I I 4 LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! n. iivi:ici.v, mUK popular Photogrper, has fitted p, In lbs I old Post Offloe building, three doors ml of ths railrond, Markot Squars, ono of the very bestSky Lights to be found in the Stele, find Is now prepared to take pioturos of any kind, In nil kinds of weather, early and lato. Children taken almost Instantly. Bring ahigg Uio babioa we are now roedy for them. COME OXE t COMB ALL I both great and small, oe hli new rooms, and ex amine specimens. ,, FRAMES and FRAMIXO malcrlal ennrtnntly on linn I and nin.leto order, llrlng along youi ' plo1"1 and have thorn framed cheaper (ban ny."h"e'".?. Come nnd .00 lor yourselves, Anytlnng In lie picture line constantly on hand or ordered Copying done in nil in branches and "tCiahort notice Hoth nut and indoor view, a ken al s inr n"0 and on reasonable term, J "i"' ZZrZ" leme!oer',hc place-a'sk for 8. BYER Ll". Market Sqiinre. May Tl. w -iy- . . ! III II V Oil JilLls. THE subscribers having just erected and put In opera' ion a Mill for the manufacture of LINSEED OIL, oiler the highest market prico for FLAX SEED. J'hov lnivo attached to their establishment nChnp ping Mill, and formers and others wanting grain chopped for feeding, can bo accommodated at the shortest notice. A inachino for chopping corn with III" cob is attached to the mill. MOKlIAN & MASSER. Janiiury 2.". ly MHS: xaii: lw-. RPIUXfJ TUA.DE 18C8. M. L. LAZARUS, would call tho attention of tho public, nnd her customers gonerally, to her large nnd now assort ment of I'nncy nml lomoNti; lry ooIm. Which consist of Poplir.s, Del a in, Chcnrs, Allnpnc cs, Crepes, tlrcmidinos, Iron Bareges, Lawns, tiinghams, Calicoes, Chintzes, 4c, While 'oolw. Cambrics. Ftoy, Organdies, Victoria, Tlaid Muslins Marsaillfc, J'iquo, Drillings, Wtgnns, Mucins, (bleached nnd unbleached.) Tnblo Linen, Napkins, Towels, Table Covers, Bed Spreads, Ac. (iV.ve. Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Dress Trim ming, (in variety,) l.iulks nnd tlents Handker chiefs. Xcck Ties, and notions in variety too niiincr- ous to menticn. Smibnry, May 9, 1M3. M. L. LAZ.UUS. .1 W. !Stkvi:nsiix. A. X. IJiticK. ATTRACTION AT II A UP T' 8 XEW IKON FRONT! STEVENSON & MUCK, HAVE opened up a new and desirable stock of Goods in Jlnnpt.'s New Building, consisting in purl of a splendid variety of AmvrH-nn lVnrclics CiOU) WATCHES, HOOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. STATIONERY, SILVER-WAR, COLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Glass-Warp, Cutlery, Pictures, Loriking-Glitssca, &c, &c, &.c. Cull and examine our stock. Our aim will be to plciuo and satisfy nil who call. SiEYEXSOX A BIUCE. Sunbury, April 13, 18fio Ii.lTIT MI LKS Ol" SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, Dlis 7?J. I,. 4l'l-. begs leave to an nounce to the Lmlicsof Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened a largo and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, . The latest New York and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Alo. nn exclleut assortment of Fashionable Em broideries. Killings, Laces, Woolen Caps, Handker chiefs, S.iirl's. Gloves, Hosieries, and till kinds of Fancy Notions. Slnmped Muslins, Coisots, Perfume rics, foiip. Lilly White, Enamel of America, Sta tionery. Jin.. .1,. Call and exiiihine fur yourSLlves. Xo trou'olo to show poods S'lrbnry, Apri! II HOUR & FEED STORE wholesale axd ketail. rilllE subscriber respectfully informs tho publio .L tlint he kreps constantly on hand at his new WAlU.ilors!:. iiciirthaSuiiiiiokiii Valley Huilroad Depot, in Sl;Xlll"H, Flour by tho barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tho above is nil manufactured at bis own Mills, nnd will be sold at the lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADFU. Sun'mry. April 1. ISIW vSUNBURY MARBLE mil V ..,W,..l 1,,...!r l,n, ,..!,( II, n f - J cut iro stock of Dissingcr A Tiiylur, r " 11 inform Ilio iiublic tlint he is now ready to do all kin. Is of marble work ; bus on hnnd, and makes to order at short notice, .lloiiiniK'iif x jiikI II':iI- Ioik-s, of every style to suit purchasers. DOOR AXD WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with tlalv:inied pipe nnd all other fem-inj; generally used on Cemeteries. .lolin A. Tnylor will continue in the employment, at the old stand in Market Squnro. Sunburv. Pa. May 2, 'tW. ly. W. M. DAL'li HERTY. BREAD & FANCY CAKES, 1" l-PECTl'rLLY informs the eitiiens of .Sun bury nni vicinity, that ho will bake to order all kinJs of 4'akrM i'or CE:illw. Eai-li-M, Xv. Families vrc supplied w ith FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls. Ruskf, Tea Runs. Ac., and also kept on hand manafuctured out of the bestninterials. All orders left at bis Shop in Market Square, ono door cast of Miss Annn Painter's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery on Spruco street, between Front and .Second streets, will niuet with prompt attention. PIC-NIO PARTIES supplied with Cakes, Ico Crcutu, A'c, ut the shortest notice. Orders nro respectfully solicited. DAVID FRY. Simbury, May 2, HrtS. liOOi'r Ai SliOIX I. C. SYI.YIS, WITH II. G. TIIA05IE1I Jliinufaoturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF i(o. Is, siioi'K siimI siiiK'r, l'lcx-i.ii'.o' Building. Market Sijuaro, .''L'NBl'RY, PA. 1. 