Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 06, 1869, Image 1

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    SBL.BX rTl
i: mo v -r in; A,n i: it tvA. .
riilUl$-.TWO DuLLAUd per aunua. :! &o i
paid within th jmt. ftu .j.r disoouitsiucl
.11 all erreuragea are paid, i .
Cbco teriua will be sirlutly adhere.! to hereafter.
tiulieorioera neglect or refuse tu Ink their uews-
ere irum th ulhu to which they ar diruotod, the
responsible until thoy bare aeitlod lit bill sad
erea theui dienoutluuod.
PuMoiaaWirs will pleas met as ur Agents, and
na letters ountuining subaoriptiou luouey. I'kny
MBAtUsa to do tbi under th i'oal Uib.e law.
Job pbihtxwo,
V have oonnooted with our stabllskmnt well
Ktod JOti UFP1CE, wbioh will euabl us to ,
touto, iu lh nsutest style, every variety of
.Minn . .
Tli following nrr tk Vsie for dvrttalfif, in the
Amkriua.n. 'Hum bavf,, edverlisius, tu do tail!
find It oouveiib-ni lor relennc! :
J I l. 1 t. IllOJ till- "J.J Jf
1 Square,
2 "
i column,
J I .IWTI .Ml I CiM .i'l ,!..(( I IM
-1 .in ,'
illiu a.UCl 4.M t lx I T.TM,I ll.ue
-tB.tll K.OOt!iUI Jo.W
IIU.IH M.IUJ'Jii.ih. Mwe
l 6 (II 2b.VC Xb.lHt JU.Ot
AjftTuc'L l'EgnTr"trMr?'Jr:NcE J
Ten 1Iei f this sited typ (minion; suakv un
Auditors', Administrator' find Executors' Nutce
f :! Ohitunrios 'except tli nl annnunortnest
which ! free.) to bit paid fur at advertising roteti
l.oc-nl N'oiicea. tocioty Resolutiona. o-, 10 cen'.a
pT Mtlf . . .-
A'l voiiijfmmiii for Religious. Charitable and n.da
sajtiuial i bj.L.t. one-hull llie anova tales, i
Trnnsient ndverliat-uienla will bo published unit
ordered In t U!mi,uUiiUt.d, a ltd cb; (rd aMorituiKly
OLD SERIES, VOL. 29, NO. 14,
J. ftnilNER. L. B. KAtl.
Uui'ik- m ii nil 4'onniellir nt laitr,
ennnt Street, west of the N. Q. and P. 1 E. Rail,
rund Depot, in the building lately occupied by
F. l.aznrufi, Esq.,
Ilcetiotia and all Prnfeiional busman promptly
vndud tu iu Nouhuuiberland and adjuining Uuun
A l i'OIOIlVN A'l" l,AU',
On tieoond Fluor in Uiight'e New Building,
H. Borea A"tu W. J. V'olvkrtu!!. reapeotfully
ti'Mineo Ibiit they hiive enteied into eu.pttrtnorbip
the pruoiice nf their prol'uwinn in Norlhuuiher
xl xnd udjniuitiK eouulie. Centulutiuna can bo
d in he Mkkman.
Apnl 4. HW. ly,
ii. ii. mami:k.
. Iloitny at I.hw, 61NBLRY, PA.
i. Culleotioua nttoudud to iu the counties of Nur
unibviliiud, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
d Lycoming.
lion. John M. Reed, Pbiladelphla,
A. O. Cuttoll A Co., "
lion. Win. A. Porter, . "
Mnrtun ilo.Micbael, Esq., "
Kutuhuiu 4 Co., -itii Pearl Street, New York,
jui.u V Aahiueod, Attorney at Law, "
Mattiiewa A Cox, AtUirneya at Law,
ulihury. iluruh W. lin2.
Ml .AUI KV, lt:.'.- I.
'VFICK iii lluiipt'f new Building, leoonj floor.
J hntriiuoe on Market Cquere,
."unLury, Jnuunry 4. Itfbs.
'Teelhl Teeth I
s. ic.,
i.i uitrlv uf ASHLAND. 0.. auTiouneea to tb ottt--i.sut
.Nui'.liuuibertiiiid euuMy, that he biu liioiilud
. -L.NUL KV.tur the praoliue of Itenluiry, and
riuoiluily ai.lioiia jour lroiinxe. iptriiU utlcu
mi iid to JiUi,ig Hinl tirxsiii.g teulti. 'i'eetb ex-
t'.fd vuiituttt pain, by uauj( Murootio apruy-
l.icU 1 u-e.i mr three yeaia wilb ptrjtct sue-
v.v iind no tnjttiottx reiiulu.
iiflioe in Hui.u.s Jbtuieriy ocoupieil by Dr. J. S.
u.lf. in ticufniit. UuilUiu, Alerkat tqu:ire
unuui,Pa. uir. 7, od.
iKunoK Hill, Simon P. WubvEinux.
LtlOl'ltfJ h antl CutiiiMcloi'M at lut. '
HU.MliU tt 2? A. i
UrILL uilinJ to the collection of all kind of'
oiuiuii, including Luck Puy, Bounty and Pen
i.-im. a pi. 1, 'mi.
XortU ii.lw of Public Square, one door eajt of the
Old Bunk Building.
Ou'.i.-o'imiF iind all ProfoMinnul ha'lneai prnmptlv
t'wu led to in ill Courta of onhumbef Imjd unl i
.djniiiin Cnuniiea.
sun bury . Sept. 14, 1BB.
f. U. Pivuuv, J.D. Jamkj. '
Clcu in il efccniid etory nf Dewart'i building, aj-
j.iinini( the Dimocrm office, en the north aide of
.Mm kct .-quale.
Will utiei.d promptly to th enlleotion of olalmi
arid other prnfi-Miouul butineM intruated to hie Cure,
in NnrihuinhurlHiid and adjoining countiea.
November V, I6ii7.
811 AMOKIIT, Northumborlapd County, Pa.
. 1.1. butijieaa attended to wilb prouiptuoea and j
J. diligence.
.ii.jT.Tn. A" 10.196T ly
,!alitihr,;j, K'irtiiitmlierlfind County. Penn'a
OTioe in Jnukaon townahip. Engagenienta oun
be ma lt hy letter, directed to the above uddrraA
All hu-iiiit entrusted to hia cure, wUl be promptly
u'.K'iiiUd to.
April it. IMa. ly
Jk. G O B O. BEOK,
And Dealer in
I'uim lrcvl.uiiili ol IVcuiir'a
8 U M B U B "Y, P A.
Muroh a i lsna
C3-. -W- HA UPT,
Cloi-nry mid CouHMvllor ill l,inv,
Ori XCtin Uaupt'a new Building, en aeoond floor
tntrano on Market tquure,
Will attend promptly to all profeational bui!ne."
entrusted to bia oare, tb onliection oi cluiuia in
.Northumberland and Uie adjoining oountiea.
