tonbnrg merieau H. D. M1S8XS, Editor ft Proprietor. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1808. EDITOBIAL COBRESrONDOBMOB. Philadelphia, Iec 16, 1SG8. The Qualitr !ity, at .present, in nil tit Trard appearances, '! km air-rtf qnivt rapoao, politically and coDimcrciaNy,Tet'pt among tbe retailers, who are busy in tupplying tbc want, (and they aro numerous,) of thusp who arc preparing for tlio holidays. Tb interchange of Christmas proscnts Ss a cus tom to firmly rooted and well established that it hat almost as iuhcU force m inexora ble law. It it, moicover, a custom that kaa much to commend it, at it engenders good and kindly 'feeling, to y nothing of Chriftirolzrng inffnenoow. . la regard to politic, pernaps mire nuvvr waa a greater calm. The lending politician and tbe knowing ones are all in n bad way, politically, owing to tbe continued silence of Gen. Grant, who seems to enp ms own counsel in regard to bis Calsinct aud the policy of bis ailniinintrution, as he did before tbe election, when bis opponents urged tliat his reticence was a matter of policy. Mark Twain says that tbu General's only answer to tbe numerous questions put tn him is, in variably, "Let us have peace," and the im pression is almost ntnvoran'I that when tbu General says "Let us have ponce" be means that wo shall have it, and tlio sooner tbe Southern fire-eaters make up their minds' to submit to law t'.nd order, aud behave them selves, the better it will be for them. It U a roost singular fact that everybody seems satisfied with the election. Andy Johnson's Message Cuds but little favor; eveu among his former supporters. A mutual friend, a Democrat, conversing with Judgo Black, this morning, asked him iflio did not consider tho lail Measugo o gnod one f Tbe Judge elsook his bead. 1 sug gested that no one would accuse him of hav ing written this Message. The Judge re plied that he was obliged to acknowledge, uudcr oath, before the Committee, that ho had a band in the Veto Message, on recon struction, but lie could freely swear he had nothing to do with Andy's Inst Message to Congress. As an evidence of H ospevity lire,as every where else, real estate is rapidly advancing, and more buildings aro going up in Phila delphia thnu ever. I was pleased to hear that the prospects for tbe early completion of tlio railroad now building, fium Suubury to llazleton, is more favorable than ever. TosTMA8Tiut Geneiial Randall states that the postal revenue for the last year wai $10,292,000, and the expenditures ?22,'I30,. 592, being au excess over recuipts of $0,437, t(91. Ascompared w ith last year, the receipts have increased 6 per cent., and the expenses 13 per cent. Tlio estimates for tbe uext year.are fixed at $24,540,-113 for expenses, and $17,800,000 for receipts, leaving a de ficit to be supplied by appropriation of $0, 740,413. 383,470,500 postage stumps were old at $11,751,014, aud 44,502,300 stamped envelopes at $1,285,219. The whole number of letters received at the doaeVletter oflico during tbe year was 4,ia2,144, a decrease of 141,304 ; 2,298,100 were returned to their owners. The large excess of expenditures over receipts is looked upon as an encouraging feature of progress, and IB attributed to tbe extension of routes into all the Southern litutes and Territories. Ten years hence tho Tost Oflico will cost $40,000,000, and the receipts will not exceed $30,000,000. Attention is called to tho gtoss abuse of the franking privilege. The Secre tary will, at an early day, submit a plan for tbe reorganization of the Tost Office Depart meet. A gentleman of undoubted veracity, wri ting from Illinois, says : Whilu out bunting, two weeks ago, I was in some cornfields which beloug to a man mimed Sullivan. lie probably owns more land thun any farmer in the Btato. Jlo is tho proprietor of nine townships, each ix miles square. This year lie has twenty five tliuueaiul acres of torn. This seems like a Li storv, but is never theless true. It was just tbu easiest thing in the world to get lost in mm of bis corn fields. I Btrayed iuto one field, nud walked four and a ball in i Irs before I came to tl; tud of a row of coin which 1 followed. A party of six of us were absent Jour days, and during that time killed two ueese. two hundred and sixty three milliard ilueks, be sides chickens, crimes, etc., that wo did uol count. A st&tibiical woik, of emtio authority, its'. Ltntlv DubUslied liv M. (Ml. Kalivpstrn " n, entitled "le Congregations JirligieuscR," Biaius uiu nuiiiocr oi leiiinicj in rruncii con vents to bo ninety thousand, ' more than before tbe Involution." The sume writer also says thnt t wo millions of children out ol four ure educated in schools belonging to these establishments. The number of con verts is twelve thousand and four, according to the official statement of IStil. 'The Tkial ok Andhicws j0h -rim Mtnni:u i)V HoLMKS. After un,i i.:.... - - .. Mi.., oianuiiiu trial, tlio jury bus found lJoaeuu Audrews V.lllt .' I I . I . I Ku.njf ui limns mummer ami mo court at ouce sentenced him to twenty veuo.' impii sonmeut at bard labor in the Slate piison. lSelore the closinir of the trial the prisoner was allowed to givo testimony in his own case. His history ct the homicide wus clear detailed and full, in which ho confessed his guilt as to the killing, though be said it was in self defeure. We beliuve this is the Inst instance in MassuchusetlR, and one of the first iu the countiy. wit ro an alleee.l criminal has been permitted to give his own statement before the court. The law making provision for this innovation upon establish, oil custom was passed i,y il10 Massachusetts Legislature last i,,t,r. Tlu ie is n nmilar law in Maine; and il remember tihtly und it about h year ago. We are inclined to bel ve sueh a law will forward the inter ns ol justice. It was Ion. Ulf;ed io KnK. aud b, Ird llrouxhnm. "And .hre ,. f reason w, ,uelt a Uw shouhl not J" it for xt.l1"US,'.""a- W" Uve "located wai u?, . r'"0''0".110"-' U't'' question v. a. up bttore our Legislutuie.