiter has decided to hr her boys' anU girls' Wga achuoie hereafter ia separata buildings. The Democratic papers exhibit great glee over the pretended riucoveiy that General Loristreel waa onea indicted lor sa-.Jg-ling. The Induction of General Grant Into tha Presidential chair was celebrated i a betweea eighty aud ninety plaaaa ia Germaav- Ihe bst posts of the lertliwlaod recited poem oj the-oecaaioii. Cbkap laxn. A tract of load la Logan aad srtjaoeat couaties, In West Vuglme, roctainip; M.G00 arras, hoe bus a aold for 33 reote par acre. ' The land ie of the Aaast quality, hsavUy 'irsd(4 soma i it lain. Kidies has a pwptjUtlot -of atwtf si0' POO. It has 660 milae of raiirn4 is at the opare'.ioa. 1bi are puiliahed ia 'te E.aUtfia dt;iy aod fifty occs; . Tl tua'-e has a decs of $i,C V0.. x. mDn, i The IeKlw f ItobcIUom. j lliltoa Heed bland vrss formerly osraed! by uenerai bmutook, mo targes naTeowirar la the country, end nnt of the very wealth licit men at the South, lie owned twelve hundred slaves. Ilie plsntetions were itn mense in extent ; bis income was enoewoao. The fanuiy consisted of himself, a wife. a eon and daughter in law, and an aniarried son. Tuet cn loved every loiarvi tnev lived in grand at jle ; the aoni had been carefully trained and educated; the family knew only the highest aocicty of Europe sou tnis coanirr. nir came: ie udioi ! forces obtained possession of tbo Island $ the Healirooks lied in terror to cnarieston, leav ing all their slaves except a few body ser vants, and even moat of their household property, to the tender mercies of the Fed eral troop. The. Seabrooks soon found themselves ia a state of destition ia Charles ton. The fall was too great for the old man to bear. lie died within a few mouths broken hearted. The married aon joined the rebel army, and soon followed his ven erable father to the grave. The unmarried son pinched along la destitution for some years ; how he lived none knew, but he is now a driver on one of the Charleston street cars, under the direction of a Celtic conduc tor, lie eaye he is learning business, is con tent to commence at the foot of the ladder, and means to work up. Success to aim in the brave effort I The venerable mother, Mrs. Seabrook, and her bereaved daughter-in-law, hare been for some time and are now inmates of the Charleston almshouse t Aaotber illustration. Tucro is . the rich Ludy's Island. It was owned by the Capers very wealthy. One recently died in want at Charleston another, and the last of that proud family, is now in the Charleston almshouse) Verily, the retributions for rebellion hsveVcen terrible. ticneral John A. Knwllne. Major General John A. Rawlins, the ew Secretary of War, was born in Jo Davles countv, Illinois, February 13, 1831, and was reared as a farmer and a charcoal-burner, which occupation he followed .till 1854, when be went to Galena, Illinois, studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1E53. lie at once commenced practice, and con tinued to devote his attention to the law until the breaking out of the war. On receiving the news of the Bull Run disaster be engaged la raising troops, and on the 15th of September following went into the service on the staff of General Grant during one of the early months of the war for the Union, lie stood by his chief from the be ginning to the end. lie heard the first gun Cred at Belmont and the last at Appomat tox. Since Lee's surrender, he has been stationed at Washington as Chief of Stuff of the Army of the United States. By pro fession he is a lawyer. In politics ho was formerly a Douglas Democrat, but ever since the tiring upon Suuiptcr he has been an earnest Republican. Throughout the rebellion bis services to the General in-Chief and to the causo of the Union were of the highest order. Tlte Enjtliitti Press on tinant'a Inaugural. The English papers last received abound in comments on President Grant's Inaugural. The London Timet gives a very favorable review, and concludes : "In the principles Gen. Grant enunciates throughout this doc ument, briefly as they are- expressed, we ace hopes of a beneficial and honorable career. The Start opinion is equally favorable. Even the Prcsident'a referenee to the Alabama question is regarded as much more generous than might have been apprehended. It says: "All that we know of Ins character and an tecedents justifies the belief that bis councils, now that be is elevated to power, will be those of wisdom and moderation. His programme is an eminently pacific one. The warlike spirit has no place in it." The Xna says the address has been received on tbit side of the Atlantic "which a good deal of interest snd satisfaction." adding: "The world hits of lato been go accustomed to hear from the occupant of the White Iiouse the language of political partzianship, that it is refreshing to read the address of a President who belongs to and represents the whole people rather than noy section of it." The Fall Mall Gazette admits that the President's "foreign policy is unexceptiouable so far as words go." Cosqiiksr, on the third of the month, pas ed a most important Bounty bill. It will i be seen that its provisions apply very I arcs , il nrnvicinna .... ly to the rcunsvlvania volunteer regiments, and for the benefit of the members of those old organir.stionc and their widows and orphans we print at length. Itia as follows: He it-enucted by the Senate axJ Houa nt I I Itepretentatitei. or the United Stale of America it longret a$cmtiicj, I hat when a soldier s discharge states that ho ie discharged by reason of "expiration ol term of service," he shall be held to have completed tho full term of his enlistment, and entitled to bounty accordingly.. Sec. 2. 