VI tonbttrg American. E. WILVERT.i . ,. t N. B. GNOLB, I Publlehare. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 18C.8. ILoral Affairs. EBERtrp't 8Lr.i Sheriff Beokley advertise, In another oolumn, a anenbir of real estate lairs; Look oot for wonderful iiorirt by our oprionenli, which are generally circulate! a fe day bifdre the (110(100. Trktortom Lot jb Sali Mr. Joseph Conrad ofleri three good building lota for inle, looatod in Trerorton, thli county. See adrortUemont. tt- . Apprentice Wahted. A good boy, 1& or 16 yean of age, can have an opportunity of learning the printing business by applying Immediately at thin office. Valuable Farm por Sale. Peter Baldy, Esq., of Danville, offer! the valuable farm, known as the tirunt farm, adjoining the Borough line, for tale. 6e advertisement. The trial of speed of horses, whieh woe to hare token place at our County Fair, at Turbutville, week before Inst, was postponed on aocountof the weather, and will take place to-day, (Saturday.) Rev. Uriel Uravks, late of Pottsville, bns been called to the Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Mil ton, as the successor of tho Rev. Ueorge Parson, who nas aoccpted a call to Hanover, York oounty, Pa. . New Coal Breaker. Tho Sbaiuoktn Coal Com pany's new breaker, near thut place, has been com pleted, and the first coal was put through It on Tuesday last, ft is one of the best in that region, nnd works admirably. Goons rou the Season. J. 0. Bock's Tailoring establishment, on Four b street, bos just been sup plied with a full assortment of Cloths, Cassitneres, o., for Full and Winter wear. Back is a good tailor, and does a good business. Xev Stock. J. E. Smick, Merchant Tailor, on Fourth street, has recoived his Fall and Winter Uoods, which are handsome, good and cheap. Go and see them. Smick has a good reputation for making fashionable and nently-titting garments. A e direct attention to the new stock of goods just opened by Henry Peters, on Third street His stock is well selected nnd consists of the latest stylus of goods, at greatly reduocd prices. Call and see bis Assortment. He charges nothing for showing goods LABomxo Mew por Grant aso CoLrAX. Out of one hundred and forly laborers at the Steel Works, near llumsburg, ono hundred nnd thirty are for Grant. They are an intelligent sot of men, and understand their interests and the interests of their country. . The annual celebration by the Lutheran Sunday School of Sunbury took place on Sunday evening Inst, and is said to have been very interesting. V'o Are unable to givo tho proceedings this Week, owing to tbo pressure of political matter, but tbey will ap pear in our next issue. The Coal Business. We learn that Messrs. Gui termnn, Bcddell A Co. have taken leases on the Lykcns Valley, tho thirty. foot Buck Mountain, nnd oilier south side veins, adjoining the town of Helfcn stein, and have commenaed work vigorously, with the Intention of making large shipments next season. Mode op Voting. Tbo modo of voting, on nojtt Tuesday, in Northumberland county, will be on two slips, as follows : Ono slip, headed "State," embracing the names of all fcStato officers voted for ; tuiil another, beaded ''County," and embracing the !:;r.ucs of all County officers voted for, including members of Congrats and Assembly. Rifled. The Danville Amtriran says : The cor ner stone recently luid in the new court bouse was pried out op Tuesduy night and robbed of its con tents. A sense of duly alone prompts us to publish too ditslnrdly act. Wo do not like tu toll tho world that such oMences are committed here. In fact we must conclude that the villains coins from some tAUcr locality. CHiriirn Dedication. Tho new Methodist Epis copal Church at Kline's Grove, this county, will be dedicated to the service of God on Sunday, 1 81 h i lis L. Rev. Bishop M. Simpson, Rev. Dr. Currey and Rev. B. F. Creaver will c.fiicinte on the occa fion. Tho public are cordially invited to attend People coming from a distance will be furnished with a dinner and horse feed. John F. CnAio, Pastor. A Heitblican Meeting was held in the Court House on Monday evening, which was addressed by Hon. Mr. Perhain and Gen. Hull, of Maine. The meeting was well attended, and the speeches well received. A Republican meeting was bold at the Vnnkirk House, in Northumberland, on last Friday evening, Which was largely attended. Speeches were inn do by Mr. Ualbraiih and the "Buckeye Blacksmith.' Oi'R old friend, Col. Daniel Follmer, who has VO' ted at every State and Presidential election since the election or Madison in 1F08, proposes to mnrshnl the young men in the borough who vote on age this roll, nnd go Willi them to the