itnbiirit imcriciut. H. B. MABBBB.' Editor ft Proprietor. MII.-tjHIJKY, IA. SATUKDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1808. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. ' K ATIONAl. TICKET. PRESIDENT t Gen. II.V.SSI:." . OKAIT, OF ILLINOIS. ' VICJJ PRESIDENT t chlvi.i:k COLFAX, OF INDIANA. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. AT LAKOE. O. Morrison Contos, of Philadelphia. Thomas M. Marsnan, Ol rtttsourg. District. 1. W. H. Barnes, 2. W. J. Pollock, ' X. Richard Wildey, 4. O. W. Hill, 8. Watson P. Maglll, (!. J II Brlneliurrt, T. Friink C. Iloolon, 8. Isaao Eokert, 9. Maris lloopes, JO. David M Rank, II. William Davis, 12 W. W. Ketchum. !lS. Samuel Rnorr, H B. F. Wmroimeller, 16. ClmrlM II. MuIliD, .) JuIib Slewnrt, 'lT. George W Elder, '18. Jacob Grnllus, 19. .lumen Sill, 20. II. C. Johnson, 21. J. K. Ewing, 22. William Frew, '21. A. W Crawford, 121. J 8. lttitan. Tins REn-BUCAS VicToiiT. Tlic election in Pennsylvania lias not only decided that Pennsylvania is Iti'tiulilicnn, but it lias set tled the question of tiie Presidency. The RcpuMirnn rmijority in the Strife is from 10, 000 to 15.000. We l"e one member of Con pre.s in PhilmlelphiH ly fraudulent votes, and w hile we lose one or two Statu Senators, we frain twice ns many nifiiliers in the lower Flunee. The recent elecih-n shows conclu sivily that Grant mid C 'lias will carry Pennsylvania by not less than 30,000. The New York World, and other leading Demo cratic papers, emlnacrd, in the calculations, Pennsylvania Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska, for Seymour and Blair. These States have nil pone for the Republicans. Deducting the 03 electoral votes of these States, it leaves the Democracy, according to their own journals, about 95 electoral votes, or about oue-third of the whole number, while Grant and Colfax will receive tbe remaining two thirds. We have now no doubt of New York, and the result will bo, as we have always pre dicted, a Republican victory as overwhelm ing as that of Lincoln in 1864. Tub election on Tuesday virtually ends the Presidential contest. Our Democratic friends confess, openly, that there is no further use in making any attempt to pre vent the election of General U. S. Grant. Pennsylvania has been carried by at least 10,000 majority. Ohio endorses the hero by h majority of at least 35,000, Indiana by 13,000, and Nebraska by about 2,000. . The column of Republican electoral ma jorities will stand in tbe States that Lave now voted, thus : Vermont, 5 Maine, 7 Pennsylvania, 26 Ohio, 21 Indiana, 13 Nsbraska, 3 Total, 75 Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, Rhnue Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ten nessee, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wiscon sin, Kansas and West Virginia will add ninety eight votes, making one hundred and seventy, being thirty more thau necessary for a choice. This leaves out of tbe question New York, (which we have hopes of carry ing.) California, Nevada Oregon, New Jersey, some of which will be carried by Grant and Colfax, and tbe Southern reconstructed States, several of which we will undoubtedly carry. Ocn Member of Cokohess. If ever an individuiil had reason to feel proul of his constiuency, our fellow townsman, J. B. Packer, must have so felt on Tuesday night, when tbe result of the polls declared that out of the 700 votes polled in the Borough of Sunbury, his native place, he received S36, and that his opponents, with every effort on their part, fair and unfair, mean and contemptible, could only induce 164 to cast their votes against him. Mr. Packer's ma jority in Sunbury is 372. lie leads the State ticket in every county in the district. His majority in the district will be about 2,800. We have experienced more difficulty in getting the returns from the different dis trict in tie county thun we ever did before the days of railroads aud telegraphic cum- niiiniciitionH. Northumberland county has gone Democratic by a majority of 452. Last year the majority was'about 4 10. This increase i owing to the naturalization of Dearly 400 rx-reivns durins; the year, the on'y source from which the party have been ena bled to recruit nnd keep op any show of op position, fur the last eiuht or ten years. The election in this place never was more cjosely contested. The vote polled in Sun bury, on Tuesday last, was exactly seven hundred, being an increase of 138 over last year's vole. In I860 the Republican majori ty was 140 ; in 16C7 it was 108 ; and io 18C8 it lias reached 237 ; a Republican gain of 147 io two years. If this increase continues, it will take but a year or two to make Nor thumberland County Republican. Tub Pcjilic Debt. Siscbetaht Mc Cri.Locu's Statement. Tbe monthly ex hibit of the public debt for October shows a reduction of about $1,000,000 in the debt, as compared with tbe previous report. The entire disbursements of the government for (be month of September are t6 ,4-11,193 67. It is supposed that the receipts have been about forty seven millions. It is expected that the statement to be published a month hence w ill be even more favorable than the present, with a much greater reduction, not wit Intending the fact that about thirty millions most be taken from the Treasury to psy the interest on the ft 20s, which fulls due November 1st. The expenses for October will be very much less than for September. Smmuur openly boasta that be never in vested a dollar cf his wealth io Government bond. Now, r.s be never rendered the Government any other kind of service, it is evident that the Vuiif- States mm IItfitio Jsjirncr afdhipjj TI1K PEOPttl IIAfl! BrOKEil I PENNSYLVANIA DISCHARGES ILEXi , .PUTYt . THE BLEOTION OF GEN. OBA1TT BETOND A DOUBT I f nUNTIXGDON COUNTY.-' -J rr rw 13. In this borouch tie pulilicne have 41 majurity in the o-.t .-.,,1 nrl 05 in tlifl West ward. To- tal 64. Republican gain oi ii .un year. . . FRANKLIN. COUNTY. WATNfieWonoV ". ".-Washington township give, a Republican majority of 75; Ueoublican nainoful. WAYNEBIJOHO'. FllAKKI.lJf Co., Oct. 13.