tonkrg American B.WII,VEHT,) ... . N. 8. EHOLE, j Publiaheri, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6,1808. Eoral affairs. , BaiRirr'l Salbi. Sheriff Beokley advertiiei a large mount of real estate, in another eolnthn, whleb he will nil on the 201b and 88th loit. Tut libel suit against the editor! of the Incoming Standard Wat tried at Williamtport, on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, and resulted In a ver dlot of guilty. Pott Master at Watsohtowh. Mr. Philip M. Bbay, formerly of Muncy, bai reeeired the appoint ment of Post Matter at Wataontown, tbu oounty. lie will make an effioient offieer. J. n. Exort baa just reoeired and for eale the 'teoond aupply of Lidice' Fun, rery cheap. Also, Cloth for ladies' wear, Kid Gloves, Woolen Hoods, 'Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap and School Books. Thi Ker. B. Wister Morris, formerly rootor of St. Matthew's (Episoopal) Charoh, in this place, who was recently obosen BUhop ef Oregon, was con secrated in St. Luke's Cburoh, Philadelphia, on 'Thursday last. Ball. Some of ouryouag gentlemen gave the first ball, of tbe season at the Hasenic Hall on Thurs day evening last. It Was largely attended, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Eekert's string band, cf Northumberland, furnished the musio on the oc casion. Kzw Saw Mill at XostTnoxaERLAKD. We learn that Messrs. Dodge A Co., the extensive lum ber firm of Williamtport, have in contemplation the erection of a law mill at Northumberland, for the sawing of loge that escape from the boom at Wll liamsport. CuESSUAKixa. Mrs. Farrand announces to the ladies of Banbury (but she has looated in this place to engage 'In the dressmaking business, and will bo pleased to reoeive any Work in her line of business, gho can be seen, at any time, at tbe Augusta Hotel, in Cake's Addition. . . . Ikiar. The Miltanian says that Paul Mastcl lor, Esq., of that place, Who had been dangerously 111 for some time, was, week before last, pronounced insane and taken to Harrisburg for medioal treat ment. Mr. Afaiteller has for years bean a promi nent citizen of Milton. Tax Buildihu Absociatior. The regular month ly meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Build ing Association was held in the Masouio Ilftll, on .Friday night of lust week, at which oight share were sold at prices ranging from $72 to $78. Tbo promium on the (hares is now $21 50. Dress Goods. A splendid lot of Winter Dress has Just boen opened by Miss Kate Black, at her store on tbe north tide of Market Square. Uoods of the latest styles are offered at bargains. A large assortment of Christmas Goods will be opened in a few days. Ladies, call and see them. Kosa Bitter Orr. We learn that, one day la-t week, a son i' Mr. Benjamin Hetvor, proprietor of the Sunbury Dairy, bad his nose bitten off by a horso. The boy went into the stablo for the purpose of at tending to tho horsos, and going into the stall of one of them was attacked by tho vicious animal. Attention, Workiruuen ! A meeting of the 'Sudbury Labor Union" will be held on Wednesday evening, Deo. 9lh, at half past 7 o'clock, iu Bailor's Hall, over Eyster's store. All Uiehibers'of (he Union and those who are in favor of Lnbor Reform are in vited to be present, as business of importance will be transacted. J. O. Stlvis, President. The Sl'rdurt Lumber Corparv. At a meoting of tbo stockholders of this company, held at the odoe of E. Y. Bright, Esq., on Saturday Bight last, the following persons t.cro elected officers : President E. Y. Bright. Treasurer Wm. I. OreeRough. Secretary H. Y. Friling. Directors Lovi Rooke, John Haas, Wm. M. Rook (.fuller, 8. J. Packer, John W. Friling, J. Slayina ker, J. II. Engel, Albert Haas and Dr. D. W. bhin del. Superintendent William Keagan. Arrest or A Mir Eurrosin to bc Corc erred it toe Murder or Alex. W. Rea. On Saturday : right last Samuel Heifner, one of Marshal Hcislcr's police, and ox-Sheriff Vandyke, of this placo, ar rested an Irishman named Patriok Pursbl, who is olarged with being concerned in the murder of L !es. W. Rea, near Centrulia, Columbia oounty, on .he 1 7th of October last. He was taken before Jus tice Beard, ou Monday morning, who committed him to jail. 1'urBel was employed, at the time of hi arrest, as a laborer on Savidge'e works on hi Danville, Uazloton and Wilkesbarre road, in Upper Augusta township, about three miles above Sunbury. At another hearing, before Juslioo Heard, on Thurs day afternoon last, Pursel was discharged, there be ing no evidence whatovcr to substantiate the charges ugainst him. Masoric At a stated communication of Sunbury Lodgo No. ti, A. Y. M., held fa their hall on Mon day night last, the following officers were elected, to serve for the ensuing Masonic year, oommrocing on Ft. John's Day next : W. M., Harvey K. Goodrich. b. W., J. Alexander Boyd. J. W., M. C. Oearhart. Secretary, J. Weiser Bucher. Treasurer, Benjamin Zettlemoyer. ATe will be oblrgcd to the Secretaries of tbe dif ferent Lodges in Northumberland county if they will send us the names of their officers elect. We will publifb them with pleasure. Court. The trial of the case of Wert vs. Enie- rioh, which was comsaonced on Tuesday of last week, was not concluded until Wednesday Of this week extending three days beyond the regular term of court. The trial Was an important one, involving