polls to vote for Hart ranft and Campbell, Packer, Fiske, nnd the entire Republican ticket. Aud also to lead the way to the poll fr Grunt and Colfax in November. "Fall in, Boys!" Tho old Colonel has voted fur sixty-two years and knows bow to do it right 1 Mitoman. Killed on tue Northern Central Railroad. The Harrisburg Telrgraph says: We learn from a genileman of Northumberland county thut a young man (our informant docs not recollect his nauio) a fiagman on tho construction train, was struck by the engine of the fust line North, on Monday eve ning, at Mahuntango Siding, and iiistuntly killed. An engine (us first section of the train following It; bad just passed when the man stepped on the track as the regular train came along supposing, it is thought, tho first locomotive bad a train attached and was killed as described. He bad been engaged at something about the train on wbioh be was em ployed, nnd had nut noticed tbo Brat engine pasting without a truin, and evidently thought it was out of sight aud danger. Of course no blame can be rea sonably attached to the Company or any of its em ployees. " T A Republican Meetino was held at George town on Saturday evening last, which was probably the largoft ever held in that lection of the county. Towards evening tha people began lo coma from the country, in all kindi of conveyance!, to listen to our candidate for Congress, J. B. Packer, Esq. A large stand hud been erected in front of A. Wald'i Hotel, wbioh was handsomely decorated with Sowers, wreaths, ic, by the patriotic ladies of that place. About 7 o'clock the meeting wai called lo order, and A. Blabier, Esq , chosen President; J. Bingaman, D. D. Seal and J. A. Snyder, Vice Presidents ; and A. Badniou, Secretary. Ur. Myers, of Harrisburg, addressed the meeting in the Germaa language, until the train arrived from Sunbury. The members of the Vnlon League, with their torches, IhtA formed in proceuiun and inurobed through tbe principal street!, beaded by the Drum Corps. While Lb procession was moving tbe hotel of Mr. Wald was handsomely Illuminated. After tbe prooeasioD arrived at tb stand, tbe Sun Lury String Band discoursed Kmc excellent music, after which Mr. Myeri doted hi! address. Mr. Packer thea delivered on of flic ablest and most argumentative speeches Ibsrt bas been listened to by the ciliseni of cur oounty for many yean. He was followed by Wm. A. Sober, Esq., candidal for District Attorney, who delivered aa able and forci ble address. The meeting then adjourned. The Rcimbjioaruof the lower end are fully aroused to their duty, and we can expeot cheering news froul that qovler an Tuesday next. , IitTf RKSTilt to 0n FliW. The United Stat Grand Lodge of the lodeptedont Order ef Odd Fol lows recently elected the following oflioors for the ensuing year : E. D. Farniworth, of Tennessee, M. W. Grand Sire ; Frederick D. Stuart, of the Dis trict of Columbia, R. W. Deputy Grand Blre ; Iti. L. Ridgely, of Maryland, R. W. Grand Correspond ing and Recording Secretary, re-eleoted j Joshua Vantant, of Maryland, R. W. Grand Treasurer, reV eleoted. , The annual report of the R. W. U. Treasurer, which has just been lubuiiUod, shows that the re ceipts for the past year amounted to $M,TH5.17 ; to lal disbursements, $31,691 35; leaving a cash bal ance of $19,100 82. The gross asseti of the Grand Lodge, including the cash balance, amount to $29, 325 82. The report contain! an annual statement of the Wildoy monument fund. The reoelpts for the year amounted to $628.11, and the disbursement! $09, leaving a cash balance of ll. The grot! assets, including the cash balance and Unitod States five-twenty bonds, forming the original fund, amount to $2,403.11. The statement in rolorcnce to the Sou them relief fund, shows that tho roueipts, Ac, amouuted to $14,327, and the disbursement to $13, CS4.&9, leaving a. cash balanoe of $942.41. November Court. The following is the list of Jurors for a Special Court, and also for an Adjourned Court, to be held on the third and fourth Monday! of Kovcmber : SPECIAL toCRT- Israel Hclwig, Lewis, E U Marklcy. Sunbury 8 Backus, L Mahunoy II Montague, Milton Chas Miller, Point Wm llaupi, Sunbury J C W alker, " N Karis, Washington IDiettry, Mt Cnrmel bor R M Russcl, Delaware D II Adams, Shamokih J Bloom, Augusta J Fetter. Sunbury D Knrchner, Turbut S Wolf, Lnwcr Augusta Snni Kclley, " C F Martin, Sunbury D M Swartx, Jordan -tllIRn MONDAT J S Latsha, Washington P Shutter, Watsontown E Kmericb, L Augusta I) Fisher, Shamnkin bor YY 1 Dalesman. Delaware Philip Roup, Lewis A Drumhuller. Wash'gton .Tno S rhydor, Point II ADhnkulbnrgnr, Sha'n P Gosslor, Sunbury Jus Batcrielor, North'd S Dieficnderrcr, Milton