Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 06, 1869, Image 1

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    IBttM3-02., PbtUAHAXD nCTf CE5TI
! mumm. IINU M pal within that )nr
Its paper alloc dauett antil all arrearages are paid.
"Ikeae Wrsae will be UrUtly adbarwf k hereafter.
MibaatlbarM(lanet rafkaato st.k shell news
?pn Areas tka effiee te wbtek May are .u-eoterl, tby
ira raapaiMibla vmlit the; bar settle Ike Bill had
erdereil tbeaidiaeeaUuuiMl. . .
1'oetmaaUr will pleaaa art at ar Agents, snd
frank leu eentaining subaeripiion mutiny. Ihet
sue iiallrd la do levis under Iks i'eet Osics taw.
TV baeo onnneottd with oar etlablushaieol a frali
Veleetea JOB OFFICE, wbiah will enable ua la
seoate, la lb neatest ttyls, aar variety af
e. t. eaoKia. t. a. mi.
At toi-npyn and ConiiNellorM nt,
Chennnt BU-o.t, wmI of !hc N. 0. and P. K Anil
road Dopot, is Iho buil.linar lately uecupieil by
T. Loiaru, 1) .
, SmslBXTiV, PENN'A.
Cnllaetinna an.l all Proloniional buitnrM promptly
aiiudl t lu Nuribuuburlami and aJjoioiu Cuun
AT'l'OUEl'N A T I.AU",
On Seeocd Floor la liright'i New Builaing,
S U N n u n y , P E N N ' A.
V. D. Bonn axu W. J. Wolveutuv, rcpeetfullj
anunance thnt they bare entered into co.nrtncrliip
in the pmctiuo uf Ihtir proUniaa In Northumber
land and adtnininK coantlei. CowulUlion. oea be
hid in the UaniAK.
April . ly
II. U. JtlAtiMKlC,
Attorney nt Ijw, kCNIUKY, PA
C'ollPoUuna atlbdi la Irf Ilia oouatiea of Nor
' tliumlierliuid, Unmn, hsjil.r, Mvutour, Columbia
and L j willing.
nn. .T-.ha V. Ksei, rblladelpbk,
X. tt. Couall A Co.,
. )loo. Wm. A. Porter, "
Xlurton MuMitliiul, Em.,
K Ketnbam A Co., Mi Puri Htreot, New York.
John W. Anhiiieod, Attarney at Law, "
Mnttbews A Cox, Attorney, ut Law, 11
Huiibmy. March 2f, lrift2.
. Yin. il. AocurrLLia. Llotb T. Kaanticn.
Ntnui uv, pi;.Sv.
OFFICE in ll.inpt'e new BuilJtug, (aoead floor.
iCntranee on Market,
riunbury, Junn.ry 4. IHAo.
Teeth"! Teeth I
Jt. it. crei',KKIj;it,
Formerly of ASU LAND, 0 . anoouneea to tbe eitl
reuritif Nortbauilierluad county, tkat he bue loonted
Ik tili-NUUK V. fur the praaliae of iJontnlry, and
rerpectfully uliei!. your patronage, tnriul ntton
linn pnii u Ailing and drttsmg toetb. Teelb ex
tracted 'i'Mnf iwim, by asin Naruotia apray
bib 1 have u.ed for three year, with ftrltu tin
ten and nt mjurimt rcjulu.
Uiuce in Unviiie lonnrrly occupied by Dr J B.
Anjle, in lieuuut'a Building, J4nrKt Square
ruubury, mar. T, lit.
JlOHtia II ILL, filllOM P. WoLVBKroR.
tttornoya uud Coiiuajvlorai ut lu.
W' ILL attend to tbe elketinn of all kind, of
elaimi, iucludin( Unvk Vfy, iloanty and Pea
Urn.. , apl. 1, '(Irl.
Kvrtb jrideof Public Sonnra. one door caal of tbe
Old Building.
6 U N U L' It V , I'tSN'A,
Oullcetinnt and all ProfeMtofial biv'uoM nrornnily
utended ta ta tho Conrta of Kvrtbuinborioud d
.tljoinil; C-uulief.
funbury.a)pt. 14. !.
t. II. PtBBr.
J. D. J.lMIf.
rJ?kD7 be.
Oifieo in tho Hnnif ilory of Dewart'e Luil.linjc. ad-
joining Hie Utmocrai umoe, en tbe uorlb aide of
Airket qnaie.
U iiliitiui.d promptly to the eolleotioe of etalmi
vm u:hur pritf.-rttonal buinewi iutrueiod tobiaoare,
in X.trtbumbrrlnnd and adjoining oountia.
Ki vemLr 9, l&iZ.
BHAMOKIN, Northumbarlr.iid County. Tft.
ALL bumnc atuinded lo niib fruuipinuH and
bninokin. Aug. 10. 1 367 ty
ifi.Vjriwy. jC'itinmbrrliind Crtinty, Penn'u
OrTiM in Jaahnn towaaliip. Engnieoienle aao
be niaJe by letter, directed to tbe nbnveaddreea
A'.l bunineea entruited to liii eare, will b promptly
anenaeii 10.
April il, 113. ly
a o O.BEO IE,
And Daa'er In
l'umu aiU'oai, haiiiU of Weurcr'i
B TT N B U R Y, I A.
M.r.h XI mt
Gr. "W- irJ UPT,
Atlot'noj' null Couiincllur at Law,
OFFICE In Ulupl'i new Uutldlng.oBleeoci iu-r.
EnlranoaoB Market i-'ijunre,
U'U! attend promptly to all iirofoniono l einne
eDtm.icd to hie euro, the aollectioa oi ulaiuj is
Nee ibumberland and tho ad joining ocantie.
Sunbory, January 4, lSftS.
' Ail hniinuw eotruitcd U hie cart altteded to
promptly and wiib diligence.
bunbury, April V, lt67. '
Baaloeai In tbli and adjoiulng aountiet earefully
and promptly atttended to.
Otflue in Market Street, Third door wee of Batllh
-it Qcnlher'a Blova and Tinware tur,
MIUI.ItV 1K..'A.
Bonbory, Mareh SI. IBttA '.y
ia rery rarlaty of
Uppwr Wharf. BTTNBtTItT, Ponn'a.
If Order aolioitcd uui filled lUi protDptseM asd
ftiu'wry, May 1 J. IBM. y
Sltlpper 6t Whol:nlej k Retail
In every Teriy
fait 4esei, weal ward, or Ik Celebrated Henry
5 Iwia Wviirr, Errr, Fa,
fv.BbowT, J.a IS, lo-
JOHN P. II A A 8 , - J
DeeUar Ut U kU la cf
urnmi will IF irk'BClT. PA
t prepared aupp'y all ktad of Aatbrae4t4 Oel
I from tka Bhaniokia Cel Mecte at aheap rale.
All order praitpUf AM. ' J
arewri'llytrliwd JOUJi P. JtAA.
a ' l Id HUH
Uotthlw ru Be.k Trwtng Bk. and niea.
Bwka. klmn Ibvk. U. k Book. MonoriiueftiB
CMari-a. Pooka. fWmka. Ink Be1. Poaa,
FKO.V GERM.W, in 1S35.
mwami) sr vc. c. v. jackso.
l'lM.lVtll'lit 1, Ft.