Sr.nhury, January 4, IrtciiJ.
All buainvM entruited to bi oar attended to
promptly unil wiib diligence,
runbury. April 27, ISS7.
Xtuaiueea Iu tbla and adjoining oouutlee carefully
and promptly attlended to.
Cuiue in Market btreel. Third door weat of gniitb
i Ueutber'a buve and Xinware ttuire,
Runbury, JUarob Jl, lrt. ly
in every variety ot
Upper Wharf, UUNBUHV, Penn'a.
( y-Or lur.joiiuited and filled with prcmptneaia
tSuubury, May 1J, J8M. y
GilANX Sc itOTK.4rC,
iliillt-ri lioleaiulo Kriuil
k'iill'e Iu
in every variety.
Pole Azcuta, tb Celebrated Henry
Ch'J Coal.
LoWIR Wharp, 8CKBDHT, Pa. .
Sunhury. Jan. 14, I6d.
JOHN P. HAAS, In all kiniaof
JS prepared to supply all kinda l Aulbrneilc Coal
X Iroui li e baumkiu Coal Region at vheep rutea.
All older promptly Sllvd. Couniry cuuiin Tw
apec.rully anlicited JOii.V P. 1IAA6.
feunbuiy, July Id, IgfiS.
U to per moulb!!!
Or a u.furuitkioii from whii-b I wine tliat am nut enn I'e
untie hvlloi(lli I.XI'KSI' IMPKIIVKD COMMON
1' r ruriiltu nod 1'crnia
t'. UUWfr.K CO, 330 ftottUi Third 8irsrt.
D-. , .u. Paile4t:pie. P
FROM GEKMASY, in 1835.
at id
I'itLi'AHKn by fin. c. m. javku.y,
I'lm-iDCi run, Pa.
Tlit grtatcst kno-uiH remedies for
Liver Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Diseases of the Kidneys,
and all Dlxeaaea nilalnir from a Dl
ordered I.Ivor, fetomarli, or
wfvitiTY or tiik it i.oon. '
Rtttd th foUwinl symptom. md if fn Und thil
yvr t'ifUm it .tfi'vclrtt hy un nf tln'r.i, y-'ii' may rent
atrel ltut u'i;.j. ftiut cirmrri. nerd il nllttrk im tli
w( important uiy'iiu hf yiiir Immii, untl uvlr'n in-m
chckil iitf tiK tt uf prnei rfrU i-rnnv.'rs, a ,11 ...'l('e
ym terminating in diuilh, wiU oe th rmttU.
ConatipaMon, Flat jlonoe, Inwartl Piloa,
lu'tiefiHot Blood to the Head, Acidity
Of the HumiHoh, Nannen. Heart
burn. D auunt tor Fun'I.Fiiinoaa
or Woivnt in the Btomaoh,
Buur Lrtictut ions. Wink
lnii or ei-'iorinpt at the fit
of the tituuiHcti, b wrimmlnar of
tlie Heao rfurriod or Ditfloult
RretthinR, f'utterinn lit ttia Heart,
Chokine or Non'ooul in BsnaHtionn whoa
in ii rjyinjrPo-turo, DininasKot Vision,
Dim or VVoun LofoiB thn bitflit,
Dull Tain in the Iloml, l)otl
cieruy oi I'ovspiriUisn, Yel
lowness of the rtkin nnl
Xlyaa, Fain in tbo bido,
Be ik, Uhoat, Limbs, etc.. Uud
doH FliiiheH of llwaf. Burning; in
the, Cnxt.iint lmnKininvH of
Evil, and Uruut Drfureskion of Spirits.
Jilt th inttiwttr tltt'iise ..'in Luvr tir Diyutitn
OryUittcm''tnrd niil ifnj'ttre liluttd.
Ih Mith tly vfet it , u till m I it it o
t lij ttoi. 1 1 laj h cum pn mi 1 of 41 ii id K x
tllM-l. 'I'llU KlKHtt, llt-lt, 1111(1 It II-It a
f. imii tvtilc.ii in sr t Kit iuti m iiinic
ii i v. yit l lifrrtl I ti (e'l'i iii it y. All I lie
liltidiciiial vlrlliCM urt ii i ifti-lcil from
liifni by h ftcie nl iflr v lii-iu it . 1 licc
i luacln mi I lull fViitvii t ti t it t litis
t-iitiiiii'v 1o tu iihrd rtpt'Cisly l'i fl.e
in n i-i it I'm c( it e of llic.r Itillfi'.i. 'I' line
in no itkd'iDllu Mttihlniici; if Hiiv kind
in l 4 ii riHti ioti mil ii t lit li 1 1 ic I'm
Iirntr II In lin luitvir, that nii
Ym tltl III I'llSCN U'ill'lT m leu (.lie . 1 111
ulaiikit are ittti ml ImiIjU-
1 t'.r
vu'i l'C::i: AUii.'.i ( Vi:: li-u.t. ' 'm.-,
t'i' snif itLf'tfX t.'ifi litit-v-, m r.'.ts ii"ir
jiui (i.c-'i'ifi sfibittlns n r'ifnhi-l 7 ;i
mihi t't-it t.'.tsfi rrmi'Hi.i ur tMitlrt'ly iliit. M'tit ,Vo.ii
nn: "i n ui'f-i tiwt fur the. vuiv. uj' the.
WifiiHj1, Vif l'inj cim'tii' yirjuiiittftts uf wOvuutt
txtrmt, while tht ft'iri-i at liter ti'Ccli"l it rmrl
in ouiconn. T'-r T'JN 'C is tin i-lnlUi tw ' 1! mn.-t
p'r.mdiit auit agri'iiil mnriih't rvrr -'firml to lUt
p m?. ! ((. i.t ttqtosit: ' i fi"isnre tu tnW
it, it'Wt t' t A-j7i'ri"t', txJii'a rutin fft uwl viwuiiuut
qntfttin have caused it to itf. Vnntou ut lite grtutti vf
all taunt.
Tlioumiiitla if cairiti v)'.t-ii Hie fin
(Irut btipiMi.i ti lie vt n nllllt tcfl wlfli
I 111 u t Wfi tic l l I' MlC, ln v bt'C ti v n red
liy tlt iu of lb en rr m t't (, K s 1 1 t iM e
ciiiHvlin Ion, (Ivbtliiyt and hhi!i nrc
the ii bit a I m i I eiul.i ii In upon r eve
t-nntt of lj-hM ixla oi til M'a of I lie
ill Jj(b-1 1 xe oriiiio. i-vni In t int. -a of
ii n I tie Con ii in l Ion. I liee reined leu
u ill lr. found ol lltv renlfhl lie neflt,
rl i eitgllienltig and lnvlt;ui-tttliig.
