'JnVJti wrmmmmmw (P THE NATIONAL ItTS INSURANCE .COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Speoial Aat of Cmgros., Approved July 25,186$. Caen Capital 1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PlBST NATIOrt.lt, BlBK BniLDlKO, Wher th general business of the Company If trans acted, end to which U general correspondence should b addressed. DIRECTORS. Jay Cook. Pkllede. E. A. Rollins, Washington. C II. Clark, " Henry D. Cook, " John W. Ellis, Tm. K. Chandler, " TVin. O. Moorbead, John D. Pefrees, " Meo. F. Tyler, Edward Dodg. New Totk. J. Hinckley Clark, ' C. Fahnettock, N. Y. OFFICERS. C. I! CLARK. Thilalolphia, President. HENRY D. COOKK, Washington, Vice President. JAV COOKE, Chairman Finano and Executive Committee. BMK KSON W. PEET, Philad'a, See'y and Actuary. K. S. TCRXETl. Washington, Assistant Secretary. Fit AN CIS O. SMITH. M 0.. Medical Director. J. SWING MKAUS, .!., Assistant Medical Di rector. ?IoII'nI Aalrieory Beard. J. K. Barnes, Surgeon-Gonoral U. 8. A., Washing ton. P. J. Horwiti, Chief Medical Department U. 8. N., Washington. D. W. filisi, M. D. Washington. Kotlcltora and Attorneys. fn, B. Chandler. Waliingto, D. 0. torg Harding, Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National in its oharacter, offer, by reason of Its Large Capital, Low Rates of Preml am and New Tables, th must deeiniM meant of insuring lifo yot presented to th publio. Th rates of premium, being largoly reduced, are nad as favorable to th insurers as those of the but Mutual Companies, and avoid all th complication and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and th mis nnderslaadings which th latter are so apt to au th Policy-Holder. Several new and attractive tables are sow present. J which need only to be understood to prove accep table to the public, such as th Incom-Produoiug Policy and Kcturn Premium Policy. In th former the poliey-holdor not Only secures a life insurance, payable at death, bat will receive, if living, after a period of a fow years, an annual incom equal.to ten for cent. (10 per cant.) of th par of his polioy. Jn the latter, th Company agrees to return to the assured th total amount of money he has paid In, :n addition to the amount of hie policy. Xh attention of persons 'contemplating insuring tLir live or increasing the amount of insurance they airay bav, is ealied to thopccial advantages efferel by the UaUoDOl Life Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets and full partioulars given on application to the Branch Office of th Company in Ptiilft'lelphia, or to its General Agents. Local Agon Is are WuntcJ, iu evory City and Town; and applications from competent parties for ucb agencies, with suitable endorsement, should be addressed to the Company' General, Agent enly, 'n their respective districts. ciseral aatXT : X W. CLARE A CO., Philadelpqia, For Pennsylvania and Southern Nw Jersey. AT COOKK A CO., Washington, D. C. Tor Marylaud, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and Wct Virginia. n H T7TTRQ IT V. Wan.... WM. H. BOULE.'Agent, Milton, Pa., September e, 18b. ly r. B. M00K3. D. C. D1SSIX0ER. NEW ARRIVAL AT MOORE Ac UlSKICiRR'H. W are now opening a large varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which we offer at th lowest CAS1I Prices, In flaupt'a ."ew Iron Front, MARKET STREET, SUNBUUV, PKNN'A Consisting of DRY OOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QVEEXS WARE, GLASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING? GOODS AXB f .ndlee' Urea Goods, Calicoes, Murlins. Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, Ticking. Counterpanes, Casiimeres, Votings, xurns, Skirls, Neck Ties, Cuffs, Collars lfandkorohiefs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. W invlt special attention to th quality of our btook of ckocekim Ann spirns, KIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, 8IT&AR3. MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, fiSll, VINEGAR, Ac, . Campbell'i Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand. W fel oonfident that caeh buyers will And it to their alvantag to git us t call, and outtsmers generally are invited to oall and examine our goods and get posted on our prices. ftysrriot attention to tb wants of our eustomers and fair dealing we hop to merit a full share of the publio patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken In ex change for gueis, for which' the hijhost prise will be paid. MOORE ADISSINGL'R. Suuenry, Sept 19, '(13. LIVERY STABLE. TTIE subscribers having purchased the stock and natures of Mr. Charles Bacon's Livery Stable, in Scnbury, would respectfully announce to the roblio, that they intend furnishing it with first-clas. lorses, Carriages, Buggies ana aSpring-Wagons suitable for tb business, and will endeavor to make it a Livery eeoond to none in this seotioo of the Slate. Orders left at th Central Hotel, at any hour of th day or night, will receive prompt attention. MoOAW A FARN6W0RTTI. Sunbury, October IT, I8'j8. NEW D It Y GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I Oa Third St., on door below tb Lutheran Churob, RUNDURY, PENN'A. HENRY PBTER9 Has just opened a large assortment of DRY WOODS, sueh as Calicoes. Muslim, e., which are sold cheaper than ever. Also, a variety of No liens, L'ndercblrts, Drawers. Hats and Caps. LAliltS' WOOLEN UOODS, A. aocERizi a PROVISIONS of all kinds, suoh as hoars, corrsEs, teas, spices, coal oil, Molasses, Syrup, Mackerel, Lard, llama, Nut, Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, end Crackers, and in faet everything usually kept in the Orooery'lin. Dams, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockry-wr, Queens ware, Ulase-war, Willow. ware, e. The best t'LOL'H and UKAL in th Market Tebaoeo, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also; All kinds of CanaeJ Fruit; at th lowest prices. Country Produce taken !a nehang fur 6od. iV?TCal1 Xluui,"' SWek, and satisfy yeur- HENRT PETERS. fjjjyjOot io, im. WHKRl ean I get the beet pietuier Why at . . J 'rly'), f coar.e. Alway. ga to Uyerlj nd Judge f.,r yi.nrself. ' ""lm" C ARPEN T F. ifsf efT.'" ,n ""WUhaient a superior stoek, , - I w wa Ty J H C-5LET A CO TALL OPENING, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICIS You can Buy More Goods tftk 33233T QUALITY LE33 M01TS7S 14 IU MAMMOTH STORE, or ii. t. fb1lia, Market square, SUNBCRY, PEXN'A., Thta any other pits. has just receive:) AND OPENED The Best Selected and FINRSI ASSORTliKf T, f DRY GOODS IN TOWN FRENCH MERINOS, PR1MTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CASSIUERES, Aa. Delaine and Araarei. SomesU Cotters, Brwa aad Bleaeked. KOriOXSefaUklaaa. Hosiery, Clove, Men's aad Ladle Undergarments. WHITE GOODS. A full aMortaenlf TXIMIK9. Builder will fial say Btosk ef llardware, Poluta, Oils, Glaaa, Ac, Compute. DRUG 3 AND MEDICINES, TVILLOTT AND CEDAR WARE, QUEEN3WARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATf AND CAPS, and in fat every thiag usually kept ia a large 8 tor Call and be convinced that the Cheapest Place to Buy all Your Goods is at THE MAMMOTH STORE X ICTtT. TBILINO, Term. Caab,-0 dy, as my Good art beagbl for Cash and Bold Cheap for th KEADT MO.NET. 1 gir th Uad tb ad vanug f all rdatiou a fast a they art mad by ManUtuir. H T IRILINtl, Sunbury, ert , 1KI Touna nci iacxicaix.t EDUCATED tor SUSlNISS IXTt, Commercial College, MT Ck , . MIUMtfMU SsteMb4 IBM. loooryoraUd 13i. Th longett tttabluhed and leit trfaniaci Commercial Collect in th City. Tb frraottoal vain of it eoon f initrmotioa ha Vea ltd byloog expert eoee. HUNDREDS OF YOUNO MEN . Sara fauna, in th knowledge galnd her, tb snean of pro liable mptoymtat, and of sueoess ia buainaM. . Each Btudent is InstruoUd Mparately, and in th aaoet praotloal manner. Books for th various Branobe f Trad ar opened, written out, and dosed in tk manner prac tleed in eor beet mero ntil boasn. Xh different Business Papers, such as BILLS OF EXCHANGE, PR0MI8OHY NOTES, CHtCK ACCOUNTS SALES, ACCOUNTS CtRRENT, LETTERS, INVOICES, At.. Ar mad out as in actual buslnes. pem.uXksiiip I taught by a superior peaman in sueb a meaner that an attentive student in a short tire gains a Rapid, Free and Elegant style of Business Writing. ORNAMENTAL WRITINO, . Of all kinds, li executed ia tb most finished man- COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Inoluding thebest and most rapid methods of tm. cutini Interest Kxohanire. Profit and Bale. Avera ging Accounts, Ao.,ar oompriaed ia tb Ceurs of insiruauon. BCSINES8"PRACTICS9, Purobam, Bale, Consignments, Shipment, Deal ing with Banks, Remittances, A., A. Also, Commercial Law, Pbonograpby, Btttoting Counterfeits, 4o. Students rroelved at any tint, and Instituted at nob hears as may dcm suit ineir eonvenienoe. Th larra number of business men now in attend ana, and tb numerous applications received for its student to fill vacant positions, fully attest th ap preciation in whioh the institution ia bold by tb business community, OPEN DAT AND EVENING. CATALOGUES BENT GRATIS. Tk. rllJ. riMMiMUl Avttltmati and R a- siuese Manual, for sal at th College. Handsomely bound, 12 m. Prio, $1.(0. Bent post paid to any 8. B. CRITTENDEN A CO. July 15, lo8.-m ELECTIUC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. THB XAST rNDI TELEGRAPH COMPANY'S OFFICE, Itoa. 8 V 8 ?faaaam tract, NEW YORK, Organised tadtr spoclal ehertei from lb StaU f New York. CAPITAL . . . $5,000,000 ' SO.OOO BUnraa, 100 Easi. .53 DIRECTORS. Hon. ANDREW 0. CURTIN, PMkAelpbia. PAUL 8. FORBES, of Ruis.ll A Co., Chin. PRF.D. BUTTERFIELD, of F. Batterfieli A Co New York. ISAAC LIVERMORE, Tieasurw Michigan Central Railroad, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer Amer can E press Company, New York. Hon. JAMES NIXON, Syraeare.N. Y. Hi- O. H. PALMER, Treasurer Western Union Telegraph ompanv, New Yoik. FLETCHER WE9TRAY, f Weetrey, OlbU k HardcaMle, New Yort. NICHOLAS MICKLEt, New York. Oflloara. A 0 CURTIN, President. N. MICKLES, Vice President. nnnRRK CONANT. Seeceutrv. GEORGE ELLIS (CaaUierj;Netloua! Baak Common wealth,) Treasurer. Hon. A. K. McCLl'RE, Pkiladelphia Solicitor. The Chines Government having (through tb Hon Auaon Ilutlnifanir) conceded Ui Ihia Cumpany the pnvi Irte of connecting tne great eeepoita of the F-mpir by euonuriii elecuic telegraph cable, we propose commen cing operations m China, aod saying down a line ofuiue hiuuiied miles at uuce, kclweeu the fx do wing paitsi vn PorcLanoit. C.nton, ''"I0',01!!; Macoa, 0."uu Uone.Konc. ...... tM.UfXt u.o. aou.uM a Mr . . . . . -. siv,vw Foo-Cbow, KW.WW Wan-Chu W. Nine no 4f000 Hang Caeaa s,aw," taaiMhai. 