Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 07, 1868, Image 3

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    E. WlXVERT, J . .
N. B. EN OLE. rubU,her'
"hiIniiikv, ia.
SLoral Affairs.
Tub now bridge at Lewlsburg wit opened to hor
let and rebioles on Monday lat.
A vmiND calls our at ten tlon to tho platform of
tb depot, which il in bad oondition,
Lakob Poukkr. On Monday of last week Wm.
Bote, of Shamokin, ilaugktared a hog, whioh, when
droned, weighed 4 48 pounda. -
Count CmiR, Mr. John Arnold has been ap
pointed Court Crier, In plao of Martin E. Bucber,
who wu lately elocted County Commiasloner.
J. II. Exobl haa just reoeived and for lals a rery
bandaoma lot of Ladiei' Fori, at Tory low prices.
Alio, eonie rery handsome Ebawli and Ladiei' Drcas
UouaiKiapERS and others will eonmlt comfort
and economy by uaing Wall Paper and Border, a
large itook of which oan be had oheap at
t LiGnmcR A Zbiolbr'.
Bitten ar a Doq. On Tuesday evening last a
(on of Mr. M.C. Uearhart waa aererely bitten by a
dog in Market Square. The dog should by all meam
be killed, ai hi il too dangorous a ousUaisr to run
at large. '
Accidkrt AT thi Minn On Monday of luct
week John E. Thomaa bad bii left leg fradtured
'ibove the knee, by a fall of coal in the miuoiof
Robertson, Gultetuian A Co., at the Henry Clay
colliery, near Sliatuokin.
Court. The regular teuion of Court commenced
on Wednesday last. There wu about the average j
uttendanoe of people. But few oriminal caiei wore J
on the docket tor trial. We will give aroportof the '
'proceeding! In our next issue.
Finn kbar Milton. Tha house of Win. Poust,
A short distance east of Milton, on the Danville road,
was burned down on Wednesday evening of last
week. The family bnroly esouped with their livoi.
It Is supposed that tho Ere was the work or au Incen
diary. Tm planing mil) of J'r. Fardoo, at Watontowr, i
met with a trifling damage by fire on Wednesday of '
last week. The William-port poporj announced the j
destruction ol tuo uiill, with a loss ot liz.OOO. Ini
i'U a mistake,
oced 125.
Tho damage to the mill did not ox- j
Tub Continental Vocalists, composed of a lady
and thrco gentlemen, gave a concert at the Masonic
Hall on Wednesday evoning Inst. The house was
filled, and thoir performance was very good. The
lady possesses a fine voice, aud is quito au addition '
to the troupe.
Workxbn havo commenced on tho now Slcnni
Saw and Pinning Mill. Tho main building will be
ISO fret by 2, with n side building of o2 by 30.
The engine is building at Chester, Pa., and will be j
of 100 horsepower, capable of being worked up to
b0. The capital is ?o0,000. Only a few shares are
left. Now is the lime to subscribe, beforo the shares
command a premium.
. Readixq Boom a.xd Litsrarv Association.
A number of our oiiiiens aro making efforts to get
np a literary association, and also to establish a I
reading room, with good prospect of suooes. A '
taectiug for this purpose will beheld at Bargstr ewer's !
photograph gallery, on Third street, on next Tuesday
evening. An invitation is cxtonded to our citiiens
to attend and aid in effecting an orgknixatioo.
Ariiestko. On FrMay of last week a younj man
named Edward Wallace, of Northumberland, was !
committed to jail, on oalh of Wm. H. Harrison, of J
tuai piace, wno onargo.l him with disturbing reli
gious meetings on different occasions. His trial will
probably luke place to-day, (Friduy.) The prisoner
made an attempt, on Monday, to escape by climb
in over tbo jail wall, but was discovered and se
curely confined in a cell.
Completed. -The brick work of the round house
of the Phila. A Erie R. 11. Co., at this place, was
complied last week. The work was under the su
pervision of D. H. Millor, Esq., and is a job highly
croditable to that gentleman. Mr. Miller is a first
olass mechanic and a good ciliion, and the company
was fortunate in securing tim to put up the brick
work of their buildings along the line of tho rond.
We learn that, bo is now engaged in building the
largo hotel at Renovo, whioh is boing erected by the
l'hila. t Erie II. R. Co.
Accidents. On Saturday last Mr. Samuel Al
tpaoh, of this place, was severely injured near the 1
Machine Shops of the Phila. 4 Erie R. R. Ho was !
engaged in repairing a freight car on one of the si- !
tliugs, when an eiiji'ne waa backed against the car, j
which threw Hover, aud fell on Mr. Alspoch. LIo '
ia rapidly recovering. j
On Thursday morning a man named C. W. Swords,
a brakesman on a gravel train on the Northern Cen- j
trul Railroad, bad the fingers of his left hand so
vcrely mashed while coupling cars. Two of the
fingers were amputated by rj,-. J. g. Angle. I
Ocn citizens have repeatedly been annoyed ot i
publio meetings and exhibitions by unruly boys, who
have no regard for themselves, by thoir loud aud !
boisterous talking, sUuipliig, Ac., but we have lately j
obsorved that young girls, wao bo doubt wish to be j
clawed as ladies, have taken the places of theso I
young rowdies, and are becoming notorious (or their i
bad and uuladylike conduct. On Monday night,
wbilo Gov. Geary waa apsaking- in the Court House, j
we observed some of these would-be yoiihfc ladies j
doing their best, by talking and giggling, to prevent i
the audience from hearing the Govornora address,
until an officer stationed himself among them and '
partially sueoeeded in kocninir them nuUt v 1
hope we may not again have occasion to refer to
thia matter. If we do, perhaps by giving the namea
of some of the partiea we may aid in abatipg the
HonniBLE AcciLekt. The.WilliKmn.rr K,.n..
tin Bars that, a far .In .u. i
j , ..K.,, ,, ci -suurm uauna,
of Lock Haven, waa out hunting deer, his gun was,
in some way unknown, accidentally discharged.'
The load took effect ia Lis bead, biowlnv hi. hr... !
out and scattering tbem on the ground. It ia aup.
posed that he was loading his gun, and that the dis
charge waa premature.
BurOlabt I ShAuobih, The Shamokin lltroU
aays : On Monday night 6. Chapman's Watehmaker
fcbop waa broken into and robbed of fonr watches
which were banging in tha front window. An at
tempt waa made to effect aa entrant to the build
ing by euttlng out one of the panels of the door, but
Tor some reason, probably the difficulty experienced
in removing It, the thief abandoned (bal idea, and
waa oontent to take what coiili be reached from the
outside, after prying open the window shatter and
breaking a pane of glass. The watches were of little
value, being worth about W each; and for that rea
son were left hanging In the window among aotne
empty eases, which were also taken from the hooka,
but left in front of the window. No clue to the per
petrator has yet been discovered.
