kiibuvg American. EM'L, WILVEET, Publieheir. NIJftlltJUY, 'A. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 186g. acral affairs. At the regular monthly meeting of the Banbury lutual Loan and Building Association, held in the iasonio Hall, on Friday erenlng lul, film shares 'ore told at prioet ranging from 977 to $S$. The Ttmium on eaoh thar In now $23. - Vtt obserre that many Borough Ceunolla through ul the State are lending petitions to the legislature o ohange the Borough apring eleotioni to Iheseoond Tuesday of Ootober. Would It not be well for our dorough Council to do likewise, and have a laotion itldod for out oounty T Bnoxa his Lis A little ton ef Mr. Daniel Con--ad. of Walnut street, In attempting to olimb -over a .'once on Monday lait, fell and broke bia log. Dr. ?!iindol win oalled in, who lot it, and we learn that ihe boy ia doing aa well aa oould be ezpeoted. Patrick IlKsran, ef lit. Carmel, thisiovnty, wai -irreated near Bloomsbnrg, Columbia oounty, on Thursday last, on charge of being oonoorned in the murder of Alex. W. Rea, and with being one of the ?arty who waylaid and attempted to rob J. Claude White. lie waa taken to PottsvlIIe for a hearing. Is the (uit of I. II. Torrenae, administrator of Zlarman Kline, dee'd., TS-.Ira M. Forreiter and ranoy IJIino, which occupied nonrly the whole of Kst woek, the jury oaate In on Friday nigTit and ren dered a verdict in favor of the Plaintiff for the luin jf $1,309, the amount of the bondi and money in the ;ossession of the Defendants. The rirer, at this place, wat closed again by ice, on Friday night lust, which mored off on Sunday. On Monday night it efbsod up again, but ihe ioe has oiceo disappeared. We hope, when the rirer closoe ngnin, it will remain long enough to enable -our loo dealers and others to eectrre talEoient ice for the coming summer, as most of them ncglooted the first 'avorablo opportunity. t The wenther bos been, but our winter, thus far, has been mild. Ovorcoata and overshoes, in such reasons, are dangerous, and should be used with caution, and not at nil when thoy can be dis pensed with. Mure oolds have been cacsed by the impropor use of overcoats, gum shoes, furs and com forters, than all other causes combined. Js another column will bo found tho card of "The Villon llotol," in Aroh Street., Philadolpfcia. This hotel lias latuly been entirely renovated, and those visiting tho city will find it an agreeable stopping place. Mr Weber, the proprietor, is ene of those gentlemen who make his guests feel at homo, while everything about tho huuso is always kept ia tto best of order. Oy Satrjri'av isrt. when all hands in thii affi were engaged iu putting up a Gordon Trees, Mr. j Ilacher, of the National Saloon, surprised them by j carrying a keg of hij rare Lajrcr into the o(Bce. ft ! was a prime article, aud ho has tho thanks of ull hands fur his rcniembrauco on this occasion. Tins Northern Central Railway Company ate hav ing twelve new locomotives built by tho Pittsburg Locomotivo Works, for use on their road. This Company has also recently purchased a traet ef land in tlio northern part of Baltimore, at a coat of f Di, PuO, for the erection of extensive shops. We would roconimend merchants and others visi ting the city to cull nt P. 8. Dewald 4 Co. 'a Whole sale nnd Retail Woodon and Willowware Store, No. 31 North Third Street, Philadelphia, where all goods in their lino is sold at the lowest rates. Mr. Dewald s many friends in this and adjoining coun ties will always find him, as heretofore, pleasant and accommodating, and prompt in business transactions, bee advertisement in untitlicr oolumn. A Uoom CovrAKr. A meeting waa held In this place, on Monday last, by the lumbermen of Wil linmsport, Sunbury, Northumberland, Lewhsburg, fSelinsgrovo, and other places, to organize a Boom Company, ike proeocding of whioh will be found in another oolumn. The Room is to be erected on tho West Branoh, above Northumberland. The project litis bieM suggested by Wia. lleagui, E'i , uf this pluce, who is one of the most onterprisiug lumber men in this section of tho Stall", and we liavu no doubt but that it will bo a good investment to those who will tukc the mutter in hand. Tiie Teachkbs' I.istiti TB, which mot on Mon day luBt, In the Court I'.ocm, continued for five days. The lattp.uto ViLi well attended and the proceed ings of an interesting character. During the eve ning sessions tho room wu well filled. Mr. Wolver ton presided over tho meetings with tho highest credit to himself, and doscrves more than a passing notice. We can Ociure him that hit efforts to mako it a success have not beon iu vain, and are highly appreciated by tho intelligent portion of our oitiacas. N'mv HuTEts Wc understand that our enterpri sing townsman, Ira T. Clement, Esq., contemplates erecting a large new Hotel, with stores in the base rueut, ou tho south-west uornvr of .Market Square. The location is one of tho bust iu towu, and near the 'Court House. Mr. Henry Haas, proprietor of the Central Hotel, has contracted fur the erection of an addition to bis hotel, filling up the entire front of 60 feet on Mar kot Equare, aud making it four stories high, with uther uceded improvements that will add greatly to the convenience of this well known hotel. Mr. Jrumheller, the proprietor of the old Weaver Hotel, intends to erect a large and handsome brick building, in place of tho present old frame building. The location is also one of the beet in our town. Election of Bak Directors. -At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National Hank of Sun bury, held on Tuesday, 2'llh inst., the following gen tlemen were elected Directors fur the ensuing year : John B. Packer, James K. Davis, Jesse C." 11 or ton, Wm. II. Waplos, Simon Cameron, Win. I. Green ocgh, John Haas, Wm. M. Rockefeller, George F. Millor, Wm. Cameron, A. B. Warford, Alexander Jordan and Ucorgo Smuller The following gentlemoa were eleeted Directors of the First National Bank of Northumberland, on the lVth inst : T. 0. Van Allen, of Danville ; Dr. Kooke, of Dry Valley; D. U. Dreisbaeb, of Beach Haven ; and Amos E. Kapp, James MoCIure, John MuFurland, A. II. Stono, J. 11. Jenkins and John Taggart, of Northumberland. Si-xburv Mi'tl-ai, Loam akd Bi'iLDins Associ ation. On Monday evening last the Directors met nnd organised, and elected Em'l Wllvert President The following are tho officers of the Association fur the ensuing year : President Em'l Wilvort. Vioo President J. M. Cadwallader. Secretary J. Weiser Bucher. Treasurer H. Y. Friling. Solicitor O. W. Haupt. TrusUios-J. W. Friling, John G. MarkU and Valentine Doits. Investigating Committee J. W. Friling, John Clark and Jacob Fetter. Direotors-E. Wilvert, H. F. Mengis, M. C. Gear hart, J. W. Friling, John U. Markle, John Clark, Levi Seasholtz, Valentine Deits, Tewnsend Himes, Jacob Shipman, Samuel Faust, Philip Uile, N. F. Marts, Jaeob Fetter, Wm. H. Miller, D. C. Cissing er, A. N. Brice and Henry Clement. Tim Sidewalks Whese business is it to see that the sidowalki are oloaned ? Many of our citizens promptly remove the snow from the sidewalks when ever we have a fall of snow, but others do not. Peo ple who olean their own sidewalks should not be obliged to wade through the snow aud tlusb which is lett opon their negligent neighbor's walk. There are also aeany places here pavement! are never uloaned, in front of vacant lots, which our Borough father might wake provision for. If there ia no urdinaueo providing for oleaning off pavamenbj we hope to se such aa ordinance passed that will make it the duty of loine ene to attend to it in the future. 