Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 20, 1869, Image 3

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    i ifcjiniHiifrTi
i. Li-Wit '. vmemjf.f. j -
2Lftrftl Affairs.
Jonoi oaaAlt, wha baa baa qnlu 111 daring tba
put fiw WMka, waara pltuad ta lun, te raaarar
"tng, feat ! fat annate ta laara Mt raonta.
taeua l Beam. taa ahipataata af aagar aad
BolMrt ( tha TJnltadgUtaa ara rrry ksnrj fn
Atha porta o Cuba, aad in aar larga airtol tha what
aala nrtaaa tmn hara IWIaa twaaantl Mr paand.
Thia will ba gaad bawi ta aanttfaMia and daalart af
i!a!tsd bmm wka kara aat laid la a larga anwply.
Donaa tha akiawn af Jadga Jordan, an aaaovst
af lllaaa, at aar Oaort af Qaartar Saurian lart aak,
Jadgaa Bblpanb aad Baidaiinaak trannaatad tka ha
fiaaai, auoh at aaald badaaa by tha Anwalitni Wa
laars Ibatthakr daaiatant wara praaipt and vary
BctLBiaa AaaaeiATni. Tba rartAuguita Build
lag and Laan AaMMiatiaa; will aaat at tka Mtoni
IUM aa aaat Tbnraday araniag. AH who dtaira to
aaaura iharai la thta awMlatioa ara raq aartad la ka
praiant. .
A CatRTan hu baen granttd tut a Lodge af tka
Cnigbti af PytlilM ia thta plaea. TboM eannaatad
with It ara making prpatlM te hara thalodga la
atilatad at an aarly day.
Taa waather during MarahhM baaa ld, ahaBga
abla and unplaatant, with (light mawi. Tha want
kind of weattiar for our araps, and tha naatryiag far
weak ooMtitutioni. Wa trutwkaa Vpting dam oania,
It will ba permanent.
eaiaata PaainaLrsu The tnembara af Fart
' AugartaZacaapmant, . HO, l.'O. of 6.F. of thta
' plaaa, ara making priparatlou to attend tba grand
' parada ia Philadelphia la April Beit. From ait ap
' pearanoaa thara wiU ba a good tarn out of tha fratao
nit of thu plaaa.
VaLrasLi Paoraarr fob 8lb Tka ralaabU
liouaa aad lot on tha atutk-wtat earner af 1'ourtb aad
Paun itraota, ta affarad far aala. Thta property b ana
of lb moet dotirabla in tbta plaaa, aithar na a bait
aau or for a prirata raiidene. It will ka ld as
reuenabla Urnia. lea adrcrtttaatnt.
Caur Btnoaai. -J. XT. Frillng, Eft., alaatad
Chief Burgcat of thta koraogk at tha February alaa
tion, kariag dmlinad tarring, tbe Oararaor appoiat
cd P. hi. bbindal, Ctq , to 111 tha raaanty. Mr.
Sbindal waitwern lata oOIoaaa Uondty lart, and ni
ha bat bad amtidaraWa azpariena in tha affurl af
tia borough, wa may azpaet an al&oiantoSiear.
iMrRovaaaar. Meant. Ttadyk A Weak, ara
now building aa addition U tba Eeyttaaa Utttl, ap
potile tha depot ia thta plaoa. Zt will ka a well nr
ranged building wkan Anlthad, aad will aootnaa
tlato a maob larger aaabaraf guettt thin htratofera.
Taa Democrat! ptpan bara aaddanty fallaa ria
lently in lor with tha Cblatga platform, and ara
greatly tzorctaod lot tka Bapublltaa party thall
lutke toincthicg of an adrano by tba rntinoatiaa af
tbe fifteenth auandmaat of tha Caaetitatioa. Thu
thit old fogy party ia alwayi taking ptiitttion af and
dofandiogtba aaap graaodi wbiah w hara laft ba
Taoia of our tubsoribtn wbo inland ehanglng their
pltectof reiideaoa oa tha first af A aril, will oblige
ut by notifying as where they waat their paper di
rected to. Plcua slat whr you mr from, at
well as where you move to. .
Ta oititons r gunbury will ba tranttd with a
Ti.'it from the original Utgtoiaa and Ventrlloqutat,
Signor Bliti, from Philadelphia, with hta learned
Onary Birds, on Wednesday nxt. Th Btgnor will
hold two oxliibitiont, eoe in th afternoon aad ona ta
ILc ovei.ii ,5. Ti;oe wha hare never toea kia per
form fbould not ln!o (bit opportunity. Tieketaaaa
bo bad at Lightner A Zeigler't Book Store.
A Niw axd (JooD Xnaa. John E. Smiek, ater
chtnt tailor, of llii; place, mekea the following offer :
After tbe expiration ef ana aranth after the date of
thta pnper, 20th init., he will giraa praaeat af a ptir
of pants and a Teat of tba ratae of fifteen dollar,
which present shall be drawa for by Uiose of bit ou
touers, who during that time shall got eletWag at
his Htabliihmont to the ralaeaf net 1cm than fifteen
dellart, the drawing 10 ka eeadaeted by a dtainleraat
ed person. Tha lucky ouslamer will ke allowed to
teleot the ttyle of the pautt and r at aoaatilating tk
present drawn. He aunre bit amttetnen tkat ha
will do what be tayt.
Steak Fianr We oeeerra that oar aeaber, Mr.
Kut, read ia place a bill incorporating tbe Buakary
Stocm Ferry, which patted the Heat. If anything
could illuctrat the neoeuity af a bridge, or tutb a
ferry, it i the price of butter iu thta plaea. Fiae bat
ter wet lolling at Selintgrove an Saturday latt at II
nentt per lb., in this place at 4S and M. At tbta rate,
far one whole year, the difference ia pria for tha
butter alone eouiumed in Sunbury would aasonat to
Jt.OCO or SS.00O, or enough to pay for a 8teaa Ferry,
anil almost enough to pay the mteiast oa th oast .
a bridge.
A Caur of the P. 0. 8. A. wat organised at thta
place on Wednesday evening last. Tha Camp wat
instituttd by meinberi of Wellington Camp, Xa. 88,
f Kenora, Pa. Tba .Ciunp inatitatod, elected tha
following offlcen, who were duly installed tbe same
evening by W. liawkaworUi, an of tk Orand OB
ers ef tbe State :
P. P., W. C. Young; P. Gorge Oataer, V. P., W.
M. Kramer; M.P.AC., J. U. Bergttreaer; U.S.,
F. It. Hill; T , J. P. Uttt; F S.,. A. Beahlol; C,
Pursel Smith; J. Q., J. Reefer, P. 3 , Tbotnat Bar
letii B. 8., fa. Uarroy; h. B., W.Eyttar.
DxMocaAnr Cambidatki. Below will bt found
a list of Democrats who have anouneed thetaselre
willing to serve tbe people, provided tkey are elected
4o the offices upon which tboy are etatiog wtahfal
For Legtalature Qeorgo Hilt tad Robert Mont
gomery. bheriff-J. B Heller, Qeorgo W. Stria and David
Prothonolary J. N. Ililbuib, W. P. Baapt aad
K. F. Waimer.
Treasurer Miehaol Mealy and George M'Zlieee.
Commissioner Joha i. Bhovlia.
A bab and stable belonging to Mr. Jaa
at Pelttgrova, were burned down oa Tuesday area,
iog of latt week. Tkey contained a larga asaaaal af
grain and bay, betides one new tleigb aad three wag
ons and a lot of furniture, Ike properly of Dr. Balg
hard. Dr. Reighaid's lot will not be laa tbaa 9M.
Vi have not beard of tbe amount of th lot sustain
ad by Ur. Reed, but it is quit heavy. Tha Ira a
supposed to have aaugbt froa a cigar r pip, as Mr.
Heed wat accustomed lo oineke while at work akoal
tbe hara Miltonian.
CoamrTBB ro Panon Charles Uearhart, of thta
place, wa committed by Eaqutre Beard, an Meaday
last, on lha oath of Samuel Neidlg for stealing a
pocket book.
