Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 05, 1868, Image 2

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L2LL' -
iitnbnrj) mericnn.
MA.8BKB, Editor ft Proprietor.
OfR neighbor of the Oaette, commenting
on to article in the rinrriiburg Telegraph in
reference to the reduced Democratic majority
of this county, gays the Democratic majority
wa formerly only about 000, instead of 1,800
as atated by the Telegraph. The Gatetti is
about as wide of the mark as eur TlarrUburg
cotemporary. If wo are not grently mis
taken, the majority of James Buchanan, for
President, la 1850, was about 1,400 in this
Tna New York Independent, porhaps the
ablest religious newspaper in this country,
baa added about eleven full columns to its
already large dimensions. The Independent
4s conducted with marked ability in all its
departments, and Is one of the few success
ful religious newspapers which are doomed
an authority outside of Church matters.
Published by Henry C. Bowen, New York.
Good Effect. The gratuitous notices
on the part of the press relative to the
whipping posts in Delaware lisvc already
bad a good effect. A man was to have
been whipped at Wilmington last Saturday;
but the matter was postponed tiie Sheriff
had to leave town "on business ;" besides a
reprieve or commutation of the sentence by
the Governor was expected.
Life Insurance Isve6tjients. There is
no need of urging the duty of life iusuranco.
Every man having others dependent upon
him for support knows flint In no other way
can he so surely provide for their fntura
comfort as by securing such an amount of
Insurance as his income will allow him to
pay for. Of courso it becomes a matter of
personal iuterest to know where the most
insurance can bo had for a f pecillc sum. The
National Life Insurance Company of tho
United States of America, chartered by Con
gress in July, 1803, makes an offer of insu
rance upon the ordinary Lifo plan at ex
tremely law rntos, the principle of its oper
ation being that a smaller sum of taeh in
hand is better for both buyer aud seller
than a larger amount based upon the con
tingencies of possible future profits or divi
dends. For this small sum it guaranties a
certain amount of insuroncc, tho contract
Ijctwceu insured and insurer being too plain
for any complications such as may attend
the settlement of notes or dividends. This
is a recommendation to start with, and if
the -Company is a secure one, its low rates
will naturally be popular. Tor this securiv
iy we una two Etrong guaianties : one is a
paid-up capital of oue million dollars, am
pie for all possible present liabilities, and
mo other is the cuaructer ot tue managers
of the Company, among whom ura Jay
Cooke, C. II. Clark, lion. E. A. Kollins,
Don. X. E. Chandler, and others of high
national repute. It is not alone by its low
cash rates that the ucw National Lifo com
mends itself to those contemplating insur
ance, for it offers, beside, a number of navel
and favorable methods by which the insurer
or his heirs may reap unusual pecuniary
benefit from hi; or her investment. These
new features the Ileturn Premium (by
which the amount of all premiums paid will
be returned to the heirs of the insured iu
addition to the amount for which he was
iosured), the Income Producing, and other
plans will be explained in detail by the
agents of tho Company, whose card may be
found elsewhere Ve can sea no reason why
the new Company is not entitled to a high
degree ot public confidence.
The Co til Trad. 1
The quantity tent by Railroad this wek
is 80,845 10 tont; by Canal 83,299 06 toni;
for the week 123,145 08 tons, against 93,
702 for the corresponding week last year. In
crease, 80,883 tons.
Tho season is rapidly drawing to a close
by the canalt, and the demand is slacking
off at present, owing to the extreme high
prices, caused mainly by the Scranton Auc
tion Salo of October 28, which was the result
of (.peculation on tho part of those who Had
coal to receive from the Scranton Company,
purchased at lower rates. The result is
that consumers of coal have been and will
be taxed, not less thaa $4,000,000, while the
producers have derived scarcely any benefit
ty the uncalled for advance. Prices are now
receding, mid there will probably bo another
contest in December, before wages can be
reduced to meet the reductions on coal. The
advanced rates of freight in November,
ought also to be taken off on the lino and to
Philadelphia, as it would be an tmtrngo to
keep them on in tho present state of the
It scorns strange to us that the Scranton
Company should have bad so large a quan
tity of coal to deliver on their salcB previous
to tho sale in October, as was represented.
They have sent more coul to tho shipping
ports near New York, thau they havo sold
at Anction this tear so far. and we havo al
ways understood that they only stld pri
vntelv the enroll) of coal sent to market
over the ci uan tit v sold at Auction. Under
these circumstances, we -cannot understand
wlw ihpr should be so fur behind hand in
tlmir riiiliveriea. as renresented. Can it be
nncsihln that "a riiie" was formed ut New
York to run up the prices t We should
like to be enlightened on the subject by
thoso who are posted up. There is always
a terrible outory when the prices et coal are
run up in Schuykill County caused by a
legitimate domand, by the New York press
generally ; but when the prices was run
up at tlie iNew lorn AUdiou oius tuiuiiy
uncalled for by the state of the truer, and
condemned bv the producers ceaerally, the
Press iu New York appears to be mum on the
subject. ilinen Journal
An article in the Honesdale BepuUU), wait
ten by P. P. Pennhnan, Esq., BlvM cleM
an account of the history and present bear
ing of this -subject, that we roproduco it in
full !
In 1082 William Tenn promulgated "Tho
Frame of Government" of Pennsylvania,
under authority of the charter grauted
him by King Charles 11. In this document
the right of suffrage it given, winliout restric
tioa, to "the freemen of said province." .
In 1701 Penn granted what is known as
ti. -i-rinrtw of Pi iileors." Bv this instru
ment tho rijjht of suffrage was broadly given
to "the freemen of each respective county.
The first constitution of Pennsylvania was
nrlnnted in 1778. The convention that
framed this instrument was presided over
by Benjamin Franklin. It gave the right
of suffrage to "every freeman of the full age
of 21 years." Tue men ot tne uevoiuuon,
while assertins their own rights and liber
tics nuainst uroscriDtion. were careful to
stand fnBt by the cardinal idea of tho politi
cal equality of all men.
In 1700 a new constitution was framed.
Thoa. Mfiliu iffeBided over tho convention
that made it. This instrument gave the
right to vote to "every freeman over tho age
of 21 years."
In 1839 tho Constitution was revised. John
Sargeant presided over the convention. The
basis of suffrage was cbar.gerl, so as to in
clude "evurv white freeman of tho ago
of 21 vears."
i,,m,ir,..i .ml fiftv-Mx rears black
men. if black thev were, voted in Pennsyl-
vania on precisely tho same condition as
l.ito f ii.n evils now predicted
of bluck suffrage were experienced. Neither
f i, .w...f .,i r eminlitv of the two races
was thereby established. Atiinlganiation
either through matrimony or without, was
not encouraged. Not a black man was made
Governor or Legislator. Social order was
not subverted. Tho xr.overnu.cnt was not
made by white men, for white men, but by
all whrte men, for the benetit ol all.
Livucrnl Cji-amt'si filoport.
Tho following is the report, in full, of tho
General of the Army for tho present year
IIeadoks Army of tue United States,
Wasuinotok, D. C, Nov. 24. 1808. Gen.
