Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 21, 1868, Image 3

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N. 8. BNOLH, ) PuolUhera.
Hocal Affairs.
WttLUHiPORT Support thirty-on schools, with
about two thousand scholar la atlndanc.
Tan Bhamokid Furnaoe, whioh u blown out
torn week lino, tot repair, will bo pat In blast in
few day. t
Col. F. 0. Anna, who removed from thli plaoe to
Columbia lait Spring, we are pleased to ae haa r
sutued his reeidenee again In Sunbury.
Tbi regular monthly meeting of Ihe Bunbury
Mutual Loan and Building Association will be held
at the Masonlo Hall, on Friday evening of next week.
Mb. Job Bowir baa obtained the oontraot for
filling up the low ground near Ihe Fbila. A Brie
Maebine Shops, in Cake's Addition. A large num
ber of hands are now at work on It.
HocMiciPiRi and others will oonsult comfort
nd economy by using 'Wall Paper and Border, a
large stock of whioh oan be bad oheap at
Tbi Dabtiixi and Hazletoh Road. A Dan
ville paper says that this new road !s being rapidly
pushed forward in that vicinity. A large foroe is
at work at the foot of the Blue Hill, opposite that
Tbs Qood Templars of the district composed of
the counties of Northumberland, Columbia, Union
and Snyder, met at Selinsgrove on Wednesday of
last week. A numbsr of the order from this place
were in attendance.
Error. In our last issue, in notieing the large
amount of rails manufactured at the Pennsylvania
Works, at Danville, we stated that 2,367 tonsof rails
were mido in one week. It should bave been in
one mon(. The mistake was made by one of the
Danville papers, from wbich we copied the article.
Successful Dai IIuxters The Miltonian
snys that on the 4th Inst., C. B. Davis, 11. L. Hat
field, Alfred Krauie, Franklin Hoy and Peter Smith
went to the mountain, deer hunting. On Wednes
day of last week they returned, bringing with them
three of the coveted animals. They report the game
as quite plenty.
Miss M. L. Lazabd is now opening her Winter
stock of Millinery Goods, at ber store in Dewart'a
frame building, on the North aide of Market Square.
A fine lot of ladies' dress goods, and a full assort
ment of everything in the millinery line, oan be
seen at ber establishment. We would call the at
tention of the ladios to the superior Inducements
offered to purchasers at her store.
Tun meteoric shower, predicted by the astrono
mers, took place on Saturday morning Inst, com
mencing about 1 o'clock, and eontinued until nearly
daylight. A number of our citizens witnessed the
display, and describe it as very fine. Tho Philadel
phia i'rt't says nietoors nppoared in the northwest
from that city, which lighted up tho heavens and
lasted at least five minutes.
Rev. Isaac Griir, of the Buffalo Church, Union
oounty, having appealed from the decision of the
Northumberland Presbytery at its session in Muney,
last spring, in the -case between bis Church and the
Mifllinburg Church, tho Pennsylvania feynod, In ses
sion at Lancaster, week before last, appointed a
commission of six clergymen and six elders, to visit
AlifHinburg, and examine into the merits of the case.
It will probably be some time before the case will be
disponed of finally.
r . .. I
Winter. Theaeason of cold weather is now upon
us, and preparations for in-duor comforts are being
made on every band. One of the most important
duties at this timo is to Secure a sufficient quantity
of coal for winter use. Mr. John P. Haas furnishes
a splendid article, from tho eclobrated Cameron
Colliery, and a trial of it will satisfy ovory one that
it is not surpassed by any other in markot. It is free
from dirt and slate, and consumers will economize
by using it. Mr. Haas is prepared to fill all orders
left at bis office, at tho shortest notice, and on the
lowest tornis.
Court. Court is still in session, and will probably
continue during this and the greater part of next
week. The jury in tho case of John Lnuck vs. John
Douty rondorcd a verdict on Friday evening lost.
This caso was based on a Mechanics' Lien, filed by a
Philadelphia builder against defendant's building in
Bhaniokiu, wbieh is ono of the handsomest and most
costly structures of the kind In this seotion. The
verdiot was for tho plaintiff.
This weok Judge Benlley, of Lycoming county, is
Luldiug a special Court. Early ou Monday a jury
was empannelod in the case of Eliia P. Pleasants
et al vs. Thomas Baumgardner. This is a case of con
tested title to tome coul lands, and up to the time of
going to press was still on trial.
Fibb Exam is. It is a remarkable fact that this
town, new containing betwoen 4,000 and 5,000 in
habitants, is in a worse condition, aa regards protec
tion against fire, than it was thirty years ago, when
it contained about one-fifth the number of people.
Unfortunately, most of the new buildings erected are
of frame mnterial, making the dangers of a confla
gration moro imminent. If a fire should break out
in some parts of the town nothing but a miracle
could save from destruction a large amount of pro
perty. Why do not our Borough Councils move in
this matter, and procure a good steam fire engine
without delay ? It is all folly to talk about anything
else for the purpose. The superiority of steam in
this respect is so well established that the old style
of engines are already numbered as among things of
the paEt. The objection that they cannot be used
with effect without running water and fire plugs, is
not well founded. They can draw water from wells
and other sources, by means of hose, if properly
managed. We have amongst us a number of per
sons competent to take charge of such an engine,
and as a steam fire engine is not only the most effec
tive, but requires only a few persons to work it,
we could reasonably expeot a more efficient manage
ment than under tbe old system, where everybody
olaims a right to Interfere.
Bteah Febbt. One of the great wonts of this
plaee is a bridge over the river, or in lieu of that, a
well conducted 8 team Ferry. A Worse polioy than
that which has been pursued, heretofore, by the Bo
rough authorities, cannot be imagined. The object
seemed to be to get as much rent as possible from
tbe lessee of the ferry, who in return must imburse
himself by exacting exorbitant rates from passen.
gers ana others using the ferry. As the ease stands
there is a prohibitory tariff, amounting almost to an
embargo, on all trade and travel between Oils place
ana our neighbor or bnyder and Union counties.