B..:.r... ,.r tt ',c ' ' '. l'V ' T-.'n i.nnurt a
C-.f ..-!.'.., Jl.-.I i'.t:yi
i'.i- i. t.'i . r, - t a
I, rmilrinint, U'r-iV,
Veak and Delicate Children
are made i t) iiu by tii n; I In II 1 1 i e in
oi TiMilii In lii'.'t, li ii i e I'Hiinl)
?! clici nt. 'I' he y c nn be i- tl m I n i 1 1- red
itl lerfret Mtftfy in ci.lld fbiee
inoni ti. old, 1 he tmit.1 di llcatv iciiiulr,
or n uinu tf niitt ty
yt-'JC J( nrc tt leit
J51ool Iirincra
(H(r aVnKW, und will lure jU Uitttys r--yn''.')"7 "rti
la! I ;. ,
A'-'yt yir ,',rl tn.r." ; ln-p j I.rr in -) r;
L-ijj yur it ,..' ie Ti,,t . "t ( i ' '.i!f '-y '"''.it-
tl- fl, hji t':6 i,. f. UJ I.'u.l J i f.',4.alV(, .ii Ti'y U'l.t.i: viU
fi'tr jJU4l you,
PM tmnmm mmmm.
u mmd WVtM Jii4Mrj
LndlN nvlio ivUli a fuir bkln nml
Co od complexion, ft ee from n y el lo i
I - tl i ln ii ml all other t if II if Hi e in en I,
fchonld u-e t)f i t-in -! 1 1- iK-inl'iiiw
nil 'the lalver In imft (it ord r, mid
tit 11 (i--.I pit re. will reritilt In rjiaik
luig ;); uud bloom!ii; vhckM.
T1 rji'Uitt ,tl, t: n':pt-i'u) e f. Tit, tJtirf.xiin
Til th. 'itmi tf tht' "Utr!'ti- HTilffn Uj I'Ml'l rmt
V:' i..ihf of t'tf. Ui tt-'U hi"tVH iu i.tkh L'Jllti, A1 ti'.'.CH
U. i V'un'iTj'rtt,
Tlionftnndri of leiiem ftnre 1ren re
etivi ri, iel ify Aug lo the ill uc ui ln c
aTitOM II JN. 01:0. w, ooi)VAun,
Chief Juitl;j u! tlt Sujirpin Ctnti t nf IVmi) lvani.
I'ltit-ibrLMiu. Mii iii lfiili, HttT.
Jflift " FfX'fLvi Vx (! m,v Bi tni i a-1 mi
v.'tiny b.'iu-ru-, l.tU in a l tn, !. n'ttt o: .im. uf (. nisU-" r;niu, tu. tf yfj' It inf. m
iai uf d:jhty un'.t iv-int uf unit. us tictit-tt hi t!e
Iftem. y-;tt s t, uit
OhlK Ii . U't jO It W'.i lilt.
l:f )nt. .i mks tiimpsov,
J 11 l,c i ) I U : ; II ; .1 . l' ( 'i ilii t i -f l'i nu-.N Ivuuln.
I' 111 I.i '. I IMII, I It 1 1. '-Nlli, M,
t crtiid i ' I loo flit ti dS i r t id ;.n Ii U
(H i" u fititmtttf ntrt(i i u i t'ttkt; of nl
latKk of liiillertnii or lypfisln. 1
(-U4I rrrtlfy ml from my espirleuv
oi II. Vuurn. avli Ii re-i i-i,
ia m i;s I HO MI .
Vrmi UF.V. J0SK1WI l. KKNN AKu, l.l.,
I'.uttf.r f ih Tiidi lUpti.t nmrrli, iMiil.-nl.-Ii.iil.i.
Im .! At JOHN ht'.K Sin Wrr htn fpufntlif
fffstvl t'j 'v.nwrt my ittimu with rr-umirtrmtuiwHi uf
Ulffrtit kmts iff iifinir.i'i, hut i rgmitiu llif jmtctirg
at out o f Nti a? pri'it spi?r I mw in uU nurj ti
ciini ; hut tvtih a rintr piwf in roriims iutiiic,mil
f-trtiriil'ii't- i,i ,nt -ton f Unity, 'if th Hffuiiiftt'tif lr,
ifn.lifn-t'x (Vfiill ttt'tl!il I 'tffntrt iitfr- f'iu,n (,(y
HUfll tHllf, fl C.rtrc-U lllif flill Vi.Hi'ir't .n f .f
iit i.t-i il ni'tahl v "f Hit - iiiiii. ninl i"mti illy f -i l.n tT
I'.'llljilllillt, it IM 1 Milt' ltl,ft V.l'll tl.! ilrj..ll.tll-'ll. tu
t-uhf ct' if "in- fat I hut tuu-tl'f. 'huiit '. it irilt
l! ffflf tirNl'''iJ 'O IhiU tO.'.f f.ll. f fftlltt t'tt iliflCt
VUtiiM. J-"", rtLiftfc
fcjUlh, bet -a Caht St.
Prio of ib Bittera, $1.00 per bottle -
Oi. a half dosoa for 95.00.
Tricp of twtf Todio, 91.50 per bottle
Or. u tall' doea iov $7 53.
TUt) T 'ltlc in Jjut up in iniiii l Ixttilfn.
K' tntUci that il a Pr. tf-t'lt-mn't ftrmm RMtifM
th U H' to UN'ratatri'y UJhrti 'tut ft httfhti va'M4iffn
m1 ; tiM'l du W-t aU-iui if thu:t:iiU t in! yv to
tax tiiy thinf 4st Mai im uwv v ij'it ft, l
ctu u m Kd u l rur tit tH it. 'i'ftf iiiutiri
vu! h tent hy fjriftsu tu iiit Utility ujui vfi-lwiUtvit
An. Wl AKt H Vrttt i:i HiUmMi ia.
t'H A 8. U. EVANB.Pi-opiltor,
fancwly a M. JAOIfSON t CO.
Tlirii R mi nil ti urt for .nle ly
DniguUlii iiiorekepert uud Mdi
j Melr vti y wkm c.
) tin mifi-ruU Ui r4i.itu laKv. tM VkfUtU yvli U1 im
X. M II A i X,
Corner of Tbird Street And Market Squnrc, ia Mil
ler'i Siono ttitilding, 8 U N 13 U K Y , P A.,
narH" ta h-os-wi
of tho tniwt pclcbrnti'd innlprp, cniisisliug of (lie
lltiwnrd, Ailuton. Trncy A Co., Wnlthnin, BnrtlcU,
V LI I cry, tind utl grndes of the Klin llt tnnko.
AKn. ul Ai?ent fof the oelibrnti'd. PAUL DKI.
lUiN atchin (JolU hdu tSuvur Uiifo, ut luw pricfs,
ilvi IV tin- for Wa-alaliaas' I'l-CNfailK, I
of entirely new design. Poll I Silver Table end
Tea .Spoon., I!utir Kuirna. Fnrka. Cnsinrn, loe
I'ilchera. fruit nml Cnko Unakela. !Syrup
Mnga Hulli r Uishru, and even thing
iu the Silvcrwiiie line at low
J"B W tiLRY,
A fine atock of IK k Hinga. Alma fine aeleotlnn
ot tlold und Jut Jewelry of all deacripliuna. Uold
and oilvyr Chuina, at low prioea.
gold tens.
