Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 28, 1868, Image 3

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    l -e txsBWtr. t
mhx American.
B. WIIiVERT, t . .
N. 8. EMOIiE. jP""'!"'
ILocal Affairs.
A uiitixo of th Sunbury Mutual Loan and
Bolldlng Association will be hld this (Friday) ava
iling, at th Masonio Hall.
Ret. V. II. UaiLHAM, of Doyleatown, hat bun
lected to lha pastorate of tha Gorman Reformed
Church, of Lewisburg, and hu aooepted tha call.
CocurartraiTS. Look out for naw eounterfait two
dollar billi on tha Sixth National Bank of Philadel
phia. The; art not wall axoeutod, and with cara
may ba easily deteoted.
Vim ara pleated to taa that our noighbor, Geo. W.
Zeiglcr, Esq., who had a painful tumor removed
from bii neok several week linoe, haa sufficiently
reoororad to ba out of doors.
Til setni-eentcnnlal annlreraary of the establish
ment of tha Indepondcnt Order of Odd Fellows in the
United St a tea will oeour on the 20th of April next.
The event will be celebrated by a great national ftts
in Philadelphia. W. V. Evass We are plaaaed to learn
that Ker. W. Vf. Evana, who waa lately aerioualy
ill at York, Pa., la rapidly recovering, lie arrived
home one day laat week, and officiated in tha II. E.
Church on Sunday erenigg laat.
Sali Confirm bd. The objeotlona to. tha Sheriff's
tale of tha property of S. B. Boyar, In thia place,
were withdrawn, and the aale waa confirmed by tha
Court laat week. Thia leaves Solomon Maliok, Esq.,
tha purchaser, In undisputed poaseuion of tha pro-peJ-
Tbb drawing for tha pioture proaented by Mra.
Wilson to the "Peach Festival," last summer, took
place at tho reaidenec of MaJ. Dewarl, in thia plaee,
a few evenings ainco. THa. IS waa the lucky num
ber, and the holder of it waa Mra. Alex. Cutnmings,
of Philadelphia.
ArroiSTSD. Mr. J sines MoConkey, lately of thia
place, haa been appointed ticket agent of the Phila.
A Erie Railroad, at Milton, in place of D. R. Hotter,
resigned. Mr. McConkoy waa formorly employed
aa a olerk in tha offico of the company in Sunbury,
and ia well qualified to fill the poaition assigned him.
San or Hocsehoi.d Furxiture, 4c Mra. E. P.
Pleasants will offer at publio sale, at bar residence
In Market Square, on Wednesday, tho 8th of De
cember, a fine lot of Furniture, Silver-Plated, Iirlt
tannia and white Stone-China Ware. Also a Balti
more Heater or Latrobs Store. See advertisement.
TnAKKsaiviNO. Thursday last waa observed
throughout tha State aa a day of thanksgiving and
prayer. Business in Sunbury was almost entirely
(impended, all tho stores being closed. Services
w ero hold in most of the churches. Of course the
usual number of turkeys were served up oa the
Ova Churches. The pulpits of the Presbyterian
and Reformed Churches, of thia plaee, hare
boea vacant for eonie time. We learn that the con
gregation of the former will soon call a pastor, while
the latter hare extended a call to the Rev. A. Gring,
of Ilarrisburg. It is expooted that both churches
will aoon be supplied with ministers.
Tm Yocko Men's Lihrart Association. A
meeting of tho Association was bald on Wednesday
night last. A temporary organisation was effected
and a constitution adopted. Tho following persona
were appointed a committee to secure subscriptions :
J. B. Bcrgetrcsser, Edward Kodgkint, C. P. Sea
eholtt, II . Y. Friling end U. T. Israel.
AurcxATioit. On Wednesday of last wesk Dr.
Angle (assisted by Drs. Awl and Masscr) amputated
the great toe and metatarsus bone of the left foot of
Richard Culp, who was injured on the railroad nt
this place a couple of weeks ago. Every effort was
made to heal the foot without performing thisopera
lion, but mortification setting in rendered it impossi
ble. Tbi Scxbl-ry Lokbkb Com ran r. The founda
tion walla of the new Steam Saw Mill, which is being
eroded by a atock eompany of this place, on the site
of the old mill formerly owned by Mr. Wm. Rea
gan, ore nearly complatod, and tho work will be
pushod nhead rapidly. A special meeting of tho
stockholders of the company will be hold nt the office
of E. Y. Bright, E?q., this (Saturday) evening, at 7
o'clock, to take into consideration the organization
of the compauy, and such other buiineas at may ba
brought before it. . . . ,
Ciiasoe or Tiaa.-A new timetable went inte
efffet on tho Phila. Erie and Northern Central
Itailroada on Monday last. Trains now leave
this place aa follows :
nfr1n Krnresa. 2 45 A. M.
Mail Train,
rJunbury Acoominodation,
9 45
T.50 P.M.
rniLA. a am r. west.
T?ri Mil. B.OO A. M
Elmira "
1'aat Line,
4 15 P
Arkehte . On Friday of laat week a boy named
Edward O. Connel was arrested at Locust Gap, thia
e-ounty, by constable Hugh O Donnell, of that place,
eUrsed. on oath of Mary Quinn, with having at
sundry time alolen money from different poraona.
II waa taken before Esquire Ramsey, of Mt. Car
met, who committed him to jail at thia plaee. He
ia of Irish descent.
On Monday laat an Irishman named Charles McGee
was arrested by eonatahlo 0'Donnell,u)f Locust Gap.
ehart:ed, on tho oath of Tboinue Brcnnan, before D.
IT. Lake, Eaq., of Shamokin, with attempting to
break into bis bouse, on the night of tbe Ula insi
McG ee ia a dangerous charueter, and has been a terror
to tha peopl of th plac. H is supposed to belong
to th notorious Molly Mgeuir gang, of that region.
Coi rt Processings. Th Ploasanti vs. Bourn
gardner trial occupied nearly th whole of laat week.
Finding that it would tak all wek to try it, Judge
Bentlcy dismissed early in tbe week all the other
jurors and continued th other causes marked for
trial. All of Thursday was taken up by th counsel
in arguing the case. Tb jury were charged by
Judge Bentley, towarda orening. They wer out
until next day at half-post two o'clook in tb after
noon, when tbey were discharged, without ooming to
a verdict, aa they were unable to agree. ThU loaves
this cause for trial again.
Charles W. Snyder, t al., ve Lewi Bash Jury
sworn and afterwards withdrawn. Plaintiff suffered
a non suit.
