I wnbuvg American. EM'ti WII.VEIIT, Publisher. i;iii;kv, IA. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9. 1300. Horal ftffaivs. RTtNCi. William Hoover, Esq., of thia j.laoa, has reoelraJ the tppoiutment f Revenue Store keeper far ttiii dl.ilriot. Om carrier returns thanks to car subscribers Id the Borough for tbe liberal manner in which ha was remembered on New Toar's day. Tm tew Steam Saw Mill ll rapidly progressing, tinder tba luporintendenoe of Wm. Reagan, Esq. The frama work ii already np, and teady fur closing vj and roofing. Fillimq lea notaaj. Many of onr citizens ware tn;iy engaged, during last week, In homing loa. Iba lea wai taken Out of tha river, and was about tiioo inches in thickness. Tn annual cleotion for off.esrs of tha Sunbury Mutual l.cn and building Association will bo held In tha Alajoiiic nail on Friday evening, January lith. All tbo stockholders are requested to be pre ent. Ai JfAHV eacidents oecur on railroadi thia season of tha year, all travelers should prooure iuJuranca tlokcts before gelling on tha oara. Mr. Jacob fship man, tba ticket agent at the depot, ia tba agent for tha aala of them. ' . . KklLKR, the barber, in Dewart'i frame building, on tha north side of Mukat i'quare, oroployi three first-class barberi. Ilia establishment is one of the neatest to ba found anywhere, and hii work gives perfect satiifuotiun to bis numerous customers. A. Y. M Hubert I.. Mueneh, Esq., of Harris burg, has been re-appointod iJuHrict Deputy Grand Master for the countioa of Ilanphin, JJorthuiubor Innd, Snyder and Lebanon, fur the eniuing Masonic ytar. Tub iee on the river, which waa froien over and crossed, last week, by toains, became weakened by the roccnt nilid weather. A few cold nights, how ever, will rostoro our natural bridgo, over which, some days, sevcrul hundred sleds hare pawed CoscunT.Tle original f-ani Sauford, with his un rivalled Opera Troupe and Brass Hand, will give two of their oonoorts in Ibo Masonio Hull, on this Friday and Saturday ovenings. It is not nocossary to recommend them, as they are acknowledged tbo best minstrel troupe traveling. 1'ire. Th" tannery of D. 1. Seal. Esq., in Jack sen township, was consumed by fire on the morning of the 13th ult. When first discovered the flames wore under such headway that nothing oould bo rescued. Tbe loss is estimated tube about JIJ00, which waa partly insured. Tbo Bre Is supposed to be the work of un incendiary. InI'OIita.it to La.nhlohns. A rule was estab lished at the proscnt torm of Court, by his Honor, Judge Jordan, that no petition for license will be recognized by the Court unices endorsed by tbo at torney having it in charge. St-KrcniNB. Tho moderate wethcr, the begin ning of tho wock, tins taken off tba snow rapidly. Fortunately a cold snap set in on Tuesday night, In time to save tho sleighing. AYe trust we may soon have more snow, nit only for locomotion, but lor Iho sesurity of the growing ernps of grain. Saddle and IJarnkm Makinu. M. V. Hciu perly buving purchased he Saddle and Harness es tablishment of Mr. Tucker, in l'urdy (addition, has moved into the storeroom of Mr. Solomon Weaver, cn Market street, near Itrumbollcr's Hotel, whore Ml kinds of Harness, Saddles, Ao., will bo made up iu tha latest improved stylo, Farmers and others aro Invited to call and exRinine hisstook. Biiiuut's Nmv BfiLUi.vo The Odd IVIJows' Hall of Lodge No. 020, in tho third story of this band'omo new building, is row nearly completed, and will soon be occupied by the order. Tho Hall is tiot only ooioinodiou.i, but one of the handsomest and best arranged in this section of country. Ou tho second floor are tho law rooms of Messrs. lioyer 4 Wolverton, which are not only convenient aud oomfortublc, but handsomely and tastefully fur nished. The firm aro rortainly well prepared to give their olienU and liioiids Dot ouly law, but u warm aud comfortable reception. Accidkxt at tuk TiiBvonte MifcKs About i three o'olock on Tuesd.i.v. Iho 2S)ih ult., us George; Kramer, a minor ut tho Trerurlon mines, was in the I act of getting into a car fur tha purpose of descend- ! ing the slope ou his way to work, ho slipped and fell to tho bottom, a distance uf sixty yards. Jio was ' taken out in a mangled cuuditiou and spoke a few i ords, home. Tab sidewalks bavo been, ever since the deep snow that fell several weeks "g, iu a bad oondition, nar row, unercu, and as smooth as glass. The coat of making good potbs, jvlth a snow-plow, would be le;s than one cent for each taxable inhabitant. It is, j Ferup., i..e mu.ug oust ol iuu oimo necessary , luxury, cspcoiully to the poor mid hotpless, thut i causes it to receive so little attention from our Bo rough fathers. Our Chief Burgess, however, pro mises to attoud to the mutter. Obeek Gi'.oceuv. Our citizous will be glad to leant that Mc.srs. Young t Israel have opened a Grocery Store on Third street, ttear the Masonic Hall. Their stock consists of all kinds of fruits, Tegetubloa, fitb, meats, fowls, game, besides a gene ral assortment of groceries. Persons w ishing any kind of vegetables or fruits, by the small or large tjiiintity, will fiud this establishment well stocked and prices reasonable. CniEi-s Raised. Shobomokiu Tribe, Impioved Order of Red Men No. 63, held their election on Thursday night of last week, and eleoted the fol lowing officers : Sachem li. Y. Friling. Senior Sagamore C. Fecker. Junior Sagamore J. E. Sroick. Chief of Record J. li. B!s.ir. Keeper of Wampum Jasper Slaymaker Representative Em'l Wilvort. Trustees J. F. Schaffcr, U. Y'. Friling and J. E. Emick. SwiiuxAH Case. Carrie Foister, a little daughter of Mr. Reuben Feister, of this Borough, when but 7 months old, swullonod ft diaper piu. No one was present when she swallowed it, but the fact that the pin was missing and the child was seized with cho king spells and for twelve hours remained in a criti cal condition, left no doubt on the winds of the family as to what had become of the pin. She, bow ever, partially reooverod at the time, but from that time until the present her health has been delioete. At intervals she has bceu quite sick, coughing and throwing up considerable quantities of corruption. During the past summer It was thought the child had goue into consumption, and was so ill that her recovery was regarded as next to impossible. She rallied again, however, and although for from well, was able to be about. Ou last Sunday week, Dee. 27th, she was seized with aviolrut fit of coughing, which lasted for some timo. Finally the suddenly put her fingers Into her mouth and drew forth the missing piu. The pin is about two Inches In length, with a hood five-sixteenths of un iuch long and five t ights of en inch in circumference. It is black with rust, and when couched up was covered with cor ruption. Carrie is now nearly 9 years old, so that this pin has been embedded in her lungs (as it ! be liered) abuut 8 years and 4 months, all this time kl.