Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 06, 1869, Image 3

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    inntorg American.
&M.'Li AV1LVKKT, Publlahor.
NtnUL'llV, f A.
Horal Affairs.
Tbi tit. fler. BenJ. W. Morris, Bishop or Of gam
and Washington, ud former! a rector i St. Mat
thewi' Church of tbtl place, Kill officiate In St
Matthew's Church on Tacsday evening, (bo iih
Inst., at 7 o'clock, anil administer tba sacred Ml of
KtVIVllS IX SaUMOKlX.Protraoted BMllagt
or now in progress In the Methodist, Presbyterian,
Lutheran and vangelioal Cbarebet of Bhamokln,
and an Intersil baa boon awakened which promisee
to result in a general revival.
Tnt County Aadlton bar been at work, for
aeveral weeks, on tbo receipts and eipondllure of
Northumberland county.
Tna workman are now engaged in putting np the
boilers and machinery for tie new company's Steam
flaw and Planing Mill. The Msglneaand machinery
'enme from V iluiiugton, Del., and art mado with
'tbo latatt improvements'.
Tan weather continual unsettled. Snow on Tues
day eight, rain next day, mow and rain during
Vedne'duy night, and anow sqaalls tat Beit day.
'"as protracted meeting! bold in tbo Lutheran
' "iiuroli, by Hcv. Mr. llomperly, in thin plaoe, du
r ictho past tew weeks, hare boon of much Interest.
V aits a nuiuber are leaking salvation by repontaaoa.
Maj Pjivid Taosaiit, of Northumberland, pay
master in the U. H. Army at Bt. Louli, Mo., bu been
-?liercd from duty in that eity and ordered to
'.'iraba, Nebraska Territory.
Id. Ui roH A Willlatnsport psper ayi that the
: iin-gf r. the river, at Look Haven, etttendifrom
the i. fv-j i.f the boom to above Queen's Kun dam
'I ho body i f ice ii so great aa to completely ooror up
dam do part of it being visible. Bhoufd there
bo a sudden rise in tie river, and the entire mate
e'.art at ,.nw, tnnch damage may result tit booms,
br'do-. rr.i r'her property below.
.iutj. Cwanr. A pair of salrnoa, weighing
respectively ol'-ven and a quarter ard fifteen pounds,
!." rt;; epetrC'i In the river, below the She-rou'.-in
i'tra, at lb: (data. The luoky fitheraaB so.lil
tbtoi for tw aiy.fcveonitt a poond.
Tl.v at V.-:tLtAiMnT. On Thursday night of
!;.it en-.'.; building occupied at s.n office by Frank
Thompson, Eq., Superintendent of tie Eaitern Di-ri.-:uu
of the Philadelphia A Erie Hailroad, at Wil
iinu.srort, was entlrtiy destroyed by ire, with itt
ooiiten;t. We utiertUnd that tome of the private
I up.'m belongl: g o Mr. Tborr.pjcn were sat od. The
lire if said to bare originated from the beaten.
The Allesbo MrnDxncBi or Kb. ratriak
Hener, of Mt. Carmel, this county, who eras recent
ly arretted near Bioemsburg, on tuspioton of being
tonocrned in the murder of Alex. W. Ilea, bag been
committed to prison to await bit trial. lie will ba
removed forthwith to Columbia eouuty. The trial
of the other partial aeouted of tkt murder of Mr.
Ilea oommenoed at Bloomrburg on Monday lost.
Eoom Mtr.Tixo We would call the attention of
our readeri to the importance of attending the meet
ing of the Boom Company, on Monday next, at 2
o'clock, P. &(., at the office of Ira T. Clement, Esq.,
In Market street. This is an enterprise of great
tnnjrtiitcda to tbo basinest Interests of tUs locality,
and it behooves s all to show, by a full attendance,
that we will cot be indiBereot or hesitate to giro it
our aid and influence, in crdor that tbo IHrectori
may be able without delay to construct and put In
the Boom. Let ail who feci an interest in this work
use tbelr energy and tsal to bate the Buou com
pleted at an early day.
St. VALENTiae'i This day, which causes
ao Diucb Suitericg an,.jLg the young ladiet, ooues
on to-morrow (Sunday) ewtok. For the benefit of
our fnirrivrds, we woulJ slate that tba owtom ef
tending "Valentiurs" originated many hundred
years ago. P:itnt Valentine was, according to tome
writers, n bifhop, while others intict tbat bo was a
presbyter, who was beheaded nt Home, In the reign
of the Emperor Claudius, a. B. 170. Historians re
mark that bo was a man of admirable parts, and so
fatnaus for bti lore aad charity, that the custom of
choosing Valentine! upon tit fce'.lral took lis rue
from thence.
B)KSCS1 Election. Tbo Rcpublicani met at the
Cnion Letguo Rooms on Wednesday evening last,
and unanimously nominated X. T. Bright, Esq., for
Chief Burgess; Ir. J. O..Markle, fur Seaand Bur
gess ; Jacob Sbipman, for Clerk ; and E. Battian,
for High Coostubte.
' The oittxtnt of tbo West Ward will hold a meeting
at the same place on Monday evening next, to form
a ticket for their Ward, and those in the East Ward
will meet on Tuesday evening.
In forming the ticket for Borough officers great
tare should be taken to select the bctt oitiject of
each Ward. There are a number of important
rentiers that will bo laid before the Borough Council
-during the year, which will rrquirt men of intelli
gence and judgment, and we b pe to see suob a
tickut frinel that will bare the interests of this
tl too at uxert. Hud aot accordingly. As there U
n'.n f i un niinicuB opinlcu In favor of a fire de.
t..i,: t.,t, i .pe to see men placed on the differ
i.. . '.:i o I.: r. ui approve of it aMl astublUb it at
a-: 't.y diy.
Obdkk hp Hrd Men Ibe Improved Order of
H o l Mi'U iir.iM.d baviugagrand parade in Pbiladel
;,' .d n,e li b of next May, St. Tammany's Day.
Ai j-T iuc paruds there will ba an oration delivered
t; it A oi itiry jt Musi:, end in the evenings grand
serquri f r irreat Coui::ii Chiefs, visiting brother!,
ic Xnbrs I'roui all the principal citiot and towns
:n'vHiue, New Jertev, Ia!aware and Mary,
iaii i, Will be pfr sui.t.
At a rcoont ineelii g of tbe Great Conncil of Fenn
sylvania, a flattering report was made in raferenoa
to tba speedy erection and completion of a Wigwam
lor tho use of the Order.
A CniAr MaChihx fob Tasrtyo Keroiikc
A Correspondent oallt our attention to tba following
timely article in tbat excellent paper, the Hoiton
Journal of Chtmittry : "Take a common quart
bowl ; fill it uo-tbird full of boiling water ; now
nad oo'.d uaicr, a little at a lime, until a tberinome'
lei laced in it iudioatct a temperature of 110 do
(rets '. A tnbie-po iblul of tbo oil to ba teated may
be lurt i-d into in water, and stirreJ about with tba
Ibrruiorneter. I: will float on top, and it may be
touched wiih lighted watch or bit of paper, if it
iuuiiM fire, tho oil it dun zero us, and tho teller can
ba protcouud under the United States laws."
