mnlmrjT American. N. B. ENGLE, PublUhSrl. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 81. 1869. Horal ftffa.vs. Our Congressman elect, Joba B. Picket, fcsd,., Ii to (peak at a republican Mall Meeting It Fre'ebnrg, (Snyder county, to-day, (Saturday,) Tni new County Commissioner, Martin fe. feu oher, Esq.. waa sworn Into offioa on tba 17th Inst. yr hare no doubt be will make a good of&oer. Tin Bcildiko Assocutioh. At the monthly meeting of tbe AasooUtton, held on Friday night last, nine iharei were aold at prloee ranging froat $62 to 72. ...... iToi'SEKEEPERa'and othere will ooniult oomfort and economy by using Wall Paper and Border, a large itock of which can be bad cheap at 4t LlOHTKER. ft ZeiOLER'S. Tb Nortborn Central Railroad Co. hare lately put down extensive tiding, in the lower part of the Borough. This wal rendered neoesiary on aocount of the large and increasing business done by the company at this plnoe. The new raided from this place to Ilailoton is progressing rapidly. The intention is to complete the road from thil place to Danville oy January, if potsi ble. 0. B. Bulkley, Esq , the Chief Engineer, is a competent and skillful men. CoNTiif ental Vocalists. This renowned troupe of singers will vlt'.l Sunbcry on Wednesday evening of next week, and will give an entertainment in the Masonio Hall, when they will treat our people to some of their best airs, glees, quartettes, Ac. Appointed. Win. J. Wolverton, Eq., of this place, has been appointed Superintendent of Com mon Schools for Northumberland county, in place of O. W. Haupt, Esq., resigned. Mr. Wolverton poe tesses the ability to successfully 11 the position. IiiTRsns Kekovisg. Mr. J. W. Stevenson, of the firm of Stevenson A Brice. of this place, has bought out McCulla's Jewelry establishment, in Harrisburg, and intends removing to that place in a short time. Mr. Stevenson is one of our most respected and ener getic business men, and we regret losing him. Register in Baskbuptct. M"J. John S. Det weiler, of Harrisburg. has been appointed Register In Bankruptcy for this(Utb) District, in place of J. M. WicsUing, Esq., resigned. He will make a popular and efliciont offioer. The Major held a court at the offico of Messrs. Rockefeller A Rohrbach, in this place, on Tuesday lest. Tub CARSaors of the Northern Central Railroad, below town, are progressing finely, and the workmen lire now ready to put on the roof. The tixe of the building is CO by 200 feet, and will afTord ample room for repairing and rebuilding the company's cars at this point. When completed and in operation they will give employment to a largo number of men. f olokiziso It is now understood that there will le no more colonizing, but that politicians, old and young, a to rnying attention to J. E. femick's Tai loring establishment, with the intention of procuring some of his most fashionable goods for winter suits. His new stock, just opened, excels all others In s'yles, and will be made un at reasonable rates. We observe by the daily papers that Rev. B. Wis tor Morris, of Philadelphia, hns been elected Mis f ionary Bishop of Oregon by the Protestant Episcopal (iencral Convention, lately in session in New York. Our citizens will remember the reverend gentleman, who, some twelve or fiftceu years since, was the rec tor of bt. Mntthew'i (Episcopal) Church, in this place. BoitCLART lit Milto. On Friday night, 16th Ins!., tbo dry goods store of Wm. lleinen A Son. in Milion, was entered by burglarB, and goods to the amount of about one thousiind dollars taken. The lubbers effected an entiance by prying open the front door with a largo chisel. Messrs. lleinen A ion ofler a,reward of $250 for the arrest of the bur glars and recovery of tbo goods. Sals or Valuable Pjtoi'EnTT. Tho two valua ble farms, late the estate of Dennis Wolverton, de ceased, about four miles below this place, were re cently sold by order of the Orphans' Court. The upper farm contained 95 and the lower one 105 acres. They were both knoeked down to Jas. Iteiland, Esq., r! f 3,000 each. Tho property adjoins that of Jamos Reiland and his father, Samuel Keiland. - A Rkm-blicak Msetixo was held at tbe Court House on Monday evening last. Frark Bound, Esq., of Milton, addressed the meeting. Mr. Bound, among other things, referred to the fact that tbe Democratic platform demanded equal taxation for all in other wurds, that the poor man should pay as much on lrisoart as the rich Ynao on hisoarriage, and everything else in proportion. He also relered ti the currency question, showing that all the Demo cratic members of Congress, except two, voted to pay the interest on bonds in gold, while ii Republi cans voted against It. Accident. On Friday of last week a man named Richard Culp, a brakesman on the Northern Central Railroad, narrowly esoaped being killed, a short dis tance from town. He fell under a freight train while it was in motion, several oars passing ever him, and hit leg wus finally caught by one of the car brakes, which forced bis foot on the track. The flange cf one of the wheels cut and mushed it se verely. Tbe train, whioh was running very slowly at the time, was immediately stopped and the man rescued from bis perilous position. His wounds were dressed by Dr. J. S. Angle. EutRirr Salej op Real Eitate. Sheriff Beck ley told the following real ostate, at the Court House, on Tuesday last : Two lot of ground in Shamokin, on which are erected two frame dwelling houses, stable, outbuild ings, Ac property of J. F. and S. P. Eisenhnrt. gold