Snnburg American. N. B. EN OLD, Fubliahera. MII.ItXUY. IA. SATURDAY, OCTOOER 17. 1888. ILOtal Affairs. W. A. BkHhett bat th best preparation Id mar ket for curing eldsr for winter un. Try It. Kw MiLtmrKT floont. Mies t. fblsster Hat Just opened a large nasortmllht rf Full and n,er Millinery Hoodi. Ladles, go end lee thetn. ; They re splendid. ' TJ. 8. DiiTKier Count.-The heat session of tbe District Court of the United Ftates. for tbe Western District of Pennsylvania, will be held In tbe elty of Pittsburg, on Monday, IDIh Intt. Naw Heady Made Clothing, fnr Fall and Winter, has jost been opened at Marsh's Store, in Simpson's buildin. Market Souara. Every one an be lulled in quality and price. Aire a variety of gentlonicn'i furnishing goodt. Asornsn Ptbaw. A rote was taken on the mail train on the Northern Central Railroad, on Friday of lost week, between Sunbury and Ballimoro, which resulted as follow : Grant. l' tie mour, 2H Majority for Grant, 81 Scicid. The Danville Intelligencer, of the 9th Inst., ssys: On Friday morning last, between 12 o'clock and daylight, a young girl, aged about 22 yenri. named Sarah .lane Kly. of Mayberry township, tli ia county, want to Jacob Swank's mill dam. In the above township, and drowned herself. We have not beard what it wat that drove her to the act, further than that she had been much afflicted with depres sion of spirit). BosiNitss The business of this community has been unusually dull this season. Merchant! and bu siness tacn have been complaining on all hands. As la usual preceding Presidential elections commercial niat'ers have been disturbed. As the farmers finish their fall work and confidence, politically, restored, business will revive, with the prospects of it bring as brisk as ever. Our crops being fair there is no reason for a scaroity of money. J. H. Enokl has just received a stock of Fall and Vinier Goods, such as Cloths and Cassimeres for man's wear, some very handsome Dresa Goods for ladioa' wear, French Merinos, Irish Poplins, all-wool roplins. Changeable Poplins, Alpaca, Black Al poena, (very good.) Chenille Cloth for Ladies' Sack ing, and some very handsome Shawls, all at vory low prices. Boots and Shoes, Oil Cloths, Curpets. Oil Shades fr window curtains, and a general as sortment of store goods Wnena mo thkt Cone From ? On Tuesday last a number of voters were challenged at the polls, be cause no one knew Who they were or where they came from. All were well dressed in the latest styles of garments. Some of theto were, however, identified as resilient voters on account of the suits tbey wore, which were made at tho fashionable tai loring establishment of J. E. Smick, on Fourth street. Mr. Smick has just the goods to make up fnsblonablo suits, and every one can be suited, both in quality and price. I. 0. or 0. F. Warrior Run Lodge No. (145, of Tuibutville, was instituted on the 8th inst., by D. D. ). M., S. B. Boycr, aoting M. W.O. M., assisted by Bros. D. T. Krebs. of No. 619, acting t). V. ; Vm. Berger, of No. (119, aoting R. W. (i. Seo. ; A. T. Bind, of No. 84, acting Grand Treasurer ; II. K. Witman. of No. fj9, Grand I. Guardian; and Thos. Carl, of No. 619, acting Grand Marshal. The fid lowing oftioers were elected and installed for the present term : Rev. J. F. Wampolo, N. G. ; D. Jf. MuWilliams, V. G. ; Thomas Burr, Secretary ; John MeFarland, Assist Secretary ; Daniel Utisel, Trea surer. Election Night. On Tuesday night the mem bers of the l"iii"U League and others were assembled in the Masonio Hall, where the telegraph dispatches were read from the stnnd as fast as received. As the encouraging news came in, it was received with oheer after cheer, and befure nine o'clock "the handwriting on the wall" showed that the party who adopted Seymour and tllair as their standard bear ers were doomed to a political defuat. as inglorious and certain as that achieved by Grant over tho rebels, in tho surrender of Lee. About this time John B. Packer, our Congressman elect, entered the hull, and was loudly cheered. Mr. Packer mounted the stage and returned his (hanks to his fellow citi tens and neighbors fur the almost unanimous support he had received from Ihein, a compliment that would have cheered him even it defeat had been the re sult in other portions of the District. lie predicted a still moro ghuious result for Grant and Colfax in November. Other speakers were called to the stand, among whoin were A. A. Sbiaslor, Esq., Messrs. Sober, Kuse, Brico, Wnggensellcr, Roback and others -After this tho ''Star Spangled Banner" and other national songs were sung by Messrs. Francis Bucber and Christian Snyder. Montgomery- Blair, Ex-Postmaster General, made a speech for the Democracy, at the Court House, on Thursday evening preceding the election Some of Mr Blair's assertions, in regard to finances and expenditures, were so extravagant as to destroy tbeir effect with intelligent and on ml id pernms. He was cspeciully bitter against Secretary Suinion, wt)o helped him out of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet, lie com plimented Mr. Lincoln aa a patriotic, honest and upright mau. The attempt to force tbe Lecompton Constitution on tbe ponple of Kansas, under Mr. Bu chanan's administration, he denounced as a revolu tionary act und a swindle. Tbe Lecompton Democ racy present seemed rather uueusy at this exposition of tbeir former bad deeds in