NEW DRY GOODS AND Fresh Groceries I On Tlilrcl St., ono door below Iho Lutheran Church, BU NBUBY, PKNN'A,' HEMBY PETERS, Hot juat opened a lnrge assortment of PHY UOOD.?,suoh u Cnlicoos. Dolnines, Muslim, find nto visions of nit kinds, such n. SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COM, OIL Molnssos, Syrup', Mackerel, Lard, Hams, Nuts Dried and Conned Fruits, Prunes, Rnlsins, Cheese, and Crnckers, and in fact everything uunlly kept tn the Urncery lino. Uoic. Fiih. Conl Oil, Crockery-ware. Qnecnswar. Olnss-wnre, Willow. ware, Ac. Tho best FLOl'R Hud MEAL in tlio Market Tobacco, Cigars, and a variety of NOT IONS. Also: All kinds of Canned Iruit, at tho lowest prices. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. lyCall and examine my Stock, and sntisfy your elves. I HENRY PETERS. Sunbury. April 23, 1887. THE PRIZE JVrW, 1807. MACHINE CO Exposition Up irmell. THE HOWE SEWING ELIA8 HOWE, Jn. Awarded over Eighty-two Competitors, Tho l!Iitln-!t Vri'inisiin, Tlie Only Cross of the Legion of Honor and GOLD MEDAL piven to AMF.ntc .ETviNfi M u miKs, per Impe rial Decree, published in tho ".Honitcnr 1,'iiivursnl'' (OMieiul Journal of the French Empire), Tuesday, 2d July, 107. in those words : 1' l'uliricnnto de Mnchincs a cuu drc expiwit. Manufacturer of Sewing Ma chines. Exhihitor. "This double first honor is another proof of tho prent superiority of the HUME SJ'.MIAU MA CHINE overall others' Ml! LEY A STOOPS. No. 23 .South Eirht (Street. Philndrli bin, Agents for Pennsylvania, New Jerfcy, Delaware and n esiciu llglliia. February 22, IH08. 3m FRESH ARRIVAL OF MILLTNKR Y GOODS -A-ISTHD NOTIONS, Miss ANNA FAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of tho Post Office SUXBUKY, P E X X ' A. 1" ErSTECTFFLLV informs her friends and tho I j public, that sho his iut returned from the city. v here she hn spent some time in making selections and purchases, and h:m just opened n large stocK 01 MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Ribbons, Laces. Drc;-?. Linings. Crinolino and M'i pans Skirting Lining. Honp Skirts. Iloglo Trim mings. Crnpe Trimmings, Hat Crape, Clonk Muttons. Comets, Zephyrs. A large iiiiuituitiit of Ladies and Gentlemen's Hosiery. DOLLS of all uzps. Alphabet Mocks. Ao. Slio flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give n.'iro sinislii'tion to visitor?, and goods will be exhibited wltli plonsurc. Sunbury, May 30, lSi',3. V. IT. MOOTiE. I. C. DISSIXGER. Iow firm! .'c Slorc! r"w Itoom! mid an ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF O00ES ! GREAT REDVCTION IN PRICES! mo oui: a. i)issi(ii:tt, Have ju.-t opened a carefully selected stock of NEW GOODS, iu H:iiiitM Iron I 'roil I, MARKET STREET, SUNRL'RY, PENX'A Consisting of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. GROCERIES, Ql'EENS- M ARK, GLASali ARE. and u full liuu of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AMD IjUClIch DlTNK (lioodN, Cnlii'oes. Murlius, Hannels, TufWo Ijittens Toweling, Clm'ks. Ticking. Count; CHssiiueres, "e-finj;s. Yarns. Skirts. Neck Tits, Cull?, Cuilais ilaudkerehiefs, Oil Cloth. Carpel?, W ood and illon-Ware. M u invite gpccinl tiliention to the quality of our Sloek of .li(M'i:i!II S E SI1 I'.IS, RIO an.l JAVA t OFFEK, TEAS. SI GARS, MOLASSES, SYRI SOAR, SALT, l'l.-U, INEUAU, Ac., Ao. Cnini-bell's Ceb brated FLOClt, always on bund. Wu fe' l ronOdent that cash buyers will find it to their a liiiiitu to givo us u call, nwl custoniers :iierally are inviled to call und examine our goods mid et p'.'-ted on our priees. Ity slru t i.tieniinn to tho wants of our customers and liiir dealing nc hoi c to merit a lull nhare ol the pilbl'e pfitri'iitige. COl Nil, Y 1'ROIifCEof all kinds taken in ex 'himgn lor goods, tor which the highejt price will be paid. MO011E A DISSI.NGER. Siinbnry. April 11. "iW, ..'iO,y():M'iiliiiri' iu 'oi!v Vi lli's, PATIMLNIZK THE DEST. Having tho largest eapitiil, most expt rieneed buy ers, and extensive tradu of any concern in tho Dollar fcuio bu-iness, wo ; caj:i:a tki-: ha tisfa crioy in every in-t ineo, and ulso the selection ol Goods ever oliored at o.m: ooi.i.wc r. ii. No other concern lias any how wherevor our A irenin aro selling. ur motto, "Prouif I and Relia ble.'' .M ile and female agents wanted iu city und country. M'lie Iiiidiosj oro particularly r -qui sle I t'i Irv our popular club sv-t.-m of -.-llii.g nil kinds of DHV AND FANCY (.oiids, i i ; i : ; i' Ail i: r ns, cotiox cloth, I'AVIUitS, MLVEli PLATED GOODS WATCH ES, A.-. (Establbl.e I 1 fMi t . ) A patent pen fountain and a enceK il"sei iniiitf an article to t,e Hold tor u dollar. IU el. ; Ui) lor J ; 41 for ft; Gu for ! ; lot) tor SHI ; sent by mail. Free pre-untu to petter up, (woiih .'ill per cent, inoie ihan tho-'oscnl hyanyother eoiifern.) aeeordiiig to size ol' club. Send uo a trial vlab, or it' not do not tail to send for a circular. N . i!. tiur sale should not ho cla-od xithNew York dollar jewelry sales or bogus. "Tea Companies" its it ii nothing ft the. sort. EASTMAN A KENDALL, 0 j Hanover Street, llos ton, Mosi. Uy JVRS.-fiin. ' t lie ii I nil Inipli'iiii'iit , HOK S Grain Rtikos, Steel anil lion Garden Hakes, J.i mot D llnndlo Spadiv, Miovels, Mnmiru Huillny Forks, Graa ami Grain Scythes, Graiu Cr :nl!t-s, Craille l'iuurs, Traoo, ilreits,'Toiiiue Mud Log Cliuius, Ci ind-.-loiici, 1 aiming Mill Reives of all siii-snnd kii.d.a large aM,..rtiueut n Kcd Wagou lbiine-. for Plimiii", Furin Jiells. Cultivator Teeth, Ij- sale by J. . CONLLY A CO. WUMHUlliT STEAM SAW MILL. 1 1. 1. 