to Kphraiin Herninger for $730. This property was sold subject to1 mortgage. One-tiighih part of an 85 acre tract of land, with a two-story dwelling house, barn, Ac, in I'pper Ma bsnoy township, property of John S. SchminkCy. Sold to Isaiah Sohminkey, rubjeel to mortgage, lor i0. Three lots uf ground in Shamokin, with a two-story fraruedwelling house, property of John Neebit. Sold to Wo. II. Musselmau for (1,67$. Relics and Curiosities Visiting tbettudioof our young friend, M. L. Hendricks, recently, wo were much pleased at having tho privilege of ex amining hit valuable collection of relict and curi osities. In one case wo found Indian articles from Fort Augusta, embracing ttont darU, bullets, pipes, knives, batcbett, and a string or beadt numbering over 5.000. In another ease were ourloeitlet from tbe old world and new, relict of the rebellion ffotn nearly every battle field, minerals from California, Dukotah, Ac, Egyptian Granite, Lava from Mt. Vesuvius, piece of the Rock of Gibralter, and Tart cut other articles of value. Tbo third rase bat in it copper coin from 1703 to the pretent date, tilvef coin of all nations, United Statet money from a throe cent piece tu tbe American dollar, Continootal paper, and any quantity of rebel ragt. Iu bit oolleolion bo bat many other articles, among which art "shells from the ocean," muskets, drums, shells, and implements captured during tbt rebel lion, an idol from Africa, tword fish, coral, Ac Mr. Hendricks deserves greet credit for tho labor bo bat taken to obtain tbese articles, and if ho could bo induoed to part with tbem they would bo a great additiou to tbt curiosities of tho Historical "Society of Pennsylvania. Wo baro Imporfootly enumerated tbt articles in tho oolleotioa of ill. Heodrioki, ir ttj seemly half the bt. Oooo IstrTlwT. A careful reading of the new pamphlet of the Union PaolDe Railroad Co. containing the Treasurer report far the year end log June SO, 188S, and muoh other natter of value and interest, (tho whole making an exceedingly handsome book of forty psget,) tends to eoavlaee one of the value of tho Company's First Mortgage Honda, Tor tbo following reasons: 1. They are a first mortgago upon tho longest and most impbrtant raUrosd lb tat country. S. This road, upon whioh theeo bonde ire a first lien, earned last year, with but four hundred and terenty-two milet In average operation, more than four millions of dollars, which gave more than one and one-half million) of net earnings. 8. Tho road has been built eight hundred and forty miles in two and a half years, and is now being extended at the rate of three and four miles per day. 4. Tho whole lino to the Pacific (com posed of tho Union Paclfio and tho Central Pacifio Railroads) will bo in operation In tho summer of IBB J.) six yean sooner than the limit of time fixed by the national oharter. 6. Every additional mile gives tho road increased business and proGt, which must be onormous when tbe through line it com plete. 6. Three Government Commissioners carefully in spect every mile of tho road, and must pronounce it first-class in every respect boforo It cun be opened to business, and tholr testimony has been corroborated by that of mora tbnn twenty representatives of the leading press of tho eastern oilios, who thoroughly exaniinod seven hundred miles of tho road in July last. 7. Tho Bonds pay six per cent, interest in gold, and the principal, as well as Intorcst, is paya ble in gold coin. 8. Tbe amount of these Bonds is limited to fifty millions ifpon the entire lino, but it is not probable that more than thirty millions will be issued. Of these, twenty millions have nlrcady been sold at a tteadily advancing price. 9 Hon. L. D. Morgan, of New York, and Hon. Oaken Ames, of Massachusetts, are the trustees of tbe bondholders, to see that their Interests are protected, and five Government Directors take part in all the business of the company, and report all of its operations to the Uoverninont, to that any possible irregularity would soon be stopped. Facts such as these cannot easily be gainsnyed or their importance weakoned. They are set forth wiib clearness and attractiveness in the company's pamphlet, of which we havo spoken, which may be obtained frralitiiou-ly by application to Da Haven A Brother, No. 40 South Third Street, Pbiladtlphia. Fatal Accidknts At SnA-toxin. TtieEhamokin Herald, of the 22 J inst., says: George Schnepf, a miner at tho Burnside Colliery, was crushed by a fall of co.l end instantly killed, on Tuesdny of lost week. He was aged about 40 years, and leaves a wife and two ohildren. On Friday afternoon last, Duvid Vincent was killed, and Jacob Haas severely injured, while en gaged in blr.stirig salamander at the Shamokiti Fur nace, by tie discharge of a blast which occurred at the time the tamping was boing put in. Vincent ! Was hit in the face with the hammer he was using, I which was burled with such force as to tear off his !jw, and he died almost instantly. He wa'aged about 2.'