Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 26, 1868, Image 3

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    "MWf-.".- .
I1.W1LVIIKT.1 ....
N. B. ENCHiB. J Publlehere.
RUfllUtHY, PA.
ILocal Slffatis.
Fit shares In tbe Banbury Building Association
for sale. Apply to W.A.Busiti.
HaxdsoWlt dressed Dolls Dolls of (Tory kind
ad site prioel from i cents to $10. Call and
than, at Liobthik A Ziiolhr'i.
H.Rsoiia Albums, elegant family Biblos, Pray
er and Hymn Books, and Books tultabla for Holiday
Gifts, at LlOHTgtR fc Zkiolcr'i.
Oob neighbor of tha tiatotf hava moved their
establishment into tba aeoond (tory of Bright1! new
building, on MarketSquare.
Tni Episcopal Char oh, in thit place, hits been
handsomely decorated with evergreen!. The ladio
of the church prepared tha wreaths and tastefully
arranged them.
Tnt sleighing li ttlll pretty good, which win im
proved by a slight fall of snow on Tuenlay night.
There Iim been but little mow In tha neighborhood
of Philadelphia.
JlaoUTERixo LftTKRi. After tha Brat of Jnnu.
ary next the foa for registering a letter at the Pott
Oflioe will be only fifteen cents, lustoml of twenty
five, at herotoforo.
LiniRif,. Mr. II. llutb, of Milton, intends uj
eating a hundred loaves of bread to tha poor of that
borough on Christmas eve and Christmas day, at his
eonfectionery storo.
Tbi BtiiLDina Association. The rcgulnr month
ly meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Build
ing Association will be held at tha Masonic Hull,
this (Friday) evening,
A xcsical entertainment will be given by the
Watsoiitown String Band, in the M.E. Church, of
MoEwensville, on this (Saturday) evening, for the
benefit of the Sabbath School.
8mfli!o Carariej, warranted good singers, also ! Pollsvllle, M. M. L'Vollo, of Ashlnnd, and R. F.
floe assortment of Cages, for the Holidays, at Clark, Esqre.
.Y.Z' Z?I0,K"', TRrF.TTrVTAMrs.-Th.n.w'Vostag., Market Square. fUmp, u mmyuX mM lhna thoB. in Mle
. A. R -Post Ho. WoTorand Army of the Kc- ' 1,1 V"neul, but they are of a superior stylo and finish,
public, of Shamokin, have fixed upon Washington's J with " "y Jo'gn. Tha two-eent stamp con
llrtbday as the timo fur eommencins their Fair, the t"in' an '"graving of a post-boy on horseback in
proceeds of which are to bo devoted to the estnb- I fu" P91'. The three-cent has a locomotive under
li.l.mcnt of a charily fund.
Lint. The lime kilns of 11. B. Massur. near So
linsgrore station, in charge of Charles Duukelbor
ger, are now in full blast. Mr. Dunkclborgcr guar
antees to furnish farmers and others with a first rate such delicacy and precision that the picture suffers
article, equal to any produoed in tha country. nothing under the magnifying glass. Tho twclve-
-m - !. cunt stamp has an ocean steamship, and the thirty-
Skatiso -During tho past week we have had , ccnt hnl , fin0,y eoutea engraving of the surrcn- ,
most exeollent skating on tha basin, bolow the rail- J dcr of rturg0Tn9 j
road, and on the Shamokin ereek. A large number ' '
of our young ladies and gentlemen, and especially' Exbmi'Tio.x or Mortgage! from Ta.xatios.
tLa boys, have been enjoying the healthful exercise, j Tho lttW r"Mcd b our SMa Legislature at the last
. ... session, exempting certain obligations contraeted in
Darciro Scnooi Prof. George Eckort, or Nor- the purchaao or improvement of real estato, went
thamberland, is making an effort to establish a dan- j into praotical operation on the first or December.
eing sohool in this plaoe. Those who wish to become This is a most benoficent enactment, and its provis
saholars should make application immediately. He j ions will enable borrowors or money upon real estato
expects to obtain tba required number by tho first j
ef January.
CeoL BunoRsa' Mimstkklr gave nn entertain
ment at tha Masonio Hall, on Tuesday evening, to a
erowdoj rmiisa. Elnven tprrorini,r nnmnoan H,a
, T, . ...." . ' ,
troupo. Their porformanco is said to have been j
somewhat of an improvement on the generality of j
"nigger shows'' that visit our town.
Stw Year's Address, Our carrier requosts us
to state that ho will be around early on Now Year's J
morning with his annual greeting to the patrons of
he AHKnicAK, in tha Borough. He hopes that all
rill rcmomber him on that interesting occasion, when '
he will be ready and willing to receive tho "stamps" !
in. .uu.o Ue on, so imuiiuny ..rve.i uuring ma
pint y ' e - i
Attkupt to Rob the XonTucXBKnLAND Baxk.
On Wednesday morning ef last week, beforo day
light, an attempt was made to rob the First Kationul
Bnr.k of Northumberland. The burglars entered
the building atone of the windows, and attempted
to blow off tho lock or tha vault, but wero unsuece-
ful. Powder, fuse, Ac, which wero intended to be
used to open the vault and safes, wore fuund near
tha door.
I. 0. or 0. F A Bible presentation will take
place at WuUonlown, on Tuesday ovening next, by
tba ladies, to C. 0. Bachman Lodge No. 619. A
Tiumbor of Lodges have bean invited to attend. The
ladies connected with the Baptist Church are now
holding a Festival for the benefit of the church, and
will continue tho Festival on that evening. They
will be happy to serve the hungry wilh a suppor.
Grand Estertaihmemt. The '-Children of the
Itepublio. or Young. Zouaves," of tho New York
Voluntoor Institute, will g va a grand uotertainmout !
nt the Masonio Hall, in Sunbury, under the auspices !
of Post No. 105, Grand Army of the Republic, of j
and SBih inst. The entertainmenU will be for the
benefit or the Institute. Admission, 2J coiits ; chil
dren, 15 eents.
OiBSiLvis The regular Usuo of the Awkrican
ar issuoof the Ahkricax
, in orior to give those '
... , , , i
opportunity or having A
jbserving Christmas. All i
will be omitted next watk
employe. in our office an
few days' reoreation and observ
tha priming offices in Sunbury will follow suit
ill be kept open for the reception or Job
. - - , , , I
Pinting, and some one will constantly be on hand
ts receive me Daos aues on snoicnpiions, auveru
sing, As. Wa hope those indebted will step up to
the captain's offioe and settle the amounts due.
New Time Scredule. The Shamokin Ieraldl
r.nys that a change in the running of passenger trains j
on tha Enterprise branch of tho Phila. A Reading 1
lUilroad took place on Monday of last week. The j
11.20 A. M. train has been taken off, and the mixed
freight, whloh leaves the crossing at the Northern ,
Central depot at 10.40 A. M., substituted. This '
train makes the same eonneotioni for Philadelphia
and New York as did the one taken off. Returning,
it arrives at 0.30 A M , instead of 10.15. The other
passenger train runs M before, leaving at 5. 25 A M ,
and arriving at 1 00 P. M.
Partridge!. A number of our gentlemen are
soliciting subscriptions for the purpose of re-stooking
this section with partridges, wbieb, Owing to the se
vere winters, have almost become extinct. They
will be obtained in the far west. About one hundred
dollars have already been raised. After their arri
val bore the birda will be taken care of faring the
winttr, and let loose early in the iprtrg. We learn
that a movement is also on foot to stock the Susque
hanna, at this plaoe, with the celebrated blaok baas.
We hope .the gontlemsn having these matter in
eharge will be properly encouraged by" onir eitircus.
A Good Coeductor. A correspondent of the
f.ewishurg Ckrotuclt writea aa follows respeoting
weM known anil popular conductor en the Phlla. A
Erie Railroad : "Allow mo apace In your column!
to iay word is oommendetioti f Mr. L: D. tia
briello, thf well known o popular oohdctor of
the Erie Expreai oa the P. B. R. R HiSRnifbnn
sourteey to tiil pasaengori, together with hi! gentle
manly bearing, eannot fail to favorably impresi all
-iltU whom be may corns in contact."
Whilo we are opposed to puffing any one, under
any eirduinitanooe, annot forego to opportunity
of endorsing all that la laid of thil popular and em
aient conductor W hava often had oocasion to
travel on bis train, and aan cheerfully bear lestitoony
to the oourtesy and politenesa with which Mr. Oa
brie'le treaU hii paasengeri. He ie aekno-ledgad
ea of the best eonduetcrs en the road
"timi PaoiVic liXi'tRoiT ii Iftture'
and tba seasons seem to favor tba Pastils Railroad.
