Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 19, 1868, Image 3

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    tonburg American.
Eocal Affairs.
Tbi Presbyterians mad abont $100 by their Peach'
tutfral, bsld In th Court House, lut wssk.
W or indebted to our young friend, Aristldes
Rodrlgue, clerk In tho Treasury Department at
Washington, for late favors.
Tbb Register in Bankruptcy for thil District, J. M
Wloitling, Esq., beld a Court at the office of Messrs.
Rockefeller & Rohrbach on Tuesday lut.
Tali. Conic. Mr. Charles Ilaughawout, of Rush
township, thil county, has raited, this season, two
talks of corn wbioh moasurs thlrtoen foot six Inches
in height.
Farm fob Salb. G. W. Uathfon offori his valu
able farm for sale, situated in Perry township, Sny.
der county. It contains 146 acres, and is well im
proved. See adrortisement.
The Republicans of Watsontown bare organised
a Grant and Colfax Club. Jacob M. Follmer is
President and Oscar Foust, Secretary. Regular
meetings are bold every Monday evening.
Rkad Moore A Dissinger's new advertisement, in
this issue. They have the largest and finest stock of
Fall and Winter Goods in Sunbury. Our citizens
should not fail to call and soe for themselves.
Toe corner stone of the new Court House for Mon
tour county, at Danville, was laid on Saturday af
ternoon last by the Masonio fratornity of that plaoo.
Judge Jordan delivered an address on tbe occasion.
AnniVED Homb. Mr. Thomas McOaw, of this
place, who left for the far West about eighteen
months since, arrivod home on Monday last. Du
ring bis absence he was engaged in gold mining in
Colorado, and was also in business near Cheyenne
city, Dacotah territory.
On Monday evening last I. B. Gara, Deputy Sec
retary of the Commonwealth, addressed a Republi
can meeting in the Court House. The room was
well filled, and Mr. Gara's address was well re
ceived, lie was followed by Mr. Irland, from Illi
nois, in a short address.
A RxrFDLicAN Meeting and Pole Raining took
place at Port Trevorton, Snyder county, on Satur
day last. Tbe meeting was addressed by our can
didate for Congress, John B. Packer, Esq., and
Wm. A. Sober, Esq., of this placo. Thoro was a
largo attendance, and everything passed off satis
factorily. .
Dkao. John K. Taggart, formerly of Northum
berland, but who had lately beef engaged as clerk
in the office of his brother, David Taggart, Paymas
ter in the U. S. Army at St. Louis, Mo., died in
that city on Tuesday of last woek. His remains
were interred at Northumberland on Sunday after
noon last.
Heavy Contract. Messrs. Jacob Seasholtx and
Charles Garinger, of this place, and Mr. Griffv, of
this county, have taken a oontract for tbe masonry
of a large bridge and the grading of three miles of
railroad in New England, called the Boston, Unrt
ford and Erio Railroad, amounting to several hun
dred thousand dollars.
Valuable Protbrtt for Balk. We refer our
readers to the advertisement of Mr. J. M. Cadwal
lader, who offers bis warehouse and int of ground,
at tbe crossing of the Shamokin Valley and Nor
thern Central Railroads, in Third itreet, for sale.
This is a desirable stand for any one wishing to en
gage in tbe flour or grain business. Mr. Cadwalla
der 'a reason for selling if that he intends giving up
business in Sunbury.
Kiw Drcs Store. Messrs. George B. Cadwal
lader and John O. Markle have entered into co
partnership in the Drug and Chemical business, in
this place. They have fitted up a splcndiJ store
room in Mrs. Wolvorton's building, on Market street,
and are now arranging their large stock, arriving
from tho oitios. They will have one of tho finest
establishment in this section, and with their exten
sive experience cannot fail to do a good business.
Arrested. On Monday lust two Irishmen, nnmcd
Daniel Campboll and Michael Donaboe, laborers on
Eavidge's works on the Hailcton road, in Upper Au
gusta township, were arrested by Constable Pursel,
of this placo. Catharine Campboll, wife of Daniel
Campbell, charged her husband with assault and
battory, and Donaboe with threatening her. They
wcro taken before Esquire Farnsworth, who commit
ted Donnboe, in default of bail. Campboll gave se
curity to the amount of (200.
Tax vote on the mail train, East, on Thursday
of last woek, was taken immediately after we got on
board at this place. The result was 71 for Grant
and Colfax, and 14 ior Seymour and Blair. It is
seldom that any voto is taken that doos not show
over two to one in favor of Grant and Colfax. On
our return trip we conversed with a Virginia Bein
ocrat, who deplored the nomination of Soymour and
Blnir, and thought they might have elected Gen.
Hancock. Even Andy Johnson, be said, would have
been preferable
m a
Justice's Cocrt. Tbe first eause under tbe late
aot of Assembly, authorizing Justioes of the Peace
to summon a Jury of six persons, was tried in tbe
arbitration room, in tbe Court House, on Monday
and Tuosday last, before James Beard, Esq., and
excited considerable interest. Tbe case referred to
was a prosecution for the disturbance of a religious
meeting in Irish Valley. The defendant! in the
ease were Michael Zimmerman, David Boyer and
Caleb Parsing. The congregation, or part of it, who
are Free Will Baptists, were tired and dissatisfied
with tbeir clergyman, Rev. Lcandor Johnson. A
meeting was called to discus the matter, and quite
a number of persons assembled. Mr. Johnson
wished to take the chair and proceed at once to bu
siness. The defendant! objected and asked for sing
ing and prayers, as usual. Not succeeding, a mo
tion was made to adjourn, and confusion ensued, in
the midst of which the lights were extinguished.'