! years, and leaves a wife and two childron. linns was badly burned about tho eves, and it is learea lie nut lose the eight 01 one 01 thorn, ins left band wes also burned and cut in a psinful man ner, but none of Lis injuries are of a fatal charac ter, and he is doing as well as could be expected under the oiroumstances. Tue Miodlecrhek RaiLnoAP. The Selinsgrove Times says that at present there is little or no work done on this road. Too money that has been collec ted has been nearly ail expended, and about one half of the road bus been graded. Thero arc about 60.000 to collect yet, but under the present luau agement people seem indisposed to pay. Tho road will be 52 miles in length, and we luarn that the iron has been offered tor 42 miles. Reynolds A Co. have offered fur 12 miles, and three diltcreut Iron Com panies at Danville propose eo:!i tc furnish iron for ten miles. If these proposals have been made in good faith we can see no reason for longer delay in pushing forward the work on the road. IxroiiMATto Wanted. Willie Ililliard, aged tea years, left his home in Williamspoi t on Tuesday, October 6th, and bus not since been heard of by bis parents. He has san ly hair, freckled fact and light complexion. He was dressed in a long, light col ore! roundabout, light vest, salt and pepper pnuta loous, (patched on one knee.) a straw hut, and old boots. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his father, W. P. IlilliurJ, Williamiiport, Pa. J. II. Enokl has ju3t received a slock of Fail and Wiuter Goods, such as Cloths and Cassiinercs for mon't wear, some very handsome Dress Goods for ladies' wear, Frenoh Merinos, Irish Poplins, all-wool Poplins, Changeable Poplins, Alpacas, Black Al pacas, (very good,) Chenille Cloth for Ladies' Sack ing, and tome very hahdJom Shawls, all nt very low prices. Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Carpets, Oil Shades fur wiudow curtaias, and a general as' sortment of store goods. A New Odd Fellows' Flao The R. W. Orand Lodge of the United Statet, I. O. of O. F , at their recent session, adopted a flsg, to be used on all pub lic occasions. Tbe flag is to be of white material, cither bunting, cotton cloth or satin; the propor tions to be 1 MSHha of tho length for the width. The emblem, three links, to be placed in the centre of the flag, with I ho letters I. O. O. F., and tbe name of the State, District or Territory, using it to be wrought in scarlet color. Whenever tbo flsg is to be used by the Encampments, two crooks are to be added. Tbe Grand Lodge of tho United States has ordered a National Flag, which will bo borne for the first time in the grand procession in Philadel phia, in April, 1860. Trial List por November Court. The follow ing is tbo list of causes for trial during tbe second week of November Court : 1 Peter Hanselinan vs. Robert B. McCay. 2 V. Relnstein el al vs. David Lungeneckcr l si. S John Weisel vt. Harriet Marr et al. 4 Henry Kaup vs. J. G. W. Herring. Isaac Hint vt John Coldron. 8 John Bartholomew vs. U30. Forrester et al. 7 Marion Tregu vt E. S. Trego. H John Kietjel et al vs. Wm. M. Weaver. Sheriff. V Jonathan Hoover et al vs. The Susquehanna Coal and Coal MouutMin Co. It) Junaibau Hoover vs. same. 11 Jonathan Hoover otul vs. same. 12 John Louck vs. Wm. II Douty, 13 Joseph Garney vs. David Lnuiun. 14 Wm. E. May et al vs. Charles W. Billman, 15 Peter Imuiel vs. Herman Uergestock et al. Hi Thomas itussel vt. Peter Lilly. 17 Geo. M. lliubakcr vt. Peter Sulttlach. 18 JJrooks A Newberry vs. The Laukattuhut R. R. Co. 19 D. W. Smith vt. The Milton National Bank. 20 Solomon Miller vs. John Foy ct al. CAitit for special court, tiird iioxday or NOVEMBER. 1 John Wagner vt. Poter Wagner. 2 Eliia P. Pleasants etui vs. Titos. Baumgardner. 3 Henry Baylor et al vt. A. M. Easiwick et al. 4 " 5 ti i ti ii ii ,i 6 James Rico vt. Catharine Leroh etal. CAUSES FOR ADJOURNED COURT, ruCRTH MONDAY Or MOTEMSER. 1 Robert W. Kerns vt. The N. C. R. W. Co. 2 Tbe County of Northumberland ti. Tbt Bo rough of Suubury. 3 Peter Puff vt. Tbt Borough of Sunbury. 4 C. W. Snyder vt. Lewit Bush. b Jacob MAchamer et al vt Sarah Machamer. 6 Albert (Jadwallader vt. Henry Van Ettea. 1 I II. Tnrrence, Adin'r, vt Ira Forrester. 8 George WUrewer vs. William Probst. 9 " " " Philip Orison. Ill Joseph Johnson vt Goo. A. Wyaoff. 1 1 Geo. Hill vt. I. Fox and Joel High. Ii ftagle, Urown and Etbbaob vt. JamtiHoge land. 13 Daniel Harris vt. David Davit. 14 Samuel Miller ti. George McKee. 15 Jacob Wotk vs Peier Arnwino. HI David Harts vt. Jamee Malone A (Son. 17 Iaaao Weill el al vs. David Truckeuiillef. 1ft Jacob Ernst vs. Baltter Kreittur. 19 Murray, Dongal A Co. vs. John II. Foresmaa. 2d I. E. iiackeoberg Ti. John McCormick. Posters, handbills, ciroulars, bill and letter beadt, cards, envelopes, and all kinds of Job printing;, txi owvod al this offloe wit Btaiaeet 4 dispatofc BUSINESS NOTICES. QT J Ob Irl nil si p. Having received a largo supply of FEW JOB TYPE, of various ntw Stylet, Posters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, totter Headt, Bill Htads, Labels, Ac, oaa bo printed in tho latest and belt itylet, and on short tjotloe. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Merchants and others oan alwtyt get Paper Bagt, thereby saving freight, at olty prices, of LlflTNER ft ZtlOLlfl, 4t Market Square, A large stock of ttooitt, Stationery, Frames. Ac, alwayt 0a bard at tbo old established cheap Book Store of Lianmia ft Zeioler, l Market Square. asisa Foa Bali. An oxoellent top buggy, new, Ka qulro at tbii oSco. ta Foa Rent. Tho rooms adjoining the hat ttort of oamuel toutt, in Market Rqnaro, lately oeeupied by E. A. Evans at a la" office. David Paul Brown the celebrated lawver of 1 hiladolphia, wet always oted for tho elegance of bu appearand. He orton aid that he nevor felt at cate, nor ablt to tpeak with ei"eot, "unless ho Hood in tbe best of broadololh and intent leather." Ha is also tnid to hove a decided prererohoe for Clothet made by J. O. Beck, on Fourth ttreet, which 