-coMc foruiiog and breaking, and rendering her lite miserable. We are glad to add thut since its lemoval bar health has been materially improved, r-bo is a bright aud interesting little girl, and it is to be hoped that alter so much tuffoting the may r. ,i be fully re:ttrti tv health. .Uiry Luminary. Court rRoonai.moa.-Tha Bpeolal Court. In lea-1 u .a, j..b- i..Min..Btill .. , : . . ., .i.l Wedneeday uf this weok. Their whola titna, thus far, waa token up with the trial or Henry tayior at al, a. Androw M. Enatwlok et al. The plainUITs In former suit, recovered possession of soma 00 al lands then pooupled by defendants. This suit Is brought for part of tha means profits, wbioh are es timated at from f (1,000 to f 7,000. There art tereral of these suits against the same defendants, iu ona of whloh tho plaintiff olaltn from 120,000 to $-5,CWi. Tha proscnt suit, as adjourned over from last Satur day, ills thought will oontlnua tha balanoaof this week. Tha following gouUomen were ampaaneled as a Jury to try this case ; John Fisher, Adam TlsU or, Jvhu Liang, John Daniel, Joseph Ilimes, Wm. A. Hhafor, Henry Prlco, I. 0. liilimun, Frad'k Dililer, Bennevilla Kissinger, H. Uemseif and John B. llellor. These gentlemen hare had quite a lengthy timo already at this trial, with a good prospect of eontinuing soma days yet. cnmixAL rocRT. Commonwealth vs. J. W. Adams Fornioation and bastardy. Solomy Reitt, proseoutrU. Defend ant bound over for next term. Com. ts. John Uessner. Fornication and bas tardy. Sarah Bycrly, prosecutrix. Defendant bound oror for next Court. Com. ts. Augustus Woik. Fornication and bas tardy. Elira Ai.n Watt, prosecutrix. Defendaul was bound over. Capl. J. W. Hose was appointed Constable of Chilllsquaquo township. Cum. ts. James Ward Larceny . Iioniol Camp boll, prosocutor. BUI ignored. Com. ts. Charles McUoe. Burglary. Michael Brennan, prosecutor. Verdict, defendant not guil ty. Prisoner discharged. Com. ts. Frauds Hughes Assault and battery. Wm. M. Wearor, proseoutor. Defendant plead guilty. Fined $5, and to pay costs of proseoution. Com. ts. Franols Hughes. Mulicions mischief. Wm. M. Weaver, prosocutor. True bill. Defend ant pload guilty nud submits. Fined $5, costs of prwocution, and sentenoed to imprisonment iu the county jail for thirty days. retition to change election place in Washington township road, and ordor rrantod to hold an elootion for that purpose on tho 3d Friday of February. Com. vs. Harriot Wilkins. Assault and battery. Catharine Ann Harrison, prosecutrix. Recogni sance forfeited. Com. ts. A. F. Sanders. Adultery, Recogni zance forfeited. Coin. tj. S. L. Bcrgstrosser. Eonj. Sanders, pros ecutor. Caso dismissed. Coin. ts. Charles Honningor Fornication and bastardy. Margaret Leeser, prosecutrix. Defend ant triod ; Tcrdict, guilty. Usual sentence in bas tardy cases. Com. vs. George Lebtg. -Larceny. Martin L. FUlier, proseoutor. True bill not tried. Com. vs. Reuben Johnson. Two bills for nui sance , case continued from lust Court ; bound ovor fur next Court. Cum. ts. Thomas Barr, Justice of tha Peace at Turbutville. Misdemeanor in omoo, in refusing to give transcript from docket. Verdict, guilty. Com. vs. Charles Itzel. Three different bills. Coes Sf ttlcd. Georgo Eigner. prosocutor. Com. vs. Fred Lindner. Forcible entry ; Oeorgo Uigncr, prosecutor; settled. Com. ts. I.udie Daughcrty. Assault and battery ; Bridget Tuckorson, prosecutrix ; truo bill ; not tried. Com. vs. Jesse Barnhart. Breaking jail; no bill. Proseoutor, John Woomer, to pay costs. Com. vs. Josso Warrants --Larocny ; true bill ; Daniel llecser, prosecutor. Verdict, not guilty. Com. vs. Charles D. Wharton. Fornication and bastardy; Mis. 6. Oaiverick, prosecutrix; bound over. Com. ts. A. J. Rhondcs. M. B. Weaver, prose cutor. True bill. As Ui.d Newsi-ai'SR. We oro indebted to a friend for a copy of tho Fntmun's Journal, pub lished in Philadelphia, July 4th-, 17B7. It is printed on a shoot about onofourth tho sUo of the Amkiii cas. The first paeo is taken up, mostly, by adver- n.Biaonts of shilling books, "sold by tho printer, ot j Yurirk's Head," in Market street. Among them is ; a poetical narrativo of a journey from Philadelphia ; to New York, by way of Burlington and South j Ainboy. Walter Clark and John Lytel, Commissioners of Noithumberlaud county, give notice that ' a large quantity of land remains unsold, on which taxes arc yet duo." Ou the second page we find a few paragraphs of foreign and domestic news, among which is the ar rival of "the Chovalicr, John Paul Jones, lute a commundcr in tho American Navy." Articles of Impeachment of M. D Culonne, signed by the MnrqnisdelnFuyotta, take up a half column. Then follows nearly thrco oolumns of matter, remedies for restoring drowued persons, Ao., signed by Dr. Bcnj. Rush, Casper Wistorj Robert Pari6h and others, man agers of the Humane Society. Among tha advertisements we find one offering fur solo "tha timo of a likely young negro girl, who has had the small-pox and measels." Another oilers $3 reword fur "an indentured Gor man servant man, who had on when ho went away a dark blue cloth coat, lately turnod, a blue and white striped, Cowered, double-breasted juckot, a whito shirt, and a new pair flieq.skin brooches." Anuther offers a roward of 51 for Elizabeth Shan- . mm. n KerviiDL ifiii. iroin iviiHL'uiiv. jruiuiiu. mini . . .-i-l i 1.-:,! e- Lnmboth is described as having "a round face, short h,.ek . .Liok m, ir, bou, ,o nr, nf age ; had on when the went away, a now lineu shift, liuisy petticoat, and short gown striped bluo and yellow." - . lluvr often do we hour, as though from the grave, a voice reproaching us for neglected opportunities. The bright boy suddenly oalled from college Ike young lady compelled to arrest her education the homestead sold under the hammer of the sheriff the hearthstone, where happiness aud comfort dwelt, desolate from the absence of tho loved protector, and dreary by the presonco of unwonted and unnecessary pororty. Death may oome In a moment to the fairest and most promising life, and with or without It, pecuniary distutor. Y'ot all this might have been avoided bad the father taken a small risk in a com pany like the National Lira Insurance Coufaxv, whiih our readers will find advertised in another column. Read the scheme of this Company, and re member that the men who plan it, and who now