- Qiiincy township gives a Democratic ma iority of 55 ; Republican gain of 13. CHESTER COUNTY. In three districts of Chester county, Re publican gain 102. Dowmnoto.v, Oct. 13. This borough and township give 24 Republican majority : a Democratic gain of 35. CoATK-vii.i.i!, Oct. 13. This borough gives 100 Republican majority. Twelve districts in Chester county give a Republican gain over 1800 of 110, this county is comprised of 54 districts. LANCASTER COUNTY. Lancasteu, Oct. 13. Democratic major ity in the city, 175 ; gain for tbe Republi cans, 200. Coi.cmbia, Oct. 13. Columbia boroimh gives Hartranft 111 majority ; Republican gain over Geary, C8. Lancasteu, 'Oct. 18. It Is expected that Lancaster county will give from 0,700 to 7,000 Republican ninjority. Lancastuk. Ph.. Oct. 13. In Lancaster county in twenty-six districts, including the city, the gain on Geary's majority is five hiindrod and lorty-sevtn t enty-eiglit (lis tricta to hear from. Good for over 0,500. PPILADELPHIA CITY. Philadelphia. Oct. 1:5.-0:30 p. m. The Democratic ticket is elected in this city by 8,000 nitiiority, the Democrats claim 4,000. . . V. ...... - .t .1:.. Kamliill, Democrat, 1st v.ti-igiessniuui uis- t rift fleeted by about 0,000. Mvers, Republican, re elected in oti dis trict iv 400 minority. O Niel. ReouUlican, 2d district re elected by 2,800. Kelliv. Republican, in 0th district, re elected bv 2.000 minority. Tie Democrats still uopetuii lor me State. 15th ward. Republican majority, 8j0; Democratic gain, 200. 5th ward, 1,100 Democratic majority cuin of 359 on vote of 1800. llth ward, 1010 Democratic ninjority ; gain of 319 on 1800. ALLEGHENY COUNTY. PiTTsnrna, October 13. First ward Alle gheny, Republican gain on Williams' vote. 110. First precinct, Third ward, Allegheny, Republican cam, 118 Fourth ward, Allegheny, Republican gain 42. Millvillo borough, Republican gain 58. Fifth ward, Allegheny, Republican ma iorit v 312. Sixth ward. Pittsburg, uepuuncau major ity 213 ; Republican gain 111. Seventh ward, Allegheny. Republican ma ioritv 34: Republican cain 30. Filth ward, Allegheny, Kepuonean major ity. 3o0 : cam, 63. Allegheny- Citt, First ward, Republi can gain on Williams, 110 ; First precinct, Thud ward, Allegheny, Republican gain 118: 4th ward. Republican gain, 142 : 5th ward, Allegheny 821 Republican majority ; Sixth ward, Allegheny, Republican gain 110 : 8th. Pittsburg, 213 majority. Republi can cain of 111 : 2nd ward, Allegheny, 550 majority, gain of 100; 2nd ward, Pittsburg, 304, Republican gain 30; :rti ward. Alto gheny. Republican minority 360, gain 63. The maiiirity in Allegheny county will exceed 8,000. The gains here Bro over 1, 500 in one half the county, Returns from adjoining counties are favorabln to the Re publican cause. VENANGO COUNTY, TiTL'tsvn.LE, Oct. 13. 93 ninjority for the State ticket. Pitiiole. Pa., Oct. 13 Dem. pain 4 Emlestos, Ph., October 13. Republican gain 5. Ckandeiuit, Oct. 13. Democratic gain 48. Scoak Ckeek, October 13. Republican gain, 7. Oil City, Oct. 13. Republican majority 103 ; Republican guin ol 2. ARMSTRONG COUNTY., Pa., Oct. 13. Republican majority 61. Bhadikk ks, Pa., Oct. 13. The Republi can majority lor the State ticket is 45 ; to tal vote 222. ADAMS COUNTY. Gettysuuro, Oct. 13. This county 99 majority for llurtranft. Scattering returns throughout the couuty, show a Republican gain of about 100 over last year. BLAIR COUNTY. Tyrone Republican pain, 16. Snyder township, Blair county Republi can gain, 8. Allegheny, 22 districts, Republican gain, 1.070. Lancaster city and townships, Republi can gain of 8P0 on the Gearv vote. Repub licans cluiin from 6,000 to 700 in this county- FAYETTE COUNTY. Uniontown, Oct. 13 Our couniy gives 1.000 majority for Foster, and 1,050 for Doyle. PniLAPEi.riiiA. Oct. 13-11 r. m. Gov. Geary telegraphs the following: lhm. Hiiiion Cameron : The State majori ty will reach 15,000 ; four Congressmen in tliH city ; Mayor doubtful. YORK COUNTY. Newberry township Republican majori ty 106. Republicun pain 41. York borough 800 Democratic majori ty ; Republican gain .'18. Goldsborough Republican majority 36, on Htate ticket. Small's majority 41. Hanover -Republican majority 82. Nohristow.n, Pa., Oct. 13 Republican majority 52, a gain of 48. The Democratic majority in this (Montgomery) county will be about 1.000. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. ' Fourteen districts in Montgomery county give Hartranft a gain of 195 over Geary.s vote. 1 Ohio. Zanesville, Oct. 13. Democratic major ity. 28 ; last year, 188 ; Republican gaio, 100. Steubbnville, Ohio, Oct. 13. 33U Re publican majority a Republican goiu. Cincinnati, Oct. 13. Republican majori ty, 4.500 ; gain, 2.000. Cinciknati. Ohio, Oct. 13 Second dis trict, Cincinnati, gives Eggleston 104 ma jority j gain 17. Avoudalu gives F.gnleston 31 gaio. The Eleventh ward-gives Eggles ton 491 majority ; gain 03. Dispatches from Scbenck's district say the Republican gains are large. The Twentieth ward gives Strader 17 ma- Coi.CMBCS, Oct. 13. Carey is certainly de feated in tbe Second district. Close vote Eggleston. Magre returns show Democratic gains in Columbus. CmciflKATi, Oct. 13. Reports through Democratic sources show the defeat of Gib son, in the Ninth district! Democratic gain. . Franklin Qounty, Ohio, probably 500 Dim orratie gain ovr lait year. Indlnnn O. K. New TorkI Oct 13. A special dispatch to the Trihune states that ludiana gives ?, 000 Republican. majority, . , , - INDtAHAPOLIS, lD(l,,UOI, 1 oouin.umu gives 700 Republican majority. , . " 1 l -' 'New Jersey. -: - -' Newark, N.J .Oct. 13. The Republicans have carried the city by a very small majori ty." The Aldermen are about evenly divided iM-tweru both parties.' l ue Republicans claim a slight gain.. V , 1 il .', NrbriiMka . K. New York, Oct. 304 p. m. Dispatches from Nebraska announce the re-election of John Tate, Republican. The democratic t'oinitcrlelt. One year ago -Democratic audacity cul minated in the deliberate forgery of natur alization papers, to which crime we must credit their success at the last election. Presuming upon the leniency of the public, they have been emboldened to still greater crime, even that of counterfeiting the nation al currency. We knov; not to w hat den or corner to trace the perpetration of this infamy. The outrage should, however, not go unpunished. By the preachers of repudiation it may have been considered a sharp dodge to in troduce their desperate scheme. But when thousands of their ignorant devotees accept their false coinage as genuine money, it becomes necessary to speak in behalf of humanity. Let all law abiding men read the enormity of the offence in the letter of the law provided for its punit,hment. The tenth and eleventh sections of the act of June 30. 