x V St i "-vxi n.JSi - THE NATIONAL IIFr. INSURANCE COMPANY, CP ThB UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C Chartered by Ejieci.it Ant nf Congress", Approved July 15, 1 SiiS . Caa.li 'iiiii:tl i.ooc.aon. ERANCII OFFICE' ,'IIILAPEt-riTtA, rmst Nanoh Hauk Puii.msn, TVh-rc tha general hii-itr"! nf Ibe 'iTiip.inv i Iran. nctoil, hiiI in which n'l general ciiriopord.iico should be a I Iresse I I'lKIX'TOKS. ,t.iy Cnnlm, Pliilniri. K. A. I'"ll!n7. Wn.'liinton. C. II. fin' " Henry C oko, " ,7., Im W ' Hi. "in U. Chandler, " W in. 0 MoorheaJ, J ,.n I). I' 'Irpi-n. " 'ward l)o Ige. Now York. C. r ubiifblock, N. V. Bee. F. Tyler, J. iiniLuio Clark, ' OFFICERS. C l. IT. RTC. rtiil id-lt-lti i, Pr!l"t. I1KVIIV 0 COOKE, W ishintrton. Vice Prci lent. JAY C" lvK'. Chairman Finance m.J Executive ri"i.,iTtf'. EVF!tlX W. PUFT. I'hitnfl'B. Sco'y and Aoliturv. K. ll'KNCIt. V uliiniinn. A'siatant Sucre: ir. FH VViTSH. S'(TII. M I).. M,licr,l Director. J. EWIXU MEAHS, M. D., Awis ant Modicul Di rector. H.'.HiiiI .Avinry ttourtl J K HirncsSurgeon-Qener.il lT. 8. A , Wa'hii.;;- i P. ,1 llorwitz.. Chief Madicul Department U. M'ft-llinlnn, V.Vi. M D Washington. " sIm-I.oi-m ;n: Allornojii. Win, T.. t'limiiflcr. W n--iin"lnn. P. C. Guorge ilaiding, Philadelphia. P. TM C 'mpiriy. NViotml in in character, ofTer?. b" ' n "f i! Ltirgo Capital, To P.k'ih .f T'.-ou.i-ma n..I New Tublos, the limit de-nrnlilo incut: to ir.ir n life yet pm-et.tH to tlio pul'.ij. The rules of premium, licim; largely reduced, nc ui.vle ns favnr.ib'o lo Ilia in Mirers as llio"! of the best M -tioil C. ii-ptniei, m. I aci.id il the CMiipli-.: ;f.'..ri :". I LiiiC, ; ...in. icii .) I;.v i.iciuis an 1 iiie lii;- tird jr'i.nJir ;j !,!cli l!:o lnl'.er nre to nj.c t canso -La Policy-IklJ jii. eviml new nml alirnOe tnhlcs nrn.,w f i t'l-r.t. j Lioli ntt J oi, ly to be urdcr;tonJ t;i pimp i:c i t:iil .o putiic, -uh as lLo Ineome-lVo lui'ii. Fein;- uiul iiiia.n Pruuiiaii! I'.licy. In !he f.n a.ir f'-j:i j' -tulu'jr nut i.i.ly securri a life ii.tursi.c e, t "!., ;. ii '.' ,'!li. imt vull ii'Vi-'vp, if living, lifter n pc'i'ii-'W i f 11 y- nn atiiuril incorno equiii to ten r,c .:. i' 0 ''r ct,t.) cf ;!. per of his po'i-y. lii '.15 ! ;'... r, tli Curopvny verves to return to ih: it jrl t'a(. t. .k ' tisuou'it tf u. ii-ey ho baa paij in, ii r. : !iii, ii to k o nMoi'nt ufU'ta policy. Xi.w ' jn;i.n f-f I'ti'i ru t-ontempl itiri! i'i'iiin; t'.-.c-r U: s or i.s roiising t'no ru:uM cf 'inur inco tlicy i tin y liti v t . ii c:illvu to tliti special aJviiiiac? '.jC'-;1... Ly ttio it.il 't':'l I.ilw 1,.. v-..i ;u C. i;i . Cirouiar, lu.t 'i 'tis and imII particulm rfiveu cu tt;,y,icntii.'n to ilio i.nii.cb Oili.'u of this Cyinjiuy !a I'iiln !o!.liia. i.: lo its (itnerat Aouts. Lir J A'-iH3 til o W'rtnteJ iu t'veiy City nr!ii Tj.'. j; nal r. ;.lij..". - fio.M I'.u.i'ttftit parties for suo;; nc;ein;i,J, wit:: ?aii;tulo endnii'tMiieiit, ln..uel lio n lu-ra to tlu C')i;i ir y' CU-nt-ral Amenta utily. a U jv-titi;:ivo utt'rijf. SfiNCIlL. AOHNTS : i. V. C l.A'ilv .'t. C!.., Philu ! ! p., a, For Penrnvlvpu-.a and Sou;lurn Nci. Jcfsey. JAV &KE CO . IWHaiiU, l. C. Fi:1' M.irvW.ii'l, lt--l.iw ir, Vii ju:ia, iJib'.rist of Culi'u.l'ia nrnt Wt-t Y.r':.i:i. H S. HLii.-ji.ij, Ui'.Rff. Y H l;-i.!l.i:. A.'-ut, M.Uoi:. P i., S,, u!1,l...r .". I' '.-'. Iv I I . . .. -it i iu "iwi v..u. 1 1 ii i r. UiaL Ur -i. .1 u,.i ,:Li;r i!i:.n. iia.- ih- v ro l a i h - C'l- C It C u.i.r-UUi i. I lOtl. 1t-'ll tllC 1 ,.'c l.a!f t-i.i -.:i --i-ili e'.iil t, V MJ ubl C i.il ..( ;v .Ii- v luiii.l. lio "T or e.-i'iie. ii...!.t; n.t-M l-.o ii' l lo.r- c ilc.ttii lo t-' j:y im w,:i.i it wot k. it 'la ijie-i tn l it ! .' ! t ' i ' l. r , n i,iui,rtry (i ul p.lt'.uliM. lii wi.it.li iUt-. w.i i-.-t-h' fii bin a .- l.io r-now. Y IliiVi' 1,' .iiu .l."H,;,i ol' l.ii J I l,i.:Lh.,.ji. una W'-- (,.! W i r t ' m L.ivt '-y iii'u i.;i:c i-L-i.'..ti.e 1 i! iU'-l wii'. if. Bu. when wo tfH vol ihitt lr. C-.iii.i.i 'iftii.e-lv i-!t ;i JV i-f r'n Ah n jy f t (j;' Ct-ii'i. wo only n-st-:i i ..Ii. h lL"iti uu!s etui U-m:'v lo. 'i : y t m. t ..u w .11 c u .:.ti.i W v.i. 'ny UU'AU.) I'iiui.-u vl C'ar b .'., .r wo . : i iu r or '.-arc w hi:.!-.. "itiCR c LV In C Mi. by ' I . '. t' 6:.y ; four IVckaa 5-. J i , . r 1 J;..z. 1 j pan. j !.l-,t tu tJiuiiu. rt l.ii-'ir..' iiti;iT'-ov. 11. . i'iEI'.Cli. M. Uat..lo, Iff r iiii- , l..t ."'.i:tli i.i' ii- .tl ii.. Wnly ii en 1). I. lei r.i' I I hi ftjtUc ill ir n KcaJ, Hli'I ! : c!" I fuUcn" ii ur .vk i: or Vit.-j .,), ? 1 1" Aiciiii-ry ) ..ii niiu r w'lun cut. in e. i tV ;.ti r.:va4a uf Cati.r rh 1' 16 IjK Uil ii t U..J u.' co .i m m. ii ) ti' i ft La' cu'- ir. i.s i al-1 . Of C.-.i'tHU iS LVKUV- J y. u:' u h i jut ol ii on ii n't l.u i j-t nil win. ...u.t :.'U ifc-ir. wi.nriU.. it pi-jt!', fuun j itor 'r ,:m! r...u uamtio s luiioo, itlh will .MiVtf ll.ti ititCiijj io MiC laui ii-Mt.u 1 of curi.i ! i:. Liu . i,.l -i:;iy uuutn to ui ui lLo jcu:jJy w.:i Ik c' ''U i y rui 'ji ii a. dii. bui.-i '.tiupfji- iir ttt'a p.inih!c' r.i. C:.t.in!i. i. V. i'iKHi K. D , IjuU .Ij, N. V. 3 THe Inp vt.i ibiu ItiSMKHY Joej n t. hk i he jrixn O'.n ir.ifniiii -i,u!le nrA n'ruiig ok-ii M-liui.;u- wi;b w liitn iti i-iu! Iu I;vl- '.Lji'ij bo.-ii tiiiii.bui ' 1 fi p;'!y ft l' : ' lU r tii.'t t :L-iO. T d Vc llt i 1 - (iJtl t'j Lo im,,-, Hu t.- u i.ii' )- 1 d i ii i!. - u- - t ru, n Lu--.li ulnd. but i: livilJCO'- T : I -' Jl M'.'-i r .1. I .it UL C -rc Ol ill 3 WiTft tiii r' oti. our C '"..J ! ufc t:. iiiusciiQ unirv -'Colt't i: ilju il-.ui" ie cu i.il w i!i a t'uT a;n!.i!;a'.i. Ct tn i.tt :t i,!:!:o v t c IiciiJ ur.J t'L"'til it lt m J' n uj.