-.V1LrJ,v. tUlrrBSlra',,', n" ,0 "g tue jrar 181.9, an elemental y work on I'oliti- ion to,lI,:,;,w,!t'rei,, the "'"" "f vd!cVt:'oo,r;:'rWw':v ""illiu. ' Hrprt f th Comptroller, of the The Cemptrollerof tho Cnrrenfly, In liis annual report to the Secretary of the ea sury,, show that tbire nra 1,029 nirtSotial blinks in active Deration, with a circulation within a fraction up" to the legal limit of three hundred millions. Twelve national banks have been organized since the last annual report, five of which aro new "ot;ia: tions. Fourteen national bauks have tailed to redeem their circulating notes and were put into the hands of receivers. The wans and discounts made by 'the national bank ing associations amount to. $3 .351.001.C6j. The Comptroller recommends several re fo ms in the national banks. One is an ammdmoot to the act creating these asso- authorizing the Comptroller to call upon the banks for five detailed state, monts or reports during each year, fixing upon some day that is past for the date of the roport. Ho argues that the day M.ncWiud Quarterly for tho reports being nowu iu advance, tho banks preparo for them by a process ot operations which uo not present their actual working condition. And beic he takes occasion to condemn the banks for lending themselves to combina tions aud speculations for alfectiiig the money niafkpt, and faUrcularly tho practice of tho New York banks in issucing certified checks to Wall street operators. He re marks. "Taking the call loans and tbu cer tified -checks together, tho some what start ling fact is developed that tho New York national bauks furnish (duily) seventy mil lion dollars of capital and one hundred and twelve million dollars of credit for spccnla tiou." lie uraes tire establishment of a central redeeming ngency, by means of which the national bunk notes shall be re deemed and mnde convertablo into the law ful tnoucy of the country, whether it be p.v. per or gold, at the principle centre of trade. To preveul panics and Bpnculalors locking up the currency and to supply a sufficient and equable circulating medium he recom mends that the Treasury of the United States shall hold in reverse n certain amount of legal tender notes in excess of the amount in regular circulation, as a fonrce of relief, and is be let out iu times of stringency, something iu tbe same way that the Uiitish Chancellor of tlio ftxehucquer ajith' r'.ts at times the Dank of Kngland to iesuo more notes thau is Btrictly prescribed 1y its char ter. Of course the Comptroller urges a re turn of tpecio -payments, but does not tell us wlieu this can be brought about, and pru dently intimates that we must bo careful what steps are taken to thnt end. He favors free banking as soon as tbe restrictions im posed upon the issue of circulating notes by national banks may bo safely removed. He concludes by saying that w ith regard to the currency and bunking tho business public of the United States is tho only competent judge. lt'Iot't of tlte Commlstloner ol In ternal Kcvciiiic. It will be seen by the report of tho Com missioner of Internal Hevenuc, that iu tbe fiscal year ending June 30, 1808, the sum of ono hundred and niucty-onc million dollars was collected from internal revenue, the expense of collecting which was five per ceut. The heavy items in this account aro the taxes paid on tho indulgence of popular appetite. The amount received, for in siauco, from tho tax on chewing and biiio- king tobacco was, in round numbers, fifteen million of dollars. All tb railroads paid together less than seven millions, the insu rauco companies less than two millions, and tho telegraph and express companies not a million between them, so that chewing and smoking tobacco our small vices, as they nre called are really "bigger things" in the Commissioner's report than all tho railroads, telegraphs or express and iusurauco compa nies in the United States taken together. The number of cigars taxed was six hundred millions. The tax on distilled spirits and brandy netted fourteen millions, aud other liquors run tho total of the figure on htiniu lants to fully twenty millions. It is estima ted by the Commissioner that the income internul revenue for the next fiscal year will reach oue hundred and forty five million dollars. Some inipoitaut recommendations arc mailt! iu the report among them one urging tho crectiou of this portion of the Treasury Department into a department by itself. Itrpui-I of llio hm-ctary'ol'iuc lu terlor. The report on tho whole will be admitted to be satisfactory. It npprars that 6,005,742, 50 lie res of public binds have been disposed of, thus leaving still iu the bands of the Govcrment 1,405, jOG,C78 acres. Ono Revo lutionary soldier is still living. During the Inst fiscal year there was paid to invalid military soldiers and dependant relatives the sum of $22,058,508 ami to navy invalids tbe sum of $352,363. That part ot the re port which refers to the I'ucilic railroad will l.o found at once interesting and instructive. It has already cost u large sum of money to the nation, but the result will be one of tbc triumphs of the age. To United States marshals has been paid $1,337,043 and to district attorneys, assistants, Arc, and Uni ted Stutes ciiniuiissioneis the aggregate amount of $1,789,177. The Kecretary dreads a deficit unless the fines be increased. The cloiig part of the report, which treats of residences for the President and Vico President und the bends of the executive departments, will be read by all with inter est, by some with appro vid and lv others with doubt. Xli foul Xrutlo. .The. quantity sent Ity Railroad this wr-ik is 20,243 14; by Canal, C.5S0 05 ; for tho week, 20,822 19 tons, against 74,417 for the corresponding week bit year. Tbe total tonnagu by tho Canal for the year, is '.18(1.4-14 02 In 16G7, 1,022,178 09 Decrease in 18US, 35,731 07 Gain by Railroad, in 1808,. 