Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 27, 1869, Image 3

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    iunburj .'American.'
Ilocal affairs.
Fata Shad, tbil day, at8uubury Market. Also,
resb. While Fish. A lug refaction on all kindi
if tanned Vegetable!.
Tan regular monthly meeting or the Sunbury
Mutual Loan and Building Assoslatlou will be held
n the Masonlo Ball, thil (Friday) evening.
Nlw Finu. Messrs. John Eckman A Co. hare
recently bought out Dr. Eyeter, in the dry goedi
and grocery business, at the txaer of Fourth and
Market streets.
Jcbticij of the Peace, who Were elected on last
Friday, are required by law to notify the Prethono
tary of their aeoeptaneo, otherwiie their commissions
will not be Issued.
Qoibt Election. The eleotlon on lait Friday
was the meat quiet ef any Spring eleotlon held In
this place for many yean. Of oourie the whele
Republican tioket wat eleoted.
At an annual meeting of the ttoekholden of the
Ait. Carmel Iron Company, held January 2d, 1809,
the following named persons were eleoted fur the
ensuing year: President, John Atuty; DireoUre,
I. TV. Jones and Z. C. Rogers.
Tboiiai Do.iohok, lately tried at Uloomsburg for
the murder of A. W. Roa, and acquitted, was taken
to Putlsville on tho 12th, oharged with highway
rubbery and assault and battery, and was oommitted
by Justice Frailcy, of that place, for trial.
Laroc Saluo.i. Our friend, Abraham Elaaser,
Esq , of Lower Mnkanoy township, informs ut that
while fulling In the river below the Trovorton bridge,
vnbout three weeks ago, he captured eight salmon,
which, together, weighed 4ta pounds the largest
weighing over eleven pounds.
Bxccrsios TtCKtTB. We learn that the Northern
Central Railway Company,- with their nsaal enter
prise and liberality, will issue ezoursion tickets, good
from the second to the eighth of March, to afford all
nn opportunity to attend the forthcoming inaugura
tion of Uon. Grant, at Washington. Price of tickets
for the round trip, $t5.4S.
Book Meeting. Another meeting of the Boom
Company was held at thil place on Saturday Inst,
which was largely attended. The oitiiens along the
river aro beginning to see the benefit of such an
improvement, aud judging from the feeling which
now exiHte, wo have no doubt but that the project
will be commenced before many days.
The Presbyterian Church, of Northumberland,
under the pastorship of the Rev. A. D. Moore, held
communion service on Inst Sabbath. This oburch,
under the charge of this young and popular minis
ter, is making rapid strides and doing great good.
On this solemn oocoslon twelve porsons made pro
fession of l'aiih, and were added to the oburch.
Thrco more were added by eertifieate, making, al
together, fifteen new members.
Tun t". S. IloTsi,, at Milto.1. We loam that
Mr. L. (1 Sticker, tho former popular landlord of
the V. S. Hotel, at Milton, will soon retake posses
sion of that well known house, and open it to the
public, thoroughly renovated, repaired and newly
furnished. Mr. Sticker is widely known as one of
those accommodating landlords who "knows how to
keep a hotel," and the guests of the L'uited States
will alwajs find him ready and willing to attend to
their wnnta.
Accipkst. We regret to learn that Peter Dout,
a son of Michael Dout, of Coal township, this county,
was run over by a freight trsin, on last Monday
morning, between the hours of five and six o'clock.
Ills log waa out entirely off. The accident ocouired
on the Lackawanna A Rloomsburg Railroad. The
young man was dragged some forty font by the
cow-catcher before his leg was severed, s the train
was running very slow. He was not injured very
much internally, (ireat hopes are outer tamed that
lie will recover. '
TiiK G. Nott has just returned from tho city
with a splendid lot of cloths, eassimeres and gentle
men's furnishing goods, which he sells oboaper than
ever, and aro going off rapidly. Those who need
clothing should not delay making a bargain, when
they can make a choice scluotiou, which will be
found at his establishment.
Mr. Nott informs us that It will move into the
stone block of Mr. Miller, on Third streot, on the
Crst of April next, when lie will increase Mistook
to such an extent that it will not be aurpaascd by
any outside of the city.
Boui Robbery. Mr. Robert Slack, of Point
township, this county, was robbed, on Friday eve
ning of last week, of $2110 in money and on net of
(2.000, drawn in favor of R. M. Slack, against Reu
ben Johnson, and an additional net of f 50, against
Jchn McElrath. The perpotrator of th robbery,
named C. H. Bond, was in the employ of Mr. Slack,
end during his temporary absence and unknown to
tho fnuiily, who were employed in another part of
the house, be ascended t th socond story aud pur
loined the money from a trunk and absconded. No
trace ef him has been discovered. Bond is tall in
person, blaok hair, light moustache, and marked by
a star on bis hand and a figure ef a ship on bis breast.
A reward of f 100 is offered for his arrest.
New Mcsic Store. We are pleased to learn
that a new uiu'io etore is to be established in this
pluee, in Masser's building, adjoining Friling's store.
Workmen are now engaged in putting in a new
front and fitting the room for th purpose. The
proprietors intend to keep on band Pianos, Organs,
Melodoons, Violins, Banjos, Flutes, and other musi
cal instruments, besides an assortment of sheet mu
sic aud fine chrotuo paintiugs. Their Pianos and
Organs will be obtaiuei from th most celebrated
manufacturers of New Tork, A., and their ton,
quality and durability will be guaranteed to be of
the beet, and will be sold at New York prices.
Such an establishment is muoh needed In this
place, and we are plooeed to find that it will be con
ducted by responsible and competent persons.
Fort Augusta Lonaa No. 620, I. O. of 0. F.,
celebrated their first anniversary on Saturday eve
ning last, in their Hall, in Bright' building. It
being also th third anniversary of Fort Augusta
Encampment No. 140, they united together with
Sunbury Lodg No. 203. Th Hall was wall filled,
and quite a large number of ladies were in atten
dance. About 8i o'eloek th assemblage was oalled
to order by P. M. Bhlndol, N. G. of N. 20, and
the opening odes sung, after which a prayer was
offered by Rev. Mr. Hemperly. Addresses were
then delivered by the Rev. Mr. Hemperly, P. U.,
F. Hemperly and D. D. U. M., S. B. Boyr, whioh
were well reoeived by the audience. After lb ad
dresses, refreshments were passed around, and social
greetings exchanged by the members of th different
Lodges, when the closing od wis sung and th ben
diction pronounced. All parted, highly delighted
with the proceedings.
Firs About 12 o'eloek, on Monday last, a fir
broke out in th engine house of th Northern Cen
tral Railroad Co., at th lower end of th Borough,
and was entirely consumed. Th fir is supposed to
have originated by an engine standing in lb house.