1804, declare it to be FKLoNV to make, issue, sell, utter, publish, or pass any note in "the liivne or imilitude'y of any yecurity of the United States. And on con viction thereof the party so offending may be puniihed Jiy a line not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment at hard labor not ex reeding fifteen years, or by both, iu the dis cretion ol tlic court. . The law of February 5, 1807, section 2. enncts that it shall not l e lawful to engrave, design, print, or in any immuer make or execute, or to utter, distribute, ciiciilute, or life any business or professional card, notice, placard, circular, hand bill, or advertise ment, iu the likeness or similitude of any bond, ceitilicate of indebtedness, certificate of deposit, coupon, United States note, Treasury note, circulating note, fractional note, postage Unnip note, or oilier obliga tion or other security of the United Slates. And any person or persons, offending against the provisions of this section, shall be subject to a penalty of $100, to be recov ered by an action of debt, ouu half to the use of the informer. The conuterfeits in question are one dollar bills, fac similes of tbe genuine with the exceptions that Mr. Seymour's lace is substituted for that of Mr. Chase, and the word "bondholders" is inserted for "bearer." The signature of F. E. Spinner, treasurer, written upon them is a deliberate forgery. Mr. Spiuncr's attention has bceu culled to the counterfeit, and of it he says : This paper seems clearly to be of the kind that the law was intended to interdict, and it teems to be equally clear that any person who has done anything in the wav (d putting it into circulation is equally subject to the pains and penalties denounced by the statute. When will the Democratic party cease to add the most damning crimes of the calendar to its history ? It is yet unwat-hi'd of re bellion. It is stained with repudiation. It is besmirched with fruuds in naturalization nnd colonization, and now it stands arraign ed for impiously and deliberately falsifying the money of the nation. The American people will see to it that the criminal shall not escape unscathed from the dock. Let the verdict in November be so pronounced as to settle forever the Democratic career of crime. -llorc ICccriiili lor 4riiut. We chronicle the accession of Judge Strong, late of the Supiemu Court of I'euii sjlviiiiia, Hon. T. S. Fernon, formerluy 11 Democratic Senator from Philadelphia, and Gen. Scholield, at present the Secretary of War under our Democratic administration. Gen. S. has heretofore been regarded as an extr nie Conservative, and, when in com maud in Missouri, was not at all iu favor with the Radicals there. We now find in print his letter of Mav 25th, dated at Rich mond, anil addressed to Gen. Grant, congra tulating him upon the Chicago nomination. The annexed quotations from this letter ex press the judgment and hopes of a very large and influential class ol our citizens : "The judicious selection of Mr. Colfax 11s second on the ticket, and the general prac ticitl wisdom displayed in framing the plat form that is, in laying down practical rules of action, based upon the necessities of the country, instead of abstract political theories have greatly increased the probabilities of success, uiid ut the 8a mo time made that sue cess the more to be desired. 1 have always believed that the Union could be fully re stored only by the men who put down the rebel. ion. Your election to the Presi dency will be the end of our political trou bles, as your ucccssion to the Commander in Chief of the Army was the end of t lie South ern rebellion. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. M. ScnoriKLD, Brevet Mnj. Geu." . mom The largest advertising contract given out in 1808, and probably the largest ever giveu to one advertising firm at one time, is that of tbe proprietors of Plantation Bitters to Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Advcri Uiiig Agents, No. 40 Park Row, New Y'ork, on the lSttl of, lor i3,770 20. Mcvsrs. 1'. II. Drukc & Co, have for years been among the largest, advertisers in Amer ica, unci the contract mentioned above is but a small part of their expenditure in this way for the present year. It is only those who have tried printers' ink most extensively (hatHreso riuiily convinced of its eiiicacj. The Advertising Agency w hich is sending out this order is another example. It com luenced busimss v than, live years since, and tliu fact that it now controls 11 greater advertising patronage than any bimilar esta blishment, is without doubt to be attributed to their having expended more money in advertising themselves and their fucilties within that lime, than all other advertising firms put together, since the establishment of the first agency a quarter of a century siucu. "Vidette," the Atlanta, Oa., correspondent of the Boston Traveler, says: Republicans need expect nothing from this tHutu in the coming election. Our leaders ari being kil led or driven out of the country. The rebels will lake possession of the polls, and drive off or murder those who would vote for Grant.. And so Georgia will go for Bluir and Seymour. I can hardly give to your readers the details of ut 1 the murders or other "oozings for peace," among us, but will, so far as possible, keep them informed of the progress of events until the day when the loyal States shall, by the ballot, put our Government into loyal bauds. It Is with us here as it was with our country in 1801, safety aud life rest with the men of tbe north. Gold DowN.-Wlien t'.ie Democratic money brokers in New York find that Grant's pros pects are better than usual, gold goes down in price. Thai why gold is gettiug cheaper. They feel that the country io. gettiug nearer Graut's ekction. ELEVTIUK BMT17RNM OF NOnTntMIIGIlt.AD COtJKXTfBcl.l. uiua. un. Hvr. Uen. DISTRICTS. 