Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 20, 1869, Image 1

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    i linns ' run "amkimcaw."
tf annum, ti CO If not paid within the year.
No papor discontinued until nil arrearages are paid.
These terms will bi trtotljr adhered to hereafter.
If tubMribers neglect or refuse to take their new.
r apcrs Irom the ottioe to which they are dlreoted, they
ire responsible until they havs settled tha bull and
ordered them discontinuod.
Postmastors will pleas, sot as our Aa-ontf. nad
irana. letters containing subrorlption money. They
are permitted to do this andar tha Puck Offioi Law.
Jon fhistino.
Wa have oonneeted with our aatiiblliiliment a wall
scleoted JOB OFFICE, whioh will enabla ui to
eeuto, In tha neatest ttyls, svery variety of
t. i. -nusin. L. 8, KAIg-
Attorney and Coiinicllor) nt luw,
Cliemnt Street, went of tho N..C. and P. A E. Rail
roiid Hepot, in the building lately occupied by
V. Lasarus, Esq.,
Collections and all Profes-iona.1 burines promptly
"'"'ded to in Northumberland and adjoining Cuun-
aitkj:v8 ax law.
On Second Floor In Iiright'a Now Building,
S. D. tovprt and W. J. WoLVEnTo.v, rcapeotfully
imnunce that tbey have entered into co-pnrtnerfhin
in the firuutioe of their prefeffion in JSorthuinbtf.
;iin I Hnd aili 'ininj; couulies. Contultationj cau bo
ii.l.l in the OcitUA.
A) ill 4, .S. ly
Vttnvnpy nt I.niv, fclNDLKY, PA
Collerliona attended to in the counties of Nor
liiiimber'.iind, Uuiou, tnyder, Montour, Uuluiubia
tud Lj Mming.
Hon. John M. Hood, I'hiladelphla,
A. tf. Cattell A Co., "
Hon. Win. A. Porter, "
Murton Jlo.Michnol, Efq , '
S. Kotchnm A Co., 280 Ponrl Street, New Yofk.
J"lm V. AshiucuJ, Attorney at Law, "
Wutlhewa it Cox, Attorneys at Lair,
Sunbury, Mnruh 2M, HiI2.
Wu.Jt. Roi&trEiLKR. Lloyu T. KoniiuA'-u
OFFICE in Ilanpt't new L'uilding, fecoud fiour.
lintranoe on Market f-'quare,
uuburv. Janunry 4. IRila.
Teeth I Teeth I
.1. ti. C'KEKNI.XjKIt,
Firinirly of ASHLAND, O.. announcis to tha cf ti
sou? of N.irth'inihorliui'l county, that hu has;itcd
ic t-l XfiLU'.V, lor tho prui-tica of Duntietrv, und
fe.ipeotfiilly golioitt your palruUHge. tydW'aUcu
lion pmil to fitting nuj teoth. Teelh x
trifti j vain, by iiaiuif Narcotic spray
Htaoh I have u"I for thruo yeard with t.cjtct tue
en ud itv injiiticitf rosulLs.
Ctrioe in Kooniii formerly occupiod by I'r. J. S.
Antflu, in Heasiiut'a liuildiug, Markut Siiuaro
:1'.''AIiLvJ'''l ninr. 7, OS.
itsoBusllii.C, Simon P. WoLVKiiruy.
hilij & rcLviaarow.
ISIsrncjK it i! a CouiiHcloi-H lit l,;Mr,
tV7II.,L iitU'rul to tho o.illc!tif,!i tif all kii.'Ix of
V cluiuii, iiiuiiait0' Hali i'ay, iiounty nuj I'ca-lM-'-
apl. 1, 'lio.
North i::do of Public Square, one door eiut of tha
Oi l Bank iiuililmj.
S U N Ii L' U V , 1' ii X X A . '
Cc.Hculions and u'.l Protosjionnl bwincss proinptTy
tftemlcd to iu iho Cou.ts of Nnrthunihcrland .iiii
djoiiiiu),' CounticK.
Sunliury.Sopt. lb, laoii.
X. II. Pfitnv,
J. I'. Jamls.
CitK'o in thefeconj tory of Dewart's b-nl ,i Iriur, n-- '
viinnip; Iho Vcmocrat oilico, on the north 'id of
Markut Square. i
U'ill u!lei,. promptly to the collection of cluiim '
in I other profcwional kuMneu intrusti-1 lo bis cure, '.
:a .Nur:huii,b,rU!i i and adiuiuiri counties. i
NiTcuiber l.ii7.
A T T O U X K Y A T L A W,
EHaMOKIN, Northumberland County, l'a.
VLL business iittcndud to with Iloli.pttots ucd
Miiiuiokiii, Aiij. 10, li",7 ly
Muhw;, Xurtitumhtrlavd . Count j, 7Vftt
Office iu Jackson t-iwnrhip. Kiigaz'iuicnta can
be uitdo by lutier, directcj to tho above addrctc.
All buillls euliuated to hit coie, will to prouintly
atienJ-d to. '
Aprl 22, IHiiS ly
And Dealer in
I'uMii Ki tii, kuiiiU of Ucunr'a
SUN 3 U it Y. S A
March 31 looil
G-. "W- LJ TjrxT, " j
.t(tr.j'v mid Conuai lloi- at l,nv, '
OiTJ'v'iiin liuupl'. new Uuil.tin, on aecoud floor !
tutrauou iu ilurkut 64uarc, !
StlNrXJTJPlY, 3? A. i
Will attend promptly to all professional l-ittltii-s I
rniiu-tc. to In. caru. Uio eolleclion 01 cluiuii in i
.lorthiiuibeilaud and tho adjoining counties.
Bunbury, January 4, 1S6S.
All buKinesj entrusted to his caro
utuudad to
prouipuy una wnn dilijjeuea.
tiunbary. April 27, lot7.
.r,i'UJ"Ue', ',n lhla ttDlX lljf"niDi counties carefully
and prompdy amended to. '
Offiua in Market btreet, Third door west of Smith
Oenthor's Stovo and Tinware btura,
in every variety of
Upper Wuurf. UVNBURY, Penn'a.
Kr"Ordurssolioitedand flllej witu promiitoees and
dt.'i-.uU'h. '
bunbury, May 12, ISftf. . y
tVUIiipera) &i Wlioleaale Al Itctuil
Itealera lis
white .t ai i .i&n ton-,
in every variety.
Sde Asonti, westward, of tha Ce'.ebruUd Ilonrv
Clay Cod. '
Lowea Ws ir, ti'Kucuir, Pa.
Bunbury, Jan. 13, lsi6.
Ical6r la all kiuiii of
TS prepared to supply alt kinds ol AnLracita Coal
1 tr 'ui tuo j hauokm Coal iuiou ul cheap rates.