J U II iffen. Chllisriiiaquo G Kline, Zerbe D Stehlnockcr, Delaware Jacob L'uh, Jordan A Uelst, Mahannjr Cbos Mai 12, Coul ADJOURNED COIBT POUIITI1 MONDAY. G Giirman, Jackson J Shadier. Sunbury J Friror. Washington B F Vanostrnn, Rush BKllrny, McEwensville I llobb, Mahanoy D J Lewis, Mt C'armet bor C B Krouser, Milton F Fahrion, Ml Caruiel bor S Marshall. North'd I S Znrtman, Jackson P. Renn. Auzusla J Ramsey, Ml Carmel bor i U I'urmnu, Shumokin I Hiram Price. Suuburv Sol Martz. J Mover, U Mnbanov J E Kramer, Chilisqua'e J Biitenbeniier, Shamo'n 11 B Lougsdorf, Jackson I B Davis. Milton C Folliuer, Turbut Daniel Rubhins. Point D Pensyl, Shumokin FGillinger, " W Mowry. Coal A Blasser, Mnhanoy Jacob Eckcrt, North'd Wm. Smith, Lewis E Lewis, North'd J Guly. Augusta D N Neshit. Chilisqua'e J Swartz, Jordan Jerry Mnlick, U Augusta Joseph Hummer, ftu&n S F Ellis, Delaware BUSINESS JIdT'tC'ES. lyjob riiitinsx. Having recoived largo supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of vurious new ! f ' r ' ., ,, ... . , ! styles, Posters, Dnudbills, Circulars, Cards. Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, .to., can be printed in Iho latest aud best stylus, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Fott Sale. An excellent top buggy, new. En quire at this office. For Rent. Tho foams adjoining tho hat More of ijaniuel Faust, in Mnrkot Square, lntely occupied by E. A. Evans us a law office. A Fact. The finest assortment of Boots and" Shoe! iu Sunbury ot Vicinity will be found ut Miller's Ex celsior Store, Market Square. His slock includes every style and qunlity, at remarkably low rates. Miller is determined on "quick sales and imoll profits.'1 lr you want to got the lnlest style of Hat, nnd at a reasonable prico, do not fail to visit tbo lusliioDtt- ble Hat Store of S. Fnust, in Market Square At this establishment may be found one of the finest as sortments in this vicinity. The gentlemanly pro prietor will be glad to show you his stock. Oivcliitn call. Evert young man should make the most of him self, intellectually, morally, socially, and physi cally. To do this, it is woll to begin by having a new suit of clothes mado by J. FiSbcelTcr, on the north s'de of Market Square, sinco there is no means by which moro can be mado of the outward uppcar ance. It is well known that Shaefiur has no supe rior in inuking and fitting guntlemen's clolhing. Tu eh x is an old proverb which says that content ment is the true philosopher's stono. Brown toys it'i very likely, for nobody has ever found either ono or the other. The nearest approach td It is the fuct. which was long since discovered, that the clothing made by J. O. Beck, on Fourth Street, is not sur passed in quality, cheapness, neathess, clepnnce of appearance und durability, by any in tho country. A man who could not find contentment in wearing ouo or his suits, must be unreasonable indeed. Cok' Coral! Balsam. Tbo great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cotigh, nnd Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4o , also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and denlers in medicines. Ko family should be over night without It in tbo house. Cue'b DrapErsiA Cure Will immediately re lieve and permanently cute the most aggravated case nf Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Storoucb, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach und Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere: Price $1 00. IU A II It I A G E S. On the 2ih ult.. by Rev. J. R. Foeht, Mr. SASt- L'EL F. ZlMUEKMAN to MifS LUCY A. MARTS, llll of Lower Augusta twp., Northumberland county. On the 4th inst., by the samo, Mr lli'.suv Drumm to Miss Malinda Conrad, all of Lower Augusta twp., Norlhumberluud county. In Sunbury, on the Suth ult., by John Fofns; worth, Esq., Mr. Aldeut Hamlin, of Benton Co., N. Y.. to Miss Lizzie Suannon, or Delaware Sta tion, N. J. New Jersey and Elmira (IT. Y.) papers pleale copy loom iti .11 a it it ir in. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel $13 00 n 60 10 (10 1 00 2 2i 1 40 I 23 G4 1 25 26 20 15 do do do do per cwt. Rye Flour, do Wheat, priino red, Rye, Corn, Outs, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do unpared per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do do do do per Jound do irieu Apples, Driod Cherries, (unstoned,) per tru. 3 U0 50 2j Butter, per pouud, per dusen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulder!, Beef, bind quarter, ' front ' Mutton, Chickens, 25 25 2 20 14 U U 60 Nhamekiu 4,'oul 't'l-sitle. 