-v. ( ituj- t . i' L;um :, L. 4-6 ir Iluj uiruioi t f he jcn;tf Iti-oe, (mull ur ti -.ifiM;, rt' .lcii.. ur W ?!; hn .t:.u ''-i -1 Muo.-jVj , v Leu w u.Bui uy iUt i lii.tj 0 t a li: s b i.ji:.iyi: t f .f! v : V. u ou i to -t hu.b a fc:un..h rwir ? t!" f-i-M !'.-- a e.ts u L . :;i ti ' v, t, ,..t.t COi'3. ULiitl. PhlCb c-NLl UMl ."U your D-tJ iur lh I'-C'tDV. hut if la hat LCit wi ul 11 cli .lou'l on vul -U" by aM.-p.li 0 aiv u.4o..i1i, w..rvu iliHB .irtMur ut-.:,.u:f. b..t Cuologfc.xty OcuibiO ut. utl tbo liau'miy u ill bt er.L yu p; j.-:'h rum pi9k:oi ut or oi. tl-i.i Iur j ji. ituit-p tur br t'Me'ii p.i;;i h!t,. o. K. V. PIi.iu.fc. M. i , Tb!USf) PATENT MEDICINE lIU.iiiL'a.tT..t. ttr up tc irorui.t Ld cie lulou. nur u i; rtfrjittULi w tei?. u .aPuiea cf nu tu.d pr ji.-u uotiuitcjft b.-uh: n-jc.tb'.urcointjrbo ihrunb. Ci-ncd aeven t!. fcwiiw tut ure.u b-w i o; . nc.i ih D..O(Ci of iuufiAeuc i.els.hui bii !;:L:;-- A lui.o Ocaj o.i f.u bb;.it. I: hu, :Jlj,v t-.M, $'.u..:ir.& rftj-Hly, a tmrect Spcoitic f.r tiku una -c-itbiv uic IJu!," 4i l.o jr cji -...-i f L-jMor iuii.iihir.cct cf ila ccu. ,i .V.w-r .iuitc or laa-iurf. Wait: icg Wc-U I5 J'..:,, or Tura in tli iiwwl, Uu eaact'h ihuj iU ul cf iuPniy or,t-y tha vioioi-OoorCuiuw.. frcwV Catrrb u.t rMaU(i cure JM u.o.1. prr ,!. on r.oi,.i uf f ixtv Cim tuur !.Utattiit.:i (r 00 or I XJt(tn fa gj 00. Coi 10. f'S 1 V. H...Y I V- V - w'nii u. r i . Uiair. If i 'j '4. kut A- .'-.'4 04.3 ivi'Ui i CO S FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! You can Buy More Goods BEST GiXJLITT For LE3S ICITS'J, i I j at th n AH MOTH STORE, i i or ii. y. i nii.no, M.UKET SQlARE, BUNDUUT, PENN'A., ' Tliuti any oilier place. i II A3 JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED Tlie tc&t Selected and i : n:crsT AssoimiExr, of I ! DRY GOODS IN TOWxT i-UKNCH MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, CINGHAM3, CASSIMERES, &c. 1'ilaines and Armurea. DoiKostle Cuttom, EroTn and li'.cachtj. NOriO.VS of all kinds. -iery. Cloven, McnV and l adies Vudergarmentj. GCOSSS. A foil assortment of TEIJ1.MI5CU3. ! Li'.iorj v!!l find ny S:cck of IZ.trtlwin-r, uiut, CI!, Olsis-s, &c, Coi:iiIctt'. 1 DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, tyjEENS'.YAEE, CI.ASSV.'ARE, CROCKERY, SALT, UOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, mid in fuot everytb'.njusaaUy kept io a large Store Cull and be convinced that tbu Cheapest Tl'ico tu Uuy nil Your Goods is at THE MAMMOTH STORE of II. "jr. JFiHIIalaMO, Term Cutis, 30 2iija), ae my floods are bought fur Caab and oM Cheap for the KLADV MO.NLY. 1 give the trad the ud Tauiage of all reduolioue tl foal a they are made by I Maoufuutureri.' ei. rp.iLiya, e-aobury. iept t, ls8 15LECT1U0 TELEGRAM IN CHINA. TUB BAIT INDIA TELEGRAM COMPANY OFFICE, lo. 93 St 9 Caatinu direct, NEW YORK, , Orgnuited ender ipcci.l charter ffoin th Stale of New York. CAPITAL . . . t3,000,000 60,000 tslinres, 100 JCuch. DIRECTORS. Ilos. AXPHFAV O. CURTIN. rhilndelrhta. PaUI.U. FOII BF.?, iif RuhmII Cu , China. FltKD. BU ITEHFIF.LD, of F. DutterficH . Co New York. MA AC I.IVFRMORE, Tieasuret Miclngan Central Ruilrmul, ll'inim. AI.KXANDB't HOLLAND, Treasurer A mi r can I'l pre.a C'-miiiiiV, New York. tl.m. jAMI'f NIXON, SyracBre.N. Y. O. U. I'Al.MI'.lll'reiiturei Wentetii Union Telegraph nmpiny, New Yoik. FI.V.TellKR WRPTRAY, nf Wei'.ray, Gitlia A lliinlea.ilr, New Yiirk. NICHOLAS M1C1U.E9, New York. OClccm. A 0. CtJIlTIN, Pretiilciit. N MICKLEr, Vice PrfiWent. GnonGF. CON ANT, Frcetnry. I.KOIIHK KI.L1S (Canliicr .National Dank Common wealth,) Tieamrer, Ho. A. K. McCI.URG, Philadelphia Solicitor. The Chinese Ci'veriiment having (through the tlmi An.il UutluiK.iuie) c nieeOcil In tin. Cxuipan) the plivi tgenl CMiiicelnig tn Kltut 'e"P"a "I Hit Laipne by aiuu itiiie eh uie leiiai,'" eahle. we pri'ii c nuiHeii cu.K .i,ielatl .m iu Clll.el. and la U K ll nvn a line "I lone bandied mile, ul mice, liawnu lh foil-iwins pun.; vi ForuL.TItlM. Canton, . Mac ri, H nig-Koiig, SWUMW, Am')-, Kuo-Chiiw, Wa i-Chu, N nigt-io, Hang Ibean, cnaiiftlaii, Tvital, ,l)0(l.l'IKI tiii.vut JMl.UUU SID 01 U lij'J.UUO I -iM,W0 3'JO.lHln 41 U ui -U 1,011,011 i 1,1 OO.IH'U 6,'JIO o.o Tdete pmti have a fureign tinnmrre rf !X.0,fl 'II OW, annaiien -r. n.i i. ,tomt-ti ic iraJe, lit iUe vli.cll welmvc Lti i.Hiiifii.e lulcnun L.niiuicice ol Lite r-:iii,nrc. laiu-iueg tt.'in ilit.c piiiii!., tUr.iua n.emi'il. una oivi.alil u.ti. I'ne c il. liri.ia laid, CtHiiiniii)' i 'p'.. eitelut lainl liiim. Hutl r.i.icialiing it .(.eeuy ui.u itu.iw.iin.y tiiraii. ..I c- 'llt naiiivaleni. !mtl mini C lllinaud lllere, m evuitWuvle ri.e. Iliec. lutliunlealeiiia til llie O .vei n.neiit. t f ;.,',.aie-, u,iJ tita icul lite, e.pi-ria ly la 1'hnt.i. !li hat ii. p tal.ysteni. and her unl mean. II w m chiiiiiU. iitCullng l,,t, Ituallell I by cou leianit lainl, nnd OV i eattf rm .-ii walel. I'he N e.teni Wurld kimwa ill il Chiin la a very Itrge e iuntty, in the "mm L-enlrlrpvuplnl; Outlewjel lemilti Unit au'a iiOiiii. m. ire man a Hind ni Hie hum in late. I'litt Mieht reluuil iwatle li her erntrul uulh-'i n iKfc I- 1 la in purpose hy ihr I ;al nuniUiriilea maUe hei tio'ulitl ai S- TiUlt NU.SUIIKU A.U KOLItl'I.K.V .ll l.l.lt '.V, and tlo.il in ne liKcly n be unticl man over t lie ii.-ti. il ne'it'ega a Nearly lillol ihe.e. wh.t are over ten tea. .IU. i a only can Out d i read and write, ller etvi.i ill !! IS peculiM'.bat her UtrlHlute IB as ,lenive n. that t-l I'at r -pr. eiiin im u tiiiili-f '.t.ieher. mid tr.