John Biehardaoa and Avon Drearer af JtX. Oaa
mel, were aoamitied oa th same day for threaten
ing the life of William Emery. If it aaoUaaaa ea at
tbta rat, th sheriff will have hta tnaasio filled with
boarder at tha axpensa of tbe CouMjr long kafara
. tksy aaa ba kroaght to trial.
Jf ibdlb Cbbbc Railboao. The diraetonal thai
read held a meeting at Selinejrrov aa Taoegaw Ut.
Mr. T. Jlaaagardwar, of Lascaiter, wat prateat, and
on behalf af Iba Reading RniTroad Coapuy.rafutaU
ad a fall ttotasnant f Ua aaTaisa af tha Middla Vraak
raad, a a vrnliatuary Up ia taking bold af kh
- torpriM aad fiatabiag th read.
air. tcLi.uro, the its PrctLleat af tbe road, a) a
opoiatasid riat aaa,- wader adattnlttra
t5sl, w trvtstwf.V taji'r4
fi,i)'HiI.H aaa swai
trtlretew last , 4b thta fM. vmmma ref, ahai
Mlnm VMtUa Oeralrs" tranla a
paaad tof rKottlo UUI, a lMdsano1 fatrda
miiltin, tTiemjrepreetHt1itabti:tBlJ
v r1 J 4Ys a prlte. gpieadU Bjbetal trere U
girt Ay tt tti4n4, A. According; ta
MntMBMt, tkey opened .aa aTriday awenlng, to
ralar Blir Beat. Jlft rr distributed Bad
oaaeatnent iotas that a arte f twessty dellara to
fold wal4(tveaa iJaBrtOTeaing. On Bit-to-day
trigM lira aoueV Ira areMy trotl I lli,
task iMH-MJir peeling to Va Mm vted
rlta. Th 1uoiy Uokit-beldnr kappa to aa a
rMrprtolar Bey, werkieag da whit . a baa
trypsin, All htB '! h tWtnYIlr M
M, faring lb lata Bebellloa. The gara general
asjisfatir,ad an apaaaraa pleated thai It rail lata
ttakaaataf deeerviac pertea. Aftaf Ik Boy had
foaeame aad retired, he mt Beat far ay an ladlvl
daal af thta pit, wee tM aa Tar iatlai.U termt
vita taa parties wae bald tba aahlaUiea, aad who, it
appaan, had giraa tha hoy tba tloket Ba demand
a tha auaey, aad ta Boy, not Baderstaoding tha
trtek, gara it aa. Oa Saaday, after It beoam gone
rail known what bad aaoarrad, tha friends of tha
aoy beeeaae aataretted hi tba matter, aad aa saaday
araaing a warrant wal iiraal, an IhiaBdavit of tha
bo, aad tha showmen war arretted aad kroaght ka
for Esquit blades'. At tnt, tba partial wara la
alload ta atak tnerry ar tha use, hat at tba
quire said ka wald oaalt these ladeaall af ball,
they toa beaua lest Iteistereue and wisely .onIa.
dad that tay had battor Mttl. by Baking a littla
fust at possible, and wara inxious to ka ralaaitd oa
paying haek tha manar ta tha hoy, wliiah wu agraad
span, tti the j war laft ga ta aparftta oltawhtra.
toaearttr. Tha Williamtport llti.ot Sa
tnrday waak last, aantaini tba following la reference
to a toy reaidiag ia that ally -. "A few dy tg wa
had aanraraatioa with a uta raiding ia thta aity,
who own ta tha ag of ninty-thraa yaar. Kit
tirity and rptarana lad at 10 inulr about bit
hirtk-pUoa, knowladga af lha aouatry, A., whan w
war aenvinaad thai hta uanry ran haok nearly a
century. Ba it aatlra, worka at bard luhor cvry
dny, aad will lift aa aaek m any naa of hta weight
lu tha ally. Bu'. judga of aar uUiUliment when he
aid : OA, wy faOur ttM to Aara ta tA wannr 1'
yvt aught t hia ! II staled that hta fatbr was
aetaally liring la Uaryland. al tha aga of an ban
dradawd twenty years, and b would ba in Williams
port ia fit (aamor, if ha lirad. Tha yevng ata
state that Va it ona af twenty-four brelhtrt and tit
" Kaaraina CrBAtiUtLoAD TantAea from
tha Aaaual Kaprt af tbta Napany for tha yaar, w
gat th follawlag ttttrment af tbt freight, in tons,
aarriad oror tba main road and It tributaries la tha
yaar ISM, u oarard with IS6T :
IB 444
i, an
Anthraalta and Lltaminoas aoal,
M 8Jf
113 Ml
Pic iron.
Kailroad iron,
Other troa or castings,
fro a and oihor area,
Lima aad limestone.
Agricultural prod acts,
Lire ttoek,
Other article,
I,190,04 l.&M.TIo
Ta cbeerre th iaereet in tha basinta ef th road
it ta only aeceaary to glaaee at tha following :
Tons moved in 1B&J, Ml, 681
' 1844, M.e74
" 1844, 744.411
" 1814, m,m
PBtarxaaCAa Rbad AxrtHixa " Thta remark
it often and by aarreepoadentt aad advertiser as
an exouse for kaif spelling words, nbkreriating tech
nicalities, and tier only aareadabla writing generally.
Thar is no doubt that printers or better decipherers
of bad manuscript tbaa Bay ether claa of persons
bat when, for Insttnee, a merchant write that be
baa reoeived fire Bis , to lbs, Clt , Ittasemewkat
difficult to tell whether the aerebaat really means
boots, btatuita or butternut, sbalk, ehejs or churns,
eloves, clocks or clams.
Oca Democratic friends have cent up adtimaj
wail about tka baoishaent of (ieneral Haaeeek, by
keing aaigned ta tba Department af Dakota, but no
tkought it accessary to commiserate th gallant little
Pkil. Skoridan, wko bat beta out In that region for
a yaar ar more.- -
Rbai, KiriTB Aoxxct. Wa observe that aur
friends, Slayaaker A Kngle, hare opened a Reel
Estate Otbee in the room ane doer east of Frillng s
store, ea Market Square. An nganey of tbe kind hat
long keen wanted ia Sunbury, wkieh eannet help but
prove eeaegeiat end aatitfuotory to both teller and
parabaser, aad at tha tame time save a great deal of
delay, trouble and expenee. W would roamnd
any of our friends who aay with ta buy, tell or lease
farms, houses, building lata, A , to give them a sail.
A aranaxa dollar invested taa good insurance
aentpany it better to a poor man than a yaar'i hard
earning buried away ia tha vaults ef a savings
bank. Ia a laving bank there ta tha danger of bad
investment, af ta depreciation of securities, ef a
panic ia tk Bteaey market, of a war. Tha rata of
interest it generally low, aad tha immediate advaa-
lage at texau. ilat in as laesrajiee aompany any
aaa, however poor, aaa pat away a small sum say
roar eeon a day for a yowng aaa aad assure bis
family, ia tha event of bis death, at least a thousand
dollar. Ker ia there any taviap book, however
well-managed, tkat ean ba as safe as aa Inaaraae
Compsay Ilk the National, recently argaaiaed
ander tha laws of Congress. Jtt capital ia a million
of dollar. Ia direotors are aan ol national repute
tioa, and in plaa it aaa af tba simplest and moat
comprehensive In th country With a Company
like tbta in existent, and the aeoeuity pressing upon
hia, negU-ot is a crime. Ifo ona aaa fbraeee tba an
aemia ahan of life. Tba princely mart bant aay
die at peer as tha porter wha twienl hit counting
room, aad it ta bit duty te aake a prevision fur those
whom ha lavas, far removed from 'the contingency
of life or tha peril of bustnea. Tbta new Company
strikes as as 00s ar tka beetif eat the beat in tha
eoauUy, aad aa pradent ansa aaa fail te lake ad
vantage af tha opportunities it oBors.