64 A 110111, Oct. 0, IHoS. Tous. Cwt. Bent for week ending Oct. 3d, Per lust Report, f 7.6S0 06 T365,445 17 373.126 03 363,085 06 16,040 17 To same time last year, Increase, Special Noticre, DiAmts, Blincnih a Catarrh treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydcn, Holland,) No. Hoi Area Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliable sources in city and country can be seen t bis office. Tbe Medical faculty arc invited tn accompany their patients, is he has nu secret! in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted with out pals . Na charge for elamiaatloi. aov 80-ly, D. BaoI'i Catarri Rimed Ue Patent Meet ieint hnmiuf gotten p to dupe Ut ignorant and credulous, nor is it rcprostnled'ai being "oompoeed or rare and precious pubtlaneaa bronght from the fonr corners of the earth, carried tafen times aero the Great Desert of Sahara on the banks af fourteen camels, and hroeiht aernta the Atlantic bbean on two ships." Ills a7, mild, loothtug, P'"' Hint Remedy, a perfect Specific for Chronic Nasal Catarrh, "Cold in the Head," and kindred disease!. Tho proprietors, Dr. Sage A Co., of Buffalo, N. Y., erTor a reward of $5U0 for a oasc of Catarrh that they cannot onro. For sale by most Druggists eve rywhere. 8ent by mall, postpaid, for titty oontt. A EV REMEDY IN C0NSUMPTI0N.-A rhyslolah who had Consumption for leveral year!, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with R btedioine anknown to the profession, when hi! out appeared hopeless. He is the only physician who has bred It in liiaown rerson, or who has any knowledge of it! virtues) and he can ascribe the de gree of hcitllh be now enjoys to nothing but tho use of his midicihe ; and nothing but utter despair and entire eltthcdcn or all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of conff lencein all others, fnduo ed him to hainrd tha experiment. To those sutler ing with any disease of the Lungs b,o proflors a treat ment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Prico $1.60 per bottle or $3 a tialfdoion, lout by express. Semi for a circular or call on Dr. E. Bovi.ston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. For sale by II. Y. Friling, Market Square, Sun bury, pa., and Druggists geuerally. May 30, 1863 ly. 0 NK PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED :U IMlaX'i: CLOTHING HOUSE, OOi Market St reel. One door above Sixlb, Philadelphia. riir ttnny years this Kstublishment has done busi ness on the Ono Price Sys.era, and we believo wo nro tho only Clothing House in tho city that strictly adheres to this principle Wo have earned a repu tation which we nro proud of, for good tasto in select good stylos and substantial materials, and not less important, fat having nil our good: i:Tit.v tVF.i.1. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods nre of both kinds fashionable nnd plnin so that nil tastes can be suited. The prices are the vory loweft, as any bno by a nic liicnt's thought must see, or otherwise we coii'd not mrct the otmtpetilton of our neighbors, for as no deductions nre ever made, w mnul mil . nrinn .1 . . iw n a tlin aHvinlnifM mn proaiUo. lhe pcopie mnydepend, this istlio Irue plan ukbn which to do business, and many a dollar can be laved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind TONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHINU HOUSE, Col Market .Street, Philadelphia, Not en the Corner, but ono door above Sixth. I). il. .tIAIZi;, Nnleiiiuuni April 4, 1883. ly A 4'nrsl A Clergymnn, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak ness, Karly Decay, Diseasos of the Urinary and Sem inal Organs, and the wholo train of disnrdors brought n oy oaneiuL ana vicious nanus, uroai nuinoers have been cured by this noble romedy. Prompted b the de,irato beBrai ,he Bflii0,ed auu unfortunate. 1 will send tho recipe for preparing and using this j medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, hike ui ihaiige. Aihiress, JOSEPH T. IXMAN, . Station D, Bible House, New-York City. Sept. 12. 1818 3m 4asiil lo Sllil-s-liigo. Young Man'aGuide to Huppy Marriage and Conjugal Fulioity. The hu mane news of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident lo Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free or charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCI ATiON, Box P , Philadol phia, Pa. Juno 13, ISOS. iy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GKA1ND OPENING FALL AND WINTER (jiviilleiiit'ii'a aVuruitiliiiig om1, at THOMAS O. Wdf T'B' TAii.K fvroKi:, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., Consisting of ENGLISH AND FRENCH CLOTHS. ENULISU AND FRENCH CASSIMEKES, ENGLISH MELTONS OF ALL COLORS, which have beon selected' rrom tho largest nnd best establishments in New York and Philadelphia. A general assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OOODS, embracing, Neckties, Collars, Cravats, of the latest styles. Fine Lamb's Wool toiler" Jackets. SHIRTS and DRAWERS, a large assortment of tue Lest quality. A larife variety of GLOVES of every stvlo and qualtity, from the Ball Rrooni down to the laboring man s. una uiuuy otner unicles lor iienueuien s wear. I'isic 1'ri-sicli Yoke Kliirtij niuilc lo Order. Hoviug procured the services of the best workmen in the cities, garments will be made up to order u hiuh cinnot be excelled iu any city in fits, or quality of goods. Gentlemen are particularly requested to call and see the goods aud work before purehasing elsewhere. aunuury; uct. a, 'OS. iiiu.M ASu. uu . police (o 'I'cncliern. EXAMINATIONS will bo held at tbo following times and places : tor luriiul towiunip.atouakespeareiscnoot House on Wednesday, Oct. 14th. Por Watsontown norougb, Mcbwensvule horoutrb find Delaware township, in Public School House ut atsonlown: on lbursday, Oot. 15ib. Por turbutville borouirb and Lewis towmnip.iu Public school House ut Xuruutville, on rriauy, Uct lt)th. For Sunbury borough and Upper Auirusta town tin p. ut dun bury, iu scbool llouso in . r.. vt aril, on Saturday, Oot. 17th, tar Uusn township and Ueaibails District, at itusbtown euiooi House, on Mommy, uct. I'Jih. por slinimiKin townsuip, ut bnutltown benool House on Tdesday. Oct. 20th. lor Lpner Alabiiuov township, at uiscl old stand, on iveiiuesduy, uct. Zlst. t or Jordan township, at p lias Shuner i, on Thurs day, Oct. 22ud. por Lower Mahanov township, in Publio School House ut ueorgetown, on pnuuy, uct. z.iru. por Lower Augusta township, at .Mono church ochoot House, on baturday, Uct. Zim. examinations will commence at V o clock A. SI. U. W. HAl'PT, County Supt. Oct. 3, ISGB, Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the Vniltd Slates, for the H estem District of Vennnyhania. A II. BEROSTRESSER, a Bankrupt nnder the X t Act ot Congress of March 2d, li67, having applied for a discharge from ull his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given, to all persons who nave proved tneir dents, and oiber persons interest' ed, to appeal on the 27th day of October. 1 otiS. at b o ciocx, a. hi., colore . M. vtieslline, bsq.. Ileitis icr, ai ouuoury, iu snow cause, li any tucv nave. why a discbarge should not be granted to tbe said uanarupi. And lurtner, uotice is hereby given that the aecond and third meeting! or creditors o! tbe said Bankrupt, required bv tha 27th and 2-th sections or said act, will be held before the said Hegister, at tbe same time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk October Sd, 1863. 3l Notice in Bankruptcy. miII8 IS TO GIVE NOTICE, that on the 15th day -A- oiimuer, a. v. isoo, a warrant in nana iumvj wa ihuwi egauisi id. e.iaie oi es. a. Uoyer. ot buuburv, in tbe oounty ot Northumberland, and Diaie oi rennsyivania, wbo bas been adjudged I Bankrupt on bis own petition : that the mvuient m any debt! and delivery of any property belunging tu such Bankrupt, to him or for bis use. and the Iran.. for of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting or the creditors of tbe said Bankrupt, to prove their debt, and to choose one or more As. signeei of bis estate, will be held at a Coortof Bank ruptcy, to be bolden in the Borough or Sunbury, county or Northumberland, and State of Pennsylva nia, before J. M. Wieetling, Esq., Register, on tbe 27 lb day of Ootober, A. D. 18"H, at Vodock, A. M. T. b OREENAWALT, Deputy United State Marshal, (a Messenger.) Western District Of Pennsylvania. Ootober Sd, 1869. t CONRAD MEYER, Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELKliltA TED IRON F II A ME WAX0S, . Wure-room, Xo. 723 Arch St., Phila., HAS roccived the Prise Medal of the World 'i Great Exhibition, London, England. The high est Prises awarded when and wherever exhibited. lESTABLJSHKD ISM ) Oct. , 'po.3i ' . ShorliT" tfalci.' ' ' ' ' BY virtue of sundry Writs of Levari Vactna, Nsued out of the Court of Common Pleaaof Norlhum norland county, and to mo dlreoted, will be exposed to publio aale, at the Court House, in tbo Borough of Bunbury.oa SATURDAY, Oolober 17, 1888, at ana a clock in the afternoon, tha following property to All thaloerlalnlotof ground, litaathtri the 8o Hngh of Sunbury, bounded on the north by an alley, en the i aoiilh by Shamokin street, on the east by iot of ground in the powomion of James Beard, and on the wast by Fawn street, being lot number (li) forty two, as marked in the general plan of said Borough, containing sixty feet in front aud two hundred and thirty in depth, whereon is ereoted a two-story frame dwelling house, a