Tbi Swiss Bell Kingirs abb Coxixa. The
eelebrated Peak Family will appear in oca of tbelr
choice and unique entertainments, at the Matonio
LUil. in Sunbury, on Thursday avening next. Mr
William Peak tbe manager of tba company, is
veteran In tba business, and gives nothing but a first
elaw entertainment, lie Is alto as eminent eompo
ser of music for the bolls, and tba entire company U
proficient is the managemantof tba bells. Mr. Wm
Lavuko, tbe balladist, will introduea a number of
sew and sweet sotigd. Master Eddie Peak inanipu
lates tbe st ifl bells and produoes with them the most
eijuisiie tuuiio- Mr. Whitoomb will perform
Buiuber of new barp solos. Miss Kata L. Hutohin
son, wbo is said to ba a sweat singer, supplies tba
vacancy iu tba company occasioned by tba death of
Liseile Peak. Tba bolls used by tba Peak Family
xrero manufactured expressly for them under the d
rootion of Mr. William Peak, and are the moelootn
clete and finest in this country. Tba entertainment
will eonidtt of choice teleeUona on tba bolls, ne
song, buieequee, barp aoios, Ao
YaAVB or litT. joanOA "Kvi vTa regrat U
loam that Uuv. Juehna Kvaus, j)wujt i f the LuUi. r Ji
Churob, at Lewlsbuig,' dtod at bit rcYideuue in tint
plaoe. on Tuesday al'teruuon ol lat nvvk. Our read
ers doubtless remember that during the sitting of the
Lutheran UeneraJ tinned in Uuiri.-berrg, In Mny
last, ttev. Mr. trans bad an atlaukot )rLj sis. He
subsequently partially reooverod, but noieuifigieuU
to tnable iiisa to reautua tilt pastoral labors. Abotn
twelve o'clock en-M.irrflny eiglt vf leat wo betiad
another paralytlo attatk, fthloh rendered bins n
eontolout uaiil La aapirad. The deoeated letvot a
wife and aerertA bildreo to Mourn aa irreparable
lose, and they bare tba sympathies fjf ouuerou
friends in their lad aatioUua. In tbe deal of Iter.
J. Evans tba Lutheran churob of tbo oonuiiy baa
lost one of Itt mutt fealoul ministers one whoso
labors were always attended iU extraordinary sua
eew, and whose loss U1 be deplored throughout tba
Uenerat Synod.
Tas) Osd FaLtowi' AatvntAT. Our readeri
will remcuibiir that K wax decided at the last an
nual session of the Urand Lodge of tbe Order ol Ovid
Fello'wt to celebrate, on tbe Mih of ApT next, ibe
Oitieth anuiteisary of tbe intruduetiou of tbe Order
into tbo United States, in an Imposing manner, for
which purpose a committee wot appointed to make
the Beoessary arrangomeuis. The city of Philadel
phia is selected as the favored city in which tbe
celebration should ba held. Tba progruumo, as
informally given at this time, provides for aa oration
to be delivered by tbe veteran Uraul Secretary of
lha Oraud Lodge of the L'uitoi lutes, James L
Kidgely, who has occupied tbat position for over a
quarter of a ceutury, and was during the liteiiuie ol
nonius YYildey, tbe fouuder of Ui Order rn tbit
country, bit most intimate Inciiil aud adviser. 1'wo
dee are to be wrilteu exprcwly tor itie occasion,
bich will bo sot to popular aua atiractivo airs
Tbe indoor ceremonies will lake pliwe ai tbe skaail
amy of Musio, while a largo nuu tiiipoatu piooos-
sion, comprising the rutire broinerbood i-u roe oity
of Philadelphia, wui y ol tbe tunounuuig oouuiics,
betides entire ldiges nud Ueptiatiout troka tnauy oi
tba States, will take place in public.
Wa copy the following article, on Female Clerks
in the Trcnsury lepartuiont, lium tbe Vashiugion
Sunday Uatilit. We ere happy to tee oiu ti iniid,
A. A. Shisaler, Esq , of this plaoe, noticed in tuota a
oompliineutary mauuer. Mr. bhistlor holds a prom
inent position in Wat department, and it looked upon
at a man who it deaifued to slill bigher potir.aul.
Ibe Qasittt tayt :
"Soma few snout bt since about one bandied fe-
mule olerks were UiVRiinuol lioui ibe ItegMter't tiu
reau of tbe Treasury Uepeittuni, mere oeug uu
money to puy ibbiu auJ no work lor ibeiu it do,
gool reatone certainly lor their itny
had been employed in ouuntiug radceuiuo coupons
and ourrency. ihey aud ine.r fneuus oons uuily
tiuportuued tbo bociuuny tor ro.iiiiaiiueui. Many
of them are widows or orphans ut itie sueu wbo lull
inueieuceot tn-nr country , aunug me laio renei-
ion, aud it was bard Indeed lor tne tiegtttvr, or .no
Seoretary, to refuse tLem tue onuuee lu wake uu
bonett living. Cungrees passed a resuluilouHiluwiiig
females the tauie talury ut uiulus, Hbvii umployed
nponineaame kind ot work m tne iepartujeul.
Mr. Wilson, tbo Third Auditor, reponeo to the oeo-
etary tbat in tbe iVivitivn of bit iturenu, wbore tuo
zuariematter't uccoituit Wore awilileil, tnuie was
much of the work of the pa-t year's yet to be done,
nil II would do necessary to otitaiii uiute
orae to accomplish this work within a reit Jinbio
riven time, to at tint luiuoriuul branch Oou d hiiliue-
torlb ba kept up wun ihe oarreiit your. Tneacoie
tary at once re-icstaled sotn-; nn or i lie niaoharge'l
feuii'le clerkt, and Iboy were u eta' led lor duty iu
the Third Auditor t On.ce. Jdr. Wi.aoi. pUccd inctu
n tbe Quarttrmuttor's Liivisiuu of ibe liurcau, n uicb
in chargeof Col. Charles ii. Uiown dub- 'ivisiont
ere improvised undur the oarste and direction of
Mcsare. A. A. Stiissler, S. S.bieaius, und ThowutB.
i'lorenoe Spanaler. The Itidios wore tel to work
examining the vouobeit aud roturns, aud genoral
accounts ot tne Wuartcrmueier and Liuartermasler I
epartmentt. and up to ttiu date nave coniinued
from day to day in ttreir labors. Mr. bhissler, in bit
report to the ohiof of tbo ilivltiuu on toe subject)
luyt "the ladiet assigned to me for instructions in
tne settlements oi accounts are progieetlug beyond
tbe mcetnanguiue expectations." He tayt further,
mat mey tnow a greal amount ol energy and in
u try, and certainly possess all the aualilicutioiis to
make very efiicieul oierkt, and eeruiuiy equal the
male olerks employed upon tne tunic work '
"vva understand that many of inese ladirt are
ell educated : toire of them even chitaicul scholars.
There Wo one noticeable feature Of pr'r educa-
ion which, bovenr. appeared to be much nenlen-
ted, vis: uiatbematict. A degree of knowledge in
this good tcif nee ut all tciencet. it essentially neces
sary to tbe complete education nf an unexcppiion-
ole clerk, and it It with pleasure tbat wa observe
tbat the Female Duuiwmoe aud Publio bohoolt
throughout tbe country are including uiuihemuiice
in tbe regular studies of tue pupila."
IstroitTAMT to Oro Fellows UcUltk tJ'tt
Lo'Jfi.lhu Qrand Lodge of the Cured States buy
ing empowered the Urand Ledges under itt J irisdio
tion to grant charter! for Degree of ltebekab Lodges,
it it proposed by tbe Urand Lodge nf Pennsylvania
to accept tbe said power, and tbe following articles
are proposed for tbe government of Lodges of tba
ltebekab Degree :
That ohartcrs mar be granted to duly qualified
pplioante to inatituie Deigieu of Hebeknli in
hit jurisdiction, bavinii for their primary olj-cts
the visitation of the tick, tbe relief of the distressed,
and tbe support and eiucntiou uf orphans. Tho
said Degree Lodges have these privileges, aad are
to ne tur.ject to ineoonditions bereattcr natned. Id
oonler the Degree of Kebekali on tick c'oarlei Dogree
i I . A . C .
uivuiucia ma lueir wive up prunuui u uciuaunia
from a Lodgo lucated in the district designated in
the oharter of such Degree Lodge, and to confer the
degree on widows of Odd Fellows presenting certifi
cates from tbe Lodges of which iheir butbaudt wore
members In good stauding at tba lime ot their de-
2. They shall elect and Appoint their own officers
in tbe manner prescribed by the hv-lawe. Tbe elec
tive ilfijers are : Noble Oran l, Vice'irand. Secre-
ary and Trea.urer. and, if tbe by-luwt so provide,
a Financial Secretary. 'Hie appointed officers shall
b : Warden, Conductor, Outiide and Inside lluur
diect. Highland Lett Supporters to the Nable Grand
and Vice tlrand.