1,0(10,000 Total, ,IU,M These boiU have a for.itn eoenmeree ef (800,000,000, andaiiemrmiHiedimetie trade, beeide which w have the immense Internal eommerc of th Empire, radiating Irvm tbeee poiius, through us canals and uavmaUe iivcis 'l'lie cable being laid, tnis Company pmpue. ereenug lend kure, and eeuiiili.liiiig a speedy end tiuworU,y meane el communication, which must command Iher, as very wneie elee, tlie uunuuicaiHns of the Uoveinmeiil, ol Uutiaeas, and ef eouutl Ufe, especially u China. Hhe u.. uu piuii ) Kim, and aer only Means now of emmu iiicatiug luioi malum ia by oouii.isuo laud, and by aieau). erson water. The Western World knows that Chin is a very brie eountiy, iu the main tteueely peopled j but few yet reelue that she eontaius more than a third of the human race. The latest returns made lu her eentrat auth-Hitieefnr tux nig nurpoeee by the local megistniles muke bet population and this is mote likely to beamier thau over the aetua! arireaa'e Nearly all of theee. who are over ten ears old, not only caubutdo read and write, Her civilisation u pcculiei, but her lilerstu'e le es exunsiv as that of Eu rope. China is a laud of teaehers and traders ; and the kilter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves of every proffered facility lr procuring eaily uifutinaliou. It is ousei ved in California mat the Cuineae make great use of the telegiaph, though it there transmit nieeaage in Ere giieaalou. To day great aumber or neeteieamers au owned bv Chiueae merehanta. ai ueed bv tacaa rxrla- eively fot th tranamisaioa of arly intelligence. If the telegiapk we prtipoea, euonectinf all their great euapnrta. were saiw iu eaiaune, it i believed thai it bneiiieae w,fuiu fmj in. oue wiuiir in nret iwti ycare w lie euo eessful operation, end would ateudilv inorrae thereefler. No enterprise eommende itself a iu greater degree remunerative u capitalist, and Hour wh 4e people It i of vast national impot lane euoimereiaJly, aaliucally, and evangelioalioelry. Cf Tbe etoek of thie Company hue keen anqeeliArdly recommended so eapitalieta and biiaiiieaa run, ae deair abl iuveatmant by ediiorial article In the New York Herald, Tribune, World, Time, Poet, Expreee, Indepen. oem, and in tne rnneiieipma renrin amerioou, r'ees, Ledaer, Inaairer, Are, Bulletin and Tebwrank. Share of tbi Ciwinanv. u limited nurnher, may be obtained at jO aeh, $IU rwyabl dowa, tit mi the let of November, aad mff payable i samithly luataimenie of i.MI aca,euemiiiig iwnuNS s, ises, aei appnaauaei DREXEi & CO., S4 8Uh Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. - Shares eaa to obuiucd ia Sanbary by apphcatioa e S J. PACKER, Banker, who i aatkorixed lo receive eub- aniptioaa, and eaa give all asosassiy iafoiaatioaa th BU)Ot. BepUmbr l, IN).-ns. ' F. R Saddler, w bav Saddl Tree. BiUa. Book lea, tin Trees, Pad Tree, liana, all kind and vary tning perlainlcg la tb busineea, for sal by J, ii. COWLEY CO. B IKD CAUKS, 11 different kinds. If you want gooa ana cnoap aira vag, go i UONLETAC0'8 SHOEMAKERS. I BE best qualilioa of Sol Leather, French Calf skin, MctTooeo. Liaiaa. Last. Nail. Peas. Toot of all kind, aad rrery thlof aaad by tk tra, orsai tw oy j. a. VVUS A tV W. A." BENNETT, DRUCTQIST AND CHEMIST, M.rked Beiaiare, ICNIIVRT, Fa, Has Just opnd a fresh and full assortment of Drucrs and Iledicinea. tnforpMed In purity and fresh no, aad kept n ktanUy a hand. My etoek will always b fmad oomplet ia Very ntiol merit la IlaAlalna. Pkytioiaa and Customer may Vly oa promVk m aad atUatioa ka order, v FANCY ARTIGIatiSi My (took la annsaall larva ami miMiu. aae-. Uing that ean be foand on a first elaaa Toilet Table, Invading Amrioaa aad gnin rreaoh aad Sop PERFUMERY. Pomade, Hair Oil, Ivory, Oatta lTna Wood and Horn damha Boaaa. Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brush, A. Patent MedlctnM. Imbraeini all th mot popular PrpaxtiBi af tk day, at manufaoturer' price. Para Havana 2AH8 and OHBwINw TOBACCO oftbbt Brand. PaUntaH Olla, Olaie, J Ian, Pntty, Yai-mlahea, Ac. All mv Tinoturee. Svtud. 