Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 19, 1868, Image 3

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    tombing American, t;
MUftltlJltl-, 1A.
SATUKiSaV.DeC'&MUER 19,18(18.
2Local &ffare.
Klioaut Brackets, Parlor Ornamenti, Ac , Tory
oheap, at LianTSiit A 7.rim.itni.
Ton of every kind, ninny entirely now, rare nnd
ourlom, in groat quantities, to suit all, at
LionTMft & Zaioi.En'i.
Uadohi,t dmiKl Dollt Dolli of every kind
nnd liio prleei from i ecnti to flO. Call nnd toe
thorn, at . Liortrer t ZiiiuLim's.
H'Aiinibki Albatns, elegant Family Bibles, Pray
er and Hymn Booki, and Bookt tuitabte for Holiday
(lifts, at IAonTxin A Zeioi.rn s.
. Sikoiho Caraiiks, warranted good ringers, also
a lino assortment of CagM, for the Holiday,. at
.LtduYsiR A Zxioi.mi'.i,
rieatants' building, Market fquaro.
Pbtrolbu n V. Naibt ia announced to lueturo
sometime during the winter at Lewisbtf-g artl tt'il
liatn sport.
Tna BiiLDino Association. A meeting of Ike
membara of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Building
Association will be held at the Maaonio Hall, on Fri
day night of next week.
Ji'DOl Brntlkt retired from the Bench of Ly
coming county on Monday of last week, and Hun.
JameaUamble was sworn in. Tho Bar passed com
pfiaiontarytesolutlons to Judge Be'ntlcy.
Tn Independent, of this place, mado its appear
ance last week In an enlarged form, undor the titlo
of ths Democratic O Hard, with G. C.Bratiddn, Esq.,
as one of tho proprietors. Pecuniarily, we wish
thorn success.
Dead We regret to learn of the death ol Mr.
John Malone, ton of Maj. Malono, of this plnec,
which occurred at Hagerstown, MJ., on Wednesday
last, of dipthoria. II o was well known and highly
ostteuied in Sunbury.
Livert. Messrs. Farnsworth A McGuw, who re
cently purchased tho livery stablo of Mr. Charles
'Bacon, of this place, bare re stocked tho eoncern,
nnd are now prepared to furnish horses, carriagos,
sleighs, Ac, on the most rrasonnblo terms.
Sdkbdbt Masonic Hall Association. A meet
ing of the stockholders of the Suubury Masonic Hull
Association will be held on the last Monday in De
cember, 28th inst., for the purpose of eleoting officers
for the ensuing year. John Haas, President.
X T. Rodrbach, Secretary.
A Ooon Harder Snor. Mr. Win. N. Keller, In
Dewnrt't frame building, on the north side of Mnr
,);ct Siiuitro, has one of the nontcst and best ahnving
nnd linirdros'ing establishments Hint wo haro ever
had in Funbury. Kellor is a tirst-clnss barber him
self, nnd employs nono but the best of ri'.r!:uien.
llo has an extensive run of custom.
New Furniture, of every description, and Fancy
Holiday Toys, have jnst been opened nt the Furni
ture Store, in the Mnsonio Hull building. Eouio
splcrdM articles are now on exhibition, which nro
very suitablo for holiday presents. (Jo nnd sec
them, nnd oonvinco yourselves that no bolter or
.heapcr furniture can bo purchased outsido of the
To Btii.DEns. Wo would refer all who iutoiul
litiilding t tlie advertisement of I. T. Clement, in
another column. Mr. Clement has his new Planing
Mill in full operation, And ft preparod to fill nil
orders lor building material at Vho sfcortest notice.
Those who contemplate building will save money by
(firing hiui a call. His prices nro low nnd Iho uia
crinl is tho best in market.
AcriiiK.vr to A Lsnr. We regret to slate Hint
Mrs. Samuel Stehley met with an accident one day
Inst week by which her face was severely cut. On
jroing down tho oellar stairs of her residence with a
la'fif'Mi in her hand, her foot slipped, throwing
bur down Iho stairs. In the fall tho dish was bro
ken, mill fnllinv nn Intnii in' IliA H'emul her fuCA wn t
Vnully eut. Her wounds were dressed by a physi
tinn, nnd we aro ploascd to learn thut she is rapidly
- - - -
Donation Visit. On Tuesday cvoning last Rov.
Mr. Vandyuo, rector of St. Matthew's (Episcopal)
Church, of Ibis place, was tlio recipient of a donation
ifit. Tho members of bis ehurch took the reverend
gentleman and lady by surprise, and in a few mo
menta his tabid were covered with dry goods, clo
thing, provisions, anil a variety of usoful articles, iu
addition to the round sum or $100 in money.
of the members of St. Mark's Church, of Northum
berland, ot which Mr. Vnudyne is also pastor, were
I iboral contributors. .
ArrAina attuk Colntv PmsoN. Ou Saturday
morning last a man named Charles Barnbart, aged
about fifty years, was committed to jail by Lsquiro
DicOenbach, of Northumberland. Ho Wat charges',
on the oath of hit wife, Mary Barnbart, with having
threatened to kill her, nud foaring 'hat ho would
carry out tho threul she had him nr rested. He it a
very dissiputrd man, and on tlio previous Friday
night drove his family from the boiiee during the '
very cold weather. Had it not been for tho kind- (
nets of sumo neighbors, who gave them shelter, they
would undoubtedly have perished, lie is the father
of Jesso Barahart, who escaped from our jail last I
summer, and who wat ro-arrestcd lust week, an rc- i
count of which we published in our lust issue.
Ou thu sume duy David Clark, of Northumberland, i
was commuted by fcsquiro Dicllbnbnoh. He wat ;
charged with being drunk nnd disorderly. Both of
the prisoners were plueed iu jail by eoustablo Johu
ton, of Northumberland.
lidward O'CounoIl, a boy ot uboul twelve years of
nge, whu wat arrested about a mouth ago at Locust
Gap, this county, for stealing money, was bailed otit
;.n Tuesday last, in the sum of $1110, for his appear
unco at the January torm of court. Hit mother en
tered the necessary tocurity.
Fatal AccmiNTt ox the Nouthern Central
Kailroak. A yonhg man nauiod Ingalls, belong
ing to Powell'j Valley, t'oveu miles from Halifax,
wot fatally injured by a freight train, betweon ten
and cloven o'clock on Wednesday uight of last week,
about a half mile above Dauphin. Ho was rolled
by the traiu, having fallen between tho cart. He
wat conveyed to Dr. Cmberger's office, in Daupbiu,
where be died at ten minutes after twelve o'olock.
The body was taken to Halifax on the af.ernoon
traiu. The defeated wat a brnkeetrlnn on tbo train,
raid was making his first .trip. The caboose of tho
train wat upset and burned.
Ou Monday evening last, at the night aecommo
dution train from Baltimore was coming up, it ran
into the Director!' engine No. 71, about two miles
couth of New Cumberland. The engineer of No. 74
arrived at lied Bank tiding, having iu charge the
Cincinnati Express, south, and observed a freight
Uuiu standing on the siding. Forgetting that it wat
the passing point for hit train and the night accom
modation, he started on with bit train, and In a mo
ment afterward collided with the accommodation,
which wot being conveyed by engine No. S3. Geo.
I'eckley, engineer, and Wm. lllair, fireman, both of
Sunbury, were nn the latter engine at the time of
Hid collision tnglue No. 74 was complotoly de
molished. Hor boiler exploded, throwiug the engi
neer over thirty yards, arid killing the lirelilan.
The firoiuuu wat discovered with hit head lightly
wedged in tho fire-box door, and burned almost to a
crisp. He tuffered terribly, and died iu aLcUt two
hours aver Ihe acoident. Hit name wat Joseph
Lewis, nnd was from York. The engineer, Thomas
luuey, bad his right leg and shoulder badly injured,
and was also seriously eut in the bead.
Coekley wu' very badly braued in jumping from
),i eniue. Blair tteid ou the engine and escaped
.itb a slight cut across hit nose. This is the second
aocideut lhat ibey have met with recently, their
engine having run olf the track and over k high
I ink abenl two snonthl ugo
rRRSENTl ron The HouDirt. At the season it
hand to aeleot holiday ntoteaU, we would recom
mend oar dMiteta to patronlie those who- are eon-
itantly replenishing their ttocks, and who invite the
patronage of tfte paWio by advertising liberally ia
the eotuWt of the Americas.
In the Dry Oocds and Uroeory lint, of every de
scription, we ebterVe that II. Y. FrUrtig, the propri
etor, of the "Mammoth Store," hat just opened a now
ttock of goodt of the latest 'stylet. lift windows dis
play an assortment of goods flint cannot be excelled,
In Yfht of beauty, quality nnd bhenpness.
J. H.lCngel having added largely to hit stock,
hat created quite a tlutter," especially among the
Udiin. Tfce Aernand fcY hit goad's tells very plainly
the good last lie lias dismayed In his selections.
Moore A DUuringer, ia Uaupt'a new Iron front
building, are in every way amply prepared to sup
ply every one with ffi'ft Dry floods, Uroco'rlrt, Ao.
They are doing an extensive business.
Dr. Joseph Eyttcr't winvowt, at well at hit large
store, are crowded with fine Press Ooodt. Potions,
Ao. Wo are pleased to see that lie 1 so well patron
ized. Hit goods hare been selected Willi great care,
and we are sure hit stock it largo enough to make
the very best selections from.
H. Peters, on Third stroot, near the Imllieran
Churoli, has received and opened n largo variety of
Dry Goods and Groceries. His customers will find
his selections excellent and seasonable
W. 8. Furman A Co. havo also lately replenished
their stock of Groceries, which their patrons will find
fresh and good.