some RicS points of law. The plaintiff, who is the owner of a flouring mill on Fidler's Run, in Lower Mahanoy township, complained that Mr. Eiuerich, tbe defendant, deposited the spent tan bark of his tannery in such a position that the floods carried the same into tbe pool or dam ot tne riainttn, filling it tin and destroying, in a measure, tbe capacity of the milt. Tbe Jury waaoharged by Judge Jordan on Wednesday morning, and came in at b o'clock in tbo eveniog with a verdict for the plaintiff for $1,000 with costs of suit, which will amount to about $1,000 more. A large number of witnesses were examined on both sides and the testimony was of a eonflietine; character throughout. The counsel for the plaintiff were J. B. Packer and S. P. Wol verton. Esqrs. for the defendant, J. W. Comly and Win. M. Rockefeller, Bsqrs. The Steak Ferrt Klbce the publication of Our article on the importance of a steam ferry at tntt place, two weeks slnee, we haVe conversed with a number of our most prominent eitisens on the sub ject, and all express not only a favorable opinion of iu great importanoe, but a willingness to aid in got ting up an enterpri.e in whieb every eititen bat more or less interest. Perhaps the Boost feasible plan would be a joint ttaok eompany, with a capital of, say, $5,000', divi ded inle 200 shares of 92$ each. Some would prefer having the Borough at the sole proprietor and owner of the Terry. This would be advisable if there was any oertaiuty that it would be well managed by the authorities, as there can be no question In regard to its payiDg well in proper hands. The better plan, i. , .,M k. far the Borouah to bold a portion Ir thottoek and have a controlling interest in tbe management. A steamboat of sufficient oapaoity for .u- .n.nAM AUlS DO UUllS IOT fJ,WP. " ' :..,,.i,i ih. antarDrise would pay ten to twel el. Tbo r,er ceni. on a oi"ii w :,,..uilon of the (ratttu, eavisiog F" i-iias. i. not onli extravagant, but oaUOtUato w deles the object o enuupfue Suamoiii Iters. We eopy the following from theShatnoklnerarV, of lstwcek':--Me3srs. tjharpe A Kaatwiok are making openings on the Luke Fidlor Red Ajh vein, at the hoad of Sunbury street, and by the last of the week will bo prepared to supply easterners with this celebrated cool, wbioh, for do mestio purposes, it considered suporlor to any In tbe res-Ion. On Thursday, Thomas O'Brein, a lad aged about 13 years, employed at the Exoelsier Colliery, had bis right leg orushed in the monkey-rolls while attempt' Ing toorose the ohute. Drs. K. S. Bobbins ana C. W. Weaver were callod, and aaipatated the leg above tbe knee. The unfortunate boy is likely to survive. On Saturday night of last week Some thief en tered Dr. C. W. Weaver's ofifioe by unlocking the door, and stale books to tbe amount of $10. Among those taken were two large illustrated medical works. Several petty thefts have recently boen committed In this place, and we would advise our oitizens to be on the lookout, as there are evidently some persons about who take to stealing more naturally than work. A small building at Jno. II. Boughner's acceinino diition colliery, near the head of Bhnniokin street, took fire between V and 10 o'clock on Saturday night lust, and was oonsumed, together With some tour'. A tix-horse power engine, which had been put in the building during tho day, preparatory to being put np, was considerably damaged. Mr. Bougbner es timates his loss at $100. It is supposed that too much coal bad been left in tho grato, which on burn ing up, geuerated sufficient heat to melt some lamps hanging near, and that tho oil produced a blaze largo enough to reach soma combustible part of tbe building. Tat Kra MutuEit. Donoboe and Dufi'y have been remanded, end will bo tried iu Columbia county, for the murder of Alox. W. ltea. On Monday last Michael Pryor, of Brsuchdale, was arrested, charged with being implicated in the murder of Mr. Rea. After a hearing before S'juire Frail ey, Pryor was committed. The Sheriff of Columbia oounty has been here and made arrangements fur tho reteution of the accused in the County Prison here until the time of their trial in Columbia. Wo understand that Important developments haro been mads in this murder case, vrb'.h will load to Ibo arrest of all the parties concerned in this murder and their conviction.--Pottsville Journal. A tocno son of Adam Hazlot, of Union county, near this borough, was kicked by a horso oneday l;t week, from the efffoLs of Khuh kc died, aud was buried on last Eabbalb. At Ihb funeral a terrible aocident ucourred and which may yet result in the death of the party whoso namo we were not ablo to learn. As the person in question, an elderly man, having ou umbrella over his head to protect himself from the falling rain, was about to dismount from hithoife, the latter took fright and flung him from h'i buck, one of his foot remaining fast in the stirrup. The old man was dragged by the frightened horso a considerable distance before his foot was extricated, receiving eevoro wounds nnd oontusions upon his head and body that bic life is in great danger. Miltonian, tilt. m m - Tub First National. Case after case of boots and shoos, of tbo best stylos, and mauula'cture, have lately boen received at Thacuer's First National Boot and Shoo Storo, in Pleasants' tuilding, Murket Squure. The goods are now ou