Fino Hold Puna in Qold. Silvrr and Rubber Cnara,
of theoelebratfd make by IluiTuiau and Stewart.
A-full nwortment of8 dny and 30 bonr Clocka, at
low pricea.
AIi.ii Sulo Axcnt for the celcbratrd Pcrfrcted Spec
tacles, wiirrnnh'il to (ivo entire auiHl'iiction.
Winches, Clocka and Jenelry rcpnired and wnr-rniiti-d.
All order promptly nttended to at the ahortost no
li. Sunbiiry. Sept. 6, 18l3.
lacuiK-inou'a I'lii'iiUliin 4j!ooI,
.'ir.iJt n a-n r T.tii.oEi Nroiein,
Connistiiifj of
which hnvo been aeltotud from the lurdl nnd best
eaUUlisbuienta iu New York and I'hiludelphiu.
A general nsiortinent of
Nccliliea, Collam, Cravnte, ol llie latest atjlea.
Fine Lamb's Wcl Poller Jackets.
Sill UTS end L-RAWERS, a large aurlineul of
the bfitt qunlily.
A lnrge variety of (1 LOVES of every atyle and
iualtity, Iroui the Hull Krooin down to ihu lnborina
mini a, and many other article fur Ueutlcuieu'a
nuc E'fcntli Vol. c SIiii-lM mudv Iu
!! !.
Il'iving procured the acrvieea of the beat workmen
in tlio tiiii.. g iruietiM will bo made up to or lcr
u liich tit until be cxutdlcd in any city iu fila, orqmility
uf nooda.
tjt'ftilcmpn are particulnrly requentcd to call nnd
act, tin good und wurli before purcliiisin elacwhtro.
Suul.ury, Oct. ;t, 'OS. 1 IIOM A.S U. -NOT1'.
n a u o 11 &
.SOLE M A X f F A C T I" R E R S
iSo. -O couiu JDuiawui'3 Avonue,
-f he fitnvo Munuro hna bctn the Agricul
tuitil Luhlio tor titicdi yt-ar.- pust, under nnu inline
ind prop) u-torliip, mid now h.i-i tin,l ,ativt and !
in jrc it 1 1 m ii I 8-ile ililoohotit llie couniry. And il ,
a penec: auijiuuie lor 1'eruvian uuuno (nuorii.a 1
'ii oiiu i.aii in.. i:o?i f ik una uucu iiiioillu ity uiicui-
tiinut-t ot knntvu intclticnco nud iliiiciiuiiniiiion
il iviirrunied liot to ehrtu.-t tlieeoil, but on ihe
contrary to permanently improve il. 'f he anlea now
amount to iiiiiny thouiiuiid loiia uiinunlly, and Ihe
InoV, iucs for its u-'Uiitiliicinre uru u.ui.bive und com
plete The above manure are furni-hed in both bnga and
burroln, whiohevor cutotueri iirel'i-r.
The bugs uru unilorui in weight 1 bO pounds.
The ntlention of F.irlner ia especially directed to
thu taet tllat the goorues of tlie Raw Mnlcriul of
a hich the utiove manures are composed, are en well
undiT uoiiiioi ihat we 0'in litwnh liiein of ati ictly
unil'Tin quality ui. 1 condition, und that they con.
tiiiu a larger of auiuionia than any other
daa of manufauturcd manures in Ihe market.
uai'uii i .s.uxa.
20 South pclnwnro avenue, 1'bilu lelphia.
l2"Tbo highest cushplico paid fur all kinda uf
November 23, 180S.
Hiss Louisa Shissler's,
M A li li ET S Q U A H E .
Ladies uud Misses' MATS und II0XXETS,
in immense vurndy.
-t2 iMiiici-J diouUn Sinai 1 i-illliullls.
French und Aiucricaii Ribbons, Lucea, Uaudker
chieli. liluvei, UnMcry, uud u general tissiirims-ni ol
Ladies' M.llincry Goods, which nave been selected
with great vure.
ttuULUN U00DS, FURS, &c.
ciit ( oliura, .ccUlie (ulovcs, Ait:
Every turiuly will bu touud to teleot from, ul
MOLERA 1 Li flllCtS.
Sunbury, Out. I, l66i.
YuUlt lsTEUE6T !
Cull uud aco the ell selected Stock of
Ju.t received ut
Fourth Street, below Ejster'a Store, Sl'XCL'RV
ol lh must approved btylea ia luade up to order at
ruusonaOle rate..
He baa uImi a Une ussortineiit of Cussiiaere 8hlrla,
L-rancrs. l:uderahin, Oveihuula, Rlouaea, Neok
lies. Cotton and Woolen Hose, auspenders, Haud
kerubiefs, liloves, and a general variety uf
Ulv blui a call, which you will -Bud ills t to
your adviiutug.
tiunurj , Oct. 21, ISrt8.
u'otice to. Merchants and bhippen.
rpllE underaijtaed. proprietor of Weiser i Frick'a
X. Line, give uoticea to uiorchauta and shippera
that th. L-epol la aliil at till Mm ket atreet, 1'tiiln
dulphia. and ull Hoods directed iu cuuhury , iliuo nle
aiil Lewishura;, end all niieruiediaie atatioua eluii
ll. ruilrund, will be proiuplly delivered.
I V Cars leave M I M.nkul street, FhiladclphL
Iri-aeukly iucaduya, Ihursduys uud Suurdava.
lieceDiber T. 1967.
CALL met c tliuse beautiful Bird Cages ut the
uew Hardware store of
IF you have a picture you want trui I. uo i.i
llv-rltM and ctl il done cheaper than uni-
where else in town. He baa uiouldinga of all km J
Constant y ' i hand
WHERE can 1 get the beat piclure ! Why at
lly rl.v'at, of svurne. Alwey o Byerly
Hud jU'ifV f'J fCIHHelw
r nn mitiTitAKX.
Itcrr liana Crcilninnn hua been to look nt Ihe ve
1'icipode, and likeait muolily. lie however declarca
thnt a fiiond of Jiia, named Schnilierl, once oon-
Alrucied a very wonderful nrticlo of the kind, which
would have been a perfect auccoaa had it not killed
the inventor hose meluncbuly death llerr lircit
m&nu hna set forth in tho following but lad :
llerr Schnltifrl mnko n tvhilosopede.
Von of du nwt'ftt kind ;
It vtiiit tnftuut h vheel in front.
Ami hntln't nonu pehiml.
Von vheel vim in do tniitol. dough,
An ! it vent hh tftiro wh eckn.
For he fhlrnddlod on ile nxol dree
Mit der vheel pet ween bis l&oks
tJnd ven he vent to a Mart id otT
Jit pHd'llet tu it hi: veet,
tind coon he cnt to go so Vrtst
iMt nvory dings ho pout.