attempting to force slavery into a free State against the will of the peo ple. This wae more than they bad bargained for, and we thought our former member of Congress, who introduced Mr. Blair to the audience, and who had voted for that measure, felt that be occupied an ex ceedingly uncomfortable position. Ma Bluir, like II iotolligett boulhero men, bad nothing lo auy agaiust the charaoter and ability of that diatin uubod man and soldier, Gen. Grant. Thr "Democracy" had a meeting in this borough on Thursday last. 1 heir procession contained 7 vehicles of every description and 610 men, women and children. In the procession of voters to the speakers' ct.nd there were just 2H. Gov. Bigler, the principal speaker, swelled himself up like tbe Irng ami talked more about Bigler than politioa. Th.e present were led to infer that he was the most important man in the country. His peecb is not very highly spoken of even by Democrats. In tbe evening a handful of men were gathered together in front of the U. 8. Hotel, and listened to a couple df tump speeches. The most '-telling' hit we heard wan from one of the speakers, who said that when be "gut mad he eould hold the crowd !" We thought that if the "orowd" bad been composed of domijohns, be probably told the truth ! A diaeraoerul u.n. ta. corred in tbe procession which pars'lod Lb streets in th afternoon. Thre white fellows wer t'aok ened up to represent niggers and seated on a bureau. An effort had been made to hire colored men for tb position, but nun wer found mean enough. Our opponents accuse ns of being "Black Republicans," but we eenaiuly have no "whit nlggera" in our party, aa tbeir prooeoioa on Thursday proved Ibat tbey bav ! If they oan't get bona fid negroes to associate with tbem In their pnlitioal processions, they bire mean while luco lo rej ri3cnt i.e Afric in. One noticeable feature, f the meeting on Thursday wat tb good order maintained It wat certainly tb most orderly Democratic gathering held in tbit borough for years, and w think our Drooraii friend ar. profiU -g from th. Republic, letsocii eo Che's in timet put MiltonUn, ttk ia . giv r.tri fSfraniv RrnonL AltitlTltRSART. The anniversary of tti-ondy Meed ? 4e't Loth, ran Churth, In ftls. plnca, e of on Sunday ve nine, 4tk .tort. Lor before in now m u r beginning, tbe spaolous audience room or the cburoh was DIM to overflowing, and wary were obliged to return bom In onsequena of the orowd. Tb xereiea wer opened with tinging by tbe School, "Never b Afraid." Miss Emma Hamper ley presided at tb organ, accompanied by Mr. Shlpman on the flute. The pastor of the ehurob, Rev. 0. W. Horn perl cy, then addressed the Throne of Grace In an earnest, impressive and appropriate prayer, after whloh he stated to the audience that th various ol asset would, on at time, present the amount of money collected by them during the year, accompanied by aome design or motto illus trative or emblematical of aome tcriptural doctrine, duty, or point nf experience, which he would take occasion brliBy lo point out kt they wer presented. The following are th namet of each elaet, with its teacher, design, and amount of contributions: Tin Infant Ca..t. Sup't, Mrs. Lents, lata Miss Ilatlle Unas. Design, Christ blessing little chil dren. Motto, "Suffer tittl children to oome onto me." Ac. Contributions, tiSOO. Discivte of Faith. Teacher, Mist Sarah Guasler. Design, Th Crucifixion. Motto, Luk 23 ! 24, and John 19: 25. ..Contributiont, $7.75. Tht Joanna Class. Teaoher, Mis Sarah Cuslow. Design, Devotion. Motto, "Remember thy Creator In the days of thy youth " Contributions, f 1.76. . Ttmpertnet Clam. Teacher, Miss Lucy Sensen bach. Design, a Goblet of Water. Motto, "Look not upon tb win when it is red," 4 c. Contribu tions. $2.0(1. . Rebecca Clam. Teacher, Miss Sarah ttonn. De sign : Jacob and Rebecca at the well. Contribu tions. $2 25. Lady Washington Class. Teacher, Mrs. Wea ver. Design ; Tho Lighthouse Contribution, $2 35. Mrsic "Light In the Window." The Star Clans. Teacher, Mrs. Moixell. De sign : "The Star of tho East." Contribution, $5.00. Catharine 'on Bora Class. Teacher, Mrs. Smick. Design: A silver basket filled with flowers. Motlo. "The grass withereth and the flower fadoth, but the word of God shall stand forcvor." Contri bution, $4.00. The Golden Link Clast. Teacher, Mrs. Gobin. Design : "The Box of Alabaster." Contrib'n, $S10. Virgin Mry Cla Teacher, Mrs. Haupt. De sign: "The Babe In Bethlehem." Contrib'n, 11.50. Richardson CVaM, or The JUafter't Friends. Teacher. Miss Mury Engel. Design : Faith, repre sented by a beautiful female figure robed in white, looking at the cross. Motlo, "Believe In the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved." Contribu tion, 19.00. Hannah Moore Class. Teacher, Mrs. Rhodes Design : "The Rose of Sharon, and th Lilley of th Valley." Contribution, Jt.09. Mrsic "The Belgium Band." Lady Huntingdon CftKx. Teacher. J. IT Engel Design : Soven Golden Candloslieks, representing the sevon churches nf Asia. Contribution, $10.26. rnrity Clans. Teacher, Jlits Lucy Ilinie, lately taught by Mrs. Clinton D. Rohrbaeh. Design: A piece of white coral. Motto, "Blessed are the puro in heart fur they shall see God." Contribution, $10.35. Fishtrman's Class. Teacher, Benjamin Landau. Design : A fishing scene, with boats, Ao. Contribu tion. $1.25. Hope Class. Teacher, Samuel Haupt. Design : The