LATEST ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market Mid Fourth Street. SUNBURV, I'EHN'A. invites llio publio to cull and examine bis elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, uch lit Tnlilo Linens, Domestics. Doylies, Towels, and Dcmostius of evory description nt the vory low est price. CASSIMERE 3. CLOTHS. &C Pllks.Dclnlncs. Lawns, Gmpbnms, Calicoes, Mti'lins, Sheeting. Tickings, Jcnns, unit a full assortment of Cotton hikI Woolen (((mils generally. Ttnslcry. Oloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchief, Jfrushes, Combs. lint- mid Vnp, Ilool " M'0.??' ... . . i. :n ..nt hn tm iirn tall lo his nssorrnicm 01 i;o,mi win ".. , . pWe the laney nnd suit the wants of any desirous of purchasing. Ills stock ot HARDWARE AND QUEKNSW ARE, ond Oroccrics is largo in qun..litv nnd J " imalitv. comprising generally everything needed in , the household cillier lor nso or wntiuient , Ho is nlwavs rendv nna rin r.y end lakes pleasure In showing then, his goods even though no snlcs are nindo. Jlo only nsks a call, and is sure that the stock will emnpare favorably in price and quality with '"e-Ppn Emi,R. Nunbury. Jane. 10, W. oPEXixcf of svmmeii styles, AT Miss Louisa Sliissler's, 51 A r, li E T S Q U A R E , todies' and Misses' HATS and BONNY:5, in iinmcnso variety. rtSSHnrry iood. ninl TrimiiiitiR. Kreneli and American liibbons. Laces, Handker chiefs, t loves, Iloslry. and n general assortment of l.ndies Millinery Goods, which have been selected with grcut care. I'ollsirsi, ?-t.tiv iloic-, c Evcrv variety will bo found to select from, nt MODERATE 1'JM C ICS. Sunbury, May 30, lSiiS. "Hotel "for" sale. TIIIC "Susquehanna Hotel." located on the corner of Peiin and Fourth H reels, in tlm Borough ot Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., is oflered lit piivnlo sale, on reasonable terms. This well known Hotel his lately been ronovateJ, and is ono fifth" best stujnls in the place, with an excellent run ol custom. For further particulars npply to G. W AKISIMAST, Georgetown, l'a., or OICIV WAGEXSELLKH, Sunbury, Pa. July II, 1(18. NEW C A ii ft I A (i E & BUG G Y MAIJUFACTORY. riTIIi: subscriber respectfully informs the citizens JL ot Suiilmry nii.l vicinity, that he lias opened a h"P in .Sol. Stroll's BIcksiiiillishi.p-BuiMing on t liotuut street, Sunbury. l'a.. where be keeps con H:in'ly on hand, and uianufucturcs to order, .u-riik-, Siiss.y, Snllij", Ac, of tho latest stylo and of tho best material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages, Ao., done at tho phortcst notice. Persons in want of fino Buggies and Carriages, are reoueste I to call befuro pureiiasinff ebewhere. ii. c. r.ousn. Sunbury, July 11, 1S6S. ly . "stone "puia?s." rilllE subscriber, well known in this part of the .1 country as a manufacturer of Wooden pumps, lias now turned his attention to putting in tho CELEBRATED STOXE pump, which for durability, appearance, continued fresh ness of water, and protection against freezing are greatly superior to the ordinary wooden pump. They have been used in Sunbury for the past two years, renduring entire sali!'tiotiiu, and can be seen at tho residences of Messrs. Chas. J. limner, Lloyd lluhrbacb. James lioyd. Wm. I. Grc"Uou0'h, and other gentle . en in Sunbury. Priuo, $1.00 per foot. PETER WEAVER. Upper Augusta, August 1, loii Jim CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL ?pr w 'm n EENJ. EOHNEB, Iiealer in l'ruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from tho most responsible .Nurseries in this and other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also. Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. iirders arc respectful I v solicited. AJ !re;s :LNJ. liOIIXER, Pii.xinos, Xorth'd. Co. X. R. Tnurnnees taken in several of the ioot responsible Fire Insurance and Horse lotcctive t'otnpuo'M's in tbu itato. July li',. lSiiS. y WANTED i I A DIES an 1 I'.entleuien in every town and city J iu the United States, to act as Ageuts for A U S T I X &. C O.'S tiKEATOXE DOLLAR SALIC. We aro now selling goods for one dollar that can not be purchased in any retail store in the country for twieotliat sum. and aro now otlertn greater in dueeuients to Agents than any other house in the tr:i.le. Our method of tloing buiness is legitimate, being a fair and honorol.lo way of purchasing use ful goods of every description at tho lowest wholesale cash prices. Send for Desciiptivc Cheeks nnd Clubs of ten for 51, thirty for fifty for $5. larger ones in the sanio ratio, and receive in roluiu presto's from S i toSluO ; or for circulars, . giving lull infonominn, free of charge. " AUSTIN Si CO. In!) Summer St., Los'.on, Mass. August 22d IS63. lin. rVollve lo 'l'i-osi:iHM'ris. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that r.o person or 1 sons will be allowed lo trespass on the in per per- hip. ly of the undersigned, in Lower Mahonoy town urtliuuiticrland eouuty, tor the purpose ol pic kin jiei ries, j nut. ,va , or to tutor into any ciicn without permission, as the law will ho enfi against all offenders. sure reed ISAAC If. RESSL1 R. Lower Mahnnoy twp., June 2", IStiS. 4ui Wm. Fahsom. Xklon Pi imi. T U U N I T U HE ROOMS. late of tho firm of Farsun A'bavis.huve 0icned ware rooiiis at Xo. 2iS South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, W here they keep a full assortment of TAUUtU, CHAMliKli. SITTING KOOM anilJilMNU liUOM Fl'UMTl 1M:. 1 heir old customers, and all persons wi.-hing to purchase, are invited to call and examine their stock beforo purchasing elsewhero Particular attention pui I to pa-king. iuv" ly. "KC LTT3T ST jiTimZ BR !s5 Are e ccinllv invited to call and examino our stock of LI ILDKICS HAKDWAItE, comprising Nuils and Spike of all varieties. Units. Screws, Strap and T llini's. Locks aud Latches, Rolls. Plus teriiirf Trowels, Jlrick Xruwels, l'lusterer a Sievos, 4i).t .tc, for sale by J. II. COXLEY A CO. Kaiihoosl 1 Clotr I.ol, I5ov Itf stored. JimI J oil I i - boil . h neweditinii of Dr. Culver ; . ' will's t'elebiated Essay on llio riolicai euro K.J (wiibout nie.dieiiie) of Speruiuloi rliua, or Siniiusl Weakness, liivoluntai-y St, I.. i uip'iieiicy. Mciital und Physical Incapacity, iiiifi- 11110-1.I1. to Miiiae, etc ; u1m, Coiisumption, Lj .li' uini 1 iu, lodu.'td by beil-iii lulei.ce or si taut c. 