5T! I TI.ii: NATIONAL 1ITE IS3UHAKC2 "COKtfANY, C? TUB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, VAeniNQ'rojj.D. c. Phnrtered by 8peeltil Act of CoDgrow, Approved July 2ft, lbbS. CnU Citpiiul l,utt.KM. BRANCH OFFICfiJ?l!ItAPELrUIA, Fnifi National Bask Bi-ilimkii, vThere tliegcnornl business of (Jin Company Is trans aetc', and in which all general correspundencJ should bo addressed. MIUTTOP.S. Jnv Cooke. Phllnda. H. A. Rollins, Wnhlngloo C II. Clark, " llenrv D. Cooke, " John W. l.liiJ. Cin'tl. Win. !'.'. Chandler, " tfa. l. M.-urbooJ, Phil. John D. Difrees, " (leo, P. Ty Icr, K-'wnrd Dodtfe, Sew York. J. Hintkloy Clark, If. C. Vuhnestook, X. Y. officers. i P. II. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. 1IKXKV D. COOKK, Washington, Vice Piesiucnt. JAlf COOKE, Chairman finance and Executive Ci'iniiiiltee. KM El! SON' V. PELT, Philad'n, iCeo'v ninl Aolunry. il. 8. Tt'fi NICK, Washington. Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS CI. SMITH. M. 1)., Medical Director. J.EWI.NvJ MJiAKri, il. D., Ai!nut Mudleal Pi. roc tor. illetlacnl Adtlraory Eloni-JI. J. K. Barnes, Surgevu-Uouorul U.S. A., Washing ton. T. J. llortvitz, Chief Medical Department V. 8. N., Wnshiiigy.in. . r. vr. bum, n. n. v.Vhinstt,n. gioltcSlors unci At(orncs't( Win. I. Chandler, WasHo-rlot?. P. C. i;tirJi!.g, r r.i. This Company, National in itj ohnrn'or. nlTcro, by reason of its Lre Capita!. Low linte of Premi um tin I New Tables, the niOit desirable menus of insuring life yd. prcrcntcd to tho public. Tho rotes of premium, being largely reduced, tiro made ? f.ivoriiblo io t lie iunirors asthma of the boat Mutual Companies, mi -J avoid i.ll tho complication nnd uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the mis uridcrsinndinrts vrhijli tho latter arc so apt. to oauso the roliey-UolJiiH. Bevoral Dew and attractive tables arc now present. C'l which need only to be undergo,.! to prove amen- table to the I ub'.ic, M-.tU us. the Iwjme-IVo'lnoiiig Folk-y and Iti'ti'.rn Premium Policy. In the farmer 1 the j vlioy-hoUler not only secur a life, ltjmrar.ft!, i pnyab'.c at iKa:h, but will receive, if n'or'n j p;riv.l .i a few ye.tr. ! i.nr.oal i;;: c"ji3 naa .t,tc I ten per cent, (l .l jcr ecu'..) of the par of his i :iU-y. ! In tliii la'!:"., tho Coa-puiiy tifi'vf.' to letutu to tie i r.f.ire:! the total uiuouut of niouey bo L.;j rtUU In, I in n 1 I i I i n to the uiuoont of hi p iliey. j iu; a'.eaitoM ot p'rfv',i;' otitvu:p!u'ai.g ii.ituring their llvi-j or iticrea.iiL tho ntnount tf ij.-'nrai.en they nlreay have, U calluJ to tho special ailvaLtages cffeicj by tie Kutiir.al Life, Ir. 'urar.ee Coruj-any. Cii'Jolarp, Paini-liluts Mul fitll purtieulari piveu n arp i jh t i ..ii u t!i l-'iai. h OfSee !' the C.ii.puuy iu riiilnl'Mphin, or to it: tjcneral A;;en!.t. j Local A .'.',? aro AV':'Lt."i iu every Cl'y .! To'.vn; mil -..!bj .:;,-; ft,-m uomfctrnt V 'i''i.fcr yocil a cl.ci-i.-. wi'ii nitatjle emj .r; en t r.t, f 1 i W'Tewatl to ,,. t.i uip.n iu their re-pectivc il.jiric tT.S.-B.tt, t.iWV.tH : S. 7,-. CI..THK i CO., P;.:la-.k!n-..:1i. rr ih'.i:",) Iviiiiia nn-.l .Sou;':ir r.i ISeir Jersey. JAY KE ! CO , Va. bin -ton. I). (.'., For Aliurr'and, JHlnraro, Vlijiuift, Ditrtv( cf Cv:u:nLit nt:. ; it v ir B. h. iu.:;::j., x.ii.u.n-c-. H'M. II. li'JUL!:, A-vat. .Vili.,.,, Vs., L. M. 't'bi.1'., A nit i.,r liuulur-,1 Knd vicinity. Seiiti ihl.ir 6, 1 ii-. ly I u , i ..i ni;:i lo intoiu vu. i ..! I r. that Dr. i " " "tl. ft .' V.U ! -...-.il. i.a- ,i-..;,.f. icl'lt rn i. I e,. t-ia, cure--1. ,,:,.M)i,, ', ii. wi,. n tlx.-lui ;,i!e La'.l co!.?ui..r,.l. iu ,hit, will care nil il: 'vh;.-uu of In :: !. 1.1 v or c'ate. make n., n l-m .... ,.. . l leave .J,, ill to play lor di. I ol vfoiit, mi l i -'.lcsi .'f.o.i ! niaku ,mr limiiry fpl.eio a hli.-. f,; ,jr iui.-,. to vlii;.ii iloavial ! bavo heatd ejjij'.i .11 1 1. nil Kn i,ut n tl lo how. Vou ;a of Mint hind ot buinboir'-crv. ana ve do r.t won l . r t you have by this limn becomt ni',5Utel wttli ir. Hut. l,en wo lell ym that J'r. Ci!c v.arnii-11 Keutedy Kill fimti'v't en re tht. live,. (( vf Citttini, we onlv n-..rt iln.t whioh thriasnud.j can Ic tity to. 'J ry it 'and vou will bo eon y;eul We will ey tJ.Htl Kuwai'd tot caso cf atarih that we eanr,,:t cure. run. wall i:y mi )."-! nrtcaois-'Ts rvnnY. ... VfliKllK. riuci: oxlv Id) ukkh. Kent hv 7!ail. rt 1 for : ' Cc.ts ; lor l'a ?k,vi s !".,r H2 (id ; or 1 Ii... en tor jo in), send a etaaii. t Ur. t .1,53V p.tmrhlul cu iv.ti:trra. ir-;.' t'i,; lpifjfii-tor I?. V. 1'IERCK. il. D., J uiialo, K. Y. Ko HuMurd. It ia te.trrttittrd to cure lost or Ln laired Tim o, StiieU or Heating, Watering o.- V.'e-.k I .vif, oil. i live Jii oath. Lb-oraied Thioal or flt.rf.li, 1 ii in nn I Pres-ouro in tho Ilea I, and b,.- of Metnaiy when caused. n nil of fiicm trcitiiently are, 1 1 tho ravnos of Ciitnrib. It i. pi i-a.-i.nt end painle. -a to n -.. o.,i,!aii,s not', one; , ,i r.,:;.s or eau.-lie (iri-i;.', bai eurn by i's mil I soothlin; i.c'.i ,i). '.',',) w lil pay Jj'iO ltewr.rd tar a case of Calinh tin' v,o esiinol e-ito. I0!t SALE LV MOST DRUtJfHSTS EVEitY V lllil'.E. l'liirn f.NLv i'l Cit.vrs. If your Urn; jits ha.uot yet gut it on sale, don't be pit oil with .Muto worse than worthies ctrong nu.T. fauii.'at.-r " or poisonous cui-tio s.lut ion, whieli will diiw tho ditease to tho luuns iuslumi of cmi-or it, but nud sixty eeiitu lo ui and th a ruiujy wiil leaehyr.uby return mail. cciici jtampfor Dr. gaga's pim php-t on Ca'anli It. V. 1'iEilL'E, M. J)., ' fcuil'alo, X. Y. 3 Thli Isf Ai.iu.Lr. P.t.-vrcrdes not. like lb., pulsan- :i; '"" 1 ' ' fla'l' -i-h wnieh the people Usve lone; In-rn hrinibu-;rii, simply palliate ior a ehort tinio, or drive tho din.-o lo too Ii'uS'i W there ia d.irxor n' u Aiif in tho use of such lost ranis, bill it p, ,i.;i.l lu-ije.-t HO. I priuianonl euros ot the Wor t cr.-"j rf chronic eainrili, as 1,-ou--. ai iUean testifv. "C dd in the j:. a t" j :,, , -,1 v, nh a low applications. Catarrhal Iloa.laeae i. re. i lioicd in, 1 euie l as if by niai v It n. a.ov.