f TEU.HB OV TIlKJ'ABIKKlCAJt." H1S-TW0 DOLLARS par iuu. ft 10 IT t paid withla tke year. Bo paper eieon Untied tHl til arrearages art pale. These Um -IU he strlotly adhered U kereafter. If nbMTibert neglect or refos to take their tew, paper from tht oils te whloh they ere directed, the ere reraaniibl mntU they bar ttttltd tht bill and Ordered them dleoenUnued. Postmaeters will plea Htu mr Ageatt, aad frank letter containing aubaeriptioa money. They art permitted to do this under tht fort Offio Law. JOB PalNTINQ. Wt have connected with our establishment a well iolected JOB OFFICE, whlth wUl tnablt of to execute, la the neatest style, every variety of Printing xiin.nsTor nuiisnw. Tho followint; art the rM Sir advertising ia tt An nii.-i Tin. liuvil.K iidl'm-iiUC V0 dO Fl'I tlii J it uoiitcuient fur felon nee J?i.e. I t. 2 I- loi. 2m. Crn 1 y t luartT ' .6o.r.M) fl'7:Viiji,;.?p.rt.oiri1ii6y 2 j 2 .tip; .u: 4,ii j S.M 7 .00 !?' i column, ' --I O.d 8.IMI: iO.UO M.C0 .. -j . :lll.th'lM.0tl!.W l .1 J ;ii.im;zs,wiJte.Fri p.t Ten linn of thil ied type juiiuiun muka .". ntinrr. , ,, ... Auditor', Admlni'trntors and Lxeonton' Nutiof JU.OU. Obituaries lexrrpi Uic u-unl announcement which is froc.) Id hi- paid fr st advrtifirg win Loenl Xutkei', Sociuiy Resolution, 4c-, 10 oon'i per line. Advertisements fur RrlitfiraiH. ChnriUblo and Edis tntinnnl objects, one-half the above rate. Yraniaont adverliaemenls will be published untl older ed lo be discontinued, and charged acctrdii'tjly ill 0 PUBLISHED EVERY ..SATURDAY MORNING, BY MASSER & WILVERT, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. NEW SERIES, VOL. 5, NO. 13. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 18G9. OLD SERIES, VOL. 29, NO. 13. SMBTJBT AMEBIC 1 BUSINESS CARDS. e. t. saciria. L. B. CASS. BEBBFIS & EMI, Attorneys and Connaellori at Laitr. Cbesnut Btreet, wettof the N. 0. and P. A E. Rail, road Depot, in tht building lately oooaplod hy T. Lasarua, Esq., STT1TBTT TTt PENNA. Celleotioni and all Professional business promptly attended to lu Northumberland and adjoining Cuua Dei. . BOYER & W0LVERT0N, AITUUKEVS AT LAW, . On Second Floor in Bright' New Building, SUNBURY, PENN'A. B. B. Bote aud W. J. Wolyertom, reepeotfully aanonnce that the; hart entered Into co-pnrln.rriiip In the praotice of their profemion in Northumber end and adjoining countiea. ConiultaUoni ean be had in the Ubrmak. April , 188b. ly II. II. MAHMEIt, A ttomey nt Ijiw. BLKBURY, PA ! cJL Coliecuoni attended to u the countie. of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. ainniMci!. Bon. John M Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. CaUell A Co., Hon. Win. A. Portet, Morton MoMiehael, eq., " . Ketoham Co., 3bi Pearl Street, Mew York. John W. Aahmead, Attorney at Law, 11 Matthewt A Cox, Attorneyi at Law, H Bunbury, Maroh 29,1862. xm. M. RocxxriLiiR. LtoirsT. bouaiAca. ROCKEFELLER & ROHRBACH. Sl.MJI.IiV, PK.-A. ivFFICK In Haupt'i new Building, leccni Boor. Entrance on Market Sonara. elunbury, January 4, 188b. Teeth ! Teeth I J. It. CKIiBKI.'VUi:!!. StTHQEON DENTIST, formerlTot' ASIILAND, O., announoea to the elti. ten of Northumberland Oounty, that he hue looatvd in CUM3URY, for the pruoiioe of JDentiairy, and renpoiilfulty lu'.loiK your patronage. Uptcial atten tion paid to Jilting and artistng teeth. Teeth cx trKottd without pain, by usiLtf Nerootio apray which 1 have osod for throe ycara with pgrftti tut and HQ injurious rcaulta. OiEce in Kooma formerly oeeopied by Pr. J. 8. Angle, in Pleaaant'i Building, Market Pijunre Tupburv, Pa. mar. 7, US. ilOROKHlLL, BlMOR P. WOLTKRTOX. HILL St WOLVERTOW, kVttorncya and Counselor h at Cuvr. WILL attend to the collection of all kind, of claimt, inoluding liaok Pay, Bounty and Pen tone. apl. 1, '66. B Wo S3SJLjE3K, ATTORNEY AST X.A.W Korth Side of Public Sqaare, eat door teat of the Old Bank Building. 6CNBUUY, PENN'A. rjolleetiona and all Profeeaienal buiinwi promptly atended to ia the Court of Northumberland and adjoining Countioe. tiunhury,Sept. 15, 1860. t. U. PCKDY, PTJUDT & J. D. Jauri. ATTOnNEYS AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. Office In theaoeond atory of Dewart'a building, ad joining the Democrmt oflioe, en the north aide of Jlarkct Square. Will attend promptly to the eolleotion of clalma and other profetaional buainraa intrusted to hi oare, in Nurthumberland and adjoining tountiet. November , 1867. ADDISON G. MARR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8HAMOKIN, Northumberland County, Fa. ALL kutineet attended to with promptneea and diligence. A'hamokin, Aug. 10, 186T ly J. XI. KILBUSII, SURVEYOR AND C0NVEYANCR AND JUSTICE OF TUB PEA CB. Jlahonty, Xorthumberland County, IJenn'a OHiee in Jackson township. Engagement etn be made by letter, directed to the above address. All buiinje entrusted to hit tare, will be premplly attended 10. April 22. 1888 ly JA GOB O.BEOK, MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer la CLOTHS, CA8SIMERE8, VESTING, Ac. I'uitii titrtct, sou tli oi" H'eattir's klotasl, BTJNBUR "S", I A,. Marok SI 186S G. "W- HA TjrpT, Attorney nnA "Cotnaaiellor Rt Ijiw, CPfi CE In Haupt'e new Building, en second floor . Entrance on Market Square, OTjrTBTJR-X", FA.. Will attend promptly to all professional buttnesa entrusted to bit ears, the collection of claims In Northumberland and the adjoining oonntita. tjanbury, January 4, 1868. C. A. KEIMENSNYDEH; ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PA. All buslneat entrusted to kit tart attended te promptly and with diligenet. Bunbury, April 27, 1867. J NO. EAY CLEMENT, Business in thia and adjoining counties carefully anil nromDtlT atttended to. Offloe in Market Street, Third door west of Bmith et Genther s tstove ana Tinware more, Boabury, Mareh 31, 186. ly rVBOLKSALB AND RETAIL DEALS U every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf. BUNBUHT, Pnni. ff-OrJora solicited and tiled with prouiptnessa losi'Otoh. Bunoary, wy COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! Girt-A-lT 8 BBOTHilK, Iteulcra lsa 1VIIIT V KED ASH COAL, in every variety. Wc AgenU, weetward, of the Celebrated Henry OleyOoaT. . Lowici T7iF, Boiot, P. Bockury, Jan. 1, 1846. JOHN P. H A A 8 , Dealer ia all kiadaof ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, BUNBCRY, PA., TS nrenarcd to cupply all kinds of Anthracite Coal rLiks bbamokin Coal Region at cheap rate. All irouiuur auv. j - aneetfullf aolioit. I. . .. - i . 