low office and a two-story brick dwelling house, being the same lot of ground whieh Eliiabeth Bright, by des-4 or conveyance dated the first day of April, 1 85 1, .sol 1 to Horatio J. Wolvorton, party thereto, and by article of agree ment dHted the 18th day or May, A D. 1857, laid to said Solotaicn B. Boycr; excepting thtrcfrom the part thereof reltased by doed of Mary O. Wolverton untr? Wm. Musslomnn, datod the day of Septem ber, A. D. 1864, being sixty foot square or ground at the northern end or said lot. and containing sixty feet in front on Fawn street by sixty feet in depth along said alloy, nnd whereon is creeled tbo afore said brick dwolling house; togetherwith the here ditaments an I appurtenance tlicrounto belonging. Selied and taken into execution and to be sold as tho property or Solomon B. Boycr. Also, at the same time and plaoc, all the undivi ded moieiy, or half part or a certain traotor parcel of land, situate in Coal township, in the county of Northumberland State of Pennsylvania, being port of a tract of land taken up in the nnmo ot Samuel Clark (and known by tho name of Bovd's Stone Coal Quarry) on which tho town of Shamokin Is principal ly laid out, beginning In the Centre of Spurtzheim street, on the line betweon Jonn C. Boyd and David MnXight, and thonoe eastward along the middle of sold Spurtihoim street to the centre or intersection of said .Spumheiui and Rock streets, thonce doulh ward along the middlo or said Rock street to tho centre cr intersection or said Rock and Webster stroets, thence eastward along the middle of said Webster stroct to the original line between the Sum uol Clnrk nnd Sarhuel Wothernll surveys, which is near the Danville aud Pottsville Rnilrond. thence south along snid original lino to a heap of stones in the lino between Samuel Clark und Wm. Green's surveys, thence west along the said line soventy-one porches to n post in the first mentioned line, and thence north along said line to the middle of suid 'purtzlmim street, the plaoc of beginning, containing about eighty acres of land, bo the sumo more or less, being the sumo promises which the said David Mo Night and Elunbcth II., his wile, by indenture, benring even dato herewith nnd executed imme diately beforo these presents for the consideration theriu mentioned, and which is hereby secured did grant nnd convey unto tho said Richard Richardson in tee (as by snid receipted indenture deference being thereunto had will more fully and at large appeal-) togctuer with tbo privilege ot using tho branch rail road now mado to tho saw mill on theprcperty, with tho moiety or all the materials with which it is con structed and the right or any way at any and all times to mako and repair and remow.Uo said railroad and together with all und singular the buildings End improvements, streets, lanes, nllevs. nossaces. ways woters and water courses, rights, liberties, privileges hereditaments thereunto belonging. Veiled and taken into execution aud to be sold as the property of Richerd Richardson. DAMtli lihUM.KV, Sheriff. Sunbury Sept. 2G, 1SCS. ILADELPHIA. 13j Siiuinlcs scut by mail wbeu written for. October 3d, 18(53 ly l.itfoH, I'aiM'y I'iii-n ! AT JOHN FAREIRA S, Old Established F U R Munutaetorv, Si. 7H ARCH "Street, Ebbvo 7th, PHIL'A. Huve now in storo of my own Importation and Manufuclure obo of the largest and most beauti- lul selections of FANCY FURS, es' and Chil- - - " . , ruren s , war, luiuticiij-. -5jgtiTi"itt- Also, a lltlo assortment of Gents' Fut OloVes and Collars. I am enabled to dispose or my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call troin toy Iriemls ot zvortnumberiana county ana vi cinity. llcuiuuiber the Mini, fiumtier anil Mreai : JOHN FAltEIRA, No. 714 Arch St , above 7th, south Side, Philad'a. I'o" I huve no Pnrtner, nor connection with any other store in Philadelphia. Oct. 3, 'tl8.-4ui J". S. N II A , WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Corner of Third Street and Market Square, in Mil- ler'i Stono Building, 8UKJ1 U R Y , P A , jk..nsV eaz: a: is ass of tho most celebrated makers, consisting or the Howard, Appleton, Tracy & Co., Wultbam, Bartlett, W. Ellvry, aud ull grades or tho Elgin Ill's make. Also, sole Agent for the celebrated, PAUL BRt- TON Watch, in Uold and Silver Case, at low prices. ilver Hnre lor YVvdillsi;;' I'rcacnU, of entirely new designs. Solid Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Forks, Castors, loe Pitchers, Fruit and Cako Baskets, Syrup Mugs. Butter Dishes, and everything in the Silverware lino at low prices. JEWELRY, A fine stock of 18k Rings. Also a fine selection of Gold and Jut Jewelry or all descriptions. Uold and Silver