exhibition and are selling rapidly. Shadier has ono of tbo tiost com plete cstablisbmouts in this part of the Stale, and tbe frequent rejilcnishings of his stock attest the favor his goods receive from the pub'.ie. The Potteville Lfincri' Journal says that in the trunk of James Finloy, tho robber and assaesiu, reoently opened by the police at New Boston, Schuyl kill couuty, whore Finley worked and lived, was found a fraudulent naturalization paper, bearing the signature of J. ltoss Snowdon : a billy, and a silver watch, old fashioned, with the initials "J. M." on the baok, and on tho works, "Jas. Miller Poplar- No. 29." Iurcksr Salr or Uradt-Madr CYerniiki). Tho death of oac of the partners of the firm of Wan amaker A Erowu, of tho great Oak Hull Clothing House, S. E. Corner Sixth and Markot Streets, Phil adelphia, occasions change: in their busines-i, which will nuceritate the itnmediuto taking uccount of stock and tbe disposal of their entire supply of Fall end Winter Clothing. Of this immense quantity of ready-made good?, tbo lraet, most varied and cheapest ever oil'ored iu Philadelphia, wo have al ready spokeu to our readers, and many of Iheui Lave already visited that establishment and cnu (citify to tbe truth nf all that has beon rait). We would now impress upon our readers that everything in this infrnenso establishment, thousands upon thousands of coats, pants aud TOi's, must be cold off immedi ately, at any price they can get fur them in order that the proper settlements of their tivVincss may be made. There la not an trt'.cle the price of which will not be reduced, and rather than mis': sales the goods ill be sold at their own prices. Add to th't the fact that such ready-made clothing, to beautiful, so du rable, and so well made, has never before boen man ufactured in Philadelphia, and all will see that this is an opportunity the like of which they may not find again in a lifetime. There U not a man or boy ia Northumberland county who it would not pay to lay in a stock of clothing for the next ten years, and the Grut expect to sell at least one suit to every read er cf the Amkricar. Tho salo commenced on Tuesday December 1st, and will be tontlnued Cntil tho entire stock is dis posed of. About sevcuty-fivo salesmen will be em ployed, so that any number of customers can receive prompt and polite attention. Tbe store will be opened eaily and kept open Into, and nothing will be allowed to stand in tbe way of the immediate clearing out of the whole stock1. mm m Do those who doubt whether it is wise to place money in a Life Insurance Company ever consider bow Wonderfully economical the invesfuicnt is Take tbe ordinary life plan of insurance, where the party insured pays bis policy yearly. A man of thirty may be insured for ouo thousand dollars at the annual cost of $16. 55, or a little over four, cents a day. Iu other words, a workinguian has only to driuk one glass of beer less every morning to secure liis family from Want. A man of fifty need only pay $36.65, or about ton cents a day, while a man of sixty may be insured for 63.20, or A little more than seventeen cents A day. No man, however limited his circumstances, ean refuse to put away such a small part of his income for tbe benefit of those dear to him, especially when we have a eompany in ex LUenoe like tbe National Lire Ihsurarcb Com part, whose advertisement we print elsewhere This Company has in lis maasgemcbt men of na tional reputation for honor and sagacity. At its head we bate such men at Jay Cooke, whose cams' alone it aa assurance that every promise made by tbe Company wilt be redeemed. Editor'a Table; Tub Atlartio Mortrlt. We are in receipt of the December number of this able nuhlinni inn w hicli should be found ia every library or on tbo parlor ludio oi every nousenoiu. ine oenients ot tue pre- teni numDer are : "vur raiuiers , - "Auiumuai, I poem; "Caleb's Lark ;" "Tbe Face in the Glass Part Four:" "Hooker:" "Co-operative House- keeping," (Second Paper; ; "A Watch in the Night," a poem ; "A Day at a Consulate ;" "A Ootbio Cap ital:" 'Our Pa is Letter;" "The First and Last ;" Reviews and Literary Notices. Among the writers In this number of tbe Atlantie Monthly are Edward Everett Hale, J. Lolhrop Motley, Algernon Charles Swiuburne, E. P. Whipple, John Neal and Mrs. Jane tl. Austin. Terms, $4 a year; 1 copies, $T; 5 copies, $16 10 copies', f'W., Address, fields, utgoou et Vo Publishers, 124 Tr'emcnt Street, Boston. Tub LaDt'S FrieRu, por December. In this. their Uolidav Number, tbe publishers have achieved a brilliant suocees. The beautiful piece of "Robert Burns and Highland Mary ;" tbe charmingly unique and suggestive Frontispiece, "Una and (he Lion;" tbe gay and graceful Fashiotj Plate ; the handsome Pasba Lamp Mat, Oriental in coloring anu aesigu ti,. cl,,.Wi,nHt fuddiuir wood cut. Tbe ifluslc "Ub Speak those Words Again !" from Byron, will plosse the young ladies i and tbe literary matter is sups riot, even for this magazine. "Fleeing from Fate' . i,,i !, id nonoluded : and there is also I poem, entitled, 'A Timely ChrUtmat Report." Mrs. Harriet Pretoott Spefford eontributee oue of her best storiee. Miss Douglas eonoiuaea -iu uinj v,..." in m. mi that every one will like ; and Mrs. Homier, Mrs. Trowbridge and Sophie May make cut aa uaeqaalled list ef writers. Address, Deaee retenon, llv Walnut