4nif be it farthtr enaeted. That the nmuw, unuiir vuiiurcu. ur p.ireu'.s. m iue order named, of any soldier who shall have died, after being honorably discharged from t lie military service of the United States, the additional snail ti- entitled to receive bounty to which rucb soldier would be rntitted if living, under tho provisions of the twelfth and thirteenth sections of au act entitled "An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Goversment for the year endiug June thirty, eighteen hundred aud sixty seven, and for o'her purposes," approved July twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty. six, and the said provisions of so.id act shall be so con- strued. fete. 3. AniU it further enacted. That all claims for tha additional bounties granted ! in sections 13 and 13 of tbs act of July 28, I 1UKA .!.!! . ft . . . U . AM .f I - - ...... a-iv-., a.ic, tun uiii UJ 4kmj uv, be adjusted and scttlod by the accounting ofiicers of tho Treasury, under the provisions of said act ; and all such claims as may on the first of May be reuiainius in the office of ! the Paymaster General unsettled, shall be transited .to the Second Auditor of the Treasury for settlement. Sec. 4. And be it fteHtttr tnscted. That all c'aiuis for bounty uueW tbe provisions of the act cited in tha foregoing section shall bo vcid, unless presented in due form prior to the 1st day of December, 1860. Tew Uerali f lclth alwaya deserves well of the cause of physiological and hy gienic reform, and in this number, is even more suggestive In its admoaitioas than usual. Tha following santeace on 'The Early cars of the Lungs" contains a whole some rebuke to manv a self indulgent pater familias, aud may b recommeaded to other intrusive vagabonds who smoke on other people's premises without leave. "Children suouui never be aiiowsa to remain in a room where people are smoking. I have known maay children ruined by breathing day after day tbe vile smoke of the father's cigar and a mother's pipe. If a parent Ie so very Ignorant of tbe laws of Ufa as to smoke where young einidrea live, ue u a barberies indeed." "Eating and Drinking I Oemoettoa," by tue ltev O. a. frothing- ham, places tbe ect of taking food on the i men croona at religious fluty, uia re marks on this polot are perhaps too etroag tor weak stomachs. "Epictetue, tha Greek morailat, whose w isdom might be atndlcd lo e vantage by a great many Christians, -wrote this sentence 'Why, wbea eating, do woe tot remember who yon ara that eat t Who it la yoa feed! Do toij kaow that yosj ara nourishing a god I At every teasel, tear in tnied thers s:a t ' e g.sts tj tt fed, a bo ly eat a Sijl.' nmm Ysa lw We greet with hearty satisfaction the ap pointment of Miss Elisa Viva Lew, ae post, mistress of Richmond, Virginia. A special order of the President confers this well deserved honor upon her. And there are thousands of onr soldieie now scattered throughout tha land who wilt approve the geaeroae act of their late leader, viewing in the appointment, a recognition of their own sufferings, as well of the pitying tenderness and self sacrificing loyalty of a noble woman. Mise Van Lew was a resident of the city of Richmond, rcaiuinir in an elegant man sion oa what is known as Church Hill, when tha rebellion broke out. Thoroughly loyal at heart, she early found a way to make her self known to the "Yanks" who were con fined in tobacco whorehouses of that city, after tho disastcrous battle of Bull Run. Books and comforts weie sent to the starv ing captives, while Captain Todd (a brntlicr of Mrs. Lincoln) was commandant of Wis prisons. But that worthy gobbled Bp every thing of tho kind, and vented his rage in drunken curses on the giver, and those te whom they were sent. But where there ie a will, there is a way, and woman's wit will alwaya find it. Nothing daunted by her first failure. Miss Vsn Lew offered rooms in her house to Captain Gibbs, tho successor of Todd. Uudcr tnls cover sue couiu ana nm exercise a degree of hospitality to the pri soners. In the way of books, provisions and clothing. Gibbs was an old soldier and a ; kindlv man. thouitu in many respects a se- ; vers disciplinarian'. Evidently, he winked at the acts of the lady beneath whose roof be was sheltered. Her kindnesses were many, and were continued, when It was pos eible, through tha war. Tho writer ia In debted to her for comforts that were not only substantial, and helped to ward off the effects of rebel starvation ety! cruelty, but lor the still more exquisite comfort of know ing that, even where the rebel flag waved, tho Union had tried and trusty friends. Said this lady, on the day when we left liichinoud for the North, as she pointed to the stars aod bars that waved above the Capital at Rich mond, when the at called Confederate Con gress wae In session, "I would gladly