IATEST AUniVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market- oml Fourth Street, 8 L N n U It Y , I' K N X ' A . Invito? the publio lo call nnd examine Lis clt'gant aMOlilli''lit"f fcTlU-NH AND SIMMER DRY COODH, nHi T.1M0 Linens Dnnir'tir.' I' ylii", Towels, and Diuicilici uf every description ut tiio very low est piic. C-GSI 3VL ERE G GIiOTlXS. &C , tilka, Delnlnen, Lawns, tiinglmtii", Calicoes, Muslins, Fhorting. Tlekliis, .l.'.nn, ntul a full assortment uf Cotton and Woolen pnoil.- gencriillv. llo.-iiry, Oliwcs, lluip Skirts. Abu Handkerchiefs, J'ru.'-hes. Comb. II:iIm :!! fiipx, fjnol-. iiixl Mio-, Ilia m-s r 1 1111 lit nt riioiln will lint, lie if sure fail to tleatuilie fHiicy and suit the waLts of liny desirous it r-uroiifui!;. itissioi-K i.t HAKHWAKK AND QUICEXSW AUK, and Hroccrii-s U l.trp- in quantity rid e-iok-e In (tinlity. comprising uenerally everything needed in tin; liuii'.-1-nlLl cither iur Ure or ornament. JIo is always ready and K'd, lo u" "'as nnd tnkos pleasure in flio :n tl.ein hi p.ls even though no sales ..re made. H only asks a en 1 end in snro tliut Hie si.vk iH ooniparo favorably ill price and quality v. i.b tl.o chear- &m Punl.urv. June. 20, 11M. orryrxa of SrMMEIi STYLES, AT Miss Louisa Shicsler's, M A I! KET S Kl U A II V. , Ladies' and Misses H ATS ntul EON NT., in iinn.eie varii'ty. ."tJil'itfrj' (omU mill 'I'rljiiminft. prcm-h and American Ribbons. Luces, Hutidker cliieK tilovi.'?, il n.-ir v ,' nnd n general nsMirtineiit of Ladies Millinery Goods, which have boeu selected villi (treat cave. (it-iiCi loliar, r-.''Sfi' (iloves A .'. Kvcry v:rieiv will be found to select from, at Moin.it ATI-: i nrci:s. bunburv. Mny lS'.IS. HOTEJj FOll SALE. MIK i-iiriiieliiinnii lintel," lo.-nted on the corner 1. 1' 1'eiiM and l-'i iirlh ilrcptn. In thu JturouKh ot t-unuuiy, Northumberland county, fa., is uttered lit private- f ile, on I easoii'.ljli: terms. '1 his wcll Tkii'inu Hotel kas lately been renovated, and i one ofll.cbM titabds in llie place, with an excellent run of cusuiui. l'or further p irtieul-irt apply lo I! V AKIiO.I AST. lieorjjelottii, l'n., crdPI. VAIit.NSKl.Li;U, Suubury, fa. July 11. 1m!8 NEW CA!VHlAGI-:& BUGGY MANUFAOTOKY. Hi; sul.i.-rUi:r le.-peetl'ully int.iriim the citizens . I .-iinl'iiry mi. 1 vicinity, tbat bu lias opened n f:n p iii ...'. r-in.li a lil:i-k-iuiitn:iop-Liuilling on I'i.vtnut strvct. Sunbury, fa . wh'-re he keeps con eSantly on liand.iiiid Uiiiuut.ictures to order, 4'.ii-i-i;ifj;'!' f STi'yw ul!ty, iSiC, cf t!.c 1m;i i fty!e and of (he best material. l'.c.iiiriii;t of Wsgoim, Carriages. Ac, dono at the t.-rlL:L n.-iice. l'ers'.ms in want of fine bunnies and Caniniies, are requested to call hct'.-iu i-urcuusui elscwtiere. 11. C. KUISH. Sunbnrv, .Tulv 1!, lr.ri. ly T 'HE siili.-crWicr, well known iu this jiart of the coituhyasn niaijiilir-turcT of Vooiten punips, ion- turned his attention to putting in tho c i: li: i; ii at i: v s tu:; e f r y, i -!i i'..r dural.Mity, upf.(-:irani?t-, e.u tii.m-d frtfli ot v.atoi-. iin.1 j rot en! i'ln itirai: -t frceii. are li .- upt-i i a- to the- or.lin.-.ry w,.i ien pump, i'. v have- b.'i'li ll.-t-d 111 Sunliui v i'-r tin; l'-l.-t tu.l Ti vt n. rei.ilm t-iii ire f-au.-ilactiuii. hm I e.-in be s.-im at i cM-lt-hec o; Xl.-m.-:. t.'hu!. J. llrutior, l.loyd 1; .hi'juch. Jan., ? fnvd. Wui. I tJiceuouh, and t-ffo-r irehtle . en in uIibury. friee. l.uu n.;r l...ut. f ETEIt WEAVER. I'ppcr Augusta, Augu.-t I. l.-tis. :.m CHOiCE Fit 171 T i: ORNAMENTAL a v ri m n m I'ealer in Fruit nnd iVi!iii..cntul Trees, xU Turn ih fioni the iui..-t res on-ible Nurselies iu this and '!. .1-States. I',r,t el.-.ss TI! EES of all kin. Is. Also. Sl-.rnh'oi rv, Vim.s and Hants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Orders arc ic-.-pecifullv sulieile 1. Ai.lt -rt EE.NJ POHNER, l'iiinos, N-'iib d. Co tv" N. I!.-. IiMirr.t.pi rnosi ri sponililo l-'ii e ins t.ilteti in several of the n.ueeiiud liuue Detective l oinp'iliies in the Statu July 2'.. I.SW. y AtiJij.'rw ! A.is:'rx : AaJii.'S'i'f : 1 YAWTED 1 T A DIES nnd Gentlemen in every lov.n and cily J iu tho l'ni:i-1 State.-, to act as Agei.ts f.r A L S T I N A C ).S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE j WenMiiow selling goods fur one dollar Ihut can- j not he purchased ill any retail More iu the country for twice lli.at sum. nud arc now ollcring greater in ducements to Agents than any ol her house iu the trade. Our methil of doing business is legitimate, beiug a tair and honoroblu way of purchasing use ful gooJs of cvii y description al the lowest wholesale cash prices. Send fi.r l i -ciijitive Checks and Clubs of ten for 1, thirty for !, titty tor S-., larger one? in the same r.-ilio, and receive in retain presents from S3 tngluti ; or fur circulars, giving full int'irinnlion. free of tkarga. " A U.VI I N A CO. lOfl Kuinnior St., Boston, Mass. August 221 lS'W. liu. oli-f to 'rrvKj;ti-uTi. N' OTIi'E is hereby given, tl.ut no poison or per sous wiil be nllo-.vcd to trc.-pajss on llie jin.u-i -ly ol lim iiudcrsiguud. in Lower Muhouoy township, .Norihuuitiei land county, for the purpose of picking Iterries, Fruit. or to enter into any cn-dofurc without periui-sioi., as tho iuv will Lo enforced Kgainst nil ollen lers. ISAAC II. RESSLEK. I.cwci Mahon.y twp , June 2u, lhtlS. 4in IV m. Ftitsos. Nelso.n I'tCH. V U It N 1 T I" It E It 0 O M S . At of the firm of Ears in A Duvis.liave opened ware leomsat No. Suuth 21 is'.rcct, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, V. here they keep a full asaoruuient of PAKl.OU, CIIAM3EH, SITTING ROOM nnd DINING ROOM VURNITUHE. Their old oi-.hlQaiers. and all persons wishing to i areliase, ara invited to call and exuuiine their stock t -fora purchasing elecwhero i'jirtieiilar aitention paid to pitekitig. mytl ly. JI3 j a. u n u as?a A re csne -'.ullv invited to call an-1 c.tumine our stock ..f J:i.'lLDi:i!'S HARDWARE, coinpri.-ing Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Dutis, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer s Sieves, .c. Ac , tor mile by .1. II. UU. I.JLl ll'l MilKlllJVll I flow S.ti-.t, klOI'Ctl. f!uiv :. . Just put Hslie I, a new edition of Dr. Culver. , well's Celebrated Essuy on the radical cure . - ('tuLout -lieiuoi of Siioruiatoirhaa. or Seminal w-akness, In'.i'luntnry Suiuinat ;.n'"i, in:polel:"V. .Menial mid Phslcal Incapueity, In! ertinieiils to Marriage. t:y ; aisr., IN.usuu.ptiou, 1 U-,-y . and Fi!s, ind-ice l 1 y self in Julgentu or I. iuai i-x'rav.:f.nce. I v'- 1'iiee, iu a sealed envelope, only It cents. i l.e e.