is UV; SI (.-. ( V IW. V.V ' .V THE NATIONAL IIPE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASIHNUTtfN, Jl. . Chartered bv Special Act i.f Cc-r.t;t es, Ar-prcTcl July sr,im. t npUii! l,OCO,0M. tuAXcn oiTiciTVmLAT'ELPiirA. Fittsr JCaho-v-si. Has UtiU'iNi;, j Where thntrcnernl bueinvs ol the Company is trans- , i, led and 'in which nH gaosral cone.-. oitd'Uce ihuuld be addressed. ! MRFCTOHi. , J .iy Cooke, Piiilada. C II. Clark. Jnhu W. I.lliS. Win ft. Moorhoad, Goo. F. Tvler. J. Hackle.-Clark, K. A. Rollii . Washington iicniy IV t ooke, 41 Win. I'. Chandler, " ; t'cliii I. T.elVcc.--. " L 'wu ! L'nilR". Now York. . " 0. Fahtics-tovk, N. Y. citicers. r TT rt...r,IC, PMIadelphlf, i'i"'si Inn'. ! HENRY 1. COOXL", Wis!iiugtoii, ic l'r' .-id -nl ; JAY C'K'KE, Chairman Finance) and, Executive Committee. fc ME H '' 1 N W PFKT. riuliil n. flcc'v and A-fim v E. 3 J ' I'.NEH. Wri.hii'gloii, AiHiitit hrM.n FKASC.rjG. SMITH. M. Ji , Mcilicil I'irwt.r. J KAIN'f Jla'AitS, iM I', Assistant AUu.ciil I'i , rector. Mrrti-'itl littlwi j I5n:n1 J K. Rune?, Surcoti-ll-'iHTiil I', i. A., Wa.h'ng top . V J. llorwit, Chief Medical Department I'. S N , t s-Oiir, i"U. IV W. Mb.., M P. KoI'iiorx ntifl .Hsfi-y. m. E. Chandler, M'n.hingtnp, I. C. George Ilardiur;, 1 hilmiclphia. l'.i Thif Compntiy, ICiitiviial in i'i tbrwtef. ufftt.. ly rei'otl of its Liir(;; Capful, Low Rati-l "f I'reuii urn mid Now Tattles, the tr.o;t d.riral-!o nittaod cf Wurin,; lifo yot pvefcntfl ti (he public. Thu rales of piuuiiuio, Lung lorjily rc luct L arc riade ns favornblo lo the insurers rtsthoe of the Mutual ComraLicj, uinl nv. i-1 all thu cutuliLalion , nl.d unocrtaiDticd of Note41, DivMou U an'l tho nii. -UBclurstnnJing) wli i.L the latttr arciuui '. to cau-i , thu lVjlioy-lIuKlifj. r-uwriil new and ntlrnclivc t.ilK'i nrnow prifui.t cd which uctil only to ho undoivtoo- to f.rove v.'.-p- ! table to the public, eitoh as tho ItK'tiur-I'roJavitij; l'diuy and It urn 1'rt.iuiuui l'ulicy . In the former ' tin' policy lioldir i.'it ,. nl J.'riir..'? a life iusurnrce. I nyahk' fit . but wii! receive, if living, nl't r a jitriolofa f''v your3, nn nvniutl hieniiirs cualj'.o ten percent, (lo rcr cent.; of the par of bit policy. In thu lnttcr, the Company agrees to rotuni to tin ti'fured tho total amount of inonoy bo has paid in in addition to tho niucant of his policy. Iho attention of P'Tna cor.tvnipiatiii'' insuring tLtir lives or inireaj-in. tlie innouiit cf ir.,'iu .nice tLey alreay have, i.i called to the pccial a Jvnnta.i s iffcred ly the National Life Ir.'urancc 'in; u v Circular.-!, VauiphUH cud full partii ular. gus cn upp'ination t the h '.'SV.-o of tho Company in Thiladlphia, or lo its VfC-iierul A-.'ntf. tJir" Local Acnb t,r j Yi'anti! I in cvi iy City uu ! Tonn; and appbc .itionj from coi.ipt'. -nt pirtii'- for cuch agencies, willi Euitu'jlc eiid jrs.-aicnt, tLonf.l ho tiddreised to the (V-)Uipany'. Oeneral Agont yuly. 'n their refpectivo dittricK. (i: m:hai aos is : K. V. CT.AUK CO.., For l'ciin''vtr'.ia and outhM'U iw .,Tors,-y JAY COOKE A C'V. M'li'liington.P. IV, For Marylnn I, l'dawnr). irjjiuia, Pijlrict c' Colamhift n.i I H't -t Yirinia. B. S. KUSdiSIj, M ann,';r '. W M. H. UOLiLfi. A .'cnt. Mi:t,n, ru ,':lnb'.'r a. 1- vS. i v Ho ti"t wisli Vt ii. i.'iin vbU. rcinliT, iL:it iJr. A oiKtLrful. or uny utlu;r inti.i. hn- ilisyuvfrutl a rein v y tfjiil oure; U..ii.-.uii4 tiuii, v hn tin. I ilij it- tiro lutlt i"!isiiiny4, in .'ln-rl. wi.l cut Uift-a.. wlidljerol mtii .1, li')J y (Jr fiiiii', lua 1 o men live 1'uicvt r. :ni 1 tt iive iluHtli tu j 1 it v fwr v. ;mt 1' win Ii , nul tli.Mnc j ttj tii.i'io our MiMu'iM'.v 'hcrc :i 1i!i.-ful iir-Li.-t', t. yh'wh lieiivi'u it . It rh-iil li-l u t:'u.u show. Vou huvr hfitnl Qi,u'.i - I' ihm U'w Ijninlnigi ly, v. i J j nil nivii'i t! at you Lav j 1 y li.-i i'in iin' lUuu-l with it. Lai i.Ik-u ul-'io'I ymi lU.i It. iS; C:iturili ncuicly vt:'t r .y . f:'.-' wjftt c t vi s of Litii'rit v?v o:i!y u-m rt it-.'it Itic'i tlivii'uii c u: tt ttl'y to Try i nitl yt u wiil t.-c cu iiiL'e:l. V, o wiil 'V.y f.'i'O Ktw :: '-jy i ca-i ;-l .':tt inh th:if wo ''.ijr,tJt euro. 0K :i.ML Li :i''T D'liAi ilL- lt y'y l'ct;t; ; i' ur i'i. l'.i cJ.f" -ii fcf i'y ' ? ivi.i u tumt'or I'r. S-te'j i v. ru-n.'i;. it. c . KiAuI i.vj;r.v po't 1 aid . Ol' 1 I',,. : I lU.ll Ill N Y. Utur.vs. Il i.i v-:l r,i tit to ,m:'', ,i .r rr: W.-il; r, in. .11 r.r Ilc.iriiu. ' ,tc"i J ve". ohaii-ive Jire'.tn "ial, .! '1 ,,r : .1. aifl lo-s uf M,:i,..,i;, .'.Hiitly nr- I y t o uit it..d paiioc r i, 1'c-n nod P, tl.u U..U.I, I lloon jit tvi, la . :i 6 of Cu'ntrU. Ii is pie i- i:so. ociitatas hi, sir. -n Lot care I. v i'. i:iM fc will 'ph.v i'a.H" i; puo.. iiniis or j'hii jt, acti n ur I 1 j; a .Ii 'e1' IDU :.:A1.L 1 Y ST e r: L.H1V 5S.---I:! r.Yl.!!Y l!l ft. It vo-t I ru r pat "if villi i Vi.1. t .;ol it on s..!c I'll I l ;r.,', . !'-' ...(..! M.j,ir,..,n . 3 lluload of : i. 1 t il . i i whlc 'Mil d: r"e t!ie iiti;..e tu tl.e lu. r. I- ;t ?: .-. t ' ' i.a r - ,o:li von '. I . ( at Ii ic lil i-ciji .!.. i. f r l'l - -:oo ' r"''1' P P hV.t i, 1. i...'.v Li.l f il ,ir .VI. 1 1. .p. ; ,1 r.c'n e-i 1 and 3!.' -i f. e Ii h I tnre, or I I rutin'' r,!i irriM'.in -iitil' 'hich the pcple I, paiiUle f.-r a ;t;oi t locu-.i.likc the p'jn. n 1.; e-'ti. tic solaiioii.- i:U r. Itiiiuo-i-'i !, siiaj !y li','. i t'.M Ul. e.i '.' ti hlli, a thtic 1. d..i,er of d'.-i:i4 in iho u,e "f :uch r.' mru'iiT, hut it iroiiuccs pei'.ecl 1.1. 1 peri.iaui.ut c urei r f thu w rt cuee. of chronic oatai rli. ai thou.--ands eau tc.tifv. - Cold in the llua.i it .urcd '.vr.u u few rim, lioati.m-. Catarrhal Ilea hhc ii n ltuVcd ar,d cured I'J it l y Kiaic. It reinoiej mvB Ci'.aih, L0-.3 or Impairuicnt of the teuec of ia,,i. dniell or hc.u'tug, Wutciiu; ur Wuk Lyit, i.uj Im puii t J Metuory , v. hen caused by the . jleiiee of v .: tanh, ui they nil frenjuently are. V.'o oiiir in good fulib u ilaa-ing leMiu'J ot'jj'.'U lot a u.utj cf CamriL J that we cannot cere. Port. SAI.L liY MOFT MHuiil.