Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 26, 1868, Image 4
THE NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIFE or TIT UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WASHINGTON, D. C. ChiiriiTi'il by Special Aot of Congrcw, Approved" July 2i, 1808. Cik.Ii Capital l.OOO.OOO. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, FinT KAtioxal Bask nriLniso, Where thonnernl bnsinasg of the Company is tra.vs-.-ictcd. and to which nil general correspondence Lou Id bo i llre?scd. DIRIX'TOR". .lay Cooke. Phil ad ;. C. H. Cliirk, t. li.-:trli! rt Ftiirr. "'i'iO . I'. M'lorhcirl , (!co P. Tiler. JKiicU-y Clmk, K. A. Rollins, V . -i-. . Ilenrv I. Cooke, ' Win. E. Ch miller, " .' ill a D. Iitfrec. " Edwin-.! Tu,l'.-. K; r ,-. . II. C. i iilinestocl:, I,'. V. OFFICERS. C Il.rUPK. Philadelphia, rresiJr.-.t. 11 EN" It 1. COOKE, Washington, Vice Frum-M . JAY fi'OKE, Cliairrunn liiirncj and Eicculi e (!-:'-it c. r: ir' ''N" W. PFKT, i'hilii.rn. 5ec'y and Actuary. E. S. TI'KXKli. Wiirhlnzlnu, AMant Scerutnr, . FRANCI.-'D SMITH. M D., Modi-:ul Director. J. SWING Jii;.R:S, M V.. Assiri.nt Alcdie:.l rector. m .tit faery U:n-1 J. ii. Eurucs, fc'urgCMU-Ocnoral S. A., Wrul.iri,"; ton. P. J iiorwiti, Ciiitf Medical Di.riri!.-ciit t. li. Washington. P. V. lilies, i.I. D. Washington. fnl!cHor nad Allorr.w, Wui. E. i.'luiiiJ'er. Washington. D. 0 George I);ir ling, Piul.vlolr.hij. Pa. "Oil Nutk.r.r,! in in ebamctiT, oCtf?, by ) o-- I LuT '' uin I'V.i rw I iille ii.iin;..r-:.. . v. j it. T 0 l.".i i-v.-li,: !n!i'.:i' '.' .r.'f r.'i", mi il il, Low ilatcs i.fl'rimi tho U'i. ! desirable means of ,-l.lcd t, i'no public. nm. tj.'In l.'.rgcly n.-'luoel. arc 1 the ir'urcrs ;iMh' e f Ihc best j n 1 ii " ! i .i". ll.o I'otiiplii'iittaa i arM uriJcriniutif of "I'ttii. Hividciiils tlio OiL- j nn-lT'ta'j'liiigF ulii'.'ii :iic Inlicr nrc fo apt In cnu.-o ; tlic Policy-IIoltlcw. ibovirul iit'iT and alha.'tivo taWr.s nrciiuw prtocuU I c I v. l.ich r.ccd only If. bo un'lorstif.J to r.vove af?op- I tablo lg lliC public, inch a tlio Tsccnic-l'roducin j Tv- ' n-,'l ;eiu.-n Prir.iiiini Puiicy. In ilia former vlioy-lioUor not on'y sed.iros a life iti:1.!o ni i!c."!l, I'ul v.i'l receive, if lMnc. nflor a iic:--I f f n fcW jcirs', V iimn'ul ir.cuio ouHo "a i iLV.i the Cdumain' lure t0 "0-n r thC I iu, 1 ! r.t:'-;uv.t of m -r. - Ji !. .!. ;iolioy. it .T, i c.!..cmpt4tiHS liicurii.g i ili fiiucutii. cT lasurina .-.ucd :o tlic .:pri-inl a.'vnntj-j . ji.ii T.if- Tiuiiiir o Compcny. iilits M"l full pnni nlnrf 'V-n i. . 03'cjo of Ui Conijany on a; K ). 19 : inFlu'uM;.' Loiin! . Town ; ntl such i:;ciicii!' iddi Oi t.l to 1 1 1, ;v i i! 'ler.cril Agents. ar0 "iDii' l lr. every City and ;.;U-.i:ions from cca'pctcnt parties foi , with mitohlc ndnrfme6t, should bo no Coniranj'a Genornl Afeuts only. iu tbiir re: ; eetivo dietiicls. (1KNKRAL AOEXT.S : JE. W. CLARK & CO., Piiilodolpuiii, For i'enii.-jlvaniu and Svuil;rn Ni-.v Jorey. JAY COOKE A CO.. Vns!,; 1'i.r Mnrjiuod, Dt-Tii.v i "olnnX!:i niul West Vir; KB. S. ItUHfl:Ii. J-J :-. Wjl. II. r.uiILK, Ancm, .' Sept. uibor 0, !. ly ,n.P. C Pi-tri'.'' of P.- II. n. r. r ; m ' v r i v t ic i . . .it. NET Wo nrc zov njieiiir j a InrL'e varied a&k.riiui'iit ! ."FALL AND YYINTUIl (JUODS, flhicli we oiler ;;t tli.' b we t CAslI Price., Iu ISanju. .c. Iron 1'ronl, MAUMET STItDET, SUNHCRV, PEXN'A Con.-.i.-tins of DRY HOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENtf WAUE, CLASSWAUE, and a full Hue of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOES AKo I .agios' OrctiK Ciiooilw, Calicoes, Muslins, Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Cheeks, Ticking, Counterpanes, Cwssimorea, Vc?tinc, Yarns, .Skirts, Neck 'iici, CuRs, Collars llundkorcbiofs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Curpots, Wood and Willow-N ure. We invite special attention to the quality of our Stock of 1U0 tnl JAVA COFFEE, TEAS. SUGARS, MOLASSES. SYRUPS. SOAP, SALT, I?ISU, VINEGAR, Ac, o. CanibuU'l Celebrated FLOUR, always on h.u.l. Wo fvol cnnOdent that cu-b buyers will find it to their aJvnulap;o to i;ive us u call, and custouiirj central ly uro iuvited to call and examiuo our goods .ml -rot ported on our pries. Ly utiiot attention ti Iho wants of our cunti.miTS and i. ir il'tlir; wu t-'i o to uiorit a full share oi'tho pul Ho i ''"' COI N I K Y PRODUCE of all kinds taken in rj. eha:,?;c for y ".l.-, tor wbich the highest ptico'will bo pni l. MOORE & DISSINGER. Si Ll iiry, .Sept. 19, '6i. LIVERY STABLE Tflil. --'oiiberj lining purchased the stock and :ures of Air. Charles liacia s Lirory Siablo, in tupbary, voiiM rc.Jpejtlully announce to iho "'' !'- they ititcnd furnisliiii' it with BM-tluM lloivi L'nrringe-, Bunnies and spring-Wagons stiltii'ilo for the buiinc?. oud will endoavor to make U i Livery SQS'.nd lonnnc in Ihi-sootion of tho State. Orders lci't utU.e Ueutrul Hotel, at any hour of tho d: y.T niht, will rce.-ivc prompt attention. MeGAW it FAUNSWORTH. Punl.iirv. '. ..;.