Ail Giaor. y Diia. ti uniry custom ti'
spactfully iutioitU 40UX P. HAAS.
eutiiaary, Julld, 131.
JJooihlv Ilai Books r-fawlug IJooks and nlata.
Hymn flrx.Ks Bunk Looks. .Vutnoraudam
P-)ir Pi irles, Pocsc. E.-i'ts Ink .Tar Is, Pouj,
- .; :'. 0 i:j 'if i''i; r. i .k.
FROM CRMJ.i', in 1835.
PintistLrcit, Ft.
Tfie grtittiJt knwvn rtmtJiet fur
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
nil PlKcnurft itrUliif? frm a Ills
unlrii it lilvt-r, ftttumut'Iii 01
istvvntiY ov run jilooik
H ul t3t il'o'ft'vfj ttptrrt, t'( if ynu mf.ntl tk it
Vuc t'jt-m it n ficfrti by .' f thrm, tm-it rtft
tturt l L'-it diinjMC A(t. annnftind t't uttuck on the
vtt ii.tftul i,tt m i ttts ttf fiTtn- Inly ami s' it
eM.ckoi hi fV im nf pftwrfnl rihhtlits1u niitcfub
'e, Iwtf' Urnuajtiu q in Jtuf.'i, tvi if t'u rwUt.
ConftHpftifon. Ftattjlonco, Tnwarrl Vifn,
FuhitiBnot' iilood to the lluud, Acidity
Ot tho Btomncht Nnusci, HeRi't
bum, DiMjrust forFo'vI.I'ulnoss
or VVeiant iu the Stomach,
Sour Eruotation. Hink
ItiK or k'ittorinf? nt tho Pit
the ttronch. bwimmtne of
the Heua. Hurl'iod or Dimcult
Hroathinff, Pluttorinff at tho lletirt,
Chokin or Smt'ooatlnR Sonsations when
in a I.y niRPuwt are, DiuineRn of ViHion,
Dttts or Wobs before tho biKht,
Dull Pain in tha JToad, Dell
cicn'iy of Perspiration, Ycl-
lnwnois of the bkin and
Eyeii, Pmn in the Bidn,
13a-'k, ChoHt, IiinbH, etc., Sud
don Flushon of 11 out liurniiiK in
the FIohIi, Const tint Xmuginings of
ICvil, and Great Depronsiou of bpiritp.
All thfr iit;ci;U. digitise f" th .m-t or fh'jcutut
Vrju.nst t".rtiJi tvith ihtj'WX blood
f.)ooflanbo (Scnnait Hitters
Is ctiHri'ly vrjfef Able, mill t-nntnlim no
lliiot- It 1 n coiiipouiid of Klttld Ki
trncHi The Haots, lit-rim, mid Itnrhaj
front wHIrlt flifne rilnicU an kiindv
nrf grtilirrt-d lu liermuiiy. All ilio
liicdtclnt.l Vii-titrM nrc rttrartid from
I hint by a ncit-miile chcmltit. rl' lie ate
(jtlrticlM nir then rtrwnrtieri to t lilt
routiiry to be uw?d rxprctsHly fnv the
mil ii ufitct arc of I It cue lilt I via. '1' In-re
lit mi nlcttliulie MubMuiicc oi any Icltid
niied In rotii poiindl iitf t lie 11 1 tern,
licnve It In tlio only ltitfrm t!mi cnu
le It. i-AMri w litre alcoholic ntaiti
ttlAuts Atv not udvisablr.
IJooflimb's ermtut (tonic
t. n vKiAifi,.,. nf ,tH th? itmrfln.nin of 'h: IK'tri,
vith I'V'm: StnUi i'i fir iV';m, llranp',tc. It isvsnlfnr
thf '.tisfuft-i as the iliitff lit ClfiS irturt vw.
I WK !? .t'r'-Ui' t-'imut:i$ it return d. Tu:i ii'i'i it tn
Tn'-t -f '-til i i- I'm: tiri av. etitiruty iliT'i?nt frof
tin f )-''.: ..i't ltiS'-i ,h' tht cure vj' tht dixrn&'i
it ini'tl, tftts hr in- ted nfi tic. pffutrutions n f mMVinil
tTtntt'ts, trfuU tlf. ' t-'i4 i:t ton awe ttt.coctioits nf rum
imotne fyf. V-'f. 'l':iMC is fcciatttly rti t.f th: mrt
p-'--.'K.u. i.uU yr rati its ertr f.-n-tl V He
P'i 'ti'. I: 'nftf. is t,Jr7,ii'AiV. it it a pV j sit re to t;iW
it, i . i i- iijt-t'i i7, rj nt' irtittiiy, una mr ttinut
rj--rtii'-r Kit cau'u it to uc ixHunn us nit yrw:i
TliouHn udm nf ciuct when flic n
tl tit NtipiioHrtl lie mam nUHvtl ttllli
I lit ivvrlhtu ilfHM, haw biru rui td
by t he line of I hfcc rcmcdlrai Kx( rrme
rmiicltit lii debility, and coukU are
tliti HPtnal nltciidHJil upon irvrro
r it acm ff tlyfcptihl. or dlcaite of th
ilivxl t v' ui-gniUi Kvvii tn ckhpn of
fc-iiiiliiv Coiifiimptloit, these rtnucdlfi
HI be tumid of the ;riati)i.t bene At
ttli uiigiliciiang mid ln lgoratlii(.
Tn. is ni vy'ttieine frwl tn Ifonfand's ft?rmin
.' r.i or 'ISinir in cn.'ts tf DdnlHy. They inifmrt a
t-.i,p M,d tn Ih whole system, strengthen the aft-
f.(t:r, t'.'ute an enjoyment nf tht fmntt etuiOlt dt
t'oin ii 't to iifjfst it, purify the blowt give u ffnnft
r.tiitut, 'teailoy cnitp iu'ttt eradicate the. yellow litifie
fr-ti t't tit?, impart a b!a-0i tn the checkt, and ehavj
t'u- patent fnoa a short-bretUhtiL, emaciated, weak,
ati't u.rrcM iniaUi'., to a fuU-Jaedt ttout, and it'jfr
pcrswt. Veak and Delicate Children
nri mavte iron fir by lifting (he Blttrm
or Tnnks In tact, tht-y iiru Funilly
MrdlciiM'. TUry ran be AdiiilnlviM'vd
vMli ptrfrt-t hi ft I y lo a child thrre
mi tint Ii4 old, t he muat dcilcutc feuiultr,
or a man of nlnt-ty.