'iilies' Roots. Shoe sand liaiters of all description loa le to order on tho shortest notice and most real sonnule terms. Having the hesl workiut-u employed we can ussurii Ibo puLlio that, if they will give us a enll, they uill ha snii-liedof the ahove facts. RE I'AllllN'i ne.Hly d 'liu wiih dispatch, ll' vour eoiii do hurt your feel, .lust c.iH nnd leave your iiiotisure, And wo iiiuko your Shoes or BooLs, 'I I, hi 1.1t w ill call a treasure. March L'S, '(. ly. Ol-JIMXij OF SCMMKU XTVUSS, 2Iis3 Louisa Shissler's, MARKET SQUARE, Ladies' nnd Mines' HATS and BON NTS, iu iiuuienso variety. .lliliuery tJoodst unci Trf uiiuiiisk. French and A uiarlcan Ribbons. Laoes, llnndker cbiots, liloviu, U,u.iry, and a general auortuent of l.udits Millinery tiouds, which have been selected with great care. " taViiia Cvlinr, vcUlick (ilotcs, A-f, Ia'PI-W Vlsrli'tv U ill Kit r.-iiii.I . t r . . MODERA'IE PRICES. ' " buubury, May Si), ldiiS. HOTEL FOR SALE. Till! ' Susqueliunua Hotel," located on the eoiner ot 1 enu ud luurlh btreeU, iu the Borough of buubury, Nurtuuuiberland Bounty, "a.Lui offered at private sule, on reasouable toruia. This well known Hotel bas lately been re no v. ted, and U one ot the 1 best studs in the laue, with an ueelleul ruu of custuui. For further particulars auul v tu Q. W ARB0.1A8T, tleor.otowD. Pa" or UEO. W AO KNtSKLLER, buubury, Pa. Jwly 11, lbod y KMBMBlilt lrrly,s a.w flcture Uallary , three doors ut el lu railroad, Maiael aquare FRESII ARRIVAL OF MILLINER Y GOODS .AJNJD 3STOTI03STB, Mis ANITA PAINTBR, Market Squirt, tws doors west of the Post OBc SUNBUUY, PENN'A. RKPRCTPOtXT Inform her friends Ml the imblie, that elm has Just returned from the city, where she hi spent tome time In making selection and porobases, and has Just opened a largo stock of MILLINERY GOOD8 AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wl gans Skirting Lining, Hoop Nkiruv, Bugle Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Uat Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Bcphyra. ' A large assortment of Ladies nnd Gentlemen's Hosiery. . DOLLS of nil slr.es, Alphabet Plocks, As. S'ho flatters herself in being able to mnke a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. .Simbury, May .10. 183. A. BENNETTi" DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Miirlct Nipiarp, NI IllltV, In. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, nnd kept con stantly on band. My stock will always he found complete in every urticlo of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness nnd attontion to orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! My stock is unusually large nnd embraces every thing thnt can be found on a first class Toilet Tablo, including American and genuine French and Eng lish P E R F U M E R Y , Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Gutta Tercha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Xail, Cloth and Paint Brushes, c. I'll font iTlSMliS'illCn. Embracing all the most popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Puro Havana 6'KGAKS and CHEWING TOBACCO of the best Brands. Paint, Oil, (jiliio, IaM, I'uHj, ViiniistlM'si, Ac. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations nio manufactured by myself, and from the best mnterial I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the Drug nnd Preerijition nnninenf, both In Philadelphia and the country, nnd also Iho advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PUEtiCKIPTlONS that the Physicians and public may favor 1110 with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, ure mada from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very C WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A BEXN KTT. t-'unbury, May Id, 1858. QUEENS-WAUI; STONE CHINA WARE, &c W. HUE- CAIRNS, Market Streot, A doors west of Fourth St. .south side, .SUN III ' It Y, PEXX'A., RESPECTFULLY informs tliecitiicnsofSunbury and Merchants nnd dealers in this and adjoin ing counties, that he has just opened a largo assort ment of U.IEEXSWAUE AXD STOXE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho country, which will be sold at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Dealers are Invited to examine bis stook before purchasing in the city, as they can save money by doing so. Sunbury, May 16, lSftS. ISm NEW GROCERY SIORE, 77. S. FTJF.1I.1T & CO-, Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north sido, SUNBURY, PA., ESPECTFL'LLY inform their friends nnd tho blic, that they have opened a 3STEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will bo happy to hnvo them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee Tea, Sugar, Fyrups. Spices, Canned nnd Dried Fruits, Beans, lloniiuy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Putatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac, and in fact everything in the liroceryiind Provision. Line. 1 LOI R AXD FEED, Quocnswiirc, Willow-ware, Olnssiviire. Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil Ac. Call and see beforo purchasing elsewhere. W. S FI RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 1SH7. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! QI4ANT Sc BROTHER, k hi I'M V X liolt-Miilu A: Itclail Ii-i4-i-i isi lvisi i c: v ki:b asji khi,, in every variety. Sole Agents, westward, of tbii Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lowr.n Wiiabp, SiiKnrnr, Pa. " Sunbury, Jan. l.'l, IHiiii. " SEEING IeTBEllE'VINo" At JO I Arch Slierl. NEW prices: new goods Rich Silver and Silver-I'latcd Wares, Including every style nnd description, madu expressly for the Winter trade, which for neutne.