0intmntf . Cerates, and ether preparations aio manufactured by myself, and irom in neet enawriai a oan procure in juarxet. Uavinc had quit a number of v ears' xpeTrae la tb Drug and Preerijjtion Butinett, both in Philadelphia aad th eountry, and also th aavantag or tne urwieg 01 rnarmaey. i I eel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tb Physloiaa and publio nay favor ra with. au my preparation as i nav aoov assert a, are xoad from th beat material, and atoa honor I assert, they ar of offielal stremth. or sntdiotnal purpose, I keep oa hud th very WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean proeur. Before purchasing lswhr, all aad convince your own mina. rr. a. DfAMitTX. Banbury, May 1, 1B89 . xL,adIa, Fancy Far ! AT JOHN TARIIRA'S, Old EeUblished TUB Manufactory. V. TIB ARCH Street, aaor un, rui.ii-a. Bav now in stor of sneown Imnortation and Manufacture on of tb ' largest and moat beauu. 'jtjjfclui leotton or a,- JTArtUX 1UK3, tor ijaaie ana voif dren's Wear, in th oity. Also, a fin assortment of Gent' Fur Gloves and Collar. I am enabled to dispos of my good at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefor (olicit a eali Irom my meads ol norinumoeriana oouuij bbu vi oinity. Remember th Nam, Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA, No. T1S Arch St.. abov 7lh. south side, Pbllad'a rjr I bav no Partner, nor connection with any other stor tn Philadelphia. vet. , 03.-.m FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TUB ubcribr respectfully inform th public that he keeps constantly on band at hi new WAREHOUSE, near tb Bbamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNRURY, Flour by th barrel and sack of all kinds of Feed by th tn Tb abov it all manufactured at hi ewa Mill, and will b sold at tb lowest oesn price. J- M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 1868 ; NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON TOXJ3STIDI?,-Sr. 3EO. noiiRDAcn c sox, SXT TBTJR"ST. rv.. TNF0RM th publio that they hav astablUhed a A MACHINE buoj", in eonneonon wnn tneir FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Doring Machine, with th latest Improvements, witn in aia ot skiiiiui me ehaniee, they ar enabled to oxeouU all orders of Ite'vT Work r RepaJrlnxr, that mit be riven them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt thoir Foundry, they ar rtadv to execute all kinds of CABTINUS. Iiraaa Caalistea. Alc. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their tnperi- ority, have been Mill lurlhw unprova, ana win u ways b kept on band, ciunbury, Jun 13, 168 A Lecture to TgSF 7STOXJ3STC3- MEIT, Juit Pulhihtd, in a Staltd Envtlof. Prict lit etnti. A Irtura osa the Nature. Treat' soent and Radioal Cur of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervous ness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Ineapacity, resulting from Self-Abue. Ao. By HoatRT J. Culvbwll, M.D., Author of th ' Oreen Book," Ao. Th world-renowned author, in this admirabl Lecture, dearly prove from bis own experienoo that tb awful consequences of Belf-Abus may be effec tually removed without medicin, and without dan gerous surgical operation, bougie, instrument, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cur atooo certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may our himself obeaply, privately, and radically. Ibis Lectur will prove a boon to tnouaanas ana mousanas. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelop, on tb receipt of six cent, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culvorwell's ' Marriage (iuide," prio 2 ctnts. Address in runiisner. CIIAS.J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Offio Box 4,466. July 4, 18iJ8.-y NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SCEXETZ'3 CBLEBRATED B i 1 1 er Cordial. This mtdlaal pTpratlon is lew ffrd to tb publio a a reliable substitute for tb many worth less oompounds wbieb now flood tb market. It is onrelv varetabla. eomrxjeed of various herbs, father d from th treat storehouse of nature, and selected with th utmost ear. It is not reooiu mended as a Coaa All, but by It direct and salutary tnflu no unon th Heart. Liver. Kidneys, Lungs, 8to mach and Bowels, it aatx both as a praventiv and cur for many of lb disease to which thos organs ar subject. It is a reliable Family Medioine, tad ean be taken by cither infant or adult with th same benefioial results. It is aoertain, prompt and speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bowel Complaint, Dyspepela, Lowneaoof Spirits, Fainlines, bick-Uaadacbe, Ao. For Chills and Forers of all atnas, tt te lar better and safer than quinine, with' out any of it pernioious effect. It create an anc tit, prove a powerful digester of food, and wll) nHDinui mi eueei oi liquor in a tew minut. Prepared by JACOB BCHXETS. Sol Proerietor. N. W. Cor. Fifth and Kae Si., Philadelphia, Pa. doiu oy an vruggisu. nov. i, ea.-y LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS Joseph Eyster, Corner ef Market aad Fourth Street, BUNBURT, ' PENN'A. Invitee tb publi to call aad examine hi elegant aaarunwioi FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. sueh ae Table Liases, Domestic. Doyhee, Towel, ana uomoue i vry aoripuoa at tb very low ei prio. OASSIMERES CLOTHS. 