3,024 00 33,110 07 Making the loss in 1808, 22,110 07 tons ofconj, sent from the Schuylkill Region, whilu thelu crease fu 18G8 from all the Ru gions will reach ubnut 1,200,000 tons. Men ot Schuylkill, we must have the cheap Through Trufiic Kailroud built as speedily as poesible. Tho minois are on a striko at all the t-Hl-licriea iu tbe Region, except piobably a half dozen. The opeiators, in consequence of the full in price of coul, requested a reduc tion of 15 per cent, below the lust advance made on wages in November. The men ar willing to kubmit to a reduction of 10 per tent, on the October rate of wagta, which the opeiators resist, henco the stop liairO. ( Itnu fnll..n rA ! .1.- -O-- " lllliv HIS, lug vanco obtained in November, and therefore we think tlio men nre Biking a little too much under the circumstunces. The Rail road Coilllmnv rillfilit ntur, lrt rates to the October standard, lor if prices of coal are knot nu i l.u.i. u ...:n 't . - - r - cnecK consumption and iliuiiuiah production. Rut fco Inner llu, l.'.kllrA...i r, , 7. . . f """" ou.uanv Keeps up lis lilidl I I., ...' I ... ' , ! o i.u.vuiuL-r iHaiKiuril. the men would seem to be justified iu doing so also. The reduction ouht lobe made Il il H f-m i . . . .. tun n.j(Hi iruin tue report of the Secretary of tbe Interior, thul um ,.ua revolutionary soldier now ll nr (ha I..-. v',. . . drawing a pension, there are at the present ...... w ,us inu nlraei ol ea8 Ul,i0tet Revo utionarj soldiers. The mothers of the " BTiaentiy younger than the a thers, or else they live longer. LATER IBOMEUBOPll. WAIK. THB emij WAR, latest -despatches say that the political agita tion throughout Spain is very great, aod that Orvpitalists ere leaving theeounrry. There is much alarm among all classes of people The government authorities are in receipt of comtnttnicati cms from many parts oi the country, promising aid to suppress the revo lution. The insurgents at Cadiz held strong position's. Tho President of the Kepnbttchu Committee had not yet arrived from Seville. The insurrectionary movements has r.ot spread beyond Cadis. AFFAtHS At TAliV. London, Dec. 12. Later despatches from Madrid state that hostilities were expected at Cadiz on Saturday, if tho insurgents do not submit. The government has offered tho most liberal terms to the Revolutionist. and has left no measure uutried to prevent bloodshed. I.ATKIl DKtil'ATl'lIKB FKOM MA Dill 0. London, Dec. 12 Midnight. Despatches have just been received from Madrid, of this day's date. The official UtticUc of that city has the following : "Nothing further from Cadiz, owing to disarrangement of the tele graph wires. Tho government is auxious for tho insurgents to yield to reason and patriotism, and not force the nationul troops, which huvo so many advantuges, to firo upon their countrymen. Tho government com manders are certain of tho prompt suppres sion of the revolt. The Captain General of the Department of Valencia reports to the govcrnmeut an imminent rising of the Car lists iu Arriigon." Mauiiij), Dec. 12. The govcrnmeut has decided on postpoiiiugtliu attack on the party in revolt iu Cadiz, hoping the insur gents will accept tbu terms nlTcicd them and surrender. Geuerul Rode, who is at the head of tho government troops, bus declared tho port of Cadiz blockaded, aud the foreign represen tatives have been notified accordingly. News baa beeu received that the Curlist party iu tho town is preparing for a revolt. Fears are enturtuined of a riving in Rurcclona to night by the Republicans. Tho greatest precautious uro adapted to guard against the contingcncyiu both placus. A tlllHIS AlT-HOACIIINCI. London, Dec. 13. A Madrid despatch shows that iill'airs iu Spain nre rapidly np ruachiiig a cr'uin. Admiral Topetu bus been despatched to Cadiz to negotiate with the insurgents, but, according to the latest reports, ho has met with no success. An interview was held thero between the lead ing and the representatives of the rrovisiuual Ministry, at which Admiral Topete was present. The Rebels demanded a share iu tho gov ernment, which was refused by Topete, who told them that having bo long submitted to a worse government, they must momentarily obey the present one. The proclamation of the govcrnmeut, declaring the port of Cadiz under blockade, has been promulgated. A fleet consisting of two iron clad, aud trans ports with three thousand truor, will sail ou December 15 for Cuba. Madiiii., Dec. 14. It is thought the re publican iusurrectiou nt Cadiz will he sup pressed to day without Jjlondshcd.. All foreigners left the city some days ago, fear ing a general civil war. i'AKie, Dec. 14. The Monitenf publishes the following important intelligence from Madrid : Tho insurgents iu Cadiz have yieldvd to the terms set forth in the proclamation issu ed by General Caballero do Rodii, and sur icudered yesterday. The people have given up their arms tt the government. The troops now hold all the quarters of the city. Tho Corrfijninttcnrin of Madrid says the Duke of Moutpcusier had previously 'made an oiler of peisoual services to the Provi sional Covernment to assist in suppressing the revolt in Cadiz, and that this action on tho part of the Duke was piomplcd by the belief that it was a movement iusitigated and conducted by the Curlist parly. Madrid, Dec. 14. The insurrection in Cadiz has terminated with the surrender of the insurgents. - Many of the people desiro to deposit their arms at the A mcricun con sulate, instead of delivering them up to the government authorities, but De Roda refused to allow it, aud held them to a strict rom pliunco with the terms of his