Firs i Lore IUt. A destructive fire oc
curred id Lock Haven, on Friday sight last Min
gle t Mader'i dry goods store, Harvey A Chatham'
law office anal library, Bcheid'a saloon, Anthony's
tailor shop, Farneworth'i harness shop, and a brick
rosideoee and tobacco More; were destroyed ; and
Newmaa'f hoop skirt factory aad store, Kintsing'a
insurance oftce, Mrs. Reese's fancy store, and ReifTs
saloon, were partially destroyed. Lose aboat $30,.
000 insured for 118,000. It is supposed to have
been lb work of so incendiary
Got. Qbart'i Eboihior TonoBLioat Pa
rade. The meeting held in the Court House on
Monday evening last, to hear Oov. Geary, waa the
largest and moat enthusiastic ever assembled In that
building. Almost every teat wu oooupied before
the individual composing the torohllght procession
entered the building. The gallery wu principally
filled with ladies, u wu also the area eoouplod by
the bar. All the aisles and every available spot wu
occupied, while large number! were in the passage
way outside. When Oov, Geary entered he was
groetcd with rounda of applause The scsne wu
one well calculated to inspire enthusiasm and com
mand respect a large and intelligent audience In
one of the moat, elegant court rooms iu the State, its
two largo chandelier radiating a fiood of light.
The meeting wu organised by eleoting the fol
lowing officers :
l'rtiident Cot. Ueorge Wagcnscllcr.
V'ira Prtridtntt Joseph Weltsul, Daniel Kem
bel, Lower Aughsta ; John Hans, Sr., Dr. Jos. Eas
ier, Men. J. K. Clement, Eliaa Brosdoua, Sunbury ;
Isaac Campbell, Samuel Fottcr, Upper Augusta;
Jobu Bingaman, Ucorgetonn ; John IS. Jlitlenben
dor, Shamokin ; Johu Dunham, Northumberland.
Stcrttaritt Lieut. Tbaddeus S. Shannon, of Sun
bury ; Capt. Alex. Caldwell, ofShauokiu.
On taking the chair Col. Wagunsoller thauked tho
audience fur rho honor conferred on him in a neat
address, and tlion Introduced OoV. deary.
Gov. Uear'y commenced his addroes by llimikitig
his friends fur the splendid reccpt:o they had given
bltn, and remarked that ou no occosdou of his lifo bad
he met with one more cheering and Imposing in
The Oovernor's address waa listened to with
marked attention for twe hours. The details of
many scenes, of whioh ho wna au eyo wituoss and
oho of the principal actors, gave peculiar interest to
his remarks. Among other thiugi tho tjuvtruor re
ferred to tuo slanders against Oen.Orant. Ho re
marked that he knew lion. Grant dnrii.g the M.
oan war, whon tho Governor bii: .e!f commanded
the Second Pennsylvania Regiment ; that subse
quently ho knew him in California, "tt. mere re
cently during the great rcbillion j he met hiin at tho
festive board and other plnce.i, and on no ocomion
had he ever seen him take a drop of liijuor.
After tho Govornor had concluded, our niemter
of Congress cloct, J. B. Packer, E., was loudly
called for. Mr. Pucker mode a short addrets, but
declined extending his remarks on accuuut of tho
lateness of the hour.
The Torchlight Procession was grand and linpo
sing, numbering about 400 perjonj. Among these were
delegates from Shamokin, PuMfos, Snydertonn,
L'ppcr Augusta and Georgetown, The proccssiou
marched through several of our priucipal stroots and
attracted moro uttention than any dotuon!trti.ion of
the kind wo ever vritnessud iu Sunbury. A number
of h.iitcs were illuminated and also decoratotl with
fUgs. It was a decided succusj, and reflected great
credit ou ihoso who were instrumental in getting it up.
Via havo somenhere read the fctutomcnt of premi
ums paid out iu one year by a first-class Lice Isu- '
ItANCE Coiii'ANr. It was a suclie and inlorost-
ing tuhlc. There wore persuns in ull clones of life,
and from every part ol the country. There was the
poor man, whuso scanty earning, only perinittod him
to pay fjr u policy cf fivo bundl e I dollars. Well,
death came to him, aud, instead of the Almshouse
for his little ones, thcro was something with which
to clotho the babes au 1 send the eldest boy to .'chool.
There was the seamstress who had saved enough to
insure a thousand dollars for 'ic foor old mother.
She dropped into the grave fnded by hard work,
we pre.ume, but she left something behind to lighten
the dark nud declining days of the ouo she most
dearly loved. There was the young business man
who too!', u little portion of his jrofits and secured
an insurance of $10,000. Tho speady mefscnger
called him iu tho beginning of his career, but enough
was behind to ouuhlc his family to live plainly and
Comfortably. This tublo was the record of woll
rccompenscd prudence. No human foresight can
avoid business disaster, nt times, nor postpone the
huur of death. l hen v aoo how easy it is for
every man to put awny something against a rainy
day, we feul that it is almost criminal to neglect it.
Especially is this so, when we hare a compun.V like
the National Lire I.NbuRArtcE CumVa.w, whose
advertisement is ilseahero published. Here is u
company with a million of dollurs paid-up capital.
Its directors arc men of national reputation for in
tegrity and honor. It presents every feature of the
best insurance companies, together with new fix
tures which wo find in no other company. Reader,
for a littlo over four cunts a day you can insure your
wife uad children the payment of n thousand dol
lar:, if you should die in a mouth. I.e; your days
bo long or short, you hnve no right to neglect Wu
Tmnt-TK or Respect The fallowing pVcambio
and resolutions rare aiop'.ed at a spociul meeting
of Muhanoy Lodge, No. Ml, I. O. of O. F. of Pa.,
in reference to tbo Aeath of our Worthy B. other
Secretary Jared Daniel :
Wiierk, It has pleased Almighty God in His
vUv I'rOvidonce to reinovo from our widat our dear
Brother, whoe place at the de.-U will no more be
oeeupled by linn en earth ; and
Wiieiifas, In tho inyntorious wnja of the eror
prcsout God. we, iu a Lode, are upon to re
cognize tho bioLeu circle ul our l'r therhood ; there-
litoheit, That in the doath of our Brother, .Tared
Daniel, wo e.Xerii;uco his Jots, whose ninny hilettt?
and high character, during his career, commanded
I ho respect of all who know him, uud especially
bound him with the houds of lovu to us, who arc now
culled to mourn for him.