-s o,T, n. I five nr-ntll, Lots or loipati ib'.i t of the s-. l.-e , f la-' .,, mi el I or iieurjiur. Wateiir; or Vi'eak l.jn, in.d liu pane l .Memory, n lion eaa-e-I by the violonao of Ca liin ii, as they ull frviinunilv nro. Wo o.f. r in jood faith a m.iidioj ruward of.'.uj f ir a oa.-u of l.'atatih that, w o C'.IiIiol er.i e. Ft.lt Ml.fcl LY .MO,-: DLCOr.iyTS EVEIlY- ' ' 'Ii.KK. Pun om.i ou u:-,t:i. Ask your Priirj-ti. for tho Kkm-dv. hut if he h is j 't '"1 8"t it Oil sale, ill n'l he put ell by II -e,. p;inc. I any miserable. Worso th in .-rtbl.- ni'sii'me, but j enclose shiny oentsto us, m, 1 n.a rici.ii-! v i-, ; 1 be sent I you pst paid. Jt'our fiekanoa J ht), I,r one ,;-;:n fcaU Uiip ior I r. p ronuiet oa I t. It. . AIiiw., .V. 1)., This is JCO PATENT Ml.niCIN-T- Hi';,' f:t;j, (rot. i.ii ii i i., ,iu in i i,m i . u.rar.L lti.,s,i..f , ... i It roi rossr;,! as cuipote-l 0f r,r0 (i tnhsiunoi.s brought lion, the tour eono rs o: lu.-oaitl oairtcl it-Teti tunes aorosa theOreat Doit ui t.iLai nhou tlie backs of fourteen o.-uui-ls, and tie.-. -Uiuois) lho Ail.uo,;, Oeeanort twe f.!,lr... It iC s:UpU., mild, luotlunt; rer.ielT, a perfe.-i fno-iij f,r v. liUim and "Cotii I tuis luun," ul.-,f. ouVrivu t j iL-aiu, wHir iuifiitrmi-rt ot tlo.Sii re of PmtU Tuie or Jieurlni, H'alerinR or Weak E . os, J'.-iu or j .mmc io ir.o Ilea t. v L, n e ui"d. a ihi v ull j-, nt nut: i-i;ii"ij'.y are. t y ton Tiotet.e'nf C itnrih. V, oihie-. in B-nod fnth, s Flat lh.;; T. v.-ai i of '.310 i'T a ease or vorai-i q ttoir w o ; in:t'.t s,. IvK t-Ai.r, ui: j;u.r i.hku;i3- trEi.r- Vli!-.h. pup t id Iton. nt by mail, f.ul p.id.on reeaipt id Siitv Clxij Yuar packa,.. lriJ.dO. or I li.n Pr j . ljij i ,.-r Itr. ;'' pnoiphloi ,n '''.if.itlj. 10. Bui'.h, N Y. b vwuit ot . OPEHIHG. FALL ! CHEAT BEDUCxioiff IN.PMCES 1 i . Ycu can Buy ISore Goods tl tb QUALIT' Per tttb HABXHOTH STORE, El. X. FKILJIO, iildRKET SCAEIi, eUNBURY, PENN-A., Tlian rdj other pl'iaa. HAS JUST RECEIVED AIhD OrEKED Tlie Ecst Selected p.nd DRY GOODS IN TOW! FIir.ACH MERLK03, PRINTS, ' MUSLIX:?, GINaHAlI3, CAL'SlMEUES, &c. 3uii:ats and Am, urea. IJcae.Uio Cuttvite, Ero'.va anl EUavhad. SOTIOXS of tU kind. kry, Gloves, Mea'p,r.nu I.aditf Jl'tdei-garaoitti. 1 rift V 2 W jJi A fall nseerlanst. of TRIMMItiS. Fli-.IIJc-ra will fii.d my E'um'i ef ESnrtlirnro, I.-.iutti, CHu, da, rc, (?omjyIc(e. IDUUG8 AKD MEDICINES, Yi'ILLOTv' Alii) CEDAR-WAKE, UE EX S WARE, G LASS WARE, CROCKERY, SALT, COOTS AKD SHOES. kats a:;d CAP3. aai in fat ivery thing iiiaally kept iu 1 Irg. Store Cull nnd be convinced that tho Cheapest Placo to Buy all Your Gciuls is at THE MAMMOTH STORE cf XtTiji t a till, UO uuy. as my f.oods are I en-rht fir C;h a,,l Bold Cheap ; for l-.e 1: LAI' If MONEY. 1 iv the trade tbe ad vutAof iU roduetioni r s fart us they are made by ' MaLufautureu. Suiirury, Sept. i, IM8 ELECTRIC' TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE BAST INDIA TELEGRAPH OOMPANV'B - , OFFICS, ' , ' E .YV YORK, Organized cnJer fpeeinl ebarler frota th Stnt I New Yotk, CAPITAL- .' . . f 5,000.000 ' . v CO,000 SSlinrcs, 100 Eu DIRBCTORS. ' Hok. ANDREW, O. CCRTIN, f hllndeVitn. PAUL iS. FOnBIW, of RuMoU 0., China. . FRM). DU I'TElt riKLD, of F. Buttciflell It Co New Ynrlt. lt,VAC LtVF.RMORB, Treoiutor Milngttn Central Iliiilroail, H.Kton. AI.IiXANl)I'.il tlOLLAND, Tronarr Ararf on Ex pre!. Coniinny, New York. Hon.JAMF.il NIXON, Symcure.N. Y. O. II, I'ALMKH,Treourei Western Union Telegraph n p any, Nw Yotk. . FI.KTCI1RR WK8TRAY, of Vetrny, QiUU A Ilunlutisile, New York. NICHOLAS MICKLE9, New York, Oil-era. A G. CVKTIN, PrenWcnt. N. MICKl.I-.rJ, Vice PrcsiJei.t. . 0HOH8E CON.VXT, Sutetary. t.HOKUK lll.l.lfl (Cmhior .atioaal Bank Cottmon wcrilth,) TteuRiirer. Hos. A. K. McCLURE, Philodclpbia Solicitor. The CMnene Gorerninont Invintj (through the Hon AiiB.ii! UurlkiiiilJe) coriteiteil ta this Ctmipauy the privi hg (,f enniitttoig ttio gieiit Ftuportt ,, the l:uitnre ly u!,Tnarjue etctliie telcyrrti h entile, we propose euintaeit. opftalioitn in Ctnnn. and layiag (l.)vfu a hue ol nine hauou-d unlet at i.nve, between tho following punt; viz 1'OPVI.AIION. Ci.utt.n, Mae.ja, IJong-ltot:g, Hwatow, Amiy, ...... I'tio.Chow, ...... Wun-Chu, ...... Nniitpo, . - Hang Chean, Sbanliai, ..... Total, 6,1)10,0,0 1 rvoe r-crti hsve n furoiin cominrrc uf e?f00,rt!'.000, .'iiivtaiienuruinun tl miue irutltr, t'cside wbich we l.uvo j thi mniiciisti luttntal cuuiLDeioe uf tho liuinrc, iuili.tth:g , iritut Uit-Bc piiiuiH, liiruuyli ila c:itiul uiui luvigiitjlr nvcia 'i i. .- lm'j.i- luiiij! I till, Uui Ct'iiii'uny ercutut I.Tiii mas, nnd C!!uimbhl!iij a fenced)' hull tl ubi tl.y it-- vi c in.iiUB.cjti-m, w lncii muitl cmm;iut. then, h z ,'i't ; ; -f.uic c'w.', ihc JMiiiuUMifMtiuna of tlie tiove i lunuut, tt.. ij j,v'6U.I Htttu, anil tier utieaiii now ol cuiimai iiii iLt t j iiii'wi iimiityii it by u(ii;ieiat'ii laud, end d' I'tuui cm , Wititfi. 'i !. Vt:U-rii WurlJ knotva ibat CKiim ib b very liirja CTui.!:yt in the u.aiu tieuflvpeojd-d ; but few yet reu!iza tlist Klif. c.'iittiiiiB mure lltutt a tinul of Ujp hmun race. 'i'li In teat rrturna mad tu iter centra, uutleuiuesfor (hx itiff ('nrp-'Ki'ii hv lilt) locul moultlniU-i ma lit her populuti.Hi FuLlt Ul'iVUKliD AM) KOUKI'KKN MUXIONH, olu itufti uj -r e likely in be umlei thii over l lie actiml Hi',iuga'e. iNearty ulloi tiiwite, w)k ure vtr U'i wtrs o'm, ip4 only 0:111 but do reud nud wrtte, ller civiiizutimi m ecUi.iit.ljiH her Itltriitu'- is us extensive ua that id Ku r.';.e. CMii'.v in 11 bind if '.rrtchtTH uud trnufm; ami Hie L-iiier art- exceedingly (niclt tu avail iht'innlvi'3 ff every pi'-Lio t'd lut ilny lur pr-icuiing tally iiifnnia:nn. It m cbaci ,-cd m California Miat tbo Clitneue m-ilte preat ute of tl-.e u-IJiai-li. liiotijjh it there tr.iiF.nit tnej4!ia ii K10 cubit ai'':n. 'l o day meat nuinla-ri itl Jiect ieaiueia n owned oy Ciuiitie njercliunts. und used by llieio f-xciu f)LVu! lir tlie trdiiiiiuBpiuii of early iiileilip'nee. If it lc;riiij.!i we rni'p'se, coiuiiciiiit: ull turir crcnl scunni t. vvuru n iv iu cniBL'jt;"t3f it ia h.