-T EVLRY 1 WULKK. Pki.'u om.v ;.) Uciiif. ; A;U your I'lut-oiit for liie I'.iimkiiV. bill if he has Pot ytt pot it uu'eulo, doti t bo put oil I v a ".i rtiiig any uii.-or.ole, lvoKe th:,ri wort!,iei iulj'ii't te, Put L,.lo!e -ixty cel. Is lo U, and tho Remedy wiil b , enl ; you port paid. Four paekugt-s c.' l'U, :r one docu rji.f.',. Suud stau-p for Pr. ( ',? . ,..t; li'ct vi. tstturrU. R V. PXi:;ii'r;. M. I. . Lutialo, . V. 4 TV', ii '0 rATCNI MI I'I' INK Hr.MBi ii. got ten up to dupe the. ir'r,oi ant niol tc lalo ii. noi i- il r- pre-.Ltei I,. ii,g toli.pjJi.d ot r.TJ at.-i pre 'ioiix sulj.;ui,"e hi.t i it t, uin ll.e four too earn. car;i, J .. tin co cr- I uc Ortut I'e.-i.i '. ' I ,' ' nh on tL'-1 a., ks -if fuurKin ca;i:ele. uioi bi ought acroa. ( the Atlantic Oce.,:i on tv.o .' hips It i. a ciuipic, milt. rootLii.g ri-uiei', a ptilect. .'-peti'ic for ..a t uii.n and Coli. iv irn, UtAi', aUo for t."on.i'vo ' Jrea h, J.osa or lie fHiimcnt of the ,ei,st of .iiitll. le-'e jr Hearitiir, Wuteri'. ;r Fyci, Fnli. .t Prec ,ure m the lled wi,,n ,'Nine J. n thiy all iut ut.lrtqucntly are, by tho nl'.n.e ol Catan h Wc oti'er, in good faith, a . t'lu jirg l oward cf $d00 ff.r a 'iiiao of Catarrh that we cannot eiire.. I 'Ul ;..ALt L i tt'jtt L.ilK.'aliil.; EVERY V. fjLl'.L. Patca in Ctsts. Lent ty mail, poit pdvl.ou reoipt of Sixty Ctrii tour pa.kugij f"t UU.or 1 Lozon for is ')0 buna iiaii.jj l-jt l'l. page's pamr.hlet on Catarrh Oct. ie. n-i- Buffalo, :r t ii sioiiEii nsf.:xGit. SidylJ. iiar'aei .dUc.ijilauliry I '"djMiiiiiii ii ira"wwir,Tnn We OPENING. FALL GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES ! , You can Buy Hore Good3 r ik DBS ST Gi-CJ-A-I-ITTr 1.233 IC1TTS at tho HASIHOTH STORE, ti. v. t Kxii.jrvo.. .xi;t'i Ann, suxnuiy, tenn'a. Tliau u!:j ntlicr Ilacc. i HAS JL'ST RECEIVED AND OPENED The Best Selected und 11MT ASi-'OUTMEXf, f DRY GOODS IN TOWN FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, JIUSLINrf, CilNGlIAMd, CASSIllERES, &c. L'claiuin and Arraurca. Pomcntic CotlciS, Urc-Tu aui Bleached. NOTIONS of all kind.. Hosiery, 0 loves, JIeii's,anJ I.uJiu U'n lrgarment WHITS GOODS. fiilla-soiunvnt ol TRIM.MI.NJ3. Ri.ilJ-ri wiil fnd uiv Stock ..f Hard ivnrc, iitsii'i, (iii, A.C., 'ciiiilt'Jc. and mi:i;icin:s, YVlLl.vV and ci::dai:-vari:, 'rhKXVA;;E, oi. a ssware, CROCM itV, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and ,u fa.t every thing uiualiy kept iu a larg 5torc Cull and he t sic (Mica pest coin wired that Place to JJnv ill Your (Juudh is at THE MAMMOTH STORE i i'i m, Cali,-30 kl.ij i as my f.oods are bought for Ca.-,h and SM Cheap fot the ItrJADV M0NLY. 1 give the trade thu ad vantage of all rudtujllgu. uLut ua they aie made by . Man'ofucitueii. I I Santary, 3ji. i, lScl. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. TllU .EAST inuia TEi.rr.nAPU VV F1CK, COMPANY -9 QH Ac 33 Aastnu Street, NEW YORK, Organized under tpecia! chatlet fimn tl. Staid of New Yiik. CANTAL 13,000,000 80.000 Nlinrc, IOO I-.a b. DIRECTORS, no, anhiikw a. cvrtin, rhiWdpuio. l'AL'l. FOUBBSi, i,f Runrll fc Ci , Cmili. rilKU. BOTTEKFIELU, of K. llultoirie:! Il Co Nrw Ynrk. IAAC IJVKRSIOUE, Tieasuicr MicliiEan Central Itailronit, U.non. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Trcauter con T.I mr.t Cinnaiiv, New York. j Ilt.N. JAM1W MXON, S" r.icare,N. Y. O. II. l'ALMKIJ.Trra.jret Wtsterii I'nrbii Telrgroph ; -!ip any, New Yoilt. ! FLKTCllF.ri WFSTIIAY, if Wntmy, CiM-J i i !Iiiriti-:.M!e, Ntvv Ynrk. ' NICHOLAS MICKLF.S, New York. j OOllM'I'lK. j A 0 CVItTIN. l'lesoUh-.. I N. MlCHl.i:, Vice PremJtrt. OKOKOK CON ANT, ic'c'.io . Ol.oliyi: LLLI9 iCa:!.r:r... National Bank CVmmwi wealth,) Tieasanr. ; Hon. A. K. McCH Rli, PhitaiMploa Solictor. 1 Tl.e rliineEe Government having ithri'iigh the "t ; An.,,, li.,ilii,iaine)e..l..le,l Unto. Coli..ln.y ' P" j i eoi.rtcl.og tae tl.-..t teapoil. ol ll.e Kinore f ,. .cekclil"tc;.fr..,.l. we .rO'o.e cani.le,. ! f",c " 'CO,,,'.,., m CI...... and I") '"' ha..J.cJ iinlea Btvucc, baivet.i ll.e lolU-wmj 1'a'ti, ' t'ori'LAIIOX. l.oou.uiw lii.,000 2iw,mi(i " sw,w.t. .... 1 ssu.uou scv.umi 4I.U.0W 1,'UU,UI)J I,tiuu,ni.u i,'.ilU, I Coito.i, J .Mac a, ' Hoi.g lvoac, t bwi.lvv, j Ainoy, ; Koo-Cl.i'V.', ; Wau-Cliu, ' NuiiiiH,, . II ihb Cheaii, : tjUangtUi, I Tot-1, i Then rr-iti have a f..ic-..'n commerce of ',r'J OJU 000, : oaja.le!.il,lofl.,nual,e Unite, U-U'la wli.ell w have : t,e iuoe.e internal co.nuRMCe ol l,.c, laUlalliig 1 11. "H ll-v okiiii , ttll.iueli II" und llav Igaole I Held I lot ,al,.i ,.'li, laid. III." Cou..a..y f.opo.c. cccctllig eu. .lolonK " ,e,'ly .ml t.u.lwoill.y : iik ms .1 c..ui,i.o.i.iiMt. on, v. l.icli uul .and lliere, a. . tun Wlieif ,i.l...u..lcatl..i, ol ll.e O.', ol t, is.nets. uii-l ol Inc. ... fl.i.ia. Sac , ll -.1 II., m .'ill ....e.ll, I....I tier onll ...CJ.. "l-'W ol Co U- : l.l.-alli. !1f, l,;,jlloii I. I ) loUllc.ou laud, ..U ay s'ea.ll- i "Ti'.VVve'terii Wor'.d knows that ti.iaa l a very large i coji.uv.laliie ,Vo-!v .,-U ; hat lew el into t'.-.t klie l.l jre than a Uil.d the limn ... race. ! The l.iicn letuu.H made to her central autt.o line? lor tax ,;r.,.,,. i.v i'.e local luaa ui rated nwke lie' poioilalini i Fill II IK'.U A.NU tot UIT.LN .MIl.t.lU.N!1, I and Una in .M c likelv n he Oimel tl. l.l nver ll.e actual I la-eteca'e. Nearly allot" llicie, v.ll.i nre over ten cara 1 olJ, not only c , !,! do rc.-ol unit write. Iter civi. liition ' . ,1.... 1..,. I. i-r l.l-Mltlir.. id aS tMcll'iVU 0 Um ' r. ... i in', .-. ;' L-.iul i.f 'i.ii-li.rh iradt iB; aiul Ui , nl. llertil facility lor procuring eaily l.ifoilllallon. It l ; ot'eivi-d luCal.t ...liu licit llie Vll.aete make (jrcat umb of , 1 the lel-pilifh, thoufl. it liicre t.ei,sa.,t n.ea;.'e. in ; i im.Ii al .ac. To day meat nuulhrr. ol lie t Meaincis an- j I i-wncil hy Omiens inerel.aiilP, nn.l ubi-d hy ll.ciu i-ielu. . ' mv!y I'-. i lli traiiil,iioii of early intelligence. II the i t-'ii o ! we o.,i , e. nii. -.Iii..; all II. e.r treat seaports, , , Veie u.i.v ia'.iisl.liieo, It id t.'ellevtd that 119 tlilk.llMd j ' Won'ii pay the loft '.Vll', in tin. f.ri-t yeal. of it. me ' ccs-l'al operalioa, ui.d v.,al,l :... til, n.cifnac therealter. ' No etnerpi int. C Miimenit. UM ll'aalii u create. deS,re t ea; itnliMy, and to oar whole people, ll ; is of a vast iinpollauce colllillercially, i,oliliea!!y, I ua.l evanjelleaiic.lliy. ,, Cf riiem.,cU l t ii. Com; nay lia. l.een unqaaotie.tly ' reeniniiiendeil t i-ipiot'ist. uu ! ...a. ,i a il, ir j nhle mvedlnieiit t-v e,litorial articled la the New York , I lift:,:., Tril .11, e. World, Times, Kxpre", Imiep-ll- ! ''eat, and lu the Puilni'elpii.a Nona Amerie.'i, l're.s, I I.".!