The folly of this blind polioy may be illustrated by
the example of tbe thriving towns in tbe West,
where they maintain a fret ferry, at the expense of
tbe town, to enoourage trade and travel. The oiti
zens of this place would be the gainers if tbe Coun
oils would propose to give the ferry, without rent, to
the man who would establish the lowest rates of for
riage. Tbe f 300 now reoeived as rant amounts to
about 33 cents for each taxable inhabitant in this
plaoe, per annum. With a steam ferry, at low rates,
wbich would increase tbe trade from the West tide
of tbe river, mora than that amount would be saved
to each one, every week, in tbe purchase of market-
irg and all kinds of provisions. But few now cross
the ferry, axeept from neoeesity. A steam ferry
would not only greatly inereaae the trade and travel,
oheapen and improve our produce market, but
would prove a great convenience, attract trade, and
what is more, pay a handsome dividend on the stock
necessary to establish an Improvement so Indispensa'
blc to our plaoe. Tbe bridge at Columbia is now
nearly completed, and perhaps the steamboat there
might be obtained. Every merchant, trader and
hotel keeper, and aver family, it interested in this
toad reports are usually dry oemplloatloni of figures,
whioh, to the general reader, are devoid of attraction
or interest. Bat an exception most be made la the
case of tbe new pamphlet just issued by the Union
Pacific Railroad Company, whoso forty pages arc
full of matter net only interesting in Itself, but pre
sented in attractive form. The book is made up Of
an "Introduction, " showing the organisation of the
Company, followed by obapteri under the titles
"Progress of the Work," "Character of the Work,"
Agricultural Kesouroec," "Mineral Wealth,"
"Branch and Connecting Roads," "Resouroes for
Construction," "Future Business of the Company,"
"Its Saving and Profit to the Government," "The
Way Business Aotual Earnings," and "The Uaion
Paeifle Railroad Company's First Mortgage Bonds.1'
These titles indloate the varied contents of the book,
which, we'venture to sey, gives a clearer idea of tho
extent and oapaolty of the Ureal, Went than a ma
jority of our geographies suooeed in doing. An ao-
ourate map aocompanies the work, whilst the artist's
aid has been oalled in to make perfect what la in
every way so excellent, and we bave appropriate
headings and vignettes for the ohapters, with a title
page extremely urtistio and suggestive. The print
ing of the book is perfeot, it is equally appropriate
for the parlor table or the counting-room desk.
The road is now completed for HM miles, and will
reaoh the vioinlty of Ureat Salt Lake before winter,
and by July of 1S89 the entire line to the Paoifio
will be in active operation. Careful estimates show
what an immense future business must be done by
the finished road, While One of the most important
chapters proves, from ofiicial returns, what a national
profit is already aoorueing by the operations of the
road, the government freight for 1S67 having oost
almost two millions dollars less by the railroad than
it would have done by wagons. The chapter Upon
the oharacter and value of tho Company's First
Mortgage Bonds proves them to be profitable and
safe, the publio confidence in them aa an investment
having been already attested by tbe sale of twenty
millions during the past eighteen months. It is not
unlikely that before long, what remain unsold of
these Bonds will be so disposed of among capitalists
as to withdraw them entirely from market, except
at largely enhanced prices.
Copies of the new pamphlet may be obtained freo
by mail from Do Haven & Bro., dealers in Govern
ment Securities, Gold, Ac, No. 4 J South Third
Street, Philadelphia.
AttemtteD Mdrder One of the Gang Cap
tured. On Saturday last an attempt was mado to
rob and murder Col. Claude Whito, an operator at
Swatura, Schuylkill county, on tho public road bo
tweun that placo nnd Pottsvillo. From what par
ticulars wo can learn, it appears that Col. W hite was
returning from Pottsvillo with the money to pay his
men, in company withamember of tho county police
and another man, and that as they reached a secluded
part of tho road, a mBn was obr erved stand ing on one
side, partly concealed by bushes, with a revolver in
his band. Upon being ordered to lay down his arms,
be oomnicnced firing at the policeman, who advanc
ing toward him, returned tbe flro. As tho policeman
fired bis second shot, four men were seen to sturt up
out of the bushes a short distunee ahead, nnd run into
the woods, when the ono confronting tho policeman
turned nnd fled in the snme direction. Mr. ttbito
and his pnrly then started for Swutara, and soon after
returned with a foroe sufficient to capturo the rob
bers. Search was made, but only tho ono who had
fired was discovered, and he was found lying a short
distance from where thejaffray occurred, wounded in
two places. He was taken charge of und conveyed
to jail. We understand that be has been recognised
as a resident of New Boston, Schuylkill county, but
he refuses to give or own to his name. His wounds
arc not thought to be of a fatal character, and should
ho survive, there is hope that the entire party, who
in all probability aro tho murderers of Muj- Ron,
will be captured, or at least broken up.Siamoiiit
Herald, 19M inst.
- - -m m .
Payixo toe Waoers. Among the humors of the
osmpalgn just closed, tho following wager was en
tered into between two young meu in this place,
Captain Wm. H. Miller and Warren H. Ridgway.
Tbo conditions were such, that if Seymour was oleo
ted, It. was to wheel tbe Captain from the Court
House to the Company's flouring mill acd back
reversing their positions of wheeler nnd wheeled If
Grant was elected. The Captain is in for it. Ano
ther wajer was entered into betwoen Capt. Miller
and Cnpt. Johnson. If Seymour was elected, Capt.