8cG . Silk. Delaine, Lawn. Oinabam. Caliaoe. Mualina, Cheating, Tiokioga, Jeans, and a full arunntf Cotton ana Weolea good generally. Hosiery, Olovee, Hoop bkirU. Alas Ilandkeyshlett, Braakca, Comb. lata at aid Um, lteeta assd Mheea, Ui aaaortmeot f good will not, k is Mr fail te pleae th fancy and suit th want of any deairou 01 puronasmg. xtis si oca ot HARDWARE AND QUEEN8WARE, and Qrooarie is larg in quantity and ehole In Suality, ooinprlsiiigguuerally everything needed ia io houaebeld either iur use or era anient. . He is always ready and glad to see bit friends and take pleasure iu (bowing tbem his good va though ao sale ar mad. II ouly asks a oall, and i aur thai tb tock will oompar foyorably ia prwt ana quality wub uk caeapeei. JOSEPH ETSTZK Suabmry, Vor. tt, UH. IIAA0 K. STATjTFXS, Waueammajcer and Jaw tor, . JTORTH Id IT, COB. On QVAJKBT, : PHILADELPHIA. An assortment, ef Wat aa. Iswesrv. Silver aad Piste War ennsuatly em band, arRepairinc of Wtca and Jewelry BrosapUy at tended to. Nov. 0, ISH7 I y. 628 HOOP SKIRTS 628 Aha" C0RS?S, CORSETS. WM. t . HOPKINS, !. Arch Streett PMIIeatniat. MAKTJTACTTJRIR OP THB CterUd "CHAMPIOX" IIoop BkhU FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Th larreet laeortment. and best aaallty and styles in th Amerioan Market. Every lady should try them, a they recommend themselve bv wear ing longer, reuunx tneir snapemuen beuer, lighter and mor lasli than all other warranted in every reapeci, ana soia at vary low price. Asa lor pop kins' Cbatnnhn" Bklri. Superior Hand-mad Whi-Boo OoTMmln Fif- teen different Grade. Ineladinr the "Imperial" and Thompson A Langdon'l "Olov Fitting" Cornet, ranging in prioe from 81 cent to $5.60; together witn josepn uecaei s veieorawa rrenoa woven Corset, superior shape and quality. Tan different Urade, from $1.10 to 85 40. Thayer the finest and best good for tb price. vr Imported. Tb Trad supplied with Hoop Skirt and Corse la at th Lowest Rnte. Those visiting th City should not fail to call aad xamin oar Uoods and Prioe, as w dfy all om- peuuon. rcpruary , leca loreo. No. 35 South Third Street; PHILADELPHIA ENEIUi7aENTS, y?M or the fxJ. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tb Farrowai. Lira Iwswaaaea CowrasT te a aorporatioii eha'ered by speotal Aei ef Cuearees, ap proved July SJ.lsw. with w r CASH CAPITAL, SI, 000,000. FULL PAID. - V."r., Iff"' offered to Aitent and tollettDr. wh areinvliedtoeppiyatouroiAce. ru 1 1 pi tloolam t J bb ad on applleailoa at Mr oflM. loaateu In the seoert stofry of enr Bsukinx Hove, where Circulars end PampbieUJ. fully d-iiriMi. th advaaiag es oSered by t he Companv , ni.y be b ad. E. W. CIAltK it CO., Jf: 4 ol TA.ri St. Application for Central nd Western Psnnsylva- niaio osuiaaero . o. nuooAliii, Mistets. Augnw 16, 1888. ly. Harrisburg, Pa. SEEING IS BELIEVINCr At 7A Arch Street. NEW PRICES 1 NEW OOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, Including vry style and daeoriptioo, mad expreely for the Winter trad, which for neatnee and durability oaanot b surpassed at JOHN BOWMA2T8 Wholesale and Reiall Manufaoturing Establishment, ru antll alnEal, PlilLADxiLPillA tyR. plating at short notre. December 21, J867 .aug27 h H. Conley Co., Market S treet, East oftbe M ssl Iroad QTJTBTJH"X", PENN'A. DEALERS IN FOREIIjli eft AICBICA?Te Hardware & Cutlery. fTlUE attention 0f Mechanic. Farm, Builder, L and Buyer) generally is invited to th fact that w ar now offering a better selected asortmnt of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC., than ever was offered in this marked at prioe much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprise all article ia this line of buslnes, mbraoing general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS. BLACKSMITHS, CAHUIAOB AND WAUONMAKKKS, JOINERS, AO., AC, together with a larg stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes.'Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, A., Ao. Sunbury, March 0, 187. SUNBURY MARBLE (THIS andersigned having bought the X entire slock of Dissinger A Taylor, would Inform tk publio that k is now ready to do all kinds of marble work ; baa on hand, and makes to ornr ai snort, nouoe, Noaameat and IIeadStenea, of very style to suit purchaser. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Post with Galvanised pip and all other fancing geucrally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will ooutinue in tb amployment, at tb old stand in Market oquere, ounoury, ra May, 'S.