KNi'U WlkVKHT, Fubliehar. fcU.MlljKY, X'A. SATURDAY, JANUARY S3, I860. 3Locai Slffaits. A in weighing 130 ponndi was killed, on th Kth ult , en Bhede Mountain, lo Snyder eouifiy. Tib Pennsylvania Central Kaileoed Cotnpaoy bave lately purehesed the North Branoh Cuu. lal one-half of tb Lycoming Standard with rudiment, it Wllllaessport, U offered fur sal by Col. Tata. ' Btiu Mat. MMtri. Oeesaman ft 'Sheets, have fttrobased the Sunbury Steam Flouring Hill, lately owned bjr Wm. Kesgsn, Esq. ' Tb Reading Railroad Company hare Uken down til tb old bridge! from Herndon to Trevorton, and t eplaoed these with new one. David Uvtcshsok, for many yer known aa a prominent hotel keeper In Harrlsbutg, died In that city on Saturday morning of last week. Tun Willlanisport Conrooation of lb Bplsoopal Churoh met at Chrlit Cbursh, In Willlanisport, last Mk, services oommenoing on Tuesday Tening. Ta annual report of tb Adjutant General of Pennsylvania gives the number of perron subject to military duty in Northumberland oounty at 4,065. Bcif TeWaiHiP. The Danville American tayl that an effort will be made, thti winter, to annex Slush township, Northumberland oounty, to Montour. A. N. Bwaeti, late ef SelinsgroTO, ha purohasai property In Milton Tor $4,000, looated attheoorner of Broadway and Blm itreeti, wher h will engage lu the tombaton business. "' Tama 1 said to be an eitenjiv tee goVge In the Susquehanna, above W illiamsport. An effort ii being ttade to eut a ohannel through It, to avoid damage V property In the apring. -Old Bcbicribiks. A. Uuffy, Esq., of McKwens Villa, reoontly paid for bii fifty-aeoond year' sub oription to tb Miltonian, and Dr. Tobia Piper, of the lame plaoe, hi Sfty-third year. Fl.t.vrr. There are no less than Ire eandldate for the offloe of oomtable of thii borough, to be eleoted at the oniuing Spring eleotlen. There will oertainly be enough for voter lo select ttom.Miltonian. Taa Lewiaburg Chronic! aayi that about seven- tenth of the property holder of that place hare signed a petition asking the Borough Council to furohase a iteam fire engine and erect water work Taa plaoe of holding eleottoH In Ml. Carmel township baa been obanged from the publio houie of Franoia McCarthy to the publio bourn of Miohael Oraham, the Court having reoently eonSrmed the change made by the votora wf the townahip in Sep tember last. Wi learn that David L. Irland, Esq., had twelve sheep killed by doga on Tuoaday night last. One of the our wa (hot by Mr. Irland and proved to be the property of one of our town butchers. Tbeae ihoep were worth more than all the dogi in the county. Milttnian. Tna following are the ofioera eleoted on Tuesday, January 12, 1SG9, by the stookholdes of the Milton Bridge Co., for the euauiug year : Freaident, The. Swenk ; Managera, Wm. Came ron, John Dateaman, Wm. Stadden, Lena Stout, I. B. Davia, Wm.'C. Lawsen, John Houts, D. L. Irland ; Treasurer, Joa. Bound. Election or Ban: Directors. At an eleotion held at their banking heme, oa the I2th init., the following gentlemen were eleoted Director of the Northumberland County National Bank, of Sbamo kin : P. W. Pollock, Tbomaa Banmgardner, Gam uel Hoover, Wm. Monteliua, Henry Heiser, John B. Douty, H. Y. Friling, W. T. Grant and John A. Otto. TaiicaaKOUiSrAiira. Complaint are frequently made in regard to the liability of postage (tamp to deaert tboir trust and leave a letter in the luroh. Much of the dimoalty la due to wetting the itampi only on the gummed aide. Tbia causes the expan sion of one aide more than the other benoe the aiamp adheres Unperfeotly, and when dry la liable lo peel off. Wet both aidei and affix, and a very little gum will cause It to adhere with perfect security. FaivrcL Daara. We are sorry to record the death of Annie, (daughter of Frederick Wilhelm, of the Danville Hotel, aged about eight year. Her clothe accidentally took fire, and before she could be rescued, wa so badly burned that ahe died on Tues day morning, after suffering for several hour. The sympathies of the community are with (he afflioted parents, In thoir audden and sad bereavement. Montour American, Hthinet. Lackawahua & BteoBBscRO Railboad An eleotlon for President and Director of the L. ft B. A.R.waa held at Kingston, on Monday, at 10 o'clock, A. ii , when the following were elected t Prentdent, James Arohbald I Director, Mesa Tay lor, Jco Brubin, J. H. Boranton, Samuel Hoyt, Jno. C. Phelps, Jamee Blair, T. F. Agaortoo, D. O. Dries baoh, Fayne Pettebone, W. B. Storrs, A. T. Mo Cllntook, and Samuel Sloan. Tsb Schbcbt Bcildio Association An eloe ticrn of officer of tb Building Aaeociation was held at the Masonic Hal), en Friday night last, which re sulted a follows : Vice President J. M. Cadwallader Secretary J. Weiaer Buoher. Treasurer H. Y. Friling. Eolialtor Qeo. W. Haupt. Directors Jacob Ehipman, Samuel Faust, Philip Bile, N. F. Marti, Jacob Fetter, Wa. H. Miller, D. O. Diadinger) A. N. Brio and Heary Clement. TanrsicaoRBAK. Prof. George Eokert, of Nor thumberland, will give a Sociable at the Mason io Hall, this (Saturday) evening. Tb dancing will commence at 7 P. M. We learn that it is the Pro fessor' intention to give a Soeiabl In the ball every Saturday evening during the winter. He will give instruction to the ladies In the art of dauolcg in the afternoon, from 2 to 4 o'clock, and to the gentlemen from 4 to 6, after which, in the evening, a hop will be given for all who may wish te participate. Tib Fisa Mabxbt. The completion of the rail road between this place and Erie, though 287 miles distant, has brought that great take almost to our doors. Moat of the freah Ash sold at this place eome from Lake Erie, and are delivered here la lees than 24 hours after they are taken from the deep waters of the Lake. Young ft Israel, at their new (tore on Third street, get .regular aapplie. The pries are 1J oent per pound for yellow perch, and 16 cent for piokerel, baas, whitellsh and catfish. Th latter eome ready droaaed and cleaned, and go off rapidly. n.. - l i j . ... . uKuufcu ua eignty pounds were) sold oa Wednesdsy last In an hour' time. Una. fob WwiiB.