Th bands hating all left for dinner, and th watoh-
man being in another part of th building, th fir
was not discovered until it bad a fair headway on
th roof of th building. It being of fram mate
rial, th house burned very rapidly, and as there
is no fir department in th plaee it was useless to
make any effort to check the flames. Meet of th
tools in th shops were saved, together with all th
engines, sxoept th on In whiek th ire is suppeaed
. to bar originated, whioh had all th wood work
burned off of it. This is th seoond tlm tb com
pany e shops hav been destroyed by fir within th
last fiv years. W hop th company will put np
good substantial brick bulldinp, so that they will
cot taet with similar misfortun In th future.
koiotfO ELBCrtoM.x-Al Ihf fthbasl Bortmgk I
Jtotlon, bold on Friday last, lb. following parson 1
' ... ., ' 7 , V- . . . I
West Wards:
Chief Bargees John W. Frilinf .
Peoond Burgess John O. Markle.
Town Crerk Jaoob Dhipmaa-. .
High Constable Xben Bastlaa.
ait ward.
Assistant Burgesses John B. Looker and George
Counoltaon Benjamin Zeltlemoyer, 3. II. Engel,
Charles Beck and Ellas Broeious.
Orerseors of the Poor N. F. Marts and George
Bucher, Sr.
Street Commissioners Sebastian Bonghner and
Solomon Weaver.
Constable Isaiah Gutsier.
Justice of the Peaoe Jaoob 0. Beok.
Judge of Elections William Fetter
Inspcotor of Elections Jaceb Keefer.
Assessor James Board.
wasr WARD.
Assistant Burgesses Henry Clement and Jno. K.
Councilman C. Nen", N. F. Lightner, Jacob Sen
senbaon and Andrew DiefJenderfer. (Diefienderfer
and Valontine Diets tie vota.
Overseers of the Poor A. N. Brio and Oeorge
Sobool Directors Elias Sohneider and William 8.
Justice of th Peace John W. Buchor.
Constable William Panel.
Judge of Elections M. T. Helnlselman.
' Inspector of Eleolioas John C. Miller.
Street Commissioner Charles (Junior, i
Assessor Oeorge Bright.
Cbaroi or Supirixtmdkxt. Mr. J. N. Du
Barry having been promoted to the Vioe Presidency
of tba Northern Central Railway, ties C. U. Miller,
Esq., Col. A. P.. Fiske, ol Shamokin, tueceeds him
as General Superintendent, his appointment to take
effect on the first of Maroh. The latter gentleman
was Superintendent of the S. V. A P. Railroad for
a nurabor of year, and is eminently qualified to fill
the new positton assigned to him. He is an officer
of genial manners, courteous and affable to thole
serving under him, and his administration cannot
fall to prove a suecess and receive tho respect, con
fidence and fidelity of employees.
North I'm bbrland Boom Tho Direc
tors of this Company mot at the ofile of Ira T.
Clement, Esq., in Suubury, on Saturday, iOih Inst ,
at the appointed hour. A quorum being present
they prooeeded at onco to business.
The several Committees appointod nt previous
meeting reported, showing an inoreased interest in
the enterprise. Sunbury reported one hundred
shares alroady subscribed. The meeting adjourned
to meet at th same place on Saturday, 27th inst ,
at 2 o'olock, P. M., for permanent organisation,
Wt. Kiaoak, President,
J. 0. Tract, Secretary.
t Anotrxr New Fviixac. Thut active and en
terprising firm, Messrs. Hancock, Creveling 4 Co.,
yesterday broke ground for a now Furnace, to be
located on the west side of th one owned by them
and now In blast. This new Furnaoe, when com
pleted, will be of giant proportions, the largest in
this lection of the Stato. It will be 18 feet across
the bosh, 60 feet in hcighth, and have seven tuyre
arches... It will bo blown by a monster engine of
aca horse pewer. The engine is now being built at
the National Iron Company's Maohine Shop, which
latter establishment is achieving quite a reputation
of late for the superiority of the work done there.
The Furnace owned by the above firm, now in blast,
has given ontire satisfaction, and is making the very
first quality of Foundry iron, much of whioh is due
to Robert Davis, the Superintendent of the Furnace.
Detnrille Intelligencer .
1H Lemma TBAnx. Th Cloarflold Journal
says : "Th prospect for a large quantity of square
timber bciug run down the river, in the spring, is
rather problematical. V have no definite data as
lo the supply likely to be on hand, but if we are
permitted to judge from tho meagre information now
before us, we believe the quantity will be quito
LmcARiES ron Public Schools. We notice that
eotue.of our exchanges are agitating the aubjuot of
school libraries for our publio schools at the expense
of the State The idea is a good one, and has been
acted upon by Ihe State of New York for a quarter
of a coutury. In that State every school district
has, oroanhave, if the law is complied with, its
We direct the attention of furinera to the advertise
ment of Messrs. Baugh A Sons, the extensive man
ufacturers of fertilisers, of Philadelphia, to be found
in our advertising oolumus this week. Those gen.
tlotnonai prompt and reliable business men, and
having bad yoars of experience in th manufacture
of manures. any article offered by them to the public,
may be depended upon as being all that it is repre
sented. Leap Year. Leap Year bos "gore gleaming
among the things that were." No longer are lasses
allowed to ask tb lws they like th best, to woo
and be wooed, to merry and be given in marriage.
Of course very few Improved the opportunities sanc
tioned by the past year of course not. For what
young lady weuld atk a young gentleman to marry
her even when leap years oom in succession, aad
common usage gave them that right not six in a
half doeen of them. No sir! As we were homeward
bound, the other evening, near th Presbyterian
Church, we were not a little amused at three of
those poor bachelor fellows, who wer trying to sing
the following impressive lines :
"When I remember all
The eirls I've mat toAtKnp
I feel like a rooster in the fail
Exposed to every weather I
I feel like one who treads alen
Some baru yard all deserted,
Whose oats are fed whose bens ar dead,
Aud off to market carried."
Wc pitied them we did. Their day of grac
was over and tbey looked melancholy, and in their
melancholy they "smiled" so did wc. Tho bache
lors of Sunbury art worthy of attention from th
sisters f oharity, or anybody else's sister.
Editor's Table.
The Lady's Frisxd The MrK .,y.rt v:.
