II. B. MABSEH, Editor & Proprietor. ki;:hi;kv, ia. ' SATU IU) A Y, J A N UAH V 9, 1869. TO THE PATRONS OP THE "AMERI CAN." 15y an Arrangement entered into some time since tlie connection of tlio undersign ed with the A it Elite an, as one of the editors Mid publishers, terminated on the 1st hist. Having sold his interest In the concern to Mr. E. Wilrcrt, he will continue as publisher iif the paper., Tho books and acconnlsof the late firm of MaBeer, VVilvcrt & Englo are in the bands of Mr. Wilvert, v. ho is authorized to make settlements of the same. It is not without rtgrct that this step has been taken on the part of the undersigned. During the three jenrs that he has been con nected with the paper his intercourse w ith its patrons has been of the most friendly character, and he takes this opportunity of thanking them for tho many favors received at their hands,, while acting as one of the editors aud in a business capacity. The many acts of kindness shown hi in will ever be gratefully remembered. X. S. KXGLE. As the spirit of improvement is abroad, and progress tho watchword, some of our eotemporaries and neighbors, with a com mendable degree of cntei prise, have. intro duced new presses, type and other materials iu their establishments, adding to the gene ral appearance and character of their Jour nals. The American always having been a progressive paper, and in position and char acter, secoud to none in this section of country, it was hardly to be expected that it would lag behind its contemporaries, in a community rife with the spirit of improve ment. In accordance with these views, the A Mexican will appear, on or about the. 1st of April, in an entire new dress, and in tone, character and interest, will be worthy of itself, aud the patronage of a moral and in telligent people. The publisher also, at the same time, contemplates making extensive improvements in the jobbing department of the office, by the introduction of new type, presses and other machinery. To accom plish this, it will require a considerable sum of money, and the publisher must, therefore,- i iu some uicastftc, depend on the numerous unsettled accounts of the late firm for funds to accomplish his purpose, aud trusts that cnt.ea ")8 legislative district n tue nouse .. ,. : , . ... ., .. I during the session ot 18C1, to which position his fnends and patrons will promptly aid . he w e,Mted vithou. opposin caiuli. him in his enterprise by prompt remittance. ! tifttc, and took an active part iu the proceed Mr. Kngle having disposed of his interest ings of that body during that important ses- and retired from the firm, the American ! ?"n- The war of the rebellion hud just been ... i r,. , , , , i ,v, ,i.. I inaugurated, aud John Scott, although pre- will, hereafter, be conducted by the under- ! iou, ft a,.irMonIan Democrat, threw' off signcd, as publisher, who is nuthonzed to tlie s),aCkles of party, and avowed himself settle and collect whatever amounts may be due Mr. Kngle, in the lato firm of Masser, Wilvort & Engle. EM'L WILVERT. The Fisn Question. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company and tho Pensylvitnia Canal Company, having failed to comply with the law requiiing tho owners of dams in the Susquehanna to eo change and alter these structures, so as to allow tho passago of shad and other Cab up tho stream, were indicted at a recent term of the Dauphin County Court. The ease was argued by ablo counsel on both sides, two weeks ago, before Judge Pearson, and it is expected tho Judge will give his decision during the present month. As this is a case in which the peoplo aloug the Susquehanna aud its tributaries have a deep interest, wo hopo the decision of Judge Pearson may be iu their favor. Let us have the shad. TrtF. Amnesty. Since tho issue of the President's proclamation, friends of tho prominent rebels yet absent from the country begin to call the wanderers home. Mr. John C. Breckinridge, who has so long refused to be entreated, is expected to return at once. Ex Sccretry Thompson, ex-Senator Mason, aud Sheridau's Jubal Early, are also coming. Kentucky is thought to be pining for a chance to send Mr. Breckinridge back to the ... , ,0 Rnnato Pflrlainli. MA ffnlilil lin tlirt miot nr. Senate. Certainly he would be tho most fit ting representative of her political position and hopes now, as he was throughout tho war. Twitchei.i, Convicted. The trial of George II. Twitchell for the murder of his mother iu law, Mrs. Hill, which had been be fure the Court of Quarter Sessions, of Phila delphia, for two weeks, was brought to a close on Friday night laet, by a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. The cuss was ably managed throughout ou both ti its. The jury went out at fifteen minutes to nine o'clock in the evening, aud returned at twenty minutes after nine, being absent only 85 minutes. When the verdict was an nounced, the prisoner raised bis arms and turned up his eyes, that was. all. The trial of Mrs. Twitchell as an accessory, will no doubt speedily take place. The two term law will necessitate this, if she is to bo tried at all. Tin: I.ncomk Tax. When first imposed, I the income tax embraced 400,000 persons. Whtu the exemption was extended to $1000, the number was reduced to 230,000. These "rich men" for any man, with economical habits, is "rich," whose clear income exceeds f 1000 -contribute $30,000,000 a year to the support of the Government. If the theory proclaimed during the Presidential election of "equal taxation upon the moucy value of everything" should obtain, the burthens of the rich would bo materially ksseuod, and those of the poor materially increased. The Mlneri Jvitrnal, of Pottsville.has been rrilurgcd by the addition cfor.ecolumu to I each page, and the leugtheniog of tho col- j utnns. It has now ten columns to the page and is the largest weekly in the State. With this cuiargement it has tulered upon tho Forty fifth Volume, aud the Fortieth since it came into the hands of the present senior editor, Beoj. Bannan, Es t. It is an able paper, and contains a large amount of reading matter. Coal on