1 1 K: n . 11AAS. Sunbury, July la,1glg AsKts3 'autect. ST4 to IOC per aecalk I I ! Or a coeimiseion from which twite that amount eea be msde by eclluif the LATKbT IMPhdVKD COMMON BKNSE FAMILY PKWINO MACHINE, Pa.ca H 00. For Cuculers end 1'erms eiitiMe C. BOWfcHS A CO, SJ0 8-jotk Thir4 Bireel, Pec. -3m. i'hi4tliiliis, F. INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERM.4ffr,in HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BiTTERS, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, J'JtKJ'A Rk'O Br DR. C. U. JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa. The grtnlest tnctvn rtmtdittfcr Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, JXertout Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of rte SKIff, and all Dleeaeee arlelnsr from m Die ordered L.I er, ktomaeh, or lUPVRlTt OF TUB BT.OOn. Head tht f'llio'einfi fywiptvmt, and if you Jind (hut 9ur tytttn it effected Ly ony of thmt yrm muy ittt otturtil that dwai hat enmmmced itt attack on tht matt important oroant of your btyt and unUtt toon thtektd by tht. tut. of powerful rtmediu, a mittraltU l, oen ttrmiitJting in dw'lh, will bt tin rttuU. Conttipatlon. FlRtulenoo, Inward Piles, Ji'ulnose of Blood to the lioad, Acidity of the Btomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disicuiit for Fond. Fulnese or Wei nt in the Stomaab, Sour Eruotatlone. Bink ine or k i-Uerinir at the Pit of trio BcamHOli, bwimminsr of the Hoed. Hurried or Difficult Braathine. Flutterine; at the Heart, Choklnx or SurTooalinn Ssnaationn when iu aLyingPoitture, nimnese of Vision, Dqta or Web belore His Bieht, Dull Pain in the Head, Dell cionoy of Porsplratioa, Yel- lowneet of ttio Hkin and Eyes, l-'ain in the Bide, Bank, Ohet, Zimbs, eto.. Bud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Fleah, Uonataut IiuaitinitiK of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, jn 1'iMC intlieaU dittait mftht Livrr or Vimtttiva Qrgata, eombititd with impurt bioii. tjooanui's (Dcriiniit Cittcra It entirely vegetable, a nil eon t nine no liquor. It Is a compound of Fluid Kx traete. Tlie Itoole, Herbs, and llnrke from wliloU tli.ee rxtrncle are tnnde are ajatlieretl lit CrferiMany, All the inedlvlual vlrlnee are rxlft-ncted front Cltent by m eclenttflc clienilel. 'I'liebC axtrncte are tlieu fortvardetl In tlile coitnlry to be uinl exireily fti the Manufacture of tlie-e illltrre. There I sto nleoltolie tnb.laiie. of any kind weed In conipouudlnsr the Uliiere, henoe It Ie the only Blitere that cru be used lit caeee where aleouolto etlut ulauta are not udvtsaule. tljofliiiib's Ocrmnn (Tcmic if a com hinni tn nf alt ivftrrtHrntl of tht IHUrty v;Vi Wfit Hint tVut ltvmt Orar.t ft'. It ? used fur cVi JJH4 tlisfaitd at .' Jitttm, m wt?t when ome purt alcoh'ttte !imulut i$ required, ton wilt on-ir in mind that these rttiwlies urt tnilirely i.!tfrjjit from mny olheri attvrrttsel for th cute of t'r diteuget nami, thejt hting tctrnUnc prupjratitmt f medicmul txtractt, u'nU tht bU.miui mre dcctinn of rum rn 4mior. Sfi TONIC dtcittfili ntte f the ntfrt pleatant and agruniU remtdiet tver fr.rci to tht pulrhe. fit Uittt is quute. It it a ptrasurt to il, u-M itt lyft-givhWa exhilarating, mud MeUiemt.it fusrlide havt hhiu U to bt known at (fit fitatut f ttR cVriKf. CONSUMPTION. Thousands of eases, when the pa tient enpiineed lie wne afflleled wlllt title terrible disease, have beett cured by the use of these remedies. Kxtreiue emaelallun, debility, and tougU are tlte uenitl allendaute upon set ere ensee of dysiepla or dl.ease of I lie dtjge.flve organe. Uvea lu cases of ereuulne Con.umptloii, these rentedlre will be found or the greatest benefit, atreugLlteulng nud Invigorating. DEBILITY. Jitr$ it mtditint to ifonJUnd't Ocrmnn B Uteri nr 7'i'c Wi catty nj Debility. They impart m ton nd rigor to tht whole tyftem, ttrenffthen the ap ptUtt. cause an enjoyment of the food, enable the ttvneeh to digest U. purify the blooa yv a pood. $outt4x hmWty complexion, eradicate the yellow Unge from the pye, impitri a blonm to the eheekt, and change IK patitfU from a, thorUbreatedy emaciated, weale, tmd nrrrous invalid to tkfvU-faced, ttout, and vigor out jwten Weak and Delicate Children are made strong by using the Itill.ro or 'I'nnlo. In tact, th.y are Family Medicines. They can be Hdmltilsiei ea nltlt perfect ftlr to R el, lid three nienlht old, the most delicate leuiale, or a mtu of ulttety. TKut Rmuliu art tht bttt lllootl I'ui'Iflcr mr I-with, and ui K curt all dittunt rttuUmg trim bad blood. . yuur Wood purt ; lttrp your l.xrtr in errftr ; . htrp votw diyttUvt oryaot n a touud, htaltJiy cvmti turn, ly U.t af of thut nnttdiu, aud ho dtuutt utll rttr aitatl you. 1-1 TyI f i"faT 4aSiiR,WXTs I.edlre who wish a fair skin and food completion, free from a yellow .M tinge aud all ol her ilUllglt, cin.nl, ehoiiln nse these remedies oucaslon ally. The I.lver In perfect order, sud the blood pure, will result In eparlt ling eyee aud blvouting eureka. CAl'TIOS, TTtyrflaittPi Gcrmdfi Jiintdttt art oounttrftittet. Tit yeiuitie hav tu riynaturt of C. j), Jtirhaon on tttt frtnd of tin outmtU wrupptr of tuck b4ttt, a,rd tht nau of tU aitKt. IUjhh in uui, biiMt, All