Hreet, rouaaeipaia. BUSINESS NOTICES. tjP'Jota Iriiltr. Having reoelved a largeenpply of NEW JOB TYPB, ef Tartoue aew stylos, Porters, Handbills, Cireulare, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, to., oan be printed In the latest and test stylos, and on short aoUoe. Orders by malt promptly attended to. For Salr. An exoellent top buggy, new. En quire at'tb'is ic. For Reel Tbo rooms adjoining tbe hat store of Samuol Faust, In Market Square, lately occopiod by It. A. Evans as a law office. Ar exobange says that forty thousand young men became of age In Pennsylvania this year. As a re sult the tailors are ail busy making freedom suits. A large number el these euits have been made by J. O. Beck, Merchant Tailor, on fourth Street, and , their neatness and ehoapness have been the remark of til who have teen them. ' j A oood life is the best philosophy ; a clear oof sotenoe tbe best law ; honesty The Lest polioy ; tern- , peranoe the best phytic ; and tbe best place to get your boots and "shoes is at Miller's Excelsior Store, : Market Square, Sunbury. An unusually large stock, for tbe season, baa just been reoelved. tie and see the assortment. I Mo less ttafl two hundred kinds of hats are worn j by men, and all fashionable, the preieut season. The ; best of these styles are to be found at Faust's fnsh- j lonable Hat and Cap Store, Market Square Faust i has just recoived the lirgeet anil cheapest slock ever brought to Sunbury. ) Cou's Coush Balsam. The groat popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whcdpitig Courli, and , Consumption. Bdtb sites ordinary tot., nlo mam moth family bottles for sule by all druggists aud dealers in medicines. Mo family should be over night without it in the house. j Cob's DvsrcrsiA Cure Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the -most aggravated oace of Dyspepsia, Flatuluncy, Spur Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach nnd Bow els. Pbysioians, clergymen and all who usa it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1 00 1 MAURI AQES. On the 20th ult., by Ue. J. It. Fooht.Mr. Wm. Lar. pit Baktiah and Miss Ji' liana Fur, both ol Upper Augusta township. J On the 20th ult., by 'the Rev. Jacob F. Wampole, Mr. Amos Bieder, of Lewis township, and Mirs Ulizaiietb Wbrtrar, of California, Montour co. s ; yu B is v ?i a ic i t : r w. Corrected Weekly for tho "Amorican." Wheat Flour, extra family, por barrel, $12 00 09 10 00 t CO 203 1 45. hi 65 i a 35 2iJ IS i CO 4i 10 25 10 H n 18 00 do do do do ccr owt. Rye Flour, do Wheat, prime res?, Rye, Corn, Oat, Potatoes, Driod Peaches, pared do do unpared por bbl. per owt. per bushel, do da de do per Jiouei do linea Apples, Dnud Cherries unstoned,) per bu. per pound, por dozen, per pound, do do do Butlor, tejrs, Cheese, Lord. Hams, HhouMers, Beef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, de do da per pair jntttnokiti Coal 'I'rtidc. Suauoeix, Nov. SO. 186A. Ton. Ctnl. Sent for wsek ending Nov. 29, . 2 Per last Report, 442,725 01 462,603 03 452,568 05 10.124 18 " To same time last year, Increase. Special Sfotttts. A pRort'SB and many times excessively offensive dieobargo from the nose, with "stopping up" of tho nose at times, impairment of the senso of smell and taste, watering or weak eyes, impaired licitTing, ir regular uppeiite, occasional nausea, pressure and puin over Hie eyes, ana ai unies in ie onun ui mu bead, occasional chilly teumtionx, cold feet, and a leeliui; of lassitude and debility are symptoms wtiicn are common to catarrh, yet nil of them are not pre sent in every case. Dr. Pago I L'atarrn ueutojy ures catarrh in Its worst forms and uage. li is pleasant to use, anl contains no poisonous or caustic irugs. nont iy mall on receipt oi sixty ocnu. Auureu P.. V. l'iorce, M. D . Buffalo, N. Y. For salo by most Druggists everywhere Philadelphia, Feb. lfltb, 163. Vtar Sir : This is to certify that I havo boen ir.- iinatclv aeouaintod with Scheetz's Celebrated Bit- trii 'CouniAL for the past four years, and have seen l cuccH in Uyspcpsin, .'Vcrvous uisoascs, nueuma- tisin, and all tho various forms o! (lenernl lieuiiiiy tending to decline, nnd from my knowledge of said Itinera I haVo bo nsntation iu luonounciiii: tbem tho besl genoral remedy tor the nbeve diseases that is now known. You may use this in any way you de sire. Wat. Clare. M. D.. No. SI6 Market St., and N. K. Cor. 6th aud tallowhill. CS'-lleaJ SCIIEETZ'S standing aUvrrlisf mtnt ix another nliir-.n. SjJuitlfi to 5rtiVt-liiV'. Vonne Mcn'sOuide to lluppy Marri'ige and (Juntujjal I clicity. The bu mauo views of benevolent i(h)iitiuns, on the Krrors and Abuses incident to Youth nnd Knrly Maubood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free ol charge. Ad dress 110WAKD Ab.SJClA'110N, Box P , l'biludol- phia, Pa. j-ino i.i, IP03.- : y. Dkaf.skss, ULl.Mj.vr.sB anu Catiiiiiu treated ith the utmost siiooct" by J. Isaacs, M. D , Ocul ist and Aunst, (loruierl-v ot iicyilcu, llollnni,) o. hu5 Arch Struct, l hiiadclphia. 