Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 23, 1869, Image 1

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    rcnns or the "uiEmcAii."
. TEBMJ-TWO DOLLARS pat annunu 13 M If
la. Mtawieg ara Wrereees for UoriiAnt la tA
Auriiui. Tluote havens' e.lTaniaUii to da Mil
"paiawitAtatheyset. plpw 4ifMUa4
tm til irrrig4r tI4,
, Ths tana will be strictly adhered t kvofUr,
ltrabcar1benn;leotor Ufa. to tek their hew,
pare sroa Us etne te whloh they ar. directed, they
e. rvM.anUl toy tore U tk Mil sad
dered theaadiacewtanaed.
Cmmmmi wiU plea. Ad M Mr Agaat, aad
rank Itttm eoctalrjr r mbeoripttaa m.a.y. They
far ssitssd H 4 tail aadat (a art VOloe bw,
bat eoaaeeted with aw eetahliehmea a wall
elocied JOB OFFOS, wbioa will enable u to
la the aeatc ttyi, rtj variety ef
aura ii mriRHn rvr mmat :
1 t ' i t I Ini. dm. I Km I 1
i , O lo " Jjti i; . t Si j f . t?
i,v ,w; eoui p,w i,o
A.Mij 8.(iil lMr W W
Ten linn ef this ii4 tjuo (tuLntoij, tuake v.
Auditors', Adaiaislratars' and FtveutorV Kc.licn
') nn (il I . . 1 . i . tb.A iu1 iminiii.fmx.i
which It tY..) to ha paid ft at advertfiiiii; rates
Loaal Kotlcve, sMIety Resolution, As , 10 oent
AAverttetasent for IteMrtous. Charitable Slid IMu -oatlonal
objects, one-half th above raw.
Transient advertisement will ba published uttl
ordered to bsdltoouUnucd, sud charged according jl
OLD SERIES, VOL. 29, NO. 12.
I Bq.ara,
1 eelonia,
I. aaeaea.
a. a. sua.
Mteraey Raid Coaascllot-B nt Iaw,
oeenul Street, wait eftha H. C. and P. A E. Rail
road Depot, in tba balldiog lata); oupid by
W. Lasarua, q.,
'oileetion aad all Prefeesional business promptly
Handed la la N orthaauberlaad and adjoining Conic
fca Bevood Floor in Bright' New Building.
'. B. Barn Attn W. J. Woivvbrtoii, raipaatfalljr
anoanoe that tbey bare antarad into oo-partnarabip
the praetioa of their profeaiion in Korthumber
ind and adjoining aonntlM. CoualtttiODJ eo ba
ad in tba
April 4, 188a. ly
A Urmtf at law, CUKBURT, r A
IX, CoiraeUani attended te la the aoantlee of Nor
aamberliuid, Union, Snyder, llontour, Oolambla
ad Lyeening.
oa. John 1(. Seed, rblladalpUa,
A. a. Cattail A Co.,
Hon. Wm. A. Porter,
HortoB Molfieh&el, Km , "
K. Kauham A Oo , 3bi Pearl Street, Nerr Terk.
John W. Aihmaad, Attorney at Law,
Matthawt A Cox, Attorney! at Law, "
Banbury, March 29, 18e
tm.U. BocnrBLLia. LlotdT. Robiacb.
OFFICB ia Haapt'i new Building, laeond Boor.
Katranea ea Market Square,
Sunbnry, Jaaaary 4, 18it.
Teeth I Teeth I
'ermerlyef ASHLAND, 0., announoei te tfae oltt
eniof Northamberland Bounty, that ha hu loeated
a EUNBURY, fur the praotioe of D.ntiitry, and
eepeotfully tolioita yeur patronage. Spinal atten
lea paid to tiling and irming te.tb. Teeth ex
ranted ntkut fain, by ming Marootio apray
rhieh I have nted for three yeara with f'Jtct tut
41 i and no injurinut raaulta.
OAoa in Roomi formerly oeeupied by Dr. J. B.
ingle, In Pleaaant'i Building, Market Sqiiara
'unbury, Pa. mar. T, 8B.
' llcaOBillLL, BlUOK P. WoLTBBTOB.
Ittwraieya ana Caaaialor at Liavr.
riLL attend to the eolleotien ef all kind, ef
elalmi, iaolading Baek Pay, Bounty and Pen
apt. i, oo.
'nth Side ef Pablla Baaare, one deer eaat of the
Old Bank Building.
OoiloatioBi aad all Prefearloaal bajOnem prompt!
tended te la tba Cuart ef Kartbuaibatlaad aad
J;!alag Ceantio. 14, IMi.
r. B. PaT, . D. jAxai.
Iflea la theteeeal alary of Dewart'a ballding, ad
Joining the Dtmttrmt oSoe, on the Berth aide ef
Market Sqaare.
Will attend promptly to tie eollaatieB af elalmi
ad other profaaional baiinN lntruited te hti tare,
a Kerthumberland and adjuining caunUet.
MeTember 1, 1847.
i, (. Waaaa, Joan Rckklb
iHdH BTREKT, betweea Third and Fourth Ctra
WKBBR A RUNKLS, Preprietori.
Jane , 1847. ty
IHAMOKIR, Worthumberland County, Fa.
ALL buiineat alteaded to with prouptueM and
ih.mokia, Aag. 14, 1847 ly
UaKtnoy, KortXumbtrUtnd County, Ptnn'a
Odoa la Jaekien towmhlp. Xngagtmente ots
be made by latter, dlreaiad to the above addreai.
411 baiiaaai anuaatad to bif tare, will ba proupUj
tttendvd to.
April 13, 1841. ly
And veal er la
Vavru Btreat, aontU fWnfr'i
(3 T7 rT B XX St TT, 3? Ji..