-ly. W" M. DAUUHERTY. NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANTJFAOTORY. THB subaoriber renpeotfully inform th cillsens of Sunburv and vioiuity. that b has opened a . of Sunbury and vioiuity. that he ha opened a shop in Sol. btroh's Blacksmithsbop-Building oa Chestnut strut, Sunbury, Pa., where he keeps oon stantly on hand, and manufactures to order, d'arriai(ea, Ilesarttrya, feisslky a, A.C., of th latosl sly I aad of lb beet material. ' Repairing of Wagons, Carriage. A., don at th shortest notic. Persons in want of fine Buggies and Carriage, ar requested to call befor purchasing eliewbere. H. C. KOCBU. Sunbury, July 1 1, 1888. ly War. Fabsoit. Nlso Pus a FURNITURE ROOM 8 WUL. pahsoit & S01T 'at of th firm of Faraoa A Davla.bav opened ware rooms at No. 1JH South Sd street, below Deck, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of PAULO it, CHAMBElt, SITTING ROOM and DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Their old customer, and all persons wishing t purchase, are invited to tall aad examine their aloek before purcbaeing elsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. tnyS ly. IUeulssllea r fartaerahip. NOTICK is hereby give tbat th co-partnership heretofor xisting between J. Welsor Buober and B. Huter Bucher, trading under th firm of Bucher Brother. "in tb tanning busineea, was ibis day (August llih, 188,i dissolved by mutual eon aul. Tb busineee will hereafter b ooduotd by th andraignd, at lb old stead, where all prou indebted to th firm ef Buoher broth ere. ar re queeted to call witbeut delay aad make eetttement, and save coil. K. MA6ejJl BLCilhR. Sunbury. Aagnet it. IMi. dm. A MIA tant CHOICE FUIUI & ORNAMENTAL m s ft 2 Q a BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer ia Frail aad Ornamental Trcee, will fura iak from lb mutt responsible Nurseries ia this and ether bvales, trsl elaas TREES of all kinds. Also, Bhrabbary, Viae and PlaaU. Oardta beads of ail kinds. EEKD POTATOES. Nw Whit Peach Blow, Early Ooodriob, Chil and Harriaoa Potato, ia large and small auanliet, ar offered for sale. Order ar respectfully aolielted. Addros ' BENJ. B0HNIR, Pkxiaoa, North'd. C. t3 N. B. Insuraoae taken ia several ef th noet responalbl Fir luaiaae aad UotM P.lKUv Ceua panics ia tb Stat. Oot. IT, IMl.-y Great AUraction, NEW TIN-WARE, neet I rent ami Ptere fttere er SMITE & GrZlTTZZR, Whera thy tsep eoaetantly oa hand aad nafa tar to order at sltoTt oo4ee. TIN AND SHS1T IRON-WAM af all deawriptloa. They woaid pWly wall th atteaitiM af tw taaan ta tair Larg aad rU id a af COOK AMD FULL0K STOYZS. Th subaoriber hay nad arranremeat hay all their ht Move mad to rder, and those wh would hay a good (toy wonld do well ta g and azaasin their larg and wall selected stock. First. They defy competition n U fallowing tried Brand ef Ck Alaves, vlai OBeMktaiUen Dai Burner, Ceek. GeTemer Coelfi. WABASH AND IHOSSIDBS. . and th well knowa Aatiduft Caok Stor tailed BPSAR'S ANTIDU8T. Ala. Parlor and oAoa Stoves la great variety m bracing all th beat manufacture and most fashion able deaie-n. aneumaseed for baoty of finish aiaipll- ityof arrangemenUeomblning cheapness, durability and mob (toy warranted to perioria waa uy ar rpreenteti. aiso, aBairatd uattimor rirs rise etor, for heating first, ond aad third Marie by Registers . Ahn, VULCAN BXATBR. Also.th eelebratad M0RNINQ GLOAT.) ' ' CoaU OU. Cnl Oil Lamp, Shades, Chlmnlee, aad all nrtlelea usually kspt la an tabllshmit of this kind. They ar also prepared lo furnish Slata and d dating la in Don worxmaoiiK manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Bpoullng, Rang aad Fnmac Work, Oa Fitting, A. Repaixuig aaUy ana eneapiy execuiea. Ato : Baaich'a Btw Bene iarPlsea- pbate." Remember th viae. Samel aad Sale Reeen nearlv onnosit Coaly1 Bardwar Stor. Mark street, between Third and Furh ttrt. Building dare, painted. August So, 1881. f. C. OKARnABT'B Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, Blarltet Street, Baahiary, Pa. CONFBCTIONERY OF AIL KIXD8, TOTS OF BVERY DEftCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for 1 at the abev atobliahnaat alwbolceale and retail, ai raa ablenrices. He ia mannfaotnrlng all kind of Connetionarie to kp ap a lull assortment wnioa ar seia u low rates. Tobaeao, Began, Stationery, Nut ef all kinds, aad a variety of other artisles, all of whioh ar offered Wholesale and retail. riTRemember th nam and plaa.r . . a i,w in I, i fill m . v. vaartflAni, Market tUeet, I doert west f E. Y. Bright A Sea" (tor. Sunbury, 8spt. 1. 18J. tf TUB GREAT AMEBIC AIT COMBINATION Batton Hole Oreraeamlnar Aaa ' SEWI1TO- XvIACHIlTS. It Wndrful Popularity Conolusiy Proof of it Ureal Merit. The inoreas ia th demand for thil valaabl as bin ha been TEN FOLD daring the lad teven xaonth of it first vear before th nublie. This grand aad surprising suooess is unprecedent ed in th history of sewing-mechine, and w teal fully warranted in oiaimng inai IT HAS NO EO.U AL, Being Absolutely th Beet rAHlLT HACHLII IN TUB WORLD, And IntrintUally th Chft. . It I really twa machine combined in , (by a slmpl and beautiful meohantoal arracgemeat,) ma , l . V. . , CL..H 1 - - .:.U J A A King now we oautuvvr iaw.