'iVtiuiouials from the most reliable sources iu vity and country ran be seen at his office. The Medical fuculty ate iuvited to accompany their patients, as ho ha no sovrets in his practice. AHTIIICIAL fcYKS iuscrtod with out pain. ?o euarge for examiuatiun. uor.30-ly. A NEW V.K:J.EDY IN COXSUMPTIUX. A Phyiciuu who bad Consumption lor several years. with frequent blcodinjz of the Jungs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to the urofession, when his case appeared hopeless, lie is the only physician wno litis ucon it in msown persou, orwuonas any knowledge of its virtues; and he can ascribe the de greo of health be now enjoys to nothing but tbe use of bis midicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed him to batnrd the experiment. To those suffer ing with any dbcano of the Lungs he pruOors a treat ment he confidently belieies will eradicute the disease. Prico tl 60 per bottle or $S a half dozen, sent by express. Seed for a circular or cull on DB. E. DOYLSTCIt JAOKSOS, 1 No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale bv II. Y. Frilin. Market feuuare. bun- bury, Pa., and llruggists generally. May St), ltitt ly. o HE PRICE CLOTIUSa. JONES' OLD HSTABLIBMBD CLOTHING HOUSE, eo Market (Streets One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Prloe Bysxm, and we believe we are the only Clothing House id the oily that strietlv adheres to this prineiple. We have earned a renu tation wbioh we are proud of, for good taste in seleet good styles and suoetanlial materials, and not leri uapertant, for having all oar goods EX1HA WBLIi MAIIE. We employ the best talent, for Cuttert, tn4 eur Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes eah be suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must tee, or otherwise we dould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for asnodedaetionaaran...i. we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, this it the (rue plan upon which to do business, and manya dollar ean be tared to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONB FRICJJ CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Dot ea the Corner, but one door above Sixta. K. a. MAIZE, tftUea Arl i, lMS.-ly A Cnrd. A Clergymen, while residing ra couth Awnrloa as a missionary, disoorered a safe and simple remedy for the Cere of Nervosa Weak ness, Early Deeay, Dttoasea of the Urinary and Bern, lnel Organs, and the whole train of disorder brought on by baneful and violous habit. Ureat numbers nave been nured by this noble remedy. Prompted r the desire to benefit the afflioted and unfortunate, a wim nd the reoipe for preparing end using this snenioino, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs It, J-rer r cbarqe. Address, "f. . JOSEPH T. IMAfc,,. B.fA.lMaSA,'"' N" VMk NEW "ADYSMENT& Ayer's Vigor, Fr restoring ray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing trhich la at once agreeable, healthy, afid efiectuol for preserving the Lair. Faded or yray hair it toon reilored to iti original color, with tht gloss and frcshne$t of youth. Tina hair is thick ened, frilling hair checked, aud bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair Where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be tared for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with ft -pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the 1iair from turning gray or falling off", and consequently prevent baldnfess. Free from those deleterious substances which make somo preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical ak'd Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MAirS. PRICE) $100. Bold by IT. Y. Friling, Funbury, and all Dreggiets and dealers in Mcdioine everywhere. November 7, 1S0S. ly. In'nnVe I'l-oix-rt v rt IN'Irarc Hi:l. THE undersigned offers his valuable lot, &' fcot ! front by i!10 deep, on the soutb-wost corner r.f j the Sbauiokin Yalicy nnd Northern Central lltiil ronds. on Third gtrcoi.on which is orccted a FKAMH WAKlillOL'r-E. 20 by 40 foot. Tho Wur-house is a new one, having been built about two yenrs since, and is a splendid siiiiid At any one wishing in go into tho flour nnd grain tusiuet.s. , The llAturos of the concern vrilt al;o L of-'trud f ir sale, at reajona bio rates. This property is oS'cred fur sale for the reason that I intend giving up busines- in bur. bury. For further particuliirs, npply M J. M. CAl V ALLAllKR. Bept. ltt, 'tis 3m. (u!iMiry, Pa. NATURE'S GHEAT itESTOEEJl. ! SCJEEE-TSV3 CILEBHATED Bitter Cordial. This medical preparation Is aew eifered to the : pdblio us a reliable substitute for the many worth less compounds whieb now flood the market. It is purely vegetable, composed of various herbs, gather- ed from the great storehouse of nature, and selected with tbo utmost enre. 1c is not racommphded as . sC't'RI All. but by its direot and salutary influ ence upon the Heart, Liror, Kidneys, Lungs. Slo mach and Uowels, it acts both as a preventive nnd euro for many of tbo diseases in whfjb l,hoe organs nre subject. I', is a reliuble Familf Modicine, and onn bo ia'.. eo by cither infant or adult with the i same bcueuoial rosults. It is acertain, prompt and I speedy remedy for Diarrhoea, Dvecntrry, Bowel i Complaint, Dyspepsia, Lowness of Spirits, Faintinr.s, . Sick-Heudm be, Ac. For Chills and FeVurs of all I kinds, it is f:ir better and snfer than quinine, with out any of its pernioiors eflbets. It creates an appe tite, proves a powerful attestor or rood, ana will counteract the o fleets of liquor in a few minutes. Prepared by JACOB ECilKUTZ. E.ilo Proprietor. N. W. Cr. Fifth and Raee Sis., I'hiladolphia, Ta. Sold by all Druggists. nov. 14, '67 .