-r I7,H'.J. N1MV D 0 V GOODS AND Groceries I Sl I vu 7..:. . ire dooi t.l.w tl,c l.ut'ifnin Church, t: T1127: il'i : l't Y i'.'i!j, ;i'i:v, p i: :; -a. j- -ttd n lursji assurtinrnt f u- h is Cslifuri. -Munlins. o..v.h'ch Al a viriiy of No- lion. ( ii lery'iiri', i:iv.,r. I.i. unJ Cutm. I hlL- iVU.iI.i.a nO.iU.j, Ac. Jr M O G V. R I Jj fj run visions ot nil kimlf, su.-h as - ct-rn-L.-, ij..'..-. ,sia.;i;s, com. oil, . .-: rap., :,i.,ok.-.i, 14.1. i!u.f. .i Cmi.vd I'lui:. liuiiui, ll.ii.iiui. Cac-xi, M Mi i-1 tint, cvei v'hi.i u.uul!- :u t in ili. t; ml -!, l-'rc h nrynto. Oueciis.tnrn, I.. v.-. wui j. . ILALiiihe Mnrki-i ' N'lTIONS. I'm::, at 'ho Ion en i i .niLre tor i .o.J:'. 'i -Slock, HENRY PETERS. .itry- i"i. to. , r v tics, ni i .lo Leather, French Calf, n, 1 loinuii. l.uiL.. N.,i. iA.. kin 1'nA. 1'ttU ki.: ! i-d ,cty lbii. ii.t by th tmie, ' 1.1. I A LJ 11 . IMi . Ibr.l v... 11....... O-.i I '- ' r-itlroid. MarkM Sinat. '. FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES I You can Buy More Goods f th BEST aXJA.X.IT'X" lot ft !!ic VLiiidnoin store, i-uneurt, penn'A. tT.At.i lAjLCf. 1IAJ, Iir.CIIIVKD A.s!) OrE.NED The Host Stioctcd and FINEST ASSORTMENT, of DRY" GOODS IN TOWN. FRENCH MI'RINO.!, PRINTS, MUSLi:;., GINGHAMS, CASSIMEIlESUtc. Dolaines and Anciucs. Dotncati.' C. tioi. Erosc nnd Bleached. notions tf nil i i!-jiry. Oio.-cs, Men's and Ladio: Indirguriucnts WHITFi GOODS. A full Etsortment of TRIMMINGS. Puildors will find my Stock of llnriUfaro, 1'uIulM, OilM, UIai, c i'omplclc. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR-WARE, q CISESSWAR E, C LASj'.VARE, CROCK ERY.J8ALT, BOOTS ANDJ SHOES- IIA'IS AMD CAPS, and in fuel everything usually kopt in a large Storo (Jail and bu tlio Cheapen t com inoed that IMaco to Buy till Your Goods is at IX-"ST. I'-HILIISJ-Q, 'Ji'va-iiiK I'nih.-ao tluyis, as uiy ioo is are bouglit for Cash and Sold Cheap fof tho READY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad viiiiUo of all reductions u fust as they are mad b Maiiufaclurers. U Y FRILING, i ui.hury, , Isot,. VOL.IU MCI PKACT1CALLY EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 037 Cbesmit St., cor. of 7th., PHILADELPHIA Established 1844. Incorporated 1855. and Icet organized longest ctlablithed Commercial VolhQt in Hit City. The practical value of IU couno of instruellon hns been lestca oy long exporieooe. HUNDREDS OP YOUNG MEN Ilave found, in tlio knowledge gained here, the meane of iTolltablo employment, and of luceeu In business. Each Btndent la Instructed loparately, and In the mot praotical inannor. Books for Iho Tarioua Branches of Trade are nnrneil. written out. and clneed in the mannor prnc ticcd in onr beet mercantile housei. The different Iluciness Papera, puch aa LILLS OF EXCHANHE, PROMISORY NOTES. CHECK ACCOUNTS SALES, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, LETTERS, IN VOICES, e. A ; made out aa in actual business. In (ought by a superior penman In inch a manner (hot au attentive ntudont in a short time gains a nopiu, irrou una xjicguai wyw vi uueiuueo itkumq ORNAMENTAL WRITING, Of all kinds, la executed in the most finuhed man COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS, Inolmlinff Ihebest and most ranid methods of com Profit and Bales. Avera ging Accounts, &o , are comprisca in mo vuuire v liulruution. ni'BTvpa nil AnTrnr.3. Purchase. Sides. Consisnmcnts. Shipments, Dcal- IniM wll'rt ftnnlra R ntnltlnnncs. Jta.. &0. Also, Commcrciul Law, Phonography, Detecting Counterfeits, io. Students received at an? time, and Instructed at cHnh k na TA hnmi .nit. their convcuienco. Thn l.rwA nnmher of business men now in attend' anco, and tlio numerous applications received for its students to fill vacant positions, fully attest the ap preciation in which tho institution is held by the business community. OPEN DAV AND EVEN IN (1. CATALOGUES SENT GRATIS. Tim Oiillnndcn Commercial Arithmetic and Bu eincss Mnnunl, fir sale at tho College. Handsomely bound, 12 me. Price, $1.50. Sent post paid loony address. S. II. CRITTENDEN 4 CO. July 25, 1SB3. 6m 3 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA TI1K EAST INDIA TELEGRAPH COMPANY OFFICE, ... 33 A 35 Zassaa Street, NEW YORK, Organized under speciul eliaruir front th State of New York. CAPITAL 5,000,000 50,000 Share, 100 Uacb. DIRECTORS. Hom. ANDREW G. CCRTIN, Philadelphia. PAUL S. FORBES, of Russell ft Co., China. FRUD. CU'l'rURFII'.LD, of F. Dulteifieli fc Co New York. ISAAC I.IVERMORE, Treasurer Miclngau Central Railroail, Boston. ALEXANDER HOLLAND, Treasurer Amercan Ex press Company, New York. Ho. JAMES NIXON, 9yracre,N. Y. O. II. PALMER, Treasurer Western Cnion Teicgrapti Company, New Yoik. FI.F.lVHKIt WESTRAY, of Westray, Cibbs llurUcnslle, Nw York. NICHOLAS MICK LES, New York. Ofllccrai. A.O. CUKTIN, President. N. MICK LEW, Vice President. GEORGE CONANT, Secreury. GKOItUE ELLIS (Cuiiliier..Nalioiial Bank Common wealth,) Treasurer. Hon. A. K. McCLURE, Philadelphia Solicitor, . Th. Chinese Government hariiw (ihrouuh the Hon Ansuu Uurlitigiiiin:) couenloU to tin. Company the privi lege of conncuiing trie greut seaports of the Empire hy suuniarluo elecille leiegrapu euoie, wo pruimro cvimucn. ciug opera! ion. in China, and laying down a line of uin. nuauieu univ. at