Johnson was to toto and grind a band organ through
the town, collecting contributions from the crowd,
which contributions wcro to be handed over to the
soldier.,' widows; and in case Grant was elected the
positionsof tho parties wero to be roversc J. Capt,
Miller is in for this wager also. The wheeling comes
off on Saturday, Nov. 21st, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Danville Intelligencer.
School Directors' Duties. Tho last numborof
the Pennsylvania Seliool Journal has the follow
ing aensiblo nrli.'le on the importance of school di
rectors visiting schools :
The duty of visiting the schools is considered one
of tho most important duties that diroctors have to
discharge in tbe administration of the system. The
law mukes tbe duty imperative, and no person
should accept the office of school direotor unless bo
is willing to perform it. When well done its effect
is always to make tne schools more omcient. it
stimulates pupils in their studies. It enables direc
tors to asccituin the exact condition ot tbe schools,
school bouses and schoul grounds. On the whole, so
biKb a value uocs the Department set on tbo leoal
supervision of the schools that it always expects to
hod tbe souoois ol districts wbicn are regularly anu
systematically visited by Boards of Directors, ac
cording to the provisions of law, other things equal,
any per cent, better tnan mose or districts in wuicn
tbe schools are entirely neglooted in this respeot, and
tuts estunHie is made Iroin personal observation id
hundreds of districts."
. i
Editor's Table.
Godet's Lady's Book. The December number
of this incomparable lady 's magazine is on our table.
it is universally acknowledged me nest publication
of the kind in this country. Mow isthe time to com
mence making up clubs. Ihe earner me orders are
received by the Publisher the sooner they can be
supplied. The following are the content of the pre
sent number : "Country Cousins." a fine steel plate;
a Handsome steot title-pace ; colored lubion-plate,
containing six figures; -Deoorating the Church," a
tinted plate ; Uuod n eloome Nipper, printed in col
ors ; large extension sheet, filled with a treat variety
of articles ; "Christmas Cheer," a seasonable engra
ving. The work department contains a number of
useful and fauoy articles. In the juvenile depart
ment will be found amusement for the holidays. A
great variety ol useiui reoeipts, suited to tbe testive
season, are also given. Marion norland, Mrs.
Shields, Mrs. Comstock, and other literary celebri
ties, contribute to this number. Address, L. A.
Uodey, N. JS. Corner Sixth and Chestnut Sti., Phil
adelphia. Tbe Musical World, for November, comes to us
overuowinir witn beautiful and attractive new music.
"Kale O Shane," an exquisite new song and chorus,
by J. R. Thomas ; Belle Mahone's Reply, "At tbe
Gate 1 wait for, song and chorus, and"tood
land Echoes," a fiue pianatorle piece, bv A. P. Wv
man, are anion tbe musical contents of tbe present
number, wbich would oost in sheet form $1.30. Be
sides this choice niusio, a large amount of interesting
reading matter is given : "Music Making," "The
Honest Little Musician." "Musical Hints." News.
Gossip, Correspondence, Ac., are contained in this
number, ah persons subscribing this month will re
oaive tbe November and December numbers of this
year free, being fourteen numbers for one dollar
Beautiful premiums are otlured for clubs. Terms
only tl per annum. Send tea cents for specimen
copies. Address the publishers, S. Brainard A Sens,
vieveianu, vuio.
Mbrcbanti and others oan always get Paper
Dags, mereoy saving ireignt, at any prices, or
it Market Square.
A LARCE stoce of Books, Stationery, Frames. Ac
always on band at the old established oheap Book
blare or X.10HTBEB Iilb,
4t Market Square.
Fob Sale. An excelleut top buggy, new. Xb
quire at this office.
Fob Reel The rooms adjoining the bat store of
Bamuel Faust, in Market Square, lately ooeapied
by K. A. Evans a s law ofice.
as mi
Co' Co bob Balsam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Both sixe ordinary 4os , also mam
moth family bottle for sal by all druggist and
dealer In medicine. He family ibeald be over
.. Cot'a CriraMM Cobb Will Immediately te
ller and permanently cur the most aggravated
ease of Dyspepsia, Flatalenoy, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, sad all dboasea of the Stomach and Bow
el. Physician, clergymen and all who us tt, join
In unbounded prai of it (real virtues. Bold by
Druggist every where. Frtoe 11.00.
Tbi Plaoe The place for a large and ebeap
assortment of Cloths and Casslmeres, for Fall and
Winter, I at Ji O, Beck' tailoring establishment,
oa Fourth street. It Is tbe right place for all kinds
of olothing for men and boys, made to order of any
kind of material, in the very best menner, and at
tbo very lowest rates. Call in and you will find It so.
IV o less than two hundred kinds of hat arc Worn
by man, and all fashionable, tbe presentseason. Tbe
best of these styles are to be found at Faust' fash'
lonabl Hat and Cap Store, Market Square. Faust
has just received the largest and oheapest stock ever
brought to Sunbury.
J. F. Sbabfter, the Merchant Tailor, has re
oeived another large stock of goods at his establish
ment, on the Corner opposite tbe Central Hotel. He
turns out the moat beautiful suits equal to any made
In tbe oities, while hi prices are so low that no on
can afford to send abroad for his olothing. A visit
will cor vines all of the superior inducements offered
by him.
Going), going, and continually going people to
Miller' L'xoelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market
Square. No matter hew many call, all oan be sup
plied, both in quality and quantity. Miller is un
surpassed. An unusually largo stock, for tho season,
ha just been received. Go and see the assortment
Corrected Weekly for the " American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perowt.
912 00
1 00
10 00
1 40
1 25
S 00
Rye t lour,
per bbl.
per cwt.
por bushol,
por jiound
Wheat, prime red,
Dried Poaches, pared
do do uupared
Dried Apples,
Dried Cherries, (unltoned,) per bu
por pound,
per doton,
per pound,
per pair
Cheese, '
Beef, bind quarter,
" front "
SliumoLiin Coal Trade.
