B. WIIiVEHT, ... . W. B. ENOLE, J Publlshera. sirrvuciRY, pa. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBERS, 18(18. Eofal affairs. For Bali. An excellent top buggy, new. Kn qulre at thli offlee. PmitDIHTIAL Campaign Capes, Capt, to., ta , adreTtlsement in thU Imna, by P. Hill, Philadelphia. Read Advertisement. Foa Hkkt. Tho rooma adjoining ilia bat store of Samnet Fauit, in Market Square, lately occupied by E. A. Evans a a law office. Nw Ooodi . A new Fall stock of gooda are now opining at the atore of Moore & Dirainger, a hand- seme assortment, cheep. -i-a -s Ret. 8. W. Rbioart, paator of the Presbyterian Church, of thia place, baa reoolved a unanimous call to the frosbyterlan Church of Meohaniosburg, Pa. O. W. Hacpt, Eaq., boa resigned hia position as Superintendent of Common Schoola of thia county. M'o understand there" are soveral applieanta for the position. Tub Presbyterians have beon holding a Ponch Festival In the hall of the Court House, during the Vast week. We have not learned the amount they realiiod. HocsRnoLD Goons roR Balk. J. M. Arter, cor ner of Fourth and Penn atreets, Punbury, will lull bis furniture, Ao., on Scptombor 17th, with the in tention of removing to the West. Straws. On Monday last a vote was taken on the Express train, North, between Horrfebnrg and this place, with tho following result: For 0 rant and Colfax, 47 ; for Seymour and Blair, 12. Killed. Philip Doitrich wne caught by a full of coal in tho mines at the Reliance Colliery, near Mt. Cnrmel, on Friday morning, 28th ult..and injured to such an extent that bo survived but a few boura. He was about 60 years of ago, Exctntsiox Tickets. The l'hila. i Krio Hail road Company will lssuo excursion Hokofs at this place to thOEO who wish to attend tho Lycoming County Fair, at Williainsport, on the 23d and 24th Inst. Fore. $1 .55 for the round trip. I)n. Jonx P. Taooart, a native of Northumber land, nnd known to many of our citizens, but for soveral yoars a oitiien of Cairo, 111., is tho Ropubli ean candidato for the Legislature In bis county, and baa taken the atuwp in favor of Republican prin oiplcs. Sbxtescbd. On Monday of last week a man named Jamea Carle, of Milton, waa sohtonccd by Judge Bcntloy, at tho session or court at Williams port, to Imprisonment for fivo yenrs in tho Peniten tiary, nnd a lino of $20 and costs, for stealing a liorMO from Isaiah Hays. mWM t IIonsES, Waoons and Harness for Sale. Wm. Reagan, Esq., will offer for sole, at Ilrnnihel lor'a Hotel, in this place, to-day, (Saturday,) at 4 o'clock, P. M., a fine lot of horses, wagons nnd har ness. Tho horses are all first-class stock, and the wagons nnd harness in good ordor. m mmm m . . markot for fruit aud vegetable la well sup plied, and prioos are more reasonable. Watermelons of good siio soil from 25 to 60 cents ; cantoloupcs from 10 to 20 conts. Tomatoes are abundant and eel! at 60 to 75 cents per bushol, and have beon sold as low as S3 cents. New potatoes are worth $1.50 per bushel. - mmm m Peacuks. The finest peaches brought to our market, this season, are from tho orchard of O. B. Younprmnn, E.q., near this place. They ure selling at from 54 to $1.50 per bushel. Mr. VonngmanV orchard is located on the hills, sovernl miles oast of Sunbury, and will yield about two hundrej bu.diels this season. It is a singular fact that there are no peaches, whatever, in our gardens in town. FrNnrnv Classical Institute. Tho first ses sion of tlio present school year of this Institution, consisting of both Primary and Higher Department j, was opened on Tuesday, Sept. 1st. All pupils desi ring entrance are requested to appear as soon as pcsfiblc, to be able to join their respective classes. Ei.ias ScHSKinen, A. M. Tub rebuilding or the Saw Mill of Mr. William I'cngan, in this place, recently destroyed by fire, is now n fijod fact. The Mill will bo erected hv n stock company, nnl will he jrreatly enlnrgcd and improved, with a capital of $40 .eon or $50,000. Tho work is in tho hands of enterprising men nnd will bo a creditable enterprise. Nitnns Looking After. A subscriber complains of tlio bad condition of Chestnut street, between 4th nnd 5th. The eidowalka have not been made, nnd in some instunoos are blockaded with dirt and building material to such an extent that pedestrians aro compelled to take tho middle of tho street. Tho Stroet Commissioners fhould immediately enforce tho paving ordinanco iu that locality and havo the street properly repaired. Tlx new railroad now in progress between this place nnd Hazletnn. ealled tho Danville, Hniloton nnd Wilkcsbarre Mailrond, is heing pushed forward with great viftor. What is very important to tho peoplo of this place Is the cbango of location, above town. Tho location will bo so changed as to run nlong the river bank, instead of the bill. This will prevent tho innndation of the low trrounds above the bridges, nnd thus afford additional security to this place against unusually high floods in the river. I. O. of O. F. At the regular stated meeting bold by Fort Augusta Eucampment, I. O. of O. F., on Monday evening last, the following officers were eleoted for the ensuing term : C. P., Solomon. Stroh. H. P., Henry Clement. S. W., Charles P. Seasholtx. J. W., Emanuel Wilvert. Scribe, Townsend Himcs. Treasurer, Valentine Delta. A Grant and Colfax Cia" was organised at Northumberland, one evening last wcok, and the following persons were elected officers of it : Presidoni George M. Leslie Vice Presidents Thos. II. Watts and Jesse Yooum. Booretary D. W. Sampsel. Corresponding Secretary M. B. Priestley. The Club moots every Saturday evening in John son's Hall. We are pleased to state that this Club id doing good service. The distriot is being tho roughly oanvassed, and muoh good has already been accomplished. Escape or Prisoners. On Sunday last, between 13 and 1 o'clock, two prisoners confined in our jail, named John O. Williams and Jos.se Barnhart, made their escape. They took the wooden rod from the pump stock, and aftor oliwbing up to the second story of the jail building, on the outside, by means of the iron window grating, tbey laid one end of the rod on the window sill and the other, to whioh there was an iron book attached, on top of tho wall, and walked across. They then fixed the rod on the out side of the wall and let themselves down to the ground and made their esoape. There were no very serious charges pending against them. The Sheriff offers a reward of $40 for the arrest of Williams and 520 for Barnhart. Disturbance at Pcslic Meetings. The eon duet of the boys at the Court Houae, whenever any public meeting of any oharacter is held in that building, is most disgraceful. There ahould be some one olothed with police authority U take charge or the building, and see that no disturbance is made. The Janitor might be invested with soak authority and compensated for bis trouble. If some of the worst boys were arrested and Imprisoned they would learn that youth is no excuse for want of deoeney and good order. Theae retuarka will apply, alao, to the meetings in the Maaonto Hall. No publlo ga thering should be permitted without tome author' Ised person to ketp order. This Is aoae in all well regulated communities. Remjbmca" MtiTmQ. On Taesday evening an impromptu Repnblioan meeting, at a few hours ne tloe, waabeld in the Court House, to listen to an ad dress from the Hon. Frank P. Jordan, of Harrisburj, formerly Chairman of the State Central Committee. The meeting waa organised by calling Goo. Wag genseller to the ohair, assisted by James Beard, Dr. Joseph Eystcr and Geo. Harrison, as Vioe Pre sidents, and the appointment of John Youngman, Wni. A. Sober and S. Wilvert, as Secretaries. Mr. Jordan had a large audience, and wo were pleased to obsorve present a number of Demoerata. Mr. Jordan's address was of that character that oould not fail lo hava a good efleot on all oandid men, who were capable of appreciating the truth of an argument. lie reitoratad only well-established taots. Ho made no attack, whatever, on the per sonal character of Gov. Seymour, not even on the doubtful reputation of Frank Blair. If Gov. Seymour'a reputation for loyalty auflored, it was because the evidence of his own friends waa brought to bear against him. He quoted from a speeoh of Daniel Dickoson, for many years tho ablest of the Now York Democracy, that Mr. Soy mour waa not true to his country. He quoted from Ex-Governor Vance, of North Carolina, and Capt. Marshall, of Kentucky, that in a ratification meeting they recommended Gov. Seymour, after bis nomina tion, on the ground that if he was elected, the "lost oause" of the rebels would be rostored, and that Gov. Seymour had always favored the . rebel causo, whenever he had the power to do so. The speeoh of Mr. Jordan was unanswerable, because ho spoke from the records. Gon. Clement followed in a few well received re marks, after the conclusion of Mr. Jordan's address. Grant aud Colfax Clubs. A Grant nnd Colfax Club was organised at Mt. Carmol on the evening of the2Uhult. The following aro its officers: H. T. John, President; Richard Carnoe, Vico Prosident ; David J. Lewis, Recording Seoretary ; A. B. Day, Corresponding Secretary; J. M. John, Treasuror. Some forty members were enrolled. On Saturday evening, 29th ult., a Grant and Col fux Club was formed in Uaag's Hall, Milton, with the following efficors: L. M. Morton, President; L. Huff, J. D. Strino and John McMurtrie, Vice Presidents ; R. L. Hatfield, Secretary ; R. M. Frlck, Corresponding Secretary ; F. Piper, Treasurer ; R. M. Frick, P. H. Schrcjcr and Milton Korr, Financial Committee. Thb grape orop, this season, will be a partial fail ure, as many of the vines hnvo been winter-killed. The Concord and Delaware, with ourselves, have proved the most hardy. The Hartford Prolific havo been ripe some ten days since. The Concord are ripening. m m . m A Democratic Fizzle Tho other day, amid a grand flourish of trumpets, the valiant Purdy un dertook to address tho "unwashed" democracy of Pottsgrovo. By having an amanuensis to preparo notes for bini the gifted orator managed to wado through about ten minutes of slang, when all at once ho discovered that his auditory bad, like the glories of the past, departed. He concluded it-would not pay to talk to tho four or five persons who re mained to listen to bis harrangno. Never mind, Purdy, better luck next time ! AUtottian. Pennsvlvama Agricultural College An-t m ai. Meeting. The authorised delegates from the several counties or the State Agricultural Societies convened in tho College Chapel, at Bollofonte, on Wednesday morning, 2d inst. John F. Wolfingcr and David L. Ireland represented Northumberland county. On uiotiou ol Judge Watts, or Cumberland county, Wm. B. Roberts, of Montgomery, was unanimously elected Chairman rthe meeting, and John F. Wol fingcr, of Northumberland, Secretary. The Hon. Judge Watte, in behalf of tho Board or Trustees, submitted their annual report. It con tained a succinct statement of the management, en dowment, and present status of the institution, and causes of failure to meet tho onds proposed by the originators of the movement. The report was sup plemented by eomo pithy and earnest remarks rela tive to tho prostrated situation of the institution, notwithstandingthe baodsomo endowment fund and tho character of the educators, whose "services had been rendered from the organization of tbo college. The censure lias not in the mismanagement of the institution, or iu the erroneous idem of one nor many or tho members or tho Board ol' Trustees, but in the failure of the agricultural district of our State to second the efforts of theso solf-mcrifioitig and nor. remunerated men. Tbo school is prepared to give a thorough aud liberal education to the sons of farm ers, at a cost averaging from two hundred and forty to two hundred nnd sixty dollars per year, while the expenses at a firxt-cluss literary institution arc from eight hundred to a thousand dollars. Pupils are needed. These must be supplied through our county agricultural societies. The report was adop ted aud ordered to be printed. Mr. Wolfingcr, of Northumberland, entertained the convention by a briof and pertinent speech. Ho attributed this source or evil not to be in the mis management of the board, but to the cititens of the Keystone State, the members of tbo agricultural so cieties, nnd publio men, fur a lack of interest in the oollego, which should be the pride and glory of our State. He advocated a reduction in tbo price of tuition, hoard, .vc , so as to put within tho roach or the poorost farmer iu tho land the means for educa ting not ono but all tho mule members of tbo house bold. He urged the members of the convention to return home and stir up the executive committees of tho agricultural societies, editors of newspapers and public men of their respective neighborhoods, to a redoubling of their energy, faith, and afloction far this much-abusod institution. Mr. Wolfingcr asked for the acceptance of tho fol lowing resolution : Ktsolrnl, That the officers or our several agricul tural societies throughout the State be requested lo obtain the services of a suitable person to deliver an address before tbuir respective societies at an early day, urging our farmers and mechanics to encourage and patronise tho oollege until it shall successfully fulfill the greut and sublime mission aimed at in its organisation. The resolution was adopted. The convention, on motion of A. B. Hamilton, pro ceeded to the election of trustees to fill vacancies occasioned by death and limitation of term. Tbo ballots were duly cast and collected and the result announced, as follows : For one year, Harry Whito, Efq. For three years, Messrs. lleister, Ellis and Kelly. There being no further business before the con vention, on motion, it adjourned. For the Sunbury American. Sunday School Celebration. The members of the Emanuel Union Sunday School oelebrated the 5th day of September in a grovo near the township school bouse of Lower Au gusta. The school assembled at 9 o'clock, A. M., in the school house. Several beautiful hymns were sung by the school. Preparations were then made to march to the grounds, when the order was given by the Chief Marshal, and all marched out and funned ia double lino. When all was ready the order was, forward, with singing the Royal Procla mation. When wo arrived on the ground, while seating ourselves and getting into order, the school sung another beautilul hymn. After all was quiet sing ing waa again introduoed by the Superintendent, as follows : To thee, O blessed Saviour, Our grateful songs we raise ; O tune our hearts and voices Tby boly name to praise. 'Tie by sovereign meroy We re here allowed to meet, To join with friends and toacbers Tby bloasing to entreat. After singing:, prayer was offered un to Almia-htv God in behalf of the Sunday School oause. After rayer the audience waa addressed by ilovrs. W. A. laas, J. II. Schmidt and J. it. Focht. Then dinner waa prepared and the school marched to the table. when the scholars bad nuuned their repast another table was prepared, and so on, antil about three hundred persons or over had refreshed themselves on the daintiee that were providod by the surrounding neiguoors sou irwnaa. vinner neing over, ine re mainder ot tbe day waa spent in various amusements. It waa supposed mat there were about Ave hundred penoua on (he ground, and all aeemed to enjoy them selves wall. But ere we cloae we feel like telling our many kind ladies and frienda that they have our best thauks and wlabee for their aid ia a glorioaa oause. We return our sincere thaokato tbe apeak an, ofioera and teachers for their servloes and kindness eonoeo ted wilh the sohool. May God bless our labors in this oause is our sincere prayer. J. . BNYl-KR., BapsiB tended. a H. ZlkWERaMX, Seeretary. BUSINESS NOTICES. 3TJol Irl sit In sr. Having received a large supply of NSW JOB TYPK, of Various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter needs, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, oan be printed In the latest and best stylos, and on short nstioe. Orders by mall promptly attended to.' . ' - Joan Billinss says that while mankind complain of the shortness of life, people gcaorally waote more time than they nse. He admits, however, that the time is not wasted whioh la apont in purchasing a fine suit of elotblng at Beck's tailoring establish ment, on Fourth street, and that those whs go thore got the worth of their time as well as Uif money. A writer may be said to be more free than a king, inasmuch as he can "choose bis own sub jects." And he who is wise In making a ohoioe wilt buy his Hat or Cap atS. Faust's, in Markot Square, where tho finest and best assortment ever seon In Sunbury osn be found. ..- Boots aro Shoes are in demand alt over the country just now. Attending polltioal meetings "finish up" a good many pairs. There is a man in Sunbury who, it is reported, has taken a special oontraot to furnish both parlies with all the boots and shoos neoded in this campaign, at the very low est figures, and that person runs tho Excolsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Millor's stone building, Market Square. Cob's Cotton Balsam. The groat popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, nnd Consumption. Both sites ordinary 4 or.., also mam moth family bottles for sale by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should be over night without it in the house. ii a. i Coe'b DvsrErsiA Cciie Will immediately ro lieve and permanently cure tho most aggravated cose of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of the Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen and all who uso it, join in unbounded praise of its groat virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price $1.00. MARRIAGES. In this place, on Monday evening, Aug. 24 'h, by Rev. S. W. Reignrt, Mr. Christian C. HAnTZ, of Sunbury, and Miss Emma Mans, of Pekln, III. In Northumberland, on the 1st inst., by Rev. Aaron Porter. Mr. Jaiiks F. Stewart, of Delaware, and Miss AnnibE. Brautigau, of Northumberland. HUaillJltY MAHIiU'sVN. Corrected Weekly for the "Amorioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, por bbl. do por owt. Whoat, prime red, old, per bushol, " " " new, " " Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unparod do $13 00 6 50 10 00 t 00 1 30 2 30 1 48 1 25 64 1 50 25 2u 15 3 00 40 25 25 25 25 2o 14 13 18 60 Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. Butter, per pound. 'gg, Chceso, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per ptiir MiuiuoUln t'onl Trade, Sbauokin, Sept. 7, 1SSS. Tows. Ctrl. Sent for week ending Sept. 5, 12.2J6 04 Per liutRoport, 313,411 16 325,: 00 To same time last yoar, Increase, 320.UU6 05 4,731 15 Special 2Coticro. A 4ni-l. A Clergyman, whtlo residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a ssfo and simple remedy for tbe Cure of Nervous Weak ness, Early Decay, Diseases of the I'rinary nnd Sem inal Organ, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vioious habits, (treat numbers have been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by tho desire to benefit tho atllicted nnd unfortunate, I will send tho recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a sealed envclopo, to any ono who needs it, Free of Cuahge. Address. JOSEPH T. ISMAN, Station D, Bible House, New. York City. Sept. 12, lSbtj. 3m A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Plivsii.iHn who had Consumption for soveral years, with rrequcnt bleeding of the lungs, curod himself witn a meuicine unanown to me roicsiou, sum uw caseuppcared hopeless. He is the only physician who has used It in nis own person, or wnu uns any knowledge of its virtues; and he can ascribe the de groo of health he now enjoys to nothing but tho uso of his midicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction or nil hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard tne experiment, iu inose suner ing with any disease of tho Lungs ho proffers a treat ment he confidently believes will eradicato tho disease. Price $1.50 per bottle or $8 a half dozen, sent by express. Send for a circular or call on .Un. t. UOYLXTON No. 200 North Tenth Street, PbiladoTpbin. May 30, lrttW. ly Deafness, Blindness and Catarrh treated with the ntuioal success by J. Isaacs. M. D., Ocul ist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 Arch Street, Philadelphia Testimonials from the most reliuble sources in city and country enn be seon at his office. The Medical faculty aro invited to accompany their patients, as be has uo secrets in bis pructico. ARTIFICIAL EYKS inserted with out pain. No charge for examination, no v. 30-1 y. (SiiIsiV to Jlnra-inirc Young Men'sGuido to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane views of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. Juuo 13, 1S0S. ly. QNE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED UMV. lMtM'I? CLOTHING HOUSE, UOi Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys.ero, and we believe we are the only Clothing House in tbe city that strictly adheres to this prinoiple. We have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in select good stylos and substantial materials, aud not less important, for having all our goods i:l UA H ELL iI.IK. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds fashionable and plain so that all tastes ean be suited. The prioea axe the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as nodeduotions are ever made, we must put our prioea down to tbe advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in wind JONES ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. V. U. Nulesiiuuu. c April 4, 1868. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I. VOI!.(.lA.'H aVrch Ht,,bctwreu Stt and -lilt, clottt to the Habile M-teeol House, SUNliUKY, PENN A. COOE 3TOTE3 of the best Patterns. PLOWS, Six paUerna, the finest in the State. Persons wishing to buy stoves, ean purchase thesa cheaper at this establishment than any where else in the place. Childi-ea'a Carrlaifoa. Wl would eall the attention of those wanting a Child 'a Carriage, to our new and large aseosV saeart eonrpririnf new and beautiful style J. U. COiO-IT 0 E. W. CLARK & Co., BANKEltS, Wo. S3 8. Third St., Philadelphia, GENERAL AGENTS for Tna National Life Insurance COMPAN IT or rna UNITED STATES OF AX KMC A, roa tna Stiilc of IVtinnylvunla and Noitth eras New Jersey, . Tbe NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PA NY is a corporation Chartered by Spool al Aot ol Congress, approved Jnly 25, 1868, with a CashCapital of One Million Dollars, and is now thoroughly organised and prepared for business Liberal terms offered to Agents and Solicitors, who aro invited to apply at ouroffioe. Full particulars to bo had on applloation at our olfioe, locatod in the second story of our Banking House, whore Circulars and Pamphlets, fully de scribing the advantage offered by the Company, may be had. ..... Application for Central and estorn Pennsylva nia to be made toB. S. llb'SSELL, Manager, Towan da, Pa. E. W. CLARK It CO., No. 35 South Third Stroot. Philadelphia, Pa. August 13, 1809. ly. TURNER'S SELF TURNER'S SUPPORTING EACH LADDER, CAN BE USED IN ALL THE FORMS STIOWX 1 1ST BOTH CUTS. Ia Kcttilily Lengthened or Shnrtenetl, Self-Supporting, Easily Transported, Convertible into a Step Ladder or Scnffold. IT 13 USEFUL TO FARMER. FRUITGROWER, MECHANIC. HOUSE-KEEPER, Ao. Irice I.l-st. 20 Feet, extra weight, 10,00 30 Feet, 'A Sections, (each 10 feet long.) Extendod longth about 2ti feet. 1G,00 40 Feet, 4 Sections, (oue 12, two 10, and one 8 fuet long,) Extended length about 37 feet, 21,00 Other SUos in proportion. Liberal discount to tbe Trado. Single Ladders forwarded, frcintit pre. paid, to nearest Station on receipt or retail price. AtjEN'TS WANTED in every county to canvass and sell. Also wnntcd, Enorgetio, Reliable, Cnpa blo Men to Travel and establish oounty Agonts. Fur Circular and Terms address Tiariici-K l'att-sit l' teuoioii Ididdrr, P. O. Box, 20 18. or No. 26 South 7th Street PHILADELPHIA. 'June 27, ISfiS. 4iu tending; ltaila'oad. BUMMER ARRA.NUEMENT. MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1808. GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing, Puttsville, Taiuaqua, Ashland, Shamokii., Leba anon, Allontown, Easton, Ephruta, Litis, Lnncaster, Columbia, Ao., A-o. Trains leave Hnrrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : At 2.30, S 25 and b 10 A. M. aud 12 20 noon, and 2 05 and 8 i P. M, oonneeting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 6.K 10.00 and 11.44 A. M. and 3.60, 6.55, V 50 P.M. Sleeping Cars accompanying the 2.60 A. M. and 0.35 P. M. trains without ohunge. Leuvj ilarrisburg for Roadiug, Potlsville, Tama qua, Miuersville, Asbliind, Shaiuokin, Pine Drove, Allontown and Philadelphia at b. 10 A.M. and 2 05 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and prinoipal way stations ; the 4.10 p ra. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potlsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Ilarrisburg at S.30 p. m. Returning : Leuve New Y'ork at 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon and 5 .00 aud B OO p. ui., Philadelphia at H.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. in.; .Sleeping cars aecompanyiug tbe It. 00 a. iu. aud a 00 aud b 00 p. in. trains with out cbauge. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., connecting with similar train on Eat Penna. Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m. stop ping at all Stations ; Potlsville at 7 00 and 8 44 a. m. and 2.4 p. m; Shamokiu 5.25 a. in. and 11.20 a. ni.; Ashlaud at 7U0a. m., 12 43 noon and 1.55 p.m.; Tainaiuaat g. 30 a.m. and 2 15 and 8.44 p. iu. Leave Potlsville via. Schuylkill aud Susquehanna Railroad at 7.10 a.m. for Ilarrisburg, and 11.30 a.m. for Pine Orore and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at T.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.41 V M. Pottstown Aoeoinmodallon Train: Leaves Potts town at B 45 A. M , returning leaves Phi ladelphia at 4.30 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at T OO A. M , aid B.lii P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancas ter, Columbia, to. Perkiomea Kail Road Traina leave Perkiomen Janotion at 0.00 A. M. and 00 P. M. Returniug : Leave Bkippaok at B.10 A. M.,and 1 25 P. M., con necting wilh similar trains oa Reading Rail Head. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 00 p m., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3. 15 P M. the 8.00 a. in. tram runuinc only U Heading, Potuiville 8 00 a lu , Ilarrisburg, a ib am, aud 4.10 and 8-35 p in. and Heading at 1.10J t and 7. to and 7 OB a. m. and 11.40 p in ra-. for New York, -25 p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Sohool and Bx eursion Tiukets, at reduoed rales to and from all points. Baggage cheeked through : 100 Pounds Baggage allowed each passenger. S. A. NIOOLLB, Gsaeal Suyexiateadear FALL OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN TUICES ! You can Buy More Goods of the BEST Q,XJ-AX-.IT For LESS MOXTET, at tho MAMMOTH STORE, OF ii. v. rim.i.M. Market .sjtARK, SUMJURY, I'ENN'A. Than any other place. HAS JUST mXEIVK!) AND OPENED The Host Selected ami FINE.ST ASSORTMENT, or DRY GOODS IN TWN. FRENCH MERINOS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, (JINGH.VMS, CASSIMERE3, &c. Dulainoa and Armurrs. Domestic Cottons, Rrown and lilencbcd. NOTIONS ol all kinds. Hosiery, O loves, Men's and Ladies l iidei gurnio WHITE. GOODS. A lull assortment or TRI.MMIMIS. Beildors will Sml my Stock of If unl wnr-. I'tiintM, Oil), Mnss, sir.. Complete. DRUGS AND MEDICINES, WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, QUEEN SWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, SALT, BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in faot everything usually kept ia a Iarg6 Htore Call and be convinced that the Cheapest Place to Uuv all Your (Joods is at THE MAMMOTH STORE II. Y. FBILINQ, 'I'errua Canh, 0 dujs, as my Oeods are boagbt for Cash and Sold Cheap for tbe READY MONEY. 1 give tbe trade the ad vantage of all reductions as fast as tbey are made by Haaufasturers. h y. rjiiiiKo, Sunbury, lapt. , 1MI. AUFTHt AOF.HTN t AOKVE Sl WANTED 1 IADTK3 and Gctitloincu in ovary town and cily J In the United Rtatos, to net as Agents tor AUSTIN & OO.'S ORBAT ONE DOLLAR SAf.K. We are now selling gooda for one dollar that can not be purchased in any retail st.ire in the country lor twice that sum. and aro now offering greater in ducements to Agonts than any other bnuso in tho trade. Our method of doing business is Icgilinialo, bsing a fair and lionoroble way of purchasing in.,, ful goods of every description at the lowest wholesale cash prices. Send for Descriptive CWfcs and Clubs of ten for f I, thirty for M, lilty for J, largor mm, in the same ratio, and receive iu return presents from $.) to loo ; or for circulars, giving full information, free of charge. Al ril IN Co. 101) Slimmer St., Uostnn, Mass August 22d 18118. 1m. AGENTS WANTED. MOUTH AM) HIA D0W8 OF THE HRKAT KEIiELMOX, con taining Thrilling Adventures, Daring Deeds, Start ling Exploits, and Marvelous Escapes of Hploa, Scouts and Detectives. Tho cheapest, mo-t. com pi etc nnd intencly inter esting war book yet published, containing over .'MM) pages nnd numerous engraving, l'rioo only S2.7.,i. Sond for circular and teriu.u. Also. FAMILY t.'l'ARTO Dll'.Ll'S, best edition published. WILLIAM FLINT, i'libli-hi-r. '. Seventh, Philadelphia H.i. August 1 3, "08 .- J us. Inkw ma(;iiii: SIIOP AND IRON P,OXJJNTIDR,. ;i:. itoiiigntti it a. . SUNBURY, r-V., INFORM the publio that they have rstahlishel a MACHINE S!!H in cornice nm wiih tlx ir FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Hoiinj .M.-u-bines. villi tbo latest improvements. With the aid d skilllul nir chanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of Hfciv Wos-W ! K-i. iriuit, tliRt may be given therm in a sati-fat-tnry manner. llnving enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry. Ibey aro ready to cxeoutunll kinds of CASTlMieC ItrsiNN 4. 'ii mi in I'm. Ae. Tho PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been ttill further improved, and will al ways no Kept on naiM. Sunbury, Juno 1.1, IMi. SI'EEIt'S STANDARD Wine Bitters ! For the Weak, For the Palo. For thu Sickly, l or tho Ai?ed. For Females, For Spring t'so ! ! ! f ( Jf 'Mo Ititlrrs) iial to tlioiii ! J Speer's Standard Wine Bitters, Made oT WINE, HERBS AND ROOTS. SriKR's Celebrated Wine, so well known, wiih Peruvian Hark. Chamomile Flowers, Snake Root, Wild Cherry Bark, linger, and such other Herbs nnd Roots us. will in all caes assist Digestion, promote tho Secretions ut tbo .svs- toui in tho natural channels, and give TONE AND VIGOR to tho Yoibiii' nnd MV !tl:ilc nil CYi.uilc ! All uso it with wondcrfii siicccfs. lirine; To tho Pale White Lip, ULOOM AND 1JEAUTY To the thin faco and euro worn countenance. Cures Fever aud Creates Appetito. Try them. I Cse none other. Ask for Speur a Standard' Hitter. polil by I'ruijgisis ana urocers. ;-eo thai ir.y signa luru is over tbu curk uf each bottle. ALFRED PPEER. Passaic, X. J., and 213 Broadway, New-York. fp Trado supplied by Johnston, llollo-.vay A Co., Philadelphia : lieorgo A. Kelly, Pittsburg ; and by all Wholesale Dealers. For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Punburv, Pa. July 11. oct 23 '07 ly. I.AZAKI .V. .IIOKKIS OCCULISTS AXD MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEliUATED P i: R F E C T E D SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &C. HARTFORD, coyx, Art ArroiNTEn T. S. SHANNON, BUNrtURY, PElfN'A., As their sole agent for Sunbury and vicinity for tho sale of the celebrated PERFEC TED SPEC TA CL E8, AND EYE GLASSES. In doing so Ibey have confidence in the ability of their agent to meet the requirements of all eu- I tomers. His assortment of our IlEALTIl'l'L LEX- i SES comprises every form and kin-.l. calculated for ! tho simplest as well as the worst cn -s of diseased or impaired vision. Au opportunity will be thus af forded, to procuro al nil times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY OF THEIR STRENUTHENlNa AND l'RESER VINO QUALITIES. Too much cannot bo said as to their Superiority over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glim mering, wavering of tho siht, tliz.iuc, or other uupleasant sensation, but on the contrary, from tl.c peculiar construction of tho Louses, tluy are sooth ing and pleasant, causing a feeling of reliet to the wearer, and Producing a Cluar and DUliuct Vision, as iu tbe natural heaUby sight. Tbey are the only spoctacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ANNIST THE SDiHT, and are the Cheape-t because the Best,nhvn8 List ing many years without ehano boing neccssury. IjjrCAUTlON. Mr. T. S HANXOX, Jeweler, is their Ouly Ageut appointed in Sunbury and vi cinity. lj Wo employ no Ped Hers. nng1,'6S ly. HOTEL FOR SALE. TUE "Suaiiuebannn Hotel," located on Hie coiner of Penn and Fourth Mroets, in tho lbiroueh of Sunbury, Northumberland county, I'll.. Is offered at private sale, on reus-nnlil j terms. This well known Hotel has Intelv been renovated, and is one of the best stauds in tlio place, w ilh an excellent run of custom. For further pirticulur applv to O. V ARP.O -i.T. tieiTfretown, Pa., or UEO. WAviENSELLl-.i; Sunbury, Pu. July 11, 1868 Iolicc to Tri'KpiisM'r. NOTICE is hereby given, that no person or per sons will be allowed to trespass ,m the proper ly of the undersigned, in Lower Muhouoy township, Northumberland county, for tho purpose of picking Berries, Fruit, ia., or to enter into any ciiclrui-e without permUdoii, as the law will bo enforce I against all onouders. ISAAC H. RESSLER. Lower Mahonoy twp., Juue 2t), lSte. 4m NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANUFACTORY. rilHE aubseriber rospeet fully infnrms the citirens J. of Sunbury und vieinitv. that he has oponed a shop in Sol. ttroh's Blaeksmithshop-Huildiug on Chestnut stroot, Sunbury, Pa., where be keeps con stantly on band, and manufactures to order, 4'aarriui-, lMtt, Nsalkjai, Vt'.f of the latest style and of the best material. Repairing of Wsgoos, Carriagoa, ia., done at the Shortest nolioe. . fersonsin want of Una Buergios and Carriages, are rsoutwLttd te etll bsfoie Lurohasina elssn hcru. II. C. Kl'tH. Bunbnry, July 11, liWi.- ly j WHERE ean I get lbs bt piolure U by at j Uyvriy'd, of eus. Aiweys io to y..'y sxd judg'e fcx ycuietif I " H ;"icoa 9 , .hcaith X NOTICK TO CO,, i, ii;A-rvitM. COAL L.Vf,'D3 l'OR LEA Si.. N OTrCK Is hereby given, thit prr-pomli a ill be reoniyed by tho niideisirnod, lo grant for s. term of yoarj, near Trevorlon, Nottbtilubnrlsnd County, Pa , several unw louses upon Had and Whlti Ash Dual beds, having fmir mile run ubore water lovol. The red ab fro the same i in now heing worked by the Lykcns Valley Company, tbo dial from which Is of a superior quality and alnnjs commands tbe highest price in the market. Pus. session of tho premises onn be given immediately in addition to thn facilities now possessed by this region f,,r shipment to market by way of the North ern Central Railway and tho Pennsylvania Canal, there will, it is believed, very soon he an opening ti the I atern market, by ay of the Entoipriso sn-t the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. John w. hall,.,, p. w siikai er Engineer of Mines, Centre St., Pottsvillo, Pa llainabuig, July 11, IS38. 2in KToipuiviPs." TIK sulnorihnr, well known in thid pari uf Hi country a a manufacturer or Wooden panic, has now turned his attention to pulling in the CELI'.URATLD STONE PIMP, which for durability. ap cavnncc, continued fresh ne.-s n! water, una piutc'iiion ngaiul fiecsing ore greatly superior lo tj,e urdinnry wooden pump. Ihi-y have boen used in Sunbury fir tile past tut years, rendering entire sntiFi'aU,. and ouu bee, n ot I he residences ,, ,t.rs. Chiw J limner Lb.vd llobrbm-h. ,lanii" ll.iyd Mm. I Orneimuli, ami other gei,lo i , n in t-iu.bto -, . ' l'lice, t-l till per font. I LILR Wl-AYtR I ppur Augiirtii, Augiiil I, I Son - "on Wm J'.insiv f i; u n Nr.i.sor,- Puc.it n o o m s . I T V K E Into of tho In in of Farson .,:Davi.',havo opvueri vfa. looms at No. 2:M Sulh 21 street, below l.'o-.l., PHILADELPHIA, hero tbey keep a full assortment of parlor, ciiAMnr:i:, pittim; room nn.lDINl.NU ROOM KURMTCKi;. Their old cu-tomcrs, and all persons wishing to luircliHse, nrc invited U call and examine their ttoctt boliiro purebasiii(4 elsewhere Parlie.ular attention paid lo packing. myf ty JOHN P. HAAS, bonier in nil kinds uf ANTHRACITE COAL, .MIDDLE WHARF, SI." X BURY, PA , 13 prepared to supply all kinds of Anthrnoito i.'otl 1 from tho Sbninokin t'onl Region at aheap ralei. All orders prnmntlv tilled. Cnuntrv custom re spectfully solicited. JOHN P. HAAS. Sunbury. July 18, STONE CHINA WARE, &C "W. HVE. CAIRNS, Market Street, (5 doors wet of Fourth St.,south side, MrXRFRV, rEKN'A., 1) ESl'l'CTFLLLY Informs thecititens of Sunlnrv ; and Merchants and dealers iu this and adioin ing counties, that he has just opened a largo assort ment of " " 'ilKK-VSWARK AND STONE CHINA WARK of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho ontrv. which will be sold at 11ULLSALE and ULT AIL. Dealers arc invi'ed to exauiinn hi stneV t,er,,rn purchasing in the city, as they cnu savo money bv doin "unbury, May 111. llfiS. fun CHOICE FRUIT k ORNAMENTAL tit's T', vw, -r11 iv '? v va -44 , BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit nnd Ornanient.il Trees. ill furn ish from the mo.-t r-'-jn-nsiblo Ntir-eri.js m litis and other Slates, lir.t cb.-s 'I'll LLS ot all liiicls. AI-. Shrubbery, Vines and Plants, ilaidcn Seeds uf nil kinds. Orders are le-pcc'.fully s dicilc 1. Addre.-y HEN.I. BOHNER, Paxinos, North'd Co N. B. Insurancfl" taken in several of th ni'isl rc-pon.-ible F'ir' liiMirnueoaLd liorso DetecUvj t'oiupanicj in tho Stuto. July 2.'., IStii? . y THCia.S.G MKKClIAiXT 1TCTT. TAILOIt. MARKET S'il' ARE, St'NBI'RV, PA.. I y '"-'"' rcoe'vc alcrjeand wel'-seU-c'ed stock srillNG AND SUMMER ;001S eoi!!istiiig of tho finest CLOTHS, CASS1MERES AND VESTING S ever brought to Sunbury, and which bo promises to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Having ibe services of skillful tailors, he ;;uarai.tees a pood lit iu every instance inferior to none outsido of the cities. Everything from uiy cstubli.-hnient will be guar anteed as represented. THOMAS (1. NOTT. Sunbury, May 9th, lSfiS. tf SlOO REWARD Foi a uictt.cuic ibal will cure rcrrjii, INFI.CKNZA. TICKLINU in the TllftOAT, WHOOPINO COI OH, consumptive ooceus, as quiet; as COE'S COUGH BALSAM! ( J V K ft OSr. MILLION BOTTLES have Won 'Kl acl ;iet a single iastanco of it failure is kti'iwo. l'e -, in our possession, any quantity uf Cci tilicotcfi, s.ililc if tt:eul f o III J MINCNT I'HVfirl NS wlio have used it to l.'ieir piae; iee. ati 1 given it the pre eminence o-ereveiy older euipuiid. IT llOKS NOT DRY IT A COl'OH, but LOOSKNS IT, si as to enable Hie p it, cut lo expectorate freely. Two "r jliree diises. Vt'll.I. iNV.iRUIJ.V Cl!RE TlfKT.IVS IN TI!K Tliro(T ! A hii!fli.l.!c has often completely cured the must Si, if Imivii CuukIi, anil yet, lli.mliit is so sure mot speedy to uu - p. nttlii.i, it la pcrucTty haretlesM, heii'n purely vegt-ln1,!.-. ll is very aree;iile In Ihe Uislt ami may be adiutuist ertd ) to cliitilreii nl any lice. In cases of CHOL'P we will puaraince a cure, if laeii i.i aeason. NO FAMILY SHOULD RR WITIIOI.T IT! It is wiiiiin the reach ol all, it being the cheapest and in mcihcme extunt. C. C. CLARK A- CO., Proprietors. SEW HAVEN, CONN. April I?, I'd? Iy a O 33 ' s DYSPEPSIA CURE. THIS GREAT RUMKD.V FOR ALL IHSF.ASES of the ST O 3VT A. a H s if the discovery of ills inventor ol" foe's valuable C-tuph l!.i's;iin, while e. per mien i tug fur Ins own hen ltd. It enre,l Craiuii in the S'.emiteli for linn wtltell had beloie yieldett to to it h intr hul cbbtr"f-riu. Tiie almost daily testimony from various parleof thn country i-ucournse as to believe there is no itisease caused by u disorder eJ stomach it wilt not apeedily cure. Fhysicians endorse nnd Use it! Ministers give testimony of its efflcaoy. Aiulfre-.il all directions we receive tnlins of cuua pw finu'il. DYSlT.l'SIA! It is sure lo cure. IIEART1H PN ! One do&e will cms. SICK-HEADACHE! It Iris cured in hundreds of easel. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS! It nnis iu thirty minutes. ACIDITY I'V THE STOMACH ! It corieets al once. RISE OF T1IK FOOD ! It stops immediately. DISTRESS AFTER KATIXli! One dose will remove. CHOLERA MOItni'8! Kapuliy yielila In a t'sur doses. BAD BREATH ! Will lis changed with lis II a botlle. IT IS PERFECTLY II A H M L E S lis L'M'HECEDENTEl) SUCCESS is owing tu the fuel lliat It 4'iirra Uy tl'tin( Mature TO KK-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM! Nearly every dimler in Hie t.iou-d 8tutes sells U al ONE D'l I.AU 1'F.R BOTTLE, C O. CIARK & CO., Proprietor!, NEW HAVEN, COKS. April 13, 1S6S. ly. STONE WARE! TI1K bust and cheapest ssortmentof Stone Ware in the stale, just rwnuvsd and ivr ra'e cheap at If-n .Mau.stia C.ii i'toit tt f- V. fhit.N:,