V s-aa-i THE ITATIONAL KJCUEAECS COIirAUY, or Tim UNITED STATJ-3 OF AMERICA, WASHINUTO:?, D. C. Chr.rftrod by Special Aet r.f Congress, Approved July i'j, lij.. "a:i C'aji(ai J,0T,Cf.t. erakci: office, Philadelphia, First Ntional Bask Bntniso, Where tlio genernl btMinms of tlio Company !s trans acted,, und to v. ll,h nil conoral coi respond :r.?o tuOuld 1)0 ttJlll'L'5?ltl. DIRECTOR.". ."fay Crrlro. Phiin'ln C. I'. ("In-:!, J", llf.fc-lifr.nl Starr, Win. It. a-lnorhclj, Ceo. F. Trior, J. Hinckley Clark, T.. .. i:'.:;tr.-. Wa-Uiiglon Wm 1':. Clnmlbr, " j John IV lrrce. " Kdwrirr? Hod :p. ??cw Yk. 11. 0. FabitLo.'k, N. T. , OFFICERS. 0. 71. CLARK. Phlladr-lnh'a. PrefiJertf. liii.NRY l. COOKl", Wnsfington, Vice. President. JAY COOKE, Ckuinnnn Finance and Executive rmnuiitoo. r ME list i.N w. PELT. PhilmUn, Pej'v nnd AutuarT. E. .'. TURNER, Washington., Astl.tnnt rV'rctnrV. IT. AM'ISU. SAIITII, M. D., Medical Dirrcfur. " J.L'WINtJ MEAl'S, :i. V., Asjisant Medical Di-xe.-t.-r. J. !C. i.'i-.n.o.', .Surcoa-Ceneial U.K. A., Washic;- tm. . J. Si'.Twlts, ChtefiroJioil 1'eraitaici.'. V. S. N P. W.iOiington. IX W. It I i?. M. I). Wnfhinsten. Win. E. Cl.nn.llor. V.'r'liirston, 7. 0. lloore Utirding, Fhiladclphia, i'a. Tlii.i Ccu-.psny, JTa'.b ual in il3 character, e.7r?. Ly reason of il Large Cayital, 1.ct Ilatcs of Fremi utn and Xew 'i'ahlos, tha ntovt do.-irablo lucacs of i.:5::.;.'j lifo ytt i-e?rnied to tho public. ih; r..:c? i f j rtmiuui. being Inrg-ty reJuccJ, aro f.-.do fiirorabio to tho insiire'.-s n those of tlio best r.iuiu.il C-ji!ipanic3. r.n 1 avoid all tho Oumplijation nr,.l uncertainties of :;utc., I'lvidecla nnd tho mil UBdcrittantiir.gs which tho latter are so apt' to caute tho l'ciicy-IIuldcrs. Several new i; r. 3 .-lilr.ulivc t.il'.cs arc now presant. u which need only to be understood tD prove r.ccop lallc to thopublio, such a: tho Iueou)c.TVod:icirig I'oiley and iloiurn Freniium l'oiiey. In tlio fciuior !i:c ; !: y-boider r.ol o.ily soenrcj a life insuraiico, p::U At dei.lh. tut v. i'.l recede, if living, after a pe.iodofa few y?ar--, an a::ri!al incomo e.-ntal,to tMi percent. (iO pcrcci.t.) tf tho par or Lis policy, in t!ie b:tter, the Company r.;.rces to rci.irn tho r..;snrc i the total nmount of inom-y ho has paid in, iu a billion to the amount ofhis puliey. I 'XI. o attention of persons eontei.:plali,i Insurlnj ' iheii' lives or inc: casing tLo nmount tf insurance j they aireayhavc, is callvii to thetpeciul advantages j iu'ered by the Xath.m.i Lifo Insuraucc Conipasy. Circular?, I'.n.-.phlcls r.':.l full particuLiri yiveo ill l'.':.it. 'el;'!'ia. or to 'v.;. General Agents. 2i,-LocnI A-rcr.tg nro V.'ar.tcl in every C!;- ur. Town; f-rd a.iIiations fix.ia coUipeterit prrtica fjr sm.:!i a r-ncie--, with sui'.niiio c-. l.?r?cr.tt;-', 'boul.1 he i: i 'i-cv.'c.J to tho Company' Cvbcral Age::'. on!j in thttir rcipo-'tive tliitihtj. CEKCQlt AirX?(5 E. W. CLAi'.i: A CO., I'hliadelpqia, For 1'LuiiSylvauia and iiuutLc-rii Xcv; Jc.joy. JAT COOKE A CO.. WaFhinyton. U. C. For Maryland, iJolawnro, Virginia, Dl.'riot of Columbia an 1 tVest Virginia. V;il. II. UMUl.E, Ascut, Milton, Ta., .Septtn.bcr a, leJ'3. ly V.'o do r ,t h to inform you, r?a Icr, that 11, Von.kiful, or any other man, has uls-'uvt-reiba rem c:ly liiat 1'iiru? Consumption, when the h:i ;;--aro hai:' von suir.cd. .in .-hoi t, will euro all dirrruej n I'.'.-'hcr of niind, ho ly or estate, iniij mai 1 1 v o f uei c.-. aa.l Lave 1.. Ill to play lor want of ..rk, n:.u i Uesigaca t" make our suulunaiy pphorj a bli.satl t)ai-adl.-3. to vhieli Heaven iiaelf s-h .11 bu Int a ti.lo inw, You have heaid enough if thai kind oi huml. i ;,;;jiy, and o do not Mihr t at you havoLy this lime !.-.-er.;:ic u;s;u ted with It. liut whoa v. j't. U v.,a tt.ul Fr. r'l e C.itai rll ILiiucdy y j'iiir, v-rt fivr of L'iitnrr't, wc'onlj n-aert t il.oti.s.-ii.d.'i o.-.n testily to. Iry iiand y,.u .. viiiccl. ho will pay S.'.Cll 1;l'ai;u P, l' ll:li'lil that we e i l . i . . t cure, lu.v BALK LY i;'i.-V H'lUUUIiTj V, HE Hi:. ritli-B oxtv li) Cr.xii. Scat l.v '!:.:!. f:.r Sixty Cents ; I'.,ur J'.uhn.-:'., i,.r :2 it. ci.ie t.e v,l.i h .11 l.ec.i!- ' l MU tl r.vr.r.v- i-st p-:;l, or 1 J'e;- fu tor j-o.tlU. l-i'i.il a Rtatr.ij lor Dr. .So j on Catarrh. A Klress-thn Proprietor. M.!t K. . 1'll.iUE. .SI. I.., iJam.li.. No Hrr-iaro. Ii is vnnii, I to euro 1 Y. ' . or paired 1 --te, Si-.c II or Jle.-irior, VVn'oi u -... '...-. i:..i-i,c .be.uh. t b-rrait-d 'J'h-t.i.1 or l'.iin ::.! i .'... ire in t'io Jicau, mid of i nK-ry j v. caused, in all of them lie iuomly in .- . ly rav:.,;--i.l t.a ..ili. it is pb.a.-ant nt'd painle.st., a-.:, c"..'i.i;i nuyii.ti-e; poi.-t,i.uUi or iSO.-tio t,.-i;;.:y bat cues i.y it, n.il.l.- .uluir aeli.j.l. We will p iy j'.'.uu Ucvvttiil for n uc t Citani. til 't we e..oti it euro. Foil SALE iiY :ST Ini"i5!ISl.- EVJiiil"- V'llllltll. 1'iui-i! tsi.i J.j Ctixr. J l y..ur li ii -; ,;i l- h.i.- u.iiyi-i ;;.il ilea tul . d.m't be put nil' with a uiie w,.is.e than wo. lhlt ss strong snutl', 'lomiMlor ' i.r p. .i-,nons eaaslie sulu'ii.i., which will drive tho .li-easo to the lunr? inslea I of curi.'iR it, but send sixty i-eui lo us and Iho rou.edy w.ll rv.ich you by rt.urn mail. Seod stamp lor L'r. .'--age's pamphlet on C.i'anh. li. Y. 1'iLKCE. .'d. Ii , Jbat'.i:.., ."'. Y. '.' 1m nnii.t.i: Ri.i:iirib.j.-',.i.lihe b j.-.U .a ci! irritating Hunts and r'tag i::u.-tio sului ion' with winec tac pLMnlo biu o lolir In-eii lililiiba.'e l. i-iini tv (.,,.',,' i ' '.r '"."."' ""caro lo luu uii -. . . i. io. ns ,1 ii....,?r i t d.i'l'.' m tho u-e ot euell ! ." ', " I,",llll-ea pt-rie.'t uud peruiatitlit eiiii-s.-l t. o w.-il ea -s of ehiunio ctanb, as la-jlii- , M.Os can li -tu v. '-L'ol l iu the Head" is cured j Willi a few apjuatiotis. t;,it.uri.i.l Ue'i Pieiie is re- , lliV.' t an 1 i-u,,.,! ,. jr bv inii -il 1 1 remove? otk-'i- 1 .-lie l;renb, L. -s or ln.l .Vn 'a- nt f the senso i.f t.-i".. ', tniell it b...irir i'..' . r- i. i . . . , ' 1 '.ii I l ' a., " ",r. W ?"k L? a'' ,i,li f U',1"' - l-"'11!''"ll'.ce "I t - inlt l "' I"1"1.' n e miw IU p.od I i . a i. an iin remind of rj.il'O lor a uao of Caiunh I ii.at n i-aniioi euro. I .-ALII LV MO.-T DFa'COISTjJ EVliRY- I .11.1,1.. l'i:u k oxi.v oil CliNrs. j A-I, i,nr Oni.'i.t ur ti.., Iti itv brt ;f he has ' - onale. ii.,.,-1 l.e put off by a-oop..,,.; ! tin v i iis. r.o.lu. wi.r-e lli-iii u. ,r nl .,1 4'ii..' ' I , ,,l ... .. ., I,,,,,. , , ,i , , j ein-l--,; aixtv u. at-t.t ,i. i. lr . -ii '- .. -a i.'.,i pi.ni. iur ,ueLures - J " .-.