ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH IN CHINA. the East idia telegraph company'? OFFICE, I. S3 Ac 93 rt'iiffftiiu Street new yorx, Of(nizJ cnder tpeclRl ttisrter from the State o New York, CAHTA.L $3,000,000 50,000 Share. ZOO lCneli. DinECTORS. tins. ANDREW O CI'RTIV, Phila.lelphl. PU'!,?. FOnnE. nf PuneM A C.,Chmn. FK I D. RL'TTERFIEI.'D, of K. Futtcrfia'i A Co New Virk. HA AC UVERMORE, Trenimer MicMgnii Ceulnl Ititi!r"ntl, H"l"ii. ALEXANDER IHH.LAND, T.rotmer aAm.ric.iii I x prM Cimipnnv, Nfv York. Ilox JAMES NIXON, PyniPure.N. Y. O. II. TALMKR Tniiunr Western Union TcVgmph Cnmp'iitv, New Y'ik FI.ETrllER WFTRAY, of Wtmy, Gibbi A llimfciit'lt', Nrw Yuk. MCHOLA9 MICKLE9, Nw York Officer. A 0. CrRTIN, Preiu)fht. N ,l.CtU' V i e Presiilent. GEORGE roN ANT, Perreinry. iNutioiial Bink Coti mon 11,. n. A. U. .MVCM'KK, Philadeli-hia Solicitor. p,,e (Mi Gov.Tiinifit h:u-in5 (rhronh Die Hon. A MiiiiMi,niir) fHnct.ti-l In iImk Ci-iii,Mny tiiu j-iivi-,-fte oi f.iiiirciiH me n-"t ftiptur "I Hit- KmpirB 1V fruixii irum riucliif irUr-.(ili viililtt. we pr.'"' fnini.cu c.nts ('flan mis in Ctimu. to id 1uiiik ilowu u Imu . unit? liui.iluU iiuit-i ulm.ee, liuiwemi lUe U'll.'Wing purls; viz roPL'LATIoS. C-mt'n, MUC'M, II m.Koiigt SwatuW. Amoy.' Fuo-Lliovv, 'Wuii-Chu, NmCI-o, ILing (..bran, SllLUlfil'lll. Tata!, l,onn.cru : auu.nuo ! 1 2.W,KH) 300.000 4lil Idtl 1.'MO,OUJ I.U','0,lI'( T toKf poiu hnve a foreign eommr o, .--S't 0.0':i.i,P00, j and an eiirm ms ct it hum it irmle, 1 s. lr wiii'-ii we li;ivo tae mimeiikj ii.tt-i ii.tl ui'iuitit'ii-r: of die Kmpire, rrniiilnii; tf.Mii htrMi '.nlyt tur.uii ii ennuis ;iitl tiit v i'ul 1 1 vei a ! T'ie r;i i , i c iim t iitl, litis CiiiuiitY i ; ;t'f trc: nt j I.ninl iut, iii.d r.oi.tiiilniif.' u-rity iiutt Ii iim w t Uy ) hum ;h ! (. t.n.iiiicMti"M. winch n'ibL oiiii;md inert., an Cv w ii". i riM-, I lit r .ntiiiiiiK-.-itH'iiB o it, Ij'-vciiitiieMI, j lf .moties. n. t.l lift, en,t:uitly hi I'liinn. Mm H i .i . ht.il i)8ltni, "ml Itrf otn UK-iill II W nl fulliimi hi '.tt i t i..i'..niuM -ii t h cuu.ici&oii i iuJ, nint o s en.n- ! er "i w tin, I Ttie UVfieru YurW k-mwa llmt Cliiin if a vrry Inre ciMiniiy, n ilitf i lit i ii I'fiiseh peonlcd ; hut few yet reuli j tint h c Miiiiont in. ire Hi. in u IMnd nf i he liiini;in nice. j 'Vim I iitst rttuin iHHite h Iter ffiiTnl nutli 'i iliesfor l;ix- . luij , nr(i ."i!t i iv lite i tc'iil itmaistriilea nmke hei pujiul!ili"ti I FiM'U HL'.NURED .WO IHL i( I I.KN MII.I.UNS, 1 a ) tUih is hi in nki-ly t he tunler tlinn ov r li e nciu-il , n . a rre Nnny iiiltif tht-ne, win ure ovt-r ten j oi l.n l n.ilv e:tn nut do r-;td ;md wi tie. Hit ei viii.itt'in j m paction", Inn lirr lit-'Pituv is k f yVhmi t- n ;li ..t i t Ki: ' f ijtfj. I M iia in ii Lntft'-I 'r.n'lirTu mi'l Ir.iocrt; mtd t lie j!-iirf n.f f.'i-ft'ng!) quii-k iomvmiI Hi ii;t rtvfs nf t-vfiy i fH'Hiemi fn.'iio y I r pr rin iii t;nlv inf"i imil i'Mi. It t m i-i vrti i;i 'irinrnin i It-it Cltiiii tte n.iike gruil use of ( !,.-o-t t'fin"!i it th.Tr iniiis-iii's mtKiiniii l g i l ,: (!-t v'U'ill Mli'l.'.l'I.- nl" I! .-t JtMM'f liJJ- ",!(td !i) iiiucfr ! i ; i i -1 . 1 1 ; , nun tiMil i' I'ulii H't'U IT i In i tM'.MiiifeDinii Ml i-iitiy iiiitllim nefi. II Hit; tt -It i r . 1 1 ii we ;'i"p s, c iiMCfi i hi Itmr t'H'ii scnporirf, ! WfTv ii w i t.xi;unf-, it is l:i'!ii.vcd llril ps liii.nie:. i W-'tihl p'lV t!i Cist UHliHI lilt; fit it" I Wo J ,'U.h i lU Eli? ; c.'pfijl pertOhH, uml w ul ! fUriiily in rrne l!ire;ii'!r. , ii Mi'trpiinf r 'i lri-riU iifv( tin in n urt'i!r d M'e , Tfiinnt'.'i'ue t r";u!iii:l uml ): uur W'ii-!.-pi" I", li 1 ; - -i" i i;it. hi il Hn,i' if iiiteo v n.niei(Miiy. piji.Mou!', iin-l fvnnffflifilienliy. j ThHrn-ifk of tli in Cmnpnny lm I icon uiiOmfieilly r"'1 ,niiiiriHftl to fipil-.l'.-lff tind l.'ii-nuch men, :is d destr- , 8i itivcMiiietit l.y fd.t-iriril iiriit'it-s in ti.e 2-w X-rli ' Hera'd, Trihim. '.irll. Tims, I'osf, Exprep. Indt-pi-M. dent, :tnd in tli I'iiituiMpitia North Au eiici'ii, pfesi', : I.e-iif-r. Iii'pnrer, At:, Ilnitfhn mid 'IVIrui tipn. tiinifh i tins C'Miiivinv ton hiiutid nntnlier, mnv lii oittiiiur-il in fs-in imi . &lo",nvil'li' down, $ ' n i.f: 1M ul No ctnli-r, nil ) piytihlw i.i ni'tnllny iii.::ilni'-iitn of ; &i 00 t'iivti, eimnneiiiv DecCiiitT 1, l;tjM, o;i ;i; ;.f if'iuii tn I SHEXBL & CO., ; a 1 SoirlU Tliird S2r-ct, Villi. ADEI.I'IUA. -! Sliitea en u be obtained in Sunbnry bv application l S J. PACKI'.R, Hiiilvfii, v!ii is authorized tn receive 'ib Ber:pii'iuf c.id ran give nil r.cceeinry infm mat ion n the R!lf.'C.t. s..(iicrnbir ii, 11.3 fiin. CONK AD MEYER, , Inventor pit I SLniiifuctitrer o f ths j CF.l. KTtllA TV.!) TUOX 7M.V7 7V.1.YOS, ! WnnrnnHin, X. 723 An'i S., Villa., , HAS received tho Prize J'e.lul of the World's tirotit Exhibition, London. Kuland. Xhehih-e-t i'lizes nwardeil when and wherever cxhiniivd. E. T.A U LlUJlliD I623. Oct. 3, ifci.-.tm : SUNRUllY MARBLKi T! HIE ur.dt'rsined having bought the entire ftock of lii.-incr .1 'Javlor, II . ' woul'l Hitonn the publio Ihi.t lie is now rcioly to ,lo all kin is of mar'lo woi k ; has on lir.ud. und iii(ik--8 to ordi-r at .-imit ui.tica, .llontiiiK-nts. niiil lili-ad-yiom-N, ol' e cry s'v-le to suit piirclin'r. DO'.'i; A.M W1MHI.Y SIU.S. Also. C.-r.i' t-iv Po-ts wiih llalvanii'd pipe uod all othtT fencing u-criciiilty usi d on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in tho employment, at the ohl st:inl in .Market r-unre. llnllry. ra. .uay j, o-v iy.i W . M. DAl'Ull'EKTY. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS r.noKS Aie: statiomehy. Monthly liu.c Books Drawing Books and Slates, liot.ks. i ir. B ...iks Bunk Ijo .k?. M-inornndura . li j5Sj. Uiuri.'s. 1'ucKO. i;uoks, Ink Sum-is, Pens, Purols. a tine uor.:iiiauL i f Pap-.-r, Ink. xc For sale by ANN PAIMT; I'aisitsi, OiSm, Ac Afull l'.k of Oils coinprUing Liiwi-ed Oil. Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubtieiuing Oil for i:nu;int.i and Jlio-hinerv, nriiii'iLS, lila.-s, always on h.ii.l. a I low price. at C'NI.l.V 4 (.'J ! I. VI'SiST f'I'4 I.IiH V SWUNG AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, Mihh ."!. I,. 