UtiolvrU, That while we deeply tho Ins."
we susluin, we recall the manly charuutor, tho boou
rahlo positions which his talent atluiued, uud above
all, hj?. noble examples of earnest, houoruble uud
ucccs3ul efforts in his oour.e of lifo.
A'rioiv,, That tho memory of tho talented Bro
ther shall always occupy a prominent place in tho
memories of our Lodgo.
Itrsutvui, That we tender our deep sympathy to
the bereaved widow and orphans of our doceuscd
Brother, prayiug that Ho who" ij.ieih all things well
in nv sustain them iu their beroavemvut.
A'c.votr-, That we wear the uiuul badge of mourn
ing for the space of thirty days.
?e.-,octUt That a copy of these rcjoluticns be sent
to the heroin ei family, and that the seme Id pub
lished in al the county papers.
Rospuotfully submitted,
P. G., J. R. lllLBUMl, )
P. )., 1.0. Billma.n, J Committee.
V. G.. Henrv Ki:hi!.. J
Mararot, Pa., Nor. 3, lo6o.
CFJob Irinlisi;. Having received t
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, can bo printed in
the latest and best styles, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Muhc-hakti and others can always get Paper
Bng. thereby saving freight, at city f rees, of
Liohtneu A Zkiolrr,
" Market Square.
A LAROB stock of books. Stationery, Frames, Ac,
always on band at the old established cheap Book
6,orof LiuhtxEr A Zkigler;
t . . Markbt Kr, n
Fob Sale An excellent top buggy, new.
quire at this office.
Fob Kent. The rooms adjoining the hat store of
Samuel Faust, in Market Fduaro, lately ocetlpled
by E. A. EvaMJ aa a law office.
, David Pavl Browr, the celebrated lawyer of
Philadelphia, was always noted for the elegance of
his appearance. Ho ofUin said that he never felt at
ase, nor able to speak with effect, ''unless he stood
In the best of broadcloth and patent leather." lie
u also said to Bar a decided preference for cloth
made by J. O. Beck, oh Fourth street, which are
well known to be of the beat material and make.
Forty pair of boot ar considered the thing for
fashionable ladies in Pari, pair fur each toilette.
Those who get their boot and shoos at Miller's Ex
celsior Store, in Market Square, find that a much
leas number 1 suBcient. Tbi is a matter so well
understood that the Empress Eugenie hsrself is laid
to bav referred to it
Ir 70a want to get the latest style of Hat, and a
a reasonable prise, do not fail to visit the fashiona
ble Hat Store of B. Faust, la Harket Square. At
this establishment may be found one of the finest u
lortmenta In thta tlolnlty. The geftfjemanly pro
prietor wfft be glad to ahow yo'uhleatook. Give him
oall. . .
it iesL.Mii
Cje'i fJouoa Bala. The great popular Reme
dy for Cougha, Colda, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Both alio ordinary 4 of., also mam
moth family bottlce for sale by all drugglstl and
dealers in medicine. No family should be over
Bight without It in the house.
Coi'l Dtipkpiia Cl'RB Will immediately re
lieve and permanently our the most aggravated
oase of Dyspepsia, Klatnlonoy, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, and all ul:ctiOjof the Stomach and Bo'w
eli. l'hysioians, clergymen and all who use 11, join
in unbounded praise of great vfrtuca. old by
Drti'jists every where. Price $1 0-
At the Lutheran Purnmngo, on tho 1st iust., by
Rov. (1. W. Homporly. Mr. Geo. W. Sum eh and
Mis' '.',Tn.niNE Wii.i.iamn, all of Sunbury.
Near Turbntvillo, on the 21th ult.,. suddenly,
AARON GASTON, aged 89 years, 5 months and 29
In Washingtoiivillo, on tbo 21st ult., ANN' A, wife
of Jacob Seidol, aged Oi years, 10 mouths and 1
Nenr Turbutville, on tho 3d ult., EDWARD
BAKKK, sou of Martin and Catharine York, aged
1 venr. 8 months and .1 davs.
"Near Washlnglonville, on Sept. 17th. ANNA
MARGARbiT, daughter of Dr John D. and Louisa
Wenver. aged T moViths and 5 days.
Corrected Weekly tor tho "American."
Wheat Pleur, extro fuuiily, per barrel,
tL2 00
II Oil
10 00
2 00
1 40
1 2S
4 U0
dn do
for cwt.
Rye Klnur,
Wheat, prime rod,
( lats:,
Dried Poaahes, pared
d.i . 0,0 uupnred
per bbl.
per cwt.
per bushel,
per round
irien Kpp:cs,
Driod Cherries, (uustoned.) per bu
ier pnund.
per doteu,
per potiud,
do .
pr pair
bhoul ders,
Iluof, hind quarter
frot-t "
KlininctAiu 4 oul Tnide.
Shamokis, Nov. 3. IK'S.
ToHf. Cwt.
Sent for week endln- Out. 31st, I:i,ll52 00
Per last Report, 4'V,,u2l 17
410.4X3 17
406,73 1.1
To same time last year,
12 7M 01
Sprrial 2C6t'ucs.
DuAr.s'ESs, Bliminks An Catarrh treated
with tho utmost success by .1. Isaacs. M. D . Denl- I
ist nnd Aurist, (formerly of Leyden. Holland.) No. j
b05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from 1
tho most reliable iu city nnd country can Vv '
seen at his office. Medicitl faculty arc invited ,
to accompany their patients, us ho has no seercti: iu !
his practice. ARTIFICIAL E ES inserted willi-i
out pain. No charge for examii.HLion. nov.3L-ly. j
A 4'nrsl. A, ClcVgy'iuun, v.hP.o residing in j
South America aj a missionary, discovered n safe
and simplo remedy for the Cure of Nervous We;ih- ;
ness, Early Deeny, Disouses of the Vrinury und Sem- 1
inul Organs, aud the whole train of disorders brought j
un by banofui and vicioua habits. Great numbers 1
havu teen cured by this nos. rcpicdy. Prompted
by the desire to benefit thu n'i.icted and unfortunate.
1 will send thu.recipe fur preparing and using this
medicine, iu n sealed euvelupo, to any ouo who needs
il, 1'uee or Cuahuk. Address,
SUtlon D, Bible House, New-Yuik City.