-in. i I. Uli, or olio dozen rj, i-eua suiuip i .r 1 l'i. U. toilet ou v.iam. p. Y. FiUit'i., Al. it , L..U..! i, X. Y. 1 te:::)..Tiv:i?,:.:',,ci.ssi-i.o.. 'p.'"" " " i"i'i eiciinti'us. bur is it rojirit. iu, .i i,, l i . .ml ..-..d uf rurU I ,.r( ,c SJIrfMii,:;., I i mi:'1 it Iron, ,uu l ,i,f , ,., L,.,... ali o' i , ' "p? I'eaei t iSaba.'- ti.., Aii , . . . t-'""':' i brought cr..M Allan n- i..-t, , M.i,.,. lt jt ,iu,.,, lAKlili,. , i'.r . t lisl ill: i o." ii ' ... I . o... J I i .1.11, J. --auro in tl,8 iKnj, H1u rain or u:iT"'? -.v!'..vwi:.;reVfCT,U4 t r a '',"' -'0oJ 1 ""'"ding Row.raoftSOO a .tut il 1 , ,ir, ,; , L,L 0 c ( ( . t.uf , iw,1,' b ' I'Ul.lUKTS EVERY- as iboy all uul 1'iiita i. Caxra. '"y .'.?"'!' F";" V' i uD reeaiptofSixTV Cnai F. t ,ri . . ""'" u.'teu lor y.'i.nu. Cel. 1,1 i K' J'LUKOK, M.D.. 10, fl8ly, tuH..lf.. K V 1 i r ' - nr-iS imJiiinil . ,- h i ,m IS YOt7.-G PBAVTICALLT EDUCATED for BUSINESS LIFE, AT CRITTENDEN'S Commercial ol lege, 6H7 Chcenul St., cor. of 7th., PHILADELPHIA I'jlnblished 1844. Incorporated 1855., Tie luitgcsl cdM'atied and lest organised Cvmmcva il College in the City. The practical Value of in course of instruction has '..ecu tested by long experience. hundreds of young men II:nor..iaJ, In ll.e knowledge gained here the mem,, ot profitable employment, and of success in i business. I Each F-tudent is Instructed separately, nnd in the moat practical manner. ... lion' s for tho various Branches of Trndo lire ! oncneil written nut. and closed in the manner prae- ! ?ioe?l in onr hest mercantile houses. Tho difleronl 1 liusiuos Papers, men. ns BILL 01' F.XCIIAXUK, ; lao.Mlsoiiv NiiTKS. I CHi'Civ ACCOUNTS-SALES, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, LKilKRH, INVOICES, Ac. ' A . o mi.ut! out nsin actual bu.siiK'f.i. t:.,:a.a.'Vj:i!aiE I. tnn;;lit by a sup.'iior penman in sin-h A manner I !-t rn' attentive siudci.t in n short time gains a i'i.pi 1, Free i.nd Elegant stylo of Business Writing. (iii'TAM'NTAL, wr.iTi:;a, 11 MlJ?, is Gierulcl in tlio most finis'icl nana- Of ;: U-T, . C3MMEUCIAL cai.cii.atio:;?, In.'lu lii: the beat and UKi.t rapid methods of com. iH.iitf Interest Excli'inge, l'r lit and Sale?, Avcrn I ini( '.coui.ts, .'ie.,cro couipriocd in tho Course of 1 Iii'lrnciiou. ! UUSrXESS PKACTICE5, Furchco.', ta:s. Coniigninents, t-hipiiicr.t!., Dcul ii.,.; ! witii Hanl.r', 11 cijiillaiieop, Ac., Ac. AIo, Cominrruiul Law, l'honograp by, Detecting Count trfU.:, &t. '.cr.tr ro-'.iv. d at any tine, and tnctrueted kt r;:-'.. .f'r.rs as mr.y bett suit th.-ir convenience. 'j by l::re nuuibur of bu.-ineas men now in nttend nac,( and llie n-nntroui application received for its students to fill vaenut positions, fully a(tet tlio aii- r.r.-,i iiition in kok'Ii tiic :i::t:tutiou is luW l.y tno iiutiJ ooimniiiiuy. Ol'EX LAY AND EYEXIXrt. CATALOGUES t-EXT GRA7I3. The Crittenden Commercial Aiithmelio and Fu f iness idnnuid, for phIo nt the Cullege. iian.laouiely bound, 12 ino. Friee, il.SU. t-ent post paid to any tddrcis. F. II. CRITTEXLEX & CO. July 23. ISM. 6m TELEGKAPII IN CHINA. TKZ EAST ilN'CIA TELEGRAPH OKF1CK, COM1' VN Y'f n. S3 ."c . 7, rV::suu Strcer, NEW YORIT, under rpaci.tl otinrtor fr.nn liie -tato of New Y-..rU. Or-rloiz.': CAPITAL . . .. t5,000,0C0 d:i:ecto::9. Hom. AN'D.UI'.V (!. CCRTIN, Philu.le'j.i.ia. I'Al'LS. FOitOKS, at Ruoell Sc Co., Chum. FRED. BL'TTIIKFIIILD, of F. DutteitieU 4 Co New Yc.r!:. ISAAC I.IVEfiKORK, Treasurer Mi i Central lead, I .M.i:XAM)l'.;t riilLLAXD, eauier Arucr can Fx prcs. C.'.r.;"a:iy, Mew Ynrk. !!, :: JAM';. MSON, Syiacure.N. Y. ). U. i'AI.Mi;, TrejEUu-i Weslera I'ni -i, T.!'prvf Con'.;.::nv, T-tv Yml:. ri.i.Ti n::s Ilar.I.-.i: ll.'. V. MLIFIL V'i I WIWTRAY y -f Wn'.rav, G.blis A it!., KLE.', New Yt.k. (iiiicare. A. G. Ct PTIN. I'rMiJei.t. N. MK ill.i'.S, Vice 1'retiJeot. filliiltor. l o.NANT. Fee.e.TTir. fjllOKljE F.LI.IS (Cuj:.ie-j..Ntioniil Ujiix C veal. b , j Pi.-itsnrt r. 11,;-. Iw. M.Cl.l'itf'., PLiiii.lclphia i?o!ieilor. TliC Cloae-e fjoverilllieot i...vi:i A.il li llntitnalue) eonee.t.d to tlun I .;c hi c Miniei .oir ti e ;;l-:il fce;,jn. (t!;r.'iii;)l ll.e Ib.l nij.a.iy ll.e iiivi- ot llie r.loi'iie liy l- li i ill. i-r c .uinii a- .i.inriiie el.-i'liie T t-ii-i; r. I'll eul.le orlulli.iis til l.'lilnu. ana liuni d.'W'ii a line I nine .re! an., a al ooee, nclw'ee.l the loilnwi'.ii; iu.'ts; viz P..P11.ATU..V. On. 'ii, Hi.ia-K,..:;, t7'A'.U!V, A Hi")-. . -nii;i'.'W, 1,(111.01.11 ti.,njtl c:ti,t:,o 'jati.w o S'.'j'.nu 1 J.tl.Ol.O :i',;VI'(lU 4: o iinii V.Vm-CI.u, :..tiy '. ,'J.tl ' 1".:-.e iui is d n a a fiT-.a cxiMimre ,( o,rj 0, ' h;u1 .in t-.i-.trui'iue t) Mcicr.dc tra il-, t.t ttie wiurlt v. r !.uv e I Uc int-m-iiec I . tiTli-'it c.nt.uu'iLc nt Liie l-'.'u;'irr, i.iviitUt.ff ; lr!ti i!ifSf vjintF, tl:nuli its cituulu ai.1 n-iviiitO- iivei4 Tllf c:.t..tf tti-Mi;; I. ml, liiU C)lllp.lliy -l -'li -s. iMi-i-Hii Kjiui lnif, nml fatulniiiliri:'? u btt'c Iy u..l ti t , it t ny iiUMiif, ot i'.iui:iiuiiicaiiun, v. i.ii-ii iniiai L.Miiiiiiut.l liuiv, .itf j evvl w;ie:c t hf, tilt) oittiuuiiiiJutKiiis ill Hit- O'Vfinn.e.it, , n( I tieiness. mid of itci il iilc, . cuiily m t'Miui. .iy I Ii i ii.) i'fc:.j! sjti tii, iiutl Iter i:uiin3 n uv fi f.iii.tiiu j tiKatiMi( !ii'.i,4j.itii :t 14 Uy cif.t. I'-ts in lain), anJ i cn.it ers "ii waiter. i 'J VcU'."u V.'uiIJ Lituw l!.-t Cltiim is a vci Ur$v unti't in til. mam iVuttlj jeonlfil ; but lew ye I rciiie th it she C'litiiins mure tlmii h linrd ii!'Uie hniii itt race 'i'tiv Liit'M ic.uiii mutie "tu her fcntr.il uutlt ni u fc l"i t.tx ) iitv l-ni p"tfj !y I iff 1 ii;l'!i..!r.i' ! nuke ll'.'l J" '("l! 'i ll I t I; lit M'lil.ll AM' i Ul 11 I Altl.t.M'A', an 1 !!if . m Jiki iv ut Lo ui.uit tauu uvt r t lie ut-tti.it imri'i'i Ncir'y Hilof these, v. Im an uvcf tm i.ira iil,ui ii. ily c.in tint ilo rv:iti umt writi. flcr ti'i!i.iti'ii is 1 1: . '-it , tiiii lj(.i i;ti i.iliie is ns etf iisive m ili.il t i" I'.u- L,llrt are ex.-ee'l.iwiy q.l.ck I., avail UiMiuelvea of every ,. iU-.i-il laeitnv ..r i riieiillni: ea.ly inl',,ii,i..li, il. It l ..!..,. ved 111 Culll'orina III it ll.e Climi-Be make print llie of l.i-i t-tciri.b, tliouli it there tr.int.tnts meas iea in p;re B-ih al-.ae. To (1 Cleat nuinUm of tln-t sleuiliers an- "v;.'-.l t. Oliiiu-fcL- meienaiil'-. ami used t.y tlieni cxi la. flvc tor the tra.tf.i.ifKH'a ol e:n!y UilelliyeMCe. it ll.e t !ea.a,.i c.ii..erti.iS..ll tl.nr irmit sm;v.its. Were imw In exi.tan.'e, it l l.clicveil llnTl i'. hnsinefta wuM My l.e .t w,tl.'a ll.e l,r.. two yea., f ,U sue- ee - .ll.lope,,.,.,,,, and would alejil.ly .... rrase tu-reafi,:r. No enterprise cin.nends llkelf us in a RrKlr il,-.;irt reinunnalive to eapilali.lt, and to..ur vvii .le pe ';.!e.J It is a van i.ai.oii il iiuuoitui.ee c iuuicre.a::y, p. lit.eajly, aii'leva..s;tlicnliealiy. u.lw'1'iiefc.'