-er. In. purer, Ace. Itiilletni 111..I T.'Vcrapli. t Share" ol .'umpanv i" a Inline I iiatnhcr. may h- "I'tliiiied at : each. Sit) pnyahlei '"!. ?IS the Irt "t I i N,'V.'inl-r, and i3 paial.le in i.i.tahne.,1. ol , i 3-Vi'l cacll,.o.llll,e.Kli.8 Deceo.bLl I, l-6r, on application j n .,,, ,111, -U TI, lll'ai. ill. Ill.t V'l " DREXEL & CO., ! 151 So. nil ll.ii.l Mis-eel, , PHILADKLPIIIA. ; Sliaic.caii Le oMaincd in luulury I.v iipptiealion to 9 ' J PAt-'KI'.It, Hanker, who i aul!. .riuol to receive . uli I UTiptioiiH, 1.11. 1 can give ull ueceBsuiy uifoi iiialwii on Hie ' .ul.iect. I fepiemlwr t, ltn- Bin. I 1'. 11. MOoitt:. V. C. t)ll-.LK. KLW AKltlVAL AT ' ?so!ss; isxi.i;!. i ' Vo aio now opening a largo varied atoftment of FAU, AND Y INT till tSUOUs', j who h ie offer at the lowe.-t CAII Price., in t3;..ipt' .'v Iron IVoul, : MARKET STREET, SI' N BURY, PI'.NN'A , ConsUtiug of j rp.Y liooo.-. notions. c.uot'EKirs. gri:i:Ni- j H All!', ll LAffiiW Al!U. und a full line of ! GENTLEMEN'S PURNISIUNQ GOOES j ANU I.tttli' Bi" !'! lsi, I '.'alif".'f. Mr.'li.'.s. l'lanncls, Table Linens Toweling. iie 'r: 'l '.ckllo'. Com,, Cufjiiiieles, Yi'.-iir.js jr..i:i.'. .-kirn Neck Tus, i Cults, Collins ilallilriercllleti', ; Hosi, Oil Cloth, Cuiput, Wood cud Willow- nro. , V. uivi't fpeciul uiln.tion to tho iiiulity or our flock of I 0mh j:;:ss:.. i.s eici:. RIO .ml JAVA (OIIKL, TEAS, ST'iAUS. ' M.iLASLS. f Y It I PS, SOAP, f ALT, j il-11, lNLtiAU, Aa., o. j Camphcll i Celebrated 1 Lol'll, ulways ou hand i We (eel ConP lent that cii.'h buyer. ill Knd it to i ll.e:. a h aulage lo give u. u call, and cuUouici. , geuerally are u.i ite.l to and cx.iiiiiuo uur good, j and gel oicd ou our prices. ! J,. all i.l utteutiou to tho wants of our customers ; aud lair dealing ivu hope to merit . lull rhaie ol the i ui.lic pa.ruuae. ' CL'LNtltl PRODL'CE of all kinds taken iu cx- i change for goods, tor which tut) highest pricu will be t.aid. i MOORE A LIINUEn. RunVury, Sept. 19, 'if. 1 I.! 3. VW -A-lti:i( f4I.OO. Tlie Oldest and moat noted Imtitutiou the Kind in bunbury. , J W. WASIIINQTON, HAVINt, reiiiovtd to his new building on Third ."-'Ir, ct. bctneen Market and the 1'eiiot, is now I repuud to serve his customers bolter than ever ' ' Having ,-eeured the ken ices of first clnrs liurburs, I ' AND JlAIK-LliLSslNO I I uill be executed iu tho laid stylo. ! Tlis building having beeu creeled especially for : i tho purp.fto ut u First Class liarber ,"uloon, and ' j bavin $ lilted it up iu Iho latest si j le, be hope, lu 1 lueeive a liberal chare of putruuage. j ' lu tho adjoining room a Cist elas CoufoutioLeiy i lw beeu opened for tho bdleol I Ice.Cr.un., Caixlit'ii, C'nUt'di. He or, i ! at.d nuuieroub other Teiuperabco I'riuks in oouunon usu. Orangea. and other delicious fruits and ciall I I o. uuuio unu icioIqU luniu iu lieu jiruiusjuu BUJ i legaut urioty. j Su..buiy, epl mbi r 5, If i'.I. I KllbEMAKEUS. i HE l est qualities ot Sole Leather, French Calf skin. Morruce, Linings, LaiU, Nolls, Fegs, joo o. ail aiu,uua cvtiy i ng use-, uy ue irauc, lor ta low by J. Jl. iuu.l StU rpOK Saddlers, we have Suddlo Trees, Litis, Buck ' le.-. trig Tree., 1'ad Trued, Hanes, all kindt anil e, jry thing pertaining to the bukiuoas, for tale by J. 11. C0NLLY A CO. Coachmakers, X1TE ure idling I'.imj, Rpulu't, Hubs, Ppringd. Y Canva'J, C1:l;, Ajkle., , very ljw- i.u' at CVLSV cv Eiuiiir, Mr;!. IT.. ' IN SUNI3URY. THE NEW DRUG STORE OP J. J. 91 A It K. L. I! Jt CO., Uu Market itrcet, Eart or tho Railroad, nearly oppoiite the llardwar Ktoro of Conlce t Co., 8 1'SiURY, P K N N A. WE would respaotfully taTlto the attention or the of tunbury and icinitj to our entire new flock of l'uro 1'reMli lrti; and Medicine,. " 11 Faints, Oili and Varnishes. " " Ulan, Putty and Dyo Stuffs. " " rcrfnmrrics, Combs and Brushes " " Fatont Medicines of all kinds. LIQUORS by tho Bottle, Gallon, Quart and Pint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER and CONURESS WATER. Tobacco, Cigars and SnulT. Luoking-Ulass Flates cut to ?uit Frames. NOTIONS OF ALL KINUd ANU VAIUKIIFS Trusses, Supporters, Bandages, Ao. We have seleoted our stock with care and can war rant it fresh, and of the best material in the market. Having had several years' experience in the business wo tiattcr ouielvcs that we can give entiro sai.tlac tiou to ull who may favor us witG their patronage. Special attention givon to compounding rhytiuians' Prescriptions at all boors of tho day or night and on Sundays. Uiveusacall. J. ft. MAKKLE 1 CO. Sunbury.Oct. 17, ISC. DREGQIST AND CHEMIST, "InrUot Kinurr, KLMII UV, I'll. Ifnsjuft opened a frefh and full asrortuicnt of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con. stantly on band. Aly stock will always bo found coiiipletc in every nrticlo of merit in -Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness und intention to orders. F ANCTT ARTICLES ! My stock ii unusually large and embraces every thing that can bo found on a first class Toilet Table, including American and genuine French and Ln iUdi V E It F U M E It Y , Pomades, Hair Oil. Ivory, Uuttn, Torcha Wood and Horn Comhs, Toilet Soaps, liuir Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Au. i'iiicnt .McriiiiiM'. r.uibraciog all the most popular Preparations of tho day, at manufacturers' prices. Puro Havana tftU AUS and CIIEWINU TOBACCO of the best Brands. I'niiittf, OiU, Iiu, (.'lusti, Piillj, Vsiriiisilirsi, &v. All my Tinctures, 6'yrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations am manufactured by myself, and from tho host material I can procure in Market. Having hud rjuito a number of years' eipericnco in tho Dmg and Prccription Buiinemt, both la Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage ot the tollce ot rliurmnev, t teel coin I potent to COMPOUND ALL PltbSCKIPTIONS i that the Physieiaus and public may favor me with, i All uiy preparation, us I havo uliovo asserted, aro I mudu from the bct material, and upon honor I t aaTt, they ar.i of olhcial strength. I For medicinal purposes, I keep on hnud the very WINES, BRANDIES AND LI0.E0ES, that I can procure. Before purchasing cl.