March tl 1844
Attoratay uad CaiHaellr mt Law,
6FFI0I la Haapt'i aaw Building, en leeead toor.
Zntranceen Market Square,
lTin attend promptly to all nrofeejlonal badBaai
aabratud to bit eare, tba aolleetion of elalau ia
Terthumberiand and the adjoining aeualiai.
Daabary, January 4. 1868.
AH entruiUd to hit eara attosded to
Breaptly and with diliceaea.
iaabury, April 17, 1847.
Bailnaaila thi aad adjoining eountie aarafully
aad promptly atUeadad to.
Cfl.e In Market Btraet, Third doer wart of Smith
A Ueuther'i Store aud Tinware Store,
aabnry, March 81, 1864. ly
ia erery Taiiety af
Upper Wharf. BUHBTJBT. Penn'a.
QrOrderieelioiUd aad tiled with Brouptaesi a
btoary, May 13, 1844 -y
kippara k Whale.rUa dc Itctall
Deal.ra la
la .vary variety,
tela Areata, westward, af It Oalebrated H.nry
4Uf Oval.
Lowib Watar, fvrrnr, P
, Jaa. 18, im.
DaaJat la aB klaAtat
II prepared to aupply a)J kJada af AAtiraolto fd ,
frum tb. LamekiCwJ Ragloa a aheap rate
All erdera Brempwy ill. tftaatr. wam t
rreotully aoliuiead. MUM f . 1AA3. 1
Uanburr, July II, 1IM.
FROM GERMANY, in iljs.
Paiuow run, Pa.
Thl frtrntttt knrwtn rtmtdits for
Livsr Complaint,
Nervous Debility,
Disa&sei ef the Kidnejt,
and all Dlitutl arlatna; from a Dlaa
ordered Liver, fctomaclt, ar
ft A U fnUmeinq tvnflomj, 7id if ynu Hut pVl
hhit ntltm U a fftottd ty any Vim, ymi may rut
MHwl thmt diMON haM (mmenofd iU attmk m th4
mait imprunt trgnnt a tMr My, mnd unUn tonn
MM DflMtw powerful f.miiul, a miMraMt
', mi ItrmMMing in dt(A, MiU at (At mult.
Oonatlpatlon. Platulanoe, Inward Fit.l,
fulnetaofBlood to the Head, Aoidlty
of the Btotnach, Nausea, lleart
burn, Dl.icust for Food, Fulnsaa
or W.ia-nt in the Stornaon,
Sour Eruotations, Sink
ing or lri"tirinn at th. Pit
of the Btamaoh, Hwimming of
the Bead. Hurried or Diffloult
Breathing, Pluttorine at th. Heart,
Choking or PuffooatiDa Senaationa whom
in aI,TigPo.ture, Ulmneaa of Viaion,
Dot. or Weba before th. Bight,
Dull Pain in th. Head, Dfl
oienoy of Perspiration, Yel-
lowne of th. Bkio and
Eyes, Pain in th. Sides
Back, Cheat, Limba, ato 8ud
den Fluahea of Heat, Burning in
the Fleah, Constant Imagininaa af
Erll, and Croat Depression of Bplrlta,
JU (Am iniiMUt diiuut tf tht Liter at- Dijutivt
0rffom$, Qimitintd wiik Mfuru bltmd.
QooDanb'o frman Bitters
le entirety vegetable, and contain, no
llqwor. It la a compound of Fluid Ci.
traota. The Hoots, Herba, and llarka
from ivtiloU tlirsa extracte are made
ara ajathered lis Germany. All the
medicinal virtues ara extracted from
them by n eclentlfto chemt.t. These
extraota are then forwarded to thla
country to lie used expressly for ah.
maanrneture of these Hitters. There
le no alooholle anhatano. of any kind
nsed In eontpoundlnu; th. Bitters,
hence It Is the only Hlttera that tin
be used In eases where aleoholio ettra
talanto are not advisable.
QooflanVa Oermnn Conic
U a oowtbirtmtim if all t fit inirrtdlmti ttf tht Bitttrs,
wtl ruaa ArnM Cltt Rum, Orangt, tU. It it uttd ftir
Pit tamt dtiMft at tht Bitttit, in tmttt vohtrt tomt
pun tlooknlit ttrifiulri it rrqutrtd. Ton will btar in '
ninU thai tittt rnditi art dirT.reot tM
any atJitri arhetrttvd mfiir Hit curt of tht difatti
mamtd, ttiut bting teienlyrlc firtparati'mt f mtfiinntX
txtrastt, ithtit tfit otfitrt uvt mrrt dtcoctitw of rum
tn form. Tfit TON 1C it dtoidtdly oat of tht motf
pftitant and agrttablt rrwtdiu tvtr offtrtd to tht
putlit. lit taiH it Mfuitilt. ( it a pltaturt to fa t.
if, v Hilt Wt lff-giving, txhiaratina, and muticmat
aiudititt Its eamttd U to 6t known at tnt fnaUtt of
aU Ifmitt
TlioutAnd of eases when the ni
tlsMt iHpuoicrt he wee alTlloled wltH
this terrible d.icase, hare been euretl
liy the use of three remedlee. Eitrtras
em eeletloitf debility, and rough are
the sternal attendaute upon severe
casee of dyspepsia or dlease of tlte
digestive organs. Uvcii In oasre of
gvnnlne Coneuniptlost these remadlae
.Till be fOHud of the greateet beueflt
treugtuanlug aud Invigorating.