the 1 't:r i ink. At the coal sale in JJew York, last week, it appears that stove coal m disposed rf at auction at aUiUt ooa ciMiar and a half a tin less than Mas reenvert t t uintur tale ct ths iiOth ot ,aU uu iitb. MEBTINO OI TUB LEGISLATURE. The Legislature of Pennsylvania con vencd at ITarrlsburg, on Tuesday last, and organ ized by electing the following persons as officers: Skmate. Speaker lloo, Wilmcr TVorth ington of Chester. ' Chief Clerk George Vf, Hamersley, of Ocrmantown. Assistant Clerks Lnelus Rogers of Mo Kenn, and P. II. Hrapgins, of Mercer. Transcribing Clerks Kbcne.cr Williams, of I'ittsburg; H. O. Hosier, of Montgomery j Charles Williams, of l'hiladelphia, aud John Anderson, of Beaver. Sergeant-at-Arms William A. Rupert, of Crawford. Kousfi of Rephbskhtatives. Speaker Hon. John Clark, of Philadelphia Chlof Clerk Ucd. James L. Belfjldge, of Northampton. . Kesident Clerk John A. Bmull, of liar risburg. . Assistant Clerk E.G.I.cef Philadelphia. Transcribing Clerks F. A. Magee, I'hilo Burritt, W. B. Irwin, J. D. Miller, K.Bernard, Charles Tubbs, George A. Bakoven. Rcrgeant-at-Arms Joseph M. Cowell, of Philadelphia. Postmaster A. G. Henry, of Armstrong. Assistant Postmaster A. W. Kimmell, of Indiana. Messenger James M'Callcy, of Philadel phia. Doorkeeper W. TI. Clurk. Doorkeeper of Kotuuda James M'Der mott. of Washington. Chief of Folding Department William M'l.aughlin. Assistant John Darrah. The Governor's Message was Kent to both Houses on Wednesdsy, which was served to our town subscribers on the same evening in au Extra. It is a very able document, and embraces the report of the various pardons granted during the past year. THE NEXT UNITED STATES SENA TOR. The joint Kepublican caucus of the mem bers of the House and Senate, met on Wed nesday afternoon in Committee Room No. 3, for the purpose of nominating candidates for L'nted States Senator and State Treasurer. The Hon. John Scott, of Huntiugdon county, was unanimously nominated to be the suc cessor of Mr. Buckalew in the United States Senate from Pennsylvania, Hon G. A Grow and Hon. J. K. Moorhcad having withdrawn from the contest. It. W. Mackcy, Esq., of Pittsburg, was nominated for State Trea surer. The Harrisburg Telegraph, in speaking of Mr. Scott as the next U. S. Senator, says : "John Scott is known as one of the ablest men in the State of Pennsylvania, and recog nized as a staunch Republican. He renro- ' an . it t o..., 1 nt innnn.tn. eF tlin A r tr i .. t l- t r n . oil vu.Djiuni.ii euffjwiiw u. iiiu .luiuiMtaiiu- tien ot A Lira liaui Lincoln, aua an Lis war measures. He was the acknowledged leader in the House during that session, and it was greatly regretted that be could not be in duced to serve tho next year iu tho Legisla ture. "After his retirement from the halls of tho Legislature, lie took an active part in the political affairs of his district, and during tho memorable campaign of 1864 battled man fully for there election of Abraham Lincoln. In lSGG.when many of our Republican friends i hesitated to cenounco the courso ot the trat j tor Andrew Johnson, John Scott was one of tho first who urged4he Republicans to stand steadfast by their country, assuring them that the course of a traitorous President would be condemned by the peoplo, and that they would hurl him from power at the first oppor tunity which would present itself. If John Scott had been occupying Mr. Buckalew's place, he would have voted with Gen. Cam eron for his impeachment. "Mr. Scott was born in the town of Alex andria, Huntingdon county, and leurned the trade which his father was then carrying on that of tanner, lie is now in tho forty sixth year of his age. His leisure hours were devoted to study, and Mr. Scott succeeded finally in gaining an admittance into a law school lit (MifiiTiliprshtirf Ho era dim! oil nt tbat c,1o1 with the highest honors, and I tlw.n rntiil-nnrl In f I nn t i ntrrlnn a snl t. m twin man of tho highest order. Although a poor tanner boy, his talents were soon recognized, aud he stands to-day as one of the best at torneys in tho State. 0(;"" wm v c wo OB,P,?,SB 01 ur present honored Senator, General Cain- .-. . . ... "Mr. Scott will bo a worthy companion of eron, and as Pennsylvaniaus we congratulate the Republicans, not only of this State but of the United States, on the liappy selection that has been made in the election of Mr. Scott. The Keystone State will be truly represented in the National councils, and her power will be properly acknowledged by the Republicans of other States. Tue winter weather has not stopped the work upon the Union Pacific Railroad, whose advance during the winter months will be constant, although, of courso, less rapid than in the Letter working days of summer and fall. So much will be done, however, that the spring of 1800 will see the closing of the intervening distanco between the Union Pacific and the Central, or Cali fornia division. Meanwhile, the company gives ample security to government that the road will be thoroughly built and equipped in accordance with the law. Tho President has thu coutiuued issue of govcramcut bonds upon the road as finished, the recent special examining commission having borne deci ded testimony to the good character of the work. The first mortgage bonds of the L'uion Pacific Railroad are for sale by De Haven & Bro., Philadelphia, at par, and accrued interest. New illustrated pamphlet furnished by them free of charge. The Dah.t and Weekly TiaEi.KAru.--This veteran Republican paper, published at Harrisburg, has just entered upon a new volume. Persons w ho debire to keep them selves posted as to the Legislative proceed ings and the next Gubernatorial Campaign, caunot do better than at once subscribe to tho Tilrgrajih. The following are the terms of the Daily : 1 copy, one year, fa 00 5 copies " iu one package (per copy.) 6 00 10 copies, oue year, iu ono packago (per club), 45 00 1 copy, during the sttsiou of the Leg islature, 1 50 10 copies, during tbe session of the Legislature, . 