T.'v g' taUst Inon'Ji rtintUut for
Lie or Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
DitowM of tha KiJncje,
and all DU.asr. .ruing
urH-iel l.h rr, tloutavh, c
from Dla-
i or
l.uriitiir of rut: jii.ood.
Tud O r. nfKtng juip'.unt, an f if yu tk it
yur $.-rtfl it 1Sril t-niy nf Uitin, may rtM
ai.-trr4 U'-'t ii'ialM liiii cminin-rl i't atlcc tn te
.M1 imparittni nrf m f mr i.y, 0W un7tl l-ion
i'M .-wi li Vu w ?f rM-r'iii vu a w'-5l
:, m krn4uiM; m m UA, t. r(t.
Conalipation, Flet jlenee. Inward Pilos,
Fiiliinn jt llloui to thi Heuil, Acidity
of tho Htoiuavh, Nhui. Hoart
buru, PiaicuKt forFoil, Pulnoea
or in the fitomaoli,
Bour EriictHtlona. Sink
fjl? or lri";rine; nt tha Pit
nt ina rHairmcu, Hwlmrmng of
tliB II ti. cturried or ftffl3iilt
BrKulhinic, Fluttering: at the Honrt,
ChnkiiiK or niirlooatinii Ksmialiora whan
in n Lylnif Poatura, Imuiiosa of Vim j,
Dira vr V'ei belorw the bight,
I)iill Pnin la tha Head. l5Vfl.
clrnjy of Pwinpl ration, Tui-
s uass of lim Hktn nnd
Plyea, I'aiti la the bitln,
TSt'A, VUml, Tjiinba, eto., Sud
don Pluabtta of Jlef t, Burotna; in
Ilia Flesh, OonMtut ImatrininK of
Evil, and Ureat Popreaaioa of iiplri'.a.
Oryaa, cwtntirtfd i.i iavii' fr'.MS.
6oc(I.i:ib' tnimn Dittcr
I. eutlrely rrarrtntilr, 11 ml rontalii. 11 a
ll'inor. It I n nuituitft of innl'l lt
Ij-aela. TUe lonlii, ilcrbe, and llnrk.
from rlilrh f lic.v riti-note are mntfu
are e;iiOirrrd lit brrmmi)'. All Iho
medlvlnal vlrtnee nr. rximetcd rr.m
tliriti by a avrntlflc cliatnlef 'l liv.o
catrarta are 'then forwardi-d to till,
couuiry-ttt tie nard ttinly far tiie
rf a 11 ii rite t lira of I lir.e Illtlei-a. Thrr.
la no nlcttliiillo kulv.lMiice of any kind
Hted In caiiipouitdliiff tlie Hllterv,
hence It le ilia only till It m that can
. be it.ed IncHriwItrrc nlcoUolto atlni
ul.ali are not l lablr.
ofldiib'a Ocrman Sonic
it a uwkinliii of all tlu it?rttli9tit$ tit H;'Jrt,
tcVt .'. AmM ('rut Uhhi, hansr, Xo. It itvifl fjf
tt rmd diW"e m' A litlUrt, i.i a.j ic'icr- hit
punt ntettJt'iitc UimiiluM if rtqttfml. J'ou tmii lnr in
mitul Hii fta rrmtJit itrx I' tliff.i.t.t .m,.i
a itihn-i tiii-irtivxt .r tlu eur." 1 i.'.r .'i-.a
ajwic. hctf tcfn'c Jryxrjt.-ns of
ttrn.44, Itbt' I'if rtiirt , nun '.: .''Hi' r ?-.ft
ra whmitbi. 1 TilMC i nrmi:ly mt 1 t'm i 'ft
pt.untt rit'4 a&wtU ruJi' rr f..
j-iAif. fit f.iffc it .xyut'ffVe. A la a yUnpurt tt tvi'
U, whtU tU fwielaraliiy, mimI mthncl
qtr4ltr Samt 0u':mI ft tt k kntten ut gtmttA f
Tlioinnnjlst nt emt, u Ut-it tlit un
lnt fliiLtntiftrd lie vt nlUlctrd lit
till artltl IImii?v hn.V4p licru ritt-vd
ly the hhc ofilimii reittetllc. ICxtt im
einHCiatluii, ipritil-. aud rauyU mm
tUm nutl atieiid.tut upon c.rr
ratfi r ilynpeppkila or dltiii.a of tiie
digc-tlv orcaifcsi. Kvcn lu cniet of
Ku ut u Oinaiimnl Ion, tlk i nmritici
mIH br ruiitlor ill greatest bu:Ut
.trcuKtUienlitg mid tuilgomilikg.
7Tf 11 nm iftiist tfuul t l!r'ia"L't Grrmmn
fi-turt nr Vfic m duto mf p4ilty. TVv i'i'"'t
(.Hat nd ry1 iv U whitU tyttrm, ttrmg'Jmn the rrr
few-in, fottt bh t tjotftUi-nt q" Ht4 Jwd, mubU tie
iVim-:A l tiitfetl it, purify the bUHd. give, a ffl
et'Mtti, htuiiAjf tmnfjri-m, ratiati tht ytllew !iitc
r-eM V.. ". ifijtmi tiN (c fw c'tcdwlj, and chnnge
ami rr'ij inmUU, M fU fx4, stvut, mU hjt-
Weak and Belicale Children
art mad tronv by uity Its Itlt(M-a
r Tonic. In faol, tlirj nn fnintlv
llrdlxlnv Theyemi It NdittlnUirr(l
i itr perfect mfcty la a enlld three
moitlaUti aid. tlte inot ditcala 4)itialet
r matt ef ulncty.
f444 Rm4(u art t'n heH
-r a rut1 tc.H nfrv Z d4tiat riuhinc frrm
M d.
A'p " VtW ; Vwp ym.r liVr in n . V ;
Tftjyl Krt.r eilreJt'rV 4T a t:-d, htJll'.'P "f.llrf;-
If'M, i fx t y frUM rtWeji', n tii:ru4; li.Ii
Le-dirt vrka wlik
fnlr iklu nnd
f;ood coinpUilon, fs'a from a rllov
fti ilttaa ud al atlicr dUttm nitriii,
iltii)tlu te rnidle orcnloH
mliy. 1 hit 1.1 vr lit d r and
fit It load am ce will rult Im iiaik
ling r e aud bluamiiK neek
?vt tyft (tnvH .'tvi.ui ure t-ww 'nY.-il?.
TW p-ibuAer Wr lA iflaairttf f Jf. ,JarUmm
(A ft.'? r-Ct at (Iviel (.OMNI Hi CJfc K(i4. U'41 tvfwl
TboHsande af leilers have been re
el red, lektllfi'lng lata virtue of ihctr
ibom ox. gj:o. w. noorwAi:u,
ClaW Jwrtice of tbv fcu teow Cvurt tf iVuu.y iTai.i.
mnn -Mfia.jkr IVfrjpVin dVkWr-f ' I
la3rtr iMrriy, 6ti u pond rVmiO. i
lieP 1" Mel ll.yeM.iat T9nf dfSl'i (f
eai aewtiVjf aad vin q mrktj
7wi 7'rt4W,i fffTriivin fVrf" t( n-( an iVixr
, tutfi in uisor
I'Hrfl 4JC(4WI tit li
lyMfw, Tmtrt trkbt.