Joseph Johnson, for us of Richard Jones, vs.
George A. Wykoff. This ease ia a somewhat peculiar
one. Tbe defendant is a Justice of th Peace in
Turbutvil le. Soui two or three years ago tbe plain
tiff, Joaepb Johnson, waa arrested and brought before
him on the obarge of robbing Henry Raup, a nier
luontoflhat place, of between $100 and $500 in
money, and Robert Finney, a farmer living close by
tbe town, of a large sum. Several others accused
him of atealing their horses. Some four horses had
been stolen ashort time before in that neighborhood
On plaintiffs person th justioe and officers of law
found $1,326, which tbey held and gave plaintiff
I Joseph Johnson) a receipt for that amount. Beaidea
the above, keys, jewelry, and a pair of boots wer
found, which wer nearly all Identified by parties
living in that neighborhood as their property. Th
justioe then committed Johnson to th county jail,
wher. after a short confinement, he, along with
several others, broke jail and escaped. Not hearing
anything of th plaintiff th robbed parties divided
the $1,326 among themselves. This reoeipt wis
afterwards assigned to Richard Jonas, who brings tb
suit against Justio Wykoff for th recovery of this
money. Vrdit was givn ia favor of plaintiff for
ft 48 Tt, bl to fU ir-
Tm Arrant to Moanaa Mar. .Ca,
White, i Bcb.oti.sull Cotr. Tha Potuvlll
Minsrs' Journal, of the list iot., i fellaw
Ing partieulara f iheatUmpted anurd.rof MaJ J.
Claud Whit, In Sshwrlalll ooanty, on the 14th
Inst., by a band of highwaymen, a notioe ef whioh
aajard In our eolumna laat weak :
"On Saturday morning laat aboal quarter to 10
o'clock, Major J. Claude White, B. II. Clauaer of
Marshal Ueialer'i Polio foroe, Chat. M. Shoemaker
and Mr. Smith, ahlpper at the break era of the Swa
lara Coal Company, atarted front the Union Hotel,
this Borough, In an open one-horse spring wagon,
for the eollteriea of the Company. Major White waa
coins' out for the Dumoaeof navin the men. and had
with him about 114,000. About quarter past 11 P
o'clock they paeaed the Branohdal Hotel, kept by I J
Edward Connelly. When tbey reached the foot of j a
in nni auov vonneiiy a, air. Bmltb bad ooeaaioa to
leave the wagon. Aa he jumped out, a man oam
down th road, and paased the wagon to where Mr.
Smith waa atanding. Major White remarked aa the
man paaead, "Uueer lookinc fellow ! a creenborn !"
The man atopped in front of Mr. Smith, and eyed
him from head to foot. Major Whit drove forward
alowly, when officer Ulausar, who auspeoted foul play
and waa looking out keenly, auddanly exclaimed, i
"there tbey are !" at th same time directing Major I
White a attention to a group of men crouched in aoiue
brush on the aid of the road, watching them coming i
np. Major Whit then drove np briskly, and whoa ;
he gnt opposite to where th men were endeavoring
to bide, slopped the wagon. Mr. Smith at this time !
was still in the rear but following the wagon. OOi- I
ocr Clauaor jumped from the wagon into the road.
and aa he made a spring towards the lurking place of i
tbe men, one ol mom presented a pistol nt nun, at
the aama time advnncing upon the officer. Mr. Clauaer
ordered tbe man to drop his pistol, or ho wuuld alivot
him. The man not heeding the order, slill advanced,
and when about ten feet from olHoer Clamor raised
his pistol and fired at hiui. Officer Clauser returned
the fire, aud after eight shots had been tired, three
by the man and five oy the officer, the man ran into
the woods. Ilia eonfederatea tied at the first fire.
"Not remaining to pursue (hem imuiodiaiely. th
party carried the money to Swatnra. and then re
turned with assistance to scour the woods. Tbo man
with whom officer Clauaer had the in use, waa found
by Jaa. Lloyd lying on th ground about four hun
dred yarda from the road, groaning with pain.
Lloyd oalled the roat of the party to come, and on
examining the man it waa found that ono ball had
entered bia right breast pausing out of his baek, and
that another had pasted through his loft arm above
the elbow. Officer Clauser asked him bis Bam and
where lie waa from. lie replied, ' James Pinloy,"
and tbnt he waa from New York. When asked wiio
his confederates were, he would give no information.
Dr. Brandt waa called upon to render liiin surgical
astittanoe, aftor which Finloy was brought to Potts
viiln and committed to prison, where ho now lies in
a convalescing condition.
"A circumstance which happened on the road
while Major White was corning in four weeks before
to get money to pay the men at the collieries, induced
him to tako ofQocr Clauser with him on Saturday
last, and the sequel proves that it was fortunate that
ho did so. The circumstance is, that he met six men
this side of Llewellyn whilo coming in to Pottsville.
When he returned, and when nt the foot of tho hill
at Clauser brick church, he observed a maa at the
rear of his vehicle making aignula bo several men
standing near tho church to como out on the road
ahead of Major White and inleroopt hint. The Ma
jor on observing their manocuvcr whipped up his
norse and succeeded in passing the spot before they
reached the road. This undoubtcly saved liiin at
that time. When officer Clauser beard of thia he
suggested that Mnjor White should permit him to aa
couipuuy him when bo next had occasion to tako
monoy out to ttie mines. Tho occurrence of Satur
day last it th sequel, and officer Clauser who hns a
small body but plenty of pluck and. grit, deserves
credit ior tne gallant uinnnor in wntcn lie putonooi
the robbers hors tin eomlat, and the others to flight.
A few lessons of this kind, and highwaymen will find
this an unhealthy locality in which to ply thoir ne
farious business.
"Sinco the nbove had been plnccd In type, we
understand that Finloy has been recognized as hav
ing worked recently at New Boston in this County."
A number of tho highwaymen bare been arrested
and placed in jail at Pottsville. The Journal, in
noticing the arrests, eays :
"Juines Dagnnn, Patrick Lawler, John Madden,
Barney Collchun. William McQuale nnd John L'oblev,
living between Branohdale and Swatnra, nreeharged
on outn ol J. ctnuile Wbito, witu attempting to rub
him on the 14th of October. On Wednesday last
officers Titus, Morria and Kantnor, of Marshal Hos
ier's Police, arrested Barney Collauan, Jas. Dognan
and John Madden, and brought thein before quire
Frailoy, who commuted them to jail."
Another Fatal Accident. On Monday bight
Inrt Wm. Uackry, a froight conductor on the Phila.