-Sever go to bed with cold cr damp fret. Iu, going Into a colder air, keep the Bouth resolutely closed, that by compelling the au to paw ircuitouely through th noae and bead, it may become warmed before It relohe th lunge, nd thu prevent those (hock and sudden chills whioh frequently end in pleurisy, pneumonia, and other serious forms of disease. Sever sleep with the bead ia the draft of, an open door or window. Let snore oover be on the lower limbs than oa the body. Have an extra covering within oasy reaab ia a of a sudden and gnat change ef weather daring the nigbt. Never stand still a moment out of doors, es pecially at street corner, after having walked even a short distance. Never ride near an epen window ef a vehicle for a single half minute, espeeially if it has bean preceded by a walk i valuable lives have thus been lost, or good health permanently destroy d. Never put oa a sew boot or shoe in the begin mug ef 1 walk. Cocai PaoCBBDtKOS The jury trials terminated, last week, with the Henry Kaup vs. . a. W. Her ring cake. Verdict ta favor of Plaintiff, for seventy roar dollar and one octal. Tb remainder of the day (Thursday, January 14ik,) wa taken op ta mo tion, acknowledgement of Sheriff1 deeds, o, Court then adjourned until Saturday, on which day ease oa Argument Lilt were taken ap aad dlspoced of. ..... MOXnAT. Court opened with the trial of Albert Cadwalle dervs. Henry Taa Etten. This wa a nit brought oa a promissory not given by Defendant to Plain tiff. Verdlot In favor of Plaintiff for UOS.W. P. L. Hackenbarg for Plaintiff ana 3. Porter for Defen dant. George Hill vs. J. Fox an! Joel HlgV Plaintiff old Defendant torn 600 bushela of potato, stating kt th Urn Of al that th potatooe were aot as aound they should be. The Defendant looked at the pRkwa Plaintiff' bara-floor and agreed to ept them. After they were delivered, a difficulty arose as to the damaged ne. Verdict for Plaintiff for $25 M. Laweon and Brown lb Plaintiff, and Tharp and Porter for Defendant. Samuel Miller vs. George H'Keo. This Was in appeal oae. Plaintiff seed for damage for Ires pass of Defendant' oattl en hie ground. Defen dant atlogtd that a fenbo, whioh. Plaintiff should have keptrepalred, wu the cause of the Irospaes. Verdict for Plaintiff for (0.00 damage and Defen dant for cost. Lawson Brown far Plaintiff and Porter for Defendant. . I. H. Torrance, administrator of th estate of Har mon CambeU,deo'd,ve. Ira M. Forrester and Nanoy Kline. An this case Plaintiffs' alleged that Har tnon Kline died, having In his possess ion over (4,000, (3,300 of whioh were in Government Bonds and the balance in Compound Interest Treasury Notes and Legal-Tenders, which were not appraised or taken Into aooount in thejinventory of the deceased's goods and effect, It being allseed by Plaintifli that Da fendant had surreptitiously obtained possession of these bond and notes. This trial will probably take np the balance of this wsek. Oomley, Rocke feller and Wolverton for Plaintiffs, and Paoker and Zelgler for Defendant. a m Tb SmccUl Policb Fobcb im taa Coal Rxaioir From a report reoently published it is stated that the number ef arrest made In Northumberland and Schuylkill oountiea, by Marshal Heislar ' police, for the year ending on the lat Inst., wa 447. During eight months of the year 1967 ao less than 650 ar rest were made, whioh shews a large doorcase In crime In the coal region in 1388, as oompared with the former year. No (tronger proof of tb benefi oial results of th law establishing a polio force in the mining districts can be furnished than this state ment. ConvrcnoM or A RobbBr. From a Lebanon oor respondent of the Reading Eaglt we learn that Bcatty, one of the men oonoerned in robbing Hcinen a eon s store, has been oonvicted of several burglar ies in Berks county, and sentenoed to ten years and our months imprisonment In the Penitentiary. His aooomplioe, Miller, alias Black, eaoaped from the jail at Lebanon, and the magnificent sum of one hundred dollars is offered for his capture by the sheriff of Lebanon county. These partiea, Millar and Beatty, appear to be members of an extensive gang of robbers, and great effort were mede on the part of accomplices to prove an alibi at the time of Beatty's trial. Mittonian. Wb regret that we are obliged to chronicle another sad oase of burning to death. On Wednesday after noon last, at Town Hill, Mrs. Royer wa so severely burned that she lived but thirty hour after the oc currence. The ciroumstanccs of the distressing casual ty were these. Mrs. Royer, whose husband' lias sick, was preparing tome medicine and had oooaaion to use some turpentine, and in order to warm it stood the bottle containing it upon the atove when it unset. and in taking fire the flames eommunioated them selves to her clothing. There being no assistance at hand her body was burned In some plaoes to a orisp. As stated, she lived but a short tm:Bloomshurr tiefuoiican, uin nut. Tribute of Respect. Ball or Fort Adodsta Lodsb, 1 Suksubt, Pcnn'a. j At a meeting of Fort Augusta Lodge. No. 620. of I. O. of O. F. of Pennsylvania, the following pre amble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : wbbrba. It has pleased Almighty God to re move from the Grand Loda-e of Pnnlni anil from the fellowship of our Order, bv tha hand nf death, our beloved brother., Wm. Cobtis, late Right Worthy brand Secretary of the G. L. of Pennsylva nia; therefore, Ktsolved, That we, the member and brothers of Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 420, I. O. of O. F., of Pennsylvania, whilst bowing in meok submission to tha band of an all-wise, Inscrutable and moroiful Providence, which has taken from our midst our be loved and revered Brother, the Right Worthy Grand Secretary, Wm. Curtis, deeulv deDlore thla !. to our order of one who, by his many qualities, abilities uu "B HirDa, vu pre-eminently ntred Tor his position as Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- Retolved. That we feel in bla death V... in deed lost a Brother whoae devotion to our Order and bis faithful exemplification of its principles and prooepts in nu daily walk and conversation have not enly endeared him to our heart forevr,but have made him to the world what he waa to na, a brlzbt and ahining pillar In Odd Fellowshio. Resolved. That as a token of nut rttaHrtfnTr. rvfl.f Mid at an humble trlbuta of of a sainted Brother, that we drape our Hall in Retehid, Tbataeonv of these resntuMnna r,nAr ealefLodee and dulv attested h lia atnna k. sent t Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and to the i-ricani mniHj 01 our aeoeased Brother, and that a eopy for publication be famished each of our iuws papsra. C. A. KKIMENSN t DER, . J. . SMICK, Rav. 1'OCHT, Committee. Editor' Tabl. Oobbt' La at 'a Boor, roa rtiiniir-Th. engravinirsinUodev's Ladv'i Bnnli tnr r.v..... ... 