1. They ahall hold regular and special meotingt.
at provided by the by-lnwt.
4. io fix and auliiiri duet to be pad by tne
members, and to provide when those in nrreata shall
be dropped from the list of members. No charter
shall be granted to lute than Iwuniy appliouutt, or
tree man ten nt eauu tex.
t To arrant dooationt fmm the funds of the I.odkre
for tba relief of tbe sick, destitute or distre-std. and
for the educatiou of orphuut, as a majority of the
mombers may determine
6. To establish eucb by-laws and rules of order,
not inconsistent with the constitution, to be enacted
for the government of ltebekab Degree Lodges, nur
with tbe rules, stages and general regulations of be
7. The officers to be e'ectel semi-annually, at tha
nrst stated meeting tu otny ana ooveiuoer
Tbis whole subject will ootue up for consideration
and final disposition, al the next sarsitu of tbe Grand
Lodge, to ba bald in llanlaburg in May next.
So XX of our readers may fear tbat by placing their
money in tbe Ltcda of these Life Insurance compa
nies tbey will ba swindled. A dollar iaa dollar, and
oftentimes represents bard work, and it is nut plea
sant ta tavo it stolen by sharpers. Well, in tbe fir.t
place, wa have ao remembrance of any Life Insu
rance oompany ever failing. If there were suob a
danger it certainly eannot ba with a oompuny man
aged by tuoh men at Jay Coke, with a paid-up
oapital of a million dollars, and luauagad by men of
national reputation. Thit wa have iu the Xahoxal
Lir Iksubaxcb ComTaxv. recently organised
under an aot of Congress. Life lueuruuoe U reduced
to a scienee, and tha riput rasuiu uf tbat science
are embraced In tbis new company. Tbe directors
bare adopted tha simplest and safest plan. Ibey
mean lo oonduot the business legitimately, to insure
at the loweet rates, and to adopt every method of
doing the greateat good to 111 patrons ouutittent with
the rules of a sound insurance business Tbe Hi
tioxal Lin Ixsukaxci Cuxraxr, as It stands to
day, is one of tbe best and safest iu tbe aouutry.
tyJol I"rlallnjr. Uavlug received a
large supply of NEW J0U TYi'B, of various new
styles, Potters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Card, Letter
Heads, Uilllleadt. Labels, it., can be printed in
the latest and beat stylos, and on short notice,.
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
Fob Baib. Ab exoalltnt top buggy, new. En
quire at this office.
A cxxibb to say .things which no one ever said
makes some people say things which nobody ought
te ssy But every one can say, and very truthfully,
that J. O. Beck, tbe Merchant Tailor, on Fourth, 8t ,
makes tke bett nttinj (armenta ia rJonbury. (iive
bid a trie
0t fm'fiojlan. measure against eatohln Ml, It
Is said, Is to keep tba mouth (but. Wa would re
eximmend, as a rare pretentlvw, one of Etftieffcr'a
warm and eonifortable suits, wade at bis tailoring
swInbllslimMit, In Mnrkot Bquitre. They art tbe
best remedy against catolilng cold.
e iv i u '
Atroxa the lata Inventions a'loSbas4lMrTr4
new bat raeb, to La attaobed To pews under the
eat In elurob. Tbe rack eenatx'ts of a pleee of wire,
and colts twanty-flva wnfk. Wa prwuma It trill 6ot
be long before thef ira latreJueei lo Sunbury, and
trill ba tued to hanc op" Faust' fuhioaabie Oats
and Caps, Oo and sea hit assortment.
No tsLL out tlbgVotoniHjy at a foot admrtlte
racnt. Ptloplo wilt Berte'v wWnt ly act ratlior
than ttnat tbey beaV. An Ctldenoa of tbis faOt Is
shown by the rush lit Miller's fxoolslor Boot and
Shoe St.iro, tMarkot Square. Miller It an enterpri
sing merchant, advertises libirally, and of tonrss
does B large business.
Cok't Cuooa Bit six. Tho front popular Rome
dy for Coup,1". Colds, Croup, Whooping C'dtigb, and
Conscmption. Both sites ordinary 4ot., alio mam
moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and
dealers iu medicines. Ko family should ba over
night wilhouMl in ttro home.
iai Lai i
Dr J. ft. CrmsixaEit, Bentiat. OfflcsevorU.O
Tbachcr's Shoe Store, Sunbury, Pa.
Winn ertlns; teeth eeuia dreadful (roacl,
And sleepless nights and dismal days,
Who comes to me mint gtaroful owns
My skill, which all bit palm allay.
A momcnt't suffering I may cause,
'lis but to brine; a long release ;
And thTngb for once 1 rend Lis J iwt,
For Tears to come I give biin peaca. Im
Cox'! Dtspkmia Ccni Vill Immediately re
lieve and pormaorntly cure tha most aggravated
cart of Dyspeptic, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
stipiition, and all discasea of tbe Storpeek aad Bow
els. Pnysicient, elergymcn aud all who use It, Join
In unbounded praise of Itt great virtues. Bold by
Druggists everywhere. Price $1 .CO.
In Sunbury,
Vrindyne. Mr
on the il't ult , by tbe Iter. C. 11.
. Axes B. tAorxAX and Miss JJabv
J. Pkaiu.
In Sunhcry, Oh the tl st nit., by Iter. 0. W. Ilcta
perly. Mr. Hanky 11. Ilorpna. of Upper Augusta
t-wp , to Mitt Manr Jaxb MtTvaeL, ot Unsb twp.
On IheTth Intt., by Ttev. II. Wilson. Mr. Av
nrs Fntaa and Miss Maooix A. Cvatxixai, all of
Moutaudon. Northumberland eoumy.
At Oakland. Westmoreland eoentv. V., en Toes
day. II lull., by tbo Kev. Alex. Donaldson, D. D.,
Iter. SAScni Kanp of Wlllir.miport, to Miss Mar
K. . JonxiTox. xrand daughtor T tbe lata iter.
David Kirkpalriek, D. D.
Corracted Weekly for tha "American."
Wtieat Flour, extra famrly, per barrel,
(11 DO
6 60
10 00
1 ii
1 Ii
ao ao ao ao per cm t.
Rye Flour,
per bbl.
Wheat, prima rod,
Dried Peaehet, fnrd
do do uupared
per cwt.
tor bushel,
per round
iriod Appios.
Dried Cuerriee, (urutoned,) per ba.
per pound.
Beef, bind qsarttr,
' front "
per deken,
por pound,
Hltattxvkin C'onl l'fiule.
Sbamokix, Feb 1. mt.
Tun. Jwl.
Sent for weok ending Jan. SO, 0 44Z IS
Per last Report, 18,10:1 If
Jill 11
i.lli 13
To tame time last fear,
Sptrial Notices.
Dr. EcBtKTf : I bare used tha RiTTtna I ob
tained from you and find them to be all tbey are
recommended to be. I found one bottle to afford
me oontidiriblo relief. I foci nt though I cannot
do very well without them, under mv present atala
of health. D. Wfc.MHK,
Ko. Itt South '-inb St., Phila.,
Pastor Baptist Putsyunk Church.
IjT JIo SCIIEETZ'3 Handing advrtisf
nint, itt unothtr caumn.
APinoclah PnorosiTIox Dr.Stge has undoubt
edly discovered a perfect specihe for Catsrrh. judg
ing from the universal satisfaction and approbation
whicb we hear ei pressed by teveral persons wbo
have used it. K. V. Pierce. M. D., of Buffalo, K. Y ,
tbe proprietor, at will be teen by ref. renoe to our
advertising columns, bat m much oonfidenne in tbe
lteuiedy. aj to offtr a standing reward of tiCU for a
ense nf Catarrh that he cannot cure. Theemedy
is said to be very mild and pleasant to nt. It may
be proourfd by enclosing sixty oentt to the proprie
tor, or of any Druggist in the land Tuitit Wmiit.