J. if. SehojMd. Secretary cf War : Sin :
have the honor to submit the reports of di
vision, district aud department commanders
for tho past year. These reports give a full
uccouut of the operations and services of the
army lor the year. I rei'er you to them for
detail. I would earnestly renew my recom
uieudatiou of last year, that the control of
the Iudians bu transferred to the Yt'ar De
partment. I call special attention to the
recommendation of General Shcrinuu on this
ubject ; it lias may carn'est approval. It is
unnecessary that the argument in favor of
tho transfer should be restated. The neces
sity tor it becomes stronger and more evi
dent every day. While the Indian war con
tinues I do not deem any general legislation
lor tho reduction of the army advisable. The
troops ou the plains are all needed. Troops
are still needed iu tho Southern States; and
further reduction can be made in the way
already used and now in operation, where it
is safe, namely : By allowiug companies to
diminish by discharges without being
kirengthencd by recruits, or by stopping
appointments of second lieutenauts, if it
btiould be deemed advisable. The veteran
reserve regiment might bo discontinued by
absorption and retirement of ofTicors and
discharge of men without detriment to the
Very respectfully, your obd't servant,
U. S. Giust, General.
Partners iu Mississippi are begiuning to
turn their attention to wheat growing, and
BOtne persona predict that within live years
it will be the greatest grain growlug State
in the Southwest.
Business in New Orleans ha preutly im
proved within a fortuight, and is better thun
it has b&en at any time since t'.it war. That
city expects to sell 800,000 bales of cotton,
worth $30,000,000, this seasou.
Tbti Auioikettr Mauufacturiu? Comoauv
of Manchester, N. II., expects during the
cotniug year to put up a new mill tor making
ginghams, and to build four hundred tene
ment bullae for the use of operatives.
Up to the 14th ult., the shipments of ap
plet from Rochester, N. Y., leached 15,200
barrels. Prices have ranged very high (3
to $1.50 per barrel, and the farmers have
made a "Uig thing" from their orchards,
$3,000,000 worth of tyeleU were imported
into this country in 1867. Sinco then tho
Union Eyelet Company hat ebtablithed
works at Providence, H. I., which make
about 6,000,000 eyelets per day, a fact which
will probably make the United lata tee an
j porter, instead of an importer, cf these
ateiut mil tuiugs.
Postposid. The farcical trial of Jefferson
Davis bat again been postponed until next
pting. Mean while Jeff, will contnue to lec
tare ia Europe on "Jerusalem I"
Oerrit Smith bat jnsi given $50,000 to tit
Airrta tnirtnity, Alltgbanv Co, l'.
Paris. Not. 28. The present Maniteur
newspnper loesea its -official character with
New Year's day, and tho Monftcur 'Official
del' Empire will then appear.
Paris. Not. 20. The puMihhcr .of the
Lille Progress newspaper has lcen Cued 500
rrnncs and sentenced to a mntuii imprison
ment for Miibliabiuir a list of subscribers to
the proposed monument to Euudiu ia h
cement-cry of Moutmurturc.
Paris. Nov. 23 Tho editor of the Heieulv
has been sentenced to two months' imprison
ment and a Cue ol 2.000 francs, the editors
of the Tribune and VAcenir to Unci of 2.000 each, and the editors of the i
aud Journal dl Pari to liues of 1,000 francs
each lor publishing articles encouraging the
Bubssrij lion for the monument to Bauuin
Losuox. Nov. 29. Tho Times find the
Paris correspondents of the other London
papers have lately given currency to rumors
tliut the health of Napoleon ia failing, and
public confidence has iu consequence
been somewhat disturbed. These rumors
have been officially contradicted from Paris,
vet it is well understood that, without posi
tive illness, tha Emperor declines to take
his usuul active exercise, and shows signs of
declining strength and mental apatliy. 1 lie
policy ot ins government f tutus jusi now 10
be to make a demonstration nl vigor against
tho opposition, to render iho lutter unpopu
lar and to preset vo the moral of the depart-
uiest officials.
Paris, Nov. 507.1. Perrycr, tho celebra
ted advocate, died yesterday, t-ged ievtutj
eight yearj.
Senor OloEnge arrived here as ambas
sador of Spaiu.
PAIU3, Nsv. 28. The Patrie of yesterday
says a lnrgo faction iu Spain U favorable to
.1.. c I'.. fiuo i-i,are
Madrid, Nov. SiS. Oloztga has gone to
Paris. There huvo bui-u inuuy reptiblieau
demonstrations throughout this vouc.ry
within the past few O.ays.
Madrid, Nov. 23. The government has
declared that tho popular sense of the coun
try is antagonistic to the establishment of a
republic, and that tho Cortes, soon to meet,
will wisely propose a form of monarchy.
London, Nov. 20. The apprehensions of
bloodshed in Spain are increasing, and it
is thought that u collision between the Mon
archists tud Uepul'liouus will be the inevita
ble result of tho excited political contest
now in p-ocrcts. Meautime, tho putriotic
fervor of the nad&u ia unabated.
A Madrid dispatch states that tho sub
scriptions by the people to the national loan
uow amount to 319,000,000 reals.
Madrid. Nov. 29. A crcat republican
demonstration was made heio at the close of
the wick. Tli young men of the- city held
a meeting, uud with indescribable cutliu
tnusui, passed resolutions protesting aguiust
the rulu excluding all peisous under twenty
Cvo years of age from tho fruiichisu. The
people to the uumUr of live thousand
crowded the square whore the meeting was
held, and every allusion mudj by the speak
ers to the republic was reCciwd with tre
mendous cpplutisc.
Aadltr Notice.
rpilE undwalgncd auditor appoiattd by the Or'
X phan'i Court of Northumberland, to diitribut
lb b.vunct In tht bands of Petor 11. MMr, one or
Exmutor of Ilnry Manor, deoensed. to whom wni
referred bek fail former report filed Anxuit 6, 1868,
for oorrtotlon and to report the fnM," kereby
gWe notice, that be Will attend to the dnUee of bi
eaid appointment at his office, lo the Borongh of
panbury, on Saturday (be ZStb aey ol iwnjivi,
18S8, nt 10 o'oloclt A. M. . ,
8. B. BOYEK, Auuuor.
Snneury, December b, 1868.
Buitable'fo the
Market Souare, two lo?ri Kail of the old Bank
HA1ii3t opened' frc,h ""'ln"!nt ot 'he most
faAiouable Fnncy Drew Ooode fiom the largest
. . .;.u in l'hilndulnhin.
Clothe Peoques Flannels, Flannel. Sheeting, Mu.
tins Ledieeand Children' IlATd,Feuther, llibbons,
Irta Xi-inimliiKn, I.iiilrolIerle,
r Veils. Corsets, Ilnndkorobiof", itloroi, Hosiery
. . ,1 . , 1 'i : . : u ,
HOOP PHiriS, AAUIB.I119 .11JIIU niiia, .uu
Lndios' Uoods of erery description.
Paisley's Slinwls at bargnim. PUid Woolen Shawls,
UrooKiMt Dnnnis, wuoiou .-enru and uops
for Women and Children.
Beaver and Chinchila Wnter Proof Cloths.
Stilts' Collars, Neck-ties, Ilalf-bose. Handker
chiefs and Oloves.
Pcrlumery.loilet Soape, Hair Brushes, Combs, oto.
December , loM. liAlli UIjAUH..
AeVetilB iittralor's rSotlee-.
Kstnto of Silns Feastcr, deceased.
-VTOTICE ia berebv civeu that lettor of adminis-
i trulion hnvinc Wen granted to tho undersign
ed, on tbo osttito uf Silns Feaster, Into of Lower
Auirusta township, iNorthumborlnml counly, dc
ceased. All pers'ins indebted to said estate ure re
quested to uiaKO tuiniediate pftTmont, and those
baring claims to present them for settlement.
juiia &. UK, Adurr
Lower Augusta twp., lleo. i, 1X68. Ct
Vienna, Nov. 2. The Austrian Govern
ment has titled out aud dispatched an expe
dition which will sail r.rouud thn world. It
is under '.ho command of Kurl Sherer, and
the object of the eutcrpriso is to introduce
the products of Austrian industry into dis
tant markets and extend the commerce of
the empire. The expedition is under special
instructions to visit the priucinul ports of
China and Japan, and to proceed tliencu to
Califoriiii and cruise along the South Ameri
can coast.