manage the business, are among the most honorable, the most enterprising, and the most widely-known in America. At Its head we fiud Mr. Jay Cooke the manager of the great national loans a man whose genius was almost as useful in suppressing tbo rebellion as those who controlled great armies. A dollar invested with these men is as safo as though it were locked in the innermost vault of the Bank of England. The Company has ore million or dollars fully paid in. It is a National Company. It offers a large security and proposes low rales of premiums. It furnishes larsrur insurances than other companies, and represents the fullest results of the science of Life Insurance. One of its features is especially attractive. We mean that bv which one- tenth of the poliey ts paid annually, after a term of j"'"- mui wuij nu lusurunoe, nut an auuutty income during life and support to the fumily after deuth. Bcpdbn Death. Mrs. Sarah S. Follmer, wifo of Philip Henry Follmer, died very suddenly on Fri day last, bhe was sitting ia aebair, eonversing with her family , when she suddenly fell from her chair, and when picked up was dead. It is supposed her death was caused by heart disease. The deceased Was an estimable lady, and leaves a babe but a few weeks old. She was aged 21 years. We deeply sympathize with Mr. Fullmer io bis bereavement. Miltonian, ibth ult. Dbatb or a Paomsaar Odd Fsllow. Evory Odd Fellow in the State will regret to learn that Wm. Curtis, Right Worthy Grand Secretary of tbe Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and Urand Soribe of the Grand Encampment, I. O. 0. F., died suddenly at his residence ia Philadelphia, on Sunday morning, 27th ult. Oa Saturday evening be appeared to be in usual health, and acted as secretary of the joint oommittee of arrangements for the semi-cenlennial celebration, which met at that time. lie has been a prominent member cf the Order thirty-five years, and was highly esteemed by the members ef the frtttrni'jr io tbe flute. I. 0. or 0 F -At a stated meeting of Bunbury Ioi Ko. M, I. 0. of O. F., Mi Jut. M, leAK. 'he follow llowitir ttrosred ines warn bait in ruUUou to the death ot our Into R. W. U. H., Wm. Curtis: On motion of P. O , Charles J. Bruner, ftefW, Thut a Oouimitlee of three be eppolntad to dmU res olutions axproraiTe of tho feniirs of tha members of this Lodge relatiTe to the d-rniKe of our worthy bro ther, Win. Cttrtls, late ft. W U. f3. of the ti L. of Pennsylvania. Wboruupon tba N 1 appointed P. J , Vhas J. Brur.or, P 0 , A. DicffouJurfor, and V. U , Oeo. M Ilenn. said oomrnltttn, wkj reported tho following preamble and oeoiut.ou" : Wiu.rkas, Tha memborsof this Ledge bavolieirl with much sorrow of tba death of our lute R. W. ft. S., Bro. Wm. Curtis, who died in tho tuidnt of his family, Tory suddenly, on Sunday last i A .Nil HuauKASj It is euiinnnlly riht and proper that duo respect should be paid by the meiiiliers of tho Ordrr of thts State to tbo memory of our dopnrt cd brother, who was really nu Odd Fellow in its largest sense. Tbercfuro, jiesotvtii, 'That wo hereby esprcss our heortrolt sorrow on ncoount of this sudden bereavement, and do deeply sympathise with Ms heart strickon family, Who have been, by Uiis dispensation of Providence, deprived of their protector and guardian. hesernt. That the Ordar in this jurisdiction hove lost a brother who in his intercourse w ilh them al ways showed by bis urbanity And sociability tbnt be had learned the true principles of our traternity, and that he was ready anil willing at all times to carry them into praotfja. Keiolvtrl, That the Order In (Ms State, In bis de tnijo, has boon deprived of one who Was particularly fitted tor tho olTico which ho held, to wit, H. 8. of tho U. I,,, and that we fool his loss cannot be sup plied, be having become acquainted with tho duties of said ollice during uu official tcrni uf twenty-eight years. Uetolveit, That whilst ro fool deeply pained at this affliction, yet We do not sorrow n5 those without hope, knowing that o!r Heavenly Father "docth ell things well," and bowing in submission to his "mys terious workings" we look to the end of these things, when through Ills grace, In his Son, we may meet our brother n tho &. L. above. Knot red. That a copy nf these resolutions be for warded to (he fumily of the deceasod, and al.o to the li. L. of this Stato, and that they bo published in the papers of this place. Resolved, That the Lodge room be draped in mourning fur the space of thirty Uv9. J. O , Coas. J. Bhtnir, P. U., A. DiEfTKMixiirxn, V. O., Oeo. M. Rhnk, Committee. Obituary. At a meeting of tho Sisters of Re becca, of Lode No. 203. I. 0. of 0. 1, of Sunbnry, Pa , the following preamble and resolutions of Con dolence aud sympathy upon the death of Mrs. John W. Hucher, wore adopted : Whereas, In the mysterious providenco of an nil wise and merciful Uod, we are called upon to mourn tha loss of one of our sister mombors, Mrs Join W. Bucher, and Wiikhkas, In the said Mrs. John W. Bochcr wo bare always found a kiud aud sympathetic si.-tcr, nho combined with nn earnest leal a constant at tendance upon the highest iuturosts and welfare of our noblo Order, and WnEREAS, Asadutiful wife, an afTeetionale sister, and Constant friend, sho ongrnflcd hor.-clf iuto the afleotions of all who knew her, therefore Resolved, That wo bow in bumble submission to the will of our Heavenly Father, who is "too wiso to err, aud too good to be unkind," and we will ever cherish in our b car3 tho memory Of our de parted sister, who is gone to her reward on high, and we will try to emulate her Christian virtues, and follow her example. Itetnvrd, That we deeply sympathize with the relatives and friends of the deceased in this their sad beroavoinent, aud cotnnifnd them to linn who has a "bulm for evory wound," and who pours out the oil of consolation iu timos of sorrow and dis tress. litsotvrd. That we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty dnys. lletnl vft , That a oopy of the ahoTO preanvblo and resolutions be furnished tho family of our departed sister, and also copies for publication in the pupor.i of Sunbury. Signed, Mrs. Geo. M. Runs, JIii.h. A. N. BlIH'K, Mrs Levi Seamiiultz, Committoo. BUSINESS NOTICES. tjsJois Irlntlnj". Haviag received a large supply of SEW JOB TY'PE, of Turious row styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Hoods. Labels, Ac, can be printed iu the latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attouded to. Fun Sals. An excellent top buggy, now. En quire at this office. I II A Notki.tv. The lotost novolty is a boquet holdor In the shapo of a rosobud and stem. The hud contalus a delicate