?t0. H. lT00Z)UUiVi.
raoy ItOK. JAUU tuomi aox.
J it it of iitm lufMeMHti Ctirtof Ptmu'lvft
rHiUftft.rMu, ArtuL Wdi, 14.
f en tm Id r " lloaflnnd'e Otrmtii If II
Im" a muluhlm HttU'iii In of at
lack af Indl KCfttlon tr D wtetla I
oiu atrllfy tnte from my cipvrlcuce
af It. Yonrii with rpi ct.
rren FY. J0K.FU U. KfcSN AKI-.Vd ,
ftftur uf tke TmiUi IUiUt Cburch, I'liilj-l-li-Ina.
lie jAfgianii karbm frtmtmtly r
S ! m tMHtwa1 av ua eH tecmiwmtaatHi uf
(jfa-'Ht iriSKiel maVricUIAI, (W rVtirdlUe (tef ftl-urt'lVf
as uf nf tut .MrMrtiUi f aWs, in att cutis df
tndt S'U .(IS a idMir Hia wi-owsiiiiUuiiMa.nad
lorrfi.faW.. miyMmfumu.tSthcktifiJmstHf Or.
ii4 tuft 6'rrswil MMtrt, f tlrptrif, imc.Vr"! i v
muni orti.r-. tu tuprtn My full wmrirfi' m th it S-r
twraral ilfalMilty of o. illv f.-r Llvi-r
Oaia'lnta it f a smm vaiualila uiupiu-aliu. In
aim I mmi il .MftiMV uf aiaally. diM iW. U will
Be rrf aant -S''ta sAaas wa swir iim. Hut, utaa.
aaass.. J'tra f rttfHtfull j,
J. At trXSAKP,
ijltt, Uwar (bulu ..
JFrlee of Ui Bftiere, S1.00 per bottle
Or. a bait' doseo for IS.00.
Trv oi the Toula, II SO per battle
Or, half dos for 17 10.
Tbe tut H pirt p luujuart Uuiilo.
IT-i- taol Ma a) it Dr. HttutVi Smnt XmnIM
jr. t ijtuMtka'y aa4 e e .leMy msimenl.
ajs; tmti ao nM a.ta) Me rrusi ( iwruos " t
taj. ens ttti0 tht tSaii aa aiaa aay itjttti ta tread, aa t
sum ht mutm a Utrir frtM set ir. J k'M Hamtitita t
mh a aa aswras. taeai ' "a"1" aastisuliea
Ib aae jn -
rttisctrAis orncK,
, -o.2 Aitru irttktr, i,itiut
CUAI. t-,5VAN8.frorUtor,
foonarl 0. X. JAOXsOM OU . ' . fteiuednre r for ul " Xy "
i Prii(.it, i ri'epr, .nd Xfili-
.'iete ' vrues. -
jut -at '" wu. mil At trtUt fee )A t) -ero
mas tWapaansi
f f. K 11 A M O .,
vatck Maker and . jeweler.
torncr of Third Street d Muiki-t Square, in Mil
ler'. Stone liuildins, S I' Mi V It 1 , 1' A., I
uf ti.e mo.t ci Koirn'i,l ninkem, confinini? of the i
liownrd, A(.plctim, Trecy A Co., Wallhnni, llarllett, !
W. 1'llnry, and all grades of tUc Ll!in 111' mnki-.
At.'O. foli- Aji-nl f.,r tfio cel. brnttd. I'M. I. lill I- i
TON ntub, in Ould nnd .Silver tjtf, at luw pnun. .
Nilvcr IViiri' for y-lfllfR- lr'iilw,
uf tntirvly licw J !;. Solid Silver Tublo' nod 1
'iea bjioon., Buttiir Knivcii. ''oi k., CHatfirr, Icu j
Pitcher. I'l .'it at.'U Cuke Bnkel. S'yrup. j
Mugf. BulTtT L'ifdic, and orrrvtliii.g j
in the ijilvcrwiire line at low
i A fin stock of IM k lling. Jlw Una mkctioii ,
if liuld mid .lot Jenulryuf All duauripuons. Ueld
i and Silver Chain., at low priort.
Fini Gold Per. in (io!d, Silvrr Hnd Kubber Cn.c., 1
of thevok'Uniud tiiiike by UiiSm.o akd bit a ait.
A full aFoituu-ut of i duy and SO hour Clucks, at
luw prii-r
Al, rnile A?ent Tor the cdcornted Perfe'jled Rpoo
tflr.. wnrrmi'cd to give entire .uiifl'it'.'lioii.
M'niuki, Ciwukd and Jenvlry rupnirud und wur
rtoird. All ordor promptly nttiTided to at the shuitcst no
tice. fiimliiiry, St-pt. 6, IPM.
avrtllL'i,iLi,i4 A'lia-Miwliing; 4Joul,
.ui:ticii vvr TAii.oii MToite:,
Coni:irig uf
EXiji isii akd rni:cii CLOTIIS.
which Imvo been .elected from tint lurgiil and bcit
c.uuli.buioi.ta in Xew York and Philiidi'lpbia.
A-jrii(!rnl aejoritneiit of
Xecklic, Cnltan, CruviiU, ol'lhe latest .lyle.
Finn Lamb's Worl Toller Jacket.
SHIRTS mid IK AWtHS, a largo a'sortuient of
the bent (jmility.
A Imiia vdrieiy of GLOVES of orerv title and
qtniiiiiy, fioui the Hull -Hruoin down to tho iuborini
! upiu .
luuny oiui-r arLioiu. fur ucnlluuiuu i
I't'cucti Volif Slils-lw mnde to
I Having procured the services of the best workmen
I in Ibu vines, gurruenl. wil bo uimle up to order
j hU'li ut nnut buciculii-il inmiycity in fits, or iuulity
j of gooiia.
I lienllenipu ftre pnr1ieul.rly requetlcil to rail and
eco tne Roud una irorli bclure piiiohiuint; el.t'irhcre
ISuubury, Out. 3, 'lis. 'UIOMAblr. .NOTT.
l'A( KAOB.
I? V i il iV
s l .l X S ,
a rnonuuTOKs,
No. 20 a&u:h Doifcnrcre Ai;iic,
The aboro Manure bus been bckre the Agricul
tural publie for til'luun yenr p:ist, under nnu nuuie
aud prupriutori-hip, nnd n-iw be. an esttiblubej und
liiie aiuiuiil s.ilo throughout tbe eounlry. And as i
purfect subiitilule for i'ruiinii iiu::no faflurdi-d j
at ono half Iho eo!l it hns been udopteu by ai;rii-ul- '
turaliiil of known inlelliireneo und difei iunuution
Il i. warranted not to eiluiust the toil, but on tbu I
contrary to porinuui-utly improve it. Tlio suIl-s now j
amount to uinny thou..itnd tin. ai.uu.'iliy, und the ,
fneitiiie. for it. leanutHcluiu are cxti-n.iivc and com- i
plete. j
The above manxirew ara furnbhAin both hart and '
barrela, whiebercr custoisers prefer
Tbe baa tie ui.ilurui in weight 150 pcandt.