1n the same parfeot atyte that ha alwava aharania-. iied this magazine. The first is a steel-plate Hush, he Bleens a verv nrsttv hnma fybj?"",'laU' eonti'og x figures. Tinted pieture or The Schoolmaster's Valentine. Froien Up an original design. Dog, for a footstool, printed in oolora. Children's Ureases, aix figures. Extension aheet with its latest fashions, and a large number of other useful engravings. The work department con tain a variety of useful work. Apart from the handsome engravings oontained in this number, the literary matter is of the highest order. The author ess of "Unrest," and "Snow-Bound," will shortly ooutribute another of her excellent stories. Ad- l--, ao,,,' M' Cor Bit Chestnut ots., Philadelphia. Taa Atlabtio Mobtblt, for February, has a nd rani of articles, mostlv hv wii.imn. tor, a follow: Malbon: an Oldport Romans ; tb second part of a aerial storv. bv T. W. llion-in. eon. The Dooreten. a noam bv Rrfni,i.j n &?.a. man. Our Postal Deficiencies, by E. Hasket Derby. Co-operative Houaekaarjirj tha fo.i,ii r . . ; of papers that should be read by ail housekeepers. vaaries Aiaaaoiaire, foot of the Malign I a skeUh of the oberaoter and writings of this noted Frenoh poet, by Eugene Benson. Consumption in Ameri ca; aheseoood naDarof a nr vtlmhi. . subject of the greatest practical Importance, by Hen ry I. Bowditoh. M. D.r The Bee Vod the Ho,., . poem. Ritualism ia England, by Arthur Pember. Proud Muoe of th baa-siorm, a poem, by Walt Whitman. The New Education, a geaeral etato tnent of th demand of tha lima fi a .....i. oal avatem of education, and an aeoount of the Bci- "' ana i eounoiogioal bcbools founded to fur nub. It, by Charles W. Eliot. Birth of the Solar System, bv James D. Whalnlav. U In Mr,i Lebasmn, by J. W. Deforest . Tribute of a Loving Friend to the Memory of a Noble Woman, (the Du ehese of Sutherland.) by Mrs. H. B. Slow. Our Four Servant.. Reviews and Literary Notices. ilBLB, Oseoon A Co., Publishers, Boston, Mas. Bbaibabd' Musical Woblb, for January, I on our table, and oentain tweoty-faur page of beauti ful muaie and in Ureal in g reading. Thie is th beet and cheapest aanaioal magaain published. 'The """" auaofr oociaina "Maggie Leroy," an ex- ?.tk t "7 hor"- V B- Charles; ' The Specious Firmament on High," seared quar' tuIS :-"wT,,,.vfr0,D Bl0-" 1,ent and brU W!1U U Pl,0i d a choice arrangement of the favorit melody, 'Long weary day.ft The muaie la each number would alone eoet mora thaa i. '""P"0 Prloe of the Mutieai World a year. ak.laaUa,i.I' - M inUM-u "oH-. muaical aketehe, hutU, new, oorrespoaduoe, and entor taming general reading. ' Terms oalv (1. tK par annum. For five subscH. ber th.piluta give oa aleat wridesk Llz)?v: ,lah' ,,i"o ".'rsew" machines, et. A apeeimen eopy, containing CI nl worth of muaie, full list of prei mw7, Ul b. seT. ih.'0U fw P;P7. or (I and secure the Munrtl Werli oae year. Address S f.ianar A besp, Pablithais, tleveland, O BTJ8ilVBSbV"NOTtOi58."" t7Job PrlsstlasaT. HHvlag rVOOlved a large tupply of NEW JOB TYPB, of tarlou aew stylos, Poetere, Handbill, Circular, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Hernia, Labels, Ae., can be printed In the lateet and best style, and on' short eotie.--Order by mall promptly attended to. ' IWIISi I Fo Baib. Aa excellent top buggy, new. En quire at this offloe.' ' ' . Fob Ribt The room adjoining tie hat store of Sam n el Faust, in Market Rquar. lately oooupled by E. A. Evans as a lsw oCo. ' navn-iFin r i Taa fossil remains of an Immense Crocodile have been round al the ed or the Paoifie railroad. Th entire length of the skeleton is 176 feet. A whack from hi tall would have beea aa."atonlsber," but net a great a one as Is th extremely low price at whioh fashionable suit are sold at J. O. Book's Tai loring establishment, on Fourth street.' Wa hav seen many a good thing, and acknowl edged them to be snob, but we can freely say that w never knew anything In the ehape of a boot or ehoe that wa sold as cheap aa they are being dis posed of at Miller's Excelsior Store, in Market Square. Go and see his goods. It yon want to "dree right," all y men and boys of Sunbury, goto John Wilvert's Boot and Shoe Store, On Spruce street, and get your boot and shoes mede right. Seleot your material, and tell him how you Watit lttuadeup. Mr. Wilvert will take your measure,' and a fit I guaranteed. The stook Is so large, the choice Is so great, and the prioea are ao low, that all are satis led. So everybody will tell yon that ha patronised his establishment. A Novbltv. The latest novelty Is a boquet holder In the shape of a rosebud and stem. Tli bud oontatna a delicate watch, and a spring In the stem unfolds tb rose and reveals tb little time piece. Tb greatest novelty In Banbury Ik the latest atylcs of JTat and Cap at S. Faust's, in Market Squat. . Go and tee them. l Ml VIS ! Da. J. R. CaassixaaR, Dentist. Office over li. G Thscher's Shoe Store, Sunbury, Pa. When aching teeth causa dreadful groans, And sleepless night snd dismal days, Who oomn to me mnst grateful owns My skill, whioh all bis pains allay. A moment's suffering I may cause, 'lis but to bring a long release ; And though for once I rend his Jaws, For year to oeme I give him peace. 2m Cob's Cooaa Balsam. The great papular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sises ordinary 4 os., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in tuedioine. No family should b over night without it ia the house. Coa'i DvsrxFSiA Coax Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated ease of Dyspepsia, Flatulenoy, Sour 8tomaeh, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physlolans, olergymen and all who use It, join In unbounded praise of its great virtue. 6oId by Druggists everywhere. Price (1.09. MABBIAOBB, Near Paxlnos. North 'd oountv. en Christmas eve. by tne liev. j. tl. xlobart aiuiett, Mr. Joseph u. Mat, of kihamokin,' to Mia Euzabxth Klsii. daughter oi nr. w. J. Baas. On the 24th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. F. B. Riddle, Mr. F. J. MonoAN to Mir iBBxa u. uaoixssAKX, all of tihaniokin. On th 24th nit. at th residence of the bride's father, by Rev. F. B. Riddle, Mr. J. B. Yab Zabt to Miss Isabella McCbbb, all of Shamokin. On the 31st ult.. bv the Rev. Jacob F. Wamnole. Mr. Joaif D. Fbantz, of the vicinity of tfuehes vllle, to Miss Rebicca k. Rxymolbs, ofWashing- lonvuie. On the 14th lost., bv the same. Mr. J. Wbblbv kbak, or n aemngtonville, to Miss aebbcca Ann niMBr, of Jersey town. In Mt. Carmel, on the 17th Inst., at the residence or the bride's parents, bv it. Trerellaa, Mr. Jons IS. UOCLD to Ails KSBXC0A 8. I'MPLBBr. all of jut. uarmei. DEATHS. Near the Exchanze. on the Tth lost.. TUOS. S. DYE, aged U years and 7 months. Near Milten, on the 10th Inst.. MARIA JANE. wife of John Masteller, aged 48 years, 2 months and zv days. SUNIIl'IlY MARKET. Corrootod Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $11 00 S 60 10 00 do do de do per cwt. per bbl. per owt. per bushel, do do de do perjsound Bye Flour, do Wheat, prime red, Rye. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaohes, pared do do unpared Dried Annies. 00 1 00 1 46 86 66 1 26 SO 26 16 3 00 60 40 26 26 26 20 14 IS IS 0 do Dried bournes, (uns toned,) per Da Butler, per pound. r-ftem Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per doaea, per pound, tl de de do do per pair Special Notitfs. Xo Consumptives. THE advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that druad diaeaae, Consumption is anxious to make known to hi fellow sufferer the mean of our. To all who desire it. he will send a oonv of tha prescription used (free of obarge), with the directions for preparing1 and usiotr the same, which thev will Had a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Ao. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he eonoeivee to be In valuable ; and be bonos every sufferer will trv his remedy, as It will oast them nothing, and may prov UIVMlUg. Parties wishing th Tiresertolton will nleas ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 186 South Second St., Williamsburgh, Jan. 9, '69 ly Kings County, Mew York. 1 'rrora of Youtlit A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Dekalilv, Premature deoav. and alt the effect of youthful Indiscretion will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free of all who need it, the recipe and direction fur makinc the simple reme dy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do ao by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OQDEN, Jan. 8, '69. ly No. 42 Cedar street, M. Y. 0 NS PEICK CLOTHING. .TOrsrno L D ESTABLISHED ; 0K PK1CB CLOTHING HOUSE, OOl "Iterket Slrt, On door abov Sixth, Philadelphia. For many year thi Establishment kas done busi ness on the On Prioe Syam, and w believe w are the only Clothing House ia th city that atriotly adheree to thi prinoiple. We have earned a rep, tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in select- good style and substantial materials, and aot lee npertant, for having all our good EITHA WELL 91 A UK. ' W"mploy Lb best talent, for Cutters, and our Good era of both kinds fashionable find plain ao that all tastes can be suited. The prioes are the very loweet, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise wo could not ascot the competition of our neighbor, fur a no ded notion are ever made, w must put oar prioes down to th advantage w promise. Th people msy depend, thi is tha tru plan apoa wbioh to do business, and saauy a dollar can b sard to Clothing buyer by keeping in mind JONEB' ONE PBICK CLOTillKO HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Kot en the Corner, but one doer above Sixth r..i. .tlAIAU, SkUcaiMKas, April . 1868.-1 4 yn,1 Matf laffo.i-Toting Men's Guide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felioity. The ha mane viaweof bnvolent Phvsloiarm, on tfit Errors . nuutra nwtaone to loam and rtarly Manhood, !. o".iedJ"",r envelop.., free of obarge. Ad-d-H HOWARD ASSOCIATES, Box P . blladcl- June 13, 18fl8.-t-ly. T.f.A ?FV PKMKDY IN CON3U.MPnON.-A m'n iTltit si tl ex ka LaJ av . . " :,i r "T .onaumpunn ror several years, IiIS . J!, Mm?,d lungs, cured himself - --'''"mwb wi toe proresainn, when bis .as. appeared hoprteaj. He Is the only physiolan who bu used It in his own pwwn, or who has any knowledge of It virtue,- d he can asorib tb de gree ot ' . health be now enjoys to nothing but the us of his snidicine i and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction or all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of oonfidenoe in all others, indue ed him to hsinrd the experiment. To those en O'er log with any disease of the Lunge he proffers a treat ment he coufidpnlly believra will eradicate the disease. Price (1.60 per bottle or (9 a half duien sent by express. Send for a oiraular or call on ' Dr. R. Hori.sTu.-s Jacrsjs, No. JS0 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia , For sale by H. Y. Friling, Market Square, Bun bury, Pa , and Druggists generally. May 30, 1S6. ly. TO PHYSICIANS. iNiw Yolta, Auguat tsth, (007. AtMv rne to a!l yonv b my l'RLI'ARA TION OK COMPOUND KXTHAGT BUCmi. The component parte are UL'CUU, Lxar, CI UliDS, JUNIPER BKRHIK9. ' Mobs or l'Kratio!t J-Bilclm. In vacuo. Juniper Berfiee, liy dialiHation, lo frm a fine srin. Cobel e trnoted by displacement by liquol obtatned (bim Juniper Heuira, containinit vfry little sitgitt, a ainull pro'ruouof apint, and mora palatable thiin anv now iu us. Hie ac tive propertiea are by this mode cxtrarlod. I'.uchu. aa prepaied by Diuniats genemlly, ia nf a dark color. It ia a plant that cmitaitarmgrance; theactionof e flame deetmya thia (Us aotiva principle), leaviui a dark and lutinouadecocliun.. Mine is Uie oukir uf inicredienu. i ue mucuu in my praparaiioii predominates ; tho sintileet quantity of the othei iugredieiita aie added, to prevent fer mentation ; upon inspection, it will be found not to be a Tincture, aa made in Pharmacopora, nor ia ita Syrup and tlrererbre can re used in cams where fever or iiifbinimaliou exm'a. In thia, you have the knowledge ot the ingredienta and the mode of preparation. fioping that you will Ihvoi it v.-1 Hi a trial, end that upon luspectiun it will meet with your approbation, With a feeling of confidence, 1 am, vci y respectfully, H. !r. HFLMDOI.D. Chemist and Drunist of 16 Years' Kapenence in Philadelphia, and now located at hie firus and CCemical Warehouse, Sill Broadway,New York. From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in the World. J "lamacquainted with Mill. T. Helmbold ; he occupied fne Drug Siore opposite my residence, and waa aucceasl'ul in e inducting the businras where inhere had nut been equally ao before him. 1 have beeu favorably impressed witu mi vuaiatnci ana emerpnae. WILLIAM WEIOHTMAN. Firm of Powers A VVeightman, Manufacturing iiemiBiB, inin ana mown ecreete. fnuaaelphia HxiMaoLD'a Fluid Extract Uvcho. for weakness ana- Inr I rum indiscretiun. I'he exliauatcd powers of Nature iiivu as aevumpameu oy ao mnny aiaiming aymploma, among wmcn win ue louna, inoispoaiiKin to r.xeriion Loasuf Memory, Wakefulness, Honor utliiaeaiie.oi Fore. boding of Kvil, in fast, L'niveraal Lassitude, JVoetinliou, and inability to enter into the enjoyments of a-Kiety. fhe Constitution, onoe arTrctrd with Orcauie WeaktiMa. requires the aid oi Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which IlELMBOl.D'S K.XTK ACT I1LCI1U invariably dora. If no treatment ia aubmitled lo, Conaump- HsxxB iLS'a Flvid Extbact Bccnu. in arTectlons pecu liar til t-'emalca, is unequaled by any utuei prepaiation, ni