A Erio Railroad, was instantly killed, between al
sontown and Muncy. Whilst passing over the gars,
which wore in motion, his foot slipped, and he fell
on one of the bumpers, rupturing a blood vesfel,
which caused bis death almost instnntly. When in
the act of falling he cullod to a brakesman, who was
near, to catch him, but too late to prevent the fall.
He waa well known and highly esteemed in this
place His body was sent to bis home in Maryland, I
where his parents reside.
The death of Mac key, on Monday night, has a
singular circumstance connected with it. It was
jut ono year from the night in question that he was
seriously injured on the Phila. & Erie road, very near
the placo ho was killed, while coupling cars. A bolt
of one of the cars struck his bead, which nearly proved
fatal, and rendered him helpless Turn great while.
Ho formerly boarded with tho family of Mr. Eii.ts
Brosiou;, of this place.
- - -
Bisnor Stevens. Bishop Stevens mot with a
paiuful accident at South Bethlehem, last Sunday
evening a week. Ue waa walking on a portion of
a sidewalk where it is several foet aba ve the strcot,
and accidentally stumbling foil into the road. His
right arm, between the elbow and shoulder, was
fractured, and one knee badly bruised. He is lying
at the residence of Iter. Mr. Porter.
The Buhnp is most unfortunate, having received
severe injuries by tho accident to the raiiroad train
at Pittston, some time since, which laid him up a
long time in Wilkes-Barro.
A Beactipul Fight. Tho Reading Railroad
Company haa purchased the Trevurton Railroad,
and are making a connection with it from tho Shamo
kin Region. Judgo Jacker has purchased one-half
of tho Trerortou lands, and is also extending the
Lehigh and Mahanoy Ruilroad to those lands. They
have a beautiful C-lit. It is in this wny that the
Reading Road is squandering its monoy to get the
control of everything, and compelling the coal trade
of Sobuylkill county to foot its bills. The conse
quence is that collieries are abandoned, and we hear
of but ono new colliery progressing in the Scuuyl
kill Coal Region. Pott-iviltt jWiueri' Juunictl.
Ir additional proof wore neodod of the extent to
which tho illegal Snowden naturalisation paper
were circulated in this State, it is furnished iu the
fact that Dn examining at New Boston, this County,
the trunk of James Fiuley, tb man who was wound
ed on Saturday laat in attempting to murder and rob
Major J. C. White, a batch of these papers in blank
with Soowdeu'a name and tha seal of the Supreme
Court attached, were found. This murderer and rob
ber was of course one of the agents employed by the
Democratic leaders in Penntylvania to circulate the
documents. Coramont is unnecessary. Pottsvillt
Miners' Journal.
Arrest or the Parties Charoed wite Beinq
Concerneo im tub Mdiidsb or Alex. W. Rba.
Th Pottsville Miners' Journal says : Our readera
rwill remember the particular of tbe late murder and
robbery of A. W. Res, near Centralis, Columbia
eounty. On Tuesday last, upon information com
municated to the Marshal by Thomas Doorley, Thos.
Donohoe, of Ashland, and John Duffy, of Mahanoy
City, were arrested, brought to town and committed
to prison. At a hearing oa a writ of hat tit corpus
before Aroeiat Judge Klin, on Tueaday laat, Door
ley testified that before th murder of Rea, Donohoe
and Duffy bad mad a proposition to him to aatiat
them in murdering Rea.
Yesterday the testimony taken before Judge Klin
was submitted to Judge Ryon. Up to tb hour of
going to pre wabad not heard tbe deoieion of Judge
Ryon. Donoho and Duffy war still la prison, and
th improuion was that they would be remanded
for trial.
Squir Frailey has issued a search warrant against
Thos. Donoho, to sack for th watch ot Mr. Rea,
which, it is supposed, is secreted in Donoboe's house
Da. J. R., Dentist. Offlo over H O
Thacher'a Shoe Store, 6unbury, Pa.
When ashing teeth eaus dreadful groans,
And sleepless night and dismal days,
Who eomes to ni moat grateful own
My skill, whioh all bis pains allay.
A moment's suffering I may eaus,
'Tis but to bring a long release ;
And Uiongh for on I rend his jaw,
for year t com I five him peat
lum Qbabb Lb or On f iiwt Th Oraaa
Ledg of Pennsylvania, I. O. of 0. F., sloaed it
teml-annuat aaaalon, whioh ha bn oa oTepwlal
Interest t !t member, la rhllad.lphU, on Wed nee
day of laat week. A oommittee of fiftn, together
with th grand offioera, waa appointed to tnak pre
paration for th obsrvano of th fiftieth annlvw
aary, In April next, which will b an Imposing affair.
Th following gentlemen wr plaoed In nomination
for th reapeotiv positions named s
Grand Maawr, 8. F. Uwlnnerj Deputy Grand
Maater, John B. Springer i Grand Soeretariea, Wm.
Curtis and C. D. Conover; Uraod Treasurer. M.
Richards Muckl J Representatives, J. A. Simpson,
J. B. Nicholson, Rlohard Watson, George Bertram
od Peter Frits ; Grand Wardens W. Reifanyder,
Lodge No. 618; A. Stark, No. 241 ; II. P. Kinnear,
No. 610 ; J. L. Oats, No. 109 ; J. D. Seine, No. Z4 ;
3. B. Boyar, No. 620, of Sunbury 3. M. Campbell,
No. bl ; 11. Maekey, No. 66 ; Isaa A. Eheppard,
No. 229 ; Philip Lowry, No. 672 ; and vTm. Stead
I man, No. 113.
Masonic. At tbe Quarterly Communication of
the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter ef Pennsylva
nia, held on Thursday evening, Nov. (th, In Phila
delphia, tha following officers war re-elected and
will be Installed on St. Jobn'a Day next :
M. E. Grand High Priest George Oriicom.
M. E. ttrand King Miohael Nlsbet.
M. E. ttrand Scribe C. E. Meyer.
M. E. Grand Treasurer Peter Williamson.
M. E. Grand Secretary John Thomson.
The subordinate appointments will be made ini
mediately after the officers elect are installed.