0.t Thousand MuM.-Ffoni Ibo mountains at Ctnh, oloao opon the valley of Groat Salt Lake, Bashes dispatch, saying that one lAotutnd utiles of rails have been laid opon the Union Taoifia Rail road. For a dlstanoe greater than from Washing ton to New Orleans, from New Tork U Mobile, or B'ftoo to Chloago, has this ooBtloeatnl railroad been paihod westward from Omaha, whioh is lUoif more than fourteen hundred miles from New York by the nearest travelled route. Chloago waa, a few years ago, the "far West ;" to-day the locomotive, drawing after it not only iU heavily laden train, but population, manufactures, agrioulture and olvil Uation, it fiftoen hundred tnilee beyond tbefiardes City oa the Lake. Beyond the Missouri stretched the "Great Amerloan Desert," ntilled, unsettled, unexplored the rallroaU, In eroislng it, has opened to emigration lands unequalled on the continent lor luxuriant crops of oorn, wheat and grass. The Rocky Monntnln woro Nature's almost insurmount able barrier to further extonslon of population or trade; the railroad engineers have found a pathway over which they transport crowded trains at twonty five miles an hour, while all the abundant facilities of a well -stocked road are taxed to the utmost to meet tho demands made by the freighting traffic. In inoeptlon, execution, and rosulta, this is the grandest enterprise of modorn times. We bare spoken ef the extont of the traffic of the Union Pacific. It must be borne in mind that all the business thus far has been local trade upon the finished part of a road which precedes, instead of follows, emigration and the mauifold business of populous communities. And yet, the earnings of the Union Pacific Railroad for tho yoar 18CS, upon an average distance of leas than 700 miles, were mors than five million tlvllurtt. fact aa surprising as gratifying. Every addod mile opens new souroet of revenue, and every year will see the business tif eTery" scotion very greatly incroased. Add to this extraordinary looal trafiie the trade ef Utah, Neva da, Montana and Oregon, as tbey are successively brought within the reach of tho U. P. R. R., and then to that tutu add tho immeuso through trans portation, whioh will be inevitable when the grand line to the Pacifio shall be complete, and the total can hardly be realised or even estimated. One thousand miles of this road have been built. Five hundred miles of the Central Pacific have also been opened, leaving but nbout two hundred milos between the two roads. This gap will be filled sarly in the present year, and by tho beginning of sum mer tho tourist may, in the space of a week, make personal comparison of the state of the crops upen the G rani to Hills, and upon the western slupe of the California Coast Range. Government has given so liberal aid to I'.io Union pacific Railroad that it may be fairly denominated a national work. Tho Government loan of bunds is made as the road progresses, and the Company's own bunds to an amount equal to the U. S. bond sub sidy find-a ready sale. These bonds are for 1,000 each, have thirty years to run, pay 8 per cont. gold intcrost, tho principal is redeemable in goW, and they are, by provision of the national charter, mudo a First Mortgage upon the uuti.e line. A limited amount are ollerod for the present at PAR an! ac crued interest, in ourreucy. Many bankers predict that whon the road is com pleted, and the issue of bonds consequently stopped, their price- will bo higher than Governments, they having so losg a time to run. It is probablo that a large amount will bo taken for investment upon foreign account. Tho bonds may be obtained of Do Haven & Brother, Dealers in Government Secu rities, Gold, Ac , 40 Sculh od St., Philadelphia. The Coal Trape Tire following is the amount of eoal ehipped in Northumberland couuty, during tho year laiii . John IT&ra A. Co., S. Bittcnbendor A Co , Shamokin A Bcht Valley Coal Co., Richard U. Dnuty, Afront. Robertson, (iuitoruian A Co., J. Langdon, May, Patterson A Bra., Burnsido Coal .t Iron Co., T. fS. Dowees, Agent, Shaniokiu Coal Co., do do do John B. Douly Co., John B. Douty, Robertson. Ouiterman Co , Excelsior Coal Mining Co., fcntcrprisc Coal Co., S. Juhn A Sons, Mt. Carmel Locust Ml. Coal Co., Frank Roads ,t Co., Wni. Monlelius, James B Henry, J. Tillet A Co., Rover A Uro., Graber A Kern pie, I'uin. Hacker A Cook, Coal Ridgo Improvement Co., Murray, Morion A Co., Trcvorton, Total, TojM.CVf. b'.UVJ 1j 47.0IVJ OS 2t.tW9 04 Ja,54:i Oi 4ii.797 li 70,227 li 14.SS4 1.1 ltf,'J!M I I U.C2S II 6.302 OS 1.8-13 1 C4.1I2 111 4t. un ot M 477 Id o.i.7t 02 4S..IX5 13 ai.27 02 10 SS.1 05 J.1.1W2 01 2.0Kt 13 3,Ul.i 00 Hi 2 UA M.Oo!) 05 :I.B28 13 a.t.bno oo 1'J.OtiO 00 3S.727 10 P11,7S1 Id We examined a fine specimon of penmanship du ring the sossion of tho Teachers' Institute, during this week, which was executed by A. S. Manson, Esq., of Philadelphia, and whioh, for beauty, will rank with any that has over been exhibited. He is now engaged in introducing it into the public schools throughout the country, which will not only tca:h scholars to write a plain hand, but will enable them to adopt a rule by which they can make use of a pen for almost any other purpose. Fin in Mt. Caiimei.. The FliainoVin lleraltl, of the 21st inst., says : Botwecn 10 and tl o'clock on Sunday night, the residence of Charles Tovey, In Mt. Carmel, took fire and was entirely consumed, together with ull his furnituro, clothing and provis ions. The fire is supposed to have eaught from a cook stove in the kitchen, a small building attached to the house, aud when discovered the flames had gayied such headway that it was impossible to sub due them. Mr. Tovey and family had retired for the night, and were aroused by a person who first discovered the firo, barely in time to make their es cape through a second story window. The house was valued at $l,fiuK, and was, we learn, insured only