Shauokik, Nov. 17, 1863.
Ton. Cwt.
Bent for week ending Nov. 14, ll.O.ttl 17
Per last Report, 431,0311 US
412.076 He
To same time last year,
ii,bi HI
1 3,090 04
J! L I I -J
Special Polices.
Bad Practice. You .might as well expect to
relieve and cure nn inflamed eye by dusting iirita
ting powders into it as to expect to subdue und cure
Catarrh (which is an inflammation of the mucous
membrane of the nir passages in the head) by the
use of irritating snuffs or strong, caustic solutions.
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures Catarrh by its
mild, soothing action, wbich subdues the inflamma
tion aud restores the natural secretion of tbo mucous
follicles. It is a pleasant remedy, its uso being at
tended and followed by a cooling and ngrccaido sen
sation. The cronrietors. Dr. Ssita A Co., of Buffalo.
N. Y., offer $500 for a case of Catarrh that they cau
not cure. seni uy man on receipt 01 si&iy com..
Tor Sale bt Most Druggists Everywhere.
Philadelphia, March lOia, 186S.
Jacob Shertz, Esq My Dear &', Some
eight months age, when suflering from great ner
vous prostration, the result of exposure and over
task ed energies, I was inducod by you (an old friend )
to take as a tonic your celebrated Bitter Cordial ;
and so agreeably surprising bave been Us beneficial
cfleets, that I cannot refrain from thus beariag tes
timony in it favor. As a beverage, it is as pleasant
and delightful as a glass of rich durk brown shorry ;
as an appetiser before meals, perfectly niagionl ; and
as a digester of food, the most potent compouud I
ever knew. Altogether, I consider it one of tho
happiest combinations nf medicinal herbs ever of
fered to the publio as a curative. I most cheerfully
and confidently recommend It to every sufferer from
Debility, Dyspepsia and Rheumatism. As a substi
tute for tho villainous alcoholio and vinous coneoe-
tions imbibed at too many of the publio bars of tbe
present day, it must also prove a blessing.
cry truly yours,
Alexander W. Blaceuurn, Fire Marshal.
I2'2l,ad fClWETZS standing advertise
ment in another column.
A Cnrd.-i Clorgyuian, whilo residing in
tb Afnpri-,L fu iiiisMniiarv. discovered a sale
aud siniplo remedy for the Curo of Nervous Weak
ness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Som
iuul Organs, and tbe whole train of disorders brought
on by buncful and vicious habits. Ureat numbers
have been cured by this noblo remedy. Prompted
by the desire to benent tne amiotca ana unioriuunie,
I will send tbe recipe for preparing; and using this
medicine, in a scaled envelope, to any one who needs
it, x rkb op Cuahoe. Address, i. i.iaa,
Stntion D, Bible House, New-York City.
Sept. 12, 1S08. 3m
1 ww
012 I'llK K
004 Narket Street.,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For manv vears this Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price Sys:em, and we behove we
are tbe only Clothing House In the city that strictly
adheres to this principle. We bave earned a repu
tation wbich we are proud of, for good taste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not less
mportant, tor Having an our gooas
EK1IU W 1.1.1- MABH.
We emploT the best talent, for Cuttoas, and cur
Goods are of both kinds fashionable nud plain
so that all tastos can be suited. The prices ure the
very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must
oo, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition
of our neighbors, tor as no deductions are ever made,
we must put our prices down to the advantages wo
ine people may aepena, mis is tne true piau upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyer by keoping in mind
. 604 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Not en the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
E. tonleassian.
April 4, 1808. ly
Deafhess, Bliromes ad CATAnRB treated
with th utmost sucoess by 1. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul
ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No.
805 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from
the most reliable sources in city and oountry can be
seen at his office. The Medioal faoully are invited
to acoompany their patients, aa he has no secret iu
bispraetio. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination. nov.30-ly.
Physician who had Consumntion for lavaml in
wilh frequent bleeding of the lungs, eured htmself
with a medioine unknown to the profession, when bis
oase appeared hopeless. He is the only physician
who has used it in bis own person, or who has any
knowledge of its virtues ; and be can ascribe Ibe de-'
gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but the
use of his midicine; and nothing but utter despair
and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to
gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc
ed him to haiard tbe experiment. To thoee suffer
ing with any disease of th Lungs be proffers a treat
ment he confidently believes will eradioaU tbe
disease. Prioe f 1 60 per bottle or 8 a half dozen,
sent by express, bend for a cireular or call oa
Da. E. Botlstoe Jacesom,
No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
For sal by H. Y. Friliug, Market Square, bun
bury, Pa., and Druggist generally.
May 30, lb8. ly.
4 Jssld to Slarrlrsif . Young Men's Quid
to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felioity. The hu
man view of beoevoieat Physicians, on th Error
and Abuse incident to Youth and Early Manhood,
ant in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Bos P.. Philadel
phia, Pa.
Jua II, lMS.-ly.
WOnAnMFemalM, Owtmtr to f be
peculiar and Important relation whioh thay
(ustaln, their peculiar organisation, and the efboee
they perform, arc lubjoet to many (uflering. Free
dom from thee oonlribute in no small degree to
their happlnem and welfare, for none can be happy
who are 111. Hot only so, but no one of thee various
fomal complaint can long b suffered to run on
without involving the general health of Ihe Individ
ual, and ere long producing permanent sloknes and
premature Ueollne. Mori it ploaaant to oonsult a
physician for the reliefer those various delioat af
in . ' on,y nPo the most argent necessity
will n true woman so far sacrifice her greatest aharm
as t do this. The ox will then thank ns for plaoing
in their bands simple epeoiflo which will be found
efficaoious in relieving and ourlng almost every on
of those troublesome outnplaints pooulinr to tbe sex.