1 i n jci:.ij.t., Mduufaeturer and Dealer in all kinds of I1.VL1.U, LI MLER, LATH, PALI Mi A bill N'- H n''i " 'll,'l'"Si hiding, Doors, Sa.-U, Ji'nids, llrackeU, Moulding!, Ao. Corn-, R M,rwl ,., Uiv.r Koad, SfNIJl'i; V, P. '"'Uls, till 1 IU11 I ofllils I.umkI Oil, Coul 'ii. r isii uit 1 C0KU3tC0' OREAl SPRING OPENING. GREAT FALL IN PRICES 1 Buy the MOST GOODS, of the BEST GiXJLITT For tho LEAST MONEY. SMALL PROFITS AND SALES ! QUICK CASH II. V. I ICILI.-VI.', at tho MAMMOTH STORE, ri.-tP.KET syrARE, SUNBURY, PEXX'A., Ilnf just received and opened tho ititsT si:i,s:."ri:s nnd FINE.ST ASSORTMENT, of BUY GOODS IX TOWN. French Merinos, Prints, Muslins, Ginghams, Cassimeres, Ac. Delaines and Ariuurcs. Domestic; Cottons, L'rown nnd Elonchod. NOTIONS of nlljkinds. Hosiery, Glovcs.'Men'sand Ladies Undergarment WHITE GOODS. A full assortment of TRIMMINGS. Ruildrrs will find my Stock of Hunt war SaisilM, OUm, i!I:ikn, Ar 4'omplt-to. Drugs and Mcditincs, Willow and Cedarwure, Jueensvviire, tilassware, Crockery, Salt BOOTS AND SHOES- HATS AND CAPS, and in fin-t ovi-rything usually kept iu a lurgt. Sioru Cull und bo convinced that the CHEAPEST ,. PLACE TO Dl 1' ALL YOL'H GOODS is ut The 3Jaminoth Store. of FBILINa, 'l i riii l'ali, SO duj at, ' as my Goods are bought fur Cash and Sold Cheap I for tho READY MONEY. 1 give the trade the ad vantage of all reductions u fact at they aro ma le by . Manufacturer-. U X FKIL1NU, fruoiury, April 14, Use. TUB GREAT ' AMERICA IT COMBTXATION llutton Hole OTeraorunslnsf AND OEV'IITG' IACHIITIC. Km Wonderful Popularity Conolu.iT. Proof of It. Ureal Merit. . w-. ,., tho demand fof this aloal.l. ma eh hie Las bee" TEN FOLD drln,lh. 1..4 seven B?,o. " Th i grand and surprising success is "Pdn; ed iu tuo history of sowing-machtnos, and wo leel fully warranted In olainiiug Ihat IT HAS NO EQUAL, Being Absolutely lh. Best iwtiii.v iia;iiiu IN THE AVORLD, And Inlrinticully the Chea- ctt. It is really two machines combined In one, (by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement,) ma king both tho Shuttloor Lock-stitch, and tho Over seaming and lluttou-hole slitcb. wilh equal laoilily nnd perfection, It executes in tho very best manuer every variety of sewing, such as. Humming. Felling, Conling, Tucking, Stitching, braiding nnd Wuiltiug, Gathering and sewing on, (done at tho sanio timo.) and in addition, liverseams, r.iniirouicreon iue io(iu and makes beautiful Dutlon and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machlno Is warranted by tho Company, or its Agents, to give outiro satisfaction. Circular, with full particulars and samples of work on Ibis Machine, can lo had on applica tion at the Salesrooms of THE AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE, OYERSEAMINO AXD SEWING MACHINE CO., S. W. Cor. Eleventh nnd Chestnut Streets, 1'hiladolphia, Pa. Instructions given on the Machine at tho rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. AGENTS WANTED. FRED'K PAXSOX, President. W. B. MicNnF.NHAU., Troasunr. April 25, 158. lysijan. 25, V. S. SUA IN' o r, Watchmaker & Jewelry, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBTJKY.PA., Will removo bis Jewelry Storo to Miller '. Stone Ruilding, corner ol M and fllarKol Bqunro, ON FERRL'ARY 1st, 1SC.S, where lio will be happy to recoivc his old customers nnd the public in general. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a conlinuanoo of the samo, and ho is do termined to sell as low ns Iho lowest, nnd for quality, not tu be surpnsse I by finy goods in tho market. A largo assortment of Wtilthes, Clocli.i, Icwclry nntl Silver NVnr, constantly on hand, consisting of all kindsof Anicrl-c-nn Watches, such as tho Howard, Appleton, Trncv & Company, Trcmont, "Walthnin, P. S. Htivtlet, Win. bil lery. Homo nnd a iluo nssoitnient of bwiaM Watches All kinds of 8 Pay nnd 30 Hour CUnlis ! Silver tea setts, card and cake buskcls, breakfast nnd dinner castors. Celery stand.', syrup and drink ing cups, nnd a full assortment uf Spoons, Knives and Fork. Particular attention paid to tho repair ing ol Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Music Luxes. All work warranted. Feb. S, J8W. KE El AVE LL DU ESSED Call and sec the well eelectod Stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATINGS, VESTING., Ac Just received at MERCHANT TAILORING ESTABLISH MENT, Fourth Street, below Eyster's Store, Sl'NRI'RY WINTER CLOTHING of tlie nmst npproved styles is mndo up to order a rcii'-'omiMc niti's. He hus iiImi r fine nort merit of CtiPsiinoro Fhirta, Irweifl, iiiflerhirtff, Overhulf, jl.l(HiKt'5, Neek tiep. Cotton nnd Wool it n Hose, Suf-peniltT. iiaLul- liorohiel!. Oluvus, iintl a general vtiriety of CKNTLKMI-N'S FUtSVSIIINU UOODS, (iivc him n call, which you nil! And tu bo tu your HuVMiltatlO. Suubury.Oct. IP, !.crt7. FLOUIi & FEED STOIiE WJWLICSAUJ AXJ) JlBTAll.. fpiIE subscriber respectfully informs tho public 1 that bo keeps constantly on hand at bis new W AREHOl'SE. near th Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in Sl'NRI'RY', Flour by tho barrel and sucks of all kinds ol Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will bo suid ui me lowest cash prices. J M. CAD W ALLADI: R. Sunhury, April 1, ISM THE CEEAT ZINGMI BITTERS The component pfirta of this retnarVabU preparation NTere first discovered, compounded and diitrtbuU-d. .o roe twenty yean mko, l Lr. Ciieopsvb, the cele brated Kifypliun Phyiicuui. Thoununds of his tulTur Ing countrymen were rtiturtd to health, as well us k real numbt rs of the