'i av.iai.rj. I J 1 i v iu a sealed euvebqie. only fi cents. i oe c-lcl.rateil uulhor, 111 i!ui toiu.irable essay, i'.faily 01 ii.. 1 -ti nliv troni a thirty ycais' suucusslul jaueti.-e, that thu alarming consequcuec (' cclf-at.ii-. nicy I ., ru li, ally 1 un d wiibout ihe duuerous use i.t ii ur.ial in 1. lit 0,0 or luo aj liiatiou ol the knife ; M,iotiii.; out a uiode of curi. at once eiuipk, cortain, wid etbvtuul, by means of which every euf ( man or wliat bis cniJiliiiu uiuy be, may euro hiioscll cheaply, pt i utuly, and radically. i 11 '1 lib, Lecture .boul I be in the bands uf ever youih and every mini in the land. Scut, undir teal, in a plain envelope, to any ad-dio.-i, posijuiij. u rrcoipt ,i ,.tiiis, or two post imp4 Also, Dr. I'ulverwoll .' Marriage Uuido,'1 pnee 2j ctu-n. Ad Uios the Puliibei. , L H AS. J. t!. KLI.VE 4 CO , il Bowery, New Vork, Poit OUioe Box I,i3. July, 1 oiib. y 4 liilUrrn '.irriurM. ITKwniilJ rail the atieiitiou n( those waoticg jld's Carri ig. loour uew und brg until iprlair.f nw aa I beautiful sitI 1 I H. C'VlKV A CO LIGHT I LIGHT! LIGHT 1 n. j iciti-Y, rnilfi popular Pbotograpor, baa IMed up, in the 1 old Post Office building, three doors west of the railroad, Market Square, one r the Tory best Sky Lights to be found in the Ht ato, and Is now prepared to lako picture of any kind, in all fclntls of weathor, early and leto. Children taken almost Instantly. Uring along the fcabies we are now ready for tocin. COME ONE 1 COMK ALL t both groat and small, see now rooms, and ex amine speetinons. , , , FRAMES and FRAMING material eonstnnllyon hand nnd made to order. Jlring along yuur pioturoe and have thorn framed eh.aper than any whoro else Come and aee lor yourselves, Anything in the jvicturo line eonstantly on hand orordorcd. Copying done in all its branches and colored as desired. Jtoth out and indoor views taken at short notice and on reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, as onr motto is to please. All negative carefully preserved. Remember tho place ask for l. B1LH LV. .Market Square. May 2.1, tiS.-ly. wi.aei (tv oiii .fiii'i. THE subscribers having just orcotcd aud put in operation a Mill for tho inanuincture 01 LINSEED OIL, offer the highest market prioo for FLAX SEED. 'J'hev have attached to their establishment a Chop ping Mill, and farmers and others wanting grain chopped fur feeding, can be accommodated at the shortest notice. A ma-bino for chopping corn with the cob is attached to the mill. MORUAX 4 MASSER. January 25, ISoS. ly .! I 4 'IICAOi: SPIUXQ TItADE 1803. M. li. LAZABUS, would rail tho attention of the public, and her customers generally, to her large nnd new assort ment of 1'iiiioy nnd Isoiiirstio Itry tiooiln. Which consist of Poplins, Delains, Chenes, Allapnc cas, Crepes, Orenadines, Iron Bareges, Lawus, l inghaiiis, Calicoes, Chi11t7.cs, do., White (aoorix. Cambrics. Ftoys. Organdies, Victoria, Plaid Muslins Marsaillcs, Pique. 1'rillings, Wigans, Muslins, (bleached and unbleached.) Tablo Linen, Napkins, Towels, Tablo Covers, Led Spreads, A o. (i loves, Hosiery. Corsets. Hoop Skirts, Drc'S Trim mings, (in variety,) Ladies and Oepts Handker chiefs. Xeek Tics, nnd notions iu variety too numer ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Hunburr. May 9. 11. J. Yv. Stkvuxson. A. X. llime, ATTRACTION" AT HAUPT'S NEW IRON FltOST! STEVENSON & BRICE, HAVE opened up a new and desirable stock of (loodsin Hnupi's New Building, consisting in pin t of a splendid variety of American alclx'-, UOI.D WATCHES. I'.OOKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, STATIONERY, SILVER WARE, COLD PENS, SPECTACLES, NOTIONS, UUss-Wtire, Cutlery, Pictures, LooUiiig Glassc.', Ac, ic, &c. Call and examine our stock. Our aim wilt Lo to please and satisfy all who call. 81EVEXSOX A BRICE. Sunbury. A prill a, V. l-A'I ICXI' NTVI.ICK !' SPRING AND SUMMER Millinery Goods, .IIiwn 31. I.. aOl'i', begs leave to an nouueetotho Ladies of Sunbury and vicinity, that the has just opened a largo and varied stock of MILLINERY GOODS, Tho latest New Xcrk and Philadelphia styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionnble Em broideries', Edgings, Laces, Woolen Caps. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Uloves, Hosieries, nnd all kinds of Fancy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets. Perfume ries, iSoaps, Lilly White, Enamel of America, sta tionery. Ao., Ac Call and examine for yourselves. No trouble, to show goods Sunbury, April 11 ISfiS. FLOUR & FEED STORE WIIOI.KSALK A XI) RETAIL. rilliE subscriber respeci fully informs tho public that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near tlm Shamokin Vulley Railroad Depot, in SUXISt'IiV, Flour by tho barrel und sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all mnnnfacUired at his own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cosh prices. J M. CADWALLADFR. Sunbury, April 1, ISiSS ""AAA OF CARPET 11AUS WAXTEDat OUUU tho Store of MOORE A DISMXGR, May IB. Market street, iSuubury. a, 500,000 t'liMtoiiirrx Iu l'oiir Yenrsi. PATRONIZE THE BEST. Having the largest capital, most experienced buy ers, and extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale business, wo G UAU11AXTEE SA TISFA C'TIOX in every instance, and also the best selection ol Uoods over otiored at o.mi: iioLMit i:acii. No other ooncorn has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Relia ble' jjilale aud female ageutj wauled in city aud country. rl'he I.tidioM aro particularly requested to try our popular club svstcin uf soiling all kinds of DRY AND FANCY liOODS, DRESS PATTERNS, COTTON CLi'TII, CASTORS. SILVER PLATED UOODS WATCH ES, Ac. (Established 18114.) A patent pen fountain aud a check describing an article to be sold for a dollar. 10 cts. ; 20 for $2; 40 for $4 ; 60 for S'l ; 100 tor $10: sent by mail. Freo presents to getter up ( worth 60 per cent, lnoro than those sent by any other concern.) according to si to of club. Send us a trial club, or if not do not fail to send for n circular. X. it. Our sale should not bo classed with Xew York dollar jewelry sales or bous-'Tea Companies,1' as it is nothing of the sort. EAST MAX A KEXDALL, 115 Hanover Street, Bustoii, Mass. May Sit, C3.