HsMtBOLn Extract or Bucno.-Ilundreds suf
fer on in silence, and ihundredsof others apply vainly
to druggists and dootors, wh merely tantaliie them
with the hope of a cure or apply romodios which
make them worse I would not wish to assert any
thing that would do Injustice to Uio affliotod, but I
am obliged to say that although it may be produced
from excessive exhaustion of the powers of life by
laborious employment, unwholesome air and food
profuse tnonstruation, the uso of tea and oolleo, and
frequent ohildbirth, it is fur oltenor onused by direct
irritation, applied to the mucous membrane of tho
vagina itself.
When reviewing the oauio of those distressing
complaints, it is most painful to cohtemplato the
attendant evils oonsequent upon Iheui. It is but
simple justice to the subject to enumerate a few of
tho many additional oauses whioh eo largely affect
the life, health, and happiness of woman in all olaae
es of society, and which, consequently, nfleot more
or leas directly, the we faro of the entire human
family. The mania that exists for precocious educa
tion and marriage, causes tbo yoars that nature
designed for oorporeal development to be wasted
nnd perverted In the restraints of dross, the early
confinement of school, end cspeciully in the un
healthy excitement ot the ball-rooiu. Thus, with
the body hall-clothed, and tho mind unduly excited
by ploosuro, porvorting in midnight revel tho hours
designed by imturo for sleep nnd rest, the work of
destruction is half accomplished.
In consequence of this onrly strain upon her sys
tem, unnecessary effort is required by tbo dolicuto
votary to retain her situation iu school nt a later
day, thus aggravating fhe ovil. When one excito
ment is over, another in prospective keeps the mind
morbidly sensitive to impression, whilo the now con
stant restraint of fashionnblo dress, absolutely for
bidding the exercise indispensable to the altninmont
and retention of organic health and strength ; the
exposure to night air the sudden chango of temper
ature; the complcto prostration producod by exces
sive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legiti
mate effect. At lust, an early mafringo caps tho
climax of misery, and tho unfortunato one, hitherto
so utterly regardless of tbo plain diotutes and re
monstrances of ber delicate nature, bnenmes an
unwilling subject of medical treatment. This is but
a truthful pioture of the experience of thousands of
our young women.
Long before tho ability to oxorciso the functions of
the generative organs, they require an education of
their peculiar nervous system, coniposod of what is
called tho tissue, which is, in common with tbe fe
male breast and lips, ovidently under tho control of
mental emotions and associations at nn early period
of lifo; umt. u no shall subsequently sco, theso
emotions, when excessive, lead, long before pubcrity,
to habits which snp tho very life of their victims oro
nature has ecll'-cuinplcted their development.
For Peinalo W etikiiess and Debility, Whites or
Lcucorrbu-n, Too Prufuse Menstruation, Exhaustion,
Too Lonir Continued Periods, for Prolapsus nnd
Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, wc ufler the most
perfect specific known: llcluibold's Compound Ex
tract of ISucbu. Directions for use, diet, aud udvico,
Females in ovory period of lifo, from infancy to
cstrcuie old ago, will find it a remedy to aid naturo
in tbe discharge of its functions. Strength is tho
glory of manhood and womanhood, llelmbold's
Extract lluchu is moro strengthening thiin ;iny of
mo preparations ot IsarK or Jron, Inttnttciy saler,
and moro pleasant. llelmbold's Extract Jiuchu,
having roceived tho indorsement of the most promi
nent physicians in tho United States, is now offered
to iilUictcd humanity ns n certain cure for tho follow
ing iliseimc8 nnd symptoms, from whatever causo
originating: Henernl Dcbilitv, Mental and Physical
Depression, Imbecility, Determination of lllo ,d to
Hie Head, Lonluscd Ideas, llysterm, Ucneral Irrita
bility, Hestlessness anil Sleeplessness at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular EITicicncv, Loss of Appetite, Dys
pensin. Emaciation. Low Snirits, Disorganisation or
Paralysis of the Organs of licuerntiou, Palpitation of
tno Heart, nnd, in tact, nil tlio concoimtiints or a
Nervous nnd Debilitated state of tho system. To in
sure tbe genuine, cut this out. Ask for IlKLStRot.n'a.
lake nn oilier. hold hy I'ruggisls anil Healers
everywhere. 1'rico X 1 .25 per bollla, or six bottles
for $.1.60. Delivered to any address. Describe
svinptoms in nt) communications. Address 11. T.
I'JKL.MISOLD, Drug and Chemical Worehouso, 501
Broadway H. Y.
None are genuine unless dono up In stool-enKrnved
wrapper, witli tuc-siaulo ol my unotuicai nareiiouse.
nnd signed H. T. HELM110I.D.
Sept. 19, li?0. 2m.
THE subscribers having purchased the stock aud
fixtures of Mr. Charles llaoou i Livery Stable,
in Sunbury, would respectfully announce to the
public, that they inteud furnishing it with first-class
Horses, Carriages. Buggies and Spring-Wagons
suitable fur the business, und will endeavor to make
it a I.ivery second to uouo in this section of tbe State.
Orders left at tbo Central Hotel, at any boar of the
day or night, will receive prompt attention.
Sunbnry, October 17, !!-'fW.
Millinery.G oods,
.Tim si l. I.. taovttlrr, begs leave to an
Bounce to the Ladicsof Suubury and vicinity, that
she bosjuat opened a large and varied stock of
The latest New York and Philadelphia style f
Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Em
broideries. Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps, 1 1 and ker
chiefs, Scurfs, O loves, Hosieries, and all kinds of
Fancy Notions, Stamped Muslins, Corsets. Perfume
ries, oaps, Lilly White, Knamel of America, Sta
tionery, Ac, Ac.
Call and examine for yourselves. Vo trouble to
show goods
Sunbury, Oct. 34, ISO's
(jieutletucu) r'm-rilBhlnjf (Uvods,
Consisting of
which have been selected from the largest and best
establishments in New York and Philadelphia.