.ek of lids Company Inis ,eo.t lini.i:il'fu'.lly ri'"ina.i'inl.-.l 1 1 cpitulists and bur-ineeii i.ii-ii, n a d.-mr- ';!''" .'','" X '' rtie!- la tl.o .New V,k """..I, 1 1 inane. . Till, I'irries, I'n.it, l'.x;,rea, ln.l.-,. ii- i . . Liiniii m u i.tliu i'l '.r.'iiirt a ;ii:u ii.mk.io, ,tiu uir i""'i. i' oi III toe riiilmllptna .n.lti Ain 'neon, I'luo., i tf,. inn. in r. ... in .in dii ' r:rn,i,. tii:.irs Ol Mill C'.iinnHnv. luu l.uuli-u ii.niilii.r. n..iv In. "In oi.i'.l at SJll i-.". I., trill patalitr Juu ii, f In on the 1.1 ..f Nn I'm'.H'f, burl jr'lj pnvnltl, m Ui ,;a y iiih: tiiUents til' &i;m xiut.,co:aniri..wi! Deota.bei I, ISO), on application U DILEXEL 6c CO., St tSoulli Third Slrt-l-i, I'Ull.AUKl.PHIA. bl.nr. lean I nb.aiard in tuubury bv application in 5 J. PAi-'llHU, rt inker, who is authorized u receive sub eri,tiuiia, and can g.re all ncceasurjr iul'oimat.ou un tlic Sutiji'i't. Hepteiiiher ID, lc(l 6.n. Vuu hav a licturo uU WtnL iramo.l if a Ia til fll'M tud tret it Anna nh wnere else iu town. He has mouldings of all kinds eoiuttant.y rp baud- 130R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, DitU, Ruck lus. Uig Trues, Pad Trees Hanes, all kiuda aad every Ibiug pertuuiog te lb business, fur sale by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. CARPENTERS WILL gD(i in 6ur establishment a superior stock, of Plaues, Saws, Augers, Haujh.la, Uasusx . lllas Chisels, As , Ae ,fot sals by w- J-11 003ILKT A CO . 'FRESH ARRIVAL OK MILLINER 5T GOODS ' JJSIJD NOTIONS, Miea ANWA PAINTEB, Market Sqnare, tm doon west of th. Poet Oflfc. BUNDURV, PENN'A. RKtPFCTFULLY Informs hor friends and the public, that she has just returned from the city, where she has spent some time In making select on; and purchases, and has jnst opened a largo slock ot MILLINERY QOODS AND NOTION'S, Ribbons, Laces, Drcss-Linings, Crinoline and Wi Rsns bkirling Lining, lloe-p Skins, bugle Trim ininRS, Crape Trimmings, llatCrape, loak JJultons, CorBots, Zephyrs. .... . ,, ., A large assortment of Ladies and Osntlemen s Hosiery. TOLLS of all siies, Alphnbet Rlocks, e. .Sho Dattors hufaolf in being nblo to make a display that will give entiro entisfnetion to visitors, and goods will bo exhibited with pleasure. Punbury, May 30, 1B63. W77 1 E N N ETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, .Tlarkel Miqunrc, SI MU KV, Pa. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed In purity nnd freshness, and kept con s'antly on hand. My stock will nlway bo found complete in every article of moiit in Medicine Fhysicinns and Custumcrs may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. ?ANCI' AUTICLSS! My slock is nnusitally large nnd embraces every thing that can be found on a first class Toilet Tablo, including American and genuino French and Eng. I'ERP U M E U Y , Pomade?, Hair Oil, Ivory, (Jutta Pcrcha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Boaps, Hair Tooth, Xuil, Cloth nnd Faint Brushes, la. 'alenf .lltMlicinrti. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SEt) AllS nnd CIIEWINO TOBACCO of the beat Brands. Inrii(, (iir, (Lilue, Ulasi, Putty, Vsct-!iiw!i(H, Ac. All my Tinctures. ,Syrijps, Ointinentt, Cerates, and other preparations nio manufactured l.y myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience, in the Di ug and Pi-crriHon Business, both in Philadelphia and tho country, nnd also tho advantago of tho College of Pharmttev. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PllLiiCKIPTIONS that the Physicians and public may favor me with. All lay preparations as 1 havo above asserted, are made from tho best mnteiial, and upon honor I assert, they are of fii.-ial strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very WINES, I3RANDIE3 AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bol'ore purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own luiud. W. A EEXNETT. SiiiiFur.v. May 10, 1S'3. KEWGROCERY SIOEE, V. z. -Praia AIT & CO-, Market dtieet, Six doors t.tt of Third stroet, north si.lo.SlXLFF.Y, PA., RE.IPECTFFLLY inform their fritndj rtcd the I ublic. that tlicy havo opened a AND PROVISIOiN STORE, a.i'l will be bnppy to have Ihctn call and examine their stoelt, which has iu;t been oi incd. embrac ing evevylhingin tho (J.ocery line, such as Coffoe, Tea, Sugar, Syrups, Spice. Canned and Dried Fruius. Leans, lluminy, Cheese. Crackers, .bacon, Ham, FiiU, Salt, Potatoes, otc., togetiier with Sonps, Candles, Sjtla, Ac, ad in faot everythinj iu tho liroccryaad Proviji .n. Line. FI.OTF. AND FE"D, Qusensaare, Willow-wort. Ol.is.sware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call und seo before purchasing elsewhere. W. S. FV1U1AX t CO Suubary, April 27, 1",7. FL0Un& "FEElT STORK WHOLESALE AXJ) Jii:TA1I.. rpHE rab-cribcr rcspccifully informs tho p-.blio J that ho beeps ccnslnntly on band at his, new V. ARElKiFr-i;, nenr lh .Shamokin Yalley Railroad Fepot, in ir'UX I'.IIKY, Flour by tho barrel' iir.d sai ks of all hindr of Feed by tho ton The r.h.,ve is all manufactured nt hit own Millj, and will be sold at tho lowest cash prieea. J Id. CADWALLADFil. Snnbury, April 1, 1S.58 Wu. Faiisjx. Nklson Flou V V v N I T U R E II 0 0 il S VLE. PAPwSOlT & SC1T, late of the firm of Parson A Davis. have opened ward rooms at No. 22i South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Whero they keep a full assortment cf PARLOR, CHAMBER, SITTING ROOM nnelDLXIXG ROOM ITUMTUKE. Theirold customers, nnd all person., wishing to piirehaso, are invited tooalland exauilno their stock before purchasing clscwhero Particular attention paid to packing. mytl ly. r.AAA I-CS- OF CARPET RAH 3 7lXTED7t tv "u me store oi MOORE A DISSIXGR, Markets treat, Suubury. May If). SUNBURY MARBLE .w.:i. Y1.4-V : L:lM.: mHE 'undersigned havinr? boiir?ht tho I (inlirn utrvLr Tltaa i n r. .t t- Tnli. ix. would inform the public that he is now reaily to do all kinds ot marble work ; bas on band, and makes to order at short notice, 32iititticnf s nnd II-Htt-Vo:io;, of every s'.ylo'to suit purchasers. DO0R AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanized pipe and all other fencing generally used ou Cemeteries. John A. Tiiyb.r will continue in tho employment, nl itio out stnn'j in .Market Niunre, Suniiury. t'.v May 2 DAI! Gil UK No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. 