-s and durability cannot be surpassed at JOIIN DOWMAN'3 Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment, 7ut ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Rc-platingnt short notice. December 21, :rt7 .nug27 NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries! On Third SI., one door below the Lutheran Church, SU N IJ U R Y, PEN N 'A. IIENBY PETERS, 11ns just opened a largo assortment of DRY (iOOD., such as Calicoes. Delaines, Muslins, Ac, Ac. and riiOYISIONS of all kinds, such as Sl'UARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Syrups, Mackerel, Lard. Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, RaUins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the tirucery line. Hums, FUh, Coal Oil, Crockery-waro, Queensware Uluss-wure, Willow-ware, Ac. Tbe beat f LOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTIONS. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for floods. I3f fall and examine my Slock, and satisfy your olvej. HENRY PETERS. Nunbury, April 25, lr-67. FANCY DRY GOODS. ALL THE LATEST .STYLES, SuitaLlo for the SPRING AND SUMMER SEASONS. MIS8 KATE BLACK, Market Suuare. two door Kwt of lbs old Bank building. bCNBl'llY, Peuu'a , HAS just oreued a fresh assortment of tbe inust tubiooabie Fancy Dreas Goods fiuiu the largest CaUblUbiuents In Philadelphia. DaLAINKS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC-8. .1IOI l(.il4j UOOItl, CloUis, Saeques Flannels, flannels, Shaetings, Mus. lins, Ladies aad Cbildrans' HATS, Fealbers, Ribbuas, srcaai 'I'rlsitmlsiKit. Viuba-oiderleM, Lao Veils, CorseU, Uandkerohie fa, U lures, Huslery Uuup Skirts, Uopkios' Lliplie Skirts. Real Black Laea bbawls. and Ladies' Goods of every aescriptiuo. Bun Umbrellas and Paroaola. GenU' dollar., Meok-ties, Half-hose, Handker. ebt.ni aadlilovea. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Ualr Brwhes, CnsnU, .to. HATH DLAl'li. KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and see the wall selected Stock of CLOTHS, CA86IMERKS, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING 3, As - ' J met received al ' MWXY IS, SM2E'S MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Ftrwst, rsclow Eysler's Store, BUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of tbe most spproved styles is mads up to, order a reasonable rates. Ho has also a fine assortment of Cassimera Phtrts, Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Nock ties, Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, 0 loves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN '8 FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a enll, which yon will nnd te be to your advantage. Sunbury, Oot. 19, 18oT :tO tlit'Nlniit Slre.'t, Iliilnlelliiu. Are the bost in Use, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASON'S : They are moro simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger nnd moro clastic stitch, a Grmcr nnd inro beautiful sesin than any other They sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends or tbe scam by their own operation, and though every fifth stitch is out tho seam will not rip. The Vry lUlicst Vi-izo, ilic Ookm of the Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho 4JIIOVF.R Jk ll tHF.i: st the Exposition Univorscllee, Pnris, 1fi7 ; thus attesting their great superiority over all other sew ing machines. G ROVER &. BAKER'S llllll' S.TTLBS H II IJ X X 1. 1: !tl V II I I'. N For Manufacturing. Combine the most modern and essential improve ments. Tbe attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of tbe most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new stylos, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Was CAEOLINR DALITJS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Not. 23, 1867. ly TOERINGTON & HODGKINS' n a. w BONE SUrEH-PHOSPUATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROP.. Having within tbe past year greatly increased and improved our facilities tor grinding Bones and man ufacturing, we are prepared to furnish to the farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of NllM-l--IllO!lUt. Our manufacture has bcon thoroughly tested tbe past season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every case the result has been entirely satisfactory. Hur process of pulvcYuiug, w hereby it is prepar ed for and G I" A R R ANTE E D TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obv:atcs an objection which attuches to many fer tilizers, and secures to tbe furuicr a saving of much valuuble time. SOI.II ATTHU M A N t'F A CTO It Y, EAST MARKET ST R E E T , Ni wita icv, iM., and by our Agents throughout tho country, in Bags ol iUt) lbs. each, ut ?iS per Ton of 2001) lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points accessible by rail or cuuul, on receipt of order. TORRINGTON & HODGKINS. Also Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt A Smectley's Hay and Grain Rake. end for Circular. February 15, '(IS. ly A LARGE supply of Willi liiti- iinsl lloi di r, just received and for salu cheap, at the Mammoth Store of II. V. FRIL1NG. April 4, ISM ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WiUcIimiil.i'r unci .low 'l'r, stai-vvprSI KTO. 148 NORTH ad ST., COB. OF QUARBY, PI11UADELP11IA. An nMortiiient itT Wat-hea, leweiry, Silver and PUtec Wiire eiiii.laiilly 011 I1.