The attenlinn of F-ir-.r.eis It especially dii cc'id tn
the fact that tha eotircet of tiie l'.nw Viiiierinl of
which Ihe above manures are eorupuau.l. are . i wall I
unilcr ooutrol tbatweoau fui ni.b I hem of slrieUy
tiiiforni quality aud nonunion, nnd itmt they con- i
tuiii a bilker peieciiln.e of un.inonta tlinu any oihcr
class ut tuuufuclured uianurcs in Ilia mai kel J
iiAUdll A SON'S. I
20 Foutb Dolawnre avenue, I'hiludclphia.
(.B The bijhebt eafb ptice pnid fur all kind, of
b-nus. j
.Nuvco.bor 23. Ih58. I
i? I ! Ar WlV'TIMi f'WilN.
r..Uili i l lill tUJUJ.
M A H K V. I
Lauie.' end MiMut'
in iruuiomu variety,
.tlillint-r- UootiK ul 'l'i-initn!iigM.
French and American Kibbuns. Lacel, Unndker
ebttit. Otuvus, liuaiury, and a general iuorluKul ol
Lilies' M. Illl. try Uuudt, nhicU iia'u hecu tulucUi l
with great cure.
IiitH t ollarss, .t-cktie. tailors'., A.c.
Lvery variety will be iouad le (eluct from, at
MObibltAlb; I'lllCW.
Suubury, Oct. 17, lorid.
Call aud toe Ihe well tilectod Stock of
Jutt received at
Jja aJ
MiSNT, Fourth Street, l.low Lvttcr's flora, SUNDUItl
of the oiott approved s'.jltt i made up to order al
reasonable ralu.
lie bus also a tine assortment of C-itsliaero Sbirti,
Drawer., L'udcrshirts, Orerbiuls, Oluuter, Nock
ties, Cullon aud Woolen Hose. Suspenders, Hand
kerchiefs, U loves, and a general vaiieiy of
(live bim a eull, which yea will bad It u b to
your advantage.
Sunbury, Out. 2. IbsA.
Notico ts Merohauts tnd Shippers.'
fltllE unicrslnod. proprietor ef Wetter A Friek'
X. Line, give notice to tnerebauU and shippers
that the Depot is .till at Ull Market atreet, Hhila
dclphia. and all Uouddireoted to Suubury, ban villa
aud Lewitburg, and all ia'ei tuediule italiua along
tbe railroad, will be promptly delivered.
f Cars leave 11 1 Market street, Philadelphia
tri-weeklj Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturday.
. .. . Dh-Otti.
, Deeoiubur T. 18(17.
tALL sad saua ksHtuttful Bird
Cage at the
j aew Hardware Mots el
J. 11.
CAbH. .
HITjnkST irarVet piiee lo CABII. pail for all
Ci I If. lirab., LJ. Zim, Iron Ao., br
SulA Wgtasi, UttittVVi, ?
Iy J. 0. Whittik.
r.k'Jit In ti e trunk wlirro Ph.rin.a
lMnoulied iii. red furrow,
Out of tiie ne.rruw ont'in.
t'p from tho eullai ' burrow,
Gath.rcd tbu little bhick peopli,
With tioodom newly dottored,
V'bure. Iii'i,i,lu tht-ir Nortli'Tii tefl&kcr,
Hluo l tho .uklier, liownrd.
IIa tiatened nnd henid Ihfl children
Of the pour nr.d Ion , r-l.ivcd
TtOiMliiig tbe arords of Jru,
ttiiiKiii the nue of Ditrid.
U.'lmld ' tliedumb lips .ptaking,
Tim blind ey.s senirij; !--Tunri
of the Prophet s vi.iun
Warmed Into being !
Transformed he sw them rarsii-g
Their new life' portnl ;
Almn.t tt eeenifrd liia nimtul
Put en the immortal,
Ko more wi:h ihe beasl -f hnrjen)
No mora wilh .tone and clud, ,
Uut crowned with gluty .ud liuuor
lu tbu iiunge of Ood !
There ws the human chattel
lis mnnhnnil tukinga;
Tkria. i a dnrk. bYonte ta'na,
A soul wm waking ! .
Tbe man of ni;iny b-tttlos,
With teurs Ms eyelids pressing,
Clretulicd over those dusky lureheudt.
Hi. ouc-ariaed blessing.
And he Mid : (,Vho hean can noror
Ki ar for or doubt you :
What slmll I tell ihu children
l:p North about yeu '?"
Thi n ran round n whirptr. a murmur,
Some aniwur devising ;
And n lillle bor stood up ; "Matte,
Tell 'eui we ro rising!"
0 li'iu'k boy of Atlanta!
Hut half was Fpuki-n ;
Tho nUi s'i chain nnd the uas'r't
Alike are broken.
Tbe tne cur.'o ul thn races
Held holli in tother :
Thiy ore rising, -rtl I are rising.
Thv Ijlark and white togoLh.r !
0 brave men and fair women !
lit couius (t bale and .curbing :
linll thedr.rk fcces only
lie lurned lo tr.ornini;?
Mkc '1 inio yuur folu avenger,
Ali.htfAliii, nll-redreMiiig ;
Mvul FutQ buil-niiy, and wake it
A joy and blessing !
Athttttic Monthly ftr Mirch.
a txi or i,i n.k i i:i(.
ST GRACE OlIKLXVroOD after the close of the w ar. T tra
vi lid on tin railwn) lor untie hour ol a
hriolit, June duy, seated besides a tunu;
suldiir, a cavulryuiiin, from Wicoiuin, who
vrns on hi way home, with an lionort'iie
disi liaise, af'cr a "ervice of I'oitr J'earS. My
lellu'v liaveler proved to be quite intelligent
and S'uiiLly inclined, and bewailed the way
1 by ruluuiijr many lncnh-nls of the imlili:
Held, and of ctunp and hospital life. One
ol the MinpU t ol his Mnrits, told itli an
I appenrai'Ce of the utmost good faitb, I have
j never forijut'en ritnemlaring distinctly
! every detail, while '. nnol lii.- more n,a! Vel
j ons and imij cti n irrniions have ipiit lutird
I fro in my mind.
j 'Our iro.iiin nt." he iiiid, "wh under
' Lluiikn. in I lie i-prmi; of lS(i2. when he
I m b jiooil time in jielt'ti;: down the Shell
j iimloali Valley. It w as sn avtful. driving,
C'ltU'.ived, exuari-iliiiji. burrjaknrry iliane
' ol lume,' but il's riitious tlmt I cliiully lu
i member it by a little intidt-nt, which p r
bup-i you will think was list ttliy worth lay
iiil' t.p, and is liariby wottli teliin t."