'ENERArENTS, J,,, AND -o JfBS HIM yZ ."Vs UNITED STATES 0FM1ERICA. Tu KxttokaIi Li lvsrraxTcn Cojipa-it Is a ci l-oratioa ch.r'frc.i br sp, cial Acl ot ConnToM. an CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. L brri) terms nip-red to Ac.-nu and SoUcliors.wba H' invtle.l t j apply aluur oaice. lutlp'ttieulurfi .t'oiiailoiiaepllca'tr-natonrotece. loeatea In "lie ecouaii slory of onr Hanking Hoofa. l,or.-( ..eu!- and Paaii.hlcu, fully lii'lintilig US ai.vu:ai'joU.rei l.y theO ..uipair.aiay be !.ad. U. W, (I..IIIK i CO., 1 A", HuutS 'ilrd St. Applications for Central and Western Pennsylva nia to be made to h. S. RUSSELL, Mxnaukii, Angut 13, ISG9. ly, Harrisburg, Pa. lNoliiion of PtM'lnerslti. NOTICE is hereby given that the eo-parlnership heretofore existing between J. Wciser Ilucbor and E. Maner Buoher, trading under tha firm of "Bucher Iiroihers," in the tauner busiuett, was this day (August 24th, 18M,i dissolved by mutual con sent. Ibe bunuess will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned, at the old staud, where all persons Indebted to the firm or Ilucber Brothers, are re quested lo sail withcut delay and make settlement, and save eost. E MASSER BL'CHKR. ououury, August Z, Jo8. 6m. C'lftilsdsTitBsi'sM 4 'uierinn ssss W1 Child (Uppiuaa 1 I . - - w vui tUW sUU IsVICtJ HNCl MM eawptruiDg U tod botauiul ft vl. O" bankers; co 933 ClieaJniitSirrct, Pliilndclphla, i . Are the best fn Dm, j FOR TfJE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS: Thoy a more simple and durable, easier kept in j order, make a stronger and mora elaatio stitch, a 1 firmer and more beautiful senm than any other j Thoy sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quiro norc-windlng of thread, listen both ends of tho soara by their own oporntlon, and though every firih stitch is cut thnxram will rot rip. jThcVi iy ?iahest Prize, the Cross ' of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho (jROVES & SIAIal.K at the Exposition TJniversellce, Paris, 1S67 ; thus attesting their great superiority ovor all other tow ing machines. GROVER 4 BAKER'S DEW STTLBS 5 SI U T T Ii B'. For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improve ments. Tho attention Is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Hoots and Shoes, Carringo Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tho uso of the roost effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess, unmistakable ad vantages jfver r.U others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALIUS, MarkctStreet, SCNBl'UY, PENS 'A., Nov. 23, 1SG7. ly NEW MARBLE STORE. IST0. 902, Chesnut Street,1 JAS. iv CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, Have been appointed SPECIAL AGENTS In this city for tho sale of tho GORIIAM MFti. -COMPANY'S Fine Eleotro-Plnted Vi'are. We guarantee thcro goods to bo decidedly supn rior to anything in tho market, excelling in design, iiuhh and quality. A largo assort taent will be maintained, 'and sold at tho manufacturers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark rrrt Stamped on the of lljl) base of each Eleetro Plato gjjstiMltfBfj article. r Qaldwell&Qq. So. .OB llicntnat Nti-ect PHILADELPHIA, July IS, 1803. mh7,ly. A LARUE supply of WaSJ E'nper nsi" 2. Elordur, just received aci for talo chocu, at tho ' Mammoth Store of April i, IMS. n. Y. FRIL1XG. ISAAC K. 8TAUFFER, TVctvhsnriUvr nnd Jevt 2NTO. 143 jmoktii: cl ST., COH. Oi' QUAHRY, nill.ADEI.I'lllA. An sum lineal of Wal-hes, Jewelry, S.tver and Plateo Waifi couBlantly on linatl, IVHeioroig of Watciies and Jewelry promptly at ti-in'.cJ t.i Xov. SD, 1?S7 1 y. I.tiB'OiCTA.T il('!:." TITHE uiiilor.ig.ied having succeeded to the buai .L ucs of I. 1U.MES it; CO., takes this method of iiifui iaing Brii k-Layers. Builders, and all others in terested, in nud tibuiit Sunbury, that bo is prepared to fill all orders, for building nud paving Brick, ot u superior quality, and at as low rates us can bo hud elsewhere. I am also tho Agent in tho Counties of Xort'iutn erland, Union. Snvd.r nnd Montour, for WAR. EN'S IMPROVED FIRE nnd WATER PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that n bo used en buildings. Wu covered several build gs with it, during the last season with entire san ction. Orders loft at tho Brick Yard, in CaUo's Addition to Sunbury, or at tho Office of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post rn: - ..." i . . . . . . vuiee, win receive prompt aitwntton, 'I'OWXSEXD IHME3. Sunbury, Mareh H, 18GS. .FANCY D R ViO()T)S ALL TilK LATEST SliLLS, Suitable for the SPPiIXG AND bL'MMER SEASONS. IvIISS BLACK, Market i'qunre. two doors Eist of the old Bank building. SUNBURY, Ponn'a., HAS ju;t opened a, fresh assortment of.the most lasluoiiable Fancy Dress bloods fioin tho largest establishments in Philadelphia. DuLAlNtS, ALA l'ACAa, POPLINS, CALIC'-S. nutt e: -; oi5y.. Cloths, Sucqucs Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies and Children' 11 A'irt, Feathers. Ribbons, IrcsM 'I'riiuiiiisisai, Iiubi-oitles-it-M, Lace Voils, Corsets, Handkurehiofs. Oloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' "liptio Skirts, Real Black Lace Shawls, und Ladies' Uoods of every description. Bun Umbrellas and Farosols. Gents' Collurs, Nsck-tias, Hulf-hoio, Handkcr chiefs and Oloves. Porlumery, Toilet Soaps, Huir Brushes, Combs, eta. KA TE B LACK . IIOU'3'M A. NllOICtx' J. C. SYLYIS, WITH II. G. T1IACIIEH, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Itootk, (Slsoi-M und sUaiterai, Pleasants' Building, Market Square, JS'UXBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes nnd (Jailers uf all description made to order ou the shortest notice and most reas suuuble terms. Having the best workmen employed we can uesuro the public that, if they will give us a dill, they will be satisfied of the above facta. RE PAIK1NU uuatly done with dispatch. If your uorus do hurt your feet, Just cull and leave your lueusure, And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will call a treasure. Mareh 23, 'titf ly. . NEW MACHINE SHOP AND IRON" IFOTJIN-IDIrSr. ui:o. uointiiAt'ii a ito.