once, ueiwcvu tuc iviiuwiiig , v. Population, CAntmi, 1,000,000 Alueon ouiuw IIong-Konir, 850,000 Swatow, Ainoy, Foo-Ciiow, ' Wan-Chu, Ningpo, Hang Cheau, rJbangbai, ..... SOU.rjOO lit) ,000 1 430,000 300,000 400,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 Totul, ,'J10,0(.:0 These poita have a fuieign commerce of (900,000.000, unit an enormous domestic tiade, tM-.ide which we liuve the iiiurieii.e interiud comii.eice of the Empire, radiating from theve points, through iu canals and uavigubie rivets 'ilie cable being luid, tliis Coinpuny propose, erecting hind hues, and euihlishina a aimedy aud tiuslworthy means ot eommuniculiou, which must command Ihore, as everywhere eUo, the communications of the Government, of business, and of social life, e.pccially in China. She hu. no poaml sysuira, aud her only uiean. now of eomnm- uicwuig inioiuuitiou is by couriers on kunl, and uy slcum. ers on water. The Western World knows that China is a very large couiili y, in the mam densely peopled ; Iml few yet realize that she conlauis more than a third of the human race. The latest returns rande to her central authorities for tax. ing by the local magistrates make her population FOLK HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN MIULIONS. aiul thisis more likely to be under than over the actual azgregu'e. Nearly all of these, who are over leu years oui,uot only can hut do read and write, Her civilization is neeuliai.hut her hterutura is as extensive as that of hu rope. China is a lead of teachers aud traders ; and the hitter are exeeediiiKlr Quick to avail themselves of .very pioifered facility tor procuring euily iufoimulion. It is oheeived in California that the Chinese make great use of me leiegrapn, taouga is mere traiuumts mew-iges m bre gu.n atone, to day great numbers ot fleet steamers an owned by Chinese merchants, and used bv them cxclu sively for the trunsnnasiou of early intelligence. If the telegraph we propose, conuectinir all their great seaports. were now in existance. it is believed that iu business Woukl nnv the cost Wlliilil the brat two veura of ita sua. cesaful operation, and would ateadily increase thereafter. No enterprise muuneiids itself as in a greater degi.a remunerative to capiulista, and to our whole iieoplo. Jt is of a vaat natioual imnorUiice oommerciallv. nouLiculli'. and evangel ieaheahy. 1 sr 1 he stock of this Company has been unqauhErdly recaoiaeiided to eanindisU and busiueos men, as a desir able investment by editorial artielee in Uie New Yiwk Herukl. Tribune, World. Times. Post, Exnress. ludeneu. dent, and ill the Philadelphia North Aroeruxiu, Press, linger, luniiirer, Age, llutletin and Telegraph. enures oi uiie iouirMny, so a umiteu iiuinoer, may be hluiurd at (Ml each. 10 navalde down. IS on the la of November, and SJA pivahle in monthly insuhneuts of Si.M each, commencing December I, lbA-i, on applieatiou to DREXEL & CO. i 31 Soutb Third Wlrtct, PHILADELPHIA. Shaieacaa be obtained in funbury by application to 8 .PACKER, flanker, who is authorized to receive sub scriptions, and cau give all necesaury uifufmationon lbs SUUJCCI. September 10, IMS tin. IF you hsve a picture yon want framed, go to llyerly'at and got it dona ebeaper than anv a her els in town, eonatantiy rn band. il hat mouldings of all kinds TTtOB Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, DHLs, Buok J les. Ulg Trees, Pad Trees. Hones, all kinds and ery thing pertaining to th busiaees, for sale by J. li. CON LEY CO. CARPENTERS WILL find in au. .Kuin. b rki'?",i "J"u6. HlbU, Uawwers, Flies J. H. C0NLEY A CO W. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Market Nqnarr, Dttiiminr, Pn. lias just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed In purity and freshnosa, and kept eon stanlly on band. My stock will always be found oomplott in every article of merit In Medioin. Physicians and Customers mnv relv unnn tirnmnt- ness and attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES! My stock la umiiuallr larse and embrace eirery- tbing that can be found on a first elans Toilet Tablo, Including American and genuine Frenoh and Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, lTory, Gutta Pereha Wood and Horn Combs. Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Kail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, o. Patent Medicine. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. ruro Havana SEQAK3 and CHEWING TUBACCO of the best Brands. I'ntnla. OIIn, Iae, UlaMie, Patty, Varnishes, o. All mi Tinctures. Svrutfi. Ointment, Cerates, and other preparations aro manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a Eumbor oi years' exporience in Drug and rreerijilion Justness, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel eom tietout to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS mil ml 1 HYBKinua .uu luuiiv uini wiui iu. nuui All my preparauona as a aave auuve BKiurieu,iire made from the best material, and upon honor I usert. tliev are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing obowhore, call and eonvloeo your own mum. TT . A. DAJiriAll, Snnbury, May 18, 18C3. IlIllie, Fancy jFurrs ! AT JOHN FAREIRA'S, Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. 