-cuhere, call and cirtivinco your own niiu J. ! IV. A. BENNETT. I Kunbury, M ay lfi, 1qij3. LATEST ARRIVaI of" " Joseph Eyster Corne r of Market and Fourth Street, S V N 11 U R Y , P E N N ' A . Invites tho puhlij tu call aud examine bis elegant asiHit'tuiciit of PALL ANL WINTER 1UY OO0DS, such a Table Liucns, itomctiCK I.ii.ylie., Towels, aud iiouietici ol every du.cription nl the vciy low est prico. CASSIMERE Q. CLOTHS, &C .. ill(. rciainc. Lawn?. Oingl.ntns, Calicoes. Miiflir", Nbueting. Tu nings, Jeans, und a full assortment of Cotton uui Wooleu goods generally. Ifoslcry. Oli ves, Hoop Skills. Alio IlauJkcrcbierV, llruhe. Combs. siinl ';ip. ttoolM nntl SI.oc, His n-isoi'iiiicut ot goods will not, ho is sum fail to i lease the fancy aud suit tho wants of uny desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND Ql'EF.NrJW ARE, and Groceries is largo iu djuiiuiity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed iu the household either for uru or oruaincnt. lie is always ready and glad tu see his friends and takes pleasure iu showing them his goods even though no ualcs aru ntado. He only a-ks a call, and is siiio that the stock will compare fuvorably in price and quality ith the chc pest. JOSEPH EYSTER. .'-iinbury. Nov. 2S, lijOS. FLOUR & TEED STORE M'IOJAU-J AM KETA1L. rrMlll subscriber respccifully informs the publio l that he keeps oen.-tatitly ou hand at his new WAKLIIOO'i:. near tl, Shaniohiu Valley I'.nilruad lepot, iu SI N lll'lt V, Flour l y the barrel and sacks of all kinds: of Feed by the teu Tho above is all manufacture 1 at his own Mills, and will be fold at tho lowest cash prices. J M. CAOWALLADIUl. Sunbury, April 1, ZiiM INKW MACHINE SIIO? A. Ml JJ "JP O VJ" "FOXTlNriIE.""- ;i:. c:;jir:.i ii ii A. so.t, i tiUWBUHY, J?A., I INFORM the tu'.lic that th.yhavo cstahlirhed a j MACIIINF SHOP, in cuiiutoiiou willi their, I'.il!Nlr.Y. They hava supplied themselves wilh New Lathes, I'laning and Loring .Machines, wi;h thu , lati.-l With tho aid of tUilltul me- . chunics, they are enabled to execute ull orders of ."NcV " . '- f ICi'i, Irf i., I that may be given them, in a saliifnetnry manner, j JlaMiig enlarged and rel uilt their Foundry, they j are ready to eacculuull kinds of CASTINGS. lll-SInt, lULil.k. At'. The "PLOWS, already celihrnlej for their mpori- j orily, have ben Mill further improved, uud will ul- , wuy. be kept on hand. i Sunbury, June Ll, IS.'.S. FALL AND WINTER""; Millinery Goods,! .Ml .TI, I,. kl-l', begs leave to an- 1 nouiicc to Ihe Ladies of Sunbury aud vicinity, that 1 the hai just opened u large aud varied slock of M 1 L L 1 N i: U V UllODS, The latest New oik aud rhiladelphia styled ol LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. WOOLEN GOODS, &C. Also, an excellent n.iSA'i inient of Fashionnhlo Kin- broideries, Kdgings, Laces, Woolen Caps. Handker chief., Scarfs, tjlevcs, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions, Stamped .Muslins, Corsets, 1'erluiuc ries, .Soaps, Lilly Wliilo, Enamel of America, u tioiicry, Ao., Ac. Call aud uaumlnt for jourselvci. No trouble te .how good. Sunbury, Oct II, 1S03. .H. dUlMltllAIkr-S Confectioiiry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, "tlurUct Street, Nuubury, lu. CONFCCTIOXERV OP All KINDS, TOYS OF EVEIIV DLSCIUI'TTON FUU1T, ie., &c, CONSTANTLY on band and for .ale at In. above II IJ-i. .7u..,.., i. X m.iillNlluvm M i uum-w, ... i-uni, ., i.wu- able priced. He id manufacturing all kind, or Confeetionarici to keep up a full assortment which are told ut low rates. luboceo, Segard, Stationery, Nut. of all kinds, dtiA a variety of other articled, .11 of whi.u urdoff.ttl wLvle-a-la and retail. iw'Htuiciuber the name and plane. .AI il. C. l.tAltilAhT, Market direct, S do.. veatefL V. trigu'. i i.a tiiVi.-.- S:.v '., Mil - ,i ISAAC X. STAUFFER, lVntchmak:r und Ie Me tier, XTO. 14.8 MOETU 2d ST., COR. OF QUAHBT, rillLADKLPHIA. An rrtment nf Wat-hee, Jewelry, Silver and PUteo V'nre conatni.tly on hand, r" Repairing of Watched and Jewelry promptly at tended to. Nor. 30, 1S87 1 y. bankers; & No. 3 5 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. .tENEIUiVENT'S, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tho National Lips liesonAisPa (U.MraMT l a eorporut'o i c'lsr'ereti br s:n c'.al Act ol, .p pruved July ;5.w, vrnh a CASH CAPITAL, 61,000,000, FULL PAID. t.kbe.ral terms i ll'Tcrl io Acrnts and Solicitors, wLe ar.'in l'e,i to ui'tily .tour Jiilce. Fall piU tle'iUrstol.nii vloii n?.pllca'ion al cur ofllco, loclvil In th i,rcmi, t tory ot our rt-oikiiiv Hon"', al.ere t'lrcal..-. and Primiitilairt, f oily Ucvtri ! W g Itie ailvantuc.cKviil t.j th; romponv.niuy l-olma. V. V, VI, A 11 K V ., A".,. Sit, S-mih 'third St. Applications for Ccnttil and Vc3;ern Pennsylva nia to be uindeto U.S. RL.'-KLL. M.inaoeii, August 15, 1.-63. ly. llarrinburg. Pa. J. H. Conley Co., .llarkct HOT el. V.nst ul'lhn BCnili-ond, 8UNBTJRY, FENIrW. I'LAI.KHS IN I Ki:Eai. Ao-B'.B5I A, Hardware & Cutlery. T HIE attention of Mechanics. Fanners, Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that wo aiu uow ottering a better selected nsvortuient ol HARDWARE, CI TLLRY. AC, thanvcr was ottered in this marked ut prices muck below thosu heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises nil articles iu this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of tools aud mate rials used by CAR PENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAURI.UIE AND WAOON.M AUERS, J0INER.S, AC. AC, together Willi ft large stock of Iron. Steel. Nail". Spikes. Rope, Ch-ius, Griu.l-touef, Mill aud X Cut Saws. Ac Ac. Sunbury, March 50, lcf.7. SUNBmiY MAIIBLi; v''l rplIE undersign.' 