procbiiuatiou. Cam, Dec. 14. The city is now perfectly quiet, and the rebellion bus ended. The in surgents have given up their arms to tho military officers, and the people generally tire returning tbc arms they bud secreted. J'elftct quiet now prevails, and there are uo indications of the recent disturbance-, ex cept the juitr ils of soldiers in the street and military grtards around tbe Hotel lie Ville and other public buildings. Maihud, Due. 14. About thirty persons have beeu arrested for attempting to incite the workingmeu of this city to rebel against the government. SRA1N. London, Dec. 15. Tho telegiaphic cor respondent of the lluily JYntr, of this morn ing, says : "The pcacetufteimiuution of the insurrection at Cadiz is entirely uttribtituble to the good offices of R. F. Farrel, the Aoielicuu Cousul iu that city." Madkid, Deo. 15. Political ulTuirs are iu an unsettled condition, both hero and throughout tho country. There is great distress among the poor of Madrid, and trade of every kind is almost tit a stand still. Many people are leaving tbu city, IVuriug new troubles. The Ooverument bus commenced prosecu tions against several journals of this city for publishing articles approving of tho Cadiz insurrection. General Dulco bus gone to Cadiz, ami will eiiibuik from that poit to morrow for Havana, to iiHiume the duties of Captuin Cleuerul of Cuba, vico Lersuuiti, removed. . The Cv itiHifimioi of to day denies that there is any truth iu the stoiy of a projected ct'iji iltt in favor of the Duke of Moiitpen siei at Cadiz. The Duke, ou reaching Cor dova, found that the all'iiir ut Cadiz was in the interest ol the Demiicruts, aud Unit it hud been suppressed by tbe government, and ho therctoio voluntarily returned to Lisbon. K NO LAN D Memorials to the oueen. askiii" for the. ie- lease of the Fcniuus imprisoned, weie circu lated and extensively signed utall tbe Catbo lie churches on Suuduy last. GRKICCK AND TURKEY. Yiusna, Dec. 15. The semi officii.! t'w rtxiondeiit of this city bus the followinii : "A Sx.-cial difpatch from Constuntionple, i jiioiuiBv uiiiii, says tuts lirctk Minuter and several Greek resideuts have left Con stantinople. The sumo paper publishes a uispaicii irom Athens, stating that tbe Turk ish Minister had left that city, and that the people made enthusiastic demonstrations bo forc tho Ameiicuu, English, J'russiuu aud Russian Embassies." . - There are ubout half a million Hebrews iu the l.uilcd States. - The western hop misers haviuj sufiered considerable loss this year from the full in prices, have in some instances attempted to swindle the pickers out of their pay. The erection of tbe Lincoln ruonumcnt, at Springfield, III., will be commenced neit spriujj. A project is iu couteuipluliou to purchase the Lincoln homestead at Spring field, to be set apart as tho property of the uation. The official vote of Tennessee shows the Republicau majority to bo 28,500, in round ouinbers. Central and South America. ,rN,w?roR,t De0, 18--The steamship Henry Chauncey, from Aspinwall, December 5, arrived to-day with $00,800 in treasure. The State of Panama is tranquil, presi dent CorroOBO has Issoed a geuc'ral amnesty to all the leaders Of the last revolution. The small-fox has appeared at Panama. Monsieur Felix Belly had arrived from France, en routo to Central America, or. business connected with the intor-occanic canal across Nicarauga. Advices from Uogota, to November 17th, rtport that fears of civil war are increasing. Recruiting is going on with vigor, aud trado was paralyzed. President Guiterrcz had four thousand men under arms. Tho Liberal pfrrty was divided, some supporting Uuiter rez and some Mosqucia. Commissioners had left Bogota for Tan rffft, to oblain an advance of $100,000 from (he railroad company to strengthen the Col 'orubian Government. YUpninftrit I.Hil arrived at. Pnnnmn fWim Valparaiso and Cftlno, with advices to No vember 29. (STont. nxr.ilcmonl rVrpvnilml in f'liili nvpr the impeachment tit the Supreme Court In fiAtlKWW This - " - Ci "j r. ... j . v. - - cspouscd the causo of the court against the ... .... i . 1. . . : , , (jovci uiijumi', aim v-iu eiLUUllon was uccouiiug critical. Slight shocks of earthquake ore still felt In Areqaip'i. In Peru there were minors of another revolution headed by the Vico President, but President Bulta bad taken vigorous measures to prevent it. thilniges iu 'I'vimvtiMee A Itcmer mlo I In uk'. Nasuvim.i:, Dec. 15. In Haywood county, a few days since, a desperado named James Johnson,"the leader of a gang of horse thieves, was hung, anil the citizens were iu hot pursuit of the rest of the gang. In addition to. other crimes, the scoundrel outraged the persons of a number of negro girls iu the neighborhood. About the same time and near tho sumo place a negro was lynched after attempting to commit rape on an old lady. It is now pretty certain that the militia will uot be called out. This arises in part from tlio desperate condition of the State finances. The railroad omnibus bill involving nearly $3,000,000, will conio. up to day ou its final reading, and il is expected there will be a lively time over it. Us passage is consiueted pretty certain, unlcs some extra ordinary iutkiences are brought to bear agaiust it. Tire steamer Wuteree was sold for ?,200. Colonel Wynkoop, the agent of the Chcy enues and Aiiapalioesj has resigned. Elizabeth Fisher, a widow, has beeu ar rested at Alleiitown, ou the charge of mur dering hor chikl. A man in Indiana was choked to death by a piece of beef, on Thanksgiving Day, aud his neighbors say it was a judgment on him for not eating turkey. The scarlet fever has appeared in Huriis bnrg. Lands in Southwestern Georgia Lave re cently sold at from ten to twenty-two dol lars au acre. An Eastern paper says thuro is to bo dis cord at Concord on the 22d. It means a female