71S ARCH Street above 7th, PIIIL'A. Have now in storo of my own Importation and LjriManutacture one ot tni largest ana most uoautl . ; tut scioeuons ot ;S FANCY FURS, for Lf.ilins' and Chil 5 .'X' uTQU s ,1 onr, iniueouy- "2SiSi Also, a fine assortment of Gents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therofore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Remember the Kama, Number and Stroot ! JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch St., above 7tb, south side, Philrtd'a. CB" I have no Partner, nor connection with any other storo in Philadelphia. Oct. S, '6fl.-4in SUNBURY MARBLE A rpHE undersigned having bought the L ontiro atock of Disiingcr A Taylor, 3s would inform tho public that ho is now roady to do Ml kinds of marblowork; has on hand, and makes to order at Short notice, Monuments nnd Head-Stones, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW BILLS. Also, Ccmotcry Post with Galvanised pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will eontinua in tho employment, at the old stand in Market 6quare. Sunbury, Pn. May 2, 'fH.-ly.J W. M. DAUGHERTY. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rTUIE subscriber respectfully Informs the public X that ho keeps constantly on hand at his now WAREHOUSE, near th Shamokin Valloy Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Food by tho ten The ubov is all mannfacUirod at his own Mills, and will De sold at Uie lowest easn prices. J M. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Arril 1, J868. NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON IFOTJ-JSTIDIRrSrr. tJT.O. ROIIRDACII . SOS, BtriSTBUKY. IF" -A.-, INFORM tho public that they have estnblbibed a MACHINE SHOP, in conneotion with their FOUNDRY. Thev hnvo supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. Witn the aiu or skiiiiui me chanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of Ietv Work or lleptxiriufr, that may be given them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlargod and rebuilt their Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS. HruNt CnsiLnsc, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, and will al ways be kept on band. Sunbury, June 13, 1BC8. fig A Lecture to f2- -s-OXTXsTGr JMLEIST. Just Published, in a Scaled Envctopt. rrice six cents. A I.eetnre on the Nature, Xrent- ment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, orSominul Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Soxual Dobility, and Impedimenta to Marriago generally ; Nervous ness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Solf-Abuso, Ac. By RonaarJ. Culvchwill,M. D, Author of the 'Green Book," to. Tho world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, elenrly proves from hisown experience that the awful consequences of Solf-Abuso may be effec tually removod without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once coruin and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself chcajily, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent undor seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on tho rcoeiptof six oenU, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's " Marriage Guide," prioo 23 cents. Address the Publishers. CUAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Fost-Oilioo Box 4,686. July 4, ltio8 y NATUEE'S GREAT RESTORER. CELEBRATED B i 1 1 erJJordial. This tnedioal preperation Is bow effared to th publio as a reliable substitute for th many worth less compounds which now flood th market. It is purely vegetable, composed of various herbs, gather? ed from the great storehouse of nature, and seleeted with th utmost ear. It is not recommended as a Cobb All, but by its dircot and salutary influ ence upon th Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Sto mach and Bowels, it acts both as a preventive and eur for many of th diseases to which these organs are subject. It is a reliable Family Medicine, and ean be uken by either infant or adult with th same beneficial results. It is e certain, prompt and speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Bowel Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lowness of Spirits, Paintings, Sick-Uoadache, Ao. For Chills and Favors of all kinds, it is for better and safer than nuinina. with. out any of its pernioiou tfeets. It creates an appe tite, proves a powerful digester of food, and will eennteraot th effect of liquor in few minute. j r.poreu oy JACOB SCHEETZ. Sol Proprietor, . W. Cor. Fifth and Rao fits., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Druggists. nor, 14, '68,-y CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL ? & s e q Dealer in Fruit and Ornament Troa. m f. ish from th most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first elans TREES of all kinds. Aim, Shrubbery, Vine and Floats. Garden Seeds of all a in as. SEED P0TATOK8. New Whit Peooh Blows. Earlv Goadrlah. Ohlta and Harrison Potatoes, la Urge and small quantities, are offered for sole. Orders are respectfully