I'tczi itd4 arc
Itlooil lHilflel
ft ft- 7,-;i.-i una inK curt ail Uiastt resulting fxtvt
i id .,-.
k'p :fttv ?""; purr; r,p ytuv liver in tri!-r J
htep your di jt.'t. i-f nyaus in a iu:, hraW'jf iuwi
tt ", bv iff-, c-c f.'u; ri.iuJnZ, und no duuC unit
f:t,- atiiil y-'fi.
fffttjiavavaq A;Aw " ''kT
m mm 4 W V mm m wm) md mm m w 9
l.ndtci who uUli a fair bhlil and
CiKiil cotiipU 3.lii, free frtun u yrllOM
Kb llitv it nd all olhrr (tlnltgiti iiitiilf
t-biinltl ii: ilikC rt-miilii-B orciiftlon
!" Tin Iilv i r hi pti fret ortlcr, ami
Hi- blund I'.iir, will rcititlt In tpurk.
lli cti and blouuitikg thttliks
-:s"iVs ti, , .n in Ji'if irt are crirterfctial,
1 'jcuutfe hjtr the t-jnarr uf t. M. Ji-kmni
01 tn ff irj t.f tit m'tntr M-ipp: r ,u, t l,tthtoud
t'f rame of h at UH-u,n 11 taih iiskU. All v'Jizi i
:c c:;tt,'.tr(it:.
1 ItoiiiiiititK of It ltcra have been re
eel vrd, t t iiUfyiiiif to the virtue of thcae
CliK-f .lutiicu of iho SupiHiia Court of Poiinviv:;l,i.
l'liiumxpnu, Mau( :l 16th, 1867,
Jft.H'1 Ilt"f.nnd's Gt.nn.un Bitters" 14 ttoi an intox
l4(tn;7 brera-tet but ii a yn'.d t'llic, useful ill duur
den of tit o it it if organs, and nf gnat benefit tn of UtbilUj and unu of wrvvui action in th
ijMm. i'uurt trulit,
Ju v tltt Supmiic Cuui t of lntiHyhaiiU.
ruiLADtLPHU, AruiL 38th, 1864.
I cnittldrr HooHnnd1 German Bit
ter" a mutuant a mullein In cake of at
lutk of liullueat Ion or l)ypept. I
run cti'Ofy thin from my experience
ot it. Yoitma H hrJnprci,
JAMla TllO.MPiO.V.
r.ut'ir of tht Toinli lUplist Church, rkiMlpUla.
h..UcfON T)r. ik : 7 hatthren freanmtly re
Stated to amnect my tiuu with recommnuatitm$ of
iff -n nt Kinds oj' medi:int but regarding the practice
as out ttf my appropriate sphere, I have in alt easts oW
dined ; but with a cUar pf in rariout ittstanctstand
rw(iuc'iji y in hi y own fatuity, of the usefalnetsof &r,
Ifoofttmd'i German ihitert, I d-pzttfor rmcefrttm my
ta'Ki. course, lo express tny full conricttn Uud
et i tii-hlliiy nt th nyitem. anl Hpeclally fur Livr
t'iu limit, it 11 h siile Hud VMliublv jijni,tiu,. Jt
tome cases it way fail : but uUu!!y, (doubt Wt, it will
be very btwyvtiU tm those who suiter from tin abav$
faults. Yours, wry respectfully
f. II. KtlsyAUD,
Lijhth, bUw CoaU$ XL
Price of the Bitters, Si. 00 per bottle j
Or, a halt dozen for $5.00.
Price of the 'Pernio, 91.60 per bottles
Or, a kalf dozen lor 97-60.
Tlio Tiii!c U put up lu qniirt Uuttlitt.
ttwl'tri that it is Dr. ffcJ!andt Kerm&n JtemtdU
that are universally wA awi tn highly recommend
mi ; and do not allow the uifjiil in sndme yu $e)
tukt any thing eise tkat hs. why say ujuet as gwd, be
eawn he mates a tutjer prmftt mn it. These Remedies
wili tU sent by express to any locality upon typlisaUem
631 ARCH STJiiSr, Wiladetphi.
CHAfl. M. B VA.U. Proprietor,
formerly 0. U. JACKSON t CO.
Tltr.a fiemed lee are for tele iV
OriiKbt-) Mlurrkcciiri and MidU
clua Utuitii every
wl-ryt ,'e IX t. I, to
.'.. t.t
Corner of Third Street end Markot Squnro, in Mil
ler Steno Uuildfhf, SU.N BU UV.P A ,
of the mont eclebrntcd mker, consisting of the
Howard, Apploton, Trncy A Co., Vidthmii, Unrllett, '
V. Kllery, and all grndca of the Elgin Ill's make.
Also, sole Agent for the colcbrntt'd, PAUL BRI
TON Watch, in Uold and .Silver CRW,at low pricw.
Htlwr Wars? Ibi WrildliiK I'rrnt'iilK,
f r,tlrl no ,tnsin. Silver Tuhlo ati l
lea Spoons, Cutter knives, Kork., Ca.tor.i, Ico
Piiehois, Fruit and Unlet: llnnkots, Syrup
Mug., liutter IMihos, ami everything
in tho Silverwaro lino nt low
pi h.' i.
A Una stock of It k llinus. Alaon line scleetiun
of Uold and Jul Jewelry of nil descriptions, liold
and Silver Chains, at low prices.
Fine Oold Pens in llold, .Silver and Rubber Cnf-e,
of tha celebrated Iiuiko by llufTionn and Stewart.
A full assortment of S day and 30 hour Clocks, nl ,
low prices. :
AIo Sole Agent for the eelohrnted I'l'i fected Spec- 1
taoles, warnvuted to give entire .atirfiietion. j
Watches, Clucks and Jewelry repaired and war
ranted. All urdtrs promptly nttended to at the shot tost no
tice, j
Sunbury. Sept. S, 18M. I
giTam) opening i
or I
!.M T T A 7 l W IVTri):
I j.V 11 U l L U u 1 1 1 Ij It
O't'uthiaoii's I'usulliiiEg' jiouI-,
.1II:IC(I1A.1' TJtll.JS MTtiCK,
Consisting of
liNULISll ANLlb'ltKN'Cll 0A.-51ME'- TS,
whifh have been selected from the largest nnj bet
cutublituiuents in New York and Philadelphia.
A general assortment of
Neckties, Collars, Crnviits, orihe latest styles.
Fine Lam!;". Wool Poller Jackets.
S11UITS and Li'.AWLRS, a lurg-j asonment of
the best iiality .
A largu varii 'y of U LOVES of every stylo and
ttaltity, fioiu thu Hall Kroom (ioiiii lo'the iaboiini;
man's, and many other articled tor (ientleuieu's
iv ear.
I'inc S'l eiicli lobe r.!irls m:ilc to
Ilaviiitrprccurpd the servic.os of the het vim kmen
in tho garments will bo up to order
v. bieb esnuot bo excelled in any city iu tits, or quality
of goods.
lientieairn are particularly requested to eall and
see the goo. 1 and work before pur.-haii:i elsewbtre.