"Queen or the Monthlies," opeus with a fine steel
engraving called "In the Firelight" where fireside
dreams are taking visible but Siberia! shapes. This
it followed by the usual handsoin colored steel
fashion plate, and by an amusing engraving of "Half
an Hour too Early" (at the party). Then wc hav
the usual large number of engravings devoted to th
fashions, needle work, 4o. As to ibe literary con
tents, "Roland Yorke," the deeply interesting
.... VJ wj lauuui euiaur 01 -r-aui A,yone, and
the piquant and romanlio story, "Between Two,"
are continued. Amona the other oontenti w nni.
uea. Among tnc other oontent w not
y of Two bummers," by Nora Perry !
sitb the Golden Hair," a Poem by Hor-
ri "Bertha," by Amanda M. Douglas:
r. 1, ; .... 1 1 r 1 1 . . 0
a un oujry 01
"uraoie w
ence Perot
JMiiiorials, fashionable Intelligence, Ao. Published
vuwiou i-eierson, a;y Walnut street, Philadel
phia, at $2 0 a year (whioh also inoludes a large
steel engraving). Four copies, o . five oopiee (and
one gratis), til. "Xhe Lady s Frtend" and "foe
baturday Evening Post," (aud on engraving,) $i 60.
Blackwood' Maoaziee, for January, has been
re-published by tb Leonard Scott Publishing Com
pany, iv Jtuiton street, n York. Tb oontent
ar i No. 9 of Uistorioal Sketches of th Reign of
uouigaix.j i am rouoeopner; in fifteen L.ouis
d'Or of tteaumanibais: carta of Dnnhlaa anil o,.n.
Comedy of Errors ; part 2 of Kinglake's History
of tb War in th Crimea ; Christian Missions to
India ; Seats and Saddlee ; Bits and iiittin.-: Uain
or Loss f th Statistic of th Campaign. This
number is an interesting one, and reminds us of the
palmiest oays oi jfiacKWooa
Petibs' Parlor Comparis. for tba Flufa, Tin.
Un aad Piano, for February, contains a number of
exceueni pieoe lor tnc instruments named.
Peters' Monthly tile Hire, for February, eon
tains a chorus: "Our Stratagem willSaosessful lie ;'
a quartet, "At Hum Then art Remembered Still,"
answer to "Do tbsv think of m at home:" auartat
"On th morrow must I go ;" quartet, "Com and
siaiue,u youaar;- enorus, "not soon tn a a
is over i" trio, "The Poor Liul Beys of th town I1
saered quartets, "Do Right and Fear Noll" and
"As Pants th Heart."
Then publications, th best and cheapest ef their
aiu id ine eounirv, arc Issues ea tb fcnst of very
wvum nva no. ivo nroaaway, now xrE, otj.a.
j-ciere. j ric t j f r year. Lingi copies, 20 ets
Owtrl Last's Booi The Marofa nnmk-er of
magas.n. la, UK. its ieoeorj, -
ejaoiee engravings, and its literary aaaUer the purest
Ind the beet pnb'.ished. W give t llstof Ui en
gravings thatearloh this number : On lb npw
of Expectation, la th eteel plat Colored Fashion
flat, six genuine fashions Groehet Autlmoar,
printed In colors ; an extension eeeet, obtaining
thirty-six ogravli)ge of the latest tylel tight
fitting jaoket for a lady J Easter Eggs, humorous
pieture. The designs in th work department r
of a eharaoter that wilt be appreciated by.tboe who
delight in faney work. Published by L. A. Gedey,
N. U. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia.
Tbb Atxaktio Moktult. The following are th
articles and writers in tb Maroh number of this
well known and popular magasin : Malbone : an
Oldport Romance, part III., by T. W. Hlgginson.
A Thrush in Utdd Cage, a poem, by Christopher
P. Craneh. The Small Arabs of New York, by
Charles Dawson Shady. Co-operative Housekeep
ing, fifth paper. Little Captain Trott, by Mrs. Har
riet Beeeher EI6w. A New Chapter of Christian
Evidences, by James Freeman Clarke. Consump
tion in Amerroa, third and lost paper, by Dr Uonry
I. Bewditoh. The Foe in the Uousohold, the first
instalment of a Serial Hlory, by the author of "Vic
tor and Jacqueline." Onr Painters, seoond artiole,
by Jebn Neal. The Fatal Arrow, a pnem, by Alio
Cary. Popularising Art, by James farton. The
New Edueatio,xeoond paper, by Charles W. Eliot.
Howard at Atlanta, a poem, by John Whlttier.
The Suabian Aib. by Bayard Taylor. Our New Pre
sident, by Charles (. Came. Hedge-Birds, by J.
Kllot Cabot. Fields, Osgood A Co.', Publishers,
Boston, Mast.
QTMob I'rlntlng-. Ilaviag received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ao., onn be printed in
the latest and best stylos, and on. short notice.
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
For Sair. -An excellent top buggy, new. En
quire at this ofBc.
New patterns of Wall Paper and Border, and
Window Shades, in large quantity, at reduced ratif ,
Fob 27. t Book Btor.
Ciwrn.MOH C a hpktinq Cheaper and bott'r
than Oil Cloth. Wholesale and retail, nt
Feb. 27. 4t , Book Store.
It costs $100, and takes one Week's time, to get a
female chignon dyed In Paris to the newest fashion
able oolor. This sum will buy at least three fash
ionable and durable suits at J. 0. Beck's Merchant
Tailoring establishment. One hundred dollars oould
not b bolter invested than In Beck's clothing.
i -.
Tub Independent says that Miss Susan B. Antho
ny is a "masculine woman," with '"a strong jaw, a
sharp tongue and a kindly smile." If this strong
minded woman should ever visit Sunbury she would,
of oourse, get a pair of Millor'a boots before leaving
town. Miller has all sites of boots and shoes, which
he sells at greatly reduced prices.
Frnixo Time. The beckoning band bf Spring,
impressed by the cheerful sunshine of the past fuw
days, is blithesome, and apparently impatient to
strew the hillsides with flowers, and deck the trees
in Spring's enchanting green. With the continu
ance of mild and pleasant weather, the opening of
the Spring Boot and Shoo business will soon com
mence. Our patrons and the publio generally are
respectful! informed that John Wilvert, on Spruce
stroet, bat on hand a large stock of boots and shoes,
whioh he disposes of at the lowest market price for
A i)oa the Into Inventions a genius has discovered
a new hat rack, to be attached to pews under the
eat in church. The rack consists of a piece of wire,
and costs twenty-five cents. We presume it will not
be long before they are introduced in Sunbury, and
will be used to "hang up", Faust's fashionable Huts
and Caps. TJo and see his assortment.
Cok's Cul'Qu Balsam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, aud
Consumption. Both aiies ordinary 4 os , also mam
moth family bottles for sal by all druggists and
dealers in modicines. No family should be over
night without it in the house.
Dn. J. R. Crkssinoer, Dentist. Oifiee overH.t?
Tbacher's Shoe Store, Suubury, Pa.