Aa we ara now in the height of tho soasen for bunt
ing game, it may be well for sportamen to observe
tbe following law, paaaed at the laat session of the
Legislature :
Section 1 . That the time for shooting partridges
shall comiuenoe on the twentieth day of December,
in etch year.
bKC. 2. 1 he penalty provided by the seeond sec
tion of the act to whioh this is a supplement, be and
tbe same is hereby increased to twenty-five dollars,
and the penalty provided by tho first section of the
said act be and is hereby increased to the sum of
twenty-fire dollars, and the remedy provided bysnid
law Tor collecting said penalties shall be and are
hereby amended ; and all laws and part of laws in
consistent herewith be and the same are hereby
repealed : Provided. That the provisions of this
act shall not apply tn the eounties of Tioga, Potter,
I trad ford. Sullivan, Venango, Warren, Pike, Wayne,
Lchigb, Cambria, Jefferson, Clinton. Carbon, Monroe,
Indiana, Clarion, Wyoming, Moreor, Northampton,
Centre and Westmoreland.
Tu e Good Temi-lahs' Con vention. Messrs. J . B.
Young nnd John Kerlin, and Missos Sallie Vtenk,
Uatlie Wcnk and Jennie Christy were delegates from
"Pleasant Retreat Lodge No. 1S2," of Northumber
land, to tbe late convention of Good Templars, held
at Selinsgrove.
The Janl-art Court. The following ia the list
of Jurors fur the January term of Court :
1 John Siitsel, farmor, Delaware.
2 John S. Hetrick, farmer, Washington,
a Daniel P. Driosbaoh, farmer, Lewis.
4 Levi llitne, laborer. Coat.
Jacob Youngman, foundrymau, Sunbury.
8 llonry Roads, carpenter, Coal.
7 Josiali (leist, farinor, L'pper Mahanoy.
H J. C. Forsytho, merchant. Northumberland.
9 Charles Uaringer, landlord. Sunbury.
10 Philip Winterslino, contractor, Delaware.
11 Wellington Hummel, clerk, Suubury.
12 Samuel Ktinger, furuior. Lower Augusta.
13 John lialliet, farmer, Delaware.
14 Elias Shaffer, inn keeper. Jordan.
15 Thomas Gibbous, laborer, Mt. Catuiel twp.
16 Charles M. Lohor, teacher. Point
17 Elisha Emery, laborer, Chllisquaque.
IS Peter llunklo. merchant, "
10 Samuel I.erch, farmer, I. owls.
20 W. 11 Geiger, carpontor, Shamokin borough.
21 Jesao J. John, olerk, " "
22 Isaac Hile. farmer, Rush.
23 Peter Keeser, carpenter. Rush.
21 David Fowler, blacksmith, 'i'urbutville.
1 James Uilcinan, shoemakar, Sunlury.
2 Jams U. Dietl'onbach. gentleman. Nurth'd.
3 Charles Nuubart, lumberman. Milton.
4 David Dilly, clork, Lowor Muhauoy.
1 i Joseph Deihl, farmer, Turbut.
6 William Weaver, laborer, Chiliiquaque.
7 Jacob Haudenbach. Inhorur, Point.
' 8 Joseph Zeigler, olerk, Sunbury.
9 Barney Cannon, laboror, Mt. Carmcl twp.
10 Franklin Hoy, butcher, Milton.
11 Josapb Mowery, farmar. Upper Mahanoy.
12 J. 11 MoCurmick, merchaot. Milton.
13 Jacob Eckinan, farmer, Upper Mahanoy.
14 John T. Colt, merchant, Northumberland.
15 Jacob It. Wiest, farmer. Jordan.
IS John Hensyl, firmer, Little Mahanoy.
17 William Hoiin, carpentor, Upper Mahanoy.
li John Shipp, merchant. Shamokin borough.
19 Jaoob Spots, farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
20 Godfrey Miller, farmer. Shamokin.
21 William Huff, farmer, Rush.
22 Elias llyerly. farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
23 Joseph Boeder, carpenter, Shamokin.
21 Henry Grauser, carpenter. Northumberland.
25 Poter Gearhart, farmer, Rush.
21 John Y. Ellis, merchant. Delaware.
27 Amos Vastine, farmer, Rush.
24 John Campbell, laborer. Shamokin.
29 Daniel Hetrick, J. P., Washington.
30 Samuel G. Fry, merchant, Chilisquaque.
31 (ieorge KUsner. jr., firmer, Lewis.
32 Hugh lioyd, laborer, Coal.
33 ,1. M Summers, deputy constable, Milten.
31 Edward Troxell, inn-keeper, Milton.
35 Jacob llotlman, laborer, Turbut.
36 D. Wagner, blacksmith, Little Mahanoy.
37 Henry liurkheiiucr. mason, Chilisquaquo. -
38 Jacob Rohrer, laborer, Shamokin borough.
39 Ihoinaa Carl, merchaut, Delaware.
40 Peter W. Gray, clork, Sunbury.
41 Jacob Kramer, miner. Coal.
42 C. II. Young, priutor, Shamokin borough.
4.1 Adam Schuyler, farmer, Lewis.
44 Peter Haughawout, farmer, Rush.
45 Augustus A. Barrett, mason, Northumberland
46 Jacob Knoe, miner. Coal.
47 Samuel MoLynoh, tanner, Chiliequaqu.
41 Charles Artuian, teacher, Turbut.
rsTir jcrtORS.
1 Alexander Caldwell, captain, Shamokin.
2 D. Fraud, blacksmith, Lower Mahanoy.
3 James Frederick, farmer, Chilisquaque.
4 1. N. Cooper, farmer, Upper Augusta.
i Philip Hile. laborer, Sunbury.
6 John S. Troxel, farmer, Chilisquaque.
7 Samuel Long, farmer, Cameron.
8 Joseph Bound, justioe, Milton.
9 Alexander Moure, farinor. Rush.
10 Hiram Rockefeller, farmer, Mhamokin. .
11 John Trssler, merchant, Jackson.
12 George Gonrer, f armor. Rush.
13 11. Cf. Kline, farmer, Upper Augusta.
14 R. D. Bower, merchant, Shamokin.
15 Miohael Farley, farmer, Turbut.
16 Peter Getter. Uilor, Shamokin borough.
17 Henry Kemble, teacher, Jackson.
IS Jonathan Smith, farmer. Washington.
19 D. P. Caul, farmer, Chilisquaque.
20 Kiluher C. Farrow, olerk. Shamokin.
21 Elias Berber, farmer, Chilisquaque.
22 Harrison Wagner, farinor, Cameron.
23 Benj. Ueokert, cabinet maker, Nortk'd.
24 Wilhington Lake, olerk, Shamokin.
25 George Gass, laborer, Coal.
26 Martin Oberdorf, farmer, Rush.
27 Jacob Reiter, carpenter. Northumberland.
28 Jacob Uonsert, farmer, Shamokin.
29 Abraham Boyer. farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
30 Daniel Narraoonk, fanner, Milton.
31 Hammond McKee, farmer, Dolawar.
32 Christopher Campbell, farmer, Rush.
33 John C. Campbell, miner, Shamokin.
.14 Jacob J. Keefer, farmer, Upper Augusta.