Phj-sician wbo hail Consumption for eeveral years,
with frequent bleeding of the lungs, ourod himself
wun a medicine unknuwn to me pioieuton, wnen nit
ease appeared nnpeiest. it a ii tne only prmiotan
wbo has uted it in his own erson, or who has any
knowledge of Its Virtues: and be oan ascribe the He.
gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the
use of hit uiidicine ; and nothing but uttur despair
ami a tire extinction nf all hope of recovery, to
gether with a want of cuiifl leuoeinall nthert, Induc
ed bim to hntard ibe experiment. To those tuflor-
ing with ary disease of the Lungt he proflen a ireat
muut ba r nfi lenily believes will eradicate tbe
disease. 1-riceJI 60 por bottle or ti a hnlfdoten,
seul oy exprrss. Demi lor a oircuiar nr can on
Dr. E. BovLtroM JaCkhok
' Ko 260 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
I or taie ny it. x. f nlintr. Market bquare, Bun
bury. Pa., and Urujglstt generally.
May SO, IMi ly.
To ('ouauMiptlTea.
rpiIE advertiser, having been restore I to health in
L a low weeks by a simple remedy, having
suffered several years wiih a severe lung afleolion,
and tbat dread disease. Consumption is anxiuut to
make known to bit fellow sufferers tba means of
To all wbo desire it. ha will send a oonv of the
I prescription used (free of charge;, with the directions
lor preparing and utinj tha tame, which tbey will
Dim a sure Cure lor Uonsumiitlon. Asthma, uron
cbitit, Ao. Tbe only object of the advertiser in
sending ibe Prescription it to benefit Iba afflicted,
and tpread inforruutiou which beennoeivea to be in
valuable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try bis
remedy, at it will cost them nothing, and may prove
a bleating.
Parlies wUhiuK the prescription will please ad
16 South Second St.. WilliamsburKh,
Jan. 9. '6a ly Kings County, Kew York.
NE rillCE CLOTllINu).
W taW M
oi; iiti.:jB
OOt Ulurhel Afreet,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many yean tbit Establishment ku done bull
new nr. tho One Price Svi.ein. aud we believe
j are tbe only Clothing House io the city tbat strictly
auuerei to nut principle, r o nave earued a repu
tation whicb we art proud of, for good taste in telect
good etyloi and tubal autiul uialeriull, aud not lets
important, for having all our goods
i:vi it.t w 1:1,1, :?i.ti:.
We employ the beat talent, for Cutters, and eur
Goods are of both kinds faiblonahle end plain
so that all tailet can be suited. The prion are the
very lowest, ts any oue by a moment's thought must
seo, or otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our ueigbbors, for as nodaduetions ere ever made,
we must put uur priooe down to the advantages wa
The people may depend, Oils is the true plan upon
which to do businow, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind
604 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Net en the Corner, but one door above Sixth
K. ti. .tlAIZi'., Nnlesrnxail.
April 4, l - ly
WO ttft!fcJAWn.
X Ntw Ynttx, Aairoet l.t'h, 1P6T.
Afjiwenetn mil tnite ti,rii. wit ijs'a u A. 1
TIOM Of CuMi'Ot.ND KXTia;T Ht'Lirij. The
r.'ir.rv.,,r,,i mm. are UUCHU, Loxe i.BAt, uliUliB,
ai-i. . i'MM,K!.' .... , , '
net,?., i. d !m!?,'?!' r""''lm ln ?": ,JF
ranee, t aimiiini v.ty little sagar, a unnU piuixira.Aur
pins, cue ms irm pulaUlrte than euy siow ! uae. The ac
tive properties ere ty Una m.ate eanartecl
SectMs. et prare.ed hy IXviTtrnt sesNnal1y. feefa dark
eol r. It It a pltM Ultt wiuta lUfraxiMieei U aethm
a flame dretritye lbia(iia arrive nriueiple. leaving a dark
aodgtuUuoutdecocloai. Mine la tlieweia-ot ingiodieela.
Tbe Uurtiu le my prerarsH..n ptri tnairt ; the amnllcet
qnanlity nf the othei Inete'tifiits eietMhd.t precnt fev
nieotsti'in' optw inipeiioo, it wil tw lound tmt . tie a
T ntmre, et inaHe in lbannuenpr, w ir is it e rur and
tlierefore ran e ut-l in eatea vctierr lever ornrttmif!(i:l.m
exive. In th.a you bare the knowledge of Uieliigitaheiilc
end Hie mnda preparation.
Hoping that yon will fav ar tl .villi a trial, aad that upon
liiiueetioa ii. will meet with your approbation.
With a feeling ot oonfidaam,
.1 am, vetf frtpeciioiv,
. "t:1-NlC'rt'i J3.
Chrnlat aid Prugt ist of it Years' l'aprnnne In
riiiladelriHa, and nor l ieatefl a ,,a ,ru, Bn1
Chcaucal N alehouse, (VI iiruhdvav,.New Vot.
(Prort the largett Manofaeturing Cbi mittt Iu iht World J
"I am acquainted with Ml ll T. Hdaib ild; heiiccupieil
the frii(r Store oppoaiie my reai.leuus', end was saroaaiul
in'c rfidiictirig the busineaa where inhere had n i beu
t-quall)- eo lietoie him. 1 linvo Ihjcii favorubly impressed
ivita hit eharactel and etiicrpnse. .
wim.iam wf.ioiitma.v,
Tlrrn nf Powers ft Weightinaa, Alsuoiudurii
Chemist e NiuHi end llruwn Clients, fiu:udrlihia..
nxLXi,,!,', i.uit) HrHicr l)iciiir,fol we iiuuss mis.
Inf In io indiscretion. The exhausted powers nf .Salute
which are accompanied by ou many atainsing eymptoms,
aienig which will He fmind, lndit;otii"ii to Kxerli.m,
l-"Bs-.f Alemory, Wakcfuiiiest, llorior ol iJiscie,i Kure
o.iii of t-.Vii, in firct, CinvcitM Latsiiude, rroairaiiou,
alt1 luahilit)' to enter into the rni m- nlt ol a -virty.
1 he Couttitction.oncenrTecrerl with tnganic VVeattnrm.
reqoirce the a'd nt Medicine to st'engthni end invigoiate
the sitlttn, winch HKLMIIOI.D'.h KXi'K ACT Ul.UlU
iiivanabl)' doea. If no treatment is submitted lo, Consump
tion or Insanity
HaLisLO'i I'lcio Kxrasct Itccar, inafToclli ns pecu
liar to Kcmalea, is iinequu!cd by eny oilier pretiatMiioii, as
in Chi anaus, ol R.trntl.m, Painfull, en, 8iirpr'MI0" "'
Cusio.nary Cvacuatione, Ulcrrale I or r'chirrus State "f Hie
b'lrrut, and all c omeiainte incident to Die set, whether
arising frota btbita 'if dittipaiion, imprudence in, or the
deriiur or '-hui'te of lifer.
HaLMBiii.n't Fluid I xtuct Bicxc axn I&rtnvxo
Rust Wanr will tedically ei' from the system
diseases atiMi.s; i rum halminf4itiiiati n,ai little rtnae,
utile oi no chance In diet, no inc mvenienre nr exposure
completely superseding those enplecsimt end (lingrtout
ietnedie, Coiaiivaend Atenrury, in all these dn-aaet.
I S' nsLHsoLo't i'LsiD KxiaacT Uvcuc in all Oneii-i
nf these organs, wh. ther exittiu; in male or fimtl, fiom
whatever ctute oritiitatihg, and no matter nf hw long
llaiidiug. It it pleatant in taste and iidor, "immediate" nt
ac ion nud more atrei igihoiung than any . f the pi operation!
of Hark ni Iron.