Sunbury, Oct. 3, 'CS. 'J llO.MAS U. NUTT.
is a u g a .t s o :; s ,
Olllao, No. liO BoutH Doluwnro Avouue,
The itbovo Jlnnuro has been beforo the Agricul
tural ,ublio for fil'.eeu years past, under oi,o naino
and prnprietiirrhip, mid now has an established und
large annual salo throughout Iho country. And as
a perfect subslitula for Peruvian tiunno (allor b d
at one halt the cost) it has been adopted by siji icul
turulistot known intelligenco and discrimination
It is warranted not lo exhaust' the soil, but on tho
contrary lo permanently improve it. The tales now
amount to many thousand tons annually, and tbu
facilities for its muuul'aeturo are exlousivo aud com
plete. Tho above manure! nro furnished in both bns and
barrels, whichever cu-dotiicrs prefer.
The bugs aro uniform in weight 1S3 pounds.
Tho alteution of Farmers is especially directed to
the fact that tho sources of tho Haw Material of
which tho above manures nro compose!, nro so well
under control that we cau furnish them of strictly
uniform quality and condition, and that they con
tain a larger perccutao ef ammonia lhaii any other
dlius of manufactured manures iu the market.
ISAl'ti II ,t SOX.
20 South IUluwnra avenue, Philadelphia.
tjp'The highest cash piice paid for all kinds of
November 2?, 1S03.
Miss Louisa Shissler's,
Ladies' und Misses' HAT'S und UON'NLTS,
iu immense variety.
Jlillicicry taootlst mill 'IViiiinting.
l'rcuch tuid American Ribbons, Luces, ilauuker
cbiets. tilovus, llo.-iery, aud a general uscorlmeut ol
wUh'rw't ' m UUUJS' W"'CU i'aV0 b"" "lucUul
1 enlt) CuIIui-k, Ai'i l.lle C.loi t s,
! Kvery variety will bo found to select from, at
Sunbury, Oct. 17, lbiiS.
Call and see the well selected Slock of
Just received ut
rir airrrrM
MKNT, Fourth Street, below liyster's Store, SUSBVttY
of the most approved Hylcs is made up to order al
rcatouablu raius.
lie has also a Cot. assortment of Cassiracrs Ebirts,
Druwers, liuder.biri:., Overhauls, lllouses, Nock
ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Uuud
kerchiefs, U loves, aud a general variety of
Give him a call, which you will Cud il to be to
your udvnntaxo.
Sunbury, Oct. 21, ISCs".
Notice to Merchants and Shippers.
fpilK utiieislgned, proprietor of Weiser 4 Prick's
JL Line, give notices to merchants aud shippers
that tho Depot Is still at 811 Market street, i'
delphia, and all lioods directed to Sunbury, l'aiivillo
aud Lewi. burg, and all iutermodialu stations u!ou
tberailroud, will bo promptly delivered.
IV Cars leuvo HI I Market street, Philadelphia
tri-wcekly Uuefdays, T hurstlays and Saturdays.
December T, 1867.
CALL and sue ibuse beautiful ird Cages at tha
Uew Hardware store of
Jp you have a picture you stoat framed, go to
11j tI and gel it dona cheaper lhan any
wuore else iu town. ii has moaldiu;. ot ull kni'le
ooustuat y rn band.
IIIKU CACU'S, 11 diflereut kluds. If ycuwaut
I J ix-d u. cLur xui Uo'. k
.Vt lW A CO 3
yvinTtn: nwfnTu ftVrpfHurNccJl
bv sMwvVan w. coxa.
Out In the snow ;
Out iu the .now.
A slip of a drens now tn tattered ami nl
lhat it. only use is to be let in the cold ;
A rujr of a shawl that onoe may have boon1 watn,
But that shelters no the shiverinic fovui.
A pinched pale fneo, mid so weird mid wild
nas more nu iook ot mo won limn cuim
With matted hair and rtraiiiins eves,
; Craving, but hofclc5s. ebo, sobbing, cries.
I '.Matches, buy umtcbus ; one box, just one,'
iliut all pars by, till tho stands there aloue.
Out In the show ;
Out in the now.
On the lulling flakes and the thickening niht
The gas j"ts scatter their daneing lijht,
' Two little weary and Irecr.iug feet
Limping, In pain, through the snow and sleet,
! Two littto knees, through tho ragged skirt,
Miowit .g blaek and blue with the cold mid dirt ;
And lhat weak, tired voice, sobbing out 'Oh. buy!
I Wo have nothing to eat. and my moiber will die !
' Matches, olio box of my matches, jut oiie'"
Till tho last of the hutrying pnsceisis ;oue.
Out lu the siuw ;
Out in li e snow.
She is telling the truth, tho' you nil pa her by.
Aud alone, iu some cellar, the moiher will die.
ir'ur the pennies the child uiuy biiug home from th?
Are nil they will have to buy shelter or moat,
And don't ynu nil think that we play a stiango pnrt
When we all learn our Ilible. as folks Bay, by trurt,
Yet hurry away to our Chri.-lian rotreatj,
And Itavo the poor match gii I to trecfu iu thctrccts ;
Not a soul nf us stopping, for loveol' our Lord,
To succor His poor with u tillio cf our hoard '
Out in tho snow ;
Out in tho snow.
T wonder if, Iheto, tho per match girl sVn.:U '',
Would the angels couni down, throng, the I -. ,w,
from the sky ;
And, fearless of stuiu upon bosom or win.
Tako up, iu their nruis, Hint poor soiled little thing,
More loving, adorning, than it she bad died
AH wrappud iu th richest adornment ot pride
And say ns thuy laid her close down by the T'brono
"l'uar Christ, wo laivo brought thee ouo ueru of
thine own
You will wish you had given your mite then, below,
To tho poor little in"teh girl there out in tkc snow.
IZti: t.MEST.ll.iA'.