rrs it m mtdirin eftifal tm fTtxyflmft Otrmttn
Bitri sr Tbnic m taiu tJ Debility. They impart a
IdMiei mnd rigr U Uf uKol tytttm, ttrtngtfun tht ap-'
piU, oaut4 an enjoymtnt tht foidt tnabU tin
itemath t difut it, petriV tht blcid, pit giodm
funi, fuauvtjf eompimon, uraaiOmiM t.14 yuo ungm
from tfit ty; impart e lUm U tht thtikt, and chixnp
tht famlunt frmm a thort-brtathtd, tmoim4 A. 1
mnu nertmut invaiut, to a WaVaese, tUntt, end wiffor
Weak and Delicate Children
are made s Iron a; by using the Blttere
er lonlo. lu met, they are Family
Medicines. They can be administered
with perfect surety to a child three
mouths old, the most delicate female,
or a mats of ninety.
ftott Roaudiu art IU btat
Blood Purlflerai
omt knoint, and wik curt all dittattt rttuUing from
JCmp your blood pun; ktfp your littr in aritrf
ynur difftttirt orpant in a tottnd, houlihy amrif
hon, by tht utt of thut rtauuhtt, and tte duawt WiU
Ladles who wl.k a fair akin and
wood complexion, free from a yellow
fall ttnee and all other dungui .m.iit,
lielild u.e these remedies oroaklon
ally. The Li ver In u.rrcct order, aud
the blood inr, will result lu spark
Hut; eyes aud bloointag cheeks.
7a-fZaa"t Ctrman Rtm'dia art eolmttrfliittd.
Tht ftnuiiu hurt tht tifinaturt nf c. 31. Jtti'kann
on tht front of Vie outtiJt vn apprr of tach butiit, and
tht n.i. of tlit articlt vloum in tatk Oollit. Ml Mhu t
art oountcrfiit.
Thou. and. of lettera have been re.
elved,testlfyluK loth, virtue of the.e
(Silr JatUse of th. 8uprm. Court P.iiiwyWatila.
PaiLtoiLriu, Mica Ittli, 1(87.
Im4 "Uotanft German Stttrrtf it not an in(a
ioai0 orotrait, but it a food Imie, turful in div,r
dat of tht aiyvtiot oroant. ami of great bentllt in
eutu tUtUitu mnd unt nf (uncut uaion in bit
, ivurt trull.
Jala, ef th. 8upr.m Court of P.mitylvauU.
paiLADsi.rait, Aran. SSili, ltoa.
I consider Iloofland's German Hit.
tr" a valiinliin uinlirlil' In ease of at.
tarka of Indigestion or Dyapeusla. I
can aertlfy this from my eauerleuee
of It. Vonra, w li It rct,
Pwtor of th. T.ntb Btptltt Church, Fliil,Uphl.
Da. JAraion Drta fin : mri btm frequently r.
Sul'd to connect my uamt with rwoiiimeiiifiiti'mt of
liferent leinttt of mediemet, but reqwrdttia the praotitt
at out of my afipromuU tp'iere, I ha rt in uU ortrt it.
alined i but vnUi a cUur proof in variout inttaneee,und
partieularly inmynait fumity, of tht aufuluttt of hr.
JIufiJlawTt Gtrioan liitUrt, I oui-tj'rom my
usual course, to tjpiett soy full coucirn.iu tint i.
8.neral debility of th. tNt.rn, and especially fir Llv.r
ortiplaliit, It i. a .r and rslunble pr.painliiHi. in
ttmu eatu it tnayfail ; but usually, I UiWlU not, it will
at atry btntjieiol to iute who suffer fmm tin ufytwt
MM. J'Mirl, aary rtrpetifullii,
J. U. Kh..AUD,
Jt.giult, btivw Otattt Si.
Fries of the Dittora, 81.00 p'tV bottle
Or, a half doaao for 86.00.
Prioa of th. Tonlo, 81-60 per bottle
Or, a half dozen for 87.60,
Tht Tonic ia pnl np lu quart botllva.
Rteolltel that it it Dr. Uooftanrft German Xenedia
Oust art so vnvutrtaUy utol and to highly reoommrwlr
od ; aid do not alitw tht Drufjiti to imlute you a
tu4 any thing tin thai hi may toy it J n't at food, by
oa at ht maktt a larger proif en if, Thett tltrninhei
will U wit by aaprut tm aajf leanif apra apJitutim
"; rniXCipAI. OFFICK,
t Ml J KIM STHCBT, miadtlyhia,
CSAS. M. KVAN5,Pro?;l.tor,
rermatly a X. J 10X80S 4 CO.
Tketo H.modlea ar. for aale by
Pragalata. kter.k..u.ri, attel Aletii.
Bias tf .ewt. iw.ii
AW met) forgot to aiaaiin. tnli tnt arttdt tt. i in
trim ft ji Vu wi: t
v. m. S H A N I O IV,
Corner of Third Street and Market oViaare, la MU
ler'ilona Bulldiag, 8 U N B U R V , P A.,
af the moat aelebratod makera, oonaiiting af tha
Howard, Appletnn, Trany A Co., Walthritn, Bartlett,
W. Rllery, and all grades of the Elgin Ill's make.
Aim. sola Agent for the oalebratad, PAUL BRI.
tOU Watab, in (told and Surer Casual low,
PJilTer Ware Tor WeddineProatnta.
of entirely arew dastgtra. Solid Silver Table and
Tea 8pootrt, Butter Knirea, Forks, Castors, Io.
Pltcbera, Fruit and Cake U.sketa, Syrup.
Maga. Butter Dishes, and everything
la tha Silrerwara line at lew
A 8ne ttook of 18k Rings. Also a Una selection
ofUoldaad Jut Jewelry of all description!, ttold
and Silrer Cbaina, at low prieea.
Fine Gold Pens In Gold, .Silver and Rubber Caiet,
of the celebrated make by Huffman aad Stewart.