35 Amos Matter, blaoksmith, W ashinglon.
36 II. Zimmerman, laborer, Shamokin.
jcrors roa adjouskeo court.
1 John Klinger, laborer, Mt. Carmel twp.
2 Charles F. Little, justiee, Northumberland.
5 Jackson Hotlman, laborer, Shamokin.
4 Amos Vastine, farmer, Shamokin.
6 Henry Fegely, batoher, Huubury.
6 W. S. MoMurtrle, teacher, Milton.
7 Abraham Sterner, farmer. Lower August.
8 Miohael Hhadea, farmer, Lowia.
9 Samuel Elliott, gentleman, Northumberland.
10 Levi Truekeiniller. olerk. Milton.
11 Jefferson John, clork. Shamokin borough.
12 Samuel Foy, miner, Coal.
13 Alvin llugnea, farmer, Kuan.
14 II. D. Foresman, farmer, Turbut.
15 M. Uornberger, laborer, Mt. Carmel.
16 Thomas Jones, engineer, Coal.
17 Moses Troutman, farmer, Jordan.
18 Jaeper Slaymaker, merchant, Sunbary,
19 John Beet, farmer, Point.
20 Chriatian Cramer, farmer, Cameron.
21 J. Bartholomew, farmer, Lower Augusta.
22 Benjamin Strioklar, justioe, Jaokaoo.
23 Wm. R. Kutsner, merohant, Shamokia.
24 Asa Bergstreseer, butcher, Shamokin.
25 G. A. Wykoff, justiee, Lewis.
26 Abraham Lenker, farmer, Lower Mahanoy.
27 Elias Mowery, miner, Shamokin borough.
28 Philip Shook, farmer, Delaware.
29 Isaac Sticker, merohant, Milton.
80 Samuel Kapp, former, Turbut.
81 Charles Steckle, farmer, Point.
82 Henry Peifer, farmer, Jordan.
S3 C. Greintr, coach maker, Turbutvill.
84 Ptar Vonaida, farmer, Cbiliquaqu.
85 Peter Bordnw, farm-, Lower Mahanty.
M John C. Millar, eorlfecttensr, Sanbury.
17 Job Prlutlasx. lUrUg received a
large supply of 1TKW JOB XT PB, of various now
atylee, Poster, Handbill. C!rj!r, Card, tettor
Hoods, Dm Heads. Label, ., eon Im printed in
th latest and beat style, and on short notlo.
Order by mall promptly attended to.
For Bali. An xollnt top baggy, nw. Kn
qulr at thia offloe.
For Rent. The rooma adjoining th bat store of
Samuel Faust, In Market Pqnaro, lately oooupied
by K. A. Evans as a law ofEee.
A exohang aaya that forty thousand young mn
becam of age in Pennsylvania thia yar. A a ro
suit th tailors ar all busy msking freedom sails.
A large number of thes suits have been mads by
J. O. Beck, Merohant Tailor, on Fourth Street, and
their neatness and obeapness have been the remark
of all who have seen them.
A 0000 lifo it the best philosophy ; a 0itnr con.
ecienco the boat law ) boueaty the beat policy j ini.
pcranco the best physio J and III best place to got
your boot and aboes ia at Minor's Exoelaior Store,
Market Square, Sunbury. An unusually large atock,
for the season, haa J'itt been rteeivod. Go and aee
th assortment.
No uss than two hundred kinds of bats ero worn
by men, and all faabionable, the present toason. The
beat of theae atylea ar to b found at Fnust'a fash
ionable Hat and Cap Store, Market Squaro. Faust
has just received the largest and cheapest stock ever
brought to Sunbury.
US Si-
Coe's Cuticn Balsam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Both site ordinary 4 ox., also mam
moth family bottles for sale by Kit druggists and
dealers in medicines. No family should be over
Light without itia th house.
Coe's DrsrspsiA Curb Will immediately re
lieve and permanently cur th most aggravated
case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow
els. Physicians, clergymen end all who uso it, join
in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by
Druggists every where. Price 11.00.
NI .ltl HV IAKI4i:i'S.
Corrected Weokly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, 112 00
do do
por owt.
10 00
I 90
1 40
Ry Flour,
per bbl.
per cwt.
per bushel,
per jouad
Wheat, prima Fed,
Dried Peaches, pared
do do uapared
Urita Apples,
Dried Cherries, (unatoned,) per ba
per pound.
per dosea,
per pound,
per pair
Beef, hind quarter,
front "
ttltuntolsiis I'oulTrudf.
Csamoein, Nov. 23. lboS.
Ton. Cwt.
Sent fur week ending Nov. 21, 10 113 16
Per last Report, 412,676 01
452.725 01
To saute time last year,
440.G46 01
12 079 01
Special Notices.
r"OJlA.'i. Iiial-ti, Owliif; to
W peculiar aud important relations which 'hey
sustaiu, their peculiar orgaaisation, and the offices
tbey perform, are subjoot to many sufferings. Free
dom from these contribute in no small degree to
their happiness aud welfaro, for none can be happy
who ar ill. Not only so, but no one of these viu-iou
female complaints aan loug be suffered to ran oa
without iuvolving the general health of th individ
ual, and ere long producing permanent sickness and
premature decline. Nor is it pleasant to oonsult a
physician for thustlief of thcto various delicate af
fections, and only upon the most urgont necessity
will a true womau so far sacrifice her greatest charm
as te do this. Tbo sex will then thank us for plaoiug
in their hands simple speji!i:s which will be found
efficacious in relieving and ouring almost every one
of those troublesome complaint peculiar to the sex.
Hki.mdolu'sExtract or Bui-ni:. Hundreds suf
fer on in silcuco, and hundredsof othora apply vainly
to druggists aud doctors, who merely tantalise them
with the hope of a euro or apply remedies which
make them worse. I would uot wh to assert any
thing that would do injustice to tho urilic'.vd, but I
am obliged to say that ultbough it may be produced
from excessive exhaustion of tho powers of lift), by
laborious employment, unwholesome air and food,
profme menstruation, the uso of tea aud coffee, and
Irequent childbirth, it it fur oltoner caused by direct
irritation, applied to the mucous membraue of tl.u
vngiua iuelf.