When nohing teeth aanso dreadful groans,
And sleepless nights and dismal days,
Who comes to me most gtalufut onne
My skill, which all bis pains allay.
A moment's suffering I may cause,
'lis but to bring a long release ;
And though for once I rend his jaws,
Fur years to como I give him peace. 2m
Coe's DrgPErsiA Cent Will immediately re
lieve and permanently ourc the most aggravated
case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomaoh, Con
stipation, and all diseases of the Stomaoh and Bow
els. Pbysiciuus, clergymen and all who use it, join
in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by
Druggists everywhere. Price $1 .00
At Philadelphia, on tho 18th inst., SARA. II
BYKRS, wife of il. W. Evans, and daughter of the
late Uoorge Uiieman, of this place, aged about 41
At Northumberland, on the 21atinst., MAR(1A
RET CATilARINtt, wife of Charles B. Jordan,
in her 2Hd year of age.
In Stoep-Falls, Standish, Feb. fitb, SARAH K ,
wile of I. H Lord, and daughter of Rev. P. M. and
Hannah M. Hobaon, aged 21 years. Also, Feb. Tltr,
HANNAH M.,wi( of Rev. P.M. Uobsun, aged
44 years.
Funeral services of both from the cbureh at Steep
Falls, Feb. 10th at ll o'clook. Portland Aditrli
Correcteu Weeklt bt Yocxa A Israel.
Grain Choios White Wheat, $2 00
Best Amber, Winter, 175
" Spring, 1 00
Corn, 64
Rye, 1 4U
Oat. (.12 lbs ) 60
FLOCR Pure Mich. Whits Wheat, per sack, 2 75
narrel, 11 u
Beet Amber, Winter, por sack, 2 6
" " " " barrel, 10 00
Seneca Lake, per sack, 2 25
" " " barrel, V U0
Corn Meal, per cwt., S 00
Buokwheat Flour, 5 00
Better New York, 90
Pennsvlvauia Roll. 40
Euas per doacn, 25
Meats Dried Beef, per lb. i S3 a SO
Smoked Mutton, IS a II
" Vaniaon. 40 a 4J
Laro per lb., 25
Fun Salt White Fish, per lb., 16
xrout, ia
Cod, 19
Veqetasles Turnips, per bushel, 60
Potatoes, " " 1 20
Onions, 1 0
Keens, quart, 15 a 18
Hoiuinv, " ' 12
Dried Fruits Dried Apples, per lb., 12 a 14
" l-euolies, " 13 a So
" Cherries, 10 a J5
" Blackberrios' 20
11 Rasnburriaa. -Jta
Qreer Apples per barrel, 4 75 a tfTo
Sjlaaassaoktsa Co I 'l's-taue.
Bhamoxir, Feb 23, IMP,
7'oiijt. C'tol,
Bant for wsek ending Feb. 20, 6,08s 07
Per last Report, 44,407 00
4,634 07
44,044 0
To sams time last year,
4. 890 19
Special Not'urs.
treated wiui the utmost suceess, by J; Isaacs, H D
and Professor of Diseases of tb sly and Ear ; (bis
specially; in in meaioai college 01 feunsylvanta,
12 years exnerleno, (formerly of Levden. Hullaml.l
No. 105 Arcb 6' treat, Philadelphia, testimonials eau
be seen at this otfioe. Th medical faoolty ar in.
vlted to aoooinpany their patients, as he ha no
secrets In bis praetio. Artificial eye inserted
witnont pain, mo cnarge far examination.
Feb. 18, 1801). ly.
(Juiue to 51 art-la (pe Young Men's Quid
to Happy Marries and Oouiuial Felwitv. Tb hu
man views of benevoleat Physicians, on th Errors
ana Anuses moment to xouin ana n.arly Manhood,
seui in eeaiea letter envelopes, tree 01 eliarg. Ad'
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philad.l
phi, Pa.
Jun 13, 186J.-Ir
Phvcioieo vthoharf sjimaiirantints inr aaveral vaare.
with frequent Weeding of Uie lungs, oured himself
sneaiemonnRnwwB to ueprolecatoa, wnea ni
(ipnrH notMiee. He la ue only pnyiesian
wbohuitfeeHtiu Hewn ro, r wbo be any
knowledge of lis virtues; and be cast ascribe th de
gTef health he now enjoys tn nothing but the
nniiintj end nothing ent ntter anspair
and entire extinctHn of all hops. of recovery, to
gether with a want of con 11 ieuoe in all others, Induo
ed him to hasard th experiment. To thoe suffer
ing with any disnaee of the Lungs hs proffer a treat
ment ho confidently believe will eradicate th
disease Prio $1 60 per bottle or $8 a bairdoten,
sent by express. Send for a circular or call on
Dn. K. Boylston J season,
No. 230 North Tenth Street, l'hiladolphln.
For Sale by Jl. Y. Friling, Market 6-iuajo, Sun
bury, Pa., and Druggists generally.
May JO, 1868 ly.
To CoiiHUinpUvrai.
rpHB advertiser, having been restored to health in
I a few weeks by a simple remedy, after havini
suffered several years Willi a severe lung affection,
and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to
mak known to bis fellow suUorers tb moans of
To all who delre It. h will send a copy of th
prescription used (free of charge), with the directions
for preparing and Using the same, which they will
find a sura Cera for CnnraTplron, Asthma, Bron
chitis, to. Th only obivot of tb advertiser in
ending' the Prescription is to boncfit the afiliotod,
and spread Information whioh he conceives to be in
valuable ; and he hopes every srtfferer will try bis
remedy, as it will cost ttom nothing, and may prove
a blessing.
Parties Wishing lb prescription will picas ad
dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON,
105 South Second St.. Williainsburgb,
Jan. 0, '6'J ly Kings County, Nw York.
Ag'csita Wurited.
t?S to SjtOO per mon!!!
Or en'nmifeW from vMrh tvsnee that v-ui!t een be
mdo hv eellint the I.VTWsT lMI'ltoVK.l) common
I- or CtiCMlart end Trrtns address
C. flows-. IIS Sl CO , 320 South Third Rtreet,
Dec. S, '63. 3in. rbla-Jtlphie, l'a
iRff ijsttJV BssBtW
oi: l'liii u
604 nnrkct Street,
On door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price System, and we believe we
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly
adhores to this principle. We have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not lees
iuiportuut, for having all our goods
KXTHA Wf.l.t. MAIi:.
We cmplov the best talont, for Cutters, and ur
Ooods are of both kinds fashionable and plain
so tbitt all ttstos can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must
s-0, or other iso we could not meet lb competition
of our neighbors, (or as uoduductions ure over made,
we must put our prices down to th advantages we
Tho people may depend, this Is the truo plan upon
which to do business, and man re dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu mind
604 Market .Street, Philadelphia,
Not on the Cornor, but 0'ie dour above Sixth.
