V THK NATIONAL LIFE INSTJUANCE C0HP or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D.C. i Chartered by Special Ant r f I'ci gri ?c, A ricJ July Jj, isos. I CurJi I'-ipi'ttll 1,000,000. I iranch omclTHn-.U'iariiiA, FinsT NArios.tL Lank Bi-iLOisn. j Wh.r llic general businr of the Com pr-ny ' aclc.1. and' to which U sijcral eorroipotidiN-ce should bo addressed. I DIRECTuL:'. Je.y Cooke, nils In. (' H. Clnrk, ' J .ha W. i:ii. Win. G Moorhead, Geo. F.ljler. J. Hinckley Clark, B. A. It!!ln. taliitigtoo Henry 1'. Cake, " I Wni. K. Chandler, " John l'. Dcft-ccs. " Iv'ivnn! Dodge. ;.fp lork. " 0. Fnhncttuck, N. V. OFFICERS, f. It. CLARK, Philadelphia, Presi.lrnt. HEXHY I). COOKE. Washington. Vic.' JAY COOKE, Chairiuau l'iii.tueo ami Proi l,rt. Executive Committee. EMKKSoV V. PEET, PbihJ'a, .Stc ar-.tt Actuary, li. S . 'ITItXER. Wn-iiint.-ii. At.-istaiil S.icrotai.v. l'KANCISG. SMITH. M. Ib, Medical Director. J KWIXG MEA US, M. D , As.-istuut Mcdtoul I'i recior. J-evIIf til Ail vi -scry l-onrd. ,1 K. Barnes, Surgeon -General C. S. A . Wa hing ton. T. J. I!wi.. Chief Me-lieat lVpartnifnt V. S. N . Washington. I'. W. Miss, M. V. Washington. Molieltors. nsul Atiornej f. Wia. 2. Chandler. Washington, D C. (Icvr'r liar .ling, f iitladeipbia, Ha. '1 his Comj!T, Na'innal in ij character, crTcii. by rcj'1, n !r ::r Liii'Jje. CipituI, Loir Kates of l'l't'ini urn imd Nov; Tables, the tr.o: t desirablu inc-ai.s of injuring life ytt resented to t!ie punlto. The rate ar ; milium. I uing largely rcjuevil, nrc nii-lc c:' fuvui'iiclo to the iii'nrcrs iiitbo.-u ul'ilie bey I Jlutuul Com .,:;?, nn'l noiJ all the cxmpiieaiion anil utmcrtaintiGi af Notes, MviJen,la arnl thu ini.' uuJci'tnn ling" whi;'a the latter are so a; t to cause the Poliey-IIulJerr. Severnl now ami r.'traetive table! are now rrcsci.t e;l whieh neel only to bo urulorstooo to v.invO )K'e'.' table to tlie r'Ubli';, i.'-eh a die Inei. nio-rroiluein;!; Policy anl Uetuin Vren-ituu Poliey. Jn tio toruitr the poruy-.ol Jer Let nly Fe.M res a life, iesurai.ee, )aynblc at ileatb, Lu v. ill reetive. if li'in, after a period of a few yta:v, au annual iucouio eu;il4to ten percent. (10 pir tent. of the par f Lid policy. In the bitter, the Ceipr'ry urce-j to return to the i-jrured the t t:il uu;ouut of money ho has pai l in, in ad.lition to tho amount cl'liis pulley. 1 lie adeution of iir.rions oonteu.pluting insurinpr '.h'jir live or inerciiiii' tho niuoiint .'I' infuratiec the j alrcay havo, i clle,l '.u '.be tpeuial a'.lviintnis ellcreJ by tho Nalionul Lite InMirnnco lmipHi,y. Circulars, Painphletfi aril full purliculm ylvi'n en npplicntion to the Ui imeh Uilice of the Compni y in l'bila'lelphia, or to i'.s Uencrnl Aenls. f-"Loeal Aeutd arc Wanted in cvu-y f'ify an 'loiui ; ami applications from competent p'irtio fn' r '.I'll i.:;nniu. r.-ith tuhablo eml oreement. rheubl I,.: a iur-'ej to t!,.c C '::ip:iri3'a liener.il AcuU only. u their respeetiee dij-trie;.. Gi:',EfAI. .U.KKTS ; E. W. CI.AHK i CO., I'liilu.l.'pipa, For Pccni-ylvani.i rt f ottsh J ' Y ('"ke vn.. 'ioh;u,.'t r. it .'erjey. tor .uaryian-t, Ai'l-iw!tr Yira.nii, DU'.riet of Columbia nud H e.-t Viriniti. Ji. 8. ilUSSEli, MtuMi;e. V,M. li. B'K!J.i:. Af.U jii.foi, Ta , ScptembLT fi, lni.S. I v I i. e do not n imi lo iiiturm y'u. r-.-a lor, ll-.at Dr. Wonderful, or any o'her n.an. i as oi- -. v.'rid'a r in t ly that cures C-n.'uiri.ti-i., n t! e I -ivc- i'ir ball eon-ume 1, in ih ir!, ili cure nil diseases uhetlicr ol' laiod, body or e.-lale. lnaao men live f i-jver. mid leave death to play f. r w ant o ' ork, :.ud i. d' igee I to nrilio our tuijli'.nai y ,pii. ro a hii.flul .ara hso. to r.iii di lieateti jtcelf .-i i . 1 1 l. I, ut a nje.-l.w. You lav.' he aid ci.on,.;li of that kii.d ot hiiinbii.''cry, ami t-w sto not v.oe.d . r t mt you have by lhi time 1 '. oo e ll'-.fl'led 1. 1 1 1 1 U. IoiTwIkij tte'tell Ju ihat l'r. Catarrh l.etnedy ;.' fu.mr rjr ' ' vir:l ivn ' 1 '., we ol.!y a-.,m liiat which tii iu- iiid a t-'.i'y Try il ai.dyoiittill be .-on vii.ee I. Wo will j.iy f.'.id i.i. ,v.u!i, tiraca.-coi ' riiarrh t'lul v nr.i.i .-io i'.'lt s'.AI.E UY ii.. ST I1! IV 1 1 i t; i IM'irr. ovi.y 50 fevrs. I.r Sixty Ce.ilt ; l our l'a . en tor .:a 1.0.. .-i n 1 a :nu I cu Cat u r'.i. li- ' li,.- i:. v. i'i;:!. ;:. il-T.-i LVKUY- 1. M il. v t j.,M. or I I if..: I '.i if t lor .' Ir. ; i., !!.::.! . N. Y. ' cure lo t i r itn Wpi i-rir: or eak No H'tMiifii. Il in , ,,.,, p-iir- d 'I'a U-, Smell . r Jleariii. iiyes, ollei.sivo Ilri:;itb. I leeru: Pain and Pie.-suro in tho Head d Throat or .Mouth. : and h.,s of .Mcuiorv '. wneil cau..ed. u.s alt d them i c iilelitly ale, by the r.iva'i's of 1 ntanli. It i tote, e .iiiau.j uo ptron t -ant a: loui or e acti jn. l-l a .j.i I 1 audi ss to :iu-.ie .ir.iJ-, c f Catanii ' l-Ul elll-i " by its mild ,.oll,ii!:; We mil .av r'.oU 1'elHild tb it we ca'ii.ot eill'e. "i: .-.i.i; i;v m i-r i-m ii-'l.- E VICKY I LN I'S. on :i'.-. d .n't be . I,-- -troi.o :!,', rul.i'I ,11. whi- Il ..- i-j i :' cut i lll'.ol-.. Till. r. I M. . I I L' It'y.iir l'i-ti'oil.-ha; not I ii .,. put v!T villi .- .mo '.vol.-.- tbiin voitl.U f lflii.:-!'..,- ' . I p" .1, .1.- e:,;,.!'!' '.ill d.n. lb, l i.-'ot-,i to me ijn'- :i..- l-.it "l.d M-i'y n-t;L- Iju- ali i til r. '!. y.i-i ov i' i to : u ii. ail. Svud tt .nip f-T l'r. .S:ii:'. ni 1 ' ! ii. PUil i .lloedy Ki.l .'.i Catarrh. I.. M. i . ilbib V V. T!.!. I: l .11 MM n Kl.vu'lt d !-, like !fi u .i- n- u irritatui t . on s ami -or i, c io.,ii : rrdi.lio IV 1 1 n 'r.ieii rue p .