aollalted. Addreal BENJ. BOHNBR. PaxliMS, North'd. 0. I IS" N. B. Insuruea t&kan ia yil f tka soM raspoaaiU Pir Insuraneeaad Urs Peteetiv Companto. in th Htat. vet. it, IttOB y I'PlL ISAAC K. STATJTPES, Watlunxkr and Jjw ' ler, XTO. 143 WOBTH 2d ST., COB. OF QUABBT, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watshes. Iswelrv. illvet and PUtoe Ware constantly on hand, rtr Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. Not. o, 1W7 1 y. G28 HOOP SKIRTS G28 ARO CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HorKISS, Ko. 08 Arch Street, Philadelphia. MANUFACTURER OT THE Celebrated "CIIAMPIOir' Hoop Slirti FOR LADIES, MISSE3 AND CHILDREN. Th largest assortment, and best duality and styles in th American Market. Every lady should try them, aa tney recommend tnemsotvos oy wear ing longor, retains their shape mnoh better, lighter and more elastio than all others warranted In every rocpoct, and sold at very low prices. Ask for Hop bin.' "Chamninn" Skirt. Superior Hand-made Whale-Bon Corsets in Fif teen different Grades, Including the "Imperial" and Thompson Langdon'a "Glove Fitting" Corsets, ranging in prices irom oi cents lo ?.ov , wgeuior with Joseph Bockel'l Celebrated French Woven Corsets, superior shapes and quality, Ten different Grades, from $1 .10 to $4 0. They are the finest and best goods for the prices, ever imported. The Trade supplioor with Uoop BKirta ana corsets at in JjOwosi Kates. Those visiting the City should not fail to call and examine our Uoous ana Jrloes, as we aety ait com petition. February 29, 1868 lOmos. inPOKTAST NOTICE. milE nndorsiened bavins inccoodod to the buBl- I noss of T. iilMES A CO., takes this mothod of informing; Brick-Layors, Buildors, and all others in tor os tod, in and about Sunbury, that he is prepared to Gil all orders, for building and paving Briok, of a superior quality, and at aa low rates as ean be had elsewhere. I am also the Agent In the Counties of Northum erland, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR EN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER. PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that n be nscd on buildings. W covered soveral build gs with it, during the last sooson with entire sutis ction. Ordors left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition lo Sunbury, or at the Oflioo of Mr. Wm. Reagnn's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post Oltloo, will rooeive prompt attention. TOWNSEND HIME3 Sunbury, March 14, 18C8. ' BAtirrfs! CQ No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. ENERAjTENTS, to, PENNSYLVANIA 4av urn - OF THE tCSl UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The National Lira IwernAnoa. CoKPisT Is a corporation ehar'cred br spealal Aot of CuonreM, an proved July as. 188a, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000,- FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who aretnvtted toapplyatouromce. Full particular to boh ad on application at our oflioo. incaied in rue aeoodd story or onr Banking I ed In the aeoodd sldty of onr flanking House. wher. Circulars and Pamphlets, fully dricrihlna the ad vantages clferod by tn.Cnmnaiiy.ruay I Mlluny , luv ue II .U. Mi. V. I.L,Aieii. A- ,. 'u. X South ''Aird SI. Applications for Central and Western PennsylvA' umw usmauaio 11. D. KUOSttLilj, B1AHAUKU, August 15, liiCS. ly. Harrisburg, Pa. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. milE undorslimed. nronrictorof WoLicrAFriek X Line, give notiocs to raorchunb) and shippers unit mo uopoi is still at Bit warRot street, Phila del phi a, and allGoodsdireeted to Sunbury. Danville and Lewisburg, and all intermediate stations along n. : , , . , . . . . " luurnuroiiu, win uv prompiij ucuveroil. tV Cars leav 811 Market streot, Philadelphia. iri-wceaiy xueeuays, innrsuays ana Saturdays. J. W.BROWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. H. BROWN, Ageut, Sunbury, Pa. Docembor7, 1867. SEEING IS BELIEVING At rot Arrh Street. NEW PRICE;?! NEW COODS Rich Silver and Silver-Flatcd Wares. Including ovcry stylo and description, mode expressly for the Winter trado, which for neatness and durability cannot bo surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, Ancu brrtrJET, PllILADbLPUIA ri"Ro-plating at short notice. Duoomber 21 , 1867 -aug27 I H. Conley Co., Market Street, Kaat oi'the Itallroad, DEALERS IN FOIti:iU. St AJH'.KICA, Hardware & Cutlery. 