Tocra. Wbo waste hit youth, beggar kimrolf
for life. Yeata talkoUesa tatter tbe iatalkeotwitk
knowledge, and whoever tail to lay tba foaadaiwa
fur toiaatifi aad literary atUinmaalt tkea, If ba bat
the opportunity, it paver-Ukaly I da ta, or thoald
b attempt U, be aerer aaa aake ap tka lost from
asrly negligence. Tenth ta tk tics to bra a rirta
bob akareatar. Tha aUad it then apaa ; Ua heart ta
thea reae pttve; all tkeaSeetioaakre ia a pUttie Mate
to ba xaaaldad by tha toflaaaaaa af haavaa aad earth,
proa by Divine Provide to elevate aad to a ;
aad whoever dee act then lay up tka "1 awards'
tkraagh walea mod Buy be pieeaat la th inmost
af net likely to da Be afterwards, er attempt-
g u aan aoaa ur snert af want it wat hta prtrl
age t
JTaxv TatatatT Jarah Ua tat will aad Phil.
aAesphl ta alia cat aa awaa af a "gutiar" ta Itacaa
a, teaag Waahiagtaa la. for aiaaa as all tba pa,
pla vara lataraatW ta tka Uaaaaratiea af the aaw
Freaidaat, they ar aero iaiaroatael ta th aaw
alt at (bat ar ta sag aauea them ar (ba eoaw
tag aaaeea. Vast Tkunoay is la flraad Isriag
Opaalag" tba graai Uak Kail Clctaing Uom,
Bigtk aag JiarkM aov, tTbga4atwia. The sardj f
iBVelattua ara aat an4 veryoody it intending te
took ia apoa th great tight whioh Wioamaktr A
iiroaa kato baaa preparing far the peeplt. Ra
tal v4 aaatB' will a atari 1W their friangt frc
lbaantry, aad all tka wbatribart f Oii paper ar
- wVlaVAlU raarlBtr l tUblXaa malar
4 Car tor gala a waiaabla Ueaia aa4 Lt,la
aaa Karkat ahMah, aWaaary . Th baut It a 'sew
I wa Mary (rams aaUdlag, aad lb lot 4 by 310 Xeet
lltla patiaaa, tag tarau Bat?. UviUss aiviiteg If
gealred by par ok war.
Alt, a g4 twtttory fraaM IwwTUag noata.aa
Wamutstreut, aaar Saeamd. . Lot 0 (eat by M.
thit a wary Ataitablt property aad vtU be s4
keep Apflyta BbaTBtKBB g (.,
t F.eal Grata AgeeTw
' 1ft fcaaTw f " ririg out hut pairs of UsO
a Bwth, ill ta trtng la tolled money to pay
: fiirtAe.. ttwvldi1y was not aware of John IV II-
- , , U Kpvwoa street, Banunry, wocr oon na
jThaaa ara wianufiotumd Hint will l:wt one yea an4
heap la at good aotidltlon at when now. . IT wonM
drlta all who ara on oilloilng tours, to gi,ve obn
aallt nd praanre a pnlr of Boo It frwia hia.
Tub beantlfot style af Spring If it dhrplayaa In Fr aaay Mart thai R4tbti4iant hat don hiioi
th wind.wt r B. raarta Ilat Btora, ara atlraatrng , ! 'ln. "'1 ", b"
i ar - -..--it ...ul ore Br onty Oloflrtug IlMrr Wi iij IkM strinMr
nak attontlaii. Teang aaa ara aontttntly -i,dlr. , n, ti,u-prlrt P!o. W hitve '.ra.d rapa.
tog tha prlaaa, and h lalkraad of hta low ratal, j tntloa which W ara prnnd Of,' for (rimB 'tit ras in iulrot
MMdipnMWlth(helcetdUlea and protara on ! aWttyla and tubMaalial, nad not loa
tXtha toatyU Alr.riKl f a farg. 1 '"'"""T'."'.'? TZ .
Oe and look at them.
' 3m 1. Bcairrta, hating rcid hta Spring
Fatbloa now making apnea tplandid gar
. .. . ', . . . . .
auau for gantlaaea, aat aa tha l.tott tty la. At ba
ta oBtdrd oaa of aar beat aehaniot and kceat
ontUntly an kaad a splendid amartment of all kind
.r ... .k. kin. .ill b. di
lalad ta getting a goad tali.
Barf lavttraiBTt The safest, moat secure aad
most profitabla Investment is a pair of William II.
Miliar 'I Bents or Shoes, which be furnishes at red
ed rate They ara substantial water-proof, aad ar
just th thing to wear at this season to prevent colds
tnd long illl ef sickness. Mr. Miller's reputation
ft keeping a good sMortmenl, of th best in Market,
it aat xolled. .
A RBiaaaoa ef eari, a thert-sightod sort of fellow,
raid tk tkr day that h wonlit'nt buy clothe at
J. 0. Beck's, beeanse an acuaiolance tf bis had
see boaght a aaat tliera that did nt suit him. We
offered, fur rry on wham ha oould tbow ui wbo
dld'at get suited, to show him a dotcn who did get
tailed extetly. Aad wa would auk of any other who
may be arging the sane reason if the fact that more
people bay ilethos tt (task's thnn any other plnoe fn
Kunbury, isn't proof tulEcieat that all reasonable poo
pletsa get suited tier. .
Con't Cuaea Balbah. Th great popular Reme
dy for Cough, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, nd
Consumption. Beth si tee ordinary 4os , also mam
moth family bottles for tale by ail draggistt and
dealer ia Diadiotae. Ko family should be vor
Bight without It ia th house.
Cta't DrtraniA Cent Will immediately re
lieve aad permanently euro the moat aggravatod
ease of Dyipoptta, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, aad all disease! of tha Btomaoh and Bow
all. Fbyslliani, clergymen and alt who use it. Join
iaanboaadad praise of its great virtues. Bold by
Druggists every where. Price gl. 04.
Caa0TB Waaatr ar Too a A Iibail.
BAia Cbaica White Wheat, SI 90
Alcst Amber, Winter, 170
" Hpriag, 1 an
Cora, Hi
Rye, - I 40
att, 81 lbs ) C4
rttr4?TMh. WkitWhal,ptTtack, 2 74
" " barrel, II 00
Beat Amber, Winter, per satk , t bt
- .. barrel, ID 00
geceea Lake, per lack, i Sti
.... barrel, 8 to
Cora Meal, par awt., 2 TJ
buekwnoat k'ioar, ' 4 VO
SctTtB New York, . 60
Ptnnsylrauia Bolt, ' , 46
Esat per doaen, i:
MlArt Dried Jleef, per lb , " 2S a io
bujoked Mutton, ' Id a 1.1 ;
" Venison, U a i2 f
Lab per lb , 2!
Fuu Salt White Fish, per lb., 1
irout, ..
Cod, ' lo
Froth Shad lilM
VauarABLAt Turnips, per bushel, 40
. Potatoes, ' ' 1 Jo
a Ouiout, " .1 0
Heans, ' ojusrt, IS a In
lioiuiny, " J2
Daiaa Favm Dried Applet, ptrlb., J2al4
Peacbee, " 20 a t
Cherriea, " II a 34
Blaskberrics, 20
Kaspbernrs, 2
Unara per barrel. 73 a ft t'(l
Bslttataakla 4;nt Trade,
SaaaoiciN, March JO. Mai.
Tihm. Cwt.
goat for cek endiag Mar oh 13, S 1U.I U2
Fer last Hepert, iu,J 14 .
4i,2i4 IS
,140 17
14 01
Te same Ua last yaar,
Special Notutfl.
treated with tbeuiaoet suecces, by J. Isatrii, U .,
and IVofessor of Diseases ef tba Aye and Ear; (hu
ipeeisltvlin theatedioal College of Pennsylvania.
I i years-expeneaoe, (formerly ofteyden, Holland.)
No. 60 Aroh Street, rbiladelphia. Testimnninlsiau
be seen at this office. Xhe medical (aeulty are iu
viutg to accompany their pan eou. at be hat no
Moral la kit prtotiee. Artificial eye inter!)
wuueut pain, no euarge lor examination.
Feb 13, iSotl -ly.
