Efcc Sxmbutfi American. E.-VTITiVERT,)" ' . If . B. ENOLE, ( publiher. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1808. Ilocal flairs. Raiw. Tho steady rain of Thursday will greatly Improve vegetation. Da Gardner and Kenyon's Mammoth Combi nation Clrous exhibited at Milton on Thursday last. PACB Festival. The Presbyterians of Sunbury will hold a Peaoh Festival In the hall of the Court House, eommenoing on Tuesday evening of next week. A large American flag will be voted for on theoeoaslon. All are Invited. T. 8. Shannon ha laid in a new Block of Jewolry end Silverware. Those In want of anything In lili line of business ean easily tnnke a good (election at his establishment. lie has a large variety and his goods are warranted as represented. Tarra. do to Dr. J. H. Cressingor, Dentist, of fice over II. O. Thacber's shoe store, If you wish a g ovd, substantial sett of teeth. lie usee the t'try test material and will give you a sett on reasonable terms. A call will eonvine you of this fact. Resigned. The Rev. J. H. Schmidt, pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Cburoh at Trevorton, has rosigned bis charge, and aooeptod a call from the Evangelical Lutheran Congregation at White Iluvcn, Luierne county, and will move there in a few weoks. Kicked to Death by a Horbh. On Tuesday of last week a young man, son of Jacob Leisenring, the well known hotel keeper at Boar Uap, in tbis county, was kicked by a oolt so sevoroly as to causo his doath. His remains were interred on Saturday last. New Odd Fellows' Lodge. A oharter was grant ed by the Grand Lodge of I. 0. of 0. F., at a meet ing held in Philadelphia on Thursday evening of last week, for "Warrior Run Lodge," to be located ut Turbutville, this oounty. The Lodge will be or ganised in a few weeks. Rev. OEonoE Parson, pastor of the Lutheran Church, in Milton, has received a unanimous call to take the pastorate of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, at Hanover, York county, Pa. He has accepted the call and will loave for his new field of labor about the first of October next. Accident. On Saturday last a Frenchman, who was employed by Joseph Bachor in wheeling dirt to cover bis beer vault, in Cake's additioa, fell from a scaffold with a loaded barrow and broke his left leg below the knee. The bone was also fractured to the knee joint. Dr.. Sbindul dfessed his wound. Tub destruction of Mr. Reagan's Saw and Planing Will, on Thursday night of last week, was not only a serious loss to Mr. Rcagnn, who is one of our most enterprising citizons, but a greut loss to the commu nity. Efforts are making to rebuild the mill, great ly enlargod and Improved, with every prospect of success. II. Y. Fiiilino has already procured his full stock of goods, which we would advise all to examino. Having purchased bis goods when low he is able to sell as cheap as they can be bought in the city. His Block consists of everything, and the quantity is large enough to ncconiinodato all at his store. Cull and seo his goods. Grand Cmn-.nitATio.v. The Plum Creek Sunday School will hold a celebration on Saturdny morning, Sept. 12th, nt Oi o'clock. Various speakers will bo present. A dinner will bo served up at a small charge. In tho evening of the same day a festival will be hold in tho church. The proceeds of the dinner and festival will be for the benefit of tho Sunday School. Huckstering will be positively pro hibited, except by permission of the Church Council. The public aro respectfully invited. l'LANt.xa Mill in Operation. The now pinning mill of Ira T. Clement, in this place, is now in full operation. The maohinory is of tho first-clues, and every description of lumber is now manufactured at tbis mill. Planed boards, doors, sash, aud every thing made of lumber can be had on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Mr. Clement has already filled a number of orders which give entire satisfaction. This mill will prove a great conveni ence to porsons building, as manufactured lumber can bo procured at saino rates as at Villiuinsport and other places. Silver Cornet Rand. We learn that an cfTort is being made to raise a Silver Cornet Band in this place. We hope tho effort will meet with success. The musical talent of tbis place cunnot be surpassed by any other town in the State, and we havo often felt the want of a good band. While most of the neighboring towns have good musical organizations of the kind, wo Bre compelled to send abroad for our uiirsio on every public occasion. We therefore trust that our young friends will bo properly encouraged, and that we may soon be able to boast of a band of our own, and one that cunnot be surpassed. Almost Another Fire. On Wednesday last tho roof of Mr. Ira T. Clement's Planing Mill, on Haco street, caught fire from the sinoko stack. The build ing is covered by Himes' Gravel Roof, and the boards upon which it is laid took fire, but owing to the peculiar fire-proof qualities of the roof the Barnes could not get through, and the workmen nbout the mill soon extinguished the fire. Tho smoke stack goes through the roof, a hole having been out through for tbat purpose, after tho roof was put on. Had the building beon covered with a shingle or slate roof the flumes would soon have got through, and auotber serious conflagration would have been the result. Tonborial. We refer our readers to the adver tisement of Mr. James Washington, who lately erec ted a building on Third street, aud in which be bus opened one of the finest shaving and shampooning saloons in tbis place. Washington is an old citizen of tbis place, and is the pioneer of the harboring business in Sunbury. Having gone through ull the difficulties of establishing bis business on a firm basis, be announces that he it now able to compete with other places for the honor of running tbe best establishment of tho kind in the country. His work men are all of the first-class order, and those giving htm a call will find them courteous and accommo dating. Red Men's Pic-Nic. The pio-nie announced to come off on Saturday next, under tbe auspices of tbe I. 0. of R. M., of this place, promises to be the best of tho season. Tho order will be largely represented from distant places, and Cornplanter Chief and some of his tribe are now on tbe way to be present on the occasion and participate in the festivities. A num ber of Indian dances will be performed by them. A oorn dinner will be served up for tbe benefit of the tfibe. A large platform, for dancing, and a number of swings will be erected, sojbat all who wish to njoy a day