The Jury was duly charged by Justice Beard, and
In a few hours returned a verdict of guilty against
Boyer and Parsing. The Justice having ruled out
some of the evidence of the defendants, the case goes
up before Judge Jordan, on a certiorari, who will
either affirm the judgment or send back tho cose for
a new trial. The counsel for the prosecution were
Messrs. Hill t Wolverton and S. B. Boyer, Esq. ;
for defendants, Geo. W. Ziegler and Geo. W.
Haupt, Esqrs.
Large Pic-Nic The Red Men's Pic-Nic, on
Saturday lost, was quit a success. It was the lar
gest ever held in this plaoe, and everything passed
off in great harmony. In tbe morning tbe visiting
Tribes of the order met at Shobomokin Wigwam.
They were formed into lino on Market street, be
tween Third and Fourth, by Kmannel Wilvert, Chief
Marshal, assisted b, Geo. D. Bucher, as follows :
Martial Music,
Marshal and Aids,
Shobomokin Tribe,
Mahoning Tribe, of
Members of the Cora-Planter Tribe of Ind
dians, in
mil oostuca and mounted,
u open wagons.
Th. procession marched through the prinoinal
streets and then repaired to tb pi,.nIo on,
On approaching tb grounds th Indians gave th
gtouine war-whoop and dismounted, and all Joined
in having a happy time. Many persons from th
surrounding couutry were present to liim. ,j
participate in th festivities. Alter th corn dinner
was disposed of, dauoing, swinging and playing be
came tb ordr of tb day. During th afternoon
the Corn-Planters entertained tbe viaitof with sums
of tbeir danoes, such as th War Dance, Strawberry
and other dances. Th evening was principally de
voted to duuoiug, wbioh all sind to enjoy more
rTJH" and.ifrf.whtu.uh tii
e clock at night, and all hum slelifht with th
sl.j's pleasur.
MxxTfKa or Cokoressiobal CosrBBBEi Job
B. Pacebr, Esq., Ukarimocilt . Nominated.
Th Congressional Conferees for th Fourteenth
District met at th Loohiel Hotel, in Harritburg, on
Friday morning of last weak. Th following gun
tlsmen were present t
Union aonnty Bll Slifer, James Marshall and
William Van Geeser. .
Bnyder county Hon. A. J. Middleewartb, James
K. Davit" and Daniel Bolander.
Northumberland oounty Robert M. Frick, F. 8.
Haas and Jacob Beasholts.
Juniata county Henry IT. Beohtel, Henry II.
Wilson and F. M. Mickey.
Danpbln county James R. Pugh, Col. D. R.
Ettla and George Trutlinger.
Mr. Davis movsd that Col. Eli Slifer act as Presi
dent of the meeting. Agreed to.
Judge Middlciwarth aud Wm. Van Geeser were
selected as Secretaries.
' Mr. Van Geoser ofTored the following preamble
and resolutions, vis :
Whereas., A majority of the eonntios composing
this district having cast their Tote for J. B. Pack
er, Kq. j therefore, be it
Rcxolvtd, That Mr. Packer recoiv th unani
mous vet of this Convention.
Resolved, That tho oourse pursued by our pre
sent member of Congress from this district, lion.
(). F. Miller, meets with our entire approbation, it
being alike creditable to the country, bis party and
Resolved, That we heartily endorso th nomina
tion of Uen. Grant and Schuyler Colfax, and Gene
rals Hartranft and Campbell.
Resolved, That we individually pledge ourselves
to spare no pains nor omit, any exertions to scouro
me election ot 0. is, t'aoker, ino nominee oi tuts
The preamble and resolutions were unanimously
adopted, and Mr. Packer was declared the unani
mous nomineo of the party.
Mr. Bechtel moved that a committee of tbroo be
appointed t wait upon John B. Packer, inform him
of his nomination, and Invite him to tho conference
Messrs. Mickey, Marshall and Davis wero ap
pointed as the committee. The Hon. Geo. F. Mil
ler and Col. John J. Patterson wero also invited.
A short time olnpscd, when tho committco re
turned with Mr. Packer to tho conference and con
gratulated him heartily and pledged him ardent
Mr. Packer thankod the conferees for the unani
mous nomination so generously tondcrcd, remarking
that it was the proudest day in his life to be selected
as tbe standard bearer of the great Republican
party, and that ho would honestly endeavor to carry
out Its doctrine and principles, and labor for the
success of the tiokot.
Hon. Geo. F. Milior endorsed the nomination of
Mr. Packer In a few vSsaTtl-tiiiioil remarks, and nftor
referring to tho action of Congress on the various
Reconstruction bills, while Andrew Johnson had
opposed tho adoption of tho Itth amendment to tho
Constitution, he congratulated the country that all
but four States wer now represented in Congress ;
he predicted that tbe traitorous President would
soon bo hurled from power ; but entreated tho mem
bers of tbe conference to work from now until the
polls close in October next for the nomineo of the
Col. Patterson also endorsed the nomination of
Mr. Packer most heartily, romarking that it made
little difference as to the candidato himself, so tbatho
was a good and true man. Mr. Pucker had always
been his personal and warm friend, and that ho
would do as much, and perhaps a little more, than
any other single man to secure his election.