A general assortment of
Neckties, Collars, Cravats, of th latest styles.
Fine Lamb's Wool Poller Jacket.
SHIRTS and DRAWERS, a large assortment of
tne best quality.
A largo variety of GLOVES of every style and
oualtitv. from tb Ball Rroom dowa to the laboring
man's, aud many other artiolea for Gentlemen's
l ine Freucls Toko Shirt made to
Having prooured the services f tbe best workmen
In the cities, garment will be made up to order
whioh osnnot be excelled in any city in fits, orquality
fUentlemen arc particularly requested to call and
aee tbe roods and worn bolore pureniising eisewnaro
Sunbury, Oot. 3, '6. THOMAS Q. NOTT.
Lrndlea' Fancy l ui s t
id K.t.bli.hod rUH
. Tin Alll'll Street,
aeoie jiu, run. A
ilave uow In store of
aiyown Importation aud
alaliulaotura una uf Ilia
. jfi l'ol aud luuat beauti-
i fglulseleutltiuauf
-.tlbr Ladios' aud Chll
. wtlran's Wear. Intheeitv.
ffVTffiA av Also, a Bu assortment of
dents' Fur tilove and Collar.
I am nablwl to dispose of my roods at very rea
sonable price, and I would therefor solicit a oall
from my friend of Northumberland eouuty and vl
Remember tb Name, Number and Street !
No. T18 Arch St., above Tth, south side, Philed'a
13" I have do Partner, nor eeaoeetioa with any
.L . 1 1 1 1 1 I k ' . .A . I r. .
ra. LllAUiM A. ZaOIiltlM.
occolistb ahix manufacturers of tub
As tbelf sol agent for Sunbury and vicinity for tbe
sale of tne celebrated
lr) dolnff SO thev have confidence in the ability nf
their agent to meet the requirements of nil cus
tomers. His assortment of our BEAUTIFUL LKN
SES comprises every forfn nnd kind, calculated for
the simplest as well as tbe worst cases of diseased or
I'npntrod vision. An opportunity will be thus af
forded, to procure at all times
Too much Cannot ba Said MM tn thnir RnnArtnrttw
over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glim
mering, wavering of the sight, diliinoss, or other
unpio.uant sensation, but nn tbe contrary, from tbe
puiuunr construction or tho Lenses, they aro sooth
ing and pleasnnt, causing a reeling of reiiel to tho
wearer, and Pr.lni,. . i'i... -7i rn.,i..., vi.:..
and are tho Cheapest because tho Best, always last
ing man j -yoars without change being necessary.
. frn V 1I10N -Mr T- 8. MIANNON, Jeweler,
is their Only Agent appointed iu Bunbury and vi
cinity. fjr-Wc employ no Peddlers. augl '68 ly
WM. T. noi'KINS,
No. 09 Arch Street, I'hlladt-lphln.
Celebrated "CIIAXPIOX" Hoop RHrU
The largest assortment, and best quality and
styles in tbo American Market Every lady should
try thoui, as they recommend themselves by wear
ing longor. rataing their shape much better, lighter
and moro elastic than all others warranted in every
respect, nnd sold at very low prices. Ask for Hop
kins' 'Champion" Skirt.
Superior llnnd inodo Whalo-Bone Cnrotj In Fif
teen different tirades, including tbo "Imperial" and
Thompson A I.angdon's "Olovo Fitting" Coisots,
ranging iu prices from bl rents to Ji.iU ; together
with Joseph llcckol s Celebrated French Woven
Corsets, superior shapes and uoliiy. Ten different
tirades, from l IU to 5.50. They aro thorniest nu-1
best goods for tho prices, ever imported. Tbo Trade
supplied with Hoop Skirts and Corsets at tbe Lowest
Those visiting tho City should not fail to oall and
examine our Uouds and Prices, a we defy all eom
potition. February 20,1838 lOrnos.
i'. ii i'ir.- O
Comer of Third Street and Morket Square, iu Mil
ler's Stone Building, S U N B U R 1" , P A.,
of tho most celebrated makers, consisting of tlio
Howard, Applcton, Tracy A Co., Wiillhain, ilartlett,
W. F.llory, und all grades of the Elgin Ill's mako.
Also, solo Agent for the celebrated, PAUL BKI.
TON Watch, iu Gold and Silver Caso, at low prices.
Hils oi' Wsti-c ibr Wctlilssiu' l'reieuls,
of entirely now designs. Solid Silver Tuble and
Tea Spoons, Butter Knives. Forks, Castors, ioe
Pilohors, Fruit and dike Baskets, Syrup,
lings, Butter Dishes, and everything
in the Silverware line at lew
A fine stock of 18 k Rins. Also a One selection
of Gold and Jut Jewelry of all descriptions. Isold
asd Silver Chains, at low prices.
Fin J'dJ Pens in Gold, .S'ilvor and Rubber Cases,
Of tbectilcbrated make by llutlina-i &1 Stewart.
A full assortment of 3 day and SO hour Clooki, at
low prioes.
Also Sole Agent for the celebrated Perfected Spac
taolcs. wurriinted to give entire satisfaction.
Wutehus, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war
ranted. All orders promptly attended to at the shortott no
tice. Sunbnry, Sept. 6, 13C3.
E" Samples sent by mail when writton for.
October 3d, 186. ly
WEareoonstantly purchasing for cash in the New
York and Button Markets, all kinds of
Dry and Fancy Goods, Silks, Cottons, Bools and
Shoes, Watches, Sewing Maohlues, Cutlery,
lross Uoods, Domestio Uoods, Ac, aa.
Whioh we are actually selling at an averngo price of
One Itollur tor cms-Is article. Oursales
being strictly for eash, and our trade much larger
tbau that of any other similar onncern, enables us to
give belter bargains than oan be obtained of any
other house.