'are well known to be of the bet material nbd make. Forty pnirs of boots are considered the thihr for fashionablo ladies in Paris a pair for each tollotle. Thoao who get their boots and shoes nt Miller't Ex celsior Store, in Market Square, f nd that a much leas number is mfficiont. This is a matter so well undorstood that the Empress Kugeuie herself Is laid to have referred to it. Ir you want to got the Is.lost style of Hat, aad at a reasonable price, do not fail to visit the fashiona ble Hat Store of S. Faust, In Market Square. At this establishment may be found one of the finest as sortments in thil vicinity. The gentlemanly pro prietor will be glad to show you his stock . G ivt him a call. Con's Cocoa Balsam. Tbe great popular Reme dy fur Cought, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4oi , also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in tbe bouse. Cue's Dyspepsia Ccbe Will immediately re lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated eoe of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all disoasoi of the Stomach and Bow ell. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its groat virtues. Sold by Drufreists everywhere. Price SI .00. fct; t it v h v ecu v:vs. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wi.rat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $1! do do do do perevrt. . Rye Flour, per bbl. 10 do per cwt. 5 Wheat, prime red, per bushel, 2 Rye, do 1 Corn, 40 I Outs, rla Potatoes, do 1 Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried App!s, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per Ln. 3 Butler, per pound, Eggs, per doien, Clu-ese, per pou&d, l.nrd, do Hums. do Shoulders, do Beef, hind quarter, it ' front " do Mutton, do Chickens, per (-air pilsussiolAln 4 'on I 'l i-iidc. Shauoein, Oct. 28. 1X63. Ton. Cut. Sent for week ending Oct. 21th, 10.181 1.1 Per last Report, tVb.htO 14 4!)A.(i2l 17 To same time last year, Increase. 10.495 11 Special Notices. Deatskss, ili.iNiiME's and Catakku treated with the utmost success by J. Isaach, M. 1.. Ojtil-i.-t und Anrist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 05 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from tho most reliable sources in city and country can be I ... ..A,... f l. f 11....F r , , Been Hi mo ouits. Xu i'lvuiLai lucuuv are I11VIICU to accoin.any their patients, as he has' no seereis in bis practice. ARTIFICIAL KYF.3 inserted with out pain No charge for examination.'iu"-l v. o NK PRICB CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED 4-Mi: ll14'U CLOTHING HOUSE,- OO A Klarkct Nti-ecl, On door abort Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing Houso in the city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a rcpu tul ion which we are proud of, for good tuste in seleot good styles and substantial inateriuls, and not less important, for having all our goods i:I KA IV i:i.a. 1AIF.. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fasbionuble and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are tbe very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must lee, or otherwise we could not meet tho competition of our neighbors, for at no deduction! are ever made, we must put our prices dowu to tbe advautiiget wt promise. The people may depend, thil is tbe true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can bt laved to Clothing buyers by keepiug iu mind JONES' ONE PHICE CLOTHING HOL'SB, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not en the Corner, but oue doof above Sixth. i:. 44. .II AIXII, KaleHutau. April'4, 1868. ly A Curd. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak ness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem inal Organs, and tbe whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious bubits. Great numbers have becu cured by this noble remedy. Proinptod by the desire to benefit tbo alUicted and unfortunate. I will send tbe recipe for preparing and using this niedioine. In a sealed envelope to any oao who needs it, Fheb or CHAKQE. Address, JOSEPH T. INM AN, Station D, Biblo House, New-York City. Sept. 12. 1868 Mm 4assi(l" to lisrriiiiir. Young Men'sGuide to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. Tne hu mane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors ana Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, lent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress 110 WARD ASSOCIATION, Boa P., Philadel phia, Pa. Juno 1.1, 15(18. ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IlMIOINrE' SAVED 1 W K aroeonstantly purchasing for eaah in the Now York and Boston Marken, all kinds of Pry and Fancy Goods, Silks. Cottons. Boots and Shoes, Watches. Sewing Machines, Cutlery, HreaiQoodi, Douiostio Goods, Ac, Ac Whioh wo are aotually telling at an average price of Wttts lolljsr fur ent-lt itriit-le. Our sales being ttriotly for oath, and our trade much larger than ihat of any other similar ooooern, enables us to give better bargains than oan b obtained of any other bouse THE LADIIll Art specially Invited to give us a trial. Bend roa A Cibccla ad Iicititi List. Our club system of telling it at follows: For 13 wo tend 29 patent pen fuuutaint and obeckt describing 20 different arliolas to be told for a dollar each ; 40 for ft ; 60 for H j 100 for 110. Ac bent by mail. Commitaioot larger than those offered by any other urm, according to sit of dub. Single fouotaiu and ebeck, 10 out. Male and female agents wanted. Bend atoatr ii Heoisteeed Lettem. Bend