-v, SUNBURY, I'A.., INFORM the publio that they have established, a MACHINE SHOP, io connection with Ibeir FOUNDRY. They have supplied thouieePv.es with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Macbiues, eiltb the latest improvements. With tlio aid uf skillful me ehauics, iboy are euabledto execute all orders of ew Hoi k or V4kli-Ias that nay be given thorn, in a saliafuotory manner. Having eularged and rebuilt their Foundry, they art ready lo eiaoute all kinds uf ASXi.NUa. llruasi t'asnlss-s, stxp. Tha PLOWS, already ealebraled for their snperl ority, bare been si ill further improved, ana: will al ways be kept ea band, rfenbary, Jus U, !. Great Attraction, at lb NEW TIN -WARE, Nhct.'t Irou and tstove Store of SMITH & GE1TTHEP., Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to ordor nt short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially oall the attention of pur chasers lo their largo and well seleotcd stock of COOK AND FARLOB STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to hava all thoir best stoves made to order, and thoso who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well seleeted stock. Flret. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook &'toves, vis : Conibiiiatiou ni Uin-iicr, Cook. (Sovei-nor Pcuii Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, n1 the well known Antidust Cook Stove culled SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em bracing all the best manufactures nud most fushion ablo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish aimpli oily of arrangements combining chonpness, durability and each stove warrautod to perform what they are represented. Also, Tho celebrated Ballimoro Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second nnd third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING OLORY.' . Coal Oil, Con I Oil l.iunps, Khudcsi, Cl'imtiiew, mitl all urlivlcst nmally kept in an establishment of this kind. They nre also prepared to furnish Slatoand do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Ronling, Spouting, Range nnd Fumnco Work, Oas Fitting, Ao. Repairing noatly and cheaply executed. Also : "SSuiig'sVsi Raw Mono Supcr-Plios lh:ilo." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, betwoou Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 2o, 1305. m. c. j s:stn sm-is Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, 5t-2.ot Mtre-t? t, fiunimry, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand ami for salo at the above establishment atwholesalo and 'retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of ConroMionnriei to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low rates. Tohaeeo. Sr gars, Btatinnory. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of oth.-r nrticles, all of whbh are otlcrol wholosalo and retail. . Li1' Rotncmber tho name and place. ,yV M. 0. (ih AH 11 ART, Market street, C doors west of E. Y. Bright A Soa's store. Sunbury. Sept. 13, 1S.13. If THE Or.il AT AMKILl'CAX CuJ-.'jISIXA T102T Slutian E!o! -i-soiiiin; AND SZVTITG- IvIACHIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its (.treat Merit. The iii'-reasc in the demand for this valuable ma chiuo luu been TEN FOLD during the lost soven mouths of its tii'ct year before the public. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we teel fully warranted in claiming that I X II AS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely tho Best FA?Slg.Y MSAC'BJJ.'3 IU THE WORLD, Anl IiiU-insicxlhj tat Chea'tcal. It is really two machines combined iu one, (by a simplo and beautiful mechanical arrangement.) ma king both the Shuttleor Lock-stitch, and the Over scnuiiugand Buttan-holo stitch, with equal facility and pericMion, It cxecutos in tho very l.est innunvi eveiy variety of sowing, such as. Hemming. Felling. Cordiair, Tucking. Stitching, Braiding mid Quilting, Gathering nud sewing on, (dr.ne at the same lime.) and iu addition, Ovcrseauis, Embroiders on the edgo and makes beautiful Button aad Kyeiot-boles in nil lal.ries. Every Mnehino is warranted by tho Company, cr its. Agents, to givo entire satisfaetion. ( neulare, with full particulars uad samples cf work dene on this Maeliinc, can be had on applica tion al tho Salesrooms of RUTTOX IIOLIC, OVERSEAMING AND is E WING MACHINE CO., S. Vr. Cor. EleveutU uud Chustnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Iustructioiis givon on the Machine at ibe rooms cf the Company gratuitously to all purchaser... AGENTS WANTED. FRED'R PAXSON, Pre.iJfnt. W. I!. MiiNUKNiiAi.i., Tri-ttsurLT. April 25, 1S6S. lycjan. Cj, 11111 GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, I 1ST SUNBURY is on 3i street, opposite the MAS0X1C HALL, at BERGSTEESSE?,'S HEW PHOTOGKAPU GALLERY, Hat l.ulrly i:tiiblissictl, MftZi nil the .fJo-Jt-i-jt Impioc-MenCs ot t'ic Art ! rpilE subscriber, having 1 uilt tha room expressly JL for tho purpose of Photographing, und liavaij devoted many years to tho business, is confident of his ability to assure his patrons that tlio work pro duced shall ba second to none in couatry or city. No work allowed to leave tho gallery unless en- i It rely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in tho I enmity, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day tor small children. He is also prepared to take new siro, or cabinet card Photographs. All KinJs .1 pictures copied or.d magnified to any required tizo and colored bcautilully in Oil or W aler colors or ludiu ink. Wo pay special uttentibn to all kinds of out door work, such us Landscape views ot Monuments, Machinery, County Scats, io., a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The public-are respectfully invited to call nnd see our specimens und our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and clues. . EERUSTRESSER. Suuburv, July 15, CONRAD MEYE3, l.iltiitor and JManufarturtr of the CELE11UA TED IEO.X FHA.VE VIASOS, Wura-coms, Xj. ?23 Arch h'L, rhila., nAS received tho Prize Medal of tho World's (ireat Exhibition, Loudon, England. Tho high est Pri7.es awarded when and wherever exhibited. ESTAU1.1SUED loJ3. Oofjl, 'dt'.