Tim laii:n
Are speoially invited to giv us a trial.
Bean rou a CiuooLaa ako Exouaxoi List.
Our olub system of selling isaa follows : For $2 we
send 20 patent pen fountains and chocks describing
20 different arliclus to be sold for a dollur each ; 40
for $4; 611 forSil ; 100 for (10, Ao. Pent by mail.
Commiaaions larger than thono ottered hy any other
tinu, aceordiug to sise of club, .'"'inulo fouutuin and
check, 10 eta. Male and female agents wanted.
Hknd uoNKr ix RxuisvxitKD Lerrtiis. Bend us a
trial club, and you w ill acknowledge that you c.iuuot
afford to buy goods of any other hou"o thereafter.
lIiSHiman Jk lifsiUall,
0 Hanover tit., Bunion, Muss.
May 23, '88 8m.
Valuable arort nt Irlvate Sale.
rpUK undersigned offers bis valuable lot, 55 feet
J. front by 210 deep, on the south-west corner of
the Bbamokin Valley and Northern Central Rail
roads, on Third street, oo which is erected aFRAMK
WARKHOUSB, 20 by 40 feet. The Warehouse is a
new one, having, been built abont two years since,
and is a splendid stand for any one wishing to go
into tbe flour and grain business. The fixture of
th eonoera will also be offered for sal, at reason
ble rate.
This properly is offered for (al for th reason that
I intena giving up businese iu Hue bury Fur further
particulars, apply to i. U. CAD WALL AJjKH.
Sept. 1, 'M. 3m. Sunbury, Pa.
Trevortoa Lots for Sale.
THREE LOT9, in the town of Trevortun, Nor
thumberland county, will be sold oheap, on ap
plication to tbe underaigned. These lots are advan
tageously loeated, and are Taluabl for building
purpose. Apply U, or address
0t Id, JE4 - 4M (Vintury, Pa
You can Buy More Goods
of b
BE3T Qt7X.lT"Sr
t th
market sqcark,
TUn nov otlier plaon.
Tho I3cU Selected and
FKESCH Mbnixcs,
Delaines and Artnares
Douin'Ja Collets, fi.-owu and Bicaehst
Hosiery floies, lien's icl Ladies Vndergormont.
Builders will And my Stock cf KSnrdwui-o,
Irnitit, Oiisj, Ulan), Jcc, Complete.
aud is fast everything uisaliy kept In a large Store
Call and be convinced tlint
the Cheapest Place to Bhv
all Your Good9 it at
Tersu) C'aaUf 30 day,
as my Goods are bought for Cash and Bold Cheap
for the READY MONEY. I give the trade the ad
vantage of all reductions as fust as thoy i mad by
I.T 'mine,
Chartered l,y Special Act f fengrees. Arnrovcd
July 2J, lfto.
'ats C.-ipliai
Fmsr National, Baxe ErtLnixu.
Whr thegoberal bntiu's of the Compnrv ii trwu
acted, and to which all cencnl ,.,', . .i-.
should be addrossol.
Jay Conke, Philada.
It. A. Bolllns. Washington,
Henry I). Cooke,
V-i. K. Chandler, "
John I). Iiefrecs,
Edward Iiodjro, New Turk.
Ii. C. l'ahnestock, N. Y.
If. Clark.
f. ltatchfnrd filarr.
Wm. tt. MoorlieaJ.
Ueo. P.Tyler,
J. Hinckley Clark,
o menus.
O. H. CLARK. Philadelphia, Pronident.
HF.NRT I. COOK'10. Wml-in-Flnn Vlni. Pr..Ml
J AIT COOKE, Chairman Finance and Excoutiv
t oniiiiiMep.
SM0Efw,"N V'- VVKr- Tbilad'a. 'o'y end Actuary.
Eus- TUKNIiU. Wi,.binton, Assistant FecrcUry.
. '' 1 " w i' - M"dical Director.
J.EVUNU AjaAKS, M. P., Assis ant Medical LI.
Modlcnl Advisory Hoard.
K.Barncj.Surreou-Genoral U.S. A., Washlri
ton. J. Horwiti, Chief Medical Depsrlmsnt V. 8. If.,
W. Bibs, M. D. Washington.
Pol id tor nlxd AttornT.
Wm. E. Chandler. W.l,i,, Vi n
George Harding, Philadelphia,
This Company, National In Its eharaolnr. offers.
by ronsnn of its Largo Capital, Low Bates of Premi
um nnd New Tables, tho most desirable means of
Insuring lifo jet presented to the publio.
The rates of promium, being largely reduoed, or
made as favorable to the Insurers as those of the best
Mutual Companies-, nnd avoid all the complication
nd uncertainties of Notes, Dividends aud the mis
understandings which the latter aro so apt to cnuao
the Policy-Holders.
Several new and attractive tables are now pr-senl-e
I wiiich nrcd ci:I.v to be understood to prove accep
table to t'.io public, such m tho Income-Producing
Policy and Uet-.irn Promium Tolicy. In the formor
tbo policy-holder not only secures a lifu insurance,
payable nt death, but will rccoive, if living, after a
period of a few years, an nnnunl incomo eqiialjto
ten percent. (10 t cr cent.) of the par of his policy
In the lulUr, the Company agrees to relurn to the
assured tho total amount of money he bus paid In.
In add'tiun to the ovrouut of bis policy.
The attention of persona contemplating insuring
their lives or incre.Tiii.g th-: amount of insurnnco
they ulrcny hove, i j called to the special advaulsgue
offered l.y the Nati- ual Life Insurnnco Compnny.
Circular-!, Pamphlet and full particulars given
on application to tho Branch Oflico of the Company
in Philadelphia, or ta its General Agents.