FLonKscis, Nov. 27. Quite a serious
outbreak has occurred at Bologna, and new
trouUlea are (eared. Ike disturbance origin
uted through the refusal of tho peasants to
pay tueir taxes. Two persons were ku!:d
aud seven badly ir.juied.
fXoitKNCE, .Nov. 28. Dispatches have
been received here announcing that Mount
Ltua, iu bicily, is in a state ot eruptiup.
Lisuon, Nov. 29. Tho mail steamer from
UioJanviio brings the following news from
the war ia Paraguay :
The Oraziliaus bad tent a coluuiu of 2,000
men across Urau Chaco forest to attack the
position of Lopez, ut Yilltta, in the fiauk.
The Marquis tie Cuxias was availing the de
velopment of this ilank movement to attack
the river butteries with his flout of iron clatls,
and foree communication with the army ou
Gran Chaco.
Thire are between 6000 and 7000 female
compositors in New York, and their average
pay is f 13 per week. They have a Uuioo of
some three week's standing, which number
810 members.
Brick Pomoroy announces Lis determina
tion to publish the La Crqsse Democrat in
New York after the 1st of Jauuary, uud lo
call it Pomeroy't Democrat. He tends it
free to all who are too poor to pay, aud the
poor get badly cheated at that.
It costs 10,000 now to become a member
of the New York Oold room. The fee hat
been iucreatud to exclude irresponsible par
ties from tbt room parlies who comt in
thet simply , to gsuib.t.
Detroit is going to tunnel her river.
Bwaus sell iu Virginia markets at ?2,D0 a
Mr. and Mrs. Colfax ars to give a great
ball this wiuter.
Bryaut nnd the New York Evening Post
have dissolved.
The natpnt ollico is suid to be in a de
moralized condition.
West I'ointr contains two hutdrod nnd
twenty-four c:idels uow.
Peach trees in Florida are r.V. pinkwith
their luxuriant blossoms.
Snint Young, ft" Salt Lake City, is ene
neventv-tifih a widower.
Somebody ealisGcorKu Francis Train the
Great Amiticiin Ass.
2,273 cadets havo graduated at West Point
since us toutidutioa.
Cinciimuti has toe small pox bad. Oua
hospital is nursing 79 cases.
Tho Kmperor of China is fourteen years
old and the Kmpress eleven.
A white velvet robe was the principal part
of a Norwich bridal custume.
Jenkins has whispered that I. Giant
carries the keys ol the Ueucrai s trunk.
C-12.CC0 Is not too uiucu lor au .'nuian
liujuli lo pay for a young and lovely wife,
Tho Camden nd Amboy monopoly in New
Jersey expires this year, unless it is renewed
Henrv A. 'Vyiso is writiii" his own biogra
phy. The poor fellow is Tise iu his own
A sw.ill Now York Church proposes to
havo a full brass and string bund insteud of
au organ.
Louisville is supposed t ) contaiu 3.0C0
mechanics and laborers whit are idle from no
desire of theii uv. a.
Two men tried to shoot eweb at th
dinner table uf a hotel in Mobile, tho other
day, but did not succeed.
Beer o:id pnuff can certainly urt make a
very palatable mixed drink, nnd jet that
what some London rtiflinus driiL'j-'d their
victim with recently.
A New Hampshire widow, who wants to
sell her farm, refused to do so t a Democrat
because she did not want anv nroro of thut
party ia the town.
The aggregate monthly pay rolls of the
manufacturers at Meiideu, Conn., umouutto
The Luke mills at Geneva, Wis., can turn
out one hundred nnd fifty barrels of flour
per diem.
The profits of the Jefferson Hulling Hiil,
at Steubenville, were 2Gj,131 in !S(id, ami
$173,SB0 in 16(57.
A new oil refinery has just been completed
at Titusville, which can rcline 8,000 burrels
pet week.
A cultou mill, an oil mill and a bet I' fac
tory are all about to go into operution shortly
in Gonzales county, Texas.
A knitting mill has tecently commenced
operations at Dixon, III. Tho proprietors
expect to make $100,000 worth of goods this
! season.
There aro about 150 carpet factories in
Philadelphia, using 2,000 Iooiiik, employing
0,000 hands and makiug 000,000 yudso'f
carpet per month.
During the mouth of October there were
C40 arrivals ar.d C40 departures of vessels at
tho port of Milwaukee. Tho totul tonnage
arriving and departing was over 450,000
Slidell (the Trent oue.) is going to try to
et back his confiscated estates by appeal
ing to Xsew Orleans courts. The recent
election proceedings there probably lead
bim to bopc lor success.
A citizen of Copenhagen has iavented
new velocipede, which runt on bkntes, and
is expeted to be Tery useful us a means of
communicating between that city and the
Dauieb iblunds ia winter.
The persimmon crop this fill is enormous,
Old woodsmen say that this is a ruro sigu
ot tat possums and a hum winter.
Au Onmha dispatch reports that lied
Cloud, the chief of the Sioux, and other
famous chiefs, have signed a treaty of peace,
ALSO Lot number twelve fit). In block Dumbet
eventy-eight, In said town nt Trevnrton, fronting on
Maiket atreet and bounded by lot number eleven oa tha
west, anS by lot number thirteen on the east, lutameblnek,
and by Railroad inert on the noith, ooataining twenty-five
feel in front ana one hundred and twenty- five feet in depth,
to Railroad afreet.
A !.!() A certain tract of land, situate in Cameron town-
.hm. N , T 1 1, I l ...I , , . r.. 1 1 ... k. . . .
y.r . . -.. ...u...uv, miu WUM.J . urglllllll, .1 . tailCM nun.
oe i thence by land aurveyea to Adsm Tnnkhaai, south
K'"r-i"ur orgrees, east two hundred and eietily niiieand
five tantha perches to stone j thence by un'id of John Ooot.
shall nnrlh nineteen and a half deareea. eaat aiitv.nm anil
seven tentha perchet to atone j south eiglitr-four decrees pert-lies to stones, ihence by land of Bcn;n.
min Uerk, in right of Coiund Foster, south sareiitytwo
degreaa east aixty-flve and four tei.lh perches to a post l
thence by land of Benjamin Diik, in right of Catharine
I.IPS, north eleven ilft-ruM Ihirf v.throA n.1,,1,.. ,n
stone j thenre by tand of Philip Uankelberger north seventy.
''' negroes, west one hundred and liliieiy-lhree and three aiunr, souin sixteen aim a quarter degrees,
west one hundred .,,,1., I ..,,, , ...,. ....: .
and north eighty.nine and three qunrter di grees, west two
rwndred and twenty and six-tanili perches to the beginning,
h!iperC'iei" '"""wancea, tee., nbout sixteen ocrsa of
ALSO All that certain lot of gronnd, situated In the
D'TouKn nr fuiiMirv. urniMivir v,..,k..i. , ia.-.-
,m rciunyivaiiia, uoun.ieu and decrild as follows, to wit:
ine east ny pioperty or J. H. liugle. on the soulh l,v
Market street, on the west by property of nenjnmin 'etlle
mover. and on the north hv n u :..