oilttn art eouniorfttt. Tliansande of leltera have been re ceived, testify lug to tb virtue or these reinedlee. READ THE EE00MMENDATI0N3, FKOM HON. GEO. W. WO00WAKD, Chief JuslUs of tbs gupieiue Court nf Pennsylvania. rautnciFHU, JUucu leih. Ho;. JKiut "HooAani'i Ctrman BUtrrt' it not en i'fo wtitty bertroitt, but it u good tvnic. utfttt ia dwm dnt tj tht ovitttiot orffUH. an.l of aitat benefit in oat mf dMtdil$ aiui unnt of nervout action IN tht tytttm. I'uurt rrur, tVAU WOODWARD. ntOM HON. JAMES TIIOMPSOX, Jnige of the Siii'teiue Cuuit of Pennsvlveula. rniuntLFKit, A rail 'JHth, 1M4. I consider Hooflaud'a Germau lilt tere" a vnlunht tunllclito In case of at tacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I cau certify title from uiy ciperleuee fit. Your., wli It re. peel, JAMtCS THOMPSON. From BEV. JOSKPU 11. KKNNAItl), D.D, PMtor of the T.uui Beutlat Church, PliiluWIibta. Pa. Jacison na Pis . hart bun.fr"iurnttyr auttttd to eannoH my m-hm with reoomtmeuilatiomt of aSiJtrmt kind of wiKlicinet, but reoardiuu tht practtot at out of my apH.prito tftfiert, I butt in all oaou do tinted; but with a clear pttnf tu roriout inttauct.nnd particularly inmy oton futility, of the utefalnettof lr. ioqtaru's oYrmutl U.tUrt, fdr.partf.tr oore front uiy uual courte, to exprett my full touri.ti'iu that lit .li.nil liability (f Clio sy.l.in. mid ..pm-UHy fir Liver Cnoipluint, It I. a Mfe auil vutuHbl prii.i'Stit,n. in setae ousts u may fad ; but usually, I Would mot. it will bo very bttiafieuil to Oiute who tnjhr from U.t aUomt mum. J'ouri, Miy mpetifaily, J. 11. KKXXAHD, hiyltth, betoa Cvalet SL Price of the Bitters, tl.00 per bottle Or, a half doseu for 15.00. Price of the Tonio, S1.60 per bottle Or. a half dozen for 7 60. The Toole is put up lu quart bititee. Recollect that it it Ir. Uoojutaft Ci-man Rmnlitt that art to univertally utrd and to hi'ility rennumro't mil ; and do not allont tha lrnajitt to iuftnot ttn to tukt any thing oltt that he may toy it jut! . yl, cuum At ei4 a uir-jrr proit on it. Ihett lUmtdirt uM bt tml by vtpttu to any locality uyus v y iiie to4 . PRINCIPAL. OFFlC, AT TH 181RM AN MtOICINt TOIIt, Fo.mABCH STRIKT, IVLMpL.a, . CHAB. M. KVAN 8, Proprietor, rermtrly a TL JACKSON 4 CO. Tbeec Remedies are far cel.. by Pritggiele, tjiorckeepere, aud Medi cine Dealera every where. ie aol fo-oH to ummmt ndl (hi attidt yam Vu), in eider to,i r.(;.juii. T. J. BtlAMMOiV, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER- Corner of Third Street and Market Square, In Mil ler'a Stone Building, 6 U N B U K 1" , P A., TlW'a.Tl 4BL! H B JBa; jn 9 of the mot oolcbrAted mekera. con.iitini nf the Howard, Applclon, Trncy A Co.. Wallhnm. llsrtlett, W. tiler-, and all grade of the Elgin 111' mnke. Aln. sole Agent for the eelobrnted, PAUL ill! I. TON Wntob, In Uold and Silver Case, at low price, iilvcr arc tor IVftltlintt I'reiteulii, of entirely now design. Solid Bitter Table and lea Spoors, Hotter Knives, Forks, Castors, lee Pilohers, Ki ult end Cuke Baskets, .yrup. Mug. liuttor Dishes, and everything in tht Silverware line at lew priocs. JEWELRY, A tn itook of 18 k Rings. Also a fine teleotton oftioldandJut Jewelry of all descriptions. Uold and silver Chains, at low prior. OULD PENS. Fine Qold Pent In Oold, .Silver tod Rubber Cnjea, of the celebrated make by Huffman and Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and 30 boor Clooka, at low pricea. Also Sole Agent for the eelcorftted Perfected Spec taolea, warranted to givo entire astiifuction. Watchea, Clocka and Jeitelry repaired and war ranted. All ordora promptly attended to at th ahorteit no tice. Bunbury, Sept. 6, 18ftB. GUAaND OPENING FALL AND WINTER ejiciillciucu'e I'tiruIeltiiiLr (jrootla, at THOMAS O. NOTT'S .MEFICII Ar TAII.OIC ai'rOltK, MAR-V SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Cuuaisting of EXaLISlI AND FRENCH CLOTHS, LMJLIMi A.N Li t H bNC II CASsIME! E3, t.NULibli ilLLlO.Sa OF ALL COLORS, which have been aeleoted from the largett and best eiubluhuietils in New York and Philadelphia. A general nsiortment of aENTEMlii' FtmNlsHINO OOOD3. embracing, Keclillcs, Collar, Cravats, of the latest Stjic-J. Fine Lamb's Wool Poller Jnckots. SHIRTS mid DRAWERS, a lurge usorlmcut of the bust quality, A lurge variety of OI.OVES of every style and qualtity, troin the Ball Kruoui duwn to the luboring luau'i, and many other articles for Uenllvuicn ivesr. A-Aito I'reaicU Yoke SUlrta matte to OtUer. Having proenred the sorvioc of the best workmen In the ouie?, garments will bo made up to order v. bich u. unot be excelled in any city in Su, urquality of good. tieotl.men are pnrtlcularly requested to call and see tht goods and work before purchasing elsewhere. Sunoury, Uut. 3, '6H. iHOilAS li. AU1 1. ft, w BONE SUPER-PilOSPIlATE 01; IjImL, ON EVtUT FACKAOK. I B AUG II & SONS, SOLE MANUFACTURERS PROPRIETORS, Offlca, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, 1'HIbADELPniA. The abnro Manure baa been before tbt Agricul tural public fur fifteen years past, under one nsuie uud proprietorship, end now has au established aud lurge annual sulo throughout the country. Aud us a ported substitute lor Peruvian Uuono (afforded at one halt the cost) ii has been adopt, a by agricul turalist ot known intelligence uud disoriuimaiioo It is warrunted cot to exhaust tbe soil, but ou the contrary to permanently improve it. Tlie sn!e.inow amount to uiuny thousand Ions annually, and the tncilitie fur its luanuinolur ere emuiive end com plete. Tbe above manures are forni-he 1 in bo'b bua and barrels, whichever customer prefer Tbt bags arc nnilurm in wsihtaViO pounds. The attention of Farmers la eapecially directed to the tact thai the aouroea of tlie Kaw Material of which tbe above mauurea are composed, are so welt under control that we eau luruisb tbem of strictly uniform quality and condition, end thut they cou tuin a larger peroentuge ol ammonia than auy other cluta of manufactured manure in the market BAUUII 4 SO.3. 