39 O D P M a Sunbury, j ft 228 89 90 264 217 290 115 190 157 103 87 G4 227 258 20(1 210 1202 118 197 10(1 Northumberland, Milton, Watsontown, McEwensvjile, ; Turbutville, Turbut, Delaware, Lewis, t Chilisqusque, Point, . Upper Augusta, Lower Augusta, Rush, Shiimokin, Coal, Mt. Carmol Twp., Jackson, Cameron, Jordan, Upper Mahanoy, Washington, Lower Mahanoy, Liitle Mahanoy, Zt-tbe. 200 203 111 58 40 144 154 72 111; '53 39 144; 154 72, 148 102, 123 101 ma! 203; Yin 13; 53 24 ! 19' 202 ! 23; 82! 1671 423' 108 87 04 227 258 200 148, mi! 210 100 140 315 173j 80j 201 1 240 1)9 1 An 123; 315 101 17.1 103 307 201 249 100 75 112 203 138 01 71 100; 18 03 24 1 1! 262 j 23 : 82 167i 423j 75 1 1 142 153 88 34 95 37 104 1421 15 8i 84 95: 37! 164! Mt.Carmcl Borough.! bhamokin Total, 3694 1680 Majnritiet, 452 481 Democrats in Roman ; Republicans in Italic.. For Coroner, John Linch, Dem., received 3,.Sfl5 ; fur Auditor, A. J. Oatlngher Dem We hardly open u hoiilhetn joui nu I illi out linJing iu it the most veuuiuoiis denim nations id' scalawags anil carpet baggers. Theyure represented us meriting nothing but scorn, persecution and deu'.h. The other day we copied tiom uu inlluential paper of Alabama an article in which t Ikto two clashes of men were warned they would ull be hanged us soon us Seymour ami Blair should be elected. This article was illus tinted with a rude cut, exhibiting a wag and a curpet-buggcr suspended by their necks from n tree, where they had been left hanging by a Ku Ivlux mule which had borne them to the place of cxccutit.ti. Now, what are scalawags V They aie Union men bom iu the South. Ami what are carpel baggers ? They are Northern men who have seen lit to move South uud settle then since the war. What is their crime ? Have they violuted the Constitution or laws ol the United States 1 No, not ut all. They have simply attempted to exercise the rights which the Constitution and luws guarantee to all citizens. And for so doing they are threatened with death, and some id' litem have been put to death already. Now, we tell our Southern friends in ull kindness that this conduct on tlieir part will not be tolerated. The scalawags and the carpet baggers shall be protected in the enjoyment of ull their legal lights. One of the things that we fought the wur for wus to secure to the citizen his light of life, property, free speech and free voting in every part of tin Union. That we mean to have now, and the sooner the Southern people understand thia determination and respect it the better for all parlies. Germitntcn 7 eh-grnj-h. Andeksonyii.le. Out of 41,882 Union soldiers con lined in the Andi-rsonviile prison 12,303 died from sickness and starvation in one year. This was more than one thousand per month ; over 250 per week ; over Ii,'. per day. Think of it. This is a greatei number than was lost by the llritish goeiu nient in its Crimean campaign. And yei we are asked to sustain the inhuman w retch es who did this work, by voting for Sey mour and Blair. Gen. Bealiiegahd is now a sound Demo, crat. Oil November 10th, 1802, he wrote the following letter : "Htm. llicliord P. Miltt, llichmond, l't. : Has the bill for the execution of Abolition prisoners after January next been passed ' Do it. and England wili bestirred into action. It is high time to proclaim the black Hag after that period. Let the execution be vt ith the garrote. G. T. Ueai'Iihoahd." Or one hundred and eighty-six Southern j delegates in tbe New York Convention, one ; hundred and ten had been in the rebel service, j Thesn old rebels, rebels still, made the Dem- 1 ocratic platform and selected the Democratic I candidates. The voice of the people will; soon show how heartily Northern loyally, j and the honest Democracy of Jackson, Jef- j ferson, Douglas and Dix, can submit tu such treasonable dictation. Std McC' 1804. "I would not for Ii Ity Presidential chairs, subject myself to the annoyance and almost humiliation which I experienced Irom Democratic leaders during that contest." His disgust was equally apparent, in the carefully chosen words with which his letter of last, week piled up indignant scorn upon a bastard De mocracy. Gen. Beauregurd lias returned to New Orleans from Virginia. An Italian claims to havo invented a kind of "felt" which will resist bullet. Kansas has discovered a petrified croco dile, one hundred 'and twenty-six feet long. The Washington Star denies tiie report that Secretary Seward is to marry Miss Risley. Ske Bust ii or UiiiPF.s on SulnJsrJ in another column. tji-Ern's Staxdard Wine CtTrtns is highly recommended by physicinns Ii Dyspepiies, on account of its tonio properties, iu purity, aud ill dolioious flavor. A BUSY han Is a locomotive, and lite a track. Every night he drivos into "the bau.e." and sus. Every mormon he is fired up anew, and away he Koe, switching off in one. direction and then in nun thcr. In this rtiuKne of busiaefs he forgets that (he physical nrganittiliHi is of die next delicate kind, if a bard iron locomotive needs constant uare, and to be well oiled up and rubbed nil every day, bow much more necessary is it that all men and women should use Plantation Bitters, which are the tti plus ultra of everything which Is necessary to keep tbe system in a perfect tone of beulth. Maonolia Water. Superior to tbe best Ira ported Ovrman Cologne, and sold at half the price. Delioats Machinery. As machinery will not work without being lubricated, so it is wiib the hu man system, which is the most delicate piece of ma chinery in existence, and requires aid in the opera tion of its different functions. The -Wine Bitters" will afford that aid in a greater degree than auy before offered to tbe publio. Sold by Druggists. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIVKUV STABIiE. THE subscribers having purchased tha stock and fixtures of Mr. Charles Bacon's Livery Stable, in Bunburv. wnuld respectfully announce to the I publio, that tbey intend lurninhing ii wilh firsi-olasa 1 llorsea. Carriages. Buggies and .Spring Wagons ' suitable for tha busmen, and will endeavor to make it a Livery second In none In thtasoctionnr the Stste. Orders left at tha Central Hotel, at any bour of the day or night, wili reooive prompt attention. MoGAW A FARNSWORTU. Sunbury, October 17, loot). T8 hereby given, thst on and after tha 1st of D. eember. the prloe of lots in tht town of llolfea atatn will be advanoad tt0 on aaok tot. OeftrboT 10th. lof-a . Con fret, f Amtmbly. Iii. Att'y Obm. I I I I I I i i s- n 234 84 232 85 201 118 '261 120 265 112 218 164 217 192 210 1115 213 193 290 157 208 150 802 152 111 103 112 102 111 103 54 85 1 55 85 53 . 