us a trial olub. and you will acknowledge that you oannot afford to toy goodi or any otntr bouse tbereatter. aUtValltaUl At lat-ndull, M ilanoTtc 6t i osto, Mat, 147 M, i4m NEW DRY GOODS ARU B Fresh GroceriesI Oa Third Bt., oa door below tho Lotheraa Cbareh, BUNHIirtV vsvktwia HBMRY PETERS . H Jo'topened a large assortment of 0001)3, iuoh Oallooes. Muslins, Ac, which ?Un.ri L''r.tL.""r- Alto, a variety of No tlom, Iniorshirtt, Drawert, Halt and Capt. LADIES' WOOLKN GOODS, At. GI-MOCBRI33 a and PROVISIONS of all kinds, mch M SCOAR8, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, MelttiM, Syrupt, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts' Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisint, Cheese and Crackers, and in fact everything usually ' kept in tho Grocery lino Dams, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queenswark, Glass-ware, Willow-aro, Ac Tho best FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobaeoo, Uigurs, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also t All kinds of Canned Fruit, at tho lowest prices. Country rrouuoe taken In exchange for Goods. IjTCail aad examine my Stock, and satisfy joar selves. HENRY PETERS. 5unbary, Oct. 10. IRAS. Notice in Bankruptcy. Tim 13 TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the 16th day of September, A. D. 18d8, a Warrant In Bank ruptcy vas issued against the estate of S. B. Dover, ol'Bunbury, in the county of Northumberland, and (State of Pennsylvania, who bss been idjjdged a Bankrupt on bis own petition ; that the payment of any dob's and delivery of any property belonging to tucb Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and tho trans fer of any property by him ore forbidden by law; that a meeting of tho creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more As signeos of his Bstr.te. will be hold at a Courtof Bank ruptcy, to be hol.loo in tho Borough of Sunbury, county of Nnrthumbcrlrtni, tml State of Pennsylva nia, before J. M Wiestling, K.sq., Krister, on the 27th day of Ootober, A. D. lis, nt 9o clock, A. M. T. D GKL'ENAWAL'f. Deputy United Statos Marshal, (as Messenger,) . Western ltriot of Pennsylvania. October SI, 1888. 4t GRAND-OPENING FALL AND W TNT K R (jiuiitlemcn's Furitltililiigr jood. at THOMAS n wriT'Ti-a )ii:ri(iuvi '.-Aii.oat ntori:. MARKET SQt'AItK, SUNBLRY, PA., Conslstire cf BNOI.tsn AND FHFINi'lI OLOTH.T, a.-.ui,imi A.N D llil-.M'll CASifMCl-'KS EXGLlf II .MLlrONd OF ALL COLOR?. which have teen selected frdm the largest and best establishments in Now York and Philadelphia. A general asiortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHIIfO GOODS, embracing, Necktiee, Collars, Cravats, of the latest styles. Fine Larab'a Wool Poller Jackets. SI1IKT3 and DRAWERS, a large asscrtment of the bett quality. A largo variety of GLOVES of every style and qualtity, from the IJn'l Uroom down to 'the laboring mac's, aud many o'.hcr articles fur Geiilleiuon i wear. l ine I'muli YoKc Shirt iiiitslc In i-ioi-. Having procured the services of the best workmen In the citios. garments will he made up to order which cenuot be excelled in any city in Cls, or quality of Roods. Gnntlemen tre particularly requested to call and tee the goods and work before puri.-hiiMug elsewhere. Suubury, Oct. 3, 'OS. THOMAS U. NOTT. Ladies Ftatscr sV'ui-a I AT JOHN FA REIR A 8, Old Established FUR Manufactory, K. 718 AlU'll Street, above 7tb, FJUL'A. Have now in store of my own Importation and t,,nt'lrj. m,M t.F , SH- and lnot baau:i. I.a selections or Ot&fc-AWZSi FANCY Fimei kyyllte&!or Ladies' and Chi!- aaipaa- "araB?.- drent Wear, iu the oil r. SSjM'S - Alsd, a tine assortment or Gents' Fur Gloves and Cllfiis. I aia ctml.'.rd to ili-posc of my goods at vary rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vi cinity. Kcmemher the Name, Number and Street 1 JOHN FAKEIItA, No. 718 Arch St , above 7th, south side, Phiiad'a. lir" 1 hnve no Partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 3, '68 -4m T. !. N It A . O WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Corner of Third Street and Market Square, in Mil ler's Stone Building, S f N P. U H Y , P A., of the most celebrated makers, consisting of the Howard, Appletoh, Tracy A Co., Wnlthtun, Bartlett, W. tilery, and all grades of the Clgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent for tho celebrated, PAUL 1JKI TON Watch, in Gold and Silver Case, at low prices. liver W mt" lor V-llitiy l'i-r'iiik, of entirely new designs, fioli I Silver Table and Tea Spoons, llutter Knives, Forks, Castors, Ice Pitchers, Fruit and Cake IJaskets. Syrup. Mugs, ltulter Ilishes, and everything in the Silverware line at low prices. jEWELRYj A fine stock of 18 k Kings. Also a fine teltction of Gold and Jut Jewelry of nil descriptiemt. Gold and Silver Chains, at low prices. GOLD TENS. Fine Gold Pent in Gold, .Silver and Rubber Cases, of tbe celebrated niuke by Huffman and Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and 30 hoar Clocks, at low prices. Also Sole Agent for the colcorated Perfected Spec tacles, warranted to give entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. All orders promptly attended to at the shortest no tice. Sunbury, Sept. i, 1868. tST" Samples Mat by mail wbn wrltUa for. pOotobor Sd, 1S68 -ly Wt em.a' El For doing a family washing in tho best and cheap est manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world! Hat all tbt strength of old roain loan with tbe mild and lathering qualitiet of genuine Castile