-1111I, fT'Kei'uiriiig of Watches and Jewelry promptly at lenileil to. Nov. .'HI, 1671 y. iF you have a picture you want framed, go to Itjcrly 'si and get it done cheaper than any where else iu town. Ho has mouldings of all kinds constant. y rn hand. JOHN P. HAAS7 Dealer in all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Antbraoito Coal from the Shamukiu Coal Region at ebeap rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spectfully solioited JOHN P. HAAS, rninhury, July 13, WS. i.iii'oi: r.vvr .orici:. THE undersigned having succeeded to ths busi ness of T. lll.MES A CO., takes this method of informing Briek-Layors. Ruildcrs, and all others in terested, iu and about Sunbuiy, that he is prepared to fill nil orders, for buibiing nod paving Brick, of a mitwri,ir miultlv Mini at mji Iiiw ruin. a. An ha hrf elsewhere. 1 am also the Agent in the Counties of Northura crland, Union, Snyder and Montour, for WAR EN'S IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOF OOF. This is tbe cheapest and best Roof that an be used on buildings. We covered several build ugs with it, during the last season with eutire satis faction. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to buubury, or at Ibe Office of Mr. Wni. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, or at Sunbury Post OUioe, will receive prompt attention. TOWNSEND HIMES. Sunbury, March 14, IMS. Attrieullurwl liuileiuentM, HOK'8 Grain Hakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long aud D Handle Spades, JSbovels, Manure aud Hay Forks, Grass and .Grain Seylbes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongas and Log Chains, Grlnd-stoucs, Fanning Mill Selves of all sixes and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Uanies, for Plowing, Farm Bell., Cultivator Teeth. for sal, by ir. CON LEY CO. Holies) (o 'I'reapsi rrs. NOTICK is hereby given, tbat no penoa or per suna will b allowed lo trespass oa the proper ty of the undersigned. In Lower Mabonoy township, Northumberland oounty, for tbe purpoaa of ptoking Berries, lTruit, As., or to eater into any enclosure without permiMioa. as tbe law will be sulbread agaiiul all offendara. ' ISAAC IT. RE9SLBR. Lewes Makewiy Iwp , Jane 0, Idea 4sa Great. Attraction,' aims NEW TIN-WARE, Nheet Iron nnd fftove Hore " SMITH & GEITTEEH, Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AMD SHEET IRON-WARS of all descriptions. They would especially eall ths attention of pur chasers to Uieir large and woll selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and Ihoso who would have a good stovo would do well to go aud examine their largo and well selected stock. First. They defy 'competition on the following tried Brands of Cook fitoves, vis : 4'omlinitlIon diss llurnr, 4'oolt. Uorrrnor IV nn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and tbe well known Anttdust Cook Stovo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Tnrlor and office Stoves In great vnrldty em bracing all the best manufactures aud most fashion- ablo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Firo Place Stove, for beating tirst, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the colcbratcd MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, foul OH lismps, NIiikIch, I'liisimlrn, iintl nil nrlU'loH usually kept In an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the nest workmanlike manner Also, to do Tin Roofing, S;auting. Rango nnd Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly ana cneapiy executed. Also: "Itiiiigli'M Itnvv Hone iiper-IMioi- linl, Remember fho place. A'ninplo nnd Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'e llardwaro store. .Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 2i, I SOU. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .1. A. !;. IV Av In Weimer's Building, Water Streot, near King st., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA.. 7 NFORM their friends and tho public generally JL that they have a large assortment of Grocories Provisions. Ac., all fresh and of the bestqunlity, con sisting 01 leas, uoneos, sugars, nnu r-pices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery linn. Tbev would aiso call attention lo their large and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Ten. Hams, Shoulders, Ac, whioh are constantly kept on hand. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac. Give them a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 28, ISl',7. THE GREAT AMERICA X COMIUXA TIOX Hut Ion Hole Orei'setimiii SETTTITG- ItCACSIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Great Merit. Tho Increase in tho demand for this valuable ma chine has been TEN F'OLD during the last seven months of its first year before the public. This grand und surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we feel fully warranted in claiming that IT II A S N O K Q U A L , Being Absolutely the Best FAMILY .M..'Illi: IN THE WORLD, -In. Iiitrinticitlly the Chetifttt. It is really two machines combined iu one. (by a simple and beautiful mechanical. urrungeuieut,) ma king both the Suuttleor Lock-stitch, nnd the Oter suiiuiing and Button-bole siileb. with opiul facility and perfection, it executes in tlio very best manner every variety of sewing, such lis. Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Smelling. Bruiding and Ouiltm, Gathering and sewing on, idoiio al tbe sauie. lime. I and in addition, Overseauis, Embroidery oti the eJge and makes beautiful Button aud Eyelot-holes in all fubrics. Every Machine is warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, to give eulire-satisfautioii. Circulars, with full particulars and sninples of work done on this Machine, cau be bad 011 applica tion ut the Sulesrooms of THZS AMERICAN I5LTTOX HOLE, OVERSEAMIXO AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, 1'a. Instructions given on tho Machine at Ibe rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. EREO'K l'AXSOX, l'toiiknt. V. I. Mknpksiiai.i,, Tri'iisuttr. April 25. ISM. lycjsn. 25, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST SUITBUR-Y" is on .Id street, opposito tho MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Hut I.nlcl.v i:Ml:ilIisiliil, Milli nil Hie Jlotli'rn Iiiipros t'lui'iilsi ot 1 lie Art ! rpHE subscriber, having luilt the room cxproly L for the purnsti of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of his ability lo assure his patrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none In oountry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, bo is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ot weather, but would prefer a clour day for small children, " lie is also prepared to t ike now siio, or'cubiuet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any rctpjired site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water oulorsor India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape vieus of .Monuments, Machinery, Couuty Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. Tbe public are respectfully iuvited to uaii and see our specimens and our complete arruugomeuts for uiaking Photographs, special terms to lumilics and clubs. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, .11. Vt ai:.VItllAIM"S Confecticnry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, sllai'kt'lhlrr, Miiiiltury, lai. COXFECTIONEUV OP AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVEttY DESCRIPTION KUL'IT. Acc.f &c.v COXST.XTLY 00 han.l And for le t the aWi twUbliebincnl at vr holcfale ttml rutuil, ut rotuou ulilepricu. Jlu is inunufaoturing all kin In of Coufrelionurie tw keri uji s full utfurtiueiit which nre iMilJ at low rat cm. Tubneco, SctrnrB, 8tatincry, NuUof nil kin.ln, una a variety of otber uruclvs, all of wbijh ara ufttie4 wholoatil! and retail. LV Keiueiuber tbe dhiiis and p!we. W. C. UEARHAltT, Market Uet, 3 doors west wf K. V. Bright A 8ur' store. tsuiibury, Sept. 19, 1863. tf Hultr ii nd 11 re lrool SLATE ROOFS THE underIkftied rwpeotfully Informs builders in this and a.ljuiuiur eouuiios tbat be U prepared to ut on tSlata ui on oiaia noou iu a superior manner, ii turn, hes tbe celebrated Lehigh oounty Slat, which is the bent in the uarket. lie warrants bis work to be durable and fire and water proof, lieiuvitos the in. speotionof the publio to the work be hasdone in 6un bnryon llaupt s( Ureenough's and Haas buildings, and on others at various places. lin priees are as low as those of any other slaur. Addrdftt, V. B SMITH, .Suubury, P. 0., or eall at bis residence lo Upper Augusta twp. Jaauarj 11, l6H. ly 1iXH Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, BltU, Buck 1 lea, liig Trees, Pad Trees. sHar.ee, all kinds and every thing pertainlug le the busiiiee, fur sale by J. H. CONLKY CO. 5000 May M LBS. OF CARPET HAQ3 WASTED at the Store of MOORE DnsnraR, , Alarkei siraai, ins bury. BALTIMORE LOCK HOBPITAL. ESTABLISHED A8 A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAPf OS OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON has discovered tbe ntort Certain,Soerty and only KCmiuhI HcwMrty in Uie World fit. II Pn yule Dimaea, Wenkmee of the Back or Limlie, Strictures, Affection, of tfce Kidneys and UlmMer, Involuntary Dito. elinixe., Impotency, Uvneral Dehility, Nervousness, Dye pepay, languor, low PpuiM, ConliMumnf Ideas, Palpi utmu of the Heart, Timidity, TrrmMins, i)imaa. of irht or Oiditinrai, DinM of the Heart, 'fliroat, Nose i skin, AActiini. m the Irfver, larnn, tHomartt ia- Howrls IhrM 'I'errilile Disoidei.arisiiit fiom tli.8iliury Habit, of Youth tbo.e Mcret and solitaiy practices mure fatal lir their victim, than the song of fyren Ui the Matinera of t !) , blinhtiin their iml brilliant hope. 01 aiilKlpatioii., rendering iitarriHge, Ac, imnoeaible. Young SI on Especially, who have become the virtimsnf folitnrv Vice, thai dreadful aial destructive huliit which aiuinnlly swreii. to an untimely grave Ihoumnd. of Yonu Men 01 the must exalted talents Slid brilliant lalellect, who mialit otherwise have eiltiaueed listening 9etinle with tlie lliun deia of eloquence or waked lo ecstaty tlie living lyre, may call with full confidence. IHnrrlngp. Married Persons or Young Men conteraplating marriage, being aware of phy.icul wenkueM, ofgauie debility, ue fni noli... ire., .neeililv cureil. He wlio places himself under the care of Dr. J. may may religiously counue in ni. nonor as n geaiieinuu, ana confidently rely upon his skill as a Phyeicieii. Organic Weukneitsi Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor ReMorod. This ilislieMiiig Alfection which rendei. Life mi.era bleniid marringe iinpuMittre i. Hie penalty paid by I he Victims of imitroper llidiltpeirces. oung pelwtiiaare too apt to commit excesses Iruiu not ueing awaie 01 lite dieail' fill coiisfuneitce. that may eii.tie. Now, who that under stands Hie subject will pretend to deny that tlie power of piocreaiion is lost sooner oy uiose laiiuig nun improper htibit. than by the prmtents? Ili'side. demg deprived the pleasures ol htwllhy oH'snring.tlie most aeriousnint destrac. live symptoms to both lurrty nml nilml alise. 