I hit a iiiinJ to Icll
i Utile sturv ; ubiicfi
vet n true one. 1
j A Limit five years iif.'o .7 1 1 r Ainslry, or
' Ainsley,' ns lie was fitmiliiii ly culled,
j vnis tlio uwtier ui' a humlivirt. ur.d cunifd a
j living ly convey itip ttiUitllubcoui. iui:l-.ajic
from uiie pnrt ul tlie city tn niuitiiur, und
: net tling tlnitfor the sittu of City cct.ts per
I liiiul, I doiaiito tlie in I tic
; ptosicst lanpiiupc pntsilili", lie lias it lminl
i curt luiin, und ivlieu not etniloycil. lie could :
' uhvnvB Lu found on the corner of iloistjjnm
; cry nnd Culifnliiia streets. His liuir and
lunp beard were quits grey, nm'. 1) is limlis
! feelile ; and us iie could not above as liuavy
' a loud llimuxli tint deep ennd or up tlie ;
steep grade above him tti t Is bi ilu art Ten
: tou on tlio oppnite ccri i r, tlieniby liiin!j
j many a juts tnnry u di.ili.i , u!l the lijb
: loads, ia lliu nuiplil'orliuoil fell to his lot, l
and l.ind lieiirted men went not unfiequent- i
j ly a square or two out of their w ay to givu
j uu eay-jo'.i to old "I'lip Ain-ili y." i
I l''our years nj;o last t-Vptetiilur i! recollect ,
the tiionili, for I h id a ti"'e of four thod- '
! s ind ilidli'.rs to pay, uu-.l wits compelled to
, do funis pretty sharp linuncierinjr to meet it)
I huvinfi two or three volunits to trana
' fer to my lodtin,'3, I guvo I'up Ainsley the
task of triin.-poitution. Arriving at my
room just as Le had deposited the last arm
ful on the tulile, nnd ohservinr that the old
man looked laliued after cliniliinp .thiro
lliohts ul ultiirs two or three times, I invi
' ted him to take a k'.uss of Lraudy a bottle
, of which I usually kept in my room for
' medical nnd soporiGc purposes. Although
i grateful for the invitation, hu politely de- :
; dined. I lias astonished.
! "I)o you never drink V en'u I. I
"Very aeldotu," he replied, dropping into ;
: n chair at my request, ami wiping the )cr- '
1 spiration from his forehetid.
I 'Well, if you drink at all," I insisted; ;
"you wil! not lind as fair an excuse in the
next twelve months for indulitiu". for vou
' nopeiir fatiirued und scarcely uble to
i aland."
I "To be," nid the old man, "I do
' not drink now. I have not tasted intoxi
! catin" liquor iu lilteen ears, since "
. . . . . :. I .1 l..l K.
sineo w nen ; i inquireu, iiitiuiiiii.'Mj
oliservini his hesitution
The old man told me. Sixteen years ago
hit vein n. ueli-to do farmer, near Svraeuse.
New York. He huti odu child, a daii;'liter.
While attending a boarding school in that -!
city, theu a girl of sixteen yi-ats of age, she
: formed an attachment for a young physician.
! Acquainting her father with the ciieuinstau-
ccs, he llatly ri fused his consent to a uuiou
I with a mini whom ho had never seen, und
' removing her from school, sent a note lo the
young gallant, with tho somew hat pointed
j iuformatiou that hia prebcuco iu the ncil- j
lorhood of Aiudcy lai'iu would not meet
with favor.
The reader of course surmises the result, i
for such proceedings could have but one re- j
suit. In less than a month there was un j
elopement. The father louded his double
barrelled shot guu and swore veugeauce, but
fulling to lind the fugitives he took to the
bottle. His good wile implored him not to j
give way to despair, und bu accused her
of encouraging the elopement. j
In three mouths the w ile died, aud at th" ,
expiration of a year, when tho young peop .
returned to Syracuse from 'Connecticut,
where they had remained with the parents
of the husband, they leurued that the old
man bad squandered tlio proceeds oi ma
property, nnd was almost destitute. Learn
ing of their arrival, Ainsley drauk himself
iuto a frenty, ami proceeded to tho hotel
where they were stopping, attacked the hus
band, wounded ltiui iu the arm w ilh a pistol
. t ....1 ... ..!- 1.A lit'.. I...
suot. ana unu. i .a ..... ...o ....
dauuhter, who happily escaped uninjured
tUroll'rU tlie llliei posuiuil OI uiuuut
to the spot by thu report of the pistol.
Ainsley was arrested, tried, and acquitted
on the plea of insanity. Thu daughter and
tier htisbund returned to Connecticut, since
which time- the father had not heard from
them. Ha was sent to a lunatic asylum,
from which he was dismissed after leinuiu
ing six months. In he came to Califor
nia. Hu hail followed niiuiug for two years,
but his strength was unequal to the pursuit,
and he returned to thu city, purchased a
baud cart, and the rest is known.
"Since then," concluded tho old man, bow
ing his head iu his bauds in agouy, "1 have
cot tasted liquor, nor huva 1 seen my poor
I regretted that 1 bad been so inquisitive,
and expressed to tha sillferar tha sympathy
1 really fell fur hiiu. After that 1 seldom
passed tUe corner without looking for "Fap
i Aiusley," aud cover saw i-ij. iut U cf
tbe csd ntcry b lia to.l w.
Ona chilly, drizzly day lit December fol
! towitifT, a gentleman haling purchased a
, amnil "mar hie toi t.tlilefttan auction romn
opposite, proffered to the old nun the job j
! of carrying it to his residence tm Stockton j
i street. Not wishing to accompany the car- !
i rift, ho had selected the face probably giving ,
' the best assuranco of careful delivery of his ;
I purchase.
Furnished with tlie number of the house, j
! the old cnltman, after a pretty trying Strug- ;
! gle with the steep ascent of California select,
i teuched his destination and deposited the ;
i table in the hell. Lingering a mometit, the ;
lutly did not ur'M'.se tho leason, until he ;
politely informed her that her husband (for '
such he took him to be! had probably omit- ;
! tel accidentally lo pay fi'.r the carriage.
i "Very well, i will pay yi:U," tbu Iftdy, 1
1 stepping into an adjoining rooiit.
I blio returned, and slating that t,t had
! no small coin in the house, handed the tnutl
' u twenty dollar piece. ;
lie could not make the change,
j "Never mind. 1 will cull to morrow," lie
! said, turning to go. i
I "No, no, teplicd the bidy, glancing pity
; ingly at the white locks and trembling
1 limbs. "I will not put you to so much
trouble," and she handed the coin to liiitlg
et, with instructions) to see if she could get
it changed nt one of the stores or markets
in the neighborhood,
"Step into the parlor until the girl rtdums ;
the air is chilly aud you must be cold," con
tinued the lady. "Conic," she added, as he
looked at his ilttira and hesitated ; "there's
a lire in thu grate, aud no one's there but
the children."
"It is somewhat chilly." said the old man,
following her, and tuking a seat neur the
"l'irlinps I may find some silver in the
house," snid the lady, leaving tint room, "for
I fear Mridget will not get the twenty dol
lar piece changed."
"Come, I love littlo children," and the
child who had been watching him with cur
io'.iiy rati behind the large arm chair and
hesitatingly approached.
"What is your name, dear ?" inquired tho
"Maria," lisped tho little one.
"Maria ?" ho repeated, with the great tears
gathered in hii eye. "I cmee had a littlo
girl named Maria, and you look very uiucu
us she did."
"Did you said the child with much in
terest, "and was her name .Maria Laalmau
too !''
"Merciful God !" exclaimed the old man,
sttu ting from his chair, ainl thin dii'ppipg
into it again, with his head bow id upon
his breast. "This cattuotbe! audict why
not :''
He t aught tho child in Ids anus with an
eagerness that frightened her, und gazing
into her face until he fount! conviction there,
suddenly rose to leave the house.