Tr ota i irT;ri.ig from broken-d urn or delicate oonstilo
lien, procure tin remedy at onre
'i ht reader mutt be aware licit, however tiijclit may be
the eitack nf the above dicesct, it it crrtoin to effect the
bodily health and menial poweri
Alitheabiive diserea require th- ahl of a Diurette.
HKLMUULD'd tXTRACT UUC1IU it the g'eal Diu
retic. Hold by Druggists every where Pmcj t SS per bottle,
or 6 btitttat for fl 50. iehter) to iAy address Diatribe
sympptme In a'l oouiMiunicattons.
ACdrest 11. T II Kt,M HOLD, Drug and Chernit.'.l Ware
house, 601 Unrndtvay. N. Y.
a'erl entfraved vrtepper. with fte tiir.ile of my Chemical
Warcbouae and signed
Pec 19th, !sa -1m.
itlI lo MHrrlitire. Young Mvn'iQulde
to litppy Marriage and Ooojrgal Felicity. The hu
mane viewt of bciievolout Pbyticiant, on the Errors
and Abuiwi inoldeut le Youth and Early Maubood,
tent In tcalcd lutter envelopes, free of chtrxe. Ad
dress HOWARD Aii'JClAII'JN, Box P., Philadel
phia, I'e.
June IS, ISiS.-ly
i:i-ror uf Yasttlli.
AfiEN'TLEM AK who suffered for yean from
Nervout Debility, Premature decay, and all
the eSectt of youthful intlisoretion will. fr tbe take
of tuffcricg humanity, tend freeef all who need it,
the recipe and direction for mak-lns; tho simple reme
dy by whioh be wit cured, ttufforcrt wishing to
profit by tbe advertiser'i experience oan do eo by
addrouing, in perfect ooufidence,
WVII11 13. U'TLr1,
Jan. , "C9 ly No 4 Cedar ttraet, .V. Y.
I n.4M NltrlllUt'K
V. Of full valne tont free to any Iiouk Agent.
riunehihe and Shadow in New York,"
A work replete with auecdotet and Iooldenti of
belni a Mirror of New York, reSectiog the Becreti
oi tit Ureal City.
Uno Agent told no in one day, anotner soil and
delivered 32? in 1 6 tla js, another SCI lu 7 days Ko
bonk ever published that lolls to rapidly.
J II XOU W1SU to KDOW now rortunee irn
I 1' and lot In a day: how tthrawd Men are
ruined in Wall Mireet ; how Countrymen" are
twindled by Sharpen ; bow Ministers aud iiercbantt
are illackmniled ; now Lianoo nans and conceit
Haloons are Managed ; how liamhling 11 ousel and
Lotteries are conducted : bow otock Uompaniot Uri'
ginateand how the Uubblel liurst, Ao.. read thit
wmK. it tolls you about tne inyjtorios ot -cw lor a,
end contains spicy life sketches of itt noted million,
aire:-, merchants, Ao A large Octavo Volume, TSO
pigcs, Finely Illustrated. The largest couiuilMiou
iriven. Our 32 paa:e circular aud a 5.00 Uruenbuck
sent free on npplirui.ioa. For full particulars aud
terms address Hie sole publishers.
J. ii. uciui 4 C(i , Hertford, Conn.
E. S ASIU.LY. Agent for Northumberland Co.
January 30, 1869 3t
13 E 1ST J . BOHNER,
Dealer io Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn
ish fmm the most responsible Nurseries in this and
other btatet, first class TREES of all kinds Also,
Bhrubbery, Vinetand Plants, bxraen eeedtof all
New White Poach Blows. Early Goodrich, Chile
and Harrison Potatoes, In large and small quantities,
are offered for sale.
Orders are ruaaeutfully solicited.
Address liENJ. OOnXETl,
Paxinos, North d. C9.
f"s7 N. B Insnrancee taken in several of tba
most responsible Fire Insuranoeand Uoree Detoclire
Companies in the State.
Uet. 17, loos. y
IHnHOliiliou of I'nrlucrahip.
NOTICE it hereby given, that the partnership
heretofore existing between Matter, Wilvert
A Engle, in the pttblloatlen of the Pttaauar Axaai-
caw, wat dissolved by nmtnal content on the lit
day of January, 1H69. Mr. Engle having disposed
af hit interest in the said firm to Mr Em'l Wilvert,
the business will hereafter be carried on ender the
firm name of Master A Wilvert, by whom all unlet,
lied aooouott of tha late firm will bo settled.
N. . ENtiLE.
Bonhury, January 9, J8CJ.
Lime I Lime!
fpriE subscriber having obarae of the Lime Kiln of
X ll. u. Matter, near eelintgrnve, it now furnisbln,
to farmers and others. Lime of the best quality in
large quantities. Tbe lime it burnt and selected
wiih tbe nimoit eare. and itt qualitv guaranteed.
Jan. 14, 'C9. C11A3. DUNKELDKRGER.
AUminiHirator'si Police.
UTOTICE is herebv eiven that letter! of admlnit
JJ tratiun having been granted to the undersigned
ou the estate of rrudeuee u arson, late oi sue -rough
of Northumberland, Northumberland county,
Peun'a.. deoeated. All penoni knowing themselves
Indobied lo said aitate are requeued to make imme
diate paymont, and those having claims against said
..tat. M prentlUem Sty0LT Adm.r.
North umberlanrl, Jan. 9, 1869.-t
7". S. FUHM-bUT & CC-,
Market Street, Sis doors Eut of Third ttrcet, north
tide, SUNBURY, PA.,
1 ESPECTFULLY ioform their friends and tha
puolie, that tbey have opened a
and will be bappy to bava them oall and examine
their stock' vibicb bat just been opened, ambra-
oing everythinglnthe Urooery line, tuoh al
Coffer, Tea, Sugar, r?yrnpi. fplcet, Canned and Dried
f ruin, beans. Hominy, Cbeeae, Crackers,
Bacon, Hatn, Kish, Salt, Potatoes,
ate., together with Soaps, ,
Caudles, Soda, 4c,
and In (hot tvafytbing in tha Urooery and Provltloa
r LOI'K AMD PEED, Quaantwara. Wlllow-ware,
Olaaswara, Coal Oil Lampe, Coal Oil Ac.
Call and tee beforo purchasing elsewhere.
W. tt. rUHXAN A CO
Sunbury, Deo. 18, 168.
Agenlss Vunletli
Itl to too p(I mealkl!'
Ot a eommisaimi from which twiee that amount eeti lie
made by selhnf the LATKBT IMkHoVED CUMMOIsl
Foe Cirenlart and Terms eddrete
C. BOtVttFR rwi , r.1 6"ah ThtH flrt.
re. a. Jm. F)iila4t!rh.a, Te
17oU? In CorJcrnptoy.
mfllS IS to alvo notloa. tbat on lha lift. Am
JL January, A. M. 1W. a warrant in llankrupior
.war VsiikI ignlnsllho Etiat'o'f William A. hhf..r
of Hcrndon, i lha oounly of Norihuiub-rland end
Htatflf Wnmvlvania. who has been edjailgu
l.j men nniiKiupi, so mm or lor ins use. ami me
(raimfer of any pmporty by him are forbidden by
Law I that B ineetlnf of lha CredfnirSof Ihonid
Bankrnpt, to prove their debt, and lo ohoi one nr
more Aaaigneeaef bit estate, will Ii" held m a Court
ef Hankrupray, to be bol loo at hunburv, Nortlnrm
berland county, Peuirsylveiiln, before John 8. l'ee
wriler, IWis'er oo Uie rl h day of February, A. D.
ISfit, at ills o'olook A. M
Depoty Urrile-t States Maratial. (as MMtgeT,1
Writcrn Dittrlatofl'cnusylvaiim.