1 HIE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, . and Buyers generally is invited to the foot thut we are now offering a bettor seleeted assortment Of JJAKDWAKE, CUlLCiitX. AG., than ever was offered in this marked at price much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock oomprises oil articles in this line of businoss, embracing a general assortment of tools and muto' rials used by CARPENTliRS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC. AG., Icsethor with a larse stook of Iron, Stool, Nails. Spikos,Rope, Chains, Griudstonos, Mill and X Cut buws, io., ao. buubury, March 30, 1867. NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANUFACTORY. fTUIK subcoriber respectfully informs th eitisens A. of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opened a shop in Sol. btroh's Blacksmithshop-Building on Chestnut street, Sunbury, Pa., whore he keeps con stantly on nana, ana uanuiooturos to orior, 4'nrrlasreis. UuirsrrM. NulLtvil. Sec. of th latest stvl and of the best material. Repairinir of Wazons. Carriages. Aa.. dona at the shortest notice. Persons in want cf fin Buggies and Carriage), are rcqueawu to eaii oeiure purouasing eisownere. II. 0. ROl'SU. Sunbury, July II, 1868. ly Wat. Fallon. SxLsoa Puoa FURNITURE ROOMS "7TVL. FAR301T & DOIT. l.l.Aril.. A - l.' .. a. T ; mw v. u iuiu vi . inua a Aavis,oav opcnoa war' rooms at No. 228 South 2d street, below Dock. PHILADELPHIA, Wher they keep a full aanrtmant of rARLOR, CHAMBER, SITTINO ROOM ana DiJNiniU UUUAl FUuNlTUliE. Their old oustomert, and all parson wishing to purcba, ar lovitod to call and examine their stock before pu'ebaaing elsewhere ParUenlar attention paid to packing. mjt ly. A LARGE supply f Wall Paper and Uorderjust mivd and for sal ekeap, at Ui Mammoth Etor f H. T.FRIlLsTO. April 4, IBM. ltaoIaUoa of Pnrtnerehlp. NOTICE Is hereby rivea that th a-partnsrahip heretofcr axisuiig betwoen J. Weisar Bueher and E. Maaser Bwchtr, trading andar th Irsa of "Bueher Brothrs,"ia th tanning basin, was this day (August MUi, 1868 ) diasolved by mutual eon ent. Tli boaiiiea. will hereafter b onduetod by the undersigned, at tts aid eUnd, whsr alt person indebted to th Arm of Buoha Brother., ar re quested to sail without d.l.y ud eaak settlement, and sm eutt. K. MASSEH BUCUiR. Sunbury, August 29, 1868. 6u. I A lLIM III.JlLllJ Great Attraction. atth NEW TIN-WARE, Hheet Iron and Htove Store of SMITE GEITTEEH, Wher they keep constantly on hand Bad manufae tur to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call th attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hav mad arrangements to have all their beet stoves mad to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and exam in their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on th following tried ilraniu el cook stoves, via : Combination Oar Ilnrner, Coolr. UeTcrnnr Penn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDE'S. and th well known Aatidust Cook Stove ealled SPEAR'S ANTIDU8T. Also. Parlor and ofRoe Stores in great variety em bracing all th best manufactures and most fashion able designs, nnsurpassou lor beauty oi nnisn simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability ana eacn store warrantea u perioral wnat mey are represented. Also, ineeoiobratea uaitimore Flra Place Stove, lor noaung nrsc, seoona ana tnira none oy ncgistcrs Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, CohI Oil Lamps, Shade, Chlmnlcrs, nnd all nrtlvlcr nsuallr kept in an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating In the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Konflnir. Snouting, Raneo and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana cneapiy exocuioa. Aiso: "Oangli'i Raw Hone Suncr.Plios pfaate." Remember the place. Sample and Boles Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth street. Building dara paintoa. August za, lBun. tI. C. UKAIlflAKT'S Confectionry, Toys aud FRUIT STORE, irlarkct Street, Snnbnry, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c., &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for snlo at the above establishment atwholosolo and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confoelionario to keep up a full assortment which aro told at low rutce. Tobacco, Scgnrs, Stationery, Nuts of nil kinds, and a variety of nthor articles, oil of whlsh ar oflorod wholesale and retail. l-Ucmouihcr tho name and placo.A1 M. O. GEARHART, Market streot, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Sen's storo. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 186,1. If THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION llHtto.1 Hole Orcrncuminji SEWIITG MACZIITE. It Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Groat Merit. The increase in the demand for this vnlusblo ma- ohine has boen TEN FOLD during th last seven"! montns oi its nrst year oeiore tno publio. -This grand and surprising success ia unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EU.UAL, Being Absolutely tho Bost J'AMII.Y ilIACHI3II3 IN THE WORLD, And IulrinticaUy the Cheated. It is really two machines combinod in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tho Shuttloor Lock-stitch, and tho Over seaming and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It exocutes in tho very bust manner every variety of sewing, such as, Homiuing, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the samo limo,) and in addition, Overseaius, Embroiders on tho edgo and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fubrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agonts, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of worn uoue on iois muotiino, can uo nau on applica tion ullbo Salesrooms of THIS AIXE.IUCAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSE.VMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philfulalnliin. P. Instructions given on tho Machine at the rooms of toe tompany gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, Preside.!. W. B. M, Treasurer. April 25, 1863. lyojnn. 