4oiies ber;s leave to an ntmi.i'o t" Hie Lutiicsol hKinljury and vicinity, that .m ).., n,-. ned n t-.rjje sod vaiitd Hock ot millinery goods, Xho latest New Ynik find Phili.dclpbiii s'yles of LALIES' HAT3 AY.B EOIJNETS. Alf', :i fx.-' ilont n -irtiin-nt 4if ljiHhiouu!.!o Fm liiii Ki -.-a, h.j ii (.!. Ltr.-. UooK'U (.'h4. llHntiker riiu'itf, S-;i , ... (siuTw, Jin.-itri , nu-i nil kiotU of iruuiv Noti. iHiii)fl .Mulniti. t'irr:i, Icri"uini' r:i. .--'oti'.-, I. i!iy tiite. LiMtuii'l tf Auiorion, t"ti Hoaery, a., tVo. tutihuj cxiuitint for yourtclvea. troutlo lo kliow i;i.mjn f-uiii.ui v. Anil U 1.. Ainina; rail pit tho best .I:turo? Why lit t T ll 'ity,. wl' i-fiume. Always go U llye rly nl jutlo inr niri-f &ton ii puxvzrs. riAIlE subscriber, well known iu litis part of the .L country as a mamiiac Hirer of V uoiten puuiMf, has uow turned hi. uttei.tin to putting in the CKLEI1K AT ED STONE PUMP, icb 1 .r dauib.iry, i,pp. , ,)tinaed fre.h- MKofwit-r a:, t '"'.iH' i n n - ..i Ii e-.-;ii.,' mu 1'imLiv .n.inri,. ... ....1: '1... . ... Tiny have teen uvd in K.uA.ury tor lis rU two j.air, rn.-eriBS ,,ir M.,...a,.lu.5, fc4 J be seen a ir.e rr' itrnaoj ,u :,lt( Cbas. J. lliuncr, J.ioy l P.thrl.eh. James Eovd, Wui. I. liieenouih, aud fctl.'rgooile n in ri ubury. Flic., il.JO per foot. PETER WEAVER. ' ,, . 1, IK'S ?b LIGHT ! LIGHT 1 LIGHT 1 n. iiYi:iti.v, nHE pnpulnr rimloprnper, bn flltcil op, In (ho i old Piwt llflloo buililini;, three douri west uf the milroad, Miirkel Sciunre, one of the very best Sky Light to he found in theStHte, nnj (snow prvpnrril to take pictures of nny kinJ, in nil kinds of wenther, enrly and Into. Children taken almost instnntly. Urmg along the bnhics we are now ready lor thcin. COME ONE 1 COME ALL ! both great and small, see bis now rooms, nnd amino specimens. k .. F II A MIIS and FllAMIXil mntorial eonsfaiillyon hand and mndo to erdor. llring along yuur P''" and have them framed cheaper than "n."1'0'," C.n.o and see lor yoarselves, Wnylh "'If picture lino constantly on linn. nr"r'k'7''iro; '' ,nB done in all its branches and colored ns do. red Huth out and Indoor viens tnkon at short noli, e , J I . irrnis Sat slnot on guiirriinlced, 'n''"". All negatives cnrefully Jed!' necnlbeMhe V-U for S. UVEU Ly. Market .iqiinre. May :. 'S.-ly. .. mi-S:ii;sv on. siii. i.. TIMi Hihscribcrs having just erected and put In opcrutiun a Mill for tho nianul'ncturo of LIXS K ED OIL, on'erthe highest market prico for l'LAX SKKD. J ln v have attnehed to tlicir etalili.'hment a C hop ping Mill, nod farmers nnd olhcrs wanting grain chopped for feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notice. A uia.-liinc for chopping corn v. ith the cob is attached to tho mill. Mold! AN A MASSEK. January 2o, IjWJ. It Jia'KI.AW TK.inU Ef. SPRING TR.VDi: 1SC3. M. 1.. I..VZAUU3. would cnll tho attention of tho public, and her customers gcnerully, to her lrgo and new assort ment of I'nnoy al Domentlc Bry oos. Which oonsii-t of l'oplins, Dilnins, rhencs. Allnpnc cm. Crepes, (IrennJines. Iron Burees, Lanuf, Uinghams, Calicoes, Chint.es, Ac, IVliifc 4ol9. Cambrics. Stoys. Organdies. Viclorin, Plaid Muslins Mur.-nilles,' Piquu. Drillings, Wigitns. Minims, (iileni'hcd nud r.nhlvnohcd ) Table Linen, Napkins. Towels, Table Covers, j.O't '1 rciiMH, c. ; Cloves. Hosiery, Cor.-cts. Hoop kirts. DrcsTriin- mini!.-', (in variety.) Ladies and dents llotidlier- chief-. Neck T ies, nud notions in vnrie'y too iiuiucr ' ous to mention. M. L. LAZAUL'f1. iSunbiiry. -May 9. isr,9. I J. W. fKvr.NsnN. A. N. lir.iiK. I AT ii a u pt's new iro:; v :t r :: : STEVENSON & BIUCK, HAVE op?ned up ft new end desirable stock of (Jood.'in IlaMpr's New iiuilding, voutifting in ):irl id' n f j lulidld variety vt AisiprifitH 1Vsf -3.-, CiUEl) WAI'flir.H, noon?, clocks, jewei.rv. STATIONERY, H 1 LYE !' W A RE. GOLD PENS, SPECTACLE. NOTIONS, Gutss-Waiv, CiitiiTy, Piclun:.-, Lii(iU'ni; Clajsos, &c. Sec. oVo. (-all nml cx;i!ni:ie our sl'.cl:. Our aim will bo to please and sutiilvnH v,!.oc'ill. SI i:TNS0N A IJIUCE. tui:bnry. April IS, lb PI'EER'S STAN DA P. D I', .- the Nik, 1 ur I'.o 1'i.le. i'or the Sid:! 7. For the Aged, l t r F 'tnales. For Spring Uo ' '. ' : r ISI'let'M -i"!l them !,C3 Epeci's Standard Wino Bitters, MuJo or WINE. IIERIW AND ROOTS. PiT.nn's Celetratod V, ii.e. so well huown, wiih Ttru iati I'urk. Clmmoioilo riov;cr?, b.iake Root. Wild Cherry Eark, t linger. nr.d so-'h other Herbs and Roots as will in all cnes assist Di:;es:ivin. promote the Sc'retiona of tho sys tt-iu ia t U. c natural clitinncls, and give TONE AND YlUO.t to tho t'oui-cn'.I OU. ?lale :i-s;I IV:na!e ! All ut-cit tvllh wonderful sucees i. l'lins cicio ia ii n e. 'io the Pale White l.ip, EI.OOM AND P.EAUTV To the tl.in f.icc iin-l c:.ro v.-orn counti-nunce. Ourca Fever and t'reatos Ar.petite. Trv them. I'e r.ono otlicr. A -k lor Spc-tr s Standurd liitters Mi!,'i by Druggists an 1 Grocers. Sec that my ti. turc is over the cork ot each li.ittlo. ALHtED Pl'EEll. PhsshIs, N. an 1 213 liroudwuy. Ncw-Vork. " Trnilc nipt. lied by .Tohns-tori. llolloway A' Co., l'hi a-lelphiii : tieorue A. Kollv, l'iltburg ; and by all Whi.l.-v-li- H.-.ili rs. for sale by W. A. ItF.XXETT. Sunbury, Ta. July 1 1. i.ct 1 'o7 ly. uEW ALCIILK SHOP A N D ICON- UVA. (SOIIItll At'II A. SUM, XJIBT.T,Y, TP-a.., INFORM the public that they have cstaUi.-liod a MACHINE Silt)?, in coi.iicciiuii with their 1'J I NDKY. 'lheyhnvo supplied themselves with New Lathes. Pinning and During Machines, v. ith tho 1 atest iuiproveuK i.ts. Willi the id of tkilllul ine- j cLunics, they aro cuabledto ciccuto all ordurs of . Vui-U or CCepi.irisisj-, ! lh;it may begiven them, in a satisfaclswy tuMiiner. Jl.iv-itig eulargi-d and rebuilt their Fuiindry, they ore ready to cxi-cutcnil kinds of CASTT"li. ISeasiM aiiiiy,. v. T 1:0 i LOW.', r-.lvudy crli brated for their .upori oriiy, inive bt-( n -ii.i ti.iliiLi- i;- rove 1, nnd will al ways bo k. pt on loin I. Sunbury, June ID, lsr?. LATEST ARE1VAL OF NKW (JOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner nf Market anil Fourth Street, S U N IJ U It Y , P E N N ' A . Invites the public to cull and examine his elegant assortment of SI'IUXH AND Sr.MMF.lt LRY tiOODS, ' such ai Tn'do Linens, Domestics, Doylies, Towels, an 1 Do mcstics of every ducripti..n at the very low. I est prico. iCASSIMERES. CLOTHS. &C-. I Silks. Delaine.., Lawns, Oinghunis, Calicoes, Muslin, i Mioi-iing, 'J 0-kiin's, Jciiii', n o I a full uenoruuent of I Cotton and W oolen goods gi nerallv. II. fierv, OUvcs, tlorji Skirts. Also Hun lkerohiofs, j Dl U.