see rav home laid in ruins, If I could once more see the Government of the United States restored here. Tell your friends at the North that there are some of us left elill who pray day and night, that the stars and atripes may take the place of that rag of relniltionr It was through the kindness of Miss Van Lew that a home was offered to Ilnu. Calvin Husnn, of Rochester, a few days previous to Ids death. The rebel authorities kept this distinguished gentleman confined lu the room where nearly a hundred officers passed their days and nights where the Boise mat's by ibem, and by 500 private soldiers in the rooms above, was incecsant and hard to be borne by a well man until delirium had set in from typhoid t'evcr. Then they yielded a reluctant consent to the entreaties of his faithful friend and fellow-prisoner, Hon. Alfred Ely. of Rochester, and allowed the invitation of Miss Van Lew to be accept ed. There Mr. Ely closed his friend's eyes; from this hospitable mansion, followed by two of his late fellow prisoners, under con federate guards, and the family of the host, the body was carried to the cemetery ; in a .grave, in the burial plot of the Van Lewe, it was laid to rest until it should be claimed by kindred ; and waiting until the grave was filled, the banda of the loyal lady plant ed a roso bush on the mound that covered one who hsd been "only a Yankee prisoner." But neither time nor space will suffice to repeat the good deeds of this friend of the Union that have come within our ken. It is enough to say that their name is legion. Such devotion of loyalty was rare during the war, and deserves to be recognized and re warded. It is a rratsful tribute that every soldier will appreciate. And the women of the nation w-id rejoice th.it the President has, by this act, championed the true doc trine of woman's rights. Troy Time. Postaoz STAnre or Kew Demons. In formation has been received by the Post master here from the Finance Office of the Department in Washington, that at an early dav, in the regular course of business, the Department will issue to postmasters postage stamps of new designs. The description of the new etamps la as follows : 0ntc4nt. Head of Franklin, looking to the left, aurrounded by a circle ; U. 8. Postage at top, one cent at bottom, with tho numeral 1 in a smalt oval between the words. Color : Roman Ochre. TV Centi. Post horse and rider, facing to left, surrounded by ornamental scroll work : United States Postaeo at top, two cel bottom, with numeral 2 between the words. Color : Light Brouzo. Three Cent. Locomotive, heading to tbe right, surrounded by ornamental acroll work ; United States Postage at top, three cents at bottom, with numeral 3 in a shield betweea the words. Color: Imperial Ul tramarine, (Blue.) Six Centt. Head of Washington, three quarter face, looking to right : frame square, U. S. In nppcr left and right corners of frame respectively ; the word Postage in upper bar of frame ; ai a cents in lower, and tbe numeral 6 betweea the words ; and United 8tates on each side. Cefor j Imperial Ul tramarine, (Blue.) Ten Cent. Shield, on which is resting an esgle with outspread wings ; csgla look ing to left ; United States Postage in upper section of shield ; numersl 10 ia lower ; the words ten cents in a scroll at bottom. Tbo whole design surmounted by 13 stars arrang ed in a sumi circle. Color ; Orsnge. Tirclce Cent. Ocean steamship, surroun ded by ornamental scroll work ; United States Postage at top : twelve rente at bot tom, with numeral 13 betweea the words. Color : Milon (ireen. Fifteen Cent. Landing of Columbus, ornamental aad scroll work at top and bottom ; U. 8. Postage at top, fifteen aente at the bottom, with numeral 1$ aaderneath. CoUri picture Prussian Blue; scroll and ornamental work Pale India Red. Twenty fovr Cents. Declaration of Inde pendente ; ornamental and ecroll work at top aud bottom ; U. 8. aurrounded by oral at upper, left aad right corners respectively; the word Poetage between the two : Twenty four cents in scroll at bottom, with numeral 24 underneath Color : the pictare Purple Lake ; scroll and ornamental work Light Milori Green. Thirty Centi. Eagle, facing to left with outspread wings, rvsng on shield, with flags grouped on cither side. The words . t. 8. Postage in upper aeetioa of shield ; the uuuieral 30 ia lower ; the worda thirty ceuta across the bottom. Thirteen Stars, arrangsd in semi circle, at top of design, Colore ; Aoffie and Wuoia, Carmine : r iogt, Blue. J'Wj Ci. Ilead ol Lincoln, la an. oval, three-quarter face looking to right, surrounded by ornamental and euro 11 work ; aumerala 00 at each of tbo tipper eornere : U. 8. PosUe at top of oval ; ninety and cants la scroll at lower left and right aornsrs of oval, respectively ; U. 8. at lower left and right careers of stamp, respectively. Colore : aorimit ia Black : surrounding oiaaoMalaJ aad scroll work Carmine. It ia estimated that tba snow in Tusker man's ravine, ia tha Waiie mountains, ia at toast a thousand feet deep. Ropes are eater' tamed of a aujaifieesl snow arch there Beat sum user. Ths Pesciog Esgle says the bocine; pros f ects of f-.o t:'jj .'