'I'tie system lavoine. Deranged, tlie I'hysienl and Mental functions Weakened, lisa of Proereutive I'owet, Nervous Irrilaliili Iv. Ovsoeiisia. I'tilnitaliiai sf the Heart, listutrstiini. Con- slitiitioiial DelMlily, a Watting of the Frame, Coogli, Consumption, llt-cny and Duith, Ollice, o. 7 Hon Hi I'redericU Street I .eft hand side going from Itnltimore street, a few dooi. loin ttieconter. Full not tootrserve name and nunilier. liclteis must lie paid and coittuin a stamp. The Doctor's Uiploiiias liaug ill Ins oltice. A Cure Wiiri-niilcd in Two I;i)s Xo Mcrritry or Xhiiikom Drug. Ir. .lolinnlon, Memlwr of the Royal Cullege of Surgeons, Nnidoii, ftrad uale from one ,if ihe naist eminent Cnlle.es in the luileil Stut.es, anil tlie greater virt ol" whose tile hn. Iieen spent 111 the hospital, ol IjiiiiiIou, I'ans, rhiludelplua and else where, ha. elb-eted S"iue ol the most usli'iiit'iing eufes that weie ever known ; iniiiiy truulileil Willi mijcoig in the head and car. when usleep. grent lierviitisuess, bring alatin eil at simMi'II b-iuimIb, tKishfiilMeM, Wllh fieijueut blusliuig. atleinled sotiteliiues Willi der mgemeiit of mind, wef ecuied immediately. 'lake Iurf U'lilur .'oll'o. - Ir. J. Hildres.es all lhnse who h tve injured themselves by improper iudiilgeu 'e and solitary liiiluls, wlui-li rum Iriilli lnHty and iniml, unfitting llieiil lor either business, .tuily, society or marrince. I HU-K are some oflliesail anil mrlaiif holy fif'-ets pro-ituc-d by early hiilitlsol ynilli. vi: Wenkiiessol the linek unit l.lilibs, I'.ilns III the ticuil, Dunnes, ol !iglit, tyssof AfiiBi'iilur Powei, I'alpitalioii ol the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervi'U. lrnUihilitv, Deiangemeiilol the lliifi-stive Knne tlims, lieueral D'-lillllV, tsyillii"iii. ol C. lisililirllnn, r. Hin.l I ALl.t IIIC ItiUIIUI ITIISJI-IH nil IIIO millil nil- Mill' ll i to lietlrculftl Istirtsiii iMeiiinrv, Conrtntinn nt Me-iH. !' pr.ttfi.-n tif Spinii, Kyil-PorelisMlinys, Av. ruioii lo;iety, ( St'ilUln.rutt ltive nt Soliluile, Tiniuhly, AC. ure umiie lilt cviim pr. niureil, Thh 8Asn af per 'lis nf nil anea nm now jmle what. i ihu vault; of thtn ilcciitiing hc.ilili, Itsnnr I linir vigor, lt'i'tnriiu- wtk, piiU, ntrivoua unit t-n:iriiiielt li.un. a ni'ijiulttr iippenriiiiie alrut tlie eyes, cutih mi.i1 ytMil(iins c'livumplioit. Yoiiu,; .11 on Who have mjiircil ttieinr-t rs hyti ct-rUiin pruclice imlut etl m when nloar, ti Ii:iImI frenneiitly lmtpil from evil i-m;iiiiioiiti. or ;tt brliHi, tlif itecti ot' whi'h me iiiitlitly lell, even whtn iisleep, and if not cureil lemleis himiii.ih iiiipossihte. Hiid J iftroi bolli imnUaiiii iHHly, tti'u il upp'y iutnieitiiiteiy. VVtint a pity tli:it a vounii mm, the hope nf lit comiiry,, the ti n IhiK ot lii 4 p'ireiiti, chonUI Ire simtctteil from tilt pros pects uiul enjoy me nis of life, ly tlie eotmetpieiice ( tlcvm ,ting fim the pnih of nutureHiiil im'nlii'g in h cerium secret luihit. huch perRons Mt'ur. Iteture coiiteiiiplating aliirriti' f fleet that n smiatt iniiut nml lnniy arc the intt neeery reiinmitrsto proiiiiiteconnutnisl liajipinefi. ludeetl wnhont ttifBe. tlie j umiy ttiriinh tile lecme a weiiry pilrnn Mk(e; the pio.ifii li.-uily iltiikens loiheview; liieii'inil tiex'otuea hIlhI. iweit wiih ilei"toi uiiil filleil witti I he mei;tii cli-'ly rsrlieeiiiiii t lnt the huppincu of auotii'T hec'tiitr t.Iig'itetl with oui iivvii kkif-Jix ol Iiiiiiii4l4ri4. When tlie mir-iiiiteO mimI intpruilent voiiiry of plefis ire niiim trcit ue iimi nunineti the seetis hi mis wiiiiiui uie;ie, it tooiifien huppens thnt mi itl-liineil sense of dim inc. oi dreml of (Jincovery. ileteis linn fiom upph ing to Ihotut h , loin eOtieittion unit r-aprit:iliilhy can nl-nie Ivefi iemt linn, ilelttviiig till the foiisiitutfunl swnpL"iii of tins iinkl ttiieis4 urike their tippeitrHiiee. sui h na u!cr:iteit Kie iltriit.0iieiiM'ii note, hoolinul pins iu the htm niut timlM, (Iiiiiiioh of b;!it, il-'tifucKi, ii-ilt 8 on tie ?tnti Imiii-h mill minx, hi t;!it-8 on ill, hmd, fiteeniiit xil vtuilii pi 'i ss iiiC Willi inlitfiil (Hpiilil. nil ill la.t (lit piiite "I il: iii'Ullli r lltt Ifitit-fl ( the mkm fnll in. iui'1 lilt vf'mi f ihisuwful (Iis-ckmj teeoiiies a hofiiJolijeei of roMtini8ia ti"ii. till ileili puta ii periml to Inn ilit-:nl "ul pu nun, by i liilui linn t "tli it I mllstMvereJ Country fi-nn wl.riice no traveller let'inix ' It m iiii'laoclixly fact tliat i1i iikiii!i Hill victims to tliig temhle ilie:ir..', nwiicj to tli- iiiiskiilftilni'Kv f igMiinut pii;teiulriii. wh liy the use of r h t 1 )e:ilty l.'ts n. Met cury," ruin tlie Coiuttlutiou anil make the renutue ol life tin sent I le, Triift ti 't yo ir liven, or he:tlih, lo the mre f Ihe nianv I'nleaiutd un I W.nihli M i'reteiulem. iie-titute of kicw! eilire, inline or rlnritc'er, who copy l)r Johnston's uilver tin uis'iitr. or ul leih"tne!ved in the new ip;ipei, rej.Mil.it ly Ivliiciitetl i'av'4'eiani, imnpahli: of Ciuinit, iliey kep you lii I) i iij; iii'ntli after inonili lakuiii their liithy Miid pois-xiiis riiiipHiiii, or ns lnf as the aiu;i!lel fee can le ohlaineil, ami ni ! npair, le-ive yon with mined health to siyh over youi i;nilii)fi ttisappniiunieiit. Dr. Jolihiion i th only Phyriciiiu n.lvcrtmnjr. Ilis creileutiai or li)loniHri alwn) ivuiu in his ot6f. 1 1 is