20 South Delaware aveuue, Philadelphia. t3TThe highest oath price paid for all kiud of bonus. November 2d, 18C8. FALL & WliYI EK GOODS! AT Hiss Louisa Shissler's, MARKET SQUARE. Ladles' and Uissua' HATS and B0.V.NET3, in iuiuiena variety, .tlilllnery Uoous uud i'rliumtngs. French and Ameriouu Ribbons, Laoea, Uaudker chiefs, U lotos, Uoaiery, aud a gvueral assortmeut ol Lames Aiiuinery uoods, wnion nave neen ieow4 witn great cart. UOULEN GOODS, FUUS, Ac. tleul. 4 ollura, .tccUllew (jilovt , Aif. tvory viiriuty will be louud to select Uuui , at UObiLllAlL PRICES, ouuoury, Uui. ii, loud. LOOK TO Yul'U lMEiiLbA I v Call aud sec the well selected Stock of CLOTHS, CAsolM-iti-S. OVERCOATINGS, LsiI.N0S, A Juat received at J&IEIH IS, SMI-JETS MKU1A.NI' TA1LOULNU ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Street, below Eyster' Store, bUKCCRT WlMliti CLOTIILNG of the must approved styles is made up to order at reusonanie retee. lie ana also a flue assortment of Casjitaer Shirts, Druwors, Uudural.iris, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties, Cultou end Woulun Hose. Su.pundera, iiaud kurohiefa, tiloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURMrillLXO UO0DS, Uive him a call, which yea will fiud it tc be tt your advautagt. Sunoury, Ool. 24, 1M1 Notice to Merchants and (shippers. rpilE undersigned, proprietor of WeUer t Frick's X. Line, give uotioos u merchant and shipper that lb Duuot is soil at oil Market street, Pbila di'lphia. and all tluoils lireoted lu Suubury, Dauviilc I and livai.t ur, and all intermediate stations along i ILc tuur.iu-l, will be promptly delivered. Cars Jt-ave l I Market street. Philadelphia.' Lri-weekly iuutduy, Inuralays nioi Kaiurtays. boW.N KLECii.tt. December T. 1T. CAUL and we itwae beautiful Bird Cages at th Dow Jlardwaraeioraut J. II. CONLE CO. A LARUE supply of WmII I'uprr uud Itortlcr, Jual received and fur salt cheap, at th Mammoth Etors sf .., j April 4, 188. 41 POETICAL. i (From the Huston Post A MODHrtST D1UNKIKO BONO. 1 Adapttd tlihthj from tht oU ports, to tht ntie ttyl of "Iltveragt," anj didtcatu T OCOROI SBRSOTT, To the "Whliky Ring " Fill hlirh the bowl with Fusil Oil ! With Tannin lot vonr ones be oronned ' If Stryebnino gives relief to Toil, Let Strychnine's goncrou juioe abound ! Let Oil of Vitriol cool your brains, Or animated atoms brew, And CI1 your arteries, baarls and vein, With glee and inl'ulutial glue ! Wine? Tisr died out in '58 What fool would have it back? And how ' Tbe "cup that tetl inebriate And never cheer," they tell us now, "Tbe oonscious wa:er saw lis Uud And blushed." Whatofit? Don't you feel Tlmt water knows the Drugger' red And blushes uow with Cochineal ? Ah-h ! Frtgrnnt fume of Creosote! Bewitching bowl of Prussian Blue ! Who wi uld not soothe hia parching throat With your mild offspring, "Mountain Dew '" Stronger then aught that racked tbe frame And shook the mighty brains of Burns, Surely, ye 'II set onr heads eflsme, W heu e'er his foatal day returua ! Rring on the BeerFresh Copperaa foam ! With Alum mixed. In powder floe, How could my foolish fanoy roam In senroh of whiter froth than thine ? Thy lodian Berry' Essenoe spread Through amber wavelets, sparkling clear, . BeiiuLul s dull Care strikes Feeling dead And nnroetiirs Shame aud Fear ! , Fnr down thy bubbling depths. Chnmpsgnt ! Drnwned Honor. Love end Beauty lie They luuglit th' unequal fight in vain Eball we, too, nttrtly drink and die ? fcweet AcetHtv of Lead, forbid ! Fill every drink witb pangs and tell What tortures onuld and alway did Anticipate tbe stings of Hell ! Then drink, toys, drink ! We never oaa Driuk youuger ! And wo never will Hi? men, or aught resembling man, While poisoners bave tbe power to kill ! Amen From Frenty' screech of mirth To tnau'lliu-'orrow's driveling flow, We'll ruve, through scenes unmatched on earth, And nut be surpassed below ! MISCELLANEOUS. in:GiTY uiv, Fenator Tavlor, of Beaver, has presented a Registry Uill to the Senate for tho consid- . . emtion of the Legislature. Among us pro- pro- vicious are the following : On the written request of fifty voters in a county, or of live in a district, with the ntfi- djvit ol one or more ot them, averring their I belief thut fraud is intended at an approach. in election, or that it will not ba laiilv or legally conducted, the court, or a judge in vui ation, snail appoiut lor tlie aistrict ap- eitiieus thereof, from the opposite political party of the inspectois respectively, who jihall attend and act as overseers at the elec tion, with right to challenge voters, to ex amine them and their witnesses, and papers, and to oversee the counting of the votes and the making out and signing of the returns ; aud if they ate unlawfully iutcrfered with, so as to prevent tlie execution of their duties, and the election is contested, the votes poll ed shall be rejected by the board of return judges or the tribunal passing upon it It the return judges, or a majority of them, are satisfied from sullicient Evidence, thut fraud has been committed at an election, they may reject the entire vote of the dis trict in w hich it was committed, but their action shall not interfere with the rights of others, to contest the election, as determined by them, or any of the election boards, in the maimer now allowed by law. If, in adjusting the revised list of voters, diitVreiices of opinion shall exist among tlie lueinbein of thti board, a majority shall de termine, and the dissenting onus uiBy note tlu ir reasons for dissenting ; and if the overseers or titter of them, are satisfied that fraudulent votes have been received, or law