Chains, at low prices. GOLD PENS. Fine Oold Pens in Gold, Silver and Rubber Cases, or the celebrated make by Huffman and Stewart. CLOCKS. A full assortment of 8 day and 30 hour Clocks, at low prices. Also Sole Agent for the celebrated Perfected Spec tacles, warranted tn give entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. All orders promptly attended to at the shortest no tice Sunbury, Sept. 5, 1803. a luini at I'un'ATi: maiji, ri"UIE subscriber offer! for sal a FARM, situated J in Perry township, Snyder county, Pa. .adjoin iua lands of George Gulnett, Abnar liornberaer. Aaron Shaffer and othera, containing 145 ACUEei and 60 PERCHES. About 80 acrea of the land are cleared, and ibe balance is choice limber. Tbe improvement! consist of a large two-story Log Dwelling House, Log Burn, and all the aeoeesarv outbuildings and an Orchard of 6 acres, containing choioe fruit. A spring of Water is near the door, and a niue stream runs through the farm,' near the bouse. This property is conveniently located,' and 1. Wlliun M uiitv ui ewm hiu win., asm u niium qunrter of a one or a aaw-mill. For terms, call on George Uelnett, whoso property ailjoin. (he land, or on tbe undersigned, at New Berlin, Union oounty, Pa. G. W. RATIIFON Sept. 10, 1863. 2tn. Ytsluuble I'rvperly ul lrlie Male. milE nndersla-ntd offers hi! valuable lot. Si feet X fr6nt by 21 A deep, on the south-west corner of me DoamoKin vauey anu xsorinrrn venirai ivau roads, 6n Thifd strict. on which is erected aFRAMfi WAREHOUSE, 20 by iU feet. , The Warehouse is a new on., having been' built about two years since, and is t splendid stand for any ode wishing to ko into the flour and grain business. Tbe fixtures of the concern Will also be offered f"f sale, at rcuona ble rnfei. Thut properly is offered for salo for the reason that I intend giving up business in Sur.bury. For further particulars, apply to J. M. CADWALLADER, 0ept. 19, 'S -fcn. fruubury, Pa t" bankers; No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. xEN ERAlT jfkENTS, x for PENNSYLVANIA , fa) 3& OF THE United states or America. J.A.SH CAPITAL, 1, 000,000, FULL PAID. 1L.AIIK Ac CO. jV.,. (, irrl HI ArpHcationi for Central and Western Pennsylva niato beiuadclo B. 8. RVSSF.LIi. Maxaoer, August 16, 1863, ly. HerriJiburg, Pa. i. n. Moortft, KKW D. fc. nisHisanit. AIlRtVAIs AT mori: &. iisi.xik:r'.4. Vi e arc now opening a large varied assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which wo afler at the lowest CASH Prioes, In llrttipt'a (W li-on I'ront, MARKET STREET, SUKBU1VY, PEXJI'A Consisting of DRi O0fU3. NOTIONS. OR0CE1UES, QUEENS WARE, ULASSWARE, and a full line of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND I.imIIi'h' lres CJowdsi, Callcrt, Muslinl, Flannels, Table Linens Toweling, Checks, Ticking. Counterpanes, Cassimeres, Vestmgs, l arns, eklrts. teck lies, Culls, Collars Handkerchiefs, Hose, Oil Cloth, Carpots, Wood and Willow-Ware. We invite ipeoial attention to tbo quality of our Stock of ;cto i:kii:s ai siici:s. RIO and JAVA COFFEE, TEAS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, SOAP, SALT, FISH, VINEGAR, Ac, 4o. Campbell's Celebrated FLOUR, always on hand. Wc leel confident that cash buyers will find it to their advitnlago to give us a call, and customers generally are invited to call and examine our goods und gut posted on our prioes. By strict attention to the wants of our customers and fair dealing we hope to merit a full (hare of tho public patronage. COUNTRY PRODUCE of all kinds taken in ex change for goods, Tor which the highest price will be puid. MOORE 4 DISSINQER. Suubiiry, Sept. 19, '03. "oii-c to 'l'ux payers). TERSONS in the Borough of Sunbury, who aro in arrears fur Taxes, are requested to make immediate payment tn the undersigned, at his residenoe on Murkntstrcet. By giving this your attention you will savo costs. GEORQE WEISER, Collector. Sunbury, Sept. 26, 1808. 3t i:Mlat- of .Hiljrull I. dt-eciiotts;h, IrM-iiNet. 1ETTERS lestnnicntnry on tho above estate, hav J ing been granted lo the undersigned, all per sons indebtud to the snuie, will make payment tu, and those having olaiins or demands, inuke known the sumo without dolav to E. UKEENOUUH SCOTT, Executor. Pottsville, Schuylkill county, Pa. August 29, 1808. Ot. NEW MARBLE STORE. Chesnut Street, JAS.E CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS, Have been appointed SPECIAL AGENTS in this city for tbe sale of tho UORIIAM MFG. COMPANY'S Fine Electro-Plated Ware Wo guarantee theso goods to be decidedly supe rior to anything in tbe market, excelling in design, fluisb and quality. A largo assortment will be maintained, and sold at the