Ths working seaapa has beun aa fapryecigod that
It Is satlmitsd that by tha and of tha currant month
there will not be over 800 miles of the Throagh Line
remaining hWaplete J and of that distance a good
part of the grading will be done. The great ques
tion of fuel teems also, la be satisfactorily aettled.
Rich beds of Boat have Veen discovered on the head
waters of the Humboldt silver, and on tha slopes of
tha Wasatoli Mountains where the lastera and
Western links of tha road unite. Hoxt luramer will
undoubtedly witness the binding of the Atlantic and"
1'aoilio waters by a centinsous line of.railroa'd S.300
miles In length. - : . . i ,
By the advertisement of the Finanolal Agents of
the Central Taoifio Railroad Company, in anather
column, it appear! that great suooem has attended
their negotiation! of tha First Mortgage Bonds, Is
sued under the authority of Congross. The impor
tant aid granted by the nation, together with excel
lent credit, enables this Company to push on the
work with undiminished vigor. . .Fifteen thousand
men and three thousand teams are engaged on tbo
line. Thrco hundred miles of Iron have been laid
since the 20th of June lost ; or at an averago rate of
two and one-half milos per working day. From
Salt Lako to tha Paoifla Oooan the line rises onoe
only, (in craning tha Sierra Nevada Rango), to tha
altitude of heavy snows. Over this stretch, of about
forty miles, substantial sheds have boon built which
will enable the tine to be worked at all seasons, in
spite of drifting shows. The business on the Faoifio
end of (ha line It already greater than tha present
facilities Will accommodate.
De Haven 4 Bra., JTo. 40 South Third Street,
Philadelphia, have tba First Mortgage Bonds of the
Central Paeifio Railroad for sale at 103 und interest.
Tbk MurdkrerS or A. RsU the Blooms
burg Democrat says : Connhoo, Dufloy and Prior,
charged with the murder of A. XT, Kea, of Centralia,
Columbia oounty, are now 1ylhg in the Jail at this
place, awaiting their trial, which will coma oft" at
the February torm. The Grand Jury found a true
bill agninst them last week, which was presented to
the court ready for triul, and on motion of counsel for
the defence the trial was postponed. John W. Ry
an, Esq., of Potlsvillo, Col. Freote and the Marr
brothers, of Ashland, will jippeur for the prisoners.
This will be an exciting and interesting trial. A
large number of witnesses have been subpoenaed on
both sides. . The counsel for the Commonwealth, so
, far as wo have learned, are Lin Bartholomew, of
lull liead or steam, the groat currier of our domostie
i service. Tlio five-cent stamp contains a bond of
; Washington. The ten-cent, tho finest of all in do
j sign nnd execution, has a uiiuiaturo engraving of
the Deoluration of Independence, executed with
t0 obtain it more readily and pon better terms than
would otherwise have been the case. It was a ques
tion with the Legislature whether the lawful rate of
lutcrest should be raised, or soma of tho burdens on
money invested in mortgages and judgments re-
movea, ana it was to meet tho uituoulty that this
ftw ?a!!'
FofMft. The Montour Ameritan soys : Mr. Mu
laney, who has been missing some four weeks, was
.... T.,M.ln nmrninw lnul Tl.a nln. livin
b,0D lot out ul9 eunul u, wu dis(.0VerC(l undor a
boat near the aqueduct. The boat had settled down
on the body, and It was froten fast In the Ice and
olay, only exposing his foot. It was thereforo with
much difficulty that the body was dug out. The
TorJi(!t of lh, CIiron-4 jur B , Kc0,daiica with
the supposition that ho fell into tho canal, and was
accidentally drowned, on the night upon which he
was last se'en.
IuronTA mt to Seateiis. In view of tho skating
season, the following, from Hall's Journal ef
Health, uinv save our friends who indul&re in the
r(.croation ot .knting no small amount of discomfort :
"lii fure starting lor the ice, bathe your leet in cold
w ntur, dry them perfectly, and give them a good !
. rubbing with a orash towel, put on a pair of woolen
, on
licavy cotton stockings, and your leet will remain
comfortably warm
for three or four hours in the
coldest weather.
Sumbcrt MAaoxen Hail Association. A meet
i iog of tha stockholders of the Sunbury Masonio Dull
i Acroeiiitiun will be held on the last Monday in Da
i cember, 28th inst., for tha purpose uf electing officers
for the ensuing year. Juhx Haas, Prcsideut.
I L. T. Houhbacb, Secretary.
lxfJ o Is I'riiitliiG'. Having rceeived a
l.r.. ...nn1. r VI.'Vl' lull TV1IP -f
,lyXat VmUn, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, A., can be printed in
'he latest and beet ltylea, and on short notice.
0rdor b miil F"'P"7 attended to.
Editor's Table.
I GorEV'g Ladv'i Book. Tho January nuaiber of
; (iodey is already on our table, tl exhibit, in every
' department, more than ordinary ability and excel
I lenee, and may well be characterised a prise num-
ber. Tba embetfishmonts, steel smd wm
following :-A King's Daughter, a vet
steel engraving ; steel title-pago, a tab
culored i,,,!,,,,,,. eonUiing six figu
cut '-Will it Benr?" Jewel-box, printoi
Der. me emnemsnmonts, steel md wood, are tea
very superior
tableau plate ;
ures; tinted
printed in colors ;
The Flight of Time, a seasonable engraving; ska-
. L ..:.7J -7 , T
-- w riiividb lor
ladies and children, and other novelties thirty-two
in all. The anioles of faney work have been evi
dently seleoted with great taYe. Among them will
be found a foot-cushion, silk ran, work-bag, key
case, case for crmbs and brushes, pen-wiper, knitted
bodice, ete. The literary mutter is the srowning
feature of the January number. The stories by
Marion Harland, Miss Churohill, Miss Dorr, the
O. Fogy Papers, and the obarade by Miss Frost, are
the best that have ever been published. Addres,
L. A. Uodoy, N. E. Corner Sixth aud Cbestnutiits.,
Tee Ati.ahtic Mostblt, fob January. With
the January number tbe Atlantio Monthly begins
its twenty-tbird volume, with the following articles
and writer! : Miilbone : an Old port ltomance ; this
is the first instalment of a serial story, which will
run tnrougn the greater part ot tbe year, by 1. W.
Ilieirinson. The Sunshine of the Uocls, a poem, bv
Bayard Taylor. A Literary Gourmand, by Eugeue
Bouson. The Uood-Natured Pendulum, a obarao
tertatie story,- by Edward Evarott Hale, author of
"The Man without a Country." Tba Flying Dutch
man, a poem, by James Huasell Lowell. Co-opera,
tiv Housekeeping, third paper. In tbe Teutobur-
5ur Forest, another of the seriea of articles by Bayard
aylor on "By Ways of Europe." Alter Election, a
poem, by Joba 11. Whittier. Consumption in Amer
ica ; tbe Srat of a series of articles on this moat im
portant subject, based on the observations ef many
years' practice, by Dr. Henry I. Bowditca. The
"Mean Yankees" at Home, by i nines Parton.
Dante, a poem, by William Cut Ten Bryant. Un a
Certain Condescension in Foreigners, by James Rus
sell Lowell. Onadenhutten, a historical sketch, ky
W. D. liowslls. Cinders from tba Ashes, a chapter
of sohool reminiioancee, by Oliver Wecdoll Holmes.
Moral Significance of the Republican Triumph, by
E. P. Whipple. Reviewa and Literary Noiioea.
Address, Fields, Osgood A Co., Publishers, Boston.
Tax Lidt'i Frierd. roa January Never, par-
bssjsj, haf here been published a more attractive
number of a lady's magaiine than the January issue
ef "The Lady's Friend." It lead! off with a splen
did Illustration on steel, of a story by Miss Amanda
M. Douglas, 'Chased by Wolves." Than we have
striking illustration of Mrs. Wood's novelet ; for
"Roland Yorke, or, Done in Passion," a new story,
by the famous author of "Eaat Lynne," Is com
menced in the present number. In tbo large and
brilliant fashion plate the editor has given two ex
amples ortbe "Grecian Bend." "Last Words," (with
poetry,) is a beautiful engraving. Tha other lite
rarv matter il "slstweeo Two," by that piquant and
brilliant writer. Miss Elisabeth Preeoott ; Who waa
It, a Story or Planehette ' by Mrs. Louise Chandler
Moulton ; "Where V by Florence Peroy ; "Bridget's
Romance," by Mrs. Uoamer; "The JCvent at Mil.
ford," by EmmaB. Ripley ; novelties, editorials, Ae
Published by Deacon A Patenon, 319 Walnut St
TaaaiiLi a5o FaVaZ AooiiTiVr1 at fiwisauag.