When reviowiuE tho causes of these di-trcssii g
complaints, it is most painful to contemplate the
attendant evils eeiucquant upon them. It is but .
aimple justice to do tulj set to enumerate a few cf
tho many addition..! causes which eo largely affect
the life, health, and happiness of womau iu all doss
es of souicty. and which, consequently, affect more
or less dircctlv, the olfuro ot tho entire huiuau
familv. The mania that exists for preoocious educa
tion nnd marriage, cau- the years that nature
lesigned fir corporeal development to bo wasted
nd nerverted iu the restraints of dress, the curly
confinement of school, and especially in the un-
itlthy excitement ot tbe ball-room, inus, wun
tho body bnlf-clolhod, and tho mind unduly excited
by pleasuro, pcrvorting in midnight revel the hours
designed by nature fur sleep and rest, the work of
destruction is half accomplished.
In consequence ot thia early strain upon ner sys
tem, unnecessary effort is required by the delicate
votary to rataiu her situation in school at a later
dav. thus oeirravating tho evil. When ono excite
ment is over, anouior in prospective Keeps me iniuu
morbidly sensitive to imprest ion, while the now oois
etunt restraint of lashiouable dress, absolutely for
bidding the exercise indispensable to the attainment
and retention of organio health and strength ; tbe
exposure to night air ; the sudden change of temper
ature ; the completo prostration produced by exces
sive dancing, uiut, of necessity, produce their legiti
mate effect. At last, an early marriage caps the
climax of misery, aud tbe unl'ortunalo one, hitherto
so utterly regardless of the plain diotatus and re
monstrances 01 uer UUIlcaiv Ultimo, imouujm sn
unwilling subject of medical treatment. This is but
a truthtul picture of the experience of thousands of
our young women.
Long beror tn amiuy 10 exercise iu mcciious oi
the generative organs, tbey require an education of
tneir peculiar nervous system, composeu oi wnat is
called the tissue, which is, in commou wilh the to-
lnulo broast nnd lips, evnrcniiy unucr tno control or
montal emotions and a.ciaUon at an oarly period
of lite; and, us we shall subsequently sen, these
emotions, when excessive, lead, loug before puberity,
to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere
nature has self-completed their development.
For remale Weakness ana Deoiuiy, unites or
Leucorrheea, Too Profus Menstruation, Exhaustion,
Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and
Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, w olfer the In on
perfect speoiflo known : Hulmbold's Compound Ex
tract of Buohu. Directions for use, d'.ot, and ad vie,
females In evorv period ot me, iroin imunov 10
extreme old ago, will Snd it a remedy to aid nature
in the discharge ot tt fuuctions. btrengtn is ti
Klory of manhood and womanhood. Huliubuli
Extract Buohu ia mor strengthening than any of
tbe preparations of Bark or Iron, iofloiioly sulor,
and more pleasant. ilelmbold'a Extract Euvhu,
having received the indorsement of the most promi
nent physicians in tbe L'nitod titates, is now ottered
lo amiciea numaniiy as a cermiii cure ior tue lonow
ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever cause
originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical
Depression, imbeomty, ueleruiination oi iiioou lo
tbe Head, Confused Idess, Hysteria, General Irrita
bility, Restlestneae and 61eplessneas at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Dys
pepsia, Emaciation, Low Hpirits, Disorganisation or
Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of
th Heart, and, in fact, all th eoneomitants of a
Nervous and Debilitated state of tb aystcm. To in
sure tb genuine, out this oat. Ask fur Uelubolu's.
Tak no other, bold by Druggists and Dealers
everywhere. Prio $1.26 per bottle, or six bottles
for o 50. Delivered to any address. Desorihe
aymptoma in all ooumunioation. Address H. T.
HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemioal Warehouse, bii
Broadway ti. Y.
None are genula unless doh up In steel-engraved
wrapper, with fao-fimil of my Chemical Warehouse,
and signed H T. HELMBOLD.
SepLl , 1 Boa. 2m.
dJaaltle to lUaarriMsfe. Young Men'aQuid
in 11 ton v Marries: and Coniuaal Felioilv. In hu-
mac views of benevolent Physicians, on th Error
and Abuse Incident to I outn ana early Manhood,
sent in sealed letter envelope, free of enarge. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Sea P., Philadel
phia, Pa.
Jkb. II, IMS -ly
A eTstVsl'. A Cltrgyaiaa, whil residing In
South America aa a missionary, discovered aaf
and almple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak
ness, Early Deosy, Diseaaua of the Urinary and Sem
inal Organ, and the whole train of disordur urauRht
on by baneful and viuioua habita. Great nembara
have been eurod by thia riohl remedy. Prompted
by Uie desire to benefit th aulioted aud unfbr'.tinat.
I willaend tberocipo for preparing and using this
medioinc, In a scaled cnvolopo, Ui any on who needs
it, I nst or CH4HUB. Address,
Stnlion D, lllble llooso, Naw-i'ork City.
Sept. 12, I etiS. 3m
Di:A.r.tKPa. I.LivnN Ra anu CATAnnti treated
with tho utmost success by J. I Ars. M. D., Ocul
ist nnd Anrtst, (formerly of Leydnn, Holland,) No.
B05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from
the most reliable sources in city and country can be
soon at his office. The Medical faculty aro Invited
tn nccoinpany their pntii'iils, as he has no secrets in
his practice. ARTIFICIAL, EYES inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-ly.
Physician who had Consumption for several years,
with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself
with a medicine unknown to tho profession, when his
enso appeared hopeless. He is the only physician
who has used it in his own-person, or who has any
knowledge of its virtues ; and ho can ascribo the de
gree of health ha now enjoys to nothing but the
use of his uiidirine ; and milling but niter despair
and entire extinction of all hop rf recovery, to
gether wilha wunt of coiifiienueir, nil others, indue-
nun to linsnrd the experiment. To those suflcr-
wiin any disease ol the l,un';s bo protlcrsa treat
ment ho confidently believes will eredicntu the
disease. Price fl.ftl) per bottlo or $i a half dozen,
sent by express. Send for a circulnr or cull on
Dr. E. Roti.ston .Iai kson.
No. 2.'i0 North Tenth Sireet, Philadelphia.
1 r 1.1 y, Y- ''"'ing. Mnrkot Siunre, Sun-
or. i-nit i;
Ai) Market Dlre((,
On door sbovo Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years thia Establishment bas done busi
ness on tho One Price Sy;em, and we believe we
ar tho only Clothing House in tho city that strictly
ndheros to this principle. Wo hnvo earned a repn.
tntion which wo nro proud of, for good taste in Hilrct
good styles and substantial uiateriuls, and net less
important, for having all our goods
t:TBt a wi:li, .i aim;.