!',.). .tl ll?.!'., Nult-Hiuuu.
April 4, lfttid. ly
J l From Dispensntory
if Ihe
United Stntrs.l
DIorwiA ckknata UL'rtitc i.kavks
ranPtRTies. Th iriKloi is siroiiE. diffusive, and some
what aromatic, then taste bltteusti, and anal gnus to
Medical Properties and Uses. Duchu Ireves are renMr
a'linulant, with a peculiar tendency 10 the Canary Oiaans.
suey are given in cmilHiuta n I Hie I niiary Organs,
such as Uravel, Chronic t'otarrh nf the Ijiadder, Morbid
rntatlon ol the Hl.ulder and Uretha Disease 01 the I'r
Irate Gland, and Keteiiimn or f iKmntinenee of Ulme. from
a foes til tone ill tiie parts cuoreri'teil 111 ill evacuation The
remedy nis ais neen recommended in I'yspepsia, Lnron
ie Klieuinatisrn, Cutaneona Atfecllona, and Lropsy.
Ilelmliold s Kxtract Uurhu is uiml oy prrsoi.s linm tlie
ers'of 1h to tfs, and from 33 to fiS. or 111 the dec'lne i .r
rhanfie of life; attar Cnufijiemeul, or Labor reinsj Bed-
t etUnK III Children.
In all'-cnoue nreunar to fmatAB, the l-.xlract Uuelinia
unetinaled by any other remdy, as in Chlorosis, or Re
tention, Irreiiularitv. Paliifutness or Sunnretsio,, ,,f Custo
mary hvacuutioiia, Ulcerated or Sciurrous Slate of the I
Lterus, l.eucirrliea, ur hitea.
Diseases of the Hla'tder. Kidneva. Gravel, and Dronaical
Swellings. 'f'tiis medicine increases the (tower of iJigrS-
lion, and rxeitea tiie Absorlieuta into liealibv ertlon, by
which the Watrrv or Culeareous di-tiositiona. at.d atl tlii-
nsturat Kiilargeineiita are 1 educed, as well as Tain and In-
ftelmbold's F-Ttrart nncliu has euredeverv pse of Dia.
betes ill whtrh it has been unveil. Iirltulloii of the Neck,
of the Hladder, and Inftamtiiatlou of the Kidneys, I'lceru-
lion of tlieKidoevs an) fiiadder. Itetrntlnn of I'rme. Ui.
senses of the I'n airale Gland, Mone 111 the Hladder, Calcu
lus, Uravel, HricK-Uusl Deposit, and Alucus or Milky
Dis('hargea,aiid for en'eehted and delicate conctilutioiii.
ol both sexes, attended u'ilh the foil living symptoms :
iui...n,ii ., rjxciiion, o, l ower, i.ob h rtirmn
ty, Difficulty of Uieatlnuir, Weak Nerves Tremh ing,
Horror 01 Disease. Wakeruluess. Dimucsi of Vision, fain
ill the Uaek, Hot Hands, Kluahiim of the llodt-, Drvuess of
the xkm, Kiuption of the Face, Pallid Countenance, Uni
versal lassitude of the Muscular f)ttem, e.
Helrahold's K.xtract lluchu is Diuretic and Blood Purify
ing, and cures all Diseases arums; from habits of dissinl
tion, rxeesaes and imniudeiices in life, iinnurilies of (he
Ulood, Ac., sunersedine Conaiue 111 affections for hifh it
is used, auch as Gonorrhrva, (ileets of king standlus. and
rtyithilitir Affections in these diseases, used in couin-ctloii
with Hehnhold's Wash.
Sold by all Droggials and dealers eveivwhere. Deware
of enuuierfeite Aak for Helmtiilil's. Take no other.
Price t. 8.5 per boll le. or 8 bca'ee for 86.50. Delivered
to any address. Describe evmiitoms in all oonunmiicationa.
Ad.ln-es II. T. IIi;t,Mlttll.ll,5)l Hnwdwnv, N. Y.
steel euUraVed wrapper, with fac-sitnile of my Chemical
vaienouae, sua eignea
11. i. lir.L..'UUOI.Lr.
FehSTIh, JP69 gin.
Krrorti ofYoutlis
A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from
Norvous Debility, Prematura decay, and all
th effoots of jroutbful indiscretion will, for the sake
of suffering humanity, send free of all who need it,
the recipe and direction for making the simple reme
dy by which he wat cured. Suflercrs wishing to
profit by the advertiaor'a experieuo can do so by
addressing, in p'erfeot confidence,
JUI1.1 13. UUVLA,
Jan. 0, '9 ly No- 42 Coder street, N. Y.
IMsmoIiiiiou ol' lttrluei-tn.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the riartuorshln
heretofore existing between George W. niith
A Charles U anther, trading under the firm name of
Smith A (ienthsr, was this 5th day of February, dis
solved by mutual consent. The books, papers, Ac ,
of the firm are in the bands of Goo. W. Smith, who
requests all indebted to make immediate settlement.
U B.f . IT . D 01 1 1 II ,
Rdnbory, February 13, lsfilf Hi
Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in
Oil Oloths, Windc Shades, Carpat Chain, Cotton
Yarns, Batting, Hope, Twines and Cordage,
Itroomai, Ilt-UMlic. HtasltetB,
No. Sl North Third Street, above Market,
January 30, 1869. ly
ARCH STREBT, set ween Third and Fourth Streets
SAMUELS WEBEH, Proprietor.
January M). Ib6 ly
The Arch Street Foundry,
HERETOFORE earried on in the nam af J.
Youngman, will hereafter be earried on in the
firm name of VOUNliMAN A HAUPT. All kinds
of Castings will at all times bs mads at the shortest
notice, and in th best manner.
Sunbury, February 13, 1 sol).
STOIC K KOUJI TO I.I'r, situate on
Market Street, near tbe Railroad, Sunbury, Pa,
Terms reasonable. Apply to
Banbury, February IS, 1869 St
Valrr'a (Lets Miller's) Winter Uardesi,
T2tl.T22.T24 and T26 V1NK fctreet, Philad a.
TBE 3RA.D UHCUKSTKION, formerly the
property of the UUAMJ UUU US BAVIX, pur
obased at great expense by
JACOB V ALER, of Philadelphia,
la oombinaUon with
Will perform every Afternoon aad Stoning at tba
ahove meaiionea piaoo.
VI THERE can I get tba best piotare?
Why at
T meriy's, or course
Always golo Bjerly
and Juige for yourself.
'ITacaSu Itallroad rXoarl riuULed,
1GS0 fallVES hVtWi'.
