THE NATIONAL ' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or tii UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Speolal Aot of Congress, Approved tuiy isuo. 'ali Capital l.OOO.OOO. BRANCH OFFICE ilIILADELPIIIA, First Natiuna. Bask Biit.Dixa, Where the cencrnl l.usinv:. of the Company is tram- acted, nnd to which a'l general correspondence Ibould lo addressed. DIRECTORS. Inv Cooke, fiiilnila. K. A. Rollins, Washington. (III. Clark. " Henry I. Cooko, John W.Ellis, Win. K. Chnndler, " Wiu. it. Mor.rhcad, John 1. Dofrccs, " tlco. F. Tyler. l.-'ward Dodgo, New York, J. Hinckley Clark, ('. Fiihnostoelt, N. Y. orricF.ns. C. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, rresilent. HENRY D. COnlvK. Washington, Vice President JAY COOliE, Chairman Finance m.d Executive Committee. KMEHSOX W. FEET. Plilled'a. 5eejr and Actuary E. S. X ritNI-JII. Washington, Assistant Secretary. FnANCISU. SMITH. M D.. Medical Director. " JEWING MI; A 1(3, M. D , Assistant Medical Di rector. JlctUrrtl Advisory' Stonrd. J. E. Barnes, Surgeon-Genera! U.S. A., Washing ton. T. J. Hnrwilx, Chief Medical Department U. S. N., Wu'liing'.on. D. W. Eiiss, M. D. Washington. Kolieilvrsi mid Allorneji, Wm. E. Chandler. WnMnelon, T. 0. George Harding, I'liiln Jelj.liin, Pa. This Company. National In its character. oGcrs, ly reason of its Largo Capital, Low Rates of Prenii nui and Now Tables, the uiu' t dcrirnhle means of insuring lifo yet presented to tho publio. The fates of premium, being largely reduced, aro n.ade as favorable to tho Insurers as those of the boat Mutual Com panic, and avoid all the complication and uncertainties of Notes, Dividend and tho mis understandings which the latter aro so apt to cause llie Policy-Holders. Several r.civ and attractive tables aro now present ed which need only lo bo understood lo provo accep table to the public, tti'.'h as tho Income-Producing Policy and Return Premium Policy, lu the former the policy-holder nut only secures a, payable at death, but will receivo, if living, after a period of a few years, an annual income equal, lo ten per cent. (10 per cent.) of tho pur of his policy. In the lutkr, the Company ngioca to return tu the assured the total amouut of money ho Lus paid in. in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons 'contemplating io.-uriiit; j their lives or increasing tho amount of insurance) they nlreny rmvo, is called to tho special advantages ! ilTcrcd by the National Life Insurance Company. j Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given 1 cu ar plication to the Branch Oliice of the Company in Philadelphia, "r to its G'-'iicrul Agcn'c. tyLocal AgcnU aro Wanted in every City and j Town; and applications from cumptttnt partie? for i such agenciee, with suitable endorsement, should be ! addressed to the Company's General Agents enly, j 'n their respective district. OLsrt'Ai. aubxts : E W CLARK .'. CO., Philadelphia, Tor Pennsylvania mid Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE A CO.. Washington, D. C. For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District cf Columbia and West Virginia, t I). B. KUSSEL, Miinaper. WM. II. BOGLE, Agent, Milton, Ta., September 5, 1 iii). Iv II. MOOilB, NEW l. C. IHSSlXGEit. ARRIVAL AT jioour, a. We are now opening a l:irr'o vaticd afsortment of FALL AND WINTER- GOODS, which wc olT'r at tho lowest CASH Piioos, In fa;tntl"-i ."'' Irois K'rotit, MAKKET riTREirr, SUNRURY, PENN'A Cunistir:g of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, O ItOCERIFS, QUEEN5 WAUii, It LASS WARE, snrt a full liuir nf GENTLEHEirS FURNISIIIIiG GOOES iSll I.nISc" EfrokK Cooils, Calieeni', Mu.lin". Flannels, Tablo Mmus Toweling, CLe.ks. Ticking. Counterpanes, Cavsinicro, Vesting. Yarns, Skirl, Neck Tic, Cutis, Collars Hmnlkerehicfs, lios-. oil CI ith, '.'iirpjts, Wool m.d Villoiv-Wnro. We iuvite speoial altentlon lo tho quality of our tuuK 01 1 j;;H't:sisi:i am spuds, S10 u JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, I MLAS.-K, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, , lit II , V1NEUA11, to., Ao. Cno.p'.oH's Cvlobrated FLOUR, always on hnnl. We feel c-oifi lout that ca-h buyers will fin I it to the'.r advunTa-re to .ivo ns ft call, and customers Knerally aro invited lo call and (.Msmiuu our goods inl Kct posted on our prices. Iiystrml iKtcntiuu to tho wants of nur custnmen and 'fair donling we hope 10 meiit a 1'ull chare ol the publio patronage. COUNTRY I RODUCB of all Muh taken in cx e'lungo for g0wd, lur which the highest prico will be raid. MOl'IlE A DISSISQER. tiiinbury. Sept. 19. 'flJ. imiVi STABLK. Ml! IK iubi.' erihors havir.i purchased "'0 ttoek and I i in t f.Mr. Ch.uics iti.euu's Livery .Maolu, 1 n Sum in y. ivoul-l ref.eottuliy to llto oihlij, liiai ti.ey inter.d lurni.