January 18, 1 JK9. tt
lTotioa in Uankriiptpy.
ftHlIS it lo give notion, that on the 8b day of
J. JanYtary, A. I. Ibtlll, a warrant in Jlar.Vruptcy
waalatneal against the estate nf John L. Ilamwer, nf
fbamokin. In tbe oounty of Nnrthumboiland nnd
Hlnto of Peniiaylvania, who baa ben a lju lire I a
iiankrupt on bis otvu petiilon ; that the p .vm-nt f
any debit and delivery of any property bnlon jini; t
tuch Iiankrupt, In Ltbi or for hit net. and III I'lra'ns
lor f any properly by him am fur I Id Inn by Law ;
tbat a uienttiHt, of the red".tori of iht tai l Iiank
rupt, lo prove their debts, and to ohnose one r more
Aatigneea of his cststc. will beheld at a Cmirl ef
llar.krnptcy, to be hidden at Sunliurv. Nnrt'tninbsr
land mmnty, Peniasvlvaula, bof.ra .i'.'u. 8. Dutwi-i-ler.
Remitter, on thiflUidnyof Fobretry, A.U. 1st;,
at 11 u'c'.cck A. M. .
Deputy United S.'elet Manhal, (as Meataiior.)
tV.t..rti, ..T ..I t..,'..l
1....... in ii . .7 - '..
iH' lit I2iili-upl'V. I
rpnrsii to IVe notlt, tlmt en i?ie VtS aof 1
X Jatniary, A. ll. ISoli.a wrrai-.tln nnuliruptcy !
was issued ngain-t tho estate of Charles K Wik.., I
ol Cameron township, in tho oounty nf Nnrthututnr- I
land, and State of Pennsylvania, who hat boen ad- I
judged a iiankrupt ou his nwn poiitlon j tho 1
iinyment of any dubts and dtflivorv of nnv property
belonging to such Iiankrupt, to bim or for his nae.
and tbe transfer of any propertv by him ate forbid- !
den by Law ; thet a meetlnc nf the Creditors of the ,'
said Bankrupt, o prove their dtbit, and to cho-we i
ore or more Assignees of V.f metate, will tn held at
a Court of Ilaukrupley, lo ba hold en at Sfl'nbin-y, !
Northamberland county. Pennsylvania, before John i
8. Delneilor, Register, on the titk day uf February. 1
A. D. 1309, at lu o'olook A. M. '
Deputy United Ftatea Marebal. (aa Me-enner.)
W-itcru DUtiict ol Pennsi Ivania. j
January 13, 1B09 4t j
HWIIEST raarkot price In CAII. rail for all
Copper, Urate, Lead, Zinn. Irop. Ac, hv
W... Jilt h.'JI. Al t.U.N.
Eiglo Works, lluriiaburg, Pa.
January 9, 1809. lm
Wunls'tl to Its-ill,
A BALOON with nr without Fix'uret
well lioa'e-l
. iu Sunbury
AddruM with particulur..
J. M .
Liverpool, TerryCu Ta.
(Licensed by the United 3'aios Oovernuiunt.
C3-OOID NE w 3
for onnsumcrt of
throujrliom the Country.
HIUIII.UT( A. :o..
Of fifteen yenrt' standing as Jobhem sod PetaHirs
of the aboVe good, iu Chiton nnd vlcinty. linVociai
oludud to ofT. r the pooj 1 of ibe wlpde conntry the
advantages of ikeir immense iiiipiirtntions and
ageueiet for American mamifuotortte tlirougli tho
popular ONB UOLLAR VMIiil.
Our Premium List to Ageedi. and rxebangs L'st
for Agents aad Petrous, ere not fiuslled fay any
house In the OnVtbtry.
Best Now Yolk aud Boston referentst glvon when
reeuired. Bend for free Circular
60 Summer ritrocl, Boston.
Post-Oaioe Box 25-1.
December 12, 1 Bed lip
Taii J Street, adjoining PLiia. A Erie tt lilroad, two
Ptuurei North of the Central liutci,
lit A CL.K.Ti.l:.Vr,
Id prepared to furaiib erory desoriptlon of lumber
required by the demands uf tbe publio. liaviinr
all the latest Improved niaoltirory tor manufactur
ing Lumber ,he it now retdy to u folders ol all kin is
and all kiuda of Ornamental Ftiiowl Work.
Turning of every description promptly executed
Al;o, a large ns.-orlmect of
UEMLOeE and FINE. Alto, bhlnglet, Pickett,
Lath, Ao.
Orders promptly filled, aud shipped by P.tiUroit
or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT-
Bunbury, Dee IB, 1399 ly
I,iint .Motive
A LL parties indehtod to tho firm of J. W.
XI ling A oii. will plra.-o oall and
ttle before
tbo 15th day of January, ld19, at all rt .al tho ac
counts will be placed in the hendt oi a Justice for
Also, those Indebted to II. T. Ftilin will rave
costt by totlling them prou.ius to the li'b day ot
J. W. PRIMNrj I 60N.
H. V ri'.ILIN'J.
Sunbary, Dtn. 19, 18SS it
On Third Street, near tba Depot, Enubury, Ta.
JOSEPH DACHER informs tliecitiiensol ittn!)ury,
and tbe public generally, tbat be hue opened a
i.aui-h St I :i: at,. I
at tbe ahova place. Tbe best of Lszer Peer, and
Malt Liquors will be kept. Also Ovtlere, 4c, con
stantly erved up to customers.
CAME to tha premises of lha tubtoriber, nn or
about the 2utb of November Ins', in Lower
Augusta township, near Heliusrcra Station, known
as tna M'Pherton farm, seven ttruy 8btep tad one
Lamb. The owner or owners are requested to coma
forward, prove property, u-iy charged and take thorn
away, oilier wise tbey will be diiooiod of according
Lower Augutta twp , Dec. !9, 189,
RESPECTFULLY Intrant lie eltiiens of 5un
bury and vioinity, that ba will bake to older
all kinds of
VaUnmi'or Halls, Tnrlle, Vc.
ramiliet nratoprKed with I KtslI UKKAi), Twist,
Kollt, Kuskt, l ea Bunt. Ae., and also kept on hand
aud mauafaciured out of tbe besr materials.
'All ordere left at bit Shop in Murket Square, one
donr east nf Mut Anna Painter t Millinery etoro. or
at bis Bakery on Spruce Street, between front and
Second strteta, will meet with prompt attention.
with Caket, Ice-Cremn, Ao . at tha shortest notice
Ordert are respoctfully solicited.
Sunbury, Dee. 12, 18o3.
Market Square,
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the
public, tbat sbe hat Just ri urned from tba city,
wtiere the has tpent touioiiine in making selectioni
and purebvet, and baa jutt opened a large ttock ot
Ribbons, Laces, Drets-Liningt, Crinoline and Wi
gaot bkirtiug Lining. Uoop kiru, Buiile Trim
uiingt. Crape Irituuiiugi, Hal Crape, Cloak Callous,
Coreett. Zephyrs.
A large assortment of Ladies and Otnlltoieu't
DOLLS of all sites. Alphabot ttlocks, Ac.
Hbt flatters herself ib boinir able to make a display
of goods that will gi ve entire sal itl'aotioo to viiitrt,aiid
goodi will be exhibited wun pioaaure
flnnhory, Deo. U, 18(13
UUUV lha etoeeef
Market ttret' .unbury
I May 1
fi-eaentel PreaenU I f ronenls I
An Enduring and Moa.InTMorrento to thane nsied
ing Aids to Pibt.
Onf Ag-ftl, T. 8 fnNNOM, WatAroAker and
Jeweler, Bunbury, Periu'a., bat a tv.ondnl k ol
our .
SaVfstiisT-il Stsl KpsM'tit4'te
jP Y n O L A fl 8 11 S ,
1st with tho
Moiiufactuui l'.r
LA2ARU8 fc
T1.0 licet In tlo World for 'trer,gihtnrg a-,d
Prcanrving tho tfil.t.
No more aiceptable proa-. nt to yi.ejr 1'ari'oij Gran I
Parents nr i i ieudt. or tpese rutouiuir .-ipectaoitis, rnn
be found. They are bnndsume, useful aud list
many year.