Mirj Kate Black has opened her hulidny goods,
cfhbrac'r'Tg frross Goods of every stylo, nnd a very
large stock of Notions, Ac.
ft. windows of Miss M. L. Lazarus' store present
nn attractive appearance. A visit to her establish
ment, at the present time, cannot fail to induco any
one to tolect a handsome present from her large stock
of Holiday Goods.
Miss Annh PaTttW hat an esscftfont f Fancy
Goods, Notions, Ac., that will givesatfsfact on to all.
Go nnd &eo hor goods.
Those of our gentlemen who intend to make pre
sents to ladies should call at once nn Misa L. Shiss
lor, on Market Square, and Miss M. L. Gustier, on
Fourth street, and make a selection from tho benuti
Tul assortment of bonnett just opened. Such a pro
fusion "of trimmings, flowers, Ac., ia lieVcr before
been l-rought to this place. Their assortments nro
equal to any In The city establishments, hod selec
tions can be Ir-iaio to please any lady.
gentlemen ano nova' clothing.
While tho gontlomcn aro engaged in making their
selections of holiday proccntin, we culd suggest to
tho ladies to pay a visit to our Merchant Tailoring
establishments nnd get a present for their 'licgo
lords'' In tho shape of gnrineits. Tt it no longer
neccssnry to tend to the oily for any nrthlo of gen
tlemen's or boys' nonr. We enh procure them jutt
as chenply nt home, and nt the savie time oncournge
our own 'mccbanicr, who hio prepared to supply
their customers with clothing equal to any oi tho
city establishments. Cnll and cxamino thoir good'
which have been rccoivel for tho holiday ieacon, nnd
sec their latest styles of conts, pnnls nnd vests. J .l"
fjiiiiek nnd J. 0. Beck, on Fourth street, below .Mnr
lict, nV-d J. t". ISIineffor nnd Thos. G. Nolt, on tlio
lorih side of Market SquaVo, have succeeded in their
on lenvors to plenso the taste or fancy of their cus
tomers, nnd wo aro sure thut selections can be ip.ado
lit any of these establishments that cnniiot help lea
sing tho most fusLidiotts.
M. C. Gcarbnrt, the princo of the Confectionery
buiifi'e'rt in Sn'nliry, Ids fc fcppl of candies nnd
toys, for the holidays, that has never beuii etua led
ouliile of lao cities. He nnd his clerks are con
stantly engaged in Oiling orders from dill'erent parts
of the country. Ho is doing a large wholesale 1'ini
hess, which is nn evidence that his efforts to plenso
the public aro highly appreciated. If you dosiro to
purchase, go early, ns his slock is selling faster thac
; lie is able to ftiAniifiicturc.
For splendid cake? of all kiiifs, especially for the
i holidays, and also for good bread, leave your orders
with David Fry, the popular balcr. llrs llakory
! has gained a high reputation in tho neighboring I
I towns, while his local patronngo is extensive. His !
I fancy cakes are preferred to those from the cities.
j Tho windows of the store of oOr neighbors. Light
nor A Zeigler, nro the centre of Attraction in .Son
i bury, and nt almost every hour of the day nnd eve'
uing tneir '.lore w uirougca uy purcnaners
It it
unnecessary Vor lis V.i enumerate th many flno holi
day poods at this establishment. A visit will con
vince any one that they understand their business
thoroughly, and that there is no Tietter place to buy
Christmas toys, Ac.
In tho Jefciry linn', T. 8. Shannon, A. J.'. Brlce
snd A M. Meiitell display tho finest goods, nud no
handsomer present could bo mado than a selection
from oiio oT theso establishments.
FINE CLTLKIll, nillU CAGES, sfi Ai EH, AC.
For f rte Otlery, Skates, Sleds, Bird Cages, Ac,
call nt. Connelly A Co. 'a store. In their selection
they havo made tho holiday season a Specialty.
Large stocks of Perfumery, Notions, Ao., have
been received at lio Prdg Spires of W. A. Bennett
nnd John G. Markle A Co. 1'hoy aid Well supplied
with everything in their line of business to moot the
wants cr the public
H AT?, CA'S, flLOVES. P.
The fine lints and Cups, of all at j lei nud sizes, at
H. Faust's ttoro, are attracting much attention. Tho
"Grecinn Bend" nud all the latest styles of halt can
be purchased nt Faust's. He al keepa genuine
Kid nnd Buckskin Gloves, which 'nro beautiful nnd
cheap. Call and tee Ms goods.
--- -.
Christmas Presents ano Where to Bur Tucii.
One of the most beautiful displays of Fancy Goods,
Notions, Toys, Ac, for t'lb holidays, nnd just tuch
ns arc most sullublo for holiday presents, can now
bo seen at the popular Book anil Stationer Sloro of
Messrs. Lightuer A Zcigler, in Pleasahta' building,
Market Square These gentlemen have made holi
day goods a specialty this year, Kni nro detoruiined
that their stoci Shrill not be surpassed, neither will
they bo undersold. The only trouble experienced
by customers is in making their selections. The
wiricly IS so groat lhat it is a very difficult matter lo
decide which article to purchase. Those of our read
ers in want of presents for their friends or children
w ill save monoy by buying nt thoir establishment.
-. . .
Fatal Accident on the Phii.a. A Krib Bail
hoao. William Reed, of Milton, wat killed
on Monday lust by a freight train on the P. A K.
Railroad running over him. Tke'aooidunt occurred
between Milton and Moutandon. It appears that ho
wat walking on the railroad track tand seeing the
train coming be tried to stepofi', w belt he slipped and
fell backward on the tracK and could hot recover lit
time to get out bf the way. He wat struok by the
eow-eatcher and instantly killed. This is unolhor
terrible warning to persons In the habit or walking
ou the railroad track. Why not get out of the wav
in time? Itissimide murder lostav on until i,
last moment and then expect to fet ottt of the way
without being harmed. Mr. Reed was one of the
oldest cituens of Ihis county and wat highly respec
ted. ...
Fatal Kailboad Acciubrt. Tl!e Wiltlunisport
HhIIcIih itys :
Many of our readers will remember two littid
Italian boys who hsve procured a liviusj on the
directs of our city, ud other towns, by playing b
harp end A violin for the contributions of those who
ehiuiceil to hear them . About six o'olock last eves,
lug, the started upon the railroad track to the
depot, to ascertain at what time the could go out.
Hbile watching for the oars on the track, tbejr were
walking on another, and the car backed down the
witch, striking both of thein and throwing the ear
off the track. The oldest one, Powell Illuysye, aged
about fourteen years, the harper, had both his legs
very badly fiactured oua beluw the knee aud the
other above, lie lingered lor tome time, but, al
though be bad the beat medical attendance, died
before Innrnifig. 'lit cousin, aged about ten yean,
named Frank Lapihrei, wat seriously injured in the
uhest and had some ribs broken, and wat iujuwd
internally, but the pbvticiant report bim at doing
well, and they bare hopes ef bit recovery. The
oldutt boy bad only been in this eountry two ot
three months.
Tni Astldm The building of the new Hospital,
in this place, hat Viit yot been awarded to any of
the bidden, for the reason that the kids are far
above the estimate of the architect. It may be that
It will be decided the best and cheapest for the
8tate authorities to build it themselves. We think
this would give very general satisfaction, and If
thoreis'any p're'iit in itt oonttrn'ctinn, lot the State
have it. In a local point of view this would no
doiit't roVe the most fcatlsTactory to the peoplo.
Datirilt Ami ri can.
Missino On Saturday night, the 21st uit , Thom
as Malahoy, an Irishman by birth, Inte in the em
ploy of the P'ohn'a Iron Company, left hit home
in this place, since which lime hit family has not
beard from or roccived any aocount of bis where
abouts. Tho last known of him he was seen in tho
neighborhood of the Grove Hiur'.'li, on Bloom street.
Of inltftaporate habits, it Is supposed that he may
have wandered Into the oanal and drownod. Parties
havo dragged iho oanal in many places, but to far,
have be!n unsuccessful In Pnding his body. Ilis
family are much distressed oh Ju'eoMnt of him.
Should ho hnve rono to some other place, It it re
quested that any ofto seeing tf is fiellc'e and knowing
bis whereabouts, will report tho sumo to hit wife,
living here. Vanritr Imtiligciicer.
I'mpoiitX nt Pi iuiicai. Operation in Milton.
On Wednesday, Iho 2nd In! t , Dr. J. D. Hlrawbridgo,
of Dnuvillo, assisted by Dr. J. P. McCleery, of Mit
ten, operated on a son of George Hill, Esq , of
White Deer, I'nion Co., for "necrosis' of the thigh
bone. Tho dUcaso proVed of so terious a churacter
at to necessitate -amputation of the thigh closo 16
the hip joint. The young man was placed undor
tho Influence of an u-slhetio by 11. C. Sticker, Ksq.,
nnd Iho operation was very skillfully performed by
Dr. lrawbridgc, nhnhnsthe reputation of being
the most successful Surgoon in this section of coun
try The young man bore Iho operation well and
at present is in good spirits and doing finely. He is
being carefully muted by an affectionate mother at
the rotrldr-ricc of S. T. Brown, Esq., whoso estima
ble lady is doing nil in her power to rondor htSl
comfortable We sincerely hope that hit recovery
muy now be speedy nnd permnucut, nt he hat tulfcr
ed severely for tho last throe years Miltonian.
An Old Dlkii We wero shown by Dr. J. Y
r-hindel, an old deed executed be lor o nud witnessed'
by Pi inon Snyder, Jutce of tbo Fenco in and for
Northumberland county, rl''ton iu tho yenr 1791.
The died ft granted by Anthorry Sulin and Catha
rine hit Wife. of l'enn twp., North'd county, to Jamos
Stiles, of Hyo towmhip, Cumberland county, State
aforesaid, granting to Hie said Stiles lot number 157,
in tho town of Solinsgrovc (it being the lot now
owned by Mrs. F. B. Vankirk, lor the sum of five
pounds. The property in Selinsgrove has increased
greatly since then, as the same lot ce'-ilU tenrcely
no'T bo purchased for II) times the sum paid fir it
by Stiles. Midilltbiirg 'VribuiN.