-I-.-l.iai. d author, in tins liduiimiile- esny. li.sily (Jeioon; truie. tn.i.i a hirty years' ucceastul 1 1 nc;iee, thai tl.u alaruiiug c -iiseiiueiices of sell. ;' i.se u.uv be ru.iie:'ily cured Kiihout llie dangerous ' ' I ii.teru.-' I leedie.ne or I'.e spplieatiou of ihu ) n ie ; p.iinui: ; ,,ut a n-o.ic , f c.i o m f.nco iimtile, eertun. ami en. etu .1, ly menu i.f v.hich every tut )er jr, ii . n. , iti, r ivh.it Lis c..n.Jin.in luny be, may cure hiir.'ill i-htiiply, privately, and radically. I V 1 hi. l ecture should he iu the hands of every V uih sua every uiuu iu ibe I ind. fiMi undur eal, iu a plain envelope, to any ad-'li-.-'.. postpuid, i.u r.-euipi uf six corns, or two post stauqu. Also, lii . Culvcrwetr. 'Marriage Guide," price 20 Cenu. Ad.lresn the Puhliiheis. CUAS. J. C. laLlNK A CO., 1J U.W,. uW lulk. I'.J'.liui.,. Una 1 Mil July 4. i-.w S.TOU23 WAXII3. 1 HE lot ut,j cheapest aasortmeutof Stone Ware .. tbeStaie. just reeeived and ti.r sale cheap at the . ttuiiuuih Cub .'tore uf Jl Y.IRILINO LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT 1 nvi:i:i.Y, rpHE popular Photograpor, has filtoil np, In the X old IVt Oflico building, tlireo doom went of tho rmlroHd, Market i-'qiinre, uno of tb 3 very bct Sky Lights to be found In the Stake, and to now prepared to take pictures uf nny kind, in all kinds of weather, early and late. Children taken almost instantly. Bring along the biiblei we are now ready for tbcui. COME OMR 1 COME ALL ! both great and small, see Lis new rooms, and ex amine specimens. I'll AMES and FRAMING material constantly on hand and made to order. Bring along your pictures i n i i ..i na. than anywhere ele. Coma and foe lor yourselves, Anything In the uouio anu foe lor yourselves, '.""' picture lino constantly on hand orordered. Copying done in all It branches and colored d''r(l- . . Hoik out and indoor views taken at .hort notice and Reasonable teru... .fXni as our motto Is to ple.iso. All l.resorved. Remember the rlaoe-ok for b. 1.1 LK- l.V. Market Square. I May 2il, 'fiS.-ly- j si .ii:i isv oil. 3iii.i ! THE subscribers having just erected and put In I operation a Mill for tho manufacture of j LINSEED OIL, i n, il... l.iirltMt market in ieo for FI.AX StEP. i 'They have attimbrd to their establishment a Chop 1 pint Mill, and fanner and others wnnting griiin ' chopped for feeding, can bo accommodated nt the I shortest notice. A machine for chopping corn with i the cob is attucLcd to the mill, j MOlttlAS A MASEEH. I January Si. 1S0S. ly M':!.tJ 'j'EJ.inn; I SriilXG Tit ADE 18C8. i M. 1.. LAZARUS, : would call thu attention of tlie public, and her cu.-tt.tiu'rs generally, lo her largo and new asrvrt- ! nient of ticitl !omosiic 6rj' (oeds. i Vrl.i ch consist uf Poplins, Pilains, Chencs, Alliipac ess. Crepes, (trenndiues. Iron llaregu?, Lawns, ttinliamK, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac,, While !. Cambiies. Floys. Organdies, Victoria, Plaid Muslins MarMiilles, f iitto, Jiiilliugs, Wigans, Mushus, (liteachcd and unbleached.) 1 ablu Linen, Iv'apkinj. 'lowels, Table Covers, frd Spreads, Ao. ; (i loves. Hosiery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Dress Trim i luins. (iu variety,) Lmliis ami Uents Ilnndkvr- chief--. Neck Ties, and notions in variety too mimcr 1 ous to uieiitioii. M. L. LA.Ali CS, ! Sunbury, May 9. lSilS. ' J. W. Stkvknshn. A. !N. Iliticii. j ATTRACTION AT 1 II A L I' T ' S JsEW IRON V 11 (1ST! i STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a now and desirable ttoek of (loodsiu JIaupt's New Building, consisting iu ! purtufa splendid variety of Aiuerlcuii IViitelM'si, I GOLD WATCHES, 1 LOOKS, CLOCKS, .IKW'KI.liY, ! STATIONEIIV, SILYEU-WAKE, j (H)Ll) PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, Class-Ware, Cutlery, Picturta, Looking Glasses. Ac, Ac, fee. ' Call ar-1 c-xmnine our stock. Our aim will be to please iili-.l tfalir-iyull iviioeall. I MEWENSON A UK ICE. ! Sunbury, April 13, IStlS. ! i-AXiCS'I Si'VMM I j SPRING AND SUMMER jMillinery Goods, .l-'v t 71. I. 4i.ows.lci, begs loave to an i nounce to tiio Ludiesof Sunbury and vicinity, that ho ha.-ju.-. opened a largo and varied slock of MILLINERY GOODS, I The latest New York and Philaditlphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Ein j hroi-.lei ies, I-.dgitigs, Laces, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scurfs. Ulovcs, Hosieries, aud all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corset, f crfuuic. ! lies. ,voaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, Sta tionery, Ac, Ac. Lull and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 1 1 18IW. FLOUR & FEED STORE! WHOLESALE JXJJ ICE TAIL. fli!IE subscrilicr respecifully informs the publio j 1 t'li't be keeps constantly on hand at bis now j WAREHOUSE, near tb Shnuiokia Valley Railroad , Depot, in SI N BURY, Flour by the barrel au 1 sacks of all kinds ol'l-'eed by the ton The ub'.v c is alt nianr.fucturcd at his own Mills, uud will be soi l at the low est cash prices. J M. CADWAELADER. Sunbury. April 1 ! suS rooo LI!S. tF CARPET RAGS WANTED at the Store of MOORE A DISSINGR, May lo. Market stre'it, .''unbury C00,U0U4'utvHorM ill Four a curs. PATRONIZE THE BEST. Having the largest cnpital, most oxperienoed buy ers, and cxton-ive trade of any conceru iu tho Dollar ShIo business, e I'A lilt AS TEE SA TISFA CTloy in every instance, and also the best selection o; Goods ; ever ottered at j i: isoi.i.Ait No other concern baa any (bow wherever our i Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Kelia- hie." Male aud fcmalo agents wanted in city uud , country. 'l'lic I.ucHfB i are purticulnrly requested to try our popular club : svstem of selling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY ;tii.lDS. DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLOTH, , CASTORS, SILVER PLATED GOODS WATCH j E-v de. (Established ISiil ) A patent pen fountain aud a check describing an article to be eotd for a dollar. IU cU.; 2U for 2; 40 for $4 ; oUforSti; 1UU 1 f .r $10; sent bj mail. Free presents to getter up, I worth 60 per cent, morotlian those sent by any other concern.) according to sito of club. Send us a tiiul j club, or if not do not fail to send for a circular. j N. B. Our fa-ro should not bo classed with New j York dollar jewelry sales or bous Tea, Cotnpunies,1: It uolLlug ot the sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL, t) j Hauover Street, Boston, Mass. Mny .:s. OS. fun. SUNBURY MARBLE I i4 . ' ?r" . -Ci. G2 He f-1 . s riHE undersigned having bought the f- J. entire stock of Dissingcr A Taylor, -rvs would inform tke i uldic that he is now ready to do all kinds of marble work ; has on hand, and makes lo order at short notice, lloiiimicnl uul Ilciid-Sloiu-a, of every atylo to suit purchasers. DOOR AND WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Galvanised pipe and all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will continue in tfio eiuplovmont, at the old staud in Market Square Sunbury, fa. May 2, Ci. ly.J W. M. DAUGHE11TY. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. JDJ-VTJD FRY I RESPECTFULLY Informs the citiseus of V bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order I all hli.u.-ol CitheH lor Ilallx, I'arllrH, Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, Ac., and also kept ou hand luunafucturcd out of lUu best materials. All orders loll at his Shop in Market Founre, one door cast of Alls Anna Painlcr's Millinery" Store, or at his Bakery on Sprueo Street, between Front and Second street, will meet with prompt attonlion. PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with Cakea, Ice Cream, Ac , al the thorte.l notico. Orders are respecifully solicited. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, May 2, ISO. IKHIIX A.M IIOa'. J. C. SY1.VIS, WITH II. G. THACMEH. Manufacturer of rRFNCII AND AMERICAN CALF ilatttn, Kboee nnd UHili'i'tj, PleasanU' Building. Murket Square, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes aud Gaiters of all description made to order on the shortest notioe and most reaa ouable terms. Having the beat workmen employed we oan assure the publio ibat, if they will gite us a call, they will be nut U lied of the above fatiU. RK PAIRING neatly done with dispatch. If your corns do hurt your feel, Just call and leave your measure, And we will make your Bhoos or Route, That von will tmll a treasure. March 21. 'tti.-ly. FRESH ARRIL OF MILLINER Y GOODS Miel ANNA PAINTEK. Market Square, Iwo doore west Cf th. Post Offio SUNBURY, PENN'A. RFSPFCTFULLY InfortA nelr friends and tha public, that she has just returned from the city, whore she has spent sometime in making selections and purchasesand haa Just opened a large stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and I W'l guns Skirting Lining, Ilo?p kir, liuglo Trim mings, Crape Trimmings, Hat Crape, tioak Buttons, Corsets. Zephyrs. , A large assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen Hosiery. JtOLI.S of all sites, Alphabet Plocks, 4o. f!ho flatters herself in being able to make a display n. .nt nniirn satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. F unbnry, Mny U, ISM. AVr. A. BENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, rtlni-hel Kqiinre, SI'SIH KV, la. Has just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kopt con stantly on hand. My stock will always be found complete iu every article of merit in Medicine Physician and Customers may rely upon prompt ness mid atlcntiou to orders. P ANCy ARTICLES ! My slock is unusually large and embraces every thing that can be found on a first class Toilet Table, including American nnd genuine French and Eng liih P E R F U M E R Y , Pomades, Hair Oilj Ivory, Gutta Percha Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail, Cloth aud Paint Brushes, Ac. lSIIOIlt 3I-li'illl'N. Embracing all tho moat popular Preparations of the day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana SEGA US and CHEWING TOBACCO ol tho best Brands, rnliilx, OiN, ltu', Wla, I'lilly, ViirnisilicM, !'. All my Tinctures, fyrups, Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations nio manufactured by myself, and from the bejt material I enn procure til Market. Having bad uuito a number ot years experience in tho JJnuj anil rm'i ij'tion HiiincH$, tnth in Philmlelpliin and tho country, and also the advantage nf the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians nnd public may favor nie with. All my preparations us 1 have abovo asserted, are n-.ndo troin the best material, and upon honor I assert, they arc of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WINES, RRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Ecforc purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. IV. A BENNETT. Sunbury. May 1(1, IMS. QUEENSVAUE, STOVE CHINA WARE, &o w. nvr. cipiisrs, Market Street, 6 doors west of Fourth St , south side, .SLNBL'IIY, PENN'A., RESPECTFULLY informs thecitiz.ens of Sunbury aud Merchants and dealers iu this and adjoin ing counties, that lie has just opened a large assort ment of Qt'EENSWARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in the country, which will be sold ut WHOLESALE uud RETAIL. Dealers are invited to examine his stock before purchasing in the city, as they can save mouey by duing so. fr'unbury, May 16, lijf.3. 6m new"gr6cery store, Vf. S. F'JP.ICAIT & CO-, Market .Street, Six doors East of Third street, north sido, SUNBURY, PA., "T) ESPECTFL'LLY iufurm their friends end the J j public, that they huve opened a 3STEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just been opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrups. Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hoiuiuy, Cheese, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fish, Salt, Potutoes, etc., together with Soups, Caudles. So lu, Ac, nnd iu fact everything in the Groccryand Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED. Qucensware, Willow. ware, Glasswure, Coal Oil Lamps. Coal Oil Ac. Cull and see before purchasing elsewhere. W. S FIRM AN A CO Sunbury, April 27. DOT COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GHANT Sc BROTHER, Kliipitcrs V Wholesale A: ICrluil IIM-hIci-m in tVHIl t: A: ICr.ie AMII COAL, iu every variety. Solo Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Low En Wh An f, Si'Narnv, Pa. Sunbury. Jan. 13, IsiOii. se'eing iTbeueving At ?Ot Ai tli Mlrerl. NEW prices: new goods Itich Silver nnd Silvcr-l'latetl Wares, i . Including every stylo and r-r Szzr ilcscrinlion, made exprely '-IJrl desc -T j for t v-iS1 I for the Winter trade, which for ii noatnoas and durability caunot be surpassed at A-! JOHN BOWMAN'S ht.lujulc ;ind Rctiiil Manufacturing Establishment, 704 AKCH fcTKEEf. PHILADliLi'UlA. ( Be-plalingiit short notice. J'occmbir 21. 67 .aug27 n 'e'vdTyg obs AKD Fresh Groceries I On Third fct., one door below the Lutheran Church, SUSB U It Y , P E X N 'A. KLiNKY PETERS, Hag just opened a large assortment of DRV GOOD', lucb as Calicoes, Delaines, Muslim, Au., Ac. QKOCERIE S and TKOVISIONS of all kinds, such aa SltlAKS, COFFELS, TEAS, .SPICES, COAL OIL MuliiK-s, Fyrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuti Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, aud in fact everything usually kept in the Urocery line. Hams, Fish. Coal Oil, Crockery-ware, Queensware Glass-ware, Willow. ware, Ae. The bed FLOl'K and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of fcuTI'JNS. Also : All kindi of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Traduce taken lu exchange for Goods. j'Cull and exuuiine my Stock, and satisfy your elves. HENRY PETERS. .Sunbury, April 21, 1867. "fancy Tmn.oWsr ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Euitabla for tha EPKIXO AND BUMMER SEASONS. JVIIBS KATE BLACK, Market 6'uuare. two doors Fast of tha old Buak building. Kl KBL'RY, Penn a., HAS just opened a fresh assort ineut of the luoet fashionable Fancy Drese tioods flow tbe lurgeet establishmeuU in 1'bUadelphia. DuLAIXES, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIO-S. SUM ltl4J UOOII!, Clulbs, Facques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lim, Ladies and Cbildreus' HATS, Feathers. Ribbous, trewsi 'I'l-iiiiiulDgra, 4iubrollerieN( Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, O loves, Hosiery Hoop 8kirta, Hupkius' Uliplie bkirla, Real black Lao bhawls, and Ladies-' tioods of every dasoripuuu. Bun TJmbrellaa aud Faroaola. UenU' Collars, Keok-tbH, llalf-bosa, Uendker bittie aud Qlovee. Per fuouery , Tail at Boa pa, Hair Bnubea, Cooibe. ate. KATK BLACK. 3 KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and tee tha well releotcd Stook of ' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVSRCOATINGS, TESTINGS, Ae Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Street, below Eyster't Store, SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING of the most approved stylea U made up to order a reasonable ratos. He has also a line assortment of Cacslmert Shirty Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties. Cotton and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, Gloves, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give biro a call, which you will find te be ta your advantage. Sunbury, Pot. 19, 1867 7SO Oienlrtiii Sirt-ot, tMiiladcIphlus Are the best In Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS : They are mora simple and durable, easier kept In order, make a stronger and more elastic stitch, a firmer and more beautiful tonra than any other They sew all fabrio from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the seam by their own operation, and thongb every fifth stitch is cut tba seam will not rip The Very tligrlictit Prize, the Croat of the Legion of Honor Was conferred on the rcpre sentalive of the 4.KOVI'It 15AKI-.lt at the Exposition Universellee, Paris, 1867 : thus attesting thoir great superiority over all other sew ing machines. OROVER A BAKER'S HIW ITTLBX Hill "IT I. i: 11 A O II I E S For Manufacturing, Combino the most modern and essential improve ments. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring tba use of the most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over nil others. FOR SALE BY Miaa CAROLINE DALIUS. Nnrkct Street. SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, 18f,7.-ly TO R R I NO T bN &H ODGK INS' n A. "W BONE SUPEIM'IIOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within the past year greatly increased and improved our facilities lor grinding Bones and man ufacturing, we nro prepared to furnish to tho farm- lers of Pennsylvania a superior article of Kiil'r-lliOH;li:it-. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, and in every case the result has been entirely satisfactory. Our processor pulverising, whereby it is prepar ed for and GUARK ANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates an objection which attaches to many fer tilisers, and secures to tko farmer a saving of much valuable time. BOLD AT THF. M ANL'FACTOItT, EAST MARKET STREET, se iii icv, ia., and by our Ageuts throughout the country, iu Bugs of 200 lbs. each, at $53 per Ton of 2000 lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points accessablo by rail or canal, on reacipt of order. TORRINGTON A HODGKINS. . Also Agents for Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self Raking Reaper and Mower (The New Yorker) and Pratt A- Smcdley's Hay and Grain Rake. Send for Circular. February 15, 'OS. ly A LARGE supply of "4 Villi lniMr uud Horsier, just rcoeived and for sale cheap, ut the Mammoth Store of April 4, ISM 11. y.FIULlXG. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, IValcbiuakrr and Jew cler, NOKTH2d 8T., COR. OP QUARRY, l'llll.ADKLPHIA. An assortment uf Wai-diee, Jewelry, Silver and FUtco VVure constantly on hand, vKeHiiriiig of Watclirs and Jewelry promptly at tended to. Nov. 30, 1507 I y. IF you have a picture you want framed, go to llyerly'is aud gel it dona cheaper than any where else iu town, lie has mouldings of all kinds coustant y rn baud. JOHN F. HAAS, Dealer In all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, BUXBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Anlbracita Coal from the Sbamokin Coal Kegiou at cheap ratos. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spectfully solicited. JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury, July id, 188. I.Ml'Olt 1M.V1' .o i it i:. fTnE undersigned having luceeeded to the busi L ncss of r. 111MES A CO., takes this method of iufuriuiiig Urick-Layars, Builders, and all others in terested, iu and about buubury, that be is prepared to nil all orders, fur building aud paving Brick, of a superior quality, and at aa low rates as can bo bad clt-ewhore. I am also tbe Agent in tba Counties of Northuin erjsnd, I'nion, Snyder and Monlour. for WAR-K- IMPROVED FIRE and WATER PROOJf OOF. This ia the cheapens and best Roof that an be used on buildings. Wa oovered several build ngs with it, during the last teason with entire satis faction. Orders left at tha Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at the Otboa of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill and Lumber Yard, op atSuubury Puat Office, will rooeive prompt attention. TOWKaEXi) HIMES. Sunbury, March 14, lBo. Aifrii-ulilHral liupleius-nls, HOfX Grain Hakes. Steel and Iron Gardes Rakea, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Maaura and Hay forks, Urate and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Ftnisera. Trace . Breast, Tougue and Log Chains, Grlud-elonee, Fanning Mill Seiveeof all sites and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Haiuea, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cullivalor TeeUi, for saie by J. H. CON LEY A CO. SDNBDBY BTBAM SAW MILL. HIIXU.1I BKAtiAN, MaOBl'ectare aad Dealer ia ali kind of TIMBER, LUMiJEll, LATH, VALOiU A UUN. Also, Flooring, Bbalviug, Bldljig, Does, Bask, Bliuda, ttraekrU, Mouldings, Ae. 0or Race Mreaai )Uad,Usf BURY. Pa. AptU 4 IHi. Great Attraction, ftl lot NEW TIN-WARE, Hlscet Iroat and Stove Stores or SMITE & G-EITTEER, Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notioe. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especlallv call tba attention of pur chasers to their large and Welt selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber have made arrnbtfctnenta to have all their belt stoves made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well lo go and examine their large and well leleoted ItOck. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, Via : , 4'osnbiniilloB Vlnm llurncr. Cook. Uovcrner Penn--Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stova oalled SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. 'Also. Parlor and officii fltovn in ireat variety em bracing all the beet manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangement combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are reDrcsentcd. Also, The oelebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for beating first, second and third stories by Registers. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING QL0RY. :onl OH, Coal Oil Lamp, Mhndci, Clilmuics), and all articles , usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared lo furnish Slato and do elating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gaa Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply exaouted. Also: "Iltuigli'a Iliiw Hone SuperIboiw llintc." Remember tha place. Sample and Salei Room nearly opposite Conly'i Hardware Store, Market ttreot, between Third and Fourth streets. Building durk painted. August 22, 1888. GROCERIES, Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. .U.IV Ac CO., In Wcimcr'e Building, Water Street, near King it , NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their frionds and the public generally that they have a large assortment of Groceries Provisions, Ac, all fresh and of tho best quality, con sisting of Tens, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery lino. They would also call attention tn their largo and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on bund. Also, all kinds of Vegetables. Ac, Ac. Give them a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 28, 1807. THE GREAT AMERICAN COM BIX A TIOX Hut Ion Hole Overieunting SEV"I1TG liiLCEIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Trout of ita Great Merit. Tbe locreftue in tho demand for this valuable ma chine bu been TEN FOLD during the laM .even months of Us firftt year before the publio. This grand and surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we loci fully warranted in claiming that IT II AS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely the Best IMHIKY 1TIACII1.M: INTUfi WOULD, And Intrinsically the Cheated, It is really two machine combined in one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,! ma king both the Sbuttleor Lock-sliluli, and tbe Over rUMiLuiup and Mutton-bole stitch, with equal facility uud perfection, It executes in the very best maimer every variety ol sewing, suou as, iiuiuuiiiir. retting. Cording, Tucking, Siiiehiug, Braiding aud Quiltin);, Uatlieriug and sewing on, (done at the same lime.) and iu addition, Overseauis, Embroiders on the edgu aud makee beautiful Button aud Kyolet-bolos in ail tabrics, Kvery Maobine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, lo give eotiro satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be bad ou applica tiou ut tbe Salesrooms of TUX3 AIM ERIC AN BUTTON HOLE, OYERSEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instruction! given on the Machine at the rooms of tho Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'IC PAXSON, PiesiJcut. W. IJ. Mkndemiall, Treasurer. April 25, 1858. lyejan. 25, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, 1 1ST S XT 3NT IB TTR-Y iion 3d street, opposite tha MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Out iMtrly IMtalslIkbed, mIHi all Ibe Jllodrrn Improvnnrnls r llie Art ! THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident uf bis ability to assure his patrons that tba work pro duced shall be second to none In oountry or oily. No work allowed to leave tHe gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having tbe best sky light in the county, be il prepared to uiuke Phulogruphs iu all kinds ut weather, but would prefer a olear day for mall children. He is also prepared to take new iiio, or eabiuet card Photographs, All kinds of piotures copied and magniSed to any required site and oolored beautitully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, As., a large lot of Photograph frames eonstantly on band. The publio are respectfully invited to call and tee pur specimens and our eompleta arrangements for making Photographs, ipecial terms to iamiliea and clubs. . BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, RI. C. CilMIMIAUT'M Confectionry, Toys and IFIVCTIT STORE, Market (Street, Hnnbnrjr, CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment atwholeaala and retail, at reason able prices. He ia manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries ta keep np a full assortment which are told at low rates. Tobacco, Segara, Stationery, Nuts af all kinds, ana a variety of ouker articles,, all of wbloh are oSeied wholesale and retail;. Ij-Remembar tba name and place. -Vel M. C.GEARUART, Mark-et street, t doera w-est of B. Y. Bright A Soa'i tore. Sunbury, Sept. 1. 1SS3. tf Water aad l-'ire lreel SLATE ROOFS THE underlined reenaeitfull informs knildan In this-and adjoiniug eouniiaa that ha ia prepared to put oa Slate Roofs ia a superior manner, lie funs ithes the celebrated Lehigh county Slate, wbieb la the beet iu tbe market, lie warrants bis work to be durable and Ira aad water proof. Ma invitee tha in. peotion of tba publie to tba work ha hasdone ia Sua bnryoo Haunt's, UrMoougb'a aad Haas' baildinre, aud oa others at various plaoee. Ilia prlaaa are as ww u uigee oi any outer aiausr. Addraea, D. 8. SMITH, Suabury, P.O., oreall at his nsideaea In Upper Auguata Iwp. Jaaaary 11, loots. I y FOR Saddlers, wa have Saddle Trees, Bill, Buck lea, Gig Trees, Pad Trees, liaaaa, all kuui aad every uiuig partauuoi ta iua sxutaeee. lev esueov J. U. CONliKY A CO. -OOUMXHV DKALKRi auppliaa wick all kioa f V aavaaa w at iaa ta4i rMorj rra-w ar riavburr, aaviiif paoku. braakaa and JT Hit juaawia tmi ta m. s wa..w BA-IstXIstlOItlB LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERT. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON bee dleenvereu (We most Certain .""peecy and only fcffectoal kemedy in die Wotld fut all Pit yete Diseases, Weak nta uf tbe Beek or Limlie, 8uicUlrs, .a- .1 - ... v.j n .i.i i .. ,...... I ) ik. ehargee, Impoleiicy, General Debility, Mervonsnett,l)ye pepsy, Leneuor, Low Bpiiits, bonfuaimi of Ideas, PUIpir union oi ine noui, imivii- idilY. Tremblinrt, Dimeess or i of the Heeil, Throat, I' or ihl or Oiddineea, Disease skin. A (Tectums ol the laives, I aims, ejtomaek or Bowels Mieae Territile Diaordeisarisirif flora ttieSnlilary Hnbite uf Youth those secret aud aolitaiv bractleee irne fatal f. their vlctime than the eong of Hyreiie tn the Metiuere of Ul) es, blighting theil must brilliant hopes ot euUcipauous, rendering mernage, no., iinpoeaioie. Yonng N Especially, who hare become the yietimenf Solitary Vice, that dreadful end destructive habit which aiinneily sweeps grave thousands o i ouug Men ol the most exalted talenta and briltiant intellect, who might otherwise bave entianced listeninc dettatee with Uietbun dets of eloquence nr waked to ecstaty the bring lyre, may call with rull eoiuMrnce. ltlarrlsijre. Married Persons or Younf Men toft t em planus; mamaee, being aware of physical weakness, organie debility, d t.ta miliaa Ln aitjwwii Itf r it rand He wht ptacee himself under the eare of Dr. $. snay may rHifEiously confide in his honor as a geatlenuui, ana eoiibcieuiiy reiy upon nissaiu as a rnysiewo. Orieranlc Weakness Immediatrlv Cured, and Full Viator Restored. This DittieMina Affection which renders Life raiser. blnaiid marriage imptissihle is the penalty paid by I he victims of imprttper indulgence. Young petaotte are too ant tienmniic rxcesara froio not belngawnre ol the dread ful ennscauencea that may ensue. Now. who that auder stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of piocreanon is mst sottner ny inose lulling into improper liubits than by the prudents? Besides doing deprived the pleasures ol neaiiny Hiiprnit,ine rnoai aeritiusana denree live symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system Incomes PerantH, the Physical and Mental Functions weakened, lnaaof frorreative fower, Nervous Irrititnli ty, Dyapf-psia, Palpitution of the Heart, Indigestion. Con siitutmniil Debility, a Wmting of the Ftaine, Cough, uoiisunipiinu, vcvay anu itawi, 4nico, o- 7 Nontli IVederlok Street Ien hand side going from BuHimnre street, a fewdooia 'finn thecomer. tail nft toobaerve name and number. Letteis must he paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor Oiplomas hang in his office. A Curt) Warranted In Two Day AO Mercury or Xau$eou$ Drvyt, Or tfolinwton, Member of the flovil Colleireof urreons, Isondon. Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose hie has been spent in tbe biispitftls or IjOiiUuii, Pnns, Philadelphia and elft where, has efTected some of the moat astoniahiug cures mat were erer Known ; mnny iroumeu with niiging in tti head and enrs when aftteen. treat nervnumess, be ma aiann ed at sudden sounds, basMnlnes. with fiequent btUaliiiitT, atteniletl sometimes with derangement of mind, weie Cured imraemaieiy. Take larllcnlar .olic Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper iiiJuieeti-e and solitary habits, which rani both body and mnld, unfitting til em for either business, studv. society or marriage. 'l a a a are eome uf the tad and melancholy effects pro duced by early habits til youth, vix: Weakneaaul the Buck and Lmftta, Pains in the Head, Dimneas of Sight, liea or Muscular Power, PHlpitaiion of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Deiane;emeiituf the Digestive Func tions, General Debility, !ynipNms of Consumption, Ac. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Iosa or Memory, Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Hvit-Korebodiugs, Aversion to Society, Sell'DiaUTUt, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac. are soma of the evils prtHluceil. Thousands of persons of all axes can now Judge what is the cause of their declining heulth, lysine; their vigor, becoming weak, pale, neivousand enaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Who hnva injured themselvea by a certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, a habit frequently lenined from evil compniiioiiH, or at schl, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and il not cured renders marriage impossible, and deatro)s both miiidMiid body, should apply immediately. Wiiut a pity that a vung man, the hope nf his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pros pects uud enjoyments of life, by the consequence uf devia ting from the path of nature and indulging in a certaiu secret habit. Huch persons must, before cout em plating reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote coiinubml happiness. Indeed without Ihetv, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly durkeua to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with detipiiir aud filled with the melan eholy rfl-tum that tha happineas of another becomes btig'ited with our own IHaieaKe r Iiupruelonee. When the misguided aud imprudent votary of pleasjre funis that he hus i in bitted the seedti of this pit in Oil di tense, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense uf shuine, or dread of discovery, dctera him from applying to thoae who, i loin e4iucaiun and reaperUlmity, can alone Itrineud tnin. delaying till the CiJiistitutiomil suiiitins of this homd j diffuse make their appearance, surh as ulceruted Hir,..-il, (Henp( nuse, ixYimel prims in ile hied aud Inula, tlitimcka nt' aiaht, cleafucM. ntidca on the al'.iii twnci a ml at mi, tl'tcliea on llie tiraij. face anil rximintut, pi'(rf ini with rnahtful (apidiiy. lilt at lait lhf pnlate of the nmutli or tha bonea of the nt' fall in, ami I ha victim uf Ihiaawfnl ducaae bctinra a hot rid iJjfft of romtniarra tinii, till death puna period t hit dreadful aniTeriiiff, try afiidni him to "that Undiscovered Couulrj' fMin wheiKe no iruvruer reiuina." i It ia a melancholy fact thut ihUKiiiii full viclimt to thia ' ternhfe dmtrUBC, owing t the uutki!lftilnrH nf i)(iioiaiit ; pieienilera, wh(it by the UReuf th it ( Deadly Poifrm, Mer cury." rmn tha connitmion and make tha teiiJue ol Ufa lit iter able. lriini4?raj ( Truat nt yur lives, or health, tn the car cf th many L'nleaiiied and Worihleaa Tretendera. destitute of knowl edge, name or rbarucLer, whoexipyUr Johnalon'a adver tiifinetita, nr itylethemaelvea in the netvapapeia, ref ulaily Kducaled rnyaiciana, ineainhle of Cunin, they keep you tritlinfr month ofter month taking their filthy and poisoiina tti'iiipoitinta, or as linip as the smallest fee ran be obtained, and in despair, leave ynu with mined health to sigh over your fmliiir; disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. fits credential or diplomas always hunt; in his office. His rrmtdiea or treatment are unknowa tn all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Knropa, the first in thia in mi n try and a mora extensive Pnvate Practice" than any other Physician in tha world. ln(lorakmrut of ili liaMM. The many thousands cured at this iuatiiution year after year, aud the numerous iintnrtaut Hurgical Upttratiniis performed by Dr. Jnhnstiai, witnessed by the reporters of the 'Sun." "Clipper," and mnny other papers, notices of which huve appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing: as a gentleman of chanteter and re sponsihitity, is a sufficient gmraiitea ti the utflicted. l:In IkUcuMOH faipoeUily Perains witting shou'd he pnrticulur in directing their alters tu hts Institution, in the following manner, John 51. JohnwioM, ym I. Of the Rn It i more lKk II oapjtal, ba lti more, Md. Nov. 30, 1-67 t y. .Notice to Merchants and Shippers. THK uuJersiguod, proprietor of Waiaer A Friok's Line, giro notices tn mere bants and shippers that Ibe Depot fs still nt 811 Market street. Pbila delpbia, and all Ooodi directed to Suubury, I an villa and LeffMbur, and all iutermodiala stations along tbe railroad! will be promptly delivered. t Can leave 811 Market street, Philadalpbla. tri-weekly Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. J . W. BK.UW1N, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. ii. BROWN, Agent, buubury, Pa. December 7, 1887. i. H. Conley Co., Murki'l K l i-ve I, Kail oi l lit) Itullroas, ex73srBXTi"5r, penn'a, DEALERS IN l'Olti:iOii Ac A.'vli:illCA.'V, Hardware & Cutlery. rilUE attention of Mechanici, Farmers, Builder, and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we ore now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below Iboea heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used oy CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAOON MAKERS, JOINERS, AO., AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, tirindstoues, Mill and X Cut Sawi, Ac, Ae. Sunbury, March 30, 1887. S. KKT, Urn tUt, WaU remove his Office to J. M. Simpsoa' Building, 2nd story, Market Square, WHEKE be will be prepared to do all hind of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep eonstantly ou hand a large aasorlineut of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which ha will be able to elect, and meet llie want of bi euetonuwr. All work warranted ta giv satisfaction, or alsa th mouey refunded. Tbe very beet Mouth Wash and Toolh-Powdere kept on hand. His reference are the numerous patron for whom he ha worked fur the last twelve yean. Sunbury, Marob 21, 1868 IRON. A large aseertmaos gl th bert manafaa. lured .jo Bar. Iloon, Band, Round aad Square iron, fc.il Rads, Cut Steel, BTuTr., Steel. Drill Steel. Hone Shoe, Horaa Natl, Anvil, Bellow. Viae, Uaaunen, SW-' m- CONLBT CO'B . ' SHOEMAKERS. 1 HI best qualiUe of Sol LaaAher, Praoek Calf sklu Murrooou, Liulng. La. la, Nails, Pegs, Tixai of aM klttaa, aad (Tear thiugsi by tbe k4a fusal low by J H TOWjtt A CO lVrlVi)rm Otntral RntlwAj. i BUlblEft TIM! BCnEDTJLB. O ,1th 1868. tralnt wUI leave BUNBURY, aa follows: LBAYB NORTH W ART 6.00 As M.t Dalle for Williamsport. DaUy eeep juU.ihj.,, i or Aimira, vauanaatgua, Rochestar, Buffaloe, Niagara Fails, BnitDaaaiAn ttrlftav ahi n. . - - I Mill IU vnusHiaw, 4.11 P. M., Dally (except Sundaj,,) for Elmira, and Railway from Kimira. 40 f. IT, Dally (oxeept Bundavs,) for William. port. . IBAVB SOUTHWARD. 1J.6J A. M., baily (except Monday.) for Baltimore, rvMumgutn eiMi rniianeipnia. 10.02 A. M., Daily for Baltimore and Washington. 7.00 P. M., Daily except Sundays,) for Uarrisburg. J. N. DaBaaair, Ed. 8. Tobhij, uen l. bup't., Uen l Faen'r Ag't, Harrisbnrg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. LiK-hanaaaa Aa lllovmsibui-f( Hail ON and after Monda" luj 4th, 1868, Passenger Traini 1U ran a follow, - Leave SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. 6 40 8.30 6 65 0.40 20 154 10 35 NORTHWARD. P. M. C.42 7i P. M. 8.30 8.05 a 45 8 23 10 06 " Bcrantoa, " Kingston, " Ropert, Danville, Arr. North'd., Leave North 'd., 15 4 4S 7.02 ,25 7.3 A.M. P. M a no " noaniie, " Rupert, 11 Kingston, Arr. at Seranten, 10 00 7.90 1.60 S40 11.10 8 00 11 65 8 47 A- FOJNDA, Bup't. Kingston, May 10, 188. r Keadlnar Kallrotid. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, ATJQU3T 3, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINY from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottavilie, Tamaqoa, Ashland, Khainoku , L.bn anon, Allentown, Easton, Epbrata, Litis, Lancaster Columbia, Ac., Ao. ' Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 2.60, 6.24 and 8.10 A. M. aud 12.20 noon and 2.05 and .'ii P. M, connecting with similar Trains on tha Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 4.00 10.00 and 11.45 A. M. and 3 50, 8.65, 60 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.50 A. M. and 9.35 P. M. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottavilie, Taina qua, Minersville, Ashland, Sbamokin, Pine Orove, Allentown and Philadelphia at it. 10 A.M. and 2.05 and 4.10 P. M.. stopping at Lebanon and principal way station ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3v30 p. m. Returning: Leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12 00 Noon and & 00 and 8.00 p. m., Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m . and 3.30 p. in.; Sleeping cars accompanying the 9.00 a. m. and & 00 and 8.00 p. m. trains with out change. Way Pusscnger Train learei Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting with similar train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Pottsville at 7.00 and 8 45 a. m. and 2.45 p. m; Shamokin 5.25 a. m. and 11.20 a. m ; Ashland at 7.00 a. m., 12.43 noon nnd 1.55 p.m.; Tainaquaat 8.30 a.m. and 2.15 and 8 45 p. m. Leave 1'otUville via. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7.10 a. m. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 a.m. for Pine Orove and Treinont. Reading Accommodation Train learos Reading at T.30A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.51 Pottstown Accommodation Train : Leaves Potts town at 6 45 A. il., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave P.eadingat 7.00 A. 11 , and 8.1j P. M. for Ephruta, Litii, Lancas ter. Columbia, Ae. Perkiouien Rail Road Trains leave Porkiomen Junctkn at 9.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. Returning : Leave Fkippack at b.10 A.M.. and 1.25 P. 11., con necting with similar trains oa Reading Rail Road. On bundays: Leave New York at 8 00 pm., Phila delphia SOU A. II., and 3.15 P M. tbe 8.60 a.m. train running only to Reading, Pottsville 8 00 a m., Harrisburg, 6.25 am, and 4.10 and V-35 p m. and Reading at 1.102.55 and 7.16 a. in, for Harrisburg, and 7.0U a. m. and 11.40 p m. fur New York, 4.26 p in. fur Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and from all points. KngRsge ohecked through : J00 Pounds Brggago allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, Ooneral Superintendent' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in every variety ot ANTHRACITE COAL, Upper Wharf. BUNBURY, Penn'a. fy Orders solicited and filled with promptness an j despatch. i Sunbury, May 12, 18. y To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QUAINT O rpilE attention of Farmers and other consumers of JL Pertiliteri is invited lo this Guano, aa worthy of ibeir special notice. Ill use for several years in Maryland, Virginia and other Southern States, for all crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all tbe quickness of Peruvian Uuano, with permanent qualities not found in Ibat article. 250 lbs. of this Guano are found more than equal to 300 lbs. of the best Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop from five lo seven days earlier than tbe phosphates, which fact alone givee it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. Per sal by JOHNS. REESE A CO., General Agent fur Pacific Uuano Co., 38 bouih Delaware Ave., Pbilad'a., And 71 South Street Baltimore. Marob 23,1308 6m PURE LAGER BEER! IoiM'i:it ai ai.i:, From the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACZEP.. RESPECTFULLY informs tba publio generally that he ia prepared to furnish LAGEIl BEER, PORTEIl AND ALE, n large or (mall quantities. His facilities for niak ng Beer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced supe rior toany other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by pbyaioian a a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Reetauranl and private familie supplied at short notice. Sunbury. Sept 21, 1867. UNION HOTEL. I'lIAft. lTZKI Proprietor. In Cake's Addititn to SUNBURY, near tha Pens.', Railroad Company's Shop. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will And ample aooommodatioo. Good eooks and waiter, boarder ean enjoy the quiet com forts of horn with fare equal to the beat hotel. Hi Liquor are of the choicest kind. Sunbury, June 8, 1867. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AJfD STATIONERY, Monthly Tim Book Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Book. Blank Books, Memorandum Booki. Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Ponrilai a flu assortment of Paper, Ink. Ae. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. Ialnla, Oil. Ac. A full stock of Oil comprising Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubrieatmg Oil for Engine and Machinery, Yarnisbe, Glass, alwavs on hand, at low price at CON LKi ACQ'S BOOK BINDERY. JOHN HERMANr North Mill street, DAN VILLB, PA., nrenared to Bind Book. Paper, Magasiu' I SMiuin. Ao.. in nv stvl that may be desired, at cheaper rate tbau ean be done in Ibe oilie. All Order left at thia Office, will receive prompt attention. oet. 10, '67 Coachmakers, Tt7I are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Canveas, Boil, Clip, Axle, vary low- Large Stock at CONLBY A CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1b67 CAHPKNTEKS WILL fad ia .iu eetablBbsa.nl a superior stock, ol PUan, bawev Augara, iiaaelwla, Uaaimera, File Chisels, Aa., Ao .for sal. by AH. CONLEY A CO c ALL and sea ia aeaulilul 4 Cage at tha' new atardsrara ewe e