We employ the best talent, for Cuttora, and eur
tjocJs are of botu kin Is l.ishlonable and plain
so that ull tastes can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one by n moment's thought must
see. or-otherwiso we could not meet tbe competition
of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made,
we must put our prices down to tbo advantages we
The peonls may depend, this is the trim plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar aun be
saved to Clothiug buyers by keeping in mind
004 Mnrket .Strcot, Philadelphia,
Nat u the Corner, but one dour above Sixth.
t;. ti. Ul XhsZi:, MnlesmHu,
April 4. IHffl. ly
j". f ti a .a
Cornor of Third Stroet and Market Squnro, in Mil
ler's Stono Building, 8U.VD U R Y , P A.,
ts.w.u.',4o jo. ja:jb 9
of tho most celebrated makers, consisting of the
flownrJ, Appleton, lraey & Co., vvrilthnni, Jjartlett
W. Lllory, und all grades of the Eljin Ill's make.
Alrn. sole Agent for the celebrate I, PA I I. UfH-
iU.N Vatch,in Uol. and anvur Ciue,ut low pi
Kilter Vt'iire lor VrMinj fPrcss-titsi,
of et.tiroly now designs. Solid Oliver Table and
Tea t-poons, flutter Knives. Forks, Castors, Ice
Pitchers, Fruit and Cake Basket, Sjw.p
Muji. Butler Dishes, and everything
in the Silverware line at low
A fin stock of ISk HinTf. Also a fine telsetlon
of Oidd and J-it Jewolry of all dcsaiiptions (Jo!d
and Siirtir Chains, at lot? piicef.
Fine fl'tld feus in Oold, .Silver and Rubber Cwes,
ef thlebia'.od make by liuffuiaa aud fitcwart.
A full assorfment of 8 day and JO Lver Clocks, rt '
low prices. I
Aisu Solo Agent fur the eeloornted Perfccte ; .tpe- '
taclcs, .TarraiUcd to give entire eali.-sfaciion. I
Wutchcs, Cioeks and Jvwolry repaired end ar
rautod. All orders romtly attended to at tL slrortesl ao-
t"8amplog sent by mall when writton for.
October Sd, 1863. ly
nousrr-ir saved i
TTEareconetuntly purchiiting for cash in.the New
York and Boston Markets, all kinds of
Dry aud Fancy Goods, Silks", Cottons, Boots and
felloes, Wulches, Sowing Machines, Cutlery,
Dross Hoods. Domostio Good,, Ac, 4o.
Which we are autually soiling at an average pric of
Otie lIInr lor cut-It nrliflr. Our sales
being strictly for cuth, and our trado much larger
than that of any other similar concern, uab!es us to
give bettor bargains than can bo obtained of any
other houiic.
Are specially iavited to give ut a trial.
Sksd rou A Cntrt'LAB ano Ext UABGB List.
Our club system of selling is as follows : For 52 we
send -0 patent pen fountains and cheeks describing
20 different articles to be sold for a dollar each ; 40
for $4; CO for 6; 100 lor 10, Ae. bent by mail
Commissions larger than those ottered by any other
tinu, according to size of club. Single fountain and
check, 10 cts. Mulu and fouiule agents wanUid.
SK!n money is ReuiKrEBKi) Letters, bend us a
trial olub, and you ill acknowledge that you eaunot
atiord to buy goods of any other house thereafter.
MSIHIstlllD A ni'niinii,
C Hanover bt., Boston, jlass.
Msy3S,'88 Bm.
Valuable l'roiwrly at ivalo Nulc.
THE undersigned offora bia valunblo lot, 5i feet
front by 210 deep, on the south-west corner of
the Shamokin Valley and Northern Central Kail
roads, on Third street, on which it erected a FRAME
WAREHOUSE, 20 by 40 feet. The Worchouse is a
new one, having been built about two years since,
and is a splendid stand for any on wishing to go
into the Uour and grain business. Th natures of
the conoern will also b Acred ior sale, at reajona
ble rates. , .. ,
' This property u offord for sale Tor ths reason tht
I intend giving np buiinc in Bunbury. for irlb.r
particulars. anDiv to j. - "
Kept. 1, 'S.-3m. bunbury
Trevorton Loti for Bole.
THREE LOTS, ia th town of Trvorton, Nor
thumbrlnd oounty, will b sold ohsap, on ap
plication to tb. undorsign.d. Ihese lot. are advan
tageously located, and are valuable for building
purpo-. t0' M "JSipH CONRAD.
04. M. 1M Butihury, Fa
? . bury. Sept. S. 188.
You can Buy Horo Goods
of lb
BE3T Q,XJ-A.Ivl1-
at th
market syiARE,
TUart an; c.u,r pafte.
Tho Hcsl Snlcctf il and
FIN B.ST Af?01lTiIFNT, f
I KOI! AM 4,
Delaines snd Arwares.
DometUo Cottons, Brown asi Bleaches'.
. NOTlOSfU.f sll klade.
Hosiery, Olovee, Men't and Lsdisa Unirgsrmtnt
A full tssrlaatnt cf TBIMUIKOl.
Builder will.Cad my Stock of Ilartlwart,
tn Intel, OH, Class, Ac, .'outp!eie.
and In fact everything usually kept In a large Store
Call and he convinced that
the Cheapest Place to lhy
all Your Goods is at
si. rr. rr-iiiNCr.
Tcriua VauU.-SO tloy-t
..mvtloodlar. bought for Cash and Sold Chci.p
.h. UEADY MONEY. I gi tb trad, tt ad
vantag.of alU.dueUons as fast
they ar made by
u. i.fuua,
8uBbaWV UW.
Tha Oldest and moat noted Institution
the Kind in Banbury.
HAVING removed to bi naw building en Third
.Street, between Mnrket and th Depot, is now
prepared to serve hie costomore better then ever
Having eeoured the services of first olass Bi.rljtrt,
will be ettnculed In th lattt style.
Th building bavin been erected eapee!l!y fcr
tho purpos of a First Clam Harbor ttalnun, ami
having fitted it up if) th latest stylo, h Lopvi W
receive a liber I share of patronage.
In th ailjolnipij room a 8rst olaaa Confectionary
has been opened for the sale of
IcoCraum, 4'ntullra, 'nU on, tli-or,
nd numerous other Teiuperanca DriuK In common
use. Oranges, and other ilalioioi.s fruits and eau.blcs
ef home and for! growth iu rioh'.ja and
tle.:ant variety.