A full aHortmant of 8 day and 10 hoar Clookl, at
low prioea.
Also Sole Agent for the celebrated Perfeeted Speo
toeles, warranted to gire entire atiafaetion.
Watobas, Clocka and Jewelry repaired and war
ranted. All order! promptly attended to at tha shortest bo
Sunbnry, Sept. 8, 1848.
Ueatlesnaen's auralahliifr. CJooda,
Consisting ef
whloh hare been seleoted from the largest and beat
ntablltbments in New York and Philadelphia.
A general assortment of
Neoktiea, Collars, Cravat, of th latest itylea.
Fin. Ltmb'a Wool Poller Jaokota.
SHIRTS and DRAWKRS, a large auorlmantof
the best quality.
A large rariety of GLOVES of every ttyla and
qualtity, from tha Ball Rroosn down to the laboring
man's, and many other artiolea for UanUeman'
Fine French Tolte SUirta made to
ITavicg proeured the lerrioes of the boat workmen
In the citioi, garment will be made np to order
w bicb otnnut be excelled in any oity in flu, or quality
of goods.
Uentlemen ar particularly requested tooall and
... tli. CTnw1. .,t .mI kfn. aluuli.M
C 1 it.. ,a nilill .ait k.nn. t
ouavury, wh a, oo. lUU.Tiaj u. null.
Offloe, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue,
Th above Manure baa been before the Agricul
tural publio for fifteen years past, under one name
and proprietorship, and now has an established and
large annual sale tnrougnout tne country. Ana as
a perteot substitute fur Peruvian Uuano (afforded
at one half the oust) it ha been adopted by attricul-
turaliat of known intelligence and discrimination
It is warranted not to exhaust the soil, but on the
contrary to permanently Improve it. The sales now
amount to many thousand tons annually, and the
iaoilitie for it tuanufaotur ara extensive and com
plete. Tha above manure ara furnithed in both has and
barrel, whiobever customers prefer.
lb bag ar unuorm la weight lev poandl.
Tba attenlion of Farmer i upeotally directed to
the fact that tba souroe of th Raw Malarial of
which tba above maoares ara oompotaJ. are to well
under control that we aan furnish tb.m of itrlolly
uniform quality and ouolltion, and that tbey eon
tain a larger percentage of ammonia than any other
slaa of manufactured in the market.
SO South Delaware av-isue, Philadelphia.
IV7Tbe hiitbeat cash Drioe caid for all kind of
November 28, 184$.
Miss Louisa Bhissler's,
Ladle' and Misses' IIAT3 and BONNETS,
In Immense variety.
Millinery Crloouei aad Trimming!,
French and American Ribbons, Laoea, Uandker
hiett, Uloves, Hosiery, and a general assortment of
LHiaies Aiiiuiiery uvous, wnicn nave oeen seleoted
with great sare.
(acuta vlluri, ftecltliea dilorea, Ate.
Kvery variety will be found to (elect from, at
bunhury, Oot. 17, lso8.
Call aud sse th well isleoted Stock of
Just received at
wmn us. mma
MENT, Four Lb Street, below lytler' Store, bVKBURY
of tba must approved ktyle is made up te order at
roasouable ratos.
lie has alM a One assortment of Cawiaora Shirts,
Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck
ties, Cotton aud Woolen Hose. Suspenders, Hand, Ulores, and a general variety of
Give him a eail, which you will And it le he to
your advantage.
. aunbury, Oot. 21, 1888.
Notice to Merchants and Shippers.
rptllE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Friok's
J Line, give notice to merchant and shipper
that th Depot is still al 811 Mai ket street, Pbila
delpbia, and all Goodt directed tebunbury, Danville
and Lewisburg, and all Intermediate stations along
tba railroad, will be promptly delivered.
jr-Cars leat e 811 Market street, Philadelphia
bi-weekly-riuaediy, Thurtd and Saturday.
DscemberT, 18JST.
CALL and t'S tnM beautiful Bird Cages at the
Do Hardware jlore of
II'" -rtrf f
ALAKUii supply ef Wall I'sw h-
lloriler, j nt reteivtl at iur an. a r;..o,
ut lit
'J..i.-r.u Si- it
4, i;
Taa Atlantic Monthly, for January, ha poem
by four prominent Amerioan poet, namely .' Bryant,
Lowell, Bayard Taylor and Wbittl.r. The aoul-
stirring lyric which w copy wltl tnd a retpoue ia
very trae, patriot) American heart :
Tha day' aharp alrife ia endod new,
Oar work I dene, Uod knoweth how !
A on th thronged, unreatful town.
The patience of the moon looks down,
I wait to bear, beside the wire,
Tba roioa of it tongues of fir.
Slow, doubtful, faint, taey era at Irtt;
Be strong, my heart, to hear tba worst !
Hsrk ! there the Allegbenles spoke;
That sound from lake and prairie broke !
Tba sunset gua of triumph rant,
The silenoe ef a continent I
Thst signal from Nebraska iprnng.
This from Nevada' mountain tongue !
Ia tbat thy answer, strong and free,
O ! loyal heart of Tennessee T
What atranga, glad voice, Is that which call
From Wagner' grave and Sumter' walls T
From Mism'stlpril't fountain head
A sound a of the biion'a treed 1
There ruatled freedom' Charter Oak !
In that wild burst the Otarks spoke !
Cheer answers ebeer ftom rite to set
Of sua. We have a aountry yet !
The praise, 0 God, ba Thine alone !
Thou not for bread a (tan ;
Thou bail cot led ns through th night
To blind as with returning light ;
Not through tha furnaee have we passed
To perish at it mouth at last.
Oh night of peas, thy flight reatratn '
November's moon, be slow te wane !