-ttleis; untl the litliel lire exceed. ligly quick tuiivail Ih ltiletve.tif ever) pi-Q'ered Inctlity l tr cuilng nnlv int. iiiiaiem It la obsri.ed hi California ill it Ihe CI e n.ake (treit u-e ot the ttlt-'iaph, tleaijih it there transmits u.e-s .ge. o, l-'.ie giislial .ne. I'" t'ai ctcil mnnln-iB of Heel leaiiieta all ow, e-d by Chinese ineielaints, nml osed by thenl t xelu Slvely lor the traiiniiiinii ol early inlell'itenee. 11 the t- lepraph we prop conneptir nil then aieai seap ris. Were now in eai. lance. It is tieaevtd Hut l liu.t.ieis Would pay tlie cost witliit, Hie tir St two y eat. ( it. s 10 ceSRt'ui operation, ami wouht ateinlil. inerea.e ihereafier. No euterprnie c -inlneeil. Ilneif as in a areittel .tetjlee reiiiuiiciit'ive I t caiituliBls, anil In mil wli -le people It i. oi ii vast niti m il imp niance c iiuuiercialiy, pnhlicall) . and e va .it el lea id nv . r-ie n-k of this Company h-i. been unqn.ibrteitiy recointneiidi-d 1 1 c ipilntisls nnd Ii .,iiii- Mirii. n, .1 Oesir. ith'o inveHinieiit hv editorial nrliclt-s i i Ihe New V"ik lie aid. Tnl -ine. W nld. Tones, Post. F.xttre.s. Iii l-"en-dent, B. id III Ihe Plidiulelplinl S'orlh Ainericmi, 1'rens, l.ttier. Inqairer, Aae, Hiilletut and Te'eara.li, Snares ol il... Company tot, tonitetl iinni'ier, may l-e "litnlni-,1 al Pan ein-a. Sin cnvaMedowii. S5 on the l.l of N veniher. an.l pmalile in rntnililv nimalnifiiis of A 'i.to each t-j oiciueuehvj December I, I-;!!., on apptiva lion DREXEL & CO., S4 Son lis l liii tl Str. cl, I'll II. A lil'.l .I'll i A. Phnres ran be obtained in Sunbury bv opplic'ition l' S J PACKI'.H, II inker, wh.i is authorized to receive sub seri,.ii his. and can give all nccessaiy Infol lliatioii on the suUecl. September 10. It)- 8m 1". II. MUOHK. 1. C. Dlbtfl.XGlilt. NEW ARRIVAL AT !viosci: & .i!sB-;j;Ei". Wa are now upcuin ' a laro varied iissjrtincut of fall and winter uoud.-, which wo cCcr at the lowct CASH Prices, in II:iiii,h .'v Iriiu I'roul, MARKET STREET. SUN1JURY. PENN"A Consittln of DUV nOOD!. NOTIONS. tiHOCEP.IE?. QUEEN'S W Ailli. tiLAaoWAUE.auii a full lioa of GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISHINU C00J1S A.VD l.tiiSii-H Ir-M (JooiN, Calicoej, Mujlim. Flannels Table Lilian Toweling, Check. Tickini;. Coutiterpur.es, Cuuiiiiicies, Ycsiinms. Varns. tkiru. Neck tic, Cutis. Collins II in ILercl.ivfs, lli tc. Oil CI .ill. Cnipcta, Wobd uud Willow-War. We invite ipeciul attention to the quality of our iock of OlSUt'I'.KIi: Wit fVU V.H. RIO an! JAVA COFFKE. TEAS, FIT.ARS, ilOLAStrf. SYUL P-S. SOAP, SALT, flail, Yl.NLtJAU, it., io. Cainptell'i Celebrated FLOl'H, always on band. We feol confident that cujh buyer will find it to their H'lvHiitn-o to p,ive ua tl cull, and customers gunerully are luvilcd to call uud txaiuiito uur good, and jjet tmsicd on our p-iceB. Ui stiict iitteiitma to the wants nf our customers and lair iluiiiui we hope to luui it a full thure ol the pubiio pairuitn -e. CUli.MKV VltODl'CEof all kinds titken iu ex change fur goodi, far which lb hihoet price Mill be puti. MOO HE & DISSINUER. Kunlmry, Sept. 19. 'o3. N E DUV li 0 0 D S AND Fresh Groceries! Oa Tl ird St., on door bolnw tho Lutherun Church, SUNBL'lty, PENN'A. ItEMHY PETKRS Ha just opened a lare assortment of DRY O'lODS. such as C.-ilicoc-B. Aiu.lin... Ac. which ai .old cheaper than ever. Also, a vuuety of ivo liuus. tn ier.hiiis. Drawers. Ha' and Cap.. LADlLs' UUULLN UOODS, do. Q It O C K K ID M and PROVISIONS of all kinds, such a SUGARS, COFFEES, IEAS, SPiCES, COAL OIL, Molasses, Sjrups, Mackerel, Lard. II tuia, Nuts, Dtiod uud tainted Fruiis. Prune, Rni.tns, L'bce., uad tr-ckcri. uud in fact everything usually kept in theUriHiti v liue IIuiBX, Fish. Cuul Oil, Cro.koiy.wur., (Juetuiwaro, lil at.,-war, Vl illnw-wal. Ag. The best FLOUR and .MLAL iu lb Market Tobacco. Cigars, and a varieiy of NOii 'No. A l.o; All kiudj of Cuuucd iiuil, at the lowest pri;c. Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goods. li'Cail aud cxauiiti my Slock, uuj ialufyyour iolvts. HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, Oft. 10. lRnT CTlU'ENlKKa WILL find ih our establishment a Aiperior tck, of Pliu.es, Sawt, Augar., tlaUiheU, ituuiuiere, File Ctu-j, do , 4j ,f-T .uie by J. II. CONLEY i. CO W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND C11EA11ST, Inrlic-t 'qrinrf, HI'IMK ItY, In. JIus jual opened .a fresh and full assnrtrneBl of Drugs; and Medicines, nnstirpaseeil In pnrlly and frethnnto, and kept eon. etantly on hand. My stock will alisaya be fsnnd complete Id every artiole of merit in Medicine. Physicians and CntYnmera ma rely a Don prompt ness and attention to ofdora. FANCY ARTICLES! My stork hi unusually larae and emtrracee every. thina; that ean be found on a Aral elum Toilet Table, Including Ainonoau and genuine Fienoa and c.og- PERFUMERY, Pomade. Hair Oil. Ivor. OuWa Tercha Wood and Horn Combs, 'iollot tioaps, ilair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and l'alut Uru.bea, Ao. I'lllCllt 9IC(liviiltBI. Embraelng all the moat popular Preparation! of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SECfARS and CHEWIN8 TOBACCO of the beat Brands. Paint, Oils., (.'Iur, 4a'lnH, Putly, Vnrnlmlicsi, Ac. All my Tinclurea. Syrups, Ointment. Cerates, and other preparations aio mam. factored by myself, and from tho best material I Ann procure in Market. lUving bad nuite a number of years' aiporience in the Drug and Prfrri'lion Buintiy both tn Philadelphia nnd the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharttincv. I feel com petent to COMPOUND. ALL PRhiSCIUPTIONH that the Physician and public may favor me with. All my proparutions aa 1 have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor 1 assert, they are of official atronirlb. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES. BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and ooovince your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Stinhliry, May 1(1, 1858. LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eysler, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUXBUKY, PEN N ' A . Invites the publio to cull and examine hit elegant aanorlnientof FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, such as Table Linens, Iioiuestics. L'oyties. Towels, and Domestice ol every dusuriptiuo at thu very low est prico. CASSIMERE G. Silks. Delatnf-a. Lawns. Oinghnms, Caticoes. Muslins, Sheeting. Tu'kins, lcHd, and a lull aMortuivutif Co tun auj Woolen good 8 generally. Hosiery. Gloves, Hoop bkirt. Also Handkerchiefs, Rrushes, Combs. E9:M mill 4':ip. Itnol niisl lsosi. His ot.ortnirnt ot goo-l will not. ho ie sure fail to plonrc the fnticy and suit the wants of any desirous of purchasing. His stock of IIAKHWAKK AND QUEENSWARE. and Orocerics Is Inrire in eiiantity nnd choice in t,uality. comprisin-r penernlly everything needed in tho hu'iisehnld cither for use or nrnnuicnt. llu is nlffuya ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure iri showing them his lenods even though no sales are made. Ii only ask. a cull. nnd. is sure that the stock will coinpu.ru favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. JOSEPH EYSTEP. Sunbury. Nov. 23, ISBd .tidiest' I'tiucy ! AT JOHN FAREIRA S, Old Fstablished F U K iMaiiutactorv. No. Tl.-t Allfll Vtrect, above 7th, PHIL'A. llavo now in .tore of myown importation and ' a V'' .tlanuluoturo one ol the ' It.'.T 15 t - . . " 'V! iSis- t .lae'e 'lection of FANCY FUR, for Lin'.ics un) Chil- dren's Wear, iulheeiiy. ' . . "i,-. J Also, a fine uaatti'tuient of . Herts- Fur illove, nl C, liars. ! I am enabled to di-pose of my goods nt vary rea- ortMhlc prion. nni wnuM Ihi'rflore nulicit a c ill from my friends uf KoribumberlunJ county nnU vi- ctnity. UJiupmbtT the Xutne, Kumhrr and Street JoilN KAKKn.A, No. 7 1 R Arch Pr . ahnve 7(h. south 9l. IMnlad'a. lV I have vn 1'nrtner, nor connection with any other ore in Pltiladelphi 1. et. 'tis -lu . . ur 11 ii it ni'iv i ifi'n n n WHOLESALE I.V HETML. r"1!IE suliseribrr rc.pecifully itiforms tho public I that he keeps ooiwtatitly on hand at bis new WAREHOUSE, near tli-Shainokin Valley Railroad ieK,t. in SUNIiURY, Flour by tho band and Backs of :s4 1 kinds of Feed by the ton I he lilinvc is all niiiiiufaclurcd at his own Mills, and will bo sold at the lowest cash prices. .1 M. CADW ALLADFR. Sunbury, April 1. IboS NEW MACfi I"S1U)F AND tUI.. ICOI1CII A4.-IB .V sursruTjn v. INFORM tin-poklin that they have csiiihlished a MACHINE SHOP, in coi.neo ion wiih their FOUNDRY. They have supp'ied ihemselves with New Lathes. Planing and During .Maifliines. with the latest improvements. W ith the aid of ekilllul me chanics, they nre enabled to execute all orders of .--v Uiii-U sir CE-1 il l nj;, that may be given litem, in a saliid'aotury manner. Having eti'.crge-l and rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTING. ItriiMM 4"n ii'X Ac. The PLOWS, already eelebratod for their auperi nriiy. have been still further improved, and will al ways bo kept on baud, riunbury June It, ISM. A Lecture to Jtut lJitt! 'lifted it a SeuteU Uuvfthpe. Puce six crntn. j A !'' I tire on Hk- ill hit, nieut au t Kadical Cureut aSperuiaioirha'u.or Srttiiiial ; Weakne. Involuulary EiiiiMtiuDtf, SlxumI iK-bihiy, uud iuipediuieutu lo Mnriiage gen rally ; Nirvoun ne3. Cuiitfumpituii, i.ptlepy, and ir'iU ; MMilul mid . i'iiy.-iunl liiuapaciiy. rculiui(; In.io aSelf Alu. Ao. Hy HubkhtJ. Oii.vkuv ell. M. 1)., Author ui the ' "lireen iiuok."' Ac. t The world-renuwne 1 authcr, in this adinirablo Lecture, clearly provitt fmui himwn experience ihit lie Hwful consequencett uf felf-Abue may be rtlec tually removed wnhuut Uiudieine, Hud wiihuut dun- ' tCcfuba rurtciil uperaiioiiii. bougie, ti.oiruujeiiixj, rings, ur coruiali puiutiiiti out h iuud nf cure mi mc cetintii and elliutU'd, by which every fruuVrwr, u matter w hat ln condition in t v be. may ouie hun-lt cheipl . pi iv;iu!y, uui in Jio.iMv. 'J Lecture will j I r. e a Li nn t j ?t'.u-in s an I l bousan U. fcent under cnl, to uny addre, tu a plain i-ult I lelipe. ou Hie ruueiptof jent. or to pi.rtao slitnii j. AUO) lJr Culvetwell'd IManiue tiutdt,M j pney cwiu. aujics the t uintnTd CI1AS. J. C. KUNl' A CO., 127 ItiiWery.New Voik, i'wt-ttllice Uoi 4.i:fi. July 4, I6iit y MA1UKES GREAT fit-STORSR. CLLEUK ATLL tter Cordial. B i Tlit medical pregerutmu is now offered lo the public iu a reliable.uUsliiute for lie uiaii.v worth-ici-s ooinpounds which now Hood the market, it is puicly vegviable. vouipoatd of variuu. bcib.-, gut her i'd Iroiii th groat sturcbous ufiialuiu, una svleutvd wi'h tlicMitmo.i cur It i. not rejoinuieuded u. a Cphk All. but by its direct aud .aluiaij influ oncy upon thu llo.tii, Lier. Kidue). Lungs, aio luaoU aud Bowels, it auisioth a a preveutive at:d cure lor luuny ot thodisea. to which tbu.e orguu nrevuljcet. it U a reliable Family Medium, and can bo taken by eitbel infant ur adull with th uiuc bem liuial icsulU. It is acertsiu. prompt uud I speedy remedy lur Diarrheal, Dy.eutury. Bowel Cotiipliitiil. Dyspepaia, Lownesaol Apiriia. (aiiilings, Mck-lluadauh. Ao. For Chill and Fever ol all kiuda, it is lur better and safer lo in quiuine, with out any ut it. paruieinu. effeol. it creates an appe tite, pruvcB a powerful digester uf food, aud will ooutH'-ruct Ibe 1-fieout uf litiuur in a few uiiuUle. Prepared by JACOB ECIIEETZ. Bole Proprietor, y. W. Cor. Filth and Kao but., Philadelphia, Pa. e-.