of pleasure and amassment will be able " to do so. Tbe oommitteo of arrangements have de cided not to allow any liquor to be brought on the ground. An invitation is extended to the publio to attend. A Handsome Phrsemt. Hugh Pitcaira, Esq., who recently resigned the position? of Superintend ent of tbe Susquehanna Division of the Northern Central Railroad, to accept a responsible position on tho Lehigh and kusquebanna road, on Tuesday last was tho recipient of a handsome present from tho employees of tho Division. Tbs present was a beau tiful Apple ton A Tracy Gold Watch, wbiob wat pur chased from Shannon, tbo Jeweler, of thil plaoe, and ooet $150. Tho presentation was made by Mr. J.W.Johns, of6unbury, on behalf of tbe employ ees, at Mr. Pltoairo'i resideuoa, in Uarrisburg. On tbo intido of the ease of tbo watch, beautifully en graved, it the following inscription : "Presented to Hugh Pitoairn, by employees of Susquehanna Divis ion N. 0. R- W., Sept. 1st, 1808." Tho present is an elegant one, and beautiful token of tho high esteem in wbioh Mi. Pitoairn it bold by thou who wet lately under kit supervision. T Murder in Milton. The Mtltonian, of last week, gives the following particulars of the late murder In that plaoe : A fow weoki since a oolored man named Joshua Jones, who has been at work for some time for Mr. Samuel MoMahan, and who resi ded in a home owned by Mr. M., In the lower part of this borough, bcoame Jealous of his wife, (many say with good reason,) and the oonsequenoe was a quarrel, and the final result a separation. His wife left bint and refuied to live with him any longer. He importuned her several timet to come baok to hit bed and board, but without avail. On Thursday of last week, Mrt. Jonet wat at tho house of Rlehard Ilowen, on Broadway, whon, about three o'olook, her husband sailed and desired a conversation with hor. They loft the house and orosted the railroad to Locust stroet, in the rear of the depot, and report states that ho again endoavored to Induce her to re turn home with him. Rumor also states that ho ao oused her of an intention to elope with another man, and that she acknowledged the soft impeachment and informed her husband that she would never live with him again. At this point, as told us by one who saw the shooting, ho pointed a pistol at her breast and said that if she did not live with him she should never live with another. At this she soiled his band and managed to partially turn tho pistol aside, so that whon it was discharged the oontents entered hor hip instead of her breast. As Soon as the shot was fired Jones turned and ran and bis wife managed to walk to the houso. Dr. MoCloery was called and endeavored to find the ball, but It had entered too deep to be reached by tho probe, and as has since been ascertained had passed into her abdomen, and eventually eausod her death. She lingered along until Monday morning when she died. A reward has been offered for tho arrest of Jones, but his cap ture has not yot been effooted. Orsan Dedication at Turbutville. Tho Lu theran Church, nt Turbutville, under tho pastoral care of Rev. J. F. Wampole, having procured a fine portable pipe organ for the use of their congrega tion, at a cost of $300, intend to dedicate it with religious services on next Thursday, 10th Inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. Tho Rev. L. Qroh, of Now Ilan ovor, will preach in Qerman, and Rov. E. Urccn wald, D. D., of Lancaster, in English, and tho or ganist of old Trinity Church, Lancnster, will perform some grand pieces on tho organ, to try its capacity aud add to the general interest of tho occasion. There will also be services in the evening at 7i o' clock. Tho surrounding community, generally, are invited to bo present. The Building Association. The Sunbury Mu tual Saving Fund and Building Association met in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening of Inst week. Ueo. B. Cndwalladcr, Presidont pro tern. $977.65 was paid in by the stockholders. Money wns in de mand and tho bidding for loans was lively. Ten shares wero sold. The lowest picmium pnid wns 100 ; tho highest, f 108 ; average, ?l 01.70. The present premium on each sbaro is If 'J .22 ; par value of each share, $19.22. Totul number of shares sold, 847. The following figures will give some idea of the extent uf the business tho Association has been doing since its organization : Total premium paid, $7,814 " cash " S.MtJ $10.41)0 Total No. of loans 82, at $200 each, 10,400 Masonic. Among tho various meetings of im portance announced to be held this year none at tracts more attention and interest, of the Masonic fraternity particularly, than the trionnial convoca tion of Knights Templar and Goneral Grand Chap ter of Royal Arch Masons, to bo bold in St. Louis on tho 15th of September. Sir Knight J. N. Ahboy has been entrusted with the responsible duty of ar ranging the truins over the various routes, and has issued a very excellent programme. All who intend participating in tho ocrcmonics. will mcot at Pitts burg, Pa., on the 12th of September, which place they will leave nt 9.30 A. M., aniving in St. Louis on Sunday, the I.'ltll, ut 3.15 I. M. Spociul trains, with sleeping cars, have been provided. The fare for tho round trip has been placed at the very mo derate sum of $28.20, thus affording a delightful ex cursion at tho cheapest possible ratos. Life Insurance and Banking. The New Na tioital Life. "Is the thing to be done !" is tbo first question. If yes, then "How to do it ?" U tbo next. To do tbo right thing is always well ; but to do the right thing, nt tho right iimo, in tbo right way, and in the very best right wny, is better. Wo talk of insuring our lives, but we don't. The gtoat mys tery of life its beginning and its ending will never be lens a mystery than it now is. But we insure not our lives, but our fortunes not unoertnin years, but certain vtoney. Wo are well and prosperous to-day, but who knows of to-morrow ? Wife aud little ones are hnppy in abundance while wo live ; but when the one groat grief comes to them, let us not make it doubly bitter by adding poverty to desolation. What, a duty it is, and bow delightful, to suve&oine thiugof our earnings or to spare soinolbing more of our ubundance to insure comfort aud huiuo to the loved ones, ft is not only iiisuruuoo. but it is i vestment it is banking ; it is lending money, year by year, and little by little, on bond und mortgage, that will roll up a hundsouio principal to bo paid to us when we nre old, or to our families to-morrow, if, perchnnco, the "silver cord should be sundered or tbo bowl be broken ut the fountain." Whowouldu't do it ! There is no youug una of twenty-one who cannot spure $13.25 a year to sucuro $1,000, und no father of thirty who cuuld so wisely appropriate $105.50 a year to sooure $10,000 to thoso to whom the accidents id' business may leavo nothing else. But Brother Forethought, Bt thirly-fivo, says, "I am making money now, but at fifty-five I may be on the staudy side of furtune as well as years, and 8211.0110. then will uive me a handsome farm and all the independence of a millionaire. What will it cost: Why, an annual puyiueut of only $771.00, which also secures the $20,000 at any moment the grim messenger may couie. But if Brother Fore thought is satisfied that he can provide for his homo and its treasures while be lives, yet would still have tender eare for his household when no Forethought can help them, hu may pay $52a.00 a year, and his fauiily will receive $20,000 at bis decoase, and also a return ol every ituaar uj me premium tnai tins keen jtuid. This large sum will be secured without any cost except the loss of interest on the yearly puymeuts of $524. But continuing in the family let us take ano ther case. Brother Rapid has more dash, takes larger riskB, and sometimes makes more money than Brother Forethought, but calmly thinking the mut ter over, he admits that his brilliant plans may come to griof some day, that his ready wits may bo dulled, und age may bring waut aud dependence iu addition to ull its other earus. He thinks $1,000 a year would make him comfortable, aud au annual payment of $516, for twenty years, soeures it, and also $10,000 besides on tbe day of bis decease, if it comes to-morrow. We have indicated above only a few of the dis tinguishing feutures of Life Iusuruuco, or rather Life Invest menta, as we have found them stuted iu the tables of the National Life Insurance Company. To any necessary extent sueh a Company is better than a Savings' Bank. It may not only secure a moderate profit now, but wbat is better, a moderate fortune in tbe future. But we have spoken of insuranoe as banting, and it has become a most important form of it. The business of some insurance oompanios is now larger than that of the lariest banks. The sums iusured become immense. Risks amount to hundreds of mil lions, and investments in bouds and mortgages to tens of millions. The highest financial sagacity and experienee are required to oonduot these vast mo nied operations. Even honest errors in judgment would not only break the fortunes but tbe hearts of multitudes. We havo not a word to say against any good life insurance company. May tbey all be leased according to their deserts, but we aro glad to see another good and great one in tbe field, with men of well-kuown wealth aud ability at the bead of it. To enable it to accomplish tbe greatest good all over the eountrv. Core r ess chartered it, and It is culled "The National. Life Insuranoe Company of the United States uf Auerioa." Jay Loose ana nis partners in New York and Wasbiugton, and C. 11. Clark, President of the First National Bank of Phil adelphia, and their friends, have invested a million dollars as a eapital "to make aasuranoe double sure." Tbe officers will bUng their sueoessful bu siness experienee and mature judgment to bear upon tbis insurance department or banking, and men wbo have managed their previous business ao well will be certain to apply tho same principles with vuuM iwm iu uew out similar nem. in mutual life companies, it is supposed tbat the aeoumulated premiums furnish a sufficient s-uarantealo the nolioT- holder, but tbe National Life adds a million dollars of capital, and offers some peculiarly favorable in duoeinenU. Instead of tbo expectation of future dividends, it makes a large present reduction of rates, so tbat the smallest sum of money may secure the largest possible amount of insurance. We ean tee no reason why tbis new Company is not entitled to the highest aegreo or puouo oouDdenct. Dxntibtbv The neat and skillful operation of building teeth up, with gold or silver, it neatly performed by Dr. J. R- Oressinger, Dentist. Offioe over H, G. Thacher'l Iters, tio mi ho ipooUnoni. - Election er Oftioeri. The Grand Tribe of the Independent Order of Red Men of the United Slates held an election for officers for the ensuing year, recently, with tho following result : Great Chief Powhatan Anthony Y eager, of Bal timore. Great Senior Sagamore John Otto, of Newark, N.J. TJreat Junior Sagamore Fred. Schmidt, of Pitts burg, Pa. Great High Priest Joseph Btrausi, of Now York. Great Chief of Records J. Chariot Beeger, of Philadelphia. Great Keeper of Wampum J. Rudolph, of Philadelphia. For the Sunbury American. Tho Furnaoe. Sunburv, Aug. 26th, 1808. Mtssrs. Editorl : In your Issue of tho 22d Inst, your eorrespondont, 'Improvement," shows tbe way how a Furnaoe may be built In Sunbury. I find, from the talk through town, that the 'plan it very well thought of, and It appears that all that is wanted is to oall a public meeting, and have a com mittoe appointed for the purpose of making an effort to raise the ncoes.ary amount of stock. Mako the shares low, say fifty dollars, and men of small means will Invest their savings in that way. From what I have heard there are several partios ready to tako hold to tbe amount of from one to five thousand dol lars. By all means keep the ball moving, and in less than a year we will have a Furnaoe. Rospeotfully yours, Fcrnace. BUSINESS NOTICES. I5f.Iol Ii-intlii jr. Having rccoivod a large supply" of NEW JOB TYPE, of various now styles, Posters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Rill Heads. Labels, Ao., can bo printod in tho latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly nttended to. Gentlemen's Dress Goods, of all styles and suitablo for tho season, always to be had at Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth streot. Prices always according to quality. Good fits warranted. He spares no effort to give satisfaction. It is tho placo to go to. "Every dny brings something new," is on old saying mado modern by the daily arrival of goods at Miller's Exoolsior Storo, Market Square, where may always bo found n largo and general assort ment of Boots and Shoos, all of which ho guaran tees, and ofl'ors his goods ut reasonable prices. A Fact. Tho finest assortment of Hats and Caps In Sunbury or vicinity will be found nt S. Faust's, in Market Square His stock includes every stylo and quality, at remarkably low prices. Faust is determined on "quick sales and small profits." Con's Coital! Balsam. Tho great popular Reme dy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough, nud Consumption. Bothsizes ordinary 4oz., alsomam moth family bottles for salo by all druggists and dealers in medicines. No family should bo over night without it in the bouse. Coe's DvsrErsiA Cure Will immediately re lieve and permanently euro tho most aggravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Con stipation, and all diseases of tbe Stomach and Bow els. Physicians, clergymen aud all who use it, join in unbounded praise of its groat virtues. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Trice $1 .00. MARRIAGES. At Shnmokin, on the 2'.)th ult., by Kev. L. John son, Mr. David J. Davis, of Danville, and Miss Delilah E. Reeder, of Upper Augusta township. XIT.'Mtl'KV MIAKUIMN. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extrn family, ncr barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, per hbl. do perewt. Wheat, prime red, old, per bushel, " " " now, " " Rye, do Corn, do Outs, do Potatoes, do Dried Poaches, pared por pound do do unpared do Dried Apples, do $1.1 00 ft 60 10 00 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound. 'BKt. Chceso, Lard, Hums. Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Sliniiiokiii 4'oal Tral. Shamokin, Aug. 31. 18R8. Tons. Civt. Sent for week ending Aug. 29, Per last Roport, x 13.440 18 299 904 18 313.411 10 310,810 04 To same time last year, Increase, 2,592 12 Special Notices. A NEW REMEDY IN CONSUMPTION. A Physician who had Consumption for several yeurs, with frequent bleeding of the lungs, cured himself with a medioine unknown to the profession, whon his case appeared hopeless. He ia the only physician who has used it in his own person, or who has uny knowledge of its virtues; and ho can ascribe the de gree of health he now enjoys to nothing but tbo use of bis midioine; and nothing but uttar despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, to gether with a want of confidence in all others, induc ed him to hazard the experiment. To those Butter ing with any disease of the Lungs he proffers a treat ment he confidently believes will eradicate tho disease. Price $1.50 por bottle or $8 u half dozen, sent by express. Send for a circular or call on Du. E. Boylston Jackson, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. May 30, 180S ly. ADDHESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DF.IIU.ITA ted, whose bufferings haveheeu protruded tiom hid den causes, uud whose cases require prompt tieutiueiit to rentier existence desirutile. if you ule sulferni or have suffered fiom involuntary disehurges, what elfeet tines 11 produce upon your eeueial health ? Do you feel weak, debihtuted, easily tiled ? Does a little extra exertion pro duce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ! Is your urine sometime Muck, milky, 01 Hoeky, or is it ropy on settling; 1 Or does a thick scum rue to the top? Or is a sediment at the bottom after 11 has stood awhile? Do you have snells of short luealhilia or dvsoeui'iu ? Are youi laiwels constipated ? Do you liaVe spells of fuiuting or lushes of IiIimhI to the head f Is your memory iinpuued? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon thisstihjeet ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of lite ? Do you wish to be left alone, to get awuy from everybody ? Does any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep btokea 01 restless? is the lustre 01 your eyes as brilliant ? The bloom uu vour cheek as hriirht? Do you enjoy vour. self in society us well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feel us much confidence 111 your self? Are your spirits dull and ttueaius. eiven to fits of melancholy ? If so, Jo run lay 11 to your liver or dyspepsia. nave you restless nights f V our back weak, your knees ,veak, aud have but little appetite, and you uttiihute this 10 dvspepsis or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self abuse, venereal diseases badlyeured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producing a weak ness of the generative orguus The orguns of generation, when iu perfect heulth. nuike the mun. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, eueigetlc, persevering, suc cessful business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpita tion of the heurt They are never afraid they cannot suc ceed iu business ; they don't become sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleumit in the eoilipany of la dies, and look youaudihein light in the fuce none of your downcast looks or any other uieaniisa about them I do not mean thosei who keep the organs inflamed by ruunina to excess Those will not only run their eonstituuoia but also those they do business with 01 for. How many men from badly-cured diseases, from the eAccts of self-ahuse and excesses, have hiought about that state of weakness III Ihose organs that has reduced the general system SO much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal alf actions. L.i..,a. and almost every other form of disease which humanity is neir 10, ana ine reui cause ui uio irouuie scarcely ever sus pected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Dneasea of these oresna require the use of riiuriin HELMBOLD'SFLUID EXTHACT BUCHU isthegreat nnireiic. aud is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Complaints, General Debility, and all diseases of the Uri nary Urgans, whether existing in Male or Fenurle, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. , . 11' uu treatment is submitted to. Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and bhaid are supp-uted from these sources, and the health and. happiness, and that of Posterity, aM,,M.,.l iiimui nronmt use of a reliuhle remedy HelmtHild'e Extract liuchu, established upwards of 16 years, prepared by H. T. HKunuuuu, uruggist, 5t Broadway, New York, and ins Booth loth Mneet. Philadelnhia. Pa. Price SI ti per bottle, or 6 bottles for S6 50, delivered to ally auuress. eoiu uy ail uruggisis rrw ywuero. TUONR ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP IN i siaoi-eugravea wrapper, WHO lac-simiie 01 my mem. loai vraisuouse, ana signed , H-T HELM BOLD. July It, 18M. DtAfNEM, BuNDDRta AND CsTARan treated with the utmost success by J. Isaacs, M. D., Ocul ist and Auritt, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) NO. 805 Aroh Street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most rellablo lonroca In eity and country can ho seen at hit offioe. The Medioal faoulty are invited to aeoompany tholr patients, as he hat no seereta in his practioe. AUTIKlOl AJ KYK8 inserted with out pain. No charge for examination. nov.80-ly. 4Jnlle to llnrrlrttro. Yonng Men'sGnido to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hu mane viowa of benevolent Physicians, on the Errors and Abuses incident to Ymtth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed lettor Mivrtopw, free of charge. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P , Philadel phia, Pa. Juno IS, 1808. ly. NE PRICE CLOThTnuT o .TfiMt!C OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, I Mnl kct Mtreet, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys;em, and wo believe we ore the only Clothing House in the city tbat strictly adheres to this principle. Wo have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, fur good lasto in sclcot- ?;ood styles nnd substantial mnterials, and not less mportnnt, for having alt our goods l'.x rit.i vi:li. .tnin:. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods aro of both kinds fnshiunnblo nnd plain so that all tastos ean bo suited. The prices are the very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are over mado, we must put our prices down to tho advantages we promise. The people mny depend, this lathe true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can bo snvod to Clothing buyers by keopirfg in mind JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 004 .Market .Street, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. I'l. . M.llXi:, KitlcMiiinii. April 4, 1808. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wine Bitters ! For the W oak, For tho Pale, For tho Sickly, For the Aged, For Fomalns, For Spring Use ! ! ! jf.e Itilloi-N t-qiial to tin-in Speer's Standard Wine Bitten, Made of WINE, HERBS AND ROOTS. Si'Eer's Celebrated Wine, so well known, with Peruvian Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Snake Hoot, Wild Cherry Burk, (linger, and such other Herbs and Roots as will in all eases assist Digestion, promote the Socretions of tbo sys tem in the naturul channels, and give TONE AND YIUOR to tho Voiisik' ami 411, iflalo and IVmale ! All use it with wonderful success. Brings To the Palo Whito Lip, I5LOO.M AND BEAUTY To tbe thin face and cure wurn oountcnanco. Cures Fever and Creates Appetite: Try them. T'so none other. Ask for Sneer's Standard Bitters. Sold by Druggist nnd Urooers. See lout my signa ture is over the com 01 euch ooitio. ALrKED PPKEIl, Pussaic, N. J., nnd 243 Broudway, New-York, tv? Trade suprilied bv Johnston. Ilollowny A Co., Philadelphia : George A. Kelly, Pittsburg : and by all holesnle Dealers. For sale by W. A. IIENXETT, Suubury, Pa. July 11. oot23 '07 ly. I, AX Alt L M A. .IIOHKIS, OCCt'LISTS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES, &V. HARTFORD, COXX., HAVEA PPOINTEO T. S. SHANNON, SUNBURY", PENN'A., As their sole agent for Sunbury und vicinity for the sale 01 the eelcbratea PE11FEC TED SPEC TA CLES, AND EVE GLASSES. In doing so they have confidence in the ability of their agent to meet tho requirements of all cus tomers. His assortment of our BEAUTIFUL LEN SES comprises every form and kind, oulculated for tho simplest as well as the worst oases of diseased or impaired vision. An opportunity will be thus af- lordcd, to procure at an times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY OF THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES. Too much ennuot be said as to their Superiority over the ordinury glasses worn. There is no glim mering, wavering ot the sight, dullness, or otner unpleusant sensation, but on tbe eontrury, from the peculiar construction of the Lenses, they are sooth ing and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, ana rrouuetug a uiear and instinct ision, as in the natural hoaliby sight. They aro tbo only spectacles tbat PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT, and are the Cheapest because the Best, always last ing many years without ehungc being necessary. I jsrvAU llun. jar. 1. B MAiMXJM, jeweler, is their Only Ageut appointed in Sunbury and vi cinity. IjTIvi employ no I'oauicrs. augl, b ly. WHERE ean I get the best picture? Why at II vt-i-l r '. of course. Always go to Byerly and judge for yourself. STONE WARE. THE best and cheeriest assortment of Stono Ware In tbo State, juft received and for sale cheap at the Mammoth Cash Store of II. Y. FRILINU. NEW MACHINE SHOP AND 4ai:0. HOIIKII.4C1I A. SOU, SUNBUKY. PA., INFORM the public that they have established a MACHINE SHOP, in couneotion with their FOUNDRY. They have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with tbe latest improvements. With' the aid of skillful me chanics, tbey are euabled to execute all orders of New Work or ltrptairluj, that may be given them, in a satisfactory manner. Having enlarged and rebuilt their Foundry, tbey aro ready to execute all kinds of CASTINGS, llruox CuMllng-si, Ac. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their superi ority, have been still further improved, and will al ways be kept on hand. buubury, Juno 13, 1868. CAllFENTEHS WILL find in our establishment of Planes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, Files Chisels, Ac, Ao .lor sal by J II. CJONLET CO CAAA LBS. OF CARPET RAGS WANTED at UVvu tne otore 01 MOORE DISSINGR, Market itrsst, Sunsntry . May 18 NEW CARRIAGE & BUGGY MANUFACTORY. fpilF, subsarller respootfiilly Informs tho citizens JL of t-nubury and vicinity, that bo bus opened n shop in Sol. Stroll's Bluoksinilhsliop-Ilullding on Cbcsluul street, Sunbury, Pa , whore ho keeps con stantly on hand, and manufactures to order, sTuri-lng'c" ltiitiic.1 S Sullij-N, Ac, of the latest stylo and of the bosl material. Repairing of Wagons, Carriages. Ao., dono at the thortosl notice. Porsonsln wnntof fine Buggies and Carriages, aro requested to call before purchasing ulsewhnre. II. C. KOLSII. Sunbury, July 11, 1808. ly MITH'li TO OAI, 4li:it.l 1'OKS. COAL LANDS FOB LEASE. "TOTICE is horoby glvon, that proposals will be rccoived by the undorsigned, to grant for n term of years, noar Trevorton, Northumberland County, Pa., several new lenses upon Hod and Whito Ash Coal bods, having four miles run above water level. The rca nsh aro tho snine veins now being worked by the Lykons Valley Company, the coal from which is of a superior quality nnd ulwuia commands the highest price in the market l'os. session of the premises can be given immediately. In addition to tho facilities now possessed by this rogion for shipment to mnrkct by way of tho North ern Central Hallway nnd the Pennsylt anin Cnnnl, there will, it is believed, very soon bo nn opening lo the Eastern market, by wny of tho Entcrprtra nnd the Philadelphia nnd Beading ltnilronil. JOHN W. HALL, or P. W. HIIKAFEB. Engineer of Mines, 12.'