-iulcu, vi eaming and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It exeoatee in the very bt manner every variety of sewing, suoh as, Hemming, Felling Cording, Tucking, 6titobing, Braiding and Quilting Uatheruii- and sewlnc on. idon at tb am time,' and in addition, Overseams, Embroiders on th dg and make beautiful Button and jCylet-hols la au fabric. Every Uaohin ia warranted by th Cempsny, or It Agent, to giv enlir satislaeUen. Circulars, with full partioulars aad samples f work don oa tai Maebln, can a aaa a applioa uoa at io eaiaaroom or. THB AZVXSRXOAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMINO AKD SEWLNQ MACHINE CO., I. W. Cor. Eleventh and Cbestnnt Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions give on th Maahin at tha rooms of th Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FUED'K PAXSON, Fraaideat W. B. Mcwderhall, Treasurer. April , 1B68. lyejan. IS, BRAND BARBER SALOON. Tha Oid aad most noted Inatltutioa tha Kind in 8unburr 3. W. WASHINQTON, HATING removed to hi new building oa Third Street, between Market and tb Depot, is now repard to srv bis customer bettor thsn ever -laving secured th services of first elaas Barbers, SIIAVINU AND HAIR-DRESSINO will be executed in tb latest style. Th building having bea erected pelally for th purpes of a First CI as Barber saloon, aad having fitted it up in th latest styl, h bop le rsoeive a liberal char of patronage. In tb adjoining roem a first elasa Confectionery has been opened for the sale of IceaCreatn, Caadlee, Cake, Beer, and numerous other Temperane Drinks in ommoa us. Orange, and other delicious fruit and eatable of bom aud foreign growth ia rich profaaioa and legant variety. Sunbury, September (, 18fiS. THB GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I XT STJIXrBTTIRrsr. U oa Id street, oppotit th MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW FH0T0QEAPH GALLERY, Bat aLately Uatabllahed, with all the Modern InapreTanieata r the Art I TUB sabaoriber, kaviag built tb rora aspranly for th purpos of Photographing, aad having devoted many year to tb basin, is ooldat of hi ability toaasar hi patron that th work pro duced shall b eeoond to aoa ia oanlry ar elty. No work allowed to ! tha gallery unlee a tirely satisfactory. Having th beet aky ligkt in Ik aounfy, k i prepared to mak Photographs ia all kinds ot weather, but would proa- a dear day for small children. 11 I aia prepared to take aaw at, at aeMaet Card Photograph. All kiade mi ptotaraf copied aad magnified to any required sis and aolored beautliully in Oil er Water ooloreor India ink. W pay special attention to all kind of aut door work, each as Laadseap views of Monument, Machinery, Ooaaty Heale, A., larg lot af Photograph frames teoatantly en hand. The publi ar raspaetfully invited to call aad a our specimens and ear complete arraagmnt for making Photographs, special torn to faaailie aad olube. . BBE0STRB8SER. Sunbury. July 15, TO BTJILDEES. WINDOW ttlas aad Building Hardware at th tW Cash Prices at the Maaasueak Attotaof U. T. FirVRM. WB hath OOTwrlB With great iadanaU to ag tote-oparat with a ia our 6 RAND ONIB DOLLAR BALK, BKtttingt Jr tf Cott U ur AgnU. WoUhf frt f Coi to aur Agnt. Sttcing Mochin Jr J Cost la vr Agtntt. Laihr Ooi Jr ef Cott t ur Agtntt, Lint Good Jr Cott to aur Agtntt. Sill and SKmtclt frtt tJ Cott U tw Agtntt, Boot vti Shoetjr of Cott to our Agtntt. Drut Good frtt tf Cott to our Agtntt 0REAT DOLLAR BABwAINS for 9V Ctutowait. aad Cm or circular. Ages Is wanted vrywhr AddreaJAI T STEWART CO . Ottlt -ta S d 4 ry !, F T Merits etta Central Hallway. STJMMKR TXMB SOIISDVLA O"4.'1!" o M. ISIS, trata wifi Uata SUNBTJRT, a foliew i - - - . . - . . . LI ATS NOSTHVAtt, 6 M A. M ., Dally for Wllllawrf-t. Datty in . Dunaay,, ror tiimtra, Vanandaigwa. Roe tree bar, Baflal, Niagara FeJIA 8a.Daia Bride and tk Uiaaeu f i.U P. Daily (spt Sunday,) for Blaira, aast Banal via Kri Railway from Rlmlra .M P. M., Daily (npt Saaday,) f WUliam. Sa TB B0DTHWAXD. I.U A. II., Daily (raocpl Monday.) for Baltiaor. Washlnaton aad Philadalnhia. 40 A. M.. Dally for Baltimore and Wasbingtoa. T.0 P. M., Daily (xpt Saaday,) for Harrisburg J. IT. DbBabbt, Ed. S. TBa. aa'l. Bup't., ea 1 Paeeen'r Ag't.. Baltimore, Md. arrut ibarg, Pa, arTallatdalplala St. Erla BaAareaad. WINTER, TIMB TABLB. Tbrugh and dlrt fvat between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, WUUaanport, to th Narti. wast aad th grant Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEQANT SLEEPING CARS a all Wight TraaM. Oa and after Moaday. Nor. I3d. M4S. th 1 oa lb rtLiladelphl A Jul Hall WU1 Know I - wairwaaa. Mafl Train leave Philadelphia, l4Sn. Maaa IHfB 11 M a n At p n 10 90 a m Man d.Upn t.Mpn Ittoaa 1 46 an lt.M ant 1 16 pus 40 asa d.zfian " Duntmry, art. at Erie. Erie Express lve Philaddtphto . eunoary arratEri Elmlra Mall leave Philadelphia, " " ouneury arrlv at Lodk Hsvaa, tisnaa. Mail Trala learee Kri . " ' Buabary. " arr. at PhiladlthU. Brl Bapreat leaves Kri wnnnary arr. at Philadelphia. Mail and Bxare ceaaeet with Oil Oroek ana Allegbmy Rivr Railrd. BA0A3B CHECKED THKOUwJi. ALFRED L. TTLBR, i Seneral Saperiatendeat lR.JB33rJ a. M. RE, Deatlat, Wll reacv hisOSseto J. M. Bimpaoa' Building, 2nd story, Market Square, SXJKrBTJi."5r, PA.. WHERE he will b prepared to da all klndtef work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep constantly en hand a larce assortment ef Teeth, and ther Dental material, from which he will be abl to seleet, and meet th want of hi customers. All work warranted to giv