Sin Acciiiknt. .1 Vjlhtr thot if hit !o.
yjue of tho saddett nccidenta we have been called
upon to record lor aoiuo time occurred, yesterday
morning, in Weft llunver township, this county. Tbo
fuels In regard to the mattur, ns w o havo been ablo
to gather them, are as follows : Mr. Kli Lambert, iu
compuuy with his son William, a young man about
twenty years cT ago, wont to the hog stablo with the
intontiou of shooting the hos, but tto gun secmej to
be out of order and while the young man whs fixing
at it the load went olf nnd entered iho left side of
tho father the bull passing through the body nnd
he fell ucad iiliaost iustuntly. Mr. Lubert was
about 50 years old and leaves a w ife au j ten children.
Mid'UbuiL' Post, 10M iitf.
' No f L'Toi:it must bo allowed to leave thcstdlo i
unsupplicd "' That is one cf tV.C orders giv n at Oak J
Dull for the present crisis. Not lhat tlio salesmen
aro to bo rudely iuipnrtunn'e, oV "o try to over-
porMnuo any rne, fut that such pains shall betakun j
to suit, nud such nccotiimcdiitiou made on prices
tbnt all will, of their on'a free accoiu, desire to buy.
It is in many respects unforluniito to have to inter- ,'
nipt tho regular course of their fall and winter bu-
siness, which was so brisK. and heavy ; yet Iho mis- j
fortune of the death of a partner is unavoidable, and
one compensation which tho hoi;1 wiM receive for j
its present sacrifice of goods will bo ninny new cus
tomers, whu will bo first brought to Oak Hall by this
opportunity of uiuking a good trade.
Tfk Dr sveVt'ic. Tho trials and aulteringa of the
dyspoptic can only bo realized by theso so unfortu- j
nato ns to be nlllictud by this disease, and yet how I
in any of them suffer, nnd continue to tu(l-r ! Why !
they do this so patently it is impossible to tell. It '
may be from ignoranco of any certain remedy, or,
it muy be from prejudice ogainsl the ueo of a patuul
medicine. Hootlaud's German Bitters has cured
thousand of tho worst cases of dy?pepiu, nnd each
day adds new dAities to the record of its usefulness.
Givo thu Bittors a trul. It cont iins no liquor in
any form.
Hoofland's German Tonic is a combination of all
Iho iugredients of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz
Hum, auise, orange, Ac, leaking a preparation of
rare medioal value. Tlio Toi'lo is ued for tho sumo
diseases as t'!o Bitters, in cases wherosomo alcoholic
stimulus is necessary. Sold by Druggists and others,
everywhere. Principal office, 631 Arch Street, Phil
adelphia. SrE'dlt Co'jRt. The following is the list of;
.Inriira fur fi StiHiOMl Canrt. to hn lieltl in t'nliiirv (tfl
the fourth Monday of December, 23th inst :
1. John Fisher, miliar, Hhnmokin.
2. 1. J. Pntton, gentlenia), orbe.
3. Jacob 13. KlocR, farmer, I pper Mahanoy
4. David C. Montgomery, former, Lewis.
b. Oeorge Forrester, farmor, I pper Ailgusta
ti. John Shipman, miller, bhamokin.
7. Isaac D. liillinan, former, Washington.
H. Joseph Kystor, inerehant, Sunbury.
I). Parcel Marsh, carpenter. Delaware.
10. George Sci'Jort, fanner', Delaware.
11. G. B. Krause, clerk, Milton.
12. Henry Price, laborer; Cdal.
LI. Charles P. Lckman, farmer, llusr!.
1 1. Juhu llaag. farmer, Turbut.
S. John Wert, merchant, Jordan.
in. William W. Mo Williams, farmer, Shamokin.
17. Geo. MeCleuce, grocer, Shamokin borough.
18. Peter Coldron, farmer, Lower Augusta.
IV. J. Humes, wagonmaker, McKwensville.
20. P'eler llowertor, farmer, I pper Mahanoy.
21. Sebastian Slepp, farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
Tl John K. Torriugton, manufacturer, Suubury.
21. John Clark, blacksmith, Sunbury.
24. Ai'arij Fisher, laborer, iferbe.
2i. William A. Shallor, farmer, Jordan.
2ii. 11. II. I)ornseif, miller, Little Maharloy.
27. David Bitterman, luriner, Lower Uahnuuy.
25. Bennevillo Kissinger, laborer, Zcrbe.
29. Asa Everett, farmer, Turbut.
M. Frederick Ditzler, mason, Turbut.
81. Thomas M. Tuggart, farmor, Delaware.
H2. Samuel C. ltenn, furmer, Lower Augusta.
Thomas Hanley, miuer, Cdal.
I'eter Weikle, turmer, wameron.
.John B. Heller, farmer, Cbillinquoquo.
Juhu Dauiol, farmer, Jordau.
Fob Sale. An excellent top buggy, new.
quire at this office.
ii.jipi 1
Fub Hunt. The rooms adjoining the hat storo of
Samuel Faust, in Market Bquaro, lately e'ecupiod
by E. A. Evans as a law office. '
&3AKBPEAKB said: '-Uneasy lies tbo bead that
wears a crown," but nothing can be more easy and
com fort ablo than the head which wears one of Faust's
fashionable llau or Caps, and to prove this we wuuld
advise ever one to try them. Call at bit store, iu
Market Square.
.... . , ..
BoLOMOB advises the sluggard to go to' the ant ;
but the shiftless, in our day, generally go to poverty
ana want, a inucn neuer wy is to go to J. O
Peck's fashionable and ebeap tailor in establish'
meut, oa Fourth street, where an one ean procure
a new suit, neatly fitting, and at prices within tho
reacb of all.
(ii-bbd your money waere you make it. Buy your
goodt at borne and not abroad. Encourage ytfur
own mechanics. Let each be for the other, and all
for publie improvement "charity begins at home."
Our tows first other afterwards. With these ex
oellent maxim in view our eitiisnt should avail
tbewtelves or the splendid opportunity of buying
cheap Boots and Shoet at John Wilver'a uUhliih.
went, on Spruoe street, where everything iu the line
vi vuaiBMs is sum at reioaraaoiy low prices.
How eloquent It the old homely word, Fall ! The
flowort fall In tho garden, the fruit falls in the or
chards, th nuts fait In tho woos, (he start fall from
the sky, the rain falls from the cloV.ds, tho mercury
falls In the tubes, and the leaves fall everywhere.
We might add that a great many persons fall or ra
ther walk inle Miller's ftxwlsior Boot and Shoe
Store, in Market Square, and never get away with
out purchasing some of his cheap goods. Miller bnr
an elegant assortment. Go and seo hit goods.
PI. J. J. Cf-EsMNflUR, Denlist. Office over H.G.
Thaoher'i Shoo KUire, Sunbury, Pa.
When aching 'tees?! cause dreadful groans,
And sleepielVnlghls and dismnl days,
W ho eofnes lone ,,( Kmterul owns
My sk'll, wbioh all his pains allay.
A moment's suffering I may cause,
"lis but to luing a long rulease ;
And though for once I rend his jaws
Frr years to come I give him poao'o. iui
Con's Cough Balsam. The great popular Koine
dy for Cought, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. ordinary 4o., nlsoiuain
niAlli family bottles for lain by all druggists nnd
denlcrs in medicines. No family should be over
tiiflt without it in the huuso.
'Cub's DlflKl'HiA Cciie Will imiiuidiatuly r.
lieve and permanently euro the most aggravated
cuso of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Hour Stomaoh, Con.
ttfpalion, nrd nil diseases of the Slo'inac'i mid liow
els. Pliysieinns, clcrgymcii and nil who use it, join
In vnboundud jirnise of ils great v'u Ihcs. Sold by
Druf-gists overvwhere. Price f I .().
M A K H I A (Hi f.
On the oVe of tho loth insr , at the residence of
lies bridu's piirenla, by the Hev. J. F. Ockeruinn,
('apt. J. E. Toniiisnro? f i jViss Maim M., secoud
daughter of J. W. Friling. )'..i , all of Suubury.
Tho printers of the American office were kindly
remembered on this occasion, nnd all unite in wish
ing tno TiappJ-'couplo nsmooih path along the journey
of life. Although the Captain served gallantly in
many of the fiercest "engagements" of the rebellion,
nnd was never, on any occasion, taken prisoner, he
has at last voluntarily surrendered to female charms.
Whilo we bid him a sad farewell from bachelordoin
we cannot help congratulating him upon his bright
hopes of future happine.-.s nnd properily.
it i it .ia a it i. i: rs.
Corrected Weekly for tho "Amoricnn.'
Wheat Flour, extra family, por barrel,
do do do do nerewt.
Kyo r lour,
per bhl.
per ewt.
per bushel ,
per round
Wh"nt, priLio red,
lried Peaches, pared ,
do do unpii'.eu
nrleil Apples,
Dried Cherries, (uustoned.) per 1
per iioun-i,
por dzeu,
per pohu.',
per pair
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
titt molt in 1 'oil I I'i-nl-.
iintuoxiN, iec. 1 1. ISIM.
7's. itft.
Sent for week ending Deo 12th. 0ll 1)7
Per lust Report, 472,I0 Oil
470 214 1.1
To sumo lime la.-t year,
Mil, 110 (U
o,sm to
Special T0tUC5.
A Ct motf Oi FBit.Hr. Sage has discovered a
perfect specific for Ciittrrih, "tdd in the Head."
iHzzines, Taiuted Preatb mid Catarrhal lieaduebo.