."'.To'V (60) fect' "lld '" 1!h Wo hun.
dred and thirty C3W fee . whereon r .
log house and kitchen attached, anil h stable. Said lot being
numbered upon the general plan of the BuroughorSuul-uiy,
as lot number foity-iour.
ALSO I he undivided half purl of all that ccrlnln tract
r lend, situate in Point towniinp. Nottlinmherland comity,
tnle of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd desenlied as follows'
rXo. 0OSI t'hettant Htreet
In addrtton to tticir lnrgelytnerwiscd Srnck of
S-'inw tVntclieH, linmonEs,
Jewelry, Artiatto Bilv-er AVnre,
Are now opening a FiagniflVcnt col kt I ion of Foreign
X'&ncy Uoods, in Melnl, itltiThie, dccornteU UlHiis.
Lcnthcr nnd U OLD K.N, in iSneciid Design
cf oV uiEito taste, from all quarters uf Luroj c, ur
ticularly udnpteu lor mcir
Our urrangemetits, buth in Kuropo nnJ this coun
try, urg ouch aa giv ui unumal facilities in tho se
lection vt cuJ ecunoiuionl pruductiun ol our clock. It
h our wUb, rta well ns our iutcrcrtt, to secure to our
pulroma tbo benefit of such advantages iu.
.Hodrru Prh'N Thuj;'howt oitr
Slorlc, without Svxcejiion.
Doo.5, 1603. niu7,1y.
Ni'orilT'fi mulot
BY Tirtua of n Certain writ of Leyari Fac!iw is-t-atxl
out of tlie Court of Cuiuinon PU'as of Xor
tnumbcrlaiut countv, and to ine directed, wilt be
exposed to publiu sale, nt the Court lluiifo, iu tho
Jjnm'in i unuury, on aiuAsUai, me -'in uay 01
I'i'CliMliKK, A. 1. leGB, at one o'clock, I A1.T tho
following properly, y:x :
AH tlmt our uin trnrt of unieatrtl hint, tituate in the
towitMliip I 1'oint, in the County i Northuinlwrlaiitl, and
ttote of Feiiniylvniiia, honiitit-tl at id ilestribwl m lullowi,
to wit: lievniiiiiig at a ruck ink, n corner uf tintiinti laml
now or foruirrly if lit-tlt ami 4!takm; thence itrth
Kcventy-two degrfci eat loitr liunctred mitt eiglily pr.-ht-i
to a white oak ; thence south sixiv-six tU-grr cjit fifty l-a wliitP 'ak j thenre B-mtU IhirLy-itine rifuret's
west oite liuitUred slid tea percites t n pine ; thenre a.iuih
fifteen degfefi went twenty perch re to a ptne; tut nee
outh thirty-three dejrur-s weal fVMt'y-twu pfirheston
M ick ook ; thence ft utli eitrlieu drrr cant thirty-six
peiclu-ft t it el ne on the lunl: ( Hit t-uiqiieliaiiiu nv.;r ;
thom-eatinij the aa:ne, north It; uty-t u tit di-urrrsuiit thirty-
bix pert' I kb lo u hiukt-i y tliete ii'-uli forty-nine degrees
wcbt four perciies to a pint ; ttirrcc uoah tliirty-mne ile
preen ciibt one hurniie J iimi !ieiet -t am pcrchei; ttience
nuith nitty-nix wtit thiity percrict to n whitcoJik ; IheiKts
north twenty-live detfrfs rljjlity-ix perr!ira (on
white oiik ; ttiL-jicc truth oViny-pif-Ja derer-fl went f.iiir
hnnJred nnd scvei:t -seven pi-rHiet to a im ; tlmnft aouth
tw dcerue east one hmtlrcd anrf nhxiy-enilit nerrlirt tn
the plict of twginiinif, t.d;ojiiiiy lnt;d now or Jnte of I
Sumuil U. Woods, i-t. CinM-'iifsugti. Petft UuUymsi o;iicis,
coiitmniiift tliree huiidrefl n;id iiiiifL-tv' ucrtM nnd one
hnndred uuJ kii pert-lieH unn inlowunce, iKnrg tlie mnnrj
prnii8'. wmcii Ihewul pnnyoj the ni't-oirJ pint, tufVii in
executors nflort'srud, hv i t.ei r. i toufHurti having even d:ile
therewith nid intended to he ireoMed tor the constdcra
ion thcieiti iniiitioncii, ernnted und conveyeti to the nid
pnrf y of the firm pnrt, ttieir lieirn and tmigns lot ever.
Seized. taki"ii in ex'-mlion, and to be oid ai t!iC pronertv
of Theodore Uitrr and Jcone West.
AhSU By viiUie of a certain writ of enduinni Kx-
pouns, at tiieniiove tnr.e mid piite, tlie lollowtiitr l.utlttmr
mt ol c round ivnur niui heinj hi ine tnwn ol I ii-vnrii.n. tn
Hie County uf ."rthuuilieiland, and Stare of IVnnsvlvnnin,
t.a tollowti, to wit : On lot iiumhrr fiur, lot nmnlwr live
1 lot number ox in bun-k nutnher twcntv-e.eli!, lot nutn
her (1?) in hloirk number thirty-one (31), jots number
icven uiiti tweivc ( 1 1 ana in mock mmilier loity-mte
11), Io:b miinher fo ur and ti i e (I and .1) in Mock nutnlicr
fiy-foor (.VI), loti lime and a li;tlf nnd nins nrd n fourth
.i btftrk number fil'ty-iix (oG), Ittt nuinlir two rj) in Mock
Utnut .T fniy-'Mgiit (.5?), I"! nunihei live (.5) in block number
i.(tv-v:t,bt 1hh iimnhi-r two, three, tour. live, tux.
even, eifilit, nine, ten, eleven iinrl twelve. f'J. !i. 1. 5. 6. 7,
&, 0, 10, tl and Vi)t in hl-'ck number seventy live (?.r), ltts
nuni'ifr live niui eiyiii io niui hj in IiI'r-k iitiiniei eihiy-six
Mij. lots im miter i wt-ive at.o tiorreen tj nun l-tj in iikn-u
luuiner t:ut nunorcu nun bx -""J, iois nutnher one, iw",
three, four, five and ix f I . 'J. I. 4. 3 nnd tf! in block nniti Vr
fortvtwo f 4 - 1 , nln , lil -H'ka lettered 1.. M, N. U. l'our
blocks in said town ( Trevnrton. Also, on l lot mimbeicd
tine hundred and Ht'ty-seveii 167 iu Mocli uumbertd one
Iiuiitueuauu iiuv-seveii io,
Seized, taken into rxecutioti und to lie 8 M an the ttonertv
of CharltrsP. IlrihVinfitein. iidiiiininiriitor of IMwiird Uelfen-
stein, defeusetl, witli notice to Charks P. Ht,cPttitl nnd
John Toy, Aut'guecs of I'.rlwaid llelfensiein.
Punbury, Dec 3) lfl.-.
,E MAW.;
Binveoi I'ennsyivnma, boundet and deiit!nlur1 f(,ii.-..
ACj tinintt land nr Jesse Miller on the nitheRSt, tand nf
George Keim on the south. Containing about sixty acres
more or less.