-iiUS, t'oiul S. : lliilsi anl Cups, ttooisi 11111', lioex, Ul. assortment at fym-ils will not. he is sure f-iil to ' pleiuutlio liiii. y und kuit the wants of any desirous ' of purchasing. Hi.- stock of HAiUiWAllK AND QVIiEXSWARK, j and (iroi-eries is large iti iiuautity and choice in (iiiulity, comparing generally eerything Uuedt-d iu the household either Jbr use or ornaureut. 1 lie ia always ready and glad to seo Lis friends lii- ph-iiMiio hi shonin tlu-ui bis goods even ! l"'ueh TT""-' ! U "U" hHt ,"lu ?lk ,w,,,l '" only asks a cull, m.d uipara tuvoiaoty lu prico and uuoliiy with tliu cheapest ; JOSEPH EY.TER. 1 .Sunbury, June. 2rt, lo. I J new Hardware store of " " " ' . ' " .BW M b., U 1 i H. OONLET OO Wine Bitters ! H VI CO (1 JHZAVSt fSTRENOTHI (BEAUT Yl UJ FRESH ARRIVAL OF MILLINERS" GOODS AWD NOTIONS, Mie ANNA PAINTER, Markot Square, two door west of the Post Office 8UNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Inform her friends end the , public that-she hasj"' returned from the city, whore she has-pnt tome time In making selections and purchases, and has Just opened a large stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Kibbons, Laces, drs-Linings, Crinoline and Wl guns Bkirling Lining, llorp Nkiris, Dugle Trim inings, Crape Trimmings, UalCrapo, Cloak DuUuns, Corsets. Zephyrs. A large assortment of Ladle and Oentlemcn a Hosiery. DOLLS of all slsos. Alphabet Plock. Ae. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisluotion to visitors, and goods will he exhibited with pleasure. iSunbury, May HI), 1863. W. A. 15ENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Mnrlirt Simrr, 11 .IIII.UV, In. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept eon- sluntly on hand. My stock will always be found complete in every nrliclo of morit in Mcdicino Physicians nnd Customers mny rely upon prompt ness and attention to ordors. rVNCV ARTICLES! My slock is unusually Inrge and embraces every thing that can bu found on a first class Toilut.Tiibln, including American and genuinu French and Eng lih P E It V U M E It Y , Pomade, Hair Oil, Ivory, Outta Percha Wood nnd Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth nnd Paint Brushes, o. I:iK'M iD-tli-iii-. Embracing all tho most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Puro Havana SE0AKS nnd CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. Paint, M1m, ili', lu, lnlj, Yitl'llisillt'M, cVa. All my Tinctures. .Syrups. Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations am niiiiiufiictured by myself, and from tho best material I enn procure in Market. Having had quits a number of years' experience in tho J)i no diul Vrcn ij'tion Ititsiiiers, both In Philadelpli-in aod the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL P K 1..SC K I PT ION S tl.ut t Ii v Phricians and public may favor mo with. All my p'repariitions as I have above asserted, are made from the list material, and upon honor I assert, tlicyare of oo'oi.'.l trenth. i l or uiedicinal purposes, I keep on luiud the very j Vines, eeandils and liquors, ( that I can procure. I Ji 'l'ore purchasing eleewhere, call and ennunce yjur own mind. ! AV. A BENNETT. Stinbury, Mny 1, lqG3. UUEKNS-WAKK, STONE CHLNA WAHE. &o Market Street, 8 doors west of Fourth St. .south sido, .SL'XBL'RY, FE.NN'A.. 1" ESl'ECTFl LLY informs the citizens of Sunbury V and Merchants nnd dealers in this ami adjoin ing counties, that he has just opened a lurgo assort ment of gUEEA'SWARIi AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the host manufactories in the country, which will bo sold at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Dealers are invited to examine his slock before purchasing in tho city, us they can save uionty by doing so. t'linbury, May IB, 1Sii8. Bin NEW GROCERY STORE, V. G. 7TJK1A1T & CO-, Market Street, .Six doors Kind of Third street, north tide, SUNUVIIY, FA., jjE.SPECTPUI.LY inform their friends nnd the i public, that thev have opened a AND PROVISION STORE, nnd will be happy to have Iboin call and examine their stock, which has juc-t been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery lino, such as Coffee, Ten, Sugar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, ilcans. Hominy, Cheese, Cracker., Uucon, Hum, FUn, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Sonps, Candles, Soda, Jtc, and iu fact everything in the Groceryau l Frovlsiou. Line. I'LOI'R AND FEED, Quecnswnre, Willow-ware, ! ijiassware. Coul Oil Lamps, Coul Oil Ac. I Call and ece buforo purchasing el-ewbere. W. b FVRMAN A CO j fuubtiry. Ai ril27, 1Sf-7. HOTEL FOR SALE. THE "Susquehanna Hotel," located on tho corner of Penn und Fourth Streots, in tho Forough ot Sunbury, Northumberland county. Fa., is ottered at private sulo, on reasonable terms. This well known liutel has latoly been renovatc-d, und is oss of tho best stands in the plaoe, with an cxcellout run of custom. For further particulars apply to O. W AKHO-sAST. Georgetown, Pit., or OEO. WAGENsELl.ER, Sunbury, Fa. July 11. ISIS REMEMBER Iljerl.v'si new Picture Gallery three doors west of the railroad, Market Square ; COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT Sz BROTHER, Shipper A; Wholesale Sc Kelall Ieatei- iu vnrri: a. iii:i akii coai, in every variety. Pole Agents, westwurd, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lower Wharf, Sunbi ry, Pa. Eunbury, Jan. 13, ISrifl. SEEING IS BELIEVING t70t Arch Street. NEW PRICES I NEW GOODS Uich Silver and Silver-Plated Wares, Including every style nnd description, uiado expressly for the Winter trado, which for neatness nud durability cunnol be sui passed ut JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale an I Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 7t)l AKCH STREET. FliiLADELFHIA. I tf Re. plating at short notice. December 21, itJ7 aug7 FANCY DIIY GOODS. ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable fur the SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. jVTISS KATE BLACK, Market .Square, two doors E-ist of the old Bank building. Bl JiBCHi, 1'eun'a.. AS just opened a fresh assortment of the most ir fashionable t aney Dress boous ftoui the largest esiaon&umeui. in t uuaiicipuia. IELAINiS, ALAPACAS, POri.INS, CALIC'.S. MOI'ltltJ . Is Cloths, Sucques Flanr:els, Flannels. Sheetings. Mus lins, Ladies und Childrons' HATS, Feathers. Ribbons, I re si 'I'riitiisiliisa, I'mhroiderleM, Laco Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, HoKlery Hoop Skirts, llopkius' Eliptiu Skirts, Ileal Black Lace Shawls, and Ladies' Goods of every description. Sun Umbrellas and Parouoli. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Uulf-hose, Handker chiefs und Gloves. Perfumery , Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc KATE BLACK HOOTN Al NIIOr. J. C. SYLVIS, WITH II. O. T1IACIIEH, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF Hoots,, MioeB uutl feuitnra, pleasant.' Building, Market Square, SUNBIRY, PA. Ladiea' Boots, Shoes and Gaiter, of all description made to order ou tb shortest notice aud most real unable terms. Having the best workmen eiuirfoyed we can assure the publ-o that, if they will give us a aall. they will be satisfied of the above foots. HE PAIK1M1 neatly doue with dispatch. If your eurus do hurt your feet, Juat coll and leave your measure, And we will make your Shoes or Boots, That you will eall a treasar. Uar.e 28, '68. -ly. 1 ?30 Clicatnut Street, I'UIlaUelplilu. Are the best In Use, P0R THE FOLtOWINS REASONS : Thoy are mor lmpl and durabll, asier kept In order, make a atronger and more elastlo Ititoh, a 6rmer and more beautiful learn than any other The. sew all fabric from two common spools, re- I quire no reminding of thread, fasten both ends of the seam by thoir own opcrniion, ann inougn every firth stitch is cut the seam will not rip. 'f'lie Very IliglicM li-lz, the Crows) of tho "Legion off Tlonor w conforrosl on the repre sentative of the UHOlF.lt He It tltl'R (TJ at th Exposition Vnlversellee, Paris, 18(17 ; thui attesting their great miporlerlty tfver all other sew ing machines. OR0VER A BAKER'S KW gTTLKI S II t TTliU M A C 11 I li S For Manufacturing, Combino the most modern and essential Improve ments. Tho attention Is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Iiooti nnd Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all other requiring tho use ef the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these now styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all other. FOR SALE BY Misa CAROLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, FENN A., Nov. 23. 1867. ly TOP. RINGTON & HODGKINS R A. W BONE SUPEU-P1I0SP11ATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANVRE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having w ithin the past year greatly increased and improved our facilities tor grinding Boncsnnd man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm ors of Fcnusylvania a superior article of riiperIhophnte. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past season by practical men of our ituincdiate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every case the result has been entirely satisfactory. Our process of pulverizing, w hereby it ia prepar ed for and GCARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates on objection which attaches lo many fer tilizers, and secures to the farmer a saving of much valuuble timo. SOLD AT THE MANUFACTORY, EAST MARKET STREET, KOm KV, 1M., and by our Agents throughout the country, in Bags of 200 lbs. each, at i'Si per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points accessible by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TOURINGTON A HODGKINS. Also Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raiting Reaper and .Mower (The Nuw Yorker) und Pratt A Smedlcy's Hay und Grain Rake. Send for Circular. February 15, 'rtS. ly ,4 LARGE supply of Wall I'liiicr ami ! j: v lEos-.ler. just received and for sale cheap, ut tho Mammoth Store of 11. Y. FRILING. April 4, IHCS ISAAC K. STAUFFER, 1 iitchiniiLer nud Jew. t-Ier, NO. 143 HOETH 2d ST., COR. OF QUARRY, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Wat Ware coiislantlv 011 hand hes, Jewelry, Silver and Platec rv"Kepairuig of Watches and Jewelry prianptfy at leaned (o Nov. 30. fsftr 1 y. JF you have a picture you want framed, go to . Ilyt'l'l) i and get it dune cheaper than any where else in town, lie has mouldings of all kinds constant y er hand. j "ohm r"pT h"aas, Dealer in all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBIRY, PA., T S prcpnrcd to supply nil kinds of Anthracite Coal X trout toe c-tliitnokiu Coal Uegion at cheup rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom sped folly solicited Sunbury. July 18, 1808. JOHN P. HAAS. n 10 it r a r o r 1 c i:. TnE undersigurd having succeeded lo the busi ness of T. ill.MES A CO., takes this method of iuloriuing Brick-Layers. Builders, and all others in terested, iu and about Sunbury, that he is prepared to fill all orders, fur building aud paving Brick, or a superior quality, and at as low rules as can bo bud elsewhere I am also the Agent in the Counties of Northum erlnnd, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR EN 'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF OOF. T his is the cheapest and best Roof that an be used on buildings. We covered several build rigs with it, during the last season with entire satis faction. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition lo Sunbury, or nt the Office of Mr. Win. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Fust Otlico, will receive prompt attention. TOWNSEND UIME3. Sunbury, March 14, 1G68. A ft ricn 1 1 lira 1 1 m plemenl si, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast. Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Seivesof all sizes and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon 1 lames, for Plowing, Farm Bulls, Cultivator Toelb, fur salo by J. tj. COX LEY A CO. BREAD & FANCY CAKES, X5-A.-VI3D :f:r."X" RESPECTFULLY informs the citisens of Sun bury aud vicinity, that b will bake to order all kinds of t'uhes I'or Uullai, lartlew. At'. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Holla, Rusks, Tea Buna, Ae., and also kept 00 band Hsanafuotured out of the beet materials. All orders left at bis Shop in Market Square, on door east of Mis. Ann! Painter ' Millinery Store, or at bis Bakery on Sprue Street, between Front and Second streets, will meet with prompt attenlion. PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ice Cream, Ao., at the shortest notice. Ordurs aro respectfully solicited DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May 2, 1868. HOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN' North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., I prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Magastue' SMiuu), Ac, iu any style that may be dewrwd, a1 cheaper rates than oun be dune ia the cities. All Orden left at this Office, wilt receive prompt attention. oot.iv.'bj Coachmakers, WE are selling Rims, Spoke, Hubs, Spring, Csuvsis, Bolt, Clips, Axle, Ae., vary low Large aUwk at . . wsme. Huibvr, Mares tO.lMf. Great Attraction, at the NEAV TIN -WARE, Sheet Iron nnd Store Store or SXITK & GE1TTHER, STT2T:BTT:EV5r, hpa.., Where they keep constantly on hand and manufao. lure to order at short notio. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially eall the attention of pur chasers to their large and well aolected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers hare made arrangements to have all their beat stoves made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and eaamine their 'large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis : ejoinliluiition trims (turner. Cook, Uovernor I'rBst-Ooek, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the welt known Antidust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great varioty eni Iiracirig all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish si in pi i eitvof arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to porlbrui what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for beating first, seoond and third stories by Kogisters Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. t'onlOll, t'onl OH Lumps, Slin.lcsi, Cliinmiesi, nnd nil nrttclei usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike mnnner. Also, to do Tin Kooling, Snouting, Range and Furnace Work, Uns Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Ilausli'a Knw Hone Supcr-IMiow-pliate." Remember the placo. .Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, botween Third aud Fourth street. Building dark painted. August 25. IROB. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. ;l IY A. CO., In Wciuicr's Building, Water Street, noar King si., NORTHUMBERLAND, FA., INFORM their friends and the public generally that they have a large assortment of Groceries Provi.iims. Ac, all frct-h and of the best quality, con sisting of Teas, Coflees. Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins. Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually r kept in tho Grocery line. T hey wmild also eall attention to their largo and heap lot of Good FAMILV FLOUR, 0 rem Tea, Hams, Shoulders. Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. Also, nil kinds of Vegetables, ic, Ao. Give them a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept 2-t, 1SH7. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMMXATIOX lluttou Hole Overseaniiii;j AND SEWIHG IvSACHIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Great Merit. Tho increase in the demand for this vuluublo ma chine has been TEN FOLD during the lust seven months of its first year before the publio. 'Ibis grand nnd surprising success is unprecedent ed in tlie history of scwing-macbiucs, und we teel futy warranted in claiming that IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best FA.llll.V Jl At III.Ml ' IN THE WORLD, AnI Intriimienlli the Chea'ttt. It is really two machines combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,! 111a king both the Shuttle or Lock-jtitch, nnd tho Over acauiing and Button-hulo stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner every variety of sewing, such us. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Stitching, Braiding and Quilting, Uatheriiig aud sewing on, (done ut the same lime.) and in addition, Overscatus, Embroiders on the edge I and uiakos bcuulilut liullun und .yclol-Dotes in all lahrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, cuu be bud ou applica tion ut the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYERSEAMINO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on Ibe Machine at the rooms of the Company gratuituusly to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FREIVIC PAXSON, President. W. IJ. MttNDKMIAl.l., TrtllsllILT. April 25, Is(i8 lycjan. 25, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street. oppo;ito the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Cat Lately i:tnhllhel, Mills ull the .Modem Improvement ol the Art ! rpiIE subscriber, having built the room expressly JL for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years 10 tho business, is confident of hit ability to assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to uoue in eountry er city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely sntiisfactory. Having the best sky light iu the county, be is ts-cpared to make Photographs in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. He is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds -f pictures copied and magnified to any required size and colored beautifully in Oil or Wuter colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand The publie are respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and uur complete arrangements for making Phutugruphs, special terms to families and clubs. . BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 14, .11. j. (a:.iiiiiAiti"!t Confectionry, Toys and FZFt-CTIT STOKE', ."lai-Uet Street, Nuubury, la. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, ic, ic, CONSTANTLY' on band and for salo at tne above establishment atwholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Cuufeeiionaries to keep up a lull utsortiuent which are sold at low rates. Tobucco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, ar.a a variety of other articles, all of whwb ar ofleiej wholesale and retail. gr Reuember the name and plaoe. A , M. C. GEARHAtt'f, Market street, 3 doors west eft. Y. Bright A Son's store. Suubury. Sept. 19. 1883. tf el'utrr und I 'ire lroot SLATE ROOFS TUE underkigned respectfully Inform builder in tbu aud adjoining counties that be is prepared to put on Mute Roofs in a superior wanner. He turn ishes the celebrated Lehigh oounty Slate, which is the best ia the trarket. He warrants his work to b durable and fire and watr proof. He invites the in spectionol ibe public to the work be basdone in Sun. buryou llaupt a, Ureeneugh 1 and Hans' buildiugs, and en others at v.riou. place. Ilia prion are a low as tause of any other .later. Addresut, D. 8. SMITH, i, . . . Suubury. P. 0., reall at bis residence in Upper Augusta two. January 11,1868, ly IOR Saddler, we bav Saddle Trees, Bit!, Back lus. Gig Tree, Pud Trees, H.nes, all kinds aud every thlug pertaining to the busmen, for .ale by J. 11. CON LEY CO. 5000 t.B Slor' CfARPI'r KA08 WANTeD CMOOR A DI&SINQR, Mar 1 Market sv.ei, flaneurf LOCK HOSPITAL. BBTABLlaiWD AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURB VAN BE OBTAINED. -- D"' . n.t,ifi " d'sonvtredtnemoM Cerlain,Ppeedy ami only fctertual k.meily m the World for all I'll- r!i'7'.h-'wl'r "f ,he H" Lin."-, f trietnres, AR-ectioii. of the Kidoey. aud Hla.ldar. InvoluiiWry el., l.npoteoey, Omiet.l B.bil,,,, N,i,o. t' yl pepsv, Unyu-ir. L.;wBpi,i, Confilianinf !,". Pal ol ,.,.,, or-Ciddiaei,,i3,.r;,fyih. ' r-'f,.;,:;- s km, Aireel.,.,,, ,,, the ,.. ., ' -Ihese I errihle Di.idei. arising ?,, the H.,ltry hZ' . of y.wlhih.iee Kairet end ..l.taiy practice. nZVtnu V, their Vk-tirna than the aooa of ,, t,, the Matinerauf Ulysses, blighting iheir m.ist hnllmnt hope. ot aaiie rslul.. rendering marriage, Ac, iinporaible. f""", Voitng; .'fell Especially, who have become the victimsnf Bolit.r? Vice that dreailful and de.tructtve lml.it which nminlly swerns to an untimely grave thousnnot of Young Men of th, most exalted talent, and brilliant inlelleei, who rrii.lit olhrrwiae have etitiaiipeil hstenlng Senates with the tliuu. den of eloquence or waked to ec.taty the living lyre, may cull with full confidence. ."Uart-lase. Married Persons or Young .Men contemplating: marriage, being aware of physical weakness, uigaaie debility, tic fotinitirs, Ac, speedily cured. He wlm place, himself under the care of Dr. i. may may rehgioiiily confute in his honor as a geallemaii, aim e.iiiBileiuly rely upon hi. skill as a Physician. Organic Weakiieisi Immedintrly Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Tan Distiexing Atlecti..,! wlneh render. Life misera ble and mniroige unpoiaihlis 1. tlm penally pud by I he victim, of improper indulgence.. Young person, are t,u apt 10 commit rxcri- Iroin not being aware of the dread ful consequence. Unit may endie. Now, who Unit under tends the subject will pretend to deny that the power of pincrcii'ion is lost sooner by tho.o fnlting into improper habits than by the prudent. He.ide. demg deprived the pleasures of healthy ofl'spring.lhe most seriousamt de.liac live symptom. Pi both bodv and mind arise. Tlie system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental I'uiictioas We.ikened, liss of Proe.cative Power, Nervous Irrit .hih tv. Dyspepsia, Palpitation ..f the Heart. Iiuliifeui.,,. 1.,... slitutiomil Detuliiy, n Wasting of the Flume, Couch, Consumption, Dec-ay and Dtath, Oilier, 'o. 7 Kosiih I'retlei-lek Street Left hand side going from Hiiltiinore street, a few doois roin the comer. Fall not toohserve inline und number. l.ettet. must be tinul mid contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang lit his office. A t urc Warranto.! 1st Two Isaysr. jV Mtrcuryor XauMottt l)njt. Or. .lohnsiton. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, I-oiidon, Orad uate from on. of the most eminent CoMe.es in tlie I. mted Mutes, and the greater part of whose lite has been .pent 111 the hospitals of Ignition, Paris, Philadelphia and elm, wheie, has efl'ecled some of the most acioiiiKhiitg cures that u-eieever known ; many rroebled w.th intgo.g in the henil and eat. when asleep, great llervollsnee.. being alann ed ill .n'l'.teil Rotnn,i basliiiilness, wnh fie(ti,-nt bliishoig, atteoih-d sometimes witliderjiigeiueut of tuiud, weicvureU immediately. 'l'n he I'arlieiilai yttiv. Dr. J. addresses all those who Imve injured themselves by improper indulged e and solitary habits, wlneh ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either busmen, study, society or marrince. TliKsBtire s.nne of the sail and melancholy effect, pro duced hy catty t-dtnl. ol youlh. vi : Weak net. ot tin- Hack and l.linb., Pain. 111 the Head, Dimness 01' Sight, t.ss,.f Muscular l..wei, Piitpitation if tlie fleari, Dy.wpsy, Nervous Irritahility, lieiioiieiiientol tin- DigrMive Kuue tions, ticueral Debility, Symptoms of Consumption. Mktali.v T'lie tearlul ellet-lsoii the mind are much to be dreaded Isms 01 Memory, Couiiisioii ul lileis, Ue pressioo of S( irits, Kvil-Forebisloigs, Av.-rsiou to ,-i,;ty, Sell-Mistrust, Love ot Solitude, T I'uidity, Ac. arc sonic of lilt- ev ils produced. T'llotsANtis of persons of nl! :nr-3 cun now judge wlnt is llle c.iuse of tticll declining heallh, losing llietr vi.or, l-ecoming weak, pale, neivousioid . iincniiel, Inivintr . singular appearance about the eves, cough and symptoms of consumption. Voiiiii; .Hen Who have innirrJ themselves by a certain practice Indulg ed 111 when alone, a huhti lir'tueuil, leaiiied trom rvil eonipuuiou.. or at Bcli-ad. the e(tei:t. of which .ie 11 lis fitly felt, even when asleep, and if not vured tender. iiiHiriage imiMissible. mid destros both iiiu.dund body, should .pp!y imoiediately. W.uit a pity tint a voung man, the hope of hi. country, the darting ot his parent., should be .nalehed from all pros pect, and enjoyment, of life, by the consequence of devia ting fr.an the pulli of iwilurvund iiidulcmg 111 a ceriaiu secr.t habit. Such person. Mt i r, l-eloie contemplating .llarrlae, reflect that