.... Caasierj tb.a far Frwawmt. Durtnf tlte) week ending I March tOth, 1869, there baa been received at the Printing Bureau of the Treasury from the Department 1398,000, in fractional cur rency. The shipeeewte for tbe same period have been : National banks and otber, 1283,009 ; Assistant U. S. Treasurer at Philadelphia, 300,00X United States Treasurer, New York, $300,000, Total, $688,009. The Treasurer of the United States holds In trust at this dato, ia Government secari tles for circulating notes of National banka, $342,600,300, and for deposits of pablie mooeye, $33,716,350; making a total of $37.1,406,500. National bank currency Issued during the week, $100,800; total issued to date, $313, 801,736. From this is to be deducted the following amounts, via: mutilated bills re turned, $12,480,674; and for notes of insol vent banks redeemed by tbe United States Treaaurer,$l,03S,221; leaving in actual cir. culation at this date, $209,854,840. The amount of tractional currency re deemed aa4 destroyed durieg the week was $431,92I.7. Freak or an Iksakb Woman. On Thursday last white Court Was In eession. an insane woman living In tbe neighborhood of Crcssona, named Esther Berger, who happened to be present, aod who has been for some years, elemented oa the subject of a legacy which she imaclnes waa left to her by her father, rushed upon the judgee' plat form and seized Judge Heilner by tbe shoul dcr, exclaiming that she wanted the ten thousand dollars due her. She then pro ceeded to the chair of Judge Ryon, and seizing bim by tbe coat tore it. The con stables then removed her. For the moment the scene created quite an excitement ia the court room. Minert Journal. 1 1 ii i - It is bow believed that Congress will sot adjourn before tue middle of April. Secretary Borie is about to greatly strengthen our naval force is tbe West- Indies. It aeeds it. Tbe President's family moved into the Executive Mansion on Friday last, though tue ediuce has not wholly been renovated. Although the dentists of Japan have ad vanced so for as to procure eete of artificial teeth fitted to tbe irregularities of the gume and palate, and aupported by atmospheric pressure, they extract teeth in a most uncivil izcd wsy, by pulling them out with tbe fingers, after having loosened them by blows with a mallet. Ea-Goveraor Gilpisu of Colorado, has written and argued that, under the Rocky Mountains are solid masses or gold or meat culablo magnitude and weight. The cele brated western scholar. Mr. Catlin, has just communicated to the world his belief that a great river, "larger than the Mississippi," flows under the Rocky Mountains, cd he is about to submit tbe evidence which he has collected in favor of thia starting hypothesis. Tbe river will provo very eonveoiont for transporting tha masses of gold, when lounu. J'rom Washing-l. Washington, March 23. The Senate Committee to day agreud to report in favor ot the prompt connrmatioa or lienrr D, Moore for Collector of the Port of Philadel phia. Thia nomination will be called np and acted on to-morrow. Mr. Moore will proba bly be confirmed unanimously. The Senate Caucus Committee called up on the President, this evening, and after con sultation with him they left, satisfied that Mr. Conkling's modification of the Tenure of Office bill will I perfectly satiaf.irtry to tbe President, and ii .fill accordingly bo reported to the caucus to morrow morning, and ascd before 'tho Senate adjourns. The President was in the very beet spirits, and those who have supposed that he would insist on an entire repeal, w ill be as much dissppointed as thosaaJiohsrve been hoping for an open rupture between the President unci the Senate, although there has been a very strenuous opposition iu the House to auything but absolute repeat, enough is known to warrant the belief that the House will agree to the Senate, s modification, and that au adjournment can now be had ia the course of a week or ten days. The Reconstruction Committee agreed, to day, to report Mrliutler's bill providing a Provisional government for Mississippi. It calls the old Constitutional Convention into existence for sixty days, and empowers it to appoint the Provisional Governor, w ho shall have power to appoint all offjeera necessary to conduct the election. Tbe Convention is to submit the Constitution heretofore made to the people, with such amendments as they may agree opon for ratification. Any person attempting to Interfere in any manner with the rights of persons at the polio, or to break up meetings called for poli'ical discussion, am to be imprisoned for three years and fined three hundred dollars, betides paying costs of prosecution. The President has power to remove the Provisional Governor at pleasure. Tbe Constitution, when ratified, is to be submitted to Congress for approval. The chances are against its passage at this session, as Congress w ill not remain hers long enough to mature legislatioa for the Rebel States. Tbe I'lMsscca. FnTorable. CmeU torn. It is stated on semi-official authority that tbe financial condition of the Treasury, at tbe close of -the present fiscal year, will be more favorable than was anticipated. The receipts from customs promise to exceed those of any one year in the history of tbe Government. They will reach without doubt (it ia said) $100,000,000, which is $30,000,000 ia excess of ths estimates; aud it is not Impossible that they may even reach the high figure of $200,000,000. The inter nal revenue receipts to tbe present time are in excess of $100,000,000. Tho remaining three snd a half months will cover the great er portion of the Income tax and the special taxes wbieh fall dua May 1. aad which w ill augment tbe receipts to $150,000,000, and possibly to $160,000,060. This will be lul ly p to Commissioner Wells' estimate for the Internal revenue, and if the latter figure is reached it will be considerably ia excess of it. From Eds America. New Toms. Much 23.