10 00 TEliUI OF TUE W EtiLI I 1 copy, one year, 6 copies, " (per copy), 1 50 1 25 10 cnies, " 1 00 C lubs of from 0 to 50 will be furui.hed at loner rates. Addresa, Gto. BcRr.rEH. Harrisburg. TnB convention of colored people at Pitts burg, on tbo 81st ult., adopted memorial Io the Legislature, wking that Impartial ichool priviloge be secured to tho Colored children of Pennsylvania. The memorial sets forth that the separate schools now pro vided for colored children are generally in ferior In every respect, and coutlued entirely to the lower grades of instruction. The memorialists add t "We only ask that colored children be admitted with white children impartially into the common school privileges of the State, and in every instance where they are forced to bo educated in sepnrato schools that such schools be as excellent as those provided for other children, and that they be at least respectable. "Wo ask this as fathers whom posterity will bold responsible; we ask It as loyal citizens of the State, as having been soldiers of tho natlon.and not so much on the grounds of our taxation and wealth as because of our manhood." riint'n l'ollcy. There is much said iu the newspapers as to the policy that will govern the new Pre sident. They talk as though this policy was & scaled book, and that Grant, though re markably reticent, had never opened his mouth on the subject. They forget, by this exhibit of ignorauco, a very important fuct in the history of the late Presidential cam paign, where they overlook the declaration of the General-in-Chief of the Army made as early as May laet and uuiversally printed at the time. We regard this declaration as all in the way of a "policy" that the honest, patriotic people of tho country desire. We reprint it in order that it may be ro read : "If elected to the office of President of the United States, it will be my endeavor to administer all the laws in good faith, with economy, and with the view of giving peace, quiet, and protection everywhere. In times like the present, it is impossible, or at least eminently improper, to lay down a policy to be adhered to, right or wrong, through an administration of four years. Kew political issues, not foreseen, are constantly arising ; the views of tho public-on old ones aro con stantly changing, and a purely administra tive officer should always be left free to ex ecute tlie will ol tho people. I always have respected that will, and always shall. Peace and universal prosperity its sequence with economy of administration, will lighten the burden ot taxation, while it constantly reduces the national debt. Let ua have peace," Itailwny Consolidntioiw At a meeting of the leading officers of tho Pennsylvania Central and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Ruilroad Companies, neld on r riday last in Philadelphia, arrange ments were made whereby the latter Com pany passes under tho management of and is consolidated with the former corporation Negotiations for tho consolidation of these great railway arteries have been pending many months, and it is given out that tho final agreement reached affords the liveliest satisfaction to tho managers of both roads. By the consolidation effected, tho Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago and Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis Roads are consoli tUtert with the Pennsylvania Central, which will have control ot more than a thousaud miles of railway, aud property approxima ting three hundred millions of dollars. This movement is one ol vast importance and be tokens tho shrewdness of those at tbe head of the gigantic corporation of our State. Tho consolidation will afford almost direct connection with tlie roads leading to the Pa citic Coast now being constructed, and gives tho Central Company new and vast fields lor prom lrom truiglit and passenger traffic. At last Jrrce JUasonry is Permitted iu Austria. The Czar is having locomotives built to run on ice. An Irish woman voted at the recent elec lion iu Dublin. 80 cents a dozen is what the Mormons have to pay for eggs. Nitro glycerino is used in torpedoes now in the on regions. The salary of the Governor of Illinois is but $1,000 a year. A Wisconsin woman has taken out a patent on a cook stove. An exchange says "a woman may dress in sillc and yet be a lady." It is said that L. W. Jerome has gone to Europe to import jocKcys. Coal nod wood are very BCarce in the North-western counties of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Wales are stopping in Den mark, visiting Mrs. W's papa. A school for the training of pugilists and prizo fighters exists tn Acw York. The school fuud of Minnesota now amounts to f-,031,000. Judge Xorlon, of Texas, is accompauied on circuit uy a guaru oi cavalry. Thirty thousand Forida oranges are sold in Charleston, 8. C, every week. Is'ew Haveu, Conn., has erected this sea son three million dollars' worth of buildings A Mr. Rice, of West Northfield, Mass.dms a patent for an "improved device for pre- i. r ..if , vcuiing uens irom scraicuing." One man in Marathon county. Wisconsin. has killed fifteen bears the present season, and he is not the only bear slayer ic the county either. A Mormon emissary is bow in Winona, Minnesota, on a proselyting mission. wUh I the especial object of enticing young women iu go IU ClilU. A pumpkin pie, nine feet in diameter, was exhibited at a recent fair iu Portsmouth, N. II. The pet bear on Boston Common killed aud breakfasted on one of the deer lust Sun day morniug. Clam-digging is the occupation of one hundred aud fifty men at Ipswich, Mass., during the v inter mouths. The rates of telegraphing have been re duced fifty per cent, throughout Canada. The new capitol of the State of New York at Albany, is to cost about five million dol lar. Steamed beefsteaks are popular in some restaurants now where steamed oysters were ouco the Inge-. Tbe present Emperor of the French was born iu tiie house which is now the Hotel Rothschild. A poultry riddle maker asks : "Why is a hen immortal ?" aud answers, "Because her son never sets." Robert Bonner has his horses fed from boxes on the floor, because be believes nature intended them to have their food on a level with their