1 having bot.ght tho iL'j 7 1 '' X entire stock of Di-singer A Taylor, 1N would inform tlio public tiiat hois now ready to do all kinds of marble work ; his ou hand, and makes to order at short notice, MonuiumtK :inI i!'H!S Jotn-w, of every style to suit purchasers jjuUK AND WINDOW SILLS. Also. Cemetery Posts with Oulviuiired pipo and all other fencing generally used ou Cenicteri. s. John A. Taylor will eontiiiuo in thu employment, at the old stand in Market S'inaie. Sur.burv. Pa. Muy2,'lH.-ly. ' W. M. D A I il UKR1 Y. MANUFACTORY. milE fruWribcr rv.nuvirully Inform iho cita'lis 1 Suu,,r,.c.,vU.i,v.,l.a. be !.r.,,,..d . .hop in ,si,. htroh a Llar-ksmithshop-Luil'Img on Cheitnut street, suuhury, la. Mi -re ho keeps eon- 1 stantly on hand, and uiaiiufactun s t order, I 4';ii'i'I;in"!v BtnyK, MiittiJ , Ac, of the latest ...vie and of iho best uiatri ial. ' Uepairing of Wagnus, Carriages. Ac, done at the shortest notice, i i'crsoiisin want of fine Buggies and Carriages, are ' reiiuested tu call before purchasing elsewhere. I il. C. lloL'SII. ! Punbttry, July 11, ISM. ly ! TIIK ti liLAT CJENTUE 01' A TT1! ACTION, 1 1ST STJ1STBURY, j is ou -d street, opposite the MASONIC II ALL, at I BERGSTRESSER'3 I NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, l.nlcly i:l:llii-l, vil!i nil ll.e .tludcrn liupi'iM t'liiciils. ol i"i' Ai l ! rpME subycriber, having built tho room c.ipri-ssly X for the puiioo of riiotograpliing. and having ileiotej uniny yenin to the busim ... i. eonlident of hi ability to assure his- patrons ihat the work pro duced shail be second to none in country or city. No wuik allowed to leave the gallery unle en tirely ruiisfactory. Having iho Lot ?!iy light iu Iho county, he ts prepared to itiake l'jotographs iu all kinds ut w eather, but would prefer u clear day tor small children. II o is also prepared to take new siio, or caVinct card I'hotiig. aphi. All kinds of pictures copied ai d magrili-J to liny rk-fjuired fcire an 1 colore I beaittiluliv in till i,y Wuter colors or India ink. We pay special utteutiou to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape view, of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac , a large lot i,f I'liot"gra;,ii iranns coni'taiiily ou hand The public are respectfully iuiied to call and see our kt.eeiiuel.s and our comnleru nrrui, 'euiint for ' Ui"kilJS I'butogiaphs, f ecial terms to lauiilies and 1 1. OS. , i:liuistiu:ssi:ii. Kunhurv, .lulv L' fgs A Lecture to Just Vullih ,,,, tu a Smld Eure.'orc. l'i:ce ax Milt s. X l.c.'liii'U on the .al.irt, 'I'l't-iif. tueulmid Uadical Cure id Spcru.a'a,riho:a, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Fuii.siotis, Se.xual l.ehilily, and luipediuienis to Marriage generally ; Nervous ness, Consumption, Epilepsy, uud Fits ,' Mental and I'bysicul Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. liy Koueiir J. Ci 1-veitwLi.i., .M. l.,Autliur ot'the .Lireeu liook,'' Ac. The norld-reiiowne 1 author, in this admirable Lecture, dearly prove, fium bis on a experience thai the awful ciise,ui'iice. of Sell-Abuse may bo eflec tually removed without iiicj.ciue, aud vithout dan gerous surgicul operations, bougies, iusli uuicnis, rings, or cm dials, pointing out a node of cure atoucu certain and clleelual, by which ivery kullerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply , privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a bouu to thousand, and thousands. Sent under seal, to uny uddress, iu a plain sci.lid envelope, on the receipluf six cent., or two postage stumps. Also, ir. Cuherwull's .Marriage Uuide,'' pricu ii cents. Addres, thu l'ublislicrs. CH AS. J. 0. KLINE A CO , K'7 Bowery, New Yolk, I'ost-Oitice Lojt i,izC. July 4, lslis. y NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. 03EEETS3 CELEUUATED tter Cordial. B i ThU tut die hi prcpcraliou is doit offered to the public uj a reliahlu t-uijctiiute for the uiuny worih lcf couipouiidb which uumt Hood the market. It is purely vegetable, coin posed of various herb, gather ed from the great storehouse of nature, and delected with the utmost euro. 1c ii not ruoomincndwd us a C'CltK Alb, but by Its direct aud sulutury influ ence upou tho IWurl, Liver, Kidneys, Lung. Ho tnuuh and Bowvls, it ucu toth as a preventive and cure lor Uiuny of the die.; ate to which those organs are subject. It is a rulinblu Faintly Medicine, and cuu bo taken by either, infant or adult with tho same beneficial result. It is a certain, prompt and speedy rcuiedy for llarrha;al lyvntery, Uuwel Complaitit, DysislB, Lowneol Spirits, fttinlingn, Muk-Ucadiiche, 4u. Eor Chills and fevers of all kinds, it is far buttnr ond safer tbun quiume, with out any of its pernicious e fleet. Il creates an appe tito, proves a powerful dije.ier of food, and will eountcruot tho effects of liquor iA a few minutes, i'mpared by JAt:OP eCIIEliTZ. Sole Proprtetv, V W Cor fifth afij H'" ti'J , PhiUdlphia, ? Diit a'.i l; tJi'-' ti' ; LOOK HOBPITAL. F6TABLISHED AS A REFUOB FK0M QUACK, ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CVRU CAS BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hdiC(.redtheiTHtCcrliiin,pfe'ly ai.doiily t.tltcuml Kemedy tt the World fnrall Ttf vnre l Wet.kupw of Uir Hack r Limbi, Stnclnren, Affeetioiit wf the KiUnetvml btmt.lrr. In voluntary 4if clmrgtn, linfKitency, Gtiicrt bubidty, NerfouBiirmi, L)yi pepty, languor, Low Spnits, Umiluiioii tif den, rnl(i tatioii f the llmirt. Timidity, TrptnWinni, Uim-eM wf K ght or OtddmePi, UiRaf4e uf the llrml, I hrt, or tkiti, Mirations ot Hie Liver, Lunn. Sotmach or Howelt ttiefu Tsrrihle DisuideiiHriting fioin tt-e!ilitry Hribita of imth tnoie Biuret ana antiuiy THctictt mtre itusi u their vtrtitrn than the iik of Syreoi tu the Matineri ol Utymrs.buyhtmi thcii im-it brillinuthinetut auucipattonff. tendering marriHge, he, unKiauhie. I Voiinu, .Hon KxpprtiiHy, rht hwi Iwoomc the vicuumof Solitnry Vifft, Unit dremlt'ul end drstrtictive hnliit Which