a sound mind an. I bod are the must necessary rrqui.ite.to promote connubial happinc... Indeed without these, the journey through tile tieconie. a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hoinl darkens toihevivw; th. moid Ih-c i:ics kiiiidoued ui;h desp-nr and tiileil w-llh I he ifielan- choly retlertion that the happiness of another becomes uugneu won our own liMeao ol liiini-ntlenee. When the misguided and imprudent volnty of pleas ire finds that he h.is inihibt-d the seeds ol this painful disease, " '"" "f""" happens that an ill-timed .ei.je of ahamr, or dread ol discovery. deters I11111 from uppU nig lo those w ti loin educ-ilton und r. .pei-isbdiiy. run n! ate l-efneitd linn, j delaying till the t-oiistiltltlouul sMilpbn. of llos honld disease make Iheir appriirnin-c. flm-ti n. ulcerated s le ttiroat. diseased novr. uoctuial Uiins iu the hi ad and limbs. I dlmiies.of .:ght, deafiu-is, nodes 011 the sf-iti bones and i aims, blotches ou the head, fai-eamt extletmlns, poc..,.. : nig with frightful lapidiiy, till s' hist the piUtc ol (tie 1 mouth or the b ue. of the nose fall ia. ami ine va-tini of Ihisawfal disease becomes a horrid ..bjei-t of eo naero- Hon. till death pais a pernnl t his dteailful angering, by I sending linn to -that Undiscovered Country from whence 110 traveller tetntiis." t It is a melancholy fact that thousand, f.ill victims t this ! tertihle disease, owing lo the iiu.killfiiliit'.s of ignoiunt pieli-ndeis, who, by the use of tint 1 Deadly Poison, Met eury.o rum the constitution and make the residue of afe miserable, K trans-en Truit mt your lives, or healih, in the care r.f the many Lnleained and Wotlhlens Pretenders, destitute of knowl ede, name or ch-irai-ler, who copy Or Johnston's adver tisements, or st ;te themselves iu the newspapets. regul.tily Kdanited I'.iv.iciaiis, incapable of Cuiuig, Ihey keep you trifling month after month Inking Iheir liillivai.il pMianmia compounds, 01 ns long as the .nlallest fee euu be obtained, and in despair, leave you with turned beulth to sigh over yout gaihng disappointment. I'r. Johnston 1. the only Physician advertising. Mi.credeiitiai or diploma, aiwav. hang in In. office. Hi. rcinithc. or treatment are unknows to all other., prrsned Iroin a lifespeul in lliegreut hospital. of Kerope. the first iu tlii. country and a more cs.ten.lve orivte Practice" llinu uny oth.r Physician in lit. w.uld. iHlltii-si'iiiciil 01 I lie IVenx. The manv thousand, cured at this institution veal after year, and the numerous lmMirtaut Siitgii-nl Operations performed bv Or. Joln,.r.ii, witnessed by th reporters of the --Sun." "Clipper, u and manv other papers, i,.u-e of winch have appeared .gum and again before tlie public,, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and re spnnsihihty, i. a sufficient gu nautee to the afflicted. shin lisieas.est Speedily sTnrrd. Persons wilting shou'd he particular 111 directing their etlcr. to hi. I list 11 ut ion , in the following manner. John .II Johnston, M. Of tlie Bultimoie Iick Hospital, Baltimore, Md. Nov. no, l-07 1 y. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rpiIE undersigned, proprietor of Weiser A Frick's L Line, give notices to merchants and shippers that the Depot is still at 811 Markot street. Phila detphia. nnd all Goodsdirectcd to Suubury, Dnnville and Lewisburg, aud all intermediate stations along the railroad, will be promptly delivered. I f" Cars leave HI I Markot street. Philadelphia tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursduys and Saturdays. J. W. DROWN, Proprietor. Lewisburg, J. II. BROWN, Ageut, Suubury, Pa. December 7, 18G7. H. Conley Co., .Market Street, l.ant ol the Itailroad, SUNBURY, FENN'A.. DEALERS IN . i'oiii:ii jc A.iii:itit'A.--, Hardware & Cutlery. fllUE attention of Mechanics, Farmers. Builder, J and Buyers generally is invited to the faot that we ttio now offering a better selected assortment of HARDW ARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore denim i d bv dealers. Our tuck comprises all articles iu this line of business, euiuraciug a general assortment ot tool and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, N.ils, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac Sunbury, March SO, 1867. ii. 71. Itr.VV lleulUt, Will reuiot his Office to J. M. Simpson' Building, 2nd story. Market Square, SUNBURY, f A. WHERE ha will be prepared to do all kinds of wurk pertaiuing lo Dentistry. Will keep eoustantly on hand a large aasortiueut of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which be will be able 10 select, and meet tba wants of bis customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or els th money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powder kept on baud. ill references ar the numerous patrons for whom be haa worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, 1883. K BCflBW XRO.V A large asaurUueut of tb best manufas lur.d . Bars. Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rod.. Cast Steel. Rimer Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasp. ...4 FU. a. 4 SHOEMAKERS. 1UE best qualities of Bol Latbr. French Calf skin Morroocoa, Lining, Last. Nails, Pars, tool. 6 all kisuU, awr tift.'jj ferslrsw7 J. H COJILIT A 00 IVorthera Contrnl Rnllwax. 8UMMBR TIME BCHIDTJLE. ON and after .May 1 Ith, 1868, train will l.av SUNBURY, a follows: LEAVK NORTHWARD, t.00 A. Id., Dally Tor Wllllamsport. Daily (txeept Sundays,) for Kluiira, Canaudaigua, Uoobester, Boflaloe, Niagara Fall, Suspension Bridge and th Canadas. 4.11 P. M , Daily (exoept Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Elmira. 0.00 r. M., Dally (except (Sundays,) fur Williamt- pori. LEAVK SOUTHWARD. 12.01 A. M., Daily (oxoept Monday.) for Baltimore, Washington and milodoiptiia. 10 lit A. M , Dally Tor Uallimoreand Washington. 6 4S P. M., Daily t.ioept Sundays,) for Harriaburg. J. N. DdUarrt, Ed. 8. Vo-pho, Gen'l. Sup't., Oend Passen'r Ag't , . llarrisburg, Pa. Hallimoro. Md. l.iickanniinn A. llluoiiikbui- Itull rond. ON and after MonHn M s,k tana n. Tr.in. -Ill ' : ' Leave " Seranton, " Kingston, " Rupert, ' Danville, Arr. North 'd., Leave North 'd.. 60UTI1WARD. A.M. AM. P M. 42 7ta P. M. s.ao (1 05 8 44 y.23 10.04 4 44 6 40 fi 64 V 20 8 SO 40 9 4 10 31 NORTHWARD. S 24 7.02 7.38 A. M. " Danvillo, " Rupert, " Kingston, Arr. at Scranton, 6.23 P. M. 1 50 6.00 8 40 9 47 10.00 7 0S 11.10 8 00 V 65 H. A. FONDA. Sup't. Kingston, May 19, 1868. Kullns; Itnllroatl. SUMMER ARRAN3E.MENT. MONDAY, AUQUST 3, 1808. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North an North-W est for Philadelphia, New York, Read mg, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, rsbamoki , Loba anon, Allontown, Enstun, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster Columbia, Ac, Ac ' Trains leave Hnrrisbnrg for New-York, as fol lows : At 2.40, 4 2i and 8.10 A. M. and 12 20 noon, and 2.05 and 0.H5 P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, nnd arriving nt New York at 6.0U 10.00 and 1 1 45 A. M. and 3.50, 0 55. V 50 P.M. Sleeping Cars aecompanying the 2.50 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without chaugo. Leave llarrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pino Grove Allentown nnd Philadelphia at b.10 A.M. and 2.0i nnd 4.10 P. M.. stopping at Lebanon and principal way stntions ; the 4.10 p m. mak'ng connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave llarrisburg at 3.3U p. in. Returning- Leave New Y'ork nt 9.00 a. rn., 1 2 Of Noon and 5.00 and 8 r0 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 n. in. nnd 3. SO p. in ; Sleeping cars n.companying the 9.00 a. m. and 5 00 and 8 00 p. in. tru.m with out change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at fl.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 7.00 and 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m; Shamokin 5.25 a. m. and 11.20 a m ; Ashland nt 7 00 a m , 12 43 noon and 1.55 p. m -Tamaqua at 8 30 a.m. and 2.15 and 8 45 p. m. ' Leave Pottsville via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna naiiromi at f.iua m. lor llarrisburg, and II 30 a in. for Pine Gruveand Tremout. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at r3:iA M. returning from Philadelphia at 5 51 Pottstown Accommodation Tra:u : Leaves Potts town at 845 A. M., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 P.M. r Columbia Railroad Trains leave "ending at 7 00 A. M . and 0. lii P.M. fur Ephrata, Litis, Lancas. ter. Columbia. Ac Perkiomen Hail Road Trains Live Perkinmct. Juuctim a: 9.U0 A. M. and 0 00 P. M. Returning: Leave Skippaek ut 8.10 A. M.. and 1.2) P. M., euu. nrciing with similar trains oa Heading Hail Road. On Sundays; Leave New York nt 8011pm.. Phila delphia b. 00 A. M., nod 3.15 P M. the 8 nun. lu. train ruuuing only to Healing, Pottsville 800 a m., llarrisburg. 5 25 am. and 4.10 and 0-.I5 p in and Rending at 1.102 55 and 7.15 a. ui. for llarrisburg. aud 7 08 a. in. and 11.10 p m. for New York, 4 25 p to. for Philadelphia . Commutation, jlu.age, season, School nnd Fx- ' cursion Tickets, at reduced rales to and from ail Points. j Baggage checked through : 100 Pounds Brggnje ; anuwea eucn rotseuger. 0. A NIC0LLS, General Superintendent- lhilatlelphi.s iV ICrie Rtiiiiroad. "SUMMER TIME TM1I.E. Through ami direct route between l'hilttdclphii, Baltimore, llarrisburg, Williatuqiort, to the North west uud the Great Oil Regiouof Penny tvuniii. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Xibt Trains On and after Monday. Sept. 14th. ISt'.S. the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run us follows : Westward. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, 10 4n p 01. ' " " Sunbury, 8 05 a m " " arr. at Erie. 9 25 p m Erie Express leaves Philadelphia. II 'M a 111 " " Sunbury 6. Mil p ia 11 arr at Erie 9 00 a in Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, S I'll a m Sunburv 4 15 p iu " " arrive at Lock ll.vea, 7.45 put Eastward. Mail Train leaves Erie 10 50 a m " ' ' Sunbury, 12 (HI m " " arr. at Philadelphia, 7 I d a m Erie Express lesves Erie 7 .'15 p ir. o Sunhury lit OH a in ' " nrr. at Philadelphia, 6 I'd p m Mail and Express conned with O ) Creek and Alleghenv Hi THROUGH. rer Railroad. BAGGAGE CHECKED ALFRED L. TYLER. General Superintendent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In every variety of ANTHRACITE I! 0 A I, Upper Wharf. BUN BURY, Peiin'a. TrOr.lorssolieited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunhury. May 11, 1885. j To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC O-U-A-INTO fTVIE attenlion of Farmers and other consumers ef 1 Fertilisers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notice. Its use for several yean in Maryland, Virginia and other Southern States, for all crops, bas given il a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all tbe quickaesa of Peruvian Guano, with permanent qualities not found in Ibat article. 2-M lbs. of this Guano are found more than equal to 3U0 lbs of the best Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop tinin fit to seven days earlier than tbe phosphates, which lac', alone gives it incalculable advantages. Libsral discount to dealer. Fer sal by JOHN S. REESE A CO , G.a.r.l Agents for Pacific Guano Co , So South Delaware Ave , FliiUd'a , And 71 South Street Baltimore. March 2, 1868 8m PURE LAGER BEER! POKTI'lt , ALL, From tba Cold Spring Brewery, 8 U N B V R Y , PA. JC333FS S-GH3CPa. RESPECTFULLY informs the publio generally Ibat be is prepared to furnish LAGER UKKR, PORTER ANI) ALE, n large or small quantities. His facilities for mak' ng beer cannot be excelled, and is prououaoed supe rior to any other olered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians ss a heeilhy drink for invalids. lintel. Restaurants aud private families supplied at short notice. fcunbary.ejept 21 , 1867 J 4: 9 Ar especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieiiee. Butts. Screws, Strap and T Hinges. Locks and Laf-thee. Holts. Plas tering Trowels. Brick Trowel., Plasterer Sieves, Ac, Ac., for sale by J. H. COXLET A CO. UNION 1IOTHI.. t:ilAM. 1 1 .I I., Proprietor. Id Cak' Additii n to SUNBURY, u"r lb Pana't. Railroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample aocommodations. trfoodJ eooks and waiters, boarders coo enjoy thequiM eon foru of koine with far equal to th beat boMuk His Liquor ar of tb eisoinam kud fcuaaury, Jas.8, if