In Chlorosis, oi Retention, raiufuluess, nr oppression of Customary Evaouationa, liloeratcd or N:hirrus8tato of the Uterua, and all complaint Incident to lha sex. whether aming uuiu noo:u oi aissipaiiou, impiuuciicc ill, or ma decline or change of life. HSLMBOLD'e FLUID KXTBACT HUCHU AND iMrBOVaS Rosa Wash will ladicallv exterminala from ilia avium diseases arising from habiisof dissipation, at little expense, Utile oi nu change in diet, no inconvenience or expoaure ; completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous leuiediea, Copaivaand Mercury, in all these diseases. Use HlLNBOlD'a r't.uia ExrMACT Bocmb in all diaenaea of three orraiii, whether existins: in mala or femala, fnwn wiiAiavoi cbuh uriginaiing, ana no matter oi now long standing. It la pleasant in taste and odor, "immediate" lu action, and more strengthening than any of the pieparationa of RHrk or Iron. Those sutTering from broken-down or delicate ennatitu-ti-n, procure the remedy at nnca. The reader must be ewaic that, however alifrht may be the attack of the above dnei"a. u ia certain tootled the Downy ueann ana mrnuil powers All the above dieenaea require the aid of e Diuretic. iif.UUtlULU'a liXTKACT ttUCHU tuhtj great Diu retic. Hold by Druggists everywhere. PniCE 1.4i per bottle. or bottles for M an. Delivered toanv address. Descube aymptome lu n conimunicatioiia. rtaurena n. 1 UKi.MDiiLlJ, urueand Chemical Ware house. 504 Broadway. N. V. NONE ARE GENUINE UNI.K33 DONE UP IN steel engraved wrapper, with fac-simile of my Chemical vvaienouBe, auu aigueU It. T. HELMBOLD. Dec. 12th, 1608. 8m. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auditor's Notice. THE undersigned auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court of Northumberland oounty, to dis tribute thebalanoein the hands of Peter B.Massor, one of Executors of Henry Massor, deceased, to whom was referred naca ma former report tiled Anenst n, lboa "for correction and lo report tne roots," aereoy elves notice, that be will attend to the duties of bis said appointment at bis office, in the Borough of ounoury, on raturuay tne zoin any or AiecemDer, iwts, at iw o ojook a. iu. B u. BOltR, Auditor. Sunbury, December 5, 1)S. W. C. Yonsco. O. T. Isbabi. SUNBURY MARKETi 3d St. KEXT DOOR TO KEYSTONE HOUSE fTHE subscribers beg loaVe to call the attention of I tbe publio to tho fact that they have started a Market tor all kinds or Country froduce. Vegeta bles, Ac, and have also mad arrangements to fur nish in Season all kinds of Uame, Fiab, Ao. Native and foreinn fruits, taut. Ac, always on Land, whole sale and retail. All kinds of Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Pioklos, Sauces, Catsups, Ac. Call and see for yourselves, we aely eoaipetiiton either in assortment or prioes YOUNG A ISRAEL. 8unbury, January P, 1869. Adrsalniaitrator'a notice. XTOTICE Is hereby given that letter ef Hmlnls- 1 tration having beea granted to tbe underaigned en the estate of Prudence Carson, late of tha Bo rough of Northumberland, Northumberland county, Penn'a.. deceased. All persons knowlnz themselves indented to said estate are reouested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims against said estate vo present worn tor setiiemeni. aij ni. Aan r. Northumberland, Jan. 9, loo.'t BritUla Periodicals. Th London Quarterly Review, Tbe Kdinburg Review, The Westminster Beview, The North British Review, and Blackwood's EJinburg Magaiin. Th reprints of the leading Quarterlies sad Bleak- wood are bow indispensable to all who desire to keep themselves fully informed with regard to the great subiaota of tb day, as viewed by the best scholars ana sounuesiuunaers in ureal Britain. The con tributors to the nazes of these Reviews are men who stand at the head of the list of English writers on Hclenee, Kellgiec, Art, and Uoneral Literature, and whatever is worthy of discussion Hod attention in the pages of these Reviews arrd Blackwood. The variety is so great that no subscriber sen fail to b satisfied. These periodicals are printed with thorough fidel ity to the English copy, and ar offorad at prices whioh plac tncin within reach of all. TERMS FOB, 1SSI. For any one of the Reviews, For any two of the Reviews, For anv three of the Reviews. W 00 par ann. T 00 " 10 M " la 00 " 4 0 11 T 00 ' 10 00 " For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood's ilagasine, Knr Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwood and any two of th Reviews, For Blackwood and three of th Re views. II 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 1 69 CLUBS. A dUceunt ef twenty per oent. will b allowed to Clubs of four or more peroon. Thus, four oople of Blackwood, oref on Review, will b sent to one address for $12.80- FOKTAUE. Cubceriber ahould PJPT by th quarter, at the office of delivery. The Postage to any part of the United Btatea is Two Cent a num ber. This rat only applies to current subscription, for back number th postsg is double. pBxxirjBS to New fcScssCBiBBHS. New Subscri bers to any two of the above periodicals for WV will be eatillei te receive, gratis, any one of Four Reviews for 1843. New 6ubsribers to all flv of th Periodic1 of HMD may receive, gratis, Black wood or any two of th Far Reviews for 1868. (Subscribers may, by'applying early obtain back sets of tbe Reviews from Jan., Isoo, to Dec .lSod, snd of Blaokwood'l Magaaia from Jan., IBM, to Dee., leorj, at half the current snbeeription prie. pjfNeltber premiums t Subscriber, nor dis count to Club, nor reduced prise for back number an b allowed, aulas th mosey i remitted direot Is tb Fnblkacr. He premium aa be given to Clubs. THI LEONARD SCOTT PUBLIBHINO CO. IM Fulton tract, Mew York. The L. 8. PUB. CO., also publish the FARMER'S (VIDE, by Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and th late J. P- Norton, of Yale College, t vols , Royal otave, lftO pages, end numerous engrevings. Price 17 rr the two vols. by mail, post j aid, H Janearylo, 19. 77". O. Ftf?.2aUT & CO., Market filroet, Six doors East of Third strset, north ' J side, SUNBITRT, My ' RKSPKCTPULLY InfoVm their frlonds and the publio, that they hav openad A 2STJ3"W GEOCBRY, AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to hav them eall and examine their stook' whioh has Just been opoaed, embra cing everythtnglnlhe Uroeory Hue, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Byrups, Spinos, Canned and Dried fruit, Bean. Horainy, Cheaee, Ureekers, Atacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Hoaps, Caudles, Soda, Ac, and ia feet everything in the Urooery and Trovbloa Line. FLOFR AND FEED-, Qaeensware. Willew-war, Qlaasware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Qil Ac. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. . W. S. ECJItHAM A CO pnnoury, ut. 17, 18BS. Tho First Katlonnl IIussU of Sun. bstry. NOTICE is barony given that the regular annual election of Directors of "The First National liana of HurTbury, Ha.," will he held on Tuesday, the twentyistb. day of January, A I. ltWD. at the Banking House, In the Borongh of Sunbury, Pa , between the hours of 10 o'olock, A. M and 3 o clock, P.M.. of said day, in acoordanoe with the provisions of the Act or Congrem. I S . J. rACKKR.Caohier. punbury, Pa., Dec. 26, 186S. WILLIAK N. KELIEJl, Misi-ber nnl nls-Ui i-rtsr, Dewait's Frame Building, north side of Market Square. BUJJBUriy, PA. Of all the arts that grace the land, What graoo oan with tho barber vio : V, ho takes your chin within his hand, While dreaming land in prospoot lie. Witheoothing touch bis raior elides With nimble clip bis soiasor slide ;' And lo ! bofore bis glass you stand Transformed, as In a fairy land. STRAY SHEEP. CAME tethe premises of the subscriber, on or about the 20th of November last, in Lower Augusta township, near Selinsgrova Ktatlon, known as the M'Phorson farm, seven stray Bbeep and one Lamb. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay oharpes and take thum away, dthurwiso they will be disposed of according to law. A. J. BURNS. Lowor Augusta twp., Deo. 18, 186S Bmir&T fancy DAVID :p:Fir RESPECTFULLY Informs tlio citisens of ' no bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of Cakco for Hulls, InrfIo, Arc. Familie. aro supplied with FRERII BREAD, Twist, Bolls. Rusks, Tea Buns. Ao., end also kept on band and in an al'no lured uut of the best maturiala. All orders left bt h'.s Bbop in Market Square, cno door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Sprue Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet with prompt attention BALLS AND EVENIXU PARTIES supplloj with Cakes, Ice-Croam, A., at the ihorteet cotiue Orders aro respectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Dee. 11, 1683. Valaablo Property at Ii-Iv ale Wale. fllllE undersiirnod offers his valuable lot. tb feet X front by 219 deep, on the south-west oord.-r of lue nnamoKin valley and ftortnern t;eutrai itsii. roads, on Third street, on which is erected a FRAME WAREHOUSE, 20 by 40 foot. The Warehouse is a new one, having been built about two years rimie, and is a splendid staud fnr any ouo wi'-hinf to no into the flour and (Train business. The fixtures of the concern will also be offured lor solo, at roosona ble rates. This properly is offered for sale for the reason that I intend giving up business in Sur.bnrv. For furl hor particulars, apply to J. M. CADWALLADER. Sept. 19, 'Si 3m. Sunbury, l'a. H o lk It GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Can Mailt a largeprofit by exohanging them for the FIRST MORTGAGE GOLD 130XD3 of the I' X 1 O N PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, and the FIR8T MORTGAGE GOLD BOSD3 of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. The nav lia Tiaf AAnt Tntaraitt in flol.l anil run for thirty years. Principal also payable iu Sold. They yield between eight and trine per oent. lo the investor, and as soon as the issue is sold, if not before they will doubtless eommand a much higher rule. As a First Mortgage on the tangent line oi Railroad in this country that is already earning more than ita interest liabilities on its way business, and whioh oost nearly three (3) times their amount, the securi ty is unuouuiea. THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS ($30,000,000,; of the First Morlratje Bonds of th Union faciOc Rail Road Company, and of theCentral l'uoilic Ruil Road Company, hav already boon aold. The earnings of the two (2) roads, from way busi ness aloae, were nearly (f 1. 000,000) Una Million Dollars for tbe month of October. One Hundred Million Dollars have already been spent by the two powerful Companies. Fourteen Hundred (HOD) Milos of the route be tween Omaha nnd Saoramento are made by the Lo comotive, leaving leas than 400 miles to build of which 200 ar graded and ready fur -the Rails. We have for sale First Mortgage bonds of the Union Pacini) F.ail Road at 102 and aoorued interest. and First Moitgwge llonds of Ceutral PaciOo Rail road at lui and aoorued interest. The Bonds are recommended to our most cautious customers, aud will bear th most careful scrutiny. Th new deecriptive Pamphlets, with Haps, Ac., showing the ergsnitalion, progress, busiuess and proapeobi ef tb enterprise, will be sent ou applica tion to. . J)K HiVtlN A mm., Dealers ita (iovemtnent Soourities, Oold, ots. ho. 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia. November SI, 1808. y Philadelphia. tfTSatnrtlti tent by mail hen written for. (..Oelobw 3d, 1801 ly REMEMBER llys-rl) saw PicUr OalU-ry three door, west ol ih laikoad. Maibet e juaiu IN SUNIUJRV. THE NEW DRUG ST0KI OF. AttKi.n ; o., orno.hVilT.'.r'''"1 of ,h R"rol. "early oppoaiuth Hardware Storo of Oonlov A Co.. W BUNBURY, PENN'A." the eitiseus of Sunbury and viciuitv to our entire new Stock of ' "iy to our Iare I'rrah IrsiK nnd Medicines " " Paints, Oils and Varnishos. " " Ultuw, Putty and Dye RtutT,. " " Perfumeries, Corahs and Brm-hos " " Patent Mevlicinos of all kinds. LIQUORS by tho Bottle, Uallon, Quart and Tint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON PORTER and' CONliREdS WATliR. Tobacco, Cignrs snd Snuff. Looking-lilass Plates cut to suit Frames. NOTION3 OF ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES Trusses, Supporters, Bandores, Ac Wo hnv solooted our stock with care and can war rant It fresh, nnd of the bust material In the market. Having had several .years' experience in the husiniw we flatter otielvcs that we oan Rive entire sati.l'nc tion to all who may favor us with thoir ptrtmagn. .Special ailvnlion given to cnmpoimdins Phvaii-ians' Proscriptions at all hours of the day or ui'-li't nnd on cundiiys. Uiveusaoull. , J. O. MAHKLE A CO. 6unbury,Oot. 17,1807. ror uomg a family waahiuit in tho bent nnd i-Leap. est manner, tluaranteed equal to any in the world' Hos nil the strentli nf old rin soap tviih fh mild aim lathering (luahliea of gor.uine Caaiile Try this I "I'lendid foap. .Void by the Al.DEN CHEMICAL ' ukkii, 4.i Worth Front Street, I'hila lehihia. Angus 29, lsG8. ly. 5000 May 1, LUS. OK CARPET RAliS WANTED lit the .Store of MOnitE.1 DISIXtiR. Market str7t, .Sunbury. FALL AND WINTER i Millinery Goods,! ss 31 T.a (nOe-Efi-, hci leave tn an- ! nnunue to the Laiiiesof Suubury and vioinitv. that ! ahe has just opened a lurgo and varied slock of i MILLIN BUY-GOODS, The latot Ke.w York and Phila.loltihia style, of ! LADIES' HATS AND E0XNET5. ! WOOLEN GOODS, &0. ! Also, an exoellont assortment of Fashionable Em- ! hroidories. Edgings. Luces, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, OIovm, Hosieries. nd all kinds of Fanoy Notions, Stamped Muslins. Corsets. Perfume. 