suffrage convention. Texas, an exchange things, is a laud of Hog, hominy and plenty," because pork is two and a half cents a pound, and meal thirly-tivo cents a bushel there. The Xukltix have taken to burning bams and schooihouses in Monroe county, Tennes see, aud Governor Rrownlow oilers $500 for the detection rf thn guilty ones. Dakoto and Wyoming together cast 5500 votes. There aro 20,000 French residents in Rio Jaueiro. Governor Gilpin, of Arizona, thinks of sell ing one of his iarnis. It contains a million und a half of acres. Mi. W. M. AVilov, of Lancaster, bus re ceived a heavy contract from tho Northern Central Ruilioad, at italtiuiore. It is sup posed that it will take two years to complete the job, and cost about $500,000. During the Sun Francisco tni'thq'iaku a carpenter was at work on a church spiro one hundred and fifty feet from the ground, lie bad a splendid position to "seo tilings," but hastily scrambled down. The distingiiihed pirate, Semmcs, is iu thi- h rliire field, enlightening the country on "Wind and Water." Ha doubtless avoids all allusion tn the shot of tho Kearsurge, which to'.k him between wind and water. Xeirark Courur. A MSTiMii'iMiitn Melliudi.'t Minister and .rowi iiei.t TcroperHiK-o Lecturer onca reuiarkml that, go wtirre he would, froui one end of tbe cmtntry to Iks oilier, he hardly over failed to find 1'i.antation JiiTTKiis, and Kliilii he condemned tlte practice f tmirjfr t tieae Bitter too freely, he could Dot ront:ien tiounly lay that ho would diicurd tbein from the "Ide-beiird, for ho, hiinnalf, had expciicnocd benefi cial results from their use, aud Ibat, from a long and cloie observation, liu wan convinced that when unod luodurately, and as a medicine exclusively, thuy were all thut a recommended. At tiie miuic tiuiu ho warned bii heurtri not to pull tlieoork loo often, for they were for tooileajant a touio to trilio with. Maosoi.ia AVATEa. Superior to the best im ported Qernian Cologne, und .old ut balf Ihe priee. From no editorial of tbe '-Traveler," liostru, Mum lfoori.Aan's Quhhas Bitters -Tbi Kilters is very generally ued throughout tl.o t'uiled States and Uurope. and I lie proprietor hits rcceired the most ooinpllinontiiry testimonial from thousands who have expeYivnced iU heneticml (Vcc'ta. It is an acknowledged piyventive for'Chule'a, und highly rccorauieudod for IioLilily, frustration of tho Fy-tt-ui, Disorders of tbe JJiguslive Orjruns, Liver Coru plaintfl, and numerous oilier dieu.eti. The lliiteli. is uot a liquor preparation, eoutnins no inloxicalin ingredients wbulever. uives tone to thewbulo fv- U'lii, nud is very carefully pirpured hy one of tho most KoioDtillc cbcuiistK and pharmaceutists in Amur ica. from routs and herbs guibered hi Uermany. IloorLlNU's IIkkuan XuNiu combines all tho in gredient of tbe Kilters, Willi pure Kunta Cruz Kuiu, orange, auhie, Ac. it is used tor tho suiue di-.eaxes as the liittors, in ensos where somo alcobolio stiriiu. hint is neeessary. It is a prei.aralion of rure value, and most agreeable to the piiluto. Principal offioo, 001 Ai eh street, l'bihidelpbia, l'a. Suld everywhere. NEW A I) V El tTISEM ENTS.. STRAY SHEEP. ClAMli to the preinites oi tbe snlHiilir, on ut J about the 20lh of Nuteuiber hoil, io Lower Augusta township, near beliusroie Siutiou, known as i In) Jl I'lierson farm, seven stray and one Lamb. The owner or oWno sure re'ucsti-d to t-mun lurward, prove properly, pay charges mid take them away, otherwise they will ho disposed oi aoevrding toluw. A J. BURNS. Lower Augusta twp , Iro. 19, 180S. )iis( !ollre. AI L parties iudibted to tLo firm of J. W. Kri liu A iNn, will please rail und settle before tho lOlb day id January, lsti'J. as al'li-rlbat llio c conul nlll Ls placed iu the bands of a Justice tor col loci inn. Ahn, those indebted to II Y. Filling will save on.ts by settling them previous to tbe 1Mb day ot January. I. W. FRIMN'fl A SON. 11. V. FR1LI.NU. fcunbury, Ji;o. 19, lwiS. 41 WILLI AM N. KELLER Iltirltrr nad llalrlriftr, Uenurt't Frame Uufiding, north side of Alnrkef Square. i'L'NCl'RY', PA. Of all the aru that grac. lb. laud, What grac. can with tb. barber vie ; Who lake your chin within bis hand, While dreniuiug land ha prospect lie. With soothing touch hi rasor glides, With nimble elip hi soisaor slid , And to ! before hi glass you staud Trauaforuied, a iu a fairy land. Euiibury, Deo. Utb lb88. W IMMEDIATE AND IMPERATIVE SALE OF OWINO TO ttlAKQKSTliatliaTetakea nlaoein ear Brm.r.y reason of thi death of one of its members, it hrtWome absoluUly neesesary to fell out etrr entire Ktoek of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. IUther than send any portion f II to Auelloo, we will offer it to the people at TftlCEa. BELOW tHE COST OF MANUFACTURING. and thui olear out our entire Establishment, fieearffig K QXJICK SALE tV LfiTHMJ T1IK GOODS 00 at suob rates at will satisfy any reasonable purohaser t)nr tnfmewte boas Is fairly loaded with GARMENTS OF BVKUY DESCRIPTION, Puitable to all Claiaes MadA up with the utmost care Of Win Tory ineit Material tOMPKISIKi, IN TMK GENERAL READY-MADE DEPARTMENT 8000 OVERCOATS), made In nut fhien-ble slylei, of alt kludi of Beavers, Chinchilla, Uooti, A i. 800BVJIT8, CoU, Wnte aud Veiti of the same material, Business, Dress, Traveling, "Indespensible" Baits, Ao. S000 COATS, Chesterfields and Saes, Morning afcd Lounging fcoals, FrooV and Diess Coats, Ao. 5000 Prs. PANTALOONS, of all materials, and oat and comfortable. 