Sept. 12, 1SH3. 3iii
AI7.vl .-1VsihiI , in- 10 Hie
I V peculiar and important relations which they
sustain, their peculiar organization, Mud the offices
they perform, are subject u many sufferings. Free
dom from theso coulribute in no small decree to
their huppiucss and welfare, for none can bo happy
who aro ill. Not only so, but no cne "f theeo various
femalo complaints cull long bo suftered to run on
without iuvolviug the general huulth of the individ
ual, und ure long producing pcruiuneut sickueas and
premature deeliue. Nor is it pleasant to consult a
physician lor tuo reliel ul these various ucliuuto ul
ioe'tioni, and only upon tho most urgent lieoe.-sity
will a true woman so fur sacrifice her greatest charm
as to do thi. The sex will then thank us for placing
in their hands simple epouiCcs which will bu found
civ.cacious ill relieving and curiug .almost every one
of those troublesome coinpluinls peculiar to the sex.
)Iki.mbol!'8 ExTitAcr of Blcui'. Hundreds suf
fer on in silence, nnd huudrcdsof others apply vuinly
to drugfsta and doctontj who merely tuutuliro them
with the hope of a or ,lvdy roinedic which
nitiko theui worse. 1 wuhl u j whh n f.ssert any
thing that would do injustci t" th,u nnielcd, hut I
aul obliod to sny that although it piuy be produced
from excessive exhaustion of thu powers of lifu, by
laborious employtient, liuwholesomo air and food,
profuse tucnsiriiution, tho uso uf tea and codec, and
frequent childbirth, it is lur ol tenor caused by direct
irritation, upplied tu the mucous membrane of tho
vagina itself.
When reviewing the causes of these distressing
compluiuts, it is most painful to contuuipluta the
attendant evils consequent upon thorn, it is but
simple justice to the subject to enumerate a few uf
the inauy additiouul causes which so largely affect
tho life, health, and happiness of woman iu all class
es of society, and which, consequently, affect mora
or less directly, the welfare of tho entire huuiun
family. The maniu that exists for precocious educa
tion and marriage, causes the yeura that nature
designed for corporeal development to be wasted
aud perverted in tho reslruiata of dress, the early
cuuCuement of school, and especially in the un
healthy excitement of the ball-room. Thus, with
the body half-clothed, and the mind unduly excited
by pleasure, perverting in midnight revel the hours
doi,'ncd by nature for. sleep nnd rest, tbo work of
destruction is bulf accomplished
lu consequence of this early strain upon her sys
tem, unnecessary cuort is required by the delicate
votary to retain her situation in school at a later
day. thus uggravattng the evil. Whon one excite
ment is over, another in prospective keeps the mind
morbidly sensitive to Impression, while the now con
stunt restraint of tuShiunublu dress, absolutely for
biddiug the exercise indispensable to tho rttaintnent
aud retention of organic health and strongtb ; tho
exposure to night air ; the sudden ohauge of temper
ature ; the complete prostration produced by exces
sive dancing, niust, of necessity, produce their legiti
mate efieot. At lost, un early murriuge caps the
climax uf misery, and tbo unfortunate oue, hitherto
ao utterly regardless of the plain dictutes and re
monstrance of her dollcat nature, becomes an
unwilling subject of medical treatmeut. This is but
a truthful plot ure of the tif uricLce uf thousands of
our ycung womn.
t,ong neiore tno acuity loexorciao we functions or
the generative organs, they require an education of
their peculiar nervous system, composed of what is
called the tissue, which is, in common with the fe
male breast and lips, evidently under the control of
mental emotions and association.) at un early period
of life; and, aa w shall subsequently see, these
emoliona, when ettCoapiS'e, lead, long bef-jre puherKy,
to hahlts which sen the very life of their victims ore
nature lins self-oompleted their development.
for female n eukneaa ami uetulity. unites or
Leueorrhtea, Too Profuse Menstruation. Exhaustion,
Too Long Continued Poriode, for Prnlnpsua and
Bearing Down, or ProlttTua Uteri, we offer the roost
perfect apeeiue known : llelmboia e Compound Ex
tract of UttcbU. Directions for use, diet, aad advice,
FetnaMe III every period of life, from Infancy to
extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature
In the dlroherge of it funotlons. btrenirtb ia the
lory of manhood and womanhood. Helmbuld's
ixtrautBuchu ia more atrengtheniu than any of
the preparations of Bark or. Irop, iuBuitely cufor.
and more pleasant. lielinbold's Extract Buchu
having reoeived the Indorsement of the most promi
nent physioiaua iu the I'nited States, is now ottered
to afflicted humanity aa a certain cur fur the follow
ing diseaaea and symptoms, from whatever cause
originating : General Debility, Mental and Pbysiuul
Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to
the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irrita
bility, Restlessness and Sleeplessnesa at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Dya
eiwia. Emaciation, Low Spirit. Disoriii,ii'i.. .
Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Pelmtation uf
iv.. 11..., .A i r. .11 .k. ' -r
." ---"-(V "..i ... wuuoiuiiante or a
Nervous and Debilitated state of the systom. To In
sure the genuine, cut this put. Ask for Hilkihjlh .
Take no other. : Sold by Druggist and Dealer
everywhere. Price $1.2i per buttle, or six bottle
for $6.60. Delivered to any addreaa. Describe
symptoma in all oosamuuicatiout. Addreas U. T.
HELMUOLD, Drug and Chemical Werehouu, ftu
Broadway N. Y.
None are genuine untes don upin steelenrraved
wrapper, with fao-simil of mv Chemical WarehouM,
and aigned B I UELMBOLD
rept. IB, ISO) -2m
. JONES' ,
012 iKt:n
OOl .Market Ntrotl,
On d r above Sixth, Philadelphia.
Fur many yours thla Establishment hu duns busi-
nrsa no the One I'lioe Hys em, and we bolieve we
are the only Clothing House In th city that strictly
adheres to thia prinoiplof We have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good .taste In auloot
good styles aud anbstnutial material!:, and not leas
important, fur having all our goods
Wo emplov the best talort,. .for Cutters
and eur 1
u; ' i
Goods are of both fnslriuunhle and III
ao that all tastes eon be suited. The prices are the
very lownst. as any one by a moment's thought must
see, or otherwise we could not mcyt the oompctiljon
of our neighbor., for aa no deofuct: :is lire ever tnuoe,
wo must put our prices down to the advantages wo
The peoplo mnv depend, this is tho trim plan upon
which to do business, and luanva dollar, oan bu
suvod to Clothing buyers by keeping in miud
Out Market .Street, Philadelphia,
Not ell the CoTiior, but olio door Rbovo Sixth.
I!, aa. .W.llZHs SSaU-sfitiosi.