1 rics, oapfl, Lilly White, Luuuiel of America tionerv, .Vc, .to. .s'la- Call and examine for yourselves. Mo trouble j 'bow sooils Sunbury. Oet 21. I.W. Vt'e do not wish to inform you. reader, that Dr. j Wonderful, or any other man, has discovered, rem- i cdy that cures Consumption when tho lungs nro lutlf i consumed, iu short, will euro nil diseases whether of I mind, body or estate, make men liv forever, and ; leuvo death to piny for want of worlc. and is designed i to make our sublunary sphere a blissful p irudii-e. to which ileavon itself shall bo but a sido show. Yon : havo heurd cu:-Uh of that kind of humhiifrcry, and ; wo do not wonder that you have by this time become disgusted with it. But when we tell you that I'r. Sago's Catarrh Remedy will positivtly cure the worst c:rse.t of Catarrh, we only assert that vthicb ' thousands can testify to. Try it and you a ill be cou- ' vincod. We will pay $500 RxwAnb for a ou.-e of j Catarrh that wo eannot euro. ' FOR SALE Ii Y MOST DRUUGIST3 EVERY WHERE. Pinrr nsii.v 50 Cbnth. Sent by Mail, post raid, for Sixty Centr ; Four Packages for f J.W) ;'or I Doz en for $3.00. Send a stamp lor Dr Sage a jisui hlol on Catarrh. Address the Proprietor, R. V. PIERCE, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. 2 No Hwsibco. It is warranted to cure lost or !m- paired Taste, Smell or Hearing, Watering or U'cak Eyes, offensive Breath, Ulcerated Throat or Motilh, Pain and l'reesuro in the Head, and loss of Memory when caused, as all of them frequently arc, by the ravages of Catarrh. It U pleasant and painless to use, oontains no strong poisonous or eaustio drugs, but cures by its mild soothing action. We will pay o00 Rewird for a case uf Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUGHISTS EVERY WHERE. Pmi K cslv SO Cbsts. If your Druggits has not yet got it on sale, don't be put off with some worse than worthless strong snuff, "fumigntor." or poisonous caustic solution, which will drive the disease to the lungs instead of curing it, but send sixty ceuts to us and the remedy will reach you by return mull. Send stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. 11. V. PIERCE. M. 1)., Buffalo, N. Y. This IsrALLiDLB RcuiBr docs not. like the poison ous irritating snuffs and strnng csustic solutions with which the pool lo have long been humbugged, simply palliate fur a short time, or drive the diauase to tho lungs, as there is danger of doing in the use of such nostrums, but it produces perfect and permanent cures of the worst cokos of chronic catarrh, as thous ands can testify. "Cold in the Head" is cured with a few applications. Catarrhal Headache is re lieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offen sive Breath, Loss nr impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, and im paired Memory, when caused by the violenne ol Ca tarrh, as they all frequently are. We offer in good faith a standing reward of friOO for a ease of Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRl'UUIST.S EVERY WHERE. Pnii'E only 50 Cents. Ask your Druggist for tho ltEUEtir, but if he has not yet got it on sale, don't be put off by accepting any miserable, worse than worthloss substitute, but enclose sixty oeutsto us, and the Remedy will be sent you post paid. Four packages $2.00, or one doicn for $5.08. Send stamp for Dr. Sago's pamphlet on Catarrh. R. V. PIERCE. M. 1 , Bullalo, X. Y. 4 This is NO PATEXT MEDICINE HUMBUU. got ten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being composed of rare aud precinua aubatunoos brought from the four corners ol theearth. carried seven times across the Ureal Desert oi Sahar ah on the backs of fourteen cuniels, and brought across tha Atlantic Ocean on two chips. It is a simple, mild, soothing; remedy, a perfect Specific for Ca taiiku and 'Cold in tux Head," also for offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the Sense of Smell, Taste or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Pain or Pressure in the IT end, when oausod. as thuy all not unfroqucntly are, by the violence of Catarrh. We cflor, in good faith, a standing Reward of "00 for a case of Catarrh that we cannot cure. ' FOR SALE BY MOriT DRlUtUoH EVERY WHERE. Pricb 50 Cents. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of Sixty Cents. Four packages for f 2 00, or 1 Doten for Cj.OO. Send stamp for Dr. Sage's pumphlet on Catarih. R.V. FIERCE, M.D , Oot. 10, '6S-ly. Buffalo, N Y. GOODS FOR TIIC HOLIDAYS. ft J.E.C ALDWELL & 1 0 OS 4'beatniit Mlrscl riULAUELI'HlA. . In addition to thoir largely Increasud Stock of line Yt'tKU'hea, Oiainoiids, Jewelry, Artiatio Silver Waro, PLATED GOODS, Ho., to. Are now opening a magni'cent collection of Foreign Fancy Uouda, in Metal, Marble, deooraleJ Ihj, Leather and GOLLKN OKONZK, in Special Designs of exquisite taste, from all quarters of lurojie, ar Ucularly adapted fur tieir CHRISTMAS SALES. Our arrangements, both In Europe and this coun try, are such as give us unusual facilities in the se lection of and eoonouioal production of our stock. It is oar wish, aa well aa our interest, to secure to our patrons the benefit ef such advantages in. Modersa Prlcris Tliroutthout our itot It, sitlioul lxveiulvu. Dee. 6, 1888 1 F you liavo a VK-ture t-iu aut framed, en tn fl-le'a, and iri-t i' u-..o -ennr lln.ii anv. where i-Ue in town Lii w.-uliiSj ti ;; 5.:n'ie cca:lant.)- en hand. 803.- ' lS6r FALL & WINTER (J00DS. 0 HEAT REDUCTION IS rftK'LS. M. 1,. t,ASA.m"J, vould call tho attention nf Ihn public, end her intuini rs gcuernll.y, to her large aud new a on nent. nf ORES OOi IDS, cnnsistlnf of Ifoplins, De Laiiics, Knpa, Ac, at reJncrd firioee. calicoks or cvEiiy vakikty. WHITE AOODS, iuoluiliug a superior, artitlo of Marseille1!. Kxtrn nuality of Muslin", Dulling, Fine Flanni Is, Canton I'lnnnnK llalinnrnl Skirts, Shawls. Howls, Tiir-n. llrxp Mi in. of all ii tea and qunlitKS, lllnvni f all den-jriptiuns. Inelttding a very superior qttalitv if Ladies' and Ueutlcrueu s Hilk l'lcecu, Lined til .'loih tl lovos. Ladies', Mimes, and ("b'lilren Metir.i Vitr, tiildren'a Wruis and aloud, Ladies' Zvrhvt Jaokets. Illanket Shawls of Hie Inlcst styles snd patttrns Hosiery, Kibhons, Trimmiut:s and Flowers. Laces, Stamped Um1, '.eti cling. Naphins, (juili. Tab '.etibvrs and Tains. Tow. Tnbla t in,.. 