Anchor. Contribution. $2 25. Union Class. Teacher. C. D. Rohrbaeh. Do sign : A Bible ornamented with flags. Motto, "Our Country and our Country's hope." Contrib'n, $7 25. IlemptrUy Class. Teacher, James Bartholomew. Design : "Th Sheep without a Shepherd." The claes bad been without a teacher for long time, and therefore chose the above ileigu. Contrib'n, $13.50. Philip Milancthon CAim. Teuchcr, Geo. Oys ter. Design : The Budded Rod of Aaron ; Num bers, 17 : . Contribution, $7.25. hinruln Cla . Teaoher, Wis, Rohrbaeh. De sign : A log cabin, rails, beetles, wedges, 4c, to represent the motto, "The Diguity of Labur." Con tribution, $17.6.3. Mt sic "Love nt Tloma." St. John's Class Teacher, James Lyons. Design: Moses viewing the Promised Lund. Contribution, $18.36. Reformer Clan Teacher, Teter Zimmerman. Design : The Unchaining of the Bible. Contribu tion. $3.28. Youns Reapers Teacher, Solomon Weaver. De sign : A fluid of wheat. Motto, "The harvest is plenteous but the luborers aro few." Contribution $2 63. St. Matthew's Class Teacher, W. S. Rhodes. Design : A Bmall box enciloscd in three wrappers on the outer one of which were printed the words, "Knock and it shall be opened unto yon;" on the secord one, "Seek and ye shall find." on the inner one. "Ask and it shall be given you." On opening the box, tho contribution appeared, amounting to $6.41. ,V. rani's Class Teacher, John Miller. Design: The Tabernncle, seprestntlng the Sanctum, and tho Sanctum Sanctorum, with tbe Ark of the Covenant surrounded by the Cherubim, ie. Contribution, $9. Music, "Who is like Jesus?" llenjamin Knrtt' Class Teacher. John Haas. Design : The Bow of Tromise. represented by a rain bow painted on canvass. Contribution, $105.25. After some remarks by tho Pastor pertinent to the occasion, the sum total of the contributions was an nounced as amounting to $333. Oil. It was itlio stated that nearly $300 additional had been ruined ty the school during the year for the purchasing of a library ofovcr 4('A volumes and meeting other ncres.-ary ox pcuses. The average attendance of the school had been 240, and the iucrcase aiuee last year wu 90 scholar. Before dismissing Ihejcongregation, an Interesting incident occurred in the prencntatiun to Mrs. Lenti, of the Infant Department, by tbe teachers of tho school, of n beautiful silver cake basket. Tho Su perintendent of tbe school, Mr. John Uuas, returned the thanks of the surprised recipient, through the Pastor of th church, to th trlcnds and asfociutes who had thus ao kindly remembered her. After singing another piece, entitled "The Bright Crown," the audience was dismissed. The wbolo affair was a credit to the scholars, teachers, and offi cers of the school, and cannot fail to be productive of a last io and bouefioial influenc. ' Repi'DLtCA.f MeaTiKos. A large and enthusias tic Republican meeting was held at Oounty Line Hotel, in Lower Mabanoy towutbip, on Friday eve ning of last week. Prior to the meeting Grant and Colfax polo was raised, with tbe American flag atreaming from its mast. A lurge number of lb Republican voters of Nortbumberlao J and Dauphin counties were present. Tbe following were tbe offi cers of the meeting : President, Dr. W. W. Robins; Vic Presidents. Adnin Lenker, Jacob Lenker, B. Witmer, 8. B. High, 8 Fetterolf, F. Fetlerolf. Win. Deppin, E. Ileckert, J. Doc key and John Spotts ; Secretaries. John Undereosler, Win Spotts. D. 11. Wilcox and Joseph Lower. Tbe meeting was ad dressed by S. II. Alletnan, Esq.. of Harrisburg, and Simon S. Bowman, Esq., ol Millersburg.' In English, nd Peter Meyer, Eq., of ilarrisburg, tn German. Tb meeting wat a perfect tuoceaa, and adjourned with three cheert for th National, Stat and County tiokett. A special buiu wat given for Job B. Packer. Esq. On of tbe moat emphalie demonstrations that hat taken place In Hbamokin for a great while came off I on Saturday evening last. The meeting, which numbered at least 800 persons, wat addraaaed by M. W. M'Alarney, Esq., of Ilarrisburg. John B Packer and A. R. Fiske, Esqrt., and Capt. Caldwell. BUSINESS NOTICES. I?"Joh frlisllteef. Having received a large tupply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various aaw styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ae., oan be primed in the latest and beat tlylet. and on abort notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Fob Sal. An exoellent top baggy, new. quir at toil oBo. En. rtu tn Mark.t Squat' lately OMupied n 1l .JLIkUm Ik. Laft at ky B. A. arvaci m a law Ha. A lTACT.-ThflnMsjaoTTmMBfBoo1iRnd8hee In Sunbury pr vicinity will be found at MI"r'sExJ eelilor ttort, Market Square, flit Itacl iaoludet every style and quality, at remarkably low rates Miller ft determined on ."quick tales and amall profits. " Ir yon. want to get th latest style of Hat, and at a reasonable prtee, do not fail (o -visit th fashiona ble Hat Store of S.Faust, in Market Square. At this establishment may b found on of tb finest at' tortmentt in this vieinity. Tb gentlemanly pro prietor will be glad to show yoa bit ttook. G ive him a call. ii Evenr young man should make th most of him self, Intellectually, morally, toolallv,' and physl cnlly. To do this, It It well to begin by having a now suit of otothet mad by J, F. ShaetTer, on the north aid of Market Squat, since there Is no means by which more enn be mad of th outward appear anca. It it well known that