T,ha Lewitmirg CHtpnittt, . of Friday last, aayi:
Wm. C. Serr, ot this place, met with terrible death
ott the mornlag of the 10th last.-, at the lumber es
tablishment of .Messrai Blllmeyar, Nogel A Co.' , In
adjusting a belt at the end of a line shaft, for the
purpose of giving motion to a grindstone, his etathlng
beoame entangled around tha shaft, which draw him
np to it In auoh a manner aa to preclude all possibil
ity of releasing himself. O rasping tha shaft with
bis arms, he preserved his head j but bis feet struck
tha ground to violently at each revolution that they
Were literally torn off. His side was also orushed, a
rib being forced through his lungs. Ho lived soma
fix or" oight hours after tha oeourrence, in great ago
ny, lie leaves a young wife and an interesting ohild
to mourh tSeif great loss. Ha Was a good workman,
and wa! fciiicb respected.
Si'iCAL Court. Tha following is tha list of
Juror! for I ftptolat Oaurt, ts be held la Sunbury on
tho fourth ttoidlty it DeoemVef, 28th Inst :
1. John Fisher, milor, Shamokin.
2. D. J. Patton, gontlcntan, Zorbo.
S. Jacob B. Klocl, farmer; Upper Mnhanoy.
4. David U, Montgomery, fariuor, Lowis.
0. t oor go Forrester, farmer, Upper Augusta.
0. John Sbiptuan, miller, Shamokin.
T. Isaac D. Billuiah, farmer, Washington.
8. Joseph ICyster, merchant, Sunbury. j
V, Daniel Marsh, carpenter. Delaware. I
10. George 8eibert, farmer. Delaware.
1 1. u- a. Ivrause, olorls, Milton.
12. Henry Price, laborer, Coal. . .,
13. Charles P. Kckman, furinor, ilusu'.
14. John Haag, furmer, Turbat.
li. John Wert, merchant, Jordan.
18. William W. McWilliams, former, fcinit'okin.
17. Gov. MoCleeee, grocer, ihamokiu borough.
18. Peter Uoidron, furmer, Lower Augusta,
19. J. Hainos, wagonmakor, MoUwonsvillo.
20. Peter iiowerter, farmer, Upper .Mnhanoy.
21. Sebastiun Stepp, furinor, Luwer Mabaiioy,
22 John K. Torrington, manufacturer, Sunbury.
2.1. John Clark, blacksmith, Sunbury.
24. Adnui Fisher, laborer, Zerbo.
26. William A. Shatter, furmor, Jordan.
2(1. II. II. Dornscif, miller, Little Mahanoy.
27. David llitturinan, farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
25. Benneville Kissingor, laborer, Zerbe.
. 29. Asa Kverett, furmer, Turbut.
30. Frederick Ditiler, mason, Turbut.
31. Thomas M. Taggart, termor, Delaware.
12. Sutnuel C. henu, farmer. Lower Augusta.
3.'l. Thomas Hanlvy, miner, Coal.
34. Peter Wei k If, fitruier, Cameron.
3j. John B. Heller, fiinncr, Chillisquaque.
30. John Dnniol, form or, Jordan.
For Sale. An excelled top buggy, new. Kn
quire at this office.
Mil IS I I
For Hknt. The rooms adjoining tha hat store or
Samuel Faust, in A'arkot Square, lately occupied
by E. A. Evans as a law office.
SnAksrEARE said: ''Uneasy lies tho head that
woars a crown," but nothing can be more eary and
comfortable thnn the head which wears one of Fuust's
fashionable Hats or Caps, and to prove this we would
advise every one to try them. Call ut his store, in
Market Square.
Solouok advises the sluggard to go to tho ant ;
but the shiftless, in our day. gcnorally go to poverty
and waut. A much belter way is to go to J. O
Beck's fashionable and cheap tuiloring establish
ment, on Fourth street, whore any ono aan procure
n new suit, neatly fitting, and ut prices within tho
reach of all.
Spend j-our money where you inako it. Buy jour
oods at home end not abroad. Encourago your
own mechanics Let each be for tba other, and all
for publia improvement "churity begins at homo."
Our town first others afterwards. With these ex
cellent maxims in view our citizens should nvail
themselves of tho splendid opportunity . of buying
cheap Boots and Shoes at John Wllvcr's establish
ment, on Spruce street, Where everything in the lino
of businoss is sold At remarkably low prices.
How eloquent is tho old homely word, Full ! Tbo
flowers full in tho garden, tho fruit fulls in the or
ehards, the nuts fall in the woeds, the stars fall from
tho sky, the rain fulls from the clouds, the mercury
falls in the tubes, und tho leaves fall everywhere.
We might add that a great many persons fall or ra
ther walk into Millers Exoelsior Boot and Shoe
Store, in Murkct Square, nnd never get away with
out purchasing soino Of bis cheap goods. Miller has
an elegant assortment. Uo and seu his goods.
Dn. J. R. Ckessixger, Dentist. Oll'uo over II. 9.
Thacher's ShrJo Store, Sunbury, Pa.
When aching teeth cnuse dreadful groans,
And sleepless nights and dismal days,
Who cones to me most giatelul owns
My skill, which all his pains allay.
A moment's sufTuring I mny cauee,
'Tis but to bring a long release ;
And though for onoe 1 rend his jaws,
For years to come . I give him peace. 2m
Con's Cocoh Balsau. The great popular Berne-
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4 oi , alio mam
moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and
dealers in medicines. No family should be over
night without it in the house.
Cox'! DrsmpsiA Cure Will immediately re
lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated
ease or Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, and all diseases or the Stomach and Bow
els. Physicians, olorgymen and all who uso it, join
in unbounded praise or its great virtues. 6old by
Druggists, every where. Price $J. 00.
On the SOlliinst., at the residence or Mr. Simon
Karstetter, ofSowor Augusta tup., Northumberland
county, by ltev. J. A. Adams, Mr. Zachariau
Hacmabavcu to Miss Priscilla Klixuer, all or
On the 10th inst., near Elysburg, Mr. WASHING
TON SWANK, aged 45 years, i months and 6 duys.
KI,.Ut UV IvlAltUltTM.
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrol,
do do do do pcrewt.
$12 00
n 110
10 00
& 00
2 00
1 45
1 25
3 110
' S5
Rye Flour,
per bb
per ewt.
pur bushel ,
pit round
Wheat, prime red,
Dried Peaches, pared
do do ud pared
Dried Apples,
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per b.
per pound.
Beer, bind quarter,
" from "
por dosea,
per pound,
per pair
Hhnmekln Coal Trade.
Bhamokih, Dee. 21, 186S.
Tom. Cwl.
Bent for week ending Dee. 19th, - 8,527 tit
Per last Report, 479,211 13
485,739 00
475,718 12
10,020 08
To same time last year,
Special Notices.
Phvsioian who had Consumption for several years,
vrtth frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself
with a meuteine unanowo to sue pruiwrnou, wuun uu
ease appeared hopeless. U il the only physioian
who baa used it in bia ewn person, or who baa any
knowledge of iu virtues: and he oaa ascribe the1 de
gree of health he now eojoya to nothing but the
use of hi! mldiotne; and nothing but utter despair
and entire extinction or all nope ot reoevery, to
gether with a want of eonSdenoe in all others, induo,
ed bim to baxard tha experiment. To those suflur
I., .nk .n. dtaaua of tha Limits ha nrolers a treat-
n,.n ha annftdentl believes will eradicate tbe
diseaae. Prioe 15t per bottle or $8 a half doien
sent by express. Send for a oiroular or oall on
D. E. Bovlstoe Jacxso.n,
No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia
Far sale by II. Y. Filling, Market Square, bun
bury, Pa., and Druggists generally.