feet. A rival to Capt. Kyd has sprung up in person of Frank Reno, who is reported to have buried some place f 90,000 ot the pro ducts of bis robberies, and he died and gave no sign of tlie whereabouts of these spoils. The Mormons, in twenty years, have built up 66 towns, 100 churches aud 120 school houses, quite equal to those of tbe other States. During that period, the emigration from Europe has bteu 30,000, and from the old States, 21,000. Mrs. Augusta Dickens, said to be a sister-in-law of Charles Dickens, the great nove list, committed suicide iu Chicsgo oo Christ use day. Mis. Dickens was a widow, aud ri ported to be indigent. Anions those wiio partic1pated"in tho obeequies of Mr. Btevcus on the 17tti ult., wks lleoeral tfyplier, ot Louisiana, the youugest member in the House, end a pro- trge ol tlie deceased, in tuo name ol the loyal South, and of the people struggling from abject slavery up to perfect freedom, ha thanked Goil that Thaddeus Stevens lived, and labored, and triumphed. Chicago has twenty-two miles of paved streets, which have cost a million dollars a j mile. Seven hundred thousand dollars have been spent this year in pavinsr. In the city there are 107-miles of sewers. 209 miles of water pipe, aud 003 miles of sidowalks. The English army consists at present of 177.000 men. Of these troops 79,202 are garrisoned in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales ; 9, To 1 at Gibraltar ondMulta; 59,000 in India; 13,000 in British America, and the remainder at Bermuda, West Indies, China, Japan, nnd other places. It has been estimated that only about one- fjflh of the cotton crop of 1SC8 has yet been sold by the producers. This one tilth has produced about filty millions of dollars, and Southern writers upon tbe cotton luterest argue that tbo balance of four filths may be made to yield two hundred millions. A new steam saw mill is to be put up shortly by Mr. J. T. Freck, in Millersburg, Dauphin county. There are fifteen persons in Mchoopany township, Wyoming county, who are more than 70 years of ago. The first locomotive engine built in the Lehigh Valley, and in fact in the northeast ern section of Pennsylvania, was the "Non pareil, ' built by the Beaver Mvadow Rail road and Coal Company, Beaver Meadow, In 1889. On the Erie and Fitisburg road a few days ago a small boy was pitched over the head of a horse and alighted on the cow catcher of a passing locomotive, escaping entirely unhurt and getting a free ride to tho ucxt station. At Philadelphia Ave men have committed suicide in as many days by walking into tho Delaware river. It is stated that Baron Stocckcl, the Rus sian Minister, will not be retained at Wash ington by his government, in consequence ot his connection with the Alaska purchase. The Brooklyn Commnn Council have voted to subscribe three millions of dollars to aid in the building of a bridge across East River the money to bo paid in instalments after two millions have been subscribed by other parties The fine collection of minerals left by the lute Hon. George M. Ke'un, of Reading, has been presented by his heirs to ttie Le high University. The collection contains more than 5,000 specimens, and cost the collector about $15,000. Tue Indian War. Accounts from the West show that there is hope that the recent fight between Custer and Black Jvettle has had a good effect upon the Indians of tho pluins. The consequence has been that the hostile tribes havo beeu in some measure compelled, by that occurence, to separate themselves lrom tue irienuiy nmiuns, nnu that there will be no difficulty iu distinguish ing between the sheep and the goats. Gen eral Hazen has been able to single out tbe unfriendly savages, aud ho only waits for reinforcement in order to briog matters against them to a definite conclusion. Gen. Sheridan believes that thero never will be peace with tbe Iudians until two of the lead ing Chiefs are killed. Impotitant to All. It should be more generally understood that the law provid ing that prepaid and franked letters shall be forwarded from one poet office to another, at the request of the person addressed, without additional pnstngo, applies only to undelivered letters. A letter that has beeu delivered to another post office, cannot be forwarded to its new address without pre payment of additional postngo. Such re directed and unpaid letters are daily drop ped into the street letter and ollioe drop boxes, and are, tinder instructions, forward ed to the Dead Letter Office. Hundreds of such unstamped letters are sent to the Dead Letter Office. nAitru ad Uome Is a weekly illostrated Agri cultural end Firesida Journal of sixteen Lanlsouio pages, dovotcd to tbe interests of Farmers, Gardners, rruit Orowors, aid Florists. Kdited by Mr. Donald O. Mitchell, assisted by a lar;;o corpn of practical Agriculturists. The Fircsido Department edited by Harriet Butcher Stowe, insisted by Mrs. Mary B. Dodge, with Oraoe Greenwood, 'Madame Le Vert aud other able contribute. Terms for 1809 : Sin gle copies $1, invariably in advance; 3 copies $10 ; 5 copies (15. Any one sending us $15 for a club ef 1 j copies (all at one time), will receive a oopy free. A specimen copy of the first number sent free. Ad dress Pettengill, Hates i. Co., Publishers, 3T Park How, How York. reWBpnpcr Directory. O. P. Koweli k Co., tbe New York Advertising Agents, are about issuing a complete Ainorican Nowpapor Directory. It is a compilation muon needed, since nothing of the kind having any claims to completeness has ever been published. Metsri. Howell A Co. bare spared no pains or ex pense to wake the forthcoming work complete. We understand the bonk will bo a bnndsomo octaro volume nt' about 'M0 pages, bound in dark cloth, aud sold fr Fie Dollars per copy. As tbo publishers ore Advertising Agents, their issuing a work containing so much iuforniatioo, usu ally jenlnusly guiirded 1 y thoao in tlmt btiMnosj, slums that tboy uro cunfi i. nt of their ability to be of service to advert Uors, or they would not so readily place in their bund the means ol enabling every ono to communicate direct with publishers if tbey so desire. Ayek's American Aluaiuc, for 1SS5, has been reoeived by Friling 4 Son, tiuubury, Pa-, for deliv ery gratis, to all who call fur it. This number con tains proofs to show that some of the stars have ex isted lor sixty millions of year. We bad not sup posed such proof possible, but tbe Doctor gives it in shape which teems indisputable, ilia witticisms havo loug made his book acceptable ; his medical advice mukes it indispensable to families, nnd now be adds the most startling problems of abstract sci ence to its attractions. Mrss Judith Hijsskl, of New IJrJford, writes 1 have bsen afllit-ted with severe prostrating cramps in my liuibs.cold feet nnd hands, and a genural dis ordered system. While visiting some I'rien la in Now York, who were using Plantation IIittkks, they prevailed upon ine to try theui. 