"I cannot meet her without betraying my
self, nnd I dire not tell that I nm thnt
ili'uukcu father who attempted to take iter
life, and perhaps left her husband a cripple,"
he groaned ns lie hurried toward the door.
The littlo ones were bewildered.
"Vou are not going ?'' said the mother, re
appearing, nnd discoiering the old man iu
the act of leaving the had.
lie stopped aud nppurrntly turned his
face, but e.etut:d to lack the resolution to
do aught else.
"lie said hu had a little Maria once that
looked just like me, mother," shouted the
chil l, her eyes sparuling with delight.
The knees of the old cartinan ttembled,
and he leaned ngaitist the door tor support.
The laity sprang toward hiin, took him by
thu arm, aud ulteuipled to conduct him to a
"No, no ?" he exclaimed, "not till you tell
tne I am forgiven."
"Forgiven for what 5" replied tho moth
er, great iy alarmed.
"Kccogtiizc in me yottt wretched father,
and I need not tell you."
"My poor father," she cticd, throw ing her
arms around his neck, "uil is forgiven all
All was forgiven, anil '.he husband, when
lie returned lute iu the afternoon, was scarce
iv less rejoiced than the good wifo at thu
' discovery
Whether or not llntlget suc
ceeded in changing the double eagle I never
learned, but this 1 do know: it took that
houest femulo all of two mouths to unravel
the knot into which the domestic relations
of the family had tied itself during her ab
sence. "Fan Aiuslev" still keeps his cart, for
money could not induce him to part with it.
! 1 peeped into Dr.
hastman s back vard a
hort time since und discovered tlie old man
drugging tlio favorite vehielu around tho
enclosure, with bis four giaud childrtu
piled promiscuously into it.
In politics, like iu war, it too ofteu hap
pen that the meanest men turn up and lead
Frof. Blot's soup house, in Boston, has
been such a success that he uow talks. oi
starting auother iu New York.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, has
decided that the seller is obliged to make u
deed and furnish the stamps.
Weather prophets say the coous have
built their utsrs out in the open air, und
arguo therefrom a short winter and tr!y
More women and children tban men are
tnp!oyed iu the Prussian coal mines. Frus
i ,u i.tuck, aud not Prussiuu blue, is their
uu. loi m color.
Out West tho "prairio cbirkeu hat" for
ladies has appeared. The chicken Is cleaned
and prepared as if for mounting, w hilst the
stutiiug consists of tho lady's head.
A man wns recently hooked by a cow in
Indiana, tbtt horn running through tho left
eye and the point of it coming out through
- f u- h j
wlB U'P ui luu
i no man survives.
About 800 velocipedes aro in constant
use iu rew York, and it is thought this is
scarcely a tithe of what will be lu use w hen
good roads uud liuo weather Comu round
A man was struck by a locomotive 'at
Kuoxville, Turn., the other day, tossed fif
teen feet into the sir, and neatly caught on
the top of the engine, wiiu uuly u spiuin of
an anklu. was incorporated as a borough
in 1783, anil as city in lb57. The popula
tion in 1810 was; in 1650, ld,7FJ; iu
16..3, 17,000; in lbGO, 23,000 ; and now, in
lo93, it may be set down at 43,000.
Fx Governor Wise declares, iu a recent
letter, that ho "praises Uod for thu War
every day, uotwlthstaudiug its disaster and
deaths, us u special,, irr1i?pep
ble to frea me aud my heirs forever from tbu
weakao.-t, if tot w,.:kceUt;3, cf AUlQca
; :
SERIES, VOL. 21), NO. 10.
Prom tins Now York fruti.
i i : 1 1 1 : r a .v i . 1 1 1 o y .
lver a year ago, at one o'clock In the
morning, a Crooklyti police ollicer was care
lessly sauntering down his Usual beat, when
he observed a man partly hidden behind a
tree on the opposite side of the street. The
olhtter stopped aud carefully observed Iho
man's Movement. In a few moments a
man was observed coniinir im the udewulk
He. Tlie man behind the tlee ateppet
his place of concealment ami w,ilkt;l
from L
down the
street lo meet the almnt'i-r tin,
police clliccr still clo.-ely watching hint.
When tho auspicious person i us ' ithiii
twenty feet of the stranger, aud near a gas
light burning brightly beneath the tier-, the
stranger suddenly Flapped his forehead with
his right hand, und li l! to the pavement-a
dead man. His murderer began to ri!!e hi.
pi't kels. The ollicer hash tied at once to
the p-t, but thu, saw him ami lied.
The oiii'.er pursued him. The cha-e was
hot. Al'ouurt r rimers, across ' half paved
streets, through slams mid nllevs. over high
board fences, and beneath flickering gai
lights, thu munii-n r fled, but a keeu eyed
hunter was on his track, lie was ruptured.
On his line of flight itti sir g'rn of peculiar
construction Was found. It had .'.nun its
deadly work silently and cf!Vc';:.t!'v. It wan
of simple tt'echatiicism, and couid '.iiirdlv
be considered a marvel of niechaliiiAl skill.
The assassin turned out t) hu one r.'Uid
more, a discharged policeman. In Ids hrm-c
evidence was found which proved that ho
nan oeen engaged lor several years in nefari-
oils schemes of burglary and murder, lirook
lyn wns thrown into a stale of nervous ex
citcincnt. Kvery undiscovered murder whs
thrown ou the shouhUtsof Skidmore. lie
was even accused of .i-yt responsible for
the profound!)' mysterious "East Kiver Mvs
lery," where a man's head, pierced with l"o
bullets nnd w rapped in a piece of oil silk,
was found floating in n llrooklyn dock, the
thighs and legs, silsiliii: ! y wrapped, being
afterwards picked up neur rbnvatr.'.s.
On his nrrest, Skidttiore became ns sivnt
ns a jmigltd liger. Crowds of ciii.-ns
swarnud to look at him, and loud whir pers
of lynch law Moated about his ems. lie
kept up a bold front, but occasionally a
twinge was visible on his rotinteniiucu as he
listened to the positive evidence before )
Coroner. The crowd surged about him, am'
'.nzi d nt Li. a ns ut one of the trapped an
tliropoplmgi. The air gnu was regarded
with tlie gtciitist tutiosity, and those in
rpectirg it hui'dlcd it with ciictocrpection,
fearful that n silent bullet wns only awaiting
a signal to add another lo its toll of vic
tims. The Corontt's jury found Skidtr.ore guiltv
of the murder, and the Or itid Jury brought
iu a trye Mil of indictment uvuinst him.