Trytbil tplendid bVap. Sold by the ALLEN CHEMICAL WOKKS, 48 North Front Sla-oet, PaUtsMphJ Asp SO, """jHiI satia a n,i man n ii """ HILADELPHJA, W do not wish to inform you, reader, that Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, bat d scovorcdju rem edy that ourea Consumption, when the lungs are half consumed, in short, will euro all diseases nhothtraf mind, body or estato, make men live forever, and leave death to play fur want of work, nnd isdesiayied to makt our aublunary inhere a blissful paradise, to which Heaven Itself shall be but a tide show. Yon have heard enough of that kind of huinhuitgory. and we do not wonder t'mt yon have by this t' me boor mo disgusted with It. But when tro tell you that Lr. cage 'i Catarrh Itemed y will eo.ffrit'tfy imt (As writ raws Catarrh, we only niterl that whioh thousands can testify to. Try it and you will be con vinced. We will nay 1600 Uevtard for a sua or Catarrh that we rahnot cure FOH BALK 11 Y MOST DBCUGUSTS EVERY- urnrut! Patca oxlt 60 Cekts. S.nt by Hall, Dost paid, ror Bixty Centt ; Four Paokagct for $11.00 ; or 1 Uni on for J5.00. Send a t'ainp tor Ir. Sage s pamphlet on Catarrh. 1)K. SAUK A CO., Proprietors? Buflalo, N. Y. jl?"0-- 11 ' wrantrd to euro lost or im paired Taste, (Smell or Hearing. Watorin or Weak ..yet, offensive Breath, Ulqerated Throat or Muth, 1 nin and Pressure in the Head, and loss of Momorv when oaused, as all ofthem frequently are, by the ravages of Catarrh. It i, i...,?, .i'i' .! use, contains no strong poisonous or eaustie dru-s, I hut e.iir... lt il. ... .1.1 l: s 11 ,.. .,, ' ' ooining BOllon. W.will pay $M0 ll.ward tor a case or Catarrh that we cannot cure. ''u",.! WpST MUIOUISTS EVERY- W HLtlfc. Piilna rLr 60 Cksts fljlf yur Hriiggita has not y, Rot t on ,ul.i dn.t V)1 put oft witb some worse than worthless strong snuff "fiimigntor " or poisonous causlio'ion, which will drive the disease to the lungs instead of curi na il, but lend sixty cents tout and the remedy will ronohyou by return mail, tjendstampfor Ir Sagn'l pamphlet on Catarrh Ml. SAOE A CO., PrM.riators Iiuir.iio, N. Y. This Isr ALLtsi.a Ran anr does not. like the poison ous irritating snuffs atid strong caustic I'jluliunt with which the people have long been humbugged, aitnplv palliate for a short time, or drive the disoa" to the lun?s, as there is danger of doing in the use of su .h nostrums, but it pro luces perfect and permanent cures of tho vorst oases of chronio Uatarth, as thous ands can testify. "Cold in the Head" is cured witb a few applications. Catarrhal Headache is re lieved and cured as if by inugic. It removes offen sive Iiroath, Loss or Impuirruent of the sense uf ta-lo, tmell or hearing, Watoring or Weak Kyos. uud Im paiied Memory, T. hen caused by the viulenoe of Ca tarrh, as they all frequently are. W offer in good fuiih a (tending reward of $5UU fur a case uf Catarrh that we cannot cure. Full SM.E BY MOST DBUOGISTS EVERY WHEKcl. Pnir.E om.vSO Cksts. Ask yoor Briifflst lor the ltEHtov. hut if be h is net yel ot it on bate, don't bo pu" off by ncepMng ! any miderahle. worse than worthless stibstiiule, but I enclose sixty cents to us. and tbe Remedy will bo sent ! you post paid. Four packages $J.l)0. or one dox-n tor $3 uo, bona stamp tor l)r. Pago s pamphlet on Catarrh. Dr. iAOE A CO., Proprietors. Buffalo. N. Y. 4 I This is NO PATENT MEDICINE HUMBUG, got ten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being cotnposej of rare and precious substances brought from the fi'ur corners o theoarth. carriod seven times across the Great Desert of Sahar- i ah on the backs of fourteen cain.ils, and brought across 1 the Atlantic Ocean on two Ship". 1: is a siuiplu, mild, toothing remedy, a peifect Specific for Ca- ! TAtihit and ' Cold ix the Hkao," also for offensive I Ureal!). Lo or Impairment of the Sense of Smell. I Taste or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eves, Pain or Pressure In tho Head, when caused, as thuv all Hot j unfrcquently arc, by the violence of Catarrh. ' We oOer. in good lalth. a Handing Reward of $100 j for a case of Caarrh that we cannot cure. For wat.k hy must uianaisTa every-! WI1EUK. Price 50 Ct.T9. Sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of Siitv Cesti i Four packages for t.' 0U. or 1 Doien for $5 00. Sund stamp fur Ilr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. . Dr. SAGK 4 CO., Proprietors. Oct. ID, 'C8-ly. Buffalo, N. Y. BOOK A&EftrtS ! j Are meeting with rare success in soiling Rie 8. W. , Bakei's Explorationi und Adventure among the I Nile Tributaries of A'oyttinia to which h now added an account of the CaptiVity and release of Englith , Subjects, and the career of the Into Emperor Theo- , dore. No book is received nirung all classes of peo ple with such unbounded favor, or so fuliy con:biie thrilling in'eroil niiii solid instruction. At'euts, male and female, sell it rapidly. "An admirable record of scientific exploration. : geograpl.ic'il discovery, and personal adventure." .Y. V. TriiiuHf. 'It is issued in a vory attractive form, and is as ; entertaining as a romance.'' Boston Journi' . Full t. ir-iculars on anulicatiou to U. D. CASE t CO.. l'ublihers. Hartlord, Coan. October 17. 18ii8. 4t BIRD CAGES, 11 different kinds. If juu want good aud cheap Lird Cages, ko to CON LEY A CO' Vu limbic ts-op i ty in k'rivnlr siil". rilllE iimlersiitned offers his valuable lot, 6i feat X front by 2MI deep, rth the touth-wot corner of the Shamnliin Valley and Northern Central Rail roads, on Third street, on which is ereeled a FRAME WAREHOUSE. 