-iicved lt.nl iih btininrsfl Wxul.l )-.y the rout witKiu th firtit two yean of iu ruo tutriul niierui inn, and wuuld ie::dtly hiereuso tfiereulti-r. Ni eatt rprn-B .'nnnend nmii us in u t'rt-:ilei dcit e ici.t'i.Kiii! v In r:ij,iUtiitt'), (ind lu utir v. b.'le peupie. It ia of a vur.i 1 ititmal tuxirlHuce coiwiuerciuNy, pohtioilly, ami evii'tclti'ttiicitl'v, I 'i uf a: 'iiltnt t lii a Compnny Iihu brv.n untnirtlifit'dly 1 ccnii'iicitdrti 1 1 cnpituliHls and butaneM mill, an a dru.r yb'o invt-FMiifiit hy ediiorml nrticlt H in tlie Ni-w otU tieiiild, Ti ibJtie. Vtn Id, TnnoF, Post, Kxprenf, Inde;ifii dfiit, and i.t (be PiiiiHuYlptmt Nnrth Amcricoi,, pri-a, !..;(:, Inquirer, Aj:e, Kailelni und TeN'ijrupri. S;iaree t this Ct-ijipany to a limited nuiubcr, may be nbiaini'tl at f;n' etcn.U) paynblo down. S in the Ul of Nttvc.r.Lfr, oiui ?f.'3 jniwible in nmnililv itit; I ;iit-ntn of f i.6J eneti,i'uiimitiifiiii; iJeeembei i, lstf?, 1)11 upplicntion " DEEXEL & CO., S-i oiih Third Nti-L-ct, I'HII.AUIit.I'lllA. Kli.-.res ri'.n be oLtainrd ia fui.Lury by oppheatioa to S J. P.l'jKKn, liauker, who 18 authorized to rei.eivc sab eitjitioiis, and can give all ueociwai y tukiiiuatioti on ll,e eul-jyct. Hepteithi-r IP, !&. Sta. P. II. MOHIvli. I. 0. DlssHINQV.lt. IsE W ARIUYAL AT We are now oponiuj n largo varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GUOD, whi' li wo offer at tho Itiwesl CASU Prices, lu Eiaupl'n iVew Iron 1'roiit, MAUKET STREET, SUNBURY, PENN'A Consisting of DKY fiOODS, NOTIONS, OKOCERfES, QUEENS. WAttL, liLAjiW Alilt. ami a full lino of GEMILEMKM'b FUKNISHWJO GOODS Lndici, 1i-- tiooiXa, Oalicovs, Muslins. Flannels, Table Linens Tow olUig, Cheeks, Ticking, Connterpar.es, Castiuieree, VetUns, ami, fckii u, Nook Tins, Culu, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and illow-Waro. Yi'e invite special attention to tlie nunlily of ear Block of cn:t'E:aSii;w a.m mpk i. CIO and JAVA t'OPFEK, I lAo, SUCAI13, AlOLAS.-KS, SYRUPif, SOAP, bALT, i : jli, YINLUAK, Ac, to. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always ou baud. Wo feel confident that cash buyers will find it to lliuir advantage lo give us a call, and euolonieis genera. iy ate luviled lo call and examine our goods und et poile.l en our prices, ii duel iit'.outioii lo the waataef ouroustomcrs and lair doa.u. ivubups to Iuunt a full thine of lUo punli.j ,..truiiago. COU.MKY PRODUCE of all kinds taken iu cx ehniiu lor ooiIj, tor whieti the bihesk price nitl no paia. MOOHIi A DIa3INU.tr.. ruubury, Sept. It. '08. JIAliUIL:!. St.kI.CO. Tho Oidctt and most notod InsUtutioa tho Kind in Bunbury. 3. W, VA3I'QTOM, HAYlNli removed lo bis now building on Third Street, between Market and the tieput, is li.nr i iipiired tosurve bis cuslouiers better than ever. Ilaviug teourod iho service of tii si uluss Hareeis, iilA. AND liAlK.l'i.L6sINli will bo cm-cjuU iu llie laiost style. ibu builtiii.f bevmj; beuu ereeud especially fot tbe i irpoio uf a l'irat Cla. Harbor sialuoa, and having liiui il up 'in lb latest style, be bopo lu receive, llbi-ial ihare of putrouage. Io the a.tj.-inio room a first gluts Confcetloiiery Iim been op ined fur the tale of gi-t'ifVcam, C'uutlleti, ('aU, Ilot-r, and nutnerous other Ttaoperanee lriuk la common u e. Oi iiiies. mid oikcr uelieivui fruii and uluult ol Louie and lorciu growth iu llcU irofatioa uni cle,;iint variety. ui,lmry, eJptimber 6, lSt'.S. UE best qualltie of Sole Leatiier, Vreuoh Calf skkt Morroeavs, Liuitij;, Luaw, Kails, Pea, Tool ot all ktuiis, aud every tbuijj used by Iho Uade, Wr--.t low tjr ' J. il. CONLlilf 4 CO A I.AR3E supply uf Wall la. i- an.l X UI loi-Ucr, jasi reuoived and ior tale cheap, kt Ibe Jdainmotb Store of U. Y.Fltn.li'O. AprU 1, 1303. TO BUILDERS. . TTTINTiOW U!ase uni Huildiiij Hardirar, at the 1 Y h. 't Cuidi l'rio.-s t tie Maiuuieth Bwe at 0 i.nt'tl SOti.'illU guu.uia StW.tlt-U l ii.-,o,ooo IWD.WIO C0,0W) 1 oOtl.OIW 1 ,t't)tl,Otll) IN SUN13UHY. THE NEW -DRUG STORE OP .?. n. m a it it ii u ,& : ., 0-Mnrkl tret, Kant or tho Railroad, nearly opposite the Hardware btore of Cotloy k Co., SUNBUHY, PENN'A. WE would roeiiwtfall Itivlto tlie attention- of the cilliens of Sunbury and vieinity to our entire new Sleek of , t , 4 ltifo l'roi;i lrtAje lii!l-.TI) !ioiiic. . " , " ra1ntfl,Oiland Varnlshea. " " la, Fully and Dye Fluff. . " " rcrfumerles, L'ouibA and llrufhoe " PattutModloinrt3rUkfti(l, . '.' LIQUORS by the Lottie, (lallon, Quarts tod f'lnt. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON P OR Tit It and M O0NUP.EH.S WATKB. j Tonaceo, Cipars anil Snuff. Look i, !)$; Inss Platen cut to iult Prumcs. KOTIOM3 OF ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES Truso8, Supporters, Bnnilogep, -A a.- . We have selected our stook with earetfarPcnn war rant il fresh, and or tho best malrrlnl in tho market. llnving hiulfleverni years' experience ia the business wo Matter ou.'oWos that wo can stive entiro fatirfaj. tion to nil who inny favor us with their patronane. rlpociul attention given lo compounding Physiciana' Pi eperiptious at all hours of the day or night and on Sundays. Uivouaacall. J. Q. WAP.KI.E A CO, eunbnry.Oot. 17, 1S0T. W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AXD CHEMIST, 32(Ul.ot Nqtiaie, (il'KUUCY, lu. Has jiut opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept ooti. stonily on hand. My stock will always bo found complete lu every article of nieril in Medicine. Pbysioiaus and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention lo orders. F ANCIT ARTICLES ! lly stock is uniuntnlly larco and embraces every thing that can be found on a first claa Toilet Table, including American and gemune iiomlj and En- lu,h r E R F U M E n Y Pomades, llair Oil, Ivory, Outta Percha Wood and Horn Combs, rToilet fcloap.7, JJuir Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Rriuhia, c. : i'n I -lit SfleilE l irjcw. Euibraoing all the most popular Preparations of tho day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SLUAK8 and CHEWING TOBACCO , of the best L'rands. Faint, Oil:,, JJu-, fjiluHM, Putty, Varjiia;ki, Ac. All my Ttuolures, iS'yrup, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, nnd from the best material I i'an procure in .Market. Having bad oul'.c a number of years' experience tu t!io Drtiff and Prtcrijdion Butiiia.