25, iKlM UA It Hi: It HAl.OOA. The OldoBt and moat noted Institution tho Kind In Sunbury. J. W. WASHINGTON, HAVING removed to bis now building on Third Street, between Market and the Doput, is now prepared to serve his oustoinors better than ever. Having secured the services of Bret class Barbers, BUAVING AND HAIR-DRESSING will be executed in the latest stylo. The building having been erected especially for th purpose of a First Class Barber Saloon, aud having fitted it up in th latest style, he hones to rooeive a liberal share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Confectionery has been opened for tho sole of Ice-Cream, Candles, Cukes, Ileer, and numerous other Temporaneo Drinks in common use. Orange, and other delicious fruit and eatables of bom and foreign growth in rich profusion and elegant variety. Sunbury, September S, 186S. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 2T SUNBURY is on 3d streot, opposite th MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S SEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Itut Lately EatablUhed, with all the Modern Improvement) of the Art t TnE subscriber, having built th room expressly for th purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assure his patron that the work pro duced shall be second to none in country or eity. No work allowed to leav th gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day fur mall children. U,'J J Prepared t tak new tlie, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified ta any required sise and eolored beautifully in Oil or W ater oolors or India Ink. W pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape view of MonuiAenta. Muhln If. f .... n I B.1,1 Aa large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Th publio ar respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our eomplete arrangements for making Photographs, speeial term to families and olubs. . .... . BERQSTRESSBR. Hunbary, July It, TO BTJILD2EP.3. WINDOW Glaa and Building Hardware, at the lowest Cash Prices at Th MunuuBth Store of II. V. FRILING. "WE HAVB COIIE With great Inducement to ageata to o-operate with us in our 6BA1ID O.IS DOLLAR IALE I Sheeting Jrte of Catt U eur Agentt. WcUck fret of Cett to eur Agont Giving Machine ret Cot U our Agent. Leather Ooedt re of Ooti to our Agent. Linen Good re 0 Cott to our Agent. Sill itJ ShateU re of Oott t our Agent. Boot mud Shoe free of Cott to our Agent Dree Good fro of Cott to our Agent ORIAT DOLLAR BASOAINI for our Customer. ad tor ear circular. Agent wanted vry wkr Address JAI. T. STEWART CO., Ott U 'M-lm. I 4 Dry, NY. northern Central Raiivrajr, IUMMRR TIME BOHEDTJLB. ON sad after Nov. 22d, ISM, tralaa wiU leav SUNBURY, as follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD, 0 00 A. M., Daily for WUHamsport. Dally fcxecpt Sundays,) for Jilmira, Canandaigos, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fslli, Suspension Bridge and the Canadas. 4.16 P. Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Elmira, and Bunal via Erie Railway from Elmlr. 8.40 P. M. Daily exoept Bandays,) for Williams. LEAVE B0UTHWARD. 2.4S A. M ., Daily (exoopt Monday,) for Baltimere, Washington and Pblladeipnia. 9 40 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. T.60 P. M., Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Uarrisbarg N. DoBaaar, Bo. B. Yooao, Uen'l. Bup't., Uen I raaeen'r Ag t , raasen'r Ag't., Baltimore, Md. UamsBurg, Pa. Philadelphia At Erie Kallroad. WINTER TIME TABLE. X Through and direct rout botween Phlladolphii, Jjaltlmore, ttarrisDurg, nHiiani.por., w iuikkiu. west and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANTSLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. On and after Monday. Nov. 23d. 1868, th Train on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will nut OS miiows : " Wbstwam. Mall Trnin leave Philadelphia, I0.4S p m. Banbury, o oo a ra " arr. at Erie. t iO P m Erie Exprea leave Philadelphia. 11.60am " " eunbnry o.o sn " arr at Erie 10.00 a m Elmira Molt leaves Philadelphia, 8 00 a m " ' Sunbury 4 14 pin " arrive at Look Ilavea, T.46 p m Eastwamo. Moil Train loaves Erlo 10.15am " " " Sunbury, 1 45 am " arr. at Philadelphia, 10.00 a m Erie Expross leaves Eri 6.26 p m " " "Sunbury S 40 a m 11 " arr. at Philadelphia, 4.20 pm Mail and Express eonnect with Oil Crock and Allegheny River Railroad. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. J. .11. ItC.VX IcntUt. Will romove his Office to J. M. Simpson's Bui!Jinj, 2nd story, Market Square, STJNBTJR-S-, FA. WHERE be will be prepared to do all kinds of work Dortainlnit to Dentistry. Will k ean Constantly on hand a luree assortment of Teeth, ami other Dental material, from which he will bo abloto soloct, and meet the wants of bis customers. All work warranted to eire satisfaction, or else tha nionay refunded. Tho very bost Mouth Wash and Tooth-Ponders kept on hand. His rcforonoes nro the numerous natron, for vhnm ho has worked for tho last twelve years. Duouury, suorco 21, 1000. JaTMnjE3 . Ar espcciolly invited to cnll and examine of BUILDER'S HARDWARE. Commisim. Nails nnd Spikes of all varieties. Butt, Scrows, Strop and T Hinges, Looks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowols, Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieve?, Ac, Ao.,fortaloby J. H CONLEY A CO. UNION HOTEL- CHAM. l'l'Zi:ii, Proprietor. In Coke's Additicn to BUNBURY, near tho Penn a. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kopt who will find ample accommodation.. i!n,l cooks and waiters, boarder ean enjoy the quiet coin av .o w uuui tv itu tai a vqani w iam dosi nuiol. - Jtlu Lluon are of the oboloest kiDUs. Sunbury, Jane 8, IWJ7. LIGHT ! LIGHT ! LIGHT ! S. IIVCKIiV, nHE popular Pbotograper, has fitted up, In the L old Post Offioe building, three doors west of tlio railroad, Market Square, on of th very best Sky -Lights to be found in the Stoto, and is now prepared to toko picture of any kind, in all kinds of weather, early and Kke. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along tho babies we ar now ready for thcui. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! both great and small, sea his new rooms, nnd ex amino spcciuions. FRAMES and FRAMING material oonstantlv on hand and inado to order. Bring along your picture, and hnvo them framed cheaper than any whoro else Come and see for yourselves, Anything in tho Sicturo lino constantly on hand ororderod. Copying one in all ita branches and eolored as desired. Both out and indoor views taken at short notice and on reasonable torms. Satisfaction guariantcc 1. as our motto is to please. AH negatives carefully t reserved. Remember tho place ask for 8. BYEK iY. Market Square. May 23, '68.-1 y. Agricultural Implement, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Hakes. Long and D Handle Spades, tfhovcls. .Masurr. and Hay Forks, Gross and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradlos, Cradle Fingers, Troco, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Stives ot all si ics and kinds, a largo assortment of Red Wirfcon Humes, for Plowing, Form Bolls, Cultivator Teeth. for sale by J. jr. CONLEY it CO. STONE WARE. THE best and cheapost assortment of Stono Warp in the Stoto, just received and for solo cheap at the Mammoth Cash Start of H. Y. FRILING Puintsj, OHm, Ao. A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Con! Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines nn I Machinery, Varnudies, Ghusi, always on hand, til low r"osot COKLEY A COS Coachmakers, WE aro selling Rlms, Spokes, Hubs, Fpringi, Canvass, Bului, Clips, Axles, Ao., very low Large Stock at , . OONLEY t CO. Sunbury, March 30, lb67. IRON. A largo assortment of tho best munufnc lured Bars, Hoop, Band, Round and Squaro Iron. Nail Rods. Kil l!,.,..r Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoe. Ilorso Noils. Anvils, Bellows, Vioes, Hammers, Sledges, Rasp and Filos, at CONLEY A CO S JACOB 8HIPMAN, MRB AND LIFE) INBUBANCB AGEJST. SUNBURY, PENN'A. KSPniBISTI . Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., York Pa Cumberland V.ll.w Mntn.i u ....; , r New York Mutual Life, Girard Life of Phil a. A Hurt ford Conn. General Aooident. CON HAD MEYER, Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELEBRATED IRON FRAME PIANOi-, Wareroom, No. 723 Arch St., rhihi.. HAS roceived th Prix Medal of tho World Groat Exhibition. London. Knirlaml. Tho high est Prises awarded when and wherever exhibited I L v '' i li I , . i , l' n i . n n , , . . Water aad lire Proof SLATE ROOFS THE nndorsiirnod raanaatftillv Infnrm. Knil.lnr. in this and adjoining oountie that be is prepared to put on Slate Roofs in a superior manner, lie furu uuea tue oeieoraiaa ii.higti county Slat, which if the best In th market, lie warrants hi. work to ho durable and fir and water proof. He invites the in speotionof the public to tha work he basdone in Sun bury on Uaupt's, Greenoogh'a aad Haas' building.-. and on others at various place. His prices are a. low as those of any other (later. Addreat, D. B. SMITH, . Sunbury, P.O., or call at his residence In Uppr Augusta twp. January 11, 1868. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS ASTD 8TATTONEBY, Monthly Time Books. Drawing Books snd Slates: Books, Hymn Bonks, Blank Books, Memorandum Books, Diaries, Pooket Books. Ink Stands, Pens, Pencil, no awrtmnt of Paper, Ink. Ao For sol by ANNA PAINTER BOOTH AHU allOKM. J. C. SYLVI3, WITH H. G. THACBER, Maaufactnrer cf FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF 1 toots, Shoes aad Ualtere. Pleasant' Building, Market Bquar, StNBU&Y. PA. Ladle' Boot. Shoes and Gaitara of all dsscripiioD mad to order an th shortest aotioe and ino.1 r.a lonabl term. Having th best workmen employed w oan aasu- th publio that, if they will giv us all, they will be tisfld ot th bov faots. Bit PAIRING neatly don with dispatch. If your eorus do hurt your feet, Just call and leav your measure. And w will raak year Shea or Boob, That yoa will al a treasure. Marsh 28, A.-7