Shaeffer hat ho tup' rior In making and fitting' gentlomen'i clothing.' ' I Mil ' TnERB It an old proverb which aayt that oontont- ment it the true philosopher's stone. Brown tayt it's vory likely, for nobody hat over found either one or th other.' The nearest approach to it fa th fact, which was long sine discovered, that the clothing mado by J. 0. Beck, on Fourth Street, it not sur passed in quality, obanpneat. neatness, elegance of appearance and durability, by any In tbe country. A man who could not find contentment In wearing one of his suits, must bo unreasonable indeed. Con's Coron Balsam Tb great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and Consumption. Both slit's ordinary 4oi., nlsomam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and donlers in medicines. No family should ba over tight without it in the house. Cox's DvsPKrsiA Ccrk Will immediately re lieve and pcrmnnendy cure tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipntinn, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen nnd all who use it. join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Sold by Drngjrisis everywhere. Price $1.00. MARRIAGES. n a iQc.a w.. itr'tv i.- t.;A. M. Ssydrii to Min Kate E. Skileb, both of Fishtr't Ferry, Nnrtbuinherltntpcounty. SI .Mil fitl .It liCltUr. Corrected Weekly for the "Americnn.' Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do dq do perewt. Rye Flour, perbhl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red, ptr bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oat, . do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do riricl A h .lit $12 00 fi no M mi ' i on 2 25 1 40 I 25 7(1 1 25 25 211 15 3 no 5l 2.'. 25 25 25 20 II 13 18 60 lined Cherries, (nnstoned.) per bn Butter. rer rtmnd. Egga. Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per dnren, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Kliitiiiohiii Coal 'l't'iislv. Suauokin, Oct. 12, 1863. ''. Cipt. Sent for week ending Oct. 10th, 12.505 06 Per last Report, 373.121103 3s.Vf::i 09 S72.027 00 13.004 t'9 To same timt last ytar, Increase. Sptricil Notitrs. DRAVsjEas. BLiRnsiEsa Ann Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs. M. D., Ocul ist nnd Aurist. (formerly of Leyden. Holland.) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia " Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can be seen at his office. Tho Medical faculty aro invited tonccom(.any their patients, ai he hits no secrete in his. practice. ARTIFICIAL KYES inserted with out pain. 1,0 charge for examination. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A riivsieinn who hud Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lunjrs, cured himself with a medicine unknown to tho profvsain, when his ease appeared hnpe!w. He ia tho only physician who has used it in his own erson, or who hus any knowledge of its virtues ; and ho can ascribe the de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but tho use of hi, midicinr; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether witha want nf confidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those suQ'er ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat ment ho confidently believes will cradirntu the disense. Price $l 50 per bottle or $S a half dozen, seut by express. Send for a circular or call on Dn E. Boylhtos Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by II. Y. Friling, Market Squurc, Sun bnrv. Pa., and Druggists generally. M'ny 30. ISO.S ly. 0 NE PRICE CLOTHING. .TATMTIC' V sT V tJfaMBtW OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, UUA ill r k c t Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years thia Establishment has don busi ness on the One Pric r-ys.em, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of. for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, aud not lest luiportaut, for having all our goods i:i itt wr.i.i, ii Vidi:. We employ tho beft talent, for Cutters, and our Goods arc of both kindi1 I'ushionablo und plain to that all tu.-tcs ean be suited. The prices are the very lowest, aa any one by a moment t thought must tee, or otherwise we could not meet tbe competition of our neighbors, for as uo deductions are ever uiude, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to dn business, and many a dollur can be laved to Clothing buyers by keeping in uind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not n tb Corner, but one door above Sixth. I'. 4a. .IIAIZI', KilU-klllHU. April 4. m. ly ' . X f'lirtl. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak ness. Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem inal Organs, and the whole train of di'ordeni brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been cured by Ibis noble remedy. Prompted by the de-ire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate. I will send the reoipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envelop to any on who needs it, Fliac or Chaiiuk. Address, JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Statins I), Bible House, New-York City. Sept. 12. I6M 3in (JuittV lo Slstrrlisiis. Young Mon'sGuid to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felioiiy. Tne hu man view of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors ana Abuse incident lo Youth and Early Manhood, tentlntealed letter envelopes, free of cbarir. A, I. drew HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia. Pa. June 13, 1868 ly. NEWaADVKRTISEMENTS. Valuable Property nt Hrlvnte Hule. mUE undersigned offers hit valuable lot, 65 feet rr b'""" V SL" d"P" 0n "' "u-wost corner of ..i.i. i.n.j sun isnrinern uentral Hail- Ndil, ,,n ThipH M p. t , V. I U i . . .... . .... VV A h triOUi-K. 20 bv teet Tb vVreoons is a new on, having bo built about two v.ars sioo. and is a splendid stand tor any on wiskin. i . into tb Hour and grain business. Th fixture of in. cuuu.m win iik o onerwi lor talc, at raatona This properly It offered for sal ft th reason that I intend giving up business In Kui bury. For furthtr particular., apply to i. M CADW ALLADER, ' Hept, 18. '68 m. Sunbury, Pa. tOOUNTRY DEALERS supplied with all ku-d. of V "'one war as less than rsotory price at Uar i '. I"". aakaa and Ir.igtm at Ik Mattti tW ti H. J. FsULIN GRAND OPTCNTNC FALL AND WINTER enllenien'si I'liriilarltlng Uoods, at . ... THOMAS O. KOTT'S itll.RCIIA.Vl' TA 1 1 .4 1 It . ntoiii:, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Consisting of ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOTHS, ENGLIIIt AND r'MKNCH OArtStMEh Efl, ENGLISH MELTONS OF ALL COLORS, which have been selected from the Inriresl and ht nuuiunivuu iu nww ivri ana ruiiauelpnia. . . .1 t. T . ...... r . . . A general anortraont of dEN'fXEMEN'rJ FURNISHING GOODS, embracing, Noddies, Collars, Cravati, oftbe latest stylet. Fine Lamb's Wool Poller Jackets. SHIRTS and DRAWERS, a large assortment of the best quality. A larae variety of GLOVES of verr stylo and qualtity, from the Ball Rroom down to the laboring nan's, and many other articles for Gentletueu's wear. I'inc I'rentli Yoke fililflu mnde lo Order. Having procured the services of the best workmen In the cities, garments will be tnailu up to order w hich omnot bo excelled in any city In Gls, or quality of goods. Gentlemen are rarliculnrtv requested to cull nnd see the goods and work befure purchasing Sunbury, Oct. 3, '6ti. HIO.MA3G. N U 11. Mierlifsj .ainlen. BY virtu of sundry write of Levari Facias, iwucd out of tb Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland oounty, and torn direoted, will be exposed to publio sale, at the Court House, in (he Borough of Sunburv. on SATURDAY, Ootober 17, 18tiS, at one o'clock in th afternoon, tb following property to wit : All tbntoertnln lot of ground, situate In the Bo rough of Sunbury, bounded on the north byan alley. on the south by Shiimokin street, on the east by lot of ground in the possession of James Beard, and on the west by Fawn street, being lot number (42) forty two, as marked in the general plan of suid Borough, containing sixty feet In front and two bundled and thirty iu depth, whereon is erected a twn-story frame dwelling house, a law office and a two-story brick dwelling house, being the same lot of ground which Elisabeth Bright, hr deed or convevance dated the first day of April, 185 1, sold to in J . olverton. party thereto, nnd by nriicleol inrre"- ment diited the lSih day of May. A. 1). !s57, sold to said Sniomen B. Boycr; excepting thretrom tbe part thereof released by deed of Mury G. Wolvcrton unto Win. Musslctnun. dated the dav of Septem ber, A. D. ISM. being sixty feet sqmiro ol groon-t at th northern end of said lot. and containing sixty feet in front ou Fawn street by aixty feet iu iloplb nlong said alley, und hereon is erected tha 'afore said brick dwelling house ; together with tin) here ditaments an I appurtenance thereunto helonnlmr. beizod and taken into exeautlun aud to be sold as the property of Solomon li. Buyer. Also, at the same tune and place, all too undivi le I moiety, or half nnrt of a certain tractor parcel ol land, situate iu Coal town-hip. in tho county of Northumberland Stnte of 1'cnnsvlvaniu. bHnif purl ol a tract of land tHken up in tha name of r-atutiel ! I'lurk (and known Ivy the mime of Boyd "t stone Coal Quarry) on which tho town of Shiimoklnis principal- y lam out. Beginning in tho centre ot purlzlienn street, on tne line hut neon John C Boyd and David ,Mc. ii-nt, and luonce eastward along lliu middle ot said Spurizhciin street to the centre or intersection ofS'ihi i'purtzhtiui nnd Rock streets, thence south ward nlong the middle of said Kock street to tho centre or interjection of said Rock and Web-ter streets, thence eastward along the middle of said W ebter street to the original line between tho Sam uel Clark nnd Samuel Wethernll surveys, which it near the Danville and Pottsville Railroad, thence south along said original line to a heap of stones in the line between Samuel Clark and tm. Green's surveys, thonco weal along the said line seventy-one perches to a post in tbe hist mentioned line, mid hence north nlong said line to the mMdl or said .Spurtjheiin street, the place of beginning, ooutaining about eighty acres of land, be the same more or less, icing tbe same promises wiiiuu the said David ola- Night and Elizabeth II., hts wiio. bv indenture. hearing even date herewith nnd executed imnie- lintely before theso presents for the consideration herin mentioned, and which is herebv secured did grant nnd convey unto the said Richard Richardson n tee (as hy said receipted indenture deterenee being hereunto bad will more fully and al large appear) ogether with the privilege of usinz the branch rail- rond now mado to the saw mill on ihe properly, with the moiety of all the