May 80, lbB ly
P lnlde toIiiri-fnfiP.-'Poimg Mo5V0'iifaa
...a,, mgv biiu vonjiigai reiiouy. ina hu
mane views of benevolent Physicians, oil the Krron
ana Abesos inoident Id Timtb and tariy Manhood,
ii,??.'0,JMWr e"lopp free of charge. Ad
pn, PWARL UCIAaION, Box P., Pbiladcl-
i"na 13, 1808. ly.
iml-iimu, a .....m ... iiur II II R f vnin-ft,,,!
llierefure run lie used incases where lever or iniiumlnini .
1.. tl... 1...... II.. r., """""luiion
lnpiiigth:it yvj .vill iavor H wtlh a triil, and thot UIK)I1
tmpectiuQ it will meet wilh yur approLtuiion,
With n feeling ff pMiilMlonca,
1 tim. verv rrsuectrmlv.
Clirmist and Drujr-.ii't of l Years KxprT'eiira In
riiilitnVIi!iin, ami mow l.ieeted ut hm Drug nml
Chciilic;il Wurruouse, 6Ut lirouilwnV,.tw Yolk.
From tho hirKust Manufacturing Chemists in the World I
"lamnrqnaiutud Willi Ml II. T. llrlinMd ; he decuple I
(he Drue; IStoro opposite my residence, und whs succi'Miut
111 c inducting the husiilrps where olhi-vs Imd nut been
equally ao bcl'urr hi iu. I have bren I'uvol'uUiy liuprt ssutl
with bis cluructel unit tnler.nse.
Firm of l'owera at Weightmau, Moiiufuruirint!
Ulieiuisls, Miutli nnd Drown rHii-u!. I'iiiuidel.iliui.
IIcLMaoLO's Kluio KxTatcr lluunu, lor wiktie'urii-
iriej Ir.uii uidiEc-ri-ti '1 lir ,xl,uuU d jinu'tls of ISHIuie
wiiii'h are ui-ompuiiinl by " ninny ulmniiMr symptoms,
rhon(t wfileh will he found, IndisjioKhiou to,
l.imnf Mi-iiMi)-, Wnkotuiness, Horror flliseasr,oi Kore
bodiiii.r Kvil, in fiicr, CnireiKil Lassilnde, fri stnill 'ii,
and luuhilily to cuter into Ine enjoyiut'tils ol soeirty.
riieOmStilutioit, mice Directed with Oienuc Vral(ii-s,
requiic. the aid ol iMnlicijie Iu strengthen and iiivifinrnle
the system, which lll.l.,l;ill.D KXTH ACT I1UCUU
invaniiliiy does. Ii no treulmf in is submitted in, Coiisuuiii
liou or lus:inity eusiu's.
Helmbold's Klid Kxiract Uttllu, in utToctlons pecu
liar in Females, in miruii.-ilcd by nuy oilier iimjiMTiitioii, ns
in Cbl.iroi, oi Iteletm..ii, I'mnfiilnes,, or SuppreMion of
Customary Evacuations, t'lceraied or fcliiriusMluteof llie
Uterus, mid nil complaints incident to the sex, whether
arising from luhiia m dissipation, imprudence in, or the
decline or ehanee of life.
lIci.UboLo's Fluid F.xtbct llccne and Improvkd
Rosk Wafu will imlirally exiermiiiHie from the svirieiu
disenses iinniug I'roin hahiisoriliipHliou,nt I it at'- expeiise,
litlle ol ii'M'h niee iudiet. no lucouveiiieiiee or exposure;
completely top'-riuitiitg those iiiipleusunt und iluiu;erous
lemcdies, CojiaivH mid Alerrury, in ell these diBenses.
Use IItL.Mlioi.u i lixuiACT Hucmu in all disenses
of these organs, wh ther existing in llinle nr tenia!-, fioin
whatever cause origimtlipg, uimI no mutter oi how I- ug
standing. It is pleafuut in insteaud odor. "irnlneltillte,, in
action Mini more strengthening than any of ihupiupuratioiis
uf Hnrk nr Iron.
Tl use iiriY-riiiir from broken-down or delicate coustitu
tivn, ,rcue the nmeity at cure.
The render muiit lieawnre that, howovir rlipht may 1c
Ihe allnek of llie alove disenses, a is ceilu.ii toeiTect ilio
bodily health nnd ineiilul M.wvifl
All the iibiive di?"in's reijuire the aid r.f a Pinrelic
ni:i..MUOI.D'S KXTUACT ULCIIC 1s llie great Diu
retic. Soldhv Diiignitis even where Price M .33 per botilo.
oi 0 b illlcs f..r 0 .il. Delivered touuy addrehs. Describe
sytni.t mis in alt eointnuiucaiions.
Addre-s H. T II KI.M III U I), Di ugnnd Chemical Warc
honne, AO I llro.iitivay. V V.
.NOXK AliK oK.Vl'IM' fXt.K PONK. fp IX
steel-envrfived wrupper, with fac simile of niy Cheluicsl
War house, cud signed
Dee. IJth. If-rB Ore.
Wonderful, or any other man, luis discovereoga rem
edy that cures Consumption, when the lun;s arc half
consumed, in short, will euro all disomies whether of
mind, body or estate, uiuUu tuuii live forever, and
leavo duulh to pluy tor want of work, and isdesigued
to make our sublunary sphuie a blis-ful puradie. to
which Heaven itself sh.ill be but a si ie ehow. You
hnvu beard enough of that kiud ot Uuuibucry, mid
wo do not wouder that you have by this time become
disgusted wilh it. But when we tell you that Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Keniedy mil ;.viivy ct
u-urst of Catarrh, wo only assert thnt which
thousands can testify to. Try it and you will bv con
vinced. We will pay 500 Kewahu for a case of
Ciitanh that we cannot cure.
WHEitE. Pkich oxlt 50 Cknth. Sent by Hail, post paid,
for Sixty Ceuts : Four Puckairei for $2. OH : nr 1 Doz
en for f J 00. Suinl a eiij' lor Dr. Sage's piiuiphlct
eu Catarrh. Address the Proprietor.
R. V. PIEKCK. .M 1., iiuCulo, X. Y.
No llttuiiva. Ii is tear,. tiled to enro lost or Im
paired Taste, Smell or lleuriug, Waturiiig or Veak
Eyos, offensive Breatb, l lceriitud '1 hreat or Mouth,
Pain and Prewuiru ill tho HeaJ, and loss of Memory
when caused, na till of them frequently are. by the
rarnges of Catarrh. It is I'les-iuit und painless to
use, contains no strong poisonous or caulio drugs,
but cures bv its mild sooihinir action.
Wo will pay (500 Reward, for a oneo of Catarrh
that we cannot cure.
WHERE. Price oxt.r 50 Cunts.
If your Drugits bus not yet gut it ou sale, don't bo
put oil with tome wurse than worthies ttinng Hiufl,
"fuinigiUor." or poisonous cautio solution, which
will drivo the disuase to the luns iusloud of curing
it, but send sixty cents to us and the remedy will
reach tou by return mail.
Seud stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh.
liutlulo, N. T.
This Isr AM.inLB RBuanr does not. like the poison
ous irritating snulls and strong caustic solutions with
which the people have long been huiul)u,';;ud, simply
rial 1 into for a short timo, or drive the disease to the
ungs, u-s tbcro is d inger of doing in the uso of such
nostrums, but it produces perfect and permanent
euros of the worst caaes of cbronio catarrh, as thous
ands can testify. "Cold in the II cud" is cured
wilh a tew applications. Catarrhal lluudacbe is re
lieved and cured as if hy magic. It removes offen
sive Drouth, Loss or Impairment or the sense of trudo,
smell or bearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, and Im
paired Memory, when oauecd by the violence ol Ca
tarrh, as they nil frequently are. We oner in good
faith a standing rewurd of JiUU for a ease of Calauh
that we cannot euro
Ask your Druggist for tbe Rkuedv, but if he has
not yet got it on aale, don't be put ofl by acoopting
any miserable, worse than worthless substitute, but
enclose sixty conta torn, and the Remedy will be sent
you post paid. Four packages S2.00, or oae dozen
for $5.00. Send slump for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on
Catarrh. R. V. PIERCE, M. D.,
Buffalo, N. T.
ten up to dupe the ignoraut aud credulous, nor is it
represented as being composM of rare and precious
substances bruugbt from tho four corners Ol the earth,
carried seven times across the Great Desert oi Snhar
ah on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought across
the Atlantio Ocean on two Ships. It is a simple,
mild, soothing remedy, a perfect Speoitio for Ca
tahuh and "Colo ie the IIeaii," also for offensive
Breatb, Losi or Impairment of the Sense of Smell,
Tate or Jloarine, Watering or Wcnk Eyes, Pain or
Pressure in Ihe Head, wbeu caused, as they all not
unfrcquently are, by Ihe violence of Catarrh.