I signified my denies tn hear I.i little
story, rtinl he went on :
' I ivaa one morning dispatched, in hot
bantu, to the extri n e rear, with a verv Im
.,rt l-r a. in lii. -k uniilil Ivus it 1
..' . . .I
ii.ol to ride a strange horse, us my own
tabtn lame. The one provided for me proved
just t U- mo.t ill-natured, vicious I. rule I
ever mounted. I had hard work to mount
hi in at all, for his furious rearing and plun
ging : and when, at hi -ft, I reached iho sad
die, he was so enraged, there was no getting.'
lit :ii on fur ut least
live minute. Willi .is
ugiv bead down, and hi ears
n.l I.i.. ..,.r. l.u-lr I,,
would whirl round and round, pivoting on
l . . . . . . 1
I is fore feet, and lushing out with hi. bind
legs, lill I laecy. they must huve looked like
l he spokes of a big wheel. When lie found
that 1 was master of the situation, that my
h.itid was t::iu and my s;nir were sharp he
gave in lid the next time ; but I knew thut
he w Continnalh-watching for h
m,, ,,,, ,e ..verbis head and trample the
mastership oil of me.
. li.ri-1 ih.t rbir bi,tli Lf.r-il1.p nf !r
oider. and for the purpose of outtinff that
devil ofa horse througl. ; but there wetc
many obstructions in the road marching
coluniiiM. aitillerv. armv-wiieons. and. above
ail, Ih '6' t ol contrananns, who were uiwajs
scrambling to get out of your way. Just tVo
your way ; it wa nnmi before I had made
hull of my distance. It was a hot, sultry ,
and dusty day. 1 had exhausted my can
teen, und wa panting, almost ioliing, like
a dog. Just us my
quite unbearable, I
thirst was becoming
came upon a group
ol soldiers, lounging by a wavsidii spring, !
drinking and lilliog their canteen. Al (list1
I thought 1 would dismount, ns my hoist-
Seemed pretty, well subdued mid Mu.scti ;
but uo sooaer did be gui-s my iiitenUoti,
ill nn be began again hi diabolical liisWings J
and plting ine, at which the s'rxgyler
ulmut the api ing set up a provoking laugh,
w hich brought my already hot blood up to
the Iwiiling point. Still, I Oidn'l hurst not
at once. 1 aw ting off my canteen; and taid
to one of the men, the ouly fellow that
hadn't laughed at my bout with the hortu ;
Here, cwiiirade. just you till this for tne.
"He wus a tall, dnik, heavy browed, turly
looking chap, but, lor ull thu, I didn't look
for ucli an.antwer as he grow led out .
'r'ill jour own canteen, and be to
you V
"Itelljoul was mad ; the other fellows
laiialied 'attain, and then 1 was madder.
and I Juersays to him : 'You mean devil '
I hope to God I shall jet hear ynu lagging
loi a drink ol waier! If ever 1 do, I'll see
yoM die, and go w here you belong, before
I'll give it to you.'
Then I galloped en, though sm of the
men tailed to ine to come back, taying
they'd Oil my caulecn. I didn't slop till 1
reached a bouse, a mile or ls further tin,
where little black boy watered both me
tied my home, and tilled my canteen, with a
mile that the handful ol new peniiio 1 guve
bim couldn't begin to pay for. When' 1
eoin pared the conduct of lhi poor litMe
chip of btty.; ho said he 'never had no
father, nor tuoiber, r no name but IVie."
with the treatment I had received Ir-nt a
while lullow soldier, 1 found treat the drink
of cold water hadn't w hired down oij anger
n.uth. An.', for uiontbs and inonlhs ufur.
I wUooterl thought t,f that allVli the. c!d
i . , . r j v ,.i'i Tvi
' ItaCl sx;i.:f Wv'ur uens iA.k-.-s "t
"; A l'tTltTlXnOA"M?-:;.::
fellots's fiire ilwaye cniiir! tut n olrar before
mil n my own liitltcr". only ii arvineil to
l more liarnl cut Into mv nicnmr?. 1
! iton't kntnv liv I reat'titi'd thle tifft-nff1. ail
Litdrly. Ii'ivb h't ligKi" tlii"j; "f tliw
Kil t i!i, mid anon t'orpiiilli'ii tilt-in J Imt thin
atui'k Ly mi'. I Min ntit a ifVciii-l'ii! fellow
iiatiiiiillv, lint 1 never gave up the hope of
eet ipy thill mini a'niti, and son ellnw pny
iii,' liliv. Lack tor Ins Li ii'.iil iiiMolt'ncc. Tln-iti
nn"t a Camp or review I m in fur the
next two yenrs Imt I looked fur Itiin, rifjlit
iiiul lidt. I never wnt over a I'n lil,
Hit a
Imt tie. Lilt tlmt I aenrched for
r him bmoii''
! At laat, In;
tbu ih in r (lod foiojvt mc
opportunity came. .
I "I lind lieen womulcd, and wit in one of
tue asuinjiron nn-ipiiniii almost well, yet
! still not (iiite lit lor duty in ilie auildle. i
hate, ahhve all t!nn;s, lo Le nie ; mi l Lei;
i;i-d lor lilit enijilnynii-nt lis a Luspltal
nirr, nnd tliey cave it. to me, and aaid !
did my duty well.
"I ncrer felt fur onr poor, Lrnve feilnwi
hsi I slid there. Iliad been rery fortunate,
and until thut summer had noser liceti iu
linapititl. Now I -iv ii(:h tuflerin! und
urh heroism ns 1 bad never "een on the Litt.
tlu licld. t'iitnpnnionliip brlped to Keep
tip the ppiriit nf tlmso we could not save, lo
till hift. 'J'hrn it aeemrd bni'd timt inch
bruee boy must make hi niurcli down the
dark vallev ulotie. But they all went off
sraiUutly. I would mtbrr lifive galloped
f irwurd on a forlorn chnr(e, any tlav
liavo follow-nd any ono of them over to the
'Sobiiers' 1'i-at," llioitub it i a prettv plate
to t:ump do'vn in. In Tact, my lien it grew
to toft here, to Christianized, as it were,
that I t'orot lo look fur my old enemy ; tor
ao.-you see, I still regarded tbe Mirly slrnr;
jjler who refufed mt! water at the roaJtule
"Alter tha battles of tho Wildernes. a
ureal multitude of the wounded were pound
in upon us ; all our wnrda were blied to
nverHowiii; It ws hot, close weather ;
most of the patients were fevered by tlicii
wounds and exposure to the sun. und up
and down the loni; ; littitly lines of white
bed the finitely was for water. I took a
Urgo piiidier id ice water and a tumbler,
and marled on the round ol mv nard, as i
either to j;ive as the poor fellows were to
receive. The ice rati let! and runt; in the
pitcher in a most inviting way, nnd many
I, envy vyvs opened at tho sound, and many
a hot hand was stretched out, when, all at
once, on one of the two farthest beds of the
ward. I 'saw a man startup, with his face
limning with fever and hi eyes jjlenmini;,
as lie almost screamed out : 'Watur I jjive
me water, tor God's sake !'
'Then, madam. I conhrt see no other face
in nil the word, for it was he !
"I made a lew steps townrd him, and saw
he knew me as well as I knew Mm, for be
liacic on In pillow, anil .lust turned Inn
Lice toward the wall. 1 lieu the (luvil tioht
eiied hi yiip on me, till it seemed he had
me last and mir. and beseemed to whisper
iiitn mv ear : 'ibtttle the ice in tbe pdclitr,
and iifjravutf bim ! fjo up and down, liir
ing water to ail the, and not a drop
to him !'