-hin,' il wiih tir-'-elass llors . lartinifof, Jiujicr an-l r-iiting-w agons snita'.Se for lliu On-inef'. an 1 will en.loavor to m.ike i: a Li very .second to nor.e in thl -eciiou 'of tho Slate, j Orders jell at the Cei.lral Jlntel, at any hour of tbu "iiiyoi niht, will recoive prompt altenlion. M.ilAW & FAliNSWOUTIT. I Sunbury, 0,;..,l er 17, '-.IS. NEW" BUY GOODS AND j Fresh Groceries I Ca lhiid St., one door below the Lutheran Church, 8 I' X li U R Y, TEN N 'A. HENRY PETERS Has jutt opened a large assortment of MIT OO0D5, sneh ni Calicoes. Muslins, A o., which are sold cheaper than ever. Also, a variety of No tion.. Undershirt, Drawers, Hats and Caps. LADIES' WOOLEN UOODS, A. a it o a e it i d a and PJIOV1SIONS of all kinds, rtt'.h as pTOARS, COFFEES, TEAS, M'ICKS, COA' OIL, Mobs-es, Syrups, Mackt-rol, Lard, ."'uts, Dried ar.d Canned Fruits, Prun. s ., Ci.ceso, ad Crackers, and in tact ever., thing usually kep'l in tho firocery line. Hims, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware. Queensware, lilass-ware, Willow. ware, Ae. The best FLOUR and MEAL In Ihe Market T'lbacco, Cigara, and a variety of Ng'f DjNS. AUo : All kinds of Curincd Fruit, at tit lowest j rices. Couutry Produee taken in exchango for Qoedi. fVCall aad exautiuo my i'towk, and satisfy your selves. , HENRY PLIERS. Sunbury, Oot 10, 15SB SHOEMAKERS. 1 HE best qualities of Sule Leathor, Trench Calf ku.a, Linings, Lasts, Na!.l, I-.g., Tot of all kinds, and every thing used l-v the t- .l, t'w Ww by J. ii. CONLITT f.O RKMEMBfcK Urerlv'i it.wTic.tnre Gallst three doors H of the rallied Miraet eviuat. FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES You can Buy More Goods BEST GiXjyv.X.IT"" For LESS at the IIAIIHOTH STORE, or 11. v. rmi.iAo, MaIIKET SQL'AP.E, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Tlian any other place. HAS JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED Tlie l!est Selected and FINEST ASSOKTAIENT, of DRY GOODS IN TOWN FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS. CASS IMERES, &c. Pelainos and Aruiures. I oinestio Cottons, Brewn and EUaohed NOTIONS of all kinds. Il jciery, Q loves, Man's and Ladles Unrgiurments. V7KITES GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMIKU9. Euildcrs will find my Stoek of iiardwaro, I'uiufst, Oil, .Iu, Ac., Complete. DRUGS AXD MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, QUEEN SWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, SALT, I BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CArs, aud in fuct ererythii.g usually kept in a large Store Cull nud he convinced that the Cheapest Tlaco to JJuv all Your Goods ia at 1 THE MAMMOTH STORE Of' II. V. FRILIIIO, Teriiin t uI, 30 tlnj. as my Goods aro bought for Csib and Eold Cheap . f.r the READY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad vantage of all reduction u fast ai they are made by Muufotuiers j il T FRILIN3, ua'oury, !pt lUi YOlNCt RIK.t ritACTICAI.IA' EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 Chesnut Bt., cor. of Tth., rUILADELI'IIIA Established Incorporate 185. 77i- longest etnlUthed and bent organmd Commercial College in tie City. The nraotieal ralue of its course of Instruction has beon tosted by long experience. HUNDREDS OF YOUNG HEN 1It found, in the knowledge gained here, the meani of proflUtblo employment, and of luceess in business. Each Student Is Instructed separately, and In the most practical manner. Hooks for tho various Branches of Trade are onencd, writton out, and olosed In the manner prao- . .' . 1 . 1 ni.. tioeu in our uesi mercantile uoubu. juv uiumwi business Papers, such as BILES OP EXCHANGE, mOMISOKY NOTES. CHECK ACCOUNTS SALES, ACCOUNTS CUHKENT, LETTERS, INVOICES, .. Are made out as in actual business. rEKiiArisiiip Is taught by a superior penman in such a manner that an attentive studont in a short time gains a ltapid, Free and Llcgant stylo ot liusmess tuning, ORNAMENTAL WEITINO, Of all ktuds, Is ozeouttd in the most finished man' COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Including; the best and most rapid methods of com tnitine Interest Exchange, Profit and bales, Avera ging Account!, Ac , are comprised in the Course of instruction. BUSINESS PRACTICES, Purchases, Sales, Consignments, Shipments, Deal inzs with Banks. Remittance!. Ao.. 0. Also, Commercial Law, Phonography, Detecting lounterieits, ao. Studcntsreceivcd at any time, and Instructed at such hour? as mnv best suit their convenience. The larffo number of business men now in attend- anco, and the numorous applications received for its students to fill vacant positions, fully attest tho ap preciation in which the institution is held by the business community. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. CATALOOL'ES CENT GRATIS. The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Eu sincss Manual, for sale at the College. Handsomely bound, 12 me. l'noe, Jl.U. seni post paia 10 any address. B. II. CRITTENDEN 4 (JO. July 25, l&GS.