AlaSOAII those two eertnin tatinf ground, located nnd
situnketl tn the borough nf Mt. Onrmel, on the east side of
street, between Mount Carmel street and Second street,
hounded on the north by lot now or lately belonging to
Jonathan Khner. and on the south by lot now. if lately
ucioinruii? i" Lnniei neiser, in tnijouiuy or northttmber'
In ltd, nnd toti, of Pennsrlvanin. each of said I. its contain.
lug in front on Oak stroet twenty-live (55) feet and extend
ing tne hundred and fifty f IMT, fc?t lo a t e itv-bve foi
wide street, called Apple street, fcnitl lots being nuinhercJ
on the general plan pf said town of Mt. Cnrinel ns uumlter
sixteen (16) and seventeen (17) iu block No. iij ; whereon
are crccica, on lot nn. 1,, a two ttory trnrie store house,
and on lot No. 16 u two story frame dwelling house ond
stable being the same lots ni ground winch Andrew Klin
cer nnd wife bv their deed beuiinir ddte tffUh dnvol March
A. D. IPOit; conveyed uutoJoiuoi 1. btntethis heiM and
assigns forever.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he tvrhl ns tne property
of Solomon B. Hoyer, John Unyer, W. 11 . Douty, Jmms
i. cium, jouii Hough, Li. 1 . Kohrbnch, uduunistnitor o
Jacob V, Itohibnch, deceased, Ntithan Haas und John U
AL"0 All that certain tract nf land, situnte in Augusta
and Mahanoy townships. Northumberland county, I'enu
sylvnnm. bounded north by ; eastward by land iu
waiuititee name of Daniel lvy ; southward by land in
warrantee name of John Swinehart westward by land in
ine warramee name oi v tmnm uewait ; purveyed on war
rant in the nuine of John Dewart, dated December 5th
170:1, containing three bundled and ninety-live nnd one
fourth acres, ond nllownnce ; one undivided liaJf-pait of a!
thnt certain tract nf land in the townshii-i of Auction am
Mahanoy, uforeseid, bounded, noithwnnl by lai.d iu the
warrantee name of JJimicJ Levy and llei.ry Dnnel ; east
ward by land in the warrantee names of John Dewart and
John swinebnrt : southward bv In ad in the wnrtantc
names oftlohn Swinehart nnd Jatnra'l westwud
uy tanci ui the wnrraiTtee names of .7 times Hunter
Daniel l.evan. surveyed on a warrnnt In the name of Wil
liam Dewart. dnteti, the 5th day of Deembet , ITtKT, and
ciiutaiiiing three hundred and seventy-eight teres and al
lowance. Seied. taken into execution, anl to he sold as the j-r
pcitv of Veorve Apsley.
A I, SO All that certain ht or piece of ground, aituste in
the Horough of Northumberland, Northumberland county,
and State of I Vnnsylvania, in the plan of said Dorotigh,
51, hounded, southward bv Kirn or Matket street; on the
northwest by M No. 50, of Vun Allen A Co ; on the north
eat bv n ten foot alley, and on the southeast, by a street
called Norihwity. c ontiiiiiing iu front, on King street, six'y
.eet, nna in nepth one haiulred and eighty iet, nvue or
Ipfr, wiiercon is erected a Drirk and Woodtti Tavern
House, a frame bain and other building.
Si-izeii, tnVpii ino executi-m, and to be sold as the pro
perty nf J..i,n Xmbilt and Peter U. Jioff, lately trading ns
Neobilt A: Unff.
AlsSO All tiiat certain lot w pnrt or hit or piece of
ground, situnte iu the 11. m uch of Sutibury, County of
Nor t km ml rer land, and Sinle of Pcniwlvmiia, iMtiuided on
the cant by I t No. (t 12) one humitcd'and twelve ; on the
south by stiip of land or r t f proc.ud belougn.g to ;
und on the west by or lots of Charles Centner ; tiud on the
north by Dewbeny street, now Arch street, containing ib
width, ou said street, seventy-two (7'i) feet ; nnd iu depth,
running parralel with hit No. oi.l hundred and twelve
(Mi); which said lot nf giound wasconveved to said Jnred
JJrosious b tieorrro P. Dyeis and wife, by deetS bearing
date, the th dhy of December. A. D. If "). Keconled in
Deed Kook, J.J. pne$77, in Rcgisier. Itcconler'a office
for the County of Northumberland,, together, with nil and
sintrulHr, Ac , Vo
Seized, ;it(t,i intoextfu!ion, au J to be s ild as the pro
perty of Jmed Jt--osic')i.
ALSO Uy virtue of a writ of Levari Fuaias, will be
old at the same time aud plice the following property, to
n : n ii innt cerium two-sinry itoaru Imuse, situaie in tne
Dorouch and County of Northumberlind, iMMinded and
described as follows : Situate on lot number three hundred
and eighty-six (HbH) ; boiindrd on the northwest by lot
number three Hundred und eightv live (15) ; rm the north
entt by King street; on the southeast by lot number three
hundred and eighfv-srveu (Jb"), and on the southwest by
on alley, iroutsoit King street and is sixteen feet by twenty
eiyht, together with the lot ol" gfi.und wheieon the same i
eiected and ao much othar ground immediately nJjtcent
Seized, taken into execution, and to Le sd;1 an tire f to
per ty of William Fetter.
Sunbury, December 3h, l..
Office, No. 20 Bouth Delaware Avenue,
fhe above Mannr hss been before the Agrloul-
tnrnl publlo for fifteen years past, under one name
and proprietorship, and now has an established and
large annual snie rorougnoui toe country, nuu
ti perfect substitute Tor Perarlan Ouario (affordtd
nt. on. half the oost) it del been adopted by aerioul-
i,....tiai nf linnnn intelliienoo and discrimination.
Tt is warranted not to eihJust the soil, but on the
enatrary to permanently improre n. iaeeaieinow
ainoiint to many lljoutano lone annnany, ana ine
facilities torus luanuiaoiure are wrain uu oum'
The above manure irre farnlshed in beth bag and
barrels, whichever oustomers prerer.
Ibe bags nre uniform In wetgnt iou ponnas,
. The attention of farmers It esDeetallv directsd to
the fact that the sources of the Raw Material of
which the above manures are eomposed, nre so well
under control that we oan furnish them of striotly
uniform quality and condition, and that thev con
tain a lnrger percentage of ammonia than any other
Class oi manuiaciureu manures in me maraei.
' SO South Delaware nvenue, Philadelphia.
fylln highest oash prioe (aid for all kinds of
November 23, 16S8
Agents Wanted.
t7J to S00 pet moatk!!;
Or a eommitsinii from which twice that amount ran lie
maclr by selling th LATEST IMPROVED COMMON
St:N'l KAMIl.V SEWING MACHINE, I'aici 819.00.
Tor CinlarsMtid Terme afl'ilrcea
C. BOWEKH Ik. CO., 3-JO bouth Third Street,
Dae. 5, '63 3m. Philaaelphia, Pa.
., Orphans' Conrt alo.
IN persuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Northumberland county, will be exposed to pnblio
fiilo on the premises, in Lower JIahoDoy township,
Northumberland county, Pa., on Saturday, Nov. 23,
All thnt certain Lot or peice of land, situate in
Lowor Mahnnoy township, Northumberland oounty,
Ph., bounded and described as follows: Ou tho
North by land of Poter Stepp, on the South by land
of Abraham Bloner.on the Eust by laud of Henry Pei
fnr'and on the West by land oi Abraham Blasser,con
tniuing about Three Acros, whereon are erected a
smsl) framo Dwelling House and Btiftle. Late the
csiuie of Isaao i'tohr, deo'd.
gale to commence at ten o'clock a. X. of said day,
whan the terms aad conditions will be made known
by JOHN ETOUR, Adm'r.
Net . T, 'OS
lfrj. 186S.