-ld l-y U PiugiUu. no. It, 'os -y Mm ISAAC K. 8TAUFFER, Wiitchranktr nnd Jtrrm NO. 149 NOKTUad BT .COR OI-QUAHHY, PHILADfn.PHIA. An aaanrtment itf Wai-hee, iewcliy, Silver end l'UU s.nre l-oiistnutly m, hand, t-rHeiniiriiig uf Watchee end Jewelry eforaptly at temletloi . Nov. an, I Pa? I y. No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. xENERAir Agents, .PENNSYLVANIA, Jg o r t hE jtRSiaS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tha K.Ttomt, Lts-i lKsTTt-oa Cowr'aST 1. a eurocrat. o i c inr ere I hv apt elal Act ot Cai.aresa.ap proved July .ltull, wuh a CASH CAPITAL, Cl,0O0,0OO, FTLL PAID, t -.betel terms otferid to Arents and Solicitors, who ai e io viie'i I - apply n t onr tw:lce. Futln ttlculart iheri.il on anpllra'lon st oarofllc, ' loeiiiea I', , In- hec a i "lory or our ILiUMin- U..a-e, hen-citcuia-s ami riii!e!p, fan- d. "i rn i a tu aavaaiages tlture-t by the Oo-npa-v .iumv he iiad. I'.. W. CLt tHK ek O.. JVo il6 imlk fiiid .( Applicationt for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to be made tn U.S. UUSsELL. Mamiokk. August 15, 103. ly. llurrti-burg. Pa. EHOTO GRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS A'M BTATIO IVKRY. Monlltly Time Ttnnks Trawina? Honk and Slates, flor.ka. Ilvmn Pooka B- ink Flonks. Meiiiorniiituui E:,ki Diaries. Pocke. Hiaiks. Ink Bland. Pens, PercrN. a fing aamir.:nent of Paper, Ink. Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTKIl. H. Conley Co., .Tl:ifKcl mi-vot,I-:tKf oft lis ICiiilroasl. SUJSTBtJR.'Sr, PENN'A. DEA1.KHS IN i ici:k.. al ,k ,'i !.., Hardware & Cutlery. riMIE uttcijtion of Mochanit-i. F.umurs. Huit-lcr, X i"l liuyrrii guntriilly is inviittl to the l'uct lhnt we ui n now (lV-riii u lit'tn-r KeiuctcJ HSftirtmcnl uf llARHH AHK. C'L'lLhttY. AC thnn ever wa ntli-r.! in tlii innrk-l tit irices much huluw ilmc hcretislur-. iltMiDiiuIr l bv iliiltTJ. Our stock cninprifis nil mtit U-s in t Ii ih lino of inMinfR.", PutlirHciii): u gunerul uurortiiicnt uf tuuli ami luulo rvU -, l-v CAIU'KM'KRS, BLACKSMITHS, CA1UUM.K ANl WAiiO.SMAivtKS, JOlM.KaS. AC. AC. tnpethcr with luro utiK-k ot Iron. Steel. VniN. Spiki'. Kdl, Chuii.s. Oi iu-unici, Mill un-i X Cut Jiiw, Ac Aii. Sunliury. aMreh 30. liV.7. SUiNBUUY MA11BLE r'. ,N; fllllE undeniigned having bought the f; X euliro Block of Disiner A 'i'aylnr, 3 would intuitu the public ih-tt he is now roady lo do all kind' of marble work ; bus on hand, and makes to order at short notice, .11iniim-:il uud Ilt-u.U loiu-w, of every style to Fuit pnrcliaser-i. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also. Cemetery V"ts w'nli 1 ilvani.d pipe nnd all other fencing .ucrally mcJ on Ci lucUTle... John A 'l .tvlor wiil continue tu thu etntdovmcbt. , ihe old siuud in .Murkel .noare. Sut.burv. I'n Mv os I v I W . M. DAL'oi 111.111 Y. -- - I. i 1 KiV At III W I V il l.YUli CV IlLllU l TC . ISTTJp A.OTO t-tT. TllIE fub.-oriber rcfpeoifullv iutortni the citizfn" X 1 tfunbury nnd vicinity, thnt he ha? opened a rin.p iu S.I . Mroh lll;ickiiiiiti'Hip.Uuil'liii on Chitnut street. Sunhury. i'u . whore I u keepd con- etuutly un huud, and uiauufautui en ioor J t, 4 iiii'ink, IMixu.Vs A.'.9 of the lalet etyle and 01 the bet mtitrriul. lifp.-tirinir id Wnun. Carriage. Ac , done at the " . n ' 0 want of fine Roggies and Carriage, arc requested lo call before piircha-ing .l-ewhei-e. 11. C. KOL'nll Funlntry, July 1 1, ISo3 ly 'llIB GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, IN STJ 2N3 BURY, is on 3d street, opposite the MA0XIC HALL, at 'BERGSIRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Hut I.ulrly i:.;illilsl, Milliall llie .loilorii liiirovinioiii flit il 11 ! rjIIIi. suh.dcribor, ha iiij; luilt tin room exprely J. lor the purpose uf I'hotoriiphiii and having devoted uuiuy yeary io the busiin-. Ciinftit nt uf ' liia ability lunwuru bin pttlroiii that the work pro duced 6hn 1 1 be Second Io none iu country ur city. No wurk atlowrd to lenvu the iilliiy unk.v en tirely tatif.iclory. Having the bit .ky lihf iu the rt.uuiy. lieu prepared to liuike l'olu'rapb in all kiti'inot weather, but would prefer u clear day lur ! Small children. i iio it uLvi pM pared to tuke new iiie, or cubiuct Card Photograph, i All kin. U tl pictures copied nnd mnnifi-d to l nny required riio and colure-l beauntul ly in V'il or Wuter colurttur Xtidin itik. Wo pjy special aiteutiftu to all kind of out door work. uoh m Landuape vif..-o tMoiiunienlH, .Maehii.ery, CuiIv fctdti, Ac., a Inre lot of 1'hotoranh haute coiidlun'lly uu haud The public are rcspecfully united lo call und ."ee our fpeciuiei. uud our complete urrtiiifuniili for milking l'liotoruph, special let m tu Imutlien and clubd. . BEUGSrUKSaSLR. Hunbury, July 15,, U's. Faiiso.n. N 1:1 son I't uu V U U N I T U It E 1IUU M h Wl. FAP.SC IT &, SClTj latent the hrni of Fars n t Davi. hare opened waic rooms al No. South 21 street, bolow Duck, PHILADELPHIA, Whera thry keep a full uortmcut of PAUI.Uit. CIIAMUKU, Ml 1 1 NO PiOOM nml DIXINii ROOM FURNITURE. Tbeirold customers, and all persons wi.