15.u k to I is cell went the murderer, with
arecly a ray t.f hoj. in his heart. Tho
popular r:;cj lenient ild nut
speedy trial was demanded.
abuts;. Hi-,;
His biwvers
cou.d not obtain a postponement. The trial
came on ; the evidence was overwhelming;
the people thronged the court room. Skid
mole's defiant front failed him at last, und
at length in despair he cut his throat in his
c-ll, anil escaped the gibbet.
We do Dot know what became of the air
gun, but we do know that for weeks after
wards muny of Ihc citizens of Brooklyn never
dared go from their houses at night lot fear
of a silent strangling bullet.
Await! we have accounts of shntilinsr with
the air gun this time in New York. A
week or two niro we hud to announce the
serious injury, by a pistol shot, of a young
man walking ot midday on tlie corner of
Broadway and Canid btreet. Tho cause war,
a mystery which has never been explained.
On Tuesday afternoon, iu two diverse local
ities, there occurred circumstances fortunate
ly less injurious in their effect, but hardly
less mysterious in their nature, which seem
10 pt'iiii wiui equal to tne tliubolt
eal agent, an air gun, Tw o bullets in quick
succession crashed through the window of
11 grorery at thu intersection of the Bowery
and Bond streets. With a little warning Ii
pistol oatt entered tiirtitlgli tlie plate-glass
uoorway oi ,iiu Uroailwiiv, wltli dangerous
young iiinu employed i:i Chitten
lien's dry good store was walking tlown
Broadway Wednesday ultetnoon, and fell
something hit his arm. On arrival at thu
. store he ascertained that he hat', been shot
. through the arm by ti bullet, which hail
: lotleu and remained in bis sidu. Where
; the bullet chiiiu li'oui, who tired it, or for
w hat all thesu points remain a secret. On
Motiday un air gun bullet was lircd thtough
a paw ubroker's wiudow in Cintro iirt-ct. On
, the same evening one of these silent tuctscn-
gers of death came through a window in the
i A'ui's editorial rooms, and one evening last
! wick two bullet holes were found in the
. p ints iu Mr. Thomas Hitchcock's ics'biciicc,
ut S Fust Twenty ninth itrcxt. To this list
! we add the follow ing :
i 1' the Editor) the ib'itn : Snt Sei ing
nn iiccount iu your issliu of this day about
, "bullets riving into store w indows," I wish
' to statu that ut about four o'clock yesterday
i afternoon the same thing occurred at mv
peace ol business, breuking a large pane of
! glur.3 in my door, i loobed lor tlie nu.-siiu
: and found a bullet on the Hour, partly Hat
'trued. From thu fact of no riport being
j heard except tho smashing in of tho win
dow, and the great force with which ilcamu
iu, I a in inclined to your opinion that air
guns aro being used ; and if not stopped by
the police the consequences must become
serious. Truly yours,
James II Jones.
215 Grand at., N'. Y Feb. 3, lSb'O.
A rich miser was visited on his deathbed
by a fellow miser, who, for want of a better
subject, began to talk about his funeral. "It
will cost it great deal," said be;theru will
be thu monument."
"Oh ! don't have any monument."
"And the plumes "
"Oh ! don't have any plumes."
"And the tlowe,uud the rose-wood coir.u,
and carriages "
"Don't have carriages ; I hud rather
go on foot."
One of the most delicate wliicisuis, utter
ed by Bos-iri on bis death-bed, is tho fol
lowing, il is characteristic of the affection
ale relations between him and his
wife ; "What is thu difference between you
and a clock I" uid the sick maestro to i.ts
faithful wile ami nurse, when she had just
told hiin w hat time it was ; and as Madame
Bossini said she was tinnble tn solve the
riddle, her husband told her the solution:
"The clock indicates the hours to me, and
you cause me to forget thetn." Certainly a
mot of which every teuder bridegroom might
be r.rnttfi.
A Revenue-cutter is tha rnsawho d?c't
ay bu income taj.
..-.-r .
lfcit.UM Ul AIM a. a a IMAt.
The ftillimiri bra t.e fao f. ndverttslt in 1 f
( Tli'i hniin tieruiiig t.j d- Will
ttud it convenient f'..r rcforc.ico :
I t. 3 t. 1 4 t. ,;:n. in.
" !t (ill $1 lit" ii ii'u' 5 7 I"
J t ' -4 U'-j 4 (M.l r. ui' 12 in
4 (mi 7 III ! H I'd lo III 1H Co
6 01" III IMI:I2 110,12 C i ' 2 i ui
1 V.
U 'I.
SfU !'
ii.. UC
So I U
j S.pnre.
I 2 Squares
' V Squares.
(1 Squares
; Half Col.
I 1 Column
iiaoitlm r I'll 2d oms m;i
f.i on
,211 0i'30 CO l ,4u UUiDil UJ.IUb ln
TcnKatiof U.Ii sized typa (miniooj noo
' Auditors', Administrators' and Executors' Notion
- $.;.l'0. Obituaries (except the u"pal announcement
: which h fri'e.) to be 1'iiiil f' r fit sdvertiriiig fr.tes
' 'Locnl Notices, Society Resolutions, ia , 1U cents
' per I i 1 1 1-.
j i'liMlifiii"nt. f.r Bi'!i2iin. Charitable inf. Ed
. entiminl objects. iM'e-bitlf the aliove totes.
Transient i.dviMiiscmrnls will bo p'jV.W'fd nMi
i oidercd to be difcoutii.ucil, mid cl.urged accordingly
VorK lliu:,,,, ,.,!';., jlu.l
- A New correspondent ssys :
I was asking a lMy wT,ftt wus the char
iictcroftht! masked ball she visited the
uight before at the Acudemy of llusic.
"tsplcndid 1 sh-j if.jwered, with enthusiasm.
"Iv'u beto to liinsciucriiTt-cj eViV" gessr)n for
tlie lust r.fteen years, arid never saw t ; much
tlreB'. iu point of elegance it 'laid over'
uiiithiiii; in Nnv York. I didu't s.y sny
lh?ng oi'jtetiuniiblc. Wc Ciitno i.'.lfty ca.l.,'.''
"Splendid !" ! I.hotlld thiuic so. Ouu lady
wore a while filk with train three jnrd'.
long, flounced to the waiot with blnck lacu
and ptilfs of black illil'loii.und had diat'lond.!
to roulch Kot in black and wb.iU etiatnel.
Diamonds menu diamonds, too, nt no Aca
dtmy ball. Fringes of them t ivo inches deep,
und three rows t.f these strands for the
tiee'.' ; a ! pray ift Moiri;t1s settinr; fttr Wiv
hair ; bruoc'.i for ilij c.ivrfg", and b.-acclete
of stones amop. two c'r tltiee gold bauds.
White ami ruby c:)h;;.Jl au''. cpe'rf. 'j;''".ks,
trains four Janls h.rtg, nn".i nr.d ti.'.i.!..'s,
.-Hewn with cotal jewelry, white point over-
ilrestcr,, are among the elegancies of coaliime.