Call and examine tlnim at Ike storg nf imr A j -ii t,
Dealer In Jewelry, Wut;1it and Ma'.fi Warn.
Jan. 5. Id63 au'.'l.'o'l ly.
1 Ayer'a Cliorry PoctorrJ,
For r-inoa.iei cf tlm t'liroat rr.-i Limp.,
i'-.t'j a.v O'jus-3. CrV.U. Wf!;.l-ve5
Cjjjn, L'ronubitin, A-haia,
hnd t'.oa.
Prolnbly epviry bevorrt fn in bo!c Hit.'tyof
meji -i.'.f, ha-,u, ilnn v,ui so witicly nio.l bOit-.-cply
upon the roin!iicn:c !' uiiinknnl, a- thi e,:-ik-t't
re tn .!.! lor pi 1. .tii-v cotupi.iirui. 'i :i'-r.nj. li ,-i lonij
sariei ol yeai-.i. and .'.iiioUi-' loo.-.t of tht nice..-, or
nitiii it l'a-ii-eii inkier :rrl l. cb-n in tin ir e.'tiinv
tioi.. it lia.-i liccooti bailor lt unilotpi
rhji-.u-ie.' iil.J poAfi- to ctiru llm i ai'ous nfi-. tiora
of tl.c In n j a nud tluo.-.t, h.tve iirioo it f-nown ;o u in-lial-le
piuteoiur acniu t ti":tn. luie ad.-iptut io
inl'lcr Ioiiii ef'lii-eaee and to vmint; rh'ldi on, K is
ut tf - raine time the inoi cHrviii'.! .i.-ji-d) a
I c ipvcu fo.' iti' in-oot con Miioptio-i, aod lui? tl.a
Rcrnua n'l'u' tionsV'.f ihti tliroa' and litpgi. Ajii p.o
iMou aar;iin-l i'-n atui.l.n ot C-o.-.. it :.ho'.iM
l;c kept mi liainl nt evey f tinilv. r.Tid ind'uttil at jll
t'H so i. clime e-ii.jL-.-t to i:o!d . .fid icuf.r.-:, iJ
Btionl.l Iw'lr I rtjth for M.-ir.
Allhoujrll 101110 1 C'eiisirmulinn 1 tho-i i t ii-,.
curable, tlill iiP:.t uuiiibcri of caws wlicru u,o ili
..:m seniid t.cti : l, iiave bcui coinplit..'lv u-siil,
anil tho patient rtietored to aonnd f,nllir t.y it-.n
f.'n-ri" i'f'cforo-f. bo coinpU-to ii i'.i nioV'o-i
over t.'' iliioroe:.! of tiio Euy'-i mnl 'llii'V. tbat !
tin; mo t ob-t.iiiitn of thiin ) iM to it. tVhsn notli- j
liiK d-o cotiid roa'ii tlic.n; uod-'V the Cherry i'ev- i
fvrat tbey eiili'ide t-i'd ilisupi c.i". !
ri' nnd I'vMie Sicakr3 Cad frrost r:o- !
toctiou from i;.
AMliiHa is always relieved nad ofra wholly '
cni-0'1 bv.ti. . ;
Uroinh'iln U r?nent'tr CMfcd tiv tat-lnrr UiO
Ch rr'i I'v tirol :a sai.sil and t'.couc-it ,iost..
8o cnoial.y ;i i'j viitvea lun-w n Cist ne ;nol I
not pubii-li Uio ce. tit! :Mra cf them hi-or ilo luo'U 1
tluu au a i j.uui.0 that lu ejualities a. I'jJly I
tnaiut&uied- . j
Ayer's Agiio Curo, j
For 'PriTBT nnl tiryn. Tn'tr-ri':""!
Chill Pever. K-uiP.'t Pcif, Duma ;
Airje. Psrlo-i'oni or-iii'.'Oui Ffr", ic, j
0"id iodoi nil l:JO Tr :tiona'.i u-ifi
fro-u raalarioua, xanrstaa or iulB42uatil I
Aa p- name I'n'ipna, fari Cur", riml o. rat I
fuii. ConHoiin- r.o'ttioi- Ai-rnic, O'tinliif. I'lamtith, I
Zln.-.ror anyotlif-r minrvxl ornoi-. o:ioik aiib,4t?irvj
w i.itevor, it. in nniiis injures nrv priiimt. Tr.9
nurn'uer on-1 imrortanco of ita cnera ii Ok njnir iliv
t-l'-, .r litcrrllv bpvond necount, nd wo l e Mcve
wiuhotit a parallel in the hmory ff Aeiirt iiieilicmc.
Our pridi ia natillcd by t.'.e a' knowletljnncnti we
rfceive of the rsdioal rures cfjectc-il In oljatinate
cas, nnd where other remedies had wholly lailci.
CnsTlinnted persons, cither resident in, or
tTave'.Mnu tbroiipn nilaamaticloi nPtlr.a, will bo pro
Urtod by takini't'ie AdVE crjSK ilally.
For J.tcnr f.'oapf.ilra, arising from torpit?
of the Liver, it tt an nxceilcnt roiuctly, otimoiaUug
the I.lvor Into be.alihv acttvin-.
For rsllln-'a Dl'-wiois and ."fr Compln'ntu, It ll
an excellent rcniedv. producing many tvitlv r
Ciarkabie cures, nhere otlior ineu:ria,ea liart fallt-J.
Prepared by rn. J. C. Ar?tt Co., prani'al
rr-S AnV'' rhcmJtte, Lotwll, 5i., si eoiJ
fcu round tt o Trrrttl.
ritTcr.. et.ot rnn norm.
Sold by II. T F.ilir?. RunLury. aud all Druiu'J'"
an t dealers in Mc lluina every iviure.
Noieojbar 7. lSb. ly.
W. C. Yocro.
l T. IsHart.
rilljEsubsciihersbog loave to onU the attention of
X the public to the fact that thy hare started a '
Market fur all kinds of Country Producu. 'ot;-tables.
Ac. and have alto made arrHPpciiifcuU to iur-'
uisri iu Soaion all kindt of Oaino, I ish. Ao. Nuiiro i
and foreign frui'.t, nuts, Ac, always on har-d, nbjio- !
sale and retail. !
All kinds ol Canned Fruits, Vcgntaltii. Ticklet, ,
Sauces, Catsups Ac. Cull nud sco for vourseiecs, i
is we defy ooru petition either in assortment erjxicea.
, Bunbury, January 9, 199. j
goods roti THE ;
LOWELL &1 0.
9 0S Clirttmil Ntrcet
Tr -l V ' ion lo tlie:r largely increased Str-ck rf
K-i.m Wat s'lie, ISiumosiJai,
Jowolrr, Artisttc. eilror Wars,
VliATKD OOOU3, Ao., .sc.
Arc now opening a mcsn'fijent coll'ttion of Fnrnipu j
r imcv Uoods. in Metal, Mirblc, d"'irtiicl tiUw, i
Leather and tiOLUKN Sneotal Leaigrs
( t X'juiaite triito. frcrn ail rj'iarlcrt! of Kurore, par j
Our ftrranpoinenti. both In Turcpe itnd this coun
try, are such as Rive us unuMial facilities in the se
lection of and economic-il production i four Mock. It
is our wlfh, as well as our in'.ereit, lo i-ecurc to ou'
patront the benefit of fuoh advantage in
Modern Fi-lor riis-osss"" nr
iV i., iviiliout list.'i-liou.
Doc. 5, 1KS mh7,ly.
C3"Cainp'.c4 acnt by mail when vrrltta for.
October 3d, 1S68 ly
Uurlst-r tsnsl
Dawart's Frame liuildinjr, north tide of Msrkvl
quar.'. M'Nm'ItY. PA.