Shine en the freed man's oabia floor,
Oo brows of prayer a blessing pour ;
And give, with full assurance blest,
Tba weary heart of Freedom rest !
On the border of Green Lake, In Minneaots,
there lived a sturdy, white haired frontiers
man named Walter Brown. He wss one of
those adventurous spirits ever to be found in
the van of advancing civilization, always
courting the free, wild air of the prairie, and
rejoicing in the profound depths of unin
habited forests.
But the country became moro ind more
thickly settled, and Walter Brown became
uneasy. His wife bad borne him a daughter,
the third or fourth year of their residence at
the headwaters ef 'the 8t. Croix, whom be
called Leonora. She was a good girl, and
the idol of her father. lie purchased a rifle
for her when she was but twelve years old,
and took the utmost pains in teaching ber
the use of it. She was brav and steady ef
nerve, and soon acquired wonderful skill as
a shot, and the number of prairie chickens,
partridges, wild water fowls, and other small
game she managed to shoot each day was
really large. Occasionally she would shoot
a deer, and one eventful morning, by a lucky
shot through the eve into tha brain, she
killed a bear.
When she came home with the news, her
fattier could scarcely credit her. But know,
ing her perfectly truthful nature, be danced
aUout tliu toom for joy, and seizing the sturdy
little maid, he mounted her upon his shoul
ders, and insisted upon carrying her all the
way to the spot where the dead bruin lav.
Thicker and thicker flowed tha tide of
emigration into Minnesota aud Wisconsin
following the navigable rivers as a matter of
course, nntt more and more uneasy and
"crowded." felt Waiter Brown. At length
his wife died. Leonora was then aixteeo,
and engaged to be married to a handsome
ynur.g trapper by the name of Watson, who
bad joined her father iu business.
The dtath of the mother had made it
necessary to postpone the wedding, and in
the interim old Walter decided to move into
northwest Minnesota. Neighbor were get
ting too near, and bunting and trapping
were bad. Aa the young tun had moved
up, and pre-empted a quarter section of land
Dear Taylor's Fall, then beginning to grow
rapidly, be did not wish to either abandon
or sell it just then, and persuading Leonora
to agree to write to him when they got set
tled, he bade her an affectionate good bye.
Brown lived in Minnesota for three or four
years in peace and quiet, Boding good trap
ping end bunting grounds, when ail at once
young Watson arrived, and renewed the pro
positi of tnarringe with Leonora. The old
man bad ahout determined to move no more,
aud bad accordingly located and pre eoiptud
several thousand acres of land about bitn ;
aud learning from Wutou that he had aion-j
enough to do likewise, proposed thnt he
ahould go down to St. Paul and buy land
warrnnt with hi money, and take up all the
land around he could "swing." Ho mijht
then marry Leonora, and they two would
to work, aud alter Ouilding plenty of m,,
tiling, etc, wouhl get a good tnxti "i ikhU.
and sheep, and try and lead a (jaStt'Ul lite
for the text of their days.
1 o tins propo-iuoo tliuynunpman heartily
absented, and at'i:r returning front St. P'inl,
weut nmveiy to worn in the woods, felling
trcta tor building purposes. It was agreed
lirst that they r-hoidd build a Dew hewed
log houe, for the united ftinily, as Walter
had mil , got up i nrfiull, single roomed cabin.
Then the wending was to take place, and
the two men would sgaiu reume their work.
While thus luisily engaged the Sioux war
broke out. It was the Imhit of Leonora to
take her lifle tint every morning aud shoot
prairie chickens for the tuliie, while ber lover
and father were hard at work on the new
house. Watson hart drought her as a present
from St. I'm u I a light aud handsome revolv
ing i iil.-, of w hich khe was immensely fond,
aud with which fhe became o expert she
could rboot a duck or prairie thicken on the
wiiiu with almost absolute certainty.
Que morning as she wss strolling around
the lake, riSe in bund, she noticed three
canoe loads of ludiau paddling carefully
along the opposite side of the water, steadily
and stealthily, approaching the spot where
ber lather and lover were at work. She did
not immediately apprehend any tragedy, but
in some unaccountable way she felt impelled
to remain and watch their motions. Bhe,
therefore, concealed herself behind the top
nf a fallen tree, and observed their move
ments, which grew more and mors) suspi
cious. There were two Indians io each canoe,
and after pulling steadily to a point where
thick, overhanging birch tret afforded con
cealment for their canoes, they disembarked,
and crept carefully and noiselessly along
unnl they were W'ilbia a few feet of where
t'i two uuk-".rit:.:::.i ;;i"P t i c!,u
y--. a .'I. lt i;,.i
r.t.;. tn t w: :;b 'iGvad i.r. '. i v-n od v:cii
iln vtj 1, :;, iLoj ur'.i: ujiu :i.3:r
r:r.ix t'ro tLtj t; '.is c."fc
Leonora trembled with excitement and
apprehension, expecting nothing less than
to witness the horrible butchery of her father
and lover at once.
But this did not seem to be the purpose
of the Indians : for, tying the arms of their
captives behind them, they took them to the
canoes, where,taking the old man Into one and
the young man into another, they shoved
boldly into the lake and paddled rapidly
dowa toward where the house stood. Leo
nora divined their intent Instantly.
"Ha I" she said to herself, "they doaign
capturing me. too. They deem that an cay
Job, perhaps J" and her eyes flashed and her
face flushed with aager. "Seel there is a
fourth cauoe, which tbey no doubt suppose
will carry me. This villainous work has
been Weil calculated ; but, ha t you bad sav
ages I you have mistaken your girl this timol
Leonora Brown had been taught more things
than to coek a venison steak. Oh, dear,
dear father, your Leonora will soon show
you how bravely she can succor you, and how
your Instructing ber the use of the rifle has
saved you this day. And you, too, darling
Harry Watson, bave won a longer lease of
your precious life by presenting me this
splendid revolving rifle. Six bullets for
stx ruffian 1 Miss one of literal eh, if I
should there's my knife l No, Leonora, you
must not will not miss one of them."