The proprietor, Iir. II. V. l'ierce. of llurlslo, N. V.,
oilers $t01 for u cae of Culnrrh that ho cannot cure
It is thu cheapest and best remedy for that loutbsomo
disease ever ollered to Ihe public, l'nu'l bo put oil'
by your druggist with somo uiiseriible substitute.
If be lias not yel got lr luge's Cutarrh Keinedy for
sale, let bim order it, or soud sixty ceuts to the pro
prietor, and it will rpcb you by return mail.
Por sale by most 1'ruggts everywhere.
llil lo llrri ln'. Young -Men sliuide
to llnppy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. Tue hu
mane viuns of benovolent Physicians, ou the Krrnrs
una Abuses incident to Youth and Kurly Manhood,
sent in sealed letter envelopes, free o charge. Ad
dress IIOWAKU ASitJClATIUN, liox P , Philadel
phia, Pii.
June M, IstiH. ly.
.lv Yokk. Ainrlist t.lli. IMir
Alfiw me t.i call nmr ulti.iiili,,, mv lll l.'l a ii s .
eoillp"nent purl are Ml 'villi, l.o.6 liKt1, IIKH-I,
MOUK uf I'SKIAKi Tl.l Jlucltn. ill vacuo. Juniper
lleriies, b- flislillution. lo form n hue gin. CiiIhis ex.
Imeteil liy displiieemeiil hv litiu oMiiint-tl froui JimiiM-r
llcnirs, ronluiiiiiii; very lillle ( , u small i,,,rn..ii ,u I
soint, aiifl more palalalile tti;in uny now m use. The at- i
live iiorei ties ore lv this nuMle extruded.
Jtncliil. as prt'imiefl hy Ilrocnits geit'cndty. (s of a il.trk
L' Itapfli thiil emus its iriicneiee ; the u'jlioii ,,' i
n fuire i1rtlro)S Ihis (lis ucuve prineiile, leaving a duik (
noil Kllllni'His ileciH'lion. Mine nt the color ol liigrevtieills.
The llucliu hi my pre(Miratinii predoiiiinuti-s ; the smallest !
((Haul try of the olliel. uiielienl ill e inMed, to prevent fer-
mrnliiti ai upon inpt-i-l;Hii, u ivitl he litnilil not to lie a '
Tincture, n'" ih.-iil' in I'Varl'-JueoiHieii, nor is it a rtyi up anil '
llieiefore ean Im tued in ca'cs vyhcre lever o uiHanmialioii ;
cjmsis. In (Ins. you Irive Ihe kii'ivvleilgeof toe uigieiheurs
ami Ihe mmle of piejiaralioil.
tliipilif: llml yiu y lavoijt will a dial, mill that upr-a
inspection il will meet with ynuV apprnluuitm, !
WiU a loelinir ofcutihileiice, i
I uiu, vel y respcctliillv,
II. T. IN'.I.MllOl.I). !
Cle-misl and Drilj;it of IIIYerus' l-:iVHrieiiee in!
Pltiljilelpliiji, uml now l.ietiteil at his I'rug nail
Cheliiieal urehouke, 5UI llrouilwav, New York.
fKroiiithe largest Alamifaeluriug Clieiuisls in the World J I
'I aniaeipniiiti il with Ml II. T. llelmb 'Id l heiiecupird
tli".Urih5 tlore,onp"P,ile ny resnleiu-e, anil was siie'-.eiait:!
iu c miiiieling the lukiiU-SN wlicie olhers lenl not bc'-:u
cijuiilly so tietoie hliu. 1 have been lavorably iinpresswl
Willi Ilis eh iructcl unit enlerpi iw...
Kiim of Powers Si.. Weiiiltliiimt, Maniilai'Utrinit I
Clieiuisls, Ninlli unU.liiown iitii-ets, Plillavtelihl'l.
IIki .mirilo's Kliiio Kutiii r Uui uu. lor u ciknesa ui is-
lua Irnm indiscretion. 'J'ic ealiauslt-il powers of N.uuie
wuich me uecoiuiMUiietl tv so iiumv iilanuin sv'iantoms.
oiuoiig w-lueh will lie found, linlii;.,.ni;..ii To Cxrriinn,
iiuiii .ieniory, vviiketulness, llormr o Uisease,ui Kort-
IsnllllKS of Kvil. Ill liiet. l!niveru:il I jikailml. I'roMi.-ili. m.
and nuit. ilny to enter mlo ine rujnvmeiiis nl society.
I ne l,.iiniuulloil, once intertill wnh Oiganle W eukness,
lequires the mil nl Medicine to strengthen unit nmgnl ot
itic system, which HKl.MllOI.D'sl KXTKAUT III fill!
niviirul'ly does. If no iicatiiienl is uhiiutted lo, Cousuuiu
lion or Insinity eusues.
llia.Maol.irs i luiu I.x iruct Ducuu, in iltlectlons jieeu
bur lo Kemules, It uurliualeii hv unv other lireiuillllhiil. lis
III Chlnrosis, oi Kelentl Painliililew, or Fnipplcsaiiui nl
Ousloinnry Kvueu.ilions, Ulcerated or rv-hinu Slate nf the
( terns, uud utl coniplnuita incident tn the sex. whellier
unsuig from habits of diuiputioh, haprudence m, nr ilia
" . ncm inc.
tlaLMUOLU'S r-LCIO f.lTHiCT liueliu AKD 1.V1PSOVKD
Knit IV'asm will iH.k'-ullv exlnrrHniSte from Hie vmem
ihseasel uilsiaf I rem liatiilsiil ilisslpulloii,athtlle rxieuie,
little oi un ehiint;e iu diet, no Inenuveiiieiiee nr expnsure ;
cninplctely suiterHeilinft: tlmse uiipleatmnt end dungerous
lemeuies, tipaivnand SlerriUVj III all Irese diseases.
I IIsliioi.d's Fluid Kxiaat T Uteuu mull diseases
of (bene organs, whellier rxislmg m unlet Iruiah, liniu
Wlallever euusu onguwluig, Mud no limner nt now I'lnc
sliiiiduia;. It is pleusunl ui taste and tidnr, "immeduile" in
action, and inoreHtieiigtheiiiiig ihuu any nf the pitpunuions
of Huik ui ImM.
Tlose aufTermg froiK broken-down or delicate cnustite
tin, pnaruie tile reiucly nl nne.
The render must lieuwiiie thut, however sliitht muy lie
the uttaek nf the above diseases, it is certain louileel the
boillly lieullh ftlKl llieuUil powers .
All Hie above oi-.i- ieiiilre tie aid of a Diuretic
Ill.UUUOI.D'a l.XTHAC l' litCUU is ihe gieal Diu
retic. ,
Unklhy Diuggislsef'iTy where. Paica Sl.4j per Imtili ,
or a buttled fol HI. Delivered loiui) uddrcsa. Drseflbc
symptnms in all r-nniiuumeatmiis.
Addresa II. T IIK.I.M HOIJt, Drug and Cheiuieal Wnto
tinusa, &llt Itiimdwav, M. Y,.
steel-eiiatuvcd wruppei, with lac-siiuilc ui my t'lietuical
Waiehouscmalsignea . f. ,iKUlut)U,.
Deb. Pith, lr!8.--ili. t
Physician who had Cohauinption for several years,
with frequent bleeding, of the lungs, cured himself
with a medicine unknown to Ihe profession, when his
ease appeared hopeless, lie is the ouly physician
who has used it in his own person, or who has any
knowledge of iu virtues ; and be can ascribe the de
gree of With be now enjoys to nothing but the
use of his Piijioine ; aud nothing but utter despair
and entire extinction uf all hope uf recovery, to
gether with a want of eontldenoeiiiall others, induc
ed bim to basard th experiment. To those sulfur
ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat
ment be confidently believes will erudicnte tue
disease. Price (I iO per bottle or $8 a half dozen,
tent by express. Sena for a circulur or oall on
Db. E. Bori.sTOii JirssoN,
No. 250 North Tenth Mtreet, Philadelphia
Fer sale by 11. Y. Friling, Market ekjuaro, Suu
bury, Pa , and Druggists generally.
May 80, Ib68. ly
0 1. D U 81 A ULTs II n i)
t'ttn r.
Viol Jlnrhrl Slrr'xi,
One door above Sixth, Philadelptfii.
t FcVmsny years this Ktalili.-hmenl kas done busi
ness on the Ono l'rioo Sys:em, mid wo bulievo we
are the only Clothing House in tho city that striotly
ipihercs to thiH principle. Wo have earned A repu
tation which we are proud of, for aod lasto in seleol
good styles nnd siibxtantial uinlerials, and not Ies4
important, for having nil our goods
, We employ the best talent, for Cullers, and our
Uuirfl are of both kinds liishiona'ilo, nnd plain
so Hint nil tastes can be suited, Iho prices are the
Very Ion est. as any one by a moment's Iho'jht inusl
tee. or otherwise wn could not meet the com pet it ion
ol'onr neighbors, for it? no deductions are ever made,
we mini put our prices down to the ndvmitiigea wo
The people piny depend, lh'i ' i1.; Iriio plnn upon
nhich to it nrims. anil manv a dollnr can bo
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
itl4 Market Mlrcet, Philndclphi.i.
Not ep the Comer, but one door above jjijuh.
I). J. TIAIZi:, Mjil.-Niiiitn.