Of all tbe arts that grace the land,
What grace can wiiti tbe barker vie ,
Wbo takee your chin within his haul.
bile dreaming land iu prosi col lie
Withtootbing touch bit raior glidet,
Wlib niuiUeulip bit tcmor slidm ;
And lo ! before hu gloss you ttani
Tran;foruiP.d, at in a fairy land.
three do,.jr itt t lb--
Yt St W !'t'-li" rtallerv
rat.'i.l .Mark- '-tura
I o.
j?.aa a - r'AS.;.:t-AVt- CXiJLiliCl
iVt V. LAZAJlnB,
vmiU Call tne aUontioti of lli fmWI", (.ti.1 I "?
enatomiTt gjiicrall, to bur lara"" aud M aaort
mem of
DRLfW eOCDe, BoBsletlng of rdlo. Pe,
)fpt, As., n re-luood prit.
WH1TB OOODel, Itioledlag a eupairlr.r artvjiis of
Kvtra ejiiallty f MasJInt, Drilling. Kia riar.isels,
t'actoti Flan'i e'la, ilaiuioral CLirW. Hiiarrla Hwti,
Wigan. Hoop .Hrleof allttand quitlitii'it. Dlosel
nf nil ditcriptitns, iiirlodinR sery siit.t.riok ut'iny
'f 1-adW and UeutWruon'a Bilk Ilet. Lined end
Cloth (llovet.
ladies', l:ii. smd Clitlrn's Verim Tr.,
Thil l-en't Writs and Il-jult. Ladies' M-,i
j JeiUen.
I lllai Vit PSastli nf rl,e sty'.an end jottern
j I'c-iirr, P.ihoonp, liauiuilni-i and rt"w-ri
I L9M. Piarrped ,o,ta, 7.e.pbvra al 1 Yarn", T i:
1 t-ltp;.'. Mapbtna. fjitilt,, luiiln (lenl.V mil
La .11 fa' llanikerohiefa. Crarf., Mtitl Taatt-U,
i I'accy Rom,
j retfutnery. and Toilet nrt-.clut itareialle, nal a
latft vanity ff .oltoni antt fi i.oy Arii'-tea.
The hbof e s;.iMi are brld at the lonatt prio-v
Call aft 1 ace tucni beforo goinat eisi-w'arre.
5b ,bar. Nr. il, Itt".
faxcy niiv Cooler
Paitsblo for i-
W ISTER d K A 8 O M .
Market tit.. two .lo.ea die oil Par
fcullellne;, RUMil.'KY, Pwin'a..
Hit S jut ispened a freeb ais-jrlment of tbe rres
fasiiinnnhle Fancy 1m esa fioodi fioiu tho laru-tet
eeMl.iishmcntt In Philadelphia.
not ti.nfs uooumi
(lotV,.!, Faoquer Flannela. flannels. Kl.eotintrs. Me
lias, Ladiet tod Children!1 UAT3,Fticra, llihbona.
IJrs'nw TrlmmliiRis, IVilsroisK's-is-n,
Lrwo Veils. Corsets, napdkerntiiefs. tilovot, l.w ry
Hoop f-kirts. HopkiL.i Kliptio eikirla, and
Ladles' Oooila of evory d'orip'.ion.
Pal!y'l r-hawlsat btrvaitjs. 'l'lald Wotdoii She -la,
Kreakfast filewlt. Woolen Hearts and Cni j
for Women tnd Children,
flavor and Chinchlla Water-Pro f Clot! s
Ments' Collars, Neck-tine, Half-bote, Kandker
ohit't'i end Oloves.
Perftinterv. Toll-t Soaps, Hair ProAhoa. Ctnlo. c"v-l!oJetut-or"n,
loM KATE ri.CK
Hair vigor
For restoring Gray Hair to
i!s natural Vitality aiid Color.
' A dressing which
u Bt ottco agrecaM,
healthy, nnd cfibctuaJ
for picsening tltft
hair. Faded or Qof
hair i4 eowi ra'.orrn.
to its original coU.-r
with tks g!i)3 vrrl
freshne$$ of
Thiu liftir is tlii.k
ened, railing hair checked, and Wd
cess often, though not eiwajf, cttl
by its use. Nothing cAn roMoro ti.e.
Lair where tho follicles are deMi'cy-id.
rr the gla'utU atrophied find dcr.-iyt-J-IJitt
such a3 rcniaiu ran he Favcti Tor
usefulness by this applirtM;oi. luiioa 1
f f fsulturj tfic lit: it XvUli a panty i.Coii
ncnt, il will keep it clean nca tiiiiTi;
Iu? use will prcvtr.t the L;ir
from tuvniug gray or litilin oil", tirrl
cou.sfqurntly prevent haldncbS. l-Vr-i
from tlione tlelctcrioitit mibstoncea wlti?!i
m.'il.e some preparations dunirrrous aad
iijUrior.s to thu hair, lhe 'iccr rati
itily LeuL'fit but uot lmrm it. If WHLito l
merely for ti
nothing else can be found so desirnbii).
Contuining neither oil nor dye, it doe
not boil white cambric, and' yet l&sU
long ou tho hair, giving it a rich glossy
lustre aud a gruteful perfume.
Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer fit CoM
Practical axd Analytical Chlmhm,
rVid l.y II. Y. Kiilii,;:..Stinliury.atid i
ai.d Ilealnra in Me'llcinc overjewbi.TO.
'oeco,tT 7, lt'J. ly
J. n.ltlKI.Ii ti CO..
On Market atrt. East of the R iiiroal, ncatiy
1 -r..p9ite tbe Hardware) Store of Con'.ov i Oo ,
j Bl'SBl'RY, PKNN'i.
lTwt,"'l rcij.cotfolly invite tbn attontlon of
j V citlieca of .-anbury ai-i vicinily to oar
I euiiro new .Stock of
rurc a'r-li lri nstd tlfillctu.
" ' Pain'.t.iMs and Yarnirh.v.
" (Haw. Putty and Dye SturTj.
I " ' Ferfurae ri?. t'ombs and I'rashei
" " Patent Medicines of all kiujs.
MQVORS l.y lha Botlln, Uallon, Quart and Pint
Tobacco, Ciirnrt and Snuff.
LooKing-Ulass Flatus cut to suit Jranjet
TriiMcs. Supporters, Dandages, Ac.
Wo Lav,- ii leolcd our stock with care and can war
rent it fri 'li.aiiil of the bct n attrial in the niarke'
11 nil ' huj bi vvral years' epcrieuoo iu tin oumieM
9 v ll.iitei '.uelvi-i ihut we can tive rnttre s-itisiao-
j tion tu all wbo niiiy favor n v. iilt tl.cir pairuRugn
c( e.-mi mi oi;on gi, en 10 eou.pouuoit'.)( 1'nyjiiciar.s
I'rLscri) tioi.s at ail houre of tbt Jay ot uii'iit aiid oa Hire us trail
F-uubury.Qc. 17,1857.
"fall ANi) wmTT
Millinery Goods,
Item II. I., iaoaalrr. be;s Icava to in
noiiuce to tbo Ladietuf Sunbury an l vicinity, that
tlie hat just opened a large atii Varied stock nf
M 1 I. Ii 1 N K ll Y O O O I 8 ,
Tho latest New York il! Philadelphia ttylei ef
A'sn, an excellent atsorimost nf Fashionable Kra'
broivleriea, lUlgings, Laces, U'ooleu Caps, liandker
cliiefa. Hearts, Ulovca, llieriot, and all kindt of
1 incy Nottocs, t-tamped A'usiiui, Corsets, l'ertume
riei, toapt, Lilly White, Luamel of America, tv
tioiury, Aa., Ae.
Call and nunine for yourtelvw. K trouble to
show goons
fcuubury, Oct. ii.
A LARGE supply of nil In.-r ttftst
21 lti-lrr,juat received aud for tale aheap,
n, at.
HamoioiU Uim of
April 4, mi.
loing a family washing in tha beet and cb,ip
imer. (luaranteed enual to an. i o.
est luai
Ua all the strength of old rosio soap with tbe lulii
end lathetiugqin.litici of ceauine Castile 'frv'iils
Iti'KlJ, (i Neroi l'rwl m. 11:i:di4rk.'
Aijust '. - I;-