manufacturers' regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark rqrt Stamped on the of lijy base of each Electro Plate jiam Atru.9 article. J.E.C ALDWELL & .Ho, Ot3 (liralnnt N t re t PHILADELPHIA, July 18, 1863. nib7,ly. 028 HOOP SKIRTS 628 AD CORSETS, CORSETS. WM. T. HOPKINS, .Oi Ar li Street, IMiilndclnUlil. MANCFACTUUIill oV THE Cchlnitcd "CIIAXPIOX" Hoop Skirt, FOll LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and best qunlity and stales in tho American Market. Every lady should try them, us Ihey recommend themselves by wear ing longer, relaing their shape much bettor, lighter and moro clastic than all others warranted in every respect, and sold at very low pricos. Ask for Hop kins' "l.huinpion ' bkirt. Superior Handmade W hale-Bone Corsets in fit- teen different Grades, including the "Imperial and Thompson Jt Langdou a "Glove Fitting" Corsets, ranging in prices from hi cent! to. Ji.50 ; together with Josepn Itcckel I veieoraiou rroncu ..oven Corsets, superior shares and quality. Ten different Grades, from 1 1 10 to 5 50. They are the finest and best goods fbr the prices, ever imported. The Trade supplied with Uoop fc kills and Corsets at the Lowest Kales. , Those visiting the City should not fail to call and . ., i . " i. .j r . . .11 . examine our uooas ami rricee, a. we ei u iwm petition. reoraary z, iaoa iuuiqj. For doi ling a family washing in the beat and cheap ter. Guaranteed equal to any in the world! be strength of old rosin soap wi!u the mild eat manner 11.. all the strenir and lathering qualities of geuuine Castile Try this splendid Soap. Sold by the ALDEN CHEMICAL WOKhs. 4 Kortn rrunioireei, l ouaueipuia August 20, lHOa ly. IMaaoluliou ' rlMernlslp.- NOTICE ut hereby given that the eo partnership heretofore exi.lliig between J. Weiser Bucber and E. Master Bucber, trading under the firm of "Bueher Brother," in the tanner business, was tbil day (August 2Kb, lB'H.I dissolved by mutual con sent Tbe business will hereafter be conducted by the orndernigned, at the Old stand, where all persons Indebted tu tbe nrin oi uucner lirotnera. are re q acted to call itbout delay and make settlement, an save cost. E. MASSER Bl'ClIER. . Sunbury, August 29, 1468.-6111. t'lailtlreu'si t.'nrriageis. WE would oall tbe attention of those wanting c Child'! Carriage, to our new and large aasjort meut comprising new and beautiful style. J. 11. CONLET A CO. piOUNTRY DEALERS iirpnlied with all kinds of J btoue vr are at lesa man factory prices at Har risburg, saving package, breakage and freight, at the Mummolb Store of 11. V. FRILING. SALL and see lbo.e beautiful Bird Cagec at the new Hardware ilore of J H CONXET C M:. ll . FALL OPENING. GKKATRKdCcTTON IN PRICES! You can Buy More Goods Cf till BET XJ-A-X.Ir"5r rat L23B MOITET, at (h. MAMMOTH STOUE,! OF MrtliKET S3CARE, j i ISUMBUKY, PEN'A , i Than any oOior f'tnvti t I 1 iLvS JLSr RECEIVED AND OI'ENT.D ' i i ! Tlio Iiesl Selected and I FIRR.JT awoUimkni, ?r drv goods in town. FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLIMS, OUSGIIAM9, CASSIMERES, So. Dulninos aud Armurvs Domostii Cotlom, Br'jin arid Bldaohnd. NOTIONS of ill kinds. Hosiery, Olovos, Man's end I.sdics I'ndtrgannc ' WHITE COODS. A fullaMjnm.ut of TRIMMINGS Builders will Bad my Stosk of llardniire, f'uiiiie, (tils, CJlueN, A.C, Complete. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR-WARE, QUEEXSWAttE, Ot.ASSV.'ARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AM) CAPS, and In fact everything usually kept in a large Store Call und be Convinced that the Cheapest Place to Buy all Your Goods is ut THE MAMMOTH STORE ef Teraie t'aaU, SO tluya, as my Goods are bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for tbe READY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad vantage of all reduction! as fast as tbey are made by Manufacturer!. H Y PRILIK ' 6TATE. Auditor Gcncrtl, John F. llartrahfl. Surveyor Genorn.1, Jacob M. CctnpholL COCXT'f . Congrotti, Jolin B. Puckor. Assembly, Alfred R. Fiske. District Attorney, William A. Sober. Commissioner, Joseph M. Neslit. STATE. Auditor General John F. Ilartranft. Surveyor General, Jacob M. Cumphelh COUNTY. (JoligrtSa, John B. Ptiuker. Assembly, Alfred R. Fisko. District Attorneyj William A. Sober. Coiutuissioner, Joseph M. Nesbit. STATE. Auditor General, John F. Ilartranft. Surveyor General, Jacob M. Campbell. COUNTY. Congress, John L. Packer. Assembly, Alfred K. Fisko. District Attorney, William A. Sober. Commissioner, Joseph M. Nesbit. STATE. Auditor Generul, John F. Ilartranft. Surveyor General, Jacob M. Campbell. COUNTY. Congress, John B. Packer, Assembly, Alfred R. Fiske. District Attorney, William A. Sober. Commissioner, Joseph M. Nesbit,