watch, and a spring in the stem unfolds tbo roso and rcronls the little timo piece. The greatest novelty in Sunbury Is the l&tot styles of Hats and Caps al 8. Faust's, in -Market Square. Go and see them. A irrltablo man having been disappointed in his boots, threatened to out up the shoemaker, but com promised by drinking a Cobbler. Ho is resolved, hereafter, to avoid all trouble uud disappointments of this kiud by going to Miller's Excelsior Store, Market Squaro, for his boots and shoos. Tiie eoldest season of the year is now upon us. Tho first duty of every pcrstA U to keep warm. No artiolo is more serviceable to keep out tho cold tbuu a good overcoat. If you want nn ariiclo of this kiud, or any stylo of clothing, which combines beauty, comfort, convenience and durability, go to J. 0. Beck, on Fourth street, below Murket. He is just the man to suit everybody. CnmsTMAS has passed by, aud with it tbo holiday season. Thousands of handsome prosonts nave been made, and many a heart made glad. The happiest person we have seen, was the individual who was the recipient of an olegaut new suit from J. F. SchuOur's Tailoring Establishment, Market tru,unro. ScbalTcr's suits are of the best material, and bis stylo and make-up incomparable Dlt. J. R. Cressinokii, Dentist. Office over II. Q. Tbacher's Shoe Store, Suubury, Pa. When aching teeth cause dreadful groans, And sleopless nights and dismal days, Wlhi comes to me most giatoful owns My skill, which all his pains allay. A moment's suffering I may cause, 'Tis but to bring a lung release ; And though fur ouoe I rend his jaws, For years to come I give him peace. 2m Con's Coloii Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Ruth sixes -ordinary 4os , also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it ia the house. Cos's Dyspepsia Cfnc Will immediately re lieve aud permanently cure tbe most aggravated cose of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Row els. Physicians, clergymen and all who uso it, join in unbounded praise of its groat virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Trice $1.09. MA lilt I A Q E B. At this place, on the 23d ult., by Re. 0. W. Ilemperly, Mr. "Jou A. Sr. Claik, of Pottsville, and Miss Anna M. Cahwill, of buubury. On the 21th, ult., by the same, Mr. E. E. PitRStsa, of Shamokin towmhip, and Miss SomiA Malice, of Lower Augusta. On tbe same day, by the same, Mr. Tuouas J. Lyons, of L'ppur Augusta, and Miss Haiti Arnold, oi iiower Augusta. On the 8th of Nov., by Rev. A. B. Still, Mr. Wii.so D. Hoi'bu aud Miss Mali.nda Scans, buth of Royle's Run. On the 27th ult., by tbe same, Mr. David L. Db- itt aud Miss Si'SA S.ivutH, both of Boyle's Run. At Turbutville, on the 221 ult., Ly Rev. J. F. Wampole, Mr. Uio. P. Waoncb and Mrs. Lusia CUKlSTANCE.-both of Wajbiugtou villo. At the some time and place, by the same, Mr. Ueorgb P. Cotnkb and Miss Amanda T.Uuuineb, coin oi nasatngtonviuo. On tbe 21th ult., at residence nf the bride's parents, by Rev. J. i. Wampole, Mr. William ii. Seaman, of Pottsgrove, and Miss Uaruaka L. Millee, of Watsontown. At Penn Yen, K. Y., on the 30 :h ult., at the resi dence of the bride's urents, by Rev. Mr. Liver more, Mr. Joun li, Iiaas, of Suubury, and Mis Ljima Tuayeh, of the former place. We congratulate our friend upon his suoeess io choosing a life partner, and wish himself aud bride all the joy and felicity of wedded bliss. In Cliillisquaque township, on the evening of the 21th nit., by tbe Rev. Mr. Wilson. Mr. Elias Beber and Miss Fanbib, daughter of Hugh Martin, Lq The happy couple will please accept the thanks of tbe employees of this office fur their kind remem branee of ttem on the above occasion. It is evi- A . 1. -. v ,k. : . . r . . ... I. Iwuev ,u un ,uv fi.ubvt IB UUI lOrgOIlCU Cfi BUbU OQCknioDs, that a bright future awaits them. Corrected Weekly for tbe "Americf.n." Wheat Flour, extra family, prr bnrral, si: oo; A 00 , 10 M ; IMI ; t 0-i I 45 ; ti do du do do por owt. per bbl . pw ewt. por b'.tsiol, do do da e per rouai Rye Flour, do Wheat, prime red, Rye, Oorn, 0ta, Potato 03, Driod Peinhes, pared di d unparc IMed Avrln. r. no (In Drmd t'htnies, (tinstoned,) per bn. on 40 I 4U I Butter, per pound. I'M. C hoese, Lard, Hnui, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " fioui " Mutton, Chickens, per doteu, pfr pjuud, do do do a.. do do per pair ,j j II i.i is flu rMiuitioUiii 'wul 'l'l-nits-. Sharokin, Jan. 0. lSf.3. Ttmt. Cwt. Sonlfor woek ending Dci.J'.th, 2.09.1 u,l Per loit Report, 40,lilij 1) 40J,-.'f..S 0j 48.'l.li'J7 01 0,iS8 04 To same timo I alt year, Incrcoso, Special 2Coticca. 'I'o C'oustittipli vi'S rPHK advertiser, hsvi'nir been restored to hcallh in X. a lew weeks by a simple remedy, after having l Buttered fcverrl yrjars with a sevcro itiiiit iilleeliou and that dread disease, Cousuinplion is anxious to snake known to his lcllow suUcrcrs the mcuus ol euro. To all who desire it, be will send a oopy of the prescription used (freo of charge), with the directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will find u sure Cure for Consumption, A.-ithiuii, Bron chitis, Ac. Tho only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit tho atliiote l. aud spread iiilo'riutitiou which ho enucoives to be in valuable; and bo hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, us it will cujl Uicui nothing, and may prove u blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will pbwe ad dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Mo South Second St., William'urli, Jan. 0. 'CJ ly King.i County. New York. I j'i oin of Voulli. V GENTLEMAN who sufTcred for years from Nervous Debility, Premature decay, and all the ellecUf of youthful indiscretion will, foi- tho sake of suffering humanity, send free of all who need it, the reoipe and directiuu for making the simple reine. dy bv which he was cured. Suifurers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience cau do so by addressing, it perfect confidence JOHN 11. OGDEN, Jan. 0, '(10. ly No. 42 Cedar street, N. Y. If yen have a discharge from tho nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of the senso of smell, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, feel dull aud stupid or dubiiitated, pain or pressure in tbe hoad, take ould easily, you may rest as'tu ud that you have tho Catarrh. 