. Centre fit., Pottsvillo, Pa. Ilarrislnirg, July 11, I81IH. 2m sTONja pumps. milE subscriber, well known In this part of tho 1 country as a manufacturer of Wooden pumps, has now turned his attention to putting in thu CELEBRATED STONE P,UM1, which for durability, appearance, continued fresh ness of water, and protection against freezing nre greatly superior to the ordinary wooden pump. They havo been used in Sunbury for Iho past two years, rendering entire satisfaction, and enn he seen at tho residences of Messrs. Ohas. J. limner, Llnyd llobrbach, James Boyd, Wm. 1. Oroeuough, and other gentle 1 en in Sunbury. Price, $1.00 per foot. PETER WEAVER. Upper Augusta, August 1, I SOS ;(m HOTEL FOR SALE. flWE "Susquehanna Hold," located on Iho coiner 1 of Ponn and Fourth Streets, iu tho Burundi ol Sunbury, Northumberland county, I'll., is offered at private Bale, on rcnsonnnio terms. 1111s wen known Hotel has lately been renovated, and is one of tbo best stands in tho place, with an excellent run of custom. For further particulars apply to (. W A It lit). I AST. (leorgetown, Pa., or UEO. WAUENSELI.Elt, Sunbury, Pa.- July llDNM. CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOHNER, Dealer in Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, liist class TREES of all kinds. Alo, Shrubbery, Vinos nnd Plants. Oardcti Seeds of all i kinds. I Orders aro respectfully solicited. I Address BENJ. BOHNER, Pnxinos, Nnrth'd. Co. ly N. B. Insurances taken in several of the I most responsible Fire Insurance and Horeo Detective 1 Companies in tho Stuto ' July 25, iar.3, y LATEST ARRIVAL OF I NEW GOODS, Joseph Eyster, Center of Market and Fourth Street, S U N JS U H Y , P E N N ' A . Invites the publio to coll and examine his elegant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, such as Table Linens, Domestics, Doylies, Towels, and Domestics of every description at tho very low est price C A. S SI MERE S. CLOTHS. &.C Silks, Dclnincs, Lawns. Ginghams, Calicoes. Muslins, .heeling, Tickings, Jeans, and n full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Honirry, Gloves, Hoop fckht,. Alio iluniikrclii ftf, JlruHlu-s, Coiiiih. Ilsif Jiinl 4'si, Hoofs mimI SIio, llift ftfsortmcnt ot ioo'ia will not, ho is euro (nil to pi 0110 tlio finu'y hhU iiiit thewimtdof any dosiroin of purchasing. Hi ehpk of IIAUItWAUE AND QUKDN'SWARE, nnd Groceries it largo in quantity and olmti-ft iu qunlity, cninprirting fcnncrilly everything needed in tho household either for u?o or ornament. Ho ie ulwavs rend v nnd i'l ml to ueo hifl friends nnd takes plea.iiro in Knowing them hif goods even though no 8iilu3 ure mnde. He only asks a call, and is sure that the stoek will com pare favorably in price and quality with tho eheHpest. JOSEPH KYSTEK. sSunbury, Juno. 2d, ISfirt. TZC1A3 G. 1TCTT3 MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA., TT AS just roceived a large and well-selected slock SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of tho finest CLOTHS, CASSIMEKKS AND VKSTIXfiS ever brought to Sunbury, and which bo promises to' sell cheaper than the cheapest. Having the services of skillful tailors, he guarantees a good tit in every instance inferior to none outside of the cities. Everything from my establishment will be guar anteed as reprcseutcd. THOMAS O. NOTT Sunbury, May 9th. ISfSS. tf UlKMSf OF SUMMER syLEH, at Miss Louisa Shissler's, M A II K E T S Q U A K K , Ladies' and Misses' HATS and BOXSTS, in Immense variety. millinery (oeU mid Xi-Iiuiuingx. French and American Ribbons, Laees, Handker chiefs, ((loves, Ilotiry, and a general assortment of Ladies Millinery Woods, which have beon selected with great care. Uenlt ( oIIim'h, IN'ei'ktlcsj Iovcm, &-, Every variety will bo found to select from, ut MODERATE PRICES. Sunbury, May 30, 1808. QUEENS-WAlC STONE CHINA WARE, &c Market Stroet, 6 doors west of Fourth St., south sido, SUNBURY, FENX'A., R1 ESPECTFULLY informs tbeoitizens of Sunbury and Merchants and dealers in tins sod ailioin- ing counties, that he has just opened a largo assort ment of tfUEENSWARE AND STONE CHINA WARE of every variety, from the best manufactories in tho eountry, which will be sold at WHOLESALE und RETAIL. Dealers arc invited to examine his stock before purchasing in the city, as tbey oan save money by doing so. Sunbury, way in, ltwa. oiu FANCY MY (,0()I)S. ALL THU LATEST STYLES, Suitable for the SPRIXQ AND SUMMER SEASOXS. MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, two doors East of the old Bunk building, Sl'NBUUY, PennV, HAS just opened a fresh assortment uf tho most fashionable Fancy Dress Uoods ftoui the largest establishments in Philadelphia. DkLAINHS, ALAPACAS, POPLINS, CALIC-S. .iionixnu uoodn, Clothe, Saeques Flannels, Flannels, Sheetings, Mus lins, Ladies and Childrens' HATS, Feathers. Uibbons, lr?HH '1'i'Iiiiiii1ii, ItailtrolttVrioM, Lace Veils, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, tlloves, Hosiery Hoop Skirts, Hopkins' Eliptia Skirts, Heal Black Lace Shawls, and Ladies' Uoods of every description. Bun Umbrellas and Paroaols. Gents' Collars, Neck-ties, llalf-huse, Handker chiefs and U loves. Perfumery, Toilet Snaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, etc. ' KATK BLACK. Sunbury, May 30, 188S. . TtlRD CAQES.ll different kinds. If you want 1 oood and ehean Bird Cages, go to CONLEY A CO S W. A. BENNETT, DIU'GGIST AND CHEMIST, Hurkri Nqtiu,-,., sj.lil i:V, I'a. Ifns Just opened a fresh and full assortment of Drugs and Hedicinefl, stannC Th n.P,"'l',T "n'' "' k"P eon- n woLV . 