-fim ELECTItlC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. TUB EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH OFFICE, COMPANY'S No. "3 A "3 A'aisiiH Street, NEW YORK, Organized Litdcr special sharter fioui the Stale of New York. CAPITAL . . . ?8,000,000 P 0,000 ISUarcs, 100 ILucIi. DIRECTORS. Ho. ANDREW O. CCRT1N, I'hilaJelphia. PAUL 8. KfiltBES, of Runell A Co., China. FRKD. BC1TERF1ELD, of F. Bultetneli k Co New Yoik. ISAAC I.IVF.RMORE, Tieasurer Michigan Central Railroad, Dostum ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer Amer con Ex press Company, New York. Hon. JAMES NIXON, Sraeire,N. Y. O. II. PALMER, Tre.isurei Western Union Telegraph ompany, New Voik. WF.STRAY, of Wcstray, Oibbs IlartlCHStle, New York. NICHOLAS MICKLEf , New York Ofllccrs. A O. CIMITIN, Trcsident. N. M1CKLE, Vice President. GEdKGt: CONANT, Secretary. OEOHGK ELLIS (Cailiicrj.Natioual Dank Common wealth,) Ttcaiurer. IIom. A. K. McCLl'RE, Philadelphia Buhcitor. The Chinese Government having (through the H"ii Aiiuii Uuiliiigainr) c aicitleJ to tins Conijauiy urn privi lege ul' comieeting lao Bleut (eapinli i. llie r.nipire u SiilPliurine elecluc tel., we propose couiiaeii- c:ng uperaii.iiia in China, and laying down a line ol nine iiuiiuicd miles at once, between the following pane; viz Population. Cinton, J,(X'0 ,01111 Oo.tlUU I.'iO.OOU 20O.01.0 S50,UU1I 1 S5U,UO0 300.000 400,000 JjXOU.OOo 1,000,000 .Mucoa, Hong-Kong, Swelow, Amoy, Foo-Chow, Wan-Cliu, Ningpo, Hang Cheao, Shauglial, Total, f,9IO,Ol;0 These ooits have a foreign commerce of 900,0i6.COO, and an eiiorimius domeat le nude, lirnde which wr imve il.,, i.imii-itfta Qommerce ul llie t.inoire, iuui.iuuk Iroiu ihrse pmuls, tUrouijli us cuuels and navigable liven llie cable being unit, tins vowpeiiy pfioo.t. f." hul In, ... ml ekuil.a.luiiir a aoeedv and liustwoin.y ineanitil coiuinuiiieultiai, which must commuiid there, as everywhere else, llie communications of the Ooveiiiuieiii, ol business, anil of Social life, especially til China. She has no postal system, and her unty uieune aw ol eoinnm i.icutiiig infoiiiialiou is by council on laud, and by steam ers u water. Tne Wulern World knows that China is a very large couulty, in the main densely peopled ; but few yet realize th .it alio coiiuius mora thai, a Ihlrd of the human race. The latest returns made lo her central aulhoriliesfor tux Ifir tairposei t.y the I.m:h1 iiiuc, lit rules make her population FDlMl HUNDRED ANU FOUKThEN MILLIONS, and this is more likely to lie under than ovef the actual agregaie. Nearly ellof these, wbo are over ten years old, wh only cuii I jut do read and write, Her civilization i. m.f.iili.ii. I. nt her literuturd is as exleusive es ihut uf Eu rope. China is a laud nf teachers and trailers j aud the lalter are exceedingly quick to avail themselves of every r....rr..rM.l f..r.iliiu l,.r nntflllinff euilv iufoi matioii. It is obseived in California iliut the Chinese make greut use of the telegraph, though it there traneiiuls messages in r. g ili alone. To day greal numbers of Heel .leniiicrt an- ownt-d hy Cluile.e iiu'icnaiits, an.i useu ny eif eivaty foi the traii.iuissioii of early lutelligcnee. Il Ihe trlcgiaph we pi .pose, connecting all Iheir eieat seaports, Were now in risuiicc, it is lieheved llial its lin.lnesa would pay the cost wilhin Ihe ton two yeais of Hi suo CCLnlal opeialloii, anil would steadily increune ihereafler. No enterprise e Use. f as in a greater degree reiniu.erutive t eiif ituluts, and to nur w hole people. It is of a vast naii .it:il i.iiKiiUincu commercially, poiiueully, uli.l evaneeliealieuliy. Ti?" Thesioek of this Compniiy has been unqualifiedly reeoiiinieiided to capitalists and li.iHinevs men, as a destr at le iuvestinrnt by edilorial artielea in the New York HernM, Tribune, World, Tunes, Post, Express, Indepen dent, a.ul in the. I'h.inih'lpliiu Nnnh Aiuericon, Press, l.edgcr, Iiiipnrer, Ape, llullitlil und Telegraph. Plnircs ul tins I" a lunited nuinlier, may be ohlanied at Van each, tilU yah!c down, T16 on the Ul i.f N..i einlier, and SS p.Vvat.le in moulhlv inslalineiiia of ti M each,cuiuineuciii( Dccciubel I, lolid, oil applicutioil to DREXEL & GO. i 31 Sotilla 1'liird Street, I'HILALKI.PIIIA. Shares ejn he obtained in Sunbury bf application to ft J PaCKF.I1, Banker, who is authorized to receive sub seripti ms, aud cau give all aecestury infuiiuationun lh ul'ject. Ueptemlier 10, IMS. 8m. I"WR Saddlers, we have Suddle Trees, Bitls, Buck ' les. Gig Trees, Pad Trees, Danes, all kinds and every thing pertaining tu the business, for sale by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. CARPENTERS WILL find in our establishment a superior stock, of Fluuea, Suws, Augers, HatcbetJ, Uuumcrs, File Chisels, .)., Au.,(o( tale by ' J. H. CONLEY A CO 1JIRD OAltKS, 11 dt8reut kinds. If jouwont U t1 at-icuvip Pill vag-is jato CONLEY I') $ AV. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market denture, SIIIMIIJK Y, In. Has just opened a frosh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpaased In purity and freshness, and kept eon itantly on hand. My stook will always bo found complete in every article of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon cromct- ness and attention to orders. r ANCV ARTICLES ! My stock li unusually largo and embraces every thing that can be found on a first class Toilet Table, noiuaing Amoriuan and genuine French and Eng lish PERFUMERY, romades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Outta Percha M'ond and Horn Combs, Toilot Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth and Paint Brushos, . I'm en t Medicine. Embracing all the most popular Procurations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SEO ARS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. Paint, OiI, fUlisc, dilas,. Putty, Ynriiiwlse, Ac. All my Tinctures. 