10 by 40 feet. The Wurchouse is a new one, having been built about two years since, and is n splendid stand for any one wishing to go into the tluur und gruiu business. Tho fixtures of Ihe concern will also be offered lor tale, at reason ble rules. This properly is offered for sale for the reason that I intend gi; ing up business in Sui.borv- For further particulars, apply to J. M CAii W ALLADER. Sept. 19, OS 3m. Sunbury, Pa. Mo. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. ENERAlTENTS, (knil al a . " l 4 l al f Ui. ru M VV I V I tM I II .4 O?, i unii u 1 1.1 nti in Vs 0Cf,, AND 4" UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tbo Natiohal Lira iMfltrnAJtCB Ccmpamt It a Corporation cliar'creJ br kpcUt Act of Cva-mtu. Ap pntTed July -li. nli CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, fULL PAID. Llbtl term offur d io Ar?nti tod BolicKort, who v lOTturt to apply at our oiUc. Fuilpni tlcuUr-t lebl on ttppMcaMnD at oar offloa, locAtfi In i be ifOJud utory of our BiiUkiLg Hon, ti4r Clrm!a-i aud PAiupblet, fully U'ii.ri'li.g tta ft. W. Ci'tllK A to., A'-j. Jt, .V.11U rird I Application! for Central ani Western Prnnsylva- ' niatu be tnadeto 11. S. KUSbtLI.. Mamaukh. ! August 14, 1863. Iv. Harrisburg. Pa. ! A Lecture to w tToxjjsra- JVLKKT. i Just PubltsiteJ, in a Staltd Envtlop. Pre4 )im ttnts. A I.eclurn ou tlsei Malure, Trrnl ' went and Kadioal Cure of Sperumlorrlioca orr-eminal Weakness. Involuntary Kuiiasious, tiexual Ilebiliiy, and Impediinuntt to Marriage gem rully ; Nervous- ' neat. Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Muntul ami Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. , Ii V KotEHT i. Ci'LVEKWKLb, M. IJ., Author of the i -Ureeo Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, fn this admirable Lecture, clearly prove! from his own experience that ' tb awful oonseo;uenoea of elf-Abue tuay be offeo- J tually removed without medium, and without dan- i gerous aurgioat operations, bougies, inslruiuentt, ring or oordialt. pointing out a mode of cure at once oertain and effectual, by whioh every matter what his oondition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to tbousauds and tboasaodi. gent under seal, to any address, io a plain sealed envelop, on the receipt of tit centt. or two postage statu) Also, Vt uuiverweii t " marriage tiuiu, prio H cents. Address the Publisher!. CilAS. J.C. KLINE A CO , 117 Bowery, Nw VE, Putt-Omo Uox 4,6i8. July 4, lb.- laiiiia. Oil I a, Ac. A full stock of Oilt torn prising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engine aad Uaahiawy, Varaiab, Olasa, alwav en hand, at lew prlvtsai COKLEy A CO I Miiiiiiaaiij i'llfi NATIONAL LITE IITSURANCE C0MPAKY, UNITED STATES "oF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Charterti by Special Atst of Congrets, Approved .liilai OK 1 Drift rr Cnols t'upitnl 1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Finsr Nat!uai Dame RtiiLtiiitti, Where the general business of the Company Is trans acted and In which all general eorrotpondecoa abould be addreasod DIRECTORS. i'yp0"-'- K A. Rollins, Washington. !' C Vk; " Henry D. Cooke, F. Katohrnrd Starr, Wm K. Chandler, " m.. Moorhcad, John I). Hefrees, Geo F.l vler Edward Dodge. Now York J. Hinckley Clark, H. C. Fahnestook, N. Y. OFFICERS. ?,-Jl,9i-K- rhilJ-'Pbi. President, r 'v UJ,i,S'lW wl''Bln, Vieo Presldent. ' Chairman Finance and Executive Committee. PI? !! ,-'!,V.V,-,rf;"- 'I'iiad'a, Aeo'y end Aotuarv. .'I,..-.-,. ' ""'bington, Assistant Secretary. ,lAC'SU-..f,MITI1- U MaJil Director. J . ENS IN G J.l-ARS, M. b., Assistant Medical Di. rector. ."vloslloiit ttlvlajui-.T Ronrd J K. Barnos, Surgoou-General U. 8. A., Washing. ton. P. J. Ilorwits. Chief Modioal Department U. S. N.. Washington. D. W. ltli, M. D Washicgton. Nolifliorn nnd Altorncya. Wm. E. Chandler. Wa"hinet.n, D. C. George Harding, Philadelphia, Pa. This Company, National In lit charactcl1, offers, by reason of It; I.argn Cttj ital. Low Relet of Premi um and Kew Tables, the most dosirnble means of insuring life yet pronto ' to the public The rates of rrotn um. hting largely reduced, are made m favorable to the insurors as those of the best Mutual Companies, an 1 avuii all tba complication and uncertaintic of Notes, Dividends end ll.o rait uudi'i'stnndins whioh the JuUor a;e to apt to cause tho Policy Holdars. Several new and attractive tablet are now present td which need only to bo understood to prove accep table tc tho public, tucb as the Inoomo-ProJuoing Policy and Return Premium Policy. In the foimer the policy-holder not only secures a hfe, payable at Jeaih, hut will receive, if livlui, after ptriod of a few years, an annual income equal-to ten percent. (10 per cent ) of tho par or Lis policy. In the latter, the Company agrees to return to the nssurcJ tho total amount of money ho has paid io, in addition to tho amount of his policy. Tho nttetuion of persons contemplating insuring tiieir live? or increasing the amount of insrranco they alrcny have, is called to the special advantage! oSercd hy the National Life Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particular given ca app ication to tho Rraneli Office of the Company in Philadelphia, or t, its General Agents. (jTLooal Agents are Wanted iu every City ani Town; aod application! from competent partiel for luch agencies, with suitable endorsement, nhould be addressed to the Company Gsucral Agcnu only, io their respective districts. GB.VEII.ll Au.lXIS : B. IV. CLARK i CO., Philadolpqia, ror I'cnnsjlvai'ia and Suuthorn New Jersey. JAY COOKE i, CO.. Washington. J) C. l or Maryland, Dflaware, Virginia, District of Columbia nl V et Virginia. Sepiember 6. lsWS. ly i 0CCULI3TS AND MANUFACTURERS 0? TUB. CEl.EURATr.D I PKRFKOTKI) SPECTACLES,! EVE GLAaSKS, &Q. lUtiTFOUP, COSX, have ArrotXTED T. S. SHANNON, At tbtlr sole agent for Sur.burv and vioinltv fr Ua ..I. -r .u , .. j ' ! aid ut tuc eeiuoraiea PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AND EYE GLASSES. In doing so they havo confidence in the iibility of thoir agent to meet tho requirements of nil cus tomers. 