1 commenced with a small wine-glass full after each meal. Keel ing better by degrees, in a few days 1 was aston ished to rind tbe coldness and arampa bad eutiroly left me, and I eould sleep the niut through, which I bud not done tor years. I feel like another boiug. My appetite and strength Bavo nlso greatly im proved by the use of tho Plantation Diitkus. Mainolu Water. Superior to tho bost im ported tier man Cologne, aud sold at half tbe price. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Illutlon ol' rurluerfclilp. NOTICK Is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between Masser, VYilvert A F.ngle, in the publication of the BuNneur Ahkhi cam, was dissolved by mutual content on the 1st d:iy of January, 1669. Mr. ngle having disposed of bis intorest in tbesaid firm to Mr Km'l Wilvsrt, the business will hereafter be tarriod on under the firm name of Maasur A W 11 vert, by whom all ui.set tied accounts vf tbe lute firm will U sottled. Ji. 11. MA.-SSKK, KMX WILVERT, N. 8. F.XULK. lunbury, January 9, 1RG0. NATIONAL LAGER BE EH SALOON, On Third Btreet, near the Depot, Suubury, Ta. JOSEPH BACilSR informs tbe cilisousolBuuLury, and the public generally, that be baa opened a i.aui:u iii;i:u ti tLoo, ' at Ibe above place. Ibe best of Lager Beer, sad , Malt Liquois will be kepi. Alio r,;slvr, , ecu j ilun'.l; teitted up to tuaieaieij. QTJARTERLT REPORT OT TTTE FIRbT NATIONAL BANK OF SUNUTTRY. Qnnrtcrly Report of lh condition of th "Th First Nuii' mill Dark of Hmibxry, in lbs Borough of 8un bury, in th Smto of l'etuvvlwnin," on the morning of las Bret iloudny of January, A. D., 1849 i RESOURCES. Loans and Dimnnnts f 2(4 904 49 O. a. Bonrti nd foouritlm on hnnd, 2M.70O 00 Oilier Stock, Hondo and Mortgages, 11;8M) 00 Duo from National Ilanka, 46,935 81 Bnnklng-home, other Ileal Ealulu, f'unu oincr linnK" and Hankers, 2,111 04 tare and uxtarc. 48.600 id Current vijenM and Tiepaid, CakIi Ileum, inoltiding Blanipa and Votlnl ourrsney, Ao. Noleg of other National Banks; other Bnuka, aud I.eg.il Undcrs, Spocio, 92 2,412 27 90,518 00 299 80 $070,107 83 200,000 00 8,647 2g 17,174 lif 41,417 78 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pnld in, Dividends Unpaid, Surplus Fund, Dircounts, Exchanges, Interest, and "Frofit nnd Loss," Circulating notes received from tho Comptroller, $180,000 00 Less amount on hund, 1,353 io Leaving amount outstanding, Mate Hank circulation outstanding, Individual Deposits, Construction Account, Due to National Hanks, " " other lianks and Cankers, 178,640 60 0,932 60 181,227 72 10, 84 16,14ft 97 6,647 03 Total, $070,107 83 M Alfc Ul' 1o l LVAIViA, NollTIIUMDERLAND Co., ScT. I, 8. J. Packed. Cnshior of the "First National Bank of Sunbury, Pa.," do sriemnly swear that tho above statement is true to the best of my knowledge uiu ueuei. c. j . i -al alii, v asmer. Sworn to and subscribed before ine, this 7tb day January a. l' , iso'j. PiiilipM. SniNDEL, Ass't. Assessor, Eunbury, January V, IboV. APPROACH DF THE HEAD CENTRE or MINSTRELSY. Tbe Original and only with bis unrivalled OPERA TROl'PU and Brnsi Band, including Miss JULIA SANFOP.D, the celebrated Tcrpsicho rean Artist. OKO. EDWARDS and J. K. DOUGHERTY, Ethio poan Comedians. MARSn II A MM ON, with his Orche1ra. will gi two pcrtormances at Masonic Hull, bU.NHLKi, l'rltlay nml Kulursiny sKveiiingw, JANUARY Sib and 9th, 18G9. tVTickels for sale at Hotels and Book Stores. Jauuaxy 9, lSli'J. 'l'enclicr'ie County lutilif lite. rPIIE annual mooting of the County Institute wil' X conveno nt too iourt liouso, in the itorough o Bunbury, on Monday, Jr.nunry 2Mb, 1809, at 1 P. M. and continue in session during tbe week. "Acoordinr to the Act of Assembly, acnroTod April 9th, '07, under which tbe Institute is held, the roll of members must be called at least twice each day ; a committee of five teachers on Pertna. nent Certificates must be ehoscn by ballot ; teaohers may atteud the Institute and be paid by tbe District the sumo us if tbey were in fichonl, and those who absent themselves from the Institute of their own county without a good ro.ison. may have their wunt of professional spirit and teal indicuted by certificates of a lower grado at the next oxamiiintiun. fee Penn'a School Journal, May '67, pnge 272. The Teachers Institute is a leirul requisition. It is therefore expected tbnt every teacher in the coun ty will bo in attendance. Under tbo present law eneb teaclior may receive pay while attending tbe County Instituto, as though teaching, unless tbe board of bis district decide othcrwiso. It is eurncstly hoped that every board will allow Its teachers time and pay to attend the coming lust t tute, as experience has shown that the money thus Eaid has been most judiciously expended. Tbe euefila will be greater as tbe attendance is larger. A record of tbo daily presence or absenco of each teacher will be made by the Secretary, a copy of whico will be forwarded to each board, if desired, in order to assist thcui io making isolection of teucbers nest year. Hon. J. P. Wicltersham, State Buporlntcndant, will certainly address the Institute on Thursday evening, Jan. 2Hth inat. Let every Diroctor and Teacher in the County bo present ou that occasion; al.o every citizen interested in the case of education. Literary men of all professions, trades