11,,,,. ,,,! A-uuics jianuKvr. li-.ots. ScarO, Mull TaMvlr. 1'iincy fuav-v Porfurf.ery, and Toilet arlK-ln generally, on i a larire variety of Notions and Fnnry Arii-li . '1 he abnvo goods are hnld at the lowest risc Call and sea them btlore guinrr r.lcwh"rn. it. I.. LAZAP.U3. Sunbury, Nov. 21. 10?. FANCV I)KV" ViOODtS. ' ALL THE LATEST S1YI.ES, iiituble for tbe V I y T K n S K A s o Nf . 1VTISS KATE BLACK. Market .Square, two loors Ea.t of the old i'anx building. SIN 1:1 L V, Ivnna . nASiiutnrrUnd a frc?h awrltnent of the Tn - t fnsliinnnblo Fancy Dre.K tloods fioui the lurnst I I". .. I . I vrc At . t. ...... rnLaim. imam, in I'h 1 1 I .-.I. a DuLAl.VKS, AI.APAC.tS, PoPLINP. C.iL.'CO I'K ESS SILKS. SILK roi'Ll.NS. MOI SC.l.Atr! Js.)CIlr, f lottii, SaCqiies Flannels, f lannels. -elie. tinr. Sii.r litis, Ladies and Children' HAT.1. Feuthcrs. ltitb. tisv Ikrs-MM 'J'l-immlng'M, i:aibr;lctrjr t Lace Veils. Corsets. Itainlkercliltifs. Gloves, HoslerJ Ilvop Skirts. Hopkins' Elipliu Sliins. ai.d Ladies' !.iois of every riVerir trm. raiilev's pihnnlsat Imrgaiiis. "l'laid Wm.len Shawls, liieukl'i.-t hh iwls, Woolen u.-arfs and Cups for NS'oiin-n ati-1 Children, rtenver and CiiineliiU Wal-i-l'roof Clotl s. (lenu' tlollars, IK auk lies, liull-hose, HiunlliiT chiefs aud li loves, Purfumerv. 'f ni!t Soap", ilnir Ifrusbes. Coaibs. e'o. December a, KATE liLACK Aliu!ulti-:iti-4 'i !.'j of Silai Fenster, dcoerwe l. "KJ''TIi'K hereby jriven that letter of Hiimirn i trnlinn liuying been granfd to Iho unilerin cd, on tlm esiaTu of Silas l-'ouster. Into of Lower Auiriista township, .Nnrthuuiberland ixmuty. cle ei-a"l. All ii-i!,iin ii.dcblc-l to said e.itate are re qunti n immodifto payment? and thosi having eltiiinstu Teseril tl.ern for St-ltlenielit. JMHN' rNVUl.H. A.Im'r I.oer Aiin-ta twp., lice, d, 1&'iA. dt Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Cray Hair lo its natural Vitality and Cclor. A tlro.'ing whirh i -fit once ngrn'nlik't lietitiiiy, nr.J cHiH-hi.i' for jireserving - tins Iiair. WfJ Or 717 hair ii soon jy,-iVv ' to i(s original aU i with tho ghsi a n i freshness of yUk. Thiu Lair ii tliick- cncil, falling hair clictkcil, ami lialti j ucss often, thoupch not ahvnys, ciin J by iis use. Nothing can restore tlm hair whero tho follii'los- are destroyed. or the "lautls nlrojihicil aud tk-wiyeii. Kut such as remain cti;i be enved for usefulness by this application. Itmteatl of fouliug The hair Willi a pasty tedi meut, it will keep it clean aud vioroii-. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair from tttroiug gray or falliug oft", aud irme.i-,ii.,l1. .ma. I. ..1.1 r.- . vi.?.-viiuti V LtlMh VLll. Ullll.IUl.C3. 1 ICO ' I. .1.. 1 , uuill U1UBU UOlClCriOUS 6U0SICUCC3 Wlill't) make some- preparultous thinrei'oiis and injurious- to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. if wauled merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can bo found so deirabl Coutaiuing neither oil uor dye, it doi- not eoil while cambric, aud yet lai-ts long ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &i Co., Practical and Analtical C'ue.mi.t, LOWELL, MASS. FiUCE $1.00. Hold by H. Y Friling. funbury. and ail DrUjt'.'ts and Deal-M'p in Medic-iue everywhere. November 7, ISfiS. ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ion ptniriMe the iilooi. The rrinilatioii thia r. cellmit lut-Uu'iui.1 rnjii ii iloriveil I'roiii ii? thu many of wuii ii sre tru v Ii ai'iclluu. Inmtrra: c i-U'Cj of SiTofnl.mi, .Ii ,. i-:i.e, nhore itie nvisto i scomd Aatiiritta' w:'i c-.irriiiii.iii, liavr liti-4 piuitldil ami iiiifil l,v :l. N-roiiiloui. a (Ti-. lion "a ii. I dioriltr. will. Ii hvh: ,i-- friivaicj by tlK- n-ii t i. lia C:ii J.-l) il-ti in t I thoy n-re pniiil'ullv nnia unir. Iiave boi-n inli ;l! y CUI-t-J III rillrll r'-t lililtni.T ill nlliloit fvrrv a; lion oi tho i on on y. too putilx- oarciiy utj u Lo iiilnriiH-tl -l u. vtriiio.. rr n.-o. tiiTotiilnua ),o!-r'ii is rne of t':o mosf Jc.-.tructli i rnc-inive cl'tur r.ii-c. lift.-ii, t!ii iineon ami uut.-n ti-ii int el llu'ortriiiiinn iiiuli-niiiiM-a il-coontitutinii, nuil mi itostln'atla. aoi cnli-il.liiiKor fatal ilis.-aapt, Miliout rx'itiiiKaiiAi,-ioiiii'ii niv-ii.-p. Atiiin, i: m-cuis to liict.l iiift-t tion tluoiuhoiit tin- W viand lin n, on some favu.-ali m i-ii.l..n, lapi-lly tl,",-,-k,i lino onf or oilier ol ir I iilivius fonua, either on U:a finlaee or aiuuntr the win!,. In Dm Initcr, tuber cles may be nn!i!i ni v ilriiooitnl in the luuirs nr heart, or tumors loruied in the liver, or it -ioua it prai-eni o b eriiitiiinc on the efciu.or foul ulc-r ulioiiH on KiniH jii t of tho boilv. Hciu r- the o--en siolilil lite uf a bolllu uf this Snrtai.nilltti is U't-vii-ulile, eien iiheii -io ai tim avni.tiima of iliaeai appear. I'l-rsmu ailln te-l uiili llie IV-Moiving eoin' lilail.ta gi-nerallv lln.l iiol.ii-ili.iii. relief, i,n., M leiiulh. euro. Ly tin- e.n- ol It. i a .s A It s 4 I'.i I; I .. .I: St. .Nr;,..'i'a i'lVc, u,- Viz-tiri-lti. T- 'li i', Suit Jtlieam. S.all Ilea,!, JUnftuarni, Sure ', Mm j.fir... nuil ottiei eniptiuns ol visibly loriiia of -(ri-oii,ia lih(-a-e. AUti iu tna none eon-valeil iiirma, an rn;,ia, rti-oiui., ' ilrnrt IHeener, tile, l',U,,,n, yrumtiitti anil the mriniis ( rri-oii afioctioua of Uio uiusoti-l.ti- aiul nervoiiH Myhlen. Suiihiiit or I Unreal anil VrfrUrtat htteatd are . iin .l by it. though a lor.a nine ia leuuirej for 'ii telii hiv thee ohMwaie tiihhiilieativaHv inedie.ine Hut ImiK eoniiuii. il life M tl.ia im iti iiie ill cuia Ihri eoiiiiluint. Jfu. ui or l icrine t Irrit.Huuo, ami 7 . ,( Mmrneem. nro cm.' inoiily toon ii-lu-.ej i,n,l uliiiuuteiv eured bv lie puiilUnir anil InvijroniiiiiK eiioet. 'llnut Dire,., tioua an- carb nii- me iuuiul in uur Alinanae. auu- pueu trrntn. ltin-uinuliunt ami ;,, vt-hi-n eaii.-wi by aeeumulntiona of cxiranenr.e mattere in iiiu, viel.l ijineklv to it, aa nlo i.irrr vmplatut, 1 rittltti . i oHgrelltiH or lnan- . t.iolli.Hot the ie. r, an, I Jnunrt,ee,u ,eU tiiunK a. liiry ofte vii-i, uw, muii me riuisiiiijt liofbona in 1hitn.4KHAI-AHll.L.i U a rieat re fer thorieii(.lli ami vignr of the sysieni. ui-ioti. ..lei mr inaarieiiiiiii ami vitro ino. who am l.nUui.l anil l imit,,,, ,aPo.i. tiriit. ,(rl.Jaatat a. ai . I li.,nl,li.J :.a. a . . frrhrflon nr Irnrm, ..r an,- of li, atr-ti.n yiui.toiii.nue o H, ...., vltj om imme.hat. rebel and i-onuneuig veideucc of Us restoiatha puMer upon Uiul. ,ul PRKPAIiBD BY Or. jr. c. Aim CO., I,.,!!, Hasa., rraeJUal uuel Analytical Chemiett. StU.n BY AIL Lilit'OOlsTS EVLI.TWIIF.HF. Sold ky II Y . Frilira. f?unl,ur .n Ti, J i and dealers iu Medicine evsraubns i eaiber 7 J ' mm