'Thousands annually, without mani festing half of the above symptoms, terminate in consumption and end in the craro. No disease is so common, more deceptive or less understood by phy sioiaus. It. V. Picrco, M. D., oPButfulo, X. Y., is the proprietor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy a perfrct Spcajic for Catarrh, "col l in the head," or oaturrhal huniiacho, which ho sends to any ad dress, post paid, Tor sixty cents, or four pucksgoa lor J2.00. Sold by most Druggists everywhere. PniLAiiKLruiA, April 12th, lgi'ni. Jatoi ScrtEErz Dear Sir : It gives mo plc.i-u.ro to beor testimony to tho elhcaey uf ".SoIipoIz's Cele brstcd Bitter Cordial." My daughter, who has heon atllicted for the last twr years with Indigestion and Dyspepsia, for which she had tho set vices of medical skill, and also tried various remedies without avail, was at lust-induced to try your ''Celubrute I Bitter Cordial," and I nm happy to say hor health has beun entirely restored by its uso. I would therefore re Oommend it to others suilering from the same cause, as I believe it to bo an iuvaluttblo remedy iu such oases. Vvrv respectfully, R. V. Da s r lack. 20C llrccu Et. ty!J XCUEETZ'S slanting aJiertise meat lit anothrr column. 9 I !IW loIlK, August Ilia, 117 Allow ins to eall vour attention to ntv I'KKl'AltA- TION OK CU.Mt'UL'MJ KXTKACT HUCIIU. The coiHponont ports are ItUCllU, Lo.-io I EAf, i.X lll;B?, JU.NIPKlt UKliltlK.-V Monte os I'uerARATioK. Ttiteliu. ill vacuo. Juniper Hemes, by distillation, to form a line gin. Cubcus ex truded by iliHil;,eeinrnl by liquor obtuined from Juniper llrriics, ;onttiiuill3 very little sugar, a small piopoiuou uf spirit, uud more p:'ilatabiu than uuy now iu usu. The ac tive properties arc uy uns niooe extiecieo. Bueiiu, as prepaied tiy Drop emls eueially, is of a durk color. It is a plant ttiat emits its ir.iktuinrp , llie uctoih ot ii rlanie (leHtro)s llus its active prim.1pl4.-J, leaving a daik kiiJ gl'jtiuous OeC'i-tioti. Mine is lliu color ol iut;rcJieu'.s. I'tic tlileliu 1:1 Jny preiJirati-'ii prPil uuiitales the sul.iliesl il.iantily "f t'ie otliei lllRredieuts aie oilileil, to prevent fer mentation ; upon inspection, 11 w til bel-ilod 11 it to leu 'I'-ncmre, as untile In l'hariiiucopueu, u r m ita fyrup sod therefore can be uscl in eases where lever 01 iull-iniuiHti jd cxisis. In this, you hive the knowledge of the ingredients and' the mode ut pieparalion. Hoping that you wilt fnv-01 it w ith a tna!, and that upon luspecuoa it will meet with your apiirobjtiou, With a leelloir of coulidence, 1 am, vuty rcspectl uMv, II. i'. IIKI.MIIOI.D. Chemist and Druiri;i3t of 10 Veins' i-'xperience in I'liilaitelplnu, uud liuw located at Ills Dru uud Chemical Vurchousc, 6t)i Broioiway, New Voik. From the largest Manufacturing Chemists in tbe World J 'Inm Acquainted with Ml. H. 'I'. Heluihokt ; he occupied tho Drue, Store opposite my residence, and was succeMlul in c ai'liicliug the busim-as wlicie olliers had not necn eoually so Oefoie him. 1 have been lavurubty nnI(riM. with Ins clisrucli-i una enterprise. WILLIAM tVKIGHt.MAN, Fiim of Towers tt W'vililman, Muuuiaeiurln; Cheunsis, IX nit li and Brown Stieets. I'liimdelphui. IleLMmiLU's Fluid Kxtsalt iiL'Cliu.for weakness arts ing Irtiin uidiserelioii. 'i he exhausted powers ol .Nutoie witleli are accompanied by s ininy alanuiuir symptoms, among Which wi.l be found, Indisposition 10 t-'xertiou, !,ossof .Memory, Wakefulness, Honor uf Discase,oi pore Imdings of Kvil, ui, fact, Universal Lassitude, Prnktiniou, and inability to enter into the enjoy mi-nts of soei-ly. 1 lie CoiiBlitulion,oneeallecleu with Digiuiic Weakness, reoures tliu aid ut .Medicine 10 strunetheii and invieointa Ihe system, which HKLM HOLD'S i-.X'l'K ACT LiCCIlU mvu'ialily does. If 110 ticttluieut maubiiiittcdtoousmnp tiou or Insanity eusues. ilELMDoLuVpLtiiD KxrBAfT Bcciio, i" alfectlons pecu liar tu Kemalus, in uncquuicd by any ollie.1 prepaialiou,as in Chlorosis, 01 Heleullon, I'uliifulness, or Suppression of Cualuumry KvaeuatlollB, I'lcelated or SehiriusSiataof llie l-leros, and all eomplauits incident to the sex, wueiucr ai imug from habits ol diesipuuou, impiudeuec 111, or the decline or change ut life. Uhlmbolr's Fluid Kxtkict Ci-chu and Impbovko Rosa Wash will ladicuily externiiiiale from llie system diseases aiumr from habusol dissipation, at little expense, tittle itl no change tullivt, 110 Inconvenience or cxpoaure; completely suiersuduig those unplcaaut and dangerous leuieilles, Copuivaand Mercury, 111 all these discuses. I'se HxLMaoLii's Fllid r.xiaxcr Utuio mall diseases of these organs, whclher existing 111 male or fcinhK fioiu whatever cause originating, and no matter of bow long standing. It is pleasant 111 lasie aud odor, ''immediate" 111 action, mid more strengthening thuiiuuy uf the piuparatious of Burk or Iron. TI use sulfciiug 1 r 0111 broken-down or delicate coustilu tieu, proeme tue ritucdy ut uuee. Tbe reader must be awuie Unit, however slight mny be the attack uf the alnivo diseases, ll is ccruitu to ulieel the btwlily health ami menial H,weia All llie uliove diseases reiptue the aid uf e Diuretic. HELMUUUJ'e) tXiUACT liL'CUl' is the great Diu retic. iSold by Diiifre its everywhere I'au-a SI S3 per bottle, or 6 hollies (or (Ml .Ml. Delivered to any address. Describe ymptonis lit all coinmuitteatious Address II. T IIKI.MUOLD, Drug and Chemical Were housa, MU UroudHiiv, V V. NOXK ARK (iK.Xl'INK L'M.HSH PUNK I'P IN ateel-encravcd wrapper, with fac-si mile ul ruy Chemical V alehouse, and suited Ii. T. I1CLMUOLD. Dec. ISih, IMS iin. 0 TftfVTT7l OLD E8TA11LISI1ED o.ai: l'liici: CLOTHING HOUSE, 04 Market Streeli One dour above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment kas done busi ness on tbe Due Price fclystem, and we believe we lire the only Clothing Ilouse in tho city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tnliiin wliinh we are uroud of, for Kood taste in leleot- good-styled aud nubatuntial uiuterlalfl, aud uot lvM P. r..a liuBsisi Bill e-iiir irtsniia . i:iha H Dl l. m ii:. We employ the best talent, for Cuttors, aud eur Qoods axe of both kinds fashionablo and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prioes are the very lowest, as uuy oue by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we eould not meet the competition nfnur ncie-hbors. for as no deductions are ever made. we must put our prices dowu to the advantage we promise. The neotrie may depend, this is tbe true plan upoa which to do business, and many a dollar can be sured to Clotuiug buyers by keeping iu mind JONES ONE VtllCB OLOllllXG HOUSE, till Murkot Street, Philadelphia, Mot eo the Corner, but oue door above Sixth. r..ti. .11 tIZi:, Salcatuiau. A pril i. 1868. ly "ijIXL aud see uu.e teantiful Bird Cages al the A I'nrd.