annually ewerpi to en untimely Rrnve thouunde of Young Men of the rtvat exHlted Uileitti nnd hn I limit intellect, who might othtTwiie hnv eiitiant-ed Imu-ning Sesimtm with the than ilci of eloqur nee -r v-uhed tu ccntucy the living lyre, muy cull Wilh full cui.fidfht e. Mnrried Persona or Young Men contemplating manmgr, being BWiire of phyKtcitl WfiiKiiwi, oryunc debility, d fotmitirs. tVc, tpredily earrtl. Ue vrU't pluues himelf under thu enre of Dr. J. mny may nrhgiuuftly cootlde in hit honor ns n gtfntiemfin. and ciilideuUy rrly Uioii hia skill ni ft P!ipii:im. Immcdifttoly Cured, and Full Vigor Kettorcd. This DmtiFMing AtfectO'ii winch renders Lifn niippra blntid mnrrmge im'Mit.le it the penalty pud by t he victim of i m proper indulgt r.cea. Young pettont arc too apt to commit fxecssfs Iroin not being aware of the dn-nd-ful coiFruuenCtrs that miiv eiiine Now. vhi thr.t under stantis tlie suhjret will priteii'i to deny that tne power Ol piorrtn'ion is lost tner by thnae falling into improper ; hiitnta than by the pnuhjiiK? (Jennies clein? deprivt'! tiie , pleasures of healthy tifiprinf .liie mst serititiFiind dentine live sympinins t lMtli body and tntod aute. Tin nyaiem beeottics Uernncr'l, the rhyticnl and Mental Puurii"iii Ve;ikencd. "f Prereati've power, Nervous Irnt bib ty, Uvapepiin, Pnlpilutlou wf the Heart, li1ieesU.m, Cn-n'ritiiti-nia) Debility, a Wimtmg of the i'ruinti, Cotih, f'tntninpti'Mi, I)ee:iv and Dtnth, OCIicis .'o. 7 motitli I'rodcriclt Sf rrctt l.cit Intid side going from Unltim're street, a few dooit ; rrom theemmT. Kail not tooliserve name und number. Leiteis must be puul and uunUnnaitiainp, The Doctor1! Pipliniui hang m Ins otTice. j A dire Warranted Iu Xwo nyii. JYw Mercury or 2s'auscou$ Drug3. Ir. .Jolinkton, ! Memhfr of the Roynl CiIIcr of uigeons, London, Orod- IUiite from one ot Hie mnt einiitent ColletscH in the t uiU-U Mutes, and Hie greater part of wlinpt-ila bus been spent in the hoRpitnla iff lMidoii, pari, Philadelphia and else Where, hus er fee ted tnine nl the moat astonishing cures I that vvettjuvur kn ivvti ; many troubled with ntign.g in ti.e head and ears when asleep, great ntrv-iurnemt, brinir al-niu I ed ut sudJcii Btiuiuls b-iKlikikiiesff, willi ftetptent blushing. ! attended Willi dcriiig.u.ei.t of mind, were cured i iiiimcdiHt-1v. I 'l ake Particular Police. I Dr. i. nt.diesftts nil tlise who h ive injursd themtelvet 1 by improper indii nen e mid fc'titury hibiis. whith rjut j hV.i body and mind, unfitting for cHliur bjsnic-s, . study, soviet y or marriage. t j i i iiESEtire s ine ol the Kid and me'nurVi !y effects pro. duced by cnily hnlntnl youth, viz: Weaknera ot tin- Muck : and LiiiiIh. Pains in the Head, Dimness o ight, Lkiks of j Muscular Powei, Pulpitntinu of the Heart. Dyspepsy, ' Irrilabibty, Deiuiigeinent of the Digestive I'unc- . , ti'tns, Oenerul Dt bility, tuptoms ol C"iisuuiptiu, Ve. ; Mentam.y The lenrlnl eHects on the mind are uuieh 1 ( to bv dre.ttted lor ol Mi-m ry, Confusu-n ttf lile.a. )e- j ! pnsaion of Spirits, Kvil-Kotrbudinn, A vtrsion to rf.teieiy. 1 lf-Diritruit. Love of Solitude, Timidity, fce. are some it j the evils produced. j I Tmu'SAM) of persons nf nil ones ran nw judge what ; I is tho cause of then dLTlining heiiltb, l.iisiiit their vii.r, ' ; heooming weak, p.ile, neivous nnd eiincmted, having a i ; aiiigttlar Hppearuiicu ubtit liie eyes, cough und t yinptoins ji tJiituniUe.ii. I j Toil us .Tlt-u ! Whit Imve injured tliemi'vives by a vertuiti pra?:ice liidw'g ' 1 tl in when alone, a habit iterptently lenrnrd from evil t compaui-iiis. or ut r!i,nd, lite tllevts of whieh uie iiiwlu y fe'.t, even when uxteep, mid il" ii"t curd lendeiS matrtiie inipovcible. und destroys bolli miudaiid body, fclii'uid ajp')' I iminnliHU-ly. ! W.tat u pi'y that u V'iing imn. the hope of counlry, . ( the d it tin o hn pairTuis, h u I t be Snatehed from u'l ;r's pects and em-) un-nls of Ine, by the eonsetpienee of tie via- tn if: i turn the put h of ii;iiurir mid itiduiin in a reiUi.n secrwt tiubkt. lucii perfmns Mcr, before coiitcutplatoij; .Y3arrisi4 reflect that a intitid iiitud and h xiy ur; the most necevriry rt-sjiiisitt sto pront tneoiinuli;al happiness. Indeed wit li ut ' i these, the journey through l.f a weary pilgrim ' fo;e; thu prospect houil) darkens to i he view; lli imud j heeunicM sliadowitl Willi despair and filled With the liieijii- r . rholy rdeeiion tlmt the liaj j.;ncea ul unoihei beuo.'TK'S 1 b-.V.ed will iiui own ; Sir4-3t!- Of" ElllriKlIK!. I When tne miMj-uided nnd tmpiu'.eut volar v 'i plertrore fiinla unit 'he h.i iinlnbe.l in e S'-td ol this paint nl ilifeave, 1 it loo often happens that nil lil-lnned sense of shame, i , ! ol' ilueovery, deters hiui from aj plving to 1 1 1 se wli , . tioin eduenti ai ami r s;eel;ilil.ry. can alrnr brt'nenit tutu, (Iflavnig ull the (oiottluti 'iml sint-t ms of this honi.l : (lOi'acii make their appeariinee, sm-h ns nicfruted sue throat, dtvifed uove, ii'Ttui'il n:- in the In ad t!d litnb, d;ii net's ol hitflit. i!e;ifi,i .', in .fcn on tl.eb n Ii aies nnd I nns. Id .tches o,, tne hd, far-ennd extrrmai. s, pr-tesK. , XXltt. itLM llll4,livfll, ,,M.te b,.clllt., hnj, hj,.,., ,,f ,,. u.,,,. mi ,n.a,, p,,,,, ,M t,, in, ,trranfni n,iter:,isi,y setidms linn t-i "ttut L'ndisc ,'ered Cuatry from vl.... ' nil traveller fctuink It is a iiiclaitcli'lv fart fhut th-ti!eiii.t f.ol vie I unu tt this tr r ihl; dij-nane, ttwilii: to th iiiit-k U!f f of ina.iiit pieSeU'leis, wh, , t'tf tiftfof llMt ' iJeatllv I'.'.Mii, Mi- , r-x .'' rutu Uie Cb-iulitutiuii und n.Jke tlie trudje ff t-.l'it iiui' rable. Trut mt "ur liera, or iieuii!i, t the nnre rf l:n jt;Tiy , L;i.e:il..e 1 mi I uftlileas I'reteiidrrs. deMitiite tf kn-w!-eii', iiiimeor rh iim'Ur, w.i.'t'.ipv L'r J. ht.i:irs wlver- , tiM-iiicnts. or s! ietheini'eltf.'M in the uwhp.ipris, reulurly f ' l .ilneMtrd I'.iytkH'uuS, liKapalf itf rtuii.y, thi y kevn y- u j tiillinji; in"ntt mlri ni' iilh t;iliintr their t..lliy Hi.d poin.Mins : eniMp' Uiiilii, or tin l.n.f as the Sin.ilei fee run lie nl.tMiir.1, and in dt-Bpuir, leav e "ii Willi mined health to sih tver . yur puiliHC d.appo ntiririil I lr. J.ihitst"u is the only IMiyrn'ian n-Ivt-rtinins. 