materials with which it is con structed ami tho right of any way at any and all imes to make and rupnir and reiuoddle said railroad and together with all and singular Ihe buildings and improvements, streets, lanes, alleys, pntfsiigcs. ways waters ami water courses, rights, liberties, privuogea hereditaments tnereuntn belonging. veiled anu taken into execution aud lo bo sold as he properly of Richard Kichard'on. UA.NthL UKlhLEY, Sheriff. Puhbury Sept. 26, liitiS. ILADELPHIA. tW Samples tent ly mail when wrlttca for. October 3d, 1368. ly 'I'. . N II A . O , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Corner of Third Street and Market Square, in Mil ler's Stone Building, SUNBURY, P A., WArI'OaJlIA9 nf the most celebrated makert, consisting of tbe Howard, Appleton, J racy it Co., aUhaiii, iinrtlcU. W. tilery, and all grades of tbe Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent for tho celebrated. PAUL BR I. TON Watch, in Gold and Silver Case, at low prices. Silv or Hurc lor IVedtlin;; I'ri-keuiw, of entirely new designs. Solid Silver Table and la r-poons, t;uttr Knives, Forks. Castors, Ice Pitchers. Fruit and Cake Basket. Syrup Mugs. Butter Dishes, and evert thing in lb Silverware line al low priuea. JEWELRY. A fin slock of IS k Rings. Also a fin selection of Gold and Jut Jewelry of all descriptions. Gold and Silvur Chains, at low prices. GOLD FENS. Fin Gold Pens in Gold, Silver and Rubber Cases, of theoelcbruled make by Huffman aud Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and 30 hour Clocks, at low prices. Also Sol Agent for th oeleorated Perfected Spec taolea. warranted to give entire taiitl'aotion. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. All ordtn promptly attended to at th shortest no tice. Sunbury, Sept. 6, 1868. Notice in Bankruptcy. In tht District Court of the United States, for the Wettsrn District of Ptuwylvania. AH. BERGSTRESSEH, a Bankrupt undsr th . Act or Congress of March 2d, I8A7, having applied tor a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provabl under laid Aot, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all persona who bav proved tbeir debts, and other persons interest ed, to appeal on the 27th day of October, I808, at 8 o'oloek. A. M.. before J M. letlling, Esq., ft j, i Kr.h.,r I.. ... A' .? ' . " - : ' r , ' V 7 . "", ny m.y nave, why a ditobarg should not be grauted to lb aaid Bankrupt. And further, eir it hereby given. that the second and third meetings-or oi editors of th said Bankrupt, required by the 171b and 2in tcatioDS of laid aot, will be bald be lor Lb taid Regular, at tb same tiui and plaee. rv-. i. .. ,c.s 8- McCAMDLESS, Clerk. October 3d, 1868 2t B TPf. rinco ii j.r . . If yoa want v-- m-'rm VM, Kit ID 'bankers! co No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. tENEPJajyiENTS, PENNSYLVANIA f0PTfHE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. nL.';AT'0,A,: T',r! Isrrca CojirAST It a CA8H CAPITAL, 11,000,000, f U1L PAID. .,;'bn''.'oL',rm"n("'.d,0 Arnts and Bollcltors, wbo ai'inviien t iopi,lr .touroillco. ' loS ? ," "calar. 1 1 Lchad on apptlea' Ion at onr odlo. L'f 'A1,1 ' secio l stotv of our UanKiDX Hou-e ZiwIU '' V Pnirhlcl, fully rt. siriM: e th acTasiageainjioi l,j ihe t,ouii"v..,o,v iiehad IJ. W. .L ICK A- CO., ,V .v.,ura r;,(,a m Annliiatimis f.,r rntrJ a.,,i vt'.ef. p.n..iw.. nia to he mn.lrto B. S. RUSSKl.I.. M.i.n 1863. ly. Ilarrisburg, Pa. P. tt. MOCP.B. D. C. DISSrXGEIl. NEW ARRIVAL Jiooki; a iisis;nit'i. We are now opening a largo varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which wo effar nt tho lowest CASH Prices, tn llanpl'sj Iron l i-oiit, MAHKET STREKT, 8UNBUIIY, PENX'A Consisting of DRV finnDS. NOTIONS. GROCERIES. QUEEXS W ARK, GLASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S lURKlSHIKa GOODS AND Ctldick' Ol-t'lSH axxlsi, Calicoes, Mutlins. Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks. Ticking., Cassimeres, Yes'in-rs. Vnrns, Sltirt.i. Neck 'l ies, Culls. Collars lliuidkerchiefs, lluse. Oil Cloth, Carpets, Wool und Willow-War. We invite special attention to lb quality of our Stock of JEt04'l',l!Cli:N ,VB SPH DS, RIO and JAVA COFPEE. TEAS. 8UGARS, ni01.AS.ES, SVKCI'S. SOAP, SALT, H.-ll, iNLGAli. Ao., Ac. Campbell's Celebrated I'LOl'R, always on hand. We fool confident thul cash buyers will find it to their advaiitao to give us a uull. and custnuior generally aro invited to call und examine our goods and gel posted n our prices. By strict atteutiun to tho wants of our customers and t"n ir dealing wo hope to merit a full share of tbe public patronao. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in T change for goods, for which tho highest prico will be paid. MOORE A DISKING GF.. Sunbury, Sept. 19, T,S. . NO. 1)02. j& Chesnut Street, JAS.E- CALDWKLIi & CO., JEWELERS, Have been appointed SPECIAL AOE.VTS in this city for tbe sale of tho GOR11AM MFG. COMPANY'S I'ino Electro-Fluted Waro. Wo guarantee these goods to he decidedly supe rior to anything in the market, excelling in design, finish und quality. A largo assortment will bo maintained, and sold at tho uinnufac'.Krers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark rxi Stamped on the of tTy baseofeajh Electro Flute flS83"" article. ' ,E.C ALDVYELL & Mo, UO'J (liealniit Nlrcot PIIILADEUMIIA, July 1 R. 1R88. nih7,ly. G28 HOOP SKIRTS 028 CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, Xo. OtUAvt