TnnCNPff tacific r r. co.
and tL
Have added Eight Hundred (Wdi) Mll-tn their lines
during the ourisnt your, while doing a large local
passonger and freight business. The through con
nection will undoubtedly be ompltcd noxt summer,
when the through traffic will be vory great. Forty
thousand men are now employed by the two power
ful oonipanies In pressing forward the great national
highway td a epeedy nomplvtion. Only SOU miles
remain to bo built, which mostly ar graded and
ready fur tho rails.
First Mortgage (lol l flonds of the Union Paolfh
Rullroad Company for sale at par and Interest, and
First Mortgage II obi Bonds of tho Central l'acifio
Railroad at ll'Hand interest.
The principal and Interest of both bonds are'paya
blein gold.
Dealers In Government Securities. Gold, Ae ,
No. 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia.
"n0- NotII, OS y
v". a. pJizffoTcoT
Market Street, Six doors of Third streot, north
side, SUNBURY, PA.,
RESPECTFULLY inform thoir rrionds and the
pohlto, that tbey have opened a
and will lie happy to have them call find eiamlne
their stookp which has just bon oponed, embra
cing everything iutbe Urooory line, such as
Coffee. Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried
Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cheeoc, Crackers,
Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes,
etc, togothor with Snaps,
Candles, Soda, Ae.,
and In fact everythin in the lirooory an Provision
Fi.OI'R AND FEED, Qt'oersarc, Willovr-war,
Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps. ,'onl Oil Ac
Call and see before purchasing elsewhere.
Sunbury, Dec. 12. 1SV.8.
Third Street, adjoining Phila. A Erie Railroad, two
Squares North of tho Central Hotel,
it J'. ( Li:ui: r,
13 prepared to furnish every description of lumber !
required by the d uauds nt the public. H.iving
all the latest improved maohirery (or manufactur
ing Lumber, he is uotv ready to till orders u! ail kinds
of !
and ail kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work.
Turaiug of every description promptly cxucuUd
Also, a large assort incut of ,
HEMLOCK and PINK. Also, SliiugUs, Pickets,
Lnlli. Ac. I
Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad
or olliernise. IKA T. CLEMENT. j
Sunbury, Deo. 19. ly
Lime I Lime !
THE f til'crib9r having charae of tho Limo Kiln of
H. B. Mussur. near Jjrlmjigrdve, is uow 1'urninhtnKt
to farn.urt nii othnri. Limu :f tho best fjualit in
large quantities. Tho limu I unit iimt pwlucttJ
with tbe utmost cnr, una its qimlity KUfirnnfccl.
Jan. Id. CiJAS. I't'XIvKLIilsHUKU.
(Licenivd by tho UoitaJ State Dvarnmunt-
for consumers of
throughout the Country.
II .1 El aCl 'r k CO.,
Of fifteen years' standing as Jobbers and Retailors
of tba above aeods, in Iioston nnd vieinty, baveeoa-
cluded to oiler the people of the whole country the
advantages of thoir immense importations cud
agencies for American manufactories through tbe
popular uiji. i.ak iMslf.Jl.
Our Premium List to Aguiita, aU'l Erehnnri T.;st
for Ageuts and Patrons, aru not t-tiuulltd by any
house in tbe country.
Lost .New ork aud Boston rcforencos given when
rrrjuired. Send fcr t'reo Circular.
HAtllllLNt 1 I II ,
GO Summer .Street, Boston.
Tost-OBice Box 881.
Cecombcr 12, 111. :iut
Frasonta I Presents ! Frosonts 1
An Enduring end Piea.iug Mon.cnto to those teed
ing Aids to .Sight.
Our Agent, T. S. SHANNON. Watchmaker and
Jeweler, Sunbury, Punu'a., has a sjileudid stovk ol
IScutttltuI Gold rc la lcai
set with the
Manufactured by
The Cost in tho World for trengllieiiing and
Preserving tho Sight.
No more acceptable present to your Parents, Grand
PareuU or Friends, or those needing Hpectaolua, can
be found, lhey are band.ouie, ustful and last
many years.
Call and examine them at tbe store of our Agent,
Dealer in Jewelry, Watches and Plated Ware.
Jan. 9, I860. augl.'tiS ly.
VY. C. Yooxa.
O. T. IsXABb.
TIIEsubscribcrsbeg leave to call the attention of
the publio to the fact that they have started a
Market for all kinds of Country Produce, Vegeta
bles, Ac, and have also made arrangements tn f ur
Dish in Season all kinds of tiaino, l'ish, Ac. Native
and foreign fruits, nuts, Ac, always on hand, whole
sale and retail.
All kinds of Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles,
6auces, Catsups, to. Call and sue for yourselves,
as we defy competition either iu assortment or prises.
Funbury, January 9, 1S69.
CSTSamplot ent by mail r, hen writtea for.
Octeber 3i, mi -ly
Latest New York Hews.
Look O'M t !
Look Out 1 1
I.ooli Oat ! i
Look Out ! I
"Boautiflos ihe Complexion."
"Oivos a Rosy Glow to th Cheeks."
"A Ruby Tinge lo the Lips."
"Removes all BloUikes and Freckles."
"The Best in the World."
Bittor-Bweet and Orange Blossoms.
Oneflottle, $1 CO Three for $2 00
l0t) Bottlee sold In one day In New York City.
'V'All Druggists inSUMlCRY soli it.
Oi addrcss-COSTAR," No. 10 Crosby St., N. Y.
11 ' U10.0 C0RN3. On ! thot CORNS.
I Morning Paper, Aug. 2d. I
Oil MY 1 OH MY! I onn't a'.nnd It ; but be did,
for be sent right ol) and got a box of
and it cured him."
Thousands of Roxes sold.
All Unigjjists in Sl'NBL'KY sell it,
Or address '-COSTAE." No. Id Crosby bt N Y.
1 i;ubTAi;'o
Klnndurd I'l-rpiirulion
j. sw fern m tmm M
' COSTAR'S" Hut, Roaih, Ac . Extvniilnators.
"COSTAR'S" Hod Hog Exterminators.
'COSTAR'S"' (only run-) luoot Powder.
'Only lufalliblx Komcdii-s known "
'lb ,M, in N'in York."
'a.t'l'O It'isiS and K!s-kj uiar.tifari ured 'lailr.'
-All Diuiruu-inSl'NLl KV s.ll tl.eiu ."
'!'.! ljenaro '. ! '. of spurious imitations."
Sl 00 sixos sont by mail on tdecipt of prioe.
H Mf) '.'.jl any tl.roe JI.C0 ulios by Express.
HENRY R.COSTAR, 10 Crosby St., N. Y.