"Thi n tomtiklng e.'ifl whispered, a little
iK'aii-i', not in etich a sharp, b iinix
.viiy c'liicii nce, I anppose it wa ; (ifintl
Mitli'iriisls iniylit calf it th Holy fpririt ;
othel reiiions peoplu inilit say it wus the
spirit of my motiitr ; anil perhaps we would
I ail menu about the same tliiiio uoyllow-, it
j i.remd lo my: 'Now, my boy, is your
I i-linnct to return pmd tor evil. Go to liitn,
! nive him to drink tirst of all!' And that
I tumetltitiff wuiked me right up tn bis bed
j Mile, made ma slide my hunt', under hi
I shoulder and raise Is i tit up, aud put tbe
tumbler to his lip. How hejdrituk I never
I call forget in loiiii. deep draughts, ulmost
I a I ii in I dc-r ft) 1 at u swallow, looking nt me so
! wistfully all the timo,
When hi: was siitis-
I... I..II I b ..n.l n . .. I .. Ii,rn..ll 1.1. T....
' HUH, I1U lull i'ii.i, u. ,u,H,i ...a a.
to tne wall, without a worn. Jim somehow
I knew that fellow's heart was touched, as
no chaplain's sermon or tract had ever touch
ed it.
"1 asked the surgt-on to let me have the
sole coru of Ibis patient, and lie consented.
M lioiigli lie said : lie mail linn a oari gtinsnrii
f woutiil in the Kuee. aiisi w-oiiki navu to sun
to. an amputation, il he could stand it ;
.... i : . 1 .1 ... 1 .1.. . , , . ........ .
anil II noi, nnuni poi"A'nj uianu uiu B lua.i
deal ol trouble While hu bisted.
"Weil. 1 took charge of him I had tr. i
d it, somehow but he kept up tiie same
i silence Willi nit- for several days; then, one
morning, just as I was leaving bis bedside.
hu cuU'.'hl bold of my cnut and pulled im
back. I bent down to ask him what he
wanted, nnd lie said, in a uourso w hisper
'lnu remember that canteen
loia ni.tta in
I the Slunaudouh Valley V Yts; but it don t
"tter no, old lellow ; I nnswtrid.
"'Emit tLtM mutter,' be said. . 'I tlou't
know what made me so surly that duy, on-
ly un vpstart of a lieutenant li'un our tow n
had Jut been sw eniing ut Die for straggling;
and 1 wasn't to blame, for I wa sick. I
came down with the fever the next
As for that I said to von, I was ashamed ol
it before vou not out of sight and, to tell
I the trui Ii. I've been looking for you tut-se i
two years, just to tell you so. But wheal
iinlyoU lo-re, w nrrtf i wascryiiig, aimoat
ilv ing. for water, it seemed ao like llie cr
rying out of jour curse, I was uiu.ont alr.tlu
it you.'
"1 tell you what; madam, it nave mi
st range feelings to think of him looking for
me, lo make tip. und I looking for him, t"
U-revenged, all this time ; audit wasauch
a little mi, idler all. I'm not ashumed to
confess that the tears came into my tyts as
I said : Eastmau (that was liia name ;
be was a Maine man,) don't tret about that
little matter any more; it's ull riuht, and
you've been a belter fellow than lull almigj
' Out lie bud taken it to beul t, and wua
loo weak to throw it off. Il sat 'to mean.'
be said, 'so uiisob'.irrly like and bearish ;
and I w a 'o good lo forgive it,' be insist
ed. "I stood by him while hit leg wm am
putated, and when iil'tar a time, the surgeon
aaid even that couldn't save bim, that he
was sinking, I found thut the mail wa like
a brother to me. He took the hard news
that be must diu. just at the w ar wm alinott
ended, like ti e brave fellow Ite was. lie
dictated a but letter m hi si.ter, the only
relative lie had ; gave me some direction
about sending tome keepsakes to her, aud
then asked lor t be chaplain, This wa
good. seuaibe, elderly man, and he talked
in bout,the right Kyle, 1 think, aud tuudv
u ull (eel (piite comfortable in the belie)
that in the Keillor' house there must be a
mansion for the poor soldier, who had S"
olten camped out (it snow and rain ; and
that for him who bad given Id all for hit
country, aome great good must be In store.
"At'latt, the poor ellow tab! to tlu
chapiuin; 'Itu't tbete something in the Ei-l5h-out
giving a cup rt cold water t'. Ah 1
Itt 'sui. I Can't tail J Stow that hull U.t.
'O artuia r mil X 1
".- , ,--.. .. . itllJW
SERIES, VOL. 29, NO. 13.
lie only Hinileti nt tho clrijiUiii rfjiPHteil tin
vi-rsr. 'I'lan lie O.iruud lo tim uml Baid-.
Ym iliiln't t1iiiit tslnit yim lining I.i
tiiiiisfirv.lirfi jtii) eHVi- inetlint iiifs nrjri-wiitt-r
lln.' ollioi- iLiy; ilid yim, ,,. ,.,nv (
( Hn 1 pin-- lor niiu i'i,e I'ittU tliinn-li.
M'itll in; six Hit 4v.i,f 'H,t., WCI1t W
t ilkiiijif alnint ln-in luilo, nntt ttio Wiiijjtlcitli
if lien veil, till we nlainat (Viiit.l Li inim:
r.ii WHtvlcrinK; Imt per tin t '. it vrne m.h
limliiist ita WRy hollif. T (In Irrl KtMiif'elii
rliililiuli in iiiulit. Iiuaniil. ! t;;,. liij.
i inj,' llio priivpi vnu mv mntiiur tanubt
; whi n the usrd to put n.t- u, l,e,, toni; tivi
; yenis nfi. If Vi it'll tu use mo I'D sny it
. ..ii ! i . t . - '
nil to n.vnelt'. In torn I go to ulecp
j '-tfi) he lnn! n,e nml nij;lit, tnr
turned nn-t
on bij pillow, r.nd ml'ily almt Ida evt-a; LTf
p moved irlitllo vvbiie, ufid then, indeed.
went to lileep."
W hut ir tiitiy B'.xpc-t ol C'eii.
r.t CU.VIU.ES a. CAMK.