-The Brazllliaa Timos, of Feb. 22. received by che steam ship Merrimac. mentious the arrival of aeveral generals from tha scat of war, af flioted with" disease or wounds. An expe dition Into the country from Assuucionuad returned with lOOOstarvlns Paraeuavaaa. Lnpca was still ie the mountains, and Minister McMakoei wae still with hi in. Ths Paraguayans who remained when the army left were asaaaaoreed by scouting partiee or Lopes e army. Tbe cholera prevails throofhout tho whole country. Tbe Imaxlada had bcea ordered back up tbe river. Baroa Moons' bank ia Montevidoe had failed, aod a temporary suspension by the otber bank there caused considerable mone tary excitement . Several bridges aod much other property around Pemamjiue had been swept away by a suddea rise of the river. There has been a severe dronjM lu the interior, and the inhabitants are flying to tbe aescoatt for food and water, aud large numbers or cattle are dying. A e.e.ej w:rs aa Taacsl. tVossa Ottbst. Rata. March 18. Tho Insurgents un der Aguilera and Marine! have defeated Lo pes at Maysri, killing three hundred men. Marroal was wounded. Ixipes retreated to Bantiagn. A wounded volunteer reports that tha Spanish general Latoaa was defeated at Vil la Clara on March 0. It will take ten thou sand men to restore railroad communication with that place. 1 be Bremen on a plantation Bear Puerto Principe reports thst the wswnea atxt chil dren era leaving that elty to Join the Insur gents, ana tba Spanish general Isce baa warnea tnem to return or they wtu be liable to the penalties of military law. A vague rumor ie widely circulated that tho Insurgen'.j, in combination with some monitors, have captured Santiago de Cuba, nRKTiTiEt. Got.o has been discovered la Bureau coun ty, Illiuois. IwTitoTitn Implements of Lurtrlary are an nounced in California. Tub school property in this State Is esti mated at over iw,uuu,uuo A Ksntucei parent kceue bie daughter chained to prevent her marrying the wrong tellow. A Kentucky law prohibits ths marriage or Drst cousius. New York uses nine million eggs a week The deaths in Philadelphia last week cumbered 277. Kansas is going more extensively into grspe culture. Wisconsin proposes to abolish tbe grsnd jury system. Alexander Von Humboldt is said to have died very poor. Tbe Paris Monitcur has an article on "Field Marshal Grant." Four women are returned ae'eshtpbuildcre'' in the Vermont census. Noah L. Jeffries has resigned as Register or toe Lntteu Estates treasury . Passenger trains commenced crossing the new bridge at Coiamiila,on Thursday week Tbe President waa visited on Saturday by a delegation ol tue veterans or ibis. The. Grand Army of tee Republic meets in convention in Cincinnati in May A French millionaire has just ciieu who made bis fortune ty selling fish bait, A bankrupt individual in Chicago, named William Williams, is calted a "deficiency bill. Grass is six inches high in some parts of tsaiiioroia, ana snow is sixteen inches deep in other parts The Newark Courier thinks the whole velociped subject is being rapidly propelled into tue ground It is getting common with the Baptists to wsrm tbe water in which candidates are to be immersed. 73,000 in specie arrived at New York from Englaud on the SOtb iust. General Samuel Fessenden, father of Sen ator Fessendoo.died on Saturday night, 20th lust. The body of a murdered man was found In the Schuylkill, near Reading, ou Friday evening, lUth inst. The nitro glycerine seized in New Tork recently, appears to have been consigned to an agent of the United Etatce Governmtut at Savanuah. $1,500,000 has been sent mm Cuba to private banker in New York, the interest of the money to be devoted to the sick and wounded of the Cuban patriot army. The colored people of Washington are making arranucments to celebrate, on au extensive scale, the anniversary of the aboli tion or slavery iu the District ot Columbia. Au exchange says A. J. don't like Grant's inaugural, and thinks he would veto it if be could. More wheat has been sown in Tennessee than ever before, and it looks as well as pos sible. A man has Wen lynched iu Colorado on suspicion ol having stolen two hundred and fifty dollars. Lemon juice is said to be a specific fur ncuralgie. The prohibitory liquor law is now strictly enforced in Maine. General Grant's inaugural has been trans latcd into Russian, for the St. Petersburg and Moscow papers. Better that no. dog should be permitted to live than that one human being should die of hydrophobia. It is rumored that Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby, postmaster at the Confederate Cross roads, is to be transferred to the post office at Toledo. Hon. James Guthrie, Secretary of the Treasury under President