We oil or, in good Inilu, a standing Reward of $500
for a case uf Catarrh that weeannol cure.
WHERE. Price 40 Cents.
Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ol Si xtv Cents.
Four packages for 82.00, I Doten for $5.00.
Send stump for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh.
H.V. PiEROK, M.D.,
Oot. 10, 'fi8-ly. Buffalo, N.T.
YHti great inducements to agents toco-operate with
us in our
UKA.1D 0I5 nOI.I..lIt SALE!
ShtefiAg Jr6 of Coit to our Jicuntt.
WaldiM res of Coat to our Agenti.
Secing Machintt fret of Cott to our Agntt,
iAuthar Good fret of Cott to our Agenti.
Linen Good fret of Cott to our Agtnta.
Sillt and Snnult fret of Cott to our Agenti.
Iioutt mnd Shott fret of Cott to our Agentt.
Drett Ooodt fret of Cott to our Agenti
QRBAT DOLLAR BAROAINS fur our Customers.
bead for eur eiroular. Agents wanted everywhere
Address AS. T. STEWART CO.,
Oot. 10 'eft-!. 3 A i Dey Street, N. Y.
T7IOR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bill!, Buok-
X los, (Jig Irces, Fad Irees, ilanea, all Kinds ana
every tning pertaining to tne Dusrnea. lor sate ny
' " J. M. CON LEY CO.
WILL Bnd in eur establishment a superior stock,
of Planes, Saws, Augers, Ha-eheui. Hammers, t tl
Cbiisls, , for saJi by
ryo tHVSIciANS '
Allni m. .. . ,, N,w Yoaa, August I3ih, 1(07.
a game n.J. ihi. (...Bive' vm?. 3k
l lie Uuclm ill my preiwrmioii prnn,mii,ia. . J " "";
Hunntily "f Hie oihei uiialieiits are ailjci i!,or,. ,
liieiilnlion ; upim inai n-o: it will he ri.n,.,l ..... .'
.-i: iMtu i:
U Jl ii r It c t Street,
Ono door abora Sixth, Philadolphia.
Vor many years this Establishment b.uilnnn hunt
new on the One Price Kys:em, and wa believe we
are the only Clothing House in tho city Hint strictly
adheres to this principle. AVo have earned a repu-
tahon whloh we are proud of, for good taste in sclent.
good styles and sulwtnntiol mnteriuls, and not less
important, Tut having all our goods
i: I It . !. tl aisa-
. avl.I.
we employ tho best talent, for Cutters, and ur
Goods are of boih kinds fashionnlile and plain
iwim Vnn no suneri. ino prinr are tho usuni riiFes.
vory lowest, as any one hy a moment's thought inimt Those sufferipg from Impaired or airensed visioa
see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition ro iccoiuuieudcd (o aruil themsclvci of this opt or
or our neighbors, for ni no deductions are ever made, ' tunitv.
, j.i.tto uunu 10 me ajvanuigus wa
ino people may depend, this istbo truo plan upon j
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
v,IDIIIUK., nllla uiUiiyn uoiinr oau lie '
Col Market .Sir.! IH.M...1..1.I.:.
Not en the Cornor, but one door ahiivo Sixth. I
ApriMjisiia.y i
SouW.!!"'-''- CI,r!:yin "hilo residing In I
and .1.. "n " ionary, dlHcoverod aTssfe !
1 "i"'Pj"'dy forthoC'Uroof Nervous Weak- i
ness. Liurly Decay, Disoases of the I .n,l s,. I
inn uririin,. ,....1 .i .. .. . - !
s:ini:Au mi., . . ,
Sept. 12. 18B8. Hm ' "w-,orI T I
' 11111 i l 17 ni.m . . .
N I'lW A I) V hi I I I Sill T IWTQ I
lU 1 T If T Jil.1 J. lOrjillJuil lO. 1
: - - . ' rrr: r- T.
Ass.llSoi. "
- .- ...... . .
riHIE nndersigned auditor appointed by the Or
X phutiH1 Court of Northumberland county, todis
trihnte the balancoin the hands of Peter II.Miv ser.ouo
of Executors ol Henry Mnsser. docensed. 1 1 whom woe
referred back his former report filed Aujiust 6, ISM,
for correction and to report tho fnois," lieroby
gives notice, tbut he will attnud to the duties of bis
said appointment at his office, iu the Borough of
Sunbury. on Saturday the 2tUh day of Decombcr,
lotiS, ut 10 o'clock A.'M.
S. B BOYER, Auditor.
Sunbury, December &, 1603.
A",cnl Houti'd.
I to 8200 per month!!:
Or ! eoTinisaion from which twice that amount can he
made bv nelling llie I.ATKKT i.MI'IMIYT.I) COM.MON
For f 'iieulHiRHitd Terms address
t UDWfelW A CO, 3JO South Third Street,
D'ic.S, 'U-i Sin. I'hiiaiUlulua, V.
"We propose to fight it out cn this line.
Ladies aud Ocntlcmcn in every town and city In tbe .
States, to act at Ageuts tor j
Ai-.3tiu & Co. 'a Oioat Ono Dollur Sule '
of rich nnd valuable goods, comprising nothing but
useful ni'ttdos wanted in every family. Each and
every article will be sold fur One Dollar.
To any person getting up either of the Clubs below,
wo will present a Watch, Dress Pal tern. Piece of
Sheeting, sewing Machine, Wool Carpet, Ac, free cf
extra cost. Our inducements to Agents have always
been nearly double those of ai:y other bouse in the
trudo, und our largely increasing busiucss naniiuts
u in contiuiiiNir ine sumo
Take particular nutice or this : Our A "tuts are
lint required to pay one dollar tor thoir pre.enls, but I
rcceivuthcsiimetorthcirservicesingcttingupClubs. j
Please examine tho followtug
Ti'i'iuti to Acenla,
Any person sending us a Club of Tori, with $1, will
bo emitted to reooive for the euino uuy one of tho
live hundred articles on our Exchange List. oe
For a Club of Thirty, with 1 3, tho person will be
entitled to ono of tbe tollowing articles, viz : Muer
schnuiii Pipe, 2D yards bleached or Brown Sheeting,
Eleg uit Silver-idiitod Fivc-butlle Revolving Castor,
1 Fancy Dres.9 Pattern, 1 dnzon extra quality Cotton
Hune. 1-utr.iy Colored lied Spread, 1 largo size Da
iuu.k lulde cover, I Murocco Album luO piolurus,
All-SVool UuSbimero for pants and Vest. 1 pair l adies'
Sorgo Cungres boots bout quality, 1 dozen tine Linen
Towels, 1 lai'0 size Worsted Shawl, Ladies' long
tiold-pluted t'huin. splendid Ladies' Al jrocco Ship,
ping bag with lock nnd key. Set of Jewelry with
Mucve Hutu, i. s to mutch, 1 Violin and Boiv, 1 doz.
i-hhl BatuU.s. 1 While .Marseilles Ljuilt, I l.legant
Dlnck Wnlnut Worhbcx or 'riting Dc.-k.
l'or a Club of Fifty, with 45. 1 pair ul!-wc61
1 lmikots, :ti yards tine Cussitnuie for Pauls und Vest,
I black or collorcd Alpaca Drc-s 1'iittern, 1 solid
Hold Scarf Pin, I psir Genu' Culf Boots. M yards
Bleached or Brown Sheeting, 2 yds doublo width
Cloth for ladies' Cloaks, i Fur Muff or Collur, 30
yds Print fust colors, 1 Square ihibet .-hawl, 1 plain
poplin brers Pattern, 1 elegant fix-bottle heavy
Slate 1 t' tutor, I pair U cuts' White Shirts, gonuiho
leerschauiu Pipe in case, 1 sot of Lace Curtains.