-f.m. SUNBURY MARBLE l'-- y" fllllE undersigned having bought the Kj f X entire stock of Dissingcr A. Taylor, would inform tko publio that he is now realty to do all kinds of tnarbbj work ; has on hand, and makes to order at short notice, Ionium-ill mid IIcnd- tones', of every style tof uit purchasers. DOOR AXD WINDOW SILLS. Also, Cemetery Posts with Ualvanicd pipe aud all other fencing generally used on Cemeteries. John A. Taylor will eontiiiue'in.the employment, at the old si nod iu .Market Square. Sunbury. Pa. May 2, 61. ly. W . M. DAlitiHEUT Y. DREAD & FANCY CAKS. 1 RESPECTFULLY informs the citiiens or Sun i bury and vicinity, that ho will bake to order all kinds of ('ukralor tl:ills, I'iirlicH, V-. Familios ire supplied with FRESH BRKAD, Twist noils. KUeks. lea Jiuus. do., and also kept on band Uianafaetured out of ttic host materials. Alt orders lelt at bis Shop in Market Souare, one door east of Miss Anna Painter's Millinery Hloro, or at his Bakery on spruce hi reel, between trout aud Scuoud streets, will meet with prompt attention. PIC'.XIC PARTIES supplied with Cakee, Ice CreaLu, Ac, at ibu shortest notico. Oriors are ix.-pecifully solicited. DAVID FRY. Sunbuiy, May 2, lboS. . IIOO I S AMi iioi:i. j. c. svlyis, with 11. a. thacher. Manufactun r of FRENCH AXD AMERICAN CALP lloulw, Pilioea nnd aili'N, Pica-ants' Building, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters of all description made U ordur on the shortest uoiice aud must real4 suitable terms. Having the boat workmen eaiplnyed e can assure the publio that, if they will give us a call, they will be satisfied of Iho above faoti. BE PAU1XU neatlj done with dispatch. If your oorni do hurt your feet, Jul call aud leave your measure, A 1. 1 t will make your Shot or Boots, 1 hut you will call a tieasur. March as, 'C ly. FRE8II ARRIVAL OP MILLINERS GOODS Miaa ANNA FAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office 8UNB0JJRY, PEKN'A. RESPECTFULLY infornu her frienfliend the public, that she has just roturncd from the eity, where she has spent some lime in mnkirwr selections and purchases, and ha juatoponed a large (took oi MILLINERY UOOD9 AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline nnd 'Wi gans Skirting Lining, Hoop Skirts, Buglo Trim mings, Crape Trituiningf? Hat Crape, Clunk Buttons, Corsets, Zephyrs. A largo assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. DOLLS or all sites. Alphabet Blocks, Ao. .Vho flatters hersolf in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleasure. Sunbury, Mny 30, 1803. W. A . DENNETT, DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST, Hni-Urt Nqtinrr, ItV, Iu. Has just opened a frosh and full assortment of Drugs and Medicines, unsurpassed in purity and freshness, and kept con stnntly on hand. My stock will nlwavs be found complete in every articlo of merit in Medicine. Physicians and Customers may rely upon prompt ness and attention to orders. FANCY ARTICLES ! My stock is unHsunlly largo nnd embraces every thing that cim bo found on a first class Toilot Table, including American and genuine French and Eng lish PERFUMERY, Pomades, Hair Oil, Ivory, Uutta Pcrcha Wood nnd Horn Combs, Toilet Soaps, Hair Tooth, Nail. Cloth and Taint Brushes, o. I 'si ( tit JliMlsVine. Embracing all tho most popular Preparations or tho day, at manufacturers' prices. Pure Havana 5EG AKS and CHEWING TOBACCO of tho best Brands. 1'ninlN, Oil, Uluv, laxN, I'iUIJ, t iirnl-lx'N, V'. All my Tinctures, iSynips. Ointment. Cerates, and other preparations nio'mnnufacturcd by myself, and from tho best material I can proeuro in Market. Having bad quite a number of years' experience in tho Drug and Prccrijition Ihinincnf; both in Philadelphia and tho country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as 1 bnvo nbovo asserted, are made from tho best material, nnd upon honor I assert, thev are of official strength. For uiciiieuial purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure Beforo purchasing elsewhere, call nnd convinco your own mind. , W. A. BEXXETT. ' Sunbury, May 1(1, 1 SOS. QUKKN'S-WAUEr" STONE CHINA WARE, &c VvT. IsAl. CAIRNS, Market Street, 0 doors west of Fourth St., south sido, .SUNBURY, PEXX'A., 1) ESl'ECTFULLY informs tho citiiens of Sunbury k and-Mcrchnntsand dealers in Ibis and adjoiu ing counties, that he bus just opened a largo assort ment of OAEEXSWARE AXD STOXE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho counlrv, which will bo sold at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Dealors aro invited to exauiino his stock beforo purchasing in tho eity, as thoy can save u.ouey by doing so. Nunbury, Mny Ifl, 1S08. 6m NEW GROCERY SI0RE, V. S3. -J?wlAlT & CO., Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north sido, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and file public, that they have opened a NEW G-H.OCEIR.-5r AND PROVISION STORE, nnd will be hfipv to hnve tlicin call an-1 exnmino their stock, whirh bn just bren opened, einbruo ing everything in the Urocery lino, t?uch iw CulTee. Tea, Huar, Syrups, Spicea. Ctinnc-1 nnd Dried Fruits, Ucaiif. lloininy, Cheese, Craekcrfl, Uacon, Jlam, Fi.-h, Salt, l'otntuLU, etc., together with Stmps, Candles, Soda, Ao.t and in fact everything in tho Grocerynnd PrttvMon. Lino. FLOl'lt AM) FKEP, Quocnswurc, Willow-waro, GlnMwure. Cunl Oil Liiuip, Coal Oil Ac. Call and sec befuro purfhajjin elspwlirrc. W. S 11 UMAN A CO Punlury, April 27, 1807. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! GRANT te BIIOTII1. 1 -t , Kiiiifi-H V lil -.nle A Et.