Or, JuIIN F. HENRY (Sucooor tol
D F.MAS BARNES A CO . 21 Park Row. '. Y.
Sold by II. Y. FlULINti.Sunbuiy, Pa.
January 30, 1W9. ly
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
For Dirieanrti of the Throaf nnd Lungs,,
bach aa Couha, Colds, Whoopiu
CouKh, Uronokitia, ABLhruu,
nod Conaurunoon.
Pnibi'ttr never before Iu tlio w'ioTr li.ftorv of
Utili'iin, fm iuivthmtf won o wi'.lfly nn-i boitoeply
upou Ui.' ronflijejit'e if niankini, u llu exlicnt
Ktutrrt lit- Jiuitnocai y roinil;iiQ.s. 1 hronirh a luii
evi-iri f yuai j. ami unions ol' tho races oi
n hi 11 it Li-xA ris u btK.ser and biiv i-iu Uw'ir etim.v
Uun, ii.. it lia-s bc ume bettvr known. Iu umftinn
ctianu tfr uiif I'tjwer lo cute tin; various nilccttuiiii
of l lie InnCH rtnU tiirout, li;ive uiaJt1 it known ad u i"e
liable irot:ctir against them. M hit MidiplcU to
lnililor form of diaetue untl to youuc .'tiilttioii, it n
at tlit? tame time ttiu mot t-Jfartual irtnIy Mutt ('HQ
be K'Vt'Q lor iui ipiont run(iiiipuin, huU tiie l:tu
Tf ri'tift ttftiM tion ol' the tUroat hihI hi !)?.. As a pro
visH'U Mulit:n ntitu k.Hof l i oitp, it tiiuuhl
be kept on hnnd in evc-T I'.tmiiv, nnil imlfed .ts nil
nie 8otnotnut?.i mhicct to coUU nnd coughs, nil
aiioul 1 ln proMi:d wifb tins m.iiib'lc for llitrnt.
AHIu-un Bt;Ltiel I tisttnjititn i lli'tugut in
eui able, mill great iunnbtri ol ca2$ w hci'O tno du
CAbe Hjeir.ed iHl.Uott, Imvo been complclely airo-d,
and tlio jiaueut ro-ttorcd to sound bunllh by the
Lhrry J'frtornt, So complete iu niHntfj-y
over the duoribns of the i.uius nnd 'i Inoat, tlmt
the most obtiuftiu of tht'in yield to it. U hen noth
ing conbi rH'h Ihtin, under t!ie Cherry ii'C
tvi ut ttnir iub.-ide miul disappear.
Pingrt it and Vubtio Speaker fiild great pro
tection fioin it.
Athtntt U tthvays relieved and oflcu wholly
cured by it.
UronchitiB is Etenerallv nirnl by taking Uio
Cherry i'vrtoral in Rmall and rivqnKnt dose.
fao ifr.neiaHv arc its vlnuos knowu that wo wood
not publish tiitt cet tiiii ates of thcii tierv, or du moid
than us-iuro Uio publio Uiat in quulilici aic iully
Ayer's Ague Cure,
Tot Fever and Amio, IntermHtftnt Fever,
Chill Fever, Komittont Fever, Dumb
Aeriia, 1'erioilloal or Jiiiioua Fever, Ao.,
aurl indoerl all the afTeotdona which arias
from malarious, marsh, or luiuatuauo
As its name imulipa. It does Curr. and does not
fall. ComuinU)? neither Arat-nic,tjninine, BiNiniith,, nor any other mineral or poisonous atiliatanre
whau'ver, it Ui nowise inhirca any patient. The
nnmlieT and iinportanre ol' iu euros in the iiioip ills
triola, are litcrallv bevoml accOunt, and M'e liqliove
witliotit a parallel In the history of Afrno inedii ino.
Our pridu ia jrmtified by the ai'knowloiiicnioiits s s
receive of tlie radical cures cOect-'-'l In oh-imato
cai-s, and where other remedies bad wholly failed.
Unacciimated persona, rtthor resident in, or
trarellinx througn uiiaamatli- loealiiies, will be pro
teeted by takini: the Atil iS Cl'HH daily.
For I.iprr ( omptaint, arlnlnc from torpidity
of the Liver, It le an excellent remedy, stimulating
the I,lYr into healtliv activity.
For Bilious Diorders and Liver Complaints, it I
an excellent remedy, vroducinc many truly re
markable cures, w here other medii-inesnad failed.
Prepared by IR. ,1. C. Aykk A Co., Piai'tical
and Analytical ChemisUi Lowell, Mass., aud sola
all round the world.
I'JtlCE, $1.00 TEB BOTTLE.
Sold by II. Y. Friliug, Sunbury, and all Druggists
and dealers in Medicine everywhere.
November 7, 1 .-ly.
WILL find in our establishment a superior sek,
of Planes, Saws, Augers, llatchete, Hammers, tiles
Chisels, Ac, c, for sale by
Ilrtrbrr itiul II:iis-ira-r,
Dowart s Frame Building, ncrlb side of Market
Square; hUNBl'R Y, PA.
Of all tlie arts that graee the land,
What (trace can with the barber vie ;
VV'bn takes your rhiti within bis band,
. While dreaniiug land iu prospeat lie.
Withsoothing touch his rajnr glidus,
With nimble clip his aoissur slidns ;
And lo ! Define bis ulasa you stand
Traiuforlimd, as in a fairy land.
On Third Street, near the Depot, Sunbury, Ta.
JOSKPIl BACHER informs Ibe eitlsensol Suubury,
and tbe public generally, that be has opened a
i . a .' i : it n : i : it m a i . o ,
at the above place. Tbe best uf Lager lioer, and
Mult Liquors will be kept. Also Oysters, Ac , con
stantly serrsod up to customs.
CAME to tba premises of the subscriber, nn or
about the 2uth of November last, iu Lower
Augusta township, near Beliusgrove ritation, known
as tbe M'Phersuu farm, seven stray Sheep aad one
Lamb. The owner or owners are requested to coins
toward, prove property, pay charges and take them
away, otherwise they will be diepusti of according
to law.
Lower Augusta twp., Deo. 19. laoS.
F yon hare a rtore you want framed, go lo
Hyfrlv'ai sad get it d ue ehuapet than
I... ul.a In Iar
has mcul-iings oi ail kind i
j tOBflant J (ii hanl.
Hair Vigor,
Tor restoring Cray Hair o
its natural Vitality and Color.
A dressing fvliir?!
h fit onco ngrfenlilo,
licitllhy, nuJ cft'ecliiftl
for j'lTscrving tlm
Imir. Fad'td or gray
haii" it ""on fn'or"
to ff.i 'original color
with the glow ant
frethncpi of youth:
riiin liair is
cnoil, fulling hair elicrked, and Iml-i-nesS
ofion, tliough not ulwaj", ctirotl
liy its use. Nolhiuj caa ro.Moro llin
li'alr wli'Cro Ihe follicle, ftrcddslrdycil,
or tho glantls ntropl.c't nnd decnyed.