No doubt tnadMUie saw only what was
sumptuous and guy. Hut the gentlemen who
looked in about two in the rt'nvutn were
chary of their repot ts. The nuiV.t'nus ynunft
, women who dressed in !;ellj iiele'aea, rtiu
she devils in reel satin, nnd in lights will;
, velvet jackets, imitated tho huiuorj of tlto
w orst actresses w ith oret1. t snccess. To sa'
nothing of the dancing, which wasn't n:
bad ta it looked, it is to bu hoped, tho
' sirens of tile ball, many of t'.ier.t, hud to be.
; laketi homo di utik. and were bitiitlleii intc
their t..rvi;!cs by the cavaiiers, with humor
ous co:um:;M.-;,as they were lifted from tin ft
helpless atlti C!'.te!"t5 J':;'.stt;rcj. ' . ..
!'rivu!e luxury V.a'j probably reached its
1 tliiuax in this country i'U ft Fifth Avenue
, house, between end rcy'sutt'entfi
streets. The rooms were described r.s i'tted
up with furniture having India camel's hair
i coverings, after the stylo long ndiuitcd for
: the boudoirs of diiehcsM 5 iu Kuglund The
suite for the ilruivinrr-rooiu was brought
1 from the French exhibition ; lha doors ere,
I Very trju b'ttin.i'S, iuq.oi ted. with '.he
family n.'Mii.grani inlaid iu solid silver ; tho
entail,-, nVi; ro :'.n nnd lieavily wrought ns
to start the rumor that they rvere of "rcuml
point, iti which case they would cost twt.
thousand tlollars a window, which tvei:
these ptir.cely Americuns tue, hardly rcatiy
to give. C'.tv.e of the l:nvt t'.iamotiil sets a,
the r.xposi'.ion Wcio brought over to r thu
lady of this he.csi'. w jewels cotupafj
with those ot t'.w hie'.i.L nubility.
Tut: remains of Mrs. Surratt have beer,
given to hir relatives. The Washingtoti
correrpoiidcnt of the i'nii, tinier dale c'.
Monday, wtitts :
Th Fresidt nt ir.silad an onli r. resturdar
morning, for tin: tleliverv of the n'mnins p"t
: Mr S""'!-'.'. ! Kr.rhrr V.' ,'.:.., 5 s.
rick's C'li'iieb, t f thu city, rtnl yesterday
nftertionn. in company with Mr. Tow tie. ami
Harvey A Marr, ituiiertai'.ers, protcedvtl at
once lo the Arsenal, ami t'ne retuain3 weru
disinterred, linnietliatcly ufter the execu
tion, Mrs. Surratl's remains, with those, ot
1'ayne, Harold, ntol Atzcnult, I'Mcut';.1. at
the Same timv, w etc phicuii i'i '.io:i;, am",
interred in gi.ivesnenr thescalt'o! 1, her Innly
being at tiie north entl ol thu row anil the
others adjoining her remains in the smi.n
ortlcr nan. el above. The brtdy :.f Month
was also b'.'.ric.i near there, t h it is, in.-id..
the old I'cnilentiarv building, near the
mt'in door of tho warden's re;
idenct'. Tin.
!!e j.iii'ir, was
thu body ot
body of Wir, the Antietsoilv
placed in the yard adioi.iin:
Atrcrodt. A wooden fetlte wn.i dieted
around the graves, and a Woo.leu Iliad
board, with the name of the person buriei'
below, placed at each grave. Ill the full
nf IPC", when the demolition of the Feniten
tiary building Was ilfleil!ili:cd nd, '.t ub .m
necessary to remove tllu bud'e's, ftnd tl
weru buried in the warehouse known No.
1, tho second bl'.lidi'ig below the principal
ollice, the bodies bting placed under th t
flagging. Mrs. Surratl's was ti'.'.ct t'.'.-xt td
thu north w ill of thu building, and. thu
otherj iiijor.,iii:'
ih tho folloKlns crder
I'avne, Harold, Aliiindt, AYir, r.nd Booth.
There the botlics of all have remained uoli'.
yesterday. Too cullin, when lifted, wus iu
tolerable condition, ami wheu opened tha
remains were found to be in au excellent,
state of preservation. 'I he f:ice,th"'.'h M ick,
was yet perfect in feature, and tlie whole
body compact und tirm. The dress looked
well, and the gaiter shoe appeared to bo
not the least soiled. I'ooti the day of her
execution her daughter A uule, who visited
her. took from her bonnet a steel nirow aud
stuck it upr.ii her mother's dress ch so up tc
the neck, which remained where it bad be".
placed by the daughter. The bottle, with the
nirme of Mrs. Surratt, wtitleii npnu a piece
nf parchment, within, wa.i a!:-o in the c. I!in,
and without shifting anything the coliiu
was placed iu the undertaker's wagon and.
driven to Mount Olivet Cemetery, w here thu
rcnim Weic tiaiuferred lo ii handsome,
walnut eetliti, and then placed in tile vault
until to Jay. Annie Surratt, her brother
Isaac, a lady friend of the family, Fatbvr
, Waller, ami Mr. Townc, will be present a'.
tue lunerui, wuicti inuts p.aee to morrow un
two and a half o'clock. It is iutccded that
the interment, shall bo conducted w ith the
strictest piivacy und w ilU the exception of
the undertaker arid thosu ttieutioutd, uouj
others w ill bu present.
- - . -"
Tlio Vool'-Uor.
"We have seen planters killing ttie wood
pecker for spott. They are regaidv 1 es al
nuisance beuuiio they peck holes iu tba
shuck, nnd art) charged with caling j oun;.;
com. But in this lust particular Injustice ia
done them." If you will go to every ear they
have ptckta, and examine closely, you will
I find that a worm has been there eating thu
I corn, but It is not there then because thn
: woodpecker Las taken it off the ear and
. swallowed it. Instead of eating your com
, it wi.l protect it from the worm. He is,
, iherefoie, your friend and not your enemy,
. ami you should nut kill him." Etchungt pa-
CitciMiti Catekimi.t. p. This insect
conies and goes is abun lui t in some years,
and in others disappear. When the millet:
or no His lnvu It 1 1 i lie i r nng or eggs on the
1 shoots of trees now is tl.e tiuiu to destroy
the n. A practiced eye will see almost at a
single glance if thera aro t.ny on a tree, by
the swelling or ktioli Which one gives to a
shoot, trelect a dark or cloudy day, or else
a day when the sky is entirely clear avoid
the bright clouds which will Uutilo aud
hurt tho eyes lind tut every shoot
I which coutaius the eggs aud commit them
, to the fire. A sintflu clip r.f tha hrchsrd
shears on a pole w
prevent a
r'estt uctivtt
! teotcf theiideprtdatorsCelt Wisot. Clw
I ",