h fsiiroet, lMilladelpliIa. MAM'FACTCIIER OP THB Ctltlrated 'CHAMPIOX' Hoop Skirt t FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDHE.W The largest assortment, aud best qunlily and styles in tho American Maiket Every lady should try them, as they ri-couitnetid themselves by wear ing longer, retailor their shape much better, lighter and uioro elastic than ail others warranted in very rjupeot. and sold at very low prices. Ak for Hop kins' Champion"' r-Uirt. Superior Hnnd mado WhMe-Eone Corsets in Fif teen dilluient tirades, including the "Imperial" and Thompson A Lauvdon't "Olovu Killing" Corsets, ranging in prises from HI cents to $5.u; together with Joseph Deckel s Celebrated French tt oven Corsets, superior shapes and quality. Ten diliersut tirades, from $1 111 Iu $j Ml. T hey are the finest and best goods lor Ihe prices, ever imported. ThTrado supplied with Houp Skirts and Corsets at the Lowest Rates. Those visiting tbe City should not fail to call and cX'iinine our Good aud Prices, at w defy all com petition. February 29, 10S lOr.ios. For doing a family washing in (he best and cheap est, manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world! Jl.s all the strength of old roein smip with tin, mild and lathm-irs quiili'ies of gonuine C-i9titn spleudid :-o.i,. ..!, I Ly tho ALDKN CHEMICAL WORKS. 4rl Nonh Front .Street, Philadelphia. Auj;ut "'J. lSilS. ly. a iMiiii vi' iMti v.'i i: vi.i:. fpilE subscriber nffi rs for m s a FARM, situited J. in Perry township, Snyder county, Pu .nd join ing lands of George Gcluett. Abner Hornherer. Aaron ShalTer and others, containing 1 15 ACliES and till PEilCHKS. About Ml ucres of Ihe hind are cleared., and the balance is choice timber. Tho improvements consist of a laro two-story Log Dwelling House. Log liarn, ami all tho necessnry outbuildings, and an Orchard of tt acres, containing ehoice fruit. A spring of water is near the dour, and a nio stream runs through the tarin, near tho house. This property la conveniently located, aud is within a mile uf stores and mills, and is within a quarter of a mile nf a saw-mill. For terms, call on George Gelnett. whose properly adjoins Ihe land, or on tb undersigned, at .New Dcrliu, I'nion oounty, Pa. Q. W. RATUFOX. Sept. 19. ISi'iS. 2m. CONRAD MEYER. Inventor end Mannfactnrer of the CELEB HA TED IKON t'HAME I'AXOS, Wareroomn, No. 723 Arch St., Phila , HAS received lh Prij Medal of tbe World's .1 . L-k,kii.,n l..l.,n KnL'l.nd. eit Prises swarded when and wherever e-bibiiod. i M T.4 li T. TS 11 ED 1x23. 1 Oct. S. '6t Im STONE PUIvIPS. TIlEsubsoriher. well known in this part of ths country as a manufacturer of Wooden pumps, baa now turned bis altemiun lo putting in lbs CELEflRATED STONE PUMP, which for durability, appearance, continued fresh Bess of water, aud protection against fraosing ar tre.tly superior to tbe ordinary wooden pump They bav been oed in Sunbury tor th past two an, rendering uiir salisfaoiii.n. and ean b sear, al the reidcuoes of Messrs. Cba. J. brunsr, Lloyd Rohrbaeh, Jauie Boyd, tt'iu. I. Utaouougb, and oth.r gentle eu iu Sunbury. Pric. SI. 00 per foot, r ' PETER WEAVER,. TJpr Aognrta, At J, IB. FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES ! You can Buy IMore Goods of the BE9T XJ-A.IT-r For L2C33 LCC1TZT, at lb MAMMOTH STORE, OF ii. v. ntii.icj. Market sqlarr, aCXnURT, PEX.N'A., Than an; other place . HAS JUST HECEIVED AD OPENED Tlio Best Selected and FINEST ASSORTMENT, t DRY GOODS IN TOWN. FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CASSIMERES, &a. Delaines and Armurei. Domestl Cottons, Brown and Bletcbtd. NOTIONS f all kinds, noiiery, Qlovss, Men'i tnd Ladles' Vndcrgarme WKITF. GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMING J. Eullders will find my Stotk of Ifnt-ri YTitrr, I'aintsi, OII, iilatu, Ac, Complete. DltUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR-WARE, QUEENSWAliE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and iu fact vtrything usually ktpt In a largi Store Call and be convinced tliat the Cheapest Place to liu.v all Your Goods is at THE MAMMOTH STOKE of II. TT. PRILINO, Term Cuali,-SO Uuj , as my Uoods ar bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for tb READY MONEY. 1 giv tb trad th ad vantage of all reductions n fust at they ar mad by Mauu..oturcrt. U. T. PRIilKO, Soahnry, Srs , JIM. Tiir. NATIONAL I-IFE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMEPICA, Chartered by p,,B, A. nf Co J'y 23.1S13. triHH Caplt,,, l,ooot000 BRANCH OFFICE, IMIII.ADELTniA FtnsT Natiosal Bask Ilrjii.niao. Where the general hu.ina.s of tha roroninv l tr.s,. :hou!db:.dh M spte DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, Philnda. E A. Rollins. vTashinzton C. II. Clark. " Ifcnrv I). Cook. .? 0B' I. Ptsrr, Win E. Chandler. i W'm. O Moorhead,' John D Defrees, Edward Dodge. New York. II. C. Fahnestock, N. Y. "en. r . I J ler, J. Hinckley Clark, OFFICERS. J". It. CLARK. Philadelphia, Pre.ldent. ,KJJ,','liit:, Was-hinirton, Vice President. Ctl'JKK, Chairman Fimince and Exeeutive Cnuriiitee. EME!i?;NvV'- ".rhilad'a. and Aetunrv. ,:;. .'.! 1 KNtlt. Wnl!iiut,n, Aistant Fecretarv. umv1,". SM1T'I.M D.. Medieal Dircator. J.tMM. jiliAKS, M. D., Aidant iledical Di. rootnr. Slcsllonl Alinry lionrd. J. K. Ilarnej, Surgeon-General U. S. A., Wusbing. Inn. 6 P. J f,.r-itT. Chief Medical Department U. S. N., " nslnngton. D. W. Iiliss, M. D. Wnthinqirr. 