87 41 63 43 61 41 63 143 228 146 225 153 218 I52j 2U0 152 200 152 259 71 S07 78 200 77 200 147 2 Id) 148 210 1(10 204 I 102 1001 104 98j 102 100 127 135 123 141 124 138 102; 811 102 818! 103 813 ' !00j 177 105 170 103 174 : 215 294 215 292 204 306 197 142 188 150 186 152 90 220 66 244 00 250 71 101 71 ()) 71 mi 13 7H 13 70 13j 70 52, 112 49 115 50 115 25 141 24 139 24 142 I 19 153 10 5t jo ifl3 263 87i 263 87 257 00 23 85 I 23 35 23 35 7H 91! 85 88 80 90 160; 32 160 37 105! 39 449, 128 435 148 4201 156 3319 41103 3790 4037 3094 4140 3819 3790 3094 184 247 452 250 , 71 27j' 04 213 191 295; 158 111! 103 ,58. 7 ' 43 01 144! 228 100 252 73, 205 159, 205 100 05 141' 199 74; 236 80. 13 02 70 74' 91 84 1 132 22 150 270 80 25 83 82 93 170; 34 iisosj 112! raceived 4,094. FALL & WINTER GOODS! AT Miss Louisa Shissler's, MARKET SQUARE. Ladies' nnd Misses' HATS and BONNETS, in immense variety .Uillfnci-y Uoeds nud Trlnimlngs. French and American Ribbons. Laces, Hnndker cliifl'o. (Ilnves. Hosiery, and a ireneral lunortment of l.mher' Millinery UouJs, which have boen selected with groal cure. WOOLEN GOODS, FUIIS, &c. a'iitM I olIui-H, rWcklif-M Iv', Ac. Every vnriutv will bo found to select from, at MODLKATE PRICKS. Sunbury, Oot. 17, 1803. CHOICE FUU1T& ORNAMENTAL 55188 8 4 si A SJt 4 . BEN J. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn from the must rcsponrililo Nurseries in this nnd other sioitcs. firt claw TREES nf all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. SEED POTATOES. New White Peach Blows. Early Uoo lrich, Chile and llnrrisnn Potatoes, in large and small quantities, are orTered lor sale. Orders are respectfully solicited. Address BEN'J. BOIINER, l'Hxinos, North'd. Co. t'""N. Ii. Insurances taken in soreral of tha nio.t responsible Fire Insurunceand Horse Detective Companies in the State Oct. 17, I8H8 y IN SUN1JURY. THE NEW DRUG STORE OF j jr. a. n a it k 1. 1: & v ., j On Market street, Eiet of tho Railroad, nearly opposite the Hardware Store of Conlev A Co , SUNBURY, PENN'A. J E would respectfully invite tbo attention of the citizens of Sunbury uud vicinity to onr entire new Stock of 1111-6 I'l-cxli llriiw iiiiU .yirtllriuo. " " Paints. Oils and Varnishes. " " (ilnss. Putty and Dye Stuffs. ' " Perfumeries, Cuuibs Bnd Brushes 11 " Patent Medicines of all kinds. I.IQl'ORShy tho Bottle, Gallon, Quart and Pint. SCOTCH ALE, LONDON POUTER and CONORESS WATER. Tobacco, Cigars aud Snuff. Looking-Ulass Plates cut to suit Frames. NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS AND VARIETIES. Trusses, .Supporters, Bandages, Ao. Wc have selected our stock with care aud can war rant it fresh, and of the best uiatorial in the market. Having had several years' exporieuce in the business we flatter ou.-ulves Hint wa eun give entire satisfac tion to ull who may favor us with their patronage. Special attention given to compounding l'hysioiaus' Prescriptions at all hoursof the day or night aud on Sundays liive us a cull. J. Q. MAKKLE A CO. Sunbury, Oct. 1 7, 1867. BOOK AGENTS ! Are meeting with rnre suctrew in sailing Sir S. W, Bakkk'h kxplortitiuns and Adventuri's among tti Nile TributHrifd t Ahyisinia to wbicb is now added mi account of the Citjitu ity nnd roltitwo of English Sutijuci, and tho career of the lute Emperor Xboo durv. No bnok i received Hinontf nil eludes of peo ple with such unbounded favor, or so fully combines thrilling interest with solid instruction. Agents, initio a ml te ui ale, ntll it rpidly. ' An fiiliiiiniule record of noUntifio exploration, peojjrjipbienl discovery, and personal adventure. -V. 1'. Trihmtt. 'It issued in a very attractive form, and is as entertaining ns a romance." Button Joitrna? Full pr:icilnr on application to 0. X. CASE k CO., l'utli.-ht!r-i, li irltuid, Conn. October 17, 1 iS. 4t lorilisH Ittiilwtiy, fcL'MMKR TIME iSCUKDULK. ON and after May 1 Ith, ItiftS. trains will leave ilNBLKV, as (..How: LEAVE NOKTU WARD, 6.00 A. M., Daily for U Uliauiiport. Daily (exoept .Siu.iiHyit.) for Kluiiru, Citnandaiua, Kucliier, Mutiiilotf, Niauru Falls, HuKpeiisiuo Bridge and (be Canada. 4. IS P. M , Daily (except iuudav,) for Llunra. and Uitttnlu via line Hallway fruin tluiira. 6 Ol) P. M., Daily (exeunt buudaya,) far Williams, port. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 X. M., Daily (except Mmiday.) for Baltimore, Wnniiij;tnii and Philadelphia. 10.1 H A. M..Diily for Baltimore and Wxfhini(lnn 6.4.1 P. M., Daily (except Sunday,) for JUrruburg. J. IS. DrlUiiHT, En. K. You no. Geu'l Sup't., Ueu I Pnwen'r Ag't , JlarrUburg, Pa. Baltimore. Md Notice in Bankruptcy. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the I5th dsy of Sepletuber. A D MS, a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of S. B. Bnyer, nfSunburv, in the county nl Northumberland, and State of Penmvt Ivmiia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hi own petition ; Ibat tba payment of any debts mi l delivery of any property belonging to such H nit k i up!, to hi in or for his use. and tha trans fer of any property hy him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of Ihe creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to uhoose on or more As signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bank ruptcy, in he holilen in the Borough of Sunbury, couniy of Northumberland, and Stale of Pennsylva nia, before J. M Wiestling. K.sq., Register, on the 27th day of October, A. D 11S, at clock, A. M. T- D UHEEN A WALT. Deputy Vuited States Marshal, (as Messenger.) Western District of Pennsylvania. October S I, 18S. 41 Trevor-ton Lots for Sale). nil! REE LOTS, in tha town of Treverton, Nor 1 Ibuniberland oounly, will he sold cheap, on ap plication to Ihe undersigned. Those lots are advan tageously located, and are valuable for building purposes. Apply to, or address JOSEPU CONRAD. Oct Sd. 1368 ( Sunbury, Pa. VAI.I .4.11,1. i: FAK.H 1'OK H.4I.I:. T OFFER my Farm Cpper Aagusta