Pierce, died oa Saturday at Louisville. Mrs. Lydia Bccchcr, mother of Henry Ward Beecber, died in Brooklyn on Satur day, aged eighty years. At the insuguration ball, part of the amusement was week females in tight dresses fsiuting every five minutes. The Secretary of the Interior has appoin ted Col. W. V. Forbes as Pension agent at Philadelphia, vice E. W. C. Greene. Prince Amadeus; of Italy, is said to be badly henpecked. His wile often slaps bis face in the presence of tbe servants. It is an invariable custom ta present the doorkeeper of the Indiana Senate with a suit of clothes at the end of each session. For the positions of the collector of the port, naval officer, postmaster and marshal of Baltimore, there are fifty applicaats. Tin is said to be often adulterated with lead, which renders the vessete made of it very deleterious lor cookiog purposes. Ilolmcsburg, Bucks county, claims the oldest gristmill ia the State, it having been built ia 1670. Tbe Batler Herald advocates the election of State Treasurer by tbe people instead of the Legislature. At Girardvllle, Schnylkill county, recent ly, a coek light led to a general males, ia which three men were seriously wonaded with fire-arms. $10,000 in specie was shipped to Europe from New Yorh, on Tuesdsy. m The Union Pacific Railroad has comment' ed carrying passengers and mails ta Ogdea, 1034 B.iles west of omaha. 1 A white woman named Mabb, was mur dered by a negro at Saratoga, N. Y., oa Monday. The murderer gave himself up. Bisnop Amcs, of tbe Methodist church declared in a conference held at Alexeadria, Vs., that tobacco wae doing mora harm to tha church than whisky. Snow. Tbe depth of snow it) the Maine woods ts said to be sevea feet a level. aad the Bangor M'kig says some or tbe gange af lUQibcrsaca, ia starting to come out, have found it necessary to pat their horses upon large eleds, ) be drawa over the drifts by men upon anew shoes. This indicates snow enough to satlsy any one who ts not inordinately snd uaaaturally foud of tue article ; but turn fiom tha woods ui Jiaioe aad Uke a peep iutu Tuckermaa's isviue la the White Mountains, ana tool upon snow a thousand feet deepthere's a depth f snow worth talking about, beside whirH tha Viia' wias J. vl s tUJ iss!j uinTunet. A movement is on foot In St. Louis to call a convention of all the Irish rellgtoes and beaeveletat societies in the Veiled States. Advices from General Custer have bee received I they are dated the Oth Inst., and represent the gallant cavalryman as at li berty and chasing the Indians. On Monday nlirht the polico of Richmond, Va., arrested Governor Wells, II. G. Bond end L. E. Dudley, on tbe charge of per loiutag a letter from tha Post Office. Twenty of Brieham Youca'a wtveo ar rived at Council Bluffs, Iowa on Tuesday, on a visit to their friends ia that city and Omaha. They will come as far east u Weablcgtmv ' , The sprouts of the potato Contain aa al kaloid termed by chemists eolanint, which is very poisonous if taken into the. sj stem. This does not xtt lu the tubers, unless they are exposed to the light and air, which sometimes occurs from the accidental remo val of tho earth in cultivation. A potato that shows a blackish-green tint on one side should never bo cooked for the table or fed to stock. A few davs since a daughter of a gentle man in Peoria, 111., swallowed a glass button. It lodged ia her throat," and she began to choke and was unable to maka known her trouble. Her aunt, who happened to be In the rom, saw at once that ahe waa choking and that prompt action was neceassry. She seixed the little girl by the feet and held her bead downwards, directing another chill to pound the back of tbo ono ahe held. The prompt action was successful, the button waa removed, aud the life of the child saved. Th Ravtiho Skssoh ia near at Band. The fiiiftman'e Journal of the l?th shjs thst notwithstanding the extreme cold the latter part of last week, the liver continues at a ver.v fair rafting stage. A number of rafts have already been put into the water and are ready to atart ou their way to market. Should the weather be auspicious, rafting in will commence in good earnest now. So you down tbe river customers look out for tie raftsmen and tbe stuff that carries thesu. Mr. George Tlall, Jr , living near Deer field, Michigan, recently lost several sherp which were killed and eaten, and he endeav ored in vain to tliecover the depredator. SusDectioK his hoes, which were iu the same . .... , . , . . . enclosure, he shut them up, but obtained no relief. At last he cuUL'lifhis five year old colt In the act of killing and dvvuuiiug one of his sheep. Oroasizatioh or Voixsteku FonrEi. Gradually, but thoroughly, the Adjutant i General's Department is proceeding in the work of orzunizinR the militia forces of the : State; and we anticipate, Irom what has already been done, that it w ill require but a short time to secure a large aud ellicicnt volunteer army, which will be a credit to Pennsylvania, by always being in a condi tion for immediate service to the national government. Au entire regiment at Phil adelphia, called the Fritz's Guard, one company at Reading, ono at Easton, two at Scran ton, and one at Hurrisbuig have just been armed by the Adjutant General. It is understood