-onic tlaw nu. i,,-e,i ljutiitiilif gud. MU.foy tate lor a i-lwit iiiom. or rie. .i.f ri,ytcp if, ih,. , as lb --- ( : r-f doio ; in llu- u.,. of sc.eil r,' - . u.s. but it pr.nue.-, p.-ue -t ai d pennant i,t cut e, .1 i l.o w .a . i , f , i, rii c it ,i . ,, , as :bou- 10. i; ..Mil l.itl v. i ' 11 11 t'.e lie id 1 i. eli.cil 'vi'h a lew aoplieat ions. Cat.ti'lhal Jle.ill hub-telle,-, d ato.l eur.d a.i if by ln.,j;ic. It re.n- r.., oliei.. rive Ibcath, Lonr Iiiij.aiiiuer.t .f ii,e seti.'C ( f ta-te. ?u: jll or btarir.. Watering ,.r V.V-ak I.yer., an i I in paired Memoi v, n hen can't-1 by the iolenee ol I'a I ,rru. a, tbev all fi c.-iu.o.t'y at e. t'e olb, r ill j;o..d f.olli a Man in,-; reveald ol j jlll lor a ease of Ciitanh C-.at wo eanuoi etire. i'"K SALE Di .MtT lilM i I i I T.S KYIiUY Vi'lltilai. Pin. i: nsi.i oil Ctsis. A-iiyour rirut:o.t fir tltu lti.ui Dt, b::l if I.:- !,:tf iiot yet e;'t it on toile. don'r bo put oil by i.e.-cptitrj any uiiiorualc, wor'n than w m tblt - su! stituiiv I, it 'tal'M "ixty cennio us. and the ll. o.cd., ill be sci vou pv' i p. 1 1. Four paekii c.'.iiii. or cue d", n ! r -i fa.utl. bend staiup f ,r l'r '.- p impblelo,, ""l-rrh. Il V. PIKI i P. M I' , Lutlalo. N. Y. 4 This is n PATENT MlililflXi: liCMIir.,, gt. tin up to dupoths inioiani und eredub.ii.-i. n- r i, il I -priscuied u.s beinjr eoinpused of rale and pre --ion, i-i..iaiic. brought troiu i ha lour eon. on o . tin, i ui t !t. ea.-itfd ievt'ii limes aeiowt ihe ilrcat 1 '. ..ctt o ,.ih tr- uon iue backs of fourteen eamols, and brought uji.i-s tha AtlaulKi Ocean on two Ships. It i- a i-i,upl.,. mild, H,:bin remedy, a peile -t Spiadhd for C, rHiin at, -I - Col n is me Heui, sU f r oi'.i.-ive Lreatli, Loss or Iniioiirinci.t ol the Sin-o i f Sniull. i .i-te or Jluarin-r, Watering or Weak l.yes, Pain or i'ltiN-uro in the llt-atl, nheu caused, aa iaoy all nit ui.freii ientljr are, by tha violence uf Caturib. H oiler, in goml faith, a standiug r.ewardof Jiij.) tor a cum ol Catarrh Ibat oaiiiiot cure. 't?.i?-.V.'.B LV M'jSlt Ktt.tila-M EVERY- hem by umll.futbt paid, on recuipt of Sixty CtKTi. 1 our puckauu; for .ijO, o. 1 Doien lor $i.(M(. bend Biuujp tor lit. ba-o's i.uu.ililet on Catanh. Cit. 10. b-i-ly. BuJalo. N Y. 1 IltD CAsjiE,!! difl.r-nl biudi. If yeuwaut -. goe aud cheap bud Cages, go in i". f. , .'-T' nuKTsF; Sif! FT'" 'i'r'.'M , Hfrv i!..vf, Men u and Ladies Vn OPENING. FALL GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES ! You can Buy More Goods of the BEST GiXJ J3L.IT"ST tor LE33 INCITE?, at tl.a HAHHOTH STORE, cr es. v. nui ixj, Market .sqi are, KL'XBURY, PEN'N'A., Than any oilier place". j j j OPENED j j j HAS JUST RECEIVED AND The Icst Si'k'cttd aiul nxii.vr Asfoi'.TMKxr, r DRY GOODS IN TOWN FRENCH .MERINOS. PRINTS, JIL'SLINS, (H.NGIIAMS, CASlrlMERES, Ac. ficlainea and Aruiurc. Kn. CjCou ; liro-'nanl Hluachtd. '.'TIN'S of all ku.-U. durzuimen'.s. A fu!laiH.irt:nei,i of riUMMl.i.ir.. LiuUcij will find my $:t"k ' f llartl lire, E'.iiiitn, 4iN. (an, A.V., oin;i!'lc. I'lU'OS AND MEDICINES, V- ILLOW AND CEDAR W.U'X, ::iVAiE, or.Asj'iYARr, CRuCKLIiV, SALT, K0OTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAP?, and in fact ivcry'.liing ut-ualiy keptiu a larjePtoro Call and be conviuctd that: llie Clicnjit'St Place all Your liooils is at to Uuv TilH MAMMOTH STOKE of Ji.. "V. FRILINO, I't-riiia, C'Ukli, 30 day si, as my Good are bought for Cash aud Sold Cheap j for the HEADY .MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad- vantage e.f all reductions ts fust as tboy are made by ' Manufacturers. ii Y I i.l i.i n: , p. J-, ISO I ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THE EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH OFFICE, COMPANY'S 1ok. 93 A. 93 ."Vast nun Street, NEW YORK, Organized under special charter from the Stat of New York, CAPITAL . . . (3,000,000 50,000 Share, 100 Each. DIRECTORS. H.m. ANDREW O. CVRT1N, Philadelphia. PAUL !. FORBES, of Russell Co .China. FRED. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Butteifiell fc Co New York. ISAAC I.IVERMORE, Trniurer Michigan Central Ruilrontl, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Tieasurer Araerean Ex press Company, New York. Ho. JAMES NIXON, Syracnrr.N. Y. O. II. PALMER, Treasurer Weileiu Union Telegraph otnp-ny, New Yoik. FLETCHER WE9TRAY, of Wettray, Olbb A II iinleo tt If , New Ynik, NICHOLAS MICKLES, New York. Otlcci. A O. Cl ItTIN,Prciident. N. MICKLF.S, Vice President. CMORC.E CONANT, Secretary. OEOROE ELLIS (CahierjNatinnal Bank Common wealth,) Tccnfurer. Ilo.i. A. K. McCLl'KE, Thiladelphu Solicitor. The Chinena Covernment having (through the Hon Anion Hiiiluijtunie) conenltd to tin. Company the pnvi leisa ol toi,iu.'ctoi( t ne gieut teiipoitt of the Empire by ii. liarine e.eelue leirnmpli ealile. w propoe CooiiBen, I -u) opfTiitioii. in China, uiid liuliig down a line of nine I handled ii.ilt.