For a Club of One Hundred, with $10. 1 heavy
silver-plated engiuved lee Pitcher, I'd) yds blenched
or Brown iSheeung. 1 rich Merino or Ihibet Drees
Pnlturu, 1 set of Ivory handled Knives nud Forks, 1
pair superior White Wool Blankets, 7i yards all-wool
Fuucy Cusimere for suit, elegant Bcrago Droys
Pattern, 1 Ludies' or lieuts' Silver Hunting-cose
Watch, 1 Bncou'ssix-lmrrelcd Rovolver,Silver-plated
engruved six-bottle Revolving Cmttor with cut glut
hollies, Fine Wool Cloth for Ladies' Cloek, 25 yards
Houip Carpeting. 1 pair tine I'uinark Tublo cloths
Nnpkins to iuatch,2 heavy Honeycomb Quilts. I burl
let band portable Sewing Machine, 1 Wool Long
Sbaul.niec Fur Muff aud Capo, 1 pair Geiils' Froucb
Calf boots.
For a Club of Five Hundred, with $50.-21 yards
extra Woolen Carpeting, 1 elegant Hunting-vaso
Watch (Wallham, warranted one year,) 1 elegant
Chamber Set black wulnut trimuiiugs, 1 haireloth
Spring Sofa.
For a Club of One Thousand, wilb $100. 30 yards
Brussels Carpet. I Parlor set complete, 1 ladies' or
ticnts' Hunting Hold Watch und Chuin, 1 complete
set of rich Sublu Furs.
Fur lurger or smaller Clubs we will give a present
of proportionate value.
i gents or customers mny at any lime make a selec
tion of goods from the lixehatige List, and by send
ing Cue Dollar for each article, have the goods for
warded to them, without first ordering checks ; but in
such cute no premiums will be giveu.
Send larire sums of money bv Draft on New York
or Boston, or by Express. We will pay Exchange on
all sums of $25 or more. Smaller sums should be
sunt hy registered letter or by postal money order.
It will bo impossible te lose money sent iu either of
the iibove ways. We will nut be responsible for
niuuev lost, unless sent as above direoted. See that
your letters are properly direeted and stamped, as
no letters are mrwaruea unless prepaiu. i rue your
address in full, Town, County aud State.
Agents wanted in every Town aud Village
No.nOo Summer Street, BOSTON, Masa
Deo. , '3 it.
18C8. 1868.
woultl eall th attention of th publio, and ber
cavtomari generallj. lo ber Urg and naw aaaorl-
DRESS GOODS, eomUting of Poplina, Da Laina,
Kopi, 4 a , at radueed price.
X7HITE GOODS, inoludiDg a luperior artiela of
. Ftr. on.lit v ot Musi ina, DriUinzs, Fiaa Flanaola,
Gantoa Flannel, Bulnioral Bkirta, Sbawla, llnoda,
WiirttD, llwip Skirts of all site aoil qualities, UlOTes
. "n i,...!.,. Iin mi sunarinr nualilr
nf Ladies- and Ua'atlemeu's Uilk Flceoe, Liuad aoi
Cloth U lores.
Ladies', Mines, and Children's Merino Vests,
Cbildrea'i Wiapa and' Hoods, Ladies' Zephyr
Blanket Shawls ef the latest styles and patterns
Hosiery, Kihbous, Trimmings and Klowers
Laoes, btainped Ooodsv Zephyrs and Yarns, Tow
ejing. Napkins, Qui I is, labia Linen, Uent's and
Ladies' Hauikercbiefs, Scat is, Muff Tassels,
fane; Soaps,
Perfumery, and Toilet articles' generally, and
larira Tarietv of Motions and Kancv Artioles
The eboTe Koods are held at the lowest crises.
Call and see them before coins; elsewhere.
Sunbnry, Not. 28, 1868.
BIRD CAOKS, 11 different kinds, if yon want
good aud ehean Bird Castes, gs to
on ny bnnofu and vioious h.hiis u,Vi .i, .... '"' I '. M , llie loliowing proiieity, tj wit : "
have been cured hv All that ee.tai,, t,ri of lSud,.sit.i1rte u, Camerr.-'-o,.. V A T T V U W f Y T !'T
by tho dclrc to bencfi t tiieWmVerf S V , 1 f P' H?""?"" c-unty. end H.te of IVnn...v.,o, ! 1 li I j A l I) ) I A L i i i I
J will send the reem. r . ?d nd Vnfn,""",,' 1 dcseiibed as follows, to n : He,,, g ut a I j ., . - , . - . ,
me, cine i, i L i,P? ' ,Pr()P"rinR "'i nsing this '"; thence by id of Davied Itillnmn, in r,Bhi f' , ! ctn- s ! ssa-nxlsln;; t.oodn,
? KlirE or ,, ... m'r ,B on" whc i M'" '""', "-t eighty-lhree degree-, west lwe,y-, . ! , fit
11, rllEE or vllARGE. Adrlres. pe.elKStoastoiiebyepple tree, thence hy the name I auto i .;..,, Ttrtr-F
... . , J"-SEPHT. INMAN evemy.four and oae quaiier depiees, west aeveniy-threa TiiOalAB O. IiU.l E
- --..j nnn n rpnin l,l illtior.liirl hlmtKhl .. . - .. . .. i.ii, , ,o-0, 31 Ol? ..f
j P ERVECiTE D S P A n r T-V
1 IjJJ ii I lACLLb,
! n..r.i.. e ,,, T7T ...
: "J, "rm fn" "lorooi mcir Agsr.t,
' , r r- ,Sl Jrh,",n,n. Jeweller, SonSury, Pa., two
, days only, Tuesday and Woiinesday, December 2U
i nd 23d. Ho ottends lor the purpose of nsfistini;
I Mr. T. S. Shannon, in fitting tha Kyo iu Uifiioult tr 1
"wrnieoinoios ann lijo-fiiassM aro acKnonleilgcd
iu mo mum perieei afsisianco to sight ever menu
twtured, and can always bo relied upon as affording
pvi i" unci c
oomlort white strontrthenim' n,l
preerving the Eyes most thoroughly. .
"P.'o tn:ie ocenfion to notify llie Public that wo em
ploy no pedlars, nnd to Oaulion them against
tluise pi utending to have our goods
for sal e.
November 23, 1868.
JO virtue nramidry writsof Veudiiioni f;rpr,nas, issued
) out ol the Court of Common I'leus oi Nuilluiiiiherhiiii
county, end to me directed, will he exposed In I'ubhc Nile
B tlieljniirl House, ill lie Ilonm.,1, of s.. ..I..... tiA-n
... . ... , , . r . j ....
south fourteen und three quarter degrees, et leu n"hei
" tne, Iheiico l;y land ef David Hilinior. in right of
Christian .Mower, north seventy-five and a holldegiceseust
"' Joseph l,roveo, lloilh eiahty degrees, wesl three perehea
""' tenth t" placeoi begiuine;,euiiiaiimiiis;rivea?ies
i..o. u ni.ownnce. e.
A I.SO All thai tract of unseated land, conta injur furry
IU) nerea of land, situule in Coal township, Nnitliuinher.
ion! eon ut v, ailjoioine lands of A. Lnlceim. f.nrvM, ..i ... ti.u
n line of Jucoli Weikel, adjoining the hue of Cmneron
township on the south, Pe'er Weikvlun the west and
Abigail l.ukriis cn the south east.
1 hut certain western half lolnr piece of ground.
'I'leitatWO llllml,.. ! I .1 .- '
"'line selected a storv ami l,i, i i.'if.TX;'..
, ,he .riuiihof su; ".'k r;.:
of Craiiben y and r awn street., a. . -xtcded, . acli of si d
lot conta. i, mc llnrly leet in flonl oi, Kuwu street and ,,
hundred and forty-.htee (MSlfeet indeptl i,' t ra, J ?
street to 111 stunt nllev.und kno i. i .1. ....... 7.
.11 4111 - '. . r'nut" sivhb'.
I "d ten IJ in Masser's ndditiun to the Uoiouehui V .
A I.30 A I! loose three cnnti;;nouii I tt of ground, situate
"""""' levrium, rue mwiiaiup, ,oiiliaiulerlavd 1
county, and fuite of 1'euni.vlcaiiia. iciua tots number one !
(I), two . und tlnee (3J iu block nuiliber eventy-eiehl
;- in the ceneial plan of sold town of I revni ion. c u.- I
tainiii! each I ivei.ty.five feet in front on Market street and 1
one hundred uid liitv feet in deoth 1 1 liuilmad stieet I
ALSO A certain lot of ground, situate in tins tou-
Shuinokiii. I'ountjrof Northumberland and Slate of penn- '
si llama, being lot number 2 in block No ICO. fronting oil !
FitlhMrect, mid bounded on lee south hy lots number one j
(I) and ou ihe north by lot numhet three (il) in same block '
und on the wed by nn alley, cjiitaniiiit; a feet in lion! i
rtnd feet III depth.