or avocations, and every body interested iu the eause of education, are cordially invited to participate in tho exorcises, The exercises of the Iuslitula will consist of Clan Drill, Essays, Lectures and Discussions. The follow ing persons will be present to take part iu tbe excr oises : Ilon.J P Wickersbnm, State Superintendent, Hon. C. R. Coburu, Dep't 11 Henry llunek, Y.ii , of the .School Department ; Prof. Henry Carver. A. M.. of tho Jtiite Normal .School, lilooinsburg ; Pruf. W Woodruff, of Choster county ; Prof. E. Schneider of ftaubury Classical Institute 1 Rev. James Campbell, of Xorthuiuberland ; Uov. Mr. Heuiperly , of Sunbury ; Prof. Edward Brooks, author ot Uruoks' Mathematical iSeries; anil others. The following questions will be discussed during tho evening : Tuesday evening: How can more men of ability be induced to make teaching a business ? Wednesday evening : to wo become more satis fied as we become more enlightened ! Thursday evening : Are the services of lady teachers as valuable as tbote ol male teachors, and as justly rewarded ! Critics w ill report each evening immediately pre ceding adjournment. Voenl and instrumental mu sic throughout the week. Thedosign is to make the Institute both beneficial and interesting to all. This object eau be accompanied by a full turnout of teachers, determined to receive benefit and iwprovo moots, and impart tbe same to their respeulivo schools. Cunitnittee on permanent certificates to bo elected on Tuesday afternoon, W. J. Woi.virtom, County Superiuteudunt. W. C. Y'oiso. G. T. IsnAEL. SUNBURY MARKET, 3d St. NEXT DOOR TO KEYSTONE HOUSE. rpiIE subscribers beg leave to call tbe attention of L the publio to tbo fact tbat tbey havo started a Market fur all kinds of Country Produce, Vegeta bles, Ac. and have also made arrangements to fur nish in Season all kinds of Game, Fish, Ao. Native and foreign fruits, nuts, Ac., ulwuys ou band, whole sale and retuil. All kinds of Canned Fruits, Vegetables, Pickles, Sauces, Catsups, Ao. Call mid see for yourselves, as we defy competition either in assortment or prices. 0L'X(1 A ISRAEL. Hunbury, January 9, 1 SCO. Notice iu Uunkruptvy, Minis is to give notice, that on tho 12th day of X December, A. D. 1SG4, a warrant in Bankrupt cy was issued against tbe estate of William Ifaupt, of Milton, In the county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, who bus boon adjudged a bankrupt on bis own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such Buukrupt, to him or bis use, and the trans fer of any property by liim are forbidden by law ; tbat a meeting ol the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to provo their debts, and to choose one or more As- siituees of his estuto, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy to be bolden at 6'uubury, Northumber land county, Pa , before John S. Detwiler, Register, on the tftn duy of February, A. D. lM'J, at 9 o'clock A.M. T. D. GREEN A WALT, Deputy Unite I States Marshal, (as Messenger.) Westeru District of Pennsylvania. January 9, 1389. It Atliuiiilktrator'st Notice. "VrOTICK kt hereby given that letters of adminls JLN tration having been granted to the undersigued en tbe estate of Prudence Carsou, late of tbe Bo rough of Northumberland, Northumberland oouuty, Penu a., deceased. All persona knowing themselves indebted to suid estate are requested to make imme diate puymeut, and those huving olainm against said estate to present them for settlement. ALEX. COLT, Adm'r. Northumberland, Jan. 9, 1069.-61 CASH. nIGIlEST market price in CASH, paid for all Copper, Brass, Lead, Zino, Iron, Ao., by W. O.HICKOK A SUN, Fugle Works, Harrisburg, Pa. January 9, 1889. 1 m 'ou s ti.i:. A lot ef Blacksmith Tools, nearly new. Apply to GEO. Vf. ZIEGLER, Attorney at Law. Sunbury, January 9, 1609 EW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RAILROAD AND COAL CO. Puilabki.ihia. Dee. 22. 1S68. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of lbs above named Company will be held at tbeir office, No. S-'ri WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of January next, A. V. Isd9, at 13 o'olook, wben an election will be held fur seven Directors to serve for the ensuing year. C R. LINDSAY, Secretary January 9, IsW.-lt holidays t holidays i holidays i Presents I Presents I Presents I , a handsome t useful present! An Enduring and Pleasing Memento to those need. log Aids to Sight. Our Agent, T. 8. 6HANNOM, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Hunbary, Ponn'a., has a splendid stock of oar ItcautlfUl Oold BpcctnvlcM sad EYE GLASSES, . set with the CELEBRATED PERFECTED -LENSES Manufactured by LAZARUS k MORRIS, HARTFORD, CONN. Tbe Beit in the World for Strengthening nnd Preserving the Sight. No more acceptable present to your Parent, Grand Parent! orFrinnda, or those needing spectacles, can be found. They are bandsoine, useful and last many years. Call and examine thorn at the store of our Agont T. S..SHAK170IV, Dealer In Jewelry, Watches and Plated Ware NO PEDDLERB EMPLOYED. Jan. 9, 18(19 augl,'o8 lj. HEARTH and HOME IS A WKBKLY Agricultural and Firetide Journal, Containing sixteen handsome folio pages, printed from new type, ob superfine book paper, and abund antly illustrated by tbe best artists. Edited by DONALD O. MITCHELL and HAR RIET BEECHER STOWE, assisted by a corps of able editors and contributors in each department. It Is devoted to tbe interests of the Farmer, Plan ter, Uardner, Frait-Urower, and tbe Florist. ' Ornamental Gardening, Rural Architecture, Plans Of Country Homes, noted for tbeir attractiveness, wilt be illustrated from time to time ; as also Communes, Parks, aud Village Oretui. MARKET'. A careful Report of tho Markets la New foik, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans, will be furnidhed from wock to week, giv ing the Farmerdnformatiuu as to tbe time wbeu to buy and when to sell. To the I'asnll v Circle it will bring all that can interest the 'household ; plain rules for bcalthp living nnd douiestio uiunagoinent, lrom the folding of a napkin aud the cooking of a good din ner, to tho education of children. Mrs. Stowe, Grace Greenwood, and Mrs. Mary K. Dodge, will contribut to each number. A JS'eie Story. By Mr. J. T. TROWBRIDGE, entitled ' In tho Ice," written expressly for tbe Hearth and Huuio, commences iu first (December 2iith) number. THE BOYS AND GIRLS will find tbeir own page always lighted with such fun in pictures, and fun in stories, as shall mako tbem look sharply every week fur tho coming of HEARTH AND HOME. TERMS FOR ISO?. BingloCt pies $1, invariably in advance: .1 copies $10; 6 copies flj. Any ono sending uajlilora club of 16 copies (all ut oue lime;, will receives copy free. A specimen copy of tbe first number nut free. No traveling agents employed. Address all com munications to rETTENGU.L, BATES A CO., Jan. 9, '09. 