The girl now crept stealthily through the
nndcrbrush up the bank to the prairie above.
Bhe knew that to reach the bouse, the In
dians would bave to pass a broad, flat field,
where there was no shelter for their persons.
She did not think they would hesitate to do
this, because, having taken the two men,
they would hardly expect any resistance
from a single girl. About thirty rods to the
right of the path a cattle yard had been
erected by her father, and U the corner of the
fenee stood an immense elm tree. Inside of
this yard climbed Leonora, and behind the
big elm she concealed herself.
A few minutes more proved she was right
in her conjecture. The Indians, after hav
ing tied stout rawhide thongs around the
foet of their Drisoners. laid them down tn
the bottom of the canoes, and taking their
guns strode gaily and laughingly along to
ward the house, without any attempt at
Leonora's heart grew as hard as a stone,
end her nerves which fluttered a little be
forenow grew as firm as steel. She had
put fresh water-proof caps upon each nipple
of her rifle, and resting the barrel on the
rail of the fence, she drew a sharp bead
upon the foremost one ; but as her finger
curved to press the triggers she heard what
actually seemed to be a voice whisper ;
"Not yet, Leonora 1"
She paused, and then, as if by inspiration,
flashed this thought into ber mind :
"Wait uutil they get nearer to the bouse,
then shoot the hiudmost one Srst."
She obeyed the impression, and let them
come on a few rods nearer. Suddenly the
thought came again :
"Now's your time !"
Clapping ber face to the rifle-breech, sho
trained the death-dealing tube steadily upon
the chest of the rearmost Indian for an in
stant and fired.
The bullet sped trne to Its mark, and the
burly Iudian merely threw up bis arms and
fell dead, the rifle ball having gone directly
through bis heart.
A clap of tuurader from a clear sky could
not have so utterly astonished those remain
ing Indians. Wildly they looked in every
direction tn see whence came the fatal shot.
In the next instant, bang I went Leonora's
rifle again, and another of their number
dropped dead.
But they saw the smoke of the last shot
and caught a glimpse of the shooter. At
once they comprehended their peril. They
could not hide, and their only show for lite
wa iu rushiug to the tree and tomahawking
their preaumplous foe on the spot. Instantly
sounding the v;ar-whoop, they bounded for
ward, but with the notes half uttered, ano
ther of their number leaped into the- Air and
fell back to rise no more. Leonora had fired
The remaining three rushed on, Lot again
the brave girl's rifle rang like the knell of
doom, and a fourth savage pitched headlong
to the ground.
The terror of the remaining two was now
pitiful to behold, they stopped short in their
ouward course, acd uttered the most fearful
screams, discharging their rifles at the tree
in the wildest and most unavailing manner.
But again the relentless rifle bluzed, and
soother of the remaining two sunk to the
grouud ss the bullet went crashing through
bis drain.
Immediately the ooe left threw down bis
rifle and cried out :
"No shoot tue I No shoot me t Me give
hi. 1"
Leonora had drawn a bead on bitn, but.
now tuat they seemed .an perfectly iu her
Cower she lowered her rifle, sui stepping fiom
ehiod the tree, climbed the fence brUkly,
and eommeuced approaching the savage.
The surprise aud indignation of the In
dian at tbs aipht of the cirl wns intrnse. and
t'lt iot t i t-tj Uia supplieatirg try, Im pit' liis
hand behind him and drew fortu Li xuiua,
haw k to throw at her.
Leonora's eye was as thsrp as sn eag'e's.
She ssw tlio treacherous move and jut as
the bright blade of the hatchet gleamed for
the t In oar, she raised her ride end shot
the faithless scoundrel dead in his tracks.
With the speed of the deer she now
bouuded forward to the Ink.
Hairy WaUoo shouted "Glory halleljjab I
I knuw it was Leonora 1" and the father
cried for Joy as ber lithe form appeared on
the Muff, rifle lu ban I.
Quickly ahe deacended to the canoes and
unbound tha two men, who embraced ber
and cried over her ia the most extravagant
But they fu!t they had no time to lose ;
and, hastily gearing up their teams and
loading up their valuables, they set out for
Minneapolis, where they arrived ssfely, sod
where Leonora and Harry WaUoo were im
mediately made one flesh.
Old Walter Brown and Harry Watson
both did good service in the Indian battles
which followed ; and, when the savages
were finally exterminated, they all went
back to their home on Green Lake, where
tbey now live. Tbey have one of the lar
gest stock forms in the otate ; and Leonora,
though a happy wife and mother, clings to
her beautiful revolving rifle, and yet occa
sionally uses it to keep herself in practice.
The population of Lee, Mass., is decrea
sing by the removal of many of its resident
to the West. The membership of tb Con
gregational church baa fallen off ssventv a
t"o rr th,ne years-
fcVar t.f Oovert'r raif;rtt'e V.rte,
:. K'.A;;il"ii', Jasa., i. .U:! violu.e, w:.
uvU-i'j j st'.; I '.:t, tst jut f-t Li t Ji. 1-
' V,r. tr.:'.'. :uiy.i
U.a. Lenicnti-cd'a Vlewe of tien,
A letter from General Longstreot has been
published, in which he expresses great con
fidence In the coming administration of Gen.
Grant, the President elect, and advises the
people of the South to give him their sup
port. He adds :
"That the people of the South desire prac
tical reconstruction there can be no doubt;
but it seems to be difficult to develop that
sentiraeut so as to produce practical results.