5vruns, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations aio'manufacturcd by myself, and from tho best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience In me Drug and PrccrijAwn Eunnea, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage ot tnouonegooi rnarmncv, x leei com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians nnd public may favor me with All my preparations as 1 nave aoove asserted, are made from mo ucsi material, ana upon uonor nsert, tlieyare 01 otnoiai strcngin. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bo fore purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, May 18, 1868. I.ndie' l'nitcy l'urs I AT JOHN FAREIRA'S, Cld Established FUR Manufactory, No. 718 ARCH Street, nbovo 7th, PHIL'A. Have now In storo of myown Importation and Manufacture one of the '.largest and inoit boauti iful selections of FANCY FURS, lfol or Ladies' and Chil- ' rvr dren's Wear, in the city. S Also, a Cue assortment of Oents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would theroforo solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember tho Name, Number and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA, . No. 71S Arch St., aboro 7lh, south sido, Philad'a. tTi)" I have no Partner, nor connection with any other storo in Philadelphia. Oct. 3, 'B8.-4m S SUNBURY MARBLE X mTTP nititoNt nerl hnvinff hoilffhl the "f 5 1 entiro stock of Ii?singer A Taylor, 3 would Inform tho public that he is now ready to do all kinds of tnarblo work J has on hand, and makes to oracr ai siiori nonce, Monument nnsl Ilcatl-Stouc, of every stylo to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Tost, with Oalvoniied pipe and all uther fencing L-enerollv used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in tho employment, at the old stand m Muiket Square . Suruurv. l a May 2, 'iW.-ly.J W. M. DAI UULRTY FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AIS'D HKTAIL. r"HIE subscriber respectfully informs tho publio t;.at lie keeps constantly en nanu ai nis new WAREHOUSE, nonr lh Sha'iuokiu Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of nil kinds of Feed by tho ton The above is all manufactured nt his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cnsli prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Suubury, Arril 1, IrOS , NEW MACHINE SHOP AND KO. KOIIROACII Sc. SOS, STTKrBTJR."5r. PA., TNFORM tho publio that they havo established a I MACHINE SHOP, in conneonon with their Ki1Ii IiltV. The have supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planinir and lioriim Machines, with the latest improvements. With tho aid of kkillful me chanics, they aro cnablod to executo all orders of New Work'or HopuJi-ins;, il.nt nur hsoiven them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. lCriiss fTuwliiis, t' The TLOWS, already celebrated for their super! ority, have been 6till further improved, and will al ways bo kept on hand. Sunbury, June 13, 18C8. A Lecture to YOUNG JMEIST Jitat PuHished, in a Scaled Envelope. Price six cents. Ledum on tli tXnlsire, Trrnt. incnt and Radical Curoof Spcruiatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Emissions, bexual Debiliiy mt Itm.eilirnents lo Marriafre item-rally : Nervous ness. Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mentul and Phvsicnl Incanacilv. resultine from Solf-Abuae. Ao. By Robeht J. Culvkhwisll, M.D. , Author of the 'Oreen lloek." Ao. Tlie world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that tho awtul consequences ot ccii-aduso may oo cant luallv removed w ithout medicine, and without dan L'prous surcicul operations, bounios, iintruments. ringi. or cordials, pointingout a mudeofcureatonco certain and eOeulual. bv which every suflorcr, no matter what his condition may be, may oure dimsoir oheanlv. privately, and radically, ibis Locture win rirova ubnon to thousands and thousands. Sent under soul, to any address, in a plain scaled envelope, on Ihe reeeiptof six cents, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culvcrwell'a " Marriage Ouido," price 2i ceuts. Add reus tlie Publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Oliico Vox 4,525. July 4. lht3S y NATURE S GREAT RESTORER. CELEBRATED B i t t erCordial. This medical preperation Is now etTored to tho publio as a reliable substitute for tbe many worth- i.s. couipouiiu. wiuco dow noon tne market, ltis purely vegetuble, composed of various herb., gather ed from the great storehouse of nature, and solacied with the utmost oaro. II ia not recommended aa a Ct nts All, but by its direct and salutary influ eucu upon the Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Sto mach and Bowels, it acts both as a preventive and cure for many of the diseases to which those organs are subject. It is a reliuble Family Medicine, and can be taken by either infant or adult with tbe same beneficial results. It is a certain, prompt and speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bowel Comnlaiut, Dyspepsia, Lowncss of Spirits, ruintinirs, Siuk-Headache, Ao. For Chills and Fevers of all kiuds, it is far better and safer than quinine, with out any of its pernicious effect. It ereutes an appe tite, proves a powerful digester of food, aud will