Firit, Cenirn! Grant ill bu Prrhident in
I'nct in well n in mime. Aawebava seen,
lie never wm a tntu lo l)ei!a!e about exer
fifing tiny amount of power that mi!it be
confided to biui. In Jvknon's, iiIhcb be
i tnirfbt nut liavc aij. "I luke tho je.uot;ni
lulity : nut he would li.ive taken it, never j
I thvlesa. iiud mid. nothing nbriut it. Even!
one nf bis aMoclutf In the Galena bather
More understood lbi pceuliurly well enough
to );ive Governor i nlcs, of Illinois, who hud
; coiilissed bis inability to get at tlu; special
! rnpatititi of "llii Captain Grunt," the fob
j biwing goml advice : "Tbe way to deal with
' him ii to ask him mi qtics-tUmi", lint limply
1 order him to duty. He will obey prompt-
ly." The people have now summoned this
fume prompt officer to be rrrpideot of the
United States, and thut he w ill be. If any
individuals hic.h in position or prone to
intriuue indulge the hope of managing or
improperly infliieneinp; Mr. Joliuson' suc
cessor, it only remains for theui, seeing how
blind they have been to the plainest,
of recent history, to take a lesson or two
in the school of experience and pay their
Secondly, it is but a reasonable calcula
tion that General Grant, in the ilisclinrgu of
the duties of the Presidency, wiil win u sub
stantial success not ununited to his martial
renown. Indeed nine tenths of those who
have rueii above the folly of confounding
the gilt of popular oratory with executive
liiictH concede nlre&dy that he has nil the
muin requisites for administering tho nf
I.. i va .( 1 1, u .,, ... I.u tt thiol. ...a n-v.f...
siblv, the i.iloimat...n derived from ' long c)"PI' P'slty, with n s!i;
civil experience. His generalship rertu : two herrings together
governing ability ol the liighext order, or
cumspection only inatcbed by energy, and
an unerring faculty for selecting tho' right
men for tuihnidit'iu-s. A.) to the postiole
dcliitii-ney alluded to, and must u! a;.
bear iu mind that t litre ia no special training
school the Presidency, General Grant
in llie son of his, fime, nnd, though ho may
not be learned iti'tlie utiiletniunt hip of boobs,
he comprehends bis j;e. Slaitini; with
that political tal.iila va&i, the mind of an
army nllicer, bmjng really voted but onte.i
before the war (for 15tu luinr.ii), and
always regretted that,-he enjoyed the cx
J P .. . .
cciicnt privilege Having notiiyig to un
learn. Thu crisis found htm without pre
judices, and ho took in all its elements (lis
passionately a's comprising the true situation
will; which ho wa to deal. liven that con
servative Lias, of which a few good Iiepub
lican supporters are still absurdly suspicious.
l.w as in hi favor, for while it bus been o!
1 '. .. .1 -i ... -i... .1..-' . I- .t.i-t i:i.
served linn me in-si rui iioui yuuiuuu iiue
ralism has often becu as swift and extreme
as the npostney of a Strafford, the contrary
tendency, as ii;t!tiated in the lives ot tren
like eel and Gladstone, gives the Gnest
fruits of genuine progress. Hence it hap
pencil, that, while nnti slavery men of many
yenrs standing were worrying over the tn
lure relations of the institution thev hud so
long foi'fdit und feared. Grant talmly fore
saw and announced its extinction ; hnd.
more than thut, every stage ol yie extin
g'.iishipg process can now be tiiiced in
iiiililai r orders, in advance ot the action ot
Congress and of the Executive. The same '
reniaik may bti made respecting the neon !
struction policy of the government; it '
L'unis are ail to be found in tlio record of
hi field measure., while to waul the main i
ling, of that policy ho gave hi valued I
counsel anil 111a pioioiinuvsi e i.ipaiiuca.
i u hi tne irroni nius ious which s to
demand settlement dining the incoming ad
ministration, it may bo truly said that none
ue o tier than General (iranl s public lite,
while most lmre-already touched biiu at
innnv points in his career, and engaged his
earnest attention. For the l.tst tinee years
in particular he lias reflected upon Ihe po
lllieill junciurr, lirin.-ii'. nun uiv ii-j-ni:iiir
tn a I... tvr.niM iiv I'n o ill ill hi i nil ii I imi-
tiddly; h ha ronterred with ll:! n'-net
statesmen of the day, and hat mingled with
his countrymen in cvciv part of the Union,
It would "not be stisn'go, therefore, if the
whole situation bearing iiiiou t list Presiden
cv, coinpwisng policies, man, and measure,
should be nt ibis moment as accurately
mappc't out iu hi mind as were Ida gnat
campaign before be fought' tlulu iu the
field, and should be followed by national
results hardlv second ia value. Jf "antic
Mtmtldij jor March. -
am am
Apparent Dratii" A prize of sH.OOO it
ia stated, ha beeu recently offered in
France, for the discntery of a sure and aim
pie means of if death be real
or apparent. A trench Journal announce
that Dr. Carriers intends to claim the money
for a process which he has succeseully cm'
ployed for forty years. This system con
sist's in placing (he hand, w ith tbe Cngi ts
closed, before the flume of a lump or candle.
In the living person the members are trans
parent and of a pinkish color, showing the
Capillary circulation and life in full activi
ty; whilst in that nf a corpse, on the con
tiary, is dull und dark, presenting neither
sign of existence noj trams of the blood ur
Ltravenwoilh claims t le so healthy that
when il became nettry to inauguiate the
new graveyard they had to shoot a uutn oo
purpose. On ihe oihei hand, in Nebraska,
meu. w hen asked whether the Kansas people
were la'rlI "n'a. ani ; u-"i ..iu,
honest (Imt they do say ts how the. folk
srouud take in their stone fences, every
night." Lawrence, the Stale cspjtoi, which
is on the dried up Kansas river, sneering ly
save of all Ihe Ileus' tjwtuon the Missri'jri,
t, the li'alt that ply i lv.wu them ar u
wtryyr. a i - treflwsr -;tt 'flit
.DjVU J'ffHw fh ". fbe.ilrettiAf.j.lw
Mfnii'iit, Those havi'ur -vorlimg li io
nt it euneweiwit M icilui i. "' J" " r
Hm. 1
-uuure. mi 12 to tiun t Mi W'1:
. 4 q,uap.'i.
(" fumirra
t llslfCob
T (1 ?tt StV'-if Jul Ml'
IW.i.11 l-a--' I III ii-) I a-a nil' mi ft;
Ijitmi'HtmlJtiin'ifix j.tstio who
t1 thslwismr -f W OS; s tr-fa WnflW 1 f' l 0 I C
; Ten lines if Ibtl I'ufi lyp fyirtihin). mr.Lo one
' allium. ". -. , , v. .
!" AuiJIthra. Xilmliiitltaiori' a'tidtiiriifs' fci.-Is t
i f.'i.Wt.' Ohitoiirtn jx-pt. the urunl annaiitiecii c.-
! Iiiuli !j fiM,) j te puid lor at H'lurlinii-g nUi
I.ocnl Noiltiif, Kooicty Kem-lulinns. o . 1(1 cent.
fui imr . j - - - : i
Advrriii;iaieata for HclIgiou(, Cla'ritaUeand
entronM oicct, eWhair the liboTe ratce.
.' 'Irarriem t,n ,n.a .in.ri .....
0T,L'.li,,1to? diNonliuunJ, end ojihuhI atciu.iii.;;
.", Cjikap Rsstavkaa- ib,-u j. w7iTti
Ibcre la Dot nnotu.r tjtj; -3i ji .l,,ltc
Bthtel trlihpe (lib cahie niiitititit'titiil vsmtj
ofgooi! fotid Can be bbtiined, Inr sn link
money, aa iu Btm f r dm ivt-ft.': In imp n-
tuiiraut if tlmt city iver one tbti!ind per
ions t.ikv tlnir llienla diiily, at mi d ( lor ul
U-ii tenia cik-Ii, nnd with w inu Mini ilin-ri
lor twanty Mvt' ceiif.n! flrci-h tbrlle ftcak.
brend nnd b titter .nod tVlcry nt tnutilii i:n!
prrimiiitMit iitit:!vs in tbe bill of bin;,
wbicli i Jefred lip in good style, witii
linn uapl:!nt and tablecloth.