11 h run her out on Mrnnder shtrcod,
Jle ihkceted like dur vind,
liy how he ba.s-fd rle vimey chap?,
And icf do m all pehiud !
De ve)!or do trolling nns
I'onlcd oop to fee him bxti ;
Do l)rut.-iitieri nil or.-t tunishu 1 jn i'l t :
'Jutstatrttf Wax tr da ?"
Iioot viLli!r ftitill dor huhniizerl Uuwei
On -niit h gHohtty ehiiiilti ;
IJo tidn't toouch dtt dirt, uj nhingd !
i'ot vonuo iu half a uiilu.
Ob. Tot Uh nil dis o&rtly pita?
Oh. vot ish innti'd imoukiiivts 7
Oh. vot ih vnrioui kind id dings ?
Und vut ish hohbinr.ts
Vo fitid 11 punk no lo in de thtreodt,
Next. (linM di:r pink ish preak J
Ve ful is. und knock" our ouUidua in,
Vun ve h tcn-litrikti uiuke.
So vo it mit dor Kchntlxert,
On hid phtlnftpudo.
lVet both rihlippuiJ ouls'nJawar J tboost
Vhtn nt bin ex iri tbppcd
lie fellod oopon der vheel of Cooi'so ;
lo vbcel like hlitxun duv :
Und ricbuiuirrl ho vossebnits in VAOt
For id nblitfUud him grod iu two.
Und as fur his pliilosnpede,
I t oot ftikarcd, men guy,
It poundud aiiWHrd till it vunt
(inriE tHufutwHifU at'iy.
limit where inh now ftt-r Scbnitserl's soul ?
Vhertj do bin plibii it bide 'i
In Uimiiicl troo, de ent les pluc,
It tiikcu u uicdcor ridu.
iiil; d.oii:c
We may bonst of tinderstundiuf;" human
nature, anil value much our estimatu of bu
nion cliiiincter, but how oil in do ne tind
ourselves at fault. There is often so much
where we expect to Iind so little, so little
whole we hud hoped to tind great volumes;
so much ri'tiL-hness under an outward po
liiih; hi much cviuleiuss sometimes hid by a
unbidden MLSSt"! a treat ciirient uf
' i. on i a I w ii r 1 1, i it lliiu iinf si o 1 1. iii... ' . 1 , .. i
ii v snrliiee, tliat wondrous wise is he, who
half thu time is riht iu liU of char
n cur.
Any tu it ii who hus arrived nt the ngc of
flirty cull look buck and see such n jumble
of estimates as must convince him that even
his most cherished rules of weiliing or es
timating human eliaiiicur will imt stand the
teat of years. The first schoolboy friend
the one who met him lirst on the ph'.y
oround he remembers only us the hellish
I by, wiin, on the ihiid day of tluir in:
quaihtalu c, stole half his linil bles, wliile
iiiKit bir boy, with whom he had scnrcclv ex
changed u word miring the ti i t-t quarter,
has been, for twenty tears, his coriliileiilial
((vjr ,
firmest friend. He remembers
how bright the world looked ul twenty one;
of how high he placed then the character ot
those w ho wire associated w itli him ; but
ihe niches nre lilled wilh other images now,
anil the idols of the pa-t, alter a series nf
changes, alteration nfesiimnte figures, re
pairing of broken features, strengthening nt
weak points, lie now as u on Idess rubbish
in the must faintly lighted uf those much
tulki d nf halls of menu ry.
We lunk uixin n face into an eve: listen
to u mans voice and laugh; watch llie
play ol tti-a features; thu movements ; meet his lady-love ut Her lather s. some ilnys
of his person, nud commetieu at once the in advance of thu ceremony. The ride w as
process of figuring his worth. Wu do not a long one but not unpleasant. I discover
wait for facts. Like a pupil anxious to sue. cd Ihe man's power. He talked charmingly,
eeed without the aid ef a teacher, we hasten ! und in literature, art and music. I seldom
to solve the problem in advance of Time,
who is solving it for us, and proud nf our
work, flaunt thu tstimutu in thu lute uf all
the world.
The next (Wiy we'nlter a figure here and a
fu'ine theic; in u week erase a whole line; in
a iiinnth reason on n dill'erent basis, nud ar
live at dilleient conclusions, so that when
Time, the til'ailing reckoner, comes round to
look over our shoulders to t-iiiiipaie results,
he lino us w illing pupils and humiliated,
rather ;hun proud that the blurreil slate, nf
ler u hundred changes, presents the same as
is tnitiked upon his record in one bold, i leal
il.isli. The old are as ready to make mis
lakes us ihe oung. though they deem them
selves very wise from their vast experience.
The smootli tongiied ecoundrcl, w ho im puses
upon the school girl a brilliant description
of startling events that never occurred, and
of scenes, that rlo not cxi-t, will talk law to
llie old judge, sod medicine to the old doc
tor, und h U'si s to Frank, und butter and
cream and good dinner in the Imusewile;
uud they will all bu his dupes, all bu made,
sometime. to play the tool's part in some dm
nia. of which he is the here and villain.
iixpt-i ielieu llinkes lis inoi'u charitable
It cau-es us to see less positive wrong in
etcry person, and nmru possible good. It
makes ns more careful w ithoul milking us
auspicious; but it does not make our i-sli
mute ol chitTiicier nlwiiya good ones.
Alter becoming will acquainted with a
reserved miin, niter discovei nig that (here is
manliness wheiu you thought there was on
y a selfish independence, it ia a little huiiiil
in 1 1 1 . H tn shako y mil self up and settle dow u
to an entirely dilleient conclusion, but we
all tin it. it is a sort of military necessity
in the great wur nf coiiscic net wik egoiisin,
und some means are found to justify the pro
t enure, us well as to ( airy it forward Iq a
siiecussl'lll cnlitlusinn.
A thousand stories in life illustrate these
truth, and if nil these could be cited here
uo ftiihei argument would be needed. My
guild, staunch old fiicud, the Judge, honest,
uud alruiuhlforwuid uud clmritable in spite
of his rxpcrieiicii a tliu bench, declares at
last in open court that hu misjudged the
toiiug German. I went lo him nmo day
oince and he seemed as uneasy a a mn
si ienci-siricken child urn il hu hart unburden,
ed himself, and by flee acknowledgement
made rit ht with his conseicuce the wruii'
I '.i .l h.d been ilor.B 111 f VnUl'g lliclld.
1 had liiiased thu yousjj man tuna h's
old. home on recovering linm a hmg illness,
imt wus t - 1 1 1 at first opportunity by old
Fruoz that he was happily inarr'-uil and do
ing 6cme'.bioj iuiojtLU iu some ytrj im
nirrifO city. The new dnn-iliter lo olil
Pinnz was a lirightifr ApkcI Picture tluin
Funny liiul t-vcr ln-un, nntl li i at !niv, in Lis
ciinm;niiil i-mjli nii-iit. m tlio grandest
pfiHiinaue tlint tvt-r finijilit his wny to site
rip anil fiirtiinc. Tliis was iiint-luit in-
Ii finite, nntl I went tu tlio old Judga lor
"iHrtlicr pnrlii'tilura."