to a small amount. TflS people of Sunbury are agitating the question of establishing a Steam Ferry across the dam to the Snyder oounty side of the river. Such a Ferry would not only be of great benefit to Sunbury, but to the publio generally. We have no doubt the Ferry will be established by next summer, or as soon as a charter can be secured, which we presume will be an easy matter. Stlinsgrove Times. How to Bcr Coal Anthracite eoal burns nioro freely when put in small quantities into the stove or grate. Some one who has experimented lays that It should never exceed six inches deep in the vessel containing it, and that a few oystor shells pat in the stove occasionally, when hot, will prevent Ihe formation of olinkers, or remove them if formed. This is the age of experiments, and any of our friends who burn anthracite can easily test the value of the above hints. Terpsicbobean. Prof. George Eckert, of Nor thumberland, will give a Sociable at the Masonio Hall, this (Saturday) evening. The dancing will commenoe at 7 P. M. We learn that it is the Pro fessor 'a intention to give a Sociable in the hall every Saturday evening during the wlntor. lie will give instruction to the ladios iu the art of dancing in the afternoon, from 2 to 4 o'olock, and to tke gentlemen from 4 to 6, after which, in the evening, a hop will be givea for all who may wish to participate. Persons visiting the eity should not forget to take a look at the Winter Garden of Mr. Valler, on Vine Street. The Orchestrion, lately purchased from the Grand Dult of Batten, is one of the greatest musi eal instruments of the age, aud it will welt pay to visit this establishment and examine its high musi cal powers. Free exhibitions are given every after noon and evening. Bee card in another eoluuin. MiAhf axs are being taken by leading citixens of this State lo have steamers ply the waters of the Susquehanna, between llarrisburg and Suubury. It is proposed to petition Congress tor an appropriation of ten million dollar) which is the estimated eost of perfecting this groat enterprise. The body of the little oolored boy, who was drowned in h amok in ereek. al Bbauokia, oa the 6th inst., waa found oa Sat m day last in the powder mill dan, ty the' watchman at the ferge bridge. Tnt) CtimTT Trucwmw' Ixunvrr has been lo tension, at the Court House, nearly all woek. Quite ft number of Individuals, sometimes called Frofos aors, are in attendonoe, whose tervtoas are oconslon ally enlisted to amuse ee well as instrutt the num bers and audience. These gentlemen are, Invariably, book agents, knt generally represent some publish Ing house. They follow in the wake of thtee Iustl tutoa as regularly aa the side-shows of a eirous They are, of oourse, deeply interested in the dissem ination of knowledge, espcoially when accomplished through the medium of the books they roprelcnt. BOOM MEETING). A meeting waa held on Monday, the 25lh lust., at the otSoe of Ira T. Clement, Esq., in Sunbury, f r the purpose (if e Moo ling n organisation under tha nuns and title of tiro Northumberland Boom Com pany. Ira T. Clement, Esq., was oalled lo the ehalr, and after the preliminary businesa of tbe meeting the following named gontlctnnn were elected Directors: Henry Friok, of Lewisburg ; Amos K, Kapp, of Nor thumberland ; Dr. Bower, of Pelinsgrove; lsasw Albert, of Port Trevorton ; John Whito.of Williams port; Ira T. Clement and William Reagau, of Sun bury. The following are the officers oleeted, at the anme time and place, hy the I'irootors . President, Win. Reagan, of Sunbury J Treasurer, S. P. Wulverton, of Sunbury ; S-jcrttury, Joseph 0. Tracy, of Nor thumberland. Tho following resolutions wcra then adeptod by the Board : liesolved, That we. tho officers and Directors nf tho Northumberland Boom Company, will nse ixir infiuense and exort our energy in bobalf of this all important entorpriso by enlisting tbe interest of the capitalist and business tnon of our respective toWns, and securing a liberal subscription lo its stuck. Resolved, That we believe the lime has come, and is now at hand, when not only the owners of saw mills but holders of real estate should recognize tho fact that a Boom waa Che stepping stone to the rapid growth and business inrpetus of Williamsport and Lock Haven. Resolved, That we havo the "t -natural location for a Boom on the waters of tke West Branch, provi ding an extensive and safe harbor for lofp. secura aril oentragenetoa of sadden fiocds, and which cun be constructed at a moderate expenao. Resolved, That we cordially invito all who foel an interest in the prosperity and growth of this scotion of our State to give us their ui I and inlluonco In the carrying on and completion of thia worthy aud important enterprise. Tbcro will be a meeting of tho officers, Directors and stockholders of the Northumberland Beam Com pany hold at the ntice r'f Ira T. CIT.mont, Esq , in Market street, on Monday, Feb. Sth, at 2 o'olock. P. M., at which time and place it is hoped thalthnre will be full attendance nt only of officers and Di rectors, but all who realize the rtnportinco of the undertaking. WM. REAGAN, Frosidcnt. J. O. Tnacv, Beorelury. (For the Sunbury Amorican J OBITUARY. "Alas, that the good should die ! Alns. that the righteous should fall 1 Death why dost thou touoh the flower whose perfume hath made glad the eirih ? Why dnst thou snatch away tho excellent of the earth, in whom is all our delight .'" The departure of a good person and friend from this "valo of tears" requires more than the ordinary notice a;iven nf their death, and. tbirkirg this, I trust you will allow me the privilege of paying, through your columns, a trriuito to the memory of Mra. Jams Clrukkt Bi'ciieii. Her su lden death oast a gloom over her acquaintances vn thia eity, for they knew her well, and appreciated in her the good quuliticsof Christianity, virtuo, and friendship, iler christian character has mado --our loss her gain," for now hc is roaping her rer.-ard in heavenly bli.