1 ! Hirreilei(tiai nr di(duiai alvvins hutny in hit i'triie. ' j Ilia reimdiesur trwitniput are unkhnwi l-t n!ltiheis, ; : prepnretl frnui u life pent Jit thecreut h-f pitn!s of Kur- pe, . tin first in this country and u more extensive "I'livute ( I'ruetire'' thnnany miter i'lijsieiau in lite wmld. j lii4loii'iitriit of lln I j The many th.iusaml rated at this institution wat nftrr year, nnd the mimemus iniporlant S'irpieal Operatinus I perl. 'rnied hv Mr. J'.niRt.n, witnessed hv ihe rep-irtern ( the "Spin," "Clipper, M Hnd many other papm, i.nt ir.. j wii rh have Hpptarrd nuani nnd upaiu hrl' ihe puhi.e, ( hesalei Ins stauilme ns a ernt leman 6f fhanirtrr and re- , . siMtmhility, i -i siiirieient yu iiantee t" the alerted. , ! Kin fit)f.4tivM Kprc-dily 4 iir'l, Vnrf-n- vi (tintr shou'd he parttru!.ir ni ihreeiiug ihtir eiicu t'i h.s !ntnui, in the f.til.'vvnn; manner, ' Ii!tn 3:lkiiMon, .1, 1. 1 Of thr R'llfiinott l.'rk 11 "K pita I, baltiniurr, Md. .lamuiry .".ti. I WJ. ty LIVLIlV STABLE. : rpiIC subscribers having purchased the stock and ! X fixtures of .Mr. Charles Karon's Livery Stable, ; in Sunbury, would respectfully annouiico to the ; public, that they intend lumUking it with hr-l-clun : j Horses, Carriages, lluggiii! and Spring Vagpns j . f.iiti'hlo for thu bu-iness, and will endeavor tomahe . il u Livery second U. none in this section of the tiuto. ! j Orders left ut Ihe Cent nil Hotel, at any hour of thu ; day or niht, will receive prompt aileniion. ! Met, AW A FAKNSWORTII j Funl ury, October 1". !mW. ! AK'i"-' I :' liiijki.'iiis'iiis., j ' f OL'S Orain Hakes. Sled ai. l Iron Harden Unkes, i 1 1 Long an 1 1. Handle Spa lis, JShov, Is, Mauuie I and ilay Forks, Grass und Grain Scythes, Grain . t laliw, Cradle Fir.gcrs, Trace. Breast, Tongue und j Log Chums, tirind-stones, Fanning Mil) Selves of all sites and kinds, a largo ol Uud Wagou ; Ilaiiie!, for l'loniug, Farm Hells, Ciiltivulor Teeth, ; lor sale by J. n CON L MY A Co. I "sTCNBWAKBr- THE beft nnd rhenpial nsvortuient of Mone Ware ' in the tate. jut received ttnd for salo ch'np at the 1 Mammoth C;u-b Stoic of i II. V. FRIL1X0. 1I10N A large assortment of the best manufac tured I liars, Hoop. Hand, RcunJ and Square Iron, Nail Kods, Cast Steel, iilifter . Steel, Iirill Mi el, Horse Shoed, Horse Nail, ! Anvils, Mellows. Yiecs, Hummers, ; Sledges, Kaps and Files, at ; COS LEY A C0'8 I " JACOB SIIIP2IAN. CIKin AND LIFE INSUHANCE AQEKT, BfMJL'UY, IM'.NN'A. ; Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance. Co., York l'a., j Cumberland Yulloy Mutual I'rotuution Co , ! New York Mutual Life, liiruid Life of Tlal'i.. A Hart fold Coua. Gcuernl Accidw-t. Wn. Fauaux. Nki ko l't ou F U 11 N I T V It E ROOMS Wit. FAP.SC IT & SC1T, lute of the Brru of Furson A IVivis.have opened ware room, at No 22S South 2d street, bi low Pock, PHILADELPHIA, W her. ther keen a lull assnrtmenl of 1'AICLUU, C HA.MliEH, flTTINO ROOM ; and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. ! Their old customers, and all persons wishing to purchase, are iuviied to eall and eaaiume their slock before purchasing elsewhere , Partioular attention paid to packing. myo ly. UhuIiiiIou of mrlncrkblp. XT OTICE 1. hereby given that the eo-partnersblp lN heretofore eaisting between J. Weiser Bueher and E. Master Bueher, tr.dinn under Ihe 6rm of Buober Brotherd,"in the tduniog businesd, waa thu day (August lilth, I8M.I diksolred by mutual eon. .est. The busmosd wiil ber.afier b eooduotid by the undersigned, at the) old stand, wher. all peraona indebted to lb. firm cf Bueher Brothers, ar. re auested to eall withcat Jntay and make settlement, id Bavoeoki. LV MAShK Kl'Ciliwki. rortlivrn VntraI Itallwaj SUMMER BCHEDULBJ. On Anrl aftor Hot. t??d, 18ft?, tralni Will Uav fcCINBlRV, ai follows : LEAVLi INORTIITVAr.D, .0d A. M , VnWy for Wniimfpo?t. Inlly (fifp Pond ay 8,) for Ulniira, Cnu&nduigu. v Kochostor, Iluflaloe, Nicgnrt) Full? Suspension iMdo and the Oanadae. 4.15 P. M., I'nily (except Siun-iays,) for Elmira, an Buffalo via Erie Railway from Klmira 6.40 P. M., Daily (except BanJays,) for Willi..tni pott. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.45 A. M.. ttnilv for Dalliinore, and Wa-lunifUtn 9.45 A. M., Daily (except Sunday.) for tiultiuiure Philadulphia and Washington. T.fliO P. M., Daily lotoept 6nndtiy,) lor Harriaburg oonueetiiig with L'iticinnnt i Express fui Iialtiruorc, Philadelphia and Wa?hingtoD J. N. DtCAititr. Kb. t. Yooko, Oen'l. Sup't., Gen 1 Pawen'r Ag't.. Jlarriburg, Pa. Baltimore, M l PlUladellUa Ac ICrlc Ctatlmaa. vl i7 te r"tJm Le7" Through and direct route between PUilndcIpUu Baltimore iltirrisbtirg, Willinrc-port, to the North trct and ine lrcnt Oil Region of PennsylvunU. ELEGANT SLEEl'US'i CAUS on all Night Trains On and after Monday, Not. 23J. 1819. the Trnhi. on the 1'uilaaulphia A Erie Hail lload will tanw follows ; Mail Train leaes Philadelphia, Ifl Ii p w " " " Sunbury, 1 10 a ;: " " arr. at Erie. . B SO p ut Erie El press leaves l'liilivlelphia. II .',() a re. " " " Sunbury C 40 p in " " arr at Erie 10 ut) a in El.nira Mail leaTOS Philadelphia, 8. no n ir. " Sunbury 4 l&prr " " arrive at Lock llaven, 7.15 p i Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 J.r, a it. Sunl.UTV. 2 45 air " " arr. at J'hiladephla, air. Et ie Express leaTcs Erie 6 2i p tr " " ' Siinhnry f. 4n a u ' " arr. at Philadelphia, I.Mpu Mail and Express connect with Oil Crook niv: Allnehesv Riyer llallruad. UAUUA'JE CUECKLL TUIIOVGU. ALFRFD L. TYLI.Il, Ocncrnl Supori'itvn lnt lei'itdlit iftailrontl. YI"TEI. ARRANGEMENT. MOJJ DAY, DECEMBE 11, 190S. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Ihe North ant North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Run l- ' ing, l'ottville, liiiii'i iia, .".l.nind, shan-okii , Lb'i I anon, Allentown. Eaeton, Ephrata, Litii, Liuiciuier, I Columbia, Ac., A-j. I Trains leave Harrbbtirg fir New-York, as fol lows : At 3 i l, 5 50 and 8 18 A. M. and 12 I'd con, I and 2.05 and 1(1.50 P. M, connecting with similar j Trains on ihe Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriv'rg 1 nt New York at 11 OU A. M., li la noon, 3 5U. T lo i 10.05 p. ni. and 6.15. a.m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.50 A. .M. nnd 10. 