ful ones rejected, or that other fraud have been committed, they may make memoran dums thereof; aud iu either case tbe election ollicers shall enclose and seal the papers thereof with other election papers, to bo used in any cputeet that may arise respecting the election. An examination for naturalization shall j he in open court, and under the immediate , cognizance and judgment of its luembcis ! as presiding judgo. Every prothouotary shall keep a natura ; lizatton docket, Jo which he shall register, ' iu alphabetical order, tho name of every ap ; plicaut, the time of filing his declaration of luienuon, auu ui pciuioc tuo piece uuu country of his birth his age, residence, and time of his arrival In this country the names of his vouchers and their residences, and the dute and nature of the court s ac tion ; and the same shall be open for inspec tion and for copies, as other records ; and if he or any one under him shall act in viola tion hereof, or shall issue a certificate of naturalization, not duly authorized thereto, ; ,,r pve out blanks, or sutler them to be takeu from his olhce. or charge, to be ' filled up anil used, on conviction thereof, be shall be fined and imprisoned at the discre tion of me court, aud be deprived of Lis ; olhce. If any one shall tell, give or use, or shall I vote, or offer to vote, or encourage another to vote ou n naturalization certiucate wutcu hu knows, or has good reason to know, i not tieuuitie, or shall knowingly testify falsely ill any matter relating to the right of regitering or of voting, on couviction thereof, shall be fined and imprisoned at the discretion of the court. Expiea)loa ia tlto Kcjebrovre. The eyebrows are a part of the face com paratively but little noticed, .though in dis closing the real seutimeuts of the mind scut eel v any other features of the face cau come into competition. In vain tbe most prudent female imposes silence on Iter toii"ue ; in vain she tries to compost) her lace and eyes ; a single movement of the eyebrows iustautly discloses what is pasaiug iu her soul. Placed upon the skin, and at tached to muscles which move them in every diicctiun, the eyebrows are obedient, in con sequence of their extreme mobility, to the ..lightest internal impulses. There mujesty, pnde.-vatity, severity, kindness, the dull and gloomy pe.sions, and the passlous soft and gay, aro alternately depicted. "The eyebrows alone," said Lavater, the prince of plijeioguouiials, "often give the positive expressions of character." "Patt of the eoul," says Pliny the elder, "resides in the eye brows, which move at the command of the will." Le Brun, in bis treatise .on the pas sions, says "that tbe eyebrows are tbe least equivocal interpreters of the emotions of tbe heart and of the stlecUons of the soul." lrealir SJIrle. The customary practice of dressing our girls is taken tip by the elmrp pen ol Mr. Upton, in the Chicago Ti ihure, in a forcible manner. At the opening of this Severn win ter weather, let parents heed these admoni tions Riid warnings : Iu these cold, blowy, snowy dsys, I am pained to sec the cllorts of foolish parents In freeze their little girls. It is an outrage. Girls should be dressed just its comfortably ss boys. On the eontmry, the poor little shivering things aro sent out into the streets with their heads comfortubly protected, thick shawls around their shoulders, which comparatively need no protection, their skirts stauding out an an-du of forty five degrees, and their poor littlu drum slide legs as unprotected from the bl.ists as t .e legs of a turkey hanging la a meat stall. Aud thus we pack oil' these little girls to school, w ith their big heads to be crsmmcd full oi learning, at the expense, of their leg, which, at a tender age, are of more ipor-. colliu with stones and oirth, and screwed on tance thnn their head. ' - I the lid again. His gVeut love for tho girl, As a general rule, parents should devote hu aliened, could not let her go away from their entire attention to their litUe girV ; hia sight forever ; ho thought hu would keep legs und let their head alone. The bcaiU , her to look ut a fuw days longer. When the will take cato of themselves in due time. 1 Inp.u of some timo allowed tho angry feol The legs are helpless aud need looking after, i ings of the old man to cool he looked upon By taking care of the heads liltlo girls ac- ! the lover of his dear depurtet'. girl more in quire a knowledge, such as it is, of music, ' pity than iu wrath. drawing, all the modern languages, hotacy, The body was recovered and interred with the use of tht! globes, embroidery, poetry, i becoming dignity, and it was agreed to say and in general a littlu of nothing; and by J nothing of tliu atl'air, but let It die out. neirloctin" at the some their legs acquire The female heart, however, could not keep colds, couths, headaches, weak backs, pipe- stem legs, hollow chests, neuralgia ant: other complaints, which either send them to htr&ven before they ought to go, to be made into premature angels; or if they live to prow up, make them drag throogh a mi serable, unhappy, und unheul'.by li.'u. And all this time you take jour great. struPDiDsr. touirli hulks of bovs. who aro li e-, ri never cold, and are twice as r.troag lint hardy as Your uirls. and wrap them u and tit them out in thick woolen troustrs and drawers aud heavy top boo!. The result is they grow up to bo tough, strong men, and these little wretched, artificial femiuitie creatures don't grow up at nil, ti if they do, they devclop'iolo a sort of human curiosity, fur better for preservation in a case of but terflies than for contact with the sharp edges of the world. If I had absolute power granted me I would call together every inu f.lTi1 1 WuUPur 1,u "luke those girls of yours nod monerlv. Y,.u hvo no