-mil ts'iil'i' ill wiiiti: (: ash o ai., in evory variety. Rolo Agents, westward, of the Colebrated Henry Clay Coal. Loir kb WiiAnp, Srxr.i-nv, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, lStjtL seeingTs believinq A I JO I Ars-li Wlrorl. XEW PRICKS! XJ;V GDODS Rich Silver ami Silvcr-riutcil Wares, , Including every stylo and tis description, made expressly Y""-"7 I for Iho Winter trade, which neatness and durability ;,- cat cannot bo surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S Wholesale and Retail Manufncturine Establishment, 7t ARCH HTREEf, PHILADELPHIA. I tf lle-platingat short notice. December 21. :67 .aug27 NEW D II V (1 0 0 D S AND Fresh Groceries! On Third St., one door below the Lutheran Church, 8 u x n u r y , v i: x x 'a. mENR-S- PETERS, Has just opened a large assortments I DRY IJOOD.S, such as Calicoes. Delaines, Muslim, Ao., D. GKOCERIE S nnd PROVISIONS of all kinds, such aa fl'GARS, COFFEES, TEAS, .SPICES, COAL OIL Molasses, Fyrups, Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Canned Fruits, Prunes, KaUius, Cheese, and Cruckers, and in fact everything dually kepi in the tirocery line. Hums, FUh. Coal Oil, Croekery-waro, tjueeuswaro tiliuis-ware, Willow-ware, Ac. Tho bent FLOUR and MEAL in the Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOTION'S. Also : All kinds of Canned Fruit, at the lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods, j Call aud exuiuino my Mock, and satisfy jour elves. HEXRY FETERS. Sunbury, AnillM, 18(17. FANCY DRY W0I)S7 ALL THE LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPRIXQ AXD SUMMER SEASONS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market iS'ouare. two doors East of the old Rank building, bl NUL'RY, Penn'a., HAS just opened a frech assortment of the most tahionablo Fancy Dress Goods ftoui the largest establishments in Philadelphia. DeLAIXES, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALI0-S. not itnu uoi)s, Cloths, Sucques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus iius, Ladies and Childreui' HATS, Feathers. Ribbons, llrras 'l'riiuiuliiai, i:iiibroid--iea. Lace Veils. Corsets, Handkerchiefs, (i loves, Hosiery iioop tkiru, Hopkins' Eliptie bkirts, Real Rlaek Laoa bbawls, and Ladies' Uoodi of every deaerlptlon. Bun Umbrellaa ana Paroaola. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, Half-hose, Handker chiefs aud Gloves. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair RruMhea, Combs, eto. KATE BLACK. Banbury, Msy W; Ws KEEP WELL-DRESSED. Call and see the well elected Btoek of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, 0VKRC0ATIN0S, VKSTINGS, o Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Street, bolow Eystorf Store,' SUNBURY WINTER CLOTHING nf lha mn.t nnrnv.J la made SIP to Drier a reasonable rates. . .. m.. He has also a line aaaortmemoi v"""""1" Drawers, Undershirts, Overhauls, Blouses, Neck ties, Cotton and Woolon Hoso, buspendera, Mana kerchiefs. Olores, and a general variety of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Give him a oall, which you will Bnd to be te yonr advantage. sunbury, voi. 'Yi 7 no Clicstnnt Street, Philaaclpliln, Are the but in Use, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: They are more simple and durable, easier kept in order, make a stronger and more clastio stitch, a firmer and more bcantiful team than any other Thoy sew all fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of the scam by their own operation, and though evory fifth stitch it cut the scam will not rip. Tli c Vory IlislirKt Irlzo, I lie Crois of the Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of the jiieori:ii a iiaki-.k at the Exposition Univorsolloe, Paris, 1S67; thus attesting their groat superiority over all other sew ing machines. G ROVER ,t BAKER'S KRW STYLES s ii i; t t i, i: nAcim iSM For Manufacturing, Combine the most modern and essential improvo mcnts. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Carriage Trimming, Clothing and all others requiring the use of the most effective LOCK STITCn MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistnkablo ad vantages over all others. FOR SALE BY Miss CAKOLINE DALIUS, Market Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 2:t, 18G7. ly T0RRINGT0N & H0DGKINS. H A W B O XX E SUrEH-rilOSI'LlATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Having within tho past year greatly increased and improved our facilities for grinding Bones and man ufacturing, wo aro prepared to furnish to the farm ers of Pennsylvania a superior article of SiiirrIlioili:ilc Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past season by practical men of our' iunnediato neighborhood una elsewhere, and in every case tho result has been entirely satisfactory. Our proccsaof pulverizing, w hereby it is prepar ed for and til' ARRANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates an objection which attaches to many fer tilizers, and secures to the farmer a saving of much valuable tinio. SOLD AT THE MANUFACTORY, R A S T M A IIKET ST R E E T , KI "Nltl tSV, 1A., and by our Agents throughout the country, in Bags ol'2u0 lbs. each, at $ii per Ton or 2U0U lbs. ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points nocessuble by rail or canal, on roceipt ol order. TORRIXUTOX 4 HODGK1NS. Also Agents or Seymour, Morgan A Allen's Self imams jieaper ami mower (Uie xv ow lorker) ani Prntt & fiweiilcy Hay und Grain Rako. cnd Tor Circular. February 15, '6A. ly A LARGE supply of Willi l'uirr iinsl llwrcler, just received and for sale cheap, at the ' Mammoth Store of II. V. FRIL1XG. April 4, IStM. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, Wiilt'Iimiikrr and .leu, 'lcr, ga 3SXO. 148 NORTH 2d ST., COIt. OP QUARRY, PH1LADKLPH1A. An assortment of Wal-hes, Jewelry, Silver and PUteo Wafe eonsUllitly on hand, HP-Repairing' of W'alcbes and Jewelry promptly at temled to. N.iy. 311, IP67 I y T F you have a picture you want framed, go to X is )'-riyM ana get it done cheaper than any where else in town. Ho has mouldings of all kinds constant y en hand. JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer in all kinds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE WHARF, SUNBURY, PA., IS prepared to supply all kinds of Anthracite Coal from the Shamokin Coal Region at cheap rates. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re spectfully solicited JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury, July 13, 18o8. 