8000 V EST8, Velvet Vests, Paney Cassimore Vests, In the CTJST01 CEPAPeTXrlSlTT. Here we have a large assortment Of Pieee Uoods that must be disposed of. To do wbt-vn propeso for a Few )nys to make toordor from measure, in our very best style making a REDUCTION OF 15 TEK CENT. FOR ALL CASH ORDERS. Thus we ffic'r clothing as good In pointa oV STY LE. MATERIAL, YlX and FIN1SU, as can be had In any MK11C11 ANT TAtLOKIitt ESTABLISHMENT. In tlio Youths' and Children's Deparlment. This department has been a specialty with us Mils year. We have had manufactured the largest and best assortment of BOYS' 01.OT llINt to be foulid in tbe city, U of whiob is now (or sale atl.rcatly Reduced l'rioos. - A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO FIT OUT THE CHILDREN. BLACK GOODS ROOMS. MOURN'INU WEAR, Clerical (laments, Full Drafts Suits, Black Cloth Overcoats, Black Cloth and DoesMn rants. Black Cloth and Cassiuiere CoaU, Black esls. IN THE iiKNTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT, any customer purchaaing an article of clothing, Will be alldwod adoduclion of TWENTY PKR CKM. on any additional puichaso made in this department. HANDKKUCHIKFS, OVERCOATS, HOSIERY, SHIRTS, COLLARS. Ao., Ac, 4o. salt: commences Tuesday, December 1st. Stove will be opon.dily and Cosed InlT A bo u t S h! E X T Y - F I V K SALES ME N w U 1 " Prompt au3"polito att.nlion will be given to all No customer pi I be unsuppliod, if any reasonable Accommodtiou of prices will induce tlia to buy. REMEMBER THESE POINTS, 6l2 The god, are so elegant and the price, so low, that . t ,I pay you , le lay In a stuck of clothtiiK for the next few years. 6lh. Thnt you may never bae another such chance. OAK HAM. HI IMHX, . 15. Corner Mills usssl llisi-Uft Str? l, PHILADELPHIA. Hecombcr 1J, leMW.-el LUMBER AND PLANING third Elreet, adjoining Vhila. A Erie liailroad, two Squares North or tho Outral Hotel, SUN11VKY, PESN'A. IltAT.LCLIijilii', . 1 S prepared to furnish every description or lumber 1 required by tbe demands of the public, llaviug ail the latest improved mi.eliirery tor manufactur ing Lumber.he is now roudy io till orders ol all kinds of FLOORING, S1D1XU, D'OR3, S.KIl. SJlLTTliRS, CL1XUS, MOULU1NOS, BRACKETS, VKRASDA8, and all kinds of Ornnmental Scrowl Work. Turning of every description promptly executed Also, a large asfotlmext or BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, PiokeU, Lath, Ao. Orders promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec. 19, 18T.3. ly ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursunneo of an oidir of the Orphans' Court of Porlhumberlund county, will he exposed to Pub lio Sala, on the late premises of Jacob F. Rohrbach, deo'd, iuthe Itorougb of Sunbury, on THURSDAY, Slt DAY OF DECEMBER, 1S68, the following rculeiluto, to wit : A cetlnin Lot of Oround, situate in the Borough of Huubuiy, In thb cbtinly of Northumberland aud Stato of Pennsylvania, brmnded and described as tollows, to wit : on tbe west by formerly Fawn now Fourth stroet i south by tbe bbainokiii Valley and Potlsvillo Rail Road ; et by un Alley, and on tho north by property of Gilbert Bcilew, oolituiuii.g in front on said Fawn tinw Fourth street feet, and in depth two hundred and thirty feet, more or less, whereon are erected on. Log House, two frame Dwelling uut-kitcneii and a well of water. Also, all that certain lot of ground, situate in tbo liorough of SilhbUry, aforesaid, In "Mussor's Addi tion to Sunbury," bounded and deseribed as follows : on tb. north by Canal street ; on tbeeast by a stroet ian extension of Fuwn now Fourth street, of said Joroiifrll,) on tbo south by lot number sixteen iusaid Addition, uud ou the west bv Chesnlit Alley, con taining thirty (.10) feet in front on Fawn now Fourth street, and one hundred and forty (HO) fuel on Cana street. Also, alt those two certain Lots of ground, situate in tbe liorough of Mount Curiuel, County and State aforesaid, murked and designated upou tbe plan of sahl Borough as lt number nine (V) iu block num ber fifty-one (al ), and lot number two ('i) iu block number ttveuty-sia )'M'i). Also, nil Ibat (.erUin Tract of Land, aituuto la I'l'iier Augusta tuwiuhip, County and State afore said, bounded or! tho Cast hy the tfnydertown or Creek Road; by lauds now the properly of Itenja ruiu Zcttleiiioyerou tho south; by tho Cultitissn Road on the west, and by properly of hhipe, au alley and a publio road, loading Irom tbe l.'atla wissu Rend to the Creek or Snydertowu Road ou (he north, o.ntainii'g rlue acres and aisren porches, strict me.Liiire. Also, nil thut lot or piece of ground iu I'pper, Auguota township, aforesaid, bounded on the west by' CnlOiwifsu Road ; north by public road leading from the Cattuwissu Road to tbe Creek or Snydertown Road ; on tho south by property of David Snipe, and on Ihe east by an Alley, containing ally five and ouo-half ('6i) feel on the Cattawiwa Road and fifty. seven (DO reel ana nine ana one nan ('.'ll incnes on tho alley, behig two hundred feel In depth. Late thepropurty of Jacob F. Robrhuch, deceased Snle to eonjuienco ut IV o'elock A. M. of said day, wheu the conditions will bn made known by LLOYD T. ROHRBACH, Adm r By order of the Court, J. LriHltNHlKU, CI k O. C. ISuubury, Doe. 1 J, 113. .tiidlfor') .ollce. N- OTICK Uberehy given that the undersignc-l Au ditor, appoiuled by the Orphan Court of Nor Ibuiuberl'd county, todistiibule the balance of money in the hands of Peter W. Urar, Executor of Ihe last will and testament of XTea. M. ray, late of the liorough of Hunbury, deceased, will attend to the dutioa of bis said appointment, at hi orhce iu the liorough of Sunbury, oa Thursday, tb. S!4th day of Doeember, A. D. loOd, at 10 o'clock A. M. ol said day, at which time and place u'lf person interested can all end. WM M ROCKEFELLER, Buubury, Deo. lOlh, lbM. Auditor. SHOEMAKERS. 