tmsinfa, mother m tuis their ears : clothe them properly. You have no business to etr. bitter their future lives with the misery of .oor health, and some of you I noiico ure mur derinc you children. It is therefore oreler- cd thut within twenty-four hours every one ! ot l"0l blessed little girls shall iiavu J.tce. ' warm woolen garments, her legs protected thoroughly, aud her feet shod with thiek t"""ultuu"! B"ucsi " ",tu uoul.1'""" win mil peuetraio. auu biwi irlui'iuui hours, if 1 fouud a littlo girl running about i iu any other condition, I would hung the mother for murder or malicious intent to I kill. ! That is what I would do if I had absolute , power. . I An extraordinary Tlir-ft. j A Young Man Stealt tht Dead Body of 111 j Stceethcart. j The strangest case of thieving which we : have ever heard of took placo iu the adjoin- ; ing county of Cbealhcoi. a few days ego. ! l he narrative, as we bave heard it, is sim ply this: A few miles from Ashland, aud not far from Cumberland River, live a fami ly uatned White, who are in what ia there termed comfortable circumstances. On Christmas eve a young girl, some fourteen years old, died in tho house after a brief illness. She was not long home from nn educational iustitute in Indians, which she w us forced to leave by reason of an unac countable indisposition. Tho bouso of tbe Whites is situated in a rather remote section, ' so that the night following the decease of the young lady there were no visitors to wateb up wuu the mourning lamiiy, savo one a young gentleman Darned Iliggins, who had come on horseback in the early part ot the day to visit tu sick girl, lie found her siukinir, and appeared to bo more j overcome by grief thuu the parents of the young Udy. When her eyes closet", in death, uu n a uuwuukiviiiauiv iu nil ivnun, tun i was fouud necessary to bring Lim to a clif fercnt part of the Louse and try to cheer him up by doses of strong drink. It was found exceedingly difficult to induce him to take any liquor, and in order to encourage him the only brother of the deceased girl imbodied freely himself of the stimulants so freely in fact that ho was overcome uud tell into a sound sleep about uighttall, trom which it was thought best not to wake him. The young girl's mother bad been in very delicate health for some time past, aud the children of the house were of too delicate an age to sit up all night iu a chamber of death, liecce, when the hours waxed late there were no watchers in the bouse but young Higgios and tbe girl's father. I'p to about 12 o'clock tbe young man seemed to be in a semi-lethargic state, aud was uot at all com municative, but sat brooding over bis sor row in the gloomiest possible manner. Short ly after midnight there was a change per ceptible, lie became talkative, suggested to the old man the propriety of taking a little stimulant, and ot shaking off some of his grief, liy a judicious application of the bottle, aud au exceedingly ingenious way of recommendiug its beneficial qualities, be succeeded in getting the old man asleep sent him into so sound a sleep that he did not wake up until between five and six in the morning. When be woke he found young Iliggins occupying exactly the same posiliou, as Le thought, that he did in the early part of the previous uight ; sitting in a coruer with bis bowed head resting ou Lis Lsuds ; but Le observed that the youug fel low's boots were muddy, aud when spoken to be himself appeared weary, aud even exhausted, lie easily accounted lor these changes to people who Lad no ol ject iu niakiug iuquiries into tbem. The colliu, whose iid Lad been screwed down the night before, was all right. Everything appealed to be gloomy and sorrowfully right. Not much notice was taken of anything until the hour approached for tbe interment of the corps, when Iliggins showed signs ef great agitation, which were considered tbeuatuial result of his great grief. Tbe little- funeral arraugements beiug easily and quickly made, the coffin, was carried to its de.nued resting place by three men, followed by the mother and the children ; but a the melan choly cortege approached tbe grave, llijigtus, whether from exhaustion or trepidatiou, shook so violently that be let go bis hold.aod the cotlin fell to tbe ground. A rattling, very strange, sharp noise in side of it, so astonished tbe few monruera tbtt their first impulse was to flee ; but tbe Mem r,nd cuthorihilivo look of tile futhur J riveted, every one to the spot. lie felt con vinced on the moment tlmt something wits ' wronir. lie imtnedintcl; disputclicd his nun into llio house for a turn screw, and then undoing (lie ltd he found iu the coffin not' the deml form of Iub Lt-loved child, but u hen) of stones mid dirt., Iligins, though. hd athletic young fellow,, eighteen year old, an ok to the ground in a lainliug tit. The consternKtiim and confitsiou was grent. 1, : whs owing to the efforts of tlte old ludy tlmt Hir'cins did not lirentho his Inst, for old While felt tlmt he lind made away with the dead '.xvdy of his child. After some time, when young Iliggins Was restored, ho con fessed to having gotteu the old man pur posely (hunk, ami then opening the ciHin took Judith out ; and, mounting his horse, rodu four miles in tuo woods, whuro he stowed away the body In a little cave and covered it with leaves and branches, and then cnniiuir burl;, tilled her place iu the sucli a secret, and in a few hours it spread, and rinallv became the common talk nf th ! country. XayhtUU Pi ta, Dee. bOfi. ZNorvrcijIrm Coolilnsr- Scuibl Ime provcrat'utK, A London magazine snys : " l'he Norwegian felted boxes now on side In r.,l... .to..., ( . a.',t.,,M. Intnl.. A..ar.,-a in ivunu r. 11.1.1, wiv.tvuui c'uin 1 , hldvi , c ! notire. When a lest of mutton ia to be boil- ed, instead of ils