inliubitunt of N ubia and Abyssinia, and of thecountiics bordeiinit upon the Soullieiucoust ;or tlte AleUiltriancan Sea, liiflitcl, the fume of the zivcAiti mntiw soon spread over Europe, and wua udotcd by the prlncii'al I'iiysitiiins in charKc of the hot-piiuli of lite old world, iu which it i still und with preemi nent s novas. The Viceroy cf l.iypt i lucid the name of Mi- CliEorsus upon tho Koll ut Nubk'," and pre sented tr hi in a IKdul bearing the folluwing intcrip tion: " lR C'HEop'jrs.tlie Tublic iiemfactor." Thia liiltrri is now offerefl to the public of America with Die full assurance that it will be found, upon a fair trial, tu act as a specific for the cure of Chnlrra, Dyacntcry. Dlnrrhcrn, Cholera Dysentery, Iti-tm, F'evtr anil Aunt, Vtllnw Ft-vcr. lhruiunilin. Tj pliold t'cvtr, UysprpsU, ...:. a. u. IV. 1 U1UI1I1UUU, SiaiU Ii iiry. Ui.tnurs of the Ivldnrys. Nervous Uclilltty, oinl Fenmlo Complullll. Remarkable cures of ihe above discuses nave bcea cOT'cU'd by its use, asnuiuerouscertiflcalcs, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and it is destined to supersede any preparation exlitut. As an afissaule Tunic, und an INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, IT HiS NO EQUAL. Tiirs tits ZI.OAHI llrlTUIla HAS SHU I, AS Vf K L I. AS II 0 D V , AND is 4 TRliVliMlVE OS DlflFASE, IIA3 No St'PtiilOR. A rEW WriRPS TO LADIES. The use of the ZIN'l.AKI IlITfKUS will Kivo to you that soft, semi truniitrent eomfib-xion wl.icti Hie God of nature (de- sixning wi.ui in to be the loveliest of his works) fully Inu-ndvd that you nhould have for It ts nature's own mrdiT und paint combined. By purifying the blood, Stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and imparling health and life throughout the entire system, it esM'Ciully gives that smooth clearness and baiut to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roaghnets, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly lk u common in our day; and whxt is even l -iter ttian this, it curus every species of female irregularities and disease, l'uucipal lie pot, llarri.biir;!, Pa. RAHTER & HAUSE, SOLK PBOFBlKTOEa, Fo"ralo by W. A. DENNETT, Druggist, Buubury Pennsylvania. August 3, lsri7. r iitk i:. rilllE underaigiied having succeeded to tha busi 1 lies, ol I'. HI.MES & CO., take, this method of iutoriuing Rrick-Layers. Buildurfc, and all others in terested, iu and about Suubuiy, that be is prepared to till all orders, for building aud paving liriek, of a superior quutity, and at a. low rutes as can be bud ol.-euhere. 1 am ulso the Agent in tha Counties of Northum berland, I'uiun, Suvder and Montour, for WAR REN .S IMPROVED FIRE aud WATER PROOF ROOF. This is the vbuapest and best Roof that can be used on buildings. We covered several build ings with it, during tho lust season with entire satis, flu linn. Orders left at tho Rrick Yard, in Cake'. Addition lo Sunbury, or at Ihu Othce of Mr. Wm. Hvugau's aw .Mill and l-uuibor Yard, or at Suubory Post Illume, Villi ft-ccive utieiitiou. TOWeOD RIMES. Eunbury, UalcU II, IBos. ' NTAter aid Fire Proof EOOF3. TUB nnderslgn.d respeotfnUy Inform, builder, in this and adjolniiia: eonntie. that b. Is prepared to fiut on Slate Hoofs In a superior manner, lie Turn slios the oolobrated Lehigh oounty Slate, whloh I. the best In the market. He warranto his work to b durable and fir. and water proof. Ho Invites the in spoation of the public to the work ho hasdone in Sun. bnryon llaipt'., Ureenongh'a and Haas' buildings, and on other, at yorlous plaooa. His prion ar aa lowa.tbo.eof any other .later. . Address, D. B. SMITH, Sunbury, P. 0., or .all at his residence In Upper Augusta twp. January II, Ib08. ly TUB GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 8d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at BERGSTBEESSER'S NEW PHOTOQaAPH GALLERY, Hut Lately ltablllscl. Mills nil the. Modern IssiproTcnientsj ol tlio Art I THE subscriber, bavins; built the room expressly for tho TiiirnrMe of PhotoErnpbina:, and havinir dovotcd many year, to tho business, is confident of His anility to assure nis patrons inni mo worn pro duced shall be second to none in country or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory. Having the best sky liRlit in tho county, he is prepared to mane rnotogrnplis in all Kinds ol weatner, dui wouia preier a ciuar aay lor small children. He is also prepared to take new size, or cabinet Card Photographs. All kinds of picture, copied and magnmeil to any required site nnd oolored beautilully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape viows of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot ot 1'botograpn irnmcs constantly on nana. The public are respectfully invited to call and see our specimens and our complote arrangements for making Photographs, spocial terms to iamilics and clubs. . BEROSTRESSER. Sunhury, July 15, M. C. I'AIllIAK-r,!l Confectionry, Toys and FRUIT STORE, .Market Mroet, Nnnluiry, lu, CONFECTIONERY OP ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment atwholcsnlo and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kind, of Confeelionaries to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low rates. Tobacco. PegBrs, Stationery. Nuts of nil kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh are oflorcd wholesale and retail. t'llctncinber tho nam. nnd plno6.rj M. C. GEAR11ART. Market street, 3 door, west of E. Y. Bright A Son's storo. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf ' J .10 Chestnut Street, lMilIadelphia, Are the best in Use, FOR THE F0LL0WIN3 REASONS : -They aro inoro simple nnd dtrrablu, easier kept in order, make a stronger nnd inoro olastio stitch, n firmer and moro benutiful scam than any other They sew nil fabrics from two common spools, re quire no re-winding of thread, fasten both ends of tho seam by their own operation, and though every fifth Flitch is cut the scam will not rip. The Very I lit; lion t lrle, the Ci-onm of tho Legion of Honor was conferred on the repre sentative of tho ICOVi:it Ac It Alal.Bt at tho Exposition Univorselleo, Taris, 1S67 J thus attesting thoir great superiority over nil other sew ing machines. UROVEIt BAKER'S KW 8TTLC3 s ii i: x t 1. 1: m a. c ii i i: s For Manufacturing, Combine tho most modern and essential improvo incuts. The attention is requested of Tailors, Manufac turers of Boots and Shoes, Cnrringo Trimming, Clothing nnd all others requiring tho use of tho most effective LOCK STITCH MACHINES, To these new styles, which possess unmistakable ad vantages over all othors. FOR SALE BY Miss CAROLINE DALITJS. Market Street, SCNBURY, PENN'A., Nov. 23, lbu7.--ly ISAAC K. STATJFFER, Watchmaker and .!. cler. NORTH 2d ST., COR. OF QUARRY, PIlll.Ani'I.I'lllA. An assortment of Wat-lies, Jcvelry, Silver and PUteo Ware couslitully on hand, If'Kriiiiiriug of Watches and Jewelry promptly at teuiled to. ,ov. ail, 1'67 I y. Coachmakers VITE are selling Rims, Spokos, HiAs, Springs, ? Canvass, Bulls, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low Largo Stock at CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1S67. TORRIN GTON & HODGK.INS. H A. "W 33 o XT E SUi'EIt-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, A STANDARD MANURE FOR ALL FIELD AND GARDEN CROPS. Huving within tho past year greatly increased and improved our lacililiis lor grinding Buuesaud man ul'aoturing, we are prepared to furnish tu the furui ers ol Peuusy Ivauia a superior articlu of Ssipeillsoaphute. Our manufacture has been thoroughly tested the past season by practical men of our immediate neighborhood and elsewhere, und in every cuso the result bus been entirely satisfactory. Our prouessuf pulverising, whereby it is prepar ed for and G UARR ANTEED TO PASS THROUGH ANY DRILL, obviates an objection which attaches to many fer tilizers, and secures to the farmer a saving uf much valuuhlu time. BOLD AT THE MAM'FACTOKY, EAST MARKET STREET, SI A III ICV, I'.V., and by our Agents throughout the country, in Bugs of 2U0 lbs. each, at $58 per Ton of 2000 lb). ALSO SHIPPED PROMPTLY to all points aeoessuble by rail or canal, on receipt of order. TORBINUTON 4 110DGKINS. Also Agents fur Seymour, Morgan ft Allen'. Self Ruking Reaper and Mower (Tn New Yorker) and Prutt ill Suiedley'. Hay and Grain Hake. Scud for Circular. February 15, OS ly A LARGE supply of VVull laper nitd x a- at lh. llorder, just received and for sale cheap, Alaumolb Slur, of U. Y. FRILlKtl. April 4, 18M. Great Attraction, at tho NEW TIN -WARE, Sheet Iron and Store Store of ' SMITH be G-E1TTHER, S-TJITZBTTIBrsr, J?Ji.. Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARK of all description.. They would especially enll tho attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangement, to have all thoir bost stove, made to order, and those who wnniu nave a gnoa siove would do well to go and examine thoir large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on tho following ineu uranus oi i;ook oioves, via : Combination tw list llarner, Cook. Uorrrnor enn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, nnd the well known Antldust Cook Storo called SPEAR'S ANTIDUSTf Also. Parlor and offioe Stoves In grant variety em brncing nil tho beat manufactures and most fashion, able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish siuipli cilvof nrrnngemcuts combining cheapness, durability and each stovo warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, inoccicoratca uniiimoro riro riaoo otove, for heating first, second and third stones by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING OLORY.J Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Shades), ClilmnieM, nnd all articles usually kent in an. establishment of thi. kind They aro also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Rnngo and Furnace Work, (Jas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Ilanga'st Itaw Itonc KiipcrlIiosj ' pliufc. " Remember tho place. Sample and Snles Room nenrly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth slrcots. Building dark painted. August 2a, 1S(!8. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIOMERY, Monthly Time Books Drawing Books nnd Slntos Books, Hymn Books, Blank Hooks, Memorandum Ejoks, Diaries, Pocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens Pencils, a fiuo assortment of Paper. Ink. Ac. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. SEEING IS BELIEVING At ?Ol Arch Street. NEW PRICES! NEW GOODS Rich Silver and Silver-Plated Wares Including evory style and description, inado expressly for the Winter trado, which for neatness nnd durability cannot be surpassed at JOHN BOWMAN'S I Wholesale and Retail Manufacturing Establishment 70 AKCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tTSRc-platingat short notice. December 21, I8li7 .aug27 rUEE LAGER BEER! POKTICK A "NO AI.i:, . From tho Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH BACKER,. RESPECTFULLY informs the public genorully that he is prcparod to furnish LAGER BEER, TORTER AND ALE, n largo or small quantities. His facilities for mak ng Beer cunnut bo excelled, and is pronounced supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It hasalso boen recommended by physicians ns a healthy drink fur invalids. Hotels, Restaurants aud private families supplied at short notice. Sunbury, Sept 21, 1S67. GROCERIES Provision, and Flour & Feed Store. J. A. I AIV V CO., Iu Wcimcr's Building, Water Street, nenr King st., NORTHUMBERLAND, PA., INFORM their friends and tho puhlio generally that they havo a largo assortment of Groceries Provisions, Ac, all fresh and of the bestquality, con sisting of Teas, Codecs, Sugars, aud Spices. Dried nnd Canned F'ruits, Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in tho Grocery lino. They would also call attention to their large and heap lot of Good FAMILY FLOUR, Greeti Ten, Hums, hlinuldcrs, Ac, which aro constantly kept on hand. Also, all kiuds of Vegetables, Ac, Ac. Give thcin a call and see for yourself. Northumberland, Sept. 2S, I8u7. To Farmers! THE PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC QUANO. T HIE attention of Farmers and othor consumers of Fertilisers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their special notice. Its use for several years in Maryland, Virginia and olhcr Southern States, for nil crops, has given it a standard character for ex cellence unequalled by any olhcr. It possesses all the quickness of Peruviuu Guano, with permanent qualities not found in Ihat article. 2.'0 l!is..of this Guano uro found more than oiual to 31)0 lbs. of tho best Supurphosphatu. It ripuus tho wheutcrop from five to seven days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOHN S. REESE. I CO., General Agents for Pacitio Guano Co., 38 South Delaware Are., Philud'u., And 71 South Street Baltimoro. March 2S,1SG8. 6m Childress's Carringi'CM. WE would call the attention of I hose wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort ment comprising new aud beautiful stvle. J. H. CO.VLEY A CO IF you havo a picture you want framed, go to IKycrly s und get it done cheaper than any where else iu town. He has mouldings of all kinds constantly on band. . H. Conley Co., Market Si reel, 1'anl ol'lhc Itailroud, SUXsTBTJIVX-, PENN'A. DEALERS IN I'OICi:it x a.mi:icica.. Hardware & Cutlery. riMIE attention of Mechanic, Farmers, Builder, aud Buyers geuerally is invited to tbo fact Ibttt we aie now otleriug a belter selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was urTered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our lock comprises all articles in this liue of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENl'ERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGONM AKEKS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a largo stock of Iron, Steol, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Griudstoues, Mill and X Cut Suws, Ac, Ac. Suubury, Murch 30, 1S07. . 31. Iti:.V, IteutUl, Will remove his Offioe to J. M. Simpson'. Building, 2nd story, Murket Square, STJNBTJHY, FA.. ' WHERE he will bo prepared to do all kind, of work pertaining to Dentistry. Will keep constantly ou hand a large assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, aud meet the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give sulislactiun, or also the money retunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Tootb-Powder. kept on baud. 111. reference, are the numerous patrons fur whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Sunbury, March 21, IBM. IKON A largo 4UtKrliuut.i of lh bi luanufao t pure J barn, iloop, Band, Roud1 aud Squar I Irun, Nail KuJm, Cut tilt el, liluier i bleul. Drill Hteel, llorM HhuM, Uoru Nill, ADVili. Uet.ow.1, YiOtM, uauioivrv, j fildg Rviktand JTUa. ai C0NL1T 4 CO a. 098. HOOP BKIltTS VTM. T HOPKIN S "OWN MARK" OR "K ETSTOTf R SKIRTS." aro tha best and Cheapest Low Prioed Hoop Skirt. In the market. Trail tikirta, 25 springs. $1.00 30 springs, l. 20 ; and 40 springs, fl.49. Plain kirU o " pnng., ou cents: xo springs, vooenu, " springs, ft 16 ; and 86 .prlngs, $1.25 Warrant ed in evory respect. 'OuOWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," Kiev, en Tape Trails, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.60. i mm, en inpea, 2u to ou springs, Irom lla Cents to $2.00. Those Skirt, aro better thsn those .old by other establishments as first olam goods, and at much luwvr priui-n. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION 8KIRT3," are in every way superior to all other Hoop Skirt. oeioro vno pnnuo, nnnoniy nave to do examined or worn to convinoe every ono of the fact. Manufac tured of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs very superior inpos, and tno style ol tne metalto fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellonco any othor Skirt in thi. country, and are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, give more salislnotion, and are really cheaper than all othors. Evory lady should try them. They aro being sold extensively by Merchants throughout this and tbo adjoining stnto nt very moderate prices. Ifyouwnnt tho best, ask for "Hopkin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, got the merchnnt with whom you deal to order tbeni for you, or come or send direct to us. Merchnnt. will find our dif ferent grados of Skirt, exaotly what they need, and wo especially invite them to call and examino our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. Tobohadnt Retail at Manufactory, nnd of tho Retail Trado genorally, and at Wholesale of tho Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed. MANUFACTORY and SALESROOM, (523 Arch St. Between 6th und 7th Stst., Philadelphia. WM. X. HOPKINS. February 2, 1869 lOmos. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY PLACE WflERE A CURE CAN 13E OBTAINED. TR. JOHNSON has discovered the most Certain,Speedy and only r.lleciuiu neineuy in the World lorall fn vnte Uiseusui, Wenkiiew tif llie BhcIi or l.imhs, Stritlnttg, .MK'ftroni ii trie tviuitcyiumi numier, invuiuntary Ui cliiirgeB, lmrOteucyT (ienerHl Utibilily, Nervntisiiriu, Dyt pensv, LstuiKU'T, Low Spirits, Confumnu of lilenn, rHl'iii tntion ol the Hmrt, Timidity, Trtrinliliiin, UunurM of Slight or Onliliiicm, Dinense ol the Head, Thnmt, Nnne or ukin, AifrctiiMia ot the l.iver, I.uiijrs, Stutnach or B.iwt-lt these Terrible L)i8mleinriiiiig I mm the!itHry Ilntnti of V'iuth thme secret und solumy practirr m-ire tntnl to their vit'timt tlmu the sons ol' Syrens to the MHtinenof Liysses, bl i e lit ii 11c tht-ir ni"si lirilliuul hopes ui unticipiitions, retideriiig marnuge, c , unpossible. Vomi .lien Eppecinlly, who hnve hennme the vietimuof S.ilitnry Vice, tlmt dreadful nnd destructive hubit which aiimmHy iwtpi to on untimely grave thiMisands of Vountr Men of the most exnlted tulf tits nod Imlhiint inlr-lltM l. who miiiht otherwise have cut cod listen ing teimtrs with tliPthun- deis of eloquence or wuked tu ecHtaty the living lyre, may cull with full confidence. .lli.rrli.jiC Married Persons or Y utm Men contemplaiiintmnrrinpe, being nwure of physical wr:iki.ess, organic debility, de foimities, iVc, speedily cured. lie wh i pluces himself under th care of Dr. J. may mny religiously con tide iu his honor ns n gt ntleinaii, and confidently rely upon his skill ns a Ph,steifui. IniincdiHtely Cured, and I'nll Vu;r Itestortd. This UittiesaniK Atrecti 'ii wiiicti rendeis Life miseni. Me and marriage nnposmMe is the penally pnd by t he victims of iinproprr itiihilgtnces. Vung peisons are Um apt to commit excesses tnnn not beingnware of the tsKad ful coiiseouences that uiuv ensue- Now, who that under stands the subject will ptvtend to deny that the power of ptoereanou is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudt-nis f Besides deing deprived tint pleavures of healthy iltspiing,the most serious and dtsti nc- live sytuptiaii4 to hoih buiy and mind aiife. The system , heroines Deranged, the I'hysirnl and Mental .'unctions Weakened, loss of rioeieat ive I'ower, iSi rvous Irrit dMli ty, Dyspepsia, I'alpitutiuu of the Heart, .nditiesiion, Con stitimonal Debility, u Wasting of the Frame, Coujh, Consumption, Decay mid Dtath, tlllllco, ."o, 7 Sotiilj l'rMt'ri4'k Slreot l.eft Imud side ging from ltaltmitire slreei, a few dHjts frOm thu coiner. Kail not to observe nume and nuniber. Lett eis must he paid and contain a sUinp. The Due tor's Diplomas bang in his nltiiv. A Cure Warrant otl in 'I'io layat. Ko Mercury vr Sauaeous Drwj. lr. .Boliiifef on, Member of the Royvt C lleg of uigtuns, London, Grad uate from one o the niott eminent t'oltfiir-b in the I mtrd States, nnd the greater (vtrt of whose ItU; been spent in the hospitals of lsondon, I'ans, rhiladi-lphia and else where, has eli't'cted some of the moi nsiotnalring cures that weie ever known ; unity troubled with i inging iu thr tiead and ems when aslrep. great nervouiiiess. bt-ing nlunn ed at suitden aouids Imnliittlneus, with lU tpient bluslung, uttended sometimes withdcrmgeineiit f mind, weiecuied immediately. TuliC Iarli iil:ir .oilco, Dr. J. addresses alt IIiku who h-iv injured themselves by improper mduigeii c and solitury ns, which rum but it body and mind, untitling them lor either buiiuets, study, society or marinuu. Thkr are some of llie. tad und melancholy efl"cti pro duced liy early liabas ol otith. viz : Wiuknt t-s of tin Bark and Limbs, Tains in llie lit id, Dinmeks ot IS gut, L-swof Musculir Power. Palpitation of the Heart, i'jspeps,, Nervous Irritability, l't lanyt iuent of the Digestive Func tions, iieueral Dt lniity, Symptoms nt Cousninpiiou. Ac. The feariul edects on the mind are much to bedre.uled Ioss ot Memory, Confusion td Iticiis, De prettfion of Spirits, Uvd-Foiehodtnce, Av ruion ItiSt-iety, Self-Dismixt. lsove ol olitUtle, Tiiuidity, c. are Stnne v( the evils producctt. TiiocsAMif ot persons of utl ages can now judge what is the cauc of then declining heallh, litsinit their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nt-i vmis and riiticmted, tiuvinu a singular appearance at nit tue eyes, voiign and syinploins of consumption. Viitin' .11 v ii Who have injured themselves hyu certain practice Indulg ed in when alone, u habit lretieiitl hinned irom evil roinpuiiioiis, orul sch-hd, the ellects ol vvlncli aie iHhtly felt, even when nslerp.nnd il'ii 't cured lemltra mairiiige iniKi8iib!e. and desiron both intndaiid body, should uppiy immediately. Wiiat u pily that u young man, the hope of Ins country , the darling ot his parents, should be snaiched Irom all pros pects nnd enjo) ments of lne, by the conx-tpifnct .f devia ting from the path of nature mul ini'ulyii.g in 11 certain secret liahlt. fuctl pemms Ml'ir, before coiileuiplating .11 51 11-1214 reflect that a Bound nm.d inul both tire the most necessary rcqmsitesto prom iiecnmtuhiid happiness. Iinlecd without I these, the journey tlnongh hie becomes a weary pilgrim- I age; the proxpeet houil darkens totl.cvit w; llie mind heroines sli;titnwed W illi deup air and ti'led Willi Ihe meliin- i deny rellection tlmt the happiness of another becomes blighted with oiu own IH4n4 