JjirtptnibAr I, ISf.g
G28 lloTlKUlTS 623
WM. T. uorKiss,
.fo. Can Ai ' li Street, INiilntlelpliln.
I CtlrltaUl "CIIAXPIOX" Ihop Slirtt
Tb largest araortment, and best quality and
stylos in the American Market. Evory lady should
try Ibem. as they recommend theinselvis by wenr
li.g longer, ratlin; their shape much hcUar, lighter
and mor clutie llnin all othors warranted in eve'y
rc.-f.cct, nnd sold at very low prices. Ask for Hop
kins' '-Champion" Skirt.
Superior" Huud-mad Whale-Bone Col jets in Fif
teen different tirades, including Uie "Iuipoiinl" and
Thompson .t Lan;don's Glove Fttttng" Corsets,
ranging in pricia from HI cents to $5. SO; togelher
with .losoph Deckel's , CcIebreUd French Woven
Cnrsols, superior thnprl end quality. Ten ditTefent
Oradcs. from $1.10 to i.:iO. Hieynro thefinost and
best goods for the prices, ever imported. The Trade
supplied with bioop Skirts and Corsets st the Lowest
Thoso visiting the City should not full to call and
examine our Uoods and Prices, as wo defy all com
petition. Februory'29, loJS. 10mm.
j. no Art's
3'C."lIorBI IK.'5V9
Hi-cJi as(.,i.tM S1 ntl Jilt.
to lit I'nhlic Mfltoot llonte,
of tho bel Patterns.
Six patierns, the finest In the State.
Persons willing to bny stoves, can purchase them
chonper at this establishment than any whero else ia
the plaee.
Farmers Mutusl Firo Insnranco Co., York P.
Camberland Valley Mutual Protection Co.,
ifew York Mntual Life, Oirard Life of Phila. A Hart
ford Conn. General Accident.
WIKDOW Ul.ias and Ruilding Hardware, at 11
lowvet Cash Prices at
Cue Uuuunotli Spret
n. r.
ItlHD CAGliS. II diBvrent kinds
If you want
J good and cheup Bird Cages, go lo
KC .IIil Ui' OFl.tLL.
THE subscribers I. sving just erected rr.d pat in
opcratiou a Mill for the manufacture of
offer the highest market price forFL.' .'C r'TD.
They have attached to their estao.ih'nent a Chop
ping Mill, and farmers and o'Ji.s winiir.g sr'U
chopped for feeding, can be r.... -m.:.viated st tc
shortest notice. A ma'dtine f . ch3, ,nr3 corn with
the cob it attached to the inii.
Tannsrv 23, IRS? It
A Lecture to
2- jvirisr.
d t.t a Sr.aUd Emefo .
Pi ICS lie
A JtCf.tstc.) on Use ittlisrr. Trout.-
ment'iii'i Ilu.i'C.i'. Curoof Spermntoirhre. or Seminal
Weakness. 1 -voluntsirv Emissions, fexual Debility,
and Impediments lo Marriage generally; Xervo-.:?-nets.
Con.-u::!p'ioTi. Epilepsy, au.1 Fits ; a'.d
Physical Inoap-ieily, resulting from belf-Abuae. Ac
By Robhkt J. Ct l.v.'.i.rt kll, M.D.,Autuur of the
'Green liook.:' Ac.
Tho world-renowned author. In this admirable
Lectnro. clearly proves from hisown oxporienco ihut
the e.wful consequences of re!f-Ab'ise ui'iy be cll'eo
tuully removed without medicine, and v it bout d:in
gcrous surgical operations, bougies, ii:sr.ruiueui3,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at one
certain and cflectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition limy nuy cure himsc'f
cheaply, piivately, and radically. Ibis Lecture will
prove k bon to thousands and thousand.
Sent under seal, to any addrofs. in a plain soiued
envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or ttvo postage
stami. AUo, Dr CulvcrwvU's M riiagu (lui Je,"
mice 25 cents. Addresi tho Ti'lilisht rs.
127 Bawerv, ew York, Pott OCcj B'.X 4,3.
July 4, IMS. y
I'ol a mcu.eoie that will c'Jts
TICKI.1NO iu t' e T!lRO.VT,
as quick at
bme been a ':) and not a single iustunce of it railur ia
KMM't'ii. We live, m nor pOMemioii, uuy quuiitilfVf Cer.
tif.c&tct, B' me of them from
wii.i have r.Ked ,t in tueir pTaiMiee, au given it th pre
eminence over every ctbrr eoiupouud.
a i aa lo fiaWe the patient to expactoraie freely. Two e r
ihree dote.
Will HvAnuBLT CcB Ticbliks the Tiiot !
A Inlf lMt.lchas often completetv cured the most Stub,
tnirn Cnucli. oiul vet. tliough it it ao sure and tfKredy ui us
operation, it is perfectly hurruiett, tieing purely vevietubio.
Ilia verv iigreetii'le lo tlie tatle und ruaf tu adimnisteleJ
tocliiltlrenol any uce.
In rases of CIIOI P we will gaaniu'.ee s car, if taii In
It ia wiilim the reach of all, it being the cheapest and best
incdicme extant.
C. O. CIJtrtK A CO.. Proprietors.
April l, loa.-ly
a o e ' 3
st o r.i a. a ti b
is the discovery of the inventor of Cue's valuable Pouch
lialEaiu, wliuc exiieroiKviti'ip for liitown health. Itcured
Ciaitip iu liie Stonrcli lor him whieli had beiore ielded
to ittl.iiiK b"( chloroform.
The almost daily lesliinouy from va l ions par's of tb
country euenuraieus lo believe there is no disraio cauasd
by a disordered sloinaeh it will nol speeOily cure.
Physicians endorao and Use it!
Minist ara give testimony of its efficacy.
And from sll liiiections w receiv tiding ui cures per-
It is sure to sure.
One dose uril.' curs.
It has cured in hundreds of esse
II atops in thirty uiisate
It coriect at ones.
It stops luMncdiaiaty.
On dot will remove
Rapidly yields Is few !
Willbe rsntnec uvii lialf a bolt'.
IT 18 PEBPEC i . V vl.2Mt9
Its UNPRECEDENTED a' CCf'.S-.i is owing t3 th
fa t i!iat
It ftires ly Aijins; Dinture
i Vrl very dealer in th United Sttru ::t if al
l it iioiji.aii run sui iLb,
C. Q. CLARK & CO., Prop rirtor.
April Ik, UW.-yl,