being kept on the Cre for three or four hours (on the good old En glish method, which wastes fuel and har dens the meat), it is sullicient to keep it boiling lor only ten minutes; and when it has been boiled for that time, the fire is no longer needed, but the saucepun containing the meat is to be enclosed in the felted box till three or four hours biter, when dinner time arrives. The heat in the saucepan is I prevented from escaping, as it cannot pass through the non conducting felt, and the ! process of cooking therefore goes on gently j for ho urs with iio new application of heat, i A leg of motion eaten by the Food Commit tee is stated to have been quitu Lot thrco hours and a half after it was taken from the J tire and enclosed in the oox, and something j wus suid of another lekt which w as brought , from 1'uris to London iu a Norwegian box without cettintr cold on the journey. Such j i)l)J5U). ru co,iUj? i,nr) Utf tor the luncheons ; of shooiiug pnrties and picnics, anci oi per- sons engaged in business. A gentleman takes with In in to his otlice a Miinll box w hich looka like tin ordinary despatch box ; but it is a Norwegian felted box, which be opens at tho time of his meal, and finds to contain hot food. "This ingenious contrivance is admirably suited to the wants of the poor. Every poor woman makes a fire in tho morning to boil tho water for breakfast. Tho same fire may suffice to commence the cooking of the good man's dinner, and it may be kept Lot lor him, in one of those cheap boxes, under the hedges, while lie attends to his work, till tho hour for his meals arrives. Hot food is not only more palatable but fur more strengthening than cold food. Captain Warrun's 'Cooker,' which is patented by Messrs. Adams, of the llaymarket, is au ad mirable contrivance. The food in the pa tent saucepan, or 'cooker,' ia cooked by tiie heat of steam, but without any contuct w ith it. There is, therefore, no dilution what ever, nor any waste. When tho meat is clone, the meat nud tho gravy together are the tiact weight of the raw joiut. It is cooked in ils own juices, so that its full flavor is retained, and as the temperaturo j does cot rise quite to the boiling point, the j cure is not rendered hard and indigestible j by excessive heat." s Adestructiveinstrunicntofwailare.it is ,. ,iw in invnti In thi I couutr'y The rottsvillo Journal Bays, the i gI)parRtu(, consists of a row of twelve 'guns ol 0.7tJ bote and about forty inches long, mounted on a carrage six feet wide, to bu hauled by one horse. Tho barrels aro diver gent, so thut at three hundred yards distant the twelve bullets sweep a line of about thirty feet, uud are fixed at equal distances irom each other, except in the middle, where there is a space ol ten inches, into w hich is pluced a telescope, and on arrangement for adjusting the guns in taking aim. This con trivance, it is asserted, enables, tho operator to send a bullet through the bull's eye, at sixteen hundred yards, nine times out of leu. The tubes or barrels are loaded at the l,.tcch und ure connected by a rod attached to a crauk ; oue turn of w hich opens and shuts uli the breech pieces and loade the gun. They ure made leady for firing by another turn of the crank. Tin bullet, it is stated, can be fired a distauce of two thou sand yard, with accuracy. At a recent trial, forty-seven out of sixty shots fired, are reporter! lit have struck u target four feet high at tbe distance of filteeu hundred yuids. The invention weighs QUO pouuds, anil is intended to be hauled by one borse und worked by two men, one to drive and the other to operate. The loading of tbe apparatus is so arranged' that it can be de tached in a moment, when tbe other part of the machine becomes perfectly useless. The cost of the eutire instrument, with the horse ,1a reported to be ( 104H). Tbe mitrail-LkM't-K, or gi ape shot shuwerer, tbe deadiy weapon which has attracted so much atten tion in France from Louis Napoleon, appears to resemble the above American invention. The phrase "not worth a continental dam originated iu tbe fact that counterfeit notes ol Continental currency were marked dam., which was a mere abbreviation of the Latin w ord damnatut, coudeuined. So says Grant White. The Supreme Court of Georgia, It is stated, has reucleied a detieion, continuing the de cision, td a lower court, that the considera tion of a note given for borrowed Confede rate money was a good and valid one. On (he other baud, the rjupieuie Court of Teu nrsee has rendered a directly contrary de cision.' An officer of tbe army, who visited Major General Geo. 11. Thomas at bis headquarters, the other day, bad an interesting conversa tion with the General, duriug which tbe old patriot corrected tbe general impression which prevails, by stating, in tbe most em phatic language, that bt never was s Demo cm ia bis life. Fihcb Masons. It is estimated that tho Masonic order, at present, contains about 1 , 50,nu0 mend era. Of this uuiuber 1 60,000 are in Eugland, 11)0.000 in Scotluud, ard 60,00tl in Irclund. There ure about 11)0,000 on the continent of Europn, 'd00,'OW) in the United iMatu, and 50,000 in other parts 'Y the world. In Englund there arc two cr three thousand persons initiated every year, and tho Mssrinh: body is suit! to be every where iucrctising. A gentleman who has lately explored tii islands of Pyramid J.ako, in Utah, which aro avoided from some superstitious fear by thu Indians, snys that it is impossible in the incubating season to walk cu tho islands without stepping on the eggs of gulls, ducka, pelicans, aud other aquatic fowl. Two small rocky islands aro alive with rattlesnakes, which bask in the shade, of almost every stone i so that an intruder is often treated to a serenade by a doen or more raVtlcs of various degrees of power and ehitJts cf tone. TrtE iEMos oi' KKttosr.MC ProT. 