90 P. M trains wllhsut obanga. Leave llnrrisburg for Rondinff, Pnflsvillo. Tnna i qua. Minersville. A'hlnnd, Shainokin, Pine Grove. I Allentown and Philadelphia nt h.lil A. .M. nnd 2 n.i anu d.iu r. .u., stopping at l.ehanon uu t prir..-i p i" way stations ; the 4.10 p in. train iaak:ng'.iom for Philadelphia uud Columbia only. For l'oi'M i'.L', Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via .fjhuyjkiil and Sus'iuchnnua It ail road leave :H.'l.li0 p. in Returning Leave New York at Woo a. in., 1 .'."'! Noon and 5 lo and 8.0il p. in., Philadolt hia at ' I i a. m. and 3.o0 p. hi ; cars ae 'on.; :o,j 'o; tho V. 00 a. ui. and 5 10 and b.OJ. p. hi. trail. s iiuui iew York without ehungo. Way Passenger Train lenvfj Phila It Iphia nt T.' O n. m., connecting with similar ti ain on Lust !' t,i;a. Railroad, returning from Reiidino at 8 .-;5 p. r,i. srrp ping at all Stations ; Leave l'mtsvillc ul .''.i. 4.. a. ni and 2 45 p. in: Shainokin at 2j.-i. ni.; A-hl.n. I at 7 00 a. in., and 12.."'i p. m.; Tiiiua jua at S.i.J a. :.i uud 2 20 p. m. for l'hilailelphia. Lcae Puttsvillc via. S"l,uy!kill aud Sn 'i'iil..itina Railroad nt 7.!0n in for Hurri. burg, anl ll cj a.u. for Pine Gruvoaud Treinont. Rending Acoinmodaiioii 'I'rin leaves P.eadirij a 7 3u A. .M. returning leav.i Pin I 'id. 1 hia a! 1.45 p.m. Pottstowu Acciimuiodnlii.l, 'i'r.-.'n i lo-a'... P.. town at f,.4i A. M., returuir g leaves Philadelphia ut I t"J P. M. Columbia llailrocd Trains Irav '.!.'vl' r.! 7 0i A. M.. nn 1 0.1.) P. M. tor LpLinia, Litii, l.r.ncas. tcr. Columbia, ,c. Perkiuini-n Kail Roid Treli? lfs'.c Pcr'ti'iioiri .Tnr.cliin a'. V 1 5 A. M. and 5..'t0 IV M 1 1 r it :n i,( Leavc SV.ippack at rt 10 A.M., . .1 '2. i 'i IV M , eoL-ne-'ting ivitii rnnil'ir iraiiison i.ea.iing Kail Hoa 1. On Sundays .- Leave New York at s t u p in., Phila delphia S.lflt A. M., and a.l y M. thu M.0'1 a. m. ti'uin ruuiuug only to Railing, Putlsiillo Silt) a Ui .. Harrishiirg, a. 50 a m, and 4 10 and 10 'ill p m. an.i Reading at 105, S.tfu and 7.15 a m. for Han i.-burg, at 12 an and 7..':l a. in. for X:r York and at 4 25 p. m. for Philadelphia . Con. mutation, Mileage, pcns.,r., School and Ear cur"ioii Tickjii, a: le iucc l rates to uiid fium nil points. Luirifage checked through : lt'O T, unds Erggno allowed each l'asci.:'-r. ft. A. NlCCI.I tienrr.Ll S ui-ei in. em lent- l,ncluini!iinu& Etlooiuikimi- Hall. -;, I. ON and after Monday. Nov. ."eth. 1S3P. Paditiijer Traii.s ill ruu loll SOlillWARD. A. M. P M. A M. IV M. Lt'ue Scrar.t"!!, 5.2.) 4 10 ll' .l rl 12 Pillslon, b i 5 4.47 10 art 7 M Kingston, ii,;'j s.2i 11. 7.50 " Ruoeit, . ',i 7 47 " Inuivi!!,., '.. 04 S 'JO Arr. North d , II 1.1 ,.a NOUTIIWAUO. A. AI. IV H A M P M. Leave Norlh'd., 7 10 4 15 " I'lUiville, 7 11 5 23 " Rupert, S l-i 5. .',5 Kingston, 0 57 8 40 F a'. 2 :t'. " Piusiou, II I) 0.10 0 2a 3 0 1 Arr geraittoo, I2.l'.'i 'J Ij lot" .i 40 Trains leaving Scrantou st 5 25 A M. r.i d 1 11' F M.. connect at Northiiu.ojrl.i:: I with I: aV..- . i. IV i Ii. II. R. for H'.rri.-burg, R litiinore. V ingtou. iUi.nn.ouil, Loekilavtii. Pulsion g ni. I Wis:. Trains arriving at Scr.inton ui io.OO A. M i'. n lieet with .rains urrivii g at New York a' 4 15 IV Pniladclphia ut 0.2U IV'.M., aud llmd at 1 1.' IV M. Trains arriving at Scrnnton at 3 4 ) P M ciunec. wilh Irani, lur Great Bend a' 1 Wcr. II A. iH..-IiA.Sii 't ' rati iZin s: s a.'2 a. m. iti:.', i'tnii. Will remove his OOice to J. M. Simi riis Eailuit ,'. 2uil story, Market S.juare, 8UNBUKY, XTIIEKE he will bo prnpare.l to do ull kinds of work pcrliiining to l'enii-iry. ill kee'' constantly on ham) a largo "rtiucut of Teeth, and ,'ihi-r l'ental inaturial, froui which he will be uble 14 s.lei't, aud meet the wants of hi., cutt tnicis. All work warranted lu gn e talislaclioii, or -lie thu money refunded. Thu very best Mouth Wash ani Toola-Powdcrr . kept on hand. I ills referenced arc thu numerous patrons for whcin : l.e has worked for the l.ut twelve yuara. I Sunbury, March 21, ioS. b b ej n kVnai-.jdcc .o m i Aro especially invited to call and examine oar .tocV of Bl'ILLER S HAltltW ARE, compn.ii-4 1 Nails and Spike, of ail varieiies. Fir's. S'roas. Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Latch. s. Bc'.is. I'liiS lering Trowels, Brick Trowels, I'lustem '. Siovw, , Ac, Ac . tor sale by J II OXI.EY A CO ! UNION 1IOTKL. CH AS. 1 1 ZI'.I., I'rotki-irtor. , Iu Cuke'j Add.titnlo sFNECKY, ncr the Penn'a. Railroad Company Shcps. PERMANENT AN t Til A NSU-'NT COARI'LIii. kept who will hnd ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boulders eau enjoy llo' q .il com 1 forts of homo with fare equal to ine Let I His l.iiUors aro ol ll.e choicest kinds. ' Sunbury, June 3, ltt)7. ! LIGllTTIIuTlT ! LIGHT! fi. Ill list I.V, i riMIE popular Pliotograper. bus fitted up. In the X old Post Orliee huioling. three diuis .s; nt ti e railroad, Market Square, rue of tbe very best sky , Lights to be found in Ihe stale, an i is now p.epjiu lo I tuke pictun. of any kiud, in all an, i ol a, a:iier, j early aud tiMe. Children tuken una. .1 imtan iy ' liruig along the babies we are now r.-!y t.-r theui COME ONE! COME ALL '. , both great and ttut:!!, .ue hid Bow rooms, and if amine specimens. FRAMES ani FRAMING material constantly ou hand and made to order. Bung aioug your pictures and bare them framed eheanar ibao aov.nere .l.e Contu and dee lor yoarsulvea, An; loingtu ito picture line eousiantly un band or ordered. Co,yii.g , don. In all ita hrauobus aud coloied as del ired Both oat and indoor view, taken at .Lert nct.c and ua reaaomtble term.. Sati.iactiou guur.ameo.1, aa our motto i. to pleas.. All u.i,' c-tfV,'".' ' predorred. Kemembaf la)U ph&mit l'l Eiiit. LY. Market Sur. May a3,' . . A1THERE can 1 net the Imi rieiur. Why at IT ilvnrli'.. nc.vr... A!-vt : s y : to ti ;;4j. f-.r . 4