Caa lealtee a large prelt by eiohregljigtbe,m
of the
and the
ef the
They pay six per oent. Interest in Oold, an
for thirty years. Principal also payable in
They yield between eight and nine per cent.
iDTaior, ana as soon aa tne issue is sold, ir not
tbey will doubtless oommand a much hi?he
As a first Alurtgage on the longest line ol iU
in this country that is already enrniug nioretl
interest linbilitios on its noy business, and
cost nearly throe (3) timet their amount, the t
ty II unaouotod.
el the First Mortgage Bonds of the Union 1
Hail Road Company, and of the Central Pacin
Road Coupnny, bare already been sold.
The earnings of the two (2) road?, from ws.
nets alono, were nearly (S1,000,0C0) One ti
Dollars for thorronlh ofOoleber.
One Hundred Million Dollars have already
(pent by tbo two powerful Companies.
Fourteen Hundred (1400) Milue of the rcu
tween Omaha and SAcramento are made by tt
comotive, leaving less than 400 miles to bi
which 200 are graded nnd roady for the Rails
V hrtVo for sale First Mortgage bonds
Cnion Pucifie Rail Road at 102 and aocrued in
and First Mortgvgo lionda of Central Paoiflo
road at 103 and accrued interest.
The Bonds are reeommende d to our most ch
enstomera, and will beir tho most oareful sir
The new descriptive PamphUts, with A!ep
showing the organization, progress, tusiuc
prospeote of the enterprise, will be snt on ar
ties te.
Dealsra in Oovernment b'ecuritieJ, UolJ.
No. 40 South laird Street, Philads
November 21, 1B38. y
no i
FOR AU3TI1& & C'O.'H
Amonsst Atlantio Cables, staam nuTluilon mA
those proirreuionii of sciecje and art thai mark the
ninetetulb oentury, not the least useful are l)r.
Aver't njedioinas. Thev take rank auione tho Lena.
factors of mankind, from the rapidity and oertaiaty
mm wuiou luoy cure. xry AIKI I VHEHRV l'C'
vohal on a oougb and It Is (rone. What akin di.ea
ses or impurities uf the blood withstand Araa'i
RmsAPiitiLLi ? Aver' 1'ii.L are the perfeation
of a purgutire every family should hare them, m
almost every family does. Not a tride to be thank,
ful lor are good medioines aud the knowledge bow
lo ute thciu for protection from disease. These Dr.
Avcr's preparations aad publications fnruish. and
we do not hesitate to eommmd them. t. Lvuit
Unr years ago the writer of ibis notice and an
invalid physician, while vuitiug (he Island of St.
Croix fur their health, emerieueed aad witnosaed
many aurpriaing and beneficial eifu of the Rum
there produced upon many of the im alids who were,
like oursolres, seeking heultii, and upon inquiry and
investigation, obtained a full history of ita mediei
nal virtues. He was delighted and surprised, and
determined to make it the basis of a Tome end
Uulorative Medicine. The result uf hia labors wee
a elurious tuocesa for himself and sufferinc human'
ity. The eelebrated Plattio Bitters was thus
made known to the world. Being an article of real
merit, founded on new principles, end relying
wholly upon the vegetable kingdom lor Us medici
nal eUeoU, it worked a rapid revolution in the treat
ment of iuysle&l debility.
IfianouA Witta Superior te the beet im
ported Oermaa Cologne, end sold et half the price.
would call the attention of the public, end her
customers generally, to her large and new awert
ment of
DKKBS U0OD3, consisting of Toplins, Co Laiutit,
Reps, As., at reduoed prices.
WfllTK GOODS, tuoludicg a inperior article of
Extra quality of Mnslins, Drillings, Fine Flannels,
Clinton Flannels. Balmoral Skirta, Khnwls, Hoods,
Vi:;n. Hoop Skirts of all sites and qualities, Ulores
of M nescrintions. inoluiline a verv suporior quality
of Ladies' av.d tiontlemen's Bilk fleece, Lined and
Cloth 8 loves.
Ladies', Misses, and Children's Merino Vests,
Children ' W rape and Heuds, Ladies' Zephyr
Blscket khawis of the latest t'.yles and patterns
Hosiery, Ribbon, Trimmings and Ifloweri.
Laces, Stamped. Onods, Zephyrs and Yarns. Tow.
, cling, Napkits, Quills, Tablo Linen, tleut'e and
Ladies' ilendkerouiefa. Scarfs, Muff Taseels,
Fancy Soaps,
Perfumery, and Toilet articles generally, and a
large variety of Notions and Fancy Articles.
The above goods are held at the lowest prices.
Call and eee litem net ore goinr eiaawsere.
Siinbury.'ov. 3S, 1818.
fSEii:iir.ii't"M b.ili:.
I Y virtue nrsuiulry writs of Veii'litioni. l-l;ionas, iaaaetl
JJoulcl luc (Joiirt ol Untiiinon f leas ol .,inhuiiiherunu
county, uud to me directed, will !e rsrmsed to 1'ubl ie Side
et tli Court House, in the Uorousl) l truubury, on SAT-
LIlUAt.lllC iOLlI lay l LiElt.'lUl'.K, IMlo, at one
u'ekielt I'. M., the lollowing prnptntv, lo wit :
Ail tfiat eeiuiu lrct uf luiitl, aitun'e in Cmneron town-
ship, Northumberland eouniy, nuil Slule nl' reiiusylviiuiu,
iHuinieii itnu uescriiK.T us i.,uw. to wit : ijiejiunft ui a
Elouu, thrture by Und of 1hV";.I Itilluluii, ill ngi:t of 1'hllin
MuvK) , ii "iih eatt euhty-thrce iesreei, west tweuty-ouu
peielies lo a stone uy apple iree, llieuce uy ine same squill
seveiity-four and oae quuiler degices, west seventy-ihiee
peiclies to a white oulc, Llirurre by lainl nf lieiiiiimin Hnupt,
aoutti fourteen and three ouarter drurees, eust ten peieliea
to alne, ttience by t.:i.i oi iavid IMUnan, in riulil if
Cliristian Mower, nor::. .?;.venty.nve ami a hull'ileirreea eiut
ninety-one p, rehci and iinie-teutlis to stone, thence by luuU
ol'JoauphOrovea,uufthciKhtyilofirees, west taree perohes
and nine tenths tn place uf begiuiug, conlaiuiiute. fiveacits
uud mnety-tlirea perches and allowance! & .
Al.nvj All Mini irael ol unsealed land, Containing loriy
(40) acres of land, situate in IVal township, Norlhuinlier
Uind county, aiijoiniiifr hiuda of a. Lukens, surveved uilhe
mine of Jacob WeiLel, aitjoi ( I he line uf Cameron
townsliip on the a min, reter eikel on ike weat and
Abigail l.ukens on Ihe tuth eakt.
ALSO That certain we.lern half lotnr piece nf prouiul,
situate in the Borough of bunhuiy, Norlhumbeilaiul coun
ty anil Cytale aluresuid, bounded ami described na follows,
viz i Ou the east by property of E!ia!e:h Mullen, on the
Weat by propeity uf Joseph Eyater, on the south by l'or
ineily Blackberry, now Chcstuut sueet, and on ibe unrtb
by au alley, it being tlie western half of lot numbered ou
tho general plau of the Uorough of Sunhury. aforesaid, as
lot number one hundied and aiaiy-three (103), coiiuuniig
iu front ou aaid ttlaeabeiry, now Chaatnut sueel. Unit)
(3d) feci aud In depth two hundred and thirty (K.T0) fiet
wheieon ia erected a story and a half log dwelling uruse.