ALSO I.o( number six. In block number nn. I,,,i,,lr,l
nnd seven, in sntni town, .'routine on l-'ifth street, and
hounded on the south hy Jot uaiubei hvd, iu aims block, on
the east b) Carbon tun, and on the north by lot numhel
Seven, jn'the same block, c intainiug twcnly-Gve (as) feet
in fiou und leet in depth.
ALSO Lot number leu. iu block number scventy-eicht,
(7r), iu the town of Trevortou, inerhe townsh'p, Coun
ty and Suite alorc"Hid, frmlins; on Mmket stutt, in said
tow.i, nnd tioiitided on the west bv lot number mu. m.
nnd ou (he cast by lot number eleven, in same block, and on
nurtn oy Ktitironu street, eontainnie. twenty -five feet in
nr "."'iir"" leel in depth w
Alu-I,.i number twelve (19)', in block number
seveuli-eiRiit, in said town nt Tieviutnn. frontine on
Mmket street und hounded by lot number eleven or the
west and by lot number thirteen ou the easl, in same Work,
nnd by Kailmnd street oil the north, containing twenty-five
frH iii i runt and kii hundred und twenty-five leet in depth,
AI.IM A fcrtaintnirt ofJnnd, Huatein Cameron town
fthip, Norih'Jii.IrtTtnnd county, bfijiiinnip nt, n fiillrn wane
oak; theiiee ty Itind furveyed to Adam TnnkVHsr, Bouih
j i: lity-f'tir degree, eum two hundred und eightviiine und
five lenthi perches t) atMir ; thence by land uf Juhn Omit
hull ii'trih nineteen fudn liall'depret, etut stxty-nme und
Bfvcn tputlm perche to alone; aouth etphtv-fur decree
e;it. filtv-five perrhra totlones, thent a "by laud wf Henjn
miu Derk, in nt?ht i t Cinrnd Foater, nut!i ftjvmtv-t wit
tltiree eii aiaty-five nnd fitir perchti l a pt'st ,
thence hy hinri i" Hetijumni Dirk, in ncht oi' t.'ailiiinnt!
I.ipn, nurth eleven Jejrrept eint thirty-lhrrv perche to
Btntie ; thence ly budol Linlip Dnnkelhcrger north wev"iity
two decreet, went one Itundied und ninety-three and three
tenth ptTr1iet( iiite. aouth mzteenaud n quarter decree,
west due hunihed and six und eiht tenth perches tnn pnut
nnd ninth eighty. nine and tlnee qunrter d-'jires-n, wist (wo
hundred nnd tvnly oud six-tenths perches l. the tH-gitming,
contmninK nineiy-two arret nnd one hundied Hnd forty
three perches and nlluwunccs, Ac , about tixtteu ucrea v(
wire!, me clearM.
A I.So All thnt certain lut .f pro u ml, situated in tne
Rirm;th of Sunt.ury, County of .oithumhertnud nnd$;ate
of PeutisylvniiiH, lnnintted nnd drneribed as follow. ( wit :
On the enst by ptipnty of J. H. Knple, on the ftonrh hy
Murket ktreet, on the west by property of Heniiimiu .ettle
iiiorer.aiid on the norili by nn heyt contttintitir m Iront on
aniii Muiket stieet six'y (tie) feet, nnd in depth two hun
dred nud thirty feet, whereon ure erected two story
log house rim t lichen uUtiched.iind a si a Me. Said lot hemp
numherid upon ihe pen;ral plan of the Borough of rtunl uiy,
as lot uuiuher f nty-iour.
A !,() The undivided half part of till thnt rertain tart
of land, situate m i'omt township, Ni iliuinherfninl ftmnty,
SiHte ol I'ennsylvunia, bounded und duscnlied as follows:
Aitjoniinp litud of Jesse Miller on the aoulli-etiai, lnndHof
(ieor't Kcmq cm the south. Containing uUmt aixly acres
iihne or less.
Al,S( . II those two certain lots of ground, located and
situated in the boroui;li of Mt. Curmel, on the euut ante of
street, between Mount Curmel street and Second street,
bounded on the uonli by lot now fr lately lielonj'iii lo
Jouatlmn K'uieer. nnd on the aonth by lot now or lately
belonicnit to Uumrl lleiser, iu tbejfoid.ty ir,
and s!utt of I'euiiaylvauia, etieh of iid Ms eoutum
mp in limit on O.ik stieet twenty-tive('i.'i) feet and extend
ing one hundred und fifty (I5U) feet to a lv.e:uv-liv ftHt
wide stieel. c.ted Apple street, said lots hemp numbered
on the pen era I plnn of aaid town of Mt. Ormnt ns iuinln-r
aixteeu (Mi) und seventeen (17) iu'ldtR-k No. '21 ; whereon
are eierled. on lot No. 17, a two atory frMine atore house,
and on tot No. l ft a two alory frame dwelling house and
suihle, bemp ihe saiiie lots of p round which Andrew Klin
per and wil e by ihe.r deetl hem top d.tte Vlth day id March,
A. D. ltU; ctNiveyed Unto J onus 1., Stnie, his heira mid
tUatipuS foiever.
8e:ed, tuken m execution, and lo be a-dd as the prone'ty
of Solomon If. IIo)cr, Jolm Hover, W. H. Oonty. Jonas
I.. Stme, John IKniph, Is T Kolirhaih, Hdimmstrtitor uf
Jacob K, Kohl bath, deceased, Nathun llaaa and John 0.
Ai.O A!l that cerium trart of land, situate iu Aupuara
and Mahanoy townsJiis, Norlliuinljcrluiid county, i'enn
avlvunia, bounded north by eastward by land in
vuituutea nioiie ol Daniel Levy ; aouihwrd by lund in
warrantee name of John wiiielmrt ; wes'ward by lain! in
the wan anted name uf Wilimm Dewmt ; surveyed on war
runt in the name of John Dewurt, dnted December Slh,
1703, contaiiiiiip taree huudicd and ninety-live and one
fourth aies, and ullowance ; one undivided hull-puit of all
th it certain :raet of la ml in the townshipa of Augusta and
Mahanoy, aforusnul, hounded, northwurd by Int I in '.be
warrutitec uanis of Dui'.iel Ievy and Henry Donuel ; east,
ward by land in the wurruntee immea of John Dewartnnd
John Swiitebart ; southward by kind in ihe warimileo
nuines of John Swinrharlaiid James Hunter, and westvanid
by laud in the wanaiilee iiainca nf Jumea Hunter an l
Daniel Levfln, surveyed on a wan ant iu theuuuteof Wil
liam DewHit, dated, the Sill day ! perinbei, I'UJ, and
containing three hundred void aevent) -eight acrca u:i4 al
Uwaiice. Heizcft, tf ken mt exaeutmn, nni to re lov ui tl.e pro
peity ol Ueorpe Apslcy.
ALSO All certain lot or piccenf ground, situntem
the II iroupli of Northumberland, Noithumberland eoiin,),
and Slate of Pemisvlvauiu, in the plan ol said Horough.No.
61, Ixmnd'tl, aouthwatd by King or Maiket street ; ou the
northwest by M No. 64i, of Van Allen A Co ; onlueiKMUi
eiat by a ten hiot allev, and on tha soutl eart l y a etrart
i itlleil Northwav. contaiuinp in front, on King atreet, sixty
leet, aud m deplli one bundled aud eight , leet, irnue or
less, whereon is erected a Jiiick and Wooden Tavern
I Home, a frame bam and uther buildings.
, Seized, taken into execution, h id to lie dd as the pro.
I perty of John Nesbttt and Peter ii. Uolf, lately trading aa
Neabilt Holl .
ALSO All that certain lot cr part of lot or piece of
ground, aituute in the ii-noogh of Sunbury, County of
! Noithumberlttiid, and itaie of I'ennsylvuuiu, bounded on
tne east by I t No. (llti) one hundred and twelve ; ou Uie
south by atiTp of land f lot i f ground bctoi'f mg to ;
I and ou tbe west Uy or lots of Churlea Geuther ; end oil tha
north by Dewbeny atreet, now Arch atreet, containing in
I width, on said street, aeventy-two (72) feet ; and in depth,
in. .mint- narralcl with lot No. mutt hundred and twclw
(ll'!; which said lot of giound was conveyed to amid Jared
moaious uy ueoigo r. oycia mm wur, ui oem, 111113
dale, the tih day of December, A. 1). IMS. Kreo.'dnl in
1 Ueeil U. J. i. ante K77, ill Kumsttr i. Recorder's ifl(.e
I t H' County of NwihuinlKirland, loaetlier, wita all ai.d
sinaulur, Ac . Ac
Seized, iaken into execution, and to bs sold us lite pio
perly if Jaied lirosieus.