-s, as sho joins the unguis iu tinging praifes to the Most High. She was a loving wife, affectionate daughter ar.d sister, a kind aud siucuru friend, a christian having no enemies, and lovod by all w ho kucw bcr. In tire iuuguago of Dr. Watts it can be said uf her douth "How blost tho righteous when he dies ! When sinks a weary soul to rest, How mildly beam tho closing eves, How gently heaves the expiring breast !" "So fades the summer cloud away, So sinks the gale when storms are o'er ; So frontiy shuta tho ova of day. So dies a wave along the shore." (Lifo's dnty done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load tiie spirit flies ; While heaven and oarlh oombiue to say, 'How blest tho righteous when ho dies'1.' " W . WAsniMiToN. D. C, Jan. I4th, 180?. Editor's Table. SfSsniNit ani Shadow in Nw Yoiik. fly Mat thew Hale Smith. Illestrutod : 724 pp. Hurt ford, Conn. : J. B. Burr A Co. lioS. This livo book, rejuod by the enlnrprising and suc oessl'ul publishing house of J. it Burr A Co., of Hartford, Conn , isoneorthuse really valuoble works which from time u time bur-t npnn tho public, and carry their publishers ou to deserved fortune. Spi cy, piquaut, and full of matter net only readable, but profitable, it must and itself in tho bands of everybody, old or young, who bus ever beeu in Now York, or expects or desires to (to, or who would lonrn the whole oountry by tho pulsus at its cniumoroial heart. Ninety-two separate chapters cunstituto tho hook, covering an amount of facts never beforo col lected upon the lika subjools, and faoliliug up the city of Now York as in a mirror, revealing its worst and its beat aspects at the same lime, and lotting tho reader into the socrcts which have inspired tho suc cesses of its noblest men, as well as lifting tho veil which hides from tho observatiou of most, the reek ing sins and infirmities of the mighty metropolis uf America. Wo should be happy to quuto at largo each page of thia important bonk for the pleasure uf our readers, but want of ipace forbids it. Mr. S. S. Ashley is tho agent, in Northumberland and adjoining counties, for this great book, and Is now engaged in obtaining subscribers for it.J Tne Lady's Friend, por Febri-art. A beau tiful steel engraving, "Yes or No f" illustrating a story by Miss Douglas, leads off the February num ber of this charming niugatino. Then follows tho usual largo and elegaut fashion plate, and a graphic engraving of --Deteotive Butterby Summing up the Points nf tho Case." This latter is an illustration of Mrs. Wood s new story, "Roland Yorke; or, Done in Pussiou," which is bconming intensely interesting. All the admirers of --East Lynne" should read this powerful story. Among the other literary matter of this number, we may note "The Unknown Guest," a fine story by Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofibrd ; "Warren's Ward." by Mrs. Hesmer ; and the con tinuation of Miss Elizabeth Prescott 's sparkling and brilliant serial, "Between Two." There is also a sweet piece of music culled - Beautiful Ryes," aud the usual large number of engravings illustrative nf the fashions, dresses, ladies' work, Ao., Ao- Pub lished by Deacon A Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia, at $2.50 a year, (which also includes a large stoel engraving ) Four copies. Id. Eight (and one gratis.) SI2. "The Lady's Friend" aud -The Saturday Evening Post," (and ouo engra ving,) $4 00. BUSINESS NOTICES, tyjob Irisil ir;j. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Aa., can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notice -Orders by mail promptly attended to. ... For Sale. An excellent top buggy, new. En quire at this office. Tne fossil remains of an immense crocodile have been found at the end of the Pacific railroad. The entire length of the skeleton is 175 feet. A whack from his tail would have been an "astonisher," but not so great a one as is the extremely low prices at whioh fashionablo suits are sold at J. O. Book's Tai loring establishment, on Fourth street. We have seen many a good thing, and acknowl edged them to be such, but we can freely aay that we never knew anything In the shape of a boot or shoe that was sold as cheap aa tbey are beiug dis posed of at Miller's Excelsior Store, in Market Square. Go and sea his goods. Ir you want lo "dress right," all yo men and boys of Sunbury, goto John Wilvert's Boot and Shoe Store, on Spruce atroet, and get your boots and shoes made right. Seloot your ma'erial, and tell him bow you want it made up. Mr. Wilvert will take your moasure, and a fit is guaranteed. Tbe stock Is so large, the ebolce is so great, and the priees are so low, that all are sat is lied. So everybody will Ull you that has patronised his establishment. mn A Noveltv. The latest aovolty is a boquet holder in tbe shape of a rosebud and stem. The bud oontains a delicate watch, and a apring in the stem unfolds tbe rose and reveals the little time pleoe. Tbe greatest novelty in Suubury is the latest stylos of Hat and Caps at 8. Faust's, iu Market Square. Go and see tbem. i, t.-J - Con's Couoa Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooning Cough, and Consumption. Both size ordinary toi , also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealer! in medicines. No family should be over night without itia tbe bouse. Dit...'CRisjrirBii1 PwitW, Cot pre ff. fl.J ""n nooe ntore, Dunourj, l a, Wboa aohln feoth Oluse dreadful IfTolUal, And aleapleaa nlirbui and disnias' di, lVhoemetenesnrtsrialefulowiai- - My eklll, whioh j t.. j-.uie alia. A momrnt'e sufTaring I may eaoaa, 'lis but to bring a ioag rlaaa And though for once I rend his Jw, for Jeare to coma I give him pete. fm eases T i A. - . Coi-l DrM-tratA Ccre-WiH Immsdlately re-! Have and permanctKiy euro the most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomaoh, Con stlpation, and all diaoaaea of tbe Stomach and Bow els. fhTslciarrs, olergytncn and all who use it, J.ilu in unbounded pi-tlse ef its grant vliluoa. Soid by Drugsists everywhere. Price tl .0o j- M A K It I A a E 8. On tho Ifllh Inst., by the Rev. U. Mnaser. Ir. Thomas L. Ki.ri and alias Hvk I.ekcii, all of Lewis township, Northumberland oounty. At Sharaokin, on Wednesday. Jflth inst., by Rnv. Mr. Waahburne, of Ashland, Mr. TnBonuRE 8. Ba and Mia A. LiniSA FlSKB, daughter of A. K. Fisho, Esq., of Shamokin. WU.IH ltV iVl.lntltKft' Corrected Weekly for tho 'American.' Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do ' do per cwt. Rye Flour, per bl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, pvt bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Pvaohc.v, pared per fuuud do do uupored do Dried Apples, do Oil i'S ;t'.i 2. 15 Dried Cherries, (unaoned,) per bu. I till AO ; 40 25 J 25 i 25 I 20 14 i 13 I It 0 Butler, per pound, tgirs, Cheese, Lard, llama. Shoulders, Beef, hind quartor, ' front Mutton, Cliiukeus, por duzon, per pound, do do do do por pair MliusiioUin Coal 'l'riKln. Shamokin, Jan. 25. T"s. Ctrl. Sent for tvncV c'n.Ihig Jan. 23.1, 7:.H Irl Per last Report, 11,227 1! 10, IfiiJ 17 To some time la.-t year, 17,575 15 DooreaM, 1,593 02 Sprrial Noticrs. Xo t ousiuiiipt ires. rriHE advertiser, having beon restored to health in J a low wecka by a simple remedy, after having sutlered several years a vcvero lung ancction, j aud that drenj disease, Consumption is nnxtous to uiaku known to his fellow suft'erurs tho means of i cure. ! To nil who dusire it, ho will send a copy of tho, prescription used (free of eliuri-e), with the directions ' tor preparing and usiug tho same, whicii they -Aiil j Cad a furo Curo for Consumption, Asthma, liron- ; chitis, Ac. Tho only object of tho advertiser in ! sonding the Itesoription is to benefit the iiflliclcd. j mid spread information which be conceives to be in- I vu4unble ; and lie hop.