1.11 1'OKTAVr ."NOTlC'i:. fTIHE undersigned having succeeded to the busi- ness of T. H1MES A CO., takos this method of informing Brick-Layers, Builders, and all others in terested, in and about Sunbury, that he is prepared to fill all orders, for building and paving Brick, or a superior quality, and at as low rates as can be had cisewnere. I am also the Agent in the Counties of Northum crland, Union. Suvder nnd Montour, for WAR- EN S IMPROVED FIRE aud WATER PROOF OOF. This is the cheapest and best Roof that an tie used on buildings. e covered several build' iugs with it, during the last season with entire satis, faction. Orders left at the Brick Yard, in Cake's Addition to Sunbury, or at the Office of Mr. Wm. Reagan's Saw Mill aud Lumber Yard, or atSuubury Post vuiiiti, win receive prompt audition. TOWNSEND UIMES. Sunbury, March U, 1668. Atfi-it-ullural luiplemeuls, Hun o urain nasal, meei and iron Uarden Hakes, Long and D Handle Spades, .Shovels, Maaure and Hay Forks, Grass and Grain Scythes, Urain Cradles, Cradle Fimrera. Traoe. Breast. 'J L'unirua ami Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill beivesof an ! ei and Kinds, a Urge assortment of Red Wagon Haines, for Plowing, Farm Bulls, Cultivator Teeth, ior sua oy a. jj. tUALti CO. BUNBUEY STEAM SAW MILL. W 11.1.1 A 51 UKA4.A, Manufacturer and Dealer in sll kinds of TIMBER, LUMBER, LATH, PALING A tUIN. OLES. Also, Flooring, Wielviug, Siding; Poors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, sVo. Corner Race Street and River Road, SUXBUR Y, Pa. April i, 1S64. Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Iron nnd More "tore of ' SMITH & G3E1TTE2EH, Where they keep constantly on hand and matnfae ture to order at snort notioe. UN AND SHEET IRON-TV ARB of all aoscripUons. They would especially call the attention of pur chasers to Uieir large and well soleoted stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who woeid have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well telocted stock. First. They defy competition on the following tries CTamas et t;ooK oioves, vis : Combination ins) llurner. Cook, (aovernor Pcnn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Aettdust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUSr, Arso. Parlor and office Stoves In groat variety em bracing all the best manufactures aud most fashion, able desiens, vnsurpassod for beSMtyof finish simnli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and eacn stove warranted to perioral wuat may are represented. Also, Tho celebrated Baltimsre Fire Place Wove, for beating ttrst, second and tnira stories oy ncgisiers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the colcbrnted MORNING GLORY. Coul Oil, Coal Oil I.iimpsi, Nlinilesi, 4'liimnicN, und nil nrticlei nsuallv kept in an establishment of this kind They aro also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating In the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "Uangh's It aw Itone SuictIMio. filiate. Rcmomber the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building durk painted. August 25, 1368. GROCERIES. Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. .1. -A. J IV Jc CO., In Weimcr's Building, Water Street, near King St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., 1XFORM their friends and tho publio generally that they have a largo assortment of Groceries Provisions. Ac, all fresh nnd of the best nunlity. con sisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned rruits, l'runcs, ltaisins. Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in tho Grocery line. They would also call attention to their large and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept un hand. Also, all kinds of Vegetables, Ac, Ac Hive them a call anil soe for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 26 lH't7. THE GREAT AM EMC AX COMBIXA TIOX Itutlon Hole OvcrsionmiiiK AND 5EV11TG- ICiLCHIlTE. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof of its Great Merit. Tho increase in tho demand for this valuablo ma chine has been TEN FOLD durinir tho lust seven months of its first year beforo the public This grand nnd surprising success is unprecedent ed in the history of sewing-machines, and we feci fully warranted in claiming that, IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely '.he Best l Aiiu.r IN THE WOULD, An J IntriitsieaUy the Cheapest. It is really two machines combined in one, (Isy a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch, uud the Over seainiug aud Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection, It executes in the very best manner evory variety of sewing, such as. Hemming. Felling, Cording, Tucking, Stitching, Braiding nnd Quilting, Gathering and sewing on, (done at the same lime.) and in addition, Overseaius, Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Button aud Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company, or its Agents, to give entire satisfaction. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this '"Machine, can be had on applica tion at the Salesrooms of THU AIV1ERIGAN BUTTON HOLE, OVERSEAMING AND SKW ING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions given on tho Machine at tho rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSON, President. V. R. Mkndeniiai.i., Treasurer. April 25, 1868. lycjan. 25, THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposito the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTRESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, lut I.ntrly l'fttublilicl, "ullli ull I lie 5Iodt-rn Iniiroveiiii'iil ol' I he Art ! MIME subscriber, having built the room expressly X for the purpose of Photographing, and having devoted many years to the business, is confident of bis ability lo assure his patrons that the work pro- uuecu suau do seconu to noue 10 couniry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds ul weather, but would prefer a clear day for small children. 11 e is also prepared to take new liic, or cabinet card Photographs. All kinds of pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to nil kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand. The publio are respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Phutographs, special terms to tumilies snd clubs. . BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, n. C. 41 li A It II A llT'M Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, fllurket lreel, Nunbury, lu. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, Ac, C CONSTANTLY on band and for sale at tne above j establishment at wholesale aud retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confcetionaries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rules. Tobacco, Scgars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whish are oSoied wholesale and retail. Kowembcr the name and place. rjf M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors wostwfK. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1803. tf M' mer ana I'Ire Proof SLATE ROOFS THE undersigned respectful, y In for mi builder in thU and adjoining eeuuiiet that be in prepared to rut on Slate Kuufi in a superior manner, lie furn Ifbeitheeelobnited Lehigu eounty Slute, which U the beat in the itarket. He warrants his vork to be durable and ftre aad water proof. He invites the in. speotion of the public to the work he basdone in .Sun bnryon Haunt's, Ureenough's and Haas buildings, aud on others at various places. His prices areas low as those of any other slater. Address, D.S.PMITH, Nunbury, p. O., oreall at bis residenee In Upper Augusta twp jJanuaryU.IBod, ly r IJIOK Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Ditts, Buck ; les, Gig Tree, Pad Trees, Hanoi, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the businee. for tale by . J. H. COXLEY A CO. lOUNlUY DtAUiHH supplied with all kinds of ' vwu mMw w. iot. wan factory rioee ai uar ruburc, saving paskage. breakage and freight, at the Masnmoth store ut H 7 rfUUNd IB-AJLTIOaRE LOOK HOSPITAL ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK BRY. THE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSON hit discoverfdthe most Certnin.Hpwly and only KlTectunl Rrmedyin the World for nil I'ri- vnte Distunes, Wenttness nf the Brick or IsHnh. Htrirtum, Affections ef the Ktdneysand Bladder, Involuntary Hie choiges, linpntency, Genernl Debility, Nervonnese, Dys- pepyt utnauoT, utvr ppirns, toniuiion 01 wens, roipi tntioii of tne Heart, Timidity. Tremblings, Hiraeees uf Right or Giddiness, Uisease of the Head, Throat, Nose or skin, AfTtTt.ons ot the Liver, Lungs, tHomnrh or Bowels these Terrible HisonletiRrUins; fiom thr Solitary Hnbits of Youth those secret and solitnry practices autre fatnl to their Victims the song of Syrrns to the Mntinersof Ulysses, blighting their most hrillinnt hopes or anticipations, rendering mnrnage, he, impossible. Young- ill en FsSneciaPv. who hnve become the victims nf Solitary Vice. that dreadful nnd destructive hnbit whirh mm unity sweeps U an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brillimit inlelleet, who might otherwise have entiancetl listening 9enntes with the than dets of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full coiindcace. Married Persons orVonng Men contemplating marringe, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, de fnmiiliiHi. Vt ancMlilv rured. He who places liiinelf under the care nf Dr. J. ainy may religiously con no e in ins nouoraan urniremnii, ana euiinucuiiy reiy upon nis bkiii as a i-nyeioiaiie Organic M cnkncsn Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This UistieMins Affttction which renders Life miseffl blennfl mmriage impoHible is the penalty pud by t he Victims of improper indulgences. Young petaons are too a pi to commit excesses irom not neing aware 01 the drend ful OMtsequencea that may ensue. Now. who that under. stands the subject wiH pretend to deny that the power of piocrentton is kmt sooner by thm falling into improper hnbits thnn by the prudent ? Besides demg deprived the ple-aaures ofhenlthy t(Tr,priiig,the moat aeriousnnd deiti ac tive svmntoms to btlh bodv and mind mim. The ivitem lecomea Deranged, the Piiysical and Mental Punctifins Wenkeneil, tsoi rrocreative fnwer, nervous irrifunli tv. Dvsnennift, PnlnitHtitm nf th Heart, f ndiirestioii, Con- stitutionnl Debility, a Wnstnig the FTanve, Ctmgh, Consumption, Decay and Dtoth, OfIi4 o. 7 Nontli Frederick Street Isefl hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors rnm the coiner. Fail not toiMerve name and niiuiler. jtteis must be fatd nnd contain a stump. The Doctor's Diplinias iMug in his olTice. A Cure 'arrunlcl In 'I'm DuyN. JN'o Mercury or Xameou Drug, Br JoliiiHlon, Member of the Royal College of burgeons, Iindon, Grad uate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the I nited States, and the greater pnrl of whose life htm been spent in the hospitals of IsonuVm, Pans, Philudelphia and else where, htis etIW'tnd some of the movt astoniHhiug cures lh;it were ever known ; tunny troubled with nitKihp in (he heinl and enrs when naleep, greut nervousness, Ihmiic iilnrin eil at sudden souudSj hashi'iilness, with fiettu'iit lilushiiig. sttciided sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. Xnke Pnrlicnlnr .liotiee. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by improper indulgence and Military habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting thciu lor cither business, study, Sticiety or niurrmgo. Tiibr nre some of the sad and melancholy etTccts pro duced by early hubtts nt youth, viz : Veakncnsof the Buck and Linilm, liins in the Head, Dimness of !ight, l"esof Muscular FoT-er, Patpituiion of the Heart, Dyspcpay, Nervous Irritability. Der aim emeu of the Digestive Func tions, Ueneral Debility, Syniprins of Consumption, Ac, jMkn tally The leuriul elfects on the mmd are much to Uf. dreaded lull's ol Mem-jry, ConfiiHioii nf Idea, Do n Tension of Spirits, KvibFoieluMtings, Av-rmon to S K iel y, Sell -Distrust, love of Solitude, Timidity, tVc. are some ol' the evils produced. Thol-sanps of persons of all njes can now judge what is the cause of then declining health, losina their vigir, heiMimug weak, pale, nervous and rnaciared, having a siiigulur uppenrauce about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Vonns' Jlcti Who hnve injured themselves by a certain prnetice Indulg ed in when ulone, a habit frequently learned from evil conipauious, or at sch'Hil, the ellects ot' which uie umhlly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders inairuiife impossible, and destro)s both mind nnd body, should npfily immediately. a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, shouUt be snatched Irom till pros- pects and enjoynieiilstif lt(e, by the. consequence ol devia ting from the path of nature nnd indulging in a certain secret habit, tucli persons must, lefoie contemplating Mitriaisi; rtlfcl that a sound mind and 11 y are the most