at tho Department that in many parts of the State activo efforts are being made to get up similar orgaulzatinus, so that; as we have already written, Pennsyl vania will soon have a thoroughly ergnrliscd and splentlidlv equipped volunteer Army. llurruburj StitU Guard. The rapidity with winch rxANTATto Bittiiis bave beoome a boaxehold neceiily thpui,hoiit tbe oiTilised nations, is without a parallel in the huv.rr of Ih-a world . Over Ave million bolt lee were ld in twdlre monlbf, aad the domnuil is dally Increuing. Kieaaad poor. youiiR and old, ladien, phriiciam and elerrymen, had that ilreTivre drooping ipiriu, lends etreaatb to the lytteae, vigor to the iniod. sad if rs- beaded naiare'i rreat reelorer. It ii compounded of theehoiseal roou and berbe. theeolrbraled Caliia- ym ar Peruvian Barb. ot , all pteeerired in pure ot. Croil Rum. Ilie sold by all reepettable dealers in every town, parish, village and hamlet through North and South America, Luropo, aud all the III nude of the Ocean. MaexoLtA WTaa. Superior to tha beet im ported German Cologne, and sold at half the prise. Ma. Jacos EnssTi Sir: I cannot refrain from expressing my entire confidence in the turatire powers of vour 'Celebrated Hitter Cordial.' I ad aniawuted' it to my ehild eighteen months old, tor Bowel Complaint; to any neighbors' shildrea for painf in tbe atomach and other ailment ;-to my adult friends for Diarrhoea, witb aetnnUhftig eures. I waa dreadfully paralysed, and for two years suflered severely wllb Kbeuinatiam. Alter uung all the talked of earea without relief, and beeocuing satia ted that the kidneys iathe eeatre from wbieh Itheu anatUin emanates. "l made a firm aland acaintl all liquors, particularly malt, and ucd yonr renowned Hero or imter .oruiai exeiuaiTeij , in i, , bare bad ro Ithiulitm duriug lbs Winter last Vast, aetnithttandineiui severity and many changes Your truly, P. HlNnlLEkJu. tyRead SHEETZ'b standing advertisement in another column. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy if warranted to euro Catarrh in its worst forms and stages. The moat painful saaea era speedily relieved by it, and stop page, ofleaaive diac-hargc). and tainted breath all yield ta its wonderful turatire powurs. "Cold in the head," ditlineee and tbin watery discharges ara removed, tbo head eleared, tbs air passages opened, and relief and comfort afforded by its ua. It eon tains no strong irritating, poiunous nr eauatie drugs, bent by mall on reeeipt of sixty eente. Addrees, K. V. Tiaaca, M. 1 . buffalo, N. Y. Fur sale by moat Druggists everywhere. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. inrORTA.W TO fAUMIItS. SEED OAT The subscribers bsve tha pleasure ta Inform alt whom it may interest, that they are prepared to fnrniih tbe Black Oats, from Prince Edward Ialand. British America, which bare been imported expressly for seed. Ikeee Oat are cele brated for their superior quality, aud great weight, 40 pauadiper busbel. snuchtbatwe raiae la Pena sylvaaia, does not exceed M, snd of tbe last orop U poena. They will be sold ia substantial sack, containing two bushel each weighing W powuis at fa 00 par sack. Perseaa visaing ta obtain this Oats will Bless Usee ibelr aiders at our few re. We bar aU on baad all kinds of fresh (tardea deeds from Laa strath's Garden, in e.ttanlitieianit purchaser JO MARRLh CO., Market 6t , euubury F March 17, Wt.it. 1115 IIOUP tflilRTN. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS lias JUmevad his MatafaeUryJand 8alesomite Ko. ll!5 CUESTWUT ITRIKT, FUILADBLPUIA. Where his "Own Make" of Champion Hoop Skirts, especially adapted to first-clew Wholesale aud Ketetl lrad, will be found to rmbraoa th meat e tensive aesorlment la th Union, and ail the latest and an oat desirable Stria. bap, l.ogtb and Bisse, J, I, U, U yards roaad, of Flaia sad tiered J Haters Walk tag fckwts, Reception Trail, ., A., loaeLhsr with "er ataely different varieties of Alls aad Children s KkirW, all of whlbr . matryef sty!, satoh, lightness, lastkity, daraouf ty aad real Caapass, ar aoeqaaled by any oUiot good ia th saaraea, aad ar w err an tad aa ry reapeet. Bkirts made a erdtr. Altered aad & paired Wholesale and Ilatail. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Hade Skirls, It f prinaa. IS teat , K Upringa, 4 Cent ; 24 tepnnga, Cents; SOfepciage.e Coots ; iS Springs, J Cauls. COMiTa ! bOKSKTti 1 ' CORSsUS ! I I T differ. t striae aud prMM, from li Ceats to Sa.oe, braeiag R. Wariley. "Beekel," -GIoto Fitting." atadaaa Fee's CoeeelEiirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Pata 4adf-aeViwstwc Akdnssiaal" Conors, ffrasieh. Bagltsk sat Iomsn UenaV-saada Cora as, and ntapjliea www aouieii nwurmmmiw v. hi su par lor Freach I'aUra f 04. il Coeaala, "Clear t Oww Mk," s which liiTh mit attentaaa. I Coaapl saaartmept of Ladles' Cades arsaaula, l. hoarfa ' SbNERAs, 4UtT far tha lAKTftAaf f AKTOM f AUILK ftWINO M ACUINU. e pa rlor to say ether before tbs poblie. Fm-wa af I he )T. t Maabaa, Fru V ah, are botag givea away t east saslamars. la wrder to get them uudai, ry pexsoa aa wast e4 arstahss ta ear Ii, shoul ex BUB uxsa4aaVar parekas t e'-sawbsta. Call e sb4 fas Mralasa, at aaj huufaeM4KaerMas.t'3 lUiUeiaA-. rk-,w u i. scrsisi Uwskr '.