-es, both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also the advautimo of the Cnllceo of Pbarniucy, I fool eom- pelens to COMPOUND ALL PKLbORlPXlONS that the Physicians and public may favor mo with. 1 All my preparations as I hnvo above asserted, aro t made from the best material, and upon honor I j tusert, tliev aro of ollleiiit strength. ... Por mcuicinal purposes, X keep on, bund, to very '"WINES, BRANDI&3 AND LIQCORjJ, -that I can proeure. ' 1-leforo jinrehasin eleowbere, call and eocvlnce vour own mind. . " ' ' W. A. EMNXETT. Bunbury, May 18, IMS. i(Js i'b8 FALL & WINTER GOODS. GREAT HULUCTION IN rr.ICLi. M. 1.. LAZAEUB, wonM call tho attention of the public, an l her customers generally, lo her laru and new aoeort meal of LKLlJS U0OD9, cnnslstint; of Toplinf, Do Luiucs, Jli js, Ac, at Induced priee. CALICOES OF EVER V VARIETY. WHIT 3 li00D;5, including a superior nrtiolu of XartniUcs. Extra quality of Muslins, Pi illings. Fiue Flannels, Canton Pluuni-ls, Baltnornl tkirts, rihavls, fioods, Wi'un, Loup .kirtsof all siii s and (tiiitiltcs, tlove i-f all descriptions, includiui: a verv superior quality of LnJkV and ti eulleuicu" ts'ilk i-leeuc, Lined and Cloth Ulovos. Ladies', Alis.fps, and Ubi'dren's Merino Viwls, Childreirs Wraps and Hoods, Ladles' Zephyr Jacket. Iilanket Shawls of Iho latest stylos and put torn Hosiery, Ribbons, Tiiu.ntings and Plotters. Laei-8, Htaiuped llo-ids, Zephyra and Yarns, Tow. tliu,;. Kupkint, Quilts. Table Linen. Oeni's end Laditd' Jluiidlu rchiots, ty.-nrfs, Mall Tassels, Fancy cioaps, Perfumery, and 'J'oilot artielea generally, aud a lure- variety of Kolioua and Pancy Ai tieles. '1 bo above goaas ere bel t tit tho lowest prices. Call mid seo them boloro goiinr elsewhere. M. L. LAZAIIU3. Punbury, Nor. 21, 1S11-. FLOUR & STORE KJOLLSALK AXJ) MiTAlL. ffIJil subscriber respectfully informs Iho public .TT- .. . . . . : . . I . ...... . I ll, I 1, r. 1.- r r.a ... ...jf n ,.l 1 ., ..n l,n.l .1 l. ....... at bo keer-s ounstnntly on hand at bis WAHL'itOUf;. near th" Shiimokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNilljP.V. Plour by the barrel and tacks ot all kinds ot 1-ee,l by the ton 'ihe above is all manufactured at Li. own Mill, aud will be sold at tho lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. fc'unbnry, Apsril 1, 3 80S NEW MAUI I NE 8II0P AKD xmoisr ioxJisriDPi"-. at:tt. e:hei;ia h &: BTJNUUHV, 3? A.., INFORM tlie public that they have established a A1ACIIINK t-lluP, in connroiion wilh Ihcir POL'NDilY. They havo supplied thenisclves will, New Lathes, Planing and Poring Machines, with tho latest improvements. With the aid of tkilllul me chanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of rfcw-.Work or Ei-,i li-ln', tiiat may bo given them, in ft satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebnilt their Koundiy, they are ready to eeculo all kinds of CAbTl.Nlis. fSiiiiMu t'a,iu;ti.. &v. The TLOW;). already celebrated lor Ihcir tupert ority, have been still further improve J, uud will ul vrays bo kept ou hand, fcuubary, June 16, J SOS. FALL AND WINTER Millinery Goods, MINX .11. f.. oiicr, beg, leavo to au iiouueotothe Ludiesof Kuubury and vicinity, that, the hasju.-l oponed.11 larb'u and vaued stook of MILLi.NBKY O O O 1) S , Tbe latest New Yoik and Philadelphia style of lAUIKS' HATS AUD UOUI.-ETS." WOOLEN GOODS,. &0. Alto, an excellent assortment of 1'ashionnblo Km broideries, Kd;;in;;s, Lui-fS. Woolen Caps, linudker ehiVs, ricai fs, Uloves, Hosieries, and adl kinds of I''.oy iSotiiiiir.-Hlniiipe.I Muslins, Ciasoi, Perfuino e, .Vn.ips, Lilly White, L u a uud of America, mm. liouoiy, A., Ae." . - Call uud eiauiiuo for yourclve. Ko trouble to Show goudS jpuunury, Oct, 21, lr3t!3. ng. tiiiii.iiisa AEtft Confectionry, Toys and (ni'l'l li-evl, Kiinlmryj Ba. UOKFECTIOJiEUY OF AIL KINDS, TOTS OF EVItY DL50R1PTION FRUIT, do., &e.,' CONSTANTLY 011 Uaad and for tale at tn above cstaMbmuient kt wholesale uud retail, at roaouu able prices. T . He is manufaoturiur; all aiiids of CorftStlonarirs tu lump up a full aesurtiftent hi. b are tv'd at low rates. Tubiuioo, Fe murs, Stationery, Nuta of all kinds, aail a variury of otiipr artieUtu all o( wjiititl aj etitiud nbolosiile and retail.. .'' lj Rotucn.bor the name and pla.'T. , M. C. tiLARIUtir, Market street, 3 doorr Woit oft. Y. Bright A toa'i Wre. ' Sunbury, Sept, 19. 4(J3 tf . 4- . - t)Il.D OAGLy, 11 dtU-ereul UluAj. If yv want J g l end OLCHiu Etrd Once; (t-'io I8AA0 K. BTAUITEE, Wat vlumUeor nint JfciY dMT, kL'Jilli NO. 14.3 . NOKTH 3d ST., 00 H. OF QUAItllY, PHILADKLI'IIIA. An attoftment nf Wat-hes, Jewelry, Wlver and Plateo Ware nmntnntly on hand, , . , . CV"Repairing .tit Watchet and JtVflry promel))- at tciidod lo. . . f.ov, SO, 1071 y. , I i I Li f j - . J -i , "Hi 3 5' 5 outh Third S t r eet, ' PHILADELPHIA. . PENMSYIVANIA OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tire Katiosal Lifii IirsnritN-o, OoHpattt Is a eornorsi.ii.ti ciiariered lirepceUl Act of toiiarcss, p proved July V3, a-itli a CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,00.0, FUfcl PAID. Libaral terms olTerill to Ap-ents and Solicitors, vbe an- uiviieii io apply a, our iiinc.o. Fn 1 1 n,.l ttcnliirut..lt,ll, ftll il, aiml1r,nl Inf. . nn. nfllrtA lQctteo lii itie noond story nf ou'r llauUiLff House, wru're i ticulars aim I'ainr.lilels, fully ii irii kL- Hifi aoVuBtiifius cil.iroil by tlie Co'minriv rnv bo "ad. .v'li'i". v . iiin Y ut; um 1 l.AJiK A . Ia. M i A O. Bo SuKi ''fttij SI. Applications for Central nnd Western Pennsylva nia to be made to II. g. UUStSKLL. M ASA a It n, August 16, 1HB8. ly. linn islmr. Pa. J. H. Conley Co., Market rfiti';2, i:r.l oJlbe C:tili-oill, DEALIillS iti VOSir.iiAM AslliUU'A., Hardware & Culs y. rjlHE attention nf Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, X and Luyrrs generally is invited to tho fact that wo ate now oC'ering a bcltr tieieeted a-ssorluieut of IJAKIiWAIUO, CUTLKKY. AC, than over was offered iu this marked at prices much below Ibose heretofore demanded by dealorj. Our stock comprises nil articles in this lino of business., euibnieiutr. a rials uswl bv aEoner,d assortment of tool and mate- CAR PKVTKKf. M.ACKSMITH8, CARRIA'J !: AND WAU0N1I AKLKS, JOINLIW, AC, SC., bhretber iUU a largo stook of Iron, fcjtcel, Nails, f pikes. P.ope, Chains, Oriudsttines, Mill tuid X Cut liars, ,1c." ttanbury, March 30, 18C7. SUNBURY MARBLE iT hi I'M -Wl "SiT'Ck. CH3. 