-y NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries! Oa Third St., one door below the Lutheran Cliureb, 8U .N'BUHY, P E K N ' A. HBNRV PETEliS Has just opened a largo assortment of DRY GOOD.S, suoh as Culiooes. Muslins, Ae.,wbih are sold ebeaper than ever. Also, a variety ef Ke tions. Undershirts, Drawers, Hals aud Caps. LADlfcS' WOOLEN GOODS, As. Q-KOOEHIE O nnd PROVISIONS of all kinds, such as SUoiARS, COFFJiKS, TEAS, PICi'8, COAL OIL, Solasses, Eyrujis, Mackerel, Lard. Hams, lints, Dried ued Canned Fruiis, Prunes, Itsisins, Cheese, aad Crackers, and iu faot ovorythiug usually kept in the Grocery line. Herat, Fish, Coal Oil. Crockery-ware, QueeLswaro, Ulass-ware, Willow-ware, Ae. The best FLOl'K and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds ef Canned Fruit, at tbe lowest prices. Country Produce taken in eaahunge for Goods. tyCull aad examine my Steak, and satisfy your selves. HBNY PETERS. .Sanbary, Pet. 10, IMS. "WE haYb COME With great iiiduoemeati te agents toco-operate with us in eur HKAI O.IB DOLI.AH SAI.E ! ShHtingi Jrn 0 Coit t ur Agentt. irafeAs fr$ of Cott cur Agents. Bowing MacMnu jrtt of CW to our Agtutt. Ltathtr Goods Jr4 cf Cost to our Agents. Linen Oood fro of Cost to our Agents. 8ilk4 and Shaul free of Cost to our Agentt. BooU and Shoe fro of Cost to our Agents, Dress Goods free ef Cost to our Agent GREAT DOLLAR DAKQAISS for our Customers Bsnd for eur circular. Agents wanted every wbsri Address JAS. T. STEWART A CO., C-rt lVeB-te. Dey Sweet, V.'T. lejorlltetrsm dJeatral Italltva-f . SUMMER TIME SOHEDULB. . O1 Nand nfter Aay Utb, 1808, trains will leave BlihJil'KX, as lotiows : -LEAVE NORTHWARD, 6 00 A. IS., Daily for Williamspert. Datlf feseest Sundays ) for Klmira, Uanaaaaigua. IjloeheiiUr, UuSaloe, Niagara FalU, Suspension Bridge fnd the Canadas. Alt P. It-, Daily (exeept Sundays,) for Elmira, anA buffalo via Erie Kailway from Elmira. . to P. at., Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Williasat port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.SS A. M., Daily (eioept Monday.) fe'r Balticoete, Wasaiegton and Philadelphia. 0 45 P. M.i Daily (exeept Sundays,) for Marrisburg. J. V. DuDarbt, En. B. YeoBB, Qen'l. Esp't., Gen'lPaaseu'r Ag't , Harruburg, Pa tialtlmore, M4. SHOEMAKERS. T HE beet eualitios of Bole Leather, Freoeh Calf skins, Morrooeoa, Linings, Lasu, nails, rege, liM.- kinia, as4 rr gyyfdth, fertile era f J. II. COlfLCT A 00. FALL & WINTER GOODS! At Hiss Louisa Shissler's, MARKET SQUARE. Ladles aad Muses' II ATS and' J0MBT8, la linuaonao variety. Millinery Goods ft tad Xi'taimiD si. Frenoh end Amerioan Ribbons. Laoee. Handker- ehiefs, Ulovas, Hosiery, and a general assortment of t .mil la.' Villi 11 - !J. - L. L. 1 . 1 . - ,J up great oars. WOOLEN GOODS, FURS, 4c Oenttsi lollfirsj, eoUHra Cllorcn, A.t. Bvoiy variety will be foaud U scleet from, at MODERATE 1'RtCKB. Sunbury, Ool. 17, 186S. . . CHOICE FIUTCT k OIINAMENTAL BBNJ. BOHNXB, IValor In Fruit and Orntmental Treee, will fum. ish frera (he roost respqisible Nurseries in this end other States, first class. ftKKS of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. UarSon Seeds of all. kinds. . . BS3D POTATOES. New White Peach Blows. Esrlv OoH-ieh, Chile end Harrison Potatoes, in large aud small aoautitias, ere offered, forsala. . . ?.raor are rwpooU''ulIy soliiited. Aiitan ilK.VJ. BOUNFH, tr.. w v Paninos, North'd. C. Insurncts tnlien In several of the rmnVf, P"n?ibl" Fir" Insurauee and Horse Detootlve Pot. 17, JB88,y LOOK TO YOUir INTERESr"! CLOina, CAStSIMF.ItKC, OVBRCOATISQS, VEcTlK.?, A, Juslreooiv,! nt So S!H'C3 '"Tv" rf Mb.l((. IIAIS 1 TA1J.UUINQ USTlBI Fourth Street, blow Eystor's Ctore, SVvBt'RY WINTER CLOTHIiVG of the most approved styles is made Bp to ord.r at renJonable rates. He has aU" a tine aswrtment of Casslmero fihlrts, Drawers, Lndcrsbirts, Overhauls, Dlouaes, Noak ties, Cotton nnd Woolen lf;se. huspoiiders, Hand kerchii't's, Olores, and a general vnrioty nf OENTLKMEN S FUKMSUIKU OOOrs, Give him a cull, which you will Cod it te be ta your advantne. Bunhurv, Oct. 54, ISS3. P. H. MOOAB. D. O. maalBsjltM, NEW ARRIVAL At , rtooni: a Eii.'4iiiic'M. We are new opening a large varied assortment of FALL AIxD WINTER GOODS, ula.'b we o?irr at tho lowest CASLI Prices, In Klntspl'M ."evr Iron I'l-onl, VAUEUT STPt:!iT, SL'MBURY, ITCSX'A Consisting of rrr oooca, sction's, ordckhies, Cuhsks- W AUK, ULAS.SWAUL, and a full line of OEUTIEMEE'S FUENISHIKO GOODS Ann t.ndlc, UtTfv 4oo1, Calieoes, Muslins. Flannels, Table Linens Toweling. Checks, Ticking, Counte.'panes, Cnrinieres, Vesting, 1 arns, Skirts, Neck Tiee, Cutis, Collars Ilnndkerchiels, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wood and Willow-Ware. We Invite speoial attention to the quality ef onr fckock of ino4 L-.c:ii:M ai npicuh. RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, M0LA3RE. SYFliPS, SOAP, SALT, . FISH, VIMiOAK, Ac, As. Caaipl-ell't Colebrated FLOUR, always on hand. We feel confident that cash buyers will bud it to Ihnir advantage to give os a cull, and customers generally are inrited to call and examine our goods and get posted on our prices, lly striot attention to tbe wants of our oustoraera rid fair dealing we btspe to merit a full share of tbe oMTn patronage. COL'STIV PHODUCHof all kinds taken la ei ehatge far goods, ftr whioli the highest price wiU bo paid. MOORE A DISSI.fiiKS. Snnbnry, Sept. 19, "54. Ay Cathartic Pills, tbo tvtTpoaos of a ZjxaCdvo- Tcr tJl MsdioUik. .reioitpa no 9110 mc.i- A' ci o ia lUiivei-Knily ro- v eterybodr as a rnthurtic, nor uas over Unv bi'U're so iilm'oiBiil. ly'adopuvl i:it ue, in t)very'.nniiry uiidnnivng nil ci.wtv.', iui tnii luil't bu. ortViiMit pmnaUve I'll'., 'l'li'i nlivimi ri'H- son i, that it i a 111010 re- .rnioro eToc. 5iAS--WI-'-f?" tul renii-ily V titwi aiiv otlu'r. 