-lce l.xDonsr.n ito.i ot tan ST. LOUIS, VANDALIA AM nAUTE RAILROAD C At W and ACCRIED INTKRf Then B0XI)9 ara for KlooOtach first aaortgiit of only I2,(M) per aj pertv ao4 fianhiM of tba Company on thf 1st dny of January, 1897. Oou pi pi) bU oo Un 1st day of January auj . yr. Tat pavwmt of prlnolpal an4 Inter. THER etCtaLD by tas todortem.ut r TBI TERRA HAUTE AND IXDI AAILROAU CO. TH COLUMBUS, CHICAGO AND CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. THS PITTSBCR8. CISCIXNATI L0DI8 RAILWAY CO. Indorsement of ths two laet-Dau Biea belaj sjusraatecd by The) HennxylTaaln Katlr ,',ir?,.tln whi,h ib Bo' riRBTLIErfliliaacilMlong. MtenJ Terra fl.ul. an J ladiaaapolis Railroad Haute, lo St. Louis, and forme tbn I ml r. completed link in tha 8HORTKST I.I Li0U73.10 PHILADELPHIA I YORK. Iu Immediate onoatruction aod VS ?rld.i Sot in eoutract betwoen SYLVAMA RAILROAD COMPAS CoapaaiM above-named, wbieh eontt that it shall always be operated in the Jo f tbe direot line between fit. Louis and t SEVENTY MILKS of tha road are el ed, aad it ts confidently expected th.it the LINK Willi, oetukD h& trafA IN 1 870. Tha Iron raitt tot tba eutire lenglh oftb beeo parebased, aad suffloieut for 100 m eu Tha Bonds san be had on application t DE HAVEN t And Peeler ia OoTernmeat PeaarillM, No. 40 Moaih Tlilrtl Mre PHILADELPHIA. l Tcsn fully recommend the above Bond lirsble security, x, v , ,c J- EDO ah tho; Marsh 27, IS0. NEW MUSIC STOIi MASSElt & 1IIL1 MMU ItV, IKV.a,., HAVK jut opened for fain fhioker Dnrno'l Celebrated Pianos. Tho C Piano ia well known a haTing received t testimonial at the Paris Exposition. Aim. Mhsod A llamlln'e culehmtnil Dm,... Bwvia, n iui Pluto ina nair 0uillirt) Ban(, ( AeaorJeoiis El, I. :.. i . . ... A cloth iealj da l lano sorer, clnin and e-uilt inlir,.;.,.. Munie. Fine Chrotoo Pnintings. Enrivir and oolored. Picture frames. Moulding and Kuilt. AIo. jlejuj for picturo frames Merch 20, lbCfl. FOR SALE THE YALCAI1LK House and It Corner of Fourth A Tenn Sts . SfNIlfP, Will be tM' on reasonable tcnui nnj , putable title given. Apply to KM L WIL Bunbury. March 20, ISC). FOR Is ALE! f M. BARTHOLOMEW odors for ralo bi e) , Stock of Uood nt aot, on rrainnnhlo i Tbe Qcods are all new and in new ooudiiioo March 20, H'.I 3t ORPHANS' COURT S. Pt'KSUANT to an ordei of iho Orphans' Northumberland county, will bo mid t: enlo. at tho puhlu houeo of Au?im(u V lenrgetown.ua BA il'hlMY. the lUih day of .1 lS'.ll, lbs following reul eatnte, to n it : All that certain pivoe or tract of land. Lower Mahanoy tonngliip, county of XortI! land, and Stale of rinnKvlvaiiin." hoitmlui n I icribed aa lolluws : On the north I t lan.lt i i"ner;on tbe oast by Inndi or Mrs S.r. nh r 00 ,hJ ,"'ut' ' '"'"' la:i I.oi.icr, nv "Mt by laaae of riimon Leeker, c mm.iiru j ;wcu.t7 "'ore or Us.. whereon t. ci Log lloute and other outbuildings. Lute th i: of John Dauny.deceaeed. Sele to eotnmenoo at 1 1 o'clook. A. M., of r.i when ths condition! will be inn le known hy JIKNKY KEKSTKTTKH A-t By order of tha Court. .1. I.sisknhi.., (Jl k, ' tiunbury. March 20, lar.y . $4,500,000" kicve-n IVr Cent. .01.1 IIO TUIRTR YEAR3 TO RUN', isit'gp ar The lakc asaprrlor A .Hiaais'a. Hirer BCnili-ontl Company. THEY ARK A FIRST MORTGAGE SIX1- pi'NO bond, free of unitku tri-ATEs Seoured by l,fS2,00fl acre of clioico l.nn i the Railroad, its Rolling stock aud the Fram I of tbe Company, for fuio At OS anil 1 I r.HI'.-ir. .Vlelding In Currency, NEARLY TEN CENT INTEREST. TV" wilt take Governments or oilier Securltl' full market price, in exchange fr tliu liom' Pamphlets and full iiiforointinn. and liuitda fun edoa application by marl, or in person. IE 1IAVEX A BROTHER. Banltrt A Pealere in Guiermnt.rit Secui- Gold, . No 40 South Third Slrrrt, niiLAPELrniA "t March W. WV. TIIE GREAT ZINGARI BITTER: A SAFE BLOOD PIRIFIEU, A SPLENDID TONIC, A rLEASANT EF.VERAt. A CERTAIN" CURE " AND rUEVENTlVE OF DISEASES. Th ZlNllARl BITTERS are sompnunilcd (re a presoripliea of the celebrated Egyptian phyicu Dr. Cheopsa, aba, after years at trial and exprr meet, discovered the Zinganni Urh mo remarkable vegetsbre production, the earth, pctbap ha srsr yielded -certainly the uioat td'-etive in tL cureef disaas. It, ia tembiualinn with the otht valuable propertiee of which th ZINGARI Ml TEKS Is oomaosoat, will ear. lTsp'sla, Fsvar aad Ago, Bilious Fever, CMf Colds, Bronebitia, Consumption in its 4t stage, Flatuleney, Mervous Debility, Female Complaints, "Ueuoje Usm, Dyieutery, Acute, and Chrome Diarrhoea, , I'bolere Morbus Chol . I - ra, Typhoid and Ty pbus Fever, Yel low Ferer, bor f ul.lUnoa,nf th Kidnys, Uebltaal, Costtre- aoss. 4., Ac" la tba PrerenUon snd Cure nf the above disease, it has never bo kuowa to full, aa thoufandf of our Biost proiuioeat eilisens throughout all part" ol ihe oounlry. will testify. Let the afflictet 'end I T a Ircular oontaining tostimoniala and ecrtioratea o.' Uios who hava be a ard after their rases bars bea piueaad apolas by our Lett ibwi.-iaun FriaiplDopot, F. RATHER CO . - - Ka 1 1 Front St . Thiladell y -fcZCOMMKKDED BY Is Oev. Dsrid It- Partwr, of rtanrylrsais. Kefcart J. Flaber. It oa. Edward Morbecaoa. I .ni K.KV"' Boa eo. naa. aaeetieisj. aal th. ir.83 ?oa eiftcrtAHe- Marc . SS -ly. TO EUILrEKS. SOW 01ass aa4 auldi Barda-ar, s tb Qmat frtee eorsvwssi f la raUrsad, Marb'' '