But miclt ns rcmuia caa bo paed for
usefulness by this npplicfttion. Iustc-nd
of fouling tlio Imir with a pnsly scdi
tnent, it will keep it dean aud vior6tii.
oocftsionnl Usvi will prevent the Imir
rroin turning gray or (ailing off, nnd
consequently prevent baldness. Frco
from those deleterious substances which
mnke Borne preparations dnnrvcrrJiis Bnd
injurious lo tho hair, the Vigor can
only benefit but not harm it. It' wanted
merely for a
nothing else enn be fouud so desirable-.
Containing neither oil nor dye, it does
not soil white cambric, and yet last
long on th6 hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre and a grateful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Sl Coy,
Practical and Analytical CatMisTsv
FRICB $1.00.
Soi l by H Y. Friline . cSnnhury. and all rri!;4i
ai d Ioairs in Mc lieini) everyaii'-ie.
November 7, 16. ly
Fm n ruxiu
lie mat vill cure
ct t -un,
TICKLING oi.ilie TflRri T.'INO t Oli,
is q'lirk ss
cor. s
C O L G It HALS A JI I om: million BOTrLi:
linv lon ,"1,1 and a amgle iiiau'' nf i! fni'1" 'l
kir-vvd hnv. in ttur pots".tiieii, any quiuuily ul .
tth.itrtt, s line ul tlii iTi I it'iii
wi, har ns-ti it nt thpir I'larhev, ir-. l Riven tbe pr9
rtninriice nvar eveiy u'.lirr cuiniv uml.
ir mils mit nitv i t a coccir,
bit l.i)U?I.N9 IT,
e , ns to r nabtc the patient tt erpccturatr freely. Two i'r
ihree d-isca.
Will IxvaRisM-V Cisk T.csi.isi IK ivtt TitnniT '
A ',ia!T lmt.le lias often cmnpletelv eurpd the ni"St ?iob
burn tTimcli. and yt. tlmuli it is S' sine and sretly in its
nprratu'ii, it is ptrlectlv liiirmlras, lu-itic rarely VPHiilal'ie.
It is verv HRfei.-al'le U tbe taste, and may be adniinialeied
to children ul any age.
In cases uf CKCH'P we will guarantee a cure, if tts.a !i
sras in.
no family snnt i.n hi: wntux t if
Il is w:lliin th- reaeh o all, 't l-eruig tlie cheitpest end btst
me.laiii. eslant.
C. D. CLARK CD . Prepr'flnrs.
NtiW lUVliN, CD.N.V.
Arn! IJ. I1S - v
G Tt " S
rriim oft i". at KKMEijr ron all uii;aii: of
is the disciV'Ty f tlie iiiveutnr el t'ne's vnliublii, while rxra'rinifiitiii; for his ien ln-jiiih. ii c-uud
Cram,, i ii the Sr.m.i':!! Pr h:m.Vhith lia.t bcl'ure ) iclcVI
to nothlnc l,al e!,!.tr,,nirin.
The nlnio.1 iliuly lealnn.inv from virions pan. of the
eountry en-oi'fnfre ne .t believe lln-re is no ditceic cau.-u.
by a disordered r in -it- Ii it will nt seedilv care.
Physicians endorse unj Jan it I
Miniat-ei' give testimony of it a oll-aoy.
And from all direttions w. rceeiee titlins vt euros per
formed. DYsrr.rsiA:
Ii is sure to cure.
IlKARTdl'F.N :
One dxse will c.ire
It hat cured ir hmi'lrtili r f eaus.
HF.ADACiir: ap niz'ivr?.-:
It stops in tliirtv niinulvs.
tciDiTV tr Tin. si umach :
It eorietts at once.
It stops immediately.
One dose will riu ive.
Hapidly yields to a few doses.
Will be chanted wilh half a bottle.
Itsl'NrRECKOI.NTEDSl'CCKSS is owing to thi
fact thut
II CsirrM 1y Aa listing? nttira
Nearly every dealer in tlie Ln'ied St.iies sells ll
one dollar run uotti.k.
C O. CLARK & CO., Proprietrrj,
April IS. ISflS. ly.
fiuiUibla for tba
WINTER 8 K A 6 O N ,
Market Square, two doors East of the old Bank
building. Bl'NBl'Ki, rchn'a..
HA? juvt orcue 1 a fresh assnrtnuut of the most
fashionable Faney Dress Uouds lioui the largest
establitbmcnu in Philadelphia.
MOI K.liii .OOI,
Cloths. Facques Flannels. Flannuls, Fhcetin?. Mus
lins, Ladies and Children ' II ATS. Keaihers. Uibbous,
lirs-xa Xrlisnsiinsa, lZaitsroidrrlesi,
Lace Veil". Corse". Oandkci-rblefs, Gloves, Hneli iy Skirts. Hopkins' Lliptio Skirls, and
Lailtca' iloods of every de"erl'tion.
Pai'Vy's hhawlsat bargains. I'laid S oolen Shawls,
reaktat bbawls, Woulen Seaifs and Caps
for Women ami Children.
Peavcr and Cbim liila Water Proof Cloths,
flenta' Collars, Nack-ties, lia'.f hoie. Ilaudker
ehiefs aud illuvae.
Perfumery, Toilet Snaps, Uair Pr.ul a. Combs. et.
lleocmber S, IMeB. KAIL LLAOK.
Pcalor in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn;
Ub from Ihe tuost responsible Nurseries in this and
other hlates. first class TKLKS ot nil kinds. Also,
Hbrubbery, Villus and Plants. Oarden Seeds ul all
New White Pa.ih Plows, Farly Uoodtioh, Chile
and Ilarriaati Potatoes, in laige aud small iuanUues,
are ottered for sale.
Orders are respectfully ("lioitcd.
AddrebS BK.NJ. BOnSt'R,
Pazinos, Norlb'd. Co
l-5f N. D. Insurances taken in several ef the
moat rofponaib'e Fire Insuruuce and Uurse DetetUre
Companies in tbe Btate.
Pet. IT, lotl8 y
LA11UE supply uf M ull Puiier mid
Iloi-sivr, just received and fur aula ekeap,
at Ihe
Uamuiotb ttere of
April 4, lt3.
II. Y.riULlNU.
T7INDOW Glass and Buijdlng Hardwate, at tbe
I V !f -est cHsh l'ri'ies a
Ite Hrrirj'S)
s't' r cl"
li V. l UlLUr.