32TD a .l-Wv rpHTl undersirncd having biii;lit the A entire eloek of Dissiu 'or A Taylor, oC.- .v would iiifortu the publio that he Is now ready In do all kinls of msrble woi k ', has on baud, and "maki'S to order at short notice, ,s -. - .tdouniMHtH nntl lHu-fitucii, of every stvla to suit purehasnrs. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Ceinate.ry Posts with Unlvaniied pipe and all otlur fuiicin 1,'i.ernlly usi-d on Cetneteries. John A. '1' .iv lor will eoutinuo iu the emplovmout, i ht the nld (laud i Markot Square, siunbury, Pa. May t, 'ui. ly. . W. ii. DAUti ULK1Y. !NEW CARRIAGE toiiUUGY I MANUFA CTORY. , rjHE subsoriher respectfully informs the elliveni . I ot unburv and vieinilv. lhat ho bus noeiied a i ehop in Sol . etreb ltlaehsariihshop-Uuiblini. ou' , t.'htstuut street, Suubttry, Pa., where he keeps eon Btaiitly on hand, and manufactures to order, t 'ssri-! :!;;., IIStiKK '" Wuiltj'f, 5-'". , ol mo iniesi stvte una ol tno Best mat (rial. j lli'iiiiiririir ef Wairoug, Carriages. Ae., done at the I sborlest nolie.e. Persnnfc iu wnnt of fine Buggies aud Carriages, aro i requested to oall before purchasing elsowdiere. I H. C. K0V'U. Funbury, July 11, lSf,3 ly j TH13 URlr'AT ' CENTRE "OP ATTRACTION, j I1ST STJlsTBITP.-Y, j kon M all eel, oppraile the MASONIC- HALL, at BSSRGSTRESSER'S NEV PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, $&t It&tiy t:staU?i!irc?, -u-lch all iBte Modern fimroTesui'utitf 1" the Art ! rpl3 pubioriber, having built tho room ezpruwly X t"r tlie purpoifc of Pbotorapb'tig, and taviu lUvotud umny yuars to the Lutiiiess, is ociirltUnt of bis ability to mtftire his p;itroos thrtt tho work pio duccil chnll bo second to 0016 iu oountiy or oity. No work allowed to leave the gullciy uulcs in t.rcly witipf.iotory. Jlaviue ihe best ?kv Ii 'kt in Iho I . ' .J l""-" d iifi-il shnll lu Sf.i'fmt-1 In tini.i. i li .. I Z', "V" !' . ,, " ra..;gr,,n IB an county, bo is prcnarod to aiakfl Pantographs io all " , ' .11, , , , ' uum 1"i,ur tt uu' lur luiull children Hu is alpo pri:iared to talio now site, ur cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size and colored beautifully in Oil or Wnt.-r colors ur India ink. Wo pay special attentiou to nil kinds of out door work, s'uoh as Landsoapn views of Monuments, M.iohinory, County Keats, do., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on baud Ihe public aro respectfully invited lo cail and see our specimens and our complete arrangement for nuking Photographs, special terms to lunulies und clubs. . IiERG STKE.Si'LR . Kuubury, July 16, A Lecture o Jutt Pubhshtil, in a Sealut Envelope. I'rict six A Bicetni-tj on llio Aaliiri', Tretil. men t and R nil i anl Cure of rperuiatoirlih.-ii, or .Seminal Weakness. Invohiiitary p.tnissions, Kexuul Debility, and Itiipedimenta (o Marriage trcuorally ; Nervous ues.i. Consumption, Lpilopty, and Pit ; .Mental anil Pl.yeUnl Ineiipucity, resulting lioiu btlf-Atiusu. ,to. Ky IloUKiiT.1. CuLvmiWELL, M. D , Author et'the "Uieen ltnok," Ac. 'Iho woild-rcnovvnod nelhor, in this admirublo Lecture, oloarly proves from hisown experience that the an lul conti qui nee of t-'lf-Abuse may he ellec lually removed without medicine, nnd without dan K'tous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mod of cure at 0110 oerutiu end ellectual, by which every sutlorer. no Dialler what bis cuoditiun way be, may cure himself cheaply, privutoly, and radically. This Locture aill prove boon to theasauds and thousands. fSeut under seal, to any addre, in i plain eealed envelope, on tbe reoeiptof six oents, or two postage stump. Also, Dr. Culverwell " Marriaj,' liuidu," price 2i cunts. Address th 1'uhlis.heis. C11AS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New Vork, Pott-Quioe Box i 6;tJ. July 4, liiii. y JJATUIIE S GRKAT RESTORER. - CELTURATE Bit t erCorxtial. This mcdieal preparation Ii now o!Ti red to the pnblia as a reliable subsliiute for He many worth ies ooiupouuds which now 6r,H"-44ietiiiirkt.'t llis purely ej(elble,ooiBpoed of twriaiut belt,, gather ed from Ihe great storehouse of liaior, and eelooscd with tbe utmost aro. 1, is iiofe renoeiui ended a a Cl ut All, but by ft direct aud salutary intiu. ontui the 11 earl, JArwr.t Midaeyl.'' Luts, Blo uiaeh and UowCI, it atx btb a, ur evonuv eed cuiu Ijru. any of the diseiuvs, ! v. binb thin organ are subject ' It Is t reliable Family Mcdioine, arid oaa bo taken by eiMiut in fun I r adult ith 4h turn buuelicial retult. ll is aetrtatu, proopt end speedy ruuiody lor. Diaiibua, Dytautery, lie el Cnuiplnitil. Dyspetisia", Lownumiul Spirit, tTaiuuugs., rttrsledehe, Ao-. l-'orA'WII end Fevers ot all kiuds, it is far better and safer thua.juuiui, Willi, out any of iuptiuioiou oaiol. it create an apw lite, i,ruJ.iil'frtul ielcr ef tOMd.iard niU oouuui act the ttfoot of lKUt in iew UiLgutlA g. i AtOS fflTELTZ, Sole Prenrie," V W. Cdc. I iftU on 1 Uata fctes, JTsiladolphLi, Pa .1 e i a traits idotphLi, : vi, r ': ry eV. BALTIMORE ' Look iiobpital. ESXAiLISIlEU A3 A ftBVUUfi fROM QCACK KRY. " " THE ONLY FLACK YjiSltJS A GVRIS CAN BE OBTAINED. . Dtt. JOfTNSON bus discovered tbe inonl Certoin.Ppeody nod only Kttietiml Kemrdy in tbe World forall Pii V'tte biaeetei, Wctknesi of tbe liuck in i-unlj, S-triftnttB, Atifuoni a ttio ui(iueyn;td liiaittitir, 1'ivoltinliiry Pis Climgts, lnioluiiryt ijcueral Debility, NetvoiirtiifM, l)yn pwy, Hwiflitiin, ltptTiiB, Coniuiumol Ideas, I'alyi tutioii ol the IKwt. 