-jiu IVatcr and I'ii-c I'l-ool' SLATE HOOFS THE um1origncd respectiully in for ins builders in tbi and ndjoiniu counties tbnt be U prepared to put ou Mute Kootd in u superior uiftDncr. ito Turn isht'S tho celebrated 'Lebigu county hUte, vhicb ii the buol in the aarket. He warrants bit work to be durable and tire and water juoof. He invito the in-f-jicction ot the publio to tbe work he btuduue in Sun bury ou lluupt s, Gretjuoub' aud II mu' tuiiuiiiu, and on others ut vuriuutt places, liis prices are a low as those ut' uuy other -luitr. AdJrc.i, D.S.SMITH. Sunbury. i. 0., orcu.l at bis reideuce in Upper AuumIi twp. Jiiiiuary 11, l&uS. ly P ifb T 0R"AirALljirM"8 DOOJC3 AKS STATIOJSEKY. Monthly Timo Books Drawing Books nnd Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum 13:.')kl; Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands. Pens, Pore Is. a tine assor uneut of Paper, Ink. Ac. For salo by ANNA PAINTKR. NKWCAUIUACE&;BU(.GV MANUFACTORY. niHE subsoribcr respectfully Iuforms tho cilisons X of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a shop in 60I. Stroh's Blnckamithshop-Buiidiug on Chestnut street, Sunbury, Pa , where he keeps con stantly on baud, aud manufactures to or dor, Curriu ",-, UuRByst, Ntiiky , Ac, of the latest style and of tha best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, Ac, dons at ih shortest notice. Persona In want, of line Buggies and Carriages, arc requested to oall bsfore purchasing elsewhere. H. 0, KOUSU . Bunbury, July 1 1, 1888 ly R MEMBER Uy e-rly'si saw Picture Gallery -sassstaeia west ef the railroad, Marks Boaae LOOK HOSPITAL "ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUSE FROM QUACK TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CUgE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hss rliscovererl the most Certiiin,9peedy and only l;tTettunl Remedy in the Work! for all Pri vate Diseases, Weakness f l,e Dark ot Limlis, Strictures, Aflectioi.a of the Kidneys ami Ul.nliler, Involuntary Ilia charges, linpotency, General Debility, Nervouaueas, Dys pepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, I'alpi latum of tl.e Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Uiinaeas of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the lliurl, 'l liroat, Nose or skin, AtTertinns ol the Liver, Lungs, rt,.mael. or Dowels these Terrible Ditnnlersarlaing from tlieSolitarv Habits of Youth Ihose Secret and solitary practices mure fatil t, tl.eir victims than the song of Syrena to Ibe Matineranf Ulyasea, blighting their most brilliant lupesoi auiieipaiioiiB, rendering marriage, Ac., impossible. Young- Men Especially, who hnve become the victims, if Solitary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive hal.it which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousanda of Young Men of the moat exalted talents ami brilliant intellect, who mie.ht otherwise have entranced listening Senates with thethuii deis of eloquence nr waked to ecstuly tl,s living lyre, may call with full confidence. . 'ylnrrlnsc. Married Persons nr Young .Men eontersplating ravnaee, being nware r.f physical weakness, oigauic debility, de fotmitics, Arc, speedily cured. He who places himjeff under tha rare of Df. J. may may rebpioasly cnuti.le in his honnr ns a gentleman, and confidently rely apon his skill as n Pliysieiait. Organic VcakiiPNra Immidintely Cured, and Full Yigur Rest .red. This ilistiessing Alfectionwliieh reii.l.TS Life misera ble and marriage impossible ia the penally paid l.y I he victims of improper indulgences. Yuan? persons are t. apt to commit exeeaaes I mm not beionHwnre of the dread ful ensequenen that may ensue. Now, win. that ninler stanUs the anbjecl will pretend to deny that the pnwrr of pioerea.ioi. is lost a.i.ier l.y Ibnae falling into unprnper balnts than l.y tlio proilt-als ! llesidea deu.g deprived Ijie pleasures nrhralrhy olfspring.tl.e must aer.ousaud deitiac tive symptoms to both body ami m.titl arise. The system br-eomes Dpmnged. the I'i.vsi.al and Mental Ptu.etions Weakened. Iiss of Proe.'entive I'r.wer, Nervous Irritabili ty, Dvepeps.a, lfalpitaliou of the Heart, l.tilir-srioa, Con s'tit.ittotial Debility, a Wtiating of Ibe Flame, Cough, 'CoiTsiimptioii, Det'iy nnd Dtnth, 4IU-4-, So. 7 Momls I'l-pslrrick 'airet Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, n fewdoois rr..m the coiner. Full not to observe name and number. Lelleis must be paid und contain a slump. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in Ins office. A Csirn YVarrautrd in Two IJisyn. Xb Mf.rr.urer Kaumou) Dmpt. 5)r. JoliiiKton, Merahirr of the Royal Collerc of Surgeons, Loi'rlon, Grad uate from one of the must eminent C.. Ilexes u. the I nited States, and llie greater part ol whose life bas Inren spent in the hi.'pitu's ..f Loudon, I'.iiis, Philadelphia and else where, tins efei'led some of llie must asti.aishiiig cures that, were ever known ; many triitil.lrd Willi intging in the head and ears when asleep, creat ucrvniifmcus. beitr a'ann ed nt saild.'.i sounds, baslifulness, wuh fiequent hlusrring. sttentbsl soiiietitnes withder u.geinent of mind, were cured immediately. 'l'ni Particular Notice. Dr. J. nd.lrr.si-B all those who h ive injured themteivtw by improper Indu'geii -e and solitary halnis, winch ruin both budyand tnuiil, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Tiiasaare some ol thesud and melancholy effects pro duced Ly early habits. 'I youth, viz: Wrakll-saol tliellaek and Limbs, i'.iius in llie lieiid, Dilliaesa i.t S.nt, Lisa of MtiSL-ulur I'.'wei, Palpitation of the Heart, Dvspepay, Nervous lrritab.iitv, Lieiaugement of the DieT'live Func tions, tieneral lb-!ility, Syiuptuins of C"iisau.ptiou, Ac. Mkxtam.v The fearful eiT.-elson the mind are n, neb to he draU.U l."Ss ol Memory, Confusion of Ideja, De pression of jtnta, l-;vil-.'orel,,'.l.i'gs, A vrrsinu toSiviety, Sell-Lnstryt, Love of Solitude, Tiiuidity, c. are some of tile evils pniduetal. TuotsANn, of peisor.s of al! 3'esea.i new iadre what is the cause uf their deellti'iig heailti, losing lltcir vior, l.-Pi-oining weak, pale, nrtvons and euselaie,!, I.aviiitf a singular uppi-araace aluut the yes, ucga and sraptoir.s of cousunipll'.n. Yoeui";- Dli-u Who have injured themselves bva certain praeti.-e lii.lu'j. id 111 wiieil atone, a bab.t Ireoueutly leaiard from evil companion., or at srh.iol, II. a tuevia of which aie mainly felt, evil when sslrep, and if not cured lenders in. linage impossible, and destr.))s both luittdand body, should apply immediately. Wii.it a pit y that a vnuni? man, tl.e hope of Ins country, the d.irlini! of lus paren's, sliould be auatelied fioin all pros peela and enjoyiueilta of nit-, by ibe eonseq.iei.ee uf ilevia liag from ttie path of nature and ini'iilaiug iu a certain aecrat habit. Such iiersnns '.r. belore eoutenipU'.iorf ."!;n-i-inii, reflect that a sound inin.i ai d bi.tiy aro t'ie mo't necessary requisites to pro. note cuunnb.nl happiness, ii.drtrd without these, tils j .urnoy through life l.ec unes a wear) pi'nui rige; the p.osprrt hourlv darkens lo tha view ; liiu uond becomes stniilowed with despair and filled with the uielan eliiily r.'ti?'-tii'.ii tiitu the hapoutas of another beci-tacs bl:g iti-d with our own s!iK'api of lllllrss'i'.. When i.c nusuaii-d Mint i,n:.'".id"iit v,taiv oi pleasure finds that he bus iu.tnb.-d th fv"-.ts of lios pH.uf.,; di.euss. It too one,, h.