"Tltut .voting Oi nnaii," said lie, ''is n my-tt-rv
to me. I ne c I iniide many liiiatnki-a
in juilin me n. lust I ninde a wnmi! tsti
mate of liia clmructi-r, fruit, the firnt Bnre
ti). I ilialikeil ti i id from llie Hrst. Ilia
vi-ry (Iitps nml mnnner im)res4i!il ine strange
ly. The lirnt ini-ilinx v.-itU liU futlicr nlmt
my In-art ayHinst him, unci every fun 1 1 nf hi
Micmed n uti)aiiliniHlile one. rmild rve
no merit in in any lliinys that tlio worhl up
pliiinlfil. The yming fellow liml tiilint. I
was f.irn-d to mlinit ; nnirHpi., 1 knew ; tint
atv no mnnlini-. Win-never he mine
near me I fell iiloiKlieil, nnd nlwuys indiu
mint that I did feel so. Ilis very taste in
dress nnd Ilis Hf-cninplitdinit-tita vexed nie.
'lie met in some wnv n pretty, liylit
henrted, whole Rouled. hiyh spii ited, Mmim.
willed ynnn miss, n niece of mine, neknow
leduiiiK nie us n aort nf utmrdinii or iii'.visrr.
Met her at a lire. I lu.dieve; aauin ut h pie
nie ; then here nt. my Iiiiusi'. I nmnaged to
have them kept apart as much its pnssilile
without aeemiiio; to do fo. lint the fales
were tiiiaintt nit, nnd I snw the (lirl was
h urniny; to love this strunge man, and with
h love til it seemed to me so linicli liko. a
worship to last Inn.;. Uc t'i t)ieil content to
worship nt a ili-iiuneB. After meetinj; her n
loiiidred limes ho was reserved lis nt their
second meetinjj. There wns no mislnkint!
the man's sentiment. He lingered nloint
her like un nrtist nlmiit h urand old picture
h Ti nil 1 to touch, content to look nnd
dreiiin. I miw this love irrow, nnd the
thought of it utmost maddened me. I sntr
oested to my niece, one niiht, in the young
German's iie-iiice, thnt she write tn her
I'utlier at w hat lime he may expect her home.
.V (juiet, iiKiuhim; ulance an easy, know
inn Kinile,- whs all t lint this lironirht from
tlie yonny; man, while upon the jjirl it liiul
a peculiar tlVect. She turned, nnd, with
her face full of tears, looked out of the win
dow. lie siiid, with some nuitiiiiim, nn
hiittr nfletn ards, it was sad to see such
(loud Irieni's ns !his u'ul Iind tten to him
dep:irr, yet it w as I'l-st.
" I he next day he r.mie to me and frankly
told me of his love fnr.the (ji rl. She wns
tieitini! my d illuhter and I culled her. She
i-atiit: t- .L-etly nnd without it oid took the
younpr man's ljnnd. She siiii! she had writ
ten to her father nnd mother nil uLout the
iitl'air. thnt he hud written nlso, that there
had hei n no promises. The tnnn seemed
cold us nn icicle proud hut not loving--!!
yrcat ilreuil ahinlowinw the lijiht in his eyes.
I expressed the wish that they should not
meet aprn until the nnswer of the parents
ciime. lie replieri without n moment's hes
itation, 'certnioiy.' und with an ordinary
".mI-IiVC Jtft us. Anv other man. it wenu-il
' to me, would have shown some otnntinn. I .
I stopped him to say : -perhaps the girl's j
parents w ill w i-di to seethe limn to wliom
they nre to iive their (hmuliter hefore iv.
in llieir answer.' "I w ill u to them.' he j
sun! : 'prefer that they should see me. I cin j
w nit until they know me well. Ihis was
said wiih a self confident nir that vexed m
still niorf. and I tinned to reprove the litl.
lint there whs such n den nice in her eye,,
such n look ns warned me not tu venture. 1
that I kissed her instead, nnd said, 'God i
Lless you. I know not whnt the two wrote
to the old people, the uirl's parents, hut in
a week Cnini- a letter aivin theiriinrjiialitled
consent to the nuirrinoe, usUing that their
ilanlilcr come home immediately. She
Minted the next day. The yniinji German
now seemed perfectly happy, hut happy in n
(Ireiimyw ay. In parting finui her he simply
shook her hand returned, pressed it silent
ly iiuain. and then . walked uwav, never
tiirnilie; Ins head.
' (.'old, heartless lover,' whs in my mlr.d,
Imt I did not speuk it. Durino; thu girl's
idisenco frequent letters passed. Each wrote
promptly, ami the joy that n letter jjnve the
in h ii caused me to huve some respect for
i . 1 uccom pan left him w hen he went to (
found hiaii ut fault. He Inuuhed ut his ig-
' iioiance of our law and customs, said he
! felt sometimes iike a fool, and very often as
if dreaming. Thu w hole family met us ut
the station. The central figure was, nf
; course, thu girl that was soon to be his bride,
nml us shu came bounding tnrw ant, J ex
pected him to receive her wiih open arum
and repeetcd kisses. But he did not. She
erected inu warmly, kissed me twice, then
turned in an einbariissed iiiiuiniT to shake
hands with her lover. Hu started as if
awakening from a sound slumber, looked
w hole volumes nf sui prisu and love, but
merely pressed her hand. This coolness was
unpardonable, and 1 had serious notions of
protesting iigainst tho marriage, in live
minutes hii dn iiminess w a none, nnd the
greut trust the two seemed to have in ta h
oilier, ami the favorable manner in w hich he
seemed to impress the Ininily. pnz.lud n
well as annoyed me. And this feeling grew,
lie was rest rvrd a "ver. but it was reserve
iu suit tints, mellowed down to something
that seemed nmru like reverence or respect
than reserve. The night nf Ihe wedding he
was as cool as ever belore aud both were lue
Irion ciubarassmetit.
"His promise was niadu proudly, lovingly,
mriicstU, as though hu wUhuil all the world
to know', and then, as thejiarenta stepped
forward to kiss the new 'bruit, hu stopped
l hem, and whispering reverently, -'My first
kiss,' touched his lips to the beautiful girl's
forehead as I'.ebeately a mother would
kiss a alceping Imbu ; kissed her theu on
each cheek, putting all his soul into his
eyegand face, pi-sed hit lips lo litis with
all Ihu pent up earnestness of a lonn absent
lover. Vou can scarcely imagine the scene.
The lace ol th girl seemed like one inspir
ed. There was so n.uc.h oi the proud '1 told
you so' in her looks that I saw tltut she all
the time had know n the lil0 who stood
unmasked for the lirst time.