satisfaction, or tin th money refunded. Th vary best Mouth Wash and Toeth Powder kept on kand. Alia reference ar th lumerous natron for whem he has worked for th last twely year.. ounoury, uarca zi, is. mm Ar especially Invited te call and examine ur stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, oomnrlilnf Nail and Spike ef all varieties. Butt, Screws, Strap and T Hingee, Locks and Latehee, Bolts. Pla. Wring Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer s Sieve, A., A., for alby J. H. 00NLBT A 09. UNION HOTEL- CUAB. 1TEBL, Preprleter. Ia Cake". AddiUtat BDNBUXT, near th Feaa'a. Railroad Company's Shop. PBRMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kspt wh will find ample Moommodatien. eooj cooks aad waiters, boarder can enjoy th quia eoea tart of hem witk far equal to th beet keteta, Hi Liquors are ef Ufait ktada. Suabury, Jaae I, I80T. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! M. HrKKLY, TUB aepalar Photogrseer. Lu fitted ap, in th old Poet Office building, three door w eel eftht railroad, Market Squar, en of tk vary bast Sky Light to b found ia tb but, and is now prepared t take pictuaa wf any kind, in nil kinds of weather, early aud Sti. Children taken almost Instantly. Bring along th babiea w are aew ready for them. COME 0'E 1 COMS ALL I both great aad am all, hi aaw rooms, aad ea amine specimen.. FRAMES and FRAMING material constantly oa band and mad to order. Bring along your picturea and have them framed cheaper than anywhere els. Com and see far yeurselvos, Anything in tha piotur line constantly on band or ordered. Cepyiag don in all It branches and aolored as desired. Both out and indoor views taken at chart aotis and on raasoneel terms. Satisfaction guarrantesd, as oar motto I to please. All negativee carefully preserved. Remember th plaoe ask for S. BTKR Lt, Market Hquar. May , '8.-ly. AeTrlcalttsral lnaplemeata, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long aad D Handl Spade, Shovels, Manure and Hay Fork.. Grass and Grain Scythe, Sraia Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stenss, Fanning Mill be ire. of all sisei and kind, a larg assortment of Red Wagoa Hamee, for Plowing, Farm Bolls, Cultivator Teeth, for aale by J. w. CONLEY A CO. STONE WARS. THE bat and cheapest sortmnt of Eton War in the Slate, just received and tor sal (heap at th Mammoth Cask 5ter f B. T. FRFLTNO. falata, Ulla, Ac. A full stock of Oil comprising Linseed Oil, Ooal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engine aad Machinery, Varnishes, 61ass, always on band, at low Pria at CON LEY A CO S Coachmakers. TJB are telling Rime, Spokes, Hubs, Bpriagt, V Caavaas, fiolu, Clip, Axles, A., very lew Large Stock at S0NLBY AWJ. Snnbary, Marah fit, kdf. iRON. A large aaiortnent of th best manufac tured i. Hoop, Band, Round aad Square Iroa, Nail Reds. C act Steel. Dimes Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Khoes, Horse Hail, Anvil, Bsllows, Ticee, Hammer, Stodges, Rasps aad Files, ti OONLEY A GO'S JACOB 8HIPMAN, riBX amd Lira instjhancb aqint, SUNBURY, PENJN'A. airaiiisT : Farmers Mutual Fir Insurant C., York Ft., Cumberland Valley Mutual Proteetioa Co., K aw York M utual Lift, O irard LIT of Phil 'a. A Hert ford Coaa. tteaeral Aceidant. CONRAD MhlYHK. Invuitor mnd Maueturtr tf tkt CELEBRA TED IRON FRAME PIANOS, Wartrooint, No. 733 ArtK St., rhilm., HAS received th Prise Medsl ef the World ' Ureal Exhibition, London, England. The high est Prise awarded when and wherever exhibited. I ES TAB US HJSO IBM Oct. I, '68 -3m Waiter eat at lire lroer SLATE ROOFS. ' TOE andarsignad reepeotfully inform builder ia this aad adjoining oouutiee that h is prepared ta put en Slata Roofs In a superior mannea. li fura. Uhee lb celebrated Lehigh eoanty Slata, which ia tile best ia th acarket. H warrant bia work le be darabla and fire aad water proef. H Invito th ta. apeotioaof th publi loth work k hasdona ia 4ua. haryea Uaapt's, Ureeaeagh' aad Haw' buildiaga, and ea ethers at various place. Ui price ar low a thus of any other (later. Address, D. 8. SMITI, Suabury, P.O., r sail at bis reside In Cppet Augusta two. J a nary ll.IB6d.--ly PHOTO OB APE ALBUMS BOOKS A ITS BTATTONBBT, Monthly Time Book Drawing Books and Slates: Botka, lives Book. Blank Book, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pocket Booka. Ink Stands, Pecs, Peixils, a fie assortment of Paper, Ink, A. Fersal.by ANNA PAINTER. BOOTH AftD SIIOUW. J. C. BYLVI3, W1TU II. G. TUAC2IR, Manufacturer ef FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Boeus, fiheea aad U altera. PUanna' Building. Market Squar, SUNBURX, PA. Ladla' Boot, Shoe and Gaiter of all dacrlptloa aade to order ea th ihortatt notice aad most res aonabl torn. Having th best workmen employed w aa aasare th publio that, if they will giv as a eali, they will he satiated of th abev faU. FAIH1NU neatly don with dispatch. If your eora do hurt your feet, Jut eali and leave your meeeere, And w will make yeur Soon or Vu That e will call irssiiut Mirths, -ty. r,