-s every sufferer will try his ; remedy, as it rill cost thorn nothing, und itfiy prove ! a blessing. Purtics wishing the prescription wiil please ad dress Rev. EDWAKll A. WILSON, I 1H5 South Second St.. Williamsburg, Jan. 9, "Oil ly Kings County, Ncv Ynrb. ; l.rrors of Youth. V GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for tho anke uf auflering humnnity, send free of all who need it, the recipe aud direution for making the simple reme dy by which ho was cured. Suflercrs wishing to profit by Ihe advertiser's experionoo con do so by addressing, iu perfect confidence, JOHN B. OOPEN, Jan. 9, .'69 ly N'o. 42 Cedar street, N. Y. SB PRICE CLOTH I N'O. j 0 t OLD ESTABLISHED j ruin: 1 CLOTHING HOUSE, Uft 1 Market Street, ' One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. I For many years this Establishment has done husi- ! licas on the One Price Sys:cm, nnd we believe wo I are tho only Clothing House in tho city that strictly tation which we lire proud uf, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not less important, for having all our goods i:tica ut:i,i, .11 tor. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, r.ud eur Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. Tho prices are the very lowest, aa any ono by a moment s thoui;ht must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever mado, we must put our prices down to the advantages wo promise. Tho people may depend, this Is the truo plnn upon which to do business, aud many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu miud JONES ONE PRICK CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market -Street, Philadelphia, Kot en the Corner, but one duur above Sixth. i:. tn. ii ir i:, Niiu-iumi. April 4, looS. ly ri'O PHYSICIANS. J New V-mx, Aucoet isth, 187. Allow me t- call vour atieniion i v !'Ki;i'AH. TlU.N OK COMPUC.ND iiX't'KACr BliClll!. Tne e.Miiwnriit parts lire. UUCHU, l.osu Lt.w, i;CUEll, JUMPtU HKItltlKS. Mot-E or I'snrsumox Buohn. in vacuo. Juniper Berrirs, by distillation, io I'-Tin a line gin. Cuhebs ex tracted by displacement by liquol obtained from Juniper Hemes, rullluliiiuz very little sugar, a ainul plo.rii..u of spirit, and more pulutuhlu th:m uny now in use. Tiie ac tive propettiea are by tins mode extracted. Uuchu, as prcpaied hy Uru'cista geueiully, is of a dark color, it is a plant that emits itsf'iagimice; tiie uction of a dame destroys tins its active prineiple), iem-lns; a dark and glutinous decoction. Mine is the color of myredietils. The Ituehu 111 my preparation predominates ; the smallest quantity of the olhei inaiedients aie added, to prevent fer mentation ; upon iiisoi-ctiuit, it will be liaiitd not to be a T'tleturc, aa made ui Vtmrmacopot'o, nor isilattymp and therefore can be used in eases where lever 01 iiittjiuiualioii exia-s. In this, you have the kuowlcdge-of the itiKrcdlcilla and the mode of preparation. ll'M'O'K that you will lavoi it with a triul, and that upon iiispectiuo it will meet with your approbdtiou, With a feeling of confidence, 1 am, veiy respeetfu'lv, II. T. I! ELM BOLD. Chemist and Druggist of IdYrura' Kxpeneucu in1 Philadelphia, and now located at his Drug and Chemical Wureli aise, 5JI iiroadwiiy, New Yoilt. From the largcat Manufacturing Chemists in the World J "I am acquainted with Ml II Ti llelmbuld , he occupied the Drug Store my residence, and was succetui'ul in c inducting; the business where others had not been equally so bcfoie him. I huve beeu favorably impressed Willi Ins duractef and euterpiise. WILLIAM WF.IGIITMAN, Finn of Powers 4 Wetghtmaii, Manufacturing; Chemists, Ninth and Urowu Stteets. I'nilidelploa- IlKLsiaoi.u's Flcid EtTatci liccuc.f.n weakueuiaria. ing Irinn mdiserelloii. 'I he exhuuated powers of Nature Wliii h are uecoiniaiiued by ao many alaiiaing symptoms, among which wiil he found, Indisposition lo Kxertion, 1-ssol Memory, Wakefulness. Honor of Disease, w For. bodings of Kvif, in fact, t'liiveranl Lassitude, rrostrutlou, and inability t- enter into ine enjoyments of w-ciety. Die Ciistllutiun,oneealieeted wilh Oigame Weakness, requires the aid -it Meiheine to streuKthen and iuvig.niite tha sisteiu, which IlliLMIJOt.ll'M I X I KACT UUCHU inva-wl-iy doea. If un tieutineut ia subuutted to, Consump tion or Insanity eusuea. IfKLMBoLD'a Fluid Exratcv rtccttu, iuafTectlous pecu liar to Females, is uiiequaletl by nuy mher preiaiMtioii, ss in Chlorosis, oi Retention, Paiufulnesf, or Suppression ot' CusUimary Kvaeuatious, Ulcerated or r-rlnnus Male of Hie L'terns, and all complaints iiieideut to the sex, whether arising iruui linbas oi dissiiaiiuu, imprudence in, or the decline or change of life. Uklmbold's Fluid Kxtbsct Bccuu and Impbovkd Rosa Wstn will ladicully exterminate from tiie system diseases arising from hubits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change In diet, no incoirveuieiice or exposure ; Completely superseding Ihose unpleasant and dangerous remedies, Coiaivaaiid Mereurv, in all these diseases. I'm HatMaoLD's Fluid Kxixacv Uuchu ill ull diaenses of theee organs, whether exuuiiig tu male or I'eniaH, fimu whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long aunding. It is pleasant iu taste aud odor, -imiiiethBtu'i iu aeiinn. and more strengthening thau any of the ptspuratious of Uaik or Iron. Tl use auflering frnrrt broken-down or delicate const it u, airticurtj Ina remedy at unee. : 1'he reader inuat be awaie tlutt, however alight may b Ihe attack nf lha diseases, It ia eerunn tu alToct the bodily health aud mental powers All tha annva disnnsea require the aid of a Diuretic. HKLMUOLD'S tXTKACT UL'L'UU ia the gieui Diu retic. tk.ld by Druggists everywhere. Pairs ni J per bottle, nr Is-ules for M SO. Ualivaredtoauyaddresa. iewribe ayniptoins In all enminuiiKviione. Address II. T UtiLMUOlJj.Drug aud Chemical Waie laouM, m Hrradway, N. V. . NONE ARB GENL'INK UN I .EPS DONE UP IN aieel-eiutraved wrapper, with fac -simile of my Chcmioal Warehouse, aud signed II T. irELMBrl,l. Ptc. uili, lev - Jm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HOLIDAYS I HOLIDAYS I HOLIDAYS ! Frsacnta I 1'raacnta I fn-Honls! A HASDSOME XltfEFVL 1 KEM"CT ! An Cn luring and rieasing M-itr.ento lo those need ing Aids to Slht. Our Agent. T. 8. SIIANN'I.V, Wa-hmlt T as 1 Jnwa'.ur, duii'otiiy, rtiuu'a , has a spiendil sUci; ot our nOMUflful Colli Sl'Plllt'lltS and EYK OLASStS, sot with the CELK& RATED PERFECTED l.ES.