"And ho was a man now. manly in every
senioof tin word. Pr iud. still, cd n. brave
and earnest. Thu parent's blessing fell up
on him like a benediction, and every woman
in the room kissed him iu their fullness ol
joy. lie said to his bride as they w ere seat
ed, "Never before did I kits woman's lips
but my mother's. 1 a ways said my wilt
should receive my first kiss us a man. Tliiuk,
my dear, how much it means.' "
"They will i niiii) to uie soon," concluded
the Judge, "and then you will see how com-
rtl.uily I misjudged the man."
Can a mas be a public swindler, and
thief, and yet be m Loses: nsn ia Lis pri
vate afi'tir I
(ii run I'm ChiirncK-r.
'Wn look forward with well crotmded
cnnHdetice to the hi Iminisl ration of Genetftl
Griinl. Elected, it. may lie truly said, in
spite nf Loth psrties, :mt in sympathy w ith
tlie more judicious of the part of prnirres,
he will he independent of the extremists,
w hether of Mind advance or Minder reac
tion. Knowinij Ly the most thorouuh ex
perience the men he has conrjueied und the
men he has led, he will kttow- how to deal
lirmly wilh thu one side nnd to moderate
the other. As a soldier he has Leon schooled
to look forward to remote results rather
than to In overconfident in immediate
S'iccrsses. Ko has shown un indomitable
persistency in plans well considered H in 1
justified hy pood fortune. Ho has cho-ien
his lieutenants with instinctive felicity, nml
done jusl ice to their merit w ith almost unex
ampled magnanimity'. Ile possesses beyond
most men that virtue nf moderation whi'di
so many Americnn politicians eschew as un
popular. Above nil, he has nn almost, heroic
!ift of silence, which prevents him from al
lowing himself to he drnjjped from his
inooiini8 by the stronjj current of eloquence,
nnd afterward feeling hound tosacrifice his
sense of n hut is purdent tu the tyranny of
his own consistency. We think that his nrl
ininisiratiou will disappoint those only who
believe that wnrda nre more potent than
things in the conduct of states Htid in last
ing influence on the conduct nf men.'
Among the wealthy foreign residents nf
Tarisare fifty negro and mulatto families,
who hold intercourse with a areat many
aristocratic French families on terms of per
fect equalitv. M. Pontehory. a wealthy ne
gro from Port nil Trince, lives with his
family in one nf the finest houses ot. the
Chnnssecd' Antin, keeps half a dozen w hite
servants, and wns invited lust winter to all
M. Konher's parties. He is a millionaire,
nnd has a very line gallary nf paintings nnd
statuary. Another negro resident of Paris
is Cundoris, whose father owned a large
plantation nn the island of Manrilius. The
son sold the plantation, married an English
woman at Cape Town, nnd went with her to
Paris, w here lie lives now in brilliant style,
is one of the boldest operators nt the Uonrse.
and is considered very f it'll. His children
are almost w hite, and his eldest daughter,
a belly of eighteen, is courted by a preat
nianv young ollicers and others, who seem
not to care ti tig for her colored dtscent.
Belleisle, a very black negroe, owns two or
three large business houses ia Paris, where
he settled thirty or forty years ago, and
made money in thu oyster trade. He is
also married to a w hite w oman. His ilnugh
ters are nil mnr'ied to rrenchmen.
I.Anoii in CALiFonKi... It i ssscrtcd
that in California any able bodied man ran
get thirty dollars a month and hit board, if
wi'Mng to work. The Labor Exchange nf
San Francisco, nn iusiiiulion- established
last spring, to give gratuitous aid to emi
grants and others sicking employment, con
tinues to have more demands for nil des. rip
tions of labor than it can supply. The
rules nf waues nre as follows, paid in gold ;
Skillfui mechanics from $1 to $0 per tiny ;
farm hands, $3(1 to $10 per month and
board ; ""ond choppers $1.50 a cord ; female
donn's! ics, ;!!) a month. Notwithstanding;
thi- hiuh p-.v. it is slated that the supplv of
labor is not equal to the demand, and Cali
fornia would bo hard pressed were it not
for the Chinese. Many thousands of Chins. it is reported, are now employed on
the railroads iu piogress. In vineyaids,
they are fast supplanting white labor.
Without them tho woolen manufacture
would cease. In nil agriculture work they
are grow ing in favor. All the la'tndry busi
ness of tlm Slate, not performed by the
household, is in llieir hands. They usually
irct about one dollar a ilav. finding them
selves. For light work they are neat, facile
and reliable. It is estimated that the num
ber now in California is not less than sixty
thousand, and that this number will rapid
I v increase when llieir civil rights nro bet
ter protected. At present, a Chinaman may
be rubbed or murdered with impunity in
the presence of one hundred of his country
men, if no other evidence can be adduced
to convict the culprit.
-m a
A Hf.mimsccscb. Tho conviction nf
Blaisdell and Eckel, for defrauding the gov
ernment out nf the whisky tax, is reviving
reminiscences of the celebrated Bunteli
Cunningham (Liotid street) murder, which
created so much excitement iu this city smne
tilteen or sixteen years ago. Dr. Blaisdell,
it will be remembered, was accused oj com
plicity in the crime hy one of the counsel for
the prosecution, but n'nthingevercaineot the
accusation esctpt subsequent threats on the
part of the Doctor to sub a journal for libel,
lor reiterating it. His companion. Eckel, was
indicated conjointly w ith .Mrs. Cunningham
for the murder, but as nothing was proved
against him, he, us well as Mis. Cunningham,
was acquitted. And now, utter a long lapse
of years, these tw o men are again before a
criminal court, occupying much publie at
tention ; but this time, us fate would have
it, as convicted criminals, awaiting sentence
to the felon'scell. bo goes the world. Verily,
the way of the transresser is hard. yM
York Erjjrma.
A party from Frankfort. Ky., went clown
to Louisville to the theatre, last week. Afler
thu close of the theatre they took a look at
the elephant geiieruily. While standing on
the corner of Walnut and Hancock streets,
conferring about the wonders of Louisville,
a street car with culnreJ lights came iu
"George," said one nf them tn hit mate,
"let us go right home in the morning."
"What makes you iu such a hurry, Jim V
'Its too sickly 1st re. Do you see those
red and blue lights coming up thu street?"
"Yes. I sec them, but what of that ?"
"Why, darn my cats, if 1 am going to
stay in a place that is so sickly that they
have to haul their drug, store around cm
w heels."
Jnu lift f"r Frankfort in the morning.
The following effusion, said to be the re
sult of a "poetical agony" by a Georgian
soldier, who sent a young lady a "bokay,"
while in camp near her home, is eminently
satisfactory, n far as it goes, to prove tllat
'none but the brave deserve the? fuir," and
we hope it had the desired tllcct. Here it
is :
"Aaoept this bokay from a feller,
Who oil baa b.ard tb kunuoua belief
Ilea lialeued to lb liiee a tootea,
Aud belptxi u do taap of abooieo.