necessary requisitesto promote cunulicd hippincs. tndcctl without these, the journey throuch life tecMines a weary pilgrim age; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind lteioiiKs tdiadowed wch despair unl til Nit with the inehn cholv rellertion that the happiness of another becomes bliii'ited with our own lllMenxe of Imprttitleiiee. When the mmguided aud imprudent vutury of pleasure fimlH that, he has imbibed ihcseriU if this painful disease, , it itHi oiien Happens tint un iii-timeu sense or shame, oi j dread of discovery, deters hun from applviuir to those who, rout education and rcspectahility, can alone la-fueud him. j delnving till the constitutional s iuttuirt of this hnid . disease make their nfipenraure, such as iilcerulctl s ie i throiit, diseased nose, noctiual pains iu the head aad limbs, ' diiiiiier-s of s:nht, denfucats, nodes on the sl;iu b hii-s und ; aims, blotches on the bead, faceand exttemitit s, pi greM ! ing with triiihtful tapidity, till at last the palate of do i mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of ' tlnsawful disease becomes a horrid object of comiinscia ' tion, till death puts a period to his drrudful sulferint;, by sentbug him to th)it i'udiscovercd Country from whence j no traveller retains. ' It is a melancholy fact that thousands full victims to this ; terrible disuse, owing to the mivk illluhiess of ignornnt pielenders, who, by the use of that Deadly Poison, Met- cury." mm the communion nnd uiuke the residue oi life misiTiible. Trust not lives, or hodili, to the care of the many I'nleuiued and Worthless Preieuders. dntitute of knowl edge, name or cliimcter, who popV Df Jolinstou's adver tisements, or st vie themselves in the uevpapeis, reeulatly Ivtucated I'nysicians, iticuwdile of Cunnii, they keep y u trilling month after month Inking their filthy and poisoima compouiHls, or us long as Hie smallest fee can lie obtained, and in despuir, leave yon with luiued health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. II is credential or diplomas al ways hniie; in his office. His rem ulies or treatment are unknown to all others, pretnred from a life spent iu the great hospitals of Kurope, tlm first in this country nnd a more extensive ''Private Practice1' than any oilier Physician in the world. IiKlorsionieiit oi ilisk The inauv thousands cured at this iiintiiutmii yeai after year, nnd the numerous important iSuigicuI Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the "Sun." ''Clipper,1' and many other papers, notices of which have appeared ngnin and atfain before lite public, besides his standout as a gentleman of chniaeter and re sponsibility, is a 8u indent guarantee to the alllicted. liin D:'ii4kM SX'lil 'nrrt. Persons writing sliou'd be particular in dnecting their ettcrs to his Institution, in the following mnnrtcr, Bolin .11. -loliiilon, f. I. Of the Baltimore Unk Hospital, bultimore, Md. .l'v 67Zl v Notice to Merchants and Shippers- j TIIIE undersigned, proprietor of Wewer A Friek's 1 X Lino, give notices to merchants and shippers that the Depot id still nt Rl 1 Market street. Phila . dclptiia, and all Uoods directed to Sunbury, Danville i and LewUbur, and all iuteruicdinto stations along j the railroad, will be promptly delivered. Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia, j tri-weekly Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays. J. w. liKUH .-i, Proprietor, Lowtauurg, - J. ii. DUOWN, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. December 7, 1867. I H. Conley Co., larliol Stri'i't. 1'ukI ul l be Itnilruad, SUNBURY, IENN'A.. liEALtUS IN i'4iti:i4..A a Am:i(i n, Hardware & Cutlery. fTUE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, L and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now ottering a better selected assortment of 11AKDWAKK, CUTLEHY.AU., than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by doalers. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CAHl'EM'EKS, BLACKSMITHS, CAHKIAUE AXD WAUUNMAKEHS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, 8teel, Nails, Spikes, Hope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and X Cut tiuws, Ao., Ae. huubury, Maroh 30, 1807. ii. Ri:., lkenlUt. Will remove his Office to J. M. Simpson's Building, 2nd story, Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. WHERE he will be prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to DeutUtry. Will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from abicb be will be able to select, and meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Moutb Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on hand. Ills references are the numerous patrons for whom he has worked fur the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, 1668. IRON A large aesorUneut of tht best manufac tured Lars, Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rod., fast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Ilorse Shoes, Horse Nails , Anvils, Bellows, Vioee, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Files, at CONLET A C0'8 SHOEMAKERS.- IDS best qualities of Sols Leather, Frenoh Calf kins Morroocos, Linings, Lasts, Nails, Pegs, Tool ef all kinds, and ever, tkmguwd by the trade, for.'. Jew by J ( CONLEY A CO iHorlhorn Central Iialleroy. BUMMBR TIMK SCHEDULE LRATE NORTH W Ann 6.00 A. M., Dallj for Wllllamsport. Du- (MOePt nanaajs,, ior Wmira, Canandsa, Roohester, BafTaloe, NlaKara tfills, . ""K- na me Panadas. 4.16 P. M., DailT (exeept Sandays.) for Elmlra, and . ., D ,, B""10 Tla fc,iJ? R'ly from Klniira. t.ii P. M., Daily (except Sundays,) fur Willums- LEAVK BOLTHWARD. 12.03 A. M., DailT (exoept Monday.) for Baltimore, 02 A.M., Daily fr Baltimore and Vahirigt0D. ,.v . . i,nj iiupi Duoaays.j ior ilarrisburg. J. N. DrBAnnr, Ed. 8. Yocno, Oen'l. Pup't., Gen'l Passen'r Ag't , Uarrisburg, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Lackawaana fc lIlooinshui K itail , rend, OW and alter Monday, May 4ih, 1863, Passenger 1 rain, will run , . , 1 1 n - . 0 Leave SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. P. M. 42 7.4a P. M. 8 30 6.(ln 8 4S H.2.1 IU Oi 4 45 6.2r. Scran ton, Klngstonf Kupert, Danville, North 'd., 5 40 6.55 9 20 8 SO .4U 9 61 10 35 Arr NORTHWARD. Leave North 'd. 6. Z5 7. (12 7.36 A.M. " Danville, ' Rupert, " KinsUm, Arr. at Surunton, P. M. 6 on 8.4(1 10.00 7.00 1.511 11.10 H nn 9.65 47 TT I rr.vris c..