-r.3 Manufaoturod by LAZARUS k MURIUS, HAltTKOUl), CONN. lio l'.cst in tho World for Sti ngtlieiiing anj Preserving the Sight. jm more arceptablo prusout to your Parents. Grand 1 - -.ui or i-riunus, or those heeding SpHoloeles. cun bn round. Thuy ,,r0 handsome, useful and last ninny years. Call an J examine them at tho store of our en! T. 8. SHANNON, Doalor tn Jowelry, W niche and plated Ware. v ' N' I-EDDLKRS EMPLOYED. Jan. 8, l(-o3 anglOS ly. AiKlitor'n TVollrr. . r l inc. uii'ii-rsigncn aiuiicr app.,iuled by tho Or- I J plmns' Court uf Northumberland eou'ni v, to ilis- I tributo Mie balance in the hands of 1-uiur I of Executors of llonry Maer.ilincd, to whom was I relorrooi nacK ins lormer report filed AuguM 5. !t-M, ' for correotion and lo report, tho fHoi." linrohv l. ...Ml .... 1 .. . . .. . I gives lioiioe. luai iiu i '-iej wi lite Untie (jl tils said appointment at his office, in tho IVirouuh of Sunburv. ou Saturday Ihe 20th day i,f December 1SC.S, at IU o'clock A. M. ' .S. n. BOYER, Auditor. Sunbiiry, December i, IfsoS. W. C. Y'ou.vo. t'. T. Isil.vBt. SUNBURY MARKET, 3d St. NEXT DOUR TO KEYSTONE HOUSE. MIME subscribers beg leave to call Ihn attention nf I the public In the faet that they have started a Market for aD kinds of Country I'loduco. Vegeta bles. Ac. and ha e also nindo arrtr.xcments t- fur nish in Season nil kiuds of Uumc. Tinii, Ac. Native and foreign liuits, nuts, Ac, always ou hand, whole sale nnd retail. All kinds ot Canned Fruits, VejMables. Piikles, Sauces, Catsups, Ao. CaU and see for yourselves, us we dufy competition either in assortment nr prices YOUNG A IiRAl.L. Sunburv, Janunrv 9. 1809. Alsiiiaiis)li-iitors ."VOlico. "VyOTICK is hereby given that letters nf it Iminis i trnlion having been granted lo ihe un 1. reigned cu tho estare of i'rud-me ('arson. Into of the Ho rough of Nortliuniburlandlsortliuinbeiland cr.uniy, Penn a., deceased. All persons knowing Ihemselvi s indebted to said estate are requested to uniku iiiinio dinte payruent, nnd thore having claims against eanl cslatu to present them for set tlomc n't. ALEX. COLT, Adiu'r. Norlhumhnrltind, Jan 9, Ot V. S. 7"J?aLCAlT & C:-, Market Street, E'ix doors East of Third street, norlh aide.SUNBL'KV, PA , 1" E.TECTFl'LLY luforin th-ir friendi and the V public, thut they huvo opened a NEW GROCE AND FR0VISI0aNt STORE, and will bo happy to have them ca'l and examine their stock' which has inst been ononed. embra cing uvorythingiutbo Orocory lino, such as ( Ctfl'ee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spicos. Ci.nn I an 1 Dried ' Fruits, Renns. Huuiiny, Cheese. Cruc Iters, ! liacun, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potatoes, i etc., togethor with Soap3, j Cnudlcr, Soda, Sc., I and in fact everything in tiro Grocery and Provision ' Line. ! FLOrRAN'D FEED, Queenswaro. Willow-ware, ; 01:iswarc, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. I Call and see before purohosinfr elsewhere. W. S. FI RMAN i CO Sunbury, Dec. 12, ISM. WILLIAM N. KELLER, j II a -!-1- mill lliiit (lr-kr, , Dcwurt's l'ramu Euii ding, north side of Market ' SnV.aro. SUNUCRY, PA. j Of all the arts that jrrneo the hnd, 1 What grace cau with tbe barber vie ; Who takes your chin wi'.liin his luiol, ! While druuming land in prospect lie. Withsoothittg touch his r.uor glides, Willi nimbte clip his scissor slides ; Andlo! bef.'re liis glass you ftnni 1 Transformed, us in a fairy land. I BIUAI) & FAiNXY CAKES I RESPECTFULLY informs the eitis.-r.s ..f .-,un-bury and vicinity, that ho will bake to order j all kindaof Cukes lor Ilsillx, I!ii-lr-s, Ac. I Fnmilios irosnpplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist, j Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buna. Ac, and also kept ou bund and manufactured uut of tbe best materials. i All orders left at his Shop in Murknt Square, ouo door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or ! at his Bakery on Spruce Street, between F'ront and I Second streets, will meet with prompt attention I BALLS AND EVENIXO PARTIES supplied I with Cakes, Ico-Creain, Aa., at the shurlcst nulico 1 Orders are respectfully solicited. ! DAVID FRY. Sunburv, Dee. 12, ISO. Philadelphia. tS" Sauiiik-9 aent Ly mail wlicu written for. October SJ, ISfiS ly FKESU -ARRIVAL OY 3IILLINER Y GOODS -A-IsTID KTOTIOISTQ, Mias ANNA FAINTER, Market Square, SUNBURY, PENN'A, I E.SPECTFCLLY informs her friends an 1 tiie i publie, that aba has just returned from the city, uliere she baa speut some liuie in making seluotiuns anil purehases, and baa just opened a large stouk ei MILLINERY GOODS AND K0TI0X3, Ribbons, Laces, Press-Linings, Crinoline and Wl gans Skirling Liuinp;, llo:-p Skirts, Uugle Trioi uiiugs, Crape Trimuiiugs, Hat Crape, Cloak liuttoiis, Coraeta, Zephyrs. A large aaeortment of Ladios and Oentleaieu't Iloaierjr. 1XJL1.3 of all sites. Alphabet Hocks, Ao. Khe UatUrs herself in being able lo make a display of goods that will give entire sal iafauliun to viiiters,ajid goods will be exhibited with pleasure. tfuobwy.JJeclJ.UW r A AA I'M- O' CARPET RAGS WAITED at OUUU the Store of MOORE DlgSIN'QR, May Id. Market,fliet, -Vuubury. ?f i i 13 iiVfci 1 i U We do not vih to inform Won l ei flit, or n"y n-hnr man you, raadur. that Dr. , baa disiv verct a rem. efl y that nuros l.'ousumption, li- n Iholuns ntts half r-i:i:iimed, in s'"rt, will enru a,l diseases r.hulhcr of Intn l. Lo tv or r,-:tn. j men lire torvvcr, nnd i pjuve dil!i ti-i-'.av l-r whl! l w -rk, nnd isdesis-naii ! 1 1 i-ial:.- s:'.iii:r,ary ufv:urti a'il pir.,dija. to I which Huav.i) iisolf s'l ili h hut a tutu chow. Ym j have boat 1 enour:i of that kind ol liniiil iittircry. and j we .io not wonder f'at you have by this time bwoino ! disio.t..d with it. Hut when wo ltd I V iu that J'r Sae a Catnnh Remedy h-i.7 -o.w ti i s.'.v v Ihr u-rrr 2..s.v of f'zrri-'i, wo only niert that, nhioh thousands nnu tetilly to. 1 ry itand you will tinoo-1. We will pay i')0 Ilawaao lor a ca.-l cf i.'fttnrrh tli it v e mnr.ot euro. tOil hALK 1Y MO.-T DRCJUliTS EVERY WHERE. J'PVH oM.V I'D ("i:sr.i. Sent by Mull, post paid, ISr ,-bttv C-j;H ; Four for i'2 0') ; or 1 Dm en i'i r i'. .-jU. Men i a slaiop tor Dr. Sago's pamphlet ou C.u.'irih. A fire-':-the Proi: iet'.r. i; v. i'i'jp.n;, m. v., Botr.!.-, N. v. i . N i H-.'MMicl. It is t - 'ri .iutr.l to curo lost or im paired Taste, H sn -. ! I or llnr!n. Wfir!ng or Wi.k , ;:., - iiVn-ivo Er-iath. 1'hnalel '1 In ant r M.-uth. i I 'Kin nn I 1're.H.itirc iu tt;o JJeiil, and loss of Me-nory when caied. n. nil of Ibein fiequenily nre, by the ravage of Ciitiirrh. It is ple,it,:nit andr'iiinler tu u-o. contains no s:rot ir poisonous or euustio dings, l,a' ;ures by i's mild .-oothii: ncli- n. e will pay J..IKI Reward for a case of Cat.'.rrh that we ennuol euie. lul! SALE RY MOSa DliC'i'". i.