4a aside let .nari-iNg-e. Touag Mea's Guide
te Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. Tne hu
aaaa viewt of benevolent I'hysioiaos, ea the trrors
ana ABuiet incident to 1 outU and fcurly Manhood,
aaat in toaled loiter envelopes, fret of charge. Ad
drew iiOWAHD AaiOClAXION, Boa P , Philadcl
pbia, fa.
June 13, 1B64 ly.
X (Fra Diaaetuwtnrv of tbe United Steiee.l
UlOStlA CltKNATA UUCHU LEAVES. Tk. ir kI it sirong, Uilfuaive, end tme
wbat arumatte, tkeir test biturtak, aiat aualueiiut In
MeakealPruswrtic and Uses. Buchu leaves are gently
alMnlai4, Willi . pcculiai leuUaiirgr luthe Uluiarf UieKiis.
I hej-aregrvea 11. comphiuts if tlie Uruwry Urgaae,
suck aa Oravrl, CkriuiK CaUrrk of Iks Mliahier, Mufbid
Irriiatiou fW the UkutdeV u Uretka. lMieaeM ike I'M.
tram Utaiid, aad Iteteutioii ur liieontiueiM'e A Uniw, from
a laul urn in the pane e.'iireviieil 111 ua evuvueuon 'I ke
reined)' bet aki laxa renHaatriuled in Uyspcptia, Ckrou
ic, Cuuuee AtT'dcii.tfis, euu Uriesy
HslmluM's Kxtrecl Hueliu ie used by pxruiu finm the
egee f lb t" 5, aud Trims S5 to 55, or in the dec'inc ,w
rlwiigeoflire; ufier Couaucnaeiil, ur j. Paint; UcJ
WeltiK 111 Ckiktren.
In affectiiHia peculiar 10 female, the Katrnct Buchu ie
aneejaaied ky any other reairdy , aa ia Uki'Wwia, or Its
Iriauoii, Irreguairity, Pciiitulwai or!Supireaei"U Curt -wurjr
feveetutuwe, U misled tar DctHmau 8(140 the
L terns, laenrraea, i White.
tliteatee of tka aHadder, Kidueve, Gravel, and Dmrwical
welluiea Tkia mstiriiw luereaars tba power "f liigre
li'ui, aiut ezcitee the Atasnrbenu nil" kealikv aottoa, ky
wkivh the Weury Celcaremie aVpoeiUiuMva. all Un
natural wait facteud lit
gamuiattim. Hetmb 'kl't Estraet Batku bat eared every eaoe f Da.
beteamwhiek 11 kea heeu givcu Irnutma uf wa Neck,
sT ik Bkklder, mid lialeniinati.'u nf Iks Kidneys, t'leera
ti'ut i4 Uie Kmiwye and aliauder, ltete.i.w ,4 Urnia, Ui
erasaa "f tne Pnairaie Uiaud, r-uute iu tke Mwdder, CHk-u-lua,
(sravel, hViea-Llust Ueaceil, eud tluaua Milky
liacliaigea.au4 fa eeieob'rU and tlelieate eoneiitulKHie,
M n..ik eetee, etiwuiad witk ike full-wniig eyaintuan ;
iHawpneiiHai a. KartHi, L'M "f f.iwer. Urn -4 Mem
if. tiaValty af Ureatknui, Weak Nervee Tremlttiig, T U'Seeaa, Wakefuiiiesa, biianea 1 ieiuii, P.iu
111 the Ueek.U'U Hwule, Kluaimis; "f ike tkelv, trume"f
Ike akin, Kiaatkm i the Fare, Pallid, Uul
veesul lstiuie"("tlisi Maawlar rH stem. c. -
Stelmlkkl e Katraet bwscke eUwietai Bl md Pnill,.
lug, aad care aU OiaeiM ariamg fieaa tulHUnf dissipa.
''""' "d ntMudMcea lu life, impemie o Hit
HI,. ni, Ac euBarsaaUiif C-esuue ill eOeelUHia f"S Wkieh it
ies.eacbae t.eriiajai, Oiis .4
'"I'V Veti.a.a.keaa dieeeaea, uasu ia ejonnecU'Ss
anik HelHtkokJatUe Weak.
ki by all D.egiiati and tealart evwiywbeee. Beware
nf weiiieKe la for HHraV.kfe. 'I'.ka n.. oikei
Prure-ai jti aat evmat, era tsalaa for 44 flo. Delivered
l .aiy adilreM JleecvilMteymutiiaae in atl wanaieiiieatHine.
Adilieee U. T HKI.MUOi.U, SUI Br.iadwav. N Y
td sinive wrapiwi. with fae-airail 4 m Chemical
Warckooee, aud signed
' ' T. DPI Mnni n
rfn.vrm, ,BOV
'g'a )BniuptlTa. v
Till advertiser, hawing been rottored lo health ia
alow weeks by a simple remedy, afier having
lugerod teveral yean with a ervere tang tffeotion,
BBS that graai diet ate, fcantuaptioBs at anaioai to
tuake known ta hi iaUaei aatjsB lha atasa af
taaU ah deeir H, ba artll Bn4 a avy tt lha
teadiag tha rrceeriptkjai b ta aaactt the tdaioiag.
aaa apaaa tnfbraausat wklafe ke eoaoetvee to be In
alaaalai aad ke hope oar ery sugar es will try kit
teaatly, at U will aaat ihtsa awtbiaf, aa4 atay prove
Fartie erithlag tha pveeeriptton will plcise 4
4rst . itw. EDWAkMI A. WlUsOV,
T V FoutU Bttooad St., Wtlliamaburrb,
tu. 9, V- ly Kings CVunw, f twork.
if ana aaaa tuwa at aaarge wiia ina airaauorsj
for preparing an4 atiaa th aaa. whieh they will
flndaAura Cure fur Oaeuapiiua. Aatkaa, Arane
ahiiii. aVa. Tha enly atiaaa. of tha aAewtiaa. i
' JONES' "
1 6 r a n 1, r a n e I)
"o.ifn pssti.r.
01 Nnrkei ttirettt
Ona door abara Sixth, rhiladalphU.
W (mpk'y th beet talent,. Tor fkllers. 'and ur
Oondt ar of both kind fiuhiunnbto tinl pi sin
m that all titxtv aan be tuitnl. 1 ... ti,.
I rary hwt. at any on by n inomdnt't Uwught niutt
ar oth,rwU ,", not, " aoronalilioa
of uur neiguburt, lar a BodvdaotiontareGTer uinde,
w, llust p t 0(( Ilt,ooi 4uwn (M,T,Bl , ,
' Tlie pftj mr dfpend. IMe it the trne plan npna
anien 10 an wnow. ana ibut a aoimr eou be
saved lo Clothing huyors by horping in uind
- 44 Market .Street, fbllarlalphia,
Kct en the Corner, but en Mer above Sixth.
wJ. tlAliCi:, KHloaatata.
April 4, law. ly
Phytotnn who bad Consumptian fbr revenil yours,
with lreiuunl bleeding f the lung, ttifed bVni':l
with a medicine uuknowo to the profiioli, when ins
one sppeiire.l liopelvM. ilo is thonly physicinn
who has urcd it in his own cr.on, or who bus any
kuowledge of its virtues; find he can ascribe tbe de
gree nl health bo now enjoys In nothing but the
use of his uiidiuiue; and nuthinf; but uiur derpnir
nnil entire cxtuiclion ol nil hopo ni rccovory, 111
enther wltba want of coufi Icncoinall others, indue
od bini to hiiinrit tho experhuent. To those sudor
in with any disease of thu 1. units he protloi sn lrei
Hunt he oiili.lonUy believot will erndinnto the
Uisense. ll-iro $1 iU per bottle er S a bull' iltiieii,
tcirt Uy oxpnn. Soml for n circular or oall on
lit. K. Bort.siox Jackion, '
No. Sit-N'nrth Tenth Street, 1'lnladclpliia.
For snle by II. V. Krllinj, Market Square, Sun
burr, Pit., and Druggists generally.