Tho Northumberland conferees assured the con-.
ference that Mr. Packer would be endorsed by his
own county with a handsome majority.
The conference then adjourned.
The Proposed New Diocese. A meeting of the
clergymen and laymen of the Episcopal Church was
held at the Episcopal rooms, in Philadelphia, on
Friday, 4th inst, to tako into consideration the aid
ing of tbe missionaries in that part of Pennsylvania
which it is proposed to firm into a new diocese.
The Right Rev. Bishop Stevens boing present, wns
requested to take the chair, and tho Rev. J. A.
Childs appointed Secretary.
After a brief statement and discussion, Mr. Wil
liam Welsh offered the following, which was adop
ted :
Whereas, Tho twenty-eight counties that it if
proposed to set off as a now Dioccso, receiving
iJ,.'ioO a year from tbe Board of Missions ;
And Wiikdkas, It may not be competent or advi
sable for tho Board to continue its appropriations
beyond the current year ; therefore,
Resolved, That it be recommended to citizen of
Philadelphia to plodgo to the Board of Mi.-sions that
may bo raised' in the new Diocese, a sum not less
than S2.000 in 18C9, SI ,500 in ltd), Srl.OUO in 1671.
and $500 in 1872, payable in tho event of a divieion I
occurring tins venr.
Resolved, That tho subject be committed to the
Rev. Mr. Lunday, the Rev. Mr. Shinn, the Rev.
Mr. Wudleigh and the Ror. Mr. Washburn.
Upon the adjournment of this mooting, William
WeUh and others pledged thcuisolvcs individually
to be responsible for the collection of this amount,
each assuming a proportion of it.
The citiiens of Wllliarasport have offered to build
or purcboso nn Episcopal residenco, worth at least
$20,000, if that city is uiado tho See
More Straws. On Wednesday of last week a
vote was taken on the mail train, South, on tbe Nor
thern Central Railroad, bctwocn Sunbury nnd Jlar
rieburg, with tho following result : Foi Grunt, 71 ;
Seymoun 13.
On Friday a voto was taken on the passenger train
on the Phila. t Erie Railroad, between this placo
and Williarusport, which resulted as follows : For
Grant, 60 ; Seymour, 19.
The Pottsville Journal says : A gentleman, a
citizen of our adjoining sister county, Northumber
land, returned this week from quite an extended
tour through the Middle and Eastern States. While
en route quite a number of votes were taken on the
trains, and invariably, says our informant, tho ma
jority was for Grant. Wo will give those noted by
our informant : From Harrisburg to New York
Grunt, 84 ; Seymour, 17. From New York to Har
lem Grnnt, !i ; Seymour, 24. From Now Y'ork to
Albany Grant, 54 ; Seymour, 19. From New York
to Reading, (this vote was taken at tho request of a
Mississippian,) Grant, 41 ; Seymour, 23. From
Reading to Pottsville Grant, 30 ; Seymour, 24.
If such decisive voles are nut a sure indication
that tbe business men are for Gen. Grant, we are at
a loss to know what other evidence is wanted.
Cartet Stretcher and Tack Driver. Mr.
Juntos Bachelor has purchased the right for the sale
and nse of Brown's Combined Carpet Stretcher and
Tack Drivor. It stretches and tacks a carpet simul
taneously, without stooping, and most effectually.
Tbe tack is placed in a tube at the top of tho handle
of the stretcher, when a short pull at a cord sends
home tbe tack with tbe utmost procision, as tho tack
is necessarily kept in a perpendicular position. A
patent taok drawer is given to each purchaser of
tbe driver.
We first saw this ingenious affair last fall, at the
great Fair at tb American Institute, in New Y'ork,
where it received a premium and exoited no little
attention among housekeepers. Mr. Bachelor is
ready to rooeive orders and supply all who may de
sire to procure this useful implement
- a ei ee i . .
Ciqar Makers should remember that th new
tax law requires every cigar maker, without previ
ous demand, to have bis nam and residence regis
tered with tbe Assistant Assessor, and any manufac
turer of oigars employing any cigar maker who
sbull have neglected or refused to uiak such regis
try, shall, on conviction, b fined fir dollars for
each day that such cigar maker so offending, by
neglect or refusal to register, shall be employed by
Midolecbbek Railboad This week a party of
gentlemen, in company with U. U. Arms, our Chief
Engineer, passed through town. Th party was a
committee appointed by th 11 el aware, Laokawanna
A Western Railroad Co., and by New Y'ork capital
ists, to exaniio th line of road, eondiiion of It.
amount of iron or on tb tin, Ac. If th report of
this committee is favorable, no doubt but help will
at ono be obtained to .finish th road speedily.
Mtddleburg Tnbunt.
BcBi'r Classical Ibstitctb Tb first ses
sion of tb present school year of this Institution,
consisting of both Primary and Higher Departments,
was opened on Tuesday, oepi. isi. ah pupils Oeil
BU"o ,
fouM. M, to oin rspeoliv classes,
i r , , BcbSbidbb, A. MT
A Dabsbrods Ps. Th other day, Col. Sellers,
baggag master in th employ of lh N. C. R. W.
Company, had In bis possession a black bear cob,
about flv months old, of tho common American va
riety. Th juvenile bruin was captured somewhere
in th wilds bordering on the P. A B. R. R., in
northwestern Pennsylvania, and had beer), nntll re
cently, the property of some gentloman at Sunbury.
Bruin, whilo ohained in th baggage oar, would got
np on bis hind legs, and, growling, hold out all
manner of Inducements for pugilistic trial in th
manly or bear-ly art of bugging but no one seemed
to dispute th black rogua's qualifications for such
sport. Th young "nagur," as Pat ono named tho
animal while on a bnnt, was very partial to sweet
cakes and milk ; and when a large pail filled with
water was placed before him, he leaped into the
bucket, stern foremost, and showed every Indication
of being partial to the cold water treatment. As
long as drop of water remained in the pail, bruin
remained in statu quo. The animal was convoyed
to Baltimore, there to grace a bear or a "beer gar
den" we have forgotten which for tbe amusement
of the patrons thereof, so we are informed. llarrit
lurg Telegrupk.
The East Ihdia Telegraph Cumpabt. We re
for our readers to the advertisement of this Compa
ny, in another column. This will doubtless be one
of the beet paying enterprises of the oentury. Tho
submarine tolegraph, connecting this country with
Europe, has thus far proved a most profitable Invort
mcnt, and in view of the enlarged commercial inter
course between this oountry and China, which must
result from tho treaty recently concluded with that
government, the proposed telegraph, which will also
be partially submarine, must soon beconio exceed
ingly profitable to Its stockholders. Gov. Curtin is
President of tho Company.
Samuel J. Packer, Esq., Cashier of the First Na
tional Bank of Sunbury, is authoriied to receive
subscriptions to tho stock of the Company, in this
plaoe and vicinity.
- - -- .
Fatal Accident at Ski.insoiiove. On Thurs
day last, Sept. 3d, whilst engaged at a cross-cut saw
in the Maine Sawmill, at this placo, Henry Lechnor,
youngest son and child of the Into Dr. Lechnor, cf
Soliusgrove, met with an acoident that caused his
death in a short timo. It appears be bad sawed off
a stick of wood nnd with another stick was trying to
push away from tho saw one of tho sawed pieces,
which caught on the edge of the aw, swung around, ;
and struck him on the side of the bead, from tho cyo 1
back and above tho ear, with such foroc as to break
in the omnium. Ho lay in an insensible condition
till night, when he died. He was killed on his
birth day, and was just 17 years of age. His denth
was a sad calamity and a scvero nflliction to thoso
most near and dear. Ho was buried on Fridny evo
ning at 4 o'clock. Sclinsgrove Timet. '
Alfred R. Fiske, Esq. Tho Republicans of
Northumberland county have nominated Alfred R.
Fisko, of Shamokin, as their candidate for the Leg
islature. Mr. l'i.-ko is an excellent business man,
and every way fitted for the position his constituents
desire lilm to fill. Tho party certainly could not
have made choice of a batter man, as his trium
phant election will testify ; and as a journalist, hav- .
ing the interest of tho Republican organisation ut
heart, we congratulate our Northumberland friends
in their solection of so good and worthy a citiien to
represent thorn at the Capital hero. Harritburg
ly.Iob Irisilinfjr. Having received a
largo supply of NEW JOB TY'l'E, of various now
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars. Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads. Labels, Ac, can be printed in
tbe latest and best stylos, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
For Sale. An excellent top buggy, new. En
quire at this office.
Fon Rent. Tho rooms adjoining the hat store of
Samuel Faust, iifMarkot Square, lately occupied
by E. A. Evans as a law offico.
i -. ' i
Josu BiLi.txes says that while mankind complain
of the shortness of lifo, people generally waste more
time than they use. Ho admits, liowever. that the
timo is not wasted which is spent in purchasing a
fine suit of clothing at Beck's tailoring establish
ment, on Fourth street, and that those who go there
got the worth of their timo as well as their money.
A writer may bo said to be more free than a
king, inasmuch as he can 'chouse his own sub
jects." And be who is wise in making a choice
will buy bis Hat or Cap at S. 1'ausL's, in Market
.Square, whero the finest and best assortment over
soeu in Sunbury can bo found.
Boots and Shoes are in demand all over th
couutry just now. Attending political meetings
"finish up" a good many pairs. There is a man in
Sunbury who, It ia reported, has taken a special
contract to furnish both parties with all tho boots
and shoes needed in this campaign, at the very low
est figures, and that person runs tho Excelsior Boot
and Shoe Store, in Miller's stone building, Market
Colt's CotJGH Balsam. The great popular Reme
dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Consumption. Both sizes ordinary 4oz., also mam
moth fumily bottles for sale by all druggists nnd
dealers in medicines. No family should bo over
eight without it in the house.
Coe's DrsrEP.tiA Ccbe Will immediately ro
lieve and permanently cure the most aggravated
case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con
stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow
els. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, join
in unbounded praise of its great virtues. 'Sold by
Druggists every where. Frioo $1 00.
In this place, cn Wednesday evening lost, Mrs.
MARY" KOIIHBACil, aged 82 years.
mi:.ui;icv MAiiitiriN.
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
' do do do do per owt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per cwl.
Wheat, prime red, per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, psred per pound
do do unpored do
Dried Apples, do
$13 00
n 50
10 no
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu
Bui tor,
per pound.
Beef, hind quarter,
" front '
per doien,
per pound,
per pair
Sliamokin "onl Trade.
Shaboxik, Sept. 18, 18SS.
Ton: Cwl.
Sent for week ending Sept. 12,
Per last Report,
11 05
325,038 00
887,331 OS
3ol,U2tt 09
6,41)5 11
To sam time last year,
Special JJoti0.
Physician who had Consumption for several years,
with frequent bleedins! of tb lunn. cured himself
with a uedioine unknown to th profession, when bis
case appeared hopeless! 11 is th only physioian
wno ns uieu u in nis own person, or who Las any
knowledge of its virtues ; and he can asorib tb de
gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but th
use of bis niidicio; and Bulbing but otter despair
and eolire eslincuon of all hop of recovery, to
gether with a want of onfidenoe in all others, induo
d bim to basard lh experiment. To those sutler
tug with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat
ment he confidently believes will eradicate th
disease. Prloe f 1 60 per bottl or S8 a half doses,
sant by express. Bend for a oircular or call on
w ... Bovlstob Jcxob,
No. 150 North Tenth Bueet, Philadelphia.
May M, 1MB. ly. -wsaaipiB.
WOII Am.ltnBles, Owrtnsr to
peculiar and important relations whiob they
Sustain, their peouliar organisation, nnd th offices
they perform, are subject to many sufferings, free
dom from thus contribute in no small degree to
their happiness and welfare, for none oan be happy
who ara ill. Not only so, but no one of thus various
female oomplaints oan long be suffered to run on
without involving th general boaltb of lh individ
ual, and er long producing permanent sickness and
prematura deoliue. Nor is it pleasant to oonault a
physioian for the relief of these various dalioate af
fections, and only upon the most urgent necessity
will a true woman so far sacrifice hor greatest oharui
as to dtfthis. The sex will then thank na for nlaoinir
in Ihoir hands simple specifics which will be found
cflioacious In relieving and ouring almost every on
of thos troubles. me complaints peouliar to th sex.'
JUi.mboi.d's Extract or Bccuti. Hundreds suf
fer on in silence, and bund redsof others apply vaiuly
to druggists and doctors, who merely tnnlalis thaw
with the hop of a euro or apply remedies which
make them worso. 1 would not wish to assort any
thing that would do Injustice to the affliotod, but I
am obliged to say that ulthougb it may be produoed
from excessive exhaustion of tho powers of life, by
laborious employment, unwhulosouio air and food
profuso menstruation, tho use of tea and onflea an.i
! frequent childbirth, it is faroltcnor caused by direct
irritation, nppiieu to vue mucuu memorane of tbe
vagina itself.
when reviowing tho causes of these distressing
complaints, it is most painful tu ountempluto the
ationdnnt evils consequent upon them, it is but
siniplo justice to the subject to cnumernto a low of
the many additional causes which so largely a (Toot
tho lite, health, and happiness of woman in all class
es of society, and which, consequently, affect more
or less directly, the welfare of the eTitiro human
family. Tho mania that exists for precocious educa
tion and marriage, causes the years that nature
designed for corporeal duvciopuient to bo wasted
and. perverted in the restraints of dress, the early
confinement of school, nnd especially in the un
healthy excitement ot the ball-room. Thus, with
the body half-clothed, and.the mind unduly excited
bv pleasure, norvcrtinc? in inidniifht revel tbe hours
designed by nature for sleep and rest, th work of
destruction is halt' accomplished. '
In consequence of this early strain upon her sys
tem, unnecessary cllort is required by tb delioato
votary to retain her situation in school at a later
day, thus aggravating tho evil. When one exoite
ment is over, unolbor in prospective kcops tho mind
mirbidly sensitive to impression, while tho now con
stint restraint of fashionable dress, absolutely' for
bidding the excrciso indispensable to the attainment
nnd rctontion of organic health and strength ; the
exposuro to night air ; the sudden change ol temper
ature; tho completo prostration produced by exces-
sivo dancing, must, ol necessity, produce ilieir legiti
mate eflent. At last, an oarly marriage caps the
climax of misery, and tho unfortunate olio, hitherto
so utterly regardless of tho plain dictates and re
monstrances of her delicate nature, becomes an
unwilling subject of medical treatment. This is but
a truthful pioturo of the experience of thor.sundj of
our young women.
Long before the ability to exerciso the futotinns cf
the generative organs, thoy require an education ot
their peculiar nervous system, composed of what is
called the ti.-eue. which is, in common with the fe
male broast nnd lips, evidently under the control of
mental emotions nnd associations at an early period
of life; and, as we shall subsequently sue, these
emotions, when excessivo, lend, long before piibenty,
to habits which sap the very life of their victims ere
nature has self eompleted their development.
For Female Weakness nnd Debility, Whites or
Leucorrhoca, Too Profuse Menstruation, Exhaustion,
Too Long Continued Periods, for Prolapsus and
Bearing Down, or Prolapsus L'teri. we offer the most
perfect specific known : llelinbold's Compound Ex
tract of Bualiu. Directions for use, diet, and advice,
l-'einnles in every period of lifo, from infancy to
extreme old ajre, will find it a remedy to aid nature
in (ho discharge of its functions. Strength is tho
glory of manhood nnd womanhood, llelinbold's
Extract liuchu is moro strengthening than any of
tho preparations of Burk or Iron, infinitely safer,
and more pleasant. lielmbold's Extract Buchu,
having received tho indorsement of the most promi
nent physicinus in the I nitod Stntos, is now offered
to afllietcd humnurtv as a certain cure for the follow
ing diseases and symptoms, from whatever cause
originating : General Debility, Mental and Physical
Depression. Imbecility. Determination of Blood to
tho Head, Confused Ideas. Hysteria. General Irrita
bility, Restlessness nnd Sleeplessness at Night, Ab
sence of Muscular Kftlmoney. Loss of Appetite, Dys
pepsia. Einncintiun, Low Spirits, Disorganisation or
Paralysis of tho Organs of Generation, Palpitation of
tho Heart, and, in faot. all tho concomitants of a
Nervous and Debilitated state of the system. To in
sure the genuine, cut this out. Ask for llKi.Maoi.D's.
Tako no other. Sold by Druggists and Dealers
everywhere. Prico $1.25 per bottle, or six bottles
for $d.50. Delivered to any address. Doscriho
symptoms in all communications. Address 11. T.
Hhl,.Hiii,n, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 5Ut
Broadway U. Y.
None arc genuine unless done up in steel -engraved
wrapper, with fac-siinite of my Chemical Warehouse,
and signed 11. 1. II tl..MLlULU.
Sept. 19, ISC8. 2m.
w rsbw sjkj
i: iici4 i:
4IOI .11 n r h e I silreet,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the Ono Prico Svs:em, nnd we believe we
aro the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly
adheres to this principle We have earned a repu
tation wnicli wo Bre proud ot. tor good taste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not less
important, for having all our goods it tvici.i, M.tii:.
Wo employ tho best talent, for Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds fashionnblo and plain
so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one bv a moment's thoucht must
see, or otherwise we could not meet tbo competition
of our neighbors, for as no deductions are over made,
wo must put our prices down to the advantages we
promise. .
The penplo may depend, this is tho true plan upon
which to do business, aud many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in luiud
604 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Not cn the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
:.. .ll.tlZl Biiilewstian.
April 4, 180S. ly
A Cnnl.-A Clergyman, whilo residing: In
South America as a missionary, discovered a safe
aud simplo remedy tor the Cure of Nervous n eak
ness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem
inal Organs, and tbe whole train of disorders brought
on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers
have Been cured Dy this noble remedy, from pled
by tho desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate,
I will send the recipe fur preparing and using this
mediciue, in a sealed envelope, to any on who uceds
It, Free or Cuaiiue. Address,
Station D, Bible House, New-York City.
Sept. 12, 1808. 3m
Deafness, Blindhess axd Catarrh treated
with the utmost success by J . Isaacs. M. D., Ocul
ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No.
8u5 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from
the most reliable sources iu city nnd oountry oan be
seen at his office. Tho Medical faculty arc invited
to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in
his practice. ARTIFICIAL EY'ES inserted with
out pain. No charge for examination, no v .30-1 y.
4aiill- to .Mui-risi;:'. Y'oung Men 'sGuide
to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu
mane viuwsof benevolent Physicians, on the Errors
and Aburos incident to Y'outh and Early Manhood,
sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of churge. Ad
dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadel
phia, Pa.
June 13, 1868. ly.
ItldMolulIoii ol" I'artiici-khlp.
NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership
heretofore existing: between J. Woisor Bucher
and E. Master Bucher, trading under the firm of
"Bucher Brothers," in the tanner business, was this
day (August Zlth, IMS,1 dissolved by mutual eon
sent. The business will hereafter be cuuducted bv
tb undersigned, at tb old stand, where all persons
indented, to the nrm or Huoher lirotners. are re
quested to call withcut delay and make settlement,
and save cost. E. MASSEU BUCHLH.
.Sunbury, August 29, 1808. 6m.
Ufr:o. coiiiiii tcii v so,
INFORM tbe public that they hav established B
MACHINE SHOP, in connection with their
FOUNDRY. They hav supplied themselves with
New Latbes, Planing and Boring Machines, with tb
latest improvements, nun the aid of skillful me
chanics, tbey ar enabled to exeoul all orders of
IVew Work or UepseJi-lnix,
that may be given tbm,in a satisfactory manner.
Having enlarged and rebuilt tbeir Foundry, they
are reedy to execute all kinds of CASTINGS.
Jlrus)) ' 1st g . eke.
Tb PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi
ority, bav been still further Improved, Bad will al
ways b kept hand.
Bnbaisy, Jan 13, IMS.
You can Buy More Goods
of th
LE33 MQ1TE7,
at th
El. V. I'ltlI.I.,
Market s'jiarr,
Tlmrj any otlier placo.
The Ikst Selccti'd nnd
Delaines and Armtires.
Domestic Cottons, Broxn aud Bleached.
NOTIONS of ail kinds.
Ilosiury, O loves, Men's and Lau'ioi Uudrrgnr rui
A full assortment of TRI.MMINOS.
Builders will find my Stock of Hardware,
I'niutx, Oila, Ciiaan, Ate, (.'oitiplvlo.
and it fact everything usually kept in a large Storo
Call and be convinced that
the Cheapest IMaec to lluv
all Your Goods is at
n. -sr. miLirsTCJ.
Terms Cnh, SO day,
as my (loods are bought for Cash and Bold Cheap
for tb READY MONEY. 1 giv tb trade th ad
vantage of all reductions as fast as they are mad by
Sunbury, Sept. 6, IBM.
Wine Bititers !
j t
For the oak,
F'ir tho Pm!i,
For Iho Sickly,
lor tho Aired,
For Females,
For Spring l.'se ' ! '
rrv hi i : 'hjii to them r.n
Bpecr'3 Standard Vma Bitten,
Male of
Si xer's Celebrated Wine, s.j woll knowu, wiih
Peruvian llaik.
Chamomile Flowers,
Bnaka Root,
Wild Cherry liurk,
and siiMi other Herbs and Hoots as will in nil cares
assist Digestion, promote tlm Secretions of the sys
tem in the natural channels, and give.
In tho
Voting-iintl Old, nnd IVm-ilc !
All use it with wonderful succors, llringi
To tho Palo White l.ip,
To the thin faeo and caro worn eountenanro.
Cures Fever and Creates Appetite. Trv them.
L'so uono otlier. Axk for Spoor's Standard Itittei.
Sold by IlrnnKists mi l (Jroon. See that my signa
turcis over tliu eork of each battle.
alu;i:d sitek,
Passaic. N. 3., an.l 21. 'I lli'ondway. Now-York.'',Tr'",0 supplied by Johnston, llolloway i Co.,
1 hiladelphia ; eoro A. Kcllv, Pittsburg ; and by
all holesnlu Denier
For ( ,JV w A BKXXETT Sul)Ury, Ja.
July II oot.l Y.7 ly.
SELF turner's
Is Rc'.vlily Lctigtlicm il or Shortened,
Still' Supjxift tnjj, F.nsily Transported,
Convertilile into a Stuji Lndiler or SettlTokl.
FKL1T UliOM Eft,
IUrSK-KEEPF.ll, te.
Ii i e I.It.
20 Foet, cvtra Uieight, ' 10, CO
30 Feot, S Sections, (Cnch 10 fuel long )
Extonded length about 2 feet. 16.00
40 Feet, 4 Sections, (one 12, two 10, and
one 8 feet long,) Extended length about
37 feet, 21.00
Other Sizes in proportion. Liberal discount to
the Trade.
Single Ladders forwarded, freight prepaid, to
nearest Station on rcooipt of retail price.
AUENTd WANTED in ovury county to canvass
and sell. Al.-'o wanted, Energetic, Reliable. Capa
ble Men to Travel aud establish County Agents. For
Circular aud Terms addre-s
'l'iirii'i-H I'atetil i:(-ii.ou I.ndltr,
P. O.Tiox, 2018. or No. 20 South 7th Street
June 27, 1S0S 4u
..i:vrs! A.i:vrN : .m.ii.-vi's
T ADIES and Oentlcuien in every town aud city
X J iu tue I lilted Mules, to act as Aonts lor
Wo are now selling goods for one dollar that can
not be purchased in any retail store in the country
tor twice tuat sum, and arc now ottering groater in
dueeuicnts to Agents than any other houo iu tbe
trade. Our method of doing business is legitimate,
beinir a fair and honoroolc way of pureuakiug use
ful goods of every description at tho lowest wholesale
cash price.
Send for Descriptive Cheeks and Clubs of ten for
fl, thirty for .t, blty tor , larger ones in tneaame
rMthv anil reaeive in return presents from $3 to all 00 ;
or for circulars, igiving full information, free of
cuargo. X.
10A Summer fct., Huston, Mass.
August 22d 1363. 1m.
taining Thrilling Adventures. Daring Deeds, Start
ling Exploits, aud Mafveioua Escapes of Spies, Scouts
and Doteetivoa.
The cheapest, most complete and intensely Inter
esting war book yet published, containing over 5o0
pages and numerous ngraings. Price only J2 7 a.
bend for circular and .terms- t
Also, r A atli-i wi a"',p 1,1 ni.ta, oesi edition
I. I . .1 1
niLljl.u ru.M, l uonsner.
r No. So S. Sevsmh, Philadelphia
JSi sSsK -a
S - T--v
August 13, oo ,-im,
' " ('iiildrru'si 4'tsrrlHueti.
WE would call th attention of thos wanting a
Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort
ment eoaupnsmg. new and beautiful etyl.
i a. co-Mty co
JtSKf-. I,tK IICIIM Ac .HOniilS
Cf, 1.1. Hit All. D
p i: if r i; a t 12 n sr r. c t a a t. k tv,
iiAR-iToim, co;:.,
HAVE AM-nlxri 11
As their sole serd for PunbnrV and vicinity for U.
sale of tho celebrated
I Iu Joili iicj 1,,IVB oret,01. i t, elolily f
thru- an. nt to meet tho re.uireinnt r.f nil ins
' tono rs His assortment of our ltKAl TII'L'l. l.KN
; M.S win prisn every fi rm an,i kind, calculated for
the simplest as well as tho Horn cnaes nl diseased or
. impaired vision. An opportunity will be thus al
. lorded, to procure at till times
gPECTAI.'l-KS l.M.ijC Al.I.l;i) IJY ANY OF
' Too intirb ennnot ,a sni 1 as to their Superiority
i ov'r the ordinary gl.tsses worn. 1 hero is no glim
mering, wavcrinir of the eight, dirtiness, or uthor
j unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from tLo
j jicculiar construction of the Lenses, they aro sooth
ing and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to the
I we.irer, and 1'ro'lucing a Clear and Distinct Vision,
a in the natural henl'.hy sight. They are the only
! spoetaeles tint
Pltr-SUKVE AS WI'1.1. A3 a.mst the siuiit,
I and are the Cheapnst heoausw the Dost, always lay.
ing tiuinv yeiirs ntthout change noing nco-essary.