April 4, 1308. ly
tit....:..: l. Uo.l -rnnainnitlinn f,tr snverat vears.
with frtoULnt bleeding of the lungs, enrod, hiuiaolf !
with a medicine unknown to the profciwun, when hu
case anueared hreless. He is the onl7 phsieian
who. has used it in hisown orson, .or who has any
knowledgo of its virtues ; uml ho can eribe Ihe de
gree or lualih ho now enjoys to nothing but tho
use of his midiRMio; nnd nothing but utter despair
ami entiro e'xtinclitn of nil 1ic.o of recovery, to
gether with wutit of oonddsnue in ull others, induc
ed bim to huiard tho experiment To those aufl'er
iug with any disease of, tho Lungs he proflerla treat
ment ho oonudcntly bcTiovrs will erndicuto tho
disease. Price il .iO per bottlo or $S a hill dolou,
sent by express. Send foi ft e:r.-u!ur or cull 011
J'u. E. Boil-ariiN Jacikjon.
No. 2o0 North Tenth Street, I'liilauvlpiiia,.
For.snlo by II. Y. I'riling, Makot Sipviarc, Sun
bury, i'a., nnd Druggists generally.
May ,'i0, IStW ly.
iil' 10 .? ni-l liigr. Young Men jUui.le
to Happy Miirrin-;e aud Conjugal t'elieit.v. 'llie hu
mane views of benevolent Physiciniis, un the Errors
ami Abuses incident to Youth and Early Mnnhnod,
sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of churtfe. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Boi P , Philadel
phia, Pa.
June 13, JBtH. ly.
g'kakd opening
11 1 I I t ' t 1tT T tP 1A II
I' A 11 Ij A l I ) I I P, 11
7. . - 1 v
)') I I-ui it's urulMlEts:er
SL. (XKIsl,
.ti t;i?"ia t 'r taii.op; sitiiti:,
0 insisting t f .
which huvu been seleetuil from tho largest and best
csUulisbuientH ia New Voik.and Piiiltuleiphia.
A general nsmrt-ent of
Neckties, Collar. Cruvuts. of the latest styles. .
F'ine luimh'a Wool Poller Jacket.
SHIRTS nnd DRAWERS, a largo ujsortmont of
the best quality.
A lurgo variety of CI I'VES i " every stylo ami
quattity, from the Ball Rroeni down to the luhoring
mun's, uud inauy otuur nrii.les fjr Gentlemuu's
I'iuo I'retK-Ii Yoke Mitrt made to '
i-der: I
Having pre Jtired the tervices of tho best workmen
in the cities, garments will he made up to order 1
which c? nnot be excelled lu any city in fits, or quality
of itnods. j
Gentlemen are particularly requested to cull and
see the goods and work bofore purchasing elsewhero.
Stintury, Oct. 3, 'CS. THOMAS G. NOTT.
I'unc) I'urt !
Old Established I' I' R
No Ties ARCH siri.ot,
above 7th, I'iUL'A.
Have now in stro of
uyown Importation an.1.
Manulacturc one of tho
'0r larfrest unl most beauti.
f ul selections of
(?.: for Ladies' and Chil-
sa'-'i-ii' dron'a Wear, in the city.
fi5iVS&V,T Also, a fine assortment of
Getits' Fur uloves and Collars.
I am cnubled to dispose of my goods at very rea
sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a cull
from my friends of Northumberland county nnd vi
cinity. Remeulcr tho N'.mo, Number nr.! Street!
No. 718 Arch St., kouvo 7th, south side, Philad a.
Wjf 1 have no Partner, .nor connection with any
othwr store in Philadelphia. Oct. 3, '06. -tin
'I S. K II A .")
Corner of Third Street and Market Square, in Mil
ler's Stone building, SL'.NJl U R Y , P A.,
of the most celebrated milkers, consliting of the
Howard. Applcton, Truey A Co., Wnltham, Bartlott,
W. Ellery, and all grades of the Elgin Ill's make.
AIh.. solo Airont for tho celebrated, PAUL BKf.
TON Gold and Silver Case, at low puces. !
fiiltra- HHrelbr M 'cdUii-IVeet-nti, I
of entirely uew designs. Solid Silvor Tubl and 1
Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Forks, Custors, Ice I
l'it' licr;, Fruit and Cuko Baskets, Syrup-
l!ugs, Butter Dishes, and cvoiythiug I
lu the Silverware line allow 1
. . priooj. . . j
A fine stock of ih k Rings. Also a fine aeleetion
of Gold and Jut Jewelry of all descriptkf s. Gold
and silver Chains, at low p.-.ce
Fine Gold Pens in Gold. Milver and Rubber Cases,
of thecelstireted make by Huffman aud Stewart.
A full.usortment of J day nnd J" hoar Clocks, at
low priera.
Also Solo Agont for tha celeorated Perfecled Spec
tacles, warranted to give eutiru satisfaction.
Watches, Clocks uud Jewelry repaired and war
ranted. All orders promptly attends! to at tho shortest so
lice. Sunbury, Sept. 5, ltC3.
BsWBsawsai.aiaiii'ie.wi s. iniiaii 'ii A
iy Bdj1 cnt by mtil wben written for.
Oetober Sd, IS"! -ly
. 1
We do not wish to Inform von. reader, that "Dr
Wonderful, or any other man, bus discovered! rem- '
edy that euro CoLSuuiption, when tho lungs are half j
consumed, in abort, will ouro all discuses ahetherof I
mind, body or eatato, muke men live lorotor, and :
leave doath to ploy for want of work, uud ia designed
to make our juhlunary sphere a blissful paradise, Ui 1
nhuli Heaven itself sh'ill be but a side s!n,i. Vou i
"iave nl,r'i eoough of thut kiud ol hsgiubiiggury, ni d !
we do n,t wonder that you buvuhy time become '
.ti.....,-.! :n. 1. n... ...1 . .,, - , :
uipRuiicy vilu it. xjui. nueii wu leu. Jiu, maL MIT ,
Sujro'a Catarrh Remedy wul potuivlg'emt th eaies of Catarrh, we only awnt that which
Ihuusundicun testily lo Try it ami ynu will beeun
vincel. V.'e will p"ny $0110 RxvrAiiii lor a oase of
Catarih Hint, wo eannot cute, '.