'I'imiiti'y.V-Ut.'iftliliiii'i, Ljiiiincbh of F'iCUlvHr inJdyniiJ lfynsu ni flic l.'eitd, Thnufi Nort or kin', AfflVfttniiii orTho Isivuf,' f-Uiit' 'ch of l.tuwMii llie.io l'urril.i0 UMOKletnfiriijng hoMt tlmntMilary ilntiiti H Y-iiiili lihise HL'cret and anlituty pntctiveii more fitftil ty tlieif vicnnifl t!mn fliu tffiq of 5yrcm to tbe Matinein uf (Jlyfisi'ii,li!:ghini)( their uvibt brillmnlboptfloi antiuijif tiutis, fetl'!ri!t muri i.'ge, A c , impossible. 1 Yoiiu," US mi -Knpermlly vh hflvo-l.mn' tlie tieiimsof ditnry Vice, lli.'it drtjatllul und-denlfuulive balnt wlircli unnuaily twerpa t HiMintimely nmve liUKuid J Voting Men of tbu tii'Rt ix ilffd tt.lt-nls and lifr:.lriil t iiite.b-t'l, Who miht otlu-rwiff Inwe t'liliuyf-wi listening ennten with Oic Uiiin ili'tx of cloqiuMU'e or wnlud tu cctt.icy ll.c living lyre, may Call Willi full conhUi'iiee. - ' Mili'I-ii-JVC. Married Pcriotm or 'i-iinn; Men sontempliilins trmrurye, lieing itwuri' f pby!Mciibweak.u.8it, urgiuiio dfflfiUty, de foiiuitiert, spredily crirutl. Um wlio p!.u-en bitnfif under tli trtra of Vr. S. may may religion' v conlnle in hia honor im a gruUeinnn, uruj nifidt.ntljf rely Upon lutikill r m Pliytnaii. Immfdintflv Cured, mid Pull Viit-r Heelortd. Tins lislii'm Aireetnui which renders I.ifft mipera bientut inarrmgy iinpoftil,!!. i tJie penally pid by I he viututm of improper induletHreii. Vtmng peitson nr ti opt U commit exciscs from imi boinRiiwnre ol the? drtiid ful foi,f,t'qutjiie that may eniue. Now, who Hint umler-Kmid-i Hie Ktibji-ct will prlend M deny ibat Hie power of ptocrtjto ion in lottt sooner by (Iiofh fa'lit intti tm pro per Inihiti thnn by the piutlt-nts ! (Itnidt s detng deprived ilia ptf ;iptirt-f Af beitlihv oil. pi ing.tlie inmt. nrrioufnnd deIi ac tive sympioiiitt) both Ijoiiy and irtitid mise. 'I'll" fysiem bf conies PrntMRid,' tho I'byaical n& Mf ntJil Punctions Wcakviieil. I,ofM ofpfii'iTiitiv! lowe.r, Nettfous Initibib ly, tvppcpti;i, Piitpitiilinn nf the Ileint, ImliKeition, Con a'liulitmal Delnltiy. n Wiolm of the Plnmc, Coiigb, Coniuiiplii'n, UecHv anil lUntli, Oiitf So. 7 tiouil I'lvcl ci'irK mitrccrt Left h.md mde gojnij from Haltimore street, u f w doais 'lorn the cot iter. Pin I not to nbfrve ntooe knd nii:iibrr. Letteis must be paid and uJiKunia slump. The Doctor's OiplomFiB liiiup in bis office. JVtf Mercury or $autrui Drug. Member tif tbe nouhColleu nf HurpiVjiiB, Iin-IeJU, Grnrf uale from on ot tiiu most Binmeut Coliije ia tlia unned 'MiU'3, and the grwiter pmt of whnne liln has been spent in h ptpii.i: of jsoiitioii, P-ifiK, ll,,i,.di'!i.ij';i and e.Jie. Wlieie, lias eflcelwl Bonn ol tin; itiiiwt ahttnufihinj; euies tint, wt'ieevtr known; umiiy trouided vit!i iiiign.g in tht bi nd aud ears when arlecp. aritl iif-rvoiiniesj. b-ring alaiiri d at midden sounds tt;ishiiiltiei?R, Willi , t-qucnt biuuhnijT. Htiembtl Komeliiiifia with derimjeuieiit uf iui.nl, vvuiuuurvd ihiiiiLdtutely. 'Jl'ssito Enrtlvw:.ti" .'oiic. TT. J. aildnjMHcs all thee wbu bive injured thfruu-lvea by improper indulncn.-e and solitary Jm In lit which nun Uotii bodysnid mind, uiibitiug them for either bueiiiem, study, Bodety or nmrnngu. 'l iu-sit are some oi the fad and melaiicli'dy ( fleets ptn duecd tiy eaily bubitatif ymilb. vir.: WfHhiiessot' Dm Buck sud I.niiliM, Pains in tbe Head, Dimiu'ss ol Sight, oss uf Muscular Powci, Palpitaiion of the- Heart, Dysptpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Punc tions, General Debility, ymplomol Consumption, 4u. Mkstali.v 'i'lie leariul effects mi the mind arts much to iKidreded Isosh oi Memory. Confusion of lrie;iBt De- j o ol.i M '.SSf no.' tviiM pruouceu liiousAStw of ncmons of all nscs can now iudce wLrit istheciuse of tl,eii declining btalili, t.sm llteif vnjor, becoming weak, jmle, nervous and cnnciattJ, having a simiutar nppt'Jirance slKnit the eyes, couyh und symptoms of cntuitpUon. Yonny; !tilvM Who have injured themjielvfs byn etrtnin prncticp imlal ed iti wlnu aljf, ti liaint (regnently leniuid irurn evit 'UinimotiB, or al k. bopj, ihf ttl'eeis of which are inrbtty felt, fVen w hen nnTPep, nnd if not cured renders rnarfiURe liiiptibsih'e, und deal 10 ye Irotli mind and body, should stppiy tianirdiuu ly. VV.iat ptiy that ti yonn? tiinn, the hope nf bis country, the d-trling ot inspMreuts, r-lnnihl be snatched from nil prwg peels nnd en,ioynnniln of htc, by the eont ctieuce vl devia 1 1 ui tii path of ufitu'fj-i and indulging- in a cerium tjeoret bubit. teucri pTfions Kt'T, before couteinpiatmg rlfct that 11 somnl mind nud body nrtj the most necesiry reouihitesto pronvit connnlnat li.ippincMt. Indeed withnt thrnc, the jounifty tbrwun life heeomes a wwir ni.nt Rftei I lie pion.K-cl hourly diiUcns It the virw V lbs mind bcc.Miiea fcbiidi.wtd with despair aiiiltiihd with tb mlsn rholy rt-UtTiinn that tho bnipinets of unuiher bcL'-nncs blighted with uli sv.'ii Vhen the tllllIlildrJ act) innn n;t(-m vniarv ui' ntiMifciira 1 funis in.it he h;s iiitlubed the setdn nl llr paiuial dtci-a, j it to.iofin happens that an ill-tuned st!hB of klntuie. 01 j dread of dicfMVcry. detfis htm from npptvii.; to tliofti vh I tim stlucatmn und rp:veiniiilny, mn alniie befriend hmi. , iUht iiir till the ciiiiHiuu tunl bMiiptonn nl tine krud ; diiNir!- m.iUe th-.ir apj-iraiiie, f.ich au ulcrao-d so i turiiiit, d.furnfcd uo.e. 1, .cfutsl pair. 3 in ilie h. nd and !imb, 1 diiiincni in h ciil, duttincks. n-dts mi tlie nf in h-im:.! imti nniiK. i.i'.ni..-.-, 111 11111,1, iM-eniM rxueiiiitii t, pi irfK- j ni'iiila ur it,.- biales oi lli hush fall in, tin! lh,l viclitl i f - - ... in t I Una aw t nt a si'ii.,, bi-c iiuci, u li'iriid nbji-i-t , f rnihiinssi 1 ll I dl Uealli part a i.e-iml m hia dreadful sin!'. 1 inrj, (y 1 i-iiiiiiii 111111 "iiiiii Jilditeoveied Country Irinil wiielite 11 travt 11,-r ii-tiiiiiv ll is a mi-liii,i-li,i .- fui:t that tlmiuni,! 1 viiauns t.i tli; ' '"'I" iiio-tnatalin-s, ,'1 ig imt : pnrt.-ialer, who, by lai- lis ,, I li..t ' Uuadiv IMVui, Mri- i-ury," rain tbo cenititutioii a.itt n-.ake the ictiJue of Ufa iruiseiable. !Striii'.cPi- Trust nnt yoor lives, or h-alrh, 11 the esre of tbe many . Unlniine I and Wnrlldee, Pretender, dostitilte i-f ka"wi tatf, iiaou-or ehircier, v h.i cMr Dr Johiialoii's Hlt'.