11 is assortment of our HEAUTII I'L 1.LN'. fKS comprises evciy form and kind, culculntvd for the simplest as well as tho worst cuses f tlncacd or impaired vision. An opporttit.ily will le thus af forded, to procure at all times SPECTACLES IX EQUALLED BY ANT OF ' TUEIU STltEXGTHEXlNil AXD TREiER. VIXU QUALITIES. Too much cannot ho said as to thoir Superiority over the ordinary glnwes worn. There is no gliui lucrum, wavering of tbe sig''t. dirtiness, or other unpleasant setiMitntn, hut on i;,e contrary, from the peculiar construction of tho Lenses, they are sooth nig and i lenSiint. causing a feeling of relief to tbe we.trcr. aud Producing a Clear and Litinet Vision, as in the tmturul lu'ui.hy tijjlil. They are the only spectacles that PKESEltVE A3 WELL AS AMST THE FUiHT, aud ure Ihe Cheapest because the Best, always last, ing uniiiv vara without change beinif neceiarv. I CAl'TION. .Mr. T.S -IIAXXUX, Jowolcr, is Uieir Only Agoiit appointed iu "buubury aud vi cinity. tjrWe employ no Peddlors. augl,'6. ly. G28 HOOP SKIRTS C28 CORSETS, CORSETS. tVJI. fTlToI'KIXS, ."o. 9S Ai-cli Mtrcet, FliiladciptiU. M ANCFACTCRKU Of TflS CeUbratetl " C7.-1 IWOX Ilop kirtt FOU LADIES, MIOSES AXD C1IILDHCN. Tliu largest Assortment, nnd best qualitv and styles in the Aroei ican Market Every ludv should Hy them, at tuey recommend themselves by wear ing longer, retuin- Ibeir shape muoh belter, lighter und more elastio than alt otrierB-warrauied iu i v?ry respect, and sold al very low prices. Ask for Hop kins' '-Chaiiir'':in" .Skirt Superior lland-uiade Whale lione Corsets in Fif-' teeu dtll'ercnt tirades, including the "Imperi.d" and ! Tbompsou A Landon "'tilove Filling' Corsets, ' ranging in prices from bl cents to $o.f0; together! with Joseph Leek el l Culurated trench oven Corsets, superior shapes and quality. Ten ditlereut Uradea, from $1 10 to jo 30. They are the finest an-l t best noojs lor the prices, ever imported. Tt-e 1 rade ; supplied wilh luop akirta aud Coisel. at tbe Lowest ! Kates. Those visiting the City should not fail to call and examine our Uoodt aud Prices, at wt defy all com- ! petition. I Jebruary 29, 1668 lOmni. j A 11.11 AT l!tlV 1 1 1: nii.i:, I rpilE subtcriber offcrt for sale a FAKM, situated X Iu Perry township. Snyder county, Pa., adjoin- I ing lands of Ueorge li allien. A liner llornliei-er, Aaron Shaffer aud others, containing Mi ACtvKS and til) PEHC1IKS. About bu acres of tb land art cleared, and ti e balance is choice timber. The improvement consist of a larcte two-story Log ; liwelling House. Los? Uaro, and all tb oecestary outbuildings, and an Orchard ol 6 acres, containing I chuioe fruit. A spring of water is near tbe door, i and a uioo stream rum through tb farm, near tb bouse. Thil property is conveniently located, aud ' is within a mile of stores aud mills, and is within a quarter uf a mil of a taw-mill. For terms, call ou Ueorg Ueluett, whose property adjoiut tht land, or ca tb u&deriigueJ, at Ntw Kerlia, Union tounty, Pa W HAIKftTy pt 1, (a liLBOTOUS. G. Morriaon CtjstcSj M. Miirsb tM, William II. liartios, Willintn J. Pollock, IUcLitrd Wildey, Oeorgo W. Mill, Watson I Magill, John II. I'.ringliurnt, Frank U. llooton, Inno Kckcrt, Maris lloopes, David M. Hank, William Pavi3, Winthrop W. Ketchftm, fin in tie I Knorr, Uonjaiuin F. Wagenselleri Charles II. Mullen, George Hr. EI dor, John Stewart, Jacob Grafius, James Sill, Henry C. Johnson, John K. Kwing, William Frew, Alexander W. Crtwford, James S. Rutan. KLECTOIU, G. Morrim Contes. Thomas M. Marshall, William 11. Ii.init-d, William J. I'.ilioek, llichird Wildi-y, George V. Hill, Watson P. Ma - 11, .lolni II". Urinhurst. rrank 0. lluuton, Isiao Kckert, Maris lloopes, David M. K.tnk, "NVil liam Davis, Winthrop W. Kctcham, Samuel Knorr, lluTijatnin F. tVtienseller, Charles 11. Mullen, George W. Elder, John Stewart, Jacob GraSua, James Sill, Henry U. .Johnson, John K. Ewing, William Frew, Alexander W. CrawfurJ, James S.' Hutan. ELECTORS. O. Morrison Coateu, Thomas M. Marshall, William II. Barnes, William J. Pollock, Richard Wiidey, George W. Hill. Watson P. M tgill, John II. Bringhurst, Frank C. llooton, Isaac lv.'kert, Maris lloopes, David M. Rank, William Davis, Winthrop V. Keteham, Stnuiel Knorr, B.'niamin F. Wagensc'.Ierj Charles II. Mullen, Georgo W. Elder, John Stevr.irt, Jacob GraOus, James Sill, Henry C. Johnson, John K. Ewing, Willam Frew, Alexander V. Crawford, James S. llutau. elector I. r. Worrifjii (5osf;, Jli.'iiidiJ 'W. ILufiiaB, Willi. vii 'lijllocf, WiliarP Oi-n. fiBatfjn V. ajfafliil. !Vjlui o VLiiuUiiiil't, svr.uif 15. yuuton, iiidc 6f-rt, Uiaii8 vocipc?, 2.uuK UIJ. .'itaiif, r.mitf, J'Jinibroii W. Jtctijam, amiirl Jtnovr, yciijinniii ,v OdflfffcQcr, Gliailci A. Wiillcn, PiuuAf IU. (ilf or, '?09n "Stcuurf, K.icb Crafiii?, ?.unr 2 ill. Sentrj CSdLiifju, ?l'tl!l jf. (jU'Klfj 58i'lidiit jrni', SUrjaifr W. Craipfotb Sam 3. iHutan.