-A Clfrcyinan. while ruidinj South America &4 a uniotmiy, iliMnvtrod a sale asid siinplit roinoUy for Hie Cure of Nervous Weak- rf-s. t.utlj 1'einy, J,sna4P ol the urinary and Sort, 1 n j u..i ,hu .1..),. t , ,. , . v. k i on by baneful and vljious bubits Mr. '.at l.JU.b.rs 1 hfcVtf baon i. by this rooln icineiy. Pionijitii bf tbo JoMretu beuolii li.e nC.J'.fJ u t uinnriunK'4, 1 m;t thorniipe f-r jretian-iir anl u-iiiiiit,, medicine, id a inuled onr-i.ops t', a:.y one ivho netds it, FttSR or Cmi'.OE. Address, JUtl.l'iir. FN .MAN, Station l, lliblo Ilouse, Now-Yoik City. Frpl, 12, let',;). :im a ni:wri':m1:iy is consumption.-a Physlcioti who ba.1 llonsiitnption bir sevrrul yenrs, with I'lTiiuont bleeiliiiff oi tho Iuiii;., cored hiiost lf with a medicine uviuno. n In the prolVpion, when his cni'o appeared hnpeloM. ilo is the only pbjsiclaii who has u'ed it iu hlsown leion, or who bus liny kiinwliidgo of its virtues', and ke can ascribo Iho do- gree of health ho now enjoys to nothing but loo uso of bis midieine ; and nothing but utter do.qnir ami enuro exiiiiouoii oi nil nope ni reoovury, iu gother with a want of oonfl lenoo in all utherfc, Induc ed him to luirard tho experiment, 'l'o those sutler iug w ith any d irouse of tlio liiiugi ho prolloi s a treat ment ho coiifi.l fitly bcliM-eg will vindieatu Iho disease, l'rico (I 50 por buttle or $H a halt dozen, Seut by rxpress. St nil f.,i a oiicular or cull on Imi.K. liori.siu.v Jai ksov, No. 2'ifl X.irih Tenth Stred, Philalutphia. For nilo by II. Y. Frilni, Mai kut Squarn, Sun bury, Pa., nn I lJni ;giila generally. May ISiH y. ll ill l' to Jllrriili'. Youlii; Men's (luido to Happy Muriingonnd Conjugal Felicity. Tne hu mane views of benovotont Physicians, on tho Errors and AIiumi incident to Youth mi l Km ly Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelope, treo ol cluiro. Ad dress HOWARD ASiOClAl'lwi', Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. Juno I t. H1H -. l. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AskUIwi-'m -:i . '. rilllE undcraigne.l auditor appointed by tho Or-; ' 1 phans' Court uf Northumberland county, todrs- tribute the bulauoein tho bauds uf Peter B.Miu-er,ono j ol Exeeiitois ot Henry Moiser. deceased, tu whom was I referred back lonm r rej-oit (ilej August o, Ic.t'.J, 'for correction and to repi.it tl.o fact-," liertly ' pivi-s notice, thut he will attend u tho dniksil hL said appoiiiliuont ut his oll'iuo, in ti iloroiili of Stmburv. on Satiuduv the lluth dtiy of Dcceu.bir, 1 IStiS, at 10 o'clock A. M. 1 B I: I'.-U'Hi, Auditor. Sunbury. December 6, ltto.-i. S 7 5 to t i U 0 p it hi ti ii Mi Or a Cti'iimiision in tin vlu.h iw'c tl-tt u;n unt c:n l-u IMI'ltl I.U I .Mi i SK.NfSK KA.Mit.V SI- N l,MJ M.t 111 i:, pit.t u 1'or I.'IH-Mlafs alio Pi mis a'.'.l, I' ItuWI-.liS h CO, Jio cSoKh I'll !.-. 5 'OH :lio. I-,,. r I Plrei H.trlj I ,:, EC II O 1, 1 G O V E RN M KXT S EC U li I T I E3 Can realise a largeprofit by exchanging thc-ui far tbo FIK3L MOIM'O AUD GOLD U')'SU3 cf the jl'MON T AClFIC RAILROAD i COM TAX ", r.ul tbs j I FIRST MOIVrCAGE GOLD BOXDS cflha CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY. Thy payjix per cent. Int for thirty yL Principal They yield CVveon eii;bt 1111 Intcrodt in OnlJ.nnl nm uldo rnvitbk' in iftdtl. uri l nine iK-r ofi.t. to ihc lnvoiitor, unl ha eoon as tho uub in n imt ,k u tbev will dtiublletis cutninuuj a nunli liituT tn:i A "a Firat iMtutfriRO un llio luiiis't.'t line of lit.. .road iu ibid ouutrj that ii nlixatly 0nn.i1 umr. lbn i;s intercdt linl)ilit!ua fn it way lui... un i wbu'ti c vU ncni'ly thieo (3) timyi their aiuvun! ihc ty is uiiiioubte-J. ' THI1VIY MlI.UO' !0I.L AIiS ,f ."O.Oi ol tho First AKntgrtge Ilt-r.Js cf tho I'f.ivU rwoiJic 1' & 1 KohJ wiuij -fiisy . mi'i uf tlieCciitinl liciJij Hail Uornl Juuijuir.y, hao nlreaJy bvcii IJ. Th i-Hrmnji of tho two i2 rint I'n.ui wny I'uhi- I-d'Hartf t'ir tho iiimith of October. Oue Uuiidrvii Milliun Dullurs hnvo u.icuJv locn jj-ent by tho two powerful Cftniptmifj. FuttrtVcn UuiidreJ (UUU) MiIvj) uf tho muio be tw,;cu Oumhii (i ml Sacramento aro uiti-iu by tho Lo ooinotivo, lenvinj; leaa thnn 4 'JO mile to buikl of which 2tt) aro graded find ready for tho Ktiils. V hnvo ftr falo Fint Mortpao bonds uf tho Vnidii l'Hcific Hull KohJ At 102 and a'crutd iiilenst, n,l I'la-t fln,f ,.f l'...,tr..l !...- it,.. Iti.it. I rund t lu-:tnnd acorucd iuleicst. Ihc XJouJa are rroouimouded to our moFt'cautiout cufctoiucra, and wilt Lvur the most ojiri-ful fvrntiny. The new docr1ptive Pnmi hlcti, uith Mup, Ac , showing tho orgunizntiun, pp-grc, ind prospects of tho eutvrpiisa, will bo ot;t oil applica tion to. IK HAVEN A liRO., l)ealem in Government .SVeuritie!, (fold, eto. No. 40 South Third btrbet, rhiludclphin. November 21, 1S08. y Philadelphia. C37Snmploi Bout by wail when written for. October 3d, lSOS.-ly At GOODS FOH THE J.E.CALDWELL&C0' Ot b e n ii ( Ntreet PHILADELPHIA. Id addition to their largely increased Stook of I'lau Vulcliew, Isiantoiidsi, Jewelry, Arliatio Silver Ware, PLATED GOODS, Ao., tee. Are now opening a maguitioent collet tion uf Foreign pancy Goods, in Metal,' Marble, decorated (slass, Leather and UOLDL'N DKONZK, In Special Designs of esiiuisil lasts, from all quarters of Europe, pur tioularly adapted for their CIIHISTMAS SALES. Our arrangements, both in Purope and this coun try, are such ss give us unusual facilities iu the se lection of aud eoonotaieal produotion of our stock. It is our wish, as well as our iuivrest, to secure to our patrons the beuefit ef each edtantage in. Modern Price Tbrosg;hoii our tiletrb, without fcVviTlloit. Peo., 168-mh7,ly. ix stiNiiunv ' III,1 WrW T Hi I J J K I 1 ii t t mi mi ii n. k Ad J. 7i X IS Si I, V. A- VO., On Miirkit street, East of the Itailron I, nearly opposite the lliirdnara Store i f t'onlev t Co , C X II II K Y, V E K N ' A. TF, would respeetflly inito Ibo atinnU ,n i f theoiiizeni of Sooluiy and ihiuuv to our entire new Sto.-k of Biu-c B'r-,li Ifi-siw mid Ii-ilK liirsi. " " Paints, nn I Varnishes. " " "". Putty and DyoStull's. " " Potfumt ries, (,'oiiib., no 1 itrushos "' " Patent Medicines of all kinds. LK.''HSI,y the Bottle, IliUlon, Ou.it ,d Pint SCOTCH Al.K, LONDOM POKIER uud C .'NilRE.S.S WATER. Tobacco, Cigars and SnufT. l.ouking-til.-tss Plates out tu suit Trutnes. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES! Trusses, .Supporters, Bandages, .to. We have sob-cted our slock with oiro and enn war rant it fn-li, mi l of the be.-i lo.iUriul in iho uruhul. lltivin;; bad several $'o-rs' expel ichee in Ibe business wo tbitterou..rlves tli-it wo Culi ivo entire sati.t.ic t ion to all who uiny favor us with their lo'-tto.-nc. rl'ecial ntieiilion given t'i c unp oumliug l'liy:-ic.i ins' Proscriptions ut all boni s of the da;' or uiht uud un .uiidiys. uivcusacaii. J. O. MAUKLE i CO. Sutiimvv.O,.t. 17, l'ri7. I'tjr (1'iiiifi n t'itinilv wnabiiiK in 1 he bc.