town ship, adjoining tba Borough ol Sunbury, (oalled the old Urast Farm I Terius reasonable. Apply to PKIKU BALDY, OetWr 10th, IMS -g WDajrHlU NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Tblra 111., one deor bslow Us Lutheran Cburoh, SUNBURY, PENN'A. MENRY PETERS Has jutt opnd a Urge amortmeot of DRt OOO US, iuoh u C.llooet. Muslim. Ao., which r told hmjiar ihaa Tr. Alto, vmrUtjr f Na tions, Unlershtrti, lrwers, Mats and Caps. i . LADIES' WOOUKN GOODS, As. , : ' OHOOBRIES ! and PKOVISIONS f all kinds, suh u BrjOAkS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts, Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, ItaUins, Cheese, ana vracxers, ana in lact everytuing usually kept in the Urooerj line. llatns, Fish, Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queensnare, Ulus-ware, willow. ware, 4o. The best FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobneoo. dears, and a varietv of MOTIONS. Also : All kind of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produo taken In exchange for Ooods. LCall and examine my Stook, and satisfy jour selves. HENRY PETERS. Sunbury, Oot. 10, 1883. S 111: It IFF' SALIN. 1Y virtue of suudry writs of Levaii Facias, issued nut Jj of the Court il Coiuiihmi I'leua of NirihuiuherlnJ vxuniy, and in me directed, Will d exponed to fubhu r;dr ai the Us-url Huse, inititt nnugtiu Sunbury, uu TL'KS DAY, tb 27di (tnyol UU l OliKH, Istib, at one o'clock 1', AI , lite Mluwtitg pmpeitv, to wit : A cetlniii two-n-iry buck h"Ue eontiiiiiing In front twenty tW'i feet, aU m depth fif ty feet, and ttm lot or piece tif ground mi which Hie aims Is ereeied, wilh the curi i liis Hpiturteiiiiitt thereto, snuate in the Unr iutrli of Noiitiuuibvrititid and county alorrstml. on lot iiumliet two hundred and fiitys-a, in the g eun a I plan ol wid HMUrli, b 'UMded on itie mrth-wtst by Third ktreetj on the north chM by Hun .Ver street j on the south-east by lot .No. '2-55, and west by en alley. CeiZfd, In ken mto execuLion and to he sold us the proper ty of WMImtn U K'Hint, owner or reputed owner, ajid Isaac M. Ko. ns, eontructor. a8o All thut certain twrr story ftame or pin n k huildmg, coiitaiiihis; in Iroiit sixteen leet. and a depth nf twen.)six feet, iluntet) on the south side of Commerce aireet, hih! tliai certMiii l t or piece of ground on Which the I'tine is erevlrtl, nnd known and described on the yeueuil plan of the H .rough ni itiiiiiobin, County of Northinuher lund himI iinte of t'emisy'VJHiia, us lot uumlier four (4), m bl-t'k number IWent'SiX (vOj. sailed, laken into exrcti 'ii and to he sold as the pro. petty of David AI K refer, iwuei or reputed ownci und contractor A I t the s-iine time end place, by virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni t;xvuh. I be lollownni propertv, to wit : Tw uoiititu ua I-ta or pieces of gr uitd.stiurtted in the H 'r-iuiib of Muimokui. couuty of iNoti huodreriuiid nd StMte of leiintvlviitiiti, and known and dfdibed on Hi a genernl plan ( end HoriHnih,i I ts iiuiuIh led ninety-scv-ii (07) and iimei) eijjhi (if). hounded h fotinws, town: A or Hi by lot u-wovvned by MnihtHu lm-; eist by the Mir mutant linpritvemeiii Cmnv(oy'a Kuilroml; nutli by lit uuiiiii r niiiet-noie (K! ). uud Wel by Sr i:n k: tieet, whtieti me erected tw frmne dvvebtng h msei, one siHl'le, curpenter ah and ot'ier tnttbui.ditts, und one stiii nii.Hry stemn engine nd fisturrt. etc. Seized, taken into execmt m :md to be sold as the proper I) f J K. and S P. hiBcnlmri At.rttt At the sniiie tune am) pluce, the fotln.vins; ren etitine, to wit One M of ground, aittmie in the Borough of Milton, It'iunded north In J itofthe .Mi I ton llrulge Com ptiu ; wmt by Front street ; s uth by lot of John ?, Peter mini ; west by the dusquetumna river, whereon are erected a h-use, store room, shop. ihU, etc Seiit-d, in ken into execution and to be sold ns the proper ty ol Willntm Hiiupt. Al.St) t the ftime time and pluce. a certain I. I iiirni beied two (il), m bl-ck number one (1). in Lake's Addi tion to the llorouh of Snnbmy, boundt-d ' n the tiort hv !t number itne ( I ) ; on the eHSt nv Susquehtmna Avenue ; on the s uth by lot number liiiee and on the Wfit hy the public road along lhe$usqueiiusuta river leuding to .ur thumltei lund Seized taken into execution and tn be sold bs thepropei- 1,a.Z- ,, ;,.,. a,H Place, .h. . d.vidr,! eiK'Hlli pari. Ihmiik Ihe.trlVhdnnf. l.iteiral..t all Hint certain trnct of lanil situntr in Upper M-ihmioy tiiwnalnp, ."rihuialirlMiicl ciainty. nilj Miliar lai-diinl Jae'iljMruwst-r, -ainuel Heeler. Michael U. I ail I iiml Kilns I'aul. contaiainK eighly fieencres. mnreur less, whereof ore cteeid seveniy. five acres wlieteon "le erected a lare two story dwelling li 'use. btitk luirn and other outhaildinas, a latgc apple on-hard, ,Ve. Seized, taken iutoeseoution and to be sold ss the proper ty nf John M Hrllininkey. AlSO At t lie same lime nud place, all those three eer tiin lots or pieces "f 'round, sntiate la t'e Uornush of Shaniokiu. Northuinherltuid e--unty, Mule of I'eimsv IvnniH. and numiinred in te g' neinl phoi of iid t"vn ns lots nuinhereil 5. Oaml 7, in hla'k nniTiher 151, fnuttii.g souih on Independent street ; oil the east hy l.ih-'ity street ; oh I he noith liy Shninnktn creek ; west hy M nnnilier four, in saidhlock; where, i are erer-lea a two-story frame dwell ing haiBe tin,! kitchen Hint shop, with a weli ,,f g-Hd wnter. Seized, tnken into exei-al ion end to he sold as the proper ty of .l--hn Ne.hitl. ALStl Al Ihesaine time and plaee, the f,,! iwinc rent estule. siliisled in the Itorouni! of Slmm -km, t'onnty of iMorihainherlandHiid-trnieof Pennsylvania, viz : ltui num hel two nnd Itiree -J oj. ss nuilibered iu the a'neral pi ,a ol mud tov.