U. aaa seen to war cloud dara aria,
L a k-i:.Hi wbea th flies,
Who is bigger lata bu d&d,
Aid waau to msrry satiny b4'"
"Friend Mullnby, J am pleas, d that lV
hue tod such h line nran in thv church."
"Hut," said the clergyman. "I ilmusht yo
w ere strongly opposed to having an orpan
iu a churi li t-' ' ijo 1 ftm,"' said OLndiah,
'but I lien if thee will w orship the Lnid
wilh machinery, I would like thes to liae
a Hist rate Inslf moent.'' - -
B.U.UY Houses. Soinebodywu (1 ti t
know who ho is speaks in the following
sensible way about balky horses, and w
think hu ought to be listened tn by those
who own horses which may be guilty of th
hoise crime nf balking ;
"If you have bulky hoTWS it i.i ynur nwn
fault and not that of the horses', for if they
do not pull their is some cause for it, and if
you ti move the cause the effect will ressc
When your hoists balks he is excited, uni.
does not know what to do. When he pets
a little excited stop him for five or ti-u min
utes ; let him become calm, and as soot) sa
hu is over his excitement, he w ill, in nine
cases out of ten, pull at thi wtird. Whip,
ping and slushing and swearing only mV;es
the matter worse. After you have pcntlej
him aw hile, nnd his excitement has cooled,
tukehimby the hits; turn him eAch way
a fear ininiites, as far as you can ; pul! out
thu tongue ; gentle him a little ; ur.reiri Vim,
lUen step before thebalky horse, and let the
other start Hist ; then you csn take them
anywhere yon wish. A Imlky horse is al
ways higlibpii iltd and starts quick ; half the
pull is out before the other start" ; by stand
ing before him tlie other starts first. By
close application to this rule yo'i can m-ike
any horse pull. If a Imrre has been badly
spoiled, you should first hi 'eh him ti sr.
empty wasjiin, and let him drive around for
a while on level ground ; then put on a little
load and inerea-e it pnnlully, caressing as
before, and in n short time you cen havie
pond work horse "
Cattle Wf.ighkd by Measour. The
only instrument necessary is a measnie with,
feet nnd inch min ks on it. The girth is the
circumference nf the animal just behind the
shoulder-blades. The length is the distance
from the shoulder bludes. Thu superficial
feet nre obtained by multiplying the girlli
and length. Tint following is thu rule to
ascertain the weight of the animal ;
If less weight than one foot in girtb, mul
tiply superficial feet by eight.
If less than three and more than ooe, mul
tiply superliniiil feet by eleven.
If less than live and more than three,
multiply superficial feet by sixteen.
If less than seven nnd more tlinn five,
multiply suptrlicial feet by twenty five,
II less than nine and more than seven,
multiply superficial feet by thirty three.
If less than eleven and more than nine,
multiply superficial feet by forty-two.
Example Suppose the girth of the bul
lock t i be six feet three iuches; length lien
fest six inches; the superficial area will
then he thirty-lour, and, in accordance will:
the preceding rule, the weight will lie SCVCtt
hundred ami eighty two pounds.
Example Suppose, a pig to measure in
girth twti feet, and in length one foot nino
inches, there woubl then be three nnd a half
feet, which, multiplied by eleven, pivia
thirty-eight and a half pouuds es the weight
of the niiimul when dressed. In this wny
thu weight of four quarters can be substan
tially ascertained dnr'.nc 1 1 to.
Si-uiiADisr. Mani iie in Winter. A far
mer at Palmer. Mass., formerly drew out hi
manure and left it in small heaps. It tYou
hard and could not be spread till it had
thawed in spiing, and, being intended as a
j top dressing tor meadows, killed tlm grass
- under the heap. He now draws and spread
from the mud, which ho finds a greut im-
provemcnt. Another farmer breaks up the
j manure into a fine powder by bushing it,
I which increases its value. Tho objection
i that the manure, or manure water, wilt wash
I off is not valid. A me-idow, wiih a stesp
sulu hill was dressed with manure in strips
in winter, and when rain occurred with thu
thaw we could not discover thut the liquid
manure had run five feet down the hill, nor
given ar.y increased grow th of the grass fiva
feet off us it hud done nearer the spread
Navuiib and Feeding Houses. In Rob.
ert Bonner's stable the horses are fed from a
box ir. the floor, as their owner believes that
naturo intended they should take their food
from the level nf their feet. Mr. Ii.
should have belter sense than this. If ha
wants to follow nature why feed them any
cultivated feed nt all, or stable them, or
groom them, or do anoihing wilh them con
trary to "nature?" Nature without art,
either in the animal or vegetable kingdom,
has done no more fur civilization tuau sup
plying material.
wmfmmM i
RUCli'Esi, AC.
From tb Oermonlown Telegraph.
Omelet. Take a slice nf baker's bread
an inch thick, cut off thu crust, pour half a
pint of boiling milk upon it; season with
pepper and salt to your taste, beat it up,
and when cold put to it five eggs. Beat
the yolks very light, and add them to the
bread aud milk, then add the whites, well
beaten. This makes two omelet.
Indian Bread. Take seven heaping
tablespoonstul of Indian meal, a little aalt,
a piece of lard thu Uu of an eg ; well scald
thu meal, but not tou thin, with boiling
water; two eggs, well beaten, threes f.iurih
of a cup of rice, well boiled, put with the
meal ; thiu it to a thick batter with milk;
it takes about a teacup nf milk, on. tea
sponniull of cream of tartar and half a tea
spoonful nf soda. Baku an hour.
KtPiBitCAN Pouso Cakk Taka one
und a hull' cups nf suj;ar, half cup of butter,
one cup uf sw eet milk, four eggs, three cups
of flour, two teusponsful uf cream nf tartar,
ouu teaspoonful uf oda. Be ia on ur
two ctket.
Cueau Pie. Two cups flour, two of su
gar, two tublespoonsful ot cream nl tartar,
siir them together, aud a id six egg, slight
ly In ul en, one te aspnonlul nt soda dissolved
in a littlu milk uud tsseuce of lemon. Bake
iu piu pans.
Take ouu and
a lialf pints nf milk, boll
ami thicken with half cup of flour, hall cup
nt sujjur and one egg, flavor the s .uie as tha
cake. Split the cakes and put the cream
iu betweeu.
Balloons. Take one pint of milk, one
pint nf flour, three eggs ; separate the ygs,
beat the yolks until light aud mix witU thai
milk; stir in the flour gradually, ad.', one
salt-spoon nf salt, beat it well, then whitlt
the white until still and drv, and etir
through lightly half at a time. Butter email
cups, rill them half full of the mixture, .nil
bake in a qrtick oven. When done turn,
them out of the cups, place ih.oi on a beat.
:rt rl!', and send to table bet. Eat wilil
wine or nua's butter. A fccBscsufsB.