-'. Kingston, May J, 1869. ' ' ' ' " Itradiiia Unilroiid. SUMMER ARRANGEMEN'T. MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1863. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-W est for Philadelphia, New Yk, Rend ing, Tottsvillo, Tainaifun, Ashland, Shainokii , Lcbs anon, Allentown. Easton, Ephruta, Litis, Lancaster Columbia, Ac, Ao. Trains leave lliirrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 2.50, 5 25 and 8.10 A. M. and 12.20 nonu and 2.05 anil 0.35 P. M, connecting with similur Trains on the Pennsylvania Hnilrond, nnd arriving at New York nt 5.(0 10.00 and 11.45 A. M. andM), 6.65. 0.60 P.M. Sleeping Cnrs nnconipnuvinir tho 2.50 A. M. nnd 0.35 P. M. trains without chnngi. Leave llarrisburg Tor Heading, Pottsvillc, Tamil, qua, Mincrsville. Aslilnnd, Shnmokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia t 8.10 A.M. nrd'.U5 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and priucinal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. mnking connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only, for Pottsville, Schuylkill llnven and Auburn, via Schnylkill and SllSnilehfinil. Ttnilpi.ntl l.nvfi Mnrri...M at J 'Hi Returning: Leave New York at 8.00 a. m., 12 00 Noon and 5 AO and 8.00 p. in., Philndolphia nt a. m. and 3.30 p. m.; .Sleeping cars aecompanying the 0.00 a. m. and 6 00 and B.OO p. m. trains with out change. Way Pnsscngor Train lenvos Philadelphia nt 7.30 a. m., connecting with similur train on East Penna. Railroad, returning from KcadiDg nt 6.30 p. in. Hup ping at ull Stations; Pottsville at 7 00 and 8 45 a. iu. and 2.45 p. m; Shamokin 5.25 a. m. and 1 1.20 a m ' Ashland at 7. 00 a. in., 12.43 noon mid 1.55 p. ui ' Tutnnqunnt 8.30 a.m. and 2.15 and 8.45 p. to. ' Leave Pottsville via. Schuylkill nnd Susriuelm ,a Railroad nt 7.10a m. for lliirrisburg, nnd 11.30 a.m. for Pine Oroveand Tremont. Heading Accommodation Trnin leaves Roading nt 7;3(IA. M. returning from Philadolphiu at 5.51 Pottstown Accommodation Trnin : Lenves Putts, town at 6 45 A. M , returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Hnilrond Trains leave ?.oading at 7 00 A. M., and 8.15 P. M. for Ephratu, Litis, Lnncus. tcr. Columbia, Ac. Perkiomcn Kail Road Trnins lenve Perkiomon j junciicn at .uu A. and D UO F. ftl. Koturning : Leave Skippack at 8.10 A.M.. nnd 1.25 P. M.. con ' necting with similar trains om Reading Kail HonJ. j On Sundays : Leave Now York at 8 00 p m., Philn I dclphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M, tho 8.00 a. in. trnin running only tolicnling, Pottsulle 8 00 a m., llarrisburg, 5 25 a in, and 4.10 and 11-35 p in. and I Heading at 1.102 55 nnd 7.15 a. in, for lliirrisburg. and 7.U0 a. in. ai;d 11.40 p ui. for Now York, 4.25 ! p m. for Philadelphia.. i Commutation, Mileage. Season. School and Ex ! cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all ; points. ltnggago checked through : 100 rounds Brgijiigo allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, General superintendent- V 110LESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in evory variety of ANTHRACITBCOAI., Upper AVhaif, SUNBURY, Penn'ft. lOrdcrs solicited and Bllcd with promptness and i Sunbury, Mny 12, 1831'. y i To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QUANO rpilE attention of Farmers nnd other consumers of X Fertilisers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notico. Its u.-c fur several years in Maryland, Virginia nnd other Southern States, for all crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any other. It po.sefses ai, the quiekucs of Peruvian Uunno, with permanent qualities not found in tht article. 2:n) 11.. of this Guana are found more than equal to 300 lbs. of tho best Superphosphate. It ripens the wheat crop from fire to seven days earlier thnn the phosphutcs, which tact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount tu dealers. I'or sale by JOHN S. REESE ft CO.. General Agents for Pacific tiuann Co.. 38 iN,u!b Delaware Ave., l'hilad'a , And "1 South Street Baltimore. Mnrch 28, 1SC8 6iu PURETAljEiTMR!' POU IDH A-I Al.i;, From the Cold Spring Brewery,' SUNBURY, PA. ' JC33EFE BACHE?,. RESPECTFULLY informs the public gonerally that he is prepared to furnish LAGEIt BEER, PORTKU AND ALE, n largo or small quantities. His facilities for mak ng Boer cannot be excelled, and is pronounced suiio rinr tnanv oilier flf.,pn In f1nntui u... , . 1 It has also been recommended by physicians as a benlthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. buubury.Sept 21, 1867. UNT OrTlIOTEL CHAM. HZi:i, Iri-Ieloi-. In Cake s Additim to SUNBURY, near the Penn a. Railroad Company 's Shops. PERManevt ivn tu i vbii-vt ,..,, - - .... .i,noic.i i UUAlVLtlt, Kept who will find ample aocommodatious. Good Annk. .ml V.II.M K u . i . . . i . . ' vjwi. cnu euiuv I lie quiet Cum torts of horn, will, fur. .ul I . l ?. . ---- -- ; u., u ui. um aoieis. His Liquors are of the choicest kinds. Sunbury, June 8, 1SC7. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Books Druwing Books and Slates. Books, Hymn Books, Blink Books. Memorandum Book., Diaries, Pocket Books-, Ink Stnnus. Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper. Ink, Ao. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. 1'uilllM, OiU, tV". A full Stock ftf Oi I. nnmnranl 1 ! f;t r J Oil, Fish Oil, aud Lubricating Oil for Engines and i oimii, uiass, always on nana, at low r".M5 COXLEY A CO a BOOK BINDERY JOHN HCRMAN, North Mill street, DAN YILLK, PA., I prepared to Bind Books, Papers, Uagasiues SMusic, Ao., in any style that may be desired, at cheaper rates tbau cau be Joue in the cities. All Orders left at this Office, will receive prompt attention. oct IV. 'o7 Coachinakers, WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs. Spring., Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, As , very low Large Stock at COXLEY A CO. Sunbury, March 0, IhtT. OARPENTEUS M'ILL flr.d la ear stahlishmtut a superior l;k. of Planet, Sawe, Aug era. HaU-heU, Uammers, File. Chiss,A,.,A..,lol.byj h COXLEY A CO CALL snd see ro-e nesutiful Bird Carf". s4 ihe new Hdwe store olH &