rciiiiilirs or trentment ure unkliU'n to Ail others, prcpnrei) from a 'ife fpenl in Iheifeal honpitnlsia' Knr-'pe, Ihe tirwt in (hit country Hml n in-r exteniiivt "I'rivtite I'ruciicH" than :iuy oilidi I'liysieiMii iu the woild. Iimi-.'iiic-i. flic frr. The liian lhiiisu,uilsi fuinlnl thin luttliiiitl'ni yeai niter yenr, nn1 ihe miun'roiig nuportant Simhii'mI Oiefntiin perloriue'l by Dr. Johiisnii, witnfnmJ ,v the ropsrirrii o tlie "Hiri." "Clippi," aii'l many oilier papem. imiicrsi ti' which have Appeared Spain ttt.il nicaiii I mj litre lite pnt.lic, IsesiilM Ins staiiiims UN ii gentleman of eliHiarter nnd re-a;onsi'-thiy. is n stuihcicnt pu iranlee t (lie Htllicleil. I f ii lftinoi4'fs. SmH y 4 iir'l. Pcrn tim wtitniL' rhoiifil lw particular ui Hiiecdug their cttcfi to his Itisiitnlion, in the following manner, loti ii .IB. .John Ml oil, ?H. I&. Of the R.iltiinoie Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Mil. Nov.no. Mi 7 I y. Notice to Merchants and Shit)Ders. rilliB uni'.Brsiiiuil. proprietor of Woi.nr i Krk-k's j s S.IUQ. iitiiiocs to lUfroiiHiiui anil suifiirs Hint the Depot is still at 811 Markut struct, I'liila dolphin, fiii'l alt tliMnlsilirectoil to Sunbury. Innvillo and Lt'wisbursr, mid all inturmodinto stutiens along the riiilroml, will he promptly lolivuril. U- t'nrs louvo 81 1 Sliirkot stroet. I'hilaJulphln Iri-wevklv 'I'uesdnys, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. V. HH'lU'N, Proprietor, Lewishurs;, J. 11. liltOWS, Ajjeut, Suubury, Ta. Ileoeniber 7. HtI7. 1 H. Conley Co., Utarkrl Slr-'l, l'at ol ihe ICnilroad, SUNBURY, FENIM'-A.. liliALKHS IN I OItI.I A AMiatKMi, Hardware & Cutlery. fpilK atteation of Mechanics, Karnicrs, lluilder, X and buyers generally is invited to the luct that Hu ate now onWing a better selected assortment of 11 A Kl)H AllE, CI TLKKY. AO., than ever wits offered iu this omrked at prices niuvh below those heretulors demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles iu this line of business, embracing a general assurtmcut uf tools aud iuate rials um-iI b- CAMl'KXT'EKM, I1LACKSMITIIS, C A It HI AUK ANT WAliOXMAKKUS, JOlXtH.S, C , 40., together u ith a large stoek of Iron. Steol, Nails, Spikes, Hope, Chains, Uriudstouos, Mill and X Cut Sow. ,Vu., Ac. Sunbury, .March 30, 1SA7. .c:Hisa:ss' i. it. tit:, iteiitui, WMI remove his Office to J. M. tilnpsou's lluilding, 2ul story, Market Square, WTllKKE hi) will be prepared to do all kinds of V work pertaining lo llentistry. Will keen oonstsntly on hand a lurge assortuieut of Teeth, and other Itental material, from wbieb ha will be able to select, aud meet the wants of his eustomsrs. All work war muled to give satisfaction, or else Ihe money refunded. . The very best Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powdors kept on hand. F His references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for tho last twelve years. , Sunbury, March 21, IftiW; "I HON. A large ssottmans of lis has saanafaa- sfaisrTloop. BanJ, Round ud Squsxs Iron, Nail Bods. fast Sieal, Blurter Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, A.TiU, Bsllosv Vie-, Hun.ms, Wl-i -- ",4 "coMVY A OO'B SHOEMAKERS. TH! I, In. IX bast anilities of Sols Leathsc, rransh CU Utmoeoh UnlBf Lsats, "Nails, Pegs, Tools of aal kinds, sad for sal low j. ii wm.r.x nsrlhcra Outrnl Itnilwny. . , BUMMER TIMS BC1IEDULB. OW and after May 11th, 1868, trains will leave BUNBURY, as follow. 1 " LEAVK NORTHWARD, 6 09 A. M., Daily for Wllllamsport. Dally (except Sundays,) for Klmira, Catiandaigug, Kochesler, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Suspension Rridge and th Canada.. 4.1S P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) for Elmira, and Buffalo via Erie Railway from Klmira. 6.40 P. M., Daily (oxcept Bund.ys,) for Williams! port. LEAVK SOUTHWARD. 12.0S A. M., Dally (except Monday.) for Unltlinare, Washington and Philadelphia. 10 01 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.U0 P. M., Daily (exeept Sundays,) for Hnrrisburg. J. N. DuBAnar, Ed. H. Yobho, Gcn'l. Sup't., Gen I Paesen'r Ag't , Harrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. l.nikuwutinii fc Itloomsibui-B' Ituil road. ON and after Monday, May 4tb, 18(18, Passenger j rains win run as 101 lows : Lenve SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. P. M. fi.42 7.4 P. M. 8.JW . 8 4f V 2:1 10.U& 4 4& " Scrantnn, " Kingston, Rupert, 11 Dnnvillo, Arr. Noitb'd., Loave Nolth'd., 6.40 A.55 8.30 9.10 V 211 9 .'it 10 ,1i NORTHWARD 6 25 Danville, " Rupert, " Kingston, Arr. at fceraulou, 7.02 7.36 10.011 5.2A li Oil H.4H A. M. 7.00 P. M. 1 .10 11.10 M.OH V.&5 W 41 II. A. FONDA, tfup't. Kingston, May IP, 1HH8. IConilliiK' liailroacl. SUMMEU AKRANliEMEXT. MONDAY, AUOTJ3T 3, lfl69. GREAT TRUNK MV frrMn the North nni Niirth-Weiit for I1iilalclliiH, Now York, Rend ing, I'uttVvtl.c, Tntiinqnu, AMilnml. Shnmokii , Luhn" auun, Allcntown, Kiiftin, Kphrntn, Liiix, Lnncuatcr, Columbia, Ac, Ao. Xniinn tave llnrriflmrg fur Now-Vork. ns ful" lows: At 2.50. A 2J nnd H.I0 A.Mfitud 'i 20 naon. nnd 2.06 and ! M. ennnrctinft wl!h tmilfir Truing on tho lVnnnvl vmiH Kuilroiid, nnd Brrirtnj? ut New York it I 6.U0 10. 