1 n,Vi- Alv """ will alwav l,n found complete in every arlielo of merit in Medioine FANC1? ARTICLES ' My stock is unusually large and embraces every thing that oan bo found on a first cliiss Toilet Tnlile including Auieriunii nnd genuine French and Enn' lish s V IMi V V M i: H Y , Pumadoi, Hair Oil, Ivory, Uutta i'erclia Wood and Horn Combs, Toilet Soups, Huir Tooth, Nail, Cloth aud I'sint Ditches, Ao. I'iil 'li t .rlli-iii". Embracing nil iho most popular 1'rotiiirn lions of thu dny, nt maiuifnclurers' pricus. Pure Havnnn ,SK(1 AUS und CIIEW1XU TOBACCO of the best Brands. l'siitilM, OiU, lne, 4Iumm, Iu J ly , Viii'iiImIm'h. tVs-. All my Tinctures, .S'yrups, Ointments, Cerates, nnd oilier preparations ato tniiniifiiclurcd by my-odf, and from the best materia! I can procure in Market. Having had tiui'.o a number of years' expel iuco hi the Dnia nnd Piirrijrfion JwM.'irw, both In Philadelphia nnd thn country, nnd also Iho advantage of Iho College cd' I'liurtnac'y, I feel com petent to COMl'OUNlJ ALL PRESCRIPTIONS Unit Iho Physician und public 111:1V favor tno with. All tny preparations 11s I have above nsscrled, arc mado Iroin the best material, and ut on honor I assert, they arc of official strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand Iho very best WINES, BHANDIKS AM) LKit'Olifl, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, cull and conviuco your own mind. W. A BENNETT. Sunbury. May 111, I.SiiS. lkHit! iJGjrrru(HTl s. uu:ici,v, rpiIE popular Photogrnper. has fitted up. In Ihn J oi l Post Office building, three doors west of Ilic I railroad, Market Sjiiare. 0110 of tha very best Sky- Lights to be found in the State, and is now prepared to I take pictures of any kind, in ull kinds of weather, 1 "lir'y and Into. Children taken almost instantly. Jims along 1110 oaotes wo nre now reaily tor thein. COME OXE ! COME ALL ! both great nnd small, soo his now rooms, and ex amine specimens. FRAMES and FRA.MfXU mntciiut constantly on linn 1 and made to order. Bring along vour pioluros and hnvo them framed cheaper thuti nuvwbere else tome and sec lor yourselves. Anything in Iho picture line constantly on hand or ordered. Copying done in all its branches nnd colored as desired. Both out und Indoor views taken at short notio.o nnd on rcasoiiahle terms. Satisfaction guarninleed. as our motto is to please. All negatives carefully preserved, liciiieuihcr Iho pluco ask fur S. BYER LY. .Market Siiunie. May 2.1, 'OS.-dy. Sl'.III'KV Oil. 3111. J,. TflE subscribers having just erected and put in operation a Mill for Iho manufacture of L I N S K ED OIL, offer the highest market prico for FLAX SEED. J hey have tittactital to their establishment 11 Chop ping Mill, mid fanners und others wanting grain elioj ,pcd for feeding, ean lie accoimnodatcd ut the shoitesi notice. A macbino for chopping corn w ilb the cub is attached to the mill. Mt 'lKiAX .1 MASSKU. January 2."), IHi'iH, ly si'itix; 'i-anm: t. " Sl'KINU TI'ADE 1SC8. M. 1.. LAZAHUS, would call customers g iiient of the nitenli,.n of Iho public, and her tuerally, to her large and new assort- mil OoiiK'-ilic Iry (oo1h. Whl CIl: (li h consist of Poplins, Detains, Chones, Allapnc , Crepes. Oreniidines, Iron Bareges, Lawns, lgbauis, Calicoes, Chintzes, Ac, Vltil 4mIm. nnilnios. Sloys. Organdie. Victoria, Plaid -Muslins Marsailles, 1 "iii Hi-, i;iilings. Wigatii-. MihIiii; (bleached and itnbloclic I ) 'J ,u Linen, Napkin. Trove!. Table Cuv.Ts, Bed SUen!s, Ac. tlloves. Hosiery. Corsets. Hoop Skirts. DressTrim uiitiir. 1 in vaiictv,) Ladies nnd (ler.ts llnndker ehtefs, Neck lies, and notions in variety too niiuier- ous to mention. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury. May tf, I .1. Y. Stuvknson. A. X. UfiicK. ATTRACTION AT HAUP.T'S XLW IUOX FKOXT! STKVEXSON & BRICK, nAYL opened up a neiv and desirable s-tock of (foods in ilaupt's New Building, consisting in part of a splendid variety of AliMTii'llll VI 11 li-li OOIA) WATCHES, HOOKS, CLOC KS, .IKWKMiY, ST A 'I'l O X i: U Y , S 1 1 . V V. U- Y AIM, COLD I'KXS, SI'ECTACLKH, NOTIOXS, Glass-Wart, Cutlery, l'icturrJ, Looking -(Jlusscs, Ajc, Jcc, Cull und examine our stock. Our aim will be lo please and satisfy all who call. SlKVi:..-n X ERicF.. Sunbury, April IS, 1 Htm. i. vri-.NX s ri i,i:s oi- SPRING AND SUMMER illinery Goods, o'Iimm li. I,. .l'r, begs leave to an nounce to the Ladies of Sunbury mi l vicinity, that she ha just opened a large and varied stoek of MILLINEUY GOODS, Tho latest New York ni.d Philadelphia, styles of LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS. Also, an excellent assortment of Fashionable Kin broideries, Kdging. Luces, YVoulon Cap.- Handker chiefs, Scurfs, Gloves, Hosieries, nnd nil kinds of Funcy Notions. Stamped Muslins, Corsets, Peifuino rics, .Soaps, Lilly While, Uunniel of America, Sta tionery. to., Ac. Cull and examine fur yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury. April 11 IMS. Vu. Fstisos. Nklsos Prim. F U 11 N I T U II E ROOMS. Vl. FAPeSCIT & SOlTj late of the firm of Farson l .Davis, have opened ware ruomsnt No. 22.S South 2d street, below Dock, PHILADELPHIA, Where they koop a full assort in cut of r.VI'.LOK, C1IAMBEH, HITTIXG KoOM unci DIXIXCJ KOO.M FL'KXITL'HE. Their old customers, and all persons wishing to purchase, are invited to call aud exauiiue their stuck before purchasing elsewhere Particular attention paid to packing. myfl ly. .M:iiiIiooI 1 lfov l.osl, oloi'i'd. I J ut published, a new eaitioii ol I'r. . ulver- ; "jvell's Celebrated E..-:iy 1111 Hie radical euro J.y ( ithout medicine) ot spermatorrhea, or tfeininul Weakness, Involuntary Soiuiual Losses, iiupoteney. Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, etc ; also. Cun-uuiplion, KiiilniisV, end Fits, induced by sulf-indulgciica or sexual extra ugiiitcc. Price, iu a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. Thu celebrated author, in this admirnhlo essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming eoni-eiiuenees of self ubuse may bo radically eured without the dangorous use of internal incdic.inu or the application of tbo knife ; pointing out a mo le of cure at. once simple, certain, and etlcctual. by means of which every sut ferer. 110 matter what bis condition may bo, may cure himself cheaply, privately, und radically. I c This Lecture should be in tho bunds of every youth and every man iulhc land. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, 011 receipt id six cents, or two post stumps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'a "Marriage liuido," nrice 2o cents. Address tho Pubi blurs. ' CHAS. J. C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, New Yolk, Post-Office Box 4,5iti. July 4, iatiS. y JOHN P. HAAS, Dealer iu all kiuds of ANTHRACITE COAL, MIDDLE W11ABF, SFNUUHY, PA., Ig nrepared to supply all kinds of Anlhraoile Coal Iruiu the hliaiuokiii Coal llesjiou at cheap rales. All orders promptly filled. Country custom re- roxilullv solicited. P. HAAK. Kunbuiy, July lf, 1KA8. n-eeir' V iv r,, BMJAII& TAiNCV CAlifcS RESPECTFULLY I'lfit -pis the rl;i-f.i- of Si. 11 bury nnd vicii.i.y, Hist ha will in. hi Iu order nil kin Is of ('itlifsf'ir H.ili, H'livflfH. A'C Families 'ire supplied wilh 1-11)".