15-'" Local Agents are Wanted iu every City and
Town; and application from competent parties for
such agencies, with suituble endorsement, should L
addressed to tbe Couipuny' General Agent only,
iu their respoolivo districts.
aExuiuL aesyTs :
K. W. CLARK A CO., Philndolpqia,
For Pennsylvania and Southern New J?ry.
JAY COOKE A CO., Washington, D. 0., '
For Slur; kind, Delawaie, Virginia, Dielriet f
Columbia and Wert Virginia
WM. H. BOG L1C. Agent, Milton, Pi.,
Soptember 6, lobd. ly
Wo do not wUh to inform you, read' r. lhar fr.
Wondurful. or any otlier imiu.iius discoveiedn iuuj
edy th:it cures Conumptiou, when (lie lui.- ma ba.f
cou.-aimcd, iu short, will curo ull di?a:i.'S whutuarof
mind, body or oetnte, make men live foro, rr. ur,.l
leave lit :iili lo play for want of work, and isdtsiirnej
t-i uiuke our sublunary sphere n hlUjlu! pirndi!. to
wi;icii Heaven itseif fihrfl! bo but a sido snow. Y'.o
lmve heard enough of that kind of huuibuorv, ai.d
we do not wonder t'mt you Lave by time h-ioomx
do-gusted wilh it. But when wo toll you tbit Dr.
Bage's Catarrh Remedy tri'rV positively curt the
irorst raw. of Catarrh, we only rt that whioh
thousands can te.-tify to. Try itind yuu will beoon
vinoed. We will pay $iuu KtWiiio for a case of
Catarrh that we cannot curo.
Pnica oniv ii Cisi. tent by Mail, post paid,
for Sixty Ceuia; F-ur Fuekaics for $2 uo; or 1 l)ez
eo for $o.00. trend n stamp for Dr. hige'i piinipbUt
eu Catarrh. 1'K. HAuE A CO., Piopnetors,
BuCalr, .V Y.
No BoHer-a. It Is warranted to cure lost or im
paired 'J'lislo, J?uill or lleiu-in. Watering or Weak
K.yrs. oBensive Uroatb d erated Threat or Mouth,
l'ain and Pressure iu tho Iiaad, and loss of Mutuary
wheneuu-cd, us all nftjciu frequently are, by tbe
ravages of Catarrh. It i. ploasunt and painless to
use. contains no strong p-Monous or caustic drugs,
but cures by its mild M-j.hin action.
We will pay $jot) Reward for a case of Catarrh
iht we cannot cure.
W UEiiK. Pine cslv M Uesrs.
If vur i'mg'its busnotyotgot it on sale, dou'tbe
put off villi iuiiie worse than worthless strong snuff,
"fuuii!iil.r ' or poi.onous caujtio solution, which
will diivo tbo disease lo the luugs iustcad of curing
It, but send sixty cents to us aud the remedy will
re;: ?h you by roturn uiuil.
tioui stump for Dr. iiio's panirhlot on Catarrh
DR. SAO L A CO., Proi.riotois.
liuBulo N, Y.
ThlsIxriLLixLi RiHP.ovdocsnot.likethe
ous irritating snufl'. and strong caustic solutions with
whioh tbe people bave long beon humbugged, aiiuplv
pitllinto for a bhort time, or drive the disease to the
liin', as there is danger of doing iu the use of sue IT
iiostrums, but it produces ncrfect and r-erruaii.nt
euros of tbo wor.t of chronic et.irih, as thous
ands enn tei-tity. "Co,ct in the limd" is cured
with a few applications. Catarrhal lleidache is re
lieved and cured as if hy magic. Ii rumoves uSa
sive Breath, Los or Impairmont of ibe tenie of lute
smell or hearing, Walering or Weak l-yes, and Im
paired Memory, when cursed by the violence of Ca
tarrh, as they all frequently are. We offer in gool
faith a standing reward of f jed lor a ease uf Catarrh
that we oannot cure.
WHERE. Pnica oni.v io Cxsts.
Ask your Druggist for the Remedy, but if be has
not yel fot it on sale, don't be put otf by accenting
any miierable, worse than woribloM subsliiute', but
euelo.e sixty cents to us, aud the Remedy will be seni
you post paid. Four packages 2.i)U, or one doteu
for Is.CIO. Ireud stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on
Catarrh. Dr. SAUE A CO., Proprietor,
Bufiulo, V r.
This is tt PATENTMEDICINEnUMBru, got
ten up to dupe tho ignorant aud credulous, nor is it
rpre--ented as being comuose.1 of rare and preuionj
suUtunocs brought from tbefourcornerso: the oar ;h
carried soven times acrod tbe Great De.rt ol Sahar
ah on the backs of fourteen oamels, and bruulit aerus
the Atlautio Uooanvu two tbipj. It i. u simple
mild, soothing remedy, a perfect EpeaiBc lor Ca
tskbh and ''Cold in tub llasn," also tor ofloiuiv.
Breath, Lossor luipairmeal of tbe Sense of ruieW,
Taste or Hearing, Walering or V,' oak Eyos, i'uiu or
Pressure iu the Head, when caused, aa ilioy all
unfrequeuily are. by the violence of Catarib.
W e ofler, in good fniih, a stunding Reward ef
for a case of Catarrh thai wecannot euro.
WHERE. Pricbou Cbnts.
Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt ol'Sixw Ci
Four package for 2.l)i), or I litou fur ') 00.
Bend stamp tor Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catatrh.
Dr. bAGfi A CO., Proprietor.
Oot. 10,'68-ly. Buullo.N.Y.
Mra jT7imrnr.aTriri
CALL acd se Uk. beautiful Bird t. i.t
new MaidwarcMoteof
3 H fc?5r a
at tb
b(M without !t la tb bouse. ,
viae mrt ib roiwueipaia. v-oi. ,
funbvirt. pt I, IMI