-7t3 L ERY- w n:;:;ii. rr e .y.l- .'u (.. If your Diugita has not yet got it on salo, don't be put off with some worse than worthless strong snuff, "luniiiitor '' or poisonous euuslic solution, whn;b will drive liio disease to tl.e luus instead of euii:i it. I. ul send sixty oents lo us nod liio rcmoily will re;:o!i you bv return mail. Sen j i. for Dr. r'ago' piniidilet on C.itnrrli. R. V. PIEKCK. M. D-. Euliulo, N. Y. ,1 This Tnt am. tnt v. Ri:s;. av does not. til; e the poi.--.n-ons irritaiing snuil.i and stri ng caustic solutions with wlii. h the people hvo long beeu htitnbuittfod, siindy pr.Uiato l.-r a short litr.e. or drivo til- iiifct.uu to the lun. ils iliero is d:in; U'dor-r-r in the use of such nostrums, but it. pro.mces perfect and permanent euros of the worst cases of chronic catarrh, ns thous ands can testily. "Cold in the Head'' is cured with a tew up; Iie i I ii-, d k' ligations. Cat.irrliril Ho i lacho is ro- 1 i,s if l.v inalc. It reuioves oflVu- sivo liremli, I, o-s or Imp..: intent of the Sense of to.--tii, I amvii oi ii-iu -ma, n aiering or Hnatt J-.j es, iiu-t Itn pailed .Memory, v, ben cau-ed bv the violence nt'C.i- i lairb, as they nil fieqitei-.tly are. Wo otler in goud fniili a standing reward ui jutf fjr a uiiso of l.'atarrh t that we cnnr.ot ruip. . FOR SALB l.i M'i.iT DtvVi.iilSTS EVERY- W HKKli. Phii k om.v im Ci-.nt. I A.-k ynnr Druggist f.-r toe Rr.vr.nv. but if l.u !:u ' 11 it Yvl p t i' on s-.le. don'l b-: ;ut otf . Rjo-'tili li if 1 ! r.nv inisoriiiile. iv..i . than uoi tole-.r miiiu,:,.. :,u. ! enclose sixty cents :o vs. ;'.n 1 the i'. . im-dy wiil bo sen: ; yuj pint paid. Four ..v.-ku $2.i'(l, or , d.cju : tor y.v-lif). Semi stump f-r It. .Si;;. 's rami'hlet on 1 C.iUir.-h. R. V. l'lFIt' K. ?.I. , Euffal... N. Y. ! I t Tr.isi-NO PATENT MI-iDK'ISE lil'jir;!'.;. E-.t- : tn up to dt:pe ti e iforfi'jt and eiedulous. nor is it j n pre.-onte I us l.'-iii;; eo'.npo-'r'l of rare nr.. I Vri' Ai"t ' sii'jsl.incos iir .ittrht trom the f oir e'irr,i-' o ttn-eitr-.h. '. cniriid Seven tunes n,'ioss tliclrat V c:i ol Si.ii.'.r ; tih on the backs t' t urte-:n e.iu.eis. ar 1 l.rou -t.t in-i r-is ; tlii Atl.m:io tV'e.-iii.n t-o iiips. It b a s!n,pii., i siiiid, to..'-.i:iij r:-.4;-. r t-wfi.-.t Specifu I'u' t'.v ; T.tnri:i mid "uoi n in "hi: lir:.i-." ulsti fur o'.l..isivo i Hrenth. Loss or rnipairn.eiil of tiie Si p.-e ol" Smell. t luste or lienrin.'. AN ateiin;; or eak l.yes, )'ai:i or Ples-ure in the ilead, when caused, hs li.ey nil ut iinf'reoii- iiilv are, l-y the violence ut C.iimrh. AVe ull'er. in iiood h. u standing Reward of f ;.0d for n case of Catarrh that wo cannot euro. Foit SALE LY .MOST DRl.UiiiSTS EVERY- MIIKRE. Pku-eSi) Ccvth. S.-lit i.y mail, post paid, ou roeeipt ot'StXTV CrXT.S. l'ot'.r package lor j-2 till, or 1 1 ren fr W Send stan-p for f'r. Safe's p:imi blet nn C'aiitrrli. R.V. Pi'LRCi:, M. M . Oct. 10, "liS-ly. l!ut!.:Io. N Y. Ayer s Oatha.'tic Pills, j tho purposes of a Laxative l'orli.ipi no one mtll-i- ( univor.-ally iti (ju re I ly fVei'iyljO'ly a n li u'Ijo, nor wan vtr nuy h"i'irit mi inuvfrsal 1 a 1 -j.itc.l u-'.'t m -v. - ; ..! .! -y anniii-m x : it (' i--t :m thi.; I'i 'I. i'tVt ! i-'-.l-i IV t- -"M is V-.v, 'I h;i ni'jro re P?: '"T rv:.i--ty i : in ;t.iy Iriol it, knmv ti' t( it cm rot 1 ili''i: !'! f n .11 li unt, kn.v il -'imvi lliou n -i rli'i.M - :tn I li it-nils, ttii'l nil kihivv tti;it Hh;iC il tl'f.- !,)"' it .ihvay th.iL it never t'ail rrinnivi an I'milt or tii't;i it its comp.i-irioii. Uo li 1 t!i ii.-.iu'N ilium ttmu Tnil' of uritlit'ittfM ul' their r;ii.ii'l;alili: eiiri's uf tho 1 'Ilowtti roiuiilajtit-i, hut Mirli fines ttrfl tu t voi v tnuiiit.ti'!iiinl, im-. , t n ii t putiii-h Liii'in. A'!M, t.t nil airs aii' I tmn luimi - in fllturil'". ; iontaitiin nfill-.'-'r i nr an iK V'tvi.m 1 (h-n;7', thr-v may he taken with -ali-ty ny lutyhtiiiy. Tiu'ir niirar t;o:tttnjif pworvo them ever tVo j!i :i:ul mul.j-i tfuMi plciirtaut I'i t:ik' w tiilr in-ill- jiuivly vt -i'-taljlo no harm om .irif tl. 11 ia any tjiiaii'.iiy. Thev oityrati? !' llnur pit Oi fiil iii.l.ii'in e ii th.i intorn'nl virora to purity tin; MtuM ami r:i:nLil it,- it into lit-aHIiv a'-tim romovt1 tin- tilj.-inr-tioni of tli.) hhiku'1i, L''-Vi't-:, iivor, a:i'l niher nryans of 1mm!v, vo-il-irin:; th 'ir inv.iriilar in tiuii l- hfalih, .'in 1 t'V i-oriHctinvr, ' wlrsivcr Uu-y exitl, such (.leraiiijc- I. .ont. as av1 Hi" lir.vt origin nt'ili-cas. Mniuto Iii-.itii ns ur-t kiv.mi i'i tin; wrapner 01 llv !.., tnp tlitf I'.illiiwin rji-ihlainl.-s whi.'ii l!h'cJ I'itfti i-Hpiilly rinc: l'r l.viiiiii or ff iiTligThtl.-tn, f .titli nr, l-uiittuor au i IiOm of ,i)iii:tif, tiioy tiDui l hy talai'N la.-nUM'.itoly ti ftiimn.i.o llMto.:. jc!i an' rc-t'HV it-- In'aHhy tunc ami arli.ui. 1'iir l.h tu tm ls!iit mv if.- v iriu'i pvtnn-ton,-, I til. out livail-iche, lcl Elegit? itlie. J an Jiil it' or 41 rr".t Mil l ItlHi: olli: itil IBillor.. I'ovcr. i'm-v !nmlil ,' yi-6i.-.Hlfly takt-n tor cacit --uc, t. en. r-.- t tho -li-iM-iM fi. tion or n.'iiiiic liio oliIni iii:i iu-li r:iuf il. t-'or 13,t !iiri,r v or .S.4rriiu.u, but ono m.i i do-o is i-.'niirally riuiiet.. Fur librmmsf Wni. -nuf, r:iv'1, Ta!tJ frtttou of thv ffli'virt, ta'it iu tltvt Hide, II. icU hu-l Ijitln, thty shuh! !; i-.uiiiiitiou-Iv t.iLt n, a-i iviptii: I, to flijln.y t':: V -.'a.ii'-l a-thii ."f !n: vatt-iU. Willi sltcli ilui.iiTi lUoe coiiiplutuf Ui-ttpP''ar. For Hroy rapuka! KnoKlnqrM thoy pliouhl ho t;ihfn vi lftrji; an-l ir-Mpient tn .c to pro U'.i'i ttiPrTr't f tlr;i.-ii: puri;;. Fm iiifirifoii a lar.L'B ih..-o .-hol ! he tJ.en a it iiiMlirv4 tn -in- l nrc-t tv sva'p-uhv. As a Oinm'f I'ltt, t:kc m ov two tu pro nuiuj (lin-tiou nnrl rcliin-o the rlonia:h. An nci-a-iniial htiniulaliM ih Hfomfih nr l ' l).)wi-N into hralthr fiction. iv-Miv-i tho .ipprtir, nn'l invitr )rat(M thi nyitiM. IKmh-o it is oilit nl vaiitaiftAMM lurj r ffn-'US tlriain;.nn'i!t ei-t-. Ouo who iVvl tfl ihly wylhollrn liinirf thai ailoo of tlu i'itt mak'e him ft-t-l iIlvhIpiIIv hotttn, from their ch'ariMi.jf luiti rciiovaltii cUc I on tuo ilisca tivo appitratuN. DIt. C. Ainn X CO., rrtetlt C hem tat , tow 1: hi, ass., 1 . s. a. Sf.hi by II- 1. Krilin, Sutil ury. nnj ull Irutgisli acl iJfHk'rsi in Mo'li'inH every whera. yovt;inbtT 7, l?t'b ly- GOODS FOR TIIE Ji EaC I .0. X o. UO'i !'! ( ii is t Strtel lTilI.AmXl'lUA. In audition to their lur'ci..' ii.orcasid Stock nf t'iue Wutclst-x, Oiaiiioiitl.., 1 Jewelry, Artietio Silver Wave, 1 PLATED GOODS, &o., ', Are now opening a ciugnitkunt coHettion of Kon-iif I'uu.