ol' IiiiiriiuV!C4k When the luiwguided and imprudent vtary of pleasure finds that he has imlnlted Ihe seeds of this painful disease, it tiMMtften happens that utl lll-liiued Sene of shame, of dread o discovery, deters iiimfrom uppling toiliose who, fioin education utid respectability, cum ulont befriend him, delaving till the ronalitulioual ninpt-m ( this lionul disease Hinke their nppearHiice, such as ulcerated ie tliroa(,dietiiMtl nose, n eturul rwttns in the h.ud and limbs, dimnet'tof fe:glit, deafness, n ties on the rl in bones and aims, blotches on the head, face and extirmiihs, pi'gress ing with frightful tnpidity, liil at Lut the p-ilate of the mouth or thebmiesof the nose lull in, an.l the victim of this awful d sense becomes a horrid object of roitninseru tion, tdl death puts a period to Ins dreadful sull'ermg, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is n melancholy fuel that thousands full victims to this terrible disease, owing to the uuhkillfiilnt ss of igitoiuut pretenders, who, b,y the use of thai ' Deadly Poison, Mei eury," ruin the constitution aud mukv tbo icsidue of life miserable. Nlrn ii-erM Trust not your livtg, or health, to the care cf tha many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowl edge, name or character, who copy Dr Johnston's adver tisements, or stylethemssjlve in the news(wpeis, regulaily Kducuted P.iysicians, iiicap-ible of Cuiimt, they keep you tririing month after month taking their filthy and poisoiius compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can he obtained, and in despair, leave you with turned health to sigh over your failing diMtpMmtment. Dr. Johnston is the only Physician advertising. Hiscredeuliui or diplomas always hainr in his office. His rem id les or treatment are unknown to nil others, prepared from a life spent in the great hospitals of Fit rope, the first in this it Hint ry and a more extensive t4l'rivat Pruclice" thai, any other phvsiciaii iu the world. Ill4l4r4lll4llt Of III 4' r4kHM. The many thousands cured at this msfitiiiiou yeai after year, mid the numerous important Kurgieul Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed bv the reporters of the 'Sun." "Clipper," aud many other papers, notices if which love appeared auaui and again Iwlore the public, bt-sules his standi nc as a gentleman of character and re Hinsdiihty, is a sufficient guaiantee lo the wtliieted. NKIll liirar4kM ris4k4klil.V 4 II 14 4l. Persons wilting shou'd b particular in Hireclmj their ettcrs to bis Institution, in the following manner, John II. loliuitou, II, I. Of the Halttinore Lmk Hospiial, ball i more, Md. Nov. 30, 1-67 1 y. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rilllK uudendgned. proprietor of WeuorA Frick'l X Liuo, give notices to inerchonU and shippers that the Depot still at 811 Market struct, Phila delphia. and allUoods directed to Suubury, Danville and Lewifcburg, and all iutcrtnediata stutiuus along the railroad, Kill be promptly delivered. LtT Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia, tri weekly Tuendavn, Thurtidayi and Suturdayu. J. W. HK'iWN, Proprietor, Lewisburg, J. II. DKOWN. Aguut, buubury, r. Doeembcr7, 18ti7. . IVLJflsOllJIItlMa Arc especially invited to call and examine our stock of JblilLDKK'8 UAKDYYAKE, compriiiug Nsils and Sink as of all variation. Hutu, teore, Strap and T Ilinget, Looks aud Latchea, Bulls, l'laa twiutf Trowels, Drick TrowoU, I'lwterer i tftevea, id-, Ao.,loralt' m ' g J. H CONLKY A CO. C OUNTHY DKALKKS supplied with all kind of Stone Ware at leaa (ban Faotorj P"cee U U rUburg, saving paokage breakage and trt'gbt, at the Wauimoth Store ol U- V- 1Ali-N- CALL and ee tne MutiAii Bird Cagei at" the MwHsrdwsrs.tsrsofH C0NW 4 CO Philadelphia A I'.rle Knllrosxd. BUMMER TLMTABLk7 Through and direot ronta between Philadelphia Baltimore, llarrisburg, Williamsport, to the North west and the Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Train. On and after Monday, May 11th, 18(18, the Train, on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will run as follows : pw WtsTWano, Mail Train leave. Philadelphia, i ii ii Sunbnry, arr. at Erie. Erie Express leave. Philadelphia. " " " Sunhury " " arr at Krlo 1115 pm. 605 am 8.60 p m 12.00 noon A. 40 p m 10.06 a m 8 00 a m 4. 16pm 7 45 p m 1100am 1200 m 710 a m 7 .40 p m a in Elm Ira Mall leave. Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury " " arrlvo at Look liavna, Mail Train leave. Erie " " " Punbury, " " arr. at Philadelphia, Erie Express loaves Erlo " " " Sunbury r ., . V- o ou p m Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and THROUGH ' IUiIroad' HACAUK CHECKED ALFRED L. TYLER, General Superintendent. arr. at rni iuia nh en. orlli4-rn Ontral ItniHvaV, . SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE. LEAVE NORTHWARD, 8.00 A. M., Daily for Willinmsport. Dally (except Sundays,) for Elmira, CiiuiindHieun, Kochoster, Duffuloe, Niaiira Kail., imp t 1'Vva'"D Bridge and the Canada.. 4.15 P. M., D,nly (except Sunday,,) fur Elmira, and n ,n t, i 'tlo via I-.rie Unilway from Klmira. 8.40 P.M., Daily (except Sundays,) for AVilliums: LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 12.03 A. M ., Daily (exoept Mondny.) for Baltimore. V, nfninirtiin aiul TKil..rl..i..t.: ' l0,,?,2t,AVtM ;lh' f"r Dnltimore ami 'Washington. 