'I UK be-t qualities' of Sole Leather, French Calf skins iionocco., Liniap, LuU, Mail, fags, Tools of all ajiid, aad .very thing used bv the trade, fbrea lew by J. U CONLEY A CO ClaJIlra'ai C'tarrlassi. Wl would .all tb. al'.enUo of tho. wanting a Child Carri, to our new and large aorl tueal eoiuwieiiig sew aad beautilul style. i. u. coyljjir A ot) on every approved stylo, Narrow and Nobby, plWe Cloth Veets, double or single breasted, high or lot? out . a i-:n n a io w ."M i' i : i .1 si i . A FAMILY AND AN A(l 11 CULTURAL JOUR NAL, Devoted to Choico I. iteratuio. Including Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, and Moral nud lntortaiuing Rend ing, geuerally. In the Literary Department we shall present Ihe choicest varieties witbin tho rei.'h of our extended moans. Tl.o Novelettes, Tales. I'oetry, etc , shall bo supplied from the l)t and highest sources, and bo euul to anything to bu found in uny journal or magnzino. Agriculture nnd Horlieulturo. unbracing Farm ing, Hardening, Kruil Raining, elo. Our labors in Ibis department for over thirty years, have met Ihe cordinl approbation of the publio. Our purpose has bien to furuiisling useful urd reliable inforu.atinn upoh these very important l..mchei of iudustry urd to protn-it them S3 far as nilhin our power against the Ia1.e dootrlnes and selfish purposes of the many empirics aud sensation adventure! by which tho farmer is incessantly assailed. This por tion ol llio vtahKAitrjwa Tni.LCii.wri Is alone worth the price of snberipllon. NEW.S DKl'A RTMENT. Tl.o same Industry, caro, and discrimination iu gathering and prupnring tho stirring events of the nay, expressly for Ibis paper, wbieh hitherto has beeu one of il in irked features and given sul'Ii unhersul satisfaction, will he ooiitinued with redoubled Q rts to meet Ihe in creasing deiuaous of the public. Taaws.-Twodollar and fifty cents per nnnum No orders received without the cash, and all sub seriplious stopped nt the ehd of llio time paid fur. Spoeimeo number sent Address PHILIP it. FREAK, Editor and Proprietor, (ioiinantown, Philadelphia, Pa Deeewber 12, IMS. Licensed by the United States Uovernment GOOD I-IE W S for consumer of STtP L li AND FANCY' U O 0 D 8 throughout tho Country. tltltnUTO A. CO., Of fil'ieen year' standiug a Jobbers and Retailsr of I I.e. above goods, in Boston and vioiuly, havoc., n cluded to oiler Ihe people of the whole country tbe advantage of their immense importations and ageueies fr American manufactories through tbo popular UN K DOLLAR SYSTEM. Our Promiuni List to Agents, and Krohnngo List for Agent and Patron, aro D"t equalled by any house in the country . Best New York and Boston references given when required Bend for free Circular HAIUUMITON A fO , "0 Hummer Street, Bualou. Post-Oflice Box S4. lieatuiher it, ltS. FRESH AWUVAL OV MILLINER VT GOODS .A.INJ r isromoisrs, Mi ANNA PAINTER, Market KHnre, 8C.N11 U it Y , P K X N 1 A., Rl.M'tCTFl LLY informs her friends auj the public, that she has juil rclunu-.l front Ihe eily, wheru she has spent some time in making selections and purchases, nud ha just opened a larga stock of MILLINERY UOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline aud Wi gnns hkirting Lining, llo-ip Skirls, ISnglo Triiu miugs, Crape Trimming, Hat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets, Zepbyrs. A lurgu auoitmeul of Ludies and lieiillcmeii'a Hosiery. DOLLS of all sizes. Alphabet Blocks, Xo. ,Vbe tlatters herself in being ablo to make a display of goods ibat will give entire sal isfactiou to viliter,aud goods will be exbinilva Willi pieuure iunbury, Deo. 12, ISM. NEW HOLIDAY GOODS. . itititi:, KX II A L V T'S $ K W U i; I 1. I) 1 N li , Has received and Opened dp a large nSl (toll select ed stock erf TOY 14 and f '. OI, of .very description, for persoii of all age and talu. A variety of JEWELRY and WATCHES, CLOCKS, BILVKRWAHB, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, LOOKINU (JLASSES, BOOKS, stationery; ao., o. Oo and see New Fiu. Silver Tea Set for Hi 00 What I may aot have ou band, will be ordered at the shortest notice. Come one and all. No trouble to show good. Fri.uds from neighboring towus and counties ar. eapeoi.lly Invited. A. N. IIRICC Suubury Dee. 13, '68 41. REMEMBKR llytvl t ' now Picture Gallery three dour west of tbo railroad, Market Square BberHr Malcej. BY VirtQ of nertln writ of Levari Fac sued efft of Th. CdBrt or Common Pleas thumberland county, and to me direntorf. i exposed to publio sale, at the Court Huuso, j Borough df Hunbury, on MONDAY, the Hlh DKCKWBER, A. D. 1308, at one o'clock, P. A following property, vis : AH ftiM 'certain tract of ensealed land, silnnte township of Point, in tbe Connly of Norilmmiterlh Htate of Pen.iaylval.ia, boul.ded and ileser. l,f.l ns I Io vrit : neyinniug ata rock oak, acruer.H' tbisi now or formerly of Uellis .a.d, thsIi...s ; litnce seventy-two degree east four liundreil anil e.giity to a while oak tltenee et.uth isty-six ilrers e. lo a while oak ; thence siulh Ihirly-mue west one hundred and ten peiehes to a pine ; tbeni irteen dfsiees west twenty perches to a pirn; soulli Ihirly-lhree degrees west seventy-two pe.e blnek oak thence eighteen degrees east th peiehes to a store on lhe,Miiik of Ihe !usqnchaiiM thence along the ea me, north thirty-eiehtdeKreeseui six perches lo a hickory the.H;e north forty-nine weal four perches to e poet; thence north tinny-1 greee tent one handle! end neitely-t o perrhes; noith sixty-six west thirty perches to n while osk north tweuly-lve degree west eighty-six perr! while oak thence south cightr-cight drr. rs w hendred and aeveniy-seven perches to a post ; then tw degree east one hundred and pi the place of tg;iniiiig, adjoining land now or tsamuel R. Woods, K. Ureentnigh, Peter Halilvan ..mtaining three hundred end ninety-two octes hundred and nn.l allownnce, being i, premises which the said pony of the second pui! , s executors alforesaid, by 4heir indenture having a therewith and ilitendeil to be recorded for llin c lion therein mentioned, granted and conveyed to party of the first earl, their heirs and assigns fom Reited, takli in execution, and to he sold as the of The.alore Burr and fjenrge West. AI.SU lly vutuenf a eerlniil writ of Vendr;. nonas, at thenhove time aud place, the follcwinu lots of grout'.clTvins aud Icing in the town of 1'rev the Comity of Northuinberland, and Stale ol Penu ns follows, to wit : On lot four, lot nut and M nuffiH-r six in l.hak numlwr twc.ily-e.glit, ber(l'J) in block number thirty-one (j), ,,ta eleven and twelve (II aud 14) in Mock nnu.hcr (41), lots number four and live (I and 5) in block fillv-four (54), lots lone and a half aud nine and in iiioi- nuinlier hlly six (AK),lnl nuinlirr Iwo () namlier arty-eielit (51-). lot nuinhei five (.1)i.i l, .el s.ily.c.ght (fli), hi uumlwr Iwo, three, four. I seven, eight, nine, len, eleven and twelve, (. 