-y liooils, in Mi'lul, M'.ililn, dt'-jurHted .ilnp--, l.natuer aud UOLlN IJUONZK. in rfiul Uoii.s uf ex-iuisite taatu, from all uiirtcs uf Europe, pur ' tieuludy aduited for tbeir CHUISTMAS SALES. Our arratigeuieDta, both tu Furono n,l thin conn- I try, are r?uih as give u uuutuul faoilitius in tiitfe K'otiun of Aiid economic ul pi inlucuou of our ttto-U. it Is our wih, us well u our interest, to utcurj lo our jjalroUB tho boucfit of such Kjvaiitugii in. Hlotlrii 'I'lirouliout our llo( U. illioul lAtt plSon. Deo. 5, 1S(W. roh7,ly. Fur duiug a family washing in the best and cheap est manner. Guaranteed eu,ul to any in tho worlel lias all the strength ol old roein soan with the mild and lathering ijuHliliee of genuine Castile Try this eplewiid ekiep. rVold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WOilKi, 46 Norui front. 'Sueet, Philadelphia. August li, lttbS ly. 1 FVWKKK Mjr'crlj'aj new Pi.turo liiilln.v i V th:M douis ai.'l ol the tailioad, Maikei rVUiLie j For nil Lie jioiao. 16Ca KM oM'.at u .vj-31-r jn i;r raiCLa. 11. l. i.a?at,k:'. t:ui!3 i-Ji the Atlunlion of th -:. I O';;. is gonrrol'y, to Let luge mLi t4 St.i . tnent of iti.tsi.: ll'j'il.'S, f-o wrist Jr.? of IN-pl-nn, De Lai-ia. Heps, A 5 , at roducrd plica. OAI.IW'KS'O!'' KVt:iJY YA KILTY WniTK UOO'jS, lneluliiig a sapeiier e.-.IV. jf .Mi'i.illis Extis nualitv ; f M 'W'Jti', I)r'l!s. Tiny l':r.n,4. Csnton Fiann-Balmoral Skills, Pawlj, iiois, "'i-i; in. Iio-'p Nhirts-'f hi! sius and auaiiUMS, (ilnves of nil rte-rr.'pi im s. Including very Mjptn hr q mitty ' f llin' si.J li enliuij.uu's Kilk Fl-eee, Lined ai.A Cloth tt:oo. I.ndif-s'. Mhsrs, nn I Cidldren's Merino Vests1, f'hildiei. a fills aiid liuoJs, l.aj.eJ' Z.-pbyr JaAeta JilaiJ.ot ainr-ls ;,f tho' s'ylos nnd patterns l!cl"ry. liibb'.r.., T.-in. mlnKs and Kloweri. Laces. SV-nr-l (! . .,'. 7.,,,,vrs and Varna, TW-elir-jr. N I'.i-s. inilts. - l.l l.ineri. Heiil 's aud Ludits' Jlauak-a uiinils,ri:i.irfs, 5iuQ TatT-cis, 1 r.nuy, I'. rfutnery. ai 1 T -il -t nrti i-.s fwertKy, and a I n t iriety i f N 'i -ns ai d I'am v Articles. I he iiliove n-'e hold ut turt lowc.t j.ri-.'iJ Cil-.iiiJ Sov tit am before going -lewh-re. M. L. L AZARt'd Srb-ry, ?r.H, IV, FANCY DKV r.OODS. ALL HIE LATENT f'TYLEJ, Fuitable f -r ll: V,' I X TElt SEASON, TvIltS3 KATE BLACK, Market .v')uarf. twn doors V 1st of the old IturK buil-Hiij. Sl'NHTiKY, l'emi'a . HA? just opened a fresh assortment cf rie Tnn fiviiioc ible I'nney I'rcs: (ioods fiom the lnrgeat estuhlishnients iu l'biliid'iip'uin. DuLAIXf-S, ALAP.VCAS, POPLIN'.?, CALICOS, DRESS SILKS, S1L1C POPLINS. K!?'ilfllU Otl!S, I'tjlhr. ;rac"iii Flannels, Flannels. Sheetinc". Mm lius, Ladies ujiit Childrriis 11 A'tS. l'ealhers, RibboLf, Orrwii '1 rlPimliiis, K'."r!JVIl?ri-, Lace Veils. Corsets, Handkerchiefs, itiorvs, HoclcrJ Hoop Skirls. Hopkins' Lliptio Shirts, aui Ladies' IJoods of every description. Paisley's .iimsUat loirg.'-ins. 1'UJd Woolen Shares, RiuuKfast ?rw!s, ll'oolen Scarfs and Cups f'.r AVu-non and Cliildien. . P.eaver and L",:iiio!.i!n Wnter-Prof Cloth'. 0.'i:ts; Coilnrs. Neck ties, lluif-hose. liandker chiefs mi 1 liloves. I'trmmoiy, ToiU-t3uftrs. Cair UrMiff. inih?, oto. letiuW S, ISUS. KATE HLAC. Isinto uf ,wil:in fcajter, doC'-'lii'-fi . "X TCTICJi i.-) here! v pivon that f!i..r of HInin:.; ,iN If H inn Lftvi;) V-.Hii (r i.UMi t-.i tb uiiti.Tt,i;fu vj, on tho k( ol 'Htj-l. All ti'-rsiin!" iii'i--. ! It) Pll'd ViiiT'.! tl7 TV- ttut-U'd Id mnkc iiLiL.ciiiat j u'yuiciit, emd thimd La.viaj th.iir.ii t.i iio:-u.L thrrn f-ir ttlciui-nt. JOHN .SNVDKR, Aiw'r. I owrr Au4f;u.ta twp., L'oj. &, 6t Aye 3 air o For rcslorin Cray Kair la its natural Vitality and Color. A iiressinf wliii.'h it ut onw oc;reentl, Iiciiltls-, nnd ettac'tnnl for preserving l!u liiiir. Fiuh:d or gray hair is soon r-slortl lo iti original color uu'li Ihe tjJois awl freshness of youlk. 'I'll in Juiir is thick ened, fttHir.g Irair chucked, nnd bald-uiv-s often, though not uhvays, cured by its use. Nothing can restore tl:;j liU.ii- vliore tlio Collide.-! nre dr:1!;.1 -or the chuidi atrophieil tiui wwij!. 5ut ritie'i ns lvmain can be s:.vtd :'r us I'l' bv this Application, lnloi'. l of I'cir.liiijr Ihs'i v;:;h 3. pasty sudl liiont, it will koop it ckau and vi'nrott. Its occasional use will pivvcnt iho hair from turning frray or l'jtlling otf, aud coiiacqnciitly baldness. Free from those deleterious tubstauccs which mako somes preparatiou.T dangerous nad iiijitrioui to the h.-dr, the 'ior cnti only benefit but not htuia it. It' wasted merely for a. HAIR DRESSING, nothing clue ran bo found so dusirtibh?. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil whito carobrie, ftnd yet Ihims long ou tho hair, K'tviug it 11 rich gloof-y luotro and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., l'lUCTICAI. AND ANALYIICAL C'ULM13Tb LOWELL, 3lASf. rates i.oo. p.ild by II. Y. Friling. .Sunbury, niid ull L'TUggist uiul lioiili'i-s in Altdiciuo everywhere. NoVL'iii'uer 7, lild. ly IX SUXBURY. TIIK KEW DRUG ST0RI) OF .1. . .ti a as S4 c e: & o., Ou Jli.eket strcft, f'.ast of the It.iilr.iii.., n.ariy ut-fioitc the Hardware Store of Coulcv Jl Co., Sl-'NISUKY, PEiTN'i. Alf E would retpeutfully invite tho attention l tlio L-ii ii.-rjs nf buuliury aud viciuity to our entire new Stock of ltire l'i- i.!i Orns and .lS-llclUfs. " " Tuiiits, oils and Varuislics. " " (ila.-s. Putty and DyoStu8s. " " Perfururriua, Combs and Brnrbcs " " Patout Mcdiciuos of all kinds. LIQKoRSby the llottle. U.illon, Quart aod Piut M'OXCIIALE, LOMJOM l'OItrhli and coxur.i:s.s watlr. IiiSiwm. Cigars an I SnulT. l.ookiDj;-liluss Plutrs cut io suit Frain'S. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS AND VARIKTIEJ Tiussis, .Vupportcra, llundages, ti. Wehiive st'ieotcd our stoc'k wiili c.irearj ran war ' rni.t it ;'L!h,a!t'i ct tiip print UiRtfu .1 it, tti. niHikrt. lluvin hn.i ?evtra! year:. t'Si orienrt: in the Iiu iin ii'r tliittt-r uu-clws tii'it uo cau .ivo t-uUi-u saiittu,1 I ti'.ii tu nil who m.-iy fivorus with their ristronaiv 1 t-picial ntu-titii n jrivon to ui'iniwuiidiii Physii-inns' j Prescription ut all hum s ot the day or niglii ai.d cu , undt.ys. Give us a call. 1 J. H. MARKLE i CO. Pmihury.Oet. 17, l.-ti'T. FALL AXD WINTER Millinery Goods, HlriM II. I.. ('l-, l'Ojrs lrtiva In an nouiK'u Ui tho Ladies uf Cunbury and vieiiiity, that tho has just cpenrd a laro aud arie,l stock of MIM1I.N K li Y GOODS, The lalasl New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. WOOLEN GOODS, &C. Also, an exoullcut asiortment rif Fsshionuhle Em l.roidMrios, F.dglns, Laoes. Woolen Caps, llau Iker rhiefs, Si-art's, liioves, llosiurius, and all kinds of Fuucy Kolioiis, Sliiuipud Muslins, Corsets, Perfume, nus, .''naps, Lilly White, Luauiol of America, oU tionery, A., Ao. Call and exniniue for your.-elres. No trouble t show goods Sunbury. Oot 21, 1808 4 LAHUK surp'y f Willi ltttr nnd IV lSoidoi, just rioeivcd aud fur tale cheap, at Ihe Mammoth ?tur nf )i. v riui.iNu Apiil 1, loud. III