37 Park Row, Now Vork. Kcadlnar; Ituils-oasl. WINTER- ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY.' DECEMBE 14, 1808. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New Vork, Koud ing, Potturillo, i'eiuaqua, Ashland, Hhamokin, Leba anon, Allentown, Eaetuu, EphraUt, Litii, Lancaster, Columbia, do., Ao. Trains ieave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 3 6U, 6.60 and b 111 A. M . and Vi 10 norm, and 2 ui and 1U.60 P. M, connecting with similar Tr ains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving NewYurkat 1100 A. M., M.'iO noun, .1.60, 7. W , at 10.05 p. ra. and 8. 14. a.m. rpeotively. Bleeping . Cars ucnumpanylng tbe 3 jv A. M. aud 10. iO P. M. j trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Rending, Pottsville, Tama- qua, iluioriville, Asliluno, tuuiuoKin, i ins urove, Allenlown and Philadelphia at . 10 A.M. and 2.00 and 4.1(1 P. M , stopping at I.ebunun and principal way sta.i'.ns ; the 4.10 p m. mukiug connections lor Philadelthia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Havon and Auburn, via .Schuylkill and Sus'iuehar.na Ruilroad, loavo Harrisburg at 3.30 p. ui. Returning: Leave New. York at DUO a. m, 12.00 Noon and 10 aud B.OO p. in., Philadelphia atti.16 a. in. and 3.30 p. m i Sloeping cars accompanying the 9.00 a. m. und 6 10 and b 00 p. in. trains with out change. Way l'nfieng Truin loavos Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Penua. Railroad, reluming from Reading at 6..',j p. m. stop. ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at T 30, b 45 a. in. aud 1 Ai n. in; Sbamokin b.'ii a ni.; Ashland at 7 U0 a. m., VI 30 p. m.; Tamaiuu at b.30 a. m. aud 2 20 p m. for Philadelphia Loare Potbnille via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna) Railroad.at T.lOa. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.39 a.m. for Pine'Grore and Tremunt Rending Accommodation Tiain leaves Reading a T.30 A. 51. reluruiug flout Philadelphia at t 44 P M. Pottstown Accommodation Train t l.entes Potts town at 8 41 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. M. Columbia Ruilroad Trains lenve heading nt T OO A. M., and 0.1 j P. M. for Epbruta, Litis, Lancas ter, Columbia, Ao. Perkiomvn Rail Road Trains leave Perkioinen Juuoiicu at 9.15 A. M. and 5.30 P. M. Returning: LeaveSkippackattt.il) A.M.. and 12.45 P. II , eon. necting witbsimilnr trains on Reading Rail Road. On Sundavs : Leave New York at 8 00 p m., Phila delphia 6 Ol A. M., and 3.15 P M, the 8.00a.m. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 8 09 a m , Harrisburg, 5.59 a m, and 4.19 and 10.50 p m. and Reading at 1 05. 3.00 and 7 14 a. ui, for Unrruburg, at 12 60 aad 7.31 a. ro. for Vew Yerk, and at 4.25 p. in. for Philadelphia.. Cummabttioni Mileage, Season. School and Bx elusion Tiekvle, at reduced rates to and from all point. Baggage eheeked through I 190 Peands Brggage allowed eueu Passenger. fl. A. NICOLLS, Oeneral superintendent lVuuled (o Kent, V SALOON with or without Fixtures, well located b or with Address XV ioSanbury. itb particulars, J. M , Liverpool, Perry Co. Pa. 21. The l'irkt National llanU ol ftuu bury. NOTICE is hcrehy given that tbe regular annual election of Directors of "The First National Bunk of Sunbury, Pa.," will bo held on Tuesday, the twenty-sixth day of January, A D. 1609, at the banking liouso, in tho BurougU of Sunbury, Pa., between tbo hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M , of said day, in accordance with tbe provisions of the Act of Congress. 8. J . PACKER, Csshior. Sunbury, Pa., Doc. 29, lstlS. WILLIAM N. KELLER, Ilnrbet and Unii-tlrs-ntscr, Dewort's Frame Building, north tide of Market (Square, BUNBURY, PA. Of all tlie arts tbat graoe tbe land, What grace can witb the barber vie ; Who takes your chin wilhiu bis band, While dreaming land in prospect lie. Withtoothing touoh bis rator glides, Witb nimble clip his scissor slides ; And lo ! before bis glass you stand Transformed, as in a fairy land. 77. 3. FTO1.1T & GO , Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA , I ESPKCTPULLY Inform tbeir friends and the l publie, that tbey have opened a JSTETW QROOERV AND PROVISION STORE, and wiy be happy to have tbem ea!l and examine tbeir stock, wbicb has just been opened, embra cing everything intbe tirocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, 6ugar,Syrups, Spioee, Canned and Dried Fraitf, Beano. Hominy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potatoes, tta , together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, At , and it foot everjlbujg in the Orocery and rrovstioa Line. I LOIR AND FEED, Queens ware, Willow-ware, Glassware, Col Oil Lamps, Coat Oil Ao. tall ud kefors lurcbojog elsewhere. MT. f. tTKMAHCO Eaakury, tee. 11, ISflS REMEMBER Uvrrl.' new Picture Callery three doors mA ot the railroad, Maiktl filiate BREAD & FANCY CAKES. TJE8PECTFULLY reforms the eitlxens of aa XV tarJ and Vbjlnlty, that be will bake to trlo all kinds of CiUe for Halls, Ini-tlf, See.. 7&mllls 're supplied with FRfiHH BRKAD, Twist Bolls, Busks, Tea Buns, Y., and also kept on ham and manafaotnrod oat of tbe beet materials. All orders left at his Bhop in Market Sqaare.oni door east of Miss Aana Paintor'i Millinery Store, w at his Bakery on Cpruoe Btreot, between Front an. Second street, will aieolwlto prompt attention BALLS AND EVUNIXtt PAKTI83 iuppiic with Cakee, lee-Cream, As., at the shortest notice Orders are resreetfally rclielted. 