-n ol l, iniokio, nnd in hloi-k iMinlier one liundrt-il and eichiv-eiirlit, si'nsled on the eaiit siile of Slm inokin vtr,-e. in Hie tl.iioiili ,,t hnmokin. wnereon is ere,'led a fr-im rtwellinfr ami oihr onihuildins, etc Seized, taken Into execationanil to he s -IS nstlie proper ty of l,imt-l Cnntphell and Sarah Compile!!, his wife AI.SOAt the same tune and place, the tollowing feel estnle to-w,t : Itrcjniiir hi n po-l in a l-ine. comer of out. j lot nuinlir fli'lv three ( kJ. thence al-mi-lhe line oi ssid oat lot, north twentv-S X llev , eilst Cll-liteen pen-lira to tiie Sham ikin creek, thence alone said creek airi. Ihnly and one-milt decrees, enst ten perclo-s, s uth sixty six unit one. fourth d'-eH-es, east twenty pert-lies, inence aoiili eistily iiine decrees, tint tan perches, ninth fnty-lwo ai.d one. half d'-gri-e, east twenty-two peffhes, n-nth sixty-two drurees, ent six prcS.a. s airh sixteen deerees wst einhteea perrhes ; thesce s 'iitli fil t v-t w-i and one-hnlf de grees, west Ihirly perches, south B'X'y-fourniid lliree-f-Mlith decrees, west tifly-two perches, thence soulh sixty srvea and oiie-f-'ilrlh dearees. west Itiirly-foor peri-lies; thence south si XI v d,-irri-es, west foniteen nnd I w '.lent he perches; thence e-iuth thirty four degree, seventeen pen-hs : Ih-iice at-uis; the line "f Innd ,,f J It. .Mnsser rtli sixty-four decrees, west twenty pcrclirs to a post; thence tv the i same. ii'Tth forly-seyen nnd-a-haif degtees. east seventy ' perches toe post ; thence Uv the same, noilh iwentv five ' iiii't-.'i-hair deurees, earn twenty and tliree-tenthi parches to n post in the time nl'orcnaid. and tlience ulonK the line of said land, s -uth six'v four degrees, east one and three- j tenths perches tthe plneeof liegiitiiintf.fniitntniiiff iwentv- ; five ar-ies, it hemtr the whole o' nut. lots lllltnhered ill the l aenernl plan of eaid town of Snnhuiy, nuinliered fifty-four and fifty -five, and part of out-lota nanihereil fil'tv s-ven anit fl'tv-eieht. I .evied as the property of Joseph S.lver. i Seized And taken into execution and to he sold as the : ptornrty of Jose h S. Silver. I) s.NIF.LEKCKI.EY, Sheriff, i Snnhurv, Octoherflh, 1H6-I QUARTERLY REPORT OF THF1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SUNBURY. Quarterly Report of tho condition of the --The First National Bank of Sunbury. in the Borough of Sun hurv. in the State of Pennsylvania." on the rxorniug of the first Monday of October. A. D., UJJ : LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, Dividends Unpaid, Surplus Fund. Discounts. Exchanges, Interest, and 'Profit nnd Lo-s." Circulating notes received from tho Comptroller, fl8f).0nr) (10 Less nniontit on hand, ' 2 163 MJ Lenving amount outstanding, Stale Bank circulation outstanding, Individual Deposits. Construction Account, Due to National Bunks, other Banks and Bunkers. loo.ono oo H.23S 70 12,471 :i 60,100 li 177.K..1 50 "111171 2i "in Wii lO.otlii b4 1 811 4S : Total, ASSETS. Loans and Discounts Banking-hoiKR. other Real Estate, furni ture and fixture. Current expenses and Taxes pii-1. Cash linn, ineluding Stamps and laiainl eiirrency. Due from National Banks, other Banks and Bankers. U. S. Bonds deposited with U 8. Treasurer to secure circulating notes, $oM),i;,5 03 fM6 173 02 SUM, 41 4,751) 02 2 144 83 82,1011 73 200.000 00 V S. Bonds nnd securities on hnnd, Other Sticks. Bonds and Mortgage Cash on hand in circulating notes of other Bills of National Banks State Banks and Legal tender notes, Specie, 2-s 700 00 ll.biO 00 44 44J oo 35ti S6 $Cb9,li& 03 ; STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA, NuKTUt'USKRLAND CO., ScT. . I, S.J. Paceer. Cashier of tha "First National Bank of Sunbury. Pa ," do solemnly swear that tha above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. S J. PACKER. Cnehk-r. Sworn to and subeeribed before uie, this (lib day October, A. D.. 118. Philip M. FniNDEL, Ass't. Assessor. Sunbury, Ootober A, 1868. "WE invi: COME With great Indootments to agants tooo-operate with us in our GIUoD O.Il Sheeting, jret of Watcht4 free of lOI.I,K S.4I.K J Co$t to our Ayentt. Cott to our Agenti. Seicing Machine! free of Cott to our Agents. Leather Good, free of Coet to our Agente. Linen Gondt free of Cut to our Agenti. BiVkt and Shuttle free of Coet to our Agenti. Boott and Shoee free of Cott to our Agenti Dru Good free of Colt to our Agtnti GREAT DOLLAR BARGAINS for our Customer Send for our riroular. AgenU wanted everywhere Address J A3. T. STEWART A C) , (M It 'M-la t i they , V. J. . c "..' ' : . lr-,iwf!Kil W do Bui wind Io inlorta you. ruader, that Dr Wonderful, or any other man. baa diacoverod a rem edy that cures Consumption, when the lung, nro half eonsumed, in short, will enrs all diseases whether of mind, body or Mtate, make men live forever, and l.av. death to play for want ol work, and isdesiened t0.ttl"lt,'rhblunary sphor. a blissful paradise to which Heaven Itself shall be but a side show. You have beard enough of that kind of hutnbuggery, and we do not wonder t'at you have by this time become disgusted with it. But when we tell you that Dr baga'i Catarrh Remedy mil pontivty curt tht worn cos. Catarrh, we only assert that whioh thousands can testify to. Try it and you will be oon vinocd. We will pay $rm Reb ahd for a case of Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR BALE BY MOST DRUUUISTS EVERY WHERE. Price oxit 50 Ckrt. Sent by Malt, post paid for Silly Cents Four Packages for J2 00 ; or I Doi en forfi.Ot). (Send a stamp for Dr. Mage's pamphlet on Catarrh. DR. SAUE A CO., Proprietors; BuUalo, N. Y. S No nomco. It is wirrantfi to euro lost or im- E aired Taste, Smell or Hearing. Watering or Weak yes, offensive Breath. Ulcerated Throat or Mouth, Pain and Pressure in tho Head, nnd loss of Memory when caused, as all of them frequently aro. by tho ravages of Catarrh. It Is pleasant and painless to use, contains no strong poisonous or caustic drugs, but cures by its mild soothing action. We will pay $M)0 Reward for a case of Cutarrli that wo cannot cure. FOB SALE BY MOST DRt'tHHSTS EVERY WHERE. Pittcc cnlv SO Cunts. If your Druggits has not yet got it on sale, don't ho put off with some worse than worthless strong snuff, '-fumigntor " or poisonous caustic solution, which will drive the disi as to the lungs insLead of curing it, but send sixty cs Its to us and tho remedy will reach you by returu mail. Send stamp for Dr Sago's pamphlet on Catnrrh. DR. SAUE CO., Proprietors. Buff.ilo.N. Y. 3 This Infallible the poison ous irritating snuffs and strong caustic solutions wiih which the poople have long been humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the lungs, ns there is danger of doing in the use of stt -h nostrum', hut it pro I if-es perfect and permanent cures of the