I of CAl. IIO.N .Mr. T. S' IIANN'oN, Jeweler,
is ! Ueir Onlv Agent appointed in Sunbury and vl y . v
'Wo employ no Peddler.
ll III ,'lW 1 v
riUll u .Jcriber rwppjtfnily io forms tbo eilir.6lis
J of iMiTii'tiry Mtul rtainity. thnt lie hns opened n
pimp in Mrol.'n lilfH-krii.iiHicIiop-JJuil-lm un
CliefMtiut Ftrcrt, Sunhitry, Vn , where ho keops con
huitly cm Imnd, nnd lniimil'aL'turcs to order,
of the Iitloft pty!c mi I of the be oiHteriiil.
lU'pniririg of Wngou.1, ('arriftg, Ac, done at th
phortpt, notice.
l'cn'ori-.D wnntof fine Buffiie mid C'irriRiTr, ura
lequefU"! lo cull beluro puichiHincr el.owhere.
II. C. KOUSil.
Kutibury, July 1 1, 1803. ly
fpiIE subscriber, well known in this part of th
.1 country as a manufacturer of Wooden pumps,
bus now turned his attention to puttiug in Ihu
which for durabifitv, appearance, continued fresh
ness of water, and protection against freezing arc
grently superior to the ordinary wooden pump.
They have been used 111 Sunbury for the past two
ye:irs, rendering entire satisfaction, nnd can be sei-11
t tbo residences of .Mvsrs. Cbus. J. Urunnr, Lloyd
llobrba.'h. .lanies lbvd, Wm. I. Ureenongh, and
other guntle 1 cn in Sunbury.
Price, f 1.00 per loot.
I pper Aiiutn, August 1, liiH "m
Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will fern,
ish from the most responsible Nurseries 111 this and
other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Aim.
Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden coeds of all
Orders aro respectfully solicited.
Address 1IENJ. DOHNER,
I'axiuos, North'd. Co
R- Insurances taken in severe! of the
most responsible l-'ire Insurance and Horse Detectiro
Companies iu the State
July 2. IviS y
MERCHANT tailok,
AS just roeeivod n .urge and wc!l-soIected etoe?
consisting of tho finest
ever brought to Sunbury, nnd which ho promises to
soil cheaper than iho utionpest. Having the services
of skillful tailors, lie guaruutoos a good tit in every
instanco inferior to none outside of the cities.
Everything from my establishment will bo guar
nntced as represented.
Sunbury, May Oth, 1SCS tf
lOL'su mi: .UAi"n(.'.ti,i.T
Commercial College,
fl.!7 Chesnut St., cor. of 7th., PHILADELPHIA
Established 111.
The hii'jc-it and iVA e)y,lnicl
Commercial Colhye in the City.
The prii'-tic.'il value of its course of instruction ha.
been testad by long experienc-j.
llavo found, in tho knowledge gained hero, tb
menus ot profit. ible employment, and of succuss in
Eaeh Student is Instructed separately, on I in tho
ruost prao'iei.l manner.
Looks I .r the various Tranches of Trado aro
opened, v ritten out, nnd closed in the manner prac
ticed en oor best mercantile houses. Tho different
Ittisincss Papers, such as
A C CO I ' N TS-C I'Krt EXT.
Are made out as in actual business.
Is taught by n superior penman in such a manner
that an attentive student in a short timo gains a
Rnpid, l'reo and Elogaut style ol" DusiiiefS W ritir.j.
Of nil Kinds, U executed in Die most finished man
Including tho best nnd most rapid methods of com
puling Interest Exchange, Profit and Sale, Avera
ging Accounts, Ac , arc comprised in the C iur of
Purchases, Sales, C n.-inmenir. Shipments, Deal
ings with Ranks, Remittances, Ac.. A".
Also, Commercial Law, Phonography. Dete5!in
Counterfeits, 4j. ' ,
Stu icnts received at an,- time, and instru.-'ci at
such hours as may best suit their convenience.
Tho large number of business men now in attep 1
nnce. and the numerous applications receive. 1 f..r i'ft
students to till vacant positions, fully attest th ap
preciation in which tho iuslituliou is held by th i
business community.
The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Un.
silicas Manual, for sale at the College. Hin Is nnel v
bound, li me. Prico, kl. 50. Sent post paid to auy
July Ji, 1863. ilia
.1. VOI'.X.VIAX'f
Art-It fit., Im'I vvceii 3d nnl4llt, close
of tbe best Patterns.
Person. .i.h.Bj .JKIf -fl"Mt ' St.t..
cheaper at this esTaLli;.;"' "".rur,':',8''e .'"'''
the plae. " " wacrs el "
olice o Treii:i.el..
VTOTICE is hereby given, that no person or per
P't T' U "owod 10 fr as. on the rrorVar-
without r,r,i-.i ,U".UT '"closure
.gainst ah offender; " tuU,eti