P.Wil'IvS, A.
From Arthur'. Ilnlnu'Vlsgn'sluV.
Illl-revtit TK ot tivriUZutZ risilSv
In t!'c etlrr-tltm of 'flsi,'ni,ikf sure t!:".'.
ihe ej" srr full, thf eil'e blight red, and
she flesh fiiri and MiiT. If thr- fleab 1s flabby,
iho eyes funkent-aud the-ailia of a dark
color, the fish is stale. - They shTitilrl be
thoroughly cleaned w hen t! rt procured, end
washed in ,inst snflicicnt wn'er to cleansa
iliein. If milch water is used, the flavor will
btr diminished. Sprinkle sntt in theirB?Js,
ur.d if they re to br liroilnrl,: add ptpper.
Kcri) them in a 'cool place till you wish to
j cock tliam. l'rish -water fish are npt to have
sn earthy taste, which may be removed . by
soaking them in salt tir.ti watpr after clrah
I ing. Most kinds of salt fish should be ok
I ed in cold water ten or twelve Lours before
j conking them. n
To Elton. Pirii, Tisb f.,r broiling are
brat to reinniu a niiml ir of hours after hav
ing salt nnd pepper sprinkled on them. Have
the bars of the gild?rnn rubbed with a little
butter, nnd plavethe inside of the fish down
on tl:u giidiion, and nearly cook it before
turning it; butler the skin before turning
it towardsthe fir. HiTiil the fish slowly
over a clear file, without 1!s.o 'or smoke,
and butter it uftvr placing it on tbe plutter.
Have the bars of the gridiron well greascr.l
with lard, lay your fish on, flesh side down';
when half lone, turn it and finish, skin
down. When done, pour over sweet cream
if you have it, r.r spr-jud ovr a little butter.
To Oroil Salt fitimtxa. Wipe your
herring, dry them woll in a cloth ;, you may
slightly split the back, or make a few inci
sions crosawajs. Hub ith flour, or res
plainly, by placing tiie herrings no the grid
iron about six inches over a clear fire, of
before it ; turn ol'ttn, and iu a few miuulcu
they w ill be done.
A-NOTtinit Way to Bcori. Salt HKititrice.
Cut oft' the head, open it tip the back with a
knife, nr.d remove the backbone of the her
rimi put in i,bnnt an ounce of butler aud
hi tint t f onion,
in some piipcr,
so that the fat does not escape ; broil gently
for nearly twenty minutes, and serve. The
butter is to bu enclosed betwtea the two
heriingj. t'.'.D 2.r.vCKM'.Et..--PrepBri by Wilinjf
a short time, it littlt feiiuel. parsley and
mint. When done, chop all together fine;
mix a pitce of butter with if; a dust of flour,
pepper nnd salt. Cut the tisb down the back
and till it with this
sniffing. Oil the grid-
Iron, r.nd
oil tha sli. Broil over a clear,
v . . r. y- . . i. . i
40 Vf' .1 ,r -.'
nn an, I lilitn m.ii. !hnn l-.lf nmnr it.
littlo mote than
with boiling water.' Cover the lid closely.
and boil gently until dnne. To dctermina
whin r.bli is sulucicntly boiled, draw it up
npnii the lish-plate, and if the thickest part
of the fish tun I e easily divided limn the
bone with a knife, it fchould be at once ta-
I ken from Ihe water. A little saltpetre may
be added lo '.he water, to render the boiled
fish Hriu.
To Duces Salt Coo .Steep yonr salt
fish in water all night, with a glass of vine-
' gar; it will take out the salt, and make it
! tuste li'.e fresh lish. .The nrxt day boil it.
i When it is tender, take off the skinud it
i in liaUes into rour disii, then pour egg tance
over tt. or parsnips boiled and beat tne.
with butter aud citarc.
To Bn. Salt Eiiad on MAcURRrL. If
I wry salt, the tlsli must be soaked, twelve
,.,,T.. ;., f..-,an '.. 1,1 u,,.ir. t.p if'llir. ft-..
ler ia changed, u lets tit'.ic win be required.
Put it into b skillet or frying pan, with coid
water enough to cover if, and let it boil fif
teen minutes. Then change the water for
fresh hot water, anil after boiling in this fif
teen minutes longer, take- it up and serve
w i'.b drawn butter, aud garnish with purs-
i v
To EaUE FltH. r rub end, has, shad.
( maukerel auiu rocu ti.u ate suitable ntu lor
onKiug. xor a uiesniig mr m umi.ioi.
! bread in cold water, drain it otf w hen tne
bread becomes soft, mnsh it (!:!, and mix
with a large spoonful of melted butter, salt
and pepper; add onions, sweet herbs, or
spice it you like. A couple of uncooked
eggs mixed with the dressing, makes it. cut
smooth Afier cbmninaT the fish, fill them.
with the drefting. sew them up, dreige
slightly with flour, and lay them in a baking
' pau, with half a pint of cold water, a hula
iiiuici auu au;vw xaaa. ins u.m .....j ...
liby uiir.utus. Serve with paralcj snd. but-
To Baku Bmai b f;su. Fut in atsep pan
four uaspoontful of onions chopped, half a
pint of melted hotter, a gill of vinegar; lay
over six pounds of any common tisb, season
over with two teaspoons! ul of salt, one of
pepper. Place it in Iho oven for twenty
minutes, then turn it. Batte it with the
tuuee now and then. Djah it ut). wod pour
sauce over, or serve in the pan. If the sauce
should be too thin, boil it oa the tire tU.t it
get of a t!iickih substance., , , .
To Fkt Fitrt. To fry 6sb, nicly, sftsr it
i well washed, it should be put in s eloth,
and when dry, dredged with Hour or Indian
meal, or wetted with egg, and dipped in-bread-cm
m bs. Have in your pan plenty of
boiling oil. dripping or lard. ; Put iu your L
fish, and It I it fry rather quickly, till it Is of
a nice brown, tjhould you fry your fish in
oil, jt, obtains a much jiner Color than wtiiu't
done in lard ot dripping. Never ute ligt'er,
aa it makes ih fh a bad coorv Gsruitb .
your diah with green of fied Patsli,, ,
To FT TMOCT.tVale,- gut, lean, dry
and flour. Fry until thty are a rich, clear
brown.- Fry some gret n parsley crisp, snd
make some plain meuted butter; pus Its oo
leasponrvful of tssonee of aebovy, aid sis
glass of whim wine rir. ttinsgsr. aQsrsisb
hen the trout are dished, with the crisped
parijr ud lemon cut lu slice, be butttr
uisy be puuttjlVr' Ihe hsh, bm it is most
edvUsble lo senl-it. jn.s i Uif lurseo.,, ,
OiiMivatTii ' Gt: Tne tetraps nf