counteract the etteuie of liquor in a few luutule.. rreparen oy JACOB ECHEETZ. Sole Proprietor, N. W. Cur. Filth and Race Kts., Philadelphia, Pa. Bold by all Druggists. noy. 14, 'tis -J CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL 9 St 3 B Q BEOT. IIOHNEH, Doalcr in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the meet lespon.ibl., Nurseries in this aud other States, first olass 'HIKES nf all kinds. Also, Sliriibbcry, Viucsand Plimts. Garden beeda ct all kiuds. SEED POTATOES. New While Peach Blows, Early Goodiieh. Chile and Harrison Potatoes, in large and small quantities, are otTered tor aula. Orders are loryeclfully lolioited. AJdrtj KKNJ. BOIINER, i'axinei, North'd. Co. JrN. B Insurances taken In several of tht most responsible rite Insurance and llvroe Deteotivt mipsti'.es n the S's'.e. Cot 17, Uie.-v r "if i - . r v ISAAC E. 8TATJFFEB, Wafclimnltcr find Jew. ler, NO. 143 NORTH 2d ST., COll. Or QUARRY, ' PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Walihee. Jewelry, Silver and PUtee Ware constantly on hand, tTMlenairinf of Welches and Jewelry promptly it teniled t. Nov. 30, 1PB7 I y. G28 HOOP SKIRTS 628 CORSE TSCORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, No. 098 Areli Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER OF THE Celebrated "OIAMPIOX" Hoop SicirU FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and best quality and atyles in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend themselves by wear ing longer, rotaimr their shape much better, lighter and more clastio than all others? warranted In every rocpect. and sold at very low prices. Ask lor ilop kins' "Champion" Skirt. Superior Hnnd made Whnlo-Bone Corsets in Fif teen ditforent tirades, inoluding tho "Imperial" end Thompson A Lanedon'e "Olove Fittinn" Corsets, ranging in prices from 81 cents to $5.&U; together with Joseph Deckel's Celebrated Frenob Woven Corsets, superior shapes and quality. Ten different tirades, from $1 10 to $5.50. Tlieyare the finest and best goods for tho prices, over imported. The Trade supplied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets at the Lowest Rales. Those vlsitine the City should not fail to call and examine our Uoods and Prices, as wo defy all com petition. rcnruary iv, isos. lumoa. .wpoiM'A.vr ato'i'icu. THE undersigned having succeeded to the busi ness of T. Hl.MES A CO., takes this method of informing Brick-Layers. Builders, nud all others in terested, in and about Sunbury. that he is prepared to fill nil orders, for building and paving Brick, of a superior quality, and at as low rates as can he had isewncro. I am alo tho Agent In Ihe Counties of Northum- crlnnd, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR. EN'S IMPROVED FlllU and WATER PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Hoof that n be used on buildings. W e covered suvoral build gs with it, during the last season with entire satis ction. Orders left at the Briek Ysrd, in Cake's Addition to Sunburv. or nt tho Oliice of Mr. Win. Roazan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post Oliice, will receive prompt attention. tun itsurtv iiiJibs. Sunbury, March 14, IPGS. Mo. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. ENERAlTENTS, a,, PENNSYLVANIA nun - -k-? a OF THE J 1st OF THE "KiO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ttie y.Tioirir. 1,ifj IsrstTriANoa CojiraifT ts a corporal o. i c'lur'iTml b 1 sLotul Ac t ot Cut.groSS.ap proved July jj, islj, nh a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000," FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Ar-. uts and Solicitors, who are in vlied to apply nt oor otUco. hullp.lttcaUrt tholinit on applieaMr.n St onr r.fCce, loe.ineiita i lie fee in t Nt'.i v of onr fPtnlitiu H'.n-o, here CllCnU' S ll'id P lliiplll.M s, tiily tl slti ' 1 g lt.e auvauiflgce vuere l l.y t tu Company tie had. li. IV. t I..1I3.U A- ., A'. .Vnii'l l,,,,J SI. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia lo be made to D S. RUSSELL. Man August l.'i, ltG? lv. Harrisb-jr;:, Pa. Hotice to Merchants and Shippers. T 1I1E undersigned, proprietor of Wetser A Frick'a Line, civo notice to merchants and shippers that the Depot is still at 81 1 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Goodsdireeted lo Sunbury, Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along the railroad, will bo promptly delivered. l " Cars leave 81 1 Market street, Philadelphia tri-wccklv Tiies-lnvs. 'ihursdays and Saturdavs. J. W. HKOiVN, Proprietor, Lowiaburg, J. H. DROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Deeeml)or7, 18tS7. SEEING IS EELIEVINQ At?OI Arch Kli-erf. NEW TRICES! NEW GOODS Itich Silver and Silvcr-Plated Wares, Including every style and description, made expressly for the Wintur trado, which for neatness and durability cannot be surpassed at -riip John bowman's Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, Jul AllCIl STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Yf Re-plating at short notice. December 21. :Hti7 aug27 .1 H. Conley Co., V e Market Si reet, l'nt oi l lie Itn ilroad, t3U3STI3TJR,"5r, PENN'A. DEALERS IN r o it i: i um Ai ami: mew. Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now oEVcring a belter selooted assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock compiiscs all articles in this line ofbusiuess, embracing a geueral assortment of tools aud mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGONMAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron. Steel, Nails, SpikusRope, Chains, Gtiudatones, Mill aud X Cut tw, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. NEW CAUHIACE& BUGGY MANUFACTORY. ATHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens X ot sunnury ana viciniiv. mat no nas openea a shop in Sol. Stroll's Blackswithshop-Building on Chestnut street, Sunbury, Pu , where ho keeps con stantly on hand, and manufactures to order, 4'ui-i-liiii4-H, Itii2;: vm. KiilUym, Ac, of the latest style and of the best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages. Ac, doue at the shortest notice. Persons In want of fine Buztrlea and Carriage., are rcquclcd to call before purohuintr eluowhere. si. v. nutou, Sunbury, July II, lSn3 ly Wu. Fittuos. Nklsox Plob FURNITURE ROOMS VIvT. FAR301T & 3C1T. I .. i . .. r l. - a . r t. v sn wi iu, ui 111 ui i' uraou a. xavi..oave opened ware rooms at No. 224 South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they keep a full assortment of PARLOH, CIIAMBEU, SITTING ROOM and DINING KOO.M FUHNITUHE. Their old customers, and all persons wishing to tiurchaae. are invited to oall aud examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid lo packing. mvl ly. A LARGE supply ef Wall Paper Hot-tier, just reunited and for .ale chuan. at the Mammoth Store of April 4, IHfiq, H. Y. FRILUSa. Iiolniuti ori'ui-iierlil. NOTICE is hereby given that th ro-partnership heretofore existing bet eon J. Weiser Bucher ana Alaeirr Ru.-hor, trading under the firm of ' Bucher Brother.,"in the tanning business, was this uny ,y.s.i., ,-,in, ios,1 Ji.M.lvud by tuutual con seut. llie bustneu will,r l.n ,,,..l,.......l I,. I the undeisigned, at the ni l stantl, where all persons I Indebted to lb firm of Bucher Brothers, aro re queued to call withcul delay aud make set'iemtut, I ' oo'- E MA SSL 11 E I'CH Ell. I .uubuty. Augmt ;j I?..J-om. Great Attraction. at the NEW TIN - WARE, Bisect Iron and Store HI ore or SMITH & ITT HER. SUNBUHY, 3? -A--, Where they keep constantly on hand and msnufac tnro to ordor at short notice. TIN AND SHEET I UON-W ARE of all descriptions. They would especially call the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and those wbo would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selooted stock. First. They defy competition on lh following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis : Combination fUnn Ilnmcr, Cook. Uovcrnor Ponn-Cook, WABASH AND IBONSIDES, and tho well known Antldust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em braoing all the beat manufactures and most fashion nt.lo dosigna, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangement combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Plnco Slove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tho oelobrated MORNING GLORY.? Conl Oil, Coal Oil I.nnipsi, Shadca, CliinsnicM, und all articles usually kept In an establishment of this kind. They aro also prepared to furnish Slate and do elating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing, Spouting, Range and Furnaco Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Uaugli'a Raw Hone Snpcr-Plios yuate." Remember the place. Sample and tales Room nearly opposite Conly'e Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August. 2a, ISGS. m. j. jJi:AitiiAiti'H Confectionry, Toys and rlXJIT STORE, Market Street, Sunbury, Ia. COKFECTIOXERY OF AIL KIND9, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able pricos. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeslionariet to koop up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nulsof all kinds, and a variety of other articles, ull of which are orleied wholesale and retail. "Remember tho name and plaoe..) M. C. UEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1883. tf THE GREAT AifSItlCAN COMBINATION Ituttou Hole O vei-fccniulnjr. SEWI1TG- 5EcACSIXTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Ureal Merit. The increase in the demand for this valuable ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the last sovcu months of its first year before the public. This grund and surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-uiachineagand we teel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best FAMILY .ti rr.iH I.N THE WORLD, Ani Intrinsically the Cheapest. It is rca'ly two machines combined in one, (by a simple und beautiful tueclinnical arrangumcnt,) uiu king both the Shultloor Lock-stitch, aud tho Over seaming and Eutton-hulo stitch, with equal facility and pet lection, It execute in the very licet manner every variety ofsewiug, such as Hemming, Felling, Curiiu.g, Tucking, Stitching. Braiding und Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the sauie time.) aud in nddition, Overscams, Embroiders on the eJ,to and makes beautiful Button aud Eyelut-holes in all labrics. Every Machine is warranted hy the Company, or its Agents, lo give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had on applica tion al the Salesrooms of TUB AIVIBHICAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMINd AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on tho Maohiue nt the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FHED'K l'AXSON, President. W. 13. MirNnKNrtAi.i., Treasurer. April 25, lri53. lycjiin. 