-a at once, between ihc following parte, iz PorvLiTlnN. Canton, Macon, lloii-Koii, swntow, - Ainoy, Foo-Chow, Wan-Clio, l,UOO,00U to,ouu 2'(I,0IIII 2(10,1)1)1) SiO.OOU t iiSII.OUU 3OU.U0U 4:uei0 I ,ub0,000 S.'JltljOLO Niogpo, Hang Chrnn, Shanghai, Total, These poiu have a foreign commerce of "Mi,u"jn,000, en'l aaenoi inous doiue.lic uade, bt.ule wlneh w liuve I t.'ie miniruae inttrinal comuiefce ot the Empire, ladiiiting Id vn tncBe pouiis, tl.rougli uaeuuult and iiHvigtible nvei Tne eati.e being laid, tlnl Company piopoicl creeling land linrt. anj euilllnng a aperdy and liuatwurlliy i nicuiiB wl coimuuiiieution, which iniift command there, aa , eeerv wtieie elhe, the cominuiucutioni of the liovel miient, ot baiue., und ol toeial lilt, especially in China. She I has no poslat system, and her only means il 'W ol coinnul j liu-aliitK lufuiiuallju is by couneison Laud, and by stea.u : crsou water. I Tue Wntern World knows that China is a very large ' cntitili y, In the mam cVnsely peopled ; bat few yet realize J tint !ic contains more than' a thud ot the human race. ! Th latest returns made to her central authorities for taa- Inc. purpoFeshy the local mautnile make her population ! KOCH IIC.N'DKEO A.MJ KOUKTEKN MILLIONS, I and tlntis in ore likely to be under than over the uetnul aggri-ga'a. Neuily all of these, who are over ten years old, not only can bat do rend and write, Her civilization i is peculiui,Uat her htcratu'e is as enlensivu as Unit ol Eu I r ope. China in a kind of 'eaeheisand traders; und the ! latter are ex.-eeiingly quick lo avail Uieinselvcs of every n,t ll'-Ted tinoiile- l..r oroeUlin faiH- infol tllUlioil. It IS I olufeived m California lli-.it the Chinese make great use of i the tflegiaph, though it there transmits messages lit Ere I gii!lialoae. To day gieat numbers of fleet steamers lin I mviud by Chinese uirieliuiits, and used by them eaelu I lively for the transmission of early intelligence. If the I telt-ciaph we prop .se. coiinectina all their great seaports. ; Were now in e.:. i-'e, It is bclicvi-d tha't Its busiue'i Would pay tlte ejst v .ttun tiie lirst two yeailol' its euu ccKl'ul operation, and would steadily increase thereafter. 1 No enterprise Commends Itself us in a greuter degn-e remuae, ative to capitalize, and U our whole people. It ' is oi'h vast national importance commercially, politically, I and evangel icatlcaliy. C" Ttie Slock of tins Company has been unrptal'fiedly recommended to capitalists und business men. as a desir able investment bv editorial articles in the New York I tleiald. Tribune, World, Times, Post, Express, Indepeu l dent, and m the Philadelphia North Amrricun, Press, I Lwtyer. Inquirer, Aee, Bulletin and Telegraph. ! Shares ol this Company, to a iimitt-d number, mm- he obtained at Sad eneli, eMu payable down, 1,1 on the lu of November, and 2.i pavahle in inomhly luslatiiients id C'.' au eacii.couuneii.-t.ig IJecemhel I, lttlJ, on upplicution ' DREXEL & CO., 31 Cionlli 1'hiril Slrtt l, PHILADELPHIA. hhares can be obtained lu Sunl.iiry bv application to S J PACKER, Hanker, who is authorized to reeeiv. sub script! ais, und can give all necessary infoiiuati'iuoii the suhjeet. September 10, din ! P. U. MOdKli. O. C. Dlbl.NliKlt. NEW ARRIVAL a r i ?io:tii a Msaja.it.. . Wu are now opening a laro varied assortment of : FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which sic oiler at the lowest CASH Prices, in iEuiilM .? Iron I'i-oiiI, i MARKET STREET, SUNBIRY, PENN'A i Consisting of i MlV C.QOliS. NOTIOX?. O UOCEP.IES. QVEEXS i WAKE, ULASSWAllE. and a full Una of GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISIIIKO GOODS ( AND I l.ntl lots' I !!. CaOOtl, I Cnlieoff, Murlins, Flannels, Table Linens Toweliag, Cheeks. Tickini!. Coonterptii.es, Ca.siineics, j Ycstings, i urns, tkiru, Neck Tics, Cutis, Collins Handkerchiefs, Hose. Oil Cloth. Carpet?, j Wood and Willow -Warn. : Wa invito special attention to tho ijunlily f our : block of 4i3coi i:itii:! a.m siii'i:si. 1(10 nnl JAVA t'OPFl-.K, TPAS. 81 li Altai. MOLASSES. SYP.l ' P, SOAP. SALT, I 1IMI, VI.VEUAK, ic, 4c. Campbell's Celebrated FLOl'lt, always on hand. ' We feed confident that cash buyer will find it to ' their a ltunta);j to give us a cull, and eiiiiomor generally ure invited to call and txauiiuo our goods and gat posted on our prices. ; ll.v s.t .ct aitentioii to the wants of our customers ! at. flair dealing we buna to merit a lull share ol the puoiiu patronage. I'lllVlltV I'ltlllil TP ..(' nil kinds ti,t,etl III C- . ehango lor goods, far which the highest price will j J bo paid. i JIOOKli & flSSt-MltK. Hiinbury, Kept. I'I, f,.,. N E W DRY GOO 1) S AND Fresh Groceries! ; Oh Third St., cue door Ulow the Lutheran Churah, ! SL'.N'IIL'IIY, 1'tNN' A. ' HENRY PETERB I Has j.ist opened a large assortment of I TRY GOO 1.S, such as Calicoes. Muslins, Sc.. which , are sold cheaper than ever. Also, a variety of No- - lions, tnlersbiris, Drawers, Hats and Cats,. j LADIES.' WOULh.N GUODS-, Ac. ! G 11 O C E R I E 8 : and PROVISIONS , of all kinds, such aa I SUGARS, COEr'EES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hums. Nuts, Diicd and Cauued Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, aad Crackers, aud in fact everything usually ' kept iu the Grocery line, j llauii, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockery-waro, Quoensware, Glass-ware, Willow-ware, Ao. The best FLOUR and MEAL iu the Market Tobacco, Cigars, aud a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Cauued Iiuit, at tha lowest . prices. Country Produce taken iu eacbango for Goods. tltrCall aad examine oy .Stock, and satisfy your selv M. HENRY PETERS. Sunhury, Out. 10, 16ofl. OAUl'EN'i'EUa WILL Cod la e-:r C'l.l lishmeul a .upsrior eloek, of l'tio. l',-vi Augers, liatohete, Uaoiu-e.t, l'Ues I 11. -.i ij, Ac , Ac . tci sulebv i ll. co.si.r.y co .s asi IN SUNBURY. THE NEW DRUG STORE op j. o. yt a n tt i. k & co., On Market itraet, Kaat of the Railroad, nearly opposite the Hardware Store of Coulee Jt Co., BUNBUH Y, FEliN'i. WE would respectfully invite the attention of the cltitens of Sunbury and Tioinity to our SUHlt WWW OlUUS VI lnro l'reish Iru(a nnrt Medtctne. " Paints, Oils and Varnithea. " " Glass, Pntly and Dye Stuffs. " " Perfumeries, Combs and