9ATID FRY. Buutory, Pee. M, IBM, Valuable I'roperty nt Frlriaie Nolo rrtfIB undersigned offer his valuable lot, It foe X front by 210 deep, on the south-west corner o the Sbamnkin Valley and Northern Central Rnll roads, on Third street, on which Is erected a FRAM1 WAREHOUSE, 20 by 40 feet. The Warehouse is . new one, having been built abont two years sinoe and is a splendid stand for any ene wishing to g into the dour and grain basinen. The fixtures a the oenoern will also be offered for Sale, at reasons ble rates. This property is offered for sale for tbe reason Ihn I intend giving up business in Hncbury. For furlhc particulars, apply te J. M. CADWALLADBR. Sept. 19, '63. 3m, Sunbury, P FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL TUB LATEST 6TTLE3, Suitable for tbe WINTER SEASON. MI88 KATB BLAqK, Market Square, two doors Enst of the old Ban building. SUNBURY, Peon's., HAS just orened a fresh assortment of the mot fashionable Fancy Dress Goods from the large: establishments In Philadelphia. DlLAINHS, ALAPACA8, POPLINS. CALICOf DRKSS BILK8, SILK POPLINS. J1(HUM VOOUR, Cloths, Baeqnes Flannels, Flannels, Sheetinra, Mu tins, Ladies and Childreas' HATS, Feathers, Ribbon Dress Xriauralncrs, F.anbroi1erps Laoe Veils, Coreots, Handkerchief. O loves, Hosier Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptlo Skirls, aud Ladies' Goods of every description. Paisley's Shawlsat bargains. Plaid Woolen Sh& Breakfast Shawls, Woolen Scarfs and Cups for Women and Children. BeaTer and Chinchila Water-Proof Cloths, aents' Collars, Neok-ties, Half-boee, llmdke eblefs and Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soapt, Hair Brushes, Combs et Deoember t, 1863. KATE BLACK A(lrulktlatrator''a rVoticet Estate of Silas Feaster, deceased. NOTICE if hereby given that letter of admin! tratlon having boen granted to the undersii ed, on tbe estate of Silas Fenster, late of Low. Augusta township, Northumberland county, d ceased. All persons indebted to said estate iir r quested to mako immedlato payment, aud tho having olaims to present them for settlement. JOHN SNYDER, Adm'r. Lower Augusta twp., Deo. S, IS03. Ot STRAY SHEEP! CAME te tbe premises of the subscriber, on about the 20lh of November lint, Iu Low Augusta township, near Selinsgrovc Station, knov as the M'Pbeison farm, seven etrny Sherp and o: Lamb. The owner or owners aro requested to em lorwurd, prove property, pay chnrgus and tnko t'u" away, other ivisa tboy will bo deposed of accordii tularr. A J. BVRNS. Lower Augusta twp., Deo. 19, 16GS. I.iiNt .Holier. ALL parties indebted to tbe firm of J. Vf. Fi ling A Son, will please call mi l settle befu I tho 15th day of January, lSi'.'J. as after tbnt the s I counts will be placed iu tbe bunds of a Justiuo t I collection. I Also, those indebted to II. Y. Friline; will in costs by settling thorn previous to thu loth duy January. J. W. FRILIN'U A SON II. Y. FRU.ING. Sunbury, Deo. 19, 1808 4t (Licensed by tho United states Governir.tui.) GOOD NEWS for consumers of i STAPLE AND FANOY GOODS throughout tho Country. ! lllUKl.CiKM &CO., Of fifteen years' standiug as Jobbers and Retail of tbo above goods, in Buston and viciuty, hjwec. I eluded to offer tbe people of the whole counlry i . advantages of their immciiso importations a ' agencies fur American manufactories through I popular ONE DOLLAR SYSTEM. Our Premium List to Agcuts, and Exuliange 1 for Agents and Patrons, are not equalled by a house in the country. nest msw lorn and Huston references given wl required. Send fur free Circular. Harrington a co , P0 Summer Slroet, Boliti Pnst.Oflicc Box 3S4. Deoember 12, 1S63. 3m 1'KESII AUHIVAL OF VfTT T TV1?D V 1C Ill 11 j! i 1 il VjlX 1 IjUUl' 1ST ID Miss ANNA PAINTEH, Market Square, SUNBUItY, 1" 12 X N 1 A., RESPECTFULLY informs her friends am! public, that she bus just relumed fuuu the H where sue has spent sometime in making dried aud purchases, und has just opened a lure sto.i MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Lacos, Dross-Linings. Crinoline and 1 gnna Skirting I.inidg, Horp .Skirts, Buc,le Tr mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, Cluuk Bull. Corsets. Zophyrs. A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlena Hosiery. DOLLS of all sises. Alphabet Blocks, to .She flatters herself in being ablo to tmike ,t ,, ofgoods that will cive entire satisfaction to visitors,! goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Dec. 12, 1803. NEW HOLIDAY GOOD A. X. IIStirK, AT II A U P T'S X K W B U I L D I K Has received and opened up a large aud well sel cd stock of TOYS nnd FAXCY OOIi, of cvory description, for persons of all ages i tastes. A variety of JEWELRY aud WATCH CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, KNIVE3, FOR SPOONS, LOOKING GLASSES, BOo STATIONERY, Ac, Ao. Go and see New Fine Silver Tea Set for fl Ci What I may not havo on hand, will be ordered nt shortest notice. Come one and all. No troubtt show goods. Friends from neighboring towus counties are especially invited. A. N. BR1C1 Sunbury Deo. 1J, '83. it. LUMBER AND PLAMN MILLS, Third Street, adjoining Pbila. A Erie Railroad, ' Squares North of the Central Hotel, . BUNBURY, TENN'A. I It A T. CLIINET, IS propared to furnish every description of lum required by the demands of the publio. llnv all tbe latest improved machinery t r nianuf.ici iug Lumber.be is now ready to fill orders of all k! of . FLOORING, SIDIXO, DOORS, SA. SHUTTERS, BLINDS, MOULDING BRACKETS, VERANDAS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turning of every description promptly exeeu Also, a large assortment of BILL LUMBER' HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, s'ick Lath, Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Kailr or otherwise. IRA I. CLEMENT 8unburj, Deo. 19, loo'. 1y ALABtiE supply ef Wall tuK. ii. llorder, jut received and lor wile iui at lb Mammoth Sure of Apni 4, tees. It. Y.fMLlM IF you bkve s t'.cUrs yea want framed g Ily'rly' and cm it done ebsaper tfcac i where v'.se in !"o lie lias mouldings u ail ki con:'.uit.y en bund.