Drifting along in the channel into which
chance seems to have thrown me, I begin
to find myself, like many others, ready with
my theory. As it may interest you, I give
you a coucise statement of it. If you find
that you can make it useful, you are at liber
ty to do so. The wealth of the South lays
in its soil. If this proposition is true, its
sequent are equally so. I. Labor is essen
tial pi niak-e mat wealth available. 2. To
command labor, laws must encourage and
piuiei-t it. aiso tneir consequents:
"To encourage and invite labor, evidences
t proiecuau must ae made manifest through
mo uusruuon ot law upon the labor that we
have. Hence it appears thst the value of
our lands depends upon out labor, our labor
upon the Jaw, and the law upon us. A fail
ure upon our part, therefore, to enact and
enforce proper laws, will be as fatal to the
interests of the owners of real estate as
confiscation. And yet, all that Congress
asks us to do is to avail ourselves of the
only mesne by which we may avoid serious
depreciation of our material interests. That
is, this will be the practical result of recon
struction, under national legislation, uoon
our iuterests. The moving cause of that
legislation, probably, was 'security for the
future.' Here we may discover the time tbat
should mark our connection with recon
struction. It begins and ends in our care
for home interests. It will be time enough
to begin to look into the future when we
have provided for the present.
"iue politicians or the old school seem
anxious to impress upon the minds of our
young men the importance of rejecting all
propositions coming from the republican
party, or else they dishonor their own blood
and the blood of their own comrades. But
gentlemen should remember thst they only
dishonor their comrades when they dishonor
themselves, and that there cannot be dishon
or in ready obedience to law and a proper
care for our own welfare. On the contrary,
to discard the law and expose ourselves to
unnecessary difficulties is near akin to dis
honor. It is true that many worthy persons
are disfranchised under the law, but the
readiest and surest means of relief are
through the law. I conclude, therefore, that
inttrtst find duty and honnr demand that we
thotibl jjLtce oursefvtm in a condition to tuppetrt
the laict of Congrei. When we have done so
we shall receive abundantly of help from the
Executive and from the other members of
the government."
Write Home.
There can be no excuse for any young
man who never writes home, or whose letters
to the old folks there whose dreams are
ever of her son are few and fsr between,
and not worth much even when obtained.
It is sad to think, that there are young men
who let weeks and months pass away with
out a letter to their parents, or their brothers
and sisters who, when they do write, only
send a line Or two with some lame excuse
for their not doiug more; a line or two say iog
nothing, jutt containing some stereotyped
statemeut, or vague utterance, which gives
no information. Why, the value of a letter
from a young man to the far-off town or vil
lage home, consists in its little details ; its
affectionate gossip; its account of any cir
cumstance or incident that may bave promise
in it of advantage; its story of hopeful
struggle, of dawning success; or its references
to new formed friendship, to books read,
churches attended, lectures listened to, with
a thousand things besides, which may be
small in themselves, but which show an in
terest in the members of the home-circle, and
manifest the beating of the child's heart
within the roan'. Young men are not aware
what pain they may inflict by apparent ocg
lect ; bow letters, brief and infrequent, may
give rise to fesr and doubt, and occssion
anilous day and wakeful nights 1 Now,
don't neglect hime. Don't seem indifferent
to your own family, as if all your interest
were transferred to strangers. Keep the
chain of communication bright by use, and
write freely aud fully, with uurestrained con
fidence, that it may be felt tbat there is
neither blight on the affections nor error in
the life, which is too often the cause of that
lspue ia filial or fraternal correspondence,
which, though the result also at times of
mere thoughtlessness, Is always unkind and
sometimes cruel. Count D Gaiparin
"Seventeen fJ l",'iirty.n
Nasby is going tn emigrate from the Com
ers to New York, where the Democracy have
a footing not likely to be disturbed. He
announces his programme as follows:
The only thing that stands in the way uv
tny acquirin poliiikle influoence in Noo York
is the lack uv suflisheut capital to start a
grosery with. If I kin get that capital I shel
start it, on a corner, if possible. I shel get
control uv ten votes, wich by joodishus re
peatiu kin be mad to count fifty. Then I
Lev suthin positive. With these votes back
uv me I kin insist upon a share with money
I kin get more votes with more votes more
mcney, and with money I kin buy posishen.
Io Noo York the startin pint is a few votes,
and votes is got by whiskey. My pint is to
get control uv a trifle more whiskey than I
kin consnom myself,
I shel io time gotoCongris; I shel hev
coutrol to clean sweets ; I shel furnish armor
ies with black walnut, silver mounted racks,
and I may posibly ber tea or twenty yeats
on the new Court House.
Uv course when I go to Noo York I shel
change my name to McNasby, and my first
name to Michael.
Immense Wealth. Baron James de
Rothschild died worth dl.BOO.000 oounda
sterling, over 1230,000,000. He left hi wife
AB,uuu,uuti, oesiae otner property oi great
value ; bis eldest sen 30,000,000 ; his second
son 8,000,000 1 hi third on 0,000,000,
and hit grandson 3,000,000.
Twsnty-tbrse thousand stand of muskst
ara tn be shipped from Rock Island arsenal
, r-r :-i ori. lit -j sr.- i..wt!y .T r:'. J2
! r.ut'.tri., of tr.a 1 .t urahk.o'i v F.-e o-.i :a
! -r;r r-urt of '-- w?r. Ti.s will te td
: Ve- Vj:i.
.suite Should Head nesvapHpen-K.