ALSO All those two cutigaue !"! of ground, siluale
in the Uorough of Suiibury, ailuate on the aoulh east coiner
of Cranbariy and l-'awn slreela, as exlonded, rwh of aaid
lout coutainiiit; thirty feet in front on Kawu alreei and one
hundred aad forly-lhiee (Uvll'ml in depth alung Cranberry
street to Chestnut alley, und known as lots uuinlmr
and ten (10) in Maseer'e addition to the Uuiough
A L30 All thoaa three continuous lots of Ktound, situate
in town nf Treveiton, Zarba township, Noithuiobcrlund
county, and 8ute of f ennavlvauiu, being Iota number oue
(I), two (J),nnd Ihiae (;J iu bloek uuiuber aeventy-eighl
7B in the Ktueral plan of an id town uf Trevorioii.eun
taming each twentv-nve feel in front on Market alreet and
uue hundred aud fifty feel in depth lo Kuilroed sireet.
ALSOA euruill lot of ground, aituata ill the town or
Sbamokln. Counly of Northumberland and mute uf I'enn
aylvauia, being b4 uumlur in block No 10, frunimg on
Kilthatreet, bounded oa ihe eouih by Iota number one
(I) and on l!,e north by lot uumhel three (3) in tame block,
aud ou tile weal by an alley, containing: IU feet iu fiout
aud feel In depth. number six, in block number one hundred
aud eaven. iu eaiue town, fiunting ou Fifth aueet. aud
bounded on the south by M nainber ive, in aame block, on
the mat by Carbon Hun, and on the north bv lot uuinbet
seven, iu the aaiae block, eflutaiuiiig twenty-live 'U) feel
in front end feel in depth.
ALSO Lot number ten, in block nunJier aereutf -ei gbt,
(78), in the town of TievorUm, iu 2erbe tuwnahip, Coun
ty aud eliate albreeaid, fronting on Wiaiket eti ret, in aaid
town, and bounded on Ibe weal by lot iiumlier nine (P),
and ou the en at by kit uumSw eleven, in aame hoek, and on
the north by hmlroaJ alreet, coutauung iwanly ova net in
frnp u.e nee hundred end wenty-hve feet in depth tn
"We propose to fight it out cn this line."
A G E N T S ! A d E N T S !
Lf.Jim and Gentlemeu iu every town and city in the
States, to act aa Agenis fr
Austin &' Co-'s Great One 1'iolln" Bulc
of rich and vuluublo good, conir'.-::) i.oin'i.j' but
useful articles wuutcd iu cvory tainiiy. Lacii anC
every articlu will be eold for One iJulittr.
To any person getting up cither of Ibe Clubs below.
we will present n W otob. l)rc? Pattern. Piece of
bbecliug, sewing Mncbiuo, Wool Cm pet, Ac, frcoof
extra cost. Our inducements to AgciiU h.n'e alwavs
been nearly double those of any oilier hciu,o tu ibe
trade, and our largely iucreafing business wairunts
ns in continuing the aiitno.
Tako particular notice of tbi : Our AgentH are
not required to puy one dollar lor their presents, but
receive the same tor tlioir services iugetliug up Clubs.
l'lev-0 examine the following
'IVnusj tu Asenis.
Any person gendir.g iua Club of Ten, with $1, will
be entitled to reeoiiefor tbo sumo tiny one of the
nve hundred articles ou our Exchange Li?t. See
For a Club of Thirty, with $:i, the person will bo
entitled to or.o of the following nrticlcs, vii : Meer
schaum Pipe, SO yards Bleached or Brown J-heetii:.,
Dlegnnt Silvcr-plutod Fivc-butlle Kevulriiig Castor,
1 t uncy JJrcsa ruiturn. 1 uoicn extra quality Cotton
Hoac, Fancy Colored Bed t-prcad, 1 large si.e Du
mask table oovei, 1 .".loroeco Album 100 pictures,
All-Woot Cassitnere for pauts aud Vc?t, 1 pair Lndies'
Berga Congress Boot: bc;t quulu y, 1 dozen flue Linen
Towels, 1 largo size Worsted Shawl, Ladies' long
Uuld-plutod C'hui l. splendid Ladies' Morocco Shop
ping bag with lock and key. fc'ot of Jewelry with
Sleeve Buttons to match, I Violin and Bow, I doz.
hbirt Bosoms, 1 White Mumcillcs Quilt, 1 L'legaut
Blnck Walnut Workbox or Writing llosk.
For a Club of Fifty, with $5. 1 pair all-wool
Blankets, Si yards fine Cassiuiore for Pauts and Vest,
I blnck or collorcd Alpaca Drese Pattern, 1 solid
Hold Soarf Pin, 1 pair tienU' Calf Boots, 30 yards
Blenched or Brown theoting, 2 yds doublo width
Cloth fur Indie' Cloaks, i Fur Muff or Collar, 30
yds Print last colors, 1 Square Thibot Shawl, 1 plain
poplin Ires Pattern, 1 elegant six-bottle heavy
Plated Castor, 1 pair dents' Whito KhirU, genuine
Mueracbaum Pipe in caso, 1 set of Lace Curtains.
Fur a Club of One Hundred, with elO I heavy
lilvcr-plnted engraved Ice Pitcher, 60 yds Bleached
orllruVtn f faceting. 1 rich Merino or Thibet Dress
Pattern, 1 let of Ivory handled Knives and Forks, I
fair superior While Wool Blanket. 71 yards a"-wool
anoy Caavimere fur suit, elegant liuago lsrcji
Pattern, 1 Ladies' or tienU' Silver If uc.log-caje
Watch, I Bacon's xlx-b-irrelcd KeVolver,Silrei-nlated
l' engraved six-bottlo lUvolving Castor with cut glass
bottles, fine noot ciota tor j.auiei- uioux, yaraa
Hemp Carpeting, 1 air fiue ltauiosk Table clolbs
Napkins to match, 2 heavy Honeycomb Quilt.i. 1 Bart
lot band portablo .Sewing Machine, 1 Wool Long
Hbawl.nice Fur Muff and Capo, 1 pair Uents' Freuch
Calf Boobs.
For a Club of Fire Hundroj. with (50. 21 varus
extra Woolen Carpeting, 1 elegant JKunting-cue
Watch ( tValtham, warranted ouo year,) 1 elegant
Chamber Set black walnut trimmings, 1 baireloth
Spring Sofa.
Fur a Club of One Thousand, with $100 30 yards Carpets, I Parlor set oompleto, 1 ladies' or
r nine (U) i ''eta' Hunting Uold Watch and Chain, 1 complete
gh uf rluu- I et of rich Snble Furs.
For Inrger or smaller ciune we will give a present
of prorlionate value.
Agents or customers may at anytime make a selec
tion of goods from the Exchange hut, uud by send
ing One Hollar for each arti- !o, have the goods fur
warded to them, without .---'. ordering checks J but in
such euaee no premiums will be given.
Send large sums of money by Draft on New York
or Boston, or by Express. We will pay Exohange on
all sums of 124 or more. Smaller aumi siauld be
sent by regiatored letter or by postal money order.
It will be impue'ibie te lore tnonry lent in either of
the above wayi. We will not be responsible for
money lost, unlets eout aa above directed. See that
your letters nre properly direeted and stamped, ae
no letters are lorwurdcj uuiuu prepKii. Write your
address in full, Towd, Count; and State.
Ageruti wanted in erery Town end VilMtge
Ke. 106 Suaaxjr Street, BOSTON, Ilea
"MRS. B. P. PLEASANTS will sell by nublic
XV.L outcry nl her residence en Market Square,
enst of tbu Court IIou?e, Lunbury, some cxecllent
Furniture, viz :
Cherry Book-Cane, Mahognny Bureaus, large Bed
stends, n large Feather-Bed, Mahogany Sideboard,
Extension Table, Chairs, Washstands, and macy
u'.bcr article? ef furniture.