April I. ISilS. y
A ii t'. , Clergyman, whtlti n'-i ling in
Si-utli Amerien as a lui'siniiarv. dlseavend sale
and siinplo remedy tor tho Cure of Nervous Wenk
!'"i'i r 1,f,,,Jr' D'-eusasof tbel.'rinw rl Scui
liiul (Irgnns. nu.l the win tin Irani ot 'disonlers lat ii"ht
on hv baneful and vi.lius habits. Great numbers
laveiieencurel by litis nol.lo remedv. Prompted
J('V' benefit the nlMi.-ted and untoi lunate,
A w iiseiul ihereeipo fr preparing and ining Ibis
niedu me. in a sealed envehq,,,, t t n one wVj needs
It, I liKli ok Ciiaiiuk. Address
tl ,. .K 1st: I'll T IN MAN
Se,d. 12, iw"-':,!;;'''0 l'"".K"-Vork City
IIK iiiiilM.-iimtl iimliti.r niiTniintc-1 1,v il.n Or.
pbuii- Court oi' ANortliuitt.K'rlaiiil rmiViv i,,.iu
ti ittuto the Lnlimce iu the hnniN of lVtur II. Mk s-.t.oi.u
tl Kxoctitjri if Ilt'nrjr iMttwr.ciccunt'Ctl, t wlinui whs
rcfvrrol hiu k hi lorinvr rcr-ori lili tl Auum S,
';!'or coircL'ti-jn nn I tn rfjMtrt th fHcty,"' bri-iv
givi-s "nulioo, thitt ho nil! ultcntl Iu the .lulirut h
aaul ppjioinhnetit nt hi ott. in tho Itumuli t-r
limhurv, nu uttirilnv tho liotb duy of i-'vConibtT,
iHfiS, .-it 10 o'clock -A ."At.
S. V. I!0"-Itf Aii'litol.
ft 7 -j to riO yet Vn n r. t i ! ! '
Dr a (''nniiiaii'ii fr'tn tvli.i u iwirn Hint. n.:t ui;l cjm !c
iiuute hy fclii itj lAll.SI I.MI'KU Ill i'iiho.N
hSK FAMILY :VI(i .MAfllINK, I'klk 3r 1." U(
I'm" "iieill!P" Hll'J Ti-niis M.Kiri'hR
l.r. HOWMtS .V Cl, 3-M S.nlli TI1.1J r-iiivt.
I . !i 'frt Jul. MiilaiJt-l(iiiin, I'rt.
HO !
-Vo propose lo tight it out ou this line ''
Ml K N T S i A (J E N T S !
lsitvlii Miid 'jt'iiHoiuun in cvm y town unil viiy i h
Mnles, lu ct :is j;i-mii! t-r
Austin tt Co.' Ci-eiit Ono Dollar Knio
nf rit-h nn 1 vitliiiililo oo-U. oomiirih ri'dliing luit
tiLful tctu'Ieu witnteii in ovtrr tNinily. Ku-jh nni?
et'iy ailiolu will lit imIU 1'ur "uo Dollar.
Ti Hiiy ier'ii i;liiiij; up eiihcr ut the i'luh-t In-low, )
ho ill j ri'Sfiil n S rch, i'rt'F-i ltttvrn. V'uvu uf i
Slivutiug. linwiiij; .Muohinc, t'rtrpH, &c , (Veeul' .
txtrn cu-sl. Our iiHlureiiKMilfi to Aronl? hiuo ntvs j
l'Cii net rly tioablo tii(i.-o of uuy other Imuo in th j
truilv, inul our largely iucrutisui busirie-'S wir:inl.i
iih in ((iiiinuini; thtj ft me.
Tiike 'hi ticulnr no tic? of (hi Our AjrvnU mo !
nl ifjuii't! lo pay ne ilollur Lv their 'r.'M.'iil-, but
mi'ivi' i lit fame fur thoir err vices in getting up Llul-s. j
ricnt-u ixauiine the falLm iu
Any i-oi-iou uonding lu-a Club of Too, with $L "ill
bJ entilk'J to rui'ivr lor llio mno nny one ol' ll:y ;
tivo hun.rej nrlicU'son our J:X'jhantu Itift. lS"-u S
Tor a I'lub of Thirly. with $-t, Iho peion nill bo
eutiiled lo oi. of tuo lulluwing arlick'.-t, vu :Mooi -(.'liHinn
i'ipe, 20 vnvl !iletichi'l or lirown .iH-etiii,
11 o;i it t Silvfr-iilatuJ 1'ive-bnti lo Hevolving i'ufti ,
I Kiitii'v Ih tt l'liUuin, 1 tbir.'ii e.ttra OjUuIity Cottoti
iio?u. i Hiiey V-oioi oj i:a tiireau, i i;-.-to I'd
lllllsK l.ililu eover. 1 .Morocco Allium Kit) il"lrn.
All-Woiil C.'i?iiiKTO lor pants and Vert. I piiir I.mlii-s
cr(re 1'iiiirnss Lools bcrit iinnlity, 1 ilozcn tine Linen
Towel.n, 1 luro i-izo Wornted Shawl, iisdius' long
tiohl-.rituil t'lKiin. sAcf.iiil Ladies' Morocco hoi
jinK line with lock mid key. Set uf Jen rli y with
f-li'i-Mi Kulions tu Miiti'li. I Violin a:d l?.i'v.' 1 d,i7.
Miirt llcAiins. I White .Marrilli-s '.'uilt, I Llcj-unt
Ll:u-k Wnlnut Workbox or Writing llcsk.
Koi a I'lub of Filly, rtilh I pair nil u,.l
JJlaiiKi H, .'!) ynrris line Cii.-iini'ic IV.r l'lint anil 'ef,
I bl.'i'.-k or ciillorcd Aliiaca Iirci l'utlern, I solid
old Siiarf I'in, I pair tjieuts1 I'iiII' llootl, ill) yards
Hliache l ur llrown CheL'ting, 2 yds doubre width
Cloth lor ludioii' t'luaks, i I ur JIulV or Onllur, 00
yd l'rint last color, 1 lnuiiio '1 liilnd r-la I , I plain
poplin lireMi r.-illrrn. I clrgmit ii.i-bottlo heavy
I'lated t.'ntor, t pnir lleut.s' Whilo .Shitis, genuine
Meortcliuuiii 1'ipe iu eniitt, t set uf Luce L'uiiaiiis.
i'or a Club ol" One Hundred, null til). - i heavy
silccr-plrited eugravud loo liloller, u'll yds Jlleached
or Hiuwu .shiictiui;, 1 rich Merinu or 'Unhid I k.'."
l'altcru, 1 set id' Ivory handled Knives and i'orkg, 1
pair superior White Wool iiluukut. 7 J yards all -wo .1
r'ancy Casimoro fur suit, elegant Ueiu': l'1'-'3
rattern, I Ladies' or'vienl'' Silver Jl unliiitr-easf
Watch. I Lucon's six-barreled 'tevolvcr.Silvei'-platuii
engraved six-hottlu Lavolvini; l asior with mil frluss
bottles, Fino Wool Cloth I'or Ladies' Cloak, yards
liviup Carpeting, pair lino !aiiiask 'fable cloths
Napkins In nt.'itcu.'i heavy lloiievcouib QuilH, I Hurt
ll hand portable .em' Aiaehine. 1 Wool Long
Miaivl moo Fur .Mull and lipe, I pair t-icnlj' I'rcucli
Calf Hoots.
For a Club of Five Hundred, niih ?''!.-- 21 yards
elra Woolen CinpefiiiK. I elegant iluiiting-ei'"0
Watch (Wallhuui, wan nnlc 1 i nc. year.) I elegant
t'tiaiuber 'et black walnut Iriir.tuiitgs, 1 hnircloth
t-pring S,fa.
i'ot a Club ef One Thousand, with f 100 "0 yards
111 ussels Carpels. I I' sci cuiiiplelo, I ladies' o"
tienta' lliintiiig Hold Watch and Chain, 1 complete
set uf riuh r'ablc Fur.'.
For larger or smaller Clubs wo will give a present
uf iiropririioiinto Vali'e.
gems or customer'. io:iy nl rliy time inake a selec
tion i f goods from tho I 'j rhan'c List, and by send
ing lino 1'ollar for each article, havo the goods for
warded to lliem, without Ills', or Jcriiig chscl.s ; but iu
tuch cans no premiums will bo given.
Scud largo iuuis of inouev by l'raft on Nuw York
ur lliwloii, or by Lxpress. We will p.ay lixchaiige ou
all stuns of $2j oi uioro. Suiuller sunis should be
sent by registered letter or by postal money order.
It will bo impossible le b"U) limliey "enl in ciiher of
tU ubovo ways. Wo will not bu roipous'blo for
im.u, y lost, unless sent as above directed. Seo that
your iolturj oro properly directed and stamped, lis
uo lultcisare forwarded uuless prepaid. Write fuur
address iu full, Town, County Mid State.
Agonts) wanted fn every Town ami VilldK'
No. 106 Bummer Street, BOSTON, Mass
l)oi). , 'ti It.
would oall the attenliou of th publlo, and bor
customers gcaurally, to bar Urge and net assort
ment of
lillF.&S UOoil.S, eoDsistiiig of Poplins, Da Laiues,
Keps, As , at ruduoed pnots.
W IHTr; J001S, including a superior article vf
Extra quality of .Muslins, Ilrilliugt, Viae yianunls,
Canton Flannels, Balmoral Skirts, Sbanls, Hoods,
Wiguu, llaiip kirlsuf all situs aud qualities, U lores
of all doscriptions, including a very superior quality
uf Ladios' and Uoutleuton's Silk Fleeoe, Lined and
Cloth U loves.
Ladies', Mimes, and Uhildrea t Marino Vests,
Childreo'i Wrapt and Hoods, Ladies' Zephyr
blanket Shawls of the latest styles and patterns
Hosiery, Ilibbeui, Trimmings' and Flowers.
Laces, Btamped Oocds, .ephyrt and Yarus, Tuw
eliug, Napkins, Quills, Table Linen, Usui's and
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Soaxls, Mull Tassels,
fancy boas,
Terfumery, and Toilet articles generally, and a
tai ne rarieiy of Notiuns and Fancy Artiolet.
The above roods are beld at the lowest prists.
Cll and see Ihein bsfure aoiiig elsewhere 1
at. L. LAZAHV8
Suubury, Nor. 28. 16S.