ALSO By Tirlue of a writ of I. even Tarias, will be
ei!d at tho same tune and pluee. the following pioperty, to
wit :' All that certain two story board house, situule in llie
Borough and County of NoltbumlrWnd, bounded and
described as followa : Situate on lot number three hundred
and eiRiity.aix (36) ; bounded on the northwest by lot
number three huii'lred and eighty five ; on the north
east by King street; ou the southeast by lot iiuiulier three
bundled and eialilv-seven (3b7, and on Ihe aoulhweat bv
! an auey, rroniaou King street ano is sixteeuieft ny twenty
, eight, t.igeiher with ihe at of giound wlieieoii the esme is
itvted aud ao much other groend immediately adjacent
I tteired, taken into execution, and to be sold aa lbs pro
' perty of William Fetter.
j Baaharr, December 3th, IMS.
f 1 ALL and see uioe beautiful Bird Cages at tba
asw Hardware store of
l L 11 U .1 . llie -Jlllt l.o...r 111.'. I. 1 DL'il . ujL- . . I
1 i '"". h cm, omy, ooTi'iumoeriann eoun-
ly and Mm,. nfores.,d, teiuuded ai .1 dekei I aa follows,
we i,l. H,,t ''y.l'ropeity ( Kl.zabeih .Mullen, on the
S l 'T,r "f ''"',h ',l''r- '"' " V fur.
I hi in n't It "c',w ch"lul stieet.und on the nouh
,' ,',1,1 he"! ' western half of Im numbered on
, l nu n ;'","f ,0''"', "' "u-.lburv.aforeaaid,,,;
oi number one hundred .! sixl vlliree (IB3), contc! i re
in front on ..,,,1 lliaekberrv. now cheat L l ,Z ,i. ',5
ronaie oi 11.. 11. ...... -I. ..i .'l leel anil i
. T. I. H II A ii 4
Cnrrer of Third Street and Markot Square, in Mil
ler s f?t..he Building, S I N B C It V , 1 A. ,
W'yieV.rM.'fllSJar Ja! JH-C f!
r.f the roost retnbroted makers. ronsiting of tlio
Howard, Appnf4e), Tracy A Co., W sltliiin. I'.artlolt ,
W. Elleiy, end allgredei of the Elgin lli'r inuk.i.
Also, sole Agent f.r t"ie eelibraled. I'ALl, I; It X .
TOM Waloh, In Uold and silver low jiicer
Wi I i f: r W ii st I "or W -d l I n l'-i'-ss I ,
or entirely new design. Solid Wlver Tul.le ni. I
Tea Knoone, Putter Knivmi, Forks, festoif, Jes
I'ltehers. Fruit end Cuke Basket. viup
Mug. Butter Dishes, and evervthiug
In the Silverware line at low
n,",0"-iriKk Rings. Also a fire selecti. r.'
of Hold nnd .1,,. j,..r. ,
and Sil-erfhelim, at low prices. .
Fine (fold Pans in Ool l, .VMver nnd Uul.l wr r .sol
of thcemenrated mnko hy lluiTm.n and Mcmm. '
A full ante i"l!U sett of 8 dny nnd 30 hour t loek. ut
low prices .
Also Sole Agent for h derated Pcrfieird f,r.
tnele. warranted (o give entire satisfaction.
Wiilches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired aad war
ranted. .
All orders promptly attended to tl tje sl:orle!! tj
tice. , .
Sunbury. Sept- 5.
.uliRvsllliT TAII.OCi NTO :!'.
Consisting of
which have been selentcd from tho largest mi l best
establishments in New Yol k and Philadelphia.
, A general nsiortmcnt of
oentx.Emen'8 FunNisnirfo ooons,
Neckties, Collars, Cravats, orthc laloel styles.
Fine Lamb's Wool Poller Jacket".
SHIRTS nnd DRAWERS, a large assrrtinent of'
Ibo best rfuality.
A large variety of OLOVES of every "tvlo and
qualtity, from '1io Ball Rroom down lo'lhe taboriiij
man's, and many other nrtiolcs for Gentlemen's
Fiu Freurb Volie Kliirlsi uinCu to
Hnving procured tho services or the best workmen
in tho cities, garments will be innda up to order
w hich cannot be excelled in any city iu fita, or quality
or goods.
Oenlleiii'Mi particularly requested lo cull and
rc the good" and wirS before pnrchnsins elsewh'ero.
Sunbury, Oet.l, 6S. 'llii).MAS (). NOTT
I'. TV W O I-T E
Office, Ko. 20 South Delawaro Avenue,
The abofo Manure has bctri bef'ire tlie Aprica!
tnral public for fifteen rears past, nndor ono name
and proprietorship, nnd now has an established au.l
largo annuul sule throughout the country. And a,
a perfect substitute for Peruvian Guano (aSordsd
at one half the cost) il has bean adoptea by agricul
turalist of known intelligence and discrimiuuiion
It is warranted .not to oxhnut the soil, but on the
contrary to permanently improve it. Tho ealosnow.
amount to inuny thousand. tons annually, and lkn
Incilitici for its manufacture a.o cxtensiru aud com
plete. Tho ubove manuros arc furnished in both bags an 1
borrols, vrhicbever cuxtomors prefer.
Tho bai-? pre ui '.I jrui in woight ICO pounds
The attenticn of Farmers Is especially d:rcoc I W
the fuel Ih at tho sources cf tho. Haw Material of
w hich tho above manures are cnmpoed, are so we'.l
under control ILut wo can furnish them of striotly
uniform quality ui.d condition, and that Ihcy eon
tain a larger peroviHnc of ammonia than any other
c!us of manufactured manures in tho market.
0 South Delawaro avenue, Philadelphia.
t'Tlie highest cash prico paid fjr all kinds
bones. .
Novcmbor I, l'iSS
Joseph Eyster,
Copier of Market and Fourth Street,
Sl.Mll'ltY, PE X X ' A .
Invites tho publio to call and examine his clcgunt
assortment of
such r.s TuMo Linen. Domestics. Doylies, Towels,
nnd Douiclios of every description ut the vory low
est price.
Silks, Delaines, Lanns, Oinghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
Mietting. Tickings, Joans, end a full assortment of
Cotton aud Woolen goods gcnerallr.
Hosiery, Gloves, tloop bkirts. AUo HandkerchielV.
ilrushcs, Combs.
IlntM anil Caps, lloola nnsl Mliore,'
His assortment of goods will not. ho is sure fuil to
please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous
of purchasing. His stock of
and Groceries Is large in quantity and ohoice In
quality, comprising generally everything nooded in
the household either for uso or ornament.
Jla is always ready and triad to see his friends
and takes pleasuro in showing them his goods even
Ihough no salos are made. 11 o only asks a call, and
is sura that the stock will compare favorably in
prioe and quality with tbe cheapost. - -
Sunbury, Nov. 23, 1863. .
FALL & WI NTE iTc 00DS !
.. . AT -
Irliss Luisa Shissler's,
Ladles' and Misses' flATS aud BONNETS,
In immense variety,
.llillinci'jr oti asisl Triruiiilng a.
Frencb and American Kibbons, Laces, llandker
thiols, Gloves, Hosiery, and a general assortment of
Ladies' Millinery Uoods, which havo beea SalooUi
with great care.
Cifut Collnrsi, .'Merlitlna diiloTvsi, Ar.
Every variety will be found to select from, a!
modeUatk nucKs
6unbury, Oct. 17, 18
Calf and see the well Selected Stock of
Just received at
Fourth ftreet, below Eyster 's Hto-c. Sl'Nni'R V
of the inoet approved styles is icaJe op to older at
reasonable rules.
lie has also a tne assortment of Cutiiarre Shirt,
Drawers, I'ndorshirts. Overhauls, lllouu. Nick
ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspender,, II uid
kerchiefs, tSloves, and a general variety of
Give him a eall, wbioh you will find II te le t
your advantage.
Sunbury, Oct. 24, IMS
WHERE ear) I get Ihe best picture Wbr at
llys-S'ly'ti, ef coai.s Always go to Bvaily
and Judge for yoimalt