-er-tt.,-in,'i,:s, or s'teliisinsi:ivi-3 in (lie n-wsoaiicis. roculartv KilWilcd P.ivsleiHiis, imteiati'i, of runnp, tbry l;e yno tldini' tn atli nftrr iiMa'ti tnkine ttai-ir fi.lhy uil puitnnr.a cniif., 1,11, ds, or nt tone at tne ttua,. tail Iru can rte oatiilm-d, .111,1 1,1 oVi.piiir, travt vo-i wntl luined tieaitli te si;li e.-er your pailii i; d,..iipp-i-niio.-l Or. .hihi,r.ti:n m itie 'm'y I'Jiyrii-i.iM ji:lvert:i.in. HisereOenliiii or iii)(iir.ri hhvt ba, tr in tiitorTiet. His ri-m.du-s or tnattiii'at are unkn iwii 10 mi Hti.ern, preialie'l from n litil spsiit la ihficieat t,ospil,i!s .if Kor'.rii, tlie lirst in tl, 11 country nnd a mora extsnsivo "J'Tiviil-s Piaetiro" thnnniiyothyr 17,si,-i 1.1 111 tliu wollj. 1 Ktorisr-rac'i oi" lite SJt--K. Ttie maiiv tl-.ou-. Hiuls i-ai . 4 at I Ins nifiliitinii voar nfier year, and ll-e ni.tni-r.ius m.iiwttniil hijii.-ijI Operatinps prrliirnierl h- Dr. .I,,nii,,n. Witn.-.-.e,! bv Ihe re.v.rlcit 01' tli "Son." "Clipper," and many other paprrt, ii.itu rs of wh-i-h Itavo np, .ar.-d ric-un and ecain lii-lorc llie pub'n-, besidi-i b s s'anHtn. ns n Lt'-nl Ir-inan of cliaiar-tr-r and rc tpninability. is 11 siirlifllit CO irvirre tn (lie nrTl.i-IMl. f Uii itii(..:sOK rV.pc-1'i'.il v l,i--l. I'eit,nt wi itinp slniu'd ba iiarticul ir in diieclmg their etlere to hi, lnsriintnin, in ti;e lollnwinu; inaiiner, John M. Johnston, Ml, E. Of llie Unltiiiioie Nick Ilo-pital, fculuneere, !fid. January 30, lbC9. ly L1VERV ..STABLKrT" ntHIi Fubsenbeis having purchiuied Ihe i-toek and L lixiuros of .Mr. Charles 'Bacon's Livery Stable, in tjnuluiry, would respectfully announce to tho public, that they intend luruishinit it with iiirl-olnea Horses Carriages. Hiii;g-ce ami Spring-Wai;ons suitable lur thu busiuoss, and will endeavor to make it a Livery second to none in this sectionof the State. Orders left at tbe Central Hotel, at anv hour of tho day or night, will receive prompt attoniion. Met) AW A FARNS WORTH. . Bunbury, October 17, 1SHS. A a rl 1 ti vn 1 1 in leinemn, HOlVi flrnin Rakes, fiteel and Iron Garden rhikci, Lens anil D Uandlo ripaiLg, f hovels, Manure and Hay Porks, tiras and Grnin Scythes, (drain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast." Tongue and Log Chains, Ui ind-stones, Panning Mill Solves of nil sUesnnd kinds, s large nsnnrlmeiit nf Red Wagon Haines, fur Plowing, Farm B. lls, Cultivator Teeth, lot- sale by , J. pp CONLHY A CO. " ST OMifw AIIS2. 1 HI' best and cheapest assortment of Slono Yaro in the State, just received aud lor ta'.a. cheap at Iho Mumniolh Cash Store of V. Y. FKlLINtf. TROX A large assortment of tbe best manufao tured Lars, Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rod. Cast Cruel, Piu'ler Sloel, Drill .-"iiel, Uorto IShoe, Horse Naihi, Anvils, Bellows. Vines, Ilamnieil, Sledges, Knit aud Files, at CONLEY A OO B JACOB SHIPMAN, FIRE AND LIFE IJSBUBAMCB AGENT, EUKBURV, PBXK'A. kuiheskkts 1 Farmer Mutual Fire Juturuuee Co., York Pa Ctituberlaud Valley Mutual Protection Oo Now Vork Mutual Lifo.Uirard Life of Pbil'u. AHart' (brd Conn. tJeooial Aoeldect. Wx, fiimex. . Nloji Pruu FURNITURE It O O-M 8 Lileof the flrmof Pursrin A Diiyij.fcrjve opened wiiro. , room X TTo. tooth 2.1 street, beliiw Doek, " PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full sortient ef PAl'LOK, CHAMBKri, rAITl'IN'O ROOM . and D1N1KG 1IOOM KLTUNlTBtXU.' L 'Their eld eustnmen, an. I all ntnson wlshina? to purchase, are invited lo call acd oxuiuiue their stock before purcbaeing elsowboru w Pai lli'tilar ailentiidi paid to paekin j. tnyn ly. IilOA Saddlerr. we have SaijdU.Treo, Bill, Buck. Iv. tiiif Trees Pd Trpos, llaues, ull kind and every thing pectajuinv io Iho butiues, tor sale by . l,skJliY A OO. ITT it ar laeHiBK Hire, fteke, Hub, fwleg, V Desaeiias.-iJjiUi Clip) Aalot, e., vry hi Large .Slock at i:'.try, Kit-ji r, y? - I TT-." ...... suivimkio Tiiiu sonEnrLE. n?r nn.l nftflr Nov, 2-id, ldttU, tr(iii-WlU touto LEAVE NonTliWAttD, -4,00 A. 1-1., Daily fot Williiir.'port. I)al1y jesoepft Sundnys,) lor Elmira, Waiuuidaiirun, liocbciiter, Huflalee, Kiaijiirii "tiilla, eiusuenslon Itrirtuo and Ihii Cnnudua. 4.16 P. M., Daily (citcept rSundays,) for Klmifn, and "Buffalo via Erio l'ailwpy from Llinira. 6.40 P. Mi, Daily (except BuhtUys,)' tor ViMiuns. JEAVE SOUTIiWaRD.. 2.45 A Mi, lM4y far UiiHimnro, nnd Washington, g., 16 A. M. Daily (enrwif 1 Sunelitys.) for lialttoioro, Phijadelpihiii uini MashiiijStob. ; , T.oO P'. M., Daily teccpt. Sunday) tor If iirrlabnr';, conncntiiig vrltlr Ciiii'.h.Tiati E. i.,s for .. " " n Ti Sr is, T li i f a a cTpTTfiiiT iW W,i.,i,iugtn. J. N. DrEAHKV, t lib. f . YofN'ft, Oeu'l. Sup'., , Ucu 1 Pnssen' Ajft Ifarritburg, Pa Lltiiuoro, Aid, i AVINTEH JfM'E Tbrnneh ami direct roulnbc HKLE. direct roulo between Philailolihi 1, llnlltniore. iinrrisburir, VV illin rmfinrt, to the X01: wisKimi inu uroat uu 110141111101 1 eiuis Ivunni. ELBOAST SLEKPINO CARS on all "TCi.At Trains. On and after Monday. Nov. 23d. It3. tho Srsucsj on the Philadelphia A Erie KaJI P.oad will run us iidlows: WnsTWAnn. Mall 'f rain leaves Pbiladelplia, " " Biinburj, " " arr. nt trie. Erie Express lcares Philadclpbiri. " " " Brtnhnry " " arr at'Hiie Eluiira Mail leave Philadelphia, " " " funbury " " arrivo at Lnek Mnveji, Cl.fwinn ltM'i p nr. 8 tl) a m 0 r0 p us II .SO a ni 8.4D p in ' 11 a a ni b.Uil n ir. I Ui p 113 7.-1 5 p it-. Moll Train leaves Krio 1 r) .-, " " " R'.rburv, 0 45,in- """ ntPhiladolpbia, Dl ti'tatr' Lrto Express leaves Erio 0 "j y. " " '-riiinbnry Ol'iau. " nrr. nt Philadelphln, 4.!'0pn. Mail and Express connect wi'h Oil C-....1.- Allephenv Ri7er itaiiroad. BAHOAOE CllEClvSf Ai.pnnn l. tyler, . (I'i niirni f?'ii)i,-ii)f,ndiait.. C:ca,Iinsx Utain-oianF. . V IK TICK AK11AKGEJIENT. KOiJjJAY, ifficr.:j3E li, i'j.'j:;. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the Wh nnr" North -West for Philadelphia. Sw York, toad iiitr, Potlavjlle, Tamaqiia, Afhland. biimnokic, Leha anon, Alli'iitonn, Eiustn, Ephruta, Liti, Lnuous'-er Columbia, ,vc, An. Trains leavo Harrishurf; for Wevr-Ynrlr. as f,,' . inws: At 8 01), Hid and B.IO A. Jl.'and li 10 i,,on, and 2.00 nad 10.50 P. M, oonuoolin;; ith, eimil.u' Trains on tho Pennsyl vania II ail ronrl, an -t arriviru' nt New York at 11 00 A. M , 12 20 noon, II. 0. i.ij'l' 18. Oi p. ni. and 8. 1. a. in. respectively. Mcnpjii" Cars aooompanjing the H.fO A. M. nr.rl 10.50 p. if. trains without oliaug. Lcavo Harrisbur for P.oaiiinft, PoMsvillo, Tatiin. qua, Minersvillo, Ashland, Bhamnkiii, Pino Grov Allentown and Pbilndelpbia nt h.10 A. M. nnd a.ti.'i ad 4.1 P. M., stopping at Leh.inoB and prim-ipa! way stations ; the 4.1(1 p ui. train making eonniwiions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Far Pottsvill,., fc,.-lieylkill Haven and Auburn, via Kohuylkill and yusquehannaKailrond, loave Harris! 11 at d.-'ln p. in. Returning Leavo New York ut. 9. (ill .1. m., "12.00 Noon nad e.la and DO p.ui , Philadelphi 1 nt n to a. iu. aud.S.oO p. nr.; .Sleopinn curs aiieotripiiUTiiijr lbe.9.00 a. tu. and 5 111 and 8.00 p. 1:1. tru.ns Irom New York without cbango Way PassenKer Train leaves Philailelnhia nt ?..",C a. m., conncctiii,! with timiliir train on East Poena. Railroad, returning from ltendiniiat t)..!,i p. in. i.p. iring at all SlaUons ; Leave Pottsviltc at 7. SO, rf ih a. m. and 2.4o p. m; Shnniokin nt u.-i a. m.; Athlnn 1 at 7:0 a m., and 12 ot) p. m.; Tau.aqun at 6 SO a. tn ud 2.20 p. m. fr Philiidelphni. Leave IVltsvillo via. Sohaylkill and Siisquehinna Railrond at 7.10 a 111. for Iliu lishur, and 11. 3J am. for I'ino Oroveaud Troinont. Kesdintr Aneonimodation Train loaves Readln a T.30 A. M. reluming leavo Philadelphia at 4 1.) ptir. Polutvwu Aceottiiuodiiiioh 'lrn'ii i i..-.v,. Cotts town ul tl.-li A. M., reluming leaves Philadelphia, at 4 u) P.M. C'llnintna Kail roan lYnins loavo Ise-id.t:-. at (iS A. si., and 0.1 'i P.M. for Kphtala. I.iiu. L.il ci rer, Laiiunihia. Purkioinvn Rail Road Trains itavc Perblomen .luDeiltn t t.lb A. M. nt fi lm ?. M. Kt!-srniti ; Leave bkippaok a! S.ld A.M.. and 12. Jj V M , .-or neatir.j; iiibs',inilur Iruitis on Kcadinir Ituil Load. On ur.duyK: Leave ?tcw Y01I1 ...t o !. n 0 :.i., i'..i?:i- duipiua a. Oil A. .M., and 3.1s P M, the il.hda. tn. i rraiu running only to 1.0a iinjr, fotuvilie 8 i.ij u 1 uMi.ui. .I..' u lu. unit a. in r.n.i i I '1 11 n, i-r , nenuuis iu i.iu, o.nu unu i. tit a. i-i. to-.- il.'.ri iei.i'.ri;. at 1J and 7. Ill a. in. for Ne.v Yoik, v.ui at -1 p. In. fvr l'hiradolpliia.. OnmMinlatiou, Mileage. 2taawn. Si iio.,1 and Ka cutsion Tiekctt, al leduoed rates t-o iuiU f.oia till points. Hajiij-ige eheekod through : ICO PmiEd ?r.,gfitui all-jwuii oairti Paivuer. a. a. Niccr.i.3, Grneral rlrr.i lint, rutin. t- t.iu-ivtmaaiia i.iaur.iHv.r.i,' I'ORil. ON and arter Mon lny. Nov. SO'.li, Bt!", I Trains will run a Inllews 1 iOUJHWAUlt, A. M. P il. . A. M. P. M. Leave 5-;ranton, o.2j i 1:1' n it -i; I tttnoa, b tb - 4 47 it).. VI 7 in " Kingntoa, 0.20 S.2A 11 6) ',.y " Rupert, 8.88 7 it " Danville, lt 8.20 Arr. North d-, 8.1.1 V.i-i , N01WIWA1OJ a.m. p.:.;. a. li. r. m. Leave Nortii'd , 7 10 4 s'i " Dn.nviUo, . 7. HI i ''. " Rupert, a IS J.ei " Liivttna, 10.57 K.-i-l ft..',,-. 275 " Viliston, 11.2 0 10 0 ;j fi., j Arr. ticsiaston, 12.1:5 S 4; L. td .1 ;; Train leaving cVranton at 6 2S A M. a: :'. I.'f . M., counccl at Nortbuinberlan I wi..i; ,ii. 1,1 11. It. R. for llariitharg, Unltir iore, W-h WilliaDispurt, Lock Haven, PUubui if at i IU: Trains arriving at e'erantnn a! I M S A. ..1 rii-ct with trains arriving at New Yo. L i.t , -li Philadelphia, at H.2U P. M., and Ore it lA.d 1 ..3 P. M. Trains arrivin- at Soraalcn at 4.1 P. ; o-.r.si wilii trains for Uroat Bend nr.d 1 a-. . li. A. I'ONDA. lop't ea. iti. rt:.i. Wfll remove hi Ofilee to J. M. tflrsrwn' BniJiir, 2nd story, Mmket squire, STJITBTJf.R-Sr, l?-f. WnERLhewtllbepreparol to do til kin .' of work porlaiuiug to UeLtistrr. i'i:t ken entiKtariily on baud a large iiiuortiueii!, uf T.o h. ni, I othor Dental material, from which he niiibo ul to eleot, and nioet the wants of bis ei-.f. 0,1 ers. All work warranted io ivo sa::sl isi. jn, vr '.' the usoney refunded. . The very host Meulh Wash aul IrfSta-Piwuere kept on hand. His reiorenoee are the numerous putrsas S,r whi be has worked for tbe hut twelve voars. Suuburv. March 21, IbCs). Are especially invited to call end exnuiae o.ir -ok of BUILDER'S HAHDWARE, ooimn i-ip ; Nails aad lrtikt of all rarieBe. Butts, rie.aas Mlap and X Hinges, Lock and Lauihw, liol.t. Pla teriug iiow.i.i, iiri .to , it , for tale by t. n. ONLUY A IW. - UNION HOTEL- CIIAS. ITZEI., lrojrU-oi-. In Cake'i AJJIticn to STJKBIJRY, near tie Peaa'. Railroad Comptjjsy'i Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANglfcKT BOARDERS kept who will Bud tuaple aoiouiuso!auou. UoaJ. eooks and wallors, boarders ean enjy the quiet eou torts ef koine with fare equal M tlie best hotels. ' I UislAquoi ' ! buuhsry, , :t t TPTn wis 44quort r or moouoKiest Hiuos. , diroe 8, Ies7. . LIGUT! LIGHT LIGHT! milEpopuUr WielegMpO,-has tilbed up. In the 1. old Post OtJlua kuiidiug, Ikree doer mi ef tint railroad, Mai ket Souar. ne oi. tbe very beti tl.y Lt;;hts to be found lr.lho 5taio, ami it now pieptrod M take ph)tiirs of any kind, in all kinds of weather, aay.ud litis... .Cbddrea. lakaa almost instuRdv.' Bi-iug along lb babie we ar unit lead iwr ltui. - t'OMH ONBfCO.ME ALIi I kolk preat and injaB.eea hi (lew rueasi.anrl aa. .auiin. not-eiuieu. - flMLo and FIlAMIXtJ matori enrtftunlly 00 linu l nod made tu order. Jtiugalpag juar plotum and have theui framed oheoper than anywhere el. Ooiue aad tee fot eourtolvwi, Anything lu thu picture line ouuntly an baud ur ordered. Oorjiu ' clona in all it' biaiu-ts and colored a doaired. . " - Krth out and indoor view ink en al pfcnit nofic, -aad on reaonab1e4rmt:- rArisfauiin ruarrautvud. jiu our emits is te ji1ch. . AH tiegadvee erefully presorved. liau'D.borjii ylutiWwW kjt S, il'iim 1iY. MaTW Souarif. . - U 1.1 , . . , , . . - W"J TV, Cf,"! J, p'KJJ.Uli V-t'Jya. v ' -.'.' ? c-,-.r, li'tUit axWalAvItiw rO.A-., ....-J.V.-'.'-;