I'l ira onlv S) Ci Nti. Sei t by Mull, post paid,
for Sixty I'tiula ; Four Package lor il uu ; or 1 Dos- i
en fur i 00. Sond aatamptnr I'r. huso's paiui.hh..'.
en Catarrh. DR. SAGE A CO., I'ropriutois,
Bufl-il'i, N. Y. '
No HiiMiii'fl. Il is wirraiitni to euro lost or l:c
paired Taste, Smell or llisnring, Vaterii,;f or Menk '
rlTunsive Breath, l.loerute l Throat or Mouth, j
Pain and Pressure in the Head, and loss of Memory
when caused, as nil of thoui tre.iuontlv are. hv ti.n
or Catarrh,
V,V.)"t.',"",,,'' "',u,"
11 is pieaaunl anil painless to '
ts lniisi,,ii,iifi i,r ..'iii-ain
but cures by its tii, ,w,i,ipg aelior. .
newill pay J 300 Re',ard or r. en) of Catarih
that we cannot cure
FOR aiALL IiV MUST UUl.i.'f: l.ifl I. JUtY-
Wlllilti:. I'llMtcMfOOClIM,.
If your I'rjfsils ha?u-,t v.'t;- jt :t on s.ilo, don't he
put tl' with soloe wor.e t'uin worthless t.'rong inotr,
fumigutor." or poiii,n cs cuusnc sulution, whioh
will drive Ihu discaso tbe luii-. inHou 1 of curi:ii: '
it, but send sixty coi.ts to ul i(10 r'ir.'jdy iviil '
reach you by roturn mail.
Sauil stuuip for. Dr. i-nne's pamphlet on Cuiarrh. :
DR. SAG I. A Cu., I'roi ri. turs, '
liuaalo, N Y. '
This Iv r. LLI OLtt RtuaBV does not. like tho poiit
ous irritating snuOs and strong unusuc sluri'inb v, i,l,
which the people have long been humbugged, simply
pallinto for a short time or drive the di-ease to thu
lunrs. as thire is danger ol doinir i'l the u-e cf such i
nostrum, but it produces perfect and irrmaneut
uures of the worst cases of chronic oatnrrh, as th',u--amls
can testily. "Cold in ti e Html" is c-jrM
with a few applications. Catarrhal Headache i rv- '
licved and cured as if by magic. It rctiio o oflen
si 0 Breath, Loss or Impairment of the M:u-;e cf la-to,
smell or healing, Wuturir.5 or Weak I vi-s, 111. j in,.
puired Memory, when oauscd by the violence oi' Ca
tarrh, as thoy ull frequently are. We oiler in gnod
faith a standing reward of jic'J tor a unsj of C atari h
that wo cannot euro.
WHERE. Pri:-k nM.voti CLNTa.
Ask your Drtifgist for the Htm nr, but it ho has
on 1 L,! r11- 0:1 aeceptllu
I anv iniserahlo, wor.-o tbun worthless substitute, lm
t enclose si x ty cen ts to us. 0 nd th 0 it ''tne .ly w i 1 1 be i'T.
not yet irot it on sale, dnirt Lt: put oil hy accepting
you iost paid. Four pnekues 62 00, or one dtucen j
fur J5. in", y-mt stamp l .r Dr. Sago's pamphlet on
Catarrh. ' Dr. SAGK & CO., Prnpriotors.
Bufulu, N. Y.
Thia UNO PATENT Ml-.'Mi'lN E IlL'.'.lliltl, g ;t- ;
ten up to dupe thu iguoruiit cmi credulous, iht is it
rej resonted us being composed ot rare and precious
substances brought lrointhe totire.irneriu; thee.irth.
, curried seven times across the Great Desert uf Suhar- ,
j ah on the backs id' tuurtciicuiiiels, and brought :i,.'rc ss
; tho Atlantic Ocean on tno Ships. It is a simple,
i mild, soothintr remedy, a porloct Spccifhj f ,r f'A
! TAititii nud -CoI.iin this Jlu.Mi," also for oirensivo ,
! Breath. Loss or Impairment of the Senre of Smell, !
; Tiuito or Hearing, Vi'ulerin or e.ik Eyes. P11111 or ;
Pressure in tho Head, whe:i cause. I. lis they til! not,
1 untVequently ure, by the violence of Catarrh ;
) We oiler, in good faith, n stnmliug Reward of JJ'OO 1
lor n ense 01 ( ntarrli thut we caniioi eiii i.
WHERE. Pitit-L i)0 Ckxt.
Seut by mail, post pai 1. ou rec-ipt ol'Sixi r t lmts
Four pin koiios for $2.00. or I for J j 00
Send stump for I'r. Safe's pamphlet on Ca:uirL.
Dr. SAGE A CO., I'p.priulors.
Oct 10,'6S-ly. Biiflalo, N. Y.
Are meeting with raro success in sellingSm :
'Iakku's Kxploratiors and Adventure cmong the
Nile Tribnturies of Altyi-hiia to which is n iw addetl i
an account of the Captivity nnd release of Enciich
Subjects, niid tl.u career (if l":o Ji,tf EmSeior '1 heo- .
I doie. No bf-o.k s received ull el?:es of pco- !
1 pie with fuch Mill Rinded favor, or so fully combines
i thriliini; interest ith 'jlid im,truc;ion. Agents,
' mule and lemalo. roll it rapidly. j
j An admirable reoord of scicntif:o exploration,
: gnopraphieal discovery, and personal adventure." '.
! -Y. '. Tiititttic.
( '-It is issued in a very nttructivc form, nr.d is as
; entertaining as a romance.1' Utiti?iJuui int?
i r Full particulars ou npphcat on to O. D. CAS A ,
-O , J'ubh'hers. Hurilord, Conn. 1
October 17, ISOS. 4'.
I)IRD CAGES. II different k.i.Js. Ifjoawunt
X) good una cheap Bird Cages, go tu " 1
Yuliiiiblo 'riiicrl.Y l t'ri V it li-S:tl-. .
rpiIE uudc.siuue.l oftcrs his va'.ur.ble lot. I'j feet
1 front by I0 deep, rm tho south-west Corner ef I
tho Shamokin Valley and Northern Central Rail-I
roads, on Third str. ot.on which is erected aFRA.ME '
WAREHOUSE, 20 by 40 feet, 'i'ho Warehouse is a ,
new ono, having been built about two years si:.c, '
and is a cplendid stund tor any one wishing t'j ko
into tho flour and grain business. Tho fixtures of j
the conccru will also be offered for sale, at reason
bio rates. I
This property is offered fur sale for the reason that
I intend giving up busiuess in Sunhiirv. For further i
particulars, apply to J. M. CADWALLADER.
Sept. 19, 'OS 3ni. Bunhury. Pa. '
No. 35 South 7'hird Street,
mill snrtrtiia
a 'T
a or
il '
j .