'Itioso nho havo triod It, thut it curod tht-in ; those wn have not, know Hint it rurcs the-r itei;;ibors uiut I'riomU, auu all know Ui.'.t whut it iI.joh hku it d.os'.iy. that it never foils through nny I'nult or iicpltf.-lof Us coinposilion. We huvo tliousitinls upou thou sands 01 cerlilicutos of their rcmarkubie rmvs of iho P.i! jwiusf coiuplaiuU, but such euro are Luoivu 14 every iialghborhood, and we need not publish Uieni. Adnptod to all a04 and conditions in all clim.ilos; conuunliiK neither calomel or uny itcteierinus druir, Uiev may be taken with safety by nuyliody. Their sugar coatine prescircs tboin ever tve-ili and make Uiem pleasant to lake.-ivliiieUeiii'r purely vetroiablo no hunncan nil"e ironi tlioiriiKC in any iiuautity. I'tiev operato by their powerful ttfilitonco on the lutoi nal viscera to purify tlio blood and stiinulato it into healthy action remove the obstructions of t'i3 stomach, bowel?, liver, nnd other organs of the body, vciitrirlnj! their irrogul.'ir.n'ition to honlth, and by corracllnpf, vtberevnr tliry exist, such Ueraugo meiits as iu-e llie tlrst origin of iliseiiso. Minui.0 dirc-'.tiona ais given in the wrapper oa the box, for the following coiupUiuu, which theou Vilie rapidly cure: For XSveis-Piiaita or sTniiiaf afiou, sLIstlresw stoaw. E.isu'ruor and sLose of Aii(irt, ttiey should be taken modorat-?ly to sllmiilale t!ie !,tou: ach and restore its heaithv tone nnd action. For Liver Complaint and He various symp toms, itilluue Uettiiisctaf. Mick lledji;h, JTasunitirw or Ojirreu Micbnree, JiliUuua folic and lillioue Fevers, Uicy should bo ju diciously takon lor each ease, to correct the disciued aotion or remove the obstructions which cntisd it. For Dysentery or ISiarrkueis, but una mild dose is ernneraJly required. For Itu-Miiuutlain, tleet. Oruvel. Palnt twtlon of she Ueiart, 11 tu stso Miile, uura auu LOiim, uioy suount 00 cuiuuiuoubJV takcu, a required, to change the diseased action of the bystem. With suuh cluuigo tliot.0 cuinpluuits UKAppvar. For Ikronav and Dronelcikl Surlliiiir they shoulil be taken in large and fi oUcul doses to pro duce the eflcot ofa dru.-Uio mi ;;c. For siiiireaalosi a Inrpe Uuso should b" tafcon as it produces the ilreirod efloct by yninlhy. as a ittnHvf rut, laao ouo 01 w jl ii iu pro mote ingestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose atiinuiaies tho atflinarh and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorates U10 system. Hence it is often ad vantageous where nn serious ilornngement exists. , One wiio feels ttilrrablv well, often finds thatadnse of theo I'Ulm makes luni Ic'el decidedly better, from their eleansiiig and runevaliog eflect on the liigoa tive apparatus. Dlt. J. C. A TBn Jt CO., rrmctical ChtrntUte, IOWELL. MASS., V. B. A. Sold tr IKY. Friling, Sunbury, aud all PruecaU and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. r oroinbor T, ibob. ly . FALL AND WINTER Millinery G oods, Ifiitisj IS. I.. Wotifcls'is begs leave to an nounce to the Ladiusof Suubury and vioiuity, that the bat just opened a large and varied stock of MILLINEHY.OOODS, The lateit New York and Thiiudoiphia styles 0 LADIES' BATS AND BONNETS. WOOLEN GOODS, LC. Also an exoellent astortnient of Fashionable Em- v.iin... l.ui-sn. Wnelen CaDS. Handker chiefs. Boarfs, Gloves, Hosieries, and all kinds of Fauci. Notions, btamped Muslins, Uorsett, reriume ries, Soaps, Lilly White, Enamel of Amenea, ita tlonory, Ae., Ae. ,, . Call and examine fof yonrtelves. e trouble to show goods bunbury, Oet..M, H88. L1VEKY STABLE. THE subscribers having purchased the stock and Mr. Charles ilaoon'l Livery Stable, in Sunbury, would respectfully announce to tho J.ublio, that they intend furnishing it with first -class lorsee. Carriages, Buggies aud ipriug-Wagors suitable for tbe business, and will endeavor to make it a Livery seoond to none in this section of the State. Ordorsilefi at the Central Hotel, at any hoar of the day er night, will raeeive prompt attention, VsGAV A EARNtWORTH nabury, Oetober 17,'!WI. FALL 0PENI1TO. GREAT REDUCTION 11 r'RICES ! You can Buy More Goods of the For LESS 1EOlTET, the M AISHOTH STORE, or IE. T. Fltll.Iy, MrtUKET sqCAitn, XUSBURY, PBNH'A., Thtc nny otW plftco. HA-S J';3T I'UfelVKI) AM) OPENED Tho Best Selected and ri?!2JT .33'.!RTMEirr, vf DRY GOODS Lr TOWN. fkejtcu MEni.sds. i-rints, UL'SLnrs, tilGDAiiS, I'tUiucs and Armures Domestle Cotieas, Brown aad Blcaoied. VOi'-CrS of all kiais. I livery, aiiroe, Uvn'sond Ladles Undergarments. VTKZ A full assortment of TRIMMI.NOi Bui'dci: will find my Stock of Hardware, IstIuiM, Oils, tjiiitwa, Ac., Coiuplele. DRVGZ AXD JIBDlCbiiS, Ti'II.LOiV AND L'EDAK WAUE, QUEEN bWAlllC, w f.ASSW AKB, CllUCICCItY, SALT, AJ00TS AND: SHOES- " HAT8 AND CAFfl, and In faot everything usually kept in a large Store Call antl bc coiiviiicctl tlint the Cheapest Tlace to tluy all Your Goods ii nt THE MAMMOTH STORE of K."Sr. FIIILINO, IcrtaAtC'nBh.