-H lillliAD, Twis' Rolls. I'iiidis, lei ItniH, An., loid n'o lci)t on li ni l inim 'lai.iiiircd nut ol'tlie bcKirinlerbils. Ail order left at hi Simp in iM. i ka: Piii?irc, one (luorei.st of Alif Anna, 1'uuitur's Millinery Store, or at his Bakery ou Spmu4 Street, between Front oni Second sin els, r.ill mnntwith prompt attention. PICNIC PAKTIl.S supplied with Cal.es, lou Croiiin, Ac, at thu shortest uoliuo. Orders are respectfully solicited. , DA VI Li FRY. Suiihui y, May 5, 18ii. SUNHUKY MARBLE fPHF. undersigned having t J. entire stivdt of iMssing ig bought tho nor liivlor. Would inform II,,. roiblie ih.it I... u ready to do nil kinds of mmblu work j ba uu'luud, and makes fo order nt short notice, irlonuiiM-n nl ll ;ul4ton:M, of every style lo suit putehuers. DOOR AND WINDOW rHU.H. Also, Ccinutcry Po.-!sith l):ilvani.ci pine aud all other fencing generally ued on LYmelerii s. John A. Taylor will eonliriuc in the Hiiii lnyiiK'hi, at tho old sf mill in Market Sipi'ire, Sonlvnrv. Pa. May 2, '64. ly. W. M. DAt'Ull IIIIT Y. SPIMNC;' " FASHIONS IN isiii.iiiiisr.Eii-. Miss LOUISA B1II9SIEH, TflE popular Millinery, south sido of M iik'I' S'juare. Suubury, i. desirous of c.itlinr Iho alteotiuii of the public and Irado to her t'.ni'iuc und handsome. iissoitinent of Mll.LIXERY A XL) FANCY OCCDS. just opened. On hand and made to order, are the latest and most superb style of GIt'il:il, 31 mmi ti n' mini Eti't' IJorT. K'lsl und (SillN. Also, a splendid assortment of Trimming. Artificial Flowers. Bonnet Frames, Veils, Collar;. Ac. ticnllemcu's Hoods, such us Hosiery, llaiclker chiefs, Neck-ties. Brushes and good for the toilet. Al.-o, a fine assortment of Perfumery, and nil goods usually kept in a well furnished establishment. A call is only rcotiired to be coiiv iuce.l. . B. Special nltciitiou is directed lo a lino lyt of I, allies' Dress Cups and Head Drew. LOUISA SlllSSLER. April IS, 18R8. j. a sylvis. wmi in o. tuachku, Manufacturer of FRENCH AND AMERICAN CALF liOUlK, MtWC-H lllld (aUit'.'1'M, Pleasants' Building, Market t'tjunre, SUNBURY, PA. Ladies' Boots, Shoes nnd (iuitcrs of all descripttui.s made to order on the shortest notice and most rea sonable terms. Having tho best, workmen employed, wc can assure the public that, if th"y will give us 11 cull, they will be satisfied of tho above facts. BU PAIHINO neatly done wilh dispatch. If your corns do hurt your fyct, Just call and leave your measure, And we will make your Shoes or B00U, That you will call a treasure March liH, '(it). ly. 1 1 -i lo 'a'r'ji;s'i,s. "VT OTICK is hereby given, that no person er per XV sons will he allowed to trespass on the proper ty of tho undersigned, in Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, for tbe purpose of locking Berries, F'ruit, Ac, or to cuter into any enclosure, without permission, as tho law wiil be enforced against nil offenders. ISAAC H. RESSLER. Lower Mahonoy twp., Juno 20, lStis. 1 111 SlOO REWARD F01 a medicine that will cure CCCGHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING In the THROAT, whooping rot.T.n, or relieve CONSUMPTIVE OOUIHIS, us quirk as COE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVER ONE .MILLION BOTTLES Iinveliceo soM nnd not 11 sutcte instance of il fin IIU'C IS known. We have, m our posi ssnai, u:ie ipiulility Of l! iif.mt s-mic of tia-m tiom i.mim: t physicians who li ive nst-.t it. in their ptaet ice, ami i;:veu it lheiiJ cuiinetice overeveiy o'.lier coinjioinut. IT DOi:ti NfiT IJItY I P A COCIill, but I.OIJSF.NS IT, si as to ciinble the patient to exiccloiate freely. Two -i ill ret- tl-'Scs. Wll.L IXVARtAM.Y CfllB TirKl.tNn IN THE TnSOAr '. A liaif b.it.lc has oi'ten eninpletely cured the most Sluti-h.-rn I'cucli. no.l vet. llr.nuli It is so miteanJ siieeily in its I H'cralion", il is perfcctlv harmless, bplm; piirely vcil"tal lc ll 1 vei'V acrecable lo tiie taste, and may he inhuinisterc I i toclilUbenoiuity ai,'e. iln cases of CHOCP we will etwrantee n euic, 11 lintca m seasill, NO FAMILY SHOULD III". WITHOI T I I'! ! It is within the reach of all, il being the cheapest and tie ! ineihcute extant. C. O. CI.AIIK ft. CO.. Proprietors. m;v iu conn. April IS, 1?W.-ly DYSPEPSIA CURE. ritllis GKl'.AT REMEDY FDK ALL DISCASl'.M.f Hie ST OMACHF, is the ilnteoverv of the inventiil of t oe's va!n.ib!ti C nc'i Katsaul, while expei iinenliiie for liisowo health. Il Cranio iu the Kioinach for I11111 wlucli Innl Uelore y nr.-il :lded to nothing hut eliloroftinn. 'The iilinost. ilailv ti..ti:n"liv from van. ins paitsnf ti e eiumlry encoiiia n to I rlo-ve Ito'ie is noilirtuhe enn itl by udistirdeird stomach it will not speetlily cure. Physicians ontlorso nntl Use it ! Miniutcrc Rive testimony of its eillcapy. Anil from nil direction" we receive tidings of cures ir. j foriueil. I DYSPEPSIA! I It is sure to cure. HEARTHt'ftN ! One (lose will ulire. SICK IIFtDACHK! It lias cured in ioilnlrcl of tines. IIMADACHi: AM) DIZINESS! It stops iii ihirty minutes. iCIDITY OF Till". STOMACH ! It coriects at outre. RISE OF THE FOOD ! t stops imtnediuie!)'. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One dose will remove. CHOLERA MOR1IUS! Rapidly yieUs to a few I"Sps, BAD BREATH ! W'illbeehunged with half u bottle. IT 13 PEEFfSCTLY IIAHMLEB Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing t,t the fuel that It fiirt'M lty sNsitliiis' nliire TO RE-ASSI'.ItT HKlt SWAY IN THE SYSTEM I Nelllly every dealer 111 the l ulled Stale l sells it Bl ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. April 18, ISC'. ly. B,50,000 t'nsioint'r In I'ear Vt'iirst. PaVTROXIZI. the p.kst. Having the largest capital, nio-t experienced bu era, and extousiv 0 trade of any concern in the Dollar i-iilo business, w e O UA UR A XT Eli SA TISFA CTIOX in every Instance and also tlio Lost aule .-t i..i. a'. Uoods uvcr offered at oi: iMH.s.vti 1:14:11. No other conooru has any shuw whercier our Agents are selling. Our motto, -Prompt and Relia ble.'' Male and female agent, wauled iu city and country. are particularly requested to try our pmpnlaroliir. svstem of sollins; all kinds ot Il A W AN iooliS, DRESS PATTER NS. U ' f '-v 1 1 CASTORS. BUYER PLATED I.O0DS Ail 11 ES, 4c. (E.tablisl.ed ImU ) A pateut pcu tountaiii and a check describir, an art.olo to bo ,id or a dollar, 10 cts. ; Sit) for J : 40 lor t . 6u lor 1 , 100 for lu ; sent by mail. Free iirosenls lo getter up, (worth 50 per cent . more than those sent by any other concern 1 aoeordins to sit of club. Send 11s a trial club, or if not do uut fail to send for a circular. N. B Our sal should not be classed wilh New York dollar .jewelry sales ur bogus "Tea Companiej, ' as it il nothing of tb sort. EASTMAN KENDALL, 6b Hanover Street, Boston, Mass. Mar 2'1, '9 -Cm.