Brushei " " Patent Medicines of all kinds. I.TQil0R3 by the Dottle, Gallon, Quart and Pint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER and C0NURES.S WATER.. Tobacco, Cigars and SnuIT. Looking-Ulasa Plato out to suit Framcf . NOTIONS OP ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES Trusses, Supportcrt, Bandngcn, Ac. Wo have selected our stock with care and can war rant it fresh, and of tho best material In tho market. Having had several yenra' experience in the business we flatter ousetvea that we enn give entire falisfao. tion to all who may favor us with their patronngo. Special attcution given to compounding Physicians' Prescriptions at all hours of the day or night and on Sundays. Uivausacall. J. G. MARKLE A CO. Sunhury, Oct. 17,1167. Y A. liENNETT, DRUGOIST AND CHEMIST, HnrketSquiirc, SI'.'NIII'KV, la. Hat just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, nnsurpasaed in purity ond freshness, and kept con. iantly on hand. My stock will always be found complete In every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. F ANCY ARTICLES ! My stock la unusually large and embraces every thing that can bo found on a first class Toilet Table, including American and genuine French and Eng lish P E R P U SI ERY, Poraados, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutta Percha Wood ami Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, Jto. I'alont Mediciist'fi. Embracing all the mest popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' priccN. Pure Havana SEQ AltS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the beat Brands. lu!iit, OilH, til ne, Ulnttw, Inlly, Vui'iiImIiom, &'. All iny Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations ato niantifacturcd by myself, and from tho best material I can procure in Market. Having hud quite a number of years' experience in the Drug and Frem'j'tion Eminent, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me with. All my preparations aa I have above asserted, are tnado ftoin the best material, and upon honor I assert, thevure of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on baud the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LICJUORS, that I ean procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. AY. A. BENNETT. fc'unbury, May Id, 1R69. lATESTARRIVAL , OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, S U N P U R Y , PENN'A. Invites tho public to call and examine bis elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER PRY GOODS, such as Tabio Linens, DomcsticE. Doylies, Towels. aim lAjmestius ol every description at tne very low est prico. CASSIMEEE S. CLOTHS. &C , Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Oiughains. Calicoes, Muslins. Wheeling. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment ol Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uuop Skirls. Also Handkerchiefs, Erusbt's, Combs. IS.-itsi n ml 4'iih, IIooIh and KlioeN, His assortment ol goods will not, ho is sure fail to please tlio l'uney and suit tho wauls of any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HAKDWAKB AND QUEENS WARE, and Crocerics is large in sjnnutiiy and obolce in iiualily. comprising generally everything needed in the hpusehold cither for uso or ornament. Ho' is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in show ing them his goods even though no sales are made, lie only asks a cull, und is furo that the stock will compare fuvorably in price and quality with the chcupist. JOSEPH EYSTER is'uiilmry, Nov. 23, ISO'S. I.udioai'' I'liucy I'lii-n I AT JOHN FAllEIRA'S, Old Established F L' R Manufactory, No. 7IS Allt'll Street, abovo 7th, PIIIL'A. Have now in storo of my own Importation and f '-Manufacture one of the largest and most beauli- ' J. ful selections uf -i T? t v r, v v i ' n o nnj i it e. i ,ir lor j.nme-s nii.t v lilt- Jdren's Wear, in the city. "i - Also, a fine oasorttuuiit of Gents' EurOloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would tlterel'oro solicit a call from ley friends of Northumberland county und vi cinity. Kemeiuter the Name, Nunfbor and Street ! JOHN EAKEIKA, No. 713 Arch St., above 7th, south side, Philud'a. fi?" I hnve no Pnrtner, nor connection with any other storo in Philadelphia. Oct. 3, 'lis. 1 ut FLOUR & Ul YIIUI.nSALE 11 1? TAIL. rilHE subscriber respectfully informs tho publio I that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near th Shainokin Vulloy Railroad Depot, iu SL'Nlll'RY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds ofl'eed by the ton The above is all uiitnnlitctured at bis own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CAD WALL ADER. Sunhury, April 1, ItJiiS . NEW MACHINE SHOP i iron foundry AND tttuvA. noiiiciiirii v- o-, HUNBTJKY, 3? A.., INFORM the public that they havo eslubli.hed a MACHINE SHOP, in coiiiieenon with their FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Mnehiiics, with tho Infest improvements. With the aid of skillful me chanics, they are euabled to cxecuto all orders of ."- U'ork or Iteptvlrliigo, that may he given them.iu a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, tbey are ready to execute all kinds uf CASTINGS. Itruatai CilailiUKM. Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, and will al ways bo kept on hand. Suubury, June Uf, lr03. FALL AND TNTER Millinery Goods, Minn .11, I,. Uosaler, begt leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunhury und vicinity, that the Lai. just opened a large aud varied stuck of M ILLI N E It Y GOODS. The latest New York aud Philadelphia stylo of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS WOOLEN GOODS, iC. Also, aa excellent assortment of F ashionable Em kioideriM, Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fancy Notions, Stamped Muslins, Corset, Perfume ries, iuaps, Lilly While, Enamel ot America, iiia tienrv, to. Cili arid iij Lr ynrtslvoi. Jv'o trouble t Ihsw goias Bunbury, Oct It, i-T''70 XSAA0 K. STATJTFEB, Watcbmmlcer tMiel Jrr eler, XTO. X4.B BOHTH 3d ST., COR. Off QUJLBBT, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and PUteo ware constantly on hand, Repairing of Watches and Jewelry arompthr at l-j'ided to. Nor. 3t), 18071 y. BANKERS,0 No. 35 South Third Street, rnl LftULLHnlfl. ENERAlTENT3, ce(To UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The ? ATtr!f AL LlFB ISISPHAaCB CoarpAXT It a Corporal o,i, clntr'crcd bv special Act of Congress, an proved July as, lfi, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000. FULL PAID. Liberal terms otTend to Agents aud Solleltors, who aie in r lied to opoly at our o nice. Kntlp 1 1 tlculur.it ohc had on anpllcaMon at our ofOoc, located In the nccind storv el onr flitokm tl.rn-t. nee ind story wh.re Circulars Bad Pamphlets, fully d-,i ribl.. e the auvuaiagea usure i by tlieCompAnr.niHV Uf bad C'L A ItK ,v I II., An. a;, Huath Third St. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to bo made to I). S. RUSSELL. Makacikr, August 15, ISG8. ly. Ilarrisburg, Pa. J. H. Conley Co., Market Street, Ilastot'i lie ltnilroixl, STJXJ33TJR"5r, PENN'A. DEALERS IN rORICICi.'X V AMi:itIfA., Hardware & Cutlery. rilHE attention of Mechanics, Farmors. lluilder, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we ore now otic-ring a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered iu this marked at priocs much bolow those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used bv CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAOONM AKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Stool, Nails, Spikcs.'Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws. Ao., Ac. Sunhury. March 30, 1SR7. UNiTuiTFMRTaS: '3&r9k.jBC3Oe M.';f-1 rPIIE undersigned hnving bought the 'tjj T J. entire stock of Dissinger A Taylor, tiv would inform the public that be is now ready to do all kinds of marble work; has on baud, aud makes to order at short notice, Moiiiiiueiitrt und Iloud-Stouesi, of every stvle to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Tufts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. 'Taylor will continue iu tho emplovment, at the old stand in Market Square, Sunbury. Pa. May 2, 'US.-ly. W. M. DAUG HFRTV. NEV"aRniA(nA&IUCGY MANUFAOTOR'-. flMIE subsci iber respectfully informs tho eitien? 1 id Sjnbury and vicinity, that ho hnsopenod a sl.rp iu .Vol Stroll's lilacksmkhihop-Iluil ling on Chestnut street, Sunbury, I n., where he keeps con stantly on bund, and maiiiifiiclures to order, .iti-i-isie, ItnunyH, Sii11.n, (., of the latest style and ot thu be-t material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages. Ac, done at tho shortest notice. Persons iu want of fine Riizgies and Carriage, aro rctiuested to call beforo purchasing elsew here. 11. C. ROL'SH. Sunbury. July II. JSS9 1y THE GREAT CENTRE OK ATTRACTION, is ou 3d street, opposite tho MA-bONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, liut I.ntely I'.Ntublinlietl, Mills till the Moslem Iiiinruv ciiieutai of l lie Art ! rpHE subscriber, having luilt tho room expressly A for the purpose of Photographing, and having tit-voted many years to the business, is confident ol his ability to assure his patrons that tho work pro duced shall he second to none in country or city. No wot k allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the euttuty, he is puepaved to uiuke Pantographs iu nil kinds ol Leather, but would prcl'ur a clear day fur small children. Ho is also prepared to take new sir.n, or cabinet card Photographs. . All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required size nud oolored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. Wo pay special atteuttou tu all kinds uf out door work, urh as Landsoapo tiews of Monuments, Machinery, County Seals, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tho publio aro respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our complete urrangeinents for unking Photographs, special terms to luuiilics and clubs. . EERGSTRESSER. r-'unbury. July IS, f5g?x A Lecture to 5- "YOTJlsIG JVLEIST. Just VitUiiheil in a United Envelope. Fiicesij: rents. A I .! nrc mi tlie .iifure. Treat- incut and Radical Cured Spermulorrhoeu, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervous ness. Consumption, Epilepsy, uiid F'ils ; Munlul and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ao. lly RuHLRr J. Cui.viiu.kl, M. D, Author of the 'Green Book," Ao. Tho nurld-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of So!f-Abue may be effec tually removed without medicine, and without dau-g.