worst cases of chronic c iturrli, as thou--li mis can testify. "Cold iu the Head" is cure, with a few applications. Catarrhal Headache is re lieved and cured as if by magic. It removes offen sive Breath, Loss or Impairment of the souseof mte, smell or hearing. Watering or Weak Eyus. and Dn patterl Memory, when caused by the rl.ilendc ol'Ca tan b. as they all frer(iiuntlv are. We nffer in good faith a standing reward of filll) tit a oase of Catarrh that we cannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST DRUOGIST.S EVERY WHERE. PlIICE ONI.V fill C'KNTN. Ask your Druggist for the Rkmkiiv. hut if ho has not yet got It on sale, don't be pur off by A-icepting any miserable, worse than worthless subsiiiuto. but enclose sixty cent" to us, nnd the Remedy will bo sent you post paid. Four packages f2 till, or one dozen lbr$i(J5. Bend stamp fur Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catarrh. Dr. (SAGE A CO., Proprietors. Buffalo, N Y. 4 This Is NO PATENT MEDICINE III'MBCU. got ten up to dupe the ignorant nnd credulous, nor is it represented as being composed of rare and rreeinns substances brought from tho fotircornerso theeartb. carried seven times across tbe Oreat Do.-ertot Sshar nh on the backs of fourteen camels, and brought across the Atlantic Ocean on two Ships. It is a simple, mild, soothing remedy, n roifect Specific; lor Ci TAitrtn and "Cot.n in the Hkad," also for pffensivo Breath, Loss or Impairment of the Sense of Smell, Taste or Hearing. Watering or Weak Eyes, Pain or I 'T" ln.lhB "be" "l; "th.y alt not unircauemiT are, oy toe violence oi ,.aiarrn. We offer, in good faith, a standing Reward of $ iOO for a case of Catarrh that wo oannot cure. FOR SALE BY MOST Dlt L'HU ISTS EVERY WHERE. PiuceSO Cent. Pent by mail, post paid, on receipt of Si xtt Cknts. Four packages for $2 00. or I Dozen for S'j 00. Bond stamp for Dr. Sage's pamphlet on Catnrrh. Dr. SAGE 4 CO., Proprietors. Oot. 10, '63 ly. Buffalo, N. Y. OJSTJB Y SAVED i "llj" Weon"'anlly pnrehasing for fish in the New I York and Boston Markets, all kin is of Dry and Fancy Goods. Silks. Cottons. Hoots anJ Shoe, Watches. Sewing M tchtnuH. Cutluiy, DrerS Goods, Dotne.sttu Goods. Ac, Ao. Which wo are aotnnlly sailing at an average rrio of One Dallas' tiss s-ssi-ls ill-lis-io. Onrsales being strictly for cash, and our trade much larger than that, of any other similar concern, enahlos us to give better bargaini than can be obtained of anv other houso, v ii i: t. a n i r. s Are specially invited to gie us a trial. Send tor a Ciucl-i.ab mid Exi iianse List. Our clubsystem ot'selling is as follows: For $2 wo send 20 pa'.eut pen fuunluiu1. and cheeks describing 2tl ilitfereut urticles t-i bo sold for a dollar ctuli ; 4o forSI; 0 for$li ; 100 for $11). Ac. Sent by mail. Commissions larger than thoso ottered liy any othec tirm, according to size of club, .single fniititnin atca check, 10 ots. Male and Inmate agents wanted. Srnu money in Reijisterko Letter. Send us a trial club, anjl you will acknowledge that vou cannot afford to buy goods of any othor house thereafter. Ua .1111 III Ai. Isl'-n Hi Hanover St., Boston, Mass. May 13, 'SB Rm. Iutlicta' I'aucj l'ui-M ! AT JOHN FAKEIRA S, Old EstablL-hed F I R Manufactory, No. "IS ARCH Street, above ah, PUIL'A. Have nuw in Flore of myowu Importation and Mumifacture one of tho largest and mo.-t beauti ': "4 f selections of iri-i wvvcv irn-5 &&Lf,.r l.ndir.s' iiml Chil- iiirdren a Wear, intheo.vl 'iitSi Also, a tine uuiurtuient of Uents' Fur Gloves and Collars. I am euabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solii-ii a oail from tny friends of Northumberland county and v. cinity. Remember the Name, Nnaibcr and Street ! JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch St., above Tib, south side, Philad'a. IjtF1 1 have no Partner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. .1, '68 -4m i.,n Sa 'B'.i'b. I..,.. i T,vntr'iTi(iv ,.iit t, i...t.i ,i, Rriin-i., l J times and places : ' 'or rurbut Sbukespearc School House ' V.'.' i-"'"i'."uioii I on n euiieaaay, uot. ma. : - i vv..i. t...- .1. nr. .17 :ii. i , ,ii ii uuiuum 1-ih.kciihi iiiii mrrouc, !'. and Delawara township, in Public School House ut atsontown, on Thursday, Out. loih. For Turbutville borough and Lewis township, in Public school House at Turbutville, on Friday, Oct. liith. . I For Sunbury borough and I nner Aun-nstn h. ship, at Sunbury. in School House in N. E. Ward, on Saturday. Out. 17th. For Rush township and Gearharts District, at Ruhtowu St hool liouee. us Monday, Out. lllih. For Stiaiuokiu lownaliip, ut SiiuUuiwn School House on Tuesday. Oct. 2iltb. For L'pper Muhatu.y township, at Eijcl's oldstanj, on Wetttieetlay, Hot. 2Ut. For Junian township, at Eliai Shaffer's, on Tburs dty.Ott. 22nd. I For Lower Mahanoy townsbin. in Public School House at Georgetown, on Friday, Oct. 2:ird. 'lr l'""ver Augusta towushtp, at A'lona Churoh School House, on Saturday, Oct 2 1th. txaaiiuutluus will conuuence at U o clock A M U. W. H.U'PT, County Sunt. Oot. S, 188. , gs A Lecture to Just Publttluiti, iii a Scalul Envelope. riHtit'r rent. A ItMturs oil slso ni re, 'I'r-ni- tnentaud Radical Cut eol Spern.aloi rhcr a. or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Etiiiasions, Sexual Dchiiiiv, and Impediments io Marriage generally ; Nervoas ness. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit' ; Mental an I Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse- J By Robeht J. Ci-lvkiiwell, M. D , Author ot'tl 'Ureen Book." &o. The world-reuuwncd author, in this aimirabl Lecture, dearly proves from bisoan experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be ctluo- luany removed without medicine, ana wuuou. m.. gerous surgical operations, bougiee, instruments, rings, or oordials. poinlingouta mode of cure itwW certain end effeotual, by whioh every I uff.-rer. no matter what his oouditiou mav be, may cure biume r cheaply, prirately, and radically. This Lecture ill prove a boon to thousands and tbousuuds Sent uuder seal, Io any address, in a plain seeloa envelope, on Ibe reoeiptof six cents, or two postage sumps Also, Dr Oulverwell's Marriage Uuuo, pnoe 2i ceuu. Addre- the Publishers. r CUAS.4.C. KLIk Co 127 Bowery. New Xotk. cet-tatnee Boi ." ly 4, li -b