B1K-D CAGES, 11 different kiuds. If you want j
good d chaap Eird
LA 7, AH US & cTui'lUS'
PL'UFKC M: I) S l'C 7 'A Cl KS,
')r "L11'1!"1 I"1 ",,!,, ('',"r" f their Agent,
Mr. T. S. Slnsnnon, Jeweller, Sunbury, Pa two
days only, Tunday and Wcincliiy, tiecciube'r 22,1
and 2Jd. Ho attends lir( the purpose of nssipUng
Mr. T. S. Shannon, iu in..n the Fye In flfhcult or
Usual cases.
'! hose sullering ftotn iuap lired or diseased vision
ure rcoomiiicude 1 to utaii llieui-eives ot this oppor
tunity. Our rpoclucles Mid 1'yc flushes arc acknowledged
to be the n'.ost wi lect a-si-tancc losight ever manu
factured, mid can always be roliod upon ns all'or ling
prrleel ease nnd eonil'orl while rirengilicning and
pirsemiij; iho Jyes most liioroughly.
Vo lake occn.-it'n I t lo-iify Ibo Puhlie lhat wo em
ploy no perllic s uti I lo V.rtiiMoit them against
those pretending lo have our goods
lot sale.
November 7!?,
i V ifitie tit miiiiy writn Vcti I
ii lltinnlifi I iiul
ci Hilly . l-i me d lri''nt. WV, ltt iti'il tn rul ln ;i!r
n thr t i H.'i.t 111 1 in Hi 11 'Hi; h rnntmr , 11 fAl'
rittV,Um '.ii il.iy il Dill ImMIM;!,, IV, HI -mm-n'cl
.ck 1'. y , tin lt.!n. i! f ,iruirit , Ik l! :
Alt ll'ti 1 1 In Mi 1 'I I mil. n;I'j:iu in ( Mllitfdil tVli
li i, Nnrl Itiinibi-ri;iii4( j uiii y. n ;il Suilr i IViuiKyh tnilii,
lit'iHidtil uinl ilcnTiiiftl iiN t. llt-w'n, in wit; Uritniii'C til a
i tii-, OiriM-i- t;y l.ilnl i-f l):iv'ii-( !til'tii:in, HI ri;:ht nf I'lillip
j Mnv--r, iiiirih i-ini ci iliiy-lhrt'i; tV-jifrt, wrt-t Iwe-nij-tnio
(icicf:"? s.o u Rlniir l.j iipj 'r Kt i-, llu in r () l Uv Binie H"Ul li'iir,ini, inc.ijn:illtr iicp rffB, m rt vrnly-lln e
! i-tii. k i. 11 , ln.t I'lil;, t':Miri ly IjikI nT HciitMifim ll-iiipt,
! K. nth r.i;:ritrti 31 til litre ;ii:iMtf ili-tftct i.. rn.-l leu imIk'
t stnt , Ihoncr dy InnO I'nvitl liiilnimi. in riuhl nf
flu .slum ,M(ivtr, north ft-Vt-iitv live mnl n Imll I'tiiu-fn
ninet v-itin- pTi-in.-. .'ti:il nnir-icfilU? ttihMii'. Iliriii c. by Lint)
.l'.t.'it l.r.V'n. noilli ciklitj tlr(jtrr, weal llinl: p,r-;h'i
mitt unit iciiLno l" pl.H'i-r lii'i- hit;, cniilntnuili tivcucu-B
ntnl iiiiH-ly-llirci? jn'n'li' ut.d tti s v-i m.- t.
A I Alt tint Intel uf iliit';iU-d Inn,, iftniliiininij fnriy
U) iic-rfft oi' Intid cihi.itt' 111 t'-uti It.wilfclnp, iNiiillnnnhcr
liiliit ioitiilv,n!j.nimip l;i!nlsj'l A. I .nU t-ti, mrvr ij iti t in:
IlillU'.'! .I.lruh Wtikei, nttj inititt llli' ni C:imickmi
lWMflilt) 0,1 the Vnitli. IVttr WtiScI vt lliu win I aad
Alti::nl on (he h tuli vim.
Al -Tinted lui 11 wti'.nn linli" Ut pict.r nl" rmniil,
niUmtr in Hi It ironed l SuiiImii y. NhiIIu'ii.thmIhh I oiun
l iimi !ihi-- ultiietuini, luntlnl it-nl dfirtil'i'il I'M hill'iWd,
viz : hi tho r it hy prop-riv nt I ;!,Z'il t!'.li Mullen, mi tiic
Wfttl hv pi opcriy of JnM pli 1 stei , 'ii l:o frt ul ti h) J r
iik'iU lii;it khriry, n-'W t httnul slti-i'l, mnl mi Hit north
hy :ni mley, 11 U ihi Hie wt-sttTii tinlf ol' M li'iinhf red on
lIu'liiiifTiti plnii nt llnr Uotoiikih l Sitiihiiry. Hhifinul, ;ipj
I l itimiiKM om Ini'idrril fm l mm - I liri f ( l';.'l),1Cuiitniiuiig
mi irom ,, w,,,! ithikfif rr , ':w I'll- ninnl lret Unity
(itti) lert nn.l n, , Iw,( llri.)f ,ll(ti tlirly .u,) ivvl ;
vvlM-tf.iu ifii.TiHiiuinrj amiii hn'l l y dvhini hi ujw.
A I I 4 Ui ,fc,. tW( i-MiiliiiuoiiK I its. ..1 .Mund. cilniilr
ill I In l!.T-i'ijh .-r Simlmrv, mUi;iUmmi I in foMTIi eilSI clnlT
! Crniihi.Trv mi "kv-h ftm: :is t xlrmh d, 1 .u li o" Wild
''a '-: 'I ,r,V iff! mi i, I'u'vil Hurl ;ind ouo
Inindit d iiml litlhit'c I 1 im'i.-iI! alme CViinhinry
lrvr ti rhffiiiut ui.i . mnl Kti'. m imnihrr ninf
.-iiitl luii (ll'J to M;i6.icr'i idi!iii..u ti M10 U i-.iIi ui Sun-
A'l.SO - AM lh m' three e niku .., ,., iscuut,!;, ,l(,it
III litl U TiL'V'ltol, '-'il l- tiWsiiiii, N,iil!:'t!iit crI:ilKl
i-.noily, :nl tiU tf rfniiv iv.i'ii.i In m-; 1 .u ituuiUiT out)
(1). tw-t 'jj. nti'l til'-.; :t in I) men;-, i s-vt-taj -( il.t
171 in lUr uinfi:il -:nii fitl in n nf I k vtii t"H. (ii
mm ui!: it'i' i vrit y fi vf i--1 .-i inH n Mm r.ft nittei hhJ
i -tie liutitln-tt ;i!il lift V Ir.l :t !-'!! 1-i llnili'-i slfftl.
A l.S A n-it;i n l"l oi y r. in.!, it Mi- tn i!u- t"vu n(
S!i:oiiiililn, I'umiiy .'I' N-'i1 liuliilitT.fiinJ impI rt;iic ol l'enn
m lviiuiil. heni hl tiiiinlitu 'i in hi rW No 1 v. I'imuIihh iu
''ilth Mt rt T uml h-'iiinlt-tl on ill n mi'L I'V "' iiiiiiiIht "tit;
( I ) inul ni I lit ui Till hy lot iiu:n!'ii thrt-t- o'M in n;iuif Idouk,
iiul n:i thi v'M I im nMey, ctiittiiiiiini; 'te tvtl in lH'nt
anJ tVt'l i ii iSfplil.
ALSO -l. il iiuniircr six, in block nut n her one hiimlrcJ
.nit f.-vi'ii. iti tviuif town, luNlinff on Filth hired, Hint
It-itiixlr-l on the hiitih by lt iiuiniiei hee, in Hiine lil-H-k, (-it
tiieejsr f C::irli livn, ami on the north , hit mtnihri
fr'rn, in tliu f uni lil:cJ, eont.iniuii; t wetity-tive ) icct
in t i.'ht -uul lect in OeiHli-
I A I. St I. i liilinl.ri (tn, in hlit-V nnniher ewnty--''!if)
7), in the town ol TiMVintoii, in rrhc toviislii', C'onii
j tvn'l Stale nlon-tciiil, lioiiii ii; on Mmkct sii' t-t, iirtsant
town, uml h 'limit it on Iti'? Wr-t l.y l't nuni'ter iiine (H),
I uml on (wn e-i-.! Iv li t tmiti!ir t'li vi-n. in wiiiir li!ofk.:onl n
! lie norlu ty h'uiin-Mil nt r-f , v-oniutniri; i w fiiiy livt t'i-t in
! r nt ;oi! oiit liiii.tiiL- t uml t ei.ty -tr. c ill drrj'lli l-j
, ttiiilroud tiirrt1..
j A I.SU l.ui iiumdi-r t v'let ( !?) in hl v k ii'JiiiUr r
'fevnitv-eijjtil, in Fiiil town ( 'I'tt-Voil mi. ltohUnt en
' Aliokil utreel imi hoiii.'inl liy lo. iitiinln't rU-ven i thi
! wt'ht ioi hy hit in m'fr tlrr t:r. urn I In- r.t-l, i;i sjiiin.- Ii'ork.
' mnl l-y li';ini":nl s'ieel ii I )i-not i Ii, lunm; tvtnly-li e
i iVet miroiii inul 'ine iiiuidretl mnl twenty live feet in tl' i'lli,
! to I'mfri'tiil meet.