-rous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, riugs. or cordials, poiiilingout a mode of cure atonco certain and itleeiual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may euro himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture trill prove a boon to thousands aud thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed euvelope, on the ruoeiptof six cents, or two postngo stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell '" Marriage Guide,'' price 2j cauls. Address thu Publishers. C11AS. J.C.KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Otlice Box 4,6:6. July i, Ibbs y NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. ' CELEBRATED tter Cordial. B i This mcjieii) prcperntion is bow offered to the public us a reliable substitute for the many worth less compounds which now Hood the market. Ills purely egetable, composed of various borbs, gather ed from the great storehouse of nature, and selected with the utmost oar, li is not recommended at a Cuna All, but by iu direct and salutary influ ence upon the Heart, Liver, Kidueys, Lungs, bio mack and ituwels, it aets both a a preventive and euro lor many of the diseases to which those organs ar subject. It is a reliable Family Medioino, and oan be taken by either iufant or adult with the am beneficial results It is aeertaiu, prompt aud speedy remedy fur Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dowel Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lowneesof Spirits, tainting., Sick-Ueadache, Ao. For Chills and Fever of all kinds, il is far better and safer than quinine, with out any of it pernicious effaota. It ereates aa appe tite, prove a powerful digester of food, and will oounteract the eflocL ot liquor in a few aiiaatei. Prepared by JACOB SCHEETZ. Bel Proprietor, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Kaeo Su., Philadelphia, Ta. Sold by all Druggist.. nov 14. '-. -y Rii4i-Eit Ay?pt j' I'urur w-i.-ty tlu.e 4-ort weM ot tl tulr.ad, ilrkai oqaar C.ARrYl LIVERY STABLE. rpBl lubserlben having purchased tho stock and X fixture of Mr. Charles Baoon's Livery Stable, In Sunbnry, would respeetfully annonnee to the rublio, that they intend lurnishlag It with flrst-clase Horses, Carriages, Buggies and Spring-Wagons suitable for the business, and will endeavor to make It a Livery second to none In th ai section of the B'.ate. Orders left at the Central Hotel, at any hour of the da; or Bight, will receive prompt attention. McOAW FARN8W0RTH. enbury, October 17,18Av. Agriculturist Implement!, HOE'S Grain Rakei, Stool and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, tbovels. Manure and Hay Forks, Gran and Grain Scythes, Urain Cradlos, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, U rind -stones, Fanning Mill Stives of all sizes and kinds, a large assortment of Rod Wagon Haines, for Plowing, Farm Hells, Cultivator Teeth, for tale by J. CONLKY CO. STONE WARE. TflEbeat and choapest assortment of Stcns AY are In the State, just received and lor salo ohoap at the Mammoth Cash Mora of II. Y. FRILINM. Coachmakers, WE ara telling Rims, Ppokcs, Uub, Sprtngs, Canvass, liolu, Clips, Axles, 4o., very low- Large btook at 00NLEY CO. gimbury, March 80, ISflT. m a.LL rsr IRON. A larg assortment of the best manufao tured Dart, Hoop. Rand, Round and Square Iron, Natl Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Stool, Horse Shoos, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vice, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Pilot, at CONLEY A COS JACOB SHIPMAN, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AOEHT, SUNBURV, PENN'A. nupntsRNTS : Farmer! Mutual Firo Insurance Co., York Pa., Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co., New York Mutual Life, G irard Life of Pliil'a. A Hart ford Conn. General Accident. Wu. Farsox. Nbo I'l.H FURNITURE ROOMS 7IC. PARSOIT & SCIT. late of Ibo firm of Parson A Davis. have opened ware rooms at No. 22H South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where tbey keep a full assortment of PARLOR, CHAMBER, SITTING ROOM antl DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customers, and all person wishing to purchase, nre invited toeull and examino their stock before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. my" ly, lHsHoIuliou of lurtneribip. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between J. Wciser llucber und E. Master Bucher, trading under tho firm of 'llucher llrothers.'Mn tho tanning business, was this day (August 2tth, 186S.I dissolved by mutual con sent. The business will hereafter be conducted by tho undersigned, at tho old stand, whern all persons indebted to the firm of Bucher Brothers, nio re quested to cull withcat dolav and make settlement, aud save cost. E.'MASSER DUCUER. unbury, August 29, lSti8. liiu. TO ' BUILSSir.S. "TTIND0W Gins and Building nurdwiire, at the 1 Y lowest Cash Prices at The .Mammoth .Store of II. Y. FRILING. "WE "avu COME With great inducements to agents to co-operate with us in our tatnn 4.n eoi.i.ais n.h.u! Shitting Jree of Cost to our Agents. )Vtitcs free of Cost fi onr AgenU. Scicing Mttchints Jree of Cost to our Agents. T.eatfur Goods Jree of Cost to our Agents. Linen Goods free of Cokt to our Agents. Slllt and Shaiel free of Cost lo our Agente. Hoots and Shoes free of Cost to our Agen't. Dress Goods, free of Cost to our Agents GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS for our Customers Send for our circular. Agents wanted everywhere Addrors JAS. T. STEWART A C ) , Oct. 10 'R-2ni. 2 A 4 Dey Street, N. Y. M. '. 4:AHU.UTi Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, Market Street, Kinibui-j , lu. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, ic, etc., CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale nt the above i establishment ut wholesale and retail, at retuoli- able prices. ' Deis manufacturing all kin Is of Confetti lr.nries I to keep up a full asioitu-ent which aro told at low rates. I Tobacco, Soiars. Stationerv. Nuts of all kinds, and : lavarietyof other articles, all of whiah ars oileiod ' wholesale! and retail. Ijf Rumenibor the name and place M .M. C. OEAKIlAltr, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Soli's I Slo ilore. Sunbury. Sept. I'J. lhil. tf 'HIE GREAT A MKMCA X COM 11 IX. 1 HOY ISuttou Hole 4vereamiti SEVIITG- lIACnilTZ. Its Wonderful Popularitv Conclusive Picofof it Grcnt Merit. Tbo increase in the demand for this valauble ma- j chine has been TEN FOLD during the lafl seven j mouths uf its first year before the public j This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed iu the history uf sewing-machines, and wo let! i fully warranted in cluiuiing that ! IT HAS NO E O, U A L , Being Absolutely the Best j FAMILY MA II1."W: I.N THE WORLD, j Anl Intrinsically the Cheapest. ' It is really two mnebines combined in or.e. (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma- I king butb tho Shuttleor Look-stitch, und tbo Over- seaming and Button-hole stitch, with equal fuuuity j and pel lection. It executes in tno very best manner every vuriety of sewing, nuch as. Hemming, Fulling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding aud Quilting, naincriiig ana sewing on, (done at in snme uuie ) and in addition, Overseuins, Enibroiderson the edge and uiakos beautiful Button aud Eyelet-holes in all taurics. Every Maohine is warranted by tho Company, or its Ageuti, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on tbia Machine, cau be had ou applica tion at tbe Salesroom of THE AXV1ERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVEKSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at the rooaii uf the Company gratuitously to all purchaser. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, Prcsidctit. W. R. Mkxdemiall, Trt-aburcr. April 25, laM. lyejun. 25, -I(AU llAltl.i:it SAI.. The Oldest and most noted Institution tha Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAYING removed to hi new building on Third Mreel, between Market and tbe Depot, is uow prepared to serve hi customers better tb.n ever lluvuig sacured ihe service of first class Barbers, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSING will be exeouted in tbe latest style. The building having been erected especially for the purpose uf a First Class Barber baloon, and having fined it up in the latest stylo, be hope to receive a liberal .bare of patronage. In tho adjoining room a first olaas Confectionery ha been opened for the sal. of lee-Cream, 4'uuUlen, Cakri, lleer. and num.rou. other Temperance Drink in common use. Orange., and other delicious fruiU and ealablee . :.. : . : ... ol homo and foreign growth iu riua prutaMuo aou elegant variety. Sunbury, September 6, 1868 SHOEMAKERS. 1 as beat qualities of Sol Leather, Frensh Calf skin Morrvooos, Lining, Laais, Nails, Pegs, Tool of all kinds, aud ry thing used by tho trade, tbra.i low by J. It. COM.F.Y A CO T10R S-4dlcrs, w h.v. Saddle Tree, Bills, Buok- X loa, 4i Xroa. r4 -roe, uauea, all kinds aad mvlj 14-i-a' psr-s-Cf W tha tuA-at, for ! by North eras fjenkral Ttetllvrajr. SUMMER TIM'S S0HEDULB OTf ted after Nov. 2d, 1889. tralau wlU leave BUNBURY, aa fellows : t . LEAVK NORTHWARD, 09 A. M., Dally for Willlamsporl, Dally fexeept Suodays.) f.r Klmira, Canandalgua, ttochester, Buffalo., Niagara Falls, Btiapentloa Bridge aad the Canada.. 4.1ft P. M., Daily (except Sunday,) for F.lmira, aad Bufialovla Erio Railway from Klmira. 6.40 P. M., Daily (exoept Bandays,) for WillUoK part. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.4S A. M., Daily (exoopt Monday.) for Haiti mere, Washington and Philadelphia. 9 40 A.M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.80 P. M., Daily i.ioept Sundays,) for ilarrisburg. J. N. DcBabbt, Ed. 8. lonao, Gen'l. Sup't., Men I Paseen'r Ag't.. Ilarrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. KMiUadelulila St Ile KedlrotMt. WINTER TIME TAB1E Through and direat ront botween Philadelphia, Baltimore, UnrrUburg, Willamsport, to tbe North west and the Oreat Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING- CARS on all Wfiht Train. On and niter Monday, Nov. 2Sd. 1808. tho Train on the Philadelphia Erio Rail Read will run a follow : WlBTWARB. Matl Train leave Philadelphia, 10 4.1 p m. " " Sunbury, DO a m " " arr. at Erie. bo pro Erie Erpreas leavos Philadelphia. 11 Joan Sunbury 4.40 p m " " arr at Erie 10. U0 a m Elmira Mail leave Philadelphia, 8 CM a ta " ' " Sunburv 4 16pm " " arrive at Lock Haves, T 46 p m Eastward. Msll Train leaves Erio lO tJam " " " Funbury, 2 46am " ' arr. at Philadelphia, 10 HO a ni Erie Express leaves Erlo 0 Si p us " " ' Sunbury t 4U a ul " " arr. at Philnilelphia, 4.20 pm Mail ond Express oonnect with Oil Creek and Allegheav River Ruilroad. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER. Ooneral Superintendent ICendins lluilroad. WINTER ARRANQEMENT. MONDAY, DECEMCE 11, 1368. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Tamaqaa, Ashland, Sharuokir, Lcb.i anon, Allentnwn, Easton, Ephruta, Litii, Lancust jr, Columbia, Ao., Ac Trains leave Ilarrisburg for New-York, as fnl. lows : At 3 60, 5 60 and 8 10 A. M. and 12.40 urvon, and 2 05 and 10 59 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tbo Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 11.00 A. M., 12 20 noon, 3.60. 7.00 10.05 p. m. and 8 15, a.m. respectively. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 3.50 A. M. aad 10.50 P. M. trains without change. Leave Ilarrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Turnr qua, Minersville. Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allcntown and Philadelphia at b. 10 A.M. and 2. 85 and 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations ; tha 4.10 p in. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia onlv. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Ilarrisburg at'3 .30 p m. Returning Leave New York nt 9.00 a m., 12 Oo Noon and 6 10 and 8.110 p. m., Philadelphia at M 16 a. ni. ond 3.30 p. m.; 'lueping ears aeeompsiiviog the tf.oo a. m and 6 10 aud b 00 p. m. trains frou'i New York without ohange. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7..0 n. m., councoting with similar train on East l'enna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 0..16 p. m. step ping at all Stations ; Leave Poilsville at 7.30, 8 45 a. ni and 2 45 p. m; Shamokin at 5.25 a. m.; Ashland at 7.00 a. m., aud 12 30 p. m.; Tamaqnaat b.30 a. m. and 2 20 p. m. for Philadelphia. Leave Potlsvillo via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7.10a m. for Ilarrisburg, aud It 30 a.m. fur Pine Grove and Tr.mont. Reading Aeoominodation Train leaves Reading a 7.i)'l A. M. returning loave Philadelphia at 4 46 p.m. Pottslown Accommodation Train t Loaves Potta town nt 0 4"i A. M., returning loaves Philadelphia at I 00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains learo -leading at 7 00 A. il , ond 6.1a P.M. for Ephrata, Lttn, Lannaa. tcr. Columbia. Ac. ' Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomcn Junolicn at 9.15 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. Returning: Leave Skippack alB.10 A.M., and 12.45 P. M., eon. nesting wilb similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sunday : Leavo New York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia S.00 A. M., anil 3.16 P M. the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading, Potlsvillo 8 00 am Uarrishurg, 6.50 a ai, and 4.10 and 10.50 p m. and Reading at 1.05, 8.00 and 7.15 a. m. for Ilarrisburg, nt 12 50 and 7.31 a. m. for New York, aid ut 4.26 p. m. for Philadelphia . luuimntation, Mileage, Soaarn. School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and fioiu all points. Baggage cheuked through. 1 140 Pounds Brjigag allowed each P.vseneT. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent- Lni Uiiauua.it ltloonikbur Rail. roml, ON and after Monday. Nov. 30th, 188B. Paajonger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. P.M. A M. P M. 5 25 4.10 10 20 43 6 65 4 47 10 5il 7 Id 2. 5.26 11 SO 7 b-i iii 7 47 (01 820 - 43 9.0i NORTHWARD. A. M. P.M. A.M. P M. 7 10 145 7 41 6 2.1 8.U 5.65 10.67 8 40 8 13 2 "J 11.2. 8 ifl o 25 3 (i;, 12.U6 fe 4 5 10X0 3 40 Leave Sexnrttnn, Pulsion, Kingston, " Rupert, " lianvi'le, Arr. Noiih d , Louve North 'J., " Danville, ' Rupert, " Kingston, " Pitlston, Arr. Scranton, Trains leaving Scranton at 5 25 A. M. ard 4 In P. M., Connect at Northumberland with train! on P. ,t E- R. R. for Ilarrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Willinmspnrt, Lock Hitvon, Pittsburg and West. Trains arriving nt Scranton at 10 .0 A. M con nect wuh trains arriving at New York at 4 4a P. M , Philadelphia at 0.20 P. AI., and Great Lend at 1 50 Trains arriving nt Fernntan at 3 40 P. M oanaect with trains for Great Bcud and West. U A. FONDA. Sup't. aRJSi; oviaaiirat, ii. M. I!l!l, Iteniikt, Will remote his Office to J. M. Simpson' Building, 2nd story. Market Squure, VI THERE he will bo prepared to do all kinds of t wurk portaining to Dentistry. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Deutal material, from which ho will be able Id sclent, and meot the wants of his customers. All work warranted to live satisfaction, or .'.ia the money refunded. The very beat Mouth Wash aud Tooth-Powder kept on hand. ' His references are the numerons natrons for tkm ho has worked for the last twelve year. Sunbury, March 21, IS8H. j-IefJBUKBtWa Ara especially invited to onll and examine our stock of BUILDER S HARDWARE, comprising Nails aud Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Sorews, Strap and T Hinge. Locks and Latches, Boll. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer' Sieve, Ac, Ao., fur sale by J. 11. CONLET A CO. "UNION HOTEL- C 11 IK. ITZI'.I,, Proprietor. Iu Cuke's Additit n to SUNBURY, near the Pean'a. Railroad Company' Shop. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. I kept who will find ample accommodations. Oot4 j cooks and waiters, boarders cau enjoy the quiet com toi ti ot ttoitie wtiu tare equal to me nest notoi. His Liquors aro of the choicest kiuds. Sunhury. June 8, IsdT. LIGHT TuGiiYr TTcIiT! N. 1IYI.UI.V, ri ,1IE popular Photograper, ha fitted np, in the J. old P.st Office building, three doors west of the railroad, Market Square, one of th. very best Sky Lights to be found iu the State, and is now prepared to take picturo of any kind, in all kinds of weather, early and rsVe. Children taken almost instaatly. Bnug aiong the babies w ar bow ready for theis. t'OME ONE ! COME ALL ! both great and small, see his aew rooms, ud uniiv speotmens. FRAMES and PR AMfVll m.trll nnn.l.nllw ftn band and made to order. Bring along your picture ,lu" oneapor man any wncr else. Como and lor wnuraa .. An.lhtn- in tha ,. . . - j , , , . picture line eonsiantl. no hanrl nrnrrjrA. Oonvia (lone in all iu braache. and oolored a desired Both out aud iudoor view taken at abort notice and oa reasonable term. Sartsfaotloo guarranto.J, a our motto is to pleaae. All Bogativo carefully reserved. Remember th plaaa ask (or 6. BlhaH Y. Market Square. May 23, 'eS.-ly. as I ola, OIU, dkc. A full slock ef Oils eompriamg Linwe Oil, CosI 1 M-ehinwy. Yaiauit. G1m, alwavs ,a I.i J r .n,, r i.a uu. arid f-unriearu uti lur -.uirine.