May Si), ISti.S ly.
l:rrort of Von tit.
A GENTLEMAN who snfTered for yenrt from
Xvrvout Debility, Premature decay, and all
the effects of youllilul iodiscrelion will, for ibe sake
of suffering h'inieriity, send free of nil who need it,
llleroolpe and direction for mnkiiitr tbo simple reme
dy by whieb he wal cured. Butli rers wUhing lu
prolil by Ibe adrorliser's rxpuricnoe can do so by
addressing, in pcrleot eonOdi-nne.
Jan 0. '09 1r No 42 Codsr street. N. Y.
With Iron Frame. Over-Inns: Unse and Agraff
Bridge, .Mtl.tiDKOXjJ nud L'ABIKET ORllAS,
Th bet Msnufaelured : Warranted for 0 years.
Fifty I'ianos. Melodeons and Organ" of B first
elass milkers, at Ion prices for I'asli. or one-quarter
1 . t . .a- n.i-. ti... ti.i- : .. I a c. 1
earn aim . . o.ianoo ... o....n..., .....-. v-
:,d-hand Instruments at great bargitns. lllutlra-
t.d Catalogue mailed. War-rooms 41 1 Brna.l ay,
Ktw Vork.
Iftrs: -W . .tuj.i 4 crtl
tlcti XV !. it nuti 4 I. i lil fn !
rvE-E-3eE ADs
"Cuoling le Druids and iiurut,"
'-Soothing to all painful wouads, Ac'
''Helling to all Sores, Ulcers, Ac,"
'Costari' Buckthorn Salve
Is tr.e most eitraordirnrv anlvo ever kno'
power ol .Soothing aatt Hcnlini; for nil Cut.i. Mums,
llruiiiet, f 'Tcs, L'loers. t'happad Hamls aud fklu
frr nro Nipple for l'ilca. Ac, Ac it uithmita
parallel, "ne perton snys, pf it, '1 would not In;
without a Hot in Tnv llnune.'it' it eurt S .00, ur 1
N. Y Kveiiing ewt,iiept. i.
All Druggists in tuubury, sell it.
'That Cough wiil Kill you,"
Try "CostarV Cotigh Eemedy.
'Colds and Honrsenoss lead to death,"
Try "CostarV Cough Remedy.
' For Croups Whooping Coughs, to ,"
"Try "CostarV Cough Remedy.
'Center says it is the best in the wide world and
if Ha says so its i rue its True its Truo ; and Wa
suyTry it Iry tl 1'ryit."
I Morning Taper, Aug. 211 J
All Drngglst in Sunbury, sell it.
taailard l'rcparatlona
are hi
Bitter-Bwset and Orange Bloaaoma.
OueBotUc, gl CO Three for t J 00
1113 .
'C0STAR S" Ilat, Rnaehi 4o , Externiinaton
"COSTAU 8'' Bed Hug Eltcrininators.
"COSTAR'S" (nly pure) Insect Powder.
"Only Infallible Remedies knuirn."
'IS years established in New York "
2.0U0 Boxes and Flask., uian'ulaeiured ditily."
"All UraggistsinKl .MILltYsell iheui."
'!!! lteware!!! nf spurious imitations."
SI 00 sites sunt by mail on receipt of price.
41 Oil lor any three 41 00 sites by Express.
HCNRT R. COSTA R, 10 Crosby St., N. V.
Or, JOHN F. IIENHY (gueoetter to)
DEMAS BARNES A CO.. 21 Park Row, -N. Y.
Sold fey H. X. Fliai.NU.Suuburr, Pa.
Jannary M, ISM. ly
Ia th District Court of the I'nilrd tjlates for tbe
. Western lhslriet uf rotratylrania.
In Ibe matter of )
Coerred F. .Cera, liaukrupt, ) In Bankruptcy.
To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hero-
by aires notice of bis appointment at AMienee of
Conrad F. Cares, ul iurbui township, in th County ,
af KortburaberlaB'l, and State of Penunylrania, '
within tuid District, wha bu been adjudged a iiiiiik- :
rupl upon hit own petition by Ibe Dintriut Court of 1
laid llutrict. L. Jl. K ASE, Aa.ifcl te
fcunbury, February 27, leoll 3t I
tvittaoiaitssu est i-ariarreii.
UTICK it kereby given Ibnt tho co-partnersliip
beratulore eaialiug iwtweun II our j tagety and
AuioS M1, trading aniier tbe lirui name uf Fagcly
eYctteal, wae dissolved by mutual consent, on thu
lid dsv of January, 160'J.
Runbury. March 4, 18S9. Jt
Philadelphia, Mnreb lOtb, !'..
We beg leave to inform yua thai wa ara prepared
to offer far yoar inspection, our utuel ataorlBieut of
Mii-LLakRY l.U0D,
Centittiug f the Arwsij AJwafia Slrtw, Silk sad
ttiuip liars, BokKT. Aj. ; Valvals, ilk Unods,
Hibbuue, Fleweit, Feathers iluohus. Crapes, llloodt,
Ilraidt. Ornaments, Aa. Ac. We shall be happy lo
waitoa yau at yaur store er reeeive year order.
fittiluvt for rank. Yours, Ao, H WARD,
Aut. lui. iu and till . sceond t, ruilsd a.
March 18, 13..U, 1 mo.
J8G9. 6I'KKSU 1801).
Opouiug ef NFW .!ILKS.
Opening ,t KB W KIIAWLS.
Opening of NEW CMINTZE
Opening of SF.W fUFLINS.
. ttaUtetak ef STAI'Llb aad FAa'CT
gUl0 44UIM.
Fonxtb end Arch Streets.
K. Jobs frein Adetlon daily rteeiwd.
March U, '4g.-4t. '
AJtOH (iTitEET, Wtwein Third aad Fourth Btre
HAMI.'CL 9 Wm, Prorrtatot.
.'uEtikry ,
. A n7flrii !f Ire.
fhfJia ntil(W. rpnrt af itm Chits ftinlr Tirtl.c
tVeelrra Mtrlct f FatireyrVnnia
' In Hi matttrof t
atvtianaak P. Pcameii, Dacarupt. ln P.anhrnrfry.
" T Wbent It enfrov)trn!TheWo)crslr)ed have-
(Sr gtvee ntiee ar till aprotntvaoVl Asls;iie of
Mii-n P. Aenmaa. ef MilMn. fn lio reumy of
KorihaVfllMirtand. aad Utate of Pewnsytvania. wilb
In sntd tiistrlnl. wlieha been juitgejl a Bankrupt
apeti his owe pellUoa by the Pisirint (Vnrt ef said
Dfewrlet. . . I,. II. K AMI", Assignee,
'unbory, FeVfuary t3. Witl
having Inkrn eliarge nf die akere well known ratah-
llakmi nt, is prepnni.l I furniasi
W-OnR of Bit kinds.
. 1 - i.L.l
on th beat termi I caslemsrs.
SnORT., Ac.
The highest rh piioss paid for all kinds ef
t iv' Custom work eelialtcdin nrefjrcneo ef Mer-
ehant work.
Hunbery, Maroh 4. Ht9.
It out uv sal of tUc 4,Tr.saplo of I'ualt
i Ion."
GHADOPE!frfa of Sprlnr Fashion. Mon-lav,
Mar on 1st. lit J For tbe better oonvunienee
, , of herpMrun, Mr. M. A. Binder hut reiiiovod Lor
Dre IVimmingt and Paper Pattern .Vt-.irc lo tho
N. W. Corner of Klurciilh and Chceaut .troyts
DresiBnd Clnnk MokIn Ilnna m.l In ff
with cut and eloxn.jce. The Hnest eitorimont of !
..-i.iea ureeatna Uutk Trimtuti iu (Lo city. at
- iirivoi. uraors eacuurLii ni aim, nnitae
Bwiiiroiuerirs, Hd'fs, Laces, Ribbons, Ilridul Veils
r,"", .wr"aes, rine Jawolrr and Fancy Wood.
Fiukinc ami aoflavHo nuin. .a a,,:..- a
l perfect system of Dress tMtttng tauubt l'rioo i tiO.