The National Lire IssuaANca i-iJtHANr is a
eorporatioa otokT'erwi bv siieotui A';t or LJt gross, p
proved July 23, 1-sn. a itb a
Liberal terms ouVred 10 Aeut ouU Solicitors, t o
ateiDvileo to apply at our olhte.
Fullnrltcillarlobeliail on apptlcu'l.'U si ourottlee.
lieatro In in aeeooO story of unr B :nU:c lloie.
Thsre Choalars anil Pampulou. fnlty iff LritiUt; tLe
aavAcimjea cflsreu tiy tirin ,nuv ue i.iu.
r. u, t i.iua a t o., i
An. .:a .V.U.'A Vunl ,V '
Application for Central and Western PeLiis.vlva- !
nia to be made to B. S. Kt'SELL. Xanauku.
August 15, 1&13. ly. l!arrisbnr, Pa. ,
igSN . . A Lecturo to
W-'YOXJlsrO- 1VLE3ST. j
Jutt PulUthrd, In a JJeacif Eiivr.'vjie. l'rict lix
etuis. , . j
A te'tuas Ils .atisr 'I'l-ral'
mentnid Itadical Cureol'parmatorrhu;a.or Scnnnul !
Weakuoas, luvuluntary EmUsious, Sexual Debility, '
and Impediment to Marriage Keuurully Nervous- j
nese, Consumption, Epilepsy, uud Fit ; Mental nnd
Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. j
By Kuueht J. Ci'LVBitu kll, M. D , Author of tho
'-Grueu Book,'' Ao.
.The, world-renowned author, in this admirable 1
Lecture, cleurly proves from bis own experience that
the awful consequence of Iself-Abuse may be efleo
tually removed without medicine, aud without dan
gerous surgiou! operations, bougies, instrument,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure uf oucu
certain aud effectual, by which tvery ah Her or. no
matter Whut his oouditiun may be, may cure himself i
cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will
prove a boon to thousand tnd thousands. .
Bant under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed I
envelope, ou ine receipt ol us cents, or law postage
stamp.".., Also, Dr Cujvcrwtdls ' Marriage Guide,"
price -5 cents. Address the Publi hris.
-v x C11AS. J. C. KLINE A CO.,
12T Bowery, Now York, Posi oBic Bo 4,S?8.
July i, Iboi-y
ailj, Oils., Ar,
A full stock of Oils eomprising Linseed Oil, Coal
Oil, Fuh OU. and Lubricating Gil for Engines and
UachiBery, Vinishe, Glass, elwsvs oo hand, at low
trues at COM. El' CO S
2 1 I V
Ycu can Buy More Goods
ot ti e
iBir.T "ftTTALlTY
'uV.,1 - A j
at the
11. V. l llll.l-VtJ,
'1 hat)
nr; '".titr iiiu:u.
Tiio lifst Hi'loctcd iiiitl
nXK.Vf' .Af.-OKTML.NT, cf
, rri.-Vfrr T'ItVl'la
1 0,1 'M U
Dom9tl Cottons, Bmwi and Mcsshed
NOTIONS cf all kind.-
Ilttie: j. Gluts, X,
A lullsisoitioei.t of IRIMill.NUs
Buildets will.Enu uiy Stock of Ilui-.t tvui ,
uini, UiU, UlaH, Ac, Cunlto.
OLlCliNa,'AHE, til.AsSWAKJ!,
ci:o',i:ei;y, salt,
u'id io id, etei ;hing uiualiy - pt in a large Store
I'. .11 .....I I... 1 ..
v.ns nun iuim iiiivu lltUl
the (.'hcajiest IMuce i6 Jin y
Jill Your (Jootls is nt
'i't-rru faah,-SO lne,
as my Gooda are boa.'iht for Cash and Sold Cheap
for the HEADY MGNE Y. I give the trade Ihe ad
vantage of all reduction a fast a tbty ire made by
Sunbury, Sept 5, lasU
1 .
, l'katcrJ .y Special Act ,.r Cougroi., Approved
! July 'Ji, lbuS.
: .'ilIt Ct-l-i,! l.QOO.OOrt.
I I'iiibt Naii-.nal Baxk Builmnu.
j vTlino Ihegi ncrxl hiisims of the Conn. any i irm s
uote.l, nnd .. which all gencial orropot lw,
ehould be ud Jresiod.
Jay Cooke, Philada.
K. A Hollim, Wmhin -.,,c
U. II. Clark,
I F Re.'chf'ord S: ,rr.
I Wm. l Moorhcad,
i Goo. P. Tyler.
J. Hir.ckloy Clink,
Hum v 1. Cooke,
Viii. E. Chandier, '
John D. Del'roos "
Edwnn! Dodtro. Nen Yuri.
11. C Fabnestocli, N. Y.
C IT. CLARK, l'hilndelt.hia, Preeldont.
HlCNRY D COiiKl.', Wushington. Vino l'i ei l.uL
JAY COOKE, Chairman F!ua!,ce and
KMEP.SGN W.PSKT. Philnd'a, N.-c'y nn l
1C. S. 1 VH NER, V.'niiiuuin. As-istnnt Secre-irr.
FK A NITS G SMl'iil.
I J. EWlNil ME VIlS, :.;
M D.. Medical Plrectr
. D , Aaeis.aut .Vji.sI
1 .
.'.! ji-til Adiilsjorv ktoaril.
i K. Earacs, Saricon-Cciura. C. 8. A., Hi
; 1. J. H'Twit-. C(ii"f .Medical De;,ni'tuioul U. F. N .
; 1. W. Bliss, il. D. Washington.
j rtIi.iti-! nud Attorney..
rti.. E. Char.iiler. v;tt.p;: r ,, i). t;,
! lo.-gs Eardi:;g, I'ilu..! j pa.
This Lwiiij.rir.-', irii'.i. in iu charactc, elT.jrs.
, by ronton of it? l.arpro Ca; iU , I.-V Rates of Prnnl;
J um n'l Now Table?, the nv-j?t dcstruUe ineana ul
; Ins.iiing lifo ct prcscitel to l!.o publ!
rnf- ol pieii'.:ui:i. Lctn Inrcly roduced, arc
made as favor. 1M0 to 1 1 . h.-SMrers as tho9 of the test
Mutual Companies, tm twwl nil tho complication
and uncertainties ol Notts. Dividends and the tUo-nnd'-rs'nn
linjs which lbs lattvj c t.t to oa'u't
tho PcIicy-IIo!.lcri.
i'evi r: -,rnl ntfrnctivo t.vhles ur now presei.t
ed vhi. h r.ccl er.l.' t'i l e r.., J,r stool to prove ticcup.
trit.lo to l!.': .cl-lio. fio'h i-s tha Income-Producing
jli.. ui. 1 llciurr: l'ieio-i iVlicy. In the firmer
'.he M!icy-hoidi.r r.ot Si.':urs a l'fo :usu: r.i.ce,
l-uyi.b'.'j a; uc.ith, but :-ccivo, if livi:), after a
1'.::! ol u !cw is. uu unui:al income coualjto
teo p. ) cunt. ,lJ per tvnt.) of tho par cf bis policy.