I A I.S( ' A ei'i lain I met ii' l.iml, Mlu.itf in funn'ron Imvn
! clini, Vithuni!.erl;niil em nty, us r n ;il :i fal!'ii wlme
o:ik ; tiit'iiee hv i;iait kit. .tl t Ail-u'.i '''iinKli il, h -u'Ii
i uiiiy-lor ) ret-, eui iw' J;Ju-lieil ,in 1 uilitv - inn; ;nnl
I ti. ittnt'i. (ji'. lies Ui Fione ; liitln:t:h ol Jolm in Kit -;
!i;i;i unrlli imit'lrcn nnil a in ill" -! i ttn, vn f xl v-tioie nnd
seven Ifiiih- (i-iehci lofl'Mi:; t-uiii r:;: :i 'imr th-atrtv
e;it, hiiv-live p-reli.-s lo htoiieii, Uhmc p i latiitut en.ia
null l. rk, .n riRht "I l.'.miii.t I'oMtr. a.uili cviity.Uv.
I'fklirti fit-tt 5III-'lVt It I It 1 I.Hir fl.H
pi-rrltrs l U pobt
I hriu't! hv liii'.tl oi Ih'itMini.i I'm), iii njiii oi Cin Imn ne
Isipi, juirth fit-veil .( j!i,,,s -;iM l'"rtv-tiino t' r.ti t to
toiif ; Hit-life I'V liiii'l 'i IMMMp UiitittrtlitTkirr ii"iili m-vchu -IWd
liffifcpj. v t our luiit'.lrtjil :i-ii nun: - 'Uti e iin.l t litre
H iillis -n i'in1? 1 1 fi'i:. . m dll' hlilfeli irul u i;U M : r ih-jirc:"),
Wtet i'lil r..f 1-1 . toi'l 'li;lll tfiith w rln t- lit ;i
iiikI il"ili rij;lilj-t:iii'' mnl tti .jiitii'iT tl' irrrs, wcki
huiMlrtjil mut !:!' nii-J Six tJnth pcu lu-5 hi l!n i 'Mt utic,
fiui.iiiuiiiU' tii'K-'j -I vvo :ifit-t iiml I'ue hun-'ii-.l iokI I'.'ttv-t!irt-P
pt-rrln a uml nll'.v.':lic-i', s.i." , tiA't-n ;ict t'f
wlui'h n'f I'lfiiif'f..
ALSO Ai 1 1jLst ctti'iiii lol ! r.iioi.l, ntuti.'il In the
H'trtm-ih ot" ?'!!'hiry, t'oioi'y ( .V-uliMtnht rlmtl imiH S::hj
ol rfitimvK'ioiiii, Ii-mV v toi'l i.lry-'i iiml .i i'tfll- f, t" . il :
On the t'fiit hy'My 'i' J. U K.iK-r. on ihe nomli hy
Mai Ut't tt ei, 'ii tiiu w .v. I. p t ri ! I!tii.iiiiu 7,ttte.
itiovi-i . a in I on the ii-rl I) hy : i i ;t!U y, ini"i;ii'ii; Hi lniil n
Mltl Mm sift irfi-t Mixiy ititi) iV ft, nun in tlt,nh tV-i hun
lielrinil lloily i'W) lr-I, iv hf rfmi ;ift t-rftrlt-.i ti I w Blory
l"C Iti til f.' Mini kltriiftl itttiii-li-tl,uml it M:il-!f. S'liil tl Neln-i
miiiilicrrtJ U)'Hi i lie m io-riil ylm i-i liiv It 'louyij oi unl ui ,
its lot uiimtjci fni ty-totir.
ALSO The uiitlivith'il ha''" n.t .. iJI th.-it c-crtntii tract
ol l:iiul, Miua'e in iiit"t towiiotiip. oiti(iiiiil)fi!iiiul cihiity,
Slutf t IViillSylVilll!.!, llOllllih-ll illl-l lUiiTlht-tl UH folli'W :
.A'ljotiiiMK lunti" f Jt-Petf MiHtTtMi the ti iiilli-c:iil, lionljit
Ui'iue Kcim oa ihe ui )i Cuuluiioii; ul.yul ucrtJ
inn or lean.
A All I-. t'vo liiiiin l 't.if prruii'l, l-K'sitf l ittid
Mlu:tlrU in the iMrorrh oi Mt. CiniiH, on Hie c-ibt title ti
nir-'ct, li '.Vffi! Mouiit t':tiiii-:l f'.rcet iuiif St-o'i..! strict,
h-Mimk-J on Uu ii nth by lt now or htfly i-t-r-jij; i;i t.
J ikiiIi.oi Khnsrr. uml on thfHnth hy I 'I mwi Liieiy
hvliviiyu1 ui tU;uih l lltibfi, jii Ihe.CiMiuyoI .Nuitliuiuiter
l.i. nl, un'l ?:nti- oi lViiitvlv:Hii:i. f;i'h o nul I 'le i 'i:l:itu
iii,! in ii 'iil "ii O.ik ulret'i twf niy hvf (Jj) ttet ami oai n
niir one he ml ml inul hiiy (tiiitj tVet I" :i twe ilv-live oil
tt nle bircei. enileti A'i!j'uect, aiiul Mh niiinhf ral
ii the i..n. th I ol' h.o-l town ot Ml. i iinwri ;s nuniUr
mxlfeu"(lti) 'mt' Keivi.tff.i (i; in hlortt No. . ; vvtieieou
ioti eifcuit 1 l No. 1, a Hv'i bI-tv I'm i' "t sioie httiise.
u.tti on I l No jtiii two Mlory luiiit- tiWf inX h'Uiae iou1
kUii.-ii', Iff i im tlu- Mii.f l"t ni'f!iuiiil .vhifh AmUfW Kim
Her .'il wile hy li.fir tkc. I:tiuic t i "h t'nv ! Mnch.
A. L). lti'J; i' 'iu -.ytJ tiitt.t Jon i 1.. ISuiu, ho htu-i an t
;iRt,iH t'oif vtr. ,
He. ftl, U':en i'l rxffiiiion, A " h. : "1,1 (hr propt-itv
n' S'i 'lll-M I?, li.lit-r, John li )l'l, . I. loul , .h'IKIK
I.. StllM', J"'. i' ilo.'-ill. I. V. It 'tlll'.llh, ll llllllllH'l 1 Oi'
J:n'"h I. Iv-ihiLi.-Lii, "ittci.'.Kcil, iiiiia;i liiiii iiml Joint 11.
W'v i-r.
Al.M it ecrlaui I'm'! ol' hi ml. biti'ale in Armpit
ill it jM itiait-iy ttwhtii(ii. Noriluiinherliiiiii t-..'i'itv, lVni.
Ivuiiki. h iiiiiUfil notiii l y ; fastwur.t l.v l.tmi ui
w.iiiniiii t- iiiiiuuof Piuiifl l.t vv ; I'liitlivviirit hy l.nnl in
Wiirrunlee nioiie oi John Swim li-irt ; istwiiol hy hunt hi
Hie w;ii rmitee name of Willutm L'tUJit ;-urvftil on
r;mt Mi Hie iiiinio oi John Urwutl, J;itel lf. inht-r '.th,
1 ;!:, f.niiauiuiii three liuuln-l uml tuiuty-livf uil one
louilh lie it! hIImwiiik'h . one uiuli viJcil hali'-iiwL oi ail
llmt certmi : r.tft oi Uo.-l in the lowiialii,isi ol A ti lt i; : it uml
Miilmnoy, tu'iTi-sui'l, h'luinlt-t, north wartl hy In il in the
w.iunntee nioin; ot DHuttl levv iokI II -iirv I) mu:I : eaj-t-
W itt t V I'lil'l ii! Ititi w irrntlft! nuineti f John lcvu t untl
J lin Swoif I'.iri ; -nilhvtil hy 1'onl in Ihu WJriaittf
iiuim-l oi John Snm Iiul iiml l.oilf II unlet ,iiml wv twaul
hy iiiiul in tlie wariantet iriuiea tit Jatmij Hunter Hut!
lluulel I'van. tun v- i-ii on u wuimiiI til llie nuiiif ot Wil-
I iimn lU'wrni, iti'ftl, ttie ?;iy 1 Decumoi-i, ITtH, mi l
fontaiiiing lliifsj uuiUlLit nnd rv.iilj -eight iitii l uml l
j loW.tllff.
! feist .l ii itit i e kuenlioa, tout t h'j koW an tlio rru
I Jieity of tieniue ApuU.-y.
! A 1 .St ) All that ' eiiuiti lot ir iiii-etof utouiiJ, Mnute, in
t Mie lhiiitunli o(" NiirihunihiTlaml, NonlMtiiiln iiaml cnuniy,
nmi State o! I'tannvlvaaiii. in the piau oin-inl Hhioiij;Ii, .Nn.
6I I ''umlti', iiil.wrinl ' Kiiik il Mmket tr-;t't ; on thu
; iKiriiiWfHi iy i-t :o. ;u, ui an Aiifii a. jo , on ine immiu
j east hy ttn toot nlicy, nul ' the kouilirast hv u ktieet
! e.illcJ Noiitiway. f ouiuiiniif! in I rout, on Km ulieet, tuiy
ieet, uinl in tk-pih oioj hiiiith tl maj i'iatity 1ft-t, m ne or
i huii, whereon u em-lulu i irk uml kkJcu 'I'jvcru
1 lloiue, it liniue h tm ui-tl olliei hiiiMinua.
i St'ii'.rtil, tiiki-n intii t M-ciiliiin, ami l' !ti H'i' I r ll.f pm
I lu'ity ot Jolm Nenhitl und i'cifi 0. V'iil, luit 1 1 Iruihng un
j Neihilt A. IL -If.
I A, l0 All iht certniii lot oi nit tf lot or pift-e ol
j cro.iml, miiiiiifin the. lloionuli ot Suuhiny, 'ounty 'f
', N.'i iLumWrliiinl, nnJ r-Uluol rfimaylvauia, h.uiuiil '
the enr I hy !! . i 1 1-) une humhtxl ttutl twelve ; on tlie
-u(!i t-v tlnp ot liind o( iii i I Koniml Ik-Ihi j;.ii t' - i
1 -ntlon the H f.t l y or I iu of t.'lmih Ofi.tht-r ; muf m lhi
j liorih hy Dewlieriy itif-t, lw -Mt'li wireel, vni.nuiiiK "
' Wl.llh, on trcc t, tifVeiily-lwo (1-2) let t , ami iiMlr-'Ui.