-aO Uojb, as my iiooli are boaght for Cash and Sold Cheap for the HEADY MOSEY. 1 give the trade the ad-VA-Uje of all redaotiont at fast at they are made by Maku.aelurers. li. 7. rieUIM), unbar ft Sept , iedl. H. MIIAIiMO , VATCiV JTAElK .M) JLU1IIH Corner of Third Htreet and Market 9u pitc, in Mil ler's Siouo liulldlnc, 8 U N Bli K k , P A , ww" -rtv.rja nixi .r. &s t of tire most oelobraled tnakois, eofisi.-'.it t of t'.,a Howard, Appletnn.Traoy A Co., Wallhufn, llnrtli li, W. Kllery, and nil gnvlus of the tlgin Ill's tnuko. Also, sole Agent fur tbe eVbrivl. 'VAVk, lH f TON Watch, in li td anl Silver Cut, at low pilaus. Mirer Ware for VVciTilInx lriwstf a of entirely new desiuui. Solid HilvcT TjMb en Ten Spoons, ItutUr iltilvi.s, Forks, C.'ilt'ors, lue Pltohers, FrBit and Cuke JiasksU, ;yrup. Mugs. Uutter Ilishee, and over; Lhin J In the Uilvorware line at iuw , pricus. A tine stock of 16k llins;. Also a (loo B:lerilfSL or Hold and Jut Jvwlry of all descriptions. WofT and iiilvar Chain., at low pricus. gold ros, . Firm OoM Pmrin Onld, nv,r Rbbor Cs-, oftbecelebrtted mahe ly UufTiuan and Alow art. CLOCKS. A full assortment or H day and 30 hour Cloeks, et low f rtoM. Also Eole Afcul for the cclcorutud Porfeetrd Bpee taoies, warrnutxd to give enttro ali.'1,.in,ii. Watolies, Clocks and Jewelry rcfmlriS and war riinled. All orders 1 lumpily alteuded to at Ibc sborUstno-t!-p. fiunlmry. Sept. 5, t2Tampl tuit ty wail iTuca written for. October Sd, 13X9. ly guand"openlg FALL AND WINTER (ls ei.-tuu't Faii,;ilng .w.,o."sn, ri . THOMA3 O. MARKKf SQUARE, SL'NBU&Y, PA., Consisting of ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOTH.', LNULI.Sil AND FKUXCH CSIMEKES, LNULloiI AUiLTwNS OF ALL COLORS, which havo been selected from tho larg'el and Lest oitublishmcnts lu New York and Philadelphia. A general kajortmont of aEwiT,a:iih:AT'B puhnishixo aoofls, euibracins, Neckties, Collars, Cravats, of the latest stylos. Fino Tjamh'a Wool Poller Jackets. SHIRTS end DRAWERS, a Iwgo ajsortuient ef tho best quality. A largo variety of GLOVES of every style cud ejur.Hity, from tii Lall J'.rooui ilkwu to the iaho:ios; man's, and many other articles for UtuUcmua t wear. Flno Freticlt Volte hirls made to Haifi preSur'J tteee-r-.-lccs of the best worhmea in the cities, garments will be mnde up to order v hicb c.unot La .;.lled ia u.y city in flu, orcjuality of goods. Gentlemen are particularly requested to call and see the goods and work. before purchasing eli.ew4ii.Tu. Sunbury, Ojt. 3, '83. THOMAS G. MTI.'. !i'.EtE:iI OIL SI 1 1.1,. TnE subsoj-ibers having just erected and put la opuratiou a Mill fur the uianufaoture cf L I X S Is D OIL, offer the highest market prK'e fur TLA5 SSED. Thoy have nttached to their establishment a Chap ping Aiill, a::d farmers and others wanting gnun cho;.pod fur leeding, can be ascnmwndated at thy shortest cctije. A macUino ( t cboppir j corn wiut thu cob is attached to the mill. .McKUAN A ilAtii. Jsuusry 2i, 1538. ly For a medicine that Vi'iiivure CCL'oUS, I.VFLVf.NZA, TICK1.IXO ui the THROAT, WHOOPINe) COIT6U, 01 relieve ... CONSUMPTIVE COCGM, as quick as c o 1: ' COUGH IJ A L S A it ! OVJiR OHi: .MILLION l!OTTLr3 . ' liavebecii sold aud nwt n sinjlc ius'anee of its filers rs koown. Vt'e liu e, in our possession, uny t niaitlily of Cer titicuU's, tviac ! tfKiu l'roiii EMIILT PHYSICIAN vho hnve uird it in tiieti piaeticv, and given it the re erainenctt over every otlicr coaiiouml. IT VOLS M)T I f A COUCH, ent LOUDENS If, j as to er.aWctlie ;iuneul 10 expcctciale freely Trt'o cr jorec ilo.vs. Will IVAauLT Cces T.ciUNa in vi:k Tiior ! A half bot.lf hiii i ilt'U coniiiett;lv Mi- -r- ff,nb- Iioiii CjliI'.Ii, et, tiiunpii it IS s 1 bkree.,M r" i . opf.ndion, 1: is n, rlectly liuru.les, : r; purnv 'u !m. It is very ure-'iietv tliu tasK n::d i...i" b aiai,..ii.,.cioJ to children 1 any In cuai ef CHOI !' li e uVl C NO FAMILY r'UO. I- rjnl.c ecure, 11'uiea in Li: WITHOT X IT! , Lieitig the elieapesi und bejt It is t!ie reach ot l Ultxlic-ioa e.xlanl. O. G. CL ni ft. CO., IV. prieters, NiiW H4.VB.N, CONM. April 18, 1"". ly COE'B BYPEPSIa.CURE: n lll CHEAT PlWIEBV FOlt ALL tlSHASUS ef A. tbb i T oi.:a6iio is the discover of i:e ir."er.tot 'i t'ee'j valual'e Cmrk llulsani, ndiiieexperin..'Ulii.!; for Ins own li.J'.tt. it cured t'.ump ia the ki"inm li ur Lua whieli i,'ore ).cided to 11 'tliiri: Out eiilor. lorn). Tiid u.ioost il.ii.y ttr:in.'n' f,ofnv:itioos pans of llie cn;r.,try em-ouine us to beilel e there i u-'dusase oauscd b a ji .T Jcre J tti iiiiach it u ill nut st-,..)' eon. Physicians eudorea auAUso it! Miulstora givs) tst imojjy of ita eJEoacy. And f. -iii t'l uirectious v.'e receive tidings vf cares per fonrjed. DYSPtrSlAI Ills sere to ears. HEARTBURN! One d,s willeure B1CK UEADACHE! It has eered In hundreds of oases. UEAPACnS A.ND OIZZI.NLM V II stops iu IV. ly siu.tu ACIBITY OF THKEAVMAttl ! , ,, , r llerreets ai ouee. niSEOPTHKFOuD! It eto;a tmmedulely. D15TKES3 Ar TUn EATING! One dose will remove. CHOLEHA MORIllS! , BjipiJIy yttlds t) a few ooees BAD BREA I'll ! Will k chawed with half a bot'.le. IT IB PERFECTLY HABMLErf . Its UNI'RECUEN TKD BUCCCSd is owing u the fact Uiat It Cure by Astalatlaisjr Mature TO RF.-AB8ERT HER BWAY IN THK fcYnTK.M I Neaily every dealer In the United Butee aellt it at ONE DOLLAR TER BOTTLE. C O. CLAEK & CO., Prtrictor', vaw bavs. txwa. Ajiil 13, -f. jHILADELPUlA-.