-qvieiis th.it an lll-tiri'd souse ol' sliam". or dre.nl ot diseovt-ry. d.-ters !o:ii I'rrna appiymg to tiiose wh", io:n e.i'jealton and ri nj-r-riitoii ' y. rnu uluni- tf. len t Imn. delaying till theeon.titi.ln.iial "j.inipt.ims i.l' tliis li-jrn.1 disease make Ih'eir appt-'o-.- e. siti-h as ulerratiil a oe tiir.iut. diseiisr-d nore, iiuetlaitl puius In ll.e lo ud and limbs, dimness of a.lt.di-nfiu-ss, in-itrs tin Ihesh.n b Mica ami aims, blol.-i.es on tha head, fare and rxtieimti. a. piogtess ing with frightful rapidity, till t .,.t ii,e p.iate ol llie inoiith or the boiu-s of the nose fall in. and the victim of tins nivful diri-iise -iM-i'imfs a hi'iiul ol,jei-t of eoiniiusein tlo.i. till death puts a pei-i..d ..liisdie.ulf.il suflern.'i, by S'lidillg In... t -thnl t'i'.i'iseiivered Country from wame'e In. traveiirr le'ulns.'' It is a melnin-a.l fucllli.it lli.-usaiiils fait i;iim, in this temhle disrate. ..will? to ttn- Uhsklllfitl-i-31 ,-f .,'un; mt pu-teiideis, who, bv t lir useoflh-.i ' Ue-.il! P..is,':i, ,M,-r. r.o .'' ram llie eoi'slUu'.inn uud riia'xe til lesulje of lifo miserable. KCr:tEi,'j-rH Trast nut y-ur lives, i,r heil.h, to tha esre r f l'. mnrv Unleained and W.irth:.?, I'rrtiili-rp d.-t itet. of k.i'.w! . dee. name or character, who eory lir .lol.i.s:.'u'8 .id'. er t is. ments, or sly It Ihemse'ves in the newsp-ipria. rf;:aia.Iy r.dea.rd I'ays.i'iaus, nieapiit-tp uf lunnr;, they seep v il tndo'g month after n.onih inking iheir htthv and pomonus eoir.p.iiiinls, or as long as the siuiOlest fre ran be obtained, ami ia d'.pair, leavo ou Willi luiut.l health lo sigli over your jailing diP'.-;,riiilli-,i. -t. l'r. .lohi.ston is Hie only Pliy?ieb:i advert iainr. Miscri-Centini or di)lomas always Inns; in hiaolfir-e. li s rem,.Ji.M or trt-atnient are uniitu'wii to n!! nlhers, prepared from a lifespent in ttmeri-af IioptailB nf l-'irops, lt-e first in tins ronntrv ami a rii-u e eiten.Ka -'i'riale Practice" than any other pholenm iu ttie wuild. Bnlot-,n.n nf tS: Pi-csiia. The manv thoustouls r-nrerlai tins instittO'iv, vra, af'er year, nud the numerous l'n,,i-.tt:iul Smgu-al Operations pertorint'it by l'r. J..hu...u. w.tursfd t.v ti e rep uti-ra ol t' e "Sun.'' -Cttppr." and mnnv i.thsr p-spfra. i.nticn ,--wh:eli have appeared cvanl and again before the pnhlie, luKnlr.s bis stauflii'S as a gi'iillemaii of rliameler and ra. SM'.uailli.y. is n sutHeieut cit'irsutes to the i.f-ii"id. Kill EiMtiiM'H l;!'Oilil v liti-sst. Pers-ii's wmi ire sl-oo'd 1" purtien nr 1.1 ilirrctu.j their et-ars to tin, Instituiioii. r.i tl.e folloieu-s: mai r.t!, JoSiu .it. .SoJiics-tou, ."i". S. Or the Baltimoie Hek ll-utp.tut, liaitim-ne, M.I. Nov. .10. ls(,7 y. Notico to Merchants anil Shippers. THE uiidcrc'gnc.l. proprietor of Wciser A Friuk'a Line, t?ive notices to lnerehanls and stiinpers that thoDepot is still at tl 1 Market street. Phil delphia, arid all Unodsdiroctcd to Sunbury. Danvi.lo and Lewisbur, and alt intermediate stations nl.mg the railroad, will bo promptly delivered. L-r" Cars leave 81 1 Market street, Philadelphia tii-weekly Tuesdays. 'Ihursdavs and Salur iava. J. W. BROWN, PioprV.-tor. I.cwishuig, . J. II. BROWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Doeembor7, 1307. SEEING IS EELIEVIITG At 71i-i Ari'U Sn ort. NEW PIMCES! NEW GOODS ltich Silver ami Silver-Plated Wares, , Iucluding every stylo and ucsertption, uuulo expressly for tho Winter trade which for neatness and durability caaaot bo surpassed at JOnif BOWMAN'S V holesalo and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, "01 ARCH SIRLLT, PHILADlsLPUIA. t"2' Re-platiognt short notice. December 21, :tft7 .nugC7 H. Conley Co., 7lni-kt fii reel, 1'ai.t ol ! Itiiilrou7, HTTlMi3 UJF-l Y, p-EIMUSf'-A.. DEALKRS IN Foici:iii. j. A.iiir.Giic t. Hardware & Cutlery. rillHcl attention of Mcebunics, Farmers. Builder, aud Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we nionow offering a better seleeted assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. 4C, than ever wnsotlered in this iu.uke.1 at prices much below those heretofore demauded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this lino of business, embracing a general assortment 'of touts and mate rials us,.,l bv CARPENTERS, LLACKS.MITUS, CARRIAUK AND WAGON. MAKERS, JOINERS, AC., AC, together with n large stock of Iran. Steel, Nails, Spiltos. Rope, Chaiua, UnudttoDCS, Mill and X Cut Saws, i&c, da. Sunburv. March 30, 18t'.7. ii. "II. ItC-V, Iculi(. Will remove hi. Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2ud story, Market Square, 3-UTsTBTJli"S", IJ-a-ItrHERE he will be prepared to do all kiudsof V w..rk perlaiuing to Dentistry. Will keep constantly on bund a large assortment of Teoth. and other Dental material, froinwhieb.be will be able lo select, and meet the wants of bis customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else th money refunded. 'Ibe i cry best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powdars) kept on haud. His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the last twelve years, fiaabnry, Marek l. lets E.ackawsBtiisss, St ISIoo'raus'bsirsg Rati road. OH" and after Monday, May lib, 1M3, Passenger trnnu will iva M tinmsi ; Leave SOUTHWARD A. M. A. M P. li. 6.42 7.1a r. m. a jo 6 1)5 8 45 .2 1005 4 45 Ssranton, Kingston, Rupert, Danville, North'd., 40 1 55 8 30 9.M I 2 t.H . 18 85 NORTHWARD. 8 21 Arr Leave North'd., " Danville, " Rupert, " Kingston, Arr. at Scranton, 7.02 T.lld 10.00 IU 00 8 40 9 47 A.M. T 00 Pill. 1.50 11.10 8 (10 3 55 H. A. FONDA, Sup't. Eivarston, May 19, 1888, Rrnsliua; Clailroad. , SU1IMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1808. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, rottsville, Tumnqua, Ashland, Shamoki , Lcbn anon, Allontown.Easton, Ephrata, Litii, Lancaster, Columbia, Ao., Ao. Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York. ns fol lows : At 2.50, 6 25 nnd 8.10 A. M. and 12 20 noon, nnd 2.05 nnd 9.35 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd itrritiri " nt New York at 5H0 10.00 and 11.4) A. M. nrd .1 5t 6.55. 9 50 P.M. Sleeping Cars neenmpnnying tho 2.50 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without ohango. Lcavo Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersvillc, Ashland. Shamokin, Pine Hrovo. AllentownnndriillndclphinatS.lll A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon nnd prir.eipnl woy stations ; thc4.IO p in. Making connections for Philadelphia nnd Columbia only. For Pofsvillo, Sohuylkill Haven and Auburn, "vin .S lmylkiil and Suwiiehanna Railroad, lcove Harrisburg at :t ;.o p. m Returning: Loavo New York at SI Kin. m., 12 00 Noon and 500 nnd 8.00 p. m.. Philadelphia nt 8 l a. m. nnd 3.30 p. m.; 6'leepinz ears ae;umpanving the 9.00 a. in. and o 00 aud b.00 p. in. trains with out cbnngo. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at a.m., connecting with similnr train on East Pcnirv Railroad, returning from Reading at fl 3n n r.i shop ping atoll Stations; Potlsville at'7 00 ond 8 46 a. m and 2.4;. p. m: Shamokin a 20 a. m. und 11.20 a in Ashland at 7. 00a m., 12.43 noon pnd 1 55 n m : Tnmaquant 8. SO a.m. and 2 15 and S 45 p. in ' Leave Potlsville via. Schuylkill and Sti-iueoanna Railroad at 7.10 a m. for Harrisburg, p.r.i 1 1 2J a.m for Pine Urove and Fremont Reading Aocouiraodulion Train leaves Ri.;;r uj JY' re'.uraing mm FiiladOf hit ut S.ii Pottstown Accommodation Train: leaves I','". town nt il 45 A. M , returuiug luaves Pluldji',ii'a ut 4 Ito 1". M. Columbia Rnilrond Trains leave Rcadiu,-ut 7 'to A. M., and 6.15 P.M. for Ephrata, Litu,"L:..."e-. tcr. Columbia, Ac. Porkiomen Rail Rood Trains leavo Perkiomen Junction nt 9.00 A. M. nnd 6 00 P. M. Returning Leave Skippaok at B.1B A.M.. nnd 1.25 I', il . colli nectingwithsimil ir trains ca Reading Rail Km p On Sundnys: Leave New York at 800 pin .. Phila delphia b. 00 A. M., and 2.15 P M. tlio 8 an a in. train running only to Heading. PottSTille Ilnrri-burg. 5.25 am, and -1.10 an.lv.:; ' f'O am., p m . un 1 Bending at 1.102 55 and 7.15 n. m, for Harrisl, and 1.08 a. m. nnd 1 1 .49 p m. fcr New York i Ij p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Haason. School and Ex cursion, Tickets, at reduced ratos ta end iicai nil points. Baggage eheoked through i 100 Poucs l!. a3 allowed each Paasecgcr. " 3 (. A. NICOLf.S. General Sur-erinttnoen" kiiJLl rSAirlpiua I Krie RtsvHrivwo. BUMJirajIMSJiiI.E Through and dlreet ronto between Philadelpht:., Bultiuore. Hurrisburt, Williniuspa,-:, to tho North west aud the Great OU Region oi Hei.nvylvar.ia. ELEiANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains On and after MooJay. Sept. U'ti. ISM, the TiaM'j on Jui Philadelphia A xie Rail Road aill run a follows i WtssT-VAnn. Jiafl Traiu leaves Fhlioiltiiphia, 1,1 id r. m " " Sunbury, o (". a m " " arr. at Erie. r.p in Erie Fxpress leaves Philadelphia. 1 1 .. ra " " " Senbury rl ,1J p i " " arr at Erie- Hon ra El aiira Mail leaves Philadelphia, r. -i'l a oi Sunbarv 4 I.', p ;u " " arrive nt Lock Ifovee, ".t.'ipi.i E.VSTWART". Mail Tral.1 leaves Erio " " Sunbury, " " arr. nt Pbil t .'e'lphia, Erie Rxpra. ivsves Ki iu " " ' Sunbury " " arr nl Philadelphia, 10 fl i m 1 " no ia 7 ( 0 m 7 H5 p a-. 10 i'ai 5 on p m Cr.'. k and Alntl and Express connect with Oil Allehenv River Railroad. EAGOAGK CHECKED THROUGH. ALFRED L. TVLllll. Genera! Snp.'ru -ei.iar.t. an ta cr . tajr a-a raa .ira e.-peciali.v mvitrd to call nnd f xam'.uo our s'ock of Hiril.lirili'S HARDWARE i.-i'in..' isir g Hit Its. S-.-rows, I Nails and Sipike of ail itiricii l-'lrap and T Hiages. Locks and I. -ater.i.s. lt.iiis. l'!iik. tiring Trow-ls, Rriuk Trowels, Piastirer'a .Sieve. A::. i. , for sale by J. II CONLEY A CO. Uii(). IIOTKI-- CJSA!i. Il'ZS'a., l'i';.rii tor. In Cake's Additim to SUNBURY. n-nr the Pe-aii'r.. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOA RLE IIP. kept kIi.i will find ainplo af coniiiiorlatioiis. Wood cooks and waiti ti. boarders can ei.jnv tho quiet com fori of homo with fare equal to Ihu bet hotels. His Liquors are of tho cboibeit kinds. Sniiburv, June .4. lf'7. LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! ti. StVl'.BSS.V, fTVIE popular Pl.oto-rnper. hr.s fitted up. in tl.e J. old Pot Olliee building, three dr-ors west of iho r .ilrra,!. Muiket Square, ono of the very best i-kv-Liable to be found in the State, ai.d i-n. w prepared V, lake pied sat of any kind, in aii ki'.u.s of weath. r, early and ..e. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along tho babies wo aro now ready i-r tbeiu. COME ONE 1 COME AI.L ! both great and small, see his uew looms, und ex amine specimens. FRAMES anl FR AMINO material conshnt'v tin hand and made tu order. Brinr? along y.,nr pirtii.vs and havo tbetu framed cheaper than aavwhi rc tU Como and seo tor yourselves, -Anyt'..ii.- in Ibo picturo line constantly on hand orordere C- jyiri, dono in all its bran-lies nnd colored as le-i.-.-l. Both out nnd indoor views taken at short notice and ou rousonablo terms. Satisfaction go iriaali e I. as our motto is to please. All negative c.ir .'V.l'y preserved. RemtSinlier the place ask for 3. L'YLR LY. Market Square. M ay 211, 'CS.-ly. BREAD & lliNCrCAKl T FSPECTFULLY Informs the either. cf i:n V bury and vicinity, that he will I'lka to ):.l-r ail kinds of Cukes) For l:ills, I'artifsi. Ac. Families are fnpplied with FRESH rSUFA:.. ,' Rolls, Rusk;, Tea Buns, Ac. nud also kept ca i m 1 nianafnciurod out of the best materials. All orders left nt his Shnr. in Market Squa- . ot,. door east of Miss Anna Painter s Millinery Son. ir at his Bakery ou Spruce Street, between F.uiit uud Second street.', will meet with prompt niieiiiion. PIC-NIC PARTIES suppliel with Cakes, Ice. Cream, Ac, at the shortest notice. Orders arc respectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. IPunbury, May 2, lnflrt. CoachmakersT " XTJE nro selling Ritus, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, V Canvas. Belts, Clips, Axles, Ac, very lew Large Stock at O0XLEY A CO. Suubuiy, March 10, IfcflT. Aci-ii'iiltsirii! Insplni3itH, HOE S Grain Hakes. Steel and Iron Garden Rakes. Long and.D Handle Spades. Shovels, Muauro and Hay Forks, ('rasa and tiraiu Seyi' es, drain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, iocuo nv 1 Log Chains. Grind stones, Fanning Mill Seiveaof nil sixes and kinds, a large assortment n Rod Wa -. a Hames, fur Ploaim, Farm Bells, Cultivator TeeTth, for sale by J. . CON LEY A CO. STONE VAIU?. TMIT best and chenpeel assortment of Stone Were In tbuBtate. justreeeivod aud lor sale cheap at the MuaiuioiUXasb Store of H T. FRILINil. a-uiitis, iia, Ac, A fall stock of Oils comprising Libseod Oil, Coal Oil, risk Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines and Muchiuery, Varnishes, Glass, alwavs on hand, at low lr"t tCf 1 1 Y CO 3 IRON A large assortment of tho be.i manui'to lured Bars, Hoop. Bard, Round and Pqn'r" Iron,- Nail Reds, Cast 6. eel. Ji n.r Steel, Drill Hleel, Horse Shoe, tiors r asie. Anvils, Bellows. Viooe, ' Uiuiiu.ers, 61eJg.es, Rasps tod Fits, at rosLKi: t