'Iioiloi-M nul Kornoysj. Wm. E. Chandler. VnhirK'r.n. T). C. Ocorgo liardintr, ri.iluUelphia. Va. This Compnny. N'ational in its charocter. ofTers, by reason or its Lari-c Capital. Lo Rnte of Premi um and Near Tiihlcs, the im,:-t rinsiroljle ineuns of infiirinf? lilo yet presented to the nuMi-!. Tho rates of premium, being largely redneed, are mado a fuvnniWo lo tho insurers as those nf ihe heal Mutual Companion, ami amid ail tho eonplientiun and ur.Cvrtninties of Notes, Tiivi lends and the mis nnderstnndins which tho latter arc so apt to cause the Policy-llul Jers. Scvrrnl new nnd nltraetivo tables nrenow prnent. ed which need only to be understood to prove accep table to (ho public, sueh as the Incume-I'roilucini Policy and Return Premium Policy. In the former the policy-bolder not only secures a life iiinrarce, pnyahle at death, but will receive, if living, after a period of a few years, an annual income e jir. ten percent. (10 per cent.) of iho pnr of his pulley. In the latter, tho Company agrees to return to tho assured the total amount of money ho has paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of persons onntomplatin insuring their lives or increasing the amount of iusuranco they alreny have, is called lo the special advuntagut offered by the National Life Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets und full particulars given on application ta the Dranch Office of the Cuiupany in Philadelphia, or to its General Agents. tip-Local Agents are Wanted in every City and Town ; and applications from competent parties fur inch agencies, with suitable endorsement, should bo addressed to the Company'i General Agcntt only, in their respective districts. CBSKllAL AGENTS : . V. CLARK i CO., Philadolpqia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JAY COOKE A CO.. Washington, D. C. For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. September 5, lsitisl. lv jyjr.. Lining , At .no it in, OCCL'LISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, EYE CLASSE3, AC. ii a r tfoud, coyy., HAVE APPOINT r.D T. S. SHANNON. SUNDTJEV, PERN'A., Al their solo oger.t for Sunburv and vicinity fur tie sale of the celebrated PERFECTED SPECTACLES, AND EYE GLASSES. In doing so they have confidence in tl,e nbility of their agent to meet- the requirement i,f all cus tomers. Ilia assortment of our BEAUTIFUL LEN SES comprises every fnnn and kind, calculated tor Iho simplest ns well as the woist cases of diseased or impaired visi'in. An opportunity will be thus af forded, to prjeure at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED 1IY ANY OF THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES. Too much ennnot be said as to their Superiority over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glim mering, wavering of tho sight, diitiuess, or otber unpleiisiua sensation, but on the contrary, from li e peculiar construction of the Lenses, they aro sooth ing and pleasHut. causing a feeling of rHieJ to the wearer, and Producing a Clear and Distinct Vision, as in Ihe natural heal. by sight. They aro the ouly spectacles lhat PRESERVE AS WELL AS A.VIST THE SKi IIT, and aro the Cheapest because the Rest, always last ing manv vcars without ehimgo heing necessHry. IjT CAUTION Mr. T. S IIANN't'N, Jeweler, is their Only Agent appoiuted ill Sunbury an j vi cinity. We employ no Feddlers. augl,'ti3 ly. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE ASH RETAIL. ("HUE subscriber respectfully informs the publio J. t':at he keeps cinntnr.tly on hand at bis new WAREHOUSE, nearth" Shatuokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SI NI'-I RY. Flour by Ihe burrol and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the tou The above is all mminl'tietured at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADW ALLADER. Sunbury, April 1. !i"S 7iTA.i tititiii:i: i.ii.iMi.. The Oldest and most notod Institution of the Kind in Sunbury. J. W. WASHINUTON, HAVING removed to his new building on Thirl Street, between Market and the Deput, is now prepared to serve his customers belter than ever Jluviug secured the service of first class Ilarbers, SHAVING AND HAIR DRESSINtl will bo executed in tbo latest style. The building bsving buen erected especially for tbe purpose of a First Class Uarber Saloon, and having fitted it up in Ihe latett styl, he hopes to receive a liberal share of patrouage. In the adjoining room a first class Coufeotiontry baa been opened for the lale of li'v-t rium, 4'HiiUits, Cakes, Utrr, and numerous other Temperano Drinkt in ontnmon uso. Oranges, and other dolioious fruits and eatablet of home and foreign growth iu rich profusion and elegant variety. Sunbury, September 6, 1863. HMflullon of lHriiici-blilp. OTICE is hereby given that th e-partnrsh!n heretofore existing between J. Weiser Rucher anit t. Messer Buehar, trading undor th firm t-r Rucher Rrothen,'' in the tanner business, waa ibis day (August 21ih, ISflsS.I dissolve.1 by mutual coo. sent. Tbo business will bereafier h eonduoted bi ll undersigned, nt tb old stand, where all ii.r,is indebted lo the firm of Bucher Hrothere. are re quested to eall without delay and make audsaj.eo.1" iSunbury, August 2, lifS. m. liilli--n' 4'ilri-iiin.M. 7E wou'd oall the attention of tho.e waniir-a Child s Carriage, to our new and large awrt moot rmrH:iiing new and Imdii;iiiI itvi H fvl IT A rV) V