-.t nn rhnpp- r.t in iiiDur. OunraTitori frjuil (u imv in it mulu! lK-rf hII tLi slixntli ui ol t )Mti i.p uith ih mil l ujttl lathering qujilities ot' p-'Lair ('isti!o 'I rs I'.j-t itplHii.ii.l tfoi.p Nulily Hi ALliKN CUl.MiCAL WOHKi. 4 North Front .VtveU, Fhilflucli-hin. Aucut rJ. Iv. 5000 LBS. 'ii- CAltl'LT ll.'.ii-j WANTLD ut the Store uf Moul.l" .t- III '.1 N rt i!, M-iv in. .'vl n l. et s(t e ;t, .V.tiibury. .'ALL and wiynji Millinery Goods, . E.. KMj-f, L'Vi leave D i,.i- itouuei- to the l,nl iesol' bunhiiry tin I i-.-inily tho h-r- ioit njieni'd a larc iiihI v.uie-l stock --.t .M'l 1, LINE U Y ti O () I) X, The latest New Yo-'t nu-1 Pl.ilHdeli.hU stv- that of LAJLiIES' I1AT3 AM) LUNNLIS. WOOLEN UOon, &.( Also, an excellent n:':"ortuieiit of l-'afhi-'iiiiVia Mm 1'ioiileiii-M. lli,-iiiL-, l.i. o-s, Wool.-n Cups. Jlaii'll.ur uhll'I's, Semi's, tiloves, llo ielies, lilel nil kinds of puticy Notions. St-nnped .Muslins, Corsets. Perluine ii,.", ;-'-'. I.i'iy Wiulo, Liniuulof America, Ma tioiiery, .Vc, in tjali and exuininc lor joui'?elvei. No lroul-!c to sb nv g .oils Sui.Mii'v, IM 21, l.-i'-J. WsiVSts'iH W'a do not wi inform v'U. rende tbnt lr. I Vr,.nrl'iil. or nny oilier inun,has discov.-redrn r.-n. - . c.ly thut uuiob t'oiiruiiiption, wluii the liini;s mo hull C"!.-iuiieil. in -hurt, will euro till difeases whulTmr ol luiii i, b.ly or csttife, ii.al.e men lie fi'ix- er. un i 1 lr.iive dunt'li ti play for mil of woi k , and i.- designed j to niake our sublunary sphere a blissful paradise, to I uliuli ileiiven iteelf eli ill bo but a sidotliuw. You I l.uvn hi'ar.l eliuuli of that kind ot liunibti.;j;ry . mid wo do iV. t w.iii lir f'lit you have by tins timo Immoiiiv di-'giistnl '.ih it. Hut' vtheti wu tell you that i'r. : Side's Ciitiinh lU-racdy will wMtnthi cut .'is wji.-.t tans ft Cjt.'.rii, we only ft-witl t tbnt iil.ich thousands t in testily to. Tiy it and yrui ill be cuu- vuued He mil pay f'i" IvetiAUU lut a t jno ol I'al.irili tbnt v o.uiiiiot i'ui'O. IOK bAI.K DY MtiSf DKUtltsT3 EVKRV- WI1KKH. riilt'R o.vi v f'O t'tsn. .Sent by Mail. ;io.-t paid, for Sixty Criits : four Packajis b.r W ; "i I I en for T!i "0. tn'iid n sturp for 1 'r. ftngo's pa'.upl.let ou i.'ataith. Addrcsiht Propriei'ir. 11. V. i-Xi:i;CE. l. !., Du2'al... X. Y. 1 Nn Hi MBfil. It i: vtre.ruttj in ur !o.-t -r tin airvl 'l'.ivte, ui'-II or Jlciuii'K- V'iti-riiic or U' ak !.) i-s. ( ft. ii.-ito Drratb ri,-i:rutd 'J'uratt ur Aloiilh. 1 ain u:. 1 i'lt-ware in tbe il-jnu, and I 'is ( "I. niory !i. u oati.-o 1, as all of tliein 1: oiiitiy arc, by rv:i;.'i u( Catarrh. It it pit u- u.t an l j ainli'is to use, '.'"iiiuiris no strong poi'jin u.-i or eau..tio liug.J, but cures I'.v its in 1 1.1 .-..oil.ii u. ii n. l a will par iiou i'.uiMii'i lor ti case of t't'.tairh that wo cannot eure. full SAl.li DY M''ST Hit! il'iisrs r.Vlll'.Y- WlIKIli;. I'llllKCM.V ."J I I.MS. If your Iii limits boHiiot yet got it on s ib.', don't be put lili tutli fouio noiso than worthlcmi strong sinitf. ftiiniia''l,r. ' or p'lisjnoii? eautie soluiioii. wl.i -h will drive tho disease l" the lung" instoa 1 of ourinjr it, but send sixty cents tons uud the reined y will leachyoo I , v return luail. licbd itau'iiJ for Dr Snge'i piiinpblel or. I'alni i h. 1.. V. I'lbll' lo M 1 . Dullalo. .N Y. S This In a t i ist.i: Klmbiiv does not.lil.r the pmou i ns in iti. I ing eiiulls and strong cans'ie ?olutiol,. u lib whieb the people have loii l.t-eu Imtiil'iigge'l simply palliate lor a ulicrt timo, or drive tbo di.-oaso t the lungs, as thore is d inger of doin in the uso ot stn-h nostrums, but it produces perfect m.d permanent cures uf the woret cinos of elironic c.itanb.as tliou--ands cnii testify. "Cold iu tbu. Head' ' is cured n ith A few nmiliLt i.,114 Hal r, hal Heailaebu is re- lieved and ourod as if bv ntntrie. It remove otl'vii- sive Ilreatb, Loss or Imiiairiuont of the senso of ta-te, smell or healing, Vntcrllg or ' oak Kyis, nni ini piiiied Memory, when caused by the violence ol I'u laiih, us tlicy nil frequently are. W'ti otfer in good faith n standing rewuiii of JouU for a ease of Catarrh Hint we ennnet cure bull SAL1J DY M'VT MU iiiilST. DYDRY- i WIIKUE. l'ltm. om.1 ;VI Ckxis. I A. k your Piugsi-t for tbe Hkmkhv. but if be has i nut yot got it on suln, don't bu put oil' by n -cepting , anv misi'rit'.'lo, t'ersa than worthless suUiiiute, but ; oicluse sixty ctn to us, and tho Itemed ill be sen! you post pnid. Pour packages $2 01b or una doen , forfj.lifl. isolld stamp lor l l. Sage'." pallipl.let ou ' Catiurh. It. V. Pll.lU'K. M li , Duiialo, N Y. j This is NO PATKNT MKL'H'IS T HUM lil t!, got tun up to dupo the ignorant and cictluloii. i.or is it ropic. filled as being composed of rare and preeiouc substances bsougbl from the four enrners o. Ilioeiirlh. carried seven timos across the Croat l'osoit ol Salmi' uh on the bucks of fourteen camels, uud bi.uti! a toss tho Atlantic Hceaii on to Siliiiie. It i-u simple., mild, sixilliin: romtjy, a peruc. Spcciiic (or Ca TAitltu mid ' t'oi 1' ih itiu 11k vii, ' also ftr otleiibivc Hreatli, I.ots or Imrniinieht of the Sense of Smell, 'i'luile or llciiing. uieriog or ik Dyes, Puiu or Pit'ssuru in tbe ilea l, when caused, as they all not ui.tVetiteiiiv uie. by tbo iolclicf of Catiti rh. We otter, in gor d faith, n standing Reward of J.'CIJ for B Case of C.llarill lliat woe.ii llot euro. 1"R SAI.D DY M'lVl' Milti.JIS'IS EVKHT- WlllillK. Pim-Ki Cents Sent by mail, post ) ail, on receipt ol Mi.rvl ln rv lour packages lor S J U0. or 1 In r.en for i ID. fcViU stamp for I'r. page's paiuplilet '.u Catarth 11. V. PiDlti'K. M 1' , Oct in, 'BS-ly. Duiialo, NY. FALL & W1NTKII GOODS. UUEAT KiaU'CTIOS IN PK1CES. M. I.. 1.AZAUUS, nmild rail the atlontion of the public, and her ftisioiniT generally, U her lurge aud new assort mint of DRESS GOOD?, eonsisling f Topliiis, Da Laities, Kcps, .13., al r.duccd prices. CALICOES tF KYUtY VAU1KTV. WIHTR UOOl'3, including a superior urticlo cf Marseilles. Kxtra quality of Mujlin", Dulling. Fiao Flannels. Canton l'laiiuc'l, llalinoriil ftkirl, Sbanls, Hoods, Wignn, Hoop .Skirts of all siius an I jiialiuet, li loves of all descriptions, Iiu'luaiug a orv superior quality of Ladies' and taentlvuieu's Silk i'lccoo, Liued and Cloth ti loves. Ladies', Misses, and Children's Merino Vests, Children's Wraps aud Hoods, Lad.cs' Zephyr Juckuts. Uluukct Shawls of tho latest stylus and pattorns Hosiery, Ribbons, Tiiuiuilugs and flowers. Lacos, Mumped (IxoKZcpbyrs and Y'nrns, Tow. el in,'. Napkins, Uuilis, labia Linen, item s and Ladies Handkerchiefs. Scarfs, Muff lassels, i'aucy toaps, Perfumery, and Toilet artieles generally, and a large variety of Notions and Fancy Articles. 