. I with Chart. Iiteriu ,ent by -MnrVor Sxptcss to all
' t"r.v"f i-""'"" lo not forget .r new Ineatiiwi,
a.. i.r. a.ievonio aim UUtsuBt streets, l'bilad'a.
Maroho, IctiU. :B
p. s. dewai7d & "ca
Vtnufacttirars of and Wholesale Doalen in
Oil Cloths, Window Shtdes, Carpet Chain, Cotloi
. Turns, Ditting. Rope, Twiuaand Cordage,
llroasrliM, ltrtihcss llaaUrtsi,
No. 1 North Third Streot. above Market,
Tannery 51). Ibiltt ly
Htnnrlnrd VTarrnBled,
Wi nffcr to FaBMRitl and Dati.rns in Manure;
: 1 the presont season our Cone Super Fhespbat
of l.ime n being highly improvej.
It if nut necessary at this day, to argue tbo claims
of thia manure, It a usofal and econieal application
for CORN. J ATS, and all spring crops. Tho article
i a reputation i.f over fifteen years standing, and
!s st'.ll uianufnotured by the orgiunl proprietor!.
I Farmers will bleata
j,,,, , as this onlv will ensure a supply
" .,,,, . ., ,
Relo Manufacturers, J
Office No. 20 South Delawaro Ave. j
Feb ga, 9 3,n 1'UlLAUlU.rFl A
luluta. Oila, Ac.
A full stock of Oils comprising l.inseed Oil. Co il 1
Oil. t iku (hi. :in j I.uUrieuiiu Oil tor hiiirim-i and .
M.icliiri'-ry, Vnrnttfhe, ULi.-v. Iw.i-. nr luiuil. nt '...v 1
I puce--at t ti.Vl.L.1' A' I '1-5 1
A I'LOIU A.IO I lil'.O N'F'ORi:,
S doors East ef Moore A Dissingcr't,
Oil .tliti-Ut'l HI reef, Nnabary,
IVhcrs tliwy will fn-;i nr.-l ililivi-r lu )!. ci: ' " '.J
fcUliUUVy. C'lcll hlld SCI.V ll.iV III ti,'.' -
itg ur utiuiuuuii. :ui tiling iu tiici.' ln.v'
nf trmlti.
(J?' It la also a suitable plucc for f.iruiors to leave
I lu"lr grm lor th mill
C. HAAS A nKl). !
Sunbnry, Feb J7, 1S44. Jw. I
la the gilrt-t otti t ci llir I ni.
4ed t si lea, for the T-'ilrri liis
trirt ol' g-aiisi.i It naia.
JOBICRT HAYES, a Bankrupt under the A"t ef
J.V Congre'W of Mar-h 2d, lsr, bavinir nppliud for '
I a aiscnarge troio an ni. iteni, nna ouicr ct.iims :
j provublu under said Act, by order r.f the Court, '
I S'oricK '. hbkk'iv uivkb, tu all persons who have
I proved thett debts, and other peieuns interi'-lol, to
Infiirnn the 2)'h dny of March. IHi'iV. at lu o
itioA, A M . before John Detwuiler, Etq., Reg- '
iet"v ia Oankruptcy, at I: la office, in 'tiubury. l'n ., ;
! to skew ctuso, if any tbev have, why u ilischarL-o
should 11 v I be grantod lu ibe said Bankrupt. And
further. Jfotn art Manttir nivta, thai I lie second i
and third aieellnk of rredlmrs of the said bank
rupt, required by the l?th and LMth scctivus of siiid '
aM nrKu ai.. tt. 1 u..i.,.. ,l. ;
I ulna lima hi, A As,'a. !
6. C. ileCAXM-FSji,
Fab. lOlh.'IMt Clerk.
Fresh Groceries!
On Third Ht., one gear below the Lutheran Church,
gl'SBUnV, PEJf'K'A.
Ilus j"st vpcnud a large assortment of
DRY I.OOK'. such at Cnliooes. Muslins. Ao., which
ara old cliuuper than ever. Also, a triety of Jio-
tiwns, liilershiriii, Drawers, lints and Clips.
of all kinds, such nt
Moliisves, Pyrup!, MacVorol, Lard. Ilams, Nuls,
Dried and Canned Fruits, i'runes, liuitu:.. Cheese,
aud Crnekcrs, and in fact everything; usually
kept in the tsrocery tine.
Hams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-waro, !ueeaanare,
lllas.-ware, Willow. ware, Ac
The best FLOCK and MLAL in the Market
Tobacco, Cigars, aud a vnrioty of NOTIONS.
Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest
Country Produce taken in exchange for Uocds.
Le Call and eaamine my Slock, and ntisfy your
scltee. IIliN'RY riiTi:U3.
Banbury, Feb. 20, 1849.
I Licensed by tbe Tuiltd S'aU't Guvwniuenl
ifur consumer af
throughout the Country. j
! iituuntiu. At ti,, I
1 Of flOten years' stsnding at Jobbers and Retailtri '
I of Ike Hkure good., in Boston and vieinty, have con- ,
; eluded tu utter Ibe people of the whole euuutry the
j advantages of their immense iiaportaliona and
1 agencies for Aiaertein manufactories through tbe !
I popular UNC lM.LLAR nYf'lb'M.
Our Premium List to Agents, and Exchingo List
I for Agents aud Fatrons, are not equullcii hy any j
bousu intbeooaeUy.
tiuei .New kotk and Boston reterenta given wbcu
I repaired. bu4 for tree Cirouiar.
n b it-rtiu st i.u-,
t) c'ottaitr Mtreel, Boston.
Post -Office bu ae4.
DeeemW IS, ltMti. :tm
Vr. 3. FUT.lsCAlT cs.,
Market Street, Six doors East of Tiiiid sir set, nor'h
sid.-. Sl NHl'ltY, PA.,
I 1;.'P1.("I TI LI.V inform tl.oir 1'tU-t.dt -uud tl.o
X V public, thut tbey bavu oponed a
ant win ee aaiipj to aeve tuvut ou:i eau exaiii'iie
tbeirttAo' whioh ba just been opened, em bra
cluit everything iuibe Urooury line, tuck at
Citlm'. Tea, Sugar, Syrups, bpiout, Canued nud Dried
fruits, tlvana. lluuiiiiy, Cheese, Crackers,
llaeoa, Haul, FiJt.Sall. Potatoes,
etc., together with Soaps,
CuiiUL'S, Sodit, Ac,
and in fact cYervll.iug in Ct l-iuvvty I'r'jvl.-.iu
FLOI'RAND FEED, Cueensanro, Willow-waic,
Glassware, Ced Oil Lauipa, Coal Oil 4c.
Call and tea before purchasing eltvwbar
ratho-v, r it, i?.
IT ivtng supplied UieuisoUav with an enltrvly
ll.rnaglioat, will he happy ti meet tbilr mmy
Irleuds ltd the public generally at their prcsoiil
place tifbu'lness, j
819 Chestnut Street,!
miLADKLPiriA. !
FoK. 1 3, 13 iuh7,ly.. j
W. C. Vmunu. tl. T. IshAUL. !
3d si. ytxt court to ki:y?toxe hol'sk. ;
rpllKniibtorilxrsbeg leave to call the attention fjf f
I. tbe public ta Ibe fol Ihaf lli-v have started a 1
Market lor all kinds, of Country Prntvn, Veeta- .
hie. Ac and huve niso n.ade firnenccnieift to !
ni.'h In Snaon nti sin1a nf (luniv, fl-ll. tu. ar! e '
and fore gn truiu, nuts, 4c, alwaya on band, uhole- 1
si'le mid retail.
All kind, of CAnnO'l Fruits. VegctaVios, 'Vickies !
Siuuoa. Catxups c. ('all and mie for vo:ir5"lvc. '
ua we Uely ct.npetltljn oitbor in u'sovoeiu or prices !
Siiuljurv. Jnnunry 0. 1S0!
wJT Sp.miileM or.t by uia!l wliuo -Jri-irtiiii for.
October Si. ly
nrlM-r tiittl IIitlrt'.ri'Hi r.
Ijsr.nrt's i'riinio Huildinp. nmth side of I.irke
F.!iare. Si.'XUl'llY. PA.
Cfa:i tin- nits I hit grace llic Ir.nd.
hnt grace c-in with t!,c bii-S-?r v:?;
V.'l i. ii.Ves yrur chin nitliin bis hand,
V I i ! - ilicntuing land iu pro.'jiect lit.
Wlllisootliirg touch his rusor glidi,
Wilb tiimble clip liis seizor elide ;
And lo ! Iiufure his glass you stand
Tninfforiucd, a. in 11 tairr land.
TJESPECTFl'liLY Inarms the oiti.en, rf .Vu(;.
XV bury and vioiuity, thut he will bake to order
nil Rinds uf
i ''. . f;v l-SstJIn, Snritra, Vr-
- ,,,:;,.,- ,.r,.j,.j :.J; i' i.l-:--H pr.T:". Twlel.
linll.". Ku-li.. 1m I't-nn. f.t , i'ii l nl krp; i.u b...-id
mid iicintiliietut'cd out o'ti; b..i maifci l.ild.
All order, leftnt lii4 Slinp in .tluilri'' S'u'Te. r.iio
d'Kir.o'ii't f Mifis Aunt I'.r.i'ter'i Milliin'rV St rt or
Ht his Uuki'ry 011 Spruce Street, beti-en 1'ront aud
Second jitreeti1, will inei-l with jirouipt nltcnlion.
ilM.I.S AND KVIiNINii 1'AUTIKS supplied
with Cukes, ioe-Crentn, Ac nt the hoi'tt notice
Dr iers uro iccj.cctfully solicilui
.Siml.ury, Dec. I?. IrJ-t.
Market Square. j
H U N n I'llY, Is K X N ' A., !
i:5PKCTl"l'MY inforn-.B hor friends and Ibe '
public, that sho hu- iut returned frum the eitr,
v here .-he hits spent minetimu in making selecticus 1
eud purchn.-i'S. and hat just npuned a lurife st ick ct j
.MILl.l.NLItl liWUS AMI J1I'J',
! Ribbon. Loccs. Drcst-l.inings. Crinoline and Vi
j gaus SkirtinR Lining. llop .vkirts, liule Trim
I inins-, Crape Triuiiuiugs, Hut Crupo, Cloak Buttons,
1 Corsets. Zephyrs.
A larga assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's
' Hosiery.
j POLLS or nil .-isrt. Alphabet Flocks, A c.
I ."ho fliatori hri-olf in b-dngablc to moke a display
j ofgnrdf that will cive entire salisiacliou to visiters auil
j goids will he f xhil it..,l witli pti.uurc
I 5ut' ur. Dec. 12, ii; i.
Ayer's Cherry Sectoral,
For Dificaao cf tho Tliroat aoti Lunc,
auctt. aa Coufha, Colds, TOitooptux
Cough, Bronohitis, AsUuua,
Bad Porauixipeiou.
TraMv nsvet licfme in thi- whole hitniT nf
modu.ln h.i. tin thing won n wnlolv nil s'tileepiv
U)ipii llii; roniUienec of ui.iukiii'l, as Ibis cm ell, nt
remedy for pttlutouary eotuptauiiB. I'liroiiirli a louir
furie.. ofyo.ira, and amount nioft of Uu nu'i. ot
men it ha risen higher nnil liiprher in Un'ii' estima
tion, aj it U.i become bett'ir kuowir. lit iiuilm ut
cbaraeter ami power 10 cure tlio various itflrrlnuis
ol the linixit aud Uiroat, hat eitiudc it known nt 11 10.
Ji.'ible prtilri'tur n.iin-t llie.m. Uliilo niinpteii to
iniiiloi' loiuia utilise. a and to yntii'e i-tnirlivn, it 14
at lha enmo time the ino.-l i 10'. i-in
be given for inciuient coiMiimtjii'i'i, unit the A.m.
poi-iiu afli'',lioii.' of tiio luro;it and I mir-. Ai 11 pm
viaiou I'gaiiHt sudden nttarkt of Cj'ih, it lion.t
bn kept ou tiuuii in every launlv, and 111 nil
are sonieumei suhlect n colds iiiitl couyi-;, all
Itroid'l tie proviileil W'lh this antiilou' for Itu-itf.
Atlhoiijffi aottleii CoHMutuftioii i inoitlit in
fin a Wo, iiii groat number! ol t'U.ei Ikti the Ui-.
cse strcinct clllcU, have becu .'oi.-ipleii'ly cuivil,
and tho patient restored to aottii'l In'.-ill.T by tho
Cherrif Jcclornt. So complete is It. muitery
over the ilUorders of lha Liiuk utttl 'i'l'ronl. tlut
Die mo-1 ob-iiuute uf them yieiil t it. Whc.i noin
irt ei.n could rca. ti tlicin, mitlei' tba Lltri i i i'et
tofaf Uiey sub. ule aud disappear.
A.xers anal futio AjaAw lied pro
toctioii fixm it.
Jutma ia alwayi relieved aud oftaa wholly
tureil by it.
BrunchM it aeaerallv rnri'd v lakinj tli
Cfcui ry . larul in amnll and frequent iljv'..
1-0 pencislly are its virtues knouu that v. '! t i
not publish U10 cortine.'.icH of tliuai In. ; 0, o. Uo mre
Ib.iu assure Ui publiu Uict its ijiinliuoa uie lX.Ly
Ayer's Ague Cure,
Pot Tvr art! Atria. Tnt4rmittan4 Fawar,
Chill Keveir. Ke in it tent foyer. Dumb
A ta, Peiodieal or Bilious Fever, .SO.,
end iudeort all taa arTbofcoua wuicrt ariaa
front utalariaua, intiTdh, or saiaiiAtvUu
poioout. f
Ai it name twip!ici. It dot Cur, aud dtM nl
fail. Coul.iinina neither Aii-enir.yninine, Bii"Hth,
ine, nor any other mineral or poiuuuiis aulietanee
whatever, it in imwl-e iniiin--. nnv piiient. i ha
number ami inip-nianre of it.. I'lires Id tlio .isno ilis
tricu, me luci allv lievoml nenmnt, .mil e lni'cv
withoitt a paralli'l in the hiatorv of Atriie im"lii ine.
Our tiridv Is gi-annarl by tlie ni knowleUpmnits wa
rei-cive ni the lailirnl o.uiea c0."'leil in i li.tinnta
cii'.'s an.! wln-re othnr retnedic- had whotlv Tiilct.
1 111 "" pr-Ki,ns, .'lili.r ivtiilent' in, or
trttv-jtlmtr ih.'rtifrh miaain-!i- ta pro.
V'.'il by taking the AUt K CUM: iLulv.
, ? ! r l'n"M'iilit, aritinc fi-oni MrpMlrw
L,rver, rr ia an exeetioni rattiouy, stimulating
ions Dtoi-ilars anil l.ivm rnimil.litM tt la
an axi-eiiant remedy, itroduelnt? manv tmlv re-
uinraamo curra, wuei e o:ner mmieinpt bad failed.
.T?crTLh J?"- J-' c,.AntR - Pifori
tvnl Analytical OheauiU, Lowell, ilost., and told
aJ round the world.
rnrcn, $1.09 rrr. noxxts.
dviu y si. 1. rriung, cunuury.aua all Prugvsit
e.i,Lt, w ..,. ... . ....
and dealers iu Medicine every where
jovn tier 7 inw, ly
Muikt Sii xoi,
1 M reaeooaU.
. id i . i.i:T, s'l..n' e
-,rir lilo I'..ii,.'il.i, ,'ul.l."i: , I'.
1 1 11 iPilmwMS i
I Philadelphia.
f Jifcur', J'srTSuy r, -t
For resloSrrf)q trzy I
its natural Vilify nnd Cc io.v
It 11I :. t 1 1 '..!
Iii'jili'tV. n" l
for J i'' .. ; .,
Itaa a ' .' . . ..
iii tV (, , .