-hing to purctia.e. nre iiiVited inuall and exuuiiue their alock bctore purchasing elsuwheru Pariicular aiu-uiiou paid to packing. mya 1 v. -"l as icsaa ol' 1ii iait-rslil. N' OTICE is hereby given that th co-partnership heretofore eai-tiug belweeu J Woiser Hut bcr and E. Macer lluchvr. Iiading uttder ihe oiui ot llticlier Uroibers,"in thu tanning bu-iiicciy, was this lay (Au-tu't 'lih, lMl-l.l di6olv.d by mutual con scot, l lie bu-oiuv w ill hcrcitlicr be conducted by the uiideuignt-d. at Ihe old atand. where all ptroii indebted Iu ihe hi in of llucher Uioihers. at lc quisled In call wtlhcut delay and make settlement, and save col. K MASEU BLC11LK tSunbury. August 29. luiH Hut. TO BUILEEP.O. 7IND0W Glass and Building Hardware, al Ihe luwo.1 ta.li I'riccs al Th MaiiiUiulb fioreof li. Y. FKILING. WE nM. COIwcXB With great induetmentt to ageuti toco-operat with us in uur 4ja(.t.M oi: iXBi.i.kit H.ti.t:; H'ittiuih Jit iif Cuit Ut vur AjCit. lftir frti vf Cwt tn our Ayuti. Seiein 31tihinct Jrtt "J Curt to our Jytuta. Leather Coodt Jret of CVaf tu our A'jct$. Linen GwhI free of C'1 to our A jeuts. Hill and SlttiicU jlro4 oj Curt tu our Agei,t. 2jW and 5.W Jre- vf Cud to out- Ajei. t, Drtt Ooncli fret of Cott to our Asentt GREAT DOLLAR BARU AIN8 for our Customer. bend for our circular. A gent wanted every her Add ran J AS. T STEWART AO, Cot 1 Ss-Im : 4 Dvy Street, S. Y. Great Attraction, NEW TIN - W ARE, fsbepl Iron nnd FSioto (Store of , B1TH OffilTTSER.- Where Ihey keep eonetantly gn haud and Buanutao- tirre tn order at shia-t nothje. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WAREof alldeacriptiona. Thev would esneclall mill iha .n.,t... ..r ..... Chasers to their large aud well selected suxk of COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VES. The suhsctibcrs have made arramrements ik... all their best stove made to order, ami thie who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition un the following tried Urainis of Cook Sioves, vis : 4'wiiilsiiiiilissii n lliii-sivr, l ook. Jov-rsior I'l-un-t'ook, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook blove called tii-EAlt'd ANTIDUciT. Also. Pailor and office Stoves in great variety em bracing all the best maiiofiictitres and most bullion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty ol fiulsh siinpli ciiy of arrangement--combining cheapness, durability and each st.ive viariaiited to perform what they are represented. Alio, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating Hrst, second and third .lories by Registers Also, V'LLCAN HEATER. . Also, the celebrated MOKNINU GLORY. 4,-oalOil. 'nl Oil I .a nip, Nlin.IcK, -lilllHi-M. Illisl (ill ll- I-St usuvlly kept in an estalilihment of thie kind. They are also prepared it, furni.'h Slate and du slating io the bust workmanlike mitniicr. Also, to fin Tiu KiHilliig, Hpotitlng. Rane ant Furnace Work. Uu. Fitting, Ae. Hepuiriiig neatly and eheaily executed. Alro : "ttaitlt'ai ICn.v itoiK' iurrlIiosi pliiiK-." Remember the place, .'-'ample and Sales Room nenrly oppoeite Conly'a llardwai'e tnru. Market street, between Thiid aui Fuurth Btreeta. Building talk painted. August ii. IrlSrl. UVKKY SI'AIJLK. riHE tub-cribiTd hnvin purch:mil the ttock nml I fixluren of Mr. Chiirki Itucun'p Lit crv Stable. iu Suuhurv. witukt reopeoifully niniouneii to the I uhlto. t h rt they in tend lulihitI; it with GMt-cluM llor. Cirri.iyi. Hui nitij sprin VVat;on suil'iblu for the l.uUit.!'?', nii-1 will enloHVur to make il u Liverv fferuiMl tit none in ihMUtxliou nf the ate. Ortifi ! left at the Cnntnil Hut el. at any hour uf tbu duyur night, will receive prou.pl uttentinn. McAW A rAllNiWORTU. Punhury, Octubtr 17, OG'S Ui-Htn It:ik(-.. Steel anI run Uard n Ilnkrt, Lonx Mini U Handle Siiadt-s, tMinvelt. Mnhuro miU il iy b'nrk?, (lrata ami (Initu Scythes, llrain L'rii'lk'at. Cruillt! KinfrH. Trace. Breast. Tongue aiid Lo Cliatiii. liriml-Bioiici, Ff.nninx Mill deivea of nil h ics ani kimlt. u Inru atwr(iii-nt o HeU W:tn lliiuit-it. for l'lotvin, Farm liwllc. Cultivator Teeth, for utili! hy J . I ONLKY A CO. SXONCWAHE. THE heat and cheanesl asstfrluieut of Suma Ware . r. , . , ; . . . - , . v i in luc .Tun i:. jiipt i ttei i v. nun tui eaiv i-jia iui ua MuuiUiolh Ci.su Store of II. Y. FHILIXO. Ooachinakers, WE are selling Riui, Spokes, Hubs. Springs, Canvass, liulu, Clitai, Axles, le., very low LurgeAlock ut CONLEY t CO. Sunbury, March 0, lsflT. EH lalfi. tx rQaio IRON A large aesortuicnt of tho best maiiufao- i . lured j j Dais, Hoop. Band, Round and Squaro j Irou, Nail Ilods, C'a.t Steel. lliiiter i Steel. Drill Steel. Horse .Shoes, Horse Nail, Anvils, Hcllnws. Vine. Jluuiuiers, Sledges, R11.-11S and Files, at I CONLEY A CO S jacou shipman. FIRE AND LIFE IKSUUAKCB AQEMT, SL'.NUL'ltY. I'KNN'A. H K I'll K. KN I S : Fartners Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pi., t'uinbei laud Valley Millual Prolcctioli Co.. Now oi k Mutual Lite. Ginnd Life of Phil'b. A 11 iu t ford Co, ,11. Gcltcrnl Acoitlmil. u. (a.titii tin-.. Confectionry, Toys and i Ini-I.vl Sls-rrl, iiBilsis-y, CONFl-XTIONKRY OP hi: KINDS, TOYS OK EVKIIY DLSCP.1PTI0N PUU IT, .V:c. &c, CIONSTANTLY on hand and lor sale nt the above e?ttilii)tmenl utwholesalu and retail, at reason. ! able price. IK is manufacturing nil kind of Con feel ionurio ; to keep up full assortment which are 6old at lew rates. ! Tobacco, Scgara, Stationery, Nuts of all kind, ana i a variety of other articles, ull of whuh are oScicn i wholes, ilt, and retail. Ljr Kutueuiber the name and place M. C. liKAKHAR'f, Market street, S doors west ofE. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 1. Isfl.1. tf THE GREAT A if KMC AN CUMUIXA TIOX Itulluia lloli . .'I'at-aiulu;' A.NU S-SVHT Itf Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof uf ill Uii-iit .Mi-i it. The increase in the demand for thii valuable ma ehine bad been TLX t- ULU during Ihg Jan geveo luunths ol it liut ear hvf-.re the public. 'ihis Kr""', nnd urpn-iu,; t-ut-cew in unprcc'dent. ed iu the history ut uuwin-uitiehiuea, and ww leal fully warian'e in clmtninij that IT HAS .NO tyl'AL, l-Iuing Absolutely the Belt it vuisY ia iii.m: iN illaK V0ULL, A2 Iittiimtioilly the C'tetreat. Ii is really twu niiieliiiies cuiubined in uhe, (by a simple aud Ueuunlul uueliaiiK-al aiiatiemuiilj Ui kli-ii uab the liuUlyu( Loek-liieU. anJ ttie Uur. ieauin ana Uultuii-holo ktilvb. with equal laciiliy and peileeliou, il exeeuteMii ihu Very iecL Uinuntf every variety uf tewing, such tv, lleiuuiiu. ir'elliii, Cot Uiiifc, i uckiii, Miiuhiu. lii aiding uua Quilin, U.itheriish; nu t mwiii un, (dune at Hie ttnuiv time.) nt.d iu aii'Jtiioii, Uvioeaiu, Luihruideim.n the edtfe and make beaunlul iiuliuu uud i- elul-bolei IU all fabric. Lveiy Machine is warranted by the Company, or lis Agents, tu give entire JitiJ'Ueiioii. Clieuiais. witti lull particular and samples uf wot k done un Hi Mautuuu, cuu be hud uu applica tion al ihe aalearuuUt ul THii AMERICAN UUTTON llol.E. ti VERsEAMlNU AND SEWlNU MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Llvvcnlh and Che.. out Streets. 1'hiliidtlphia, Pa. Instructions given on Ibe Muobiue ui me ruuuia uf ih Company gtuiuitouely tu all purchaser. AoENTS WAMtiU. Fld-.D'IC P.AXbUN, I'rciiiK-ait. W. R. M tNUti.MiAi.i.. I it usutcr. April 25, I obei. lyejiu. 25, (ill it ikciti:ic i,ii.oo. Th Oldeu and moat noted Institution the Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WABlIiMirON, ir AVING removed to bis new building on Third iS reel, between Market and th Depot, is now prepared lu serve hi. ourluu.urr better than ever sieving .ecoietl the setviee ot firitt class barber., SllAWNGAND llAltl.liUt.jai.Nli will be exeuutud in tbe lail.lyla. The building having buen emcied esprctnlly for the purpiate uf a First Cla. Barber saloon, and having Sited it up iu Ibe latest style, he hope, to receive liberal .bar of patronage. In the adjoining room a Bret clas Confectionery has Deruopcued for ihe taleuf li'M'i-euiii, 4 'is bs si less, 4'n Ueer, end numerous uther TvniperaLee Driuk io oouiinnn Use. Oranges, and other dvltoiuu liuil and eatables ol home ui.d foreign growth iu rich profasiou and tlogaul variety. Suiibuiy, Stptttuber 5, lgi8 6 1 1 OEM A Ut US. HE best qualities of Sole Leather, Frcneh Calf skin Moriuovua, Liuibi:.. Ljl-. Nail.. Par. Tout of all kind., aud evuiy thing u.ed by the lr .c, f. low by J. li. CONLEY A Co I TV) P. Saddler., we have Eaddl Treus. Bill, Buck. . Ie. tiig True., Pad Tiece, liane., all kiud sutil every thing pertaining to the buaiiu.. for sale h J. il cNLEx CO. I l I.. M !torlhpm Onlrnl nnlltnjr. VUM.VEH Tf MB ttClfEDTJLH. Olf and alter No. 22d, Iniill, ttwia wlU leave tSUNUUrtY. ae follow: Lit A Ylv SOUTHWARD, o.OO A. M.. 1'allv for Willlam.po-t. Dally (exaept CtuiaunSilgua. . Mintlav..l for fdiuira. - Koebvster. Buffnloe, Mingar Kails, Suspension Bridge and the Cunadaa. 4.1& P. M.. Dally (except sautlavs.) for Elinirn, and UuiT.tlo via Erie Railway from Llmlra. 6.40 P. M., Daily (except Sundays.) for William. ' ' pnrt. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 1.1) A. M., Daily (eteept Mtinday-.) for Baltimore; Wnehiiigton an I Pblladeliihin. 40 A. M.. Daily for lUltiiiinrti and Washington. Daily icxoept Suudiiy-..) for llurruburg. J. N. Dt-llAHRV, . . i h.n. r. lot-'KO. Ueu I Pa-tfen'r A'f , Baltiinirre, M l Ueu'l. tlu't. llaiTTsburg, Pa. tliliasl-llilu V LSi lc KailB-wiB.I. WINTER TIME AUI.G.- Thrnuuh and dlreet route between Philadelphia, Baltimore. Ilarri..lur, Williaiuipnrt, to Ilia Niirib st.1 and the Ureal Oil Reiou ol 1'eiiitr.ylvaiiut. ELEGANT SLEEPING CAlldun all Sight Train. On and aller Monday. Nov. 2.11. Ift.18. the Tnius on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ruu at follows : WasTWABD. Mall Train leavel Philmlalphia, 10 45 p m " " " Simbury, a ml a in " " arr. at Frie. (So, m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 1 1 .VI a m " " " Siinhury 4n p m " " arr nt Erie Kpnn m Eltnira Mail leave Philadelphia, t (in a in " " " Sanhurv 4 II pin " " arrive at Look Haven, T.4j p tu Eastwaiid. Mail Train leaves Erie 0 Him " " " Suiilmry. 2 45 n in " " nrr. at Philmlalphia, lll i.ll a in Eric Express leaves Krlu . n 2a p in ' " ' Snnbury 9 4n a , ' " arr. at Philadelphia, 4 20 p in Mail and Evpreas con-ie -I with Oil Creek m AMenhcnv IU;ur Ruilruud. BAGGAGE CllEl'KtL" 'lHKOUGU. ALFRFD L. TYLER. Oeneral iipcrinteii lenl Ki-utllii- Itnilroa.t. WIN l i:il AKKAN JKMEVT. MONDAY. DSCEMQE 14. 1389. 11 HEAT TRUNK L1NF lYom the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Rend- I'olUvil le. '1hujii'u, .ililan , ."li.iiin.ki . l.utn- anon. AllenUmii, Eaaluu, Ephratu, Lilii, Laucaater, ivtnumnia. aio., .to. Trains leave ILurisburg for New-York, a fol lows : At 3 &n, ." 50 uud 8 10 A. M. and i 40 iioo, uud iMj and III. ill P. M. uouiiectiug null similar Train, on the Pennsylvania Kailroad. uial ai ri. it.g at Nuw York ul II lib A. M.. U 2 i noon, 3.i4). 