7.UU t . M., Daily (except Sundays.) fr Harrisburg J.N Di;Uaiiry, En. S. Yorso, Oen I. Sup t., Ocu 1 Passen'r Air't., ilumsburg, Pa. liiiltiiuoro, Md. ItiiilinK Itnilruait. SUM M Kit A im.VNGEM KNT. MONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1883. GREAT TKl'XK I, INK from the North nnd North-c.t for Philadelphia, New York, ltcn l iug. PottKville. Tainiinmi, Ashland, Shaniokii , l.ebu anon, Allcntown, Easton, Kphrata, Litii, Ijimcn-ter Columbia, Ac., &o. ' Trains leave Harrisburjt for New-York, ns f0l lows : At 2.50, 5 25 and S.lfl A.M. nnd 12. 211 noon and 2. 05 and V 35 P. M. connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, an 1 nrrivin" nl New York nt 5 on io.liti an 1 11.45 A. M. and :j.;,i 6.5;. 86i) P.M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 2.50 A. M. and U.:ta P. M. trains without change. Leave Iliirri'burg lor Reading, Pottcvillo, T.unii qua, Minersvillc. A-hland, Shmnnkin, Pino Orove. A.M. and 2 (15 and 4.1U P. M., stopping at Lelmnon and principal way stations ; tho 4. ID p m. making connections t',.r Philadelphia and Columbia only. Por Polfville, Schuylkill lluven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, loave llHrri.hiir;r a :t :in p. m. Returning - Leave New York nt Sum n. in.. 12 Dij Noon and o.Ol) and 8.110 p. in. Sleeping cars ac companying the 0.00 a. m. und 5 00 and (U p. ui. trains nil hout change. M ay Pasjctiger Train leaves Philadelphin nt 7.30 a. in., returning from Reading at Ii .In p. in. top. ping ut all Sinuous ; Potlsrille et 7 00 and H Ii n. in. una 1j p. ni; Shamokin 5 2o a m. aid 1 1 2n a in; A-hlnnd ut 7 00 a. in , 12 41 noou and 1 .1,5 p. iu ; Tiimnijun nt 8:10 n in. nnd 2 15 and f.45 p. hi. ' Leave Pollfville lor llarriliuig via ,. .nvlkill nnd Susiiuehanna Knilroud at 7 10 a. m. and I I.. 'JO noon. Reading Accotninodation Train lenve.-' Rciurng at P '"m ri:tuln'nl? ',om PhilRdelj hiu at " Pottstown AccomtnO'lntion Train : Lerivei Pott;.--town at ti 4.'i A. M , rcluriiing leaves 1'hilaleli hia ut 4 ;0 P. M. Columbia Railroad Train!' leave dealing at 7 00 A. M.. ami ti l t P. M. fur Kphritlii. Litii, l.nncas. ter. Coluiuhin, Ac. Perkioiuen Rail Road Trains le-ire Perkimncn ; JuiiciiinntV.ini A. M.andA.OO P.M. Hi luming : j Leave Sliippuek ut 8.10 A. .M .aud I 2 V. M .c.u 1 nccling with finiilar trains oh Rending Itiiil It.ol. On Sundays: Leave New York nt on pm.. Phila delphia .ihi A. M., and I!.I5 P M, Ihu S lam. m. train running only to Ken ling. Poitsvillo Mil) n m., . llariifhurg, i 2a m. nnd I.HI ntd (t.:i5 p m. und Reading at l.lo 2 ii and 7.1 j n. m. tor ll.u ti-l.urg. und 7 Oil a. in. and 11.10 p in. lor New Ymk, 4. 25 p m. tor Philiidelphiu . CoiiHiiiilaii.,ii, Mill are. Season. School nnd Kx I cutsion Tickets, nt reduced rutes to iuid l'loiu nil ! points. I llaggage clicked through : 100 Pound.- Lsggago uii.jwcti encn i lussciigur. . A. XK'i'LLS, Ocncrnl Supcrii tcnacnt' l.iK'Uunuiiuii.V Itlooiitlui- Etall l. ON and nfler .Monday. May 4th, lsfif. Passenger Trains will run as follows : l.ea e SOL '111 WARD A.M. AM P. M. r. 42 7 la P. M. 3.;;o fi 05 S 45 V 21 10.05 4 45 5.25 ft. no Scran Ion, Kingston, Rupert, Dun viilo, North'd., 5.40 K 55 V 20 H.;:o 40 .; 10 ,15 NORTHWARD. .2A 7 02 7 :m A. M. lo oo 7. no Arr. Leave Xorll.'d o Danville, " Rupert, ' Kiugsion, Arr. al fiuiiiittou, P. M. 1.60 8.40 11.10 8 00 B 65 V 47 II. A. i'ONDA.Sup't. Kingston, May 19. 183, U lllll L l I I L' . V .. .. ...n . . . ' "i.i..-Ai,r, llMAlLDLAUli ill tvorv rariety of ANTHRACITE C 0 A I, Uppor Wharf, SUNBURY, rciiu'a. Lfr' Orders solicited nnd filled with rroinptnes. nn 1 despatch. Sunhury. May 12, 1 -ICrt. y UNION IIOTI-L- ISA. 1 Bi:r, IVosri4tor. In Ctiko's Addititn to SUXUL'KV, near the JVnn'a. Kitiiroud Com pnnv's Shops. PERMANENT AND Tit ANSI KNT II'MUDEHS, kept who will find ample accouiiuodatiii4. Good conks and waiter:, buiirdeus can enjoy tlio quiet com forts of home it b fare equal to ftiu be.t hotel. His Liquors are of the choicest kinda. Sunbury, June 8. 1m7. NEW GROCERY STORE, V. S. T'JICI.U te .CC, Market Stfect, Six doors Eust of Third street, north side.Sl'NIU'RY, PA., RE.I'EC'I FI LLY inform their friends and the public, that ibcy huve opened a NEW GROCERY AM) PROVISION STORE, and will he happy to have thtm cull and examine their slock, which bus just been opened, emhruo ing every thing iu the Urocery line, such as Coflee, Teu, Sugar, Syrups. Spices, Cunned Hnd Dried i-'ruits, lteaiis. ilouiiuy, Cheee, Crackers, iiucon, iiam, Fih,Salt. Potutues, etc., together wilb Soa, Caudles, Soda. Ae., and iu fact everything iu tho tiroceryand Provision. Line. r LOI R AND FEED. Queonswnre. M'illow-ware, Ulassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coul Oil Ac Cull unJ see oclore purcliusing elsewhere. M . S FIRMAN A CO Punhury, April 27. lm(7. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! QKANT SE EROTHiiK, NliiiMrs A : lioli'Hiile A. Ilelail Irul4rai lit xviii i i: a iti:i a n coil, in everv variety. Bole Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Henry Clay Coal. Lower M'hart, Sihbcut, Pa. Sunbury, J an IS, l"'d- . . BOOK 1UNI)EUY. JOHN HERMAN' Nor lb Mill street, DANVILLE, PA., IS prepared to Hind Books, Papers, Mugusines, St., iu any alyla Ibat may he desired, at cheaper ratos than uuu be douo iu the oilies. All Orders left at Ibis Offioo, will receive prompt attention. oct.ltfo? IIOR Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees. Bills, Buck 1 les. Gig Treos, Pud Trees, Hauus, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, for sale by J. U. Oo.NLEY CO. siToem"a"kkhs. I HE best qualities of Sol Leather, rrenoh Calf kin Morroocos, Liuiugs,. Last. .Naihj, Pegs, Tool - of all kiuds, acsl ovory H.hJAbf ?n Ibroatolewby . H. CONIXl w