In '..ij l:itl..'i , ti;o Couij,,,!, throes tj retvn to tho
uicd I'uC total uuiLbiit of r:oney Lo bus jciid in,
in rJ.'.itii 1: to thu nmcbnt 1 ! his policy.
1' a utteutii.11 of jiersons cciitctnpluting iLSuli.'.i,
tbeir lives or ii,cretisii, t.iu amount of iiisuran'-o
they !. Irony have, i- called to the special advantages
offered by tue National Lite Instiriiiivo Conipany.
Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given
on application tu the Branch ODico of the Compuny
in Philadelphia, cr to it Oenerul Ag'Dts.
tli' Locnl Agents nre Wanted in every Citv and
; Town ; aad applications from competent parties for
' -jcii ff intiej, with suitable endorsement, should be
j s.dd:er:ed to tho Company's General AgeuU only,
! in their rcspjr.ivo dia'.:!:'a.
! t.F.Miii.i inmj :
j K. W. CLARK A CO , Phi',:, ; ,lpqia,
I Tor I'ennh:.u;a and .. -..tberaKew Jcis"
i JAY CO'iKK A C1 . Wa-hirg' - I'. P.,
For Maryland, Delaware. :r.::i i, !?!su;ct of
C.'lomhin and West Virginia
I h'opumher i, 1SM. ly
, :s.ris. i.XX.i't t'H i SSC-i: iii.
i. ii : u i-n :s y k u t a c l i: 5? ,
i.'m;t:-oj:d, co.:.:,
T. S. 3 21 AITIi'O,
uu:-;iiunv, psksm.,
As their sjle a,;ent for Suulury and viou.ity for ll.u
siile of tuo eci'.bratcd
AX!) EVU GLAiroil.s.
lu doing so they hava confidence iu loo uUli'.y of
their agent to meet the requirement- of u!l ci..--toii.era.
His a.-surti: n.t of cor BEAUTIFUL LEN
SliS comprises cv eiy form and kiud. c;.h:uiutca fr
ttio siiu.lest us well l'.i the ols' c:ncs of (iisea;cd f.r
impaired vision. An opportunity ul to tuus ul
lorded, tu piocine i.t ail t.
THEIil Sli'.ENG'l 1ILNIXG AND i'HE.s.':::.
Tcoriitih cannot he i;:l r.i to their .Supe;ioriy
over the ordinary j,!:i.i.s 'i t; on. Tlieic is lo j'liu.
merin, wavering of tho siht, dizincs:, or other
un'l":s;ii.t sei'sati' n, l.ut ou tho contraiy, from t Lu
peculiar construction of thu Lenses, lhuv aro sKith
in und plcustint. euusini; a fociuisl of relief tu tho
vt errer, and Producing uClcur uud Distinct 'i.'iy,i,
as i:i tho i.iuur-l hc-l.hy eight, lhey arc the only
spectacled thf.t
a:.d are th Chtape-t hecuuse the Ecst.alwave lu;.
inrf manv years without change hcinir i;. cc;s.iv.
(.V.-CAl-UON.-ilr. T. S .-HANNON, Je..'.cr.
I their Only Agent appointed in fcuhurj snd vi.
einity .
C'ir'We employ no IV! ilsrs. hul.'S - 1 v
w:i. T.'ii".'I'i:iN3,
t. tmSitrili Sir -rt, hiiUatlj:;.!ei. ' t'.'.'.-l M2'2'JX'' !!. tllrtt
rcr. la Li lis, ::i and c.uldbe.v.
Tho lartrist artti'ft and Lest irili'v ant
Etylc iu tL:c Aiaoi.u!. .'ii.t kct Every l.uly should
Hy them, us they recommend themselves
In- wi-ur-
, iuS lender, retains; thi-V
hitpe much better, iiLisi
'bel v, .iriar.t-'d it every
lo-e i...c, Asa f r !!.....
I tin i more elastic than uii
; respect, uuu 14 at tiy
bins' Chami.iou" Sui; I
j rjuperi.T liund-mu'.ti, 'Vhalt'-Poiie CorsctF 111 Fif
teen vtitierei.t tsrades. ifi'-luilios; tho linperi.d" and
;'luo!iipsoii Laniloi. ' Clovo Fitting" t'ors-t.
1 rauj,iu iu pi i.-es lriru 1 1 ecuts to fo an ; together
i wii'b Jo.-epu licckol's C. iehrutc l ovcu
I Corsets, superior shapes und o,uulity. Ten diflerei t
I Grades, from 1 .10 to t'j Jii. '1'tiey are the lioest t,o.l
I l-cit lor the priced, eer impuried. Il.e Trade
supplied wi'-h i-iop hr'ki.-u ul 1 C'rtts at tho Lowest
i Halts.
1 Thc.-ovUitin? the City ahruld tiol f il to eail r.r l
. examine tur Goods and P. ices, .- re defy 'l cooi
; pctiiiiii.
Fi hruaiy 20, IjCS UmiJ.
; A Ft HU IT I'KIIAIi: Al.lC
f pUE subscriber iffers f r sa'e a FAP.M, sitimtud
.1 in Perry township. Snyder county, Pa., ad Min
ing lands of George Gcluett, Abuer Horubefiier.
Aaron hhaflur und others, cuutuiuiug I4j ACi. ES
and 00 PEKCUEtf. About bu aores of the laud are
cleared, and the balance is choice limber. Tho
improvements consist of a largo twu-dtorv Loj;
Dwelliug Huuse, Log Barn, aud all the ueces.ry
outbuildings, and an Orchard of 8 acres, ooutuiuina:
choice fruit. A spring of water La uour the uW
aud a nice dream runs through the farm, ueur the
louse. This property is eouveuiently loemed aud
vmblu a mile of More and mills, acd is within a
quarter of a mile of a saw mill.
For term, call on Georg. Qelnett, whose 1 rn,,,i.
adjoin the laud, or cn the undersigned, t '1;.;
Berlin, I niuu oouuty, 1 e "
I 5rt 19, IS? - ?