It is a great mistake In fumnle educate n.
to keep a young latlys tinr.e and nttetitirc.
devoted to only fashionable literature tf ti c
day. If you would qualify her for conver
sation, you must give her something to tu!U
about give her education with tbo actuhl
world, with the outer world, and its trans
piring events, and become familiar with tins
preseut character and improvement of out
race. History is of some importance ; bu'.
the past world is dead we have nothing l'i
do with it. Our thoughte and our cmiccrr.s
should be for the present world ; to know
what it is and improve the condition of it.
Let her have an intelligent opinion, and li
able to sustain intelligent conversation con
cerning the mental, moral and religious im
provements of our time. Let the gilded
annuls and poems on the centre table bo
kept part nf the time covered with wtckly
and tlaily journals. Let. the wholo family
men, women and cbiMren read ccwsp.
Minnesota has paid $10,000 for wolf scalps
the present eoasun.
Iowa State University has ,300,000 casU
and ten thousand acres of choice lands.
In Charleston they kill and distribute tl
the poor all hogs found In the Street.
More than half the territory of Idaho ll
said to be fit for farming purposes.
When the King of Slim dird all his be
reaved subjects were obliged te have thei:
heads shaved.
A movement is on foot In Quincy, 111., for
the establishment of a free evening school
for laboring men.
There are great complaints in New York
that, at every fashionable wedding there,
somebody steals somebody else s overcoat.
A farmer iu Posey county, Indians, hat
raised an ear of corn twelve inches long,
which contains fourteen hundred and tuitty
A prominent citiren of Detroit ia now
causing to be made a thorough examinatino,
of the Detroit river, fer the purpose of ascer
taining the feasibility of tunnelling it.
The public debt statement for December
is published. It shows a total debt of $'V
858.533,022. Cash in the Treasury, $U,
828,782, of which 198,703.308 is coin.
The Dresden (German) tradesmen have a
society to protect themselves sgainst dis
honest debtors, numbering 4,000 members.
It publishes lists of people who aro "bM
The Washingtonian Home, in Boston, is
prospering. Since its foundation more than
twenty-nine hundred druukards bave been
reformed, at an aversge cost of about forty
dollars each.
An Ansonia "sharpshooter" recently fired
at a squirrel tbat was pursued by hit frrret
and a thirty dollar dog, and succeeded in
killing both dog and ferret, and in set-in
th squirrel.
In the ten paper mills at Holyok. Mass.,
about twenty-six tons of paper are manufac
tured daily. About four fifths of thia i
writing paper ; the remainder cdllar.envelopo
and tissue.
At Puerto Angelo, Mexico, the petroleum
wells taken in hand by a California company
are turning out favorably. It appears that
the wholo district around Puerto Angelo it
one vast deposit of petroleum.
A curious preparation for a wedding wss
that which Joseph Currier, of Conway, N.
II., made before his recent third essay in
wedded life. He is an octogenarian cripple,
on two crutches for ten years past, and before
he took unto himself his latest spouse, las
week, he carefully dug his grave.
A woman who died recently in Lafayette,
Busts county, N. J., confessed in ber last
moment to having poisoned her infant child
seven year ago, afterward her husband's
father, and more recently her husbsnd. She
was a member of the Methodist Church, and
always bom a good reputation.
KUCIIM-:. dec.
I From the lieriaantown Telegraph.
Cooking Hams. I have learned much in
th half dozen year since I have assumed
the responsibility of being my own house
keeper, a to the best mode of boiling a ham,
I kuew very well that it was spoiling a good
ham ever to fry it when it can be broiled.
But I found that there were ways of boiling
a whole bam so as to ruin it : and this is the
way bow I now boil it: If it be a Mary
land or a Virginia ham, or any one rather old
or bard, it should be oaked over night in
plenty of water, then put into a suitable
cooking pot of cold water which should ba
raised to a gentle boil, or rather simmer, and
thi should be continued for fifteen minute
for every pound weight ef the bam. Than
take out, remove the skin, and dust ovr it
plentifully of bread crumb acd set in tha
oven to bake from fifteen to thirty minutes.
A ham cooked io thia way should be very
Under, juicy and of fine flavor, provided it
wss originally good.
If this will assist any one in her knowledge
how to improve upon the "old way" of pre
paring a whole ham for the table, I shall be
satisfied. I know very well that If once
tried it will be always tried.
Eki-ic act or Omonh. A writer says: "We
are troubled often with sever cough, the
result of colds of long standing, which, may
turn to consumption or premature death.
Hard cough causa sleepless night by con
stant irritation of the throat, and a strong
effort to throw off offuniive matter from tha
lungs. Th remedy proposed has often been,
tried, and is simply to take into tbe stomach,
before retiring for the night piece of raw
onion after chewing. This esculent in an
uncooked state is very strong, and collects
the water from the lungs and throat, causing
immediate relief to the patient."
Otsteb Sacsaob. Chop and pound soma
veal well in a mortar, then chop up an equal
proportion of oyster, mix well, and add
some bread crumbs, and a little beef suet
lioed fin ; moisten with tern of th liquor
of th oysters ; season with pepper, salt, and
a littl mac ; bind together with well beaten
eggs ; form into sausage or fiat cakes, and
fry a pale brown in good dripping.
Balet Boer. Take two pound of
shin beef, quarter of a pouasV of pearl bat
ley, a bunch of parsley (ot pot barb,) tout
onion, four potato, two wt potatoes ,
alt, pepper, a bld or two of mace, and
four quarts of water. A small knuckle of
boiled ham will improve it. Simmer all
together gently for three hour.
Family Beef Borp. Get what it 0114
a good beef soup bone; boil two hours,
leavlug about two quarts of broth ; brssk
two ejjes Into it ; cut tb meat into piece
tbout '.Ls siie of s Chris's SZ7, ssi Tri-i.
'..ux 13 U. i:
v;tt i: