B. WILVBHT, l - . ' N. B. ENQLB, J PablUhert. SVmiUIHV, PA. BATUKDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1889. Eocal Affairs. Tub Counriirloneri advertise for proposals fdr th rebuilding of ft county bridge between Northumber land and Danville. . hir. GioRea Pariok, lata pastor of the turtle rin Church, in Milton, married ninety-nine oouptcs during hli three yean' resldenoe In lhat plaoe. ArrnxHTica Wamtsd. A good boy, IS or IS yean of age, can have an opportunity of leatning the printing buainoss by applying irnmcdlstcly at this office. 1 Lam en' and TJhfldron'i Fancy Fun, at John Fa reira'a FopuW Fur "Emporium, 718 Aroh. St., Phila- delphta. Stock large. Read hi advertisement. (Jive him a call. . - Religious Notice. Divine service will be held in tho- German Reformed Chureb, in this place, by Key. Mr. Stcintnets, to-morrow (Sunday) morning. Services will odmmonco at 101 o'oloek, A. M. Tn CuiLtnira Association. At the regular monthly meeting of the Sunbury Mutual Loan and Building Aatooiation, beld on Friday night last, nine shares were (old, at prices ranging from $97 to flOO. The shares are sow worth $20.00. Moori Dirsikorh have Just reoe Wed another large stock of Dry Goods, such as French Merinos, Poplins, Alpacas, Lustres and Delaines. Also, a large assortment of Shawls and Blankets. The pub lio should not fail to oall and see them. A Reftjultcan MftfeTltis was beld fo (tit Court House cm Monday ovening last. It was addressed by Mr. A. H. Chase, of Turk, who is an able and eloquent speaker: It was one of the largest meet ings that has boon held bore during the campaign. Snot'LO DR RsrAinin. The bridge at the cross ing of Second and Chestnut streets is in a bad con dition, and should receive the attention of the Street Commissioners immediately. Several of tbe planks hre broken, rendering it very dangerous to drive torsos across. Till County Agricultural Fair at Turbutville, last week, was considerably interfered with by the wea ther. It is said that tho agricultural display was vary creditable. The attendance, particularly On the second day, was quite large, Considering Ibe in clemency of the weather. It is rumored, (whether correctly or trot we do not know.) that the Railroad Co. has purchased tbo ntoroirt of Lcwisburg in the new bridge over tfae river at that place, and that no travel will bo Rl iowod over the bridge except by the Railroad Co. In this case the good people of Lewisburg will be compelled to build a bridge of their own. Milto uan. Labor Train. Tho Urie express train, on the Phila. A Erie Railroad, which arrives horo about Vnidnight, on Wednesday last was probably the lar gest passenger train that has ever gone through this place. Nineteen cars composed the train,' arid Were laden with Boys in Blue, en route to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention in Philadelphia. We learn that there wcro about five hundred persons from Wll liamtport and vicinity, alone, on board. I. 0. or O. F. At an election for officers of Stono Valley Lodge No. t!4, of Georgetown, held on Sat urday evening last, the following persons were elec ted for the ensuing term : N. G., David L. Ditty. V. G , Wm. 1!. Bordner. Secretary, Dr. J. J. Rood. Assistant Secretary, Francis Biokel. Treasurer, A. Bad man. Representative, Emanuel Wilrert. Convocation. The Williamsport Convocation of the Epiecopul Church met in Muncy, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The Bishop of the Diocese and tho committee having charge of the business conncuted with the division of the Dio .ctwo of Pennsylvania, wo learn, were elro ia attend ance. It is understood thai tho consent Of two thirds of the clergy and a majority of the laymen interested in the question bavo been secured in favor of division. DVEINQ AND SCOURINO ESTABLISHMENT. Mr. E Compton, proprietor of the Williamsport Steam Dye Works, has leased the rooms under Byerly's Photo graph Gallery, in Market Squnro, with the intention of establishing the business in Eunbury. He dote all kinds of ooloriug and scouring in the best man ner, nod equal to any turned out by the city estab lishment. We would recommend Mr. Compton to any of our citizens who may want any thing done in j his line of business. Tub Mass Meeting at Milton, on Wednesday last, was the largest that bos ever been held in that place. About two hundred members of the Vnion League and Boys In Bluo, of this place, went up to the meeting on the evening truin. Hon. Jas. A. Brigg, of New York, and Jas. B. Bel ford, Esq., ef Indiana, delivered adurcssos during the day. In tbo eve ning speeches were made by Hon. Jamas W. Patter son, of New Hampshire, and A. H. Chase, Esq., of Y'ork, Pa. The grand torchlight parade, in the eve1 ning, was a splendid affair. - Juucm ilium.EswABTH. The Middleburg Posr says : Our sanctum was visited by Judge Middles warth, who, it Was currently reported a few weeks ago by the Domocratio press of tho St&to, bad come out in favor of Seymour and Blair, lie nails the lio by saying that be had not given the idea a thought, and further, that bis time, voice and influence shall as heretofore, be devoted to the interests of the Union Republican party, and its nominees, from Grant aud Colfax down to County Auditor. Snyder oounty boasts of no etauncher Republican than the Judge. The Vmoeral, lust week, published a statement to the effect tbat the Northern Central Railroad Company, in thoir machine shops and elsewhere, are trying to force Democrats to vote the '-Jacobin Ne gro Ticket," under the penalty of discharge. This Is an old dodge of the coppeiheads, and is probably intended to find out the political oomplexion of the railroad employees. The card, published in ano ther column, signed by sixty employees of tho com pany, Democrats and Republicans, indignantly de nies the assertion, and brands it as a lie.' It ought to convince our neighbor that be is "barking up the wrong tree" to find game. This insulting charge has been tnaAe during every election campaign by our political opponents, but it never eould be sustained. The laboring men of the Northern Central road tft not afraid to have their names used to refute all such base slanders against thuir employers, and as for themselves, will always treat with contempt the insult offered to them by copperhead papers. Tue Entkrjprisi RaitaoAb. TbeSbamokin tier aid says tbat tblt new railroad has been completed t tbut place, and the first passenger train was run through on Monday of last weeki Three passenger trains have been put on, which arrive and depart a follows : Passenger train leaving Ashland at 8.50 A.M., arrives at 10.15 A. M. Paseurigor train leaving Philadelphia at 6.15 A.M., connecting at Port Clinton and funning vus Tsina rina and Ashland, arrive! at 4 P. M. I'anscnger and freight train leaving Tamaquft (t 4.30 A. M., ruaning via Ashland and Gordon, ar rives at 9 65 A. M , and returning t-i'a Mt. Cstmel, leaves at 10.45 A. M., arming In Tamaqua at 4 25 P. M. Passenger trains returning, leave Shamokia at 6.25 and ll.a A. M., and arrive in Philadelphia at 1 (ill and 0 43 i M. ... Th. rniiinr mill hdlldln Is to be used for a pas retiger and freight depot, but until it is got ready, trail, will run to and from tna crossing on Shamokin street. '-' Iitsrc IT1K to HaSo'ki. At th reesnt election of offloert ef the General Grand Chapter, Royal Aroh Mason ef the 'United ftetss, the following per sons were eleoted : James M. Austin, of New York, was elected General Wand xTIgh Pi-rest; Robert 8. Burns, of South Carolina, Deputy Grand High Priest; To. flacker, of Indiana, General Graad King; Martin Collins, of Missouri, tioneral Grand Fcribs; John MVlellan, of Massachusetts, General Grand Treasurer'; John D. Caldwell, of Ohio, Gob aral Grand Becretnry ; Isnao 8. Titus, of California, Goneral Grand Captain of the Host ; Arlin II. Mi ner, of Illinois, General Gland Royal Aroh Captain. The following persons were eleoted ofiieera of the Orand Encampment of Knight T emptors of the Uni TOl States : Win. B. Gardiner, of Massachusetts, Grand Master ; J. Q. A. Fellows, of Louisiana, Dep uty Grand Master; Kent Jarvis, of Ohio, Grand Ueneratlasimo ; Lloyd W. Bell, of Missowri, Grand 'Captain General ; John Fraszoll, of Tonncssoe, Grand Senior Wardon ; Win. C. Mungen, of Ken tucky, Grand Junior Warden ; John W. Simons, of New York, Grand Treasurer ; John D. C. Colliwcll, of Ohio, Grand lteoorder; Alfred Crcigh, of Penn sylvania, Grand Standard Bearer; M'm. Barrett, of New Hampshire, Grand Wand Bearer ; and Thos. W. Chandler, of Georgia, Grand Warden. Man's first duty is to himself. There are acci dents wbloh no foresight can avoid. Every one's experience remembers some lusty, mucb-enduring man stricken down as though by a pestilence Dis aso flies In tho air. Typhus creeps from every sewer. Prince Albert was swopt from the most lux urious throne of Europe by the miafiua'ot a neglec ted drain. Science, art, medicine, are avory day arrested by the Void and bitter hand of death. No man who values bis lifo, or rather, tboso to whom his life is all in all-, should iiositnto to provide against ever-present dangor by taking a policy from sumo good Lira IiHimscs Compawv. Here is ono brought to us by 'Mr. Jay Cooke, tho groat finanoier of the rebellion-, managed by tneta of national repu Wtton for botior and sagacity, with an enormous cap Hal, and arranged ota the most liberal and thought ful basis, tt it tt national company. The rates of premium are low. All policlos are non-forfeiting, and all premiums returned at death. We commend this ootepany especially to oar readers, at tho sanio time saying that with such ari'Of'p'bTtunity presented to a father of a family, there is no o Muse for bis de laying a day in covering his life with a good policy of insurance jl'or the American A Lie Nailod. EniTORS American DearHira: Will you please publish tbo following : Wo the undersigned employees ot the Northern Central R.-K. Co., declare on our honors that w e feel at perfect liberty and intend to vote juet af e please without even a fear of incurring tho displeasure of our Employer's-, and that tho lie published in tho lUtmocrat of the 2ilh imt., is made from whole cloth. We also feol assured that the oflieers of tho N. C. R. R. have no desire to interfere with our rights as iieeluon. 8. A. Alexander, P. Krone, P. McKcf.Yia, Michael Young, Robert Martin, S. Uroolit, T. Holly, A. II. Buyer, John A. iiuchor, 'John Bourno, C. Hooker, R. Oulp, A. 1. Hamilton, J. II. Walton, C. M. Young, C. F. Fisher, 1. M. Ilonnir-gCT, A. UcntHov, John N. lielford, Jeremiah FarnSivortb, Harry Bourne, (leorge Mantfc, John Cairns, Kli Miller. Michael Maehcr, II. W. Bueher, 11. Fisher. Thos. Hewitt. Michael Ilofiiimn, U. W. Cocklcy, S. N. (layman. J. De Haven, Jr., II. Walters, A. Silvius, V. Thurston, F. Shrank, T. Henninger, Wtu. 2inn, Jaeob Runn, I'riah Foulk-, Philip Kcefor, Sarnucl S. Uoblto, F. ilolsbue, II. P. Newberry. d Cassett, L. Drosious, J. 11. Kusael, C. Martin, J. Hopper, Henry Haupt,.r., M. Myers, P. Hunt, J.lyler, h. Dunn, Veorge W. Bostian, P. 11. Bowman, A. S. Renn, Freeman ilaupt, Moses tihipo, P. 11. Fox, Editor's Table. WnAT AnSwer? A St0n- oV To-Dav. By Anna E. Dickinson. $1.50. Tickn-or t I'iilJs, Pub lishers, Boston. Miss Dickinson's reputntion as nrtvof the most pop ular lectiirors in the country will ilrnfr public atten tion to her novel which i'ickuor and Fields have just published. Those who have li.-tcncd to her elo quent lectures will turn to bcr book with eager in terest. "What Answer" bus a skilfully-eonstructtd plot, and deals With some of the most important events of the late war. The Story is one tbat will deeply in terest tboso 'who road simply for entertainniont tho characters, incidents and rituatlons itt atrra"t and charm noVel'-readers and n'o thooghifiil person tan be uninterested in the bold and earnest troiitrtieut which Some important political and social questions receive in this volume Tbr HALF-Dot.nn Tennyson. The nine differ ent ediiions of tho Laureate's poetry which Tickuor and Fields have hitherto published seem insufficient to meet all the requirements of the reading public. Their JHamtnd liiiltiofi, published two years ago, was miraele of cheap-, clegr.nt and compact book making. It isMuite outdone, however, in cheapness and compactness, by the Ilulf-Dotlnr i'.ihtinn of lonnyson's Complete 1'oems. just pubiiMn-u ny iick nor and Fields. This cditiou is from new types, set In double columns, is remarkable for beauty, and uo danger to the eyes need be feared from reuding it It is neatly and durably bound in a handsome green paper eover, with au excellent vighetle head of Ten nyson. N'a oue can now Complain that Tennyson is beyond his reach-, When his entire poems can be hud in handsome form for fifty cents. These books can be procured of any bookseller, or directly from Ticknor A Fields, Boston, BUSINESS NOT'ifcJfil. fjpjolt I'rlnllnij. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylos, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best stylos, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. For Sale. An excellent top buggy, new. En quire at this office. For Rent. Tho rooms adjoining the hat store of Sauiool Faust, in Market Square, lutely occupied by E. A. Evans aa law office. iniiin Tue easiest way to get along in the world is to make the beet of everything, aud an easy way to accomplish it, especially in bargains, is to go to John vYMverl'a Boot and Shoe Store, on Spruco street, when yea want anything iu bis line. So say all who Lave tried It. How much better a man looks in good, heat, well fitting clothes, than in garments which are shabby, untidy and out of style. Gentlemen) the place to procure such as will give full satisfaction is at Berk's Merchant Tailoring Establishment, on Fourth street; A word to the wise is sufficient. FniakLis said that a penny saved was a penny earned. Those who doubt it would do well to visit Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market Square, to make their purchase. A single trial will show them the advantage of doing this. A writer may be said to be more (ree than a king, inasmuch as be can "choose bis own sub jects." And he who is wise in making a choice Will buy his Hater Cap at K. Faust's, in Market Square, where the finest and best assortment ever seen iu Sunbury cau be found. Cde'I CotJOH Balsam. The great popular Reme dy for Cooghs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cottgh, and Consumption. Both sices ordinary 4os.. also mam4 moth family bottles for sale by all druggists abd dealers in medicines. No family should be OYer nignt wunout h in tne nouse. m Coe's DrsrEt-siA Cure Will immediately fe lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated oase of Dyspepsia, flatulency, pour btomaob, Con stioation. and all diseases of the Stomaeb and Bow. els. Pbysioians, clergymen and all who use it. join in anbnanded praise fit Its great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Price Sl.ou. MARRIAGE B. T D.lllnirfra Mr! nn Kant. 24th. bv Rev. 8. W ReigerU Jobe K. Hats, Esq , of Wllliamsport, Pa., to Mrs. Jane Teai, of Sunbury. In Sunbury,' Oct. 1st, by the same, Mr. Peter Risbel, of Turbutville, Northumberland county, to Mrs. Maria Thomeson, of Eunbury. On the same day, by the tame, Mr. Phn.tr M Email te Viaa UaTTiE f one a n, aft of Sunbury, stnini iiAitui:xw. Oorreoted "Weekly for the "Arrierioan." Wheat Floor, extra family, per barrel, $13 00 tl 60 10 00 00 2 2 1 40 I 2i 64 1 23 i'j SO 15 3 00 SO 2a 26 2i 25 i! Id 60 Ao da Aa do per owi. per bbli per ewt. per bushel, do do do do ptrjund Rye Flour, do Wheat, prime red,. " Rye, Corn", ," , ' Oats, ' Potateew, Dried Peaches, pared do do uo pared irrlea Apples, do Pied ChWMe, (unsldned,) per Va. Putter, tier pound. per doseTi, , per pound, do do do do tto Uo per pslr Cbeeie, Lard, Hams, Sbonldcrs, Beef, hlnd quarteV; " frtnt " Afutton, Cbiokvns, CttinnioUi'n Voal 'l riI-. ' " : finAiioklN, Eopl. is, 1HB3. Sent for week ending Sept. 28, 4,72G 16 Per last Report, S50.71 01 SR5.445 l"r 351,9ri IS To same time last year, Increase. 13,505 19 Surcial Notices. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who had Consumption for several years, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, Cu'rtd himself With a medicine unknown to the profowVon, Vrhon his ease appeared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used it in Mfc own person, or w ho has any knowTedRoof its virtues and he can ascribe tho de gree of K sill In he fcow enjoys to notMtig but tho use of bis niidiolno-; and iiolhiYig brtt utter despair ami entfro extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence In nil others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those sutler ing with any disease of tho Lungs he profi'orsa treat ment he confidently bolreves will eradicate the disease. Price $1.50 Yi'er bottle or ft) a half dozen, sent by express. Send for a circular or call on Db. K. Bovlston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street. Philadelphia. Tor sale by H. Y. Kriling, Market Square, Sun bury, Pa., and Druggists generally. May 30, 186S ly Drafxess, liLiMMr.ss ana CATAnntt treated with rbe ntinoH sAictrots by J. Isaacs, M. t)., Osul ist and AVirist. (formerly of Lcydcn, Holliind.) No. 805 Arch 9Teet, Philadelphia TeXnnoViInls from the most reliable soureca in city And country can be seen at hia office. The Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES Inserted wl'.li out pain. No chargo for examination. nov.30-ly. 0 NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES OCD ESTABLISHED o.i: iiti4 i: CLOTHING HOUSE, OOl Jlnrket Ntrsset, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness oh trip 'do Price Sys:en, and we .believe we are the inly Clolhjhg House iu tbo tky that strictly adheres to thR piinciplo. We have earned a repu tation which we arc proud of, for good taste in select good styles and Substantial materials, end not less important, for having all our goods i:nt.v vi;i.l aih:. We employ tho best talent, for Callers, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prioes are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's Ihougbt must see. or otherwise we eould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prioes down to the advalhages we promise. The pcoplo may depend, this is the true plan upon j Which to do business, and many a dollar can bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 6U4 Market I'lU-et. Philadelphia, Not en the Corner, but oMo door above Sixth. i:. . .ii.iizi; Siiiosiiuuu. April 4, 18S. ly UtO.tlA..I VBisiili'x. Owlnir lo Iho V peculiar and important relations which they susluin. tbeir peculiar organization, and the otbees they perform, are sukioet to many sufferings. Free dom from theso coutributo in no smull degree to I their happinoes and welfare for none Can bo happy! who are ill. Not only so, but no one f tbuse various ! feuiulo complaints can long be suffered to run on l without involving tne general neaim oi ine imiiviu ual, and ere long producing permanent sicknees and prematuro decline. Nur is it pleasunt to consult a physician for tbo relief of these various delicate ul leetions, and only upon the most urgent necessity will a true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm at to do this. The sex will then thank us for plucing in their bands simple spocifics which will bo found efficacious in relieving and curing almost overy one of those troublesome complaints peculiar to tho sex. Hki.ubolo'r ExTRAtT or BiTHU. Hundreds suf fer on in silence-, and bundredsof others apply vainly to druggists and doctors, who merely tantalize tliein with the Wpe of a tture or apply remedies which make thom worse. I would nnt wish lo assert any thing that would do iiijustico to the alllietcd-, but I am obliged to say that ulthough it may be produced Irom excessive exhaustion of the powers of life, by laborious employment, unwholesome air and loodi profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, It is far oltener caused by direct irritation, applied to tho mucous membrane of tLe vagina itself. Wbeti revlcwlbg the causes of these distressing complaints, it is moat painful to contemplate the attendant evils consequent Upon them. It IS but simple justice to the subject to enumcrato a few of tho many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman In all class es of society, and which, consequently, affect more or less directly, the welfare of the entire buuiau familv. The mania that exists for precocious educa tion and marriage, causes the years that nature designed for corporeal development to be wasted and perverted In the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, nild especially in the un healthy excitement oi the ball-room, ihus, with the body half-clothed, and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in midnight rovel the hours designed by nature for sleep and rest, the work of destruction is half accomplished. In consequence oi this cany strain upon ner sys tem, unnecessary eflbrt is required by the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later day, thus aggravating tire eVil. When bne excite ment is over, anotnor in prospective aecix! ine uiiuu m-irbidly sensitive to impression, while the now con stant restraint of fashiouable dress, absolutely tor bidding the excroise indisponsable to tho attainment and retention of organio health and strength ( the exposure to night air ; tbe sudden chunge of temper ature; the complete prostration produced by exces sive dancing, must, of necessity, produce their legiti mate ttlect. At last, an early marriage caps tbe climax of misery, and the unfortunate one, bithorto so utterly regardless of (he plain dictates and re monstrances ot ner aencate nature, becomes an unwilling suhieot of medieal treatment. This it but a truthful picture of the experience of thousands of our voumr women. Lung beiore the ability to exercise mo ruccttnns or the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system, composed of what ia called tbe tissue, whioh Is, in common with the fe male breast and lips, evidently under the ontrol of mental emotions and associations at an early period of life; and, aa we shall subsequently see, these emotions, when excessive, lead, long before puberity, to nunits wnicn sap ine very ino oi ineir viuums ere nalbrB has Self-eouipleted their development. tot female weakness ana uulxiuy, nbites or LcuCorrboea, Too Profuse Menstruation, Exhaustion, Too Long Continued I'eriods, for Prolapsus aad Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we offer tbe most perfuet specilio known : Helmbold's Compound in trad of Buobu. Directions for use, diet, and advice, accompany. Females in every period of life, from Infancy to extreme old age, will find it a remedy to aid nature in the discharge of its fu notions, btrength it tbe glory of manhood and womanhood. Helmbold's Extract Buuhu is more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron, iulnUely safer, and more pleasant. Helmbold's Eairaet Buehu, having received the indorsement of tbe most promi nent physicians In the United States, is now offered to atrliowd humanity as a eerlain euro for tbe follow ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever cause originating : General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irrita bility, ReaUassnaas and Sleeplessness at Might, Ab sence of Muscular Kmoienoy, Lees of Appetite) Dyf pepsia. Emulation, Low Spirits, Disoraaniuibm Paralysis of the Organs of Generation, Palpitation of ine jiearc, ana, id noi, an toe eoncouillanta of a Nervous aad Debilitated state of tbe system. To in sure tbe genuine, tut this out. Ask for HsLKhoLn'si Take no other, bold by Draggista aud Dealers everywhere. Price tl.25 per bottle, or sli bottles for M 50. Delivered to any address Describe symptoms in all eommunieations. Address H. T. HELMBOLD, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 58 j Broadway H. Y. None are genuine unless dona upin steal-engraved wrapper, wilt fas-simile ef my Cbemieal War bouse, and signed 11. T. HELM-BOLD. . fat, if, Mft.w-2a. s. A 'nrl. A Clergyman, whlhs residing in South Amerioa as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak ""i Early Deoay, Diseases of the Urinary and 8om inal Organs, and the whole trail of disordon brought on by baneful and vioious habits. Great numbers bare been eared by this noble romody. Prompted tr m 1 to benent the afflioted and unfortunate, 1 will tend the recipe for preparing and using this medioine,la a sealed enveb.pe, to any one who needs it, Irer or CBARoti. Addrsw, c iOSEl'lJt. ISilAN, "J-?. N""i0rk CUy' . u ' 3 at1 "I !" '-TolinTSlTn':s"(Tul e to Happy Marriage ad L'oniugal Felioity . The hu matrt i VitWS of benevolent Phy.leiana. on the Errors and Abuses ibcUnt to l nulh and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter nvelnn., froe of oharc Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Boi P " f h'iladel phi a, Pa. June 1.1. WK.-ly. NEW ADVEUTJSEM ENTS THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or Tna UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Washington, d. c. Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, IPCS. l'aaIt 'uiiil 1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, FtnsT National Bank Bcilmno, WheVe tn'egch'crat busirinss eT'fue Company is transacted-, arid frt bch til gWvcrtl cor'rwpondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS. Jay Cooke, Pbilada. C. II. Clark, F. Ratebford Starr, Wui. It. Mnorkcad, Geo. F. Tyler. J. Hinckley Clark, 1. A. Rollins. Washington. Henry D. Cooke, ' Win E. Chandler, " John D. Dcfrees, " Edward Dodgo. New York. 11. C. Fahncstock, N. Y. OFFICERS. 0. IT. CLARK. Philadelphia-, Proside'nt. HENRY 1). COOKK, Washington, Vico President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fi'ranco aud Executive Committee. EMERSON W. PEET. Philad'a. .Sec'y and Actuary. E. S. TURNER, Washington, Assistant Secretary. FKANCISG. SMITH. M. D., Medical Director. J.EWING MEARS, M. D., Assistant McdTcal Di' rector. IrsttVul AslVittory Hoard. J. K. Barnes, Surgion-Ueneral U.S. A., Washing ton. P. J. Horwils, Chief Medical Department U. S. N., Washington. D. W. Bliss, M. D. Washington. Solicitors! iiud Attoritrytj. Win. E. Chandler. Washington, D. C. Uoorgo Harding. Philadelphia, Pa. This Cwrnpariy, Kattoiinl hi Its 'character, offen, by reason of As Large Capital, Low Rates of Premi um and New Tables, tho most desirable means of insuring life yet presented to tho public. Tho rates of premium, being largely reduced, aro mado as favorable to tho insurers as those of tho best Mutual Companias, and avoid all the complication' and uncertainties of Notes, Dividends and the mis" understandings which tbo latter are so apt to eauso the Policy-Holde-s. Several new and attractive tables are now present ed which need only to be understood to prove accep table to t'.ie public, such as Iho tiicoine-Producing Policy and Return Prcrbium Policy. In the former the policy-holder not only secures a lifo insurance, payable at death, but will receive, if living, after a period of a few years, an annual Incoiuo equal to ten percent. (10 percent.) of the pnr of his policy. In the latter, the Company agrees to return to tho assured the total amount of money he has paid ink iu addition to the amount of hit-policy. The attention of persuiis contemplating insuring their live") or increasing tbe amount of insurance they iilrcay hnvo, is called to the special advantages offered by the National Lifo Insurance Company. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars giton on application to the Branch Office Of tho Company iu Philadelphia, or to its lioneral Agents. Uir'-Local Agents aro Wanted in eVcry Citjr and Town; and applications from competent parlies for such agencies, with suitable endorsement, should be addressed to the Company's General Agents only, in their rcptfollVc disti ictt. r.ENEIIAL aobnts : E. W. CLARK CO., Philadolpqin, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jerioy. JAY COOKE A CO.. Washington, D. C. For Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, District of Columbia, and West Virginia. bepteinljer 5, IhOS. ly G28 HOOP SKIRTS "(328 COIiSETS, COIISETS. WM. T. HOPKINS', o. O'IMAri li Klrocl, lMillasJclpliln. MAfcir ACTL'lU'lt OF THE Ciltbmud "ciiA.vnoy Hoop siwu FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN. The largest assortment, and Lest quality and stylet in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend themselves by wear ing longer, retaing tbeir, shape much better, lighter aud more clnitib than all others warranted incVery reipect, and sold at very lo prices. Ask fur Hop kins' "Champion" Skirt, Superior Hand-made Whale-Bone Corsets in Fif teen different tirades, including the "Imperial" and Thompson A Langdon s "tilove Fitting" Corsets, ranging in prices from Hi cents to f 5 60 ; together with Joseph Beckcl's Celebrated French Woven Corsots, superior shapes and quality. Ten different tirades, from 11.10 to fb.bti. They are the finest and best goods for the prioes. ever imported. The Trade supplied with Moop Skirts and Corsets at tbe Lowest Rules. Those visiting the City should hot fail io eall and examine our lioods and Prices, aa ire defy all com petition. February 29, ISfiS lOnios. NEW MARBLE STORE. M KO-902' & tjg Chesnut Street,1 JAS.E CALDWELL &. CO., JEWELERS, Have been appointed SPECIAL AGENTS in tbis city for the salt ef tbe OORIIAM MFU. COMPANY'S Fine Electro-Plated Ware. Vta guarantee thtjgo goods to be decidedly supe rior tit anvthiii in tue market, exoellina In desia-n. fiaisli and quality. A large assortment will be maintained, abd sold at llie uianulacturers regular FIXED PRICES. Trade Murk pfl Btamped on tbe' or Kg case or eaou Electro Plate aaaSAM"Wty article. J,E.CALDWELLiC- Pt. 9 Oil Cites t taut Htrest Philadelphia, July 18, 1808 tohf.ly. For doing a family Washing In the best and cheap est atanner. Uuaranteed equal to any in the world! Haa all tbe st r en nth of old rot lu soap with the mild awl Ulberinc Dualities bf genuine Castile Try this t ..lend id Soap .Sold by tbeALDEN CHEMICAL WOfcXS, 48 North Froal Street, Philadelphia. . August J9, 18o ly. faEl opening. a UKA't UliDllCTlON IN rttlCKS ! You can Buy More Goods i of the BE3T GitJJft.t.IT'' IVi- LESS IvSOiTET. at 11,0 MAMMOTH STORE, 06 ii. v. i-itti.i.xti. Market Scar'h, BUMJUlU'-, 1SENN-A., Tliitn toy otber 1kco. HAS JVHT KECK1YKO AND OPENED Tlic Hcsl Selected ft nil FINEST AUSOrtTMKNT.br DRV GOODS JN TOWN tRKN-CII MEKLN0vo, i'KIXTO, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, I CASSIMEKES, &r). ' Delainai and Armurea DKmoat'o Cottont, Brown and Blotohsd. i NOTIONS cf all kind. ( ! il-lVy, O loves, M t n's i id l.st'lii I ni'ergarmo j WHtfE GOODS. A fall atsotlincut of TRlMMI.NOi. . Builders will End my Stock of IIiit-H YViirr, I'ltlntK, OiU, aItiN, Ac, 'otiiil-le. DRUGS AXD MliDtClKES, WILLOW AND CEDAH-WAHE, QUEENSWAHE, GKASSWAH1C, CROCKEUV, SALT, BOOTS AN!) SHOES- tIATS AND CAPS, aud In faot evsrliilhg usually ktjit In a largo Store Call and be Convinced that the Cheapest Place to Kig ali Your tiood. is at THE MAMMOTH STORE or M.TT. FRILINO, Xcrtxta Csasih,-SO slyti al my Udods are bought for Cash and Sold Cheap for the READY MONEY. 1 give tne trade tbe ad ventage of all reductions at fast as they are made by Manufacturers. H. T f RILINO, Snabury, 8pt , 1W8 SI'EER'S STANDARD Wine Bitters ! fe SVy " H ' viconlT'fl hcaljhV ? For the Weak, Fur the Palo, Fur the Sickly, i or the Aned., For Females. lor Spring I'se 1 ! jf' .tat ttitln-H -llll l tin-Ill ! Specr's Standard Wine Bitter, Mado of WINE, 1 1 Kli IIS AND 11UOTS. Si-eeii's Cclebraled Wine, to Woli known, with I'cVuvian Bark, Chuiuoiuilo Flowers, Snake H'K,t, Wild Cherry Bark, tlinijer. and such other 11..t1js and itits ai will In all ones assist Di,;c4trii. promote the Secretions of tbo sys tem in the natural ciianneis, and givu TONE AND VIGOU to tbo I'niinK tiutl Old, !fliil nittl IVnsuto ! All iiso il f ilh woudei fu( succcrA. Brings sjt vra dc To tho Palo Whito Lip El.OOM AND UEAfTV Ti lao tbin face and tnro worYl countenance. Cires l ever and Creates Appetito. Try them. Vse none other. Ak fur Speer's Standard Bitt.-rs. S ,ld by Druggists and Oroot-rs. Seo that my signa ture is over the cork oi each bottle. ALFBEP SPEEK, Passaic, X. J., nn.l 213 Brnadwny, Now.Yorlt. . t'V'Trado supplied by Jobnslon. llolloway A Co., 1 Inliidelphia -. ticorgo A. Kelly, Pittsburg; aud by nil Wholesale Dealer For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa. July 11. oct2:t f,7y. TURNER'S $Lf TURNER'S lUPPORTING CAN 1?E USED IX ALL THE FOJt.v fiio ir.v IZSf BOTPI CUTS. 1 Koailily I.tiifjtlicucil "r Shortcne'l, Sulf Siipnrtiii!f, Knily Trunspnrti'il, CoiiVL-rtiblc into a Stqj Latli'.i r or St-:t(To!il. kis-J, '!' IT 13 I'SEFUL TO TARMEll. FBI IT GHOWI'U, MECHANlt'. HorsE-KEEPEJt, ii. l'rl-- 21 feet, eltra woit'bt, 3D Feet, 8 Seetii'iis, (en-b 10 feci long) Extended length about -'! feet. 411 Feet, 4 Sections, (one ti, two 10, and ono 8 fuel long,) Entoudcd length about IU.00 16,00 21,00 31 feet tlthcr Sizes iu proportion. Liberal discount to the Trsdo. Single Ladders forwarded, freight pre-paid, lo nearest Station on receipt of retuil price. AUEXTS WANTED iu overy c unty to canvass and sell. Also wanted, Energetic, iteliable. Capa ble Men to Travel and eslabli.-h county Agonts. For Circular uud Terms address 'l'Mi-iM'r-V I'liK-nl l!S-iiln Luddrr, P. O. Bo. Wlti.nr No. 20 South 7th Street PHILADELPHIA. Juhe 27, t869. 4m lv"CIIIiirSH0P AXb iron roxjisriDn'. .i:o. leoiiitec tt ii v i, 1 N 1011 M the puhlie that they have established a MACHINE SHOP, in connection with their FOI NDKY. Tbey have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with tbo latest improvements W ith Rio aid of skillful me chanics, they are euubledto execute all orders of Jcw WorU or Ilcpuli-iuK, that way be given them, In a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt tbeir Foundry, they are ready to execute all kinds of CASTl.NllS. Ilrua 'iiiiu,. At-. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their tuperi ority, have been still further improved, and will al wayt be kept on hand. Sunbury, June 13, ISCS. IM.Moluliuu vf " ner.ltls. NOTICE is hereby given tbat the co-partnership heretofore existing between J . W eiser Bueher and E. Watser Bucher, trading under the firm of "Bueher Brothers," in the tanner business, was tblt day (August JUh, lsW dissolved by mutual con sent The business will hereafter be oouduoted by the undersigned, at tbe old stand, where all persons indebted to the firm of Bueher Brothers, are re oueeted to call withcut delav and make Settlement, aodsaveeost. E. MASSEH BUCHtK. iSuubury, August 20, lt08. dm. 4'ltlldrs'ii'ai 4"urrlatjt'. W E would call the attention of those wanting a Obild t Carriage to our new and large aasurt Bent eemrritinz tew and beautiful style. j a co:,ley t co. I 1 a- mil jyj !!. I.AKIIIIIH A MO It It l. 0CCULISTS AND M ANUKACTV-llEHS OF Tllfc CELfiUllAI KD I' K il I' Jt C 1 13 I) SPEC T A C L K H , I KYIi tiLASSKS, A0. ! JlAin iVlll), C'W.V.V., HAVE ArrOINTEO T. 8. SHANNON, HUNBUHY, PEN IT' A., At tbeir ilo agent for Sunbury end vicinity for Iho tale of tho celebrated PL '11 FIX! TED SPJ-.'C TA CLJES, AN J LYE (iI,.SE;-. In doing so tiny have eonlldi-ueo In the abilitv of thrir ngent to meet the ri-o.uirc ni. nta of all cus toincis. Mis assortment ol imr BEAt'TIKl'L 1 EN M S comprises eVeiy form nini kind, caleulated f..r the simplest aa Trell ah the 7orM eases of diseased or impaired viM 'li. An np'p'a.-tuntiy Will be thus af forded, to procure at all times Sl'ECTAC'LKS VNEQCALLFD BY ANY 0E IllfciU STKLXtJTilKSlNO AND PI'.LSEll. VINO yUALITIES. Too miK-b cannot bo said as to thoir Superiority over the ordinary glasses worn. There la no glim mering, wavering of Iho sii;lit. dizzincis, or other unpleasant sensation, but on the contrary, from tho peculiar construction of tbo Lenses, they are sootii ing and pWarnnt. causing a feeling of relief to tbe wuarer, and Producing n L'ler.r and Distinct hion, as in tue na tural heaUhy sight. T hey are the only ?pe.-tNi-liA that PKKSKIi VE AH WELL AS A.V5IST THE SIOBT, and are Ihc Cheapest hi-causo the Best, always last ing nianvvcais without clianc;o bein necessary. t i' C At TIi IN Mr. T. S.'.-JIAA'NOX, Jeweler, Is their Only Agent np-)lnted in Sunbury ami vl tinity. t V 'Wo employ no Peddlers Rugl.'tH ly EL15CTUIC TELIiGKAPH IN CHINA. ti;i: i:l1a Ti:i.KPrtnt company a OFFICE, .". At 5 Aiiisuii Ktrool, K V Y OHK, OrgnilEnd llitu ),ei lal ulinrtar finiu tl)c Stale of Nw Yorfc. CAl'lTAl. . . . $5,O00,O0C ftO.OOO Kli(ircf IOU llucls. DIKKCTOKS. ANHUKW O. Cl'RTIN, l'hi!a,lolphi PAL 1.8. FOItm:?, ,. K,M s Co , China. Kitt-.i). m: n iatnn.n. of p. utterfiei t c . New York. '?fAA,f: LlVERMiiKK, Tia.rer Michigm Centra! Hullt Knl, 1 5. ri . AI.FAANUI'.I! IK'I.IAM), nn,tI Amtricar I i (res Coun'-uiy, New Y, tk, Hon JA.Mi:S NIX(l.N,!?-ianir,... V. ' I). II. P.tl.MI'R,Tiea!.Lloi W'esu-ru Uui.a, Teleis; Ii C.trip-iny, New Yotl.-. FI.KTCIIKR WOIR.W, of V,.ttaf, Gil.l.i K Ilat.li-iistle, New York. N1CI1"I.AS M1CKLE-. New Yo. OfCcvr. A O CLIt riN.I'rttiJeiit. N. MICKI.KS. We President. OliDltGE COS ANT, 1eeretarr. C.KOrttJl". 1.I.1.IS t Cashier Natl -ual Bank Comirwt weailli,) '1'ieHSiirer. Hon. A. n. MvCI.' nF,, Pf-'.iJJp'.iia Sjhcitor. The Chinese CoetTiiment hnvitic (tlirnuch llie Tbai Aus n It'ii'iiiu-iint-) eoia-etteil to tint Ccropaiiy the f .ri v i -li pe ,l eointectiiitf, tne Rleat seapolti of the Empire hy. suhul:iriue eh-cllu- lei-u i .ij'ii eaii.c. Wt ,,r,-j,e e,jintii. 11-i-lna op'-tal i -iih in I 'hl-ia. anil l:i i-.e lu a a h'!e nine huuiireit miles ut (-iic-, t.elW'.-.-n tiie t.l--:iit parts; viz I'OI-CI.ATIOM. Cintoi 1,ilMl,l,t.n Jlucoa, tiii,ouii Hong-Kong, -JC.t'UU Sivatow, !iQl),(.n Ann-y, .... . Sio.tii'U Fon-Chow, H.ill.UOO Wan-elm, 300.10 Ninepo, 4Olll-f! Hans Chrau, l.-ion.MIU r?iiaBlail, - I.Oon.ni'o T-)l:il, e.UIO.Of!) Tiiese la imve a forirn commerce ol a,.i,n,.n'.f .i1i'1, ami an eii.aiiMiufl ,1 ant stiC l.-auc, ta-sute wlucii welin o the iuioi'jiie lutein:,, umum ice if t!it: Etliiiie, la iliitinc from thee (Miintr. tti.iu:li its eunrtls and navieahle nveis '1'tie eahle tenm lanl, this Ci.tnii.iu iiioivtaci erc-tmy land lines, and e.'ahhthiue v. spt-t-c-y end ituslworthr means ol eai,iituiiicj.inu, wlnrh mast Ci-iuinaitd there, aa everywhere cc. the commuiiiLalions of the lioveiimit-nt, of hnsiuc-ss, and ofsot-l;:! hie, especially m China. She tna nr. nt.Ml sybtc-ti, and her only means irw of cointuu uicaliii; iiifui matn u is hy eoutieltou land, and by a'eam ers'in w:iiM. The Western World kimwa that China is a very larjie countiy, In llie iilaui ,(eio,ly peooh'd ; hut few yet renhzo that she .contains more than a third if the human nice. -The latest returns iwuile to her central au'.lirili-sfor lav nil: pilrpiiffS hy the loull mauiolra-r-n in:ifce her pnpgiati'in Fl It 111 NLlltDD AMI FiltlKTF.Il.N IMII.I.IONS, and this is m ire I kely to he under than over the actual npcreira'e Nearly alto! these, who are over ten yi-aia old, led on!'.- cauhiil a.i read aud wiite, Her ei llifitiou It pceoliai, 1 nr Iit htcratar in aa evteasice us thai ,.l Ku t'H'i. China ia a lend of eachers and traders; und the laller fire exccdiiirly qaick toaeait th-ir,sclvra of every piotlered tji-ifily la pr,K-urinp eaily infoiination. It la ohseivt-d in CailforuiD that the Chinese make great use of the lcli-i:ii!i, thonuh it there transmits mess:ist-t iu Era k'lish alum-. To d. i -it i cat nuinhcrs of Ih-el stemnert an owned hy t7hin,-se meu-haiils, u rid used hy the ill txelu Slvely fin the IransuuSMi u of ear!'.- ililelhcenee. If the telerirtph we pl"P"e, coailcctiliir all their eieat senporis. wcie iinw in eituice, it it heheccd that its businesi would pav tlte c-,st within the first two years of l.s ana cesf,il ,,p,mti.ii, and wmd.l steadily increase thrrcroi,. No I al rrpi i, C'.i'itlienifs Itself Ha ill a tfreater riegreu temtuiViai i'e l. cneiiahs-s, and t.iour u li.de pe-ple. It ia of a vast national importance commercially, politically, anil evnttvelii-alicHhy. If Tliest'-i-lv ol this Company hat lieiril unqualifierllv rccominend-tl to capituhatl and hiisiness lilcil, at a desir ahle investment hy editorial artieh-a in the New York HciaM, 'I'uhune, World, Times, Post, Express. Indepen dent, and in the Phil'vlc Iplsn North Auiencon, Trcsa, Ledyer, lixpurer. Aire, Hulh-tui and Telet-r-iph. Shares of tint Coinpiny to a limited nnmher, may l.e ohl.-iiued at S.'tO each. 111 payahle down. 15 on the 1st oi Noceiiiher, and -.5 f.-iyihle in monthly instalments of 82 6U em Ii, loiunieutiiiit Dccemhci I , lrt!-, oil application to DUEXEL & dd., 31 iaioiilli l liii-a atlriel, rillLADKld'HU. Sharcacaa he cbtaiiictl iu Sunbury hv application to 9. 1. PACKER, Uankei, who it authorized to receive tub aeriptiona, and can give all neecitary infoimatioii on the tihject. Sepleinlier 19, IHW. 6m. .U.I IIAItlli:it KitM. Tbe Oldest and most rioted Institution of tha Kind in Bunbury. J. YV. WASIIINdTOKT, nAYIN'O removed to his new building on Third Street, between Market and the Depot, it now prepared to serve his customers better than ever. liuviug teeured tbo services of first elast Barbers, BllAYINd AND JIAIK-DHESSING will be executed in the latest style. The building tavinj been erected especially fr the purpose of a First Class Barber rialoon, and having fitted it Up in the latest style, be hopes to receive a liberul share of patronage. In the adjoining room a first class Confuctionory haa been opened for the sale of l-4-l'r-aiii, CiindiYti, Cukes, Iters-, and numerous other Temperance Drinks in eommon use. Oranges, and other delicious fruits and eatable of home and foreign growth in rich profusion and elegant variety. Bunbury, (September 5, 18A8. R EMEMBER It-rerly'is aew Picture Oallery taiw awn ui lue rauroaa, aiaraet tsquare W1IEKB can I gut the best pioture Why at llj s'rly'ai, of eourte. Always go to Byerly aud judgo for yourself. B IRD CAGES, 11 diCeruut kinds. If toataiil lw" mu uvmy Kin, V ojjca, to i L-t.VM .EY 4 CP f s