(' l!r ' ...... -.-
'i'liiu )i;iir is . !i: '.
Wtcl, fulling Lair fl.c.K.M. :iT ! !.-. !
tlO. ofloll, tllOtlgli Pd KtlVMV". .
y il tiso. Notliitia- :u;i )'.; 1, ,
liair whero lli fnHivlo-t Vi-e ilr ....)
rr tlio glmi'h nlrojilii.!,! . .;
But ouch ns rrnmtu can lo hmi ;' ..
lisofulncs by tills ppjillcftiion. tn.:.
t-f fcHlinj tho. lift 1 1 wJUt fl -y
mctt, it will ko'p II Ht-nn ami j.jtoi.
ltd occa.-iioniil no will, .rctc'it l' . ;.,':.
from turtiTug pi'.ay cr siiI'mj ol','. . i
jrneqicniiy prevent kJf'os. t'c
from (hose delotcrious rv' "' : :
;tlo nouns preparation lr.!.!Tn na
Jtijti)iiu.4 t.i 1I1.1 l:nir, llic -'" n
ouly boiiclli but not Ltirai i;. k wnai.:
merely for a
tlAthing' cUo rnn bo found o Jfsiri:!.!
(Jontiiiiiin ncitliuv oil nor tlw. it ilu.
not soil wbito rumbric, ord yet 'rrij
long ou llm Imtr, "riviiifr it ft ri li ir'
lustre find a grateful pei'furtie.
Prepare! by Dr. J, C. Ayer Sl Co.,
Swld l,y II. T. i'r.linrf. ,vnnl"i.y . nr.t a.I i-ru '$W.
1 ni'd Jlxrilfl- in Atr-dioiho evy"i,' .
.November 7, la3. !y
r.n a ai-vmtie v.-tJ cure
! Ct t,'GIIr.
j. Tlcau:. m taa SURO ', T.
t or rtl.cve
ns quirV Si
3 coucn iiai.:
ovtift oni: million- r.DTr;
linvebeen e.ld and nnt a si-'J-
: UTii.i
I'l'Wn. e hnve. 1,1 .ii i
l.litait., e"iti ,,f Uiam
I-..V t m:nt Pit V:'l rn
wl.i liai-e -yr,' ,t ;.: i,u,Lt,.c, ...i r.vfi : '
siamti:ce over evei v utlir c n-in-unJ.
but I.OuMv.NS IT,
i i'. to e a
firee J. ia
'.be patient f sxpeeicraie frss.j . T-i
j W-u. h'.ii'HM CvrB TL:m r; r; t Tu:.
A ! .'ill i I'.lt I. .11 n ...,,. 3.
. I,. rn Ocnjlt, nn.l Vfl. in t , it i-
-1 '
oper ,tnm, r. i p-rt'i-i - y tt irinlns, !. ... . t u i
! I' u very i.e.eca'i!.! t" t!'C Ul'.e, and mt ue
I to iiiHran o! any njfe.
I lit nf CR01T ivs will S'laran'" f. ci"
i eoil'tn.
should m; witivji t
! Il is "w r-fdi
f all, it brine tht clca'f
' '.-it
M exlant
, 0. CLARK A CO.. fWir-.
NKW IIAVliS, 1:.
1 t. IBA. tv
rMII URK.AT liliVl.Ut' T'.
L l"t''
B'T O M A O I'l
1 is tiie jfcoVHrv i:f 'tit i.'VciiVn . ( t ..4-'i
ll 'lnm,. wtolL' cxpeiimriihnf for tiis'iwn hea:tti
011,1 1.1 ine Toinncn rir l,im WJIica liuU Llln'e y
to iio'.iiiiitr hut chlorororm.
' The u.tii'.st daily tejtiirin.y from various p,t .,;
j eouiitry frnviiiin-e in i. i,elii-'e tliere is n- it'ir-m- ,
j hy a tlisoriiered tomuuU it will ii"t tprtoily cure
; Physicians iidoi'o uud Vt it'
J Ministers giro tostimony of its effionoy.
J Ami from all dircstioue tve rvecirc li'!i:ss ' '.
I lorinv.!.
i UYlpr.PSiA!
Tt ia nit la ri'
i One d 4n -n-ih si.s.
j It Iws e-irrvt i-i Iis.'14'eda
heapache and dizzinksa!
It a:' a in t nit" niu.alca.
tCIDITY OF T!I: !'()MAr!i :
Tt c riects at one.
i !t.'s:: oF tiij: rooD' .
I' stops immerfiat!. aftf.ii kATixc.
will :iere
i!n;u.Jly p-, a ftv Jjs-s.
W:!!'iial,s!iecl n-iihlis f a'.'-t.'-
IT IB P E a F E C T L V U A E M L F '.i
l;t I'.N'rRIXKDSN'ITD 81CCE94 is wnr 1,1a
fact th'.t
It rune ly As.i.iittj; Aiiiiro
TO lilv-ASsr.IlT .EK SW AV IN 'MJK &VT1..M ;
Neeily every dealer in t!.c li.ij.l r:taies ... ll s'
C O. CLARK Si CO., Prcprie'ors.
mciv HAVts, f.o:;K.
pr:I T", l.Jrs. 1r.
Su'tnble f.r tho
1 J arku '.jiiarc. two .lours K-.ri nt the old ?.!;
I . t buildiiv. tUXbL'UV, Penn'a..
T TA.t j'tst orene I n fruh njiorltuent of tt' -.
II i.i.tiionsltc fancy Uriit lioutit fiom tht
c.tiliihtneiita in r!ii!ii.le!rbii "
MlLr;. f II KS, S ri.K POHLIN'5.
Clot'.ir, Pi;cqu?. Flimcli. Flannels. Pbocli-.T Mj.
Itus, Ladies i-nd CbiKren' UAIi.r4t.t4tr? 111 .'. .., , I rim it. IuS,t KBufjMliIs-rlfHi,
Lace Veils. Crrcts. Tlnndlic ?hiel. O'e-u, !', ,-,
lioouklrls. llopkint Lliplie Skins, and
Ln lies' Unods sf every de'criplmu.
Taijley 1 fliiawlt at l.arg'iins. Plaid V. o '1.1. Stsaj
ioukl'aii Snawls, Woolen Seitrft nti Ci J
fur VYouiun and Ohlidien.
Tesvee and Cl.incliila TVtteV-IV.of CI
Dirts' Collurs, 'ck-liet, llilf-hute, iliuijlf-r-
c.'iur. on. I u:cres.
I'eiluintry.T. ilttSoaru, Bt Sra.l.. Cotu?l. tW.
'.ember ft. I hiiv KATE 11 L
choice rnnx a uksaxzsval
I Dealer ia Fruit and Orvur.ew'M Trues, n.M fj 1 .
iab fro-jt the iat respot! Aurseiiea In thit snd
tul.w . fli at class Tit KIM of all kirilv !V
I rhruhlery, Vines aud Flantt. tiatdet. Stcjl- .. a i
I kinds.
I New While I'oKch Blows. iTarlw Uondrieh. rrU
, and 11 arrive roUiutt, ia large asid suiull ut o';i:'i.
are olfnred for sate.
1 I'rdeis are rccpettlulij ;iH.-ite I.
A.iw.w.i CLV..'. DTIVi
i , v - Paxil.., .N'.'.lh ,1. C
, lsT v -.rasurarojt taken in ita
j ruu.t renpoiuuble Fire Int irinse mid Uni te Dctvj'n.i
t ouipauies in the Mate
Uot. 17, lsA. w
Tho Arch Street Foundry,
HERETOFOllJi eartied .... in tto ,,., ,
ioungman. will hereafter be carriuU m. in thu
Briu Burnt) of VOt'MJJlAX A IT 1 pt 1,11...
" . : " ' "f o
nriu nnmoot YOCXiiJlAS A 1IAI PT.
of Casting will at all liuu-s be ,, M'lU
Uotice, aud in the bext miiirr
5attbary, Februsr? IS, inui
:-t tht, 1
I." s
t, i