1 be above good' are held at the lowest prices Call ani see tbeni herns fic e'rawhore M L LACARl'S f 'jsjcury. 5cr. IS. !Et BMW :FAU AM. l hi JSM bw; ''jrvs mw, li t f. J. H H ,1 O .N, VATCE M; i V I IT V. . Corner of 1 bir 1 Ktri etand Mr.ikrt ft'i-inr', ia Mil 1 ler's h-nro l'uil ling, 8 V N B U I', i , P A , t9 VLr 2L.rJtlk iJS ia A f of tba nA celibiated ina'scr, f.nsislii, of thi Howard, Apple!", 'fraey X Co . t7iiH. ut. It.,itieit , IV. fcllery, and nil grades of the r.)',ir. Ill's ft. il.e. Also, tole At'Mit lor the eelt hinf.ii, PAl'L JiKi TON Wnt.Mj.in liold and .Silver Cusp, at b.w flwis fiilli i- U ni l lor Ut ddtiit; Ir:-nrj.t, oTintiroly r.e designs, fiolil Mlv-r Tuolo rnt lea po,tlS, Put.'eV Knives, I'm ks. Cusnsrs, loo I Piiehets, Fruit eiVrl :uko ilnskols. iup- j Wu;;i Butter IHrhVsi ami u crvtbitig in tbo Silverwuro lico at joiV I prioes. ! JKWELUY, j A Pne s'ok uf lt)k Rinss. Alma fine pelcoi)'"i uf liold and Jut Jenelry of all dc:Ci .jiiuuB. tioid I and .Siivci Chain, allow prices. I FinoCold Pens io Mold. S'i! er slid Bul bar Cneol, ; ot iLecu'eblated iut. by ilufiuiuii hoa SU. ait CLOCKS. 1 A full r.ssoilinetil ef 8 day and Si luar Cbc'ns, a? low piicis. : AUoSolo e.i,t for the coli-nratnl Prf tM bsn tnelcp. - v.arreiiied to ivii entire satisfuotifla j atebei,, CkeLs upd Jun;lrv ropairod ufcd war ran'.' I . ' 1 All uidc.il prompt!) attended to ut tbe eiiitet no- ' '.O.'U. j tSuulniry, Sejit. 5, lHoit. ! GliAM) OPEN IN (i of ,1 1 ft I A 1, I Hi Milliii: u.1k, At T110M.V3 a. KOTT,3 .tai;rj:i4r li'nir.;-:, MARKET SCH' A UU. &U.NBUUY, VA , Cousistinr; ( PK'it.l'll AS!) KKJfNi'll CI. Kill.''. L.N-jt.ISM ANDIHI-'.Xt'il .' VSMIMEI'TK. K.MiLLSli Jlf.l.TOXS OS ALL COLOR 'liieb iiu o been seleoted flonl lli'u Inrjost mid be t esttiolituuicDts in New oi k und l'l.iliuU'iphta. A ijenein! iissorinicut of 03-NTI.EKiIK'B f'UKM'ilU.'ia OOCVi.1, embracing, NeelttlL'S, Collar', Cl KMits, of tin latel styles 'in i Lninb's Vui0 Poller Jacket? MlliJ'l'S and I'll AW Kit.':, a largo aisortmvnl of tbu bet -juallty . A I'ir;e rsiiely ( LOVES nf every sty! -uii -j'.it'.,.:'e. fi :in the Hall llrooui dotvn tu tho lal orini ni.'iu's, ui, 1 many other aiticlcs lor Ueutljmcu'S iur. Hue S'rciii !j oJc Mliii-ti uiiide tc Oilier. Hn inrf pi'oeuro l the services of tbo be, t workmen in t l,o eitiei. gaiineutK Mill b, mad" up to iorder v. bi' b vtuiiol fij c-Att'llcd in any city iu Sn, oriiaiity Of Royds. ' . Oeiitleinoii si s particularly rciiueslcd trt cnll ana see the floods nud work before puiviiniiiii: olsmviiere. Sunkury, Oct. 3, ti-j. THOMAS t'i. NOTi'.. BAUCtK'S It A w HON!: jsLTKlt-riiUSrilATK Of J.UIE, SONS, St'l.D MA N I' PACT I.' HE IIS .1 PP."1'P. I'iTO Olii.e, Ko. iiO South Delaware A.oua, I'JJJLADDIlUlA.. ! T!.e ntfivo Munurp has hocn beforo thoAiiou! turtil I'liMio tor title en vhh pnst, uudnr oiiu i;iiiik ' Hud j,ro;-rict''i.-lip, and ij-jw has nu ?pt!!!;hfd : luiyu iiutiuul j.iU'thi-"iii0'''ut tho country. Avl a". a poriect substitute for ToiUNian ttu-'tinj iUiTujJrt . t tn hull (be cu?lj it hus boeu ad iptui ly uii , lur;ili.t uf kmn inte! licnoo uud dicr.iutiiitll "ii 1 It irf w firriiiiUd U'd tu I'Sh.iLiit ' . hut "H tlr. ; contrary to T-vrnmni-ntly imj'-ro'.o it 'i'hti snli.i1" , Mii' iiut to uimy thuioimd loii annually. Hiid tli't ttiuiliii'js t'uV 1(4 UiiiU'UH'.tuit; uiu t'Aluiinu ttud wai pK'to. j Tbt ub'v e mniiUi'oii ni o fui nibed in tolh b oa 1 j baircirf, whu:hi'ei' fustomera prt ft r Ihe hug fire uuiloruj iu wuilit 100 pounds. ' Tho n't'-Mtii n of Fni'Uiera if wpfliml! v du r. t t !:ict ih it ihu ii mrc or tbo Haw Mutt;i,iil nf tv bit- tj t h j i.hr v u fijuuiii os htb uvllipMfcl, ai' t w! mmur c.'J.tini l!.:it ih: fm nih tht'iit of fti ictW iii.itiA'-i 'jU'ility itrd c'lnditiiin, mid tb:il tuin h 1hit p-Y:Anp i intn"fiia thnn imj tfihr o!ui vf uatiiUclu.i UinuurL! iu thy ui.u k-. i: A l ill V ;iO(. 1 3-1 Juulh Ik-Iiiwarj nunui', 1'bilnJcl pin i I V J be hi'bi'it ciuh piico j-aid l'cr nil kiods ut l bt-'iiH. 1 Nu eiiibfr 2S, 1 ! LATEST AKJIIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyslcr, Corner tf Maiket au J I'ottrth .'neet, Sl-NJJL'KY, ITN.N'A. Invites tbe piil'lij tu call and einuiine his ei gmtt aortnient of PA1.1. ASD WlVi'P.P. IiKV liOODS, -ui h n Tnbltt I.imT. ioinesti--s l)oyli.-, le.'s. and Doino.-tics of etery duacrii'ii'.'n at tlm vcit low- , st l'1' I mer J-: 3. C .OTIIS, &.C-, S'lks. Pelaiiii't, Lawn... tiiighaitis, t'alieoen. Mnsu't, .Vhoeliiig. 'I'ickings. Joans, and a full uisoituieut of Cotton and Wooluii goodi, gcueraUv. Hosiery, fill, res, Hoop irktlts. Also Ilundkvrahirfa, Kniobej,. Combs. ; IS hi iind Cnusik lioolH tiiid S3ie-, li s a .Jon incut of goo.ls will not. no is stiro fail ! ' pleas,- the fiincy nud suit tho wants of any dciircui I 1. 1 purclinsiiig His t,.ek of ! II A lit. IV AUK AND CM EENS.V P.E, I and Urocorics ii large in quantity and choice ir, I '(uality. ce.u:ppi.iiig generally everything needed in J the hoiu-eliold tii'.bei for uo or ornament. Ho is always ready and gi.i i to sutf bis f. ieu Ii J and takes plea..'uro iii showing them his poods cv, :i ihougii no sales are made. He only a-l:.i n eill , ai i I i sure tliat the ftot'k will oniptir' lavorat,!v i piico and quality i.itu tuC clienpi -t JOSEPH 1: 1 S'i'EIl .iiiiliiirv, Noc. U?it. FALL& WINTER GOODS! AT Mies Luisa Shkslers, M A II li E T S t U A II E . Ladiea and Misses' ll.tTSand lit.'.N.Niir?, in immense variety, illliicrj' liouiN isssil 'I'riiuiuiiia. I'rcn.-h and Ainerican Ribbons. I.a 'ts, llm lkei ebtctn, tiloves, llo..tery, uud a general lis.orlujeiit 4 Ladies' Milliuery Goods, wbiel. bate been sclc.l'. j with great cuto. WOOLEN GOODy, IT US, c. sJeiiisi ( ollni'o, .c-I.ileis Invi', i , lively variety will be found to stket fioui hi ili'lil.RAlK I'lUCfcS. h'anliurv. Oct. 17. IHfiS. LOOK TO YOUK INTEREST '. Call and see tbo well selertcdt'lo.k of C'LOIHS, C'ASSIMEULS, OVLF.COATINUS, VEsIUOS. i.i Just receive ! at Tf'" ri7-! -rs ll,J.ij C.J MEKUIAN'l' TA1I.OKING I'.STAULISil MKNP, Pourtli Slroot, below Pyster's Store, SI' SB I'R WINTER CL0TIIIX(! of the uio.it apprcrred styles is made up tu wSw nl roiuonahla ralas. , Ho ha iilso a fine a-5ortnicnt of Cni.-imere Pbiris !iawers, I'ndt rsliirts, Overhauls, lilouaes, S..1. ies, Cotton uud YVooltu lioj-e, Suspeudeu, Hand, keichicf. tilovof, and a gi neral variety of (JKNILEMKN S I'lRMsHI.Ntj tiyOD.', Give biin a cull, which you will find it W le to your udvautugo. Sunl.ury, Oct. 14 fan I jm its brsi rittiia'' bvcf I ". ff ecurse AI'ssti i . J an! Judjje ftr yvicif. " a ii