0u and 11 4;" A. Al. nnd 3.50, V 60 1. Al. Sleeping Cttrs Hi;omipi.nyinj( tho 2 60 A. Al. nml 9. .16 P. M. trxinti without change. Lcnve Ilnrrifhurjr fr Rending, Pottfvillu, 1'iiina nnu, Alincrsvilli!, Aliltind. fhnmokin, Pino (Imve, Allviiitiwn ami Philadelphia at h.10 A. Al. and 2.06 nnd 4.10 P. Al., fdnpping iit jLehnnon nnd princip.ij ntiy stnti(ni ; the 4.10 p'm. ninkitig connection? fr PhiUdclphiu and Columbia only. Fr Pott.ville, Schuylkill llnven nn-1 Auburn, via SohuylkilI and SurHfUohnnnaHnilroatl, leave llarriburg nt :).;I0 p. in. Hoturning : Lcuve New York at W OO a. m., 12.00 Noun ami 6 00 nnd 8.00 p. in., Philtidelphiu at H.l 6 a. m. nml 3 .'Hi p. m.; .Vice ping cars accompanying the 9.00 a. in. and 6 00 aud tt.00 p. m. trains with out change. Way Priiwengcr Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7. .'JO a. iu., ct'imectiug with similar trnin on kntl Petmu. Railroad, rcturhiiig from Rending nt 0..i0 p. in. st4p ping at all Stations ; Pottiville at 7-00 nnd 8 46 a. in. and 2-46 p. in; 8unniokin 6.26 a. m. nnd 1 1 2o n m.; A.-bland nt 7-00 a. ui., 12.41 mon nnd 1.66 p.m.; l:iiniiiUii at a. .id a.m. ana ana o.4j p. Mi. lsi-nxo Putlt-villu via. Schuylkill and Su.-'uuiihunii.a Ruilroad at 7.10a in. fir HarrUburg, and ll.ilO a.m. for Pino Orovennd Troniont. Keadiug Acuntnmo Intion Trnin lunves Bonding nt 7.o0 A. Al. returning from Philudulphia at 6.61 P M. Pottctown Acconnnodation Tran : Lenvea Pott." town nt H.46 A. Al., returning leavtd Philadulphiu at 4 H0 P. Al. ColuUibia ilnilmnd Train? k.nu P.eadingat 7.00 A. Al., nnd fi.16 P. Af. for Kpnrata, Litiz, Lancas ter. Columbia. Ao. Pcrkiomeu Kail Road Trains leave Perkiotucn .luiiolicn nt. U.OO A. Al. and r.O0 P. M. Returning : Leave hkippuck at H 10 A. M . ami 1.26 P. Al.,cuu. nccting with similar trains oh Rending Rail Roml. On Sunduys: Leave New York nt 8 00pm., Phila delphia K.00 A. Al., nnd 3.16 P M, the 8.00a.m. train running only to UunJing, Pottcvillo 8 0U a m., Ilan-t.-burg, 6 26 a m, nnd 4.10 und U-36 p in. and Rending at 1.102 66 and 7.16 a. in, for Harri-burg, nnd 7.0ii a. in. and 11.40 p in. for New York, 4 26 p m. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Altleage, .Season, School and Kx-cur.-ion Tickets, nt reduced rates to and from all points. JWigg;ige cnenKOit tnrougti : inu 1'oumt liigngo allowed each Pa linger ti. A. NICOLLP, tiencral upeiinlcmictil- H0LK.SALE AND RKT.ML I) F.ALKU in v ery aricty .( AXTJIIIACITK (! 0 A lM Uppor Wharf, BUM I3UUY, Penn'a. ISir OMiTssuliuiteil aud lilli-J with (ruuiitncss mi l Ji.ui'h. Siiiilmry. May 12. IS,irt. y To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S hOLVRLi: PACIFIC GUANO riilfc, atluniiun of Karincre und other consumers of X it viiiliter is iuvited to this Uuano. ns worthy ot their -peeia) notice. Its u?e for several years in .Maryland. Virginia and other Southern St at if, for all cro 4. hn? given it a standard ihnractcr for e. eelU'iicc urcrpiallcd by any other. It poroses all the (fiiickiie of Peruvian ttuano, with pcrtnnncnt fuuhtics not found in that artiolo. o0 lln. of l Ii i ttunno nro found more than e(uul to .'0 Ibd. of tho lf t Supcrphuhphulo. It ripens the wheat crop from five to levcii day earlier than the phosphate, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal didcoiint to dealers. Per sale by joirx s. ni;i:sT:.t co , Iscnrral AgtnU for Pucifle tJusno Co , sti boulh sUelawaro Ave., Philnd'a., And 71 South Street LaUimore. Muruh 1M, IStW.om pOueTacjeu I'oninit a i. a:, Kruiu Ihs Cold Spring Brewery, S U N II C 11 Y , V A. JCSEFH 1 KSPKCTtTLLY informs the publio genernlly V thut he is prepared to furnish IMAGER. BEER, 1'OltTEIt AND ALK. n large or small quantities. His facilities for mak ug Uuer cauoot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any oilier uficred in Ceiitrol IV-uii-j'lvaiiiu. It husuUo been rccituiuieuded by pb.i;ittn as a heallby drink lr iuvulids. lintels, Uestuuiiiuts and prii ulc families supplied at short notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, ISi7 Atajsl.sLs'UBt: aX9aj9 Are especially iuvited to call and examine our stock of LtILl)i.K S HAUL! WAKE, comprising Xails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws,. Strap ami T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Hulls. 1'las tering Trowels, Hrick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, Ac, Ac, tor sale by J. II. COXLEY 4 CO. UNION HOTEL- 4'IIAM. ITi:i., lroprlrtor. Ia Cuke s AdditWn to SVNBUHY, near the l'enn'a. Hailroad Company's Shops. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT HOARDERS, keit who will find ample accommodations. tiiod oooks aud waiters, boarders ean enjoythe quiet eom furls of home with fure equul C41 tbe best hotels. His Liquors are of the choicest kinds. Sunbury, Juue S, IS67. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AK!) STATIONERY, Monthly Time Hooks Drawing Rooks snd Slates, flu ks, Hymn Rooks, Blink Rooks, Memorandum Bki, Diaries, 1'ocke; Houks, luk Stands, Pens, Peuils. a Hue assortment of Paper, ink. Ac For sale by ANNA PAINTER ' Iiilstl, Oil, sfce. A full stock uf Oils oomprisiug Linseeil Oil, Coal Oil, Ku-hOil.and Lubricaliug Oil for Engines aad Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, alwavs on hand, at lo w priovs at CONLfcx 8 HOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMAN North Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., 1 prepared to Bind Books, Pspsrs, Wagssines SMuste, so., in any styls that nay be desired, at cheeper rates than oan be dons in Ihs cities. All Orders left at this Offias, will receive prompt attention. oot. 10, 67 Coachmakers, "11 7 E ars aelllng Rims. f J'T"', W Osavnss, Bolts, CUps, rmr? - UrgentoskM . C05L1T 00. Bunbory, Maroh 0, VHT.