' ru t imiruk-l with lot No. .nu hu.i'lrt-.l ami lwei
( tll'Ji; wif-rli aitnl lot oi k"UiI waieoiivi'Vilii bim jjiiu
""siyiis '"?". "' ;. ,
II tJ . .....1 ,.' ilft'll. IK-tlllM.'i
ilate. the 6ili ilny ol
Heed HKik.J.J. Mff47, in Iteaisler lei-"ru .---lor
ihe County ol N.iriliuinlrlaiid, ni,eilier, with an ano
' ' ..." III.
sineulal , .Ve , A c
teueil, taken int.i execution,
, pi lie sulil the pio-
perly id Jaieil IIioikii.
,.., f l.evail Kaeias, win l
..U .1 .limine lline anil ,'. If ''i'Le'iUia.eln'.h'J
Itor.iiiiili am I .lU.iiy N , ,hrrt! IUU(I,
A I 1 ' II)- inue
. T J"..' , n?.) ' la'aed .m the northwest by lot
and eielity-six ( tjl) , '"'J'," hly.B, (3k5) ; ..n the north.
east l.y Miia 3B7), and ou tlie soulhwesl by
Jit lioiilsoii K oiit si reel and is lael by twenty.
I Lh l.ell.. r will. lh l"l ol niou.ui wheiomi the tame is
lie! lid liiiJ so much other ground loimcdiatcly odjacnt
"'fcizl. taken inin raeiuuou, aiul lo U t.-M ai Ihe pro-
rf W"'"" DAMEL CLCKLtV, SiwnrT.
Buubaiy, December 3ili. Ii.
ALL and sue m.e beauuful liird Cages at
new Hardware store of
WATCfc M K If K D tl.VlTl I ! .
Corner of TliiM tro-l anJ Marltnt Hiinre. iu Mil
bu'i Stone ItiiUding, SUNBtHY , P A.,
of Uii iiiwt celubriUefJ mnkr's( ftvin-jlxtlni' nf II-?
Hownrtl, Ap U'..n, Truer 4 C , Wallbntn, liMrtl;,.,.
W. lillery, nnd all K"""1'S of the Klpn lli tntikv
A1to. uui- Aont Y; Mm relobrnleJ. VAVL fllU .
TON U.ibl :iuf Silver Ctwe, nt .m jMioi
of rnlirely now deriKn. golM (Silver Tibln rml
Ttjii Spoon, Gutter 1, uivr. I fnkn, Citftori", l
ritnhor. I ruit nu Cnke UnakaUi. Syrn(,.
Alugs. Jtutltr IUhet mni everything '
in thu ..rvrwiiij linn at iw
A Hu-i stiM-k of iSk RiiiRt. AIm a fii-i
of (l.ilfl nn-i Jut J on-dry of nil dfc&orii'tmn. kIJ
nr.a tailvtirC'liatm, at Ion vov.
Finn O.iM Vviin indrM, .VTWor un r,ub,Pi Cwt
nl thectilffbrnlo.i iuka by UulViuan Mnl Kuwmt
A full lUYiirtmt-iit of B tXty knj -ii) icut Clocks uv
Also iSoltj Agf tit for Ihr c leorrtteil 1ViT..r-U". -i.t.
tiiole. Wffnti.'d t", pivu MiUraution.
AVntchoH, Clocks unit Juwoliy iu,uii-ctj ni:d war
All urJoM romjtly uUenicd to nt thaahuiltsl ui
Sutibiny. 5 (t. b, ISrts.
aiiilIe:iroiiS S'litnl-li'ii;
tii:nH'a vr t umii: M i'ttiii:,
l.'iriiiiiiting of
ttliioli hino hnvn -t'loolfil froui llm lnrgost anil bifst
(alnblinliuieiits in .Now Vvrk iimi Pliiladui i-iiU
tA frunerul a.iortiiicnt of
N'lvkliut, Collars. C'raiil, cf the hitist stv!u.
lpino Ii.irnl.'i Wool roller Jackets.
HillUTS nml !?.
' AWEU3, a large a.'.-ortuisBt ot
tlio boat iiu:ility.
A Inrgi' vaiiuiv uf GLOVIM of every stylo mid
qutiltiiy, frnu thu ll:ill ltruoni ilown to iho lnliurii)
itiHi s, un.l mauy elhur Brlioles fur tit'Utltiuien's
rti'iu. w
S'iiio I'rt'iitU Yoke stilrin untile to
liiiviiig roctireil tLe survives f tbe best workintti
lit tho citiu. (rnrr.'rits will bo liiiiiin up to oritur
which cinnot be excelled in noy city in fit, nr quality
of koiJs.
0 c nil f in on nro jtiirticulnil.v roqiiotLpJ lo oall tiuil
fso tbogooilFi uinl work before 1-iiroliri.siii
Sun'.ury, Oct. .'i, 'Vi. 'J liOMAS 6. NOTT.
1-t. A. T O JST 73
urn M
KOLE MANL'l'ACTl'KLnS .1 I'llOrRlLI'lH;,
Oftlco, No. 20 Sjiith Dcnt'iirc Avcruo.
'i'l.e above Manure has hern before tlio Axrioul
tur:d publie f.r fifteen years pa.-d, under one name
ni.d piopi ietiiHiip. nnd niw lias an eflabliched nnd
iaro. uiinuul sale throii;houl the country. And lie
a perfect .substitute for l'eruwan tiuauo (atlurded
at. one LhI t the co..) it has been ailojiieit by agricul
turalist of knnvn intellitri'iieo nnl dixeritninntinu.
Jwif WHiranled not to exhaust, the soil, but on the
contrary to pel inanj i,tly iniprnvo it. The sales now
amount to many l;.otiiriiid ion.r . annually, mid Ihe
I.KMlinos for i: C uiittfr.cluru ate extousivo and com
plete. The iile.vo rianuros arc furuUhed iu both bags and
barrels, whichever eustiirncrs prefer
The bags aro uuilorut iu n uiglit 160 pounds.
Tlio attention nt farmers is ojpeeially directod to
tho I act that the sources of the lUw Alaturial of
which thfl above manures are composl, are so well
under control that we ean tarnish theni of Iriotiy
uuiloriii iiualiiy and condition, and they oou
tain :t larger percentngo of iiuunoniu than any other
clasi of uianuliicliirod uiauuies in the Luar'iet.
20 Eou'.h Delaware avenue, Philadelphia,
llao tijjhost cash priue paid for all kiuds of
Novcuibor 2S, Uii.
Joseph Eysler, .
I'ornor of Market tint: Fourth Street.
BUSH U K Y , VL X N ' A .
lut lies tlio publio to call uud eiainino Ms elegant
assortment of
Fueh an Table- Liucns. ljotnestics. Doyliei, 1'owfI..,
aud Domestics ol every duacriptiou at thu veiy low
est prico.
O S S I -vr. 33 K s.
IS i H ! . lvliiinrs. l,awhs. C! ttiglinUif, i'ulicoe-j. M u-tllua.
s'lieftiii, Ti"'kiiis, Jctms, untl a lull Ujsitiicut vf
Lot toll tiui Woolen oiiii gUieiiUly.
lft.sii.ry-, (ilove-, lioop MiirU. Alio Jlttiudkcichiu!-,
I!i u.ihos, Couiba.
Jii-j k.oi t incut vl goj g will nut, hu U euro Inil tu
ile:to thu ittiicy nnd guit the wiiiiU uf any desiroui
uf iiurc-Hin. 1 L in slock uf
nn 1 (iroeeritu ii larjro in uiintity ii'l choice iu
tiialily. tiiiipri.-in geiu-rrtlly crrthi;g uucvled i".
Ihv houavholii citlo.r use or oruMuent.
(lu is iti WHY reuUy unU kU'1 lo i-ee hi I'riituls
nj inkes letturo ui ohowint; llicm hi oods ovn
though nu tfula urs iu.iJb. liu unly -k-i a valland
Is ;iro that hi n-to- k will con).iru favorubly iu
prico aa.l tiLiuMty with thj chenpevt.
Sunbury, Nov. 2,
Miss Louisa Shissler'e,
MA 1! K E T ti rj U A It E .
Luiiot' aud Missus' HATS and BONNETS,
lu imiaoute rarieiy.
Millinery Uoods aud 'I'lliuuiln-i.
French and American Klbboiis, Lsoei. Handker
chiefs, li loves. JLtoiery. and a general asurluioDt of
Ladies' Millinery lioods, nhioU hare beeu selected
with great caro.
Iji-uls t ollnris. .ot'LOf taloTfn, .Vo.
Kvery variety will be found tu leloet fruua, at
Jf'liKKATE riiil'ES.
ciunbury, Oct. 17, ltti.
Cull and see Ihe well tfleoted Stock uf
Just received at
T (t ? '
j'rv- Cf
Fourth Street, lelow Kynl.l t Btore, SL'KCl KT
iT the most approved stylet is made up to cider nl
reasonable rates. -
llo hat also a tine assortment of Carsiuiere Ktiirut,
Drawers, L'udershirts, Overhauls,, Neck'
ties, Cotlou aud Woolen liose, tiurpeuderi, lliuud
korohiofs, li loves, aud a general variety of
Uire him a oall, wbiob you ! mi l it te ke
your aJvsnls
p'unburv.tlol 24, leC3.
fllKKE can I (fit the bfc-l picture' tt hy nt
IS M I VfM. ef CfUrill A! ir- tn Ui 1st)
and Judge iSr younlf
eT-' l jT777 o (
V AaV fc-ea m i