3. 8,9, 10, II and I a), in block number seventt five number live and eight .". and h iu block hninliri e K, lta number twelve and lliirteeu ti and 13 number one hundred nud six loo, loia nuinlier ; three, four, rive and six ft,, I, 4.,5nndKJ in bine (orty-lwo I'l, also, blocks lettered I.. M, N l blocks in mud town of Trevortou. Ala.., ouim . one hundred and fifty seven 107 in blwk nuuil hundred and hltv-stveu IA71, Seized, token into exceul ion and to he sold Ho of Charles P. Heirensleiit, nilinimslralor ol Kdwar stein, deceased, with notice to Churl.- H Helfcn John Foy, Assignees of Kdwa.d llclfeustein. ALSO By virtue of a writ ol Alias Fi that certain lot or piece of ground, situate, Borough of Khamokin, county of Northum hmonded on the south by the Shnmokin Va Pottsville Railroail, on the east by Shainoki on the west by Rock streot, on tho north by on which aro erected a largo two-story fram house, and outbuildings. As. Seised, taken in execution, and to te property of Jaeob Mowery. ALSO All thoso two certnin lots or i ground , situnto In Cako's addition to the ifu Sunbury, Northumberland county, fount designated in the gunorsd plan of said tow number; four and five. Lot number four boi tbe north ny lot numhor three ; lot numbci lot number four and lot nnmbcr five ; on t by lot number six ; on tho north-west by a and fronting on the Railroad Avenuo, nh erected a large frame stuble. 8eiied, token in execution, aud to be ro' property of William S. Snyder. , DANIKLni-CKl.F.Y, Pliubury, Dec 3, lfi-. BREAD OlNCY DA! DAVID FR" RESPECTFULLY itiforms tbe eitin-ns bury aud rieiuity, lhal he will bake all kinds of 4'itkt-M lor Im-ilt-w. a Fa)nil!'.i VD supplivd with FRill BREA; Hulls. RuAs. Teu, Buns. Ac, und also kepi and manafuciured out of tho hel nialcria1 All orders left at bis Chop in Market S j door east of Mies Anna Painter's Millinery al his Bakery on ripruco .Street, between F Second streets., trill meet with' prompt all BALLS A;;D KVENINU PAUTIa'.s with Cakes. Ice-Cream. Ae , at tbetboilo Orders are respectfully solicited. DAVU' Sunbury, Deo. 1J, 1HW. Vitlttublo l"i--i-lr in I't-iviii rpilK umUrsigned offers bis valusblo 1' 1. front by 21(1 deep, on the soulb-Het Ihe hi.iiiokin Valley and Norilicrn C.-r.; mads, on Third street, on widt h is erect id a WAREHOUSE, JO by 40 feet Tlio War-i now ono, having been built about two vi" and is A splendid stand for any ni.: Into tba Hour niij grain huir..-s. 'Ihe I ihe concern will also be offered r su!e, nt bio rales. This property Is nflered for snlo f..r trie r I intend giving up buMim-j in Surbuiv. F particulurs, apply lo J Jl CADWALI. Kept. 19, tiS ,1m. siuul FANCY DRY LOO i ALL THE LATR.ST STYLES. Suitable for tbu W 1 N T E It S K A a O MISS Mai ke'l 6'qunre. two doors of the c building. SUNBURY, Penn a . HAS just opened a assortment of lashionable Fancy Drew Uoods fiuia tl estaldishkie'.tls iu Philadelphia. DrLAINKS, alapacas, poplins, r I'll KM MLKS. MLK POPLINS -TIOI ItAIXa' UOODX, Cloths. HsrqUes'Flnnncls. i-lannels. Shrrt! litis, Ladies and Childrens' il.V'I'.S FeUhers Irrs 'I'rimtsiinH, laitbroi: Lac Veils. Corsets. Handkerchief, lilovr iloon r-kirts, Hopkins' Eliptio Shirts. Ladies' linods of every deseriplioi l'aisley's Miawlsat bargains. Plaid Wooli Breakfast Shawls, Woolen Scarfs aud for Women and Children. Beaver and Chinr-bila Water-Proof C dents Collars, Neck-tics, llnlf-boe, chiefs and O loves. Perfumery. Toilet Simps, liulr C December 5, ISflS. KATE P AsIiniuinlrulor'N oli.-e Estate of Sila Feaster, decs' I XJOT1CE is boreby given that letter ol 1 I ration having boon grained U tho i. ed, on tho estate of Siliui Fcaster. Into Augusta township, Northumberland c censed. All persons indebted to said cstu quested lo make immediate payment. . having olaiuisto preed.t them for sritluine. .ti'HN S" I'ICIl. Lowcf Angusta twp., Deo. 5, Iwib rjt GOODS FOR TI J.E.C ALDWELL & !S 6, 9 O 4 I'ttrslanl Si l'f IlLA DKM'HIA. In addition to their largely increased f4ti-e l'itic lal lt-, Isiiiuioi J"owelry, Artiatic Silver Ware, PLATED OOOD8, &o , f Are now opening a magnificent collection i Fanev tioods, in Motal, Marble, deeorat Lentber aud liOLDEN BUON.E, in S.e n ofcxrpiisitu lanto. from all quarters of tu ticularly adapted Tor IboU CHRISTMAS SALI Ouf a.Tangeiuenti, Loth in Europe nnd try, i.e such as give us unusual fariliii.s lection of and econ6n.ieat production . f . or is our wish, as well as our interest, to f"-a patrons the bciicfil of such advantages in. MtMiYrn I'l-ift 'l'lii-uuliu klwcli, viillsoul i; Deo. 5, lKila mh7,ly. IT. 3. FTJ?eli.lT & Uarket Stroet, Nix d-ors Eat of I m side.SUNBUUV, PA , 1 LSPECTFULLY udorm llieir tii-i d V puldio, lhal limy Save opeued a ISTEW OROCGI AND rUOVISION ST and wiHt happy lo have th.ui ea!l and their stock, which ba just been oprnv i ing everything inlhe lirocery line, such iu Cutle.', Ta, Sugar,Syru. Spiew. Canued FruiV, Bean. Hominy, Cheese, Crue traoon, Hum, K.ab.Sall. I'utatoes eto , together with Soai", t'audle. Soil. Ac. sm4 la tact every thmg iu Ihe urooviy .id L-tno FLOUR AND FEED, Queensnace. W li Qlatsware, Coal Uil Lamps. Coal 'il Call and ae. betur. eurenasing h""-" 4 VT. h FI RM A Sunbury, Dec. 12, lffl-