25, (;ka.u itnticric kaiah. The Oldest and moat noted Institution the Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON. HAVING removed to bis new building on Third Street, between Market and tho Depot, is now prepared to serve his customers better than ever -Having secured the services of first class Barbers, SHAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING will be executed in the latest style. The building having been erected especially for the purpose of a First Class Barber Saloon, and having fitted it up in the latest stylo, be hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Confectionery hai been opened for tbe salouf It'oCi'cuiu, Candies, ('nhes, Ileer, and numerous other Temperance Drinks in common uso. Oranges, and other delicious fruits aud eatables ol home and foreign growth in rich prolasiou and elegant variety. Sunbury, September 5, ISCg. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, it on 3d street, opposite tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH OALLERT, II ut Lately twistabliklied, tvltla nil tlie Modern Improvement) ol tlie Art I rnHE subscriber, having built the room expresily X lor the purpose of Photographing, and havin devoted many years to the business, is oonfideut of his ability to assure his patrons that tbe work pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tbe best sky light in the county, be is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day lor small children. He ia also prepared to take new sis, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of picture copied and magnified to any required site and colore.! beautifully iu Oil or Water colors or India iuk. We p.y special attention to all kinds of out door work, such a Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frame's constantly on bund. The public are rospeotfully invited to call and tee our specimens and our complete arrangement for uiuking Photographs, special tcrini to luuiilies and clubs. . BERGSTRESSER. huubury, July 15, TO BTJILDERO. VtTIXDOW Olosa and Building Hardware, at th 1 V lowest Cash Price at th Mammoth Store of II. Y. FUILIN-a. WE havk COME With great inducements to agent tooo-operat with us in our LiltAAD O.tR UOI.MK SAI.K! Shtetingt Jru of Cost to our Agents. Watches frn cf Cust i our Jgenti. Svuing Machines free of Ctt to our Agents. Leather Goods. J re of Cost to our Agent. Linen Good fro of Cost to our Agent. Silk- and Shaul fret of Cost to our Agents. Pool and Shoe fr of Cost ta our Agent. lrrto Goad fret of Cost to 0'ir Agi'nts GREAT D"LLAU BAR 8 A IN 3 for our Vend for our circular. Ag.oU wanted every wher Address J AS T STEWART A CO . Ost 10 'C4-2ji Sit Dy u-et, X. Y. northern Oontrnt Itnllvrny, .. j SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. ON and alter Nov. V2, 1309, trains will leave BUNBLKY, as follows: LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6 .00 A. M., Daily for Wllllamsport. Dally (except Sundays,) for Elulira, Cauanduigua, Rochester, Ilutlnloe, Niagara f ails, Suspension Bridge and the Canadas. t 4. IS P. M., Daily (oxoept Sundays,) for Eluiira, and Btillalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. (.40 P. M., Daily (except Bundtys,) for Williams port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 2.45 A. M., Dally (except Monday.) for Baltimore, Washinirtnn and Philadelphia. 9 40 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Wn 7.60 P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) fur J a-nington. ' lEiirwburr . J. N. DuBARnr, En. S. iortto. Ueu'l. Snp't., Uen 1 I'ltsaeu'r Ag't., Harriaburg, Pa. Dultitnore, Md. IliilnUcliiIsla fc Drie Itnllroud. WINTER TIME TAELE. Through and direct route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harrbburg, Williamsport, to the North west and the Ureal Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPJNtCARS on 11 Night Trains. On and after Monday. Nor. 23d. 1869, the Trains on Ihe Philadelphia A Erie Rail Head will run as follows : Westwajid. Mafl Train leaves Philadelphia, 10.43 p m. Sunbury, 0 00 a in " " arr. at Erie. 9.50 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. 11 .60 a m " " " Sunbury 6 40 p m 11 " nrr at Erie 10 00 a to Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8 O0 a in " " " Sunbury 4.16pm " " arrive at Lock Haven, f .46 p m r.ASTWABD. Mall Train leaves Erie 10 liana " " " Sunburr, 2.4i a m ' " arr. at Philadelphia, 10.00 a uv Erie Exprcn leaves Erie 6.26 pic ' " Sunbury 9 40 a m " arr. at Philadelphia, 4.20 pm Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek an.f Allegheny Hirer Railroad. BAGGAGE CHECEEE' THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent a. m. iti:-, icntit, WUl remove hisOfficoto J. M. Simpson's Euildinj, 2nd story, Market Square, s-rjrTBTJirVsr, ia WHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which be will be able to solect, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or lse the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powdcra kept on bund. His references are tho numerous patrons for whom be has worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, IH83. Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts. Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Looks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasivrer's Sieves, Ao., Ac, for sale by J. II. CON LEY CO. UPTON HOTEL- CHAIS. I IZEIi, Proprietor. In Cake's Addititn to SUNBURY, near the Ponn 'a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet ooiu forts of homo with faro equal to the best holois. His Liquors are of the ehoinost kinds. Sunbury, Juno S, 1807. LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! f. IlYKitlYV, rilllE popular Photograper, has fitted up, in the X old Post Office building, three doors wtst cf the railroad. Market Square, one of the very best Sky Lights to be found in the State, and is now prepared to take pictttiv of any kind, iu all kinds of weather, early auU PlVe. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along the bubies wc are now ready for them. COME OSE 1 COME ALL 1 both great and small, see his new room', ar.d ox uiniuc specimens. FRAMES and FRAMING materia! constantly on hau l nnd tnado to order. Bring along your pictures and have them framed cheaper than anywhero elite. Colic and see tor yourselves, Anything in the picture linu constantly on hund or ordered. Copying done in all iu branches and ooloiod as desired. Both out nnd indoor views taken at short notice und on reasonable terms, butisfacliou guarranteed, as our motto is to please. All negatives cnrerellv preserved. Remember the pla:e ask for S. Bl'EIi LY. Murkot Square. May 2:1, '6S.-ly. Arittilliiriii Implements, HOE'S Groin Rakes, Steel and Iron Gordtn Raket, Long and D Handlo Spades, 'hnvils. Jlnauro nnd Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trceo, Breast. Tongue ar.d Log Chains. Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Seives of all sires and kinds, a largo assor linen t rf Red U'aon Hauics, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale tof J. jr. CONLEY A CO. THE best and cheapest assortment of Stone Ware In the Stnte. just received and tor sale cheap at tho Mammoth Cush Store of n. Y. 'RILING fill ii tit. Oil-., Ac. A full stoek of Oils comprising? Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines atd Machinery, Varuishus, Gloss, always on hand, at low prices at CONL1Y A CO S Coachmakers, WE are selling Rimi, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canvass, Bolls, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low Large Stock at OONLEY CO, Sunbury, March 30, lbCT. IRON. A large assortment of tho best manufac tured Burt, Hoop. Rand, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Ciurt Siecl, Busier Steel, Drill Steel, llorse Snots, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bollows, Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps und Filet, at CONLEY A CO'S JACOB SHIPMAN, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, SUNBURY, PENN'A. nrrrtEsx.tTt : Farmers Mutual Fir Insurance Co , York Ps , Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection Co., New York Mutual Life, Girard Lif.ol Phil'h. A Dait ford Conn. General Accident. CONRAD MEVEH, " " Inventor and Munufuetanr vf t.Ks CELEB It A TED IE ON EPA HE PIANOS, Warcroomi, No. 723 Arch St., Phila., HAS received th Priie Mednl cf the World' Great Exhibition, London, England. The high est Prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited ItSSTABLIzMXD 1623 Oct. 3, 'BS.-oia "ii liter und I'iro I'root" SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned respectfully inform! builders In this and adjoining couuties that he is prepared to put on Mate Roofs in a superior manner, lie furn ishet the celebrated Lehigh county S ate, which is the best in the market, lie warrants his work to be durable and lire und water proof. Ho invites the in spection of tho public lo the work he boadone in Sun bury on Hatipt's, Greeoough' and Haas' buildings, and ou other at various place. Hi. prices area low as those of any other slater. Address, D. S. SMITH, Sunbury, P. O , or call at bis resideno in Upper Augusta twp. January II, IStitj. ly PHOTOGRAPH. ALBUMS BOOKS AIr: STATIONERY", Monthly Time Books Drawing Books aud Slates: flock. Hymn Cooks Blink Bouks, Memoranautu oks, lliariot, Pocket Books. Ink Slan t, Pent, Peciils, a hue assortment of Paper, ink. Ac For sale by ANNA PAINTER 1IOOTX A.I SliOi:. J. C. SYLYIS, WITH II. O. TilACHER, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Iloote, Slsuea nud tUaltort). Pleasants' Buildinc, Market Suuare, StNBUEY, PA. Ladle' Boot, Shoo and Gaiters of all description mad to order on th shortest colic and most rea' sooable forms. Having the beet workmen employed we van aasur th publio that, if they will give us a oall, they will be .aiiatied of ihe aU e fuuia. 1-E-PAIRING ueatly done with diipatcb. If your Corns do hurt your feet. Just eall and tear your measure, Aud we will utek )our rib on. or llo l, . That you will eall a troaaur. Mai eh 5, oi -4y.