7 in 111.05 p. ui. ami (1.1 a. a iu. respectively. Sloupiu; Cure accompanying tho H SO A.M. aud 10.50 P. ii. trains withoul uuaugii. Leave Harri.burg for Roading, Pottsville. Tutiia qua, Minersvtlle. Ashlanil, annul k n, Pine Grove, Allciuowi, and Philadelphia nt Bin A. M. and Im', and 4.1(1 P. M., stoppnig at l.ubuion uud piincip.il way stations ; the 4.10 p ui. traiu m tkm -; conneutious la Philadelphia and Columbia unly. For F.ttiiville. Schuylkill llnven nod Auburn, via Schuylkill nn'l Sui4uchaiiuu Railroad, leave 11 rrUh irgui .1 Hil p. ui. Ui-luimii - Leave New Vol k at U no a iii .IJi ii Noou uud a 10 uud H.nO p. ui., Phil idcliihia at a !i . I a.t ... . vi. . 7. ... K ."' ',J':;- i" a n" a. ui. nuu o iu ana d uu p. lu. Lru.liS iroal hw V orU ,v, nK .... ... W'uy Passenger Train leavel Pltila.l. lphiu at 7..U a. in., cuiiiieuiiug wnh .imilar train on East Penn ,. Railroad, returning fmm Reading at H..15 p m etop. plug ut all Stations ; Leave Puilsville at 7. Hit, s 45 a. in Mid i 45 p. m; Sliatuokiu al 5.25 a. in ; A-hl.nM ai 7.UU a. ui., and 12 dil p. in.; Tamattuaat S do a. m. and 2.20 p. hi. for Philadelphia. Leave Pott.-villc vi a. Schuylkill and Siuwnh'inna Riiilroud at 7.10a in. fur ll.-irrisburg. aud 1 1 dd a iu. lur Pino Grove and Tremuut. Reading Aucouimodutiou Train leavea Reading a 7. do A. M. returning leave Philadelphia ul 4 ij p.m. lVltstowu AcC'iiiiiuo lation Tran : Leaves Foiu town at It 45 A. &!., ruiutuiug leaves Philadelphia, ut 4.HU P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave "eadi.g al 7.00 A. M., aud t. lit P.M. tor Epuruta, Lilix, Laticas lei . Columbia. Ac. Perkiuuien Kali Road Trains leave Perktnmcn Juuuiiiu a. f .15 A. M. and i do P. M. H.-tui i u : Leave ,kippick aid 10 A.M.. an I 12 45 P. 51 colli Heeling with similar trains oh Heading Ituii lto,.. Ou Sundays: Leave Now York atouupui., I'htlu delphiu B OO A. M., and 3 15 P M. the S.t'iia. u.. tiaiii running only to healing, Potisville Sot. am., Il.iri-i.liurg, o.5o a hi. and 4.10 and lO.Sti p m. . heinliiig at I .lii. a.uu and 7.15 a. ui. lor Harritbui c, at 12 50 and i .ll a. ui. for A'ew lurk, atU ut 4 25 p. tu. for Phiiadulphiii . Comtuiititiiou, Alileago, Saaaon, School ar.d Ex cuimoii tickets, ut reduced rales tu aijd fn.w ull point. Duggage cheeked through: 10 Pound Er.age allowed each Puescugwr. 0. A. NICOLLS, Oeneral Su)iei-inLut,4 cut ItUckuu uunu .V Klootuaisui-K aiuii roatl. ON and after Monday. Nov. 3dih, 18B8, Puajengcr Trains will ruu as lidUtvs : 4 SOL 111WARD. A. M. f M. A. M. P M. 5.25 4 10 in Lii 6 4 J b 55 4.47 lo.id 7 Is Lenve Scranton, Piinii.ii, " Kingston, ' hupcrt, " Danville, Arr. North d , H U 5.25 H 3d 7.51 b H 7 17 Dill 8 20 V 41 u5 N0RT1IWAKD. A.M. P.M. 7.10 4.43 A.M. P.M. Leave Nnrth'd., " Dtuivilla, Rupert, " Kingston, 14 PltlSloll, Arr. Scrauton, 7.A 21 bid 555 lll.:-7 8 10 8 55 2j U .2'2 V 10 9 2 X t'J 12 Vi 9 15 lb. to 3 -W Tra;ns leuving Scr.inton nt t 25 A. M. at d 4.10 P. M , Connect at iSoi tliumbcrlan I wnh traiLi on P. ,t ft. II 11. for llairi.-burg, Hultimore, W....noijiiii.1 W illiauispori. Luck Haven. Pitttburg and Wcm. Trains uiuvtug at Scmntoii at Id 1,0 A. M con nect wuh trains arriving at New Yolk at 4 4j P. M , Philadelphia at B.20 P. il., and Great Dcud at l.au P. il. Trains arriving at Fcranton at S 40 P. M connccu with trains for Gteat Lend a-1 U ral. IL A. FONDA. Sup't. ti. it. i,-niNi, Will remove his Oifiee to J. M. Simpson'l Euildinr. 2nd Btory, Murkut Square, SUNBUKY, WHERE he will be prepared tn do all kinds of work pertaining lo Dentistry. . Will keep uitii'taiitlv ou hand a large aawtirtnici'it of Teeth, and uthei Dental materia', Iroiu w hicb he will bu able to elect, and in eel the want, nf hi. customers. AH wmk warranted '.o give Bali.lauiioo, ur .Ise thu money refunded The very best Mouth Wash and Tuoth-Powdere kept oil hand. His rwfarences are ihe nnmernus patrons for whom Lehas worked for Ihu luat twelve yeur. Sunbury, March 21, Is44. Are especially invited to call and examine our gtnek of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, oompristug Nails and Spikes uf all varieties. Bulta. Screw., Simp and T Hinge... Lovksand Lal-hes Boln. rl.,.. tenug Trowels. Brick Tiowel., Pliulorer . Sieve., Ac., Ac, lor .ale by J. II. CONLEY A CO. UMOiN 110TKL. 4-1IAM. l l aCIOI., li-0ii-i(-lui-. In Cake's Additim to SUNBURY, ur tbe Pvnu'a Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRA NslENT BOARDER, kept who will did amide acoomuin lations. UouJ cooks and wuiter. Ooaidcrs ean enjoy the quid tort of home wiib fare etiual to the bett hole'.. His till u. irs are of tbe oboinwt kinds. Sunbury, Jun. 8, 181)7. LIGHT! LIUHT! LIGHT! H. ltl i:iCL,Y, rplIE popular Photogmper. ha fitted up. ia the L uld Post Offioe buildiug, thro d airs w-.t ol'tr.o railroad, Market Square, uue ut tb Very biut ski Light, to be found U the atai. and U uow prp ,re., lv taku ptotur.4 ot any kind, iu all kiun. uf weather early aud lax. Children taken aim.. si instantly' Bring along Ibe babies we or now ready tur theui lOME ONE I COME ALL ! both great and small, sea his new rooms, end ex. auiine apeoiuiens Fit AM8 and FRAMl.ViJ material oon.lantly or. ban I and made tu urder. lli iug along your piclur. and have tbeui fiaiued cheaper ih.u any here el.o Come and ko lor yourseive. Anything in the picture line constantly uu baud or ordered Copying done in all il. branch, and colored a de.in t. Boih out and indmir view. takn at ehoit notic and ou reatouabl terms, bati.iaetiou guarrntud aaouruiulio U to ploase. All negativ. carefully pre.orve,. Keniembcr the plaoa aag (ut B fcYkh L Market Square. May 2d, dS.-lj. ! 1 1. 1.. OIU, tVv. " A full stock of Oil oonipruing Linwd Oil, C-.I Oil, Fiah Oil. aud LuUiaiuif Oil fur Eaxino. aud Machinery, Yaruisiie, Ulwe, aiys uu iti. at low rii.e.t o ON LEY A tO'i