Also, a Silver-plated Tea Eett, a Britannia Tea
Sott, a white stono China Pinner Ifett, all ot which
onn be examined tiro day before the sale. A Balti
more Heater or Lutrube Stove will also be eliered
for sale.
Sale to commence at 10 o'alock, A. M., on Wed
ucsdav, the Sill day of Deecmber next.
Bnti'bury, Nov. 28th, 1888.
Ifotics in Eankmptry.
mills IS TO OIVB NOTICE, that on thei3
X. cf September, A. D. 1SC8, a Warrant in
ruptcy was irsucd against the estate of l'.obert)
of Delaware township, in t!: county ui Nurthu
land, nud State cf Pennsyl'a., who linn been n lj
a Bankrupt on bisctva petition ; that the payil
any debts and delivery of any properly belong
such Bankrupt, to him or for his use. c:nl tb :
fur of any property by him nre forhiddn br,
that a meeting of tho creditors of the said l!:.ii
to prove their debts, nnd to choose one or m.
tignecs of bis cstute, will be held at a Court of
ruptuy, lo be l.ol.len in tno iiornugn ot on
county of Northumberland, and State of Pcrr.
nia, before John S. De'.wciler. lq., Uei.ter.
1 2th day of December. A . D. 1 Sri8, at V o'elocl:
Deputy Cuitod States Maribal. (ns Messer,,
Western District of Pcnnsvl
Kovemeer 14, lSiiij. It
rtr.Lt.inan bt
E. n. DUTI.F.B 4 CO ,
y. 137 South Fuurth St , Philiddyhu
MtTCOt.'i'FitisT L-esSoMS l OionnnA
Fcr young children. An inlrodaction to the A
Primary tieorgraphy. With Maps and Cngn
MiTCar,L' New Pkimxkv CaooRAPiiv -trated
by 20 Colored Map and 100 Enpr:
hesigued as an introduction. le the New lute
te Ueogrnpby.
MiTCBRLL'a New Intermediate Geoitrat.lii
tli uaa Schotils and Aeademies. lllustn
! Ccpper Plate Maps and numerous Engrav
MlTCItiLI.'S NeW Ptfhotl UwEraokv and
A System of Modern Geoftrniibv Physical.
oal. and Descriptive ; ncenuipunio4 by a net
t 41 copper-t'late juaps, anl iilusLraid
MiTcitr.l.t. 9 ew 1 hvsical Ueocrapby. H
Cr.pperPlate Mnps, and 150 Engravings. 11
lirocklejoy, A. at., rrolewor of Mntheuii;
Trinity College.
.-.llTcniLL s .New Outline Mni.t. A m
Seven Maps, handsomely colored and nmur
ize .1 x 21 inohes. inehea. except the "an
I oiled States, which is 2S x 48 inches. The
ly nnd fully represent, nt a glance, tho P
Bouudarioa, Mountain.Syntcnjs, P.iver-Coursi
onus, flams, and Deaeiia of the Earth.
Mitchkll's New ANCiiMTUxi.iaRi.piiv
tirely new work, elegantly UludtraLed.
uvemuer xi, ised. .t
Oce uf the firm will Vie at the Eture of Agent,
Mr. T. i. Shunnon, Jeweller, Sunbury, Pa., two
inv only, Tueiday and Wodnesday, December Hi
nnjnsd. He atteuds for the purpose of assisting
Mr. T. S. Shannon, In Siting the Eye in UiiJicult or
usuul Caes. . .
Those suffering from Impaired or diseased vision
are reoowmended to avail ihomstlvcs of this oppor
tunity. Oar Spectacles and fcy't lasses nre acknowledged
to be tbo most perfect assistance to sight ever manu
factured, and can always be relied upon aa nfTording
perfect euje nnd comfort while strengthening and
preserving the Byes most thoroughly.
We tnke oocasion to notify the Public that we em
ploy no pedlar, and lo eaution them against
those pretending to have oar goods
for sale.
November 23, 1863.
Joseph Eyster,
Corner ef Market aad Fourth Street,
Invites (he publia te call and examine his elegant
ueh as Table Linens, Domestic. Doylies, Towels,
and Domestics of every description at the very low-
ost price.
Silks. Delaines. Lawns, Oinghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
Miectii.g. Tii'kings, Jeans, and a full aeeorlmeatof
Cotton and woolen goods generally.
Hosiery, Gloves, lloop Bktrt. Alio Handkerehiefe,
Brushes, Combs.
llHlbt anil 4'nps, Hoots nutl Itors,
His assortment ef goods will not, he ia sure fail to
please the fancy and suit the wauls of an; dositouj
oi puronnaing. sua stooa oi
and Grocer ie U large in auantitv and choice In
qnalitv, eomprising generally everything seeded In
the household either for use or ornament.
He always ready and (lad to see bis friends
and tcke pleasure Iu showing them bis goods even
thourb no sale are made. He only asks a call, and
1 ur that the stock will compare favorably ia
price anq quality wnn ute eaeapeai.
Sunbury, Nov. K, ISM.
WHEBB ean I get the be
klyerly'e, ef eeeree.
and JudgT for yearsalf.
it ptetare t Why ai
Always go le Uyerly
ALL and see uaee eeauUful Bird Cage at the
V nrw nareware eeore w
J. U. M A II E It- li Sfc C V.
On Market itreet, East Of the Railroad.
apposite the Hardware Store of Conlcv i.
WIS would respectfully invite the atlet;
tbe citizens of Sunburv nnd viciuitv
entire new Stock of
i'ure E'resili Ursiga nutl ic
Paints, Oil and Varniahca.
Olast, Putty aud Dye StuCs
Perfumeries, Comb and h
Patent Medioinea of all ki.
LIQUORS by the BoUle, OI.Uod, Quart au
Tobaeco, Cigar and RnnS.
Looking-Glas Plates out to suit Tramf.?
Trout, apportr, Bandages, Ae.
We have selected our stock with care and oi
rant it fresh; and of the best material in the r
Uaviug had several years experience iu tue I
we flatter ouselves tha.t we nun ffivA Anil,.. -
lion to all who may favor us with their pan
Special attention given to compounding i'liy
rreouripiiens ai aai noura oi ine aay or uiglit
Banbury. Pet. 17,1S6T.
"Ladiee 1'aney fun !
john fake:
014 Established
K. T1H AUi ii
above 7:b, l'UI
Have now in (
nyown Importnt
lanuracturc or,
jzest and nlok
ViVrstJf1 election ui
-' v v p v in
'tMt'Sfor Ladies' au,i
ri'-5rJ. ji dren' Wear, in i.
tients' Fur Oloves and Collars.
I am enabled te dispose of uv goods at v
sonabl price, and I would therefore soli
trora iny irteuds of Korlhumberiana couuiy
xtemember the jNeiae, a umber and sir--.
JOHN rAhhltt
No. 18 Areh St., above ?tu, outh side, 1 1
fkjr" I have r.o Partner, nor coulccUjo hi
ether store ia Philadelphia. ci. 3.
For dotni a fanilv washinc in tbe beat and
est manner. Uuarauteed equal to any in tlie
Ha all the (Irengtb of old rosin soap iih tu
and lathering oualitie ef genuine C""?.-.
iplondid Soap tfold by the ALDKN CUE!
WORKS, eSFertk lYcalJeeet. PkiUr''
Aetjrese M, lee 4y
r jr & .u1 A.t
r a