'Conn dler, in his report to tho New York IJunrtt of Health, says that nut of seventy nino samples of kerosene oil purchased at various places in the city, but one was fouud to be at all fit for uo. The oil bought at a shop in East Iirondway, a part? of the city where propoitionately as little gas aud as niuch oil is used by private families as in any part of the world, contained ten parts of burning oil and uiuoty parts of explosive oil. l'he professor remarked that gunpowder would be safer in a lamp than this oil, becausfj the powder would not ignito until tho fire, by Borac accident got to it, but tho volatilo aud gaseous part of the oil is seeking the flaws of the lump as long as it is buret, The Bank of California, in San Francisco employs Chinamen, in half dozen gangs, to count silver coins. They work under the leadership of a seventh Chinaman, uud wotk w UU wonderful rapidity. A largo number of the coins are takeu in ouo baud and passed to the other so Biltfully that any failure in weight, ring, or BUl lacc.is detected. Chinamen cari never be cheated by Culifor niuns, it is said, with spurious money. Tut; report of the Ohio Commissioner of Immigration shows that 32,C'20 emigrants arrived in Columbus last year, being about 11,000 less than in 13G7 ; 7.3H of these pro posed to settle in Missouri. 6,7125 in Illinois, 3,737 in Ohio. 3,3ii9 iu Wisconsin, 2,e03 in Indiana, 2,21)7 in Kentucky. 2,1'JS iu Michi gan, and tho remainder iu Tc-uuessee, Minuu sots, Iown, Kansas, Ncbrs-ka aud Louisiana. There were fewer Irish among the emigrants than heretofore. About two-thirds wcru from the North German Confederation, There is much curiosity iu I.iham, N. II., about a tomb owned jointly by several fami lies, which .was lately found with the lock broken or wrenched off. Upon entering the tomb a ettange coffin was found, tontaiuinx the body of a young womnn. No'iod.v can recognize the body or tuil who pitccd it there. The valuation of tho personal cstat.e in llio several counties of this Commonwealth, tax able for State purposes, amounts to '-02,-829,041.40, according to the report of tint Auditor General. The tax assessed foots up to $507,916.70, Hnd the special half-mill las to $33,4 19.08. The population or the Com monwealth for 1S63 is placed at D ,'J 1 ,01 1'. aud the number of taxables at 77:1,234. liy the act of Assembly .approved April 13, lSUtf. the above amount ol tax is reduced fifty per cent. Contributions aro to be raited in lu! country for the purpose ot restoring the church in John Bunyati's native village and making a sort of memorial nf it, so that it might hereafter be a kiud of Christian Mecca or monument of the pilgrim's progress. Tbe Springfield Ilejiublican says tho first through train ou the Pacific Kailroad will be made up of one locomotive, six passenger curs, two sleeping and one baggnge Car, aud will start from Springfield und ruu through to Sacramento without change. A citizen of Portland, Maine, thinks the world is to bo visited by a second deluge, lie is accordingly converting his entire pro perty f 6000 iuto an ark. The boat will be fifty feet long, fifteeu wide, flat bottomed, square sterned, round bows, with a bouse just aft of midships. The proprietor is plntt Btng aud building thu affair himself. Ho does not intend to launch it but will simply store it with provisions and proceed to keep house in it--prepared, at any time, for the rising of the waters. ICLICIIMIM, A.O. Ovster Omelkts. Allow for every sis large oysters, or twelve small once, one large egg ; remove the bard part of tbe oysters, and mince the remainder j take the yelks of eight and the whites of four eggs, beat them until very light, mis in tho oysters and u little pepper, aud beat them thoroughly ; put in a frying-pan a large gill of butter, uieasured before melting, and move it around until meted ; when it boils, if the butter milk rises, skim it and turu in the omelet w hile boiiiug; stir it until it begins to stif fen ; fry it a light browu. To Makb Wi.ntek SfccoTAsn. Take equal quautities of dried sweet corn und of dried greeu beuus. Wash and soak them separately, over uight, iu warm water. Add more w ater, if necessary, in the morning. lloil the beans slowly for four or five hours, adding water occasionally. Cook tho coru slowly long enough to combine tbem well. This is an excellent article of food, if care, fully prepared, although not equal to sue cotash in the summer. Ukkakfast Pt'KFS. Take 1 pint of milk, 1 pint of flour, 2 eggs, a lump of butter tbe size nf an egg, aud a pinch of salt. Place the flour in u basin, put the butter in tbe centre of the flour, break in the egg, and work the butter and eggs together thor oughly ; then gradually add tliu milk, mix ing all together to form a smooth batter. Tbe pull's may be baked in a cast iron pan with smull divisions, liuttor the pans and fill them about two thirds full w ith tho bat ter and place in a quick oven. They take but a few minutes to buke, are liht and ex cellent. Corn Staiicb PuDDtsa. Set to boil one quart of sweet milk ; then moisten in a tea cup with a little milk 3 tablespoonsfull of corn starch ; beat thoroughly the yolks of 4 or five eggs, adding sugar enough to sweet en the whole of tuo pudding. Then beat to a stiff froth the whites nf the eggs, sdd ing a